w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXAE A YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU Committee Complete* Li»t of Articles to Be Fashioned and niaplnvfH bv Children. ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN SESSION HERE The bcLiyol i-xhii'it iijriiiniitee be c-xhibite<i at the L:v.yt.t\ -i;hool fair to be held m Manassaii m tiie fail, sometime tiftween Oct. 1» and Nov, 1, and alihuu^jh a book: let will soon be published con- taining this list tog^ether with premiums to be offered, the com- mittee feels it important to put this list before the public at onee in order that the children may be given their work as soon as pos- sible. ft is hoped- tfiat the *«' and parents throughout the coun- ty will co-operate with the com- mittee and make the show to be held at Manaaaaa the boot of ita :chttni '~'^'"^ kind in the State of Virginia. MAWUAIi TKAIMING 1. 2. Bird box. Flower stand. S. Towel rgrir. MF^KERYB^ Confederate Organization* Unite for Celebration—Hon. Mr. Hardy, of Te»a«,Speak*. The_ town atrd countrv.side as- sembled Wednesday at the pa- vilion in the Confederate ceme- tery wh«-e, under tlie auspices of tb» Manasaae Chapters of the Uuimd DaugliiurB of «I6^-€^B-- Taitcn Srtttfclay, May jO, on Staya of hfew Pmee WiJKjm Hotr federacy and the Confederated Southern Memoria) Association^ was celebrated the birthday an- niversary of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. The exercises opened with Lee'a favorite hymn, "How Firm a Foundation." Rev. Dr. H. L.. "Qnarieg, pastor of the Manassas^ Baptist church, offered the invo- cation, praying thut our great nation might never again be in- VOIVPH in inmiiH anH fKnt i^t>. hy t 'irhiip :iuture miyhl, l)ti^i)ne of peace,. GRQUWTYSLDS UP^fflRy liffi-eUHERMONT FARM Kim GO TO ARLINGTON BANKERS ENJOY SESSION ^"^ ^ « ^ ^ ' ' t ^ e school children Sinking "Stand Up. StAnH Tip entered the monument jsquare and laid gu'Iands of flowers upon 4. Necktie rack. .WorJaneQ on W«ter aad Smwmr Whisk brown holder.; 7. Roiling p»n7 butter paddie. 8. Farm ra^e. 9. Leather halter. OO BridlB. ComedV-Drama in Four Acts, to by Cast of Sixty. A t t ^ d E»eriEittti tnflrfiaht tiiiln,. E^ssMJi^iuiadud^aaM ^tiiihg of Mmmment to !>»- federate ikwd; Battlefieid - ^ T j i i c l i e M ^ New^ Prince WiUiMB. jAujgwytw of the Conte6mx& Opening the'streets-^WMn five to fotirteen feet for the water In noveityoftLramaand exeel- I •••• u. 12. 13. "Mr •r Set of pigeon ^ l e s (f«r fiting letters.) Flat top desk (witii at least one drawer.) Minatpow set of hedioom fumitiire. Miuatuii, Jii'i, iif >tinlnKi!jaflnjunri=^ and sewer pipes has brought to light a wealth of story. Work- ing Tuesday on Liberty- street in southwest .Manassas, the la- borers reached a skdetoB buried leney oTeast-^Thn f>M Vrrmnnt ture. 15. Best hammer and buodle. 16. Beat pick-and handle 17 K^at OTO anri hftnrtt«». rth. A few fragmentsoTci t o t h p f m m o A foi^nH pfrip pf Farm," whichiis to tic presented to-night under the auspices of Trinity Churfch Guild, promises to be oiie of the greatest attraet- tons ever offered befow a Man-. —VirgTiiia sent a host of aona •f ^ & «^g^t ^«Ved b a s k e t silk bore a Htruug fCBetiiUtuiefr assas audience. The t^ast ef six-. has been in trails iug JimtUi i m i u l Wflftlcfl. n n i ^ the exercises attending the un- veiling of the monument erected at Arlington, to the. memory of tbe Confederate dead. The mon- ument is about thirty feet high and some fifteen.feet thtbugh at the base ttpon which are the woraa: "J'ftey shall turn ti The members of Group Threes /•jryinla TUnlcffra Aaaoffintjnn, dead which at an earlier hour had beoi decorated with Confederate fiagis. Fdkming this, the little children Hang, under the leader- ship of Mrs. Templeton Hodge, q>ent Memorial Day. May 30, here in attendance upon their fifth an- nual meeting which convened in the Prince WilUana County Court HousBT The convention wtt who presided at the organ. Judge Thornton as master of cormonies introduced the speaker of the occasion, B^iresentativS^ called to <Mder by Chairman C. H. Chandler, easier of the Fxrat ftcrfagJEtody, o! Ifetaa, who ^o> guaitly fulfilled fa» proause of an address. T?fMjnwTTnB:nr7iwn 19. Sest raffia basket. to a necktie, and near the dcnll vww foaad a button wiiieh-faad^gnd' till. iiiiwiJitii ..f ^1 n PM*^'^ 21. device made from wood. Best burnt teatfaet-speeimen. ffiT B«n«£riSrwoda^pectaair- evidendy been attached to a cap. Gathering the particles together Brqdock. of Washington^ D. C, Ittr Brftrfoelc pays warm fl wofda into plQwaharw and tbetr 23. JKst compoatuMl tiMiBS liumv >uu a box was procfflred and fee lit- tribute to the nujxdberinadyai^ of the production into pnudxig^ books. HT Wlptnr, Sir Moseii 'Fiaeilaeir made any one articte in this list. NATUKE ^TUDT tie mound of bones, once a human frame, were again laid to rest in the town lot on Centgrvilte road. Thfe twenty prin^^pals-iaelude tive tre«_ln RdDce ^QiQilinu mounted on card IxMtrd, with- names. g. Beat eollectMHi of nathre -woodS. .-ffhea- life-throbbed in every Uneof that figure in years gone by, him was he known in Man*. favorites of former productions here and others heretofore un- Iftmmn in nmntgni- fKoa^<»ytB is a Vij^inian by birth, and was OTte of the gallant V. M. L bgys wl *n Afto-tiie war with names, mounted. -3^ 4. Rftut ifpeciinen of wheat in sheath. Best specimen of rye ni~^ l_Qf raSejttfc—=feienda aasas? What waa his nan^? Or can be be one whose family and still live among us in a -whose renditions promisetoaf- ford equal if not greater ap- plause—and who knows bat that theConfedeiMQF. he returoed to Lexington where Gen. I^eft heard of bis aspira- a new star may be discovered? After much consideration it tions^ and escotittged CO the end that be finaQy went to. Beriin to pursoe the study of htslaleiit ^0D,'i»^< &,—BflBf aporimpn of nftU in ^ e a t h . Best specimen of alfalfa? •—6;—ucat a^x^i.juii-.u vx BIXAIXA. 7, Best specimen of Ted clovpK- S. Best specimen of timothy. 9. Best spednten of red tofp. 19. Best gptcimc'ii uf umhtid giaas - 11. Best colteetifln of native weeds. with oamea, board has been decided to abandon an tsrtioonDerformance and also without Dumtea"fOireeTtega5setvesJTh^i^rorir~tflage in uature^ upon the brain in contemplation of the discovery. Was he a sol- dier boy who fought with the Southland or did he serve with in blue? What tar- his arc He is now about 7(^ years oki. diOH^h ten or fifteen years younger in appearaade and still too yottng for thenseof eye- own setting^ on Eastern Collie cffinpus. Uncle Si and the La- dies' GuiH. of Trinityr^TscowJ church have extended a cordial invitation few your presence at g&saesT Amon^: the Manassas people in attendance were iaeot and Mrs. a ^ijadal invitation from the cpiEh- mittee. Mr. and Mrs. J; B. Joint- Harriimnhn^ in JMs opening remarks Jud^^ """ TK/fw^iy H, yjffn^ jn bjjf Mardy mentioned his constant nsiid. happy manner.^outito-the address of weteome, to which Hon. C. E. Tiffany, of Waimi- ton, president of flxe attmdance upon the sessions of- tjte g g g i e o f ^Repieataitativea,^ :Uier response, interesting saying that his visit to Manassas open ^nch an occasian amply' justified hJB afaBepce~froTn' the •roll cdl, and gmilinigly roferrod addresseg- wer? made by Mr. Westwood Hutehi- tp a promise made fcwg since to the veterans of the C<^ederacy, i a o f the National B s a t T ^ ^ ^ .