Revelations Tarot

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Zach Wong

Revelations Tarot

Llewellyn 2005

Adflatus Tarot (Adflatus, Latin for breath or inspiration).The Revelations Tarot has illuminated artwork with a swirling effect reminiscent of stained glass. Its art is also double-ended, with an upright and reversed image merging in the center of the card.

:: MAJOR ARCANA ::The Major Arcana has always been to me a story of the journey of the fool through stages in his/her life. The fool is the child or the inner child who has yet to experience the world and grow. The fool faces different trials and experiences through out the major arcana, only to come back to the beginning again to embark on the journey again. This endless journey occurs in life on a micro scale as well as on an overall one.

The cards are drawn in the style similar to stained glass. Iconic images representing a lesson to be learned, a being to be studied or a situation depicted. Each character in the major arcana wears a "mask" over their face, depicted by the lines, which break each face down to sections. The mask is merely a representation of a "human" relation, similar to that of the mythical gods who stand in human from amongst us to ease our comprehension of the messages they deliver.The Fool

[intepretation]He is a free spirit without worry, full of optimism while embarking on a new journey. He sees the world with fresh new eyes and which are unconventional and lateral in thought

[reversed]He is cautious before he leaps for he worries about the risks involved. He ponders his movements and takes things slowly.

[symbols+images]The butterfly represents the chasing of the childlike dream.The baby in the rose demarks the innocence of the beginning of a journey.The mountains in the background are symbols of the height of knowledge the fool has yet to climb to.

The moon represents the subconscious, which is linked to intuition and the unknown.The float/flying people in the background represent caution throwing in/by the wind, loss of control and uncertainty.The canyon like background represents the erosion of the mind through the wearing of time and doubt.The Magician

[intepretation]He brings together all elements as he is the catalyst of for all. He is the energy, which drives, the one who sparks interest. He is charming, he is witty and he is at home with the world around him.

[reversed]Outside forces hold him back. He is unable to channel his energy. He is distracted or blinded by other things.

[symbols+images]The dove represents the freedom of creation, which can come from within.The hands in the background are representation of outside forces, which control and affect the paths and choices the magician takes. The upside had is open with palm facing towards the sky - expression release, the release of self. The hand on the reverse represents an expression of constriction and control - holding the magician back from his full potential.

The staves of the magicians contrast between the control one has over the energies in their lives. The upside magician utilizes a stiff and straight staff, a representation of the sureness of his direction and conviction of his power. The reversed malician

The High Priestess

[intepretation]She patiently waits for things to unravel. She is in control of all things in her life. While the world around her moves in constant motion, she stands firm in her ground of logic and intuition to guide her through.

[reversed]Things are hidden behind masks. More things lie beneath the facades and superficial appearances of the situation. Be aware and be ready to take the time to unravel the mysteries.

[symbols+images]The priestess has no real body illustrated but the continual unraveling and wrapping of a ribbon cloth define her from. This illustrates that great power that she holds in the controlling of the elements around her to create both a presence and a mystery.The scroll in her hand represents the knowledge she holds firmly in her grasp. It remains a secret and is read only by her and her kind.The moon represents the triad of womanhood, the girl, the woman and the crone. The images of pomegranates and shapes in the back herald fertility and the issues relating to the core of her womanhood.The Empress

[intepretation]She is mother of all things. She nurtures all within her grasp with her generous giving nature and her over abundance of joy. She brims full of life and life revolves around her.

[reversed]She is lost in the wilderness of despair. The joys of life escape her. She runs away from love and hides in the mountains and rock faces of loneliness.

[symbols+images]The warmth of the sun and the golden fields of wheat and grain indicate growth that surrounds her.The background shows a waterfall cascading from a lush forest illustrating the gift of life flowing through nature. This water changes the path of life and erodes away at things of old. The flow of water represents change, which comes from the continual flow of life.The warm hues add to the radiating beauty of the empress's kindness and joy as she basks in the glory of the sun.Moon is in her background representing her connection with the symbol of womanhood. Stars crown her head for she is the mythological Ishtar/Eoster.The world represents nature, which sits in her lap. She lays it under her bosom, for she is the mother of nature - she is Mother Nature.

The dark purples and blues of the reversed side help mask the desolate background of her anguish.The rain lines indicate a veil, which clouds her path to happiness. Nature has turned against her and she tries to seek refuge in the cover from life.Her face is craved by the anguish of her tears and sorrow.The Emperor

[intepretation]He is the ruler of all. He holds power effortlessly in his hands. He commands. He controls. He dominates.

[reversed]Others are in control. He is but a puppet in play - he has no say.

[symbols+images]Aries is his ruling sign. He is the ambitious leader, the instigator of all things new. He is dominant and is war-like in his leadership. The Ram adorns his shoulder dress armor, it adorns his throne.Purple, the colour of royalty, is lavishly used to affirm his position.The city in the background is mirrored by the mountains on either side showing his dominance over both issues of man and of nature. There is no mountain too high he cannot control, nor is that no city to wide for him to reign over.He holds an Ankh in his hands - the Egyptian symbol for life, of which he rules over.The moon contrasts the empress who basks in the sun. Here the moon is nothing more than a source of light.

The strings, which control him in the reverse, are illuminated to represent that they are invisible. He is one of many who are controlled by a higher power.Here the reversed emperor is the powerless. His stare is blank and soulless.The Heirophant

[intepretation]He is the maker and follower of rules. He is a man of routine. He has his processes, his plans, and his routines. He helps all that he can through structured guidance. He is removed from his surroundings.

[reversed]He is unorthodox. He marches to a different tune. Guides the way, but through an unconventional path. He is at one with his surroundings.

[symbols+images]The symbols of the staff and the keys relate to the pope and the structure associated with organised religion.The symbol of Taurus is formed between the keys - the sign of Taurus represents the house of materialism, worldly possessions, and security.His fingers point up, drawing attention to a high power and the teachings, which come from above.He is adorned in the symbolic luxury of the church - the golden headdress, the purple robes. The background is floating montage of stain glass. Both these images reinforce the structure and rigidity, which accompany years of tradition of the church.

The druid like man on the reverse is points to the side, indicating the idea of the "other" or all around as a source of knowledge.He wears robes coloured of clay and of earthen tones, drawing association to his relationship with the earth.The background has a faint mosaic formation of a pentagram - reflecting the teachings of paganistic/unorthodoxed traditions.He does not look directly at us, instead to the side encouraging to find our own paths instead of following his own.The Lovers

[intepretation]Together through the guidance of and angel, the lovers find their souls entwining as they look into each other's eyes

[reversed]The pleasures of the flesh are to be enjoyed through the passion, which often accompanies love.'

[symbols+images]The angel of love brings together two lovers under his protective wings to foster a relationship, which transcends the physical nature of the body. They represent the twins in Gemini. Being children of the air, they deal with issues of the mind more than the body.Roses fall all around them in this blessed union reinforcing the notions of romance and of love.

