Revision of the genus Agelia Laporte and Gory (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) S. M. V. Gussmann Transvaal Museum, PO. Box 413, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Gussmann, S. M. V., 2002. Revision of the genus Agelia Laporte and Gory (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 39: 23-55. The genus Agelia Laporte and Gory is revised. It consists of two geographically isolatedspecies groups, one occur- ring in the Afrotropical Region, the other in the Oriental Region. Nine species are recognized, one of which is de- scribed as new: A. petelii (Gory), A. lordi(Walker), A. obtusicollis Fairmaire, A. pectinicornis (Laporte and Gory), A. chalybea (Wiedemann), A. fasciata (Gory), A. limbata (Wiedemann), A. theryi Hoschek and A. burmensis spec. nov. Twelve new synonyms are proposed and one neotype is designated. Redescriptions, diagnoses, an identification key, distribution maps and detailed illustrations are provided for all species. Keywords: Buprestidae, Agelia, Afrotropical Region, Oriental Region, Systematic Revision, Distribution. INTRODUCTION The taxon Agelia was first established by Laporte and Gory (1835) as a 'second division' in the genus Chrysochroa Solier, implying a subgeneric rank. Only the Oriental species Chyrsochroa (Agelia) pectinicornis, newly described in the same paper (Laporte and Gory, 18351, was included. It was not until Saunders (1871) that Agelia was given generic rank and other species, mostly previously placed under Chrysochroa, were included in the genus. Subsequently more species, subspecies, variations and aberrations were described by various authors but no comprehensive revision of the genus was undertaken. At present, a number of taxa from the Oriental Region and the African continent are placed in Agelia. The unrevised state of the genus and the recent discovery of a new species from Burma prompted this study. It also provided the op- portunity to test whether or not the Afrotropical and Oriental 'faunashould perhaps be separated at sub- generic level. As far as the placement of Agelia within the higher Buprestid classification is concerned, a number of issues remain unresolved or are disputed. Bellamy Chrysochroina.Although Hotynski did not elaborate on the latter consideration, it contradicts Bellamy (1 985). Descarpentries' and Bellamy's presentation on the synonymy, based on a page priority issue, might, however, not be in accordancewith Article 64 of the International Code of Zoological hlomencla- ture (2000). For the purpose of this paper, and since the classification at lower taxonomic levels is not af- fected, the classification as given by Hotyhski (1 993) is accepted here. A number of infrasubspecifc names published by Obenberger (1 924b, 1940) are treated here as un- available in accordance with Articles 45.5 and 45.6 of the International Code of Zoological Nomencla- ture (2000). Little is known about the biology and lifestyle of Agelia. Adults seem to be active during the rainy season and feed mostly on shrubs (see host-plant records below). The adults of particularly the Afrotropical species display warnil-~g colour pat- terns on thei~ elytra, resembling the widespread and species-rich group of poisonous Mylabris species (Meloidae). Many groups of Cerambycids also dis- play the same colour patterns. (1 985) stated that 'an interesting page priorily was discussed by Descarpentries (1 948) which resulted MATERIAL AND METHODS in the Catoxanthini having status above the In log1 adult and types Chrysochroini'. He therefore lists Chrysochroinias a were examined. are in the following synonym to Catoxanthini Descarpentries under the ~ ~ ~ ~ t i ~ ~ ~ r i c a n Museum of Natural History, New the Buprestid subfamily Chalcophorinae u.S.A. - . - . . . . Lacordaire. He placed Agelia and 19 other genera BMNH The Natural History Museum, London, United within the tribe Catoxanthini. Hotynski (1 993) on the Kingdom other hand placed Agelia and 19 other genera in the BMSA National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa subtribe ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ - , ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r t ~ , the latter in the CClT Gianfranco Curletti Collection,Carmagnola, Italy tribe Burpestini Leach as part of subfamily CLBC Charles L. Bellamy Collection. Los Angeles. California, U.S.A. Bu~restinae Leach. He regarded the subtribe DElC Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Catoxanthina Descarpentriesas a valid synonym of Eberswalde, Germany

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Page 1: Revision of the genus Agelia Laporte and Gory (Coleoptera ...cerambycids.com/buprestidae/PDF/Gussmann/Gussmann 2002 Agelia.pdfRevision of the genus Agelia Laporte and Gory (Coleoptera:

Revision of the genus Agelia Laporte and Gory (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)

S. M. V. Gussmann Transvaal Museum, PO. Box 413, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa

Gussmann, S. M. V., 2002. Revision of the genus Agelia Laporte and Gory (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 39: 23-55.

The genus Agelia Laporte and Gory is revised. It consists of two geographically isolated species groups, one occur- ring in the Afrotropical Region, the other in the Oriental Region. Nine species are recognized, one of which is de- scribed as new: A. petelii (Gory), A. lordi(Walker), A. obtusicollis Fairmaire, A. pectinicornis (Laporte and Gory), A. chalybea (Wiedemann), A. fasciata (Gory), A. limbata (Wiedemann), A. theryi Hoschek and A. burmensis spec. nov. Twelve new synonyms are proposed and one neotype is designated. Redescriptions, diagnoses, an identification key, distribution maps and detailed illustrations are provided for all species.

Keywords: Buprestidae, Agelia, Afrotropical Region, Oriental Region, Systematic Revision, Distribution.


The taxon Agelia was first established by Laporte and Gory (1 835) as a 'second division' in the genus Chrysochroa Solier, implying a subgeneric rank. Only the Oriental species Chyrsochroa (Agelia) pectinicornis, newly described in the same paper (Laporte and Gory, 18351, was included. It was not until Saunders (1 871) that Agelia was given generic rank and other species, mostly previously placed under Chrysochroa, were included in the genus. Subsequently more species, subspecies, variations and aberrations were described by various authors but no comprehensive revision of the genus was undertaken. At present, a number of taxa from the Oriental Region and the African continent are placed in Agelia. The unrevised state of the genus and the recent discovery of a new species from Burma prompted this study. It also provided the op- portunity to test whether or not the Afrotropical and Oriental 'fauna should perhaps be separated at sub- generic level.

As far as the placement of Agelia within the higher Buprestid classification is concerned, a number of issues remain unresolved or are disputed. Bellamy

Chrysochroina. Although Hotynski did not elaborate on the latter consideration, it contradicts Bellamy (1 985). Descarpentries' and Bellamy's presentation on the synonymy, based on a page priority issue, might, however, not be in accordance with Article 64 of the International Code of Zoological hlomencla- ture (2000). For the purpose of this paper, and since the classification at lower taxonomic levels is not af- fected, the classification as given by Hotyhski (1 993) is accepted here.

A number of infrasubspecifc names published by Obenberger (1 924b, 1940) are treated here as un- available in accordance with Articles 45.5 and 45.6 of the International Code of Zoological Nomencla- ture (2000).

Little is known about the biology and lifestyle of Agelia. Adults seem to be active during the rainy season and feed mostly on shrubs (see host-plant records below). The adults of particularly the Afrotropical species display warnil-~g colour pat- terns on thei~ elytra, resembling the widespread and species-rich group of poisonous Mylabris species (Meloidae). Many groups of Cerambycids also dis- play the same colour patterns.

(1 985) stated that 'an interesting page priorily was discussed by Descarpentries (1 948) which resulted MATERIAL AND METHODS in the Catoxanthini having status above the In log1 adult and types Chrysochroini'. He therefore lists Chrysochroini as a were examined. are in the following

synonym to Catoxanthini Descarpentries under the ~ ~ ~ ~ t i ~ ~ ~ r i c a n Museum of Natural History, New the Buprestid subfamily Chalcophorinae u.S.A. - . - . . . . Lacordaire. He placed Agelia and 19 other genera BMNH The Natural History Museum, London, United within the tribe Catoxanthini. Hotynski (1 993) on the Kingdom other hand placed Agelia and 19 other genera in the BMSA National Museum, Bloemfontein, South Africa subtribe ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ - , ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r t ~ , the latter in the CClT Gianfranco Curletti Collection, Carmagnola, Italy

tribe Burpestini Leach as part of subfamily CLBC Charles L. Bellamy Collection. Los Angeles. California, U.S.A.

Bu~restinae Leach. He regarded the subtribe DElC Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Catoxan thina Descarpentries as a valid synonym of Eberswalde, Germany

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FREY Frey Collection, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Switzerland

GCWC George C. Walters Jr Collection, La Puente, California, U.S.A.

ISNB lnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium

MCSN Museo Civico di storia naturale 'Giacoma Doria', Genoa, ltaly

MNHN Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France

MRAC Musee Royal de I'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium

MZUF Museo Zoologico 'La Specola', Firenze, ltaly NMBS Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Switzerland NMBZ Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe,

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe NMKE National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya NMPC National Museum of Natural History, Prag~~e,

Czech Republic NMWN The National Museum of Namibia, Windhoek,

Namibia SAMC South African Museum, Cape Town, South

Africa SANC South African National Collection of Insects,

Pretoria, South Africa SBCP Svatopluc Bil$ Collection, Prague, Czech

Republic TMSA Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa TNSC Tiery Neef de Sainval Collection, Brussels,

Belgium VKCB Vit Kubah Collection, Brno, Czech Republic ZMHB Museum fur Naturkunde der

Humboldt-Universttat zu Berlin, Germany ZMSC Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munchen,

Germany ZMUC Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark TLCG Tieri Lander Collection, Geneva, Switzerland

Label data when cited verbatim (e.g., for all type material) are within inverted commas and separate labels are indicated by a forward slash.

A bibliography for each taxor~ is provided and the following abbreviations are used to indicate con- tents of the various papers: 'Redescr.' for redescription, 'Loc.' for locality/distributional re- cords, 'Syn.' for synonymy, 'Tax.' for taxonomy, 'Ill.' for illustration/photography. No abbreviations are given for the only monograph (Kerremans, 1908a) and the catalogues (Gemminger and von Harold, 1869; Waterhouse, 1871 ; Saunders, 1871 ; Kerremans, 1 885, 1 892, 1903, 1908b; Oben berger, 1926). In the synonymy it is indicated when an au- thor changed the ranking of a taxon. If in two or more subsequent references this ranking has not changed, 'then no indication is given.

Any information and corrections added by the author are given in square brackets.

Genus AGELIA Laporte and Gory Chrysochroa (Agelia) Laporte and Gory, 1835: 5;

Gory, 1 840: 51 ; Lacordaire, 1857: 19 (Agelia syn. of Chrysochroa); Gemminger and von Harold, 1869: 1354.

Agelia Laporte and Gory. Saunders, 1871 : 9; -Thornson, 1878: 14; Kerremans, 1892: 30; 1903: 50; Heyne and Taschenberg, 1907: 130; Kerremans, 1908a: 222; Obenberger, 1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 59; Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (Syn.); Ferreira and da Veiga- Ferreira, 1958: 167 (Tax.); Bellamy, 1985: 41 4. (Tax.); Hotyhski, 1993: 13.

Type species: Chrysochroa (Agelia) pectinicornis Laporte and Gory (by original monotypy).

The subgenus Agelia was established by Laporte and Gory (1835) on the basis of the following char- acters: depressed body, almost rectangular body outline; last segment of maxillary palpi small and cylindrical; antennae strongly pectiniform; terminal antennomere truncate, entire.

