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A in depth look into various death cultures and the relations it will have when designing "Sanctuary" A 3D environment in BA8

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Research Document

BA73D Environment



Lich Phylactery

Sam Betlem1200512

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Contents Page

Title pg. 2

Contents pg. 3

Pocket Realm pg. 4

Lich Story pg. 5

Diary Entry Egyptian pg. 6

Egyptian Death Culture pg. 7

Egyptian Magic pg. 8

Relations to 3D Environment pg. 9

Diary Entry Norse pg. 10

Norse Religion pg. 11

Norse Magic pg. 12

Relations to 3D Environment pg. 13

Diary Entry Native American pg. 14

Native American Tribes and Beliefs pg. 15

Native American Spirits and Magic pg. 16

Relations to 3D Environment pg. 17

Diary Entry Christianity pg. 18

Christian Afterlife Heaven And Hell pg. 19

Christian Dark Arts pg. 20

Relations to 3D Environment pg. 21

First Hand Research Part 1 pg. 22

First Hand Research Part 2 pg. 23

Bibliography Part 1 pg. 24

Bibliography Part 2 pg. 25

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The Pocket RealmOverview Of AreaThe area that will be designed throughout BA8 is a Lich phylactery. An area that is hidden in a realm

beyond our own, holding the four bodies of the Lich. The area shows the four places that the Lich has died. The rectangular space is split into four sections, this is to represents the four time era's that the Lich has lived throughout. The four cultural area's that will be included in this level are:

Ancient Egypt


Native American

English Christianity

These areas are going to be unique in themselves, they will have different items in the area, and an over-all different theme for each. By looking heavily into these four cultures, a detailed accurate and informative 3D level can be designing. The purpose of the research is to make sure the content is relevant and accurate, and to help guide the design of BA8.

ThemesThroughout this project there are a few focusing points to look at, when delving into the four cultures.

Death culture is a massive part of the project, looking heavily into how these cultures prepared there dead and the beliefs behind it. Each of the cultures also have a unique religion that they follow, with Egyptians worship-ing the sun god Ra, to the Native Americans belief of spirits in all living things. Another focal point of these cultures is there belief into magic, this sometimes works with or against their religion, these practices are some-times shunned and other times embraced. As the Lich is meant to be a magical being; looking at the magical rituals and beliefs from culture to culture is important. These similarities throughout the cultures vary, yet the

level has heavy inspiration from these themes and will incorporate these research points effectively.

SymbolsThroughout the various cultures a range of symbolism is used,

I will be focusing on symbols that revolve around death, rebirth and magic. Throughout the technical report a number of these symbols will be shown, these symbols will be repeated through the different cultures. I want them to appear throughout each area, like little Easter eggs throughout the level. For example the Ankh symbol which is an Egyptian symbol of eternal life and rebirth, will make an appearance in the Norse Area, consequently the Valknut which also represents rebirth in the Norse religion, will play a part of the Christian Area. The Symbols throughout the level are (from top left to right)

- Ankh (Egyptian)

- Valknut (Norse)

- Amenta (Egyptian)

- Pentagram (Christianity)

- Symbol of Earth (Norse)

- Eternal life (Native American)

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The Lich's StoryStoryline and Description of Character

Throughout the design of the lich consideration of his time-lapse and the lives he has led to create a well thought out and interesting character. Here is a brief description of how the lich came to be.

The character originates from Egypt first, in 1000BC. This will orientate a lot of the looks, and facial structure of the character. In his life as an Egyptian he started as a slave called Jaar yet due to a vision, of a great plague that will destroy the land, and a hooded man who stands throughout time. He became one of the most prominent priests throughout Egypt. Towards the end of this lifetime, Jaar turns insane and spends his life trying to achieve immortality. During this point in his life he sacrifices his son to Anubis, and eats his flesh, in the hope of prolonging his life and gaining the Egyptian magic Heka. He is put to death for his crimes, upon dieing, he finds himself in the netherworld facing Anubis's scales, yet he is joined by the hooded man who helps him cheat Anubis's weighing of the scales. With the assistance of the mysterious hooded man he escapes. Yet Anubis demands the Lich's Heart as payment for his life reborn.

After his life as an Egyptian years pass, and he is reborn into the Norse culture in 700AD. In this life he is known as Jarn, yet he is born unaware of his old life. The wise men of the village consider him a curse, due to him having no heartbeat, and is forced to live on the outskirts of the village. Yet after a fateful event he takes a spear through the heart, whilst saving the village chief; this forces a vision of his old life and returns he gains full knowledge of who he is, and his previous life. It also ends up replaying the events of Anubis's weigh-ing of the heart and the hooded figure. The efforts of the Jarn is rewarded and he is becomes the wise man of the village. Yet he curses the chief by communing with the dead, and takes his place amongst the rest of the community. Yet finally the Jarn dies in combat, at the hand of the chief's son, resulting in the funeral fire of Jarn. Again the lich is faced with a vision, standing in a land of ice, he is approached by the dragon Nidhug who demands the Lich's soul, the lich is dragged under the ice by the Druguar that inhabit Nilfheim. Yet he is saved by the hooded figure again, who pulls him free from the Druguar and casts the icy dragon down with fire. Yet the dragon Nidhug demands the Lichs stomach to rest in Nilfheim, as payment for him cheating death.