The reversed finds two lovers entangled in a moment of lust - which only indulges in the pleasures of the flesh. The winged creature in the backdrop is a deviled seductress. She represents the exploration of fantasies such the masks in role-playing or the temptations associated with affairs and adultery.The Chariot

[intepretation]He wins the race after traveling far and wide to achieve his goals. The crowd behind him roars as the scale his accomplishment reaches new highs.

[reversed]He focus and drive has taken him to the state of uncontrollable obsession. His ambition has driven him to rage and abuse of position and power. He only sees the finish line and will stop at nothing till he gets there.

[symbols+images]Crab on the shield represents the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. The card indicates a victory felt through emotion. The seahorses also add to the layer of being a water card.The city in the background represents the monumental achievement, which the rider of the chariot has won.His face is not one of immense joy or elation for he knows that he has struggled far to reach this point. He deserves this victory.

The intensity and the speed that the driver shows through his face, and his clenching fists indicate the rage of an obsessed individual. He only leaves a path of destruction behind him both in the physical and emotional sense.The sea dragons that he rides frantically drag his chariot in a haphazard manner - they hurl him uncontrollably to his destined path.The bottles of wine in the background warn a leaning towards substance abuse in coping with such highly stressful situations.Strength

[intepretation]She is calm in knowing that it is her courage and gentle nature, which will overrule the ferocity of the lion. Within her comes the strength that will triumph over all.

[reversed]Courage has deserted her. She cries in despair and fear for herself.

[symbols+images]The lion represents Leo, a sign of generosity, loyalty and reliability.The greens represent the richness of nature that the card is grounded in. The lady not only conquers the lion, but a lion of the wild.The stained glass and large wooden door draw from spiritual aspect of the card - on of finding inner strength.

The reversed lady has lost all strength and dwells in fear and sorrow.The thorns, dried up vegetation and a dark forest in the background represents the arid nature of the loss of strength.The Hermit

[intepretation]He resides in the darkness of solitude. He finds comfort in his reflection. The only light, which guides his path, is the brilliance of his lantern.

[reversed]He runs away from everything. He turns away from life. He must retreat for his own good.

[symbols+images]The druids in the card represent knowledge and traditions of old.The hermit finds himself alone in a mountainous area, signifying the quest for knowledge which one has to take alone. These are the same mountains, which can be found in the fool.The Star of David illuminates the path - for the up side hermit, representing the use of knowledge and wisdom to illuminate his long journey ahead.The image of the clock denotes the passing of time and the importance, which it plays in the meaning of the card. In this case, the clock has no hands indicating that time is at a stand still or of no movement.The snakes that coil around his staff represent his knowledge of medicinal remedies.The Wheel Of Fortune

[intepretation]The wheel of fortune spins in the direction of good fortune and luck.

[reversed]The universe hands you out a dish of bad luck - careful not to ask for seconds.

[symbols+images]Once again the Ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life is held in the hands of the spinner of the wheel. The card deals with issues of the circle/cycle of life and the constant motion. Here the holder of the Ankh is happy for the good fortune that life has presented to him.The actual wheel is adorned with the letters TARO and the Hebrew letters of Yod, Heh, Vav, and Heh - unpronounceable consonants that made God's "true" name unpronounceable. The wheel also houses the head of the jackal, representing Anubis, the son of Set and the guide to souls of the underworld. While the snake represents Set himself as the god of Evil.The strong symbols within the wheel are contrasted with the symbols of the cycle of life outside the wheel - the Angel (Spring), the Lion (Summer), the Bull (Autumn) and the Eagle (Winter).

On the reverse side of the spinner of the wheel is defiant and struggling to gain control of the wheel. The universe has dealt him a bad run of luck and he vainly tries to spin the wheel in hope for better luck.Justice

[intepretation]Legal matters will eventuate in a positive light. Balance will be reached.

[reversed]Legal matters will be slow, there will be delays. Imbalance will play against you.

[symbols+images]The dominant sign of the card is the Libra scales - symbolizing balance and partnerships.The sword of justice indicates dealing with issues of the mind.The open eye of the sword implies the third eye of the mind opening to see things that may not be apparent.The men in the background posing in the manner of Da Vinci's study of proportion and scale of man reinforce the notion of achieving balance within one's mind as well as body.The parchment scrolls and pen relate directly to issues of contracts and agreements - usually dealing with legal matters.

The eye of the sword is closed and the mind's eye cannot see past the blindness of justice.The clock implies the passing of time in terms of proceedings. In this case the hands are absent symbolizing the delay in the movement of time.The chain of rings indicates issues relating to partnerships and commitments.The Hanged Man

[intepretation]He takes time from life. He waits patiently as he sacrifices something in the process.

[reversed]He is caught in a trap and is left to hang. His money slips from his pockets and luck has run out. He is a victim of some one else's plan.

[symbols+images]The hourglass on its side denotes the stillness of time. The sands in the glass represent the movement of time determined by the forces of nature - such as gravity. Here even gravity cannot move the sands of time for the glass is suspending sideways.The man in green hags in suspension, he meditates to reach a level of enlightenment. From him head his aura glows as he reaches an understanding.The images in the background indicate sacrifice that one has to take in order to find time to hang and contemplate. On the left side, are images of people blown about the winds of change - symbolizing a loss of control over the situation, which also brings the man to his current state.

The coins falling from the man in blue indicate the loss of material well being. He has hung on for too long to the situation from being selfish and materialistic. The card warns of letting go and un-hanging oneself from their current situation.The red hues of the card warn of danger from outside players in life and forewarns of the grief associated with loss.Death

[intepretation]Kali does her fluid dance. She sings a tune that marks the end.

[reversed]With every end comes a new beginning.

[symbols+images]The skull, the black lotus and the scythe are all icons associated with death.Kali is the goddess of death in Hindu traditions.

The baby amongst the bloodied tendrils show that even from dramatic change can blossom some new hope.Temperance

[intepretation]Effortlessly the angel brings a balance between air, water and fire.

[reversed]The elements work against the angel as conflict comes from within.

[symbols+images]The liquids represent a flow of life or energies - one being that of water, the other of fire.The angels represent an inner spirit, which tries to find synergy and harmony of the elements.The Devil

[intepretation]Material things, pleasures and lust and desire drive him.

[reversed]He abuses his power. He is trapped by the lure of money. He only cares for the fulfillment of his own desires.

[symbols+images]The devil is drawn as a well-dressed charmer here to indicate the power of illusion.The background and foreground show the trappings of material things, which keep him occupied.

The golden wheel in the foreground show two people tied up in bondage indicating sexual fantasies and role-playing. The devil plays towards the pleasures enjoyed by the flesh whether it be from pain or from tenderness.

