Revisiting the Colorful Peranakan Culture Every citizen of Singapore is so proud of its development now. It has been acclaimed as one of the best countries in the world. Nevertheless, despite the awards and wonderful critics, it has not forgotten its culture. Hence, people still take pride especially when they talk about their own Peranakan culture in Singapore. Peranakan has arrived in Singapore in the late 15 th century thus; these descendants came from the archipelago of Indonesia. The word itself means descendant which is often more referred to the very old ancestry. These Peranakans migrated to Singapore and Malaysia and have adapted to culture similarity. The Peranakans until now are still using their own clothing known as Nyonya, Baju Panjang which is a batik sarong paired with 3 brooches. Their handmade slippers are

Revisiting the Colorful Peranakan Culture

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Singapore has diverse cultures and Peranakan is one of them. Find out where and how it evolved in this bustling city.

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Page 1: Revisiting the Colorful Peranakan Culture

Revisiting the Colorful Peranakan Culture

Every citizen of Singapore is so proud of its development now. It has been acclaimed as one of the best countries in the world. Nevertheless, despite the awards and wonderful critics, it has not forgotten its culture. Hence, people still take pride especially when they talk about their own Peranakan culture in Singapore. Peranakan has arrived in Singapore in the late 15th century thus; these descendants came from the archipelago of Indonesia. The word itself means descendant which is often more referred to the very old ancestry. These Peranakans migrated to Singapore and Malaysia and have adapted to culture similarity.

The Peranakans until now are still using their own clothing known as Nyonya, Baju Panjang which is a batik sarong paired with 3 brooches. Their handmade slippers are

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called Kaso Manek and you could see clearly the intricate details that one has put into. You would often find them in the streets of Singapore looking quite so attractive with their own clothing. Another thing that this culture relishes is their cuisine. They have developed their own cuisine which uses spices from Malaysia. For some of you who are so fond of laksa, then you would be amazed that it is actually a Peranakan dish. If you are craving for an all-original laksa then you could find a lot of restaurants in Singapore serving such cuisine.

In Singapore, you would see a lot of world class museums. One is specializing in Peranakan culture, which is another first in the world when it comes to presenting such heritage. It has 10 galleries that you could explore. With over a hundred thousand visitors every year, this museum certainly is not just your ordinary informative building. Know more about its origin and the colorful history it has made when you go there. If you are going to visit the city, one shouldn’t miss where the heart of Peranakan culture in Singapore is which is located in the eastern part of the city. You would find majestic heritage homes from the Peranakans which have been preserved. Baba House for example is a splendid house that has been built in 1895 and until now been able to preserve everything including the structure, furniture and other home accessories.

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Nowadays, these Singaporean Chinese would sometimes gather in various places. They are still trying to make the culture as vivid as possible for the future generation. Still, one cannot hinder that there are just some things that are forgotten. Peranakan is a very wonderful culture that has evolved over time which is why, as much as possible, people gather themselves up to make a move. Singapore is just oozing with so many things that there may be a possibility the youth will be at lost with all the developments and eventually forget about it. If you are hungry for information about Peranakan heritage then you just might as well visit the website of Peranakan Association in Singapore. They have much distinctive information that you would find very informative such as the hungry ghost festival 2012 .