Study/Exam Week Your official bulletin for all the latest resi news and events info! Need some delicious dessert to keep you going? There will be Resi Cold Rock every Wednesday during the study/exam period in MB rec room at 7.30pm! Come down to the rec room for a little break and a snack. Bring a bowl and spoon! All welcome! What are the best places to get a great feed in Box Hill? Check out the following. Just an easy bus ride away! http://www.goodfood.com.au/good-food/eat-street/a-foodies-guide-to-box-hill-20140520- 38lpm.html Resi Cold Rock The Best Food in Box Hill

Resi Bulletin - Study/Exam Week

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Page 1: Resi Bulletin - Study/Exam Week

Study/Exam Week Your official bulletin for all the latest resi news and events info!

Need some delicious dessert to keep you going?

There will be Resi Cold Rock every Wednesday during the study/exam period in MB rec room at


Come down to the rec room for a little break and a snack. Bring a bowl and spoon! All welcome!

What are the best places to get a great feed in Box Hill?

Check out the following. Just an easy bus ride away!



Resi Cold Rock

The Best Food in Box Hill

Page 2: Resi Bulletin - Study/Exam Week


Effective study habits - Many people feel overwhelmed at exam time — having to revise a lot of

information in a short space of time and not understanding course material can be a big stress.

(For assistance with study skills at Deakin go to:


Keep your routine outside studying + take regular breaks - It's important to have regular study

breaks and time for relaxation and exercise. Going for a walk, run, or to the gym is not a waste

of time, it is a great way to clear your head and help you study better.

Watching your favourite TV show or going to the movies are also good

ways to take a break from studying.

Limit drugs - Caffeine (Eg - coffee, no-doz, V) and other drugs

(Eg - speed, coke) give you a short lift before making you crash and

burn. They can make you feel sick, and unable to sleep or concentrate

properly. You actually study better with regular breaks, getting lots of

sleep, and from exercising (really!).

Manage expectations - External pressures around exams can be huge. It

can be hard to deal with, especially with family and people you respect,

but you need to remember that it's your life and your exam, with you in

control. Base expectations on doing the best you can do.

Look after your body - It's easy to let exams get on top of you and to forget to look after yourself.

If possible, try to get a good night’s sleep. It's a good time to make an effort to eat healthy,

including eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Ask for + accept support - If you're feeling overwhelmed, you might find it

helpful to talk to someone. It's also important to ask for, and accept, support from friends, family

or staff.

(If you need any further advice or support, Deakin Student Life have counsellors to help you over at




For more tips and information on relaxation and managing stress, go to: http://au.reachout.com/

Study tips!

Page 3: Resi Bulletin - Study/Exam Week


Residences is currently observing the party/guest/noise-free period until 4pm Friday 20th June.

Breaches of the party, guest & noise-free policy will NOT be tolerated during the study/exam period

and a $100 charge will apply.

Breaches include:

guests (registered or not)

noisy gatherings

noise when coming home late

using BSV basketball court (except between 2-4pm)

The successful completion of the trimester is dependent on all

residents showing consideration and respect for each other.

Your cooperation is sought to ensure that everyone has the

opportunity to do well in their exams.

Best of luck to all of you with your exams!

Free Giveaway!

Congratulations to last week’s winner, Abbie Bursill, who picked up a free Hoyts movie pass. Abbie

was the quickest off the mark to MB reception with the correct answer to:

Q: How many guests are you allowed to have on residence during SWOT VAC and Exams?

A: None!

This weeks question is

Q: What does BEARS stand for?

The first person to come to MB reception with

the correct answer will win a Hoyts movie pass.

Party/Noise/Guest-Free Period

Page 4: Resi Bulletin - Study/Exam Week


Are you moving off res and have unwanted clothing and food? Don't throw it away, help make

someone else's day!

You may drop off unwanted items (specified below) to the Resi Reception.

These items will then be distributed to a local charity.


To assist us please ensure the clothes/linen are clean and in a plastic bag or a box.


Unopened non-perishable food that has not gone past the expiry date (eg: cans of food or

unopened packets) that you do not want to take with you when you leave.


Any larger old, broken, out of date stuff can be placed in the MB rubbish room. Just ask resi

reception for assistance.

Donating Goods

Page 5: Resi Bulletin - Study/Exam Week


BEARS Profile Name: Rory Flanagan

Nicknames: Roz, Rorza,

Age: 20

Hometown: Melbourne

Course: Health & Physical Education

Favourite food: Spaghetti Bolognese, Mango Sorbet

Favourite movies: Shawshank Redemption, Harry Potter,

Lord of the Rings.

Favourite sporting team: Manchester United

Most memorable moment on res: O'Week 2013

Dream job: Manager of a European Football club

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?: the Amalfi Coast in Italy.

If you could have dinner with any one person, who would it be?: Emma Watson, because Emma


What 3 things would you choose if you were stranded on a deserted island?: A couple of sea turtles,

a rope made of hair from my own back, and a pistol containing only one shot.

Unless you have made prior arrangements with the Resi office, residents

with a T1-only lease MUST check out by 12 midday on the 23rd June.

This means everything is out of your room and you have handed back

your access card/keys to reception.

Joke of the week! Q: Why do watermelons have fancy weddings?

A: Because they cantaloupe.

If you have an appropriate joke or limerick that you’d like featured in the bulletin, send it through to Amy:

[email protected]

Checking out

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Recipe of the Week

Portuguese chicken Ingredients (serves 4)

1/4 cup Masterfoods Portuguese chicken seasoning

1/4 cup plain flour

8 small chicken drumsticks

Cooking oil spray

400g pkt Coles made easy roast

pumpkin, carrot & sweet potato

450g pkt Sunrice family white rice, to


400g can red kidney beans, rinsed

and drained

1/2 cup coriander leaves, to serve

1/4 cup sour cream, to serve

Lime cheeks, to serve


1. Preheat oven to 200°C or 180°C fan. Line a baking dish with baking paper. Combine seasoning

and flour on a plate. Add the chicken and roll to coat.

2. Place in prepared dish. Spray with oil. Bake for 45-50 mins or until tender.

3. Meanwhile, roast the vegetables following packet directions.

4. Cook rice in microwave following packet directions. Combine the rice, beans, coriander and

roasted vegetables in a large bowl.

5. Season. Serve with chicken, sour cream and lime cheeks.

Please direct any queries to Resi Reception at

[email protected] or via extension 17671