Once again the lich is reborn years in the future, this time he is born into the Native American cul-ture, in 1000AD with the name Jarharn. With no heartbeat and no need for food, the lich is considered sacred amongst the Native American people. As soon as he hit manhood he becomes chief of the tribe, and is taken on his spirit walk. The spirit walk takes him through his previous lives and visions, and shows him an area of his four graves (The level design) and awakens him, allowing him to understand his previous lives. Unlike his previous lives he leads a peaceful life, searching for peace for his people and family and tribe. Yet his tribe is wiped out by the neighboring Crow tribe. In his rage he calls forth a plague on the rival tribe with the help of the animal spirits. After avenging his tribe. Jarharn creates his own grave and kills himself, in the hope of join-ing with his family. This time he is standing amongst the stars, and he can see his tribes and family's spirits all around him, finally a Great Spirit Owl fly's towards him. The owl starts to carry him across the stars towards his family. Yet is pulled off from the Owl by the hooded man, and dragged away from his spirit family. This time the spirit owl takes his lungs as compensation for him cheating death.

One last time the lich is reborn this time into 1500AD into Christian England. This time he is born into nobility as a man called John Dee, (a real person from history). John Dee is this time aware of his origin and previous lives, his great wit and intelligence leads him to become Queen Elizabeth's scientific advisor. Yet this time he was prepared for facing death again, consumed by this he dabbled into the occult, and the summoning of demons. Finally feeling comfortable with death he committed suicide once again. This time he finds himself in the depths of a frozen Hell. The devil confronts him, awaiting his soul, yet John Dee laughs, pulls out his left eye and holds it up to the devil. The devil takes it carefully, and smiles. John Dee conjures a black cloak around him and becomes the hooded figure from his visions, and turns to leave. Leaving the devil laughing behind him. From here he creates his sanctuary of his four funerals, (This will be the level design for BA8) and joins his former self in the netherworld. To help himself trick Anubis, and forever watch over time.

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Diary entry Egyptian

Jaar’l Age 20: 984AD

I had a vision; a vision of a plague of lotus swarming the Nile, food with-ered and turned to ash in my hands. And a dark man cloud in a cloak as dark as darkness itself, he stood over time and death and watched the universe unfold. I awoke to my slave master whipping me to my feet. I begged him to speak to warn the god and the great pharaoh. Yet I only received more lashes yet the master questioned me and has moved the crops to safety. I hope I am right to speak up or this may be my last night in this barren desert.

Jaar’l Age 22: 982AD

Power is now mine, the Pharaoh has given me the status priest, I have been blessed with a wife land and power. My vision was a blessing in disguise, yet I can-not shake the thought of the dark man eternal is. I pray to Ra for guidance yet he holds no answers to me. I found the previous high priest book of coming. It is filled with inscriptions of rebirth and immortality. Yet the spells seem incorrect, I cannot understand why I believe that. Is our whole life and death belief a lie I cannot understand it.

Jaar’l Age 30: 975 AD Again I dream of that accursed man who cheats death. He is always there mocking me in my visions. Yet I am closer now I know what I must do. I have tasted the flesh and understand now, soon I will meet that man again. I have finished my chamber the spells I have designed should work, and allow me to complete my goals, yet I have one more ritual to come….. My sons flesh must be mine...

Jaar’ls Last Words:

I do not regret my actions. It is done, I am ready I welcome the scales of Anubis and we shall tests deaths power

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Egyptian Death CultureOverviewThe time of the Egyptian area that inspiration is being drawn from is 1000 BC, this was half way into

the Egyptian empire, here is where the lich was first born, and first died. Drawing from a time frame at a very early point of human history shows a very ancient race. This is before Egypt was invaded by Alexander the great in 1300BC. Therefor was set before the implementations of a lot of Greek theory's entwined with the Egyptian empire Like all ancient civilizations it was a culture bread from religion, and the whole hierarchy of the country was based on it. The Pharaoh being supposedly a god in human form and should be considered as so. With the sun as the over god Ra and the Nile as keystones of there way of life.

Afterlife and joining with the gods

The Egyptians believed. That upon death a set of rituals were required to allow the body to join the spirit in the afterlife. This means that life is the preparation of death and is the start of the spirit ascending to the stars. To allow the body to pass safely to the stars and join Ra, the mummi-fication process must be completed. After this is done the (ka) or body is left in the tomb and the (ba), or spirit is to travel throughout the afterlife; coming back each night to rejuvenate within the body. The Egyptian belief of the never world has

various stages that the spirit must go through eventually finding its way to the sky's to be with

the god Ra.

Death Culture

The Death culture in Ancient Egypt was a sacrred part of the Egyptian religion. Espeically for those rich andinfluenchel enough to be burried, alot of their life was spent designingand creating there tombs, alongside there preperation for death. A large amount of rituals reveloved around the dead. Due to there belief in the afterlife, tomb spells were de-signed and depicted as drawings are shown around the walls of the tomb, they tell the tale of the afterlife; and specifc actions that the dead has gone through in life. These spells sometimes concisected of fending off crocidiles of the deads family. These were normally seen as great achivments that were commited through life, and would th-erefor be shown off at death. By doing this the Egyptian's belived that it would help gain them favour with the gods. Other specific spells were also used, the one that will be used in within the level is the weighing of the heart spell. It depects a trail after death that all must follow, Anubis

weighing the heart, signifying the judgment of character.