^f*"*^. of Manassas, and Mr. Oltver^. ready at tiieir caH. the American National Bank. Mr. FVed D. Mi^this, of Stns- burg, cashier of the Pebples Na- tion^ fihnk, made his repent as oocrctary andtreasarer and ofew^ business was given attaitionr The session closed with a.gen^id Judge Bardydeidt principidiy with the-matter of the state's right to secession, proving his . point beyond a doubt by means = of the Declaration nf Imiepend^" Geoigec ^touna, who received|diiaaiiioti In whidivafiouB mem- bers took anaetive part, and the ence and the Qld_and new can- stitati<W8, uui exhibiting theeabyy election of officers which resulted foondatien and prineitac ef the federal gsa HUidy of the cauuiiii underljrli^ the strife of '61-'65. 12. Best cojjeetion of insects, moanted.. with common names. (See jn- stfuction for'Sooating.') Biest exhibit showiac grafting. Best exhibit showiag boddins. BOYS COKN CLUB Highest yield-1. 2, 3r«- Best ten ears—1, 2, 3, 4. Best written repcRt on testhig of crop 1. 2. a, 4- Lowest coat of production—1. 2, 3, *. cumiscaiKe'stc^ saw him laid under the sod? Did he lay dovru hia life for bh> COUB- try on the terrible Run? :- jockthis evening and to- morrow'at'tne aau»j hiHii, at the son. Muses Sarah and Annie'as follows: ^rowfilng tE^^icaT pro&ctioia Vermont Farm," which is to be staged in Jtjiuaiwi; H i s s Dhunihe Bmgers; The littleHwjtton fruoi his capfEastfeHli aujHtOrt(iai. R^mber of atthe days and the hour and be Baiti- present. It is extremely unKke- lEas Margaret J a m e s , MiK James '£. Herrell, Mza. Anna Vindaia Baker. Mr. John R. Til fenow in the traveling salesman from more who happened ta be on tbe^y that a sfmilar opportunil^ will SEWpfG iftnt Tlr"° 'I T°"T r **•" '^]\ir' -*.- A pair of darned socks or stockings. A tailored shirtwaist,maciiin« made Handmade gingfaam apnm, with bib Handmade fancy apron, not «ai-- broidered. Piece of embroidery of any variety. -Six buttonholes of two sizes, made to match a piece of cloth witii buttons sewed oa properly. Patch on Etriped or p l ^ aMterial. Piece of CToebetiD^ eitfacr tran- . . nuag x>c aaat. ' T i l l ilfcairtihif ---—. 1. 2. 3. 4. -»r- rniLDRKN L*>rDEB Hf-mstitched handkuvbief. Flam hemmed haadkerelaef. Pair of darned stockings. Dressed ikHi. Thw» Extreme in the ttvinkiingof an eye. Buried, perh^». tor more than fifty "years,"jS^CBe earth piied on with the years (4>on the fidd of battle, it is now carried day after day through dty and town of the country for which its yve&rer possibly fodght or g^ve his hfe.jMiSAlt-; 4 S 6. "^or yet so strange, but quite as interesting, especially in its possibitity. were the discoveries on Main street at the comer of the New Prince William hotd. Parts ot old hafnessT secuons ot vohifipji^ hraaa r-i^c lilts, --•latf doien soda articles battered bejood recog nition and odds and ends of every descnpCicm were~nncirtfi^ln a mass of rubbish. ha alT .... l«l >p a,^,^,^ Hr,^ in »lw» annals of Manassaa bistmry. Let your presence be a facUH- in tiiie success of the perforaMnce. - ^ TO CATTLE OWNERSw In view of the fact that several m upon cases of black-leg have been re-j|^*^ ^^ II ii»< a ill il iff 111 mi Mt^. II f i l l . '>™e - iPMta4 i » diSffoit p*rte^e# 4h» country, owners ci catde. partic- ularly yoai« atoek, will do well to vacdnate theoL Information regarding vaccine and admister- ing of same can be had on apidi- aSionffi _ ~~; •e&^i -4SrJL-YABW>BOtHMi « . . Director M. A. H. S. iettJbs. M. Lea-Willi^-Miaa Maude Wi&ia, Mrs. Hugh K. Patten, Mrs. Z. S: Thonpaon. Mrs. & T. Hall. Mias Maude Hall. Bob«t- A. Hgtfhfaon and Mra. S. E. BanadelL -^Many inqoiries have poured the town' present conditi<M} of ripped ^>en for the inwtiJUffion of die waiet-^ad sever aystema andTHK JopaMlxiagiadtoasake a statement <tf the facta, as ao- thoriaed by a member ef tke Chairman r Mri Westwood Hut- cbiaon,'cashier of tbe Natiottd Bark-nf Manasww" Vice-chairman: Mr. C. R. Tav. ior Burkes oMftirice " Alexandria. His iBiStetty-TMSoh^wm ynt&P rounded out with tributes, joace-^ fal and sincere, to J^fTfrfwn T)§- & Hubbard. Secretary and treasurer: Mr. C £. Kemper, xashier M^ffimn National Bank, UarahalL Advisory^ ri^mnattt^- Uy a vis, whose unsullied career was Ukened:tQn eharaettt sougfatby. the Prince of Abyssinia in-"The Arabian Nigfats;"^ to Robert E. Lee, whoae greatness w«« am. ^ Peoples National Bank irf Manassas, and Mr. Fred D. Ma- irina, cashier <^ the Peoples i^ tional Bank, Strasborg. Fc^wing the business session luncheon was aupyed at the New authorities fPrinee Wilham. Mr. Westwood tfy advewity,. at. ttn' {Hivates who batded a» noUy ' without-the glory <^ ^t|*, andt»' ^ mdthers,^ wives' and sisters ot Confedaracy -whose bravery waaonly rivalled by the boys OK Wftflt^rwwl i l l ! r II11 - Hutchison declining the honor. National BanKof ««*««»• * » » ' - ^ * « » After the address Judge Hardy presided aatoastinas^ t«r, introducing the following apeakent who. with equal sue- eeae, responded to the call: State Senator R. E. Thornton, of Fair- I ^ **^ -TV .fax; Mr. Oliver J. Sands and Mr. spwial mmnnrt^y—TlW «WO-(shrttnn. of Rirhmrwd; Mr. E T ttaeta distincdy specify that the I Love, of Washington; Captain 3thMU Shall tSE r^flOSRSto their I Carter, of Warrentim, and Judge former condition by and at the «?: ^^ T. Thornton and Hop. C. J. expense of the contractors. It!**«*"*• °^ Manassas. ThedaB- hoiiwver, ^mpoaBtMrfor'^chetn to aaeet hia owii,. and words ef aM>reciation flowed, in plenty fnun young and eld- Judge Thornton delivered into> the custody of Mrs. Albert Spei>- A«n th^ eroBB ef honqf itiven by ^cioin menu follows: 1^1 " z''7: -T* • _ . - bf*. ;>ii.jr).; ... • . LLer. ; .s; . n<-hA.; . 1 of cottage cheese . '.-^ .-:*-•*-' \ .AT: I-,; r- -- — - 4 ir- - -now chow) -.: • rf- .- : • .i.-hM>«. —. I 1-" - s - - • —-liTT. ' ~ '.'•>: :.^rt a- -: -.rpt<><: ..... ;; -. .: ........ •v.iuoe. :|tQ.«c£Qinpitsb jnuch without th£. I aid of a heavy run, or until the niscent smiie;^ "bat call another incident like the one K tmy nnfr. it-s set k>np fO!«t. f^j Liberty Ox^iSC^ shone with a fatrirjrleamthroaghl vfr M'v«.r« nf th«. firm ofi ' ' ""* the debris. Thouffh care full vt7rrr-^^3!L_'*^ ^^ ^™ ,*>^} water system is accepted by the the wor*<mah li: ted it in his palm ' ^^^^ * }tf&^, tl^liUacUJts ftrrt^^^ -^^^|^y^^---^jp^^-|^^^ | y|«j<ji f^M - - Puuu».>.-. ta-erraw^ it fell ^fiart. Wr.u... nnger nad ; the sew^r system, expres^d the ( ^ ^^^le to hitch hose te the! l^tuce'H^'f.S.'^MTv™ it£:racecliiii..riei£L,r.c Lii .. >Vr.ar,op]mon that as the work pro-]«„ k-^_„*--^^nrf a,^,^ ,.i,„, Bnck-U* c ChilW Froit Punch Oiivea . iUdishea Asp>ragu5 OR Toafit-SUiut^ a la Creme Pontme Pan&ienae Broiled Chicken Special Sauce the Daughtav of the Confeder- acy to the descendants of 4he late Milton Weedon. . The service doaed with the [benediction which was pro- I nounced by Eav. J. F. Burks. rector of Trinity Episcopal church fire hydrants -and flood- the; ditches, thereby settling the dirt' Pr r^esi t.-r«,f I iygr.incanceciidit :-. .1.] for wtr'arer.ceeded eastward down Center i&ru::orh-m who v.u.-,v,.t there?i^.^^^^^ further debns would be,, . ^,.,„„ ,. l<>ii iir-dmam ih-.-iraini-our. j *v, j e ' *"" pavmg the wav •^r-T^r^ Uig uiiilijLUi wa^' ^^^..^^ the^id^e of a ^yer ;^p^.^.^.;^^ ^-. j^. ^. 'H?'<~^ -'^f Hif.tHsh being apparent fmni}4itiojw it n-.av : ,• i. ^ ' • _ •' ^ :-\h •••' .rvi- thP Tench ai the hotel corner jstixxi tTiat ut I Caaantk <X TolT.. Aigortad C.ai(«s tjTacJrers -Nfr. Rr"CrC?TfTiwptr ha? s-nt hi» properly on Ceril.<: ...tref; ^.i- ind row oocaprt-.: V-^ '•• <-. for the ..... 1- Tr^^^ 1 i*^.rrm -ss^ i*^. ^.v >vi . ..... J.I* jJ .-««•«« 44 4i^ n i l <Jij » ij-i«i «:4a^a-enOho-?3rtl