While these characters in principle still apply after more species were placed within the genus, 'the body outline is variable (see species redescriptions).

DESCRIPTION. Body: elongate, Flattened above, transversely convex below, length 10,9-33,5 mm. Head: rugose, slightly depressed between eyes, in- ner margins of eyes more or less converging dor- sally, clypeus emarginate, labrum bilobed, with adpressed setae, antennae pectiniform, mostly not reaching elytra when laid back, antennomeres 5-1 0 distinctly broader than long; apex of antenomeres 4-10 each with a few short, inconspicious setae. Pronotum: broader than long, disc feebly convex, sometimes with posterolateral depression on either side; anterior and posterior margin more or less bisinuate, pronotal disc separated from hypomeron by costiform lateral margin but the latter never reaching anterior margin. Elytra: scutellum invisible, pygidium invisible from above; lateral margin api- cally dentate, sutural margin slightly diverging at apex. Legs: pro- and mesofemora fusiform, metafemora subparallel; setation in male distinctly denser on ventral sides of pro-, meso- and metatibia than in females; tibiae each with pair of tarsal claws; claws moderately swollen basally; fourth tarsomere much smaller than third tarso- mere, thus exposing most of tarsal pad. Ventral surface: last visible abdominal sternum sexually dimorphic in shape, variably incised in males, mostly truncate in females; punctation and setation of prosternum sexually dimorphic.

Comparison of the Afrotropical with the Oriental species indicated the differences listed in Table 1.

Since all characters differ by degree only, ex- cept perhaps the alignment of the pro- and mesosternum, it is not justified to separate the Afrotropical and Oriental species at a subgeneric level.

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Table 1 Differential characters of the Afrotropical and Oriental species of Agelia.

Character Afrotropical species Oriental species

Head Clypeus feebly angularly and broadly emarginate Clypeus deeply angularly or triangularly emarginate

Anteclypeus invisible (with the exception of one Anteclypeus always partially visible male A. obtusicollis)

lnner margins d eyes noticeably converging lnner margins of eyes feebly converging dorsally dorsally

Pronotum With two distinct rounded posterolateral Posterolateral depressions absent or seldom with two depressions, one on either side indistinct shallow depressions

Elytra Lateral margin strongly costiform along at least Lateral margin not costiform or costiform at humeral anterior half of elytral length angle only

Legs Probibia feebly arcuate at base only with ratio Probibia distinctly arcuate, at least in anterior half, with lengthlwidth about 10:l ratio length to width equalling or less than 8:l

Mesosternuml Mesosternum level and aligned with prosternum in Mesosternum declivous to prosternum in lateral Prosternum one plane in lateral aspect aspect

Both the Afrotropical and Oriental species have elytral markings that vary in colour from yellow to brown (testaceous). The shape, size and number of markings vary inter- and intraspecifically. The yellow to brown colour is the result of a fading process over time. The colour of freshly collected specimens has been reported to be much darker, usually deep or- ange-red, sienna red or carmine red (e.g., Bleuzen, 1984, 1993). In the descriptions the colour is given as observed on the preserved specimens.


Mesosterrtum and prosterr~um at the same level in lateral view (Fig. 1A) . . . . . 2 Mesosternum declivous to prosternum in

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lateral view (Fig. 16) 4 Basal pair of elytral markings reaching or partially extending to elytral base, if not reaching elytral base then shaped as in Figs 9D E 15C-E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

I 1

Basal pair of elytral markings not reaching elytral base and shaped as in Fig. 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. obtusicollis Fairmaire Pronotal disc distinctly setose; mean body length c. 17 mm . . . A. lordi (Walker) Pronotal disc asetose; mean body length 26 mm . . . . . . . . . . A. petelii (Gory) Dorsal integument metallic green with stramineous/testaceous elytral markings. . 5 Dorsal integument black or black with metallic blue reflection and with strami-

. . . . . neous/testaceous elytral markings 7 Apical fifth to apical sixth of elytral margin dentate(e.g. Fig. 3 B ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Apical third of elytral margin dentate (Fig. 3A). . . . . . . A. burmensis spec. nov. Clypeus deeply and angularly emargi- nate; antennae almost reaching elytra when laid back; pattern of elytral mark-

ings as in Fig. 36. A. limbata (Wiedemann) - Clypeus deeply but roundly emarginate;

antennae reaching beyond anterior elytral margin when laid back; pattern of elytral markings as in Fig. 3C. . A. the~yi Hoschek

7.(4) Elytra about 2,5 times longer than wide; pronotum almost as long as wide (Fig. 4A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. fasciata (Gory)

- Elytra at most 2,O times longer than wide; pronotum always more than 1,3 times wider than long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

8.(7) Posterior margin of pronotum with large medioposterior lobe (Fig. 46); integu- ment ventrally black, rarely with very feeble metallic reflection . . . . . A. pectinicornis (Laporte and Gory)

- Posterior margin of pronotum with small medioposterior lobe (Figs 4C, 4D); integ- ument metallic blue ventrally . . . . . . . . . . . . A. chalybea (Wiedemann)


Agelia obtusicollis Fairmaire, Figs 1 A, 2A, 5-7 Agelia obtusicollis Fairmaire, 1884: Ixxiii;

Kerremans, 1885: 123; Fairmaire, 1886: 142 (Redescr.); Kerremans, 1892: 30; Gestro, 1895: 343 (Loc.); Kolbe, 1898: 199 (Loc.); Kerremans, 1903: 50; 1908a: 220; Obenberger, 1926: 1 1 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (Syn.); Thery, 1941 : 100 (Tax.).

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frontovertex a deep longitudinal groove, inner mar- gins of eyes noticeably converging dorsad, clypeus moderately and angularly emarginate, anteclypeus barely visible (one male) or invisible (holotype fe- male); antennae not reaching elytra when laid back. Pronotum: posterior margin more or less straight on

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Fig. 1 Lateral aspect of mesosternum (right arrow), prosternum (left arrow). A: Agelia petelii. B: A. limbata. Scale bar = 1 mm.

lateral one-quarter, then arcuate on either side of large rounded medioposterior lobe; lateral margin slightly diverging in posterior third, carinate, then converging in an arcuate line; anterior margin with moderately rounded median lobe; pronotum widest in posterior third, disc transversely feebly convex, coarsely punctate, with distinct lateral depressions and sparse, very short erect, whitish, inconspicuous setae barely reaching above integument surface, hypomeron with densely spaced, long, semi-erect whitish setae; disc shagreened. Elytra: base dis- tinctly wider than pronotal base, widest at about midpoint; lateral margins rounded at hurneral angle, then subparallel, then widening to about mid- point, thereafter gradually but increasingly converg- ing to apex; lateral margins distinctly costiform from base to about midpoint, then entire to approxi- mately apical fifths, thereafter dentate and terminat- ing with a fairly large tooth each; sutural and anterior margins entire, surface densely punctate, very rugose at base; costae obsolete (Fig. 6), very short, semi-erect to recumbent whitish setae, fairly sparse and inconspicious, barely reaching above integu- ment surface. Ventral side: long (in male twlce as long as mid-tibia1 diameter) or moderately long (in female, about 1,5 as long as mid-tibia1 diameter), densely spaced, mostly semi-erect to recumbent whitish setae; setae shorter on last sterna. Mesosternum and prosternurn: same level in lateral view (as in Fig. 1 A). Apex of last abdominal sternum: distinctly triangularly incised in males. Leg:: with pro- and mesotibia feebly arcuate basally; metatibia more or less straight, pro-, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres flattened, broadened dorsally; pro-, meso- and metatibia in males with average-length setae approximately one third, in females approxi-

Figs 2 - 4 Dorsal habitus of species: light grey areas = faded lign: h-:,*,- elytral markings; dark grey areas = markings with metal!~c r e ' 2:- lions. 2A: Agelia obtusicollis, male. 28: A. lordi, male. 2C : petelii, male. 3A: A. burmensis, holotype male. 38: A. ;;n:z-z female. 3C: A. theryi, male. 4A: A. fasciata, female. 4 8 - pectinicornis, male. 4C: A. chalybea, male. 4D: A. chalybei .e- male. Scale bars = l rnm.

mately one quarter of respective mid-tibia1 diarne:t- Integument: dorsally black with testaceous r a - - - ings on elytra (Figs 2A, 6), ventral surface em-I, black with no metallic reflections. Male gen~ia/ta- 2s in Fig. 5A-C. Size: body length 30,O m r c' 33,5 mm (holotype 9); elytral length 21,5 rnm : 24,l mm (holotype); elytral width 10,6 mm f 12,5 mm (holotype); pronotal length 5,8 mrn .t 7, l mm (holotype); pronotal width 8,O mm C 9,3 mm (holotype).

DIAGNOSIS. Agelia obtusicollis is the largest of E Agelia species. Apart from size, it can easily be

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Fig. 5 Apical section of aedeagal parameres of Agelia obtusicollis. A: dorsal view. B: ventral view. C: lateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.

distinguished from its congeners, particularly from A. petelii, by the following combination of character states: elytral base distinctly wider than pronotal base; basal pair of elytral markings clearly not reaching elytral base and shaped as in Fig. 2A; Fig. 6 hypomeron and venter generally with densely Agelia obtusicollis, dorsal habitus (length 30 mm).

spaced, mostly long, semi-erect whitish setae; aedeagus large and distinct (Fig. 5A-Cj. [red print on white label] / 'Agelia obtusicollis nsp

Fairm.' [handwritten by Fairmaire] / 'Agelia TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype 9: 'Museum Paris, Somali, obtusicollis Fairm. Kerremans vidit 1907.' [hand- Revoil, 1885' [printed on light blue label] / 'TYPE' written by Kerremans] (MNHN).

15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Fig. 7

Distribution of Agelia obtusicollis (A) and A. petelii (e).

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Fig. 8 Aedeagus of Agelia lordi. A: dorsal view. B: ventral view. C: lateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. SOMALIA: 1 dl Gesira, 20.vi.1984, L. Bartolozzi (CLBC).

DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 7). On the basis of no more than two distributional records, the species seems to be restricted to Somalia. The original description stipulates 'Makdischul as the type locality and Mogadishu is recorded on the distribution map.

REMARKS. Owing to internal damage to the male specimen, the aedeagus is also partially damaged. Only the intact apical half of the tegmen could be illustrated. The dorsal surface of the non-fused parts of the parameres is densely foveate, with each fovea bearing a short, distinct seta.

With only two specimens at hand, it remains un- known to what degree elytral markings vary in size and pattern. The complete lack of metallic reflec- tions on the integument may well be a specific character.

Agelia lordi (Walker), Figs 1 A, 2B, 8-1 3 Chlysochroa lordi Walker, 1871 : 13; Saunders,

1871: 138; Waterhouse, 1882: PI. 84; Kerremans, 1885: 123.

Agelia lordi (Walker). Kerremans, 1892: 30; 1903: 50; 1908a: 229; 1908b: 98; Thery, 191 0: 375 (Syn.) ; Obenberger, 1 926: 1 1 1 (?A. lord/]; Thery, 1926: 60 (A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 26 (?A. lordi, Syn.); Thery, 1937: 210 (Loc.); 1941 : 99 (Loc.); Lotte, 1943: 155 (LOC.) .