The background on the reverse side is highlighted by a flash of lightning which plays towards the notion of abuse of power - which may lead to sudden destruction of those material things, which are held precious.The Tower

[intepretation]There is a change in the wind, which will bring forth new beginnings.

[reversed]A tornado is about to tear everything apart and nothing in it's path will be the same.

[symbols+images]The tower is composed of panels and sheets representing the multiple elements that when brought together can create a larger structure. But just as easily as how one item is constructed in parts, it can be deconstructed in parts too.The upside of the card shows that the tower construction is in a state of flux - neither forming nor breaking apart. The lightning symbolizes a dramatic surge of energy, which has changed the forces around the tower. Panels fly away from formation burning.

The reversed side illustrates the dramatic destruction of the tower. Lightning has definitely broken through and there will no longer be any tower. Change, and a destructive on at it, seems inevitable.

The Star

[intepretation]She oozes with hope and balance inward and outwards. She embodies the giver of hope in our lives.

[reversed]She turns her back on the world for she has lost all hope. She cannot give what she does not have within herself.

[symbols+images]The concept of the Aquarian water bearer being the giver of life plays a symbolic role in the card. The sign of Aquarius also is one of air, and not water, dealing with matters of the mind and thought. The card plays towards the hope one can have in their mind and not necessarily in their heart.The stars illuminate around her and serve a metaphor for dreams and hope which we look towards to. They number 8 - the sister to the card of Strength.The doves in flight around her represent the freedom we feel inside when we are released from the troubles of life. She is also not dressed in any robes but is bare, only with her own hair to comfort her. She is not trapped by any material possessions or wants to.

There is only a dramatic swell of red around her representing an inner loss of hope. The loss frustrates her to a point of anger but she can only show grief. The showing of the back is a symbolic one of turning away or shutting out the world outside. Her posture lends towards her sorrow as she burdens the weight of her misery.The Moon

[intepretation]The birth of illusions, dreams and psychic inspirations

[reversed]A collection of delusions, nightmares, dementia and mental suffering.

[symbols+images]The pair of fish, Pieces leans towards notion of the unconscious. The card is a highly emotive card, being water and lends itself to the effects, which dreams and nightmares play in the mind.The fairies by the moonlit garden play towards positive fantasies of gentle and beautiful dreams or images, which stir the imagination in a positive light. These dreams bring colour and hope to daily living.

The darker notion of mermaids drowning sailors in the depths of the oceans water reflects upon the destructive nature of delusions and nightmares and the outcomes of blind faith in following them.The Sun

[intepretation]The sun shines the path of life towards happiness and good tidings. They are happy within and with the current situation.

[reversed]The pursuit of happiness can lead delays or even failure. Be weary of flying too close to the sun for the risk of being burnt.

[symbols+images]Happiness and fulfillment can be derived from the radiance of the sun.The children playing in the background heralds the possibility of new beginnings and childbirthThe sunflowers in full bloom indicate a fruition of projects and growth.The sign of Leo, which embodies warmth, comfort, and caring of the soul rule the card. The image of the lion can be found in the banner flag, which flies in the background.On the same flag also rides a white stallion, which symbolizes the purity of energy, which comes from being free and happy.

The cherubs in the sky fly too closely to the sun in a pursuit of happiness. They are blinded by the light, fatigued by the heat and burnt by the radiation.Judgement

[intepretation]Hear the trumpets calling - heed the blaring sounds. Answer the call of the awakening sounds of the universe.

[reversed]The deafening sounds cannot be avoided, the constant beckoning cannot be ignored.

[symbols+images]The angel of judgment represents the call from a higher source. A choir of angels accompanies the sound of the trumpet. The message is of a life after death.The man in the middle opens his arms wide to accept this new stage in his (after)life. He is naked, as all beings are born and as they shall die.

The angel blares his call but the man covers his ears to hide from the sound. The choirs of angels sing in vain. The man does not want to move on from the grave of his fate.The World

[intepretation]Things will come around a full circle

[reversed]There is a bumpy road along the journey of the circle

[symbols+images]The World card is very similar to the Wheel of Fortune as it plays on the theme of things coming to full circles and of completion. The two dancers hold on to two wands (for balance of the element of creation, fire) - each flying a purple flag (the colour of divinity) and dance upon the serpent, which represents the world.

Surrounding the wreath of laurel leaves, are once again the four symbolic representations of the seasons and the elements: the lion head for summer and fire; the bull head for autumn and earth, the angel head for spring and air; and the eagle head for winter and water.

The deep blues and purples of the background blends into the darkness of space, where stars shine the brightness. This is the world set within the universe - where everything begins and end, a full circle.:: THE MINOR ARCANA ::The minor arcana represent the lesser lessons, which can be learned from the Major Arcana. In the deck, the suits are broken up into 4 different themes, which are reflective of the element, which the suit is aligned with.

The suit of wands is associated with the element of fire, intuition, magic, the powers of creation and matters of the soul. The characters in the suit are magicians, warriors, sages and opulent individuals. They embody the use of magic in daily life. With their staves or wands, they move to create or fight.

The suit of swords is associated with the element of air, thought, intelligence, mentality and matters of the mind. The characters of the suit are warriors, highly ornate and decorated, firm and serious. They embody the logic and sensibility, which can only be found in those who remove themselves from the burdens of emotion. With their swords the cut through life as well as protect themselves.

The suit of cups is associated with the element of water, emotions and matters of the heart. The characters of the suit are mer-people of the oceans and seas. They embody the freedom of movement and restraint of life on the land and the fantastical luxury of living life for the pleasures it presents. With their cups, they swim through the oceans of life searching for contents to fill their vessels with.

The suit of pentacles is associated with the element of earth, the sensations of touch, sight, sound and taste, physical pleasures and the matters of the body. The characters of the suit are metallic humanoids that are one with their element. They embody the fruits of the earth: metals, the built environment, material possessions and the ingenuity of creation. With their pentacles they go through life enjoying what the earth has to offer them.

Each number of the suit has their own theme.Ace - basic quality of the suit, new beginnings and raw energy and power.Two - synthesis and balanceThree - full growth and expression of the suitFour - structure & stabilityFive - conflict, loss, changeSix - pivotal pointsSeven - karma, cause & effectEight - balance & movementNine - contentment & completionTen - transcendence

Page - exploration & studyKnight - action & expressionQueen - feminine aspect, creation and appreciationKing - Male aspect of the suit, ultimate energy & power THE SUIT OF CUPS

The suit of emotions and feelingsThe waters of happiness and sorrowMimicked in the worlds belowWhere creatures have no worry for tomorrowAce Of Cups

[intepretation]The cup overflows with emotions of joy, happiness and friendships

[reversed]The contents have spilt as the cup empties. The vessel only represents what there could have been.

[symbols+images]The ornate cup represents the preciousness of the vessel, the holder of water, being the metaphor of emotions. The vessel is much like the body precious in its own right and beautiful to the beholder of the eye - inside it holds the emotions of the being, both good and bad.Two Of Cups

[intepretation]Together they entwine in an understanding of partnership and commitment.

