RFP for new state Senate office space

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The Michigan Secretary of the Senate sent this request for proposal (RFP) to several companies and organizations, including the City of Lansing, seeking proposals for new office space near the Capitol.

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SECTION I: GENERAL INFORMATION (Pages 2-5) I-A Introduction & Overview I-B Lease Administrator I-C Questions Regarding this Request I-D Economy of Preparation I-E Incurring Costs I-F Acceptance of Proposal Content I-G Modification of Lease I-H News Releases I-I Disclosure I-J Accounting Records I-K Cancellation I-L Indemnification I-M Lessor Responsibilities I-N Lessor’s Liability Insurance I-O Subordination and Attornment I-P Nondiscrimination Clause I-Q Source of Funding I-R Taxes, Permits, and Fees I-S State Laws I-T Legislative Restrictive Clause SECTION II: WORK STATEMENT (Pages 6-7) II-A Project Summary II-B General Project Requirements II-C General Space Requirements II-D Occupancy/Commencement II-E Lessee Option to Purchase II-F Lease Period II-G Lease Payment Schedule SECTION III: INFORMATION REQUIRED FROM BIDDERS (Pages 8-10) III-A Proposals III-B Required Documents III-C RFP Timeline III-D Submittal Procedures III-E Oral Presentation III-F Contract Award/Rejection of Proposal III-G Selection Procedure & Criteria III-H Best and Final Offer (BAFO) III-I Senate Acceptance and Authority Request Proposal Submittal Form (Pages 11-13) ATTACHMENTS: State of Michigan – Department of Technology, Management and Budget – Building Design Standards State of Michigan Sample Lease

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GENERAL INFORMATION I-A Introduction and Overview The Michigan State Senate (the “Senate”) is evaluating their space alternatives in downtown Lansing, Michigan. The proposed lease or purchase must be a Class A office building (new construction or renovation of existing building) capable of providing offices for State Senators, their staff and various Senate support staffs along with conference rooms, meeting rooms and other space. Please respond to the Request for Proposal (RFP) if you have a potential location in the geographic boundaries set forth in this RFP. The successful bidder (hereafter referred to as the Lessor), will be required to meet all of the requirements set forth in this RFP.

I-B Lease Administrator Upon receipt of the properly executed lease agreement by the Senate, it is anticipated that the Secretary of the Senate will be authorized to administer the lease on a day-to-day basis. However, administration of any lease resulting from this RFP implies no authority to change, modify, clarify, amend, or otherwise alter the terms, conditions, and specifications of such lease. That authority is retained by the Secretary of the Senate. The Lease Administrator for this project is:

Carol Morey Viventi, J.D. Secretary of the Senate Michigan State Senate S-5 Capitol Building Phone: 517-373-2400

The Secretary of the Senate reserves the right to designate another individual as Administrator during the term of the lease. I-C Questions Regarding this Request Please confirm your firm’s intent to respond and/or submit ALL questions with respect to the Request for Information ONLY by email to the Secretary of the Senate, Ms. Carol Viventi, at [email protected] and cc: Tom Wegener at [email protected] and Nikki Bouck at [email protected], no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, July 7, 2014. Every effort will be made to answer all questions by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 10, 2014. Each question and answer will be shared with all recipients of the Request who acknowledged receipt of the Request and indicated their intent to respond. Interested firms should NOT contact any employees, elected official, member, or agent of the Senate concerning this Request, other than Ms. Viventi, Tom Wegener, and Nikki Bouck. Only responses from Ms. Viventi, Tom Wegener and Nikki Bouck will be valid for purposes of this Request. I-D Economy of Preparation Each proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the bidder’s ability to meet the requirements of the RFP. Bidder shall provide a thorough and adequate response with emphasis on completeness and clarity of content. I-E Incurring Costs The Senate assumes no responsibility or liability for costs incurred by the contractor prior to the signing of a lease by all parties resulting from this Request. Total liability of the Senate is limited to the terms and conditions of this Request and any resulting lease.

