Revision of Unit 1

Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

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Page 1: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

Revision of Unit 1

Page 2: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

Communication Communication WorkshopWorkshop

Lesson 4 City and Country

Lesson 3: Lesson 3: A volunteer A volunteer TeacherTeacher

Lesson 1: A Perfect Day

Lesson 2: RelaxingLesson 2: Relaxing

Test yourself--

Page 3: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson


Lesson 1: A Perfect Day

When I wake up, I don’t get up immediately. I turn on the television and watch the children’s programmes and old movies

until about half-past ten . Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room. After lunch, I have biscuits and a glass of milk, and I watch the news. In the afternoon, I often watch another old film- they’re showing some good ones at the moment. In the evenings,



? 新闻?

Page 4: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

Thirty-six-year-old Bob Black’s life is active, busy, and stressful .I am always the first person to get to the office. The mornings are always very busy and the afternoons are even busier! Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters .



甚至 占据?

Lesson 1:

A Perfect Day


Page 5: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

• Debbie is an accountant in a large company in the center of London.

• I need to be in my office by nine o’clock so I usually get up at seven o’clock. I travel to work on “the tube”. That’s what people call the underground in London. It takes about fifty minutes. Usually, it’s so crowded that I can’t find anywhere to sit.





Lesson 4 City and Lesson 4 City and CountryCountry

Page 6: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

• Paul lives in a small village in the north of England.

• I usually get up at four o’clock every morning when it’s still dark. I live and work on the farm so I don’t need to travel. After a big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and I’m already at work..




Lesson 4 City and Lesson 4 City and CountryCountry


Page 7: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

1. Test yourself( 单词与句型)

Page 8: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

1. The _______ ( 生活方式 ) of the twin brothers are quite different from each other.2. It isn’t good for your health to live a too _______ ( 有压力的 ) life all day long.3. After the firemen came, the fire was soon under ______ ( 控制 ).

4. I _____ ( 认为 ; 猜想 ) that answer must be wrong.





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5. ______ ( 卡通片 ) are children’s programmes.6. There will be a _____ _____ ( 电视访谈 ) tonight.

7. Please ____ ___ the lights before you leave the classroom.8. I think _______ (个人的) computer is useful.9. I can find the ______ ______ ( 遥控器 ) any where.


TV interview

switch off

remote control


Page 10: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

1. 我总是第一个到达办公室。I’m always ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ the office.

2. It’s ______ ( 紧急的 ) for you to post this letter.3. When the fire broke out, there was an ______ ( 警报 ).

4. Would you please take this _________ ( 文件 ) our manager?

the first person toget to




Page 11: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

5. If there’s nothing for me to do, I will get _____ ( 厌烦 ).

7. ___ _____ ___ (一……就) I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed.8. I hate my time is _____ with (充满着… ) paperwork.

9. 我很少看电影。I ______ go to see a movie.


As soon as



Page 12: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

11. You’d better turn down the TV, it’s __________ ( 午夜 ).12. - Are you free this Saturday? - Are you joking? Meetings fully ______ ___ (占据) my weekend . 13. The fire alarm _____ ____ (闹钟响)and I called the fire-fighters immediately.14. 换衣服只花了我不到五分钟时间。It ______ _____ ____ _____ 5 minutes to get changed.


taken upwent off

took me less than

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2. Test yourself( 短语与词组)

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1. 醒来2. 起床3. 下楼4. 打开(电源)5. 关掉(电源)6. 转换(到频道)7. 此刻8. 锻炼身体9. 遥控

1.wake up2.get up3.go downstairs4.Switch on5.Switch off6.Switch over to7.At the moment8.do/take exercise9.Remote control

Lesson 1:A Perfect Day (Phrases)

Page 15: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

• 爆炸• 从……跳出来• 换衣服• 占据• 充满• 为……而准备• 抱怨某物、某事• 自始自终做某事

1.go off2.jump out of3.get changed4.take up5.be filled with=be full of6.get ready fo7.complain about8.work one’s way through

Lesson 1:A Perfect Day (Phrases)

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1. 忍受,遭受2. 发生3. 减肥4. 不能忍受5. 想出(计划、回

答)6. 在……起很大作

Lesson 2、3& culture corner (Phrases) (Phrases)

1. suffer from2. take place3. lose weight4. can’t stand doing sth.5. come up with6. play an important role in

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1. 在……的中心2. 远离……3. 远程学习4. 对……感兴趣5. 休息一下6. 喜欢…… ( 用到 fon


7. 在工作8. 挤满……9. 结果是

1. in the centre of2. far away from3. distance learning4. be interested in5. take a break/have a rest6. be fond of7. at work8. be crowded with9. as a result

Lesson 4:City and country (Phrases)Lesson 4:City and country (Phrases)

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3. Test yourself( 选词填空)

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be filled with, take up, switch off, switch over, complain about, as well as, go off, Suffer from

1. John can speak English _________French.2. Our teachers never ____________working overtime.3. The child didn’t like the program so he ___________the TV now and then.4. Can you _________the TV, dear? It’s nearly one o’clock in the morning.5. For years, Kevin has ___________a bad back.6. Hearing the bad news, my mother’s eyes_______________ tears suddenly last night.7. The bomb __________in a crowded street yesterday evening.

as well as

complain aboutswitched over

switch off

suffered from

were filled with

went off

Page 20: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

Can‘t stand doing something , to tell the truth , make a decision, graduate from, be crowded with, at the moment, do exercise, take up,

• 1._______________________ , I have no money at all.• 2.He _____________________to leave America and returned

to his motherland.• 3.Meetings and phone calls _____________a large part of th

e day.• 4.He wants to keep fit so he ___________________every day.• 5.He ______________________Tianjing University.• 6.I know his name, but I cannot think of it _____________.• 7.Because of the construction, the road ___________

______ cars everyday.

has made a decision

To tell the truth

take up

does exercise

graduated from

is crowded with

at the moment

Page 21: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

Write a letter to your friend to introduce you life in your school.

Revise how to write a Personal letter

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A personal letter

• Layout• Your address, date

•Dear,…•1. introduce yourself•2.ask questions about him/her•3.information about your own life

•4.reasons to finish• All the best,• xxx

Page 23: Revision of Unit 1. Communication Workshop Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 4 City and Country Lesson 3: A volunteer Teacher Lesson 1: A Perfect Day Lesson

• 24th October• Dear Rose ,• This is Jack (your name). Remember me? We were friends in

primary school. We haven’t seen each other for about ten years- right?

• Anyway, how are you? I found your address on the internet. What are you doing now? How is your life now? I remember you always wanted to be an actress!

• At the moment I’m studying in Qingyun Middle School. The school has long history that can date back to 1940s.

• I get up at 6:15. Then we’ll do the morning exercise. We have 8 lessons a day. In the evening, we study in the classroom by ourselves. We have a lot of homework to do. We are a little bit stressful. But we’re happy and we’ll study hard.

• Well, I must finish here because I should prepare for the final exams . Write back soon and tell me all your news.

• All the best• Jack

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