Agelia placida Gerstaecker, 1 884: 51 ; Fairmaire, 1886: 141 (Tax.); Kerremans, 1892: 30; Gestro, 1895: 344 (Tax.); Kolbe, 1898: 199 (Loc.) ; Kerremans, 1900: 283 (Syn.); 1903: 49; Obst, 1905: 424 (Loc.); Kerremans,

Fig. 9 A-E: intraspecific variation pattern of elytral and pronotal mark- ings of Agelia lordi, dorsal view: light grey areas = faded light brown elytral markings; dark grey areas = markings with metallic reflections. Scale bar = 1 mm.

1908a: 228; Thery, 1910: 375 (Tax.); Kerremans, 191 4: 21 8 (Loc.); Obenberger, 1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (var. of A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 1 928b: 27 (A. placida, Syn.); Thery, 1941 : 99 (Loc.); Ohmomo and Akiyama, 1997: 20, Figs 15,16 (Ill.). Syn. nov.

Agelia tricolor Fairmaire, 1884: Ixxiii; Kerremans, 1885: 124; Fairmaire, 1886: 140 (Redescr); Kerremans, 1892: 30; Kraatz, 1896: 84 (Tax.); Kolbe, 1898: 199 (Loc.); Kerremans, 1900: 283 (syn. of A. placida, Syn.) ; 1903: 49; Obst, 1905: 424 (Syn.); Kerremans, 1908a: 228; Obenberger, 1 926: 1 1 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. of A. lordi var, placida, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (A. tricolor, Syn.). Syn. nov.

Agelia morosa Fairmaire, 1886: 141 ; Kerremans, 1892: 30; Kolbe, 1898: 199 (Loc.); Kerremans, 1903: 49; 1908a: 225; Obenberger, 1926: 1 1 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (ssp. of A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (A. morosa , Syn .) .

Agelia ragazzii Gestro, 1895: 343; Kerremans, 1903: 49; 1907: 92 (Loc.); 1908a: 227; Thery, 1909: 437 (Loc.); 1910: 375 (syn. of A. lordi, Syn.); Thery, 1922: 580 (A. lord/]; Obenberger, 1924b: 37 (Tax.); 1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. of A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928a: 98 (A. lordi, Syn.); 19286: 27 (Syn.); Ohmomo and Akiyama, 1997: 20, Figs 13, 14 (Ill.).

Agelia analis Kraatz, 1896: 84; Kolbe, 1898: 199 (Loc.); Kerremans, 1903: 49 (syn. of A. placida); 1908a: 228; Obenberger, 1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. of A. lordi var. placida, Syn.); Obenberger, 19286: 27 (syn. of A. tricolor, Syn.). Syn. nov.

Agelia humeralis Thery, 191 0: 374; Obenberger,

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Figs 10-1 2 Agelia lordi, variation in dorsal habitus (length, left to right: 15, 21, 14 mm)

1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (var. of A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 19286: 26 (?A. humeralis, Syn.); Lotte, 1943: 155 (var. of A. lordi, Tax.). S y n . nov.

Agelia aegyptiaca Obenberger, 1924a: 14; 1926: 110; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. of A. lordi var. humeralis, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 26 (A. aegyptiaca, Syn.); Lotte, 1943: 155 (Tax., Loc.). Syn. nov.

Agelia aegyptiaca ssp. montana Obenberger, 1924a: 14; 1926: 1 10; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. of A. lordi var. humeralis, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 26 (ssp. ofA. aegyptiaca, Syn.); Lotte, 1943: 155 (Tax.). Syn. nov.

Agelia nickerli Obenberger, 1924b: 37; 1926: 11 1; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. of A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928a: 98 (syn. of A. ragazzii, Syn.); 1928b: 27 (Syn.).

Agelia nickerli var. coxalis Obenberger, 1924b: 37; 1926: 1 1 1 ; Thery, 1926; 60 (syn. of A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928a: 98 (var. of A. ragazzii, Syn.); 1928b: 27 (Syn.). Unavailable name.

Agelia ragazzii var, humerosa Obenberger, 1924b: 37; 1926: 1 12; Thery, 1926: 60 (var. of A. lordi, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928a: 98 (var. of A. nickerleana, Syn.); 1928b: 27 (Syn.). Un- available name.

Agelia placida var. paupera Oberiberger, 1924b: 37; 1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. of A. lordi var. placida, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (var. of A. tricolor, Syn.). Unavailable name.

Agelia nickerleana Obenberger, 1928a: 98 (nom. nov. for A. ragazzii sensu Kerremans (1 90%)

and sensu Obenberger (1924b) nec Gestro); 1928b: 27 (Syn.). S y n . nov.

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frontovertex varying from an obsolete to large, deep fovea; inner margin of eye noticeably converging dorsad; clypeus feebly and slightly but angularly emarginate; anteclypeus invisible; antennae not reaching elytra when laid back. Pronotum: posterior margin more or less straight in lateral one-third, then arcuate on either side of large rounded medioposterior lobe; lateral margins arcuately converging and narrowest at anterior margin, or subparallel in posterior third, then converging arcuately; lateral margins carinate in posterior thirds; anterior margin with moderately rounded median lobe; pronotum widest at base; disc trans- versely feebly convex, punctate with distinct lateral depressions; pronotal disc and hypomeron with fairly densely spaced, moderately long, erect to semi-erect whitish setae (above integument surface approximately as long as mid-tibia1 diameter); disc shagreened or not. Elytra: with base slightly wider than pronotal base, widest at about midpoint; lat- eral margins rounded at humeral angle, then widen- ing very slightly to about midpoint, thereafter gradually but increasingly converging to apex; lat- eral margins distinctly costiform from base to about apical fifth, thereafter dentate and terminating with a fairly large tooth each; sutural and anterior margins entire, surface moderately punctate, costae varying from obsolete to distinct (Fig. 12), with fairly densely spaced, moderately long (approximately as long as mid-tibia1 diameter), erect to semi-erect whitish

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6 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Fig. 13

Distribution of Agelia lordi.

setae. Ventral surface: long (in males, two times mid-tibia1 diameter) or moderately long (in females, up to 1,5 times mid-tibia1 diameter), densely spaced, mostly semi-erect whitish setae. Meso- sternum and prosternum: at the same level in lateral view (as in Fig. 1 A). Apex of last abdominal sternum: distinctly triangularly incised in males. Legs: pro- and mesotibia feebly arcuate basally, metatibia more or less straight, pro, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres flattened, broadened dorsally, pro-, meso- and metatibia in both sexes with seta length approximately three quarters of respective mid-tib- ial diameter, in males with additional very long setae (2-3 times as long as respective mid-tibia1 diame- ter) on ventral side. Integument: head black, mostly with strong metallic reflection, rarely with weak or no metallic reflection; pronotum black with usually lateral metallic marking on both sides, rarely entirely black; elytra black, but sometimes with weak metal- lic reflection, apices often with strong metallic reflection; elytra always with stramineous1testa- ceous markings, variable in size (Fig. 9A-E); in males ventral surface with strong metallic reflection of variable colour, apical 2-3 sterna orange-brown; in females ventral surface usually entirely metallic (mostly blue), or sometimes black with metallic markings on metacoxa, metepistern~~m and mesepisternum 01-~ly, ventral surface rarely entirely

black. Male genitalia: aedeagus as in Fig. 8. Size: body length 10,9-21,9 mm, mean 16,8 mm (536, 529); elytral length 10,l-15,3 mm, mean 12,6 mm (1M, 299); elytral width 4,4-7,l mm, mean 5,7 mm (16~3, 299); pronotal length 2,4-4,4 mm, mean 3,5 mm (15~3, 339); pronotal width 3,2-5,8 mm, mean 4,7 mm ( I S , 339).

DIAGNOSIS. Agelia lordi is the smallest Agelia species. The males of A. lordi are easily recognized: the orange-brown colour of the terminal 2-3 sterna is in sharp contrast to the mostly strongly metallic integument of the other sterna and remaining parts of the ventral surface. In females of A. lordi and in both sexes of other species, all sterna are invariably concolorous. Apart 'from size, most males and females of A. lordi can be separated from their Afri- can congeners by the strong metallic reflections on the head, lateral parts of the pronotum and elytral apices. Furthermore, the addiIional long setation on the ventral side of the pro-, meso- and metatibia is a unique character state in males of A. lordi.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype d, Chlysochroa lordi Walker, presumed destroyed: 'Harkeko, Egypt' (type locality in literature); neotype 9 (here desig- nated), Chrysochroa lordi Walker: 'Chrysochroa lordi, Wlk.'l'specimen fig. in Aid. 1.84'1 'Cool Van de

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Pool [Coll van de Poll, printing error]', 'Agelia lordi Wlk., Paratype' [handwritten by TI-~ery] (FREY); 6 syntypes, Agelia ragazzii Gestro: 26, 39, 'Scioa Farre, Ragazzi viii.87' / 'Typus' [red print on white rectangular label with red margin] / 'Ragazzii Gestro' [handwritten by Gestro] / 'cfr. scheda N.4504' / 'Syntypus [printed] d [or '9' respectively], 'Agelia ragazzii Gestro, 1895' [handwritten] [on red label] / 'Museo Civico di Genova' (MCSN); 19, 'Scioa, Farre, Ragazzi, viii.87' / 'Agelia ragazzii Gestro type!' [handwritten by Gestro] / 'Kerremans. 1903-59' / 'Type' [printed on white round label with red margin] (BMNH); holotype 9, Agelia morosa Fairmaire: 'Museum Paris, Zanguebar, Mpouapoua, Revoil, 1886' [printed on light blue la- bel] / 'TYPE' [red print on white label] / 'Agelia morosa Fm' [handwritten by Fairmaire] / 'Agelia morosa Fairm. Kerremans vidit 1907.' [handwritten by Kerremans] (MNHN); 2 syntypes, Agelia nickerli Obenberger: 1 d, 'Kilimandjaro'/ 'Typus9/ 'Agelia nickerli m. Type, Det. Dr. Obenberger' (NMPC , No.19996); 19, 'Abysinienl/ 'Typusl/ 'Agelia nickerli m. Type, Det. Dr. Obenberger'l 'ragazzii Gestro vera! 1927, Det. Dr. Obenberger' (NMPC); 1 syntype d, Agelia nickerli var. coxalis Obenberger: 'Abysinien'/ 'Typus'/ 'Agelia nickerli v. coxalis m. Type, Det. Dr. Obenberger' (NMPC); holotype [url- known sex], Agelia placida Gerstaecker, not traced: type locality in literature 'Klein-Arusha' (MNHN ?); 2 syntypes, Agelia tricolor Fairmaire: Id, 'Museum Paris, Somali, Revoil, 1885' [printed on light blue la- bel] / 'TYPE' [red print on white label] / 'Agelia tri- color Fairm Makdichu' [handwritten by Fairmaire] / 'Agel~a placida Gerst. Kerremans vidit 1907.' [hand- written by Kerremans] (MNHN); Id, 'Type' [printed on white round label with red margin] / 'Makdischu, Fairmaire' [handwritten by Kerremans] / 'tricolor Fairmaire, Type' [handwritten by Kerremans] / 'Kerremar~s. 1903059.' [printed] (BMNH); holotype d, Agelia analis Kraatz, not traced: type locality in literature 'Mpuapua'; holotype 9, Agelia placida var. paupera Obenberger: 'DOAfr.'/ 'typus'l 'Agelia placida var. paupera m. Typ., Det. Dr. Obenberger' (NMPC); holotype 6, Agelia nickerleana Oben- berger: 'Harrar, Abess., Gassner' / 'nickerleana m. n.nom. 1927, Det. Dr.Obenberger3 (NMPC); holotype 9, Agelia ragauii var. humerosa Oben- berger: 'Harrar, Abess., Gassner' / 'Typus' / 'ragazzii var. humerosa m. Type, Det. Dr.ObenbergerB / 'nickerleana m. var. humeralis [sic] m. 1927, Det.Dr. Oben berger' (N MPC) ; holotype 9, Agelia humeralis Thery: not found [teste Thery 19101; paratype 9, Agelia humeralis Thery: 'Co-type' [typed on white round label with yellow margin] / 'Entebbe, Uganda, Centr. Afr., H. Rolle, Berlin, S.W.N.' / 'Ex Coll. A. Thery, B.M. 1923-364.' / 'Agelia humeralis Thery [I-landwritten by Thery] , Thery det. [typed], Type