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I-F Acceptance of Proposal Content The contents of this RFP and the successful bidder’s proposal will become legally binding obligations, if a lease ensues. Failure of the successful bidder to accept these obligations may result in cancellation of the award. I-G Modification of Lease The Senate’s sole right to modify the lease and the terms thereof will be negotiated between the Senate and the Lessor. The terms will be incorporated in the lease document. I-H News Releases News releases pertaining to this RFP or the terms of the lease to which it relates will not be made without prior written approval, and then only in accordance with the explicit written instructions from the Secretary of the Senate. No information is to be released without prior approval of the Secretary of the Senate and then only to persons designated. I-I Disclosure All financial information limited to the purchase of the lease may be subject to disclosure under the Senate Rules. Nothing in this section shall preclude the Senate from disclosing information marked proprietary if the Senate is legally bound to do so, by Senate rule or court order. I-J Accounting Records The Lessor will be required to maintain all pertinent financial and accounting records (including time sheets and payroll records, and information pertaining to the lease and to the services, equipment and commodities provided under the lease) in accordance with generally accepted principles of accounting and other procedures specified by the Senate. All such financial and accounting records shall be made available, upon request, to the Senate, its designees, or the Michigan Department of Auditor General at any time during the lease period and any extension thereof, and for three (3) years from the expiration date of, and final payment under, the lease or any extension thereof. I-K Cancellation Legislative cancellation for the term of the lease requires 90 days written notice. All State leases for real property are required to contain a cancellation provision as established within the framework of the Michigan Constitution. The attached sample lease contains this provision. I-L Indemnification The Lessor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Senate and the State of Michigan and its agents and employees from and against all losses, liabilities, penalties, fines, damages and claims (including taxes), and all related costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements and costs of investigation, litigation, arbitration settlement, judgments, interest and penalties), arising from or in connection with any of the following: (A) Any claim, demand, action, citation or legal proceeding against the Senate or the State of Michigan or any of its agents or employees arising out of or resulting from the Lessor or the Lessor’s subcontractors performance of the work, duties, responsibilities, actions or omissions under the lease; (B) Any claim, demand, action, citation or legal proceeding against the Senate or the State of Michigan or any of its agents or employees arising out of or related to occurrences that the Lessor is required to insure against as provided for in the lease; (C) Any claim, demand, action, citation or legal proceeding against the Senate or the State of Michigan or any of its agents or employees arising out of or resulting from the death or bodily injury of any persons, or the damage, loss or destruction of any real or tangible personal property, in connection with the performance of services by the Lessor, by any of its subcontractors, by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for

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whose acts any of them may be liable; provided, however, that this indemnification obligation shall not apply to the extent, if any, that such death, bodily injury or property damage is caused solely by the negligence or reckless or intentional wrongful conduct of the Senate; (D) Any claim, demand, action, citation or legal proceeding against the Senate or the State of Michigan or any of its agents or employees which results from an act or omission of the Lessor or any of its subcontractors in its or their capacity as an employer of a person. In any and all claims against the Senate or the State of Michigan or any of its agents or employees, by any employee of the Lessor’s or any of its subcontractors, the indemnification obligation under the lease shall not be limited in any way by the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Lessor or any of its subcontractors under Worker’s Disability Compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefits acts. This indemnification clause is intended to be comprehensive. Any overlap in clauses, or the fact that greater specificity is provided as to some categories of risk, is not intended to limit the scope of indemnification under any other subclause. I-M Lessor Responsibilities The Lessor will be required to assume responsibility for all duties imposed by or provided for in the proposal or lease whether that Lessor performs them or whether a subcontractor, agent, employee, assignee, or other person performs them. Further, the Senate will consider the Lessor to be the sole point of contact with regard to the lease, including payment of any and all charges resulting from any lease. If any part of the work is to be subcontracted, the Lessor must provide a list of subcontractors (any company outside bidder’s company selected by the primary Lessor to perform part of the work of this lease) including firm name and address, contact person, licensing provisions, complete description of work to be subcontracted and descriptive information concerning subcontractor’s organizational abilities. The Senate reserves the right to approve subcontractors, agents, or assignees for this project and to require the primary Lessor to replace persons found to be unacceptable. The Lessor is totally responsible for adherence by subcontractor, agents, or assignees to all provisions of the lease. Any change in subcontractors must be approved by the House, in writing, prior to such change. I-N Lessor’s Liability Insurance General premises liability insurance for the Leased premises, naming the Senate, its several departments, boards, agencies, commissions, officers, and employees, as an additional insured, and which protects against all claims, demands, actions, suits, or causes of action, and judgments, settlements or recoveries, for bodily injury or property damage arising out of a condition of the Leased premises shall be maintained. The Lessor agrees to maintain minimum policy limits in the amount of $500,000.00 per occurrence for property damage, and $1,000,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury, with a $2,000,000.00 aggregate. The Lessor shall provide to the Senate a certificate of insurance naming the Senate, its several departments, boards, agencies, commissions, officers, and employees as an additional insured party, within thirty (30) calendar days following execution and delivery of this Lease to the Lessor, and every year thereafter. This provision shall not apply to liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to any person or damage to property of others resulting from the sole negligence of the State, its several departments, boards, agencies, commissions, officers and employees. The policy insurance shall provide that it may not be modified, canceled, or allowed to expire without thirty (30) days prior written notice given to the Senate or the additional insured. I-O Subordination And Attornment The Lessor shall disclose to the Senate the names and addresses of all persons or entities holding mortgages on the building or the Leased premises, and thereafter the Lessor shall cause each mortgagee to execute in favor of the Senate a nondisturbance agreement, such agreement to be in a form satisfactory to the Senate, whereby said mortgagee agrees that it will not disturb the Senate’s tenancy in the event of foreclosure or other succession to the interest of the Lessor. Any mortgage is to be subordinate to the Lease, addendum, and future addendum unless specifically provided otherwise in writing.