r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU

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Page 1: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU

w J >. 0

r \^yr -W^f—

^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA. . FRH5AY, HAY 2^r i^ i4



Committee Complete* Li»t of Articles to Be Fashioned and

— niaplnvfH bv Children.



The bcLiyol i-xhii'it iijriiiniitee

be c-xhibite<i at the L:v.yt.t\ -i;hool fair to be held m Manassaii m tiie fail, sometime tiftween Oct. 1» and Nov, 1, and alihuu^jh a book: let will soon be published con­taining this list tog^ether with premiums to be offered, the com­mittee feels it important to put this list before the public at onee in order that the children may be given their work as soon as pos­sible.

ft is hoped- tfiat the *« ' and parents throughout the coun­ty will co-operate with the com­mittee and make the show to be held at Manaaaaa the boot of ita

:chttni '~' '"

kind in the State of Virginia.


1. 2.

Bird box. Flower stand.

S. Towel rgrir.


Confederate Organization* Unite for Celebration—Hon. Mr.

Hardy, of Te»a«,Speak*.

The_ town atrd countrv.side as-sembled Wednesday at the pa­vilion in the Confederate ceme-tery wh«-e, under tlie auspices of tb» Manasaae Chapters of the Uuimd DaugliiurB of «I6^-€^B--

Taitcn Srtttfclay, May jO, on Staya of hfew Pmee WiJKjm Hotr

federacy and the Confederated Southern Memoria) Association^ was celebrated the birthday an­niversary of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy.

The exercises opened with Lee'a favorite hymn, "How Firm a Foundation." Rev. Dr. H. L. . "Qnarieg, pastor of the Manassas^ Baptist church, offered the invo­cation, praying thut our great nation might never again be in-VOIVPH in inmiiH anH fKnt i^t>.

hy t 'irhiip :iuture miyhl, l)ti^i)ne of peace,.

GRQUWTYSLDS UP^fflRy liffi-eUHERMONT FARM Kim GO TO ARLINGTON BANKERS ENJOY SESSION " ^«^^ ' ' t ^e school children Sinking "Stand Up. StAnH Tip

entered the monument jsquare and laid gu'Iands of flowers upon 4. Necktie rack. .WorJaneQ on W«ter aad Smwmr

Whisk brown holder.; 7. Roiling p»n7

butter paddie. 8. Farm ra^e. 9. Leather halter.

OO BridlB.

ComedV-Drama in Four Acts, to

by Cast of Sixty.

A t t ^ d E»eriEittti tnflrfiaht tiiiln,. E^ssMJi^iuiadud^aaM ^tiiihg of Mmmment to ! > » -

federate ikwd; Battlefieid - ^ T j i i c l i e M ^

New^ Prince WiUiMB.

jAujgwytw of the Conte6mx&

Opening the'streets-^WMn five to fotirteen feet for the water

In noveityoftLramaand exeel-

I •••• u.





Set of pigeon ^ l e s (f«r fiting letters.)