Mummification ProcessThe mummification process is a long and vital

process for the Egyptians. It goes through a number of stages:

1. The Embalming (Removal of organs)

2. The Filling (The filling of the body with sawdust

3. Wrapping the body in linen

4. Spells and protective charms added to the sarcophagus

5. Opening of the mouth (A ritual where the dead is force feed before finally encased)


Egyptian Tomb

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Egyptian Magic

Magic (Heka)The magic throughout the Egyptian culture is referred to as Heka, this ancient magic allowed a mortal

man to achieve godlike power, the power of control over all around them. This includes animals and humans, it also was believed to have the power to call on the dead, to help with evil rituals or blessings. This power was accepted throughout the Hebrew people yet means of acquiring magic was through cannibalism, and the con-sumption of flesh. The concept of where magic first came from is that it was handed down to the gods servants (The pharaoh), to help the gods achieve their goals. The royal scepters that the Pharaoh's carried were believed to cause curse's to all those who touched them, except the Pharaohs themselves. Magic was normally used for burial rituals to help ward off evil spirits from the body (Ba) of the dead.

This is all relevant research for my project, as the Lich will originate from Egypt and his magic will be primarily based on this form of magic.

The king orders sacrifices, he alone controls them.

The king eats humans, feeds on gods.

He has them presented on an altar to himself.

He has agents to do his will. He fires off the orders!


The king eats their magic, he gulps down their souls.

The adults he has for breakfast.

The young are lunch.

The babies he has for supper.

The old ones are too tough to eat, he just burns them on the altar as an offering to himself.

Pyramid Texts 273-4, Old Kingdom

Book Of Spells and Egyptian tombsThe book of the dead is quite an iconic symbol of ancient Egypt

death theory. The name translates as "Book of coming forth" Or, "book of emerging forth to the light". There was a range of different books of the dead. Priests and nobles had there own copy's, filled with specific spells that, they relived would help them ascend to the afterlife.

Due to these artistic spells, they were illustrated inside the Egyptians tomb walls, being based on the person who died; due to this, design of a unique Egyptian spell, wall showing an act of this Lich in a situation. (Cheating of Anubis)

The tombs are normally filled with relics and treasures of the deiced, alongside amulets, these purposes were to help guide the spirit or (ba) through the afterlife while helping protect the body or (ka) from evil spirits.

Page From Book Of The Dead

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Egyptian Area and Relation to 3D Design

AnkhThe Ankh is one of the most prominent symbols throughout

Egyptian culture. It represents rebirth, primarily the life that follows after death according too Egyptian religion. The symbol is used a lot throughout tombs and were used as magical relics that were used for protection of the body after death. This symbol will be used various times throughout BA8 by being made a simple texture sheet and creating the normals around it, this application should be easy and efficient.

Weighing of the heartThis sacred spell is vastly used throughout Egyptian

death culture, and will play a large aspect of the BA8 level design. This ancient spell depicts Anubis, weighing the heart of the dead. This is a metaphor for judgment of the deeds of the deceased, the spell is normally inscribed with Anubis and a set of scales, with the heart weighing against the feather of truth. If the heart is heavier than the feather then the dead would be consumed by the devourer. (The Lion dog) This spell will be al-tered in the BA8 version, and will be cracked signifying the Lich cheating the scales.

Wall InscriptionsThe wall inscriptions that are a common accordance

throughout Egyptian architecture, can take the form of a num-ber of aspects. The indents themselves are the same as the writ-ten word, meaning at that time only few could read or write it. They were normally used for inscriptions and spells, such as the ones that they cast around the dead. By using the base symbols, and other famous Egyptian calligraphy, two design normal maps will be needed to make these indentations, in BA8 Design.


Wall Inscriptions

Weighing Of The Heart Spell

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Diary entry Norse

Jarn age 13 813 AD

I wonder if I was ever meant to have been born, they said my mother died at birth. I’ve always shunned the people have always looked at me like scum some cursed child, they call me Draguar they say I have no heartbeat. I am left to my cold home, on the outskirts. A Wight Walk was committed today, the other boys tossed stones at me as I passed. I hate them I hate them all, one day. I will make them pay. I had another dream of the hooded man and the Giant with a black wolf head. He was so scary pointing at my chest. The oracle says it’s a symbol of my corruption, and that I must fight like a true warrior to regain Odins judgment.

Jarn age 21 821AD

I remember, I remember who I was; it took a spear through my chest, to re-mind me. The dreams of the wolf headed god make sense to me now. It worked I did it, yet I am different. I am Jarl the warrior not Jaa’l the priest. I feel power in my fingertips it feels like the Titan powers of the story’s that are told here. The chief has made me his advisor and oracle. The spear I took was intended for him, I am seen a hero. Now I understand the vastness of this world, and what I must do next. I will set sail to the lands to the east tomorrow for plunder and riches.

Jarn Age 28 828 ADI have finally acted. So much biding of time, all my experimentation on these peo-ple are done. I have tested the new powers in secret. I have the Heka of old, and have dominion over the living creatures. I killed the farmer and communed with the Draguar. With his help I have achieved my goals. The Draguar’s promise came true, i have cursed the house of Orah and my chief is now dead. The people here will only have me to turn to now. Yet the words of the Draguar still ring clear in my ears. “This curse you sow your fate, but will bare the seeds of your demise.”