[handwritten by Thery] ' (BMNH) ; 2 syntypes, Agelia aegyptiaca Obenberger: 19, 'Egypt, W.T.R.L.' / 'Typus' [framed black print on red label] / 'Agelia aegyptiaca m. Typ. [handwritten by Obenberger], Det. Dr. Oben berger [printed]' (NMPC, No.19997); 19, 'Egypt, W.T.R.L.' / 'Typus' [framed black print on red label] / 'Agelia aegyptiaca m. Typ. [handwritten by Oben berger] , Det. Dr. Oben berger' [printed] / '31 51 ' / 'Type' [black print on white label with red margin] / 'Pres. by Imp. inst. Ent. Brit. Mus. 1 931 -283.' (BMNH); 1 syntype 9, Agelia aegyptiaca ssp. montana Obenberger: 'Abyssinia, Kovacs' / 'Vallis, Erer' / 'Agelia aegypt. var. montana m. Typ., Det. Dr. Obenberger' (NMPC).

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (1 51d, 17%). ETHIOPIA: 19, Maio, Dr. A. Andreini (MZUF); 7d, 39, Ellaballa, 6.viii.1908, R.E. Drake-Brockman (BMNH); 19, Sardo (Danakil), 28.vii.1946, K.J. Guichard (BMNH); 1 d, Eritrea [Ethiopia], Anfabet [Afabet], 29.viii.1958, leg. S. Chojnacki (CLBC); 2d, Harrar [Hgrer], Gassner (NMPC); 2d, 49 (NMPC), 10d, 89 (ISNB), 19, Harrar (ZMHB), same localily; 4d, 69, Dire Darna [Dire Dawa] (ISNB); 2d (ISNB), 19 (TSCB), D. Daoua [Dire Dawa], Coll. Le Moult; Id, Dirra-Dawa [Dire Dawa], vii. 1971, G. de Rougemont (SBCP); 19, L. Stephanie to L. Abaya [Ethiopia, close to Arba Minch], 2.v.1895, Don. Smith (ISNB); 5d, 29 (CLBC), 4d, 39 (TMSA), Gemu Gola [Gamo Gofa] Prov., near Arba Minch, vi.1994, K. Werner; 5d, 19, Gemu-Gofa Prov., Arba-Minch, 1250 m, 29l30.v.1974, G. de Rougemont (MRAC); 19, Gernu Gofa Prov., Konso, Omo Reg., iv./v.1992, Werner leg. (TSCB); Id, 90 km E Neghelli, 8.v.1974, R.O.S. Clarke, 1300 rn, on flowers of Aspilia (MRAC) ; 3d,9?, Errer, ii.1911 (ZMHB); 7d, 139, Bisa Timo (ZMHB); 19, Danakil [Denakil, tribe in NE Ethiopia.], between Bakie and Filoa, 3.viii.1946, K. Guichard (BMNH). ETHIOPIA, WITHOUT EXACT DATA: 2d, 29 (MRAC); 2d, 19 (NMPC); 19 (SBCP); 5d, 49 (BMNH); 19 (TSCB); 19, (SBCP).

KENYA: 8~3~69, Jonct. Camp-E. Elgon, iv.-v.1914, Dr. Bayer (MRAC); Id, Lake Baringo, 30.v.1980, B. Larnoral (CLBC); 1d,19, sarne data (TMSA); 19, Fort Hall [Murang'a] (NMPC); 19 (SBCP), 19 (ZMUC), Mua Hills, 8.vi.1975, Hans G nget leg.; 10d, 129 (ZMHB), Id, 19 (NMPC), Ikutha; Id, 29, Luitpoldkette / Coll. Franklin Miller / Agelia tricolor, Dr. G. Hauser (DEIC); 2d (ZMUC), Id, 49 (ISNB), 14d, 149 (ZMHB), 19 (MRAC), same locality; 19, Voi, Sagala Hills, xii.1993, Werner leg. (CLBC); 19, Voi, 15.iv.-13.v.1897, C.S. Betton (BMNH); Id, 19, Voi, xii.1954, or1 Grewia villosa, B. Verdcourt (BMNH); 3d, 19, Samburu, 30.x.-20.xi.1896, C.S. Betton (BMNH); 19, Kerio Riv., vi.1914, Dr. Bayer (MRAC); 19 (ISNB), Id, 19 (SAMC), 2d, 19 (MRAC), I d (TSCB), Bura (Wa-Taita) [close to Voi], i.-iv.1904, Ch.

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Allua~~d; I d (CLBC), 19 (DEIC), 19 (ZMUC), Id, 29 (ISNB), 7d, 89 (ZMHB), Taru - Mombasa, F. Thomas

-S.; 29, Mkaramo a. Pangani, 22.-24.v.1893, 0 . Neumann S. (ZMHB); 19, Kilifi district, Rare [river] (C/O Malindi) , local collectors vi.-vii. 1994, numero Mag.1561 (MZUF); Id, 19: Malindi, i.-ix.1990, legit J.Katana (MZUF); 26, 59, Kilifi distr., Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve (20 km S of Malindi), 21 .v.-7.vi.1994, legit L. Bartolozzi, B. Cecchi, A. Storzi, num. Mag. 1561 (MZUF); Id, 19, Mombasa (SBCP); 19, Watamu, Mombasa, iv. 1940, G.W. Jeffery (BMNH). KENYA, WITHOUT EXACT DATA: 36, 29 (NMPC), I d (SBCP), 19 (TSCB).

SOMALIA: Id, lsela Baldoz, ex coll. Dr. F. Lotte (ISNB); 16, Baldoa, 9.vi.-13.vii.1986, C.1.E.A 12405 (BMNH); 29, Ghersale, 22.iv.1968, Lanza Simonetta (MZUF 6625); 29 (ZMHB), 19 (ISNB), Scioa Farre, Ragazzii, viii.87.

SUDAN: 16, Prov. Darfur, El Geneina, 15.viii.1978, Ibrahim M. Abuzir~id leg. (CLBC).

TANZANIA: 26, Kilimandjaro (NMPC); 19, Kilimanjaro, T.T., NW Moshi, 22.iv.1926, A.H. Ritchie (BMNH); 19, Usambara Gebirge (ISNB); 5d, 79, Usarnbara, IVeu-Bethel, 1904 (ZMHB); 19, Usambara Mts, Lush010 [Lushoto], 26.iv.1926, A.H. Ritchie (BMNH); 19, Kisuani, Massaisteppe (ZMHB); 19, Korogwe, Mkokoni, C. Uhlig S.G. (ZMHB); 19, Mpuapua, Thery (MRAC); 2d, Mpwapwa, Cambier (BMNH); 26, Pangani-Steppe (ca 05.30s 38.50E) / Coll v.Bennigsen (DEIC). TANZANIA, WITHOUT EX- ACT DATA: 19 (BMNH), Id, 19 (SANC), 19 (TMSA), Id, 29 (NMPC), S ,49 (DEIC), Id, 29 (ISNB).

COUNTRY UNKNOWN: 19, Fra Daua e Ganale, v.1893, Bottego / cfr.scheda N.1182 (MCSN); 19, Alto Daua, 5.v.1893, Bottego / cfr.scheda N.1182 (MCSN); 19, Syria [error?] (BMNH); 19, G. Lewis, 191 5-38 (BMNH); 1 d, 19, Africa centr., Coll. Nonfried (NMPC);lQ (ISNB); 16, no label (NMPC).

DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 13). Locality records for Agelia lordi are concer~trated in northeastern Africa. The fairly recent, single record from western Sudan ap- pears reliable, thus suggesting a more extended distribution range to the west.

One distributional record from 'Daouenle' [Dewele] in Ethiopia is cited by Thery (1 909). The lo- cality is illustrated on the map although the single male specimen mentioned has not been found in any collection. Thery (1941) also viewed material from the 'Coryndon Memorial Museum' in Nairobi, Kenya, and identified specimens from the following Kenyan localities as A. placida: Masongaleni, Sirnba, Muguu, and Sabaki, lower Tana.

REMARKS. The original description of Chiysochroa lordi by Walker (1 871) clearly refers to a single male specimen; ,the reddish terminal abdominal seg-

ments are mentioned and one body length mea- surement is given. The holotype, however, more than likely no longer exists. Horn et al. (1990) point out that part of the material collected by Walker in Egypt, Syria and Arabia went to the BMNH while part of it was housed in Cairo, Egypt, at the School of Medicine but was later destroyed. Since the holotype of A. lordi was not found in the BMNH or any other collection listed in this paper, it has to be assumed that the specimen was among the destroyed material in Egypt. Much disagreement in the past, particularly between Thery and Oben- berger, and possible continuing controversy in the future with regard to the number of good species, i.e., acceptance of a single species, A. lordi, or more than one species, necessitates the designation of a neotype in order to preserve the identity of A. lordi (Walker). Specific characteristics of A. lordi, or as interpreted here, of certain populations of a highly variable species, are derived from specimens which were in the past determined as A. lordi in various collections by different workers. Walker's descrip- tion by itself is too general and does not describe the cr~~cial differences between populations. The lack of a metallic patch on the elytral apices and the geographical origin of the type are the only clear indications substantiating which population Walker was dealing with. In addition one might assume that the female specimen ~llustrated in Waterhouse (1882) was part of material collected, or at least identified, by Walker. This female has been found but contrary to the labelling by Thery, it cannot be considered part of a type series as the original description by Walker was based on a single male. Nevertheless, this large female, housed in FREY, is the logical choice as neotype.

