Findings: Web Survey THE FUTURE OF REXALL PLACE February 2015 Northlands Arena Strategy Committee Traditionally, Northlands has been Edmonton’s gathering place for concerts, sporting events, trade shows, grads, weddings, horse races, and community events. Located on 160 acres, Northlands owns and operates all three of its venues: the Edmonton EXPO Centre, Northlands Park Racetrack and Casino, and Rexall Place. With a strong history in Edmonton, this organization is an agricultural society that was formed over 135 years ago. Under new leadership, and in the context of the development of the downtown arena district, this not-for-prot community organization is currently exploring the future of Rexall Place and its overall site use in the community. A new arena is being built in downtown Edmonton (Rogers Place) which is slated to be open in 2016. With the competitive market for Rexall Place changing, Northlands is undertaking an exercise to formulate a future for Rexall Place. The Northlands Board of Directors struck the Northlands Arena Strategy Committee (NASC) in October 2014. T asked with providing strategic recommendations to the Board by April 15, 2015, NASC has initiated a process that will lead to the formation of the recommendations. The process inclu ded: exploring the experiences of other cities and arenas; engaging with the community; and nancial analysis of potential options. Introduction

Rexall Online Survey

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Rexall Online Survey

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  • Findings: Web SurveyTHE FUTURE OF REXALL PLACE February 2015

    Northlands Arena Strategy Committee

    Traditionally, Northlands has been Edmontons gathering place for concerts, sporting events, trade shows, grads, weddings, horse races, and community events. Located on 160 acres, Northlands owns and operates all three of its venues: the Edmonton EXPO Centre, Northlands Park Racetrack and Casino, and Rexall Place.

    With a strong history in Edmonton, this organization is an agricultural society that was formed over 135 years ago. Under new leadership, and in the context of the development of the downtown arena district, this not-for-profit community organization is currently exploring the future of Rexall Place and its overall site use in the community.

    A new arena is being built in downtown Edmonton (Rogers Place) which is slated to be open in 2016. With the competitive market for Rexall Place changing, Northlands is undertaking an exercise to formulate a future for Rexall Place.

    The Northlands Board of Directors struck the Northlands Arena Strategy Committee (NASC) in October 2014. Tasked with providing strategic recommendations to the Board by April 15, 2015, NASC has initiated a process that will lead to the formation of the recommendations. The process included: exploring the experiences of other cities and arenas; engaging with the community; and financial analysis of potential options.


  • To gather feedback from the community and external stakeholders, the Northlands Arena Strategy Committee (NASC) created the Engagement Subcommittee. One of the tactics to identify and assess the communitys needs was the Arena Survey which took place from December 2, 2014 January 31, 2015. To encourage participation, the NASC held a press conference supported by a media release, erected signs on the Northlands site and invested in outdoor digital signage around the city. Other forms of communication included social media updates, handouts to patrons parking at Northlands and email notifications. In total, 26,019 individuals completed the online survey and provided their input on the future facility and site use of Rexall Place. The findings of the survey are presented below. 1

    1 Percentages reported are based on the numbers of people respondingtoeachquestion.Insomeinstances,figuresmay not total 100% due to rounding.

    Web Survey

    Findings from the survey are generally presented in the same order as were asked in the questionnaire. Overall findings are presented in graphical format where appropriate. Some findings from the subsegment analysis is presented alongside the overall findings. Refer to the Appendix for the complete subsegment analysis

    Survey Findings


  • Number of Events Attended in the Previous three (3) Years








    0 1-3 4-9 10-19 20 or more

    Typical Mode of Transportation to an Event at Rexall Place






    0% 20% 40% 60% 80%






    When asked to indicate their typical modes of transportation to the events attended (up to two means could be identified), three-quarters (75%) said they drive to Rexall Place. Forty-two percent (42%) use the LRT.1 See the graph.

    1 Other included people who used taxi services or who used a combination of means in a single trip.

    VISITATION TO REXALL PLACERespondents were asked to identify the number of events they had attended at Rexall Place in the previous 3 years. As illustrated in the accompanying graph, one-quarter (25%) of respondents had attended three or fewer events including three percent (3%) who had not attended a single event. Conversely over one-third (39%) of respondents attended 10 or more events including seventeen percent (17%) who have attended twenty or more.

    Subsegment Analysis

    Men were more likely to attend 20 or more events than women (21% vs 12%).