Jarn’s Last Words

The Draguar’s words finally show themselves

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Norse ReligionOverviewAnother section of the environments is focused on the Norse/ Viking culture, the time-frame i am look-

ing at is around 800AD. By this time Vikings were a prominent force throughout Europe. This was a tense time for the Vikings as it was around the time that the great raid's started meaning great treasures that were ran-sacked for the Nordic people. Famous for there sailing skills,the Viking raiding party's hit throughout Europe by sea, and lead to a large amount of attacks on English soil. At this point in time the Vikings had perfected the smelting of iron, and had iron weapons and shields. This alongside there large stature and fearsome spirit made them one of the most dangerous fighters in Europe at that time. A Viking funeral was a momentous event and involved them being burnt along with there boat.

ReligionNordic religion was a very warrior derived religion, a lot of

their policy's focus on honor, strength and death in battle. The cosmology of the religion is built upon nine realms, Asgard is the pinnacle of the religion, being the realm of the gods, and this is the resting place for the great warriors at death. Asgard was the realm of the gods and feasting hall of great warriors. The large Patronage of the Norse Religion was vast with gods like. Baldur God of beauty, Magni God of strength, Mani God of the moon. There are over twenty Norse gods, it is believed that Ragnarok will be the end of the world where the Gods battle the fire giants, resulting in the end of time.

Nordic RealmsAlfheim - the home of the Light Elves.

Midgard "Middle Earth" - the home of the Humans.

Jotunheim - the home of the Giants.

Svartalfheim - the home of the Dark Elves.

Nidavellir - the home of the Dwarfs.

Nilfheim - home of the dead.

Muspelheim - it is the home of the fire Giants and Demons.

NilfheimNilfheim is the oldest and largest realm according to the Norse religion. The Norse realm of the dead

Nilfheim is described as a world filled with snow, ice and a thick layer of fog that covers the floor. The realm is guarded by the dragon Nidhug, who oversees life and death. At the center of the realm is a giant hot spring that is the resting ground of Nidhug. Throughout this realm Draguars roam, they are the unburied dead of our world. Who will forever wander throughout Nilfheim, according to Norse magic these dead can sometimes finding their way back to the land of the living with help from Nordic magic and rituals. The world tree Ygg-drasil is also grown here, and its roots are said to spread throughout the realms.


Funeral Ritual

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Norse Magic Magic

A large amount of Norse magic derives from prophets and seers, they believed that certain people, could see into the future and commune with the gods. Many people visited these seers, to find out their destinies, they believed that these seers could tell you you're path throughout life. Weather you were destined for greatness, or death. The people who practiced these arts were normally kept away from the rest of the community; they were considered wise folks and were often called upon for the rituals of the community. Another aspect of magic was the communing with the dead Druguar from the realm of Nilfheim, this was normally used for curses or blessings or to aid in certain magi-cal rituals

Magical Artefact's

There was a large amount of belief, that magical artefact's exist-ed, much like the trinket above that was to ward off evil spirits from a funeral boat. The staff on the left is a relic of an old sorcerers staff used by the Nordic People, in its time it was cleansed so the sorcerer could not be brought back to life after death. The Norse had a heavy belief in the cleansing of cursed items as they could bring poor luck to someone or curse the village.

Symbol Of Earth

This symbol is a very well known icon it is a representation earth and death, and is the symbol for the Elemental Titan Lithos. Used in a range of Nordic Necromancy, and is the core image for Titan Magic which has relations to the summoning of undead. The symbol of earth will be present around graveyards of the Norse culture and will warn of a dangerous Druguar filled graveyard.

Rituals and sacrifices The Nordic people had a number of different rituals that were performed, one of them being the Wight Worship, this was an offering to mystical creatures, who guarded over parts of the land. Normally they inhabited waterfalls or vast forests. Food, drink and sacrifices were offered, to these beings as a sign of goodwill and in the hope the Wights will not bear them ill intent.

Ritual Artifact

Norse Sorcerer’s Staff

Earth Symbol

Nordic Ritual

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Death Culture and Burial ships

The death process of the Norse religion is that of a funeral fire using the base as a Viking ship. A pyre is constructed ready to burn the body of the past, the dead is buried with his weapon and grave goods, in the hope that it will help protect them throughout the afterlife. The dead was normally buried with a loved one or thrall (servant) who accompanied them to the afterlife. If the ritual was completed wrongly the dead would be sent to Nilfheim and would end up haunting Midgar as a Draguar (an animated body who guards burial grounds). It was essential that all bodies were to be burnt within this religion; otherwise the soul will never find their way to Valhalla. In the case of the burial rights in my area is that, he died in battle so he was burnt yet due to his disgraces he will be buried on the ground and would not be set out to sea like most others who die in battle. To signify this the burning boat will be placed next to the sea yet on ground. This symbolizes that his fate goes to the Norse gods and it is there decision what to do with him.

“Thus he Odin established by law that all dead men should be burned, and their belongings laid with them upon the pile, and the ashes be cast into the sea or buried in

the earth. Thus, said he, everyone will come to Valhalla with the riches he had with him upon the pile; and he would also enjoy whatever he himself had buried in the earth. For men of consequence a mound should be raised to their memory, and for all other war-

riors who had been distinguished for manhood a standing stone; which custom remained long after Odin’s time.”