Flat top desk (witii at least one drawer.)

Minatpow set of hedioom fumitiire. Miuatuii, Jii'i, iif >tinlnKi!jaflnjunri=^

and sewer pipes has brought to light a wealth of story. Work­ing Tuesday on Liberty- street in southwest .Manassas, the la-borers reached a skdetoB buried

leney oTeast-^Thn f>M Vrrmnnt

ture. 15. Best hammer and buodle. 16. Beat pick-and handle 17 K^at OTO anri hftnrtt«».

rth. A few fragmentsoTci t o t h p f m m o A foi^nH pfrip pf

Farm," whichiis to tic presented to-night under the auspices of Trinity Churfch Guild, promises to be oiie of the greatest attraet-tons ever offered befow a Man-.

—VirgTiiia sent a host of aona

•f & «^g^t «Ved basket silk bore a Htruug fCBetiiUtuiefr

assas audience. The t ast ef six-. has been in trails

iug JimtUi i m i u l Wflftlcfl. n n i ^

the exercises attending the un­veiling of the monument erected at Arlington, to the. memory of tbe Confederate dead. The mon-ument is about thirty feet high and some fifteen.feet thtbugh at the base ttpon which are the woraa: "J'ftey shall turn ti

The members of Group Threes /•jryinla TUnlcffra Aaaoffintjnn,

dead which at an earlier hour had beoi decorated with Confederate fiagis. Fdkming this, the little children Hang, under the leader-ship of Mrs. Templeton Hodge,

q>ent Memorial Day. May 30, here in attendance upon their fifth an­nual meeting which convened in the Prince WilUana County Court HousBT The convention wt t

who presided at the organ. Judge Thornton as master of

cormonies introduced the speaker of the occasion, B^iresentativS^

called to <Mder by Chairman C. H. Chandler, e a s i e r of the Fxrat

ftcrfagJEtody, o! Ifetaa, who ^o> guaitly fulfilled fa» proause of an address.


19. Sest raffia basket. to a necktie, and near the dcnll vww foaad a button wiiieh-faad^gnd'

till. iiiiwiJitii ..f ^ 1 n PM*^'^

21. device made from wood.

Best burnt teatfaet-speeimen.

ffiT B«n«£riSrwoda^pectaair-

evidendy been attached to a cap. Gathering the particles together

Brqdock. of Washington^ D. C, Ittr Brftrfoelc pays warm

fl wofda into plQwaharw and tbetr

23. JKst compoatuMl tiMiBS liumv >uu a box was procfflred and fee lit-

tribute to the nujxdberinadyai^ of the production

into pnudxig^ books. HT Wlptnr, Sir Moseii 'Fiaeilaeir

made any one articte in this list.


tie mound of bones, once a human frame, were again laid to rest in the town lot on Centgrvilte road.

Thfe twenty prin^^pals-iaelude

tive t r e « _ l n RdDce ^QiQilinu mounted on card IxMtrd, with-names.

g. Beat eollectMHi of nathre -woodS.

.-ffhea- life-throbbed in every Uneof that figure in years gone by, him was he known in Man*.

favorites of former productions here and others heretofore un-I f t m m n in n m n t g n i - fKoa^<»ytB

is a Vij^inian by birth, and was OTte of the gallant V. M. L bgys wl *n

Afto-tiie war

with names, mounted. - 3 ^


Rftut ifpeciinen of wheat in sheath. Best specimen of rye ni~^



aasas? What waa his nan^? Or can be be one whose family and

still live among us in a

-whose renditions promisetoaf-ford equal if not greater ap­plause—and who knows bat that

theConfedeiMQF. he returoed to Lexington where Gen. I eft heard of bis aspira-

a new star may be discovered? After much consideration it

tions^ and escotittged CO the end that be finaQy went to. Beriin to pursoe the study of

htslaleiit ^0D,'i»^<

&,—BflBf aporimpn of nftU in ^ e a t h . Best specimen of alfalfa? •—6;—ucat a^x^i.juii-.u vx BIXAIXA.

7, Best specimen of Ted clovpK-S. Best specimen of timothy. 9. Best spednten of red tofp.

19. Best gptcimc'ii uf umhtid giaas -11. Best colteetifln of native weeds.

with oamea, board

has been decided to abandon an tsrtioonDerformance and also

without Dumtea"fOireeTtega5setvesJTh^i^rorir~tflage in uature^ upon the brain in contemplation of the discovery. Was he a sol­dier boy who fought with the Southland or did he serve with

in blue? What tar-

his arc He is now about 7( years oki. diOH^h ten or fifteen years younger in appearaade and still too yottng for thenseof eye-

own setting^ on Eastern C o l l i e cffinpus. Uncle Si and the La­dies' GuiH. of Trinityr^TscowJ church have extended a cordial invitation few your presence at

g&saesT Amon^: the Manassas people in

attendance were iaeot and Mrs.

a ^ijadal invitation from the cpiEh-mittee. Mr. and Mrs. J; B. Joint-

Harriimnhn^ in JMs opening remarks Jud^^ " " " TK/fw^iy H, yjffn^ j n bjjf Mardy mentioned his constant

nsiid. happy manner.^outito-the address of weteome, to which Hon. C. E. Tiffany, of Waimi-ton, president of flxe

attmdance upon the sessions of-tjte g g g i e of ^Repieataitativea,^


response, interesting

saying that his visit to Manassas open ^nch an occasian amply' justified hJB afaBepce~froTn' the

•roll cdl, and gmilinigly roferrod

addresseg- wer? made by Mr. Westwood Hutehi-

tp a promise made fcwg since to the veterans of the C<^ederacy,

i a o f the National B s a t T ^ ^ ^ . f*"* . of Manassas, and Mr. Oltver^.

ready at tiieir caH. the American National Bank.

Mr. FVed D. Mi^this, of Stns-burg, cashier of the Pebples Na­tion^ fihnk, made his repent as oocrctary andtreasarer and ofew^ business was given attaitionr The session closed with a.gen^id

Judge Bardydeidt principidiy with the-matter of the state's right to secession, proving his . point beyond a doubt by means = of the Declaration nf Imiepend^"

G e o i g e c ^touna, who received|diiaaiiioti In whidivafiouB mem­bers took anaetive part, and the

ence and the Qld_and new can-stitati<W8, uui exhibiting theeabyy

election of officers which resulted foondatien and prineitac ef the federal gsa HUidy of the cauuiiii underljrli^ the strife of '61-'65.

12. Best cojjeetion of insects, moanted.. with common names. (See jn-stfuction for'Sooating.')

Biest exhibit showiac grafting. Best exhibit showiag boddins.