    Income correlates to number of events attended26% of respondents with a household income over $150,000 attended 20 or more events compared with 9% of respondents with an income of less than $50,000.

    Respondents from beyond the capital region were less likely to attend 20 or more events (11%) compared with respondents from the Capital Region (19%) and Edmonton (18%).

    Subsegment Analysis

    The younger the respondent, the more likely they were to use the LRT (57% of those 29 years and younger versus 32% of respondents aged 60 years and older).

    Levels of income corresponds to use of the LRTthe higher the household income the less likely that LRT is a typical mode of transportation (53% for households of less than $50,000 versus 38% for households of more than $150,000.

    Households with greater incomes are more likely to drive to an event at Rexall (81% for households with an income greater than $150,000 versus 61% for households with an income less than $50,000.


  • Events Attended in the Previous Three (3) Years








    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Edmonton Rush game

    Family Entertainment

    Major Events

    Canadian Finals Rodeo

    Edmonton Oil Kings game

    Edmonton Oilers game

    Concert / Musical PerformanceNext, respondents were asked to identify (from a list) the types of events they have attended at Rexall Place in the previous 3 years. As illustrated in the graph, a sizeable majority (85%) have attended concert/musical performances while 70% have attended Edmonton Oilers games. Over one-quarter (29%) of respondents attended the Canadian Finals Rodeo (CFR) over the previous three years.

    Subsegment Analysis

    Older respondents (60 years and older) were less likely to attend an Oilers game (54%) than respondents 30 39 years (77%) and 29 years and younger (76%).

    Respondents 60 years and older were more likely to attend CFR (40%) than those 30 39 (25%) and 29 years and younger (25%).

    The higher the household income the more likely they attend an Oilers game (81% of households with an income greater than $150,000 compared to 54% of households with an income of less than $50,000).

    The higher the household income the more likely they attend a major event (36% of households with an income greater than $150,000 compared to 19% of households with an income of less than $50,000).


  • Over 19,000 respondents identified their most memorable experience(s) at Rexall Place. They were asked to consider all of their experiences at Rexall Place and not to limit these recollections to the previous three years. There was a broad range of responses that can be grouped into categories. Major response categories are presented below.

    Concerts. Eighty-five percent of respondents indicated that they had attended at least one concert at Rexall Place in the previous 3 years. There were many specific concerts mentioned including the Paul McCartney concert. Other comments addressed the specialness of their first concert and simply the overall experience.

    Oilers 2006 Playoff Run. There were many mentions of the memories associated with the teams extended run in the playoffs in 2006. The excitement of the wins overall was mentioned as were some of the specific games. The entire building singing the national anthem was memorable for some.

    Oilers generally/Gretzky related. As the home for the Oilers since its entry into the National Hockey League, many respondents mentioned memories associated with the team and Gretzky specifically. The glory days were recalled; Stanley Cups won were mentioned; more recent accomplishments were cited (e.g. Sam Gagners 8 point game). Memories of first games and first games with a child were also relayed.

    Canadian Finals Rodeo. Attending and enjoying the CFR made the recollections of memorable events. Specific items including the appreciation to the Canadian Forces were mentioned. The sense of bringing the country into the city through the rodeo was memorable. The feeling of rural pride that accompanies the rodeo was mentioned as special.

    Other sporting events. Respondents spoke of memorable experiences associated with other sporting events and major events in Rexall Place. The Oil Kings were the source of some memories including the 2012 Championship. The World Junior Hockey Championships was mentioned as were the Brier, Edmonton Rush games, CIS Championships, and many others.

    Special Events/Family Entertainment. Attending a variety of special events and family entertainment performances were cited by many respondents. Items mentioned ranged from the Shrine Circus to Walking With Dinosaurs; from Stars On Ice to Monster Jam; from the Youth Christian conference to the Harlem Globetrotters; from the Canadian Country Music Awards to Oprah.

    Respondents shared many interesting memorable experiences including these select few.

    During the World Juniors the Canadian Flag was passed around the arena. It was a great example of Canadian solidarity and pride.

    One of my in-laws used to work at Northlands. At the staff/family Christmas party we were allowed to skate on the ice.

    At the Wiggles concert we saw our disabled daughter show, for the first time, that she recognized characters from TV and was dancing to the music. We were so excited to see her excitement.

    Our teenage son had the opportunity to show his purebred heifer at Farm Fair. It really felt like he was in the big league.

    We went to the World Juniors Hockey Championship and my husband proposed to me.


  • How important is Rexall place to you personally?