The Valknut is a symbol of rebirth throughout the Norse culture. It is a repeated icon throughout Nordic artifacts and idols. It symbolizes the rebirth of a slain warrior, and the continuation of the afterlife, the three aligned triangles seem to always have a large amount of relevance towards Viking death rituals. Though the true meaning of the Valknut is unknown there are two other theory's to do with this iconic symbol. This is another symbol that will hold relevance, throughout BA8 production.

- It symbolizes the Hrungirars heart which Hrungirar was a Jo-tun that was slain by Odin, the heart itself was described as a sharp three sided object.

-A symbol showing the power of a god, the power to bind and unbind life together

Ground Burial SitesOn occasions the burial sites were sometimes constructed on

land, with the body and boat buried under a mound, these however were the dead who did not die in battle. This grave concept will be used twice in BA8 design as the two raised graves in the Norse area, with a gravestone atop each.

Norse Area and Relation to 3D Design

Norse Buried Grave


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Diary entry Native aAmerican

Jarharm Age 18 1032 AD

We are the Sioux the spirit walkers, and great warriors. I am Jarharm mes-senger of the Owl, I was always raised as a symbol of the spirits. With no need for food my tribe embraces me as a Spirit guide I have been taught the ways of the spirits. I do not know why I am different from the others yet the elders say that I have a strong connection with the spirits. I find myself plagued by a dream, being caught in ice and dragged down by the dead. Yet a hooded man pulls me free. To-day is the day of my spirit walk, I must try to understand my plight and from here I will better my tribe. The spirits must guide me from here I will listen to them, and will hear what they say.

Jarharm age 26 1040 ADThe Sioux are eternal and I shall make them so. I am eternal I know this now, my spirit walk has shown me my past. My past lives, the horrors I’ve committed, I am not blessed by the spirits I am cursed. The dragon Nidhug stole my stomach in the last life, yet the spirits are with me in this life. I can see the spirits of the teacher wolf, and the healer eagle is with me. Yet I can see the Owl’s long eyes dwell on me, what has he in store. I fear for my family and my tribe, the Crow tribes are grow-ing restless and all my negations with them have failed. I only hope we can sur-vive as one alongside the spirits and one another.

Jarham age 42 1054 AD

My family dead, my home destroyed. The crows will pay I will not let them stand for this; I will call upon the coyote, a spirit I have always avoided. Yet I do not care for his tricks, I embrace them. With his help I will bring the people who mur-dered my children to rest. They will be scalped and never laid to rest with their families. They will know who what horrors of spirits they have unleashed. After this I will lay this life to rest. I wish to be with my family and tribe in the stars.

Last Words:

I have proved to the spirits and gained my vengeance, there flesh now rots in the ground. I can now join my people with peace and welcome the great owl

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Native American Tribes and Beliefs

OverviewThe time-frame of this area is 1000AD before the implementation of the Europeans and colonials.

This is a relatively unknown point in time yet it is known that various tribes inhabited America, they stretched across the plains, and over the mountains. With no written language documentation of these people is scares and involves a range of guesswork. Some tribes were forest based, others were deep in the rocky mountains. Each very different from one another. Untouched by the rest of the world, these tribes discovered ways of life unique to them, living in very harsh environments around them, and adapting to them. The tribe that will be the focal point and interpretation is the Sioux tribe.

TribesOverall there are hundreds of

tribes, throughout the history of the Na-tive Americans. Here are some that will be used as reference for this project.

- Sioux (Nomadic)

- Cherokee (Eastern sea)

- Kiowa (Nomadic)

- Crows(Mountainous)

- Paiute (Mountainous)

- Wichita (Southern Plains

- Apache (Southern Mountains)

SiouxThe Sioux were the nomads of the plains of America; they moved with the buffalo, living off the

land. Believing at being one with nature was being closer to god. Famous for their survival and archery skills; Yet were very spirit seeking people. They believed in great spirits of good and evil that govern the earth and fight off demons; they believed that contact with these great beings required prayer through smoking a pipe, or sorcery. These spirits were normally in the shape of animals with a range of different meanings

Family to the Sioux meant everything children were seen as sacred, yet with no marriage it was common for a man to have many wives, and therefor many children. Hunting was essential, it showed power and authority amongst the men, failure at hunting could result in destruction of the tepee or other property. Where as the women were the matriarchs looking after the family and home.

The Sioux became one of the largest Native American Tribes and were feared by most other tribes. Yet they were also natural warriors. A Sioux warrior would often wound himself, to identify himself as a warrior. Battle was a common occurrence amongst this tribe, with a constant power struggle between the plains Indians; through battle heightened prestige and privilege could be achieved throughout the tribe.

Native American Tribes And Locations

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Native American Spirits and Magic

MagicThe tribal magic of the Native Americans, was a very nature

derived concept. Working alongside their belief of spirits; magic was used to commune with this ancient and incorporeal beings. Asking for guidance or help. The magic users were known as shaman or medicine men, a lot of there magic was revolving around healing and protection, yet darker arts existed within this. Magic was a ritual sys-tem filled with dance and music to help the communication with the spirit world, this would help heighten medicine's men magic. These rituals were normally used, to help spirits heal wounds or curse other tribes. Yet due to there lack of documentation and written language, discovering any more into this field is suggestive and requires a range of guesswork.

SpiritsSpirits were the godlike creatures of the Native American

tribes, considered as sacred natural beings that coexisted in all things. In spirit walks certain animal encounters represented different magi-cal spirits, and in turn had different meanings. The three spirits i am looking into are, Eagles, Owls, and Coyote

Eagles were considered relations of the sun bird. They were nor-mally associated with healing practices and authority, within the tribe.

