Rev002 Price: £1files.pitchero.com/clubs/1454/Why_Chocolate_Issue_002.pdf · Page 3: Club Captains Colouring Competition As one of our club captains favourite past times he would

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  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 1

    Why Chocolate? The Revival Years

    Welcome to another spiffing edition of

    Why Chocolate? The Revival Years. As

    you may or may not be aware the first

    edition was a rip-roaring success, selling

    out within hours of hitting the shelf and

    putting serious strain on the Big K

    printing press. Due to this success we

    have also decided to offer a digital

    edition via Amazon Kindle, just search

    Why Chocolate? in the Kindle store, this

    will be released the same weekend as the

    print edition is available from the bar. You

    will be able to get all back issues through

    the Kindle store at a discounted price,

    they may even be free if we are feeling


    As you can appreciate writing and editing

    a magazine article for monthly release is a

    tough job on top of people’s normal jobs

    and lives, let alone a whole magazine. So

    here’s how it’s going to work. To keep the

    mob from the door, and because we love

    it, WC? will continue to be a monthly

    publication, it will however be a slimmer

    version of the bumper first edition. We

    will release a bumper quarterly edition on

    par with the first release and if you’re

    lucky you may even get an Annual, to rival

    the Beano, just in time for Christmas.

    The journey so far for Why Chocolate?

    has been a fun and rather remarkable one.

    The concept of revival was discussed at a

    committee meeting in November, within

    weeks a team had been assembled and by

    the beginning of December the first

    articles started to appear in my inbox.

    Needless to say most of my Christmas

    was spent editing and compiling. So

    January comes along and we are ready to

    print. We decided not to get too carried

    away with our passion and printed a

    conservative thirty-five issues. Well we

    sold ourselves short, the thirty-five

    copies were gone within hours of the bar


    So, what intellectual delights do we have

    for you this issue? I can tell you that you

    won’t be disappointed. Keith, sorry I mean

    Mo, gives another outstanding review

    from ‘The Moving Picture Box’, Dr. P Iles

    is back with more health and fitness talk,

    we have a brilliant look alike for you in

    ‘Pipe and Slippers’ and our Director of

    Rugby tells his story of ‘The Hungry


    So without further ado I present to you

    the second issue of Why Chocolate? The

    Revival Years.

    Happy reading, The Editor

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 2


    Page 3: Club Captains Colouring

    Competition As one of our club captains favourite past

    times he would like to share with you the joys

    of colouring in…

    Page 4: Senior Player Profile Each issue we bring you an exclusive profile

    and interview with one of our senior players…

    Page 7: Mint Berry Krunch Our resident personal trainer Dr. P.Iles gives

    his latest advice on dietary tips and extreme

    work outs…

    Page 8: The Directors Cut A word from the Big K Director of Rugby…

    Page 10: Did You Know An insight into the extra-terrestrial by

    Professor Brian Coccyx…

    Page 12: Junior Player Profile Each issue we bring you an exclusive profile

    and interview with one of our junior players…

    Page 13: Senior Match Reports A review of the latest senior games…

    Page 14: The Lost Boy’s We take time to stop and look back over the

    ones we’ve loved and lost…

    Page 16: Junior Match Reports A review of the latest junior games…

    Page 18: The Tale of the Hungry Goose Director of Rugby, Paul Meaden, talks about

    player recruitment and attrition…

    Page 21: Pipe and Slippers A chance for you to have your say on any topic

    of your choice…

    Page 23: Moving Picture Box Mike Oakley reviews what he has been

    watching on the ‘Moving picture Box’ this


    Page 24: Events Save the dates for all the upcoming events at

    the social hub that is the Big K

    Page 25: Editors Farewell A farewell from the editor…

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 3

    Club Captains Colouring Competition

    In this section our club captain shares his favourite colouring pictures. These have been left

    blank so that you can colour them in and enjoy the fun with him. Once you have coloured in

    your picture send a copy to [email protected] and the lucky winner will have

    their picture displayed in the next issue, please include your name, age and where you’re

    from. This month’s picture is a happy dolphin drawn by Michaela, Age 23 from Oldland.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 4

    Senior Player Profile

    This month’s senior player under the spot light is …

    Name: Matt ‘Mutley’ Perriman

    Height: 6ft

    Weight: 13st 3lbs

    Position: Flanker (with an F)

    D.O.B: 02/05/1984

    It's back! This time, Matthew 'Mutley'

    Perriman is centre stage!

    With the first issue of WC? being such a

    rip-roaring success, the editorial team are

    pumping money into the venture hand over

    fist, drastically increasing my budget, so I

    have decided to spend wildly for my

    return and hold a party, but not just any

    party, oh no, this is a retro board game

    party! All attendees are bringing along

    their favourite game from their

    childhood, a full on nostalgia fest! Please

    don’t be offended if you didn’t get an

    invite, my living room isn’t that large, plus

    I don’t like you.

    *Ringgggg* Ah, the front door, excuse me

    while I get that………………………..Well, well, if

    it isn’t everyone’s favourite Graduate

    Building Surveyor, Matthew ‘Mutley’


    So, what has Mutley brought to the party

    I hear you ask, apart from his freak

    strength, he’s only gone and brought

    Mouse Trap! Classic!

    Freak Strength or just freak?

    So, as we wait for the others to arrive,

    Mutley and I head to the kitchen to

    indulge in an aperitif and canapé, and

    whilst I have him alone I take the

    opportunity to ask him to enlighten me

    about his arrival at the club.

    Worryingly, Mutley begins by telling me

    he is a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, a

    revelation that makes me remove the

    bottle opener from his hand and take a

    safer stance on the other side of the

    kitchen. I of course remind Mutley that I

    like him very much and always have.