Characteristics of these populations of A. lordi are large lateral metallic markings on the dorsal surface of the pronotum (often extending from anterior to posterior pronotal margin as in Fig. 9B), elytral api- ces without metallic markings (as in Fig. 9A, B) and with epipleura in at least the basal quarter of elytra not black but concolorous with elytral markings. The dorsal surface of the integument often has a metal- lic sheen which can be quite pronounced on the pronoturn, yet not as intense as on the lateral pronotal markings. The ratio of 1ength:width of the elytra seems greater than in other populations, thus giving specimens a more elongated appearance. Elytral costae are usually visible and feebly elevated. Specimens were mostly collected in the northeastern parts of the distribution range. The type specimens of A. ragauii, A. nickerli and A. nickerlivar. coxalis all form part of these populations and only differ from one another in minor details such as the dominant colour of the metallic reflec- tions. These three taxa have been held in synonymy

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with A. lordi by various authors for some time. Other populations are characterized by mostly

smaller lateral metallic markings on the pronotul-n (as in Figs 9C, D), elytral apices with a patch of strong metall~c reflections (arrow in Fig. 9C) and by black elytral rnargins and epipleura. The elytra, apart from the markings, are black, very seldorn wiI:h metallic sheen, the pronotum is also mostly black. The ratio of 1ength:width of elytra is less than in lordi, giving specimens a more compact appearance. Elytral costae are inconspicious. Agelia placida, A. tricolor, A. nickerleana and A. ragazzii var. humerosa all represent these populations, with minor differ- ences in the size of markings and colouration. As the basal elytral rnarking reduces in size, a black humeral marking increases (arrow in Fig. 9D, Fig. 12). This variation is very common and often seen in a single series, where some specimens have no black hurneral marking, others a small one and yet others a larger one. Specimens with the appearance of A. placida but with a distinct humeral marking were described as A. aegyptiaca, A. aegyptiaca ssp. montana and A. humeralis. Another variation randomly found among 'placida' popula- tions is the lack of metallic markings on the elytral apices (as in Fig. 9E), and was described as A. placida var. paupera.

The t-lolotype of A. analis Kraatz has not been traced but the original description (Kraatz, 1896) clearly relates to a single male specimen lacking metallic reflections and thus probably being almost identical lo A. morosa Fairmaire. The type locality for both species is 'Mpuapua' [Mpwapwa] in Tanzania. They represent specimens intermediate in shape (1ength:width ratio of elytra) between lordi and placida but lacking metallic rnarkings and reflec- tions entirely on the dorsal and ventral surfaces. The el\ytral margins and epipleura near the elytral apex are not entirely black but partially concolorous with the elytral markings.

Most intriguing is a female specirner~ frorn 'Erythraea' [Eritrea]. It shares the following charac- teristics with typical 'lordi': black integument with faint blue metall~c sheen, d~scernible costae and lackof elytral apical metallic markings. The shape of the basal elytral marking is typical forplacida but the body shape is clearly intermediate between 'lordi' and 'placida'. Most importantly, the elytral margin near the elytral base is black while the epipleura are concolorous with the elytral markings. This speci- men, but also those without metallic reflections, seem to represent transitional populations suggest- ing active interbreeding between 'lordi' and 'placida', thus leading to the conclusion that all the populations constitute one single species. On which scale overlap of populations occurs, remains speculative. More specimens with very precise

locality data would be required to establish if the gradient is determined by altitude and/or other climatic factors.

A number of males from different populations and geographical areas were dissected and their aedeagi compared. Geographic variation is not suf- ficiently clear to recognize subspecies

Two unpublished names have been found: one male and one female specimen from an unknown locality in Ethiopia, labelled as 'kerremansi type' by Thery, are housed in the MRAC. Both specimens are very similar to aegyptiaca. A single male in the ZMHB is labelled as follows: 'Agelia amoenula n.sp. Kolbe' [handwritten by Kolbe] / 'Agelia tricolor Fairm.' [underside of previous label, also handwrit- ten by Kolbe] / '68325' / 'Taru - Mombasa, ' Thomas S.' Before publishing the presumed new species, Kolbe obviously compared the specimen with 'tricolor' and realized that they were identical.

Agelia lordi has been collected on Grewia villosa Willd. (liliaceae) and Aspilia sp.

Agelia petelii (Gory), Figs 1 A, 2C, 7, 14-1 6 Chrysochroa (Agelia) petelii Gory, 1840: 51, p1.x

fig.51; Boheman, 1851 : 31 3 (Redescr.); Lacordaire, 1857: 19 (Loc.); Gemmir~ger and von Harold, 1869: 1354.

Agelia petelii (Gory). Saunders, 1871: 9; Thomson, 1878: 14 (lax.); Gerstaecker, 1884: 51 (Redescr.); Fairmaire, 1886: 141 (lax.); Kerremans, 1892: 30; Kraatz, 1896: 84 (lax.); Kerremans, 1896: 108 (Loc.); Kolbe, 1898: 199 (Loc.); Kerremans, 1903: 50; Obst, 1905: 424 (Loc.); 1906: 173 (Loc.); Heyne and Taschenberg, 1907: 130 (Redescr.); Kerremans, 1908a: 222; 1908b: 98; 1914: 218 (Loc.); Obenberger, 1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 59 (Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (Syn.); Thery, 1934: 3 (Loc.); Obenberger, 1935: 35 (Loc.); 1940: 9 (lax.); Thery, 1941: 100 (Tax.); Lotte, 1943: 155 (Loc.); Thery, 1946: 52 (Loc.); 1955: 392; Ferreira and da Veiga-Ferreira, 1958: 167 (Redescr., Ill., Loc.); Ferreira, 1963: 395 (Loc.); 1965: 839 (Loc.); 1 966: I 1 7 (Loc.); Descarpentries, 1970: 1 97; Ohmomo and Akiyama, 1997: 20, figs 11, 12 (Ill.).

Agelia proxima Thomson, 1878: 14; Kerremans, 1885: 124; 1892: 30 (syn. of A. petelil); 1903: 50; 1908a: 222; Obenberger, 1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (var. of A. petelii, Syn.); Obenberger 1928b: 27 (syn. of A. petelii, Syn.); 1935: 35 (Syn.); 1940: 8 (ab. of A. petelii, Tax.); Ferreira and da Veiga-Ferreira, 1958: 167 (syn. of A. petelii, Syn.); Ferreira, 1963: 396 (Syn.).

Agelia bennigseni Kerremans, 1 908a: 221 ;

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Obenberger, 1926: 1 10; Thery, 1 926: 60 (var. of A. petelii, Syn.); Obenberger, 19286: 26 (A. bennigseni, Syn.); Ferreira and da Veiga-Ferreira, 1958: 167 (syn. of A. petelii, Syn.); Ferreira, 1963: 395 (Syn.).

Agelia wiechelti Kerremans, 1908a: 224, pl. 18 fig.6; Obenberger, 1926: 1 12; Thery, 1926: 59 (?var. of A. petelii, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (Syn.). Syn. nov.

Agelia smythi Thery, 194.1 : 99, p1.10, fig.5. Syn. nov.

Agelia petelii var. nigrita Kerremans, 1903: 50; 1908a: 222; Obenberger, 1926: 1 1 1 ; Thery 1926: 60 (Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (Syn.); 1940: 10 (ab. of A. petelii, Tax.); Thery, 1946: 53 (var. of A. petelii, Loc.); Ferreira, 1965: 839 (Loc.). Syn. nov.

Agelia petelii var. gratiosa Obenberger, 1924b: 37; 1926: 1 1 1 ; Thery, 1926: 60 (syn. A. petelii var. benningseni, Syn.); Obenberger, 1928b: 27 (var. of A. petelii, Syn.); 1940: 9 (ab. of A. petelii, Tax.). Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab. humerosa Oben berger, 1940: 9. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab. holubi Obenberger, 1940: 9. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab. smaragdiceps Obenberger, 1940: 9. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab. rubronotata Oben berger, 1 940: 9. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab, continuata Oben berger, 1 940: 9. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab. zavattarii Obenberger, 1940: .8. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab. rubrifrons Oben berger, 1 940: 10. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab, usambarae Obenberger, 1940: 10. Unavailable name.

Agelia petelii ab. nonfriedi Oben berger, 1 940: 1 0. Unavailable name.

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frontovertex always a deep longitudinal groove, in- ner margin of eye slightly converging dorsad; clypeus feebly and roundly emarginate; antennae not reaching elytra when laid back. Pronotum: pos- terior margin more or less straight in lateral one-third, then arcuate on either side of large, rounded medioposterior lobe; lateral margin in posterior third subparallel or feebly concave or slightly converging and carinate, then converging strongly and arcuately to anterior margin; anterior margin with moderately. rounded median lobe; pronotum widest at base; disc transversely feebly convex, punctate; distinct lateral depressions pres- ent; pronotal disc asetose, hypomeron with very sparse, short, semi-erect whitish setae, disc

shagreened. Elytra: base slightly wider than pronotal base, widest at about midpoint; lateral margins rounded at humeral angle, then subparallel, then widening to about midpoint, there- after gradually but increasingly convergirrg to apex; lateral margins distinctly costiform from base to api- cal angle, then entire to at least apical fifths, thereaf- ter dentate and terminating with a fairly large tooth each; sutural and anterior margins entire; surface moderately punctate; costae feebly developed or obsolete (Fig. 16); short, semi-erect, whitish setae fairly sparse and inconspicuous, barely reaching above integument surface. Ventral surface: moder- ately long (as long and longer than mid-tibia1 diame- ter), densely spaced, mostly semi-erect, whitish setae; setae shorter on last 3-4 abdominal sterna. Mesosternum and prosternum: on the same level in lateral view (as in Fig. 1A). Apex of last abdominal sternum: distinctly triangularly incised in males. Legs: pro- and mesotibia feebly arcuate basally, metatibia more or less straight; pro-, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres dorsally rounded and later- ally broadened; pro-, meso- and metatibia in males with average-length setae approximately one-half, in females approximately one-third of respective mid-tibia1 diameter. Integument: head black, some- times with metallic reflection, pronotum black with usually mediolateral metallic marking on both sides, rarely entirely black; elytra black with stramin- eous1testaceous markings variable in size (Figs 15A-E); ventral surface usually black with me- tallic markings on metacoxa, metepisternum and mesepisternum, sometimes ventral surface entirely black or entirely metallic. Male genitalia: aedeagus as in Fig. 14. Size: body length 17,5 rrlm (d from Namibia) -28,O mm (dfrom Kenya), mean 26,O mm.

DIAGNOSIS. Agelia petelii is distinguished from the allopatric A. obtusicollis by the elytral base that is not distinctly wider than the pronotal base (cf. Fig. 2C and Fig. 2A), and by the basal pair of elytral markings, which usually reaches or almost reaches the elytral base and which is always differently shaped (cf. Figs 2C, 15A-E and Fig. 2A).

The species is separated from the partially sympatric A. lordi by its larger size, the lack of setation on the pronotal disc and the different pronotal shape (cf. Fig. 2C and Fig. 26). (For other distinguishing characters see diagnosis of A. lordi.)

TYPE MATERIAL. Five syntypes, Chrysochroa petelii Gory: 2d, 39, 'Museum Paris; Coll. R. Oberthijr' [printed on contemporary, blue label], la- bel (with blue margin) alongside specimens reads 'Petelii Buq., Natal, Typ. Gory' [~~nknown handwrit- ing] (MNHN, Oberthijr collection); 1 syntype, Agelia proxima Thomson: 19, 'Lac N'Gamy' 1 'Th. NPE'

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Fig. 14 Aedeagus of Agelia petelii. A: parameres, dorsal view. B: parameres, ventral view. C: parameres, lateral view. D: median lobe, dorsal view. E: median lobe, ventral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.