Highest y ie ld-1 . 2, 3r«-Best ten ears—1, 2, 3, 4. Best written repcRt on testhig of crop

1. 2. a, 4-Lowest coat of production—1. 2, 3, *.

cumiscaiKe'stc^ saw him laid under the sod? Did he lay dovru hia life for bh> COUB-try on the terrible Run? :-

jockth i s evening and to-morrow'at'tne aau»j hiHii, at the

son. Muses Sarah and Annie'as follows:

^rowfilng tE^^icaT pro&ctioia Vermont

Farm," which is to be staged in

Jtjiuaiwi; Hiss Dhunihe Bmgers;

The littleHwjtton fruoi his capfEastfeHli aujHtOrt(iai. R ^ m b e r of atthe days and the hour and be

Baiti- present. It is extremely unKke-

lEas Margaret J a m e s , MiK James '£. Herrell, Mza. Anna Vindaia Baker. Mr. John R. Til

fenow in the traveling salesman from more who happened t a be on tbe^y that a sfmilar opportunil^ will

SEWpfG i ftnt Tlr"° ' I T°"T r **•" '^]\ir'


A pair of darned socks or stockings. A tailored shirtwaist,maciiin« made Handmade gingfaam apnm, with bib Handmade fancy apron, not «ai--

broidered. Piece of embroidery of any variety. -Six buttonholes of two sizes, made

to match a piece of cloth witii buttons sewed oa properly.

Patch on Etriped or p l ^ aMterial. Piece of CToebetiD^ eitfacr tran-

. . nuag x>c aaat. ' T i l l ilfcairtihif ---—.

1. 2. 3. 4.



Hf-mstitched handkuvbief. Flam hemmed haadkerelaef. Pair of darned stockings. Dressed ikHi. Thw»

Extreme in the ttvinkiingof an eye. Buried, perh^». tor more than fifty "years,"jS^CBe earth piied on with the years (4>on the fidd of battle, it is now carried day after day through dty and town of the country for which its yve&rer possibly fodght or g^ve his hfe.jMiSAlt-;

4 S


"^or yet so strange, but quite as interesting, especially in its possibitity. were the discoveries on Main street at the comer of the New Prince William hotd. Parts ot old hafnessT secuons ot vohifipji hraaa

r-i c lilts, --•latf doien soda

articles battered bejood recog nition and odds and ends of every descnpCicm were~nncirtfi^ln a mass of rubbish.

ha a l T . . . . l « l > p a,^,^,^ Hr,^ i n »lw»

annals of Manassaa bistmry. Let your presence be a facUH- in tiiie success of the perforaMnce. - ^


In view of the fact that several m upon

cases of black-leg have been r e - j | ^ * ^ ^^ II ii»< a ill il i f f 111 m i M t ^ . II f i l l . '>™e - iPMta4 i » d iSf fo i t p*rte^e# 4h» country, owners ci catde. partic­ularly yoai« atoek, will do well to vacdnate theoL Information regarding vaccine and admister-ing of same can be had on apidi-aSionffi _ ~~;

•e&^i -4SrJL-YABW>BOtHMi « . . Director M. A. H. S.

i e t t J b s . M. Lea-Willi^-Miaa Maude Wi&ia, Mrs. Hugh K. Patten, Mrs. Z. S: Thonpaon. Mrs. & T. Hall. Mias Maude Hall.

Bob«t- A. Hgtfhfaon and Mra. S. E. BanadelL

-^Many inqoiries have poured the town'

present conditi<M} of

ripped ^>en for the inwtiJUffion of die waiet-^ad sever aystema andTHK JopaMlxiagiadtoasake a statement <tf the facta, as ao-thoriaed by a member ef tke

Chairman r Mri Westwood Hut-cbiaon,'cashier of tbe Natiottd Bark-nf Manasww"

Vice-chairman: Mr. C. R. Tav. ior Burkes oMftirice " Alexandria.

His iBiStetty-TMSoh^wm ynt&P rounded out with tributes, joace-^ fal and sincere, to J^fTfrfwn T)§-

& Hubbard.

Secretary and treasurer: Mr. C £. Kemper, xashier M^ffimn National Bank, UarahalL

Advisory^ ri^mnattt^- Uy a

vis, whose unsullied career was Ukened:tQn eharaettt sougfatby. the Prince of Abyssinia in-"The Arabian Nigfats;"^ to Robert E. Lee, whoae greatness w«« am.

^ Peoples National Bank irf Manassas, and Mr. Fred D. Ma-irina, cashier <^ the Peoples i ^ tional Bank, Strasborg.

Fc^wing the business session luncheon was aupyed at the New

authorities fPrinee Wilham. Mr. Westwood

tfy advewity,. at. ttn' {Hivates who batded a» noUy

' without-the glory <^ t|*, andt»' ^ mdthers,^ wives' and sisters ot Confedaracy -whose bravery waaonly rivalled by the boys OK

Wftflt^rwwl i l l ! r II11 -Hutchison declining the honor.

National BanKof ««*««»• * » » ' - ^ * « » After the address Judge Hardy

presided aatoastinas^ t«r, introducing the following apeakent who. with equal sue-eeae, responded to the call: State Senator R. E. Thornton, of Fair-

I ^ **^ -TV .fax; Mr. Oliver J. Sands and Mr. spwial mmnnrt^y—TlW «WO-(shrttnn. of Rirhmrwd; Mr. E T ttaeta distincdy specify that the I Love, of Washington; Captain 3thMU Shall tSE r^flOSRSto their I Carter, of Warrentim, and Judge former condition by and at the «?: ^ T. Thornton and Hop. C. J. expense of the contractors. It!**«*"*• °^ Manassas. ThedaB-

hoiiwver, ^mpoaBtMrfor'^chetn

to aaeet hia owii,. and words ef aM>reciation flowed, in plenty fnun young and eld-

Judge Thornton delivered into> the custody of Mrs. Albert Spei>-A«n th^ eroBB ef honqf itiven by

^cioin menu follows:

1^1 " z''7: - T * • _ . -bf* . ;>ii.jr).; ... • . LLer. ; . s ; . n<-hA.; . 1 of c o t t a g e cheese

. '.- .-:*-•*-' \ .AT: I-,; r- -- — - 4 ir- - -now chow) -.: • rf- .- : • .i.-hM>«.

— . I 1-" - s - -• —-liTT. ' ~ ' . ' • > : :.^rt a- -: -.rpt<><:

.....;; - . .: ........ •v.iuoe.

:|tQ.«c£Qinpitsb jnuch without th£. I aid of a heavy run, or until the

niscent smiie;^ "bat call another incident like the one

K tmy nnfr. it-s set k>np fO!«t. f^j Liberty Ox^iSC^ shone with a fatrirjrleamthroaghl vfr M'v«.r« nf th«. firm ofi ' ' ""* the debris. Thouffh care full v t 7 r r r - ^ ^ 3 ! L _ ' * ^ ^^ ^™ ,*> } water system is accepted by the the wor*<mah li: ted it in his palm ' ^ ^ ^ ^ * }tf&^, tl^liUacUJts ftrrt^^^ -^^^|^y^^---^jp^^-|^^^ | y|«j<ji f M - - Puuu».>.-. ta-erraw^ it fell ^fiart. Wr.u... nnger nad ; the sew^r system, expres^d the ( ^ ^ ^ ^ l e to hitch hose te the! l^tuce'H^'f.S.'^MTv™ it£:racecliiii..riei£L,r.c Lii .. >Vr.ar,op]mon that as the work pro-]«„ k-^_„*--^^nrf a,^,^ ,.i,„, Bnck-U* c

ChilW Froit Punch Oiivea . iUdishea

Asp>ragu5 OR Toafit-SUiut^ a la Creme Pontme Pan&ienae

Broiled Chicken Special Sauce

the Daughtav of the Confeder­acy to the descendants of 4he late Milton Weedon. .