    Anyway, with such talents under his belt

    (pun intended) Mutley had to find a sport

    that fitted his style. Of course, Football,

    Netball and fishing just wouldn’t cut the

    mustard, but luckily an old friend guided

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 5

    Mutley onto the right path. “Matt Bryant

    asked me if I fancied taking part in one of

    Kingswood’s training sessions and despite

    being on the receiving end of one of Gary

    Inman’s” (wasn’t that the guy in Are You

    Being Served?) “tackles in the very first

    session, I've never looked back”

    Gary Inman?

    By now, the living room is a bustling hive

    of activity. The table is covered with a

    multitude of 80’s plastic, there’s Pop-Up

    Pirate, Buckaroo and Hungry Hungry

    Hippos, as well as Mutley’s very own

    Mouse Trap.

    The evening gets underway with a quick

    game of Pop-Up Pirate, a game that in

    these modern times would probably be

    banned for Health and Safety reasons,

    not because of the projectile plastic

    Pirate, but more to do with the rise in

    heart-attacks which occurred during the

    intense moments that you pricked the

    barrel with your sword (A great sentence

    for fans of double-entendres).

    Seeing the poor old Pirate being bashed

    around left, right and centre, must have

    triggered something in Mutley’s brain,

    because he began to rattle off details of

    his short, injury ravaged career. A

    Ruptured knee in 2006/07, a knee

    operation the same season, plus a 2nd

    batch of surgery in 08/09 has meant that

    Mutley has had a fairly stuttering career

    so far. But, despite these setbacks, and

    the fact that Mutley was under the

    guidance of Cabbage for the early part of

    his playing career, Mutley has come a long

    way since charging down that penalty kick

    at BAC. At the end of 2009/10, Mutley

    was a regular in the 1st XV squad. Mutley

    has been away from the game recently

    due to further complications, namely a

    shoulder injury and marriage, but he is set

    to return to the field of dreams just as

    soon as he has recovered from ANOTHER


    Once Mutley had finished prattling on

    about his chocolate appendages I managed

    to ask him to tell me about his favourite

    ever game. “Well, I love the whole

    mechanics of it. You wind the handle that

    makes the boot kick the bucket containing

    a small metal ball…” Ah, Mutley, I think we

    have our wires crossed, I meant, what’s

    your favourite game for Kingswood?

    “Oh I see, well, my favourite game has to

    be from the Chipping Sodbury cup game 2

    seasons ago, it was one of those ‘nothing

    to lose, everything to gain’ matches. As we

    arrived at the pitch, the Chipping Sodbury

    lads were already out doing their warm-

    up. Even though the weather was terrible,

    there was a great buzz amongst the team

    which continued throughout the game, a

    buzz that undoubtedly helped lead us to

    our win. The feeling after the game was


    The evening was now in full swing and the

    air is filled with excitement as well as the

    smell of nerves, not helped by the tension

    building game that is Buckaroo.

    BANG! There goes the donkey, showering

    my floor in bits of plastic.

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 6

    As we prepare for the final game of the

    evening, Mouse Trap, Mutley tells me

    about his favourite moment as a

    Kingswood player. “It's got to be when we

    played Tredworth away in 2010. I’d had a

    really s**t week, you know the one where

    your washing machine packs up, the boss

    thinks your useless etc. Anyway, I had a

    great time taking out my frustration

    during the game, but more importantly, I

    actually managed to catch a ball off of

    Chris Phillips and score! Come to think of

    it, so did everyone else in the Kingswood

    side that day”

    I managed to break the building suspense

    with a quick question, what is your rugby

    philosophy? His answer was simple “Mutley

    chase, Mutley smash”

    Mutley Smash!

    Here comes the cage...bash, Mutley traps

    my little mouse and it’s a much desired

    victory for Mr Perriman. Well, it’s been a

    long, entertaining evening, but we all begin

    to tidy away our stuff and head home for

    the evening. Just as everyone is leaving

    the room, I notice a small bit of plastic

    under the table. I fetch it out and hand it

    to Mutley. “This must be yours” I tell him.

    Mutley studies the bit of plastic before

    handing it back and saying…

    “That’s not part of my game”

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 7

    Mint Berry Krunch

    The Big K’s resident dietician and nutritionist gives you some helpful hints and tips to shift

    that excess weight…

    Welcome back to the diet clinic with me

    Dr P Iles. I must say I was surprised to

    be called back for a second edition and

    even more surprised to hear that Mint

    Berry Krunch was nominated for the

    Pulitzer Prize. If you’ve been following my

    recommendations then those ‘Monty

    Muffin Tops’ should be starting to shift.

    To help them on their way here’s a few

    more diet and work out tips.

    Fireman’s Workout

    Have you ever wondered how Mutley got

    so pumped? Surely it can’t just be from

    washing fire engines and brandishing his

    Fire Service ID card. Well it’s not, I

    caught up with the fitness fanatic and

    here are his secrets.

    Whilst working out Mutley enjoys nothing

    more than sliding up and down a greasy

    pole, a fireman’s pole to be exact. To get

    that Mongo upper body strength he ties

    two distressed damsels around his waist

    and hauls himself back up the pole, his

    secret is to complete twenty reps to

    really get the lactic acid flowing. ‘I love

    the burn’ he screams as I watch him scale

    the gigantic rod.

    After completing twenty reps Mutley

    strips to his boxers and lets the burly

    Firemen hose him down, the fierce

    pressure of the hose spraying all over him

    combined with the icy cold water aid rapid

    repair of his muscles. A lot of

    professional athletes take ice baths after

    a vigorous work out but Mutley prefers a

    good soaking from the Fireman’s hose. If

    you want to look like Mutley or possess his

    inhuman strength then get yourself down

    to your local Fire Department,

    alternatively strip clubs have equally good

    poles (not the Anthony Davies type of

    Pole either).

    Bulk UP

    If you are suffering from the same

    condition as Spring, in which you cannot

    gain weight or mass regardless of what

    you try to eat, then try this meal plan.

    The key is to eat 6 meals a day to keep

    your body fuelled, you wouldn’t chuck one

    big log onto a fire once a day, you need to

    feed it little and often.