[printed, typical Thomson type label] / 'Proxima (H. Deyr. Mss.), Thoms. Type, C. B. 14 Lac Gnami' [un- known handwriting] / 'Ex Musaeo James Thomson' / 'Museum Paris, Coll. R. Oberthur' [printed on con- temporary, blue label] / 'TYPE' [printed on red label] (MNHN, Oberthur collection); possibly 2 syntypes, Agelia bennigseni Kerremans: Id, 'S.O.D. Afric., v. Bennigsen' [handwritten] / 'Bennigseni Kerrem. Type' [handwritten by Kerremans] 1 'Holotypus' [black print on red label] / 'Musee du Congo [printed], D.O.A. (Bennigsen) [handwritten], Coll. Kerremans, Don de M. Torley [printed]' / 'R. Det. 0 480' [printed] (MRAC), 1 (or more) syntype(s), not found, type locality in literature 'Ovampo' (MNHN - teste Kerremans, 1908a); holotype dl Agelia

wiechelti Kerremans: 'Outjo, D.S.W.A., Horn' / 'Wiechelti Kerrem. Type' [both handwritten by Kerremans] / 'Holotypus' [black print on red label] / 'Musee du Congo [printed], D.S.W. Afr.: Outjo (par Horn) [handwritten], Coll. Kerremans, Don de la R.Z.A.' [printed] 1 'R, det. C 801 ' [printed] (MRAC); holotype d, Agelia smythi Thery: 'Kenya Colony: Watita Hill, Kedai, xii.1911-i.1912, C. Montague Smyth' 1 'Brit. Mus. 1924-73' / 'Type' [black print on white round label with red margin] / 'Agelia Smythi Thery [handwritten by Thery], Type [red print]' (BMNH); paratype 9, Agelia smythi Thery: same data as holotype but 'Paratype' [black print on white round label with yellow margin] / 'Smythi Thery

Fig. 15 A-E: intraspecific variation pattern of elytral and pronotal mark- ings of Agelia petelii, dorsal view: light grey areas = faded light brown elytral markings; dark grey areas = markings with metallic reflections. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Fig. 16 Agelia petelii, dorsal habitus (length 26 mm).

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Fig. 19 Agelia burmensis, dorsal habitus (length 23 mrn).

DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 20). Myanmar (Burma)

REMARKS. The recently collected A. burmensis un- doubtedly constitutes a new species. Elytral shape is similar to A. fasciata (cf.Figs 3A, 19 and Figs 4A, 26), colour combination (but not pattern) similar to A. theryi and A. limbata. Females of A. burmensis are not known.

Agelia limbata (Wiedemann), Figs 1 B, 36, 20-22 Buprestis limbata Wiedemann, 1823: 101. Chrysochroa limbata (Wiedemann). Laporte and

Gory, 1835: 11, pl. i~ i , Fig. 10 (Redescr.); Gemminger and von Harold, 1869: 1354.

Agelia limbata (Wiedemann). Saunders, 1871 : 9 (syn. wiedmannii Crotch); Kerremans, 1885: 124 (A. limbata); 1892: 30; 1903: 50; 1908a: 216; Obenberger, 1926: 11 1; 1928b: 26 (Syn.); Ohmomo and Akiyama, 1997: 20, Fig. 10.

Agelia wiedmannii Crotch in Saunders, 1871 : 9; Kerremans, 1885: 124 (syn. limbata); 1892: 30; 1908a: 21 6;Obenberger. 1926: 1 1 1 ; 1928b: 27 (Syn.). Unavailable name.

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frontovertex obsolete; inner margins of eyes slightly converging dorsad, clypeus deeply and angularly emarginate, antennae almost reaching elytra when laid back. Pronotum: posterior margin more or less straight in lateral one-third, then arcuate on either side of short, rounded medioposterior lobe; lateral margin subparallel and carinate in posterior half, then converging slightly in a feebly arcuate (con- cave) line to anterior margin; anterior margin with weakly rounded median lobe; pronotum widest at base; disc transversely feebly convex, but increas- ingly convex laterally, particularly in anterior half; finely punctate, shagreened; lateral depressions

Fig. 20 Distribution of Agelia burmensis (B), A. lheryi (*), A. pectinicorna (0). A. limbata (A) , A. fasciata (A) and A. chalybea (A) .

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absent; short, semi-erect, whitish setae, sparse and inconspicuous (length above integument surface approximately one-half of mid-tibia1 diameter). Elytra: base distinctly wider than pronotal base, wid- est behind humeri and at about midpoint; lateral margins rounded at humeral angle, then slightly concave to midpoint, thereafter converging slightly but gradually and finally very strongly arcuate in api- cal sixth; lateral margins entire to at least apical fifth, thereafter dentate with teeth generally increasing in size, and terminating with a fairly large tooth each; sutural and anterior margins entire; surface finely punctate; with distinctly raised costae (Fig. 22); short, semi-erect and recurved whitish setae, fairly sparse and inconspicuous. Ventral surface: with moderately long, semi-erect to recumbent, whitish setae, fairly densely spaced (setae almost as long as mid-tibia1 diameter). Mesosternum: declivous to prosternum in lateral view (as in Fig. 1 B). Apex oflast abdominal sternum: feebly triangularly incised in males. Legs: with pro- and mesotibia arcuate, par- ticularly basally; metatibia more or less straight; pro-, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres dorsally rounded and laterally broadened; pro-, meso- and metatibia in both sexes with setal length approxi- mately two-thirds of respective mid-tibia1 diameter. Integument: upper side metallic green or some- times coppery with additional greenish blue reflec- tions but always with stramineous/testaceous elytral markings (pattern as in Figs 3B, 22); ventral surface metallic green, often with a bluish tinge, sometimes coppery with additional greenish blue reflections. Male genitalia: as in Fig. 21. Size: body length 18,9-23,9 mm (10 specimens), mean 21,4 mm (10 specimens); elytral length 17,O-17,8 mm (3 specimens), elytral width 6,l-7,O mm (3 specimens); pronotal length 3,2-3,8 mm, pronotal width 4,2-4,6 mm (5 speci- -mens).

DIAGNOSIS. The colouration in general and the elytral colour pattern with the stramineous/testa- ceous band along the basal, lateral and apical margins (Figs 3B, 22) in particular are distinctive of A. limbata. In size, shape and colouration it is closest to A. the~yi from which it is distinguished by the deeply and angularly emarginate clypeus, the larger 1ength:width ratio of the pronotum which results in the antennae not reaching the elytra when laid back, by the different colour pattern on the elytra (cf. Figs 3B, 22 and Figs 3C, 24), by the well-developed elytral costae and by the different aedeagi in males (cf. Fig. 21 and Fig. 23).

TYPE MATERIAL. 3 syntypes: Id, 'Tranquebar, limbata Wiedem.' / 'Mus.Westerm.' / 'Type' [black print on red label] (ZMUC); Id, 'Mus.Westerm.' 1

Fig. 21 Aedeagus of Agelia limbata. A: dorsal view. B: ventral view. C: lateral view. Scale bar = ! mm.

'Type' [black print on red label] (ZMUC); 19, 'limbata Lap. Gory., Bupr. limbata, hico. Tranqueb., Hag.' [handwritten] / '13393' / 'Hist.-Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr.13393, Agelia limbata Wied., Tranquebar, Mus. Hagen, Zool. Mus. Berlin' [printed] (ZMHB).

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (56, 29). INDIA, without exact data: Id, 19(ZMUC), Id(MNHN), ld(BMNH).

Unlabelled: I d (BMNH), I d (MNHN), 19 (ZMUC).

Fig. 22 Agelia limbata, dorsal habitus (length 21 mm).

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DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 20). India.

REMARKS. Saunders (1871) considered limbata (Wiedemann) to be preoccupied and listed it as a synonym of Agelia wiedmannii Crotch, which he proposed as a replacement name. In subsequent publications, by Kerremans and Obenberger in par- ticular, the latter name was rejected as an unpub- lished and therefore unavailable name, and A. limbata (Wiedemann) was considered the valid name.

The name limbata has been used in the original combination with Buprestis three times: first in 1805 by Donovan and currently placed in the Australian genus Temognatha, subsequently in 1823 by Wiedemann and currently placed in the genus Agelia, and lastly in 1840 by Gory and currently placed as a junior synonym of the Palaearctic Scintillatrix dives Guillebeau. The name limbata has not been in homonymy since 1835 when it was transferred to Chrysochroa by Laporte and Gory, and Saunders' treatment is therefore rejected.

Agelia theryi Hoschek, Figs -1 B, 3C, 20, 23, 24 Agelia theiyi Hoschek, 1925: 155, Fig. 1.

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frontovertex obsolete; inner margins of eyes slightly converging dorsally; clypeus deeply but roundly emarginate; antennae reaching beyond anterior elytral margin when laid back. Pronotum: with pos- terior margin more or less straight in lateral one-third, then arcuate on either side of short, rounded medioposterior lobe; lateral margin sub~arallel and carinate in posterior two-fifths, then converging slightly in a feebly arcuate (concave) line to anterior margin; anterior margin with weakly rounded median lobe; pronotum widest at base; disc transversely feebly convex; disc finely punctate, not shagreened, lateral depressions in- conspicuous to indiscernible; short, semi-erect whitish setae, fairly dense and equally spaced (length above integument surface approximately one-third of mid-tibia1 diameter). Elytra: with base distinctly wider than pronotal base, widest past hu- meri and at about midpoint; lateral margins rounded at humeral angle, then slightly concave to midpoint, thereafter converging slightly but gradu- ally and finally very strongly arcuate in apical sixths; lateral margins costiform at humeral angle, then en- tire to at least apical fifth, thereafter dentate and ter- minating with a fairly large tooth each; sutural and anterior margins entire; surface finely punctate; with very feebly raised costae (Fig. 24). Ventral surface: with moderately long, semi-erect to recumbent whit-

Fig. 23 Aedeagus-of Agelia theryi. A: dorsal view. lateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.

ventral view. C:

declivous to prosternum in lateral view (as in Fig. 1B). Apex of last abdominal sternum feebly triangularly incised in males. Legs with pro- and mesotibia arcuate, particularly basally; metatibia more or less straight; pro-, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres dorsally rounded and laterally broad- ened; pro-, meso- and metatibia in both sexes with average setal length approximately one-half the respective mid-tibia1 diameter. Integument: upper side metallic green with stramineous/testaceous elytral markings (pattern as in Figs 3C, 24) covering

ish setae, dense and equally spaced (setae slightly Fig. 24 longer than mid-tibia1 diameter). Mesosternum: Agelia theryi, dorsal habitus (length 22 rnm)

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entire elytron except apical fifth; ventral surface me- tallic green, with a bluish tinge. Male genitalia as in Fig. 23. Size: body length 21,O mm (HT), 22,O mrn (Id); elytral length 16,6 mm (HT), 17,2 mm (Id), elyt- ral width 6,3 mm (HI-), 6,8 mm (Id); pronotal length 3,3 mm (HT), 3,5 mm (Id), pror~otal width 4,2 mm (HT), 4,5 mm (Id).