[reversed]They can't see eye to eye and stand to lose everything if they continue this way

[symbols+images]The card has always been viewed as the lesser version of the Major Arcana's Lovers.Here the partnerships seem less about two people being together for love and more for an object or project.The cups symbolize their commitment to be together.In the background a guardian/sentinel watches over their union, representing a higher level or force, which plays a role in forming the partnership.

In the background on the reverse the sentinel has his hands up in the air, appealing to a higher power than itself for sake of the union.The mer-people have their backs to each other and are so caught up in their own pride and ego that they careless for the cup, the symbol of their partnership.Three Of Cups

[intepretation]They celebrate win joy and merriment. They hold their cups up high and spin endlessly in laughter

[reversed]He loses control and has drunk too much. He spins with them but cannot hold on for long.

[symbols+images]The card represents enjoyment of happy emotions to their fullest. Here the mer-people are celebration and having fun.

The background is littered with bottles indicating the over indulgence of celebration. The excessiveness takes it toll when the merman cannot even keep his eyes open.

Colour: pastels and blues - associated with Cancer

Four Of Cups

[intepretation]She lays back pondering and waiting. She does not move or care for offerings around her.

[reversed]She grasps the situation and the opportunities presented

[symbols+images]The cards follow the idea of stability and the rut may be associated. The mermaids are both presented with the same emotional possibilities but one takes them while the other is so lost within herself that she cannot see them.The upside mermaid plays with her hair in her boredom while waiting for something better to come along. As she sinks slowly towards the bottom of the ocean floor on the nautilus shell, she does not notice the offering of cups to her, or the dangers of the free tentacles, which may entwine around her. Her complacency does not make her aware of both opportunity and danger around her.

The reverse side mermaid ceases the opportunity and takes on the cups. She does not stay around long enough for the tentacles to grab on and hold her back.

Colour: deep reds, blues + black - associated with Scorpio.

Five Of Cups

[intepretation]He lays there contemplating the loss in his life. He laments and grieves over what could have been and cannot see past what is yet to come.

[reversed]She grasps what ever is left and she rejoices in what is not lost. She leaves the situation salvaging her own emotions and self.

[symbols+images]The card plays the notion of "crying over spilt milk". The merman dwells on the three cups, which have been knocked over, while the mermaid moves on with the two remaining. Each show of different ways of dealing with the same situation.

Colour: deep reds, silver green - associated with Scorpio

Six Of Cups

[intepretation]He lays in a pleasant daydream of happy childhood memories.

[reversed]He is haunted by disturbing memories of his past.

[symbols+images]The baby sea horses play out the association of the card with memories relating to younger years or childhood. A pleasant smile stretches across his face as he reminisces.

The arguing baby seahorses contrast this notion, casting their banter over the merman's rest. He fights in vain to block out the haunting sounds, which resound, in his head.

Colour: deep reds, silver green - associated with Scorpio

Seven Of Cups

[intepretation]All that glitters are not gold and nothing is at it seems. Illusions play with his heart.

[reversed]She takes hold of her dreams and breaks free to make more of it.

[symbols+images]The merman faces cups, which play on his fantasies. Shadows and ghosts rising out of the cups, beckon him and draw him in all directions. They are merely illusions of mermaids leading him astray.

The reversed mermaid takes a hold of a "fantasy" makes it real by striving to achieve it.

Colour: colour of the oceans, orange, blues - associated with Pieces

Eight Of Cups

[intepretation]Away he swims from the troubles of his life. He moves on and abandons all that he has achieved in the search for meaning, happiness and contentment.

[reversed]She is trapped within her own depression, anxiety and hopelessly. She can't see past her emotions and floats amongst the ruins of her life.

[symbols+images]The boldness of the merman as his pushes through the barrier of the cups evokes a movement and a sense of drive towards the light.

The long flowing hair of the mermaid reflects upon the time she has spent there in that moment, still and without activity. She closes her eyes to hide away from the reality around her. She sits comfortably amongst the rocks as she does not want to move on.

Colour: colour of the oceans, blues - associated with Pieces

Nine Of Cups

[intepretation]He basks in the contentment of personal fulfillment. He radiance comes from inside of him and everything seems to dance around the song of his heart.

[reversed]Caution is warned against being complacent for success may go to the head and could judgment

[symbols+images]The merman rejoices effortlessly in his brilliance. He has reach a personal and emotion contentment within himself. The fishes around him circle harmoniously reflecting his happiness.

The reverse merman has a smug look on his face, unawares of the eels, which dance around him awaiting to only tear him apart at the next unexpected opportunity.Ten Of Cups

[intepretation]Happiness is found within the family and those whom are dear.

[reversed]Quarrels and unrest disrupts the home environment. Those who seem close are now more distant.

[symbols+images]The lights from above illuminates upon the happy family who have contentment within their lives.The children play without any worry in the world symbolizing the innocence of youth and the enjoyment of simpler pleasures.

The merman leaves the mermaid and heads off into the darkness - symbolizing the unknown. She lays there in despair their home broken from an argument. The separation ruins the original happy image.

Page Of Cups

[intepretation]She rejoices in her cup - it represents her intuition of which she holds dear

[reversed]She dives deeper into the ocean floor unaware of the dangers around her. She doesn't sense them as she is careless and blind folded

[symbols+images]The golden princess or Page of cups embodies the exploration and study of the cup. Here she raises it high as her vessel not only for containment of her emotions but also a medium of which she will learn to explore her empathic abilities.She is the student of the cup.The two ornate fishes, which circle her, are her familiars - the Piscean pair. They heighten her awareness on an intuitive level.

The reversed side Page dives blindly to the bottom of the ocean floor, proving her skills and intuitive gifts. However she fails to "see" the dangers of the tentacles around her prize, which will keep her down forever.Her brashness nature and heavy influence of her emotions will cause her more hurt than good.

Colour: gold and purple - royal colours

Knight Of Cups

[intepretation]He is a sensitive gentle soul and a dreamer. A hopeless romantic who awaits for love.

[reversed]He is removed from his emotions. He turns a blind eye towards them and remains despondent and aloof.

[symbols+images]The knight carries with him an ornate cup, which represents the ideal of the holy grail. The cup he holds close to him as it contains what he deems as precious to his life, his emotions and feelings. He uses them wisely and carefully.He looks into the cup as his guide. His movement is through the interpretations of his emotions and where they will take him.

The reverse side knight barely holds onto his cup. It is of no importance to him. His arms are crossed for his he refuses to budge or to take responsibility for neither his emotions nor his feelings.

Colour: gold and red - colours for a coat of arms and of movementQueen Of Cups

[intepretation]Her eyes are closed for she sees all within her cup. She is the sensual lover, the alluring fantasy, and the mermaid that haunts the dreams of many. She embodies the magical fantasy which fulfils desires.