    1 bowl of porridge with chopped nuts &

    skimmed milk

    Mid-Morning Snack

    1 small bowl of pasta with tuna and a light

    oil dressing


    Grilled skinless chicken breast with salad

    on rye bread (no mayonnaise)

    Afternoon Snack

    1 Banana, 1 green apple and a handful of

    mixed nuts


    Steamed skinless salmon with steamed

    vegetables (no potatoes)


    4 Ryvita crackers with low fat cottage


    If you follow this meal plan you’ll be

    looking like Jay Carey in no time.

    Jay Carey and his impressive TRAPS

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 8

    The Directors Cut

    The Big K’s Director shares a few thoughts with the general population…

    Nine months ago, Mark Phillips asked me

    to consider the role of Director of Rugby.

    Having held no official Office at KRFC

    since 1996, when I was Club Captain, the

    proposal required careful consideration. I

    spoke at length with Ian Kirley and I was

    genuinely and deeply surprised by a

    number of things. Not merely the palpable

    maturity that Ian had acquired, but a

    visceral passion and vision which truly

    impressed me. Until that point, my abiding

    memory of Ian was from a distant

    midsummer “Funky Family Fun Day” when

    an Apple fuelled duo of Kirley and Special

    mounted a pair of TV-Gladiator style

    rostrums atop an inflatable base, stripped

    to the waist, and proceeded to savagely

    assault each other with padded staffs.

    Children and adults alike were visibly

    traumatized; but Ian and Special, though

    battered and bruised, thought it was a

    great lark. The boy has come a long way!

    So, suitably impressed by the case

    presented, I willingly accepted the role of

    Director of Rugby. Even in this short

    time, it’s been an eclectic journey. One in

    which I have tried to make sense of the

    role, what value it could bring to a club

    the size and shape of Kingswood and

    whether I had what it takes to do it


    So much has happened, but I’m limited to

    1000 words for this piece, so it won’t be

    possible to do justice to the long list of

    key messages I want to render. So I’ve

    picked a couple at random.

    Pleasant Surprises.

    Notwithstanding the above plug for Ian

    Kirley, I have been astonished by the

    amount of work that happens behind the

    scenes now, which did not before, through

    our determined and dynamic committee. Their enthusiasm remains undiminished

    (despite frequent setbacks) and they set

    the standard against which I try to

    aspire. It’s difficult to overstate how

    much work these guys get through in

    order that our membership can rock up to

    chase the egg, have a hot shower and

    enjoy a cheap pint.

    I’ve also thoroughly enjoyed engaging with

    some of the younger lads with whom, given

    that I no longer play, I wouldn’t ordinarily

    have the opportunity to develop a

    familiarity (dare I say friendship?) I don’t

    recall ever speaking with Nick Coe before

    we simultaneously became Club Captain

    and Director of Rugby. I’ve since

    discovered that, although he is the

    quintessential strong-silent type (when

    not tearing it up in Chasers), he is totally

    committed and unassuming off the pitch

    while ferocious and gifted on it. I have

    absolutely no doubt that, if Nick were a

    few inches taller and a few kilos heavier,

    he would be a professional rugby player.

    He is a pleasure to work with.

    Consequently, it saddens me when the

    level of humility and dedication Nick

    brings is not reciprocated in terms of

    support at training sessions and

    availability. We have had well over 70

    different players turn out in total this

    season, yet we struggle to get 45

    available any given Saturday. The same

    vicarious disappointment extends on

    behalf of all Captains and Vices. Anyway –

    that’s for another day.

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 9

    The Kingswood Knights.

    I thought I’d come to the Director role

    full of smart ideas and high-falutin’ plans

    to grow the club and take it to the next

    level. Upon working with Derek Golding,

    now known as Superman, it soon became

    very obvious that much of my work had

    been done for me. Like most members, I

    was aware our Junior section was healthy.

    But I had absolutely no idea how strong

    the Junior section actually was under

    Derek’s tutelage. His ideology is simple;

    keep if affordable, participate because

    you want to and participate right. This

    philosophy is imposed and policed with an

    iron will. Consequently, our Junior section

    is governed fairly and efficiently, without

    fuss and with near-zero player attrition.

    The word has spread and our Junior

    section is inundated with so many pint-

    sized recruits that we have reached the

    physical capacity with which our facilities

    can cope. It is to Derek’s immense credit,

    and that of his wider team of parents and

    coaches (an honourable mention to our VP

    Ian Crook in this regard) that the

    Kingswood Juniors, and their sobriquet of

    “Kingswood Knights” is now one of the

    most respected youth movements in local


    In conclusion, it is evident that Kingswood

    RFC, in some respects, is a world apart

    from the rugby club I left at the end of

    my playing days. We have a thriving Junior

    section and in the Senior section an

    ambitious and youthful vanguard occupying

    the leading offices of the club. However

    in other respects we have actually

    regressed. We need to kick on to the next

    level. We are trying to kick-start a rugby

    renaissance in our Senior section.

    However, the plug is not yet sparking. I

    think our regular playing base has a

    relatively high average age; many of our

    players (understandably) want to play

    their rugby on their own terms. I

    absolutely respect that. These guys have

    served their time and are entitled to reap

    some reward. But our dependence on

    stalwarts such as Rich Caines to occupy

    important playing-roles is not sustainable.

    We have played that long-suit for more

    years that I care to contemplate. We

    cannot keep going back to the future.

    With that in mind, I’m appealing to the

    senior players at the start of their career

    to really show an interest in key roles and

    be at the forefront of the renaissance.

    The world is a different place now, and

    holding a responsible office in a

    recognized organization such as

    Kingswood Rugby Club will not only help

    you grow as a person, it will look great on

    your CV. I’m also looking to formulate a

    sustainable recruitment strategy and

    campaign which will tap into our

    catchment. I need your opinions and your

    time. To paraphrase the inaugural address

    of JFK - ask not what KRFC can do for

    you, ask what you can do for KRFC!