    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure

    How important is Rexall place to Edmonton?



    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure

    IMPORTANCE OF REXALL PLACEThe survey posed several questions that asked respondents to consider the importance of Rexall Place. They were asked to consider its importance to themselves, to Edmonton, to the Capital Region, and to Northern and Central Alberta while considering economic benefits, quality of life for residents and other factors.

    One-fifth (20%) of respondents said that Rexall Place is very important to them with a further half (51%) saying it is somewhat important. Approximately one-quarter (24%) of respondents said Rexall Place is not important to them personally.

    When asked about the importance of Rexall Place to Edmonton forty-two percent (42%) said it is very important; a further 44% said it was somewhat important. Approximately one-tenth (9%) said Rexall Place is unimportant to Edmonton.

    Subsegment Analysis

    Older respondents (60 years and older) were more likely to say Rexall Place is very important to them (28%) than respondents 30 39 years (15%) and 29 years and younger (17%).

    Subsegment Analysis

    The lower the household income the more likely respondents say that Rexall Place is very important to Edmonton (50% of respondents with a household income of less than $50,000 compared with 35% of households with a household income more than $150,000).

    Respondents from Edmonton were less likely to say Rexall is very important to Edmonton (39%) compared with respondents from beyond the Capital Region (53%).


  • How important is Rexall place to the Capital Region?


    45% 12%7%

    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure

    How important is Rexall place to Northern & Central Alberta?


    44% 19%9%

    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure

    Finally, over one-quarter (28%) of respondents said Rexall Place is very important to Northern and Central Alberta while 44% said it is somewhat important. Nineteen percent (19%) said it is not important.

    Approximately one-third (36%) consider Rexall Place very important to the Capital Region; forty-five percent (45%) said Rexall Place is somewhat important to the Capital Region.

    Subsegment Analysis

    Respondents from Alberta beyond the Capital Region were more likely to say Rexall Place is very important (42%) compared with respondents from the Capital Region (27%) and Edmonton (25%).

    Subsegment Analysis

    Thirty-eight percent (38%) of respondents from the Capital Region said Rexall Place is very important to the Region compared with 32% of Edmonton respondents and 47% of respondents from elsewhere in Alberta.


  • The Most Suitable Option for Rexall Place

  • Can two (2) major arena facilities survive in Edmonton?

    46% 32%


    Yes No Unsure / need more info

    The role of Northlands in Edmonton & the Region








    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Unsure / need more info


    Facilitating urban agriculture

    Promoting and facilitating agricultural activities / events

    Facilitating agricultural interpretation

    Hosting concerts, performances, family shows

    Hosting special events

    Reminded that the new downtown arena is slated to open in 2016, respondents were asked if they think two major arena facilities (the new facility and Rexall Place) can survive in Edmonton. Just less than half (46%) said yes, the two arena facilities could survive in Edmonton while approximately one-third (32%) said no. Approximately one-quarter (22%) were unsure.

    THE FUTURE OF NORTHLANDSWhile the focus of the survey was on the future of Rexall Place, respondents were asked a question about the future of Northlands (including Rexall Place, Northlands Park and the Edmonton EXPO Centre). As illustrated in the graph, respondents see the primary future of Northlands hosting special events (82%); hosting concerts, performances, family shows (77%); and facilitating agricultural interpretation (such as 4H, livestock programs, dog shows).

    Subsegment Analysis

    Older respondents were more likely to identify agriculture related functions for the future of Northlands compared with younger respondents.

    Facilitating agricultural interpretation (61% of those 29 years and younger versus 84% of those 60 years and older).

    Promoting and facilitating agricultural activities (47% of those 29 years and younger versus 77% of those 60 years and older).

    Facilitating urban agriculture (36% of those 29 years and younger versus 50% of those 60 years and older).

    Subsegment Analysis

    Respondents with a household income of less than $50,000 were more likely (54%) to say two major arena facilities can survive than respondents with a household income above $150,000 (40%).


  • OTHER COMMENTSFinally, respondents were able to share any other comments they had regarding the future of Rexall Place. Over six thousand comments were provided. A wide range of opinions, advice, and suggestions were shared on a variety of themes, ideas, and visions. Some respondents were adamant on the importance of keeping Rexall Place while others argued for repurposing or demolishing. Specific events and uses were proposed for the location. The following outlines common themes and responses from the general comments section concerning the future of Rexall Place.