[reversed]She is a temptress. She pulls on emotional strings. She dances and dazzles with her magic and charms with her flirtatious promises of happiness.

[symbols+images]The queen sits on a coral thrown illuminated by lights from the ocean. She doesn't need light to see her way for she has her cup which she uses to guide her to a better understanding. She rules over the emotions of the heart.She's gentle and sensual, cares only for love and happiness of others. She is surrounded by unconventional and natural beauty. Her eyes are not opened for her powers extend beyond the mind's eye. She can see all from channeling through her cup.

She is the seductress with eight tentacles. She represents the woman who enjoys the pleasures of love only for herself. She dwells on extreme feelings and will not fear unleashing her tendrils when overreacting.

Colour: gold and green - royalty and the colour of healing and nature.King Of Cups

[intepretation]He rules the currents of the soul, he is the keeper of the waters. He has an unrivaled imagination, he is the source of creativeness, he charms the heart with his understanding and intuition.

[reversed]He can not tear himself away from his emotions, they rule him and his heart. He embodies depression, sorrow and abuses his substances to escape from it all.

[symbols+images]The regal merman on the shell-like throne represents the man at ease within himself. He has a comfortable smile on his face and is surrounded by lush greens and life of the ocean floor. The Piscean pair dance around him. They represent the presence of his intuitive and empathic nature.

The reversed merman king represents a man who can not let go of his cup - the source of his problems. Behind him are the tentacles of a creature that slowly sways around him awaiting for a false move from him to take him down further on his path of destruction.

Colour: gold and blue - royalty and command.


The suit of earth and of feelingThe ground from which growth and life emergesGifts harnessed through work and toil Of beings of goil and foil.Ace Of Pentacles

[intepretation]Prosperity and abundance in all things physical and material.

[reversed]Material obsessions, and money vanish before you as a darkness casts a shadow over wealth and well being.

[symbols+images]the pentacles fan out in the pentagram format to reinforce the pattern of the design. The intricacy of the design is derived from Islamic and Celtic motifs, deeply rooting the infused design in a history of it's own.Two Of Pentacles

[intepretation]She balances all her tasks and jobs in the perfect juggle

[reversed]She has lost control of her tasks and jobs. She desperately tries to keep them up in the air.

[symbols+images]The pentacles are entwined by a string which forms the infinity sign - symbolizing the same magic which can be found in the mastery of the Magician and the inner power of Strength.

Following the theme of balance, the female seems to hardly touch the balls which she juggles. These balls symbolize the many tasks and responsibilities we may find in daily life.

The reversed female is stressed and disturbed by her lack of balance. She has lost control over her balls and one by one they cause her more grief.

Colour: gold and greens - colour of the earth and of Capricorn'Three Of Pentacles

[intepretation]He works hard at his task to achieve his dreams

[reversed]Complacency and lack of drive or recognition has left the lack idle and incomplete

[symbols+images]The city teaming behind the man tells of the level achievement which he can reach if he works hard at his goals.

The scaffolding in the background plays towards the notion of the beginning of construction and temporary nature of construction. Nothing is produced.

Colour: gold and greens - colour of the earth and of Capricorn

Four Of Pentacles

[intepretation]He holds on to his money with his life. Nothing is more paramount than the security it provides him.

[reversed]The money he has surrounded himself with has blinded him. He spends it only on himself and dances in his own wealth.

[symbols+images]The piercing glare of the man is deathly cold and glazed with out a soul. He holds on to the pentacle with obsession and fear of loss. It covers him and shields him from all. The use of gold on his skin is scarce and limited, reflecting the ultra-conservative nature he expresses.

The reversed man is driven to a state of lack of coherence. He spends because he knows not of the value anymore. He is driven to only the comforts of his own needs.In contrast the colour of gold is abundant on the skin of the man, expressing his exuberant nature.

Colour: somber colours, metallic tones - colours of Taurus

Five Of Pentacles

[intepretation]Poverty and self pity plague his existence. He lays there in woe and grief.

[reversed]Poverty may have taken its toll but there is hope if he pulls himself out of the situation.

[symbols+images]The colours of the card as less than luxurious compared with the rest of the deck emphasizing the lack of wealth and comfort depicted through he rest of the suit. Destitution plays a major role in this card.

The anguish, loss of energy and drive is accentuated through the twisted poses of the impoverished bodies and posture of the characters in the card.

Colour: somber colours, cold earthen tones - colours of Taurus

Six Of Pentacles

[intepretation]His generosity is in abundance. He gives freely to all who needs

[reversed]He throws money around without a care or a worry. He knows not what he is doing because he is silly and extravagant.

[symbols+images]The mans opens arms suggests his generous nature. He is charity personified. The jovial giver, the sharer of wealth.

The reversed man is one who has lost his sense of wealth for he empties his bags of gold without much thought. He is careless with his generosity.

Colour: rich greens, somber colours, metallic tones - colours of Taurus',Seven Of Pentacles

[intepretation]He stands and awaits for his work to come to fruition.

[reversed]Disappointment ruins his life and anger causes disregard for his work

[symbols+images]The card plays on the theme of waiting, and patiently at it. The card depicts a man who waits with determination for the end result. The pentacles around him are in flux and have not become solid, they are merely ideas, or ether at the moment.

The reversed man is frustrated and discards his pentacles. The lack of patience on his part has caused him destroy the progress of his work.

Colour: grays, navy blues & draping cloth - colours of Virgo

Eight Of Pentacles

[intepretation]He works hard away into the darkness. He has goals and ambitions and he is going to put his back into it.

[reversed]The work isn't done and he lays there questioning and contemplating about his motives and drive.

[symbols+images]The high contrast of the images draw focus on the main characters of each image - the industrious worker, and the idle one. The image plays out the theme of achieving success through determination.

Colour: navy blues - colours of Virgo

Nine Of Pentacles

[intepretation]She sits back in contentment and surveys her riches. All of nature grows well around her.

[reversed]He sits back in contemplation. His struggles have weakened him. He surveys all that he has yet to achieve.

[symbols+images]The lady reflects and image of comfort and content. she does not need to work any longer but enjoy her spoils. The ivy leaves grow lush behind her and the sky is calm.The bird which flies freely into her arm to perch represents the freedom of spirit from the chains of responsibilities.

Behind the reversed man, the ivy has dried, leaving only the withered branches. His worried, uncomfortable look reflects upon the struggles he has endured and has to yet experience.

Colour: light tones of the draping cloth - colours of Virgo

Ten Of Pentacles

[intepretation]Within tradition and family comes support

[reversed]The old man stares back as us reminding us of the coin and the burdens of and responsibilities to tradition

[symbols+images]The family all around the old man reflects of the importance of tradition and respect to elders. They look upon him (and hold on to him) for he is the anchor of their pasts.The surrounding environment plays to the image of a wealthy household - stability through "old" money.