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 10

    Did You Know?

    Big K Professor Brian Coccyx gives you his views on the universe…

    Unfortunately Prof. Brian Coccyx was

    unavailable this week, he is being

    interviewed for ‘Embarrassing Bodies’, I

    can only assume his rash has flared up


    I am Dr B. Umder PhD and will be taking

    this opportunity to talk to you about a

    very serious problem facing our planet,

    GLOBAL WARMING. Whilst I am a strong

    believer in the planet going through

    natural cycles of heating up and cooling

    down I also believe that Humans, as the

    dominant life force on this planet, are

    helping to speed this cycle along. All sorts

    of things contribute/get blamed for

    GLOBAL WARMING, from cows farting to

    people going on holiday in aeroplanes. One

    thing that doesn’t seem to get mentioned

    is space travel.

    $60 Million,


    Everything that goes into space, be it a

    dog or a satellite, only has one way of

    getting there, strapped to the back a

    rocket. Each launch costs in excess of

    $60 million and the rocket is destroyed

    during the process. Imagine buying a new

    car after every trip to the shops. Not

    only do rockets burn high amounts of

    rocket propellant grade jet fuel, which

    pumps out a massive amount of C02, but

    every part of the rocket is destroyed.

    This is the consumerist age we are living

    in. This a big burden on the tax payer and

    with the UK kicking off its own space

    program, where will this money come

    from? What we need is a reusable rocket.

    It just so happens that a South African

    born millionaire and entrepreneur is

    working on exactly that. In 2002 Elon

    Musk, founder of PayPal and Tesla Motors

    (a company manufacturing all electric

    sports cars), set up a new company called


    Tesla all electric sports cars

    His goal was to put a small vegetable

    greenhouse on Mars, project ‘Mars Oasis’

    was born. Musk soon realised that

    although he was a millionaire, at $60

    million a pop rockets were not a viable

    option for his project. Not to be defeated

    he set about designing and building a

    reusable, cost effective rocket capable of

    delivering payloads to Mars. In 2012 the

    SpaceX Dragon craft was the first non-

    governmental built and commissioned

    space craft to dock with the

    International Space Station. Not only did

    this open up space to the private

    companies around the world it was also

    achieved using the SpaceX Falcon 9

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 11

    rocket that cost a mere $12 million to

    launch. SpaceX are already working on

    making the Falcon rockets reusable in

    something they are calling Project

    Grasshopper (watch the Grasshopper test

    flight on YouTube)

    On the back of SpaceX’s success they

    have secured several contracts for

    launching satellites and delivering pay

    loads to the ISS that would previously

    only have been given to government

    contractors. As well as helping to open up

    the space race to privately owned

    companies SpaceX have lowered the cost

    to tax payers, developed a reusable

    rocket and in the process managed to

    reduce the amount of fuel required to do


    SpaceX Dragon docking with ISS

    All this has come from one man’s dream to

    build a greenhouse on Mars. With the

    collective power of our thoughts and

    dreams imagine how much we could


  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 12

    Junior Player Profile

    This month’s junior player under the spot light is…

    Name: Ellis Bywater

    Height: 3ft 7 inches

    Weight: 3 St 9Lb

    Age 6

    WC?: How long have you played for


    Ellis: 9 Months

    WC?: Who is your Rugby Hero?

    Ellis: Toby Flood

    WC?: Favourite console or handheld


    Ellis: Skylanders

    WC?: What do you like the most about

    Kingswood Rugby Club?

    Ellis: Hotdogs after the game

    WC?: Cinema or bowling?

    Ellis: Bowling

    WC?: Favourite colour?

    Ellis: Turquoise

    WC?: What do you want to be when you

    grow up?

    Ellis: A fireman

    WC?: What is your favourite memory in

    your time at Kingswood?

    Ellis: This seasons Christmas party

    WC?: Who do you want to marry when you

    get older?

    Ellis: Chloe Scott

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 13

    Senior Match Reports

    1st XV Match Reports

    There are currently no new match reports

    for the First XV.


    Saturday 5th January

    Kingswood 5 – 22 Gloucester Old Boys

    Saturday 12th January

    Kingswood 3 – 74 Hucclecoat

    Saturday 26th January

    Kingswood 0 – 26 Longlevens

    If you would like to help out with First XV

    match reports then please send your

    application to

    [email protected].

    2nd XV Match Reports


    No results available

    Kingswood 2nd XV are looking to recruit a

    2nd XV match reporter. If you would like

    to get involved and travel round with the

    2nd XV please send your application to

    [email protected]. You

    will get to experience all the highs and

    lows as they happen as you cover the

    latest action from the side-lines for home

    and away games.

    3rd XV Match Reports


    No results available

    As with the 2nd XV the 3rd XV are also

    looking for a match reporter. If you want

    to experience all the dramas of third

    team rugby from the terraces then please

    send you application to

    [email protected].

    For all the latest match reports and

    photos head over the Big K website


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.kingswoodrfc.co.uk/

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

    Email the editor: [email protected] 14

    The Lost Boy’s

    This feature is one that has always been close to my heart, we take the chance to look back

    at a couple of players who we’ve loved and lost and share a few memories…

    Name: Steve Trevelyan

    Last Seen: 2011

    Last Known Whereabouts: Eating out of

    bins in a drunken stupor somewhere near


    Steve had been with us for quite a while,

    we all remember his drinking and eating

    abilities but most of all we remember him

    for his presence on the pitch. You could

    always count on Steve to make his tackles,

    and yours if you happened to miss them.

    One of my fondest memories of dear old

    Steve was also possibly the last time he

    was seen.

    It was a First XV away game to Bream

    RFC, a vile hell hole deep in the belly of

    Hicksville. As it’s quite a trip the club had

    laid on a coach for the players and

    supporters. Steve hadn’t been seen for

    several months prior to this but had

    miraculously appeared at the rumour of a

    coach trip. He was on strict orders from

    his other half not to get drunk.