The service doaed with the [benediction w h i c h was pro-I nounced by Eav. J. F. Burks. rector of Trinity Episcopal church

fire hydrants -and flood- the; ditches, thereby settling the dirt'

Pr r^esi t.-r«,f I

iygr.incanceciidit :-. .1.] for wtr'arer.ceeded eastward down Center i&ru::orh-m who v.u.-,v,.t there?i . ^^^^ further debns would b e , , . ^ , . , „ „ ,.

l<>ii iir-dmam ih-.-iraini-our. j *v, j e ' *"" pavmg the wav •^r-T^r^ Uig uiiilijLUi w a ^ ' ^ ^ ^ . . ^ ^ the^id^e of a ^yer ;^p^.^.^.;^^ ^-. j ^ . ^. 'H?'<~ -' f Hif.tHsh being apparent fmni}4itiojw it n-.av : ,• i.

^ ' • _ •' ^ :-\h •••' .rvi- thP T e n c h ai t h e hote l corner jst ixxi tTiat ut

I Caaantk <X


Aigortad C.ai(«s tjTacJrers

-Nfr. Rr"CrC?TfTiwptr ha? s-nt hi» properly on Ceril.<: ...tref; ^.i-

ind row oocaprt-.: V-^ '•• <-. for the

. . . . . 1 - Tr^^^

1 i*^.rrm -ss i* . .v >vi. ..... J.I* jJ . - « « • « « 4 4 4 i ^ n i l <Jij » ij-i«i «:4a^a-enOho-?3rtl

Page 2: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU

\ -*^^^


»«Cftf««*tiMMr<i«MM>f ct«««»i«rf,< c•<c*CIctc I M I « « « ^ rstate iBoard of He^db Ready f w f Manaw*., Vir««i* !W» et4«mft-rt <.pea-4» ««y reatlCT c?f THIS JmjiWA-L for ev;,ressi(ir ur>on: i „ « > , ^ « . « ^ « ^* C L ; _ „ ^ ^ T - 1 preHSKir ur>on ,

KnmmmiinirMliuri will hathrngt ai>a>) mm jly buouuuc ! Appmnmce of SmunBT Tr-


— _ : aEAEHOdEKES.

I've locktHJ awAjr in heart and brain De*r portratta oi the long ago,

And DO one knows my bitter pain. For in this life they're seen no more.

the appearance of

the writer fails to present our views of tht subject. Its purpose is, as stated, t o b o i d . to present the KEAPEIt?' j^^jtit of view. Fleaae write plainly un one side of t h e | aiiaet, signinjf your name wrtTi proper address. The writer'^s name will not be made pubiic wttiioat prrmiwion bat, as an evidence of good faith, T U B JOVKHAI. • _, —-*—' ' X?i>ili>»ny K«fftf«"«*-wOJ lie lervTO-tff-rtwrr aiinii^Bteg^

• neously with ter" ought to be killed by cvery^ the fir*t summer typhoid fever, possible means, being very de- the State Board of Health an-

..structive to poultry and insect-, "ounces its preparations com-iverous birds. plete for promptly combatting

Perhaps nmpy will disagree. this scourge of the coramoo-with the writer, but since our i wealth. government

Some oid time irieiulastill hgre r«main, Tho' time and space keep us apart. has employed men| wmie the board will investi-

to unbiasly investigate the woKh I gate all outbreaks as in the past of these btrds, it seems tbat at j and wTlT immediiately send its

And there are scenes once dear to me. jeaSt WC s h o u l d h a v e j i lSt CAUSej fifild a g e n t s tO thOSe COmmuni-before taking their lives. j ties wher« the 4iflea6e threatens

Bulletin No. 513 wUl help youfto aasume serious proportions, t o i » C P n g b e t t e r arqn«^Tt»nr< ^rn*^\ ^ m p h — i a ^ f W ^>o

I often wosder if they're tb« — A o I pietufc thom in ray heart

Peopled with these friend* of the past, Tho' both are changed 1 still can see _ ^ n d keep them tindimmed to the last.

Tna VfTB wny wrawra, rtw. ].»«>. t - . y y>

Brinfing changes which come with time.

But tlro^tbem all this much I know, I will keep these pictures of mine.

• • ^ ^^^r^"*»^WWM#l^B U l l F V t U ^ VTlftk—-*-^ -

Which the curious ones can't see. They're oars to keep and not to loan.

They are sacred to you and me. » • • • - • . . -

**"•, *o ?w vB^ Bocnca i ^WT^ XO ace, ' TTeTthey « « mine,~I paid the price,

Life's pictures all belong to me . "Till God draws the curtain^ asi ie .

Each earthly scene shall be reveajed. -When we all mXpf f» tKot !..» J-y^

"Fifty CwuiHuu BinlB of-farniT^ore <» th« prcypntion of-ty and Orchard," and I liope that, phoid and the ediucation of the many will derive as much pleas-1 people in the best methods of ure and profit as has been given Ui-ffox family^ Uat^—ose hut \ tion.

Both those we'd show or keep concealed. When God haft viewed, what wiff

He unyT Only pictures with colors true, '

May deck th^ walln nf ni«n.ii«>ehrigKt But ah! the .ones of darker fane,

—Will meek Uiiu' wjia at blaekwl -1—u—

nueilEB DOAK.



or Crows, hawks, qMrrows^ aiiy bird pro vu^ too much of a rogue shcmkl-be killed, bat JBst-ice should be sfaown aU, and one ought to know both thegood and bad done before ^tteriagortoa campaign of whokaale dcstiao-tion. — ^ '-^—^ ^^^ ~~' —It is sorpriatng howindifFcP

economic states of t^bods saa-ally conffldcrcd'desttuelivti, evcg robins h«¥ij»g^n kilteclfpr the pelly Ibeft of a

personally studied the habits, and notes of the birds aboat us it is hard to realise the genuine pleas-

thoy flffbni7-and wlHi cast say what influence 'in chanwter buiMiQg these little ftree sprites wield. ^ Mrs. W. B. DOAK.

keeping their homes from infec-

summer prepared

wm nHPLMCCflffi S^teBfiBTiLfiLfkaltJLftQauBi

to DispeBse nvphylectic at

KJefimosa; June 3-—'I'he State Board of Health to-d^ ^ ffiban-ces the arrival of a large ship­ment of anti-typhoid Taeeiher-

JAAiftTalTlB full IlirilFWUlliim wuj^

which can be had for 'Use in those fMnihfifl «T>n mmmunitiea where persons desiire iraraii^ty from the ravages of typho«! fever.