The reversed shows the old man holding the coin up as if for ransom or to serve as a reminder. The image plays to the concept of enforced responsibility to the burdens of tradition and respect to the old ways.Page Of Pentacles

[intepretation]She is fixated by the pentacle as she sees it and through it.

[reversed]She is done with the pentacle as she begins to disassemble it - only to reassemble it again.

[symbols+images]All around the Page things are in flux and in movement towards the formation of something. The background plays towards the concept of bringing things together. In this case it is through the focus and magic of the Page as she wills all around her to do her bidding.

The background shows a dense forest of autumn trees which has lost their leaves. The idea of wilderness and wild plays on the theme of unorthodox, as the Page pulls apart the pentacle with ease indicating a complacency with the object.

Colour: gold and purple - colour of royalty

Knight Of Pentacles

[intepretation]He is determined to work to reach his goals. His focus drives him only to work hard and to ride his ambitions to fruition

[reversed]He finds it hard to carry on his journey. All the hard work and trudging has driven his energies low and he looses confidence in himself. He holds on to his goals but his energies are low.

[symbols+images]The large knight sits on his equally robust horse. The two of them an image of strength and stability. The firm determination in his eyes reflects his unwavering focus on his goals. The background lies city for his taking and a large pillar of support.

The reversed knight is having a moment to collect himself. He grieves from his tired efforts. His horse turns away and moves on even if he still has no direction or control over it.The background only shows of faded shapes reflecting the lack of focus. The pattern on the pillar behind him breaks apart slowly.

Colour: gold and red - colour of the coat of arms and movementQueen Of Pentacles

[intepretation]She is a warm hearted woman surrounded by luxury and wealth. She gives from her wholesome heart for the pleasures of the body

[reversed]She is wild like the wind and cares for nothing but herself. Everything is about her, for her and to be done by her.

[symbols+images]The queen here is like the lesser version of the empress. She too has the world at her grasp as she is one with nature and at one with all those around her. Her gentle and trusting gaze shows the kindness in her heart.She is flanked by two pillars of support and crowned by a throne of roses reflecting her caring nature and natural beauty.

The reversed queen is moved by the wind. Much like her, it is a force of nature which can cause destruction as it travels through the lives of many. She consumes for pleasure and her own enjoyment.She is barely covered indicating the ease she has within herself of her own body and the ease which others may have to it too.

Colour: gold and green - the colour of royalty and of healing and natureKing Of Pentacles

[intepretation]He holds himself back upon his sturdy throne. He is grounded, in control of himself and enjoys the luxuries that life has to offer

[reversed]He is the stick in the mud which doesn\'t move but stays there - willingly. His face wears boredom like a second skin as he grumbles and moans.

[symbols+images]The throne is adorned with hard woods and bull head capitals, indicating a closeness to earth and Taurus. The card is rich in materialism and comforts produced from the earth. The king has a firm face and a collected pose for he is man of no nonsense or of flamboyancy. He is sturdy, robust and stable and rules his life that way.

The reverse king is lounging in boredom. Materials and riches do nothing for him. He is out of touch with his responsibilities and concerns.The throne is adorned with autumn leaves indicating the passing of summer and towards a cold winter. The transition period from a joyous time to one of caution and need for material comforts.

Colour: gold and blue - royalty and command


The suit of thought and of ideasThe winds of change and swiftnessWielded through the blades of the mindCutting deep within the soul of timeAce Of Swords

[intepretation]Powerful forces have come to play which will bring swift change in life for anew

[reversed]Stress and tension plague life as the point of the sword bears down

[symbols+images]The ideas of air and movement play in the background while the sword firmly gleams in the forefront.The golden crown and laurel leaves are symbols for wisdom and thought which is associated with the suit.

Two Of Swords

[intepretation]He balances somewhat gracefully his heavy sword as well as himself on a wire high above the clouds.

[reversed]The situation becomes difficult as he loses his confidence. The wind shakes his act as he can barely keep the sword on his palm, much less himself on the rope

[symbols+images]The card balance with the literal idea of balance and tension. The man on the rope performs a difficult task of balancing himself and his sword as he progresses from one end of the line to another. The sword representing his thoughts are just as important as himself in this journey.

The reversed side shows the man trying to gain some balance in a vicarious journey along the line. The winds around him, representing outside influences, contribute to the difficulty of the situation.

Colour: pastels, rose, blues - associated with Libra

Three Of Swords

[intepretation]He lays there in does his crying in the rain. He wallows in the sorrow of his heart ache

[reversed]He cries out to the skies from his anxiety. His mind is a playing field for chaos. He suffers extreme anguish from mental and emotional stress.

[symbols+images]The card depicts two different ways of dealing with heartache and sorrow. One lies in defeat upon a sword, the feeling of self pity clouding judgment as he runs his arm along the edge of the sword. He lays there feeling sorry for himself, lost in his own anguish.

The reverse is a focused image on the unleashing of great sorrow and anger which comes form the stresses within. The scream a released which frees the body of all it's tension.

Colour: rose, rich purples - associated with Libra

Four Of Swords

[intepretation]He finds rest for recuperation

[reversed]Rest is enforced upon him as he did not heed to do so in the first instance

[symbols+images]The card plays on the notion of rest - of the mental kind. Here stress from life, situation or the environment may require one to take some time out and rest. In the case of the reversed side, rest was not taken when required which has led to enforced rest.

Colour: electric blues, turquoise - associated with Aquarius

Five Of Swords

[intepretation]He performs the ritual of suicide as a result of his failure.

[reversed]Great sorrow is wept from her eyes as she grieves a great loss and failure of her own accord.

[symbols+images]The Japanese themed images reflect upon the magnitude of which failure can cause upon ones psyche. The "hara kiri"-esque ritual of suicide through dishonor or failure adds a certain dimension of a mental process which had to be played out before performing the actual act. It is calculated and planned, and not merely an emotional reaction.

The reversed side shows a Japanese woman in deep mournful sorrow. Here her despair is related to the death of the man on the upside.

Colour: electric blues, turquoise - associated with Aquarius

Six Of Swords

[intepretation]He pushes through waters of life taking with him only his wits. He is on a journey away from a place where his skills were not utilized

[reversed]The journey is difficult, the waters are rough - he pushes through as hard as he can manage.

[symbols+images]The card is about a journey away. The swords represent a mental journey. A condition of the mind which may need to change internally or with the help of external influence.The transparent vessel is meant to indicate the delicate nature of the transition. A fragile boat of glass requires skillful and slow movement to prevent its bow from breaking against a crashing rock.

The reversed side man experiences difficulty through the could of fog and the torrent of waves. The journey will be difficult as he attempts to stay anchored with his oar to prevent himself from being swept astray.