Owls were overall considered a bad omen as they were believed to be the creatures that represented death. In Sioux belief the owl would carry the dead to the spirit world of the stars, or drop the dead in a bottomless pit.

Coyote were considered tricksters and servants of witch's. They were associated with powerful magic. Yet it was evil. And against the natural

Shaman's and Spirit WalksThe Shaman's of the village were embraced, often seen as

wise men who would help the tribe in a range of different rituals. They were also considered the doctors and healers for the commu-nity. They often used magical tools to help with their practices, the pipe was considered one of these tools, being an important tool for entering the spirit world. Spirit journeys were a common occurrence for a lot of Native American Tribes. The Sioux like most others had the tradition of spirit walks, being used as a coming of age ritual. This meant that a young boy would have to survive alone without his tribe, and to this was to signify his independents. By surviving in a harsh environment with no food and water for days on end, this was to try and promote a spirit vision. The shamans would then help the youth in interpreting the Vision and decipher its meaning.

“There was a time when the land was sacred,

and the ancient ones were as one with it.A time when only the children of the

GreatSpirit were here to light their fires in

these places with no boundaries...

In that time, when there were only sim-ple ways,

I saw with my heart the conflicts to come,

and whether it was to be for good or bad,what was certain was that there would be


- The Great Spirit

Native American Ritual

Native American Spirit Items

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Death CultureThe death culture of Native Americans varied

from tribe to tribe. Some believed that bodies should be mummified, others dismembered. The Sioux, which is the tribe that this area is focusing on, raised their dead on plinths. This was to help the passing into the spirit world and join the star's, idols were set up near the sites of these raised plinths, to ward off others in case of angering the dead and creating bad spirits to haunt them. I am going to be recreating this aspect in my area with a raised plinth and warning idols around the grave itself.

Egyptian Area and Relation to 3D Design

The Rocky MountainsThe Rocky mountains is one of the largest moun-

tain ranges in the world, and is one of the scenery basis for part of the BA8 design. This harsh landscape has some beautiful scenery, and was part of the homeland for the Sioux tribe, who often ventured deep into this moun-tain range. These massive mountains hold many of natu-ral wonders such as the, Jackson glacier, a huge ice lake, that has caused unique shapes in the mountain range. Another wounder of this harsh landscape is the Castle Geyser that spews out sulfuric gas from the earths core. The Rocky's is also home some of the most beautiful crystal caves in the world, with massive crystal structures that are still untouched to this day.

In BA8 creation of a cliff-edge inspired by the rocky mountains, will be needed. Aspects to focus on his the harsh and rocky landscape, and thistles spiked grass that will be mimicked for the BA8 design.

IdolsVarious magical idols were included in the native American cul-

ture. These items helped with the guidance of vision walks, or deciphering visions, some were pipes others were headdresses, all items created from animal parts. The use of the item normally derived from the animal it was made from. The animals i am looking into are, Owls Eagles and Coyotes. Other idols were used to indicate bad spirits in the area, in the form of the dead, being nearby. When designing these idols in BA8, consideration of animal parts is essential, especially at model and texture design.

Native American Funeral

Rocky Mountains

Rocky Mountains Cliff edge

Native American Idol

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Diary entry Christian

John Dee age 18 15445AD

I am John Dee studying at St John’s Collage, I have lived three lives. I have en-dured the hardships of the desert and the trails of the warrior. I have com-muned with the spirits and walked amongst the dead. Yet here I must bow my head to my teachers and play a simpleton. The world has progressed far in my time away. Yet I still dream of the hooded figure I must have what he has, I plan to journey throughout Europe searching for answers. My powers are still with me yet I must be wary to not draw attention to them. These people are supersti-tious and fearful and will burn me like a common witch, all for the sake of their

John Dee age 37 1574AD

I have found them, the manuscripts of a shadowed figure clothed in darkness. Also know as he who stands eternal. Yet all that is known is he dates back to the Egyptian Era, this man knows the truth. I must find him. My powers are growing I brought back a child with the black death today. He was already dead yet a touch from me and his life restored. Yet he was deformed I quickly dealt with this prob-lem. It is lucky I am not at the whim of Queen Elizabeth anymore, she no longer suspects me of her mothers death. She kept me too close in my years as her servant. Now I can spread my wings, I can test. I am close I can feel it.

John Dee Age 70 1607

I understand at last, in my years wandering throughout time I understand. My works are complete and I am ready for my last ceremony the scraps I gave of infor-mation I let lose on the world are just pieces of a much larger puzzle. I will not be renown for them but for what I become after the ritual. Yet I now start to ques-tion my mortality. Me with the power of dominion, death and the spirits; me who has lived four lives, still question mortality. Its beauty I see in my daughter, and even now knowing what is to come I fear for my own mortality. For after this I will not have it, I must summon the demons they will guide me to their master. From here I understand what must be done.

Words of the Hooded Figure

I have tricked the gods of death, and now stand eternal amongst the universe and time itself. Here in my sanctuary i will watch and wait, questioning my own mortality

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Christians Afterlife Heaven and Hell

Overview The Christian belief is the most westernized religion in the world, it derived from roman heritage whilst also picking up aspects of Pagan religion. One of the areas is based on the Christian views of the 16th century, this point of Christianity, was a very oppressive puritan view. At this point the Old Testament was used throughout Europe and the pope had a large amount of authority. Yet with the rise of the Protestants throughout England, which marked a huge change in the system of Christianity, there was a noticeable shift in power. This was a tense time for religious teachings

as their were a lot of blurred teachings due to this split.