The vaccine is pref>ared in a standard labontoi% aDder-,gov-enuoent sapervisioa, and ia of the highest quality. It is sold

fom)H. varying^ in eort iit> Mnt.s Itif A iimpuksUft

While insects 'tia Uue

be—used in ^he p^^aieiaa's psi-Tate hypudamie to the "te is^ tal" treatment in ampules for 10

few cherrie8.!pefaofl8. dispeaaed itt $2. l l ie ffiany__iicda9 .Df individaal troatmeot re««jD-

theii' jaiaeipal mended by the board <iuiiwa \n diet is fmit, foot in die ezasdioft-three syriages, st^rihaed and tion or 1.200 sto'Ttg/'hff ty^jtr- ~ H y f-tr nw and Wntn fift rrntri centage of wild fruit was found—The board calls attentioa to to be five ttBKSthaftof those ail- the fact that th% Taccine must be

, tivateAf m^whCTv-Jgtie adnahine nHmini<rt«Ted in throe injections pucs the last tooehes of cokM-on 4|:ii^rvaisof lOdaysaodshtMild the cherriesk let-'die n^ins have be given undei' the directk»i of their deserved treat, reniemba-- the family phyadan. Where ing that Uncle Sam r^sognises °"^_/5y prophylactk; nurposea, the value o?" th«^ B t f l E ^ f t < ' ' ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ and IS i»oteetu« them, - S^amilyVhere typhoid fever

Com IS eoeraig op and as the appears^ the viuxin« is highly -crows vinit the ficlda many .will •Qoimnended by the board. '.— be killed ahhuugfa hia'imBet ftod includes wipewonus. eutw«m8. white grub During? the

aad .gxasshtqiperF.

pests the eramr do much good, but when too mahy deae KJ upon the cornfield, poffioflr np th^ grain, one is jtwdiabie in osiiig the sbotsm.

However, it seems to me that some use thia weapea^ httfe too

I'of bli-o, a C01 ing 105 in one wedL If maay f.-.iinnini4 '"Triininlr ilirrflnifffy would indeed toon ba rid ika •'black peats.'-'

One of the yoongstos cac^ht a crow and as an object lesaon


from his oontrades both andS^weredeseitcd. Wefiad, too, that a dead erdw hoi^on a pole in a field at aeat coops atao seems to keep others away. - Snail spamw, hawk i shonld


SeedPouiui^ rOK. FALL CKOF.

The plmrtiBg of Seed Potatoea ia Jvae and July i* incneMing to a 'wmaeittB extent. A great •aany {waters daim duift they give better crop* {Wanted atdut j*™* *^T AffT'^^ *"***" pjanted-

tfceipring. "Poiaioo planrniT taeKnns. ra WanJjaly matme sn oie

cod weulher of the faO. a*a time w i w dkcy.caa he haawaftdto beat •dwnlBse.

The Seed Potatoes we otfer aie patln cold atora«:e the aeaaon, so as to keep in rlaw. vigaroua con<iitjon.


T.W.VrOODdSONS. f fa.

To this end, it was stated to­day at the offices of the board, a full file of literature on Col^pfiints has ''Seen and is ready for distribution to those who desire it. This file in­cludes the fottowipg bulletins of ihtUianl. 'i'yuhmU Fwgr, G66d Health in Sumraer. Hoc^wfum ni«*»aja<>, fbp g i m i f a r y P r i v y U n .

fairia, thtf Care of Infant* and Cleaning Up,

The bulletin on typhoid fever, •tiirii IK win of thw xuumL aateg

ing the methods by whwh the disease is spread and special sug:: gestions for preventive meas-

It also contains the well-'Bodoidc DircctaMia

the board, which are rules to be (dMerred in a hcMisefaold whwre th^'e is a cue of typhoid, fever. The bolletins on Good Health in Summer, on the Sanitary Privy and on Huukwunu Dtoeaate^p^ plement the typhoid hnUelin and OTplain how wella and uuthptaes' may be pi c ected from cQiitsmF

ease mi^ not find thdr way into the food w c^nk of the house­hold.

Th«> hftnnt ««kg tb«i pr*»B<_fai

can e^)eci8l attaition to its bol-

hclU'tiii rftprPBftnfg BPrwrnl yw^ra

of s ^ y by the officCTS of the board and inelndes mnple. p lacal instroctioais fu* the in the care of her young diiklr^i. The conieet m^ihods of infant feeding and the necessary pre­cautions for iiie cumfuft of tnbi^ in hM weattier are explamed in detittl. As the seastm of high naortality is at hayi , therboard' hHievps thattthis bullotin ohoaid be in the hands of ev«7 siother

The "Clean Up"bulletin, which 118 a recent addition to the beard I standard supply o^ buBetiia is I devoted especially to the«wli-I cation of flies, and explains, with. [adetailiBd wM-ldi«-^awisg. the jcoostnKtiMi of a &y-trspwiaA i has proved moat sueceasfd in re-

ti-ap can be ewmirueliid by tny <Hie at an ^proximate e o ^ i t f ^ and is ge&€9*allyr%»nded m the most dfectivei means of eaptar-ing tfae. lmzing..canrier af. di»< eaee.

The full file of the board's sum «»er ltt«-ature will be .sent-: 25qC*?* *o any rpwtesCciJM commonwealth, free of eost


be spared'unless noticed deatzoy ing song birds, while tSe com moD ren-tailed hawk deserves general (»otection. While tbe latter feeds to a certain extent on p<H>ltr> M>4btf4€i it w«ji found j • that out of 530 gtnTn^^g pYttTTi-iD«i 457 contained th^ remains nf such xy m-.of. rahr ^ iund .-, .


-t.« a.~ fifld mice, pine -. ve7-al kind.« of

ii>n rati,etc..


v,i.:!e or - } rMAi.n? o

New Stock Of 15,000 rolls and beau-tiful dm^ustiT Waii'Pa-per to choose from at m m f AU ptfot It will pay you to exam­ine stock and prices be-. fore placinjGT your order.


"See the Gmarante* and Price Ticket on the Sleeve'

a"ri6m!MUl!.l,ll]LIMflllHlllHliPimiiiiiiii.ii.iii,i n,|||„,,.y

. B IDS ^r,STi i Hoidrc >

W A N T E D r*f*lT« fci^. «o J,iD^ ;.' -914 ;,,; Tcmri (m Ball Run. . D«sr M-«

For S^

Bids will h* r wmv^l by the School • Board of Brpntffi-iJle I>istnct until noon Priday. .Tim* 12. 1914. for tb* er*<;tion . and coinf>i«tK)r of a sx-room bnck , school bniidin^ at NnKPsxTJip. \ a m •PCortlEite^ «irh ?f»» tflratjon.<i and ^'lans '

>i>ch may tv -••^^ b\ -a' n r ""• ••"Mer "iSTif STffie merr.lx-rs of t ie ISjarii, . a . . * . R. H.T>avis. B-istow. V« . J T F)or>-. I Kok«>»vtU», Va . «r J R * -fx^-e. • Trf.*T(- • ! w>fh. Va. BMI« to tv^otw-ip- at i nie€l-_

ing oT Oip 'hc^fi^a to TK" hein a; \A^p9- ' . . .Uf; J,iTw- l_, 2 fi. ~.- TT.t rwoA-. re- . •^rvtf. t.h< r -h- ••• -. .Tt ,-.v -r> ,)] . rii : Aitiip^fcr .'. i 'V • '. •• -iam«j Ante. :h, ,- . <-l; hcmr . . :;' H,-^-

Hibbs & Cjiddings

• •P t * ^rror,:

-3i-2t C .>-.•. f.- V l-f-TK

a a a a S r y . tTiertforc IkalLh:.iL Q t f f M r . tr>crcfore eronoirnraJ.