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I-P Nondiscrimination Clause In the performance of the terms of the lease, the Lessor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, with respect to their hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, physical or mental handicap or disability. The Lessor further agrees that every subcontract or sublease entered into for the performance of any lease resulting here from will contain a provision requiring non-discrimination in employment, as herein specified, binding upon each subcontractor. This covenant is required pursuant to Acts 220 and 453 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 1976, as amended. I-Q Source Of Funding Each bidder must supply confirmation that they have financing available to complete the total project on or before lease execution. If financing is “out of pocket”, we must have either a Letter of Credit or Performance Bond prior to the lease. I-R Taxes, Permits And Fees Each sealed bid submitted shall include, and the bidder shall pay, all taxes which are levied by the Federal State, or Municipal Government on services or materials or products provided by the Lessor. All permits, special assessments, and fees required for the construction are to be arranged and paid for by the bidder. It will be the responsibility of the bidder to acquire and pay for necessary plans and specifications from their Architect/Engineer. The bidder will be responsible for all necessary inspections by the Architect/Engineer during construction. I-S State Laws All leases are subject to, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan without regard to its choice of laws. Any dispute arising herein shall be resolved in the State of Michigan. I-T Legislative Restrictive Clause Any contract or lease payments as a result of this RFP, in any given fiscal year, are contingent upon enactment of legislative appropriations.

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II-A Project Summary The Senate’s new location should be in close proximity to the State Capitol. Please identify the location of the space by street and mailing address. The intended structure shall allow for an unobstructed view and access to the Capitol Building. The new location can be new build or renovation of an existing structure. The new structure should be of sufficient size to contain 30-38 close-to identically sized ‘executive’ suites for State Senators and their staffs, at least three public hearing rooms, and one large general purpose meeting room. The three public hearing rooms shall be easily accessible to the public and separated from the Senate offices for security reasons. Visitors shall pass a security checkpoint to gain access to the Senate offices. Also required will be additional office/work space in different configurations for support staff comprising of approximately 15,000 SF to be located in non-public areas of the basement, mezzanine and penthouse areas, including a computer data center server room with a non-water based fire suppression system. There is to be appropriate mechanical, electrical, HVAC, etc. space as required. The work will include all required site and building permitting, structure, fire protection, doors, windows, finishes, HVAC, lighting, electrical, plumbing, and other associated items to create a fully capable facility. Working with a to-be selected architect, the building’s design and build shall be inviting to Michigan’s citizens, those working with the Legislature and complement the existing downtown architecture. The building ideally shall qualify for LEED certification based on the type of construction or renovation selected. II-B General Project Requirements The Class (A) office building must be capable of providing offices for 30-38 State Senators, their staff and various Senate staffs, along with conference rooms, meeting rooms and other support space. The following special considerations must be included:

a. Location: A downtown Lansing location within a one block radius of the Capitol Building. The intended structure shall allow for an unobstructed view and access to the Capitol Building for the duration of the lease.

b. Parking: Minimum thirty (30) on-site parking spaces must be available. Bidder should indicate the number of parking spaces available and include the cost for those spaces in the triple net figure provided in the cost model.