    Unfortunately for her Paulo was side-lined

    through injury and before the coach had

    even left the car park Steve was well on

    his way to inebriation. The day

    progressed, the game was played and lost

    and Steve was slipping deeper and deeper

    into an alcohol fuelled stupor.

    Despite the result spirits were high and

    the Bream boys had made the mistake of

    challenging the Big K to one last game

    before we left. This was a game we knew

    we could win, a boat race! We had the

    mighty drinking powers possessed by

    Extra, Jammer, Mark Oakley and a few

    other glutton’s but we were one short.

    From the corner there rose a slumbering

    giant, somewhere in his sub-conscious

    Steve Trevelyan had heard the summons

    of a boat race and took up the position of

    rear gunner. Needless to say the Big K

    were triumphant, Steve had already

    finished his pint before Bream had

    reached their fourth man.

    Feeling recharged from his power nap and

    with the adrenaline of battle coursing

    through his alcohol system Steve picked

    up where he left off, drinking. By the

    time the coach had arrived back at

    Kingswood Steve could barely walk.

    Legend has it that he even carried on into

    town that night.

    If you have seen or know any information

    regarding the where-a-bouts of Steve

    Trevelyan then please get in contact with


  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

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    Name: Matt Davies (Special)

    Last Seen: Haunting the Big K

    Last Known Whereabouts: Setting up an

    Emu farm in Edinburgh

    Matt Davies, or Special as his known, is

    the second subject of our Lost Boy’s

    feature. He had played rugby most of his

    life for the Little K but at the age of

    sixteen decided to come and join the Big

    K. He was an instant hit, a likable chap

    with the playing abilities of Bobby

    Boucher (The Waterboy). He even made

    the same noises when he tackled. I will

    share with you the story of how he came

    to be known as Special, and later as Ant’s


    It was the tour of 2002 and the Big K

    were off to Portugal. This being Specials

    first season and first tour with the club

    he was a Virgin. A great alliance of Virgins

    was formed that year known only as T-

    Unit and included other Lost Boy’s such as

    Matt Bryan (Gollum) and Sam Massey.

    Special was always game for a laugh and

    carried out any instruction given to him.

    Through his actions he had made a bit of

    a name for himself as someone who would

    most definitely not be asked to join


    On the second day of tour just as

    everyone was boarding the coach to travel

    to their fixture it was announced that the

    game had been cancelled as the pitch was

    being used for a horse gymkhana. Much to

    Specials delight the rest of the day could

    be spent drinking, he threw his kitbag into

    the hotel lobby and ran off down the

    street laughing and giggling like a little


    Come early evening it was decided that

    most of the touring party would have a

    slap up meal in the ‘Penny Lane’ restaurant

    opposite the hotel. A five foot chef

    statue was later found floating in the pool

    hotel but that’s a story for another day.

    Nick Cooper had taken a keen interest in

    Specials IQ and asked the barmaid for a

    colouring pack for his learning impaired

    friend. Unable to contain his excitement

    and no longer able to wait for his meal

    Special devoured a hole pack of crayons

    prompting Nick Cooper to point out that

    he was indeed rather ‘Special’, and so the

    name stuck.

    Due to a chocolate gene, that appears to

    be hereditary in his family, Special was

    out injured more often than he played. In

    his years long absence his younger

    brother started playing and suffering

    from the same learning impairment

    became known as Extra, short for Extra

    Special. Due to his brothers long absence

    Extra became the special one

    representing the club in many a special

    Olympic, thus demoting the original

    Special to be known only as Ant’s Brother.

    Special has been the centre of several

    scandals and rumours with one of the

    latest being that he had passed away. It

    is said that you can still see him

    wandering the field of dreams and

    haunting the Big K. Some people even

    claimed to have seen him at the New

    Year’s Eve party. Was it a premonition or

    is he really alive. Only a permanent return

    to the Big K on Saturdays will confirm his


  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

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    Junior Match Reports

    Under 11’s Match Reports

    There are no new Under 11 match reports.


    Sunday 13th January 2013

    Kingswood 49 – 15 Broad Plain

    Sunday 27th January 2013

    Kingswood 0 – 68 Wells

    Under 10’s Match Reports


    No results available

    The Kingswood Knights Under 10’s are

    looking for a match reported so if you are

    a parent or sibling or just want to try

    your hand at journalism then please let us

    know and we can add your match day

    reports to the magazine and website

    Under 9’s Match Reports

    There are no new Under 9 match reports.


    Sunday 27th January

    Kingswood 20 – 40 Wells

    Under 8’s Match Reports

    There are no new Under 8 match reports.


    Sunday 27th January

    Kingswood 11 – 16 Wells

    Under 7’s Match Reports

    Sunday 27th January

    Kingswood 11 – 11 Wells

    What a fabulous day for the Knights first

    home game – We had warm sunshine, a

    local MP, a fantastic turnout, plenty of

    mud and a glorious rainbow after the

    torrential downpour!

    Our visitors arrived from Wells with their

    team and although a little short on

    players, the Knights volunteered to make

    up their numbers for the game to go


    There were tough under foot conditions

    today, however, this did not hinder the

    team’s ability to run in some good try’s.

    Two games went ahead, with the Knights

    swapping players over after approximately

    ten minutes, to give each of the team

    members a chance of play. Wells and the

    Knights were well matched.

    Wells had a good defensive line which at

    times, hard to break but with some really

    good passages of play, the Knights were

    able to cross the try line a number of

    times. The defensive line held up to

    prolonged attacks from the home team

    but the Knights at times, found it

    difficult to turn the ball over. Wells were

    a much stronger team than when we

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

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    played them back in November and this

    really showed today.

    Both these games were well contested and

    it was only down to a couple of

    misjudgements and handling errors (more

    than likely down to the mud!) that ended

    the game on a draw. The teams were well

    matched in defence and attack given the

    very trying conditions, both games ended

    on a draw with an aggregated score of 11


    Fair play to both the teams, given the

    extremely muddy conditions and erratic

    weather, they all had great fun and

    enthusiasm the whole time.