DIAGNOSIS. Agelia theryi is easily identified by the following combination of character states: clypeus deeply but roundly emarginate; owing to the com- paratively short pronotum, antennae reaching be- yond an.terior elytral margin when laid back; elytra with stramineous/testaceous colour over entire elytron except apical fifth (Figs 3B, 24); rather feebly developed elytral costae; aedeagus (Fig. 23) with median lobe rounded, a character state not found in any other Agelia species.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype d: 'Koll. Dr. A. Frh. V. Hoschek [printed], Vorder-lndien [handwritten by Hoschek]' / 'theryi [handwritten], Det. Hoschek. 194 [printed]' / 'Typus' [printed] / 'Agelia theryi Hosch., det. R. Holynski 1993' / 'Agelia theryi Hoschek, Holotype, det. R. Holynski 1994' [handwritten by Hotyr'lski on red label] (ISNB).

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (Id, 19). INDIA: Id , Nognoor, North Salem, 19.v.1930, N.C. Chatterjee, on unspiked Sandal (SBCP); 19, Kerala State, Quilon District, Thenmala, v.1984, R.R.S. Natha, found on ground (GCWC).

DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 20). Southern India.

REMARKS. Agelia theryi is known from two male and one female specimens only. One specimen has been recorded on an 'unspiked Sandal' plant.

Agelia fasciata (Gory), Figs 1 B, 4A, 25-27 Chrysochroa fasciata Gory, 1840: 57, pl.xi Fig.47;

Gemminger and von Harold, 1869: 1354. Agelia fasciata (Gory). Saunders, 1871 : 9;

Kerremans, 1892: 29 (syn. of A. chalybea); 1903: 50; 1908a: 21 7; Obenberger, 1926: 1 1 1 (?var. of A. chalybea); 1928b: 26 (Syn.).

Agelia durantoni Bleuzen, 1984: 157, Fig. 1 ; 1993: 157 (Redescr., Ill.). Syn. nov.

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frontovertex shallow to obsolete; inner margins of eyes slightly converging dorsad; clypeus deeply but roundly emarginate; anterlnae not reaching elytra when laid back. Pronotum: with posterior rnar- gin more or less straight in lateral one-third, then arcuate on either side of large, rounded medio- posterior lobe; lateral rnargin converging slightly in

posterior half, then diverging very slightly to anterior margin; lateral margin carinate in posterior third; anterior margin with weakly rounded median lobe; pronotum widest at base; disc flat but increasingly transversely convex laterally, particularly in anterior half; punctate; lateral depressions absent; short, semi-erect whitish setae fairly dense but inconspic- uous (length above integument surface approxi- mately one-third of mid-tibia1 diameter). Elytra: with base distinctly wider than pronotal base, widest behind humerus and equally wide at about mid- point; lateral margirls rounded at humeral angle, then slightly concave to midpoint, thereafter con- verging gradually to the apex; lateral margins entire to at least apical third, thereafter dentate with teeth that increase in size, and terminating with a fairly large tooth each; sutural and anterior margins entire; surface finely punctate; with feebly raised costae (Fig. 26); short, semi-erect, whitish setae only along lateral margins. Ventral surface: with moderately long, mostly semi-erect, whitish setae, densely spaced (setae approximately as long as mid-tibia1 diameter). Mesosternum declivous to prosternum in lateral aspect (as in Fig. 1 B). Apex of last abdominal sternum: in males similar in shape to A. burmensis (see Fig. 18) but curvature much less developed. Legs: with pro- and mesotibia arcuate, particularly basally; metatibia more or less straight; pro-, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres dorsally rounded and laterally broadened; pro-, meso- and metatibia in both sexes with setal length approxi- mately one-half of respective mid-tibia1 diameter. Integument: dorsum black with weak blue reflection and with testaceous elytral markings (pattern of markings as in Figs 4A, 26); ventral surface moderately metallic blue. Male genitalia: aedeagus as in Fig. 25. Size: body length 21,8-25,8 mm, mean 24,7 mm (4 specimens); elytral lengh 16,5- 19,5 mm, elytral width 6,5-7,5 mm, 1ength:width ratio 2,5-2,6x (24; pronotal length 4,0-4,5 mm, pronotal width 4,2-4,8 mm, 1ength:width ratio 1,05-1.06~ (24.

DIAGNOSIS. Agelia fasciata is easily identified by its slender body shape, the elongate pronotum with large, rounded rnedio-posterior lobe; the dark in- tegument with metallic blue reflections; and the pat- tern of the elytral testaceous markings (Figs 4A, 26).

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype dl Chrysochroa fasciata Gory: 'Tranquebar, fasciata Gory' [unknown hand- writing] / 'Mus. Westerm.' [printed label] (ZMUC); holotype 9, Agelia durantoni Bleuzen: 'Sri Lanka, Maradankadawala, 2-XI-1 982 (G. Duranton leg.)' (MNHN).


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Fig. 25 Aedeagus of Agelia fasciata. A: dorsal view. 6: ventral view. C: lateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Tranquebar (ZMUC); I d , Travancore, Kofad (ZMUC). SRI LANK,: 19, Ceylon, C.f?, Mihintale, 6.xii.1953, F. Keiser (NHMB); Id, S.P, Hambantota, 7.xi.1908, T.B.F. (TLCG).

DISTRIBUTION. India (Fig. 20) and Sri Lanka (Fig. 27).

REMARKS. The holotype of Agelia fasciata (Gory) was found in ZMUC. The specimen was n ~ t marked as a type specimen but it exactly matches Gory's original description (Gory, 1840) as well as the accompanying illustration. The locality 'Tranquebar' written on one of the labels also agrees with the publication. Additional type material cannot exist because Gory clearly based his description on a single specimen. The specimen stems from the Westermann collection which is held in ZMUC and not in MNHN where most of Gory's other types are stored. Gory (1 840) believed thatA. fasciata is either very closely related to A, chalybea or the type might even be the male to A. chaybea. The latter state- ments and the fact that nobody seems to have previously identified the type specimen of A. fasciata, must have led to the subsequent incorrect synonymy, i.e.,A. fasciata repeatedly placed as syn- onym of A. chalybea (see below).

Agelia durantoni Bleuzen is undoubtedly a synonym of A. fasciata (Gory). In the description Bleuzen (1984) compared A. durantoni only with A. pectinicornis and considered the latter most closely related to A. durantoni. Subsequently, when adding the description of a male specimen, Bleuzen (1 993)

Fig. 26 Agelia fasciata, dorsal habitus (length 24 mm).

compared the species with the other Oriental species, namely A. limbata, A, theryi and A. chalybea. He then observed that A. durantoni is in fact most similar to A. chalybea and listed various differentiating diagnostic characters. All along, however, Bleuzen obviously never viewed the type or identified material of A. fasciafa, possibly be- cause the latter had, incorrectly, been synonymized with A. chalybea by Kerremans (1 892,1903,1908a) and later tentatively, with question mark, been con- sidered a variation of A. chalybea by Obenberger (1 926,1928b). Some errors were found in Bleuzen's publication (1993) with respect to the character states that serve to distinguish A. chalybea from A. durantoni, i.e., A. fasciata: the pronotum of A. durantoni is not longer than its width at the base but it is about 1,06 times wider than long. In addition, Bleuzen contradicted himself, having previously stated (1984) that the pronotum is l,11 times wider than long. Furthermore, Bleuzen (1993) mentioned that in A. chalybea the elytral suture is of pale colouration over its entire length with the exception of the apical fifth. This might be true for most speci- mens. Some, however, have rather large, dark markings on the elytra, in which case the dark colour extends onto the elytral suture.

The following characters are best used to sepa- rate A. fasciata from A. chalybea: shape of body - slender with lateral elytral margins converging from midpoint acuminately to apex in A. fasciata (Fig. 4A) - relatively broad (particularly females) with lateral elytral margins arcuately converging at apex in A. chalybea (Figs 4C, D); shape of pronotum -

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Fig. 27 Distribution of Agelia fasciata in Sri Lanka.

elongate and only about 1,05 times broader than long in A. fasciata, with large, rounded medio- posterior lobe (Fig. 4A) - broad and about 1,40 times broader than long in A. chalybea, and with small, rounded rnedioposterior lobe (Figs 4C, D); colouration pattern - elyral base testaceous but black with blue reflection in basosutural area in A. fasciata (Fig. 4A) - entire elytral base testaceous (Figs 4C, D) in A. chalybea.

Agelia pectinicornis (Laporte and Gory), Figs 1B,4B, 20,2&31 - Chrysochrca (Agelia) pectinicornis Laporte and

Gory, 1835: 5, phi, Fig. 3; Gory, 1840: 52 (Tax.); Lacordaire, 1857: 19 (Loc.); Gemminger and von Harold, 1869: 1354.

Agelia pectinicornis (Laporte and Gory). Saunders, 1871 : 9; Kerrernans, 1892: 30; 1903: 49; 1908a: 21 8; Thery 191 1 : 178 (lax.); Obenberger, 1926: 11 1; Thery, 1926: 59 (Syn.); Obenberger, 1956: 236 (Loc.); Bleuzen, 1984: 157 (Tax., Ill.).

Chrysochroa (Agelia) shiva Gory, 1840: 52, pl.x, Fig.52; Lacordaire, 1857: 19 (Loc.); Gemminger and von Harold, 1869: 1355.

Agelia shiva (Gory). Saunders, 1871 : 9; Kerremans, 1892: 30; 1903: 49 (syn. of A. pectinicornis) ; 1908a: 21 8; Obenberger, 1926: 11 1; Thery, 1926: 59 (Syn.); Oben berger, 1956: 235 (Syn.)

Agelia cardoni Thery, 191 1 : 178; Obenberger,

1926: 11 1 ; Thery, 1926: 59 (var. of A. pectinicornis, Syn.) . Syn. nov.

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frontovertex varying from obsolete to distinct but shallow groove; inner margins of eyes slightly con- verging dorsad; clypeus deeply but roundly emarginate; antennae not reaching elytra when laid back. Pronoturn: with posterior margin more or less straight in lateral one-third, then arcuate on either side of rounded medioposterior lobe; lateral rnargin subparallel and carinate in posterior third, then con- verging in a straight or slightly arcuate line to nar- rowest at anterior margin; anterior margin with weakly rounded median lobe, pronotu~n widest at base or in posterior third; disc transversely feebly convex, punctate; lateral depression from anterior one-third to posterior one-third either very shallow or obsolete. Elytra: with base distinctly wider than pronotal base, slightly wider at about midpoint; lat- eral margins rounded at humeral angle, then slightly widening to midpoint, thereafter converging gradu- ally and finally strongly arcuate in apical sixth; lateral margins costiform at hul-neral angle, then entire to at least apical fifth, thereafter dentate and usually ter- minating with a fairly large tooth each; sutural and anterior margins entire; surface coarsely punctate; sutural, second and third costae discernible, feebly raised and mostly apunctate, fourth and fifth costa barely discernible to obsolete (Fig. 31). Ventral sur- face: with variably long setae but mostly approxi-

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Fig. 28 Aedeagus of Ageliapectinicorna. A: dorsal view. B: ventral view. C: lateral view. Scale bar = 1 rnm.

mately as long as mid-tibia1 diameter, semi-erect to recumbent, moderately dense. Mesosternum: dec- livous to prosternum in lateral view (as in Fig. 1 B). Apex of last abdominal sternum: in males similar in shape to A. burmensis (see Fig. 18) but curvature much less developed. Legs: with pro- and mesotibia arcuate, particularly basally; metatibia more or less straight; pro-, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres dorsally rounded and laterally broad- ened; in males first three tarsomeres of pro- and mesotibia laterally with a well-developed spine (Fig. 29); pro-, meso- and metatibia in both sexes with setal length approximately between one-half and two-thirds of respective mid-tibia1 diameter, in males with additional long setae (about as long as mid-tibia1 diameter) on ventral side of metatibia. In- tegument: black (very rarely with weak metallic re- flection) and with brownish to yellowish elytral markings. Male genitalia: aedeagus as in Fig. 28. Size: body length 18,6-27,l mm, mean 23,4 mm (36 specimens); elytral length 14,9-23,O mm, elytral

Fig. 29 Proximal end of right protarsus of male Agelia pectinicornis, dorsolateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.