The Afterlife At this point in time the belief was

drawn from the concept of Dante Alighieri, in 1300AD, Yet his views was only shared and believed, two hundred years after his death. His view of the afterlife, was that of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell.

Paradise: The land of god and angels where the good of the world are sent, to live eternity in gods grace.

Purgatory is the cleansing place of those who have committed sin, it was believed most people would have to pass through Purgatory; or be cast into Hell. In Dante's description Purgatory is a mountain that the dead must climb, yet they will be enticed with illusions and reasons to not continue climbing to reach paradise.

Hell: This interpretation of hell is broken up into nine different levels, each with souls that reside depend-ing on the person, and there sin. Each level has its own punishment and demons that inhabit them. The levels are as follows

1. Limbo - The non believers2. Lust - The Carnal offenders3. Gluttony - The Gluttons4. Greed - The greedy5. Anger - The hateful6. Heresy - Fake prophets7. Violence - The Violent8. Fraud - The cunning and magic users9. Treachery - The betrayers and traitors

Funeral Traditions Throughout the 16th century there was still a very large amount of superstitions, ghosts and spirits were a common fear. Belief that the dead could fall prey to inhabitation of spirits, and demons. Suicidal cases of death were believed to increase this change of a supernatural occurrence and were often skewered with a stake through the heart. Normally a traditional funeral would be held and the dead would be placed in a grave or crypt, yet normally without coffins. As at this point int time coffins were only for the rich and powerful.

Dante Inferno Hell Level Of Violence

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Christian Dark ArtsNecromancy Necromancy is the dark art of the dead, an old myth that has always considered with Christianity. With a lot of concept into spirit, and communication with the undead, demons and eternal life. A lot of their views of necromancy were still very driven by the concept of Christianity, and the view that some magic was in the form of angels and others in the ways of demons and devils; normally necromancy was considered work of the devil. It was told to bring demons forth if done incorrectly, these rituals required a lot of ritual preparation. Due to the conflict between Judaism and Chris-tianity the concept was that necromancy came from areas such as Judaism and Arabic culture.

Demons and The Munich Manual of Demonic Magic The Munich manual was an old manuscript that was dated back to 1500AD, yet was re written in English and is documented as "Forbidden rights" translated by Professor Kieckhefer. This manu-al was a guide to Necromancy and demonology, though there are no cases of it being translated into English. Spells are depicted as technical illustrations showing pentagrams of blood, and Arabic symbols.

Magic Medieval practitioners believed they could accom-plish three things with necromancy. This is in accordance to the Munich Manual of Necromancy

• Will manipulation

• Illusions

• Knowledge

Will manipulation affects the mind and will of another person, animal, or spirit. Demons are summoned to cause various afflictions on others to inflame them, to create love or hatred, to gain their favor, or to constrain them to do or not do some deed. Illusions involve reanimation of the dead or conjuring food, entertainment, or a mode of transporta-tion. Knowledge is discovered through demons, which pro-vide information about various things which include iden-tifying criminals, finding items, or revealing future events.

Necromancy In Old Testament Necromancy is the conjuring of the spirits of the dead, for a variety of purposes; normally revealing the future or influencing a set course of events. In the Bible, necromancy is also called divination, sorcery and spiritualism and is forbidden many times, throughout the bible, as an abomination to God. It is a great evil in the eyes of God and is abolished throughout Christianity.

Necromancy has a large connections with demons, and opens the one who practices it to demonic attack. The devil and his demon kin's works to destroy us, and will trick the user with promises of power.

"Our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour"


Necromancy does not work alongside the Lord and offers false truths to the. The Lord who promises to freely give wisdom to all who ask for it


This is especially telling because the Lord always wants to lead us to truth and life, but demons always want to lead us to lies and serious damage.

Images from the Munich Manual Of Necromancers

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Christian Area and Relation to 3D Design

Crypt / Mausoleums

A mausoleums, is going to be the center point of the Christian area; the crypt itself is going to be intended for the charter John Dee. Showing a range of his imagery and designed. These designs will run off, the top plaque, the flags and the brazers. All of these aspects will all have part of an indication of John Dee's occult symbols.

The crypt itself is going to be refer-encing heavy the images shown, primarily the bottom image. The only exception being a small staircase that leads to the doors. The rising banisters will also be shown in the BA8 design, except they will be holding part of the lighting for the area. In some aspects this crypt will have symbols that are relevant from the other Lich lives. Symbols such as the earth symbol, Ankh and Valknut, will all play a part of the designing the exterior of this Mausoleum

John DeeA member of Queen Elizabeth's court and chief scientific and occult advi-

sor to the queen. John Dee is one of history's most interesting occult specialists. His experiments in his early and midlife were of great interest to the queen. His creation of one of the largest occult libraries in the world, disintegrated after the fall of Queen Elizabeth. He was also brought in as an advisor for possessed children, where his extensive library came into use. In his latter life he was disregarded and became solitary, forced to sell a large amount of his positions to support his family.

The interesting aspect about John Dee, is his grave was never discov-ered. John Dee is a key aspect of research, as he represents the Lich's final life. When designing BA8 name indentations should be that of those close to him, and other use of his imagery should be used. Relics and symbols that Dee designed for communing with demons will be incorporated through the section of this area.