c. Size: The Senate’s current facility is 100,000 s.f. +/-. This is only a gauge of current conditions and not a specific amount for the Bidder’s response.

d. Maintenance: Lessor to maintain mechanical, electrical and structure operations, Lessee to maintain janitorial and provide building management. Lessor’s cost of maintenance should be provided in the cost model.

e. Standards: A sample copy of the State of Michigan – Department of Technology, Management & Budget – Building Design Standards is attached and will be used as a model in design and construction standards, with final terms to be determined when an award is made.

f. Lease: A sample copy of the State of Michigan - State Lease is attached and will be used as a model lease for the Michigan Senate. Final terms of the lease to be negotiated between the Michigan Senate and the Lessor.

II-C General Space Requirements

a. Executive Suites: 30 –38 executive suites @ 1,300 to 1,400 SF each, consisting of a reception room, 4 staff offices, and one 300 to 400 SF private office. All private offices shall have similar exterior views.

b. Public Hearing Rooms: Each with ample ceiling heights for multimedia presentation. Configured with a raised dais for 9 people, a presentation table facing the dais and public seating for a minimum 75 to a maximum 100 persons. The rooms will have the capability for remote video and audio telecommunications to a Senate television control console in the State Capitol via fiber optic connections. Public Hearing rooms to be separated from the executive suites with a security office nearby.

c. General Purpose Meeting Room: 2,400 SF, located within the secure areas (non-public) of the building. d. Television Studio: 1,000 SF for taping of video and audio productions.

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e. General Office Space: 9,250 SF for additional office space for security personnel (minimum 1,350 SF), building management (minimum 900 SF), services personnel (minimum 2,500 SF), information systems (minimum 2,100 SF), video studio (minimum 1,000 SF), and carpenter shop (minimum 1,400 SF). Space is non-contiguous and the square footage amount is for illustrative purposes.

f. Ancillary space of 2,000 – 3,000SF: Copy and mail room; Mechanical/Electrical/Work and Carpentry Shop area; Cleaning storage, etc. Space is non-contiguous and the square footage amount is for illustrative purposes.

g. Computer data center server room with a non-water based fire suppression system and included in building’s generator power backup.

h. Building Operations: As needed for proper Mechanical/Electrical/HVAC operation of building.

II-D Occupancy/Commencement The Occupancy/Commencement Date is the latest date on which the improvements to the Premises are substantially complete and the Lessor secures a Certificate of Occupancy, or the Lessee begins beneficial use of the Premises. II-E Lessee Option To Purchase The Lessor may grant to the Senate the exclusive right and option to purchase the Leased premises and all rights, title, and interest held and subsequently acquired therein. II-F Lease Period The lease will commence upon notification, and will continue for a minimum of five (5) years to a maximum of thirty-one (31) years. Buy-out option plans should be submitted with the proposal and will be considered and negotiated with the lease. The lease will be null and void in any given fiscal year in which monies for such lease are not legislatively appropriated. II-G Lease Payment Schedule The specific payment schedule for any lease(s) entered into as the result of this RFP will be mutually agreed upon by the Senate and the lessor(s). As a general policy, statements shall be forwarded to the Senate Finance Office, by the 15

th day of the following month. BIDDERS PLEASE NOTE: Rates quoted in response to this Request are firm

for the duration of the proposed lease.

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III-A Proposals To be considered, each bidder must submit a COMPLETE response to this RFP using the format provided. No other distribution of proposals is to be made by the bidder. The proposal itself must remain valid for a period of at least ninety (90) days from the due date stated on page 8 of the RFP and must be submitted to the address indicated. All price quotations must appear in the Cost Evaluation Model only. The vendor must submit a complete Cost Evaluation Model and all costs to the Senate must be included.

The vendor’s response should follow the format listed below and be in three sections. Two copies of each are required.

First Section: Letter of Transmittal Management Summary, including Resume and Letter of Credit Page (i) Form, filled out and signed in ink

Second Section: Proposal, including sample floor plan, exterior of building and

location of building

Third Section: Cost Evaluation Model The Senate reserves the right to retain all submitted materials; to withdraw this Request, or any part of this Request; to reject any and all responses to the Request; to waive any requirements of the Request; to waive any minor informalities in a statement; to modify or amend, with the consent of the respective firm, any statement, if otherwise permitted by law; and to effect any agreement deemed by the Senate to be in its best interest. The Senate also reserves the right to seek additional information from any and all firms. The Senate shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by firms in the preparation, submission, or presentation of their response to the Request. III-B Required Documents Please return the following documents for our review and consideration. Please note: failure to provide the following may result in your proposal being rejected.

