Review Sheet for POST TEST

Review Sheet for POST TEST

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Review Sheet for POST TEST. 1. What is the difference between an element and a compound?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Review Sheet for POST TEST

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1. What is the difference between an element and a compound?

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An element is a “pure” form of matter; examples include Hydrogen (H), Sodium (Na), Copper (Cu), and everything else on the periodic table.

Compounds are combinations of elements; 2 or more elements; Examples include Water (H2O), Salt (NaCl), and Nitric Acid (HNO3)

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2. Name patterns/trends from the periodic table.

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b) Moving top to bottom… 1. atomic radius increases 2. reactivity increases (on the left) 3. atomic number increases

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3. Due to the LOCM, matter is not created or destroyed…so, how in a chemical reaction can matter gain/lose weight?

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- if something is burned, gas is given off (causing a loss in mass, Ex. CO2)

- if some new material is formed then gas can be added (causing a gain in mass, Ex. O2)

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5. Why do mechanical waves (like earthquake waves) travel differently in different materials?

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Because of the density of the different materials.

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6. How can increasing the speed of a vehicle just 10 mph make such a large difference in KE?

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Because the relationship between speed and KE is a complex relationship….If speed doubles, the KE increases 4 times.

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7. What happens to a material that exceeds (goes beyond) its elastic limit?

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If something exceeds its limit (the amount it can bend) then it will break. (Example, two plates come together and the rocks continue to bend until it reaches its limit and breaks causing an earthquake)

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8/9. What is the difference between an energy transfer and transformation?

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A transfer is when energy moves into another object.

A transformation is when energy changes forms.

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10. How does bonding create stable bonds?

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Each atom becomes “full” or satisfies the octet rule. (has eight around its outer shell)

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9. What causes a volcano to be explosive?

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It is determined by what the lava is made out of; its composition.

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10. How is granite different from limestone?

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Igneous Rock (granite) is very dense; not porous;

Sedimentary Rock (sedimentary rock) is not dense; porous

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11. Would earthquakes cause more damage with solid soil or loose soil?

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Loose; the waves can travel through less quickly and cause more damage.

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12. What happens to the sound in an auditorium filled with people as opposed to being empty.

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The one with people allows the sound waves to be absorbed but the empty one allows those to bounce around causing echoes.

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13. What is the internal process that shapes the earth’s surface?

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Convection currents

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14. What happens to any object as it is heated?

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The particles increase in speed (KE) and due to friction of the molecules, the object heats up.

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15. What do seismic waves from earth carry?

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16. How did the solar system form?

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There was a solar nebula; the matter spun and gravity pulled the matter to the center forming the Sun.

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17. Why does sugar dissolve in water and not copper?

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Because they are made out of different bonds; sugar is molecular covalent and copper is metallic.

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18. Graphite and diamonds are both made of pure carbon, why do they look different?

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They are bonded differently; molecular covalent and covalent network.

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