Revision for Revision for 9A Unit Five 9A Unit Five Shuren International School Shuren International School

Revision for 9A Unit Five Shuren International School Shuren International School 陆建芳 陆建芳

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Page 1: Revision for 9A Unit Five Shuren International School Shuren International School 陆建芳 陆建芳

Revision for Revision for

9A Unit Five 9A Unit Five

Shuren International School Shuren International School


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Who is she/he?

Main Task: My favorite film star

favorite actress favorite actress well-known well-known

started actingstarted actingentered entered

bright eyes bright eyes experienced

plays the role of strong Chinese women plays the role of strong Chinese women

Paragraph One

Paragraph Two

My _____________( 最喜欢的演员) is Gong Li. She is __________( 著名 ) all over the world.

She was born on 31st December 1965, in ShengYang. She ___________( 开始表演 ) in 1987. Before that she ______( 进入 ) the Central Academy of Drama. She is tall and beautiful, and she has _________( 明亮的眼睛 ). She is an __________( 有经验的 ) actress and ________________________________( 扮演坚强的中国妇女 ) very well.

Personal details: Date of birth, Place of birth, Appearance, Talents

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Since her first film, Red Sorghum, Gong Li _______ ( 演出了 )many other ________( 成功的 ) films. Other films she _____________( 参与 ) include Raise the Red Lantern in 1991, The Story of Qiuju in 1992, Farewell my Concubine in 1993, The Emperor and the Assassin and Breaking the Silence in 1999, and Memoirs of Geisha in 2005. She _________________ ( 赢得几个国际奖项 ) such as the Award of Best Actress at the Venice International __________( 电影节 ) in 1992 and another one at the Montreal World Film Festival in 2000. She also won an Award for ____________________( 最佳女配角 ) from the New York Film Critics Circle in 1993.

has acted has acted successfulsuccessful

has taken part in has taken part in

won several won several international awards international awards

film festivalfilm festival

Best Supporting ActressBest Supporting Actress

Acting Career: When

started acting, How

started acting, Titles of

films, Awards

Paragraph Three

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Gong Li ___________________________. ( 被看做一个有天赋的女演员 ). I believe ______________

( 她的表演技巧 ) will become ___________( 更好 )

in the future.

is considered as a talented actressis considered as a talented actress

her acting skillsher acting skills

even bettereven better

What do you think of her? &her acting future

Paragraph Four

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Paragraph One:

Paragraph Two:



Paragraph Four:

Date of birth Place of birthAppearance Talents

Year started actingHow started acting

Titles of filmsAwards

What do you think of her/him?

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Usages of words affect, effect, effort的区分affecteffect effort

v. 影响n. 影响n. 努力

So far, computers ___________ people’s lives in many ways.

The ______of noise on people is big.

People in the earthquake-hit areas thank the government for its _______on helping them rebuild their homes.

put one’s effort into sth./ doing sth.

have affected





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present的各种用法1.This Children Day, Tom’s father will give him a

book as a presentpresent. 2. At presentpresent, Junior 3 students are preparing for the

coming oral English exam.

3. Every student is presentpresent at the meeting. Nobody is absent.

4. The President of the United States presentedpresented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work.

* The presentationpresentation of Oscar awards was held on 28th of February this year.

n. 礼物 gift

n. 目前at present=at the moment=now

a. 出席的 absent a. 缺席的

v. 颁奖 present sb. with sth.

n. 颁奖

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1.The _______ situation in Japan is stable( 稳定的 ).

2.The best ______ for parents is always their children’s good marks in exams.

3. Who will hold this year’s __________ of Shuren’s Ten-year Anniversary ( 十年校庆) is still a mystery.

4. “Have all the teachers ________ signed names?” Mrs. Peng asked?

5. That old man knows a lot about the past and the ______ of Nanjing.






a. 目前的

n. 礼物

n. 颁奖

a. 出席的

n. 现在

用 present的正确形式填空

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Usages of phrases not only…but also的用法Audrey is famous not onlynot only in the USA, but alsobut also in other parts of the world. 不仅。。。而且。。。

Not onlyNot only Tom but alsobut also his parents pay much attention on his study.


not only…but also… 后接主语时,符合就近原则,即 but alsobut also 后的名词或短语后的名词或短语为句子主语

Not onlyNot only the students but alsobut also I ______looking forward to the coming spring outing.

A. am B. is C. are D. be


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Usages of grammar

过去完成时 (Past Perfect Tense)的用法

概念:“过去的过去” -- 在过去某个动作或者某个时间之前发生的动作或状态。


He had left before I came.

He told me that he had already finished his college.

By the end of last year, I had been a teacher for 8 years.

___ _____ ____

_ ____

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1.Yesterday I _______(not go) to the cinema because I _______(see) the film before.

2.I _____(meet) Sam last week. We _________ (not see) each other for about ten years.

3. She said that she _________ (work) here since 2001.

4. I _________(learn) about 2,000 English words by the end of last term.

5. Simon’s family ________(live) in Shanghai for ten years before they ______(move) to Nanjing.

didn’t gohad seen

met hadn’t seen

had worked

had learned

had livedmoved


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情态动词 should, ought to 的用法含义都为“应该。。。”

should do

ought to do

should not do Should …do…?

ought not to do Ought …to do …?