    Try Scorers were:-

    Alfie Rossiter – 1, Thomas Cottrell – 3,

    Haydn Vince – 1, Alex Harvey – 1, Noah

    May – 1, Finlay Henderson Barr – 1, Ethan

    Henderson-Barr -1, Findlay Starkey – 1,

    Molly Bleadon – 1

    Man of the Match was awarded

    to Thomas Cotterell for his all-round

    performance and running some fantastic


    Golden Ball was awarded to Daniel

    Jones for consistency in his performance

    over the last few weeks.

    Well done Knights, a fantastic result!

    Again an appreciative thank you to the

    parents and supporters for Knights

    under7’s which has continued to be

    extremely strong.

    Sunday 6th January

    Kingswood 7 – 10 Old Reds

    Welcome back everyone to our first game

    of 2013 away to Old Reds at Brislington.

    The biggest turn out so far on a Sunday

    morning with 22 players eager to burn off

    all the Christmas chocolate!

    The coaches came with a plan, arrived

    organised and ready to drive the team.

    Un-like previous weeks, players were

    separated with one team playing, the

    other training on an adjoining pitch and

    changing over at half time. This gave all

    the players a chance to play three

    quarters of a game.

    With Red’s team being under strength the

    Knights loaned the Reds a player for the

    game to go ahead , a massive thank you

    to Enan Jones for volunteering and for

    his strong all round performance , that

    lead to a couple of great tries. The Reds

    and Knights were well matched on the day

    with only a couple of tries being between

    the teams in the end. The Reds had a good

    defensive line which was hard to break

    but with some good passages of play the

    Knights were able to cross the try line a

    number of times. The defensive line held

    up to prolonged attacks from the home

    team but the Knights found it difficult to

    turn the ball over. Both these games were

    well contested and it was only down to a

    couple of misjudgements and handling

    errors that separated the teams at the


    An appreciative thank you to the parents

    and supporters for Knights under7’s which

    has not waivered this season even now the

    cold, wet weather as appeared.

    Try Scorers were:-

    Charlie Cooke -2 Ethan Henderson-Barr -1

    Haydn Vince-1 Callum McConville-3

    The Man of the Match was awarded

    to Finlay Henderson-Barr for his all-

    round performance and running some

    fantastic try’s.

    The Golden Ball was awarded to Luke

    Harris for huge improvement in his


    Micros Summary

    If anyone involved with the smallest

    members of the Big K would like to submit

    a write up each issue about the progress

    of the micro section please contact us at

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

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    The Tale of the Hungry Goose

    Director of Rugby, Paul Meaden, talks about player recruitment and attrition…

    Feed ME

    Recruitment of new players in the senior

    section of our club has always been a

    labour of love. Our target demographic is

    naturally defined by three main factors.

    Firstly, our position in the league

    hierarchy is effectively a glass ceiling to

    attract ambitious First XV players.

    Secondly, the perception of KRFC as a

    socially welcoming rugby club is the

    benchmark against which workaday “Club”

    players and novices will join. Finally, the

    quality of our facilities will underpin the

    decision of every potential recruit.

    In my opinion, the second factor has

    yielded by far the most success over the

    years. KRFC’s proud boast is our “One

    Club” philosophy. We are an aggressively

    egalitarian fraternity where no cliques

    exist, every member’s voice carries equal

    weight, beer is cheap and friends are

    dear. This is obviously a fantastic story to

    sell, and will of course attract the type of

    members who would flourish at KRFC.

    While this provides the lifeblood of our

    club (and long may it continue),

    unfortunately, with the odd exception, it

    does not furnish us with a regular supply

    of hungry and talented First XV players

    who will put their shoulder to the wheel,

    win games, gain promotion and

    consequently raise our glass ceiling. In

    fact the opposite is true. Our very best

    players tend to migrate to clubs with a

    loftier league status. It’s classic Catch-


    However, above said, this season has been

    particularly hard work. We have

    desperately scrambled for numbers. We

    have fielded upward of 80 (eighty)

    different players this season, yet on any

    given Saturday, we struggle to find 45

    players to fulfil three fixtures! How does

    that happen? It could be a symptom of

    apathy, but I prefer to think of it as an

    assumption that KRFC is an avuncular

    Goose that will continue to lay Golden

    Eggs for members to collect whenever

    they fancy. Well the Goose is hungry and

    will refuse to lay Eggs if it is not

    sustained. We, as a membership, have an

    obligation to sustain the Goose. This is

    not a unique problem for us, but is worse

    now than I can remember. I really feel

    for the skippers, particularly when

    mountains are constructed from molehills,

    and those people who do the most work

    are encumbered with an avalanche of

    criticism, yet still expected to keep their

    own morale high.

    So we are in new territory. We have

    always struggled in terms of First XV

    League status. (Over the years we have

    predominantly bobbed between

    Gloucester Leagues One and Two, with

    the occasional flirtation with League

    Three. At time of writing we are eight

    leagues below Leicester Tigers and five

    Leagues below Dings Crusaders.) But we

    have always been strong in terms of

    quantity of players, and have consistently

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

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    fielded three senior teams where other

    clubs have years-since jettisoned their

    third teams. In some cases, even their

    second teams! As things stand, we will

    have to decide whether to seek Third XV

    fixtures for next season or lose our Third

    team altogether. This is an appalling

    situation and needs to be rectified!

    As Director of Rugby, part of my role is

    to own and execute the recruitment

    strategy for KRFC. Given the situation I

    have explained above, the priority is to

    “Sustain the Goose” and to ensure we do

    not lose our Third XV, while not dropping

    the ball to improve our First XV League

    status. To this end, we need a little

    lateral thinking for player recruitment

    which extends beyond the standard

    advert in the Evening Post (which in my

    experience never yields results).