Written Summary of Proposal Proof of ownership of Property Proof of Legal authority to enter into the proposed agreement Proposed Floor Plan (you must show how the State’s requirements, using State standards, will fit in

your proposed site) Proposed Site Plan Project timeline from date of executed agreement Proposed Rendering Signed Bidder’s Acknowledgement

III-C RFP Timeline Distribution of Request: June 30, 2014 Written Questions regarding Request: July 7, 2014 by 5:00 p.m. EDT Responses to written questions regarding Request: July 10, 2014 by 5:00 p.m. EDT Proposal Due Date: July 30, 2014 by 3:00 p.m. EDT

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III-D Submittal Procedures Submit your response(s) to the Request in duplicate in accordance with the following instructions: Firms are responsible for assuring that the following identifying information appears on the outside envelope: “Sealed Response to the Request” notation, company and organization name. If a delivery service is used which prohibits such markings on their envelope or package, this information must be placed on the outside of an interior envelope or package. Responses to the Request submitted by Contract Carrier, Courier Delivery, or Personal Delivery address is: Michigan State Senate Finance Office New Building/Renovation 5th Floor, Boji Tower 124 W. Allegan St, Ste 500 Lansing, MI 48933 Responses to the Request submitted through the U.S. Postal Service should be addressed as follows: Michigan State Senate Finance Office New Building/Renovation P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536 Responses to the Request received after the specified due date and time will be time stamped and dated, but will not be considered. The Senate will return any such responses to the Request to the firm, unopened. III-E Oral Presentation Bidders who submit proposals may be required to make oral presentations of their proposals to the Senate. These presentations provide an opportunity for the bidders to clarify their proposals through mutual understanding. The Secretary of the Senate will schedule these presentations, if required. III-F Contract Award/Rejection of Proposal It is the intent of the Senate to award a right to enter into a lease to the most responsible bidder provided the bid has been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents, and does not exceed the funds available. The Senate may reject any and all proposals in whole or in part if, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Senate, the best interest of the Senate will be so served. The major considerations in determining an award will be qualifications of the bidder, conformity with specified requirements, project schedule and best overall value to the Senate and City of Lansing. III-G Selection Procedure and Criteria Responses to the Request will be accepted from all qualified firms and will be considered equally. Experience with the type of construction required for this project is critical. The Michigan Senate will evaluate and rank the submittals and determine the most qualified bidder based on the following criteria (but not necessarily limited to):

a. Proposed project meets the requirements as determined by the Senate. b. A clear and concise proposal, particularly in terms of dates, numbers, dollars, and any other information

requested in this RFP. Vague and/or general proposals may be rejected. c. Project location meets the requirements as determined by the Senate. d. Minimum 5 years’ experience in construction/renovation of similar commercial buildings.

Resumes/qualifications of contractor, project manager and engineering support all desirable. e. Class A building requested. Based on actual results from previous, and similar, projects; provide a list of

references including owner name, address, and phone number. f. The ability to comply with Barrier Free Design.

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g. The ability to meet any build out specifications and timelines, and special needs of the Lessee. h. The overall condition of the building, including infrastructure, HVAC, property, etc. (existing space). i. Ability to complete building construction/renovation within your proposed time frame. The

Occupancy/Commencement Date is the latest date on which the improvements to the Premises are substantially complete and the Lessor secures a Certificate of Occupancy, or the Lessee begins beneficial use of the Premises.

j. The overall cost, which is deemed in the best interest of the Senate. k. The type of accessibility (e.g. roads, public transportation, etc.) l. The type of utilities available. m. How your overall project value enhances economic development to the Senate and/or City of Lansing.

Sufficient and detailed information must be presented in the responses to the Request to enable thorough evaluation. The Senate is not obligated to ask for additional information, and in the absence of key information, the response to the Request will be rated deficient. References most closely related to the scope of work specified in this Request will be judged most favorably. In addition, the submittals should only include pertinent information about the project and the firm. This Request may be modified at any time during the process via an addendum. The Senate reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Incomplete responses to the Request will not be considered. III-H Best and Final Offer (BAFO) A BAFO may be requested at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Senate or its agent. A BAFO or other alteration to original proposals submitted after the Proposal Due Date will not be accepted unless requested in writing by the Senate or its agent.