Colour: electric + deep blues - associated with Aquarius

Seven Of Swords

[intepretation]He chuckles at his victim\'s stupidity as he walks away with yet another bundle of stolen goods.

[reversed]He is crafty with his words and clever with his lies. He hides under a mask of sincerity. Represents all things superficial and false.

[symbols+images]Because the card is one of swords, both images represent the theft or lies associated with thought and the mind. The swords may represent ideas which are stolen or the wasting or effort and mental capacity with the situation.

The reversed side has the man covered or flanked by swords, representing the shallow use of thought or ideas to project the wrong image or concept. His hands in a mock prayer as he bows forward with his superficial smile. He aims to please, but only for his own gain.

Colour: bi-coloured, warm hues, yellows - associated with Gemini

Eight Of Swords

[intepretation]She binds herself in a velvet rope. She feigns entrapment of her own accord.

[reversed]She frees herself only to see the error of her ways.

[symbols+images]The swords she lays upon pose no direct threat to her. Here the swords represent issues which torment her mind - the lay in the background, a threat to her, but indirectly.She holds on to the ropes as she tries to bind herself harder. The ropes are holding her back from dealing with the situation, but she chooses to hold on to them.The blindfold is her excuse from seeing situation as it is.

The reversed image shows her freeing herself from the binding and the blindfold. She has liberated herself without the help of others.

Colour: bi-coloured, warm hues - associated with Gemini'Nine Of Swords

[intepretation]She suffers mental anguish from oppression, fear and stress. She cannot sleep and is haunted by nightmares.

[reversed]There is escape but at a price as he pushes through the barriers of the swords to free himself.

[symbols+images]The image of the swords surrounding the two individuals represents a closing of mental threat. Being swords, the threat is in the mind and both react to the situation differently.

Colour: bi-coloured, warm hues - associated with Gemini

Ten Of Swords

[intepretation]He lies in a pool of blood from being stabbed ten times. He now knows of a defeat so extreme or as definite

[reversed]He remains defiant even till his end, always looking upwards for hope

[symbols+images]The idea of being taken down by swords represents the metaphor of being ruined by slander and by bad reputation - pain inflicted by words or ideas.His pale green skin has lost its colour, as he has long accepted this fate. His faced covered to hide his shame.

The card does pose a positive side to it though - once you've hit rock bottom, the only way is up. The reversed side shows a man pierced as well, but his fists are clenched and his head turned upwards-indicating defiance against the situation. The warning there is takes the situation and to turn it on it's head and keep fighting back.Page Of Swords

[intepretation]She is a shrewd lady who wields her sword in a protective manner. She keeps caution from others by hiding behind her words.

[reversed]She is a spiteful lady who disturbs the peace true lies and malicious gossip. She whispers in the winds seeds of doubt.

[symbols+images]The Page is drawn as a cautious individual. She looks firm and defiant in here pose and threatening with her sword. She represents caution and cunning. She would be bright and knowledgeable, agile with her mind.

The reversed Page is drawn from the idea of Chinese whispers. After a message is passed from person to another as a whisper, often the truth becomes distorted.

Colour: purple and green - colour of royalty and of envy

Knight Of Swords

[intepretation]He confidently flies across the sky wielding his sword brashly against the wind. He knows of no fear and lives life to the fullest

[reversed]He is reckless with his life and of others. He doesn't care for anything and seeks excitement and enjoyment at any cost

[symbols+images]Both images play on the theme of riding a winged stallion - the metaphor of expressive thought or ideas which is required to be controlled or conquered in order to achieve this goal. The knight has no fear on either side of falling off the creature. He is in command of the element of wind and air, knowing no boundaries and expresses a freedom and ease of traveling through it.

The reverse side shows a wilder stallion taking the knight for a ride. The knight does not care for taming the creature but rides on it recklessly - the metaphor for being unable to use knowledge or the mind without causing injury to himself.

Colour: gold and red - colours of the coat of arms

Queen Of Swords

[intepretation]She stunning, charming and cool. Her head rules over her heart as she prides herself in her logic and mental abilities

[reversed]She is troubled by the conflicts of her mind. She experiences sorrow in the deepest form - the anguish that plays over and over in her mindscape

[symbols+images]The queen, similar to the king is a winged creature upon a heavenly throne. Metaphorically the wings represent a higher level of consciousness, which she has reached.The upside queen has a firm cold look on her face for she embodies logic. For her, stimulation comes from he mind, not from the pleasures of the body. The reversed side queen is distraught as she suffers from mental anguish. For the queen, who prides herself on her command over the matters of the mind, the anguish and sorrow she suffers in an indication of her own personal failure.

Colour: gold and green - royalty and the colour of healing and nature'King Of Swords

[intepretation]He is intellectually keen and clear. His piercing gaze shows a depth of knowledge and understands that cuts through all who stand before him. He is firm in his decision as well as wise in his movements

[reversed]He is blinded by his own brilliance; he abuses his power as he wields the sword for his own gain. He cuts those before his path down and manipulates for his own gain.

[symbols+images]Similar to the queen, the concept of the king being a winged creature, lends to the metaphor of the wings representing a higher level of consciousness, which he has reached. The king wields his sword, the symbol for thought and intelligence, with a firm grip, using it as both a shield as well as a weapon.

The sword covering the reversed king's face indicates that he not only hides behind the weapon but also abuses it in ways of deception.

Colour: gold and indigo - royalty and command


The suit of intuition and lifeThe fires of energies and destructionChanneled through the staves of earth and woodBy beings who study the art of the fantasticalAce Of Wands

[intepretation]The fires of life are alight around the wand of inspiration. Here marks the birth of all creation.

[reversed]The energy of life is blocked and the difficult to unleash

[symbols+images]The Latin word Adflatus means to breath or inspiration. The scroll unleashes as the power of the stone embedded in the wand erupts - causing the energy around to illuminate. The wand represents the birth of raw energy and creation.

The scroll wraps itself around the reversed stone. The darker aspect of the side reflects upon the lack or blockage of energy with life.Two Of Wands

[intepretation]He channels the energy between the two wands to bring forth a creation based on synthesis

[reversed]He blocks his own energy, holding back all potential, which he possesses

[symbols+images]The wizard in the card conjures an ethereal dragon above him - the dragon symbolizing the embodiment of fire and wisdom. The glowing sphere above him is the focus of energy he generates to give birth to the dragon and much more.The elements swirl around this sphere, illustrating his command over the elements. This dramatic display shows the control he has in the synthesis of the energies around to create.

The reversed magician is holds the wands down to block their energy from unleashing.The ethereal dragon above him fades slowly as the elements around him disperse. The magician\'s energies are low or blocked, causing the slow dissipation of his creation.His hair flows wildly to in the winds - indicating his loss of control he has over the elements.Three Of Wands

[intepretation]Effortlessly the energies flow out of their bodies and connect with the rest of the universe

[reversed]He fails to grasp the opportunity and darkness and confusion finds company in his sorrow

[symbols+images]The three sages have come together in a circle to from a vortex for creation. They channel their energies to the heavens to spread over the land. The image illustrates the level of ease of which the energy of creation flows through their bodies.