    I have always believed that rugby tends,

    and likes, to wrap itself in a mythological

    blanket. We all like to sit in the office on

    a Monday morning and bask in our glory as

    a rugby gladiator, maybe sporting a black-

    eye or exaggerating a dead-leg, while our

    non rugby-playing colleagues look on

    incredulously, shaking their heads in

    disbelief that we could be so cavalier and

    heroic. The ubiquity of this perception is

    a great ego boost and all part of the fun,

    but I think it creates a false impression

    of what it actually takes to play a game of

    rugby. It makes people wary, and

    engenders in them a “No Way Jose”

    attitude when invited to participate.

    Those of us who have played a bit of

    Third XV rugby know you don’t have to be

    as hard as Richie McCaw, as skilful as

    Frederic Michelak or as fit and strong as

    James Haskell. In fact, if you have played

    with Cainesy, you’ll know that to own those

    attributes sets strenuous expectations,

    so he has made a successful career by

    actively avoiding them.

    My idea is to define a demography from

    which to recruit, which is targeted more

    towards younger lads who are either

    rugby novices (maybe played a bit at

    school), to older lads who have played

    before and drifted away from the game

    and finally to lads who are sports minded,

    but maybe play a different sport – e.g.

    Sunday morning football or 5-a-side. You

    get the idea. The means to recruit them is

    where the lateral thinking applies. My

    approach is to de-mystify rugby, and

    break down the barriers. I intend to

    create a Recruitment Pamphlet which

    deconstructs the legend and makes people

    believe that rugby is accessible, not

    prohibitively dangerous and has the

    potential to change their life. If my

    message is still not clear – see the

    following myth-busters.

    You do not have to be physically big to

    play rugby.

    You do not have to be physically

    strong to play rugby.

    You do not have to be able to run fast

    to play rugby.

    You do not need to be particularly

    courageous to play rugby.

    You do not need terrific general

    sporting skills to play rugby.

    Rugby is not the preserve of the

    young. Our 3rd team captain is 59!

    While injuries are a natural hazard,

    they are no more prevalent in rugby

    than any other sport.

    “Local” rugby caters for all abilities.

    KRFC has some very good players and

    some less accomplished players.

    KRFC runs three senior (adult) teams.

    KRFC has a “One Club” inclusion policy.

    This means that every member,

    irrespective of their playing ability, is

    actively treated as an equal within the

    club. Elitism is not tolerated.

    Rugby is a great way to get fit.

    You play one game of rugby and you

    immediately have 14 new mates.

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    By joining KRFC, new Kingswood

    residents can quickly integrate into

    the community.

    Membership of KRFC can Increase

    your network of business associates.

    KRFC has members from all trades

    and professions.

    Rich Caines and I will be spearheading the

    recruitment campaign, but we need your

    assistance. Our target audience is roughly

    18-30 year-old males, ideally sports

    minded who live within a 2 mile radius of

    the club. We think we can find these

    people in gyms, pubs and clubs, in the

    workplace, in further education institutes,

    at home and via social networks. We are

    looking for members to volunteer to be

    KRFC Ambassadors who can distribute our

    Pamphlet in their workplace or college,

    and who are prepared to act as the local

    contact and entry point into KRFC. We will

    also organize a few evenings where we

    travel en-masse through hostelries in our

    catchment, distributing Pamphlets, talking

    to groups of lads to let them know about

    us, and maybe even having the odd beer or

    two. This is not a big commitment. If you

    would like to be a KRFC Ambassador in

    your gym or your place of work etc.,

    please contact Rich Caines or me. It is

    time to let The Goose Feed.


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    Pipe and Slippers

    Pipe and Slippers features letters, tweets, posts and emails

    submitted by you, the reader. If you want to have your say on

    any subject or just want to submit a joke then send your

    entry to the following. Facebook:

    facebook.com/KingswoodRFC, Twitter: @kingswoodrfc, Email:

    [email protected]: Snail Mail: Kingswood RFC,

    Grimsbury Road Playing Fields, Grimsbury Road, Kingswood,

    Bristol, BS15 9RA

    As our colouring competition kicked off

    last issue we are pleased to announce

    January’s winning entry. The below

    specimen was submitted by our very own

    Club Captain, who also set up the

    competition, I think something fishy is

    going on here and may have to investigate

    the staff. Anyway, congratulations Nick

    on your wonderful blue and red lion. Editor

    Keep up the good work Nick

    Hi WC? I loved your look alike photo last

    issue and want to submit this little gem

    for you. I see him around quite a lot and

    he really reminds me of someone but I

    can’t put my finger on it. Victoria 22,


    Guess who?

    Thank you for your submission Victoria, I

    know what you mean when you say he looks

    familiar. I’m sure I’ve seen him around as

    well, always wearing a yellow t-shirt, but

    like you I can’t quite put my finger on who

    he reminds me of. Send you guesses to

    [email protected]. Editor

    http://www.facebook.com/KingswoodRFCmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    If you are under 18 and in full time

    education then you can get a free gum

    shield. The nice people at Lodge Causeway

    Dental Centre are offering free gum

    shields (also known as sports guards) to

    under 18's in full time education. Please

    see the posters around the club for more

    details or call Kath or Emma on 0117

    9586878. This kind offer is time limited

    so hurry up and book your appointment.