    History and memories. A lot of support was displayed in favour of keeping Rexall Place due to the arenas history and an abundance of great memories with family and friends, both contributing to a strong sense of place attachment. Emotion was revealed amongst the many respondents who disliked the idea of demolishing or changing the building. A handful of people were more concerned about the future of Gretzkys statue than the actual building itself.

    Looking ahead. Concerts and the CFR were the leading suggestions for usage, followed by hopes of continuing to host the Oil Kings and Rush. Plenty of arguments were structured around the contingency of upgrading the seats and acoustics, lowering the price of parking, and offering an affordable alternative to the new arena.

    Focus on agriculture. A healthy proportion of responses advised Northlands to look back to their roots as an agriculture society. Concern was expressed about Rexall Place losing the CFR. People questioned the feasibility of the new downtown location to host such agricultural events due to the limited parking for trucks and trailers, a lack of stabling areas, and as an inconvenience for out of town residents. Rexall Places location was viewed as exemplary especially with the EXPO Centres ability to host Farm Fair International congruently. A strong amount of support was shown towards Northlands focusing on agriculture related events as it is an agriculture society.

    Demolish the building. In contrast to those holding a strong sense of place attachment to Rexall Place, there were those who view the building as worn out. Some ideas were to replace the arena with condos, hotels, restaurants, park and ride, along with many more. Some respondents wondered how much life the structure has left and if it will inevitably be demolished in the future. Many respondents supported demolition as they were concerned about the their tax dollars being spent on two arenas.

    Community based approach. The City should have a vision for that part of town and that Rexall Place is only a portion of the overall plan. These respondents pointed out that the area is run-down and is home to a population of marginalized people. Such comments went in two directions. On one hand, the area could be used to provide low income housing; on the other, a plan to revitalize the entire neighbourhood into a high density multi-use area is needed. It was believed that the City should determine what kind of district would feasible and beneficial before a decision on Rexall Place is made. Residential, business, and entertainment districts were suggested as the location is on the LRT line and close to downtown.

    Other comments: Given the land is right on the LRT line it would be

    wonderful if the building were to be demolished and a new sustainable, transit based, community were to be based there. There is an opportunity to build in ties to urban agriculture and to create enough density to have a vibrant community with shops, a farmers market, etc. This could anchor the continuing revitalization of 118 Ave and bring increased activity to the newly upgraded Borden Park.

    Northlands needs to avoid getting caught in the nostalgia trap. Sure, people over the years have had a great time at Rexall Place. They may have seen their first concert there, or they may have watched the Oilers there during their dynasty years. People may suggest that the facility is important to Edmonton because it has been important in the past. But nostalgia is a poor foundation for good decision making. Northlands needs to make the best business decision and take emotion out of the equation.

    The two arenas need to work together. It doesnt make any sense for the two to compete.

    If the building is going to change, it would great to have some public skating times first.

    Closing the building will have a negative impact on the neighbourhood.

    Its location provides easy road access which is not the case downtown.

    Northlands would need to make pre-event and post event activities more enjoyable to be able to compete with Rogers Place.



    Respondent Characteristics Proportion

    Where do you live?

    Edmonton 60%

    Capital Region 21%

    Alberta 17%

    Other 2%

    How many people in your household?

    One 11%

    Two 37%

    Three 20%

    Four 21%

    Five 8%

    Six or more 3%

    What best describes your age?

    19 years and younger 4%

    20 29 years 21%

    30 39 years 22%

    40 59 years 40%

    60 69 years 10%

    70 years and older 3%

    Respondent Characteristics Proportion

    What is your gender

    Female 49%

    Male 51%

    Are you a current employee of Northlands?

    Yes 2%

    No 98%

    Have you volunteered in the last two (2) years for Northlands?

    Yes 3%

    No 96%

    Unsure 1%

    What is your total household income (prior to taxes) in the previous year?

    Less than $50,000 7%

    $50,000 $75,000 11%

    $75,001 $100,000 13%

    $100,001 $125,000 12%

    $125,001 $150,000 10%

    $150,001 and above 22%

    I would rather not answer 25%


  • A number of conclusions can be drawn from the responses provided by survey participants.

    Based on the participation in the survey (26,000+ responses) there is a great deal of interest in the future of Rexall Place.

    Approximately one-third (39%) of respondents attended more than three events per year on average. The median number of events attended averages one to three per year.

    Driving is a primary means of getting to events at Rexall Place (75%).