The reversed sage is in anguish over the loss of connection with the power within. He loses his grip over the wands for his is blinded by his own pity. Behind him the elements are blowing apart his world, creation chaos and confusion.

Colour: glowing scarlet, reds - associated with Aries

Four Of Wands


[reversed]Instability through radical change as life breaks away from itself

[symbols+images]The constant flow in all directions of the rectangular planes is a metaphoric representation of a routine and stability through repetitiveness.The structured four wands create a band of energy between themselves -keeping them stable.

The reversed side shows of change of this flat plane through a disturbance. The layers begin to break away. Is a metaphoric representation of instability, which comes through change.

Colour: warm golden hues - associated with Leo

Five Of Wands

[intepretation]The youths scuffle wands playfully, preparing themselves for future battles

[reversed]Tension in the air causes arguments between the two, as they wave their fists at each other

[symbols+images]The card acts as advice and warning: The youths on the upside fight a mock battle to sharpen their skills and wit. They practice for the real battles of life. The advice here is to be prepared by means of practice and skilling up.

The reversed youths argue violently and vocally. Their energies run wild around them as their threats rise with their anger. The warning here is of arguments which can escalate to a disruptive nature.

Colour: warm golden hues - associated with Leo

Six Of Wands

[intepretation]He rides into a crowd, which celebrates his victory

[reversed]He moves cautiously through a crowd of enemies

[symbols+images]A celebratory crowd greets the rider. Here lies his victory parade for his achievements at the end of his journey.

The reversed side rider runs into a battlefield. He is to be cautious of his movements through this passage.

Colour: warm golden hues - associated with Leo

Seven Of Wands

[intepretation]He fights all till the end. He is resilient and determined

[reversed]He who hesitates will lose

[symbols+images]This is a warrior who thrives on battle. He relishes the moments and laughs his enemies off as he fights them even at the edge of a cliff. Within him is the strength and energy to carry on.

The reversed warrior is clouded in the darkness of self-doubt. His hesitation, indecisiveness will cost him precious time to react. The card warns of being quick to decide and not to cease the moment.He is distracted to not notice that his enemy will take advantage of his shortfall and attack by surprise.

Colour: royal purples and sapphire blues - associated with Sagittarius

Eight Of Wands

[intepretation]They are carried through the skies with their wands, taking them to new horizons and experiences.

[reversed]They move through the skies with hesitation and haste. They keep their counsel close and their eyes watchful.

[symbols+images]They channel the energies of the wands to move forward and upwards. The image gestures movement away, utilizing the power from within.

They move forward with their wands crossed for protection. The hesitation and caution in movement means that there will be a delay in their journey.

Colour: royal purples and sapphire blues - associated with Sagittarius

Nine Of Wands

[intepretation]He finds the strength inside to carry on with the battle

[reversed]The battle has worn him down and he is close to defeat

[symbols+images]The dragons behind each character are familiars to each warrior, reflecting their inner energies - which are being summoned upon. The dragon looks fiercely back indicating a defiance, which is required to over come the situation, which has brought the warrior down.

The reversed dragon turns to its side and moves away. The man cannot summon the strength to face the situation and his face is drained of all energy to continue on.

Colour: royal purples and sapphire blues - associated with Sagittarius

Ten Of Wands

[intepretation]He burdens ten wands ambitiously. He exerts immense control over them with the power from within

[reversed]He realizes that he has taken on too much a task, and the wands break out of formation

[symbols+images]The energy within the sage has reached it\'s full potential. He can now burden the task of bringing together ten wands together after years of training and experience. He has reached his peak.

The reversed sage loses control over the task. He has not reached the level that is required to burden the other wands and they break out of formation. The image warns of not overburdening oneself with a task, which is beyond their abilitiesPage Of Wands

[intepretation]She has just discovered her inner powers of creation as she channels to bring to life the illusion of a dragon

[reversed]She tries in vain to channel her energy to bring fourth anything to fruition. Her frustration and self-imposed strain has blocked the flow within her

[symbols+images]The upside Page has discovered her ability to conjure. The ethereal dragon marks the birth of her powers. She reflects the beginning of lessons and training, which one has to take to fully comprehend and control their inner energy.

The reversed side Page is unable to channel her powers as she is trying too hard. Her frustration only compounds the situation and creates a further block. The card warns of taking slower steps and allowing the energy to flow outwards naturally.

Colour: red and purple - colours of raw energy and royalty'Knight Of Wands

[intepretation]He smolders of energy. He rides his dragon with confidence and daring

[reversed]He is not sure of his direction. He cannot be trusted to save his own life much less of others

[symbols+images]The Knight is sure of himself. His confidence is contagious; his charisma burns underneath his armor. He rides the dragon as if it was an extension of him. The dragon symbolizing the embodiment of the raw powers of creation and of wisdom. The control his has over the dragon also plays towards the metaphor of being command of the direction of his life, having firm leadership and being in awe of those around him.

The reversed side dragon turns away from the knight. The Knight has lost control over his ride and holds on uncertainty. This metaphor plays towards to loss of control over projects, life and self.

Colour: red and gold - colours the coat of arms and royaltyQueen Of Wands

[intepretation]She is a caring woman who looks out for others and provides for all

[reversed]She is deviant, and tantalizing. She indulges in her own fantasies and plays out others for her own gains

[symbols+images]The dragon and lion on her throne are symbols of the wisdom and loyalty associated with the creatures.Behind her, a sunflower crowns her, symbolizing the ever providing gift of the sun.On her lap sits a white cat is her familiar. It protects her like the Lion to the lady of Strength. The white represents the purity of her power and her selflessness.

Two male slaves flank the reversed side queen. They represent her insatiable lust over the body and forewarns of unfaithfulness, affairs and of sexual indulgence. The weary eye of the dragon, which crowns her, reflects on her untrusting nature, which may lead to extreme jealously and deceitfulness.

Colour: gold and green - royalty and the colour of healing and nature

King Of Wands

[intepretation]He is a charming, charismatic and flamboyant. He is the embodiment of the energy of life and all is drawn to his radiance

[reversed]He is a selfish man who has not time for anyone else but himself. He consumes life and manipulates for his own means

[symbols+images]The majestic dragon representing ancient wisdom and strength adorns the throne of the king. The king is draped in richness and luxury reflecting his radiates charm and ostentatiousness.The roses that surround his throne reflect on his loving and romantic nature.

Naked women, who wear masks, representing his indulgence in carnal pleasures and of sexual fantasies, flank the reverse side king. The watchful eye of the dragon behind his throne represents his mistrust for all and his demanding nature.

Colour: gold and blue - royalty and command