Fig. 30 A-C: intraspecific variation pattern of elytral and pronotal mark- ings of Agelia pectinicornis, dorsai view: light grey areas =faded light brown elytral markings. Scale bar = 1 mm.

width 6,O-9,2 mm (26, 79); pronotal length 3,7-5,l mm, pronotal width 4,5-6,6 mm (26, 79).

DIAGNOSIS. The rather robust, broad body, the dark integument with brownish to yellowish elytral markings and the distinct pattern of the elytral markings (Figs 30A-C, 31) easily separate A. pectinicornis from its congeners. The well- developed lateral spines on the first three

Fig. 31

Agelia pectinicornis, dorsal habitus (length 23 mm)

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tarsomeres of pro- and mesotibia in males are a unique character. Superficially (body outline, colouration, pattern of elytral markings) A. pectir~icornis is most similar to the African A. petelii and A. obtusicollis.

TYPE MATERIAL. 49 syntypes, Chrysochroa pectinicornis Laporte and Gory: 'Museum Paris, Coll. R. Oberthur' [printed on contemporary, blue la- bels], handwritten label (with yellow margin) along- side specimens reads: 'Pectinicornis Gory Calcutta Type' (MNHN) ; 1 d, 39 syntypes, Chrysochroa shiva Gory: 'Museum Paris, Coll. R. Oberthur' [printed on contemporary, yellow labels], handwritten label (with yellow margin) alongside specimens reads: 'Shiva Gory Bombay Type' (MNHN); holotype, Agelia cardoni Thery: not found, type locality 'Chota Nagpore, Pere Cardon, India1 (teste Thery 191 1).

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (1 7d, 279). INDIA: Id, 19, A.P, 30 km e. Marangal, 5.vii.1986, D.L. Pearson (CLBC); 19, Ramar~droog [Ramandrug 15.07N 76.25E1, 18.vii., Koller (NMPC); 19, R. Palghar range, N. Thana, Bombay, 3.4.vii.1939, R.R. D. 667, on teak leaf (NMPC); 29, Apuer, Rajputana [illegi- ble], ex coll. J. Muller (ISNB); Id, Kurseong, I? Braet (ISNB); Id, Chota-Nagpore [Chota Nagpur], Nowatoli, viii.1896, R.P Cardon (ISNB); 1d,19, same data except viii.4x.1896 (ZMHB, No.67783); 19, Chota-nag pore, Barway, vi.-viii. 1 896, R.P Cardon (TNSC); 19, Bohar (ZMHB); 19, Konbir, F! Cardon (BMNH); 26, Malabar (BMNH); 19, Mhow., 1905-22. (BMNH); 19, S. India, Nilgiri Hills, 5.vi.1954 (AMNH). WITHOUT EXACT DATA: 89 (ISNB), Id, 49 (NMPC), 2419 (ZMUC), 1d,19 (BMNH), 6d, 19 (ZMHB), 1d,19 (NMBS).

DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 20). India. Obenberger (1 956) mentioned three specimens housed i11 a forest re- search institute in India. Two were collected in the Central Provinces more than 60 years ago at Chanda [Chandrapur] and at Jubbulpur [Jubbulpore, now Jabalpur]. Both localily records are illustrated in Fig. 20 since A. pectinicornis can- not be confused with any other Asian Agelia spe- cies. The third specimen from 'N. Thana' is listed under additional material above - Obenberger de- posited it in NMPC.

REMARKS. The four syntypes of pectinicornis repre- sent those populations with more or less reduced elytral marking as illustrated in Fig. 30B,C while the four syntypes of shiva represent populations with large elytral markings as in Fig. 30A. Apart from vari- ation in body size, pronotal shape and pattern of the elytral markings, A. pectinicornis is rather uniform.

Although the holotype of Agelia cardoni has rtot

been found, it is clearly a synonym of A. pec- tinicornis. Already in the original description Thery (1 91 1) placed A. cardoni near A. pectinicornis. The differences between the two specified by Thery are minor and can either be attributed to sexual differ- ences, e.g., a more slender body outline and denser setation in males, or simple intraspecific variability, e.g., metallic reflection on integument, shape of the posterolateral pronotal margin, lack or presence of a distinct terrninal spine at elytral apices. Thery's cardoni is possibly a male that he compared with female type material of pectinicornis. Thery himself later (1926) considered cardoni a variation of A. pectinicornis.

One specimen was collected from a 'teak leaf', but the treelshrub species was not specified. No other host plant records are known.

Agelia chalybea (Wiedernann), Figs 1 B, 4C, D, 20, 33, 34 Buprestris chalybea Wiedemann, 1 823: 1 00. Chrysochroa chalybea (Wiedemann). Gory,

1840: 56, pl. x Fig. 56 (Redescr.); Gemminger and von Harold, 1869: 1354 (chalybea Gory [sic]).

Agelia chalybea (Wiedemann). Saunders, 1871 : 9; Kerremans, 1892: 29; 1903: 50; 1908a: 21 7; Obenbergec, 1926: 11 1 ; 1928b: 26 (Syn.); Bleuzen, 1993: 36 (Tax.).

REDESCRIPTION. Head: rugose; depression on frorltovertex a small longitudinal groove; inner mar- gins of eyes slightly converging dorsald; clypeus deeply and angularly emarginate; antennae almost reaching elytra when laid back. Pronoturn: with pos- terior margin rnore or less straight in lateral one-third, then feebly arcuate on either side of small, rounded medioposterior lobe; lateral margin subparallel and carinate in posterior third, then con- verging sligtltly in a feebly arcuate line to anterior margin; anterior margin with weakly rounded me- dian lobe; pronotum widest at base; disc trans- versely feebly convex, punctate; lateral depressions absent; very short, semi-erect whitish setae, sparse and inconspicuous (barely reaching above integu- ment surface). Elytra: with base distinctly wider than pronotal base, widest at about midpoint; lateral margins rounded at humeral angle, then more (in fe- males) or less (in males) widening to midpoint, thereafter converging slightly and finally very strongly arcuate in apical sixth; lateral margins en- tire to at least apical thirds, thereafter dentate with teeth that increase in size, and terminating with a fairly large tooth each; sutural arld anterior margins entire; surface coarsely punctate; with feebly raised costae (Fig. 34); very short, semi-erect, whitish setae, sparse and inconspicuous. Ventral surface:

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A B c approximately two-thirds of respective mid-tibia1 diameter. Integument: dorsum black with more or less strong blue reflection and with stramineousl testaceous elytral markings (pattern as in Figs 48, C, 34); ventral surface strongly metallic blue. Male genitalia as in Fig. 33. Size: body length 19,l-23,8 mm, mean 21,9 mm (26, 49); elytral length 15,O-17,5 mm, elytral width 6,O-8,O mm (Id, 49); pronotal length 2,8-4,0 mm, pronotal width 1,36-1-39 mm (Id, 49).

DIAGNOSIS. Agelia chalybea is characterized by its pronotal shape, the lateral elytral margins widening at midpoint, the dark integument with blue reflec-

I tions and the pattern of the stramineous1testaceous markings (Fig. 4C,D).

TYPE MATERIAL. 19 syntype: 'Tranquebar, chalybea Gory'/'Mus.Westerm.'/ 'Type' [black print

Fig. 32 on red label] (ZMUC). Aedeagus of Agelia chalybea. A: dorsal view. B: ventral view. C: lateral view. Scale bar = I rnrn. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (26 39). INDIA: 16,


with short setae, mostly semi-erect, not very (ZMHB), X (ZMUC), 19 (MNHN).

densely spaced (setae approximately three-quai- ters of mid-tibial diameter). Mesosternum; deciiv- DlSTRlBUTlON (Fig. 20). Southeastern India.

ous toprosternum in lateral view (as in Fig. 1 B). Apex of last abdominal sternum: in males deeply and roundly incised. Legs with pro- and mesotibia arcu- ate, particularly basally; metatibia more or less straight; pro-, meso- and metatibial tarsomeres dor- sally rounded and laterally broadened; pro-, meso- and metatibia in both sexes with setal length

REMARKS. Agelia chalybea only superficially re- sembles the sympatric A. fasciata. Differences be- tween them are listed under the latter.

The differences in the pattern of the elytral mark- ings between the male depicted in Fig. 4C and the female in Fig. D represent no more than the intraspecific variation extremes and are not sex re- lated.

INDEX TO PUBLISHED NAMES WITHIN THE GENUS AGELlA Bold = valid species names; not bold = synonyms (avail- ableand unavailable); [] - incorrect subsequent spellings. aegyptiaca Obenberger (see lord/] analis Kraatz (see lord/) bennigseni Kerremans (see petelil] burmensis spec. nov. cardoni Thery (see pectinicornis) chalybea (Wiedemann) [chalybaea] continuata Obenberger (see peteli~) coxalis Obenberger (see lord/] durantoni Bleuzen (see fasciata) fasciata (Gory) gratiosa Obenberger (see peteliij humeralis Thery (see lord/] humerosa Obenberger (see peteliij humerosa Obenberner (see lord11 holubi Obenberger {seepetem '

~ i g . 33 limbata (Wiedemann) Agelia chalybea, dorsal habitus (length 23 rnrn). mOntana Obenberger (see lord/)

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morosa Fairmaire (see lord/) nichbrleana Obenberger (see lordl] nicker~i Obenberger (see lord,) nigrita Kerremans (see petelill nonfriedi Obenberger (see petelill obtusicollis Fair maire paupera Obenberger (see lord/] pectinicornis Laporte and Gory petelii Gory [petell] placida Gerstaecker (see lord/] proxima Thomson (see petelill ragazzii Gestro (see lord/) ragazzii Kerremans (lordl) rubrifrons 0 ben berger (see petelig rubronotata 0 ben berger (see petelill shiva Gory (see pectinicornis) [sivah, shivah] smaragdiceps Obenberger (see petelii) smythi Thery (see petelill theryi Hoschek tricolor Fairmai re (see lord/) usambarae Obenberger (see petelill wiechelti Kerremans (see petelill wiedmannii Crotch zavattarii Oben berger (see petelill

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank all colleagues from the public institutions

and private collections listed above for providir~g types and material for this study. Special thanks go to my former colleague C.L. Bellamy (now Los An- geles County Museum, California) who suggested this revision, discussed aspects of the work with me on various occasions and supplied data and a pho- tograph of a female of the rare A. thew, housed in GCWC. I arn also indebted to the two referees for their critical comments on the manuscript.

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