    Hi WC? its me, Chairman, Ian Kirley. As

    the Six Nations is approaching I just

    wanted to let you know that ESPN are

    running a fantasy rugby league on their

    website. I’ve set up a private league so

    can you let everyone know to go and join in

    the competitive fun. Ian, 30 Kingswood

    Well hello there Mr Chairman, it’s lovely

    to hear from you and yes of course we will

    let everyone know. You can find the

    fantasy rugby at

    http://espnscrum.fantasyleague.com/, the

    private league is called ‘The Big K’,

    obviously, and the pin to join is 24765 so

    come on people, join the fun. Editor

    If you’re looking to buy some England kit

    to celebrate the Six Nations then head

    over to the Big K shop as we are now

    stocking England playing shirts and

    England branded items. Visit the website

    or get to the shop through Facebook. The

    club will of course be open for all of the

    Six Nations games. Editor


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    Moving Picture Box

    Mike Oakley gives you his opinion and reviews of something that he has seen on the ‘Moving

    Picture Box’…

    This week on the Moving Picture Box I

    would like to tell you about ‘I’m A

    Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! Now’. I

    haven’t watched this program for a few

    years but this year something peeked my

    interest in the advertisement. Most of

    you would have seen (if not bought) the

    naked calendar the Big K produced last

    year to raise money for ‘Help for Heroes’,

    well, I didn’t realise that the people that

    had bared all for the calendar now had

    “celebrity” status, this was all about to


    There I was sat at home after a hard day

    at work, I switched on the moving picture

    box to watch an Edumakashunal program

    called Pointless Celebrities (which is a

    great name for a show and I wonder if the

    “celebs” can see the irony) but before I

    could turn over the advert came on for

    ‘I’m A Celebrity’ and up popped our very

    own stud muffin, Lewis “Goose” Voisey,

    one of the stars of our naked calendar,

    under the pseudonym of Fatima


    Goose shoots to

    fame in Big K naked


    I couldn’t believe my eyes, one of our own

    had made it as a Z list celeb. After seeing

    that, there was no way I could stop

    myself from watching this year’s ‘I’m A

    Celeb’ and support my mate “Fatima” in his

    quest to become King of the jungle, but it

    just wasn’t meant to be. ”Fatima” finished

    a credible third in the competition and

    even had a cockroach (that looked

    suspiciously like Ben Phillips) stuck up his

    nostril that had to be flushed out!

    So, which show will one of our calendar

    stars turn up on next? Will we see Joe

    Jones Griffiths appear on ‘Dancing On

    Ice’? Or will we see Ian Kirley on Britain’s

    Got Talent? Who knows, who really cares!

    Goose enjoying his time in the jungle as a minor


    This has been the Moving Picture Box; I’m

    A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of


  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

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    Upcoming Events

    Make sure you put the dates in your diary for all these upcoming events

    Senior Tour

    As a reminder to those members touring

    this year the remainder of the £250 is

    due by February 16th.

    6 Nations Date: Saturday 2nd February 2013

    Time: 16:00

    England V’s Scotland

    6 Nations Date: Saturday 10th February 2013

    Time: 16:00

    Ireland V’s England

    6 Nations Date: Saturday 23rd February 2013

    Time: 16:00

    England V’s France

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

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    So Long, Farewell, Aufedersein, Goodbye

    Firstly I would like to take this

    opportunity to thank all those who

    supported the New Year’s Eve event and

    made it an enjoyable night. We had great

    takings over the bar and as we all know its

    money over the bar that keeps us running.

    Let’s hope we get the same level of

    support for any future events that the

    club works hard to provide. I would also

    like to say a big thank you to Jackie

    Brimble who spent the whole day of New

    Year’s Eve stuck in the tiny kitchen at the

    Big K preparing the banquet that all the

    guests were treated to, so once again

    thank you for your help Jackie.

    It’s been another challenging month for

    the Big K in both the seniors and juniors,

    we missed a game or two due to the

    weather and again we haven’t quite found

    our form yet. Things may be about to

    change as we have had an influx of new

    players. Although they haven’t earned

    their blue and poo stripes yet they can

    only help to bolster the teams. With

    fifteen of them signing on to play this will

    help ensure that we maintain our third XV

    and can fulfil our fixtures every week.

    There might even be a couple of them

    that can actually play rugby which will

    help add strength to all three teams. Let’s

    make sure they all feel welcome and

    become fully integrated members of the

    Big K. If you catch any of them in yellow

    and green make sure you point them in the

    direction of the club shop where they can

    pack their kit bags out with blue and poo


    We also have a new sponsor at the club.

    Some of you may remember them from

    sponsoring Bristol Rovers but as their

    business has grown they have felt the

    need to invest money into a club with a

    bright future, playing their sport at a

    competitive level. Apparently the Blue

    Square Premier League wasn’t that

    appealing. So we’d like to say a big thank

    you to Dean at Smart computers in

    Kingswood for sponsoring the club with a

    spanking new laptop.

    On Sunday the 27th our local MP Chris

    Skidmore gave up his own time to come

    and take a look at what the Big K was all

    about. As he arrived he was met with the

    sight of hundreds of juniors swarming

    around the grounds and the club bursting

    at the seams. This was a prime

    opportunity to display to our local MP the

    work that Deejé and his team are doing

    for the community and the junior section

    whilst displaying the constraints of our

    facilities. Thank you to all who attended

    and those that helped with the organising,

    hopefully this will open new avenues for

    the club and show everyone what a pillar

    of the community we have become.

    On a sadder note the club have had to

    increase the bar prices. We have

    absorbed the last three increases to

    make sure your drinking stays cheap, but

    the brewery has again increased their

    prices. To ensure the club is not making a

    loss we have had to pass this charge on.

    Prices have gone up across the board but

    even with this increase we are still

    cheaper than any other rugby club in the

    area, not to mention the pubs. Thank you

    in advance for your understanding and

    continued support.

    Thank you and good night, much love

    The Editor

  • February 2013 Why Chocolate? – KRFC Magazine – Rev002 Price: £1.50

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    Why Chocolate?KontentsClub Captains Colouring CompetitionSenior Player ProfileThe Directors CutDid You Know?Junior Player ProfileSenior Match Reports1st XV Match Reports2nd XV Match Reports3rd XV Match Reports

    The Lost Boy’sJunior Match ReportsUnder 11’s Match ReportsUnder 10’s Match ReportsUnder 9’s Match ReportsUnder 8’s Match ReportsUnder 7’s Match ReportsMicros Summary

    Pipe and SlippersMoving Picture BoxUpcoming EventsSo Long, Farewell, Aufedersein, Goodbye