John Dee’s Occult Symbol

John Dee’s Magical Artefact’s

Crypt Inspiration 1

Crypt Inspiration 2

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First Hand Research Material

Witchcraft A history

A very detailed overview of each culture, and how magic has ap-peared throughout the them. Giving a vast description on every magical culture, and also offered a lot of insight into Native American insight, where it was difficult to find any research. Beyond here the books looks into rituals, voodoo, spirit walking, dream walking, science and modern day magic, this is very useful source of information that will has sculpt-ed a lot of this concept.

Each chapter is about four pages long showing artwork and photo-graphs that are relevant. All in all a very useful source to draw from; with information on spells, occult, and every known magic belief in the world. This is an invaluable research tool and will be used as a reference throughout the studio work. This is the best point of reference, for any and all, magical beliefs throughout the cultures.

Runic Amulets

A very formal and text heavy interpretation of Norse Magic, and very in depth about Germanic and English culture from 200AD onwards. Their views on mystical powers. With heavy reference material, towards sacred objects and trin-kets. Essential tool for, magical artefact's and the Norse section of the environment.

Extracts from Witchcraft a History These are two extracts from the book. The first is relevant to Native American Belief of spirit animals, and the way they dealt with negative spirits.

The second aspect is about John Dee and the end of his life, when he was being prosecuted for his beliefs. This shows the relevance of this book to work along-side the design of BA8. For referencing aspects of the culture and environment reference, and should be used for all areas of the level.

For full page scans view blog at: http://ba7research.blogspot.co.uk/

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First Hand Research Material

Celtic Otherworld

A much more in depth view into the Celtic culture and their views on religion and the supernatural. With heavy links to the dead, Nilfheim and the

Spells for eternity

A book that details the Egyptian view of the afterlife. Included are spells, hymns and instructions for the dead to pass through obstacles, in the af-terlife. With information on the "Papyrus Scroll", which was placed in the coffin of the deceased, and "The Book of the Dead". Which was first thought to be a Bible but is it not a religious work. It is more of an instruction manual for the recently departed. A very useful tool for hieroglyph designs for the construc-tion of the Egyptian walls, alongside a lot of reference of Anubis Weighting The Heart.

Runic Amulets

A useful text filled with illustrations of the various gods and goddess's, of the Egyptian religion. Showing family trees and ancient tales of the gods. With story's about the sun god Ra, and his forming of the other gods. The rebirth of Osiris and the other gods such as Anubis, Seth, Horus and Isis. A full history of Egyptian myth and religion.

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http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/farid/downloads/egypt/tombhistory/041.2.jpg - Egyptian Tomb

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/Weighing_of_the_heart3.jpg - Weighing of the heart

http://img.timeinc.net/time/photoessays/2011/top10_sun/ra.jpg - Ra image

http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/2/0/1/0/6/6/1/Anubis-42890520237.jpeg - Anubis Image

http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/religion/magic.htm - Page of Book of the dead


Egypt+A.jpg - Egyptian Wall


- Ankh

http://sfoxwriting.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/tumblr_mbwip5wxfi1rs1xsxo1_500.jpg - Norse Funeral Boat

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Sutton_Hoo_ship-burial_model.jpg - Norse Buried Boat


- Nilfheim

http://www.blackgate.com/2014/05/14/viking-art-magic-and-wisdom-at-the-british-museum/ - Norse Idol


lagers-feared-sorceress-owner-rise-dead.html - Norse Staff

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norse_rituals - Norse Ritual

http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l265/cbarsic24622/pictures/valknut.jpg - Valknut

http://www.traditioncreek.com/storefront/images/products_posters/prints1_na_tribes.jpg - Map Native American

http://pictures.ezpics.net/Photos/Art/ezpics.net/wallenburg/Welcome/Large1.jpg?05287XuudcPxLyh - Native American relics


- Native American Grave

http:/sites.psu.edu/nativewriters/wp-content/uploads/sites/9348/2014/03/MedicineBags1910-600.jpg- Native American relics

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Quotes and Extracts

http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/religion/magic.htm - Egyptian Magic quote

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norse_funeral - Norse Odin quote on death

http://www.legendsofamerica.com/na-sioux.html - Native American Great Spirit http://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-necromancy.html - Bible extracts on Necromancy

http://spiritwalkministry.com/yahoo_site_admin2/assets/images/sacredbundle.264112903_std.jpg - Spirit Ritual Painting

https://thehumanfootprint.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/dscf0032.jpg -Rocky Mountain

http://m.rgbimg.com/cache1nlWwo/users/a/ab/abyla/600/2dFoodC.jpg -Rocky Mountain

http://sites.psu.edu/nativewriters/wp-content/uploads/sites/9348/2014/03/MedicineBags1910-600.jpg - Native American

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/169/8/2/crypt__grave_by_death_star_stock-d3ja3p8.jpg - Crypt

http://classicalastrologer.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/sigillum-dei-ameth.gif - John Dee Pentagram

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee#mediaviewer/File:Artefatos_de_Dee.jpg - John Dee Artefact's


muns-tomb.html - Egyptian Crypt

http://theghostdiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/munich1.jpg - Necromicon Art

http://www.csicop.org/uploads/images/si/stepanic-demonology-1.jpg - Demon art


- Dante art of river Stix