    Concerts/musical performances are the main draw to Rexall Place (85% attended concerts); 70% attended an Oilers game.

    Rexall is considered important, particularly to Edmonton (42% said it is very important).

    With repurpose (40%) and keep it as is (30%) the top two supported options, it is clear that respondents believe Rexall Place has a future purpose.

    Some suggested repurpose ideas include: dedicated concert hall; recreation or training centre; market/shopping location; and housing.

    There is a belief that Northlands should continue to host special events (82%) and concerts (77%).

    Maintaining its connection to its agricultural roots is important. Seventy-three percent (73%) of respondents said Northlands should continue facilitating agricultural interpretation (including 4H, livestock programs, dog shows, etc).



  • Appendix A: SubsegmentAnalysis


  • Number of Events Attended in Previous 3 Years

    0 1 3 4 9 10 19 20 or more


    29 years & younger 2% 19% 37% 24% 17%

    30 39 years 2% 19% 37% 24% 19%

    40 59 years 3% 22% 37% 22% 16%

    60 years & older 6% 33% 35% 13% 13%


    Female 2% 24% 40% 21% 12%

    Male 3% 20% 34% 23% 21%


    Less than $50k 6% 34% 36% 16% 9%

    $50 $100k 3% 26% 39% 20% 12%

    $100 $150k 2% 19% 38% 24% 17%

    More than $150k 1% 14% 32% 26% 26%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 11% 89%

  • Typical Mode of Transportation

    Drive LRT Bus Walk Other


    29 years & younger 67% 57% 6% 3% 2%

    30 39 years 74% 46% 3% 3% 3%

    40 59 years 80% 34% 3% 3% 2%

    60 years & older 79% 32% 3% 2% 2%


    Female 75% 43% 4% 3% 3%

    Male 75% 42% 3% 3% 2%


    Less than $50k 61% 53% 10% 6% 2%

    $50 $100k 71% 47% 4% 4% 2%

    $100 $150k 76% 42% 3% 3% 2%

    More than $150k 81% 38% 2% 2% 2%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 68% 43% 5% 3% 2%

    4 9 visits 74% 44% 4% 3% 2%

    10 or more visits 80% 41% 3% 2% 2%


    Edmonton 68% 51% 5% 4% 2%

    Capital Region 88% 29% 2% 1% 2%

    Alberta 85% 28% 1% 2% 3%


  • Events Attended in Previous 3 Years

    Concert Oilers Oil Kings CFR Major EventFamily

    Entertainment Rush


    29 years & younger 88% 76% 46% 25% 23% 20% 18%

    30 39 years 87% 77% 42% 25% 26% 31% 16%

    40 59 years 86% 67% 40% 31% 28% 28% 13%

    60 years & older 73% 54% 32% 40% 34% 31% 8%


    Female 89% 62% 35% 31% 22% 30% 12%

    Male 81% 78% 47% 28% 32% 23% 17%


    Less than $50k 81% 54% 34% 27% 19% 26% 13%

    $50 $100k 83% 66% 39% 29% 24% 26% 15%

    $100 $150k 86% 74% 44% 29% 29% 28% 15%

    More than $150k 88% 81% 45% 32% 36% 27% 16%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 71% 40% 16% 19% 12% 21% 5%

    4 9 visits 87% 68% 35% 28% 21% 27% 11%

    10 or more visits 91% 87% 60% 36% 42% 30% 24%


    Edmonton 86% 71% 44% 26% 27% 27% 15%

    Capital Region 86% 74% 47% 34% 32% 28% 17%

    Alberta 82% 60% 26% 36% 23% 25% 10%


  • How Important is Rexall to you personally?

    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure


    29 years & younger 17% 52% 24% 6%

    30 39 years 15% 49% 31% 6%

    40 59 years 23% 50% 22% 5%

    60 years & older 28% 50% 18% 4%


    Female 23% 53% 18% 6%

    Male 18% 48% 30% 5%


    Less than $50k 25% 50% 20% 5%

    $50 $100k 21% 53% 21% 5%

    $100 $150k 18% 51% 26% 5%

    More than $150k 17% 48% 30% 5%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 13% 49% 32% 6%

    4 9 visits 20% 53% 22% 5%

    10 or more visits 25% 49% 21% 5%


    Edmonton 20% 50% 25% 5%

    Capital Region 19% 53% 23% 5%

    Alberta 23% 52% 19% 6%


  • How Important is Rexall to Edmonton?