A BAFO may be requested from one or more proposers during the review and evaluation process. If the evaluation process does not lead to a viable recommendation and there are alterations to the original RFP requirements, the requirements will be presented to all Bidders with a due date for submission.

Bidders will not be provided any information about other proposals, or where a Bidder stands in relation to others, at any time during the evaluation process. III-I Senate Acceptance and Authority After all proposals have been analyzed and the recommendation is made to and accepted by the Senate, the Senate will notify all Bidders accordingly. Any proposals not meeting the minimum requirements of the enclosed sample lease and instructions may be rejected. It is the Senate’s practice to select the lowest most responsive bid in consideration of all factors set forth in this RFP. The lowest bid does not necessarily mean it will be selected.

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Date: June 30, 2014

Project: Michigan State Senate – New Building/Renovation of Existing Building Owner: Office of the Secretary of the Senate Proposal Submittal: Michigan State Senate Finance Office Michigan State Senate New Building/Renovation 100 N. Capitol Ave. 5

th Floor Boji Tower

Lansing, MI 48933 124 W. Allegan St, Ste 500 Lansing, MI 48933 The Contractor hereby agrees and certifies to comply with all requirements within this Specification and further agrees to accept in payment as outlined in detail below for all work regarding this bid as described in the above detailed Project Summary and Project Timeline. The Firm proposes the cost stated below to include charges for all wages, overtime, materials, supplies, equipment, disposal costs, general conditions, supervision, taxes, insurance, overhead, profit and incidental expenses. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm, or corporation to furnish any information requested by the Owner or the Senate in verification of the recitals comprising the Firm's Qualification Form. All rates quoted on this form will be firm for the duration of the contract. Submit completed copies of the completed Request Proposal Form in duplicate.

Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Primary Address:_____________________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number ( ) - Fax Number ( ) -

Local Address:_______________________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number ( ) - Fax Number ( ) - BASE BID – Lease / Lease Purchase Option _____________________________________________________________________ $ _________________/SF/YR Indicate your willingness for a multi-year lease and/or lease purchase option. Note that this option and pricing can be negotiated after contract is awarded, including length of term, initial cost of SF/YR and annual escalation amounts for each year of lease or lease purchase. Estimated completion date:_______________________ Proposed Location:___________________________________________________________________ Base Bid must include any and all amounts for design, insurance, contingency, permits and fees.


Initial Here Submittal Form

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Cost Evaluation Model Bidder must provide the following information relative to the cost and terms of the lease: 1. Triple net square footage rate (Excluding taxes, insurance, utilities) 2. Square footage maintenance rate 3. Length of lease required and buy-out options will be considered and are negotiable. (Note: List any additional costs or information on attached sheets if needed.) Additional submittals required (as described on page 8 in Section III, Information Required from Bidders) □ Written summary of proposal; □ Experience and references; □ Proof of ownership of property; □ Proof of legal authority to enter into the proposed agreement; □ Proposed floor plan; □ Project timeline; □ Proposed Rendering and; □ A clear and concise list of the benefits of your proposal to the Michigan Senate, the State of Michigan and the

City of Lansing, and a description of why it would be in the best interest of the Senate to accept your proposal. Addenda


The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: No. 1 dated __________________ No. 3 dated __________________

No. 2 dated __________________ No. 4 dated _________________

Signature The firm declares the following legal status in submitting this Proposal:

_____A Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of __________________ _____A limited Liability Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of _________________ _____A partnership _____An individual doing business as _______________________________ Federal Employer Identification No._________________________________________


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The undersigned certifies that this offer has been prepared after the undersigned’s examination of the RFP and any addenda. The undersigned submits the following to offer to enter into a Contract with Michigan Senate, and agrees to the performance of the work as stated in the RFP and any ensuing Contract, including but not limited to all labor, materials and equipment.

ENTITY: _______________________________________________________________________________

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________

PRINT NAME: __________________________________________________________________________

TITLE: _________________________________________________________________________________

DATE: _________________________________________________________________________________


Initial Here Submittal Form

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