I think you ______ to work harder at English.

A. must B. should C. ought D. had betterC

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Keys to 《备考手册》知识点归纳

一、按要求写出词的形式1. French2. shortly3. well-know4. effect5. silence6. loss 7. enter8. immediately9. beauty

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二、重要词组1. not only … but also

2. at a very young age

3. put most effort into

4. enter the film industry

5. be made into a play

6. mark the beginning of …

7. play the lead role of … in …

8. a big success

9. during one’s lifetime

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10. shortly after

11. honor / present sb. with awards

12. pass away

13. become famous immediately

14. 把……奉献于(做)某事 , 把……专用于(做)某事,

15. 最后一次散步

16. 上气不接下气 / 气喘吁吁

17. 超过……

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18. 最后一次露面

19. 陷入爱河

20. 遍及全世界

21. 边想边说,边想边自言自语

22. 把……活生生地搬上屏幕

23. 被认为

24. 被吸引

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四、重点句型1. I’m too good for TV I should be in Hollywood instead.

2. Colette insisted that Audrey was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play.

3. Audrey’s achievements went beyond the film industry.

4. That event marked the beginning of Audrey’s successful career.

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5. Her efforts in this area earned her a number of


6. They have a bad effect (=influence) on people,

especially on teenagers.

7. Anyway, the story itself is interesting.

8. 对他们来说, Audrey 本人就是一个天使。9. 在奥黛丽成为好莱坞巨星之前,她一直是个模

特。10. 我们应该保护环境。 / 你应该读更多的书去提

高你的英语水平。 / 你最好完成作业再看电视。

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11. 你出去之前得告诉你的父母亲。 / 你必须买票进电影院。12. 今天你为什么不去看电影? / 你为什么不停止做白日梦?13. 也许,人们不仅把 Audrey 当作一位伟大的女


14. 我刚要走,这时我意识到我把钱落在桌 上了。

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Guys, go on working Guys, go on working hard, you will see the hard, you will see the bright Daylight soon!bright Daylight soon!

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Revision of the Reading Part Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood’s _______ ( 空前绝后的 ) favourite _______(actress). When she died in 1993, the world ____________________________

________________________________( 哀悼一个美女,一个伟大的演员和人道主义者的逝去 ).

She began _________________( 上芭蕾课) at a very young age. Her dream was _____________________________( 成为一个成功的芭蕾舞演员 ). She __________________________( 全身心地投入芭蕾舞的训练中) before she ____________________( 进入电影行业 ).


mourn the loss of a great beauty, mourn the loss of a great beauty,

a great actress and a great humanitariana great actress and a great humanitarian

taking ballet lessonstaking ballet lessons

to become a successful ballet to become a successful ballet dancerdancer had put all her effort into ballet traininghad put all her effort into ballet training

entered the film industryentered the film industry

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In 1951, Audrey’s beauty and charm ________________________(吸引了作家的注意 ).The novel _______________________(之后被改编成一部剧本 ). Colette ______(坚持 ) that she was the perfect girl _________________(演主角 ) in the play. That event ____________________(标志着。。。开始 ) Audrey’s successful c_____. ___________(不久之后 ), she was chosen to play the lead role of a young _______(公主 ). The film was a big ______(成功 ) and she became famous ______ (立刻 ). She ________________________ for her role in this film. During her ______(一生 ), she ______________________________(获得四次奥斯卡提名 ).

attracted the writer’s attentionattracted the writer’s attentionwas later made into a playwas later made into a play

insistedinsistedto play the lead role to play the lead role marked the beginning of marked the beginning of

areer areer Shortly after Shortly after

princess princess success success instantly instantly

won an Oscar for Best Actresswon an Oscar for Best Actresslifetime lifetime

earned four more Oscar nominations earned four more Oscar nominations

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Some of the __________( 著名的 ) films that she acted in include Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My Fair Lady. In 1989, she _____________________( 最后一次出现 ) in films.

_______________________( 在她的演艺生涯中 ), she acted in only one ________( 电视剧 ). She wanted to ______( 提醒 ) us that we should _________________ ( 保护环境 ) by _______(show) us the beauty of nature.

Her ____________________________________( 成就超越了电影行业 ). She ______________________. (贡献她的一生给慈善事业 ). She spent the last few years of her life _________________________( 和 UNICEF紧密合作 )

well-known well-known

made her final appearance made her final appearance

Throughout her acting yearsThroughout her acting yearsTV seriesTV series

remind remind protect the environment protect the environment

showing showing

achievements went beyond the film industry achievements went beyond the film industry devoted her time to charitydevoted her time to charity

working closely with UNICEFworking closely with UNICEF

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Her ______( 努力 ) in this area _______( 赢得 ) her a number of awards. In 1992, the President of the United States _______________( 给她颁奖 ) the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work.

In 1991, Audrey _________( 发现 ) that she had ______(癌症 ). On 10th January 1993, she ________________( 最后一次散步 ) in her garden. Ten days later, ______________( 在 63岁时 ), she ___________( 去世 ), _________(安静地 ) in her sleep. ;

effortsefforts earnedearned

presented her with presented her with


took her last walktook her last walkat the age of 63at the age of 63

passed awaypassed away peacefullypeacefully