    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure


    29 years & younger 39% 48% 9% 5%

    30 39 years 33% 48% 12% 6%

    40 59 years 45% 41% 9% 5%

    60 years & older 51% 38% 6% 5%


    Female 50% 41% 4% 6%

    Male 34% 47% 14% 5%


    Less than $50k 50% 39% 7% 5%

    $50 $100k 44% 44% 8% 4%

    $100 $150k 39% 47% 10% 5%

    More than $150k 35% 45% 14% 5%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 40% 44% 9% 7%

    4 9 visits 43% 45% 8% 5%

    10 or more visits 42% 43% 11% 4%


    Edmonton 39% 46% 11% 5%

    Capital Region 41% 45% 9% 5%

    Alberta 53% 36% 5% 6%


  • How Important is Rexall to the Capital Region?

    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure


    29 years & younger 29% 49% 14% 8%

    30 39 years 28% 48% 16% 8%

    40 59 years 40% 44% 11% 6%

    60 years & older 49% 40% 7% 5%


    Female 42% 44% 7% 7%

    Male 30% 47% 18% 6%


    Less than $50k 41% 43% 9% 7%

    $50 $100k 38% 46% 11% 6%

    $100 $150k 33% 47% 13% 6%

    More than $150k 31% 46% 17% 6%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 34% 46% 12% 8%

    4 9 visits 37% 47% 11% 6%

    10 or more visits 36% 45% 15% 6%


    Edmonton 32% 47% 14% 7%

    Capital Region 38% 46% 12% 5%

    Alberta 47% 40% 7% 6%


  • How Important is Rexall to Central and Northern Alberta?

    Very important Somewhat important Not important Unsure


    29 years & younger 21% 44% 24% 11%

    30 39 years 22% 44% 24% 10%

    40 59 years 32% 44% 16% 8%

    60 years & older 40% 43% 10% 6%


    Female 33% 44% 13% 10%

    Male 23% 44% 25% 8%


    Less than $50k 31% 43% 16% 9%

    $50 $100k 30% 45% 17% 8%

    $100 $150k 26% 45% 21% 8%

    More than $150k 24% 45% 23% 8%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 27% 44% 19% 10%

    4 9 visits 29% 45% 17% 9%

    10 or more visits 28% 43% 20% 8%


    Edmonton 25% 44% 21% 10%

    Capital Region 27% 46% 19% 8%

    Alberta 42% 42% 10% 6%


  • Future Options for Rexall Place

    Repurpose Keep as is Unsure Demolish Other Close


    29 years & younger 49% 27% 9% 13% 1% 40 59 years 35% 33% 18% 13% 1%

  • Can two major arena facilities survive?

    Yes No Unsure


    29 years & younger 48% 34% 18%

    30 39 years 40% 39% 21%

    40 59 years 48% 29% 24%

    60 years & older 53% 24% 23%


    Female 49% 26% 25%

    Male 44% 38% 18%


    Less than $50k 54% 27% 19%

    $50 $100k 49% 29% 22%

    $100 $150k 46% 34% 20%

    More than $150k 40% 40% 20%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 43% 33% 24%

    4 9 visits 47% 30% 23%

    10 or more visits 48% 33% 19%


    Edmonton 44% 34% 22%

    Capital Region 47% 31% 22%

    Alberta 53% 24% 23%


  • Future for Northlands

    Special Events

    Hosting Concerts

    Ag Interpretation

    Ag Activities

    Urban Agriculture Unsure


    29 years & younger 82% 80% 61% 47% 36% 7%

    30 39 years 81% 74% 70% 58% 42% 10%

    40 59 years 82% 77% 78% 68% 45% 8%

    60 years & older 82% 78% 84% 77% 50% 6%


    Female 84% 80% 76% 63% 45% 7%

    Male 80% 74% 71% 61% 41% 9%


    Less than $50k 82% 81% 71% 61% 44% 6%

    $50 $100k 82% 79% 73% 62% 45% 7%

    $100 $150k 83% 77% 74% 62% 42% 8%

    More than $150k 80% 72% 73% 65% 42% 9%

    Number of Visits

    0 3 visits 79% 75% 72% 61% 43% 9%

    4 9 visits 84% 79% 74% 62% 44% 8%

    10 or more visits 82% 76% 74% 62% 42% 8%


    Edmonton 82% 75% 72% 60% 44% 9%

    Capital Region 83% 78% 76% 65% 41% 7%

    Alberta 81% 82% 76% 66% 40% 7%
