Review of learning theory and evolutionary theory

Review of learning theory and evolutionary theory

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Review of learning theory and evolutionary theory

Page 2: Review of learning theory and evolutionary theory


• Write down the statements in your own notes and decide which correspond to learning theory and which match with evolutionary theory.

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• 1. Attachment is a learned process. • 2. Classical and operant conditioning are involved in attachment

formation. • 3. Attachment is innate. • 4. Babies become attached to the person who feeds them. • 5. Mothers and babies are genetically pre-programmed to form

attachments. • 6. Caregiver sensitivity is a key concept in this explanation. • 7. The attachment with the person who provides the baby’s food is

reinforced through the food. • 8. Babies have an innate tendency to become attached to one particular

adult. • 9. Infants must form an attachment between 7 months and 36 months

otherwise they’ll have difficulties forming relationships later in life. • 10. One of the strengths of this explanation is that it has a lot of

empirical research to support it. • 11. One weakness of this explanation is that research shows many

babies do not form their first attachment with their mother. • 12. One weakness of this explanation is that the person to whom the

baby first attaches is not always the person who feeds them.• 13. One weakness of this explanation is that it is reductionist and

oversimplifies complex human behaviour.

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• Watch the clip below and answer the 7 questions in your booklet

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTsewNrHUHU

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• Using pages 56/57 of your textbook, complete the details of the aims, findings and conclusions of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation study

• Draw pictures to illustrate the procedure and fill in the gaps (see next slide for examples)

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Draw pictures to illustrate the Draw pictures to illustrate the procedure of the Strange Situation.procedure of the Strange Situation.

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• Complete the table using the information on the next PowerPoint

• N.B. The information is not in the right order, you will need to use your textbook to help you

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Match the behaviour patterns below to Match the behaviour patterns below to the correct attachment type.the correct attachment type.

Happy to explore environment independently (uses mother as secure base)

Minimal separation anxiety (feel assured caregiver will return)

Low separation anxiety (little distress at mother’s departure)

Infant alternates between seeking closeness and wanting distance at reunion

Avoids contact with mother at reunion (does not seek comfort on mother’s return)

High stranger anxiety (not comforted by stranger)

Welcomes mother back on return and seeks comfort at reunion

High stranger anxiety (but some infants can be comforted)

High separation anxiety but not easily comforted on mother’s return

Low stranger anxiety (rejects stranger’s attempts to comfort them)

Happy to explore environment (keeps distance from mother)

Low willingness to explore environment

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Make your own revision notes on the description of Ainsworth’s study