Ai:^ bcxsOes uu» ^ it ' ITI ia IIIT-liirtiTtT, ar, cr^ ~t*uc:. Z. i au; 1:1 KH£a£tes. Tbcac r«mU<i—

suck • • < i l i i i i i i i

I E, J. Lamb n- f St 4

Page 3: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU



_SI1|1 IBgnai^PajP J^iirnai^ ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ""^^^ ^^^""^ ranges have PL'ttLLSHElJ tVKHY H4II>A* AKFJCKNOON » T


Tiitjse advantages "witi become muie gianifcst

Fas ITie lujw active propaganda gains further head-

Eniered at the vZ. < Jftlce atllanassM. Vii^nia, as S.cund ^ '"'^y- ^ ' ^ ^ e n r e T S -SPiil StOp *^ng t f r - sho t t ing"

They wit! breaden



ADVLRTISING RATES Fifty r-t-'iUi an i.'i. ij : .•,• w.v i'.:* : .u^erU^ji. c:. I v,

cx>iii:iQU2ui(!f Libei'ii] I 'LMCIUJI '.• UJ Yearly A ; • r • i-t All ciiittb •-(? ChaiiVr li^nutk r«-»oliiUt«m, M1 .; ..•.'

usLuJ d«*th notices, und sTl m a t t e r at an atl^ dtj-«eU> «M wdu-uctiy. witi ^ ^ulaiM^kad at t he n i '

'-ni> ii ve C.enta f w MW^

[^uUt.-r- <iih»#rr t han Uw


tir ' I 'wenty-bve Centit a s

rural prog^^m to include hogs and cattle. South-

t e r n aoii will profit. Southern cuffens wilt profit | O

Small, but moderate packing-houses, will spring

up in every large fanning community. The

South will feed itself, which it is not now doing.


-MANASSAS, V A . , KKUjA-i. J L N E 5, 1914.

MR. CARLIN'S MASTERLY SPEECH. i I i^ an enviable diijUnction to have wxm audi

p r a i s e a s ^{^ jj^t-ri ^ivt^n Pnj^rnrnTitnti'TFn r;^hni'lp^

('. (,'arlin, of the Eighth Yirginia district, for his

i4f>««Gb-«i-tfee ti^>ttae laa^Taesdtty on the Clayton

onimlxis ant i t rus t b i l l He marshaled his argu-

iiiente With manteriy force and logic and pre­

sented the facts with a convincingcleamess which

elicited the admiration even of his political oppo-

• .nents '

p a t ^ >

The President is quoted as having said It was one of the. greatest speeches he ever read. When Mr, Carlin had concluded, the proooodings of the

Ir will create a surplus of pork and beef, with which 1|^supplement the tribute its tobacco and cotton now wring from fii\ri ligation.—TimaB-Dis-

THE VALUE OF AN IDEA-"Charles Wv Pest, _ K Q C

t House were, by general consent,^u^nded while his colleagues crowded around him and showered XZzTXX IT tVtX ^ V t l K l nvt tSt t '

lelt a fortune valued at $20,000,000, a reapect-s^le sum measured even by the great standards of our day.

Post may not have been, speaking in matke-matical accuracy, the father of .modem breakfast TcMiJ but his'riame was more closely associate in the pujjiic mind with the idea of these hygienic preparations than tiiat of any ptho* one man.

Post's garwiar illuBtrateB the voluG of a central-

~ Washington, July 22—Having driven a team of Angora goats a distance of more than 4,000 miles, Captain V. EdwaiHis, a ranch owner of San Diego CaL, amved here from San Diego yesterday. —News Item.


ThP pTx>phecyii« te^I^^^tfaat C ^ n g ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ g ^ ! ? ^ wiii p reb^y pooo at thio acaaion a good roada tMli, tfamcd ak>Bg practicaF ment is also made that Congress is overwhelm-ingly in favor of good road& fegislaiiOlL JBetter-jnent-otf public higfawaya io one of tiie Wg ques-tftjiosof the tilbe, and measunng m the'mattCT of importance with those .questitms involving reclamation of wasfA-bmHa, /¥\ng<»rrati!>n of j ia t -

ural resources against n:K>nop(dy and reckless use and the re&Uiiaiiuu of fanility to land that from indifferent tillapd has becomeinfj erabJe pn^ress ai^esH^ has been made in tiie

idea and its propef development. His own failing health led him iu CAjieiiiueat williBasily^iigested foods tha t would yet .supply S> Twavimntw of

ishment His success produced countless imitat-

of Battle €reek, Mich., on the map. Whf^the>rthtx frvrmnlatad i w o a l r f a s t ft^nd 4g w i t h

US permanently may be oipea to a questicm. A thing about wfaidi tbei^ can be uo planner of doubt ^ to its stability ^ the small breakfast plan, in which Pinst. ao devoatiy believed and the

This is almost as ridiculous as the man who recently drove ftftoan mnoa and T!>aet,~Ulmg altnwt M gtttiife day, to pay a debt of ten dollars.

Had he beeti one of otur customers with a cheek aceonntrlBr could have mailed the check for 2 cents postage, saved his time, his horses and still have a-receipt for the money paid. A Che<± Aoconnt i s a real coiivienience. -

^ M o n a l Bank ofllanassas I •t PFR PFNT PAin niM tfMFf*F,POSlTS

IIS i m a i m i r s i t

propaganda which he {Hi ied so eneiigeticaUy. If i\)st had done nothing else than to preach

the piofll aud wisdom of tesipea-ate and hyg^enie eating, hii. life would have jtistrtied itself: The Vwhinp he made from tho American peopte is a' madflst pnce ior ceaeiung them wiik a iA-jMw^

,y transformation of poor roads into good i;oads. leiJhysiCal pfograsB has berai no tewMQ^^t

the Iai;gest gain has beai in^the edtuation of the pec^le, e^ieeial^ <rf the rural people, in thp iwad

^sbeaoe how to avtad digging tiieir graves w ^

and vahie^ good roads. The educiUion is iwarly gomplffte, m that a man whn in th*. /vmntry is

not desirous of and actively interested in good

their teeth or to overeat thenis^es. mto pie-raatureseiHlitjrazdiBc^teieney^-—Tlmes-Diq^

T H E C a F J K T g g l - P t t f W

Editor News Leaden I am a doll^^e studen seeking to .improve my style by a stody of I3ie great masteis of Eni^is^ ppoae and a^ anxioas to f ( ^ w <«ly the moat famous models. Wb(»s

roaS^«t t« . - The prindpai consideration is now ^ ^ ^ hold to be ,the best sii^kj writer I may as to ways and mfianR for bringing ahnnf fhJB r^ read? COLLEiGIAN.

Select jpart Banker, Lawyer cte Dioctor, eace laay depeaA o s d n aadi

as yuu would youg;-


tbnne form, for although good n»ds pay high < vi dends, laiige ca{Htal is required to l»ing about the change, and t l» first cost is heavy, even

"f though the ulUuiale uutH be dislrjtoted T?^r i reasonable period.

Ttte time has piynod when a good mads JBIV'CV

You ask for opinion: We can give notidngnKne. Yfm will fiixi in J o a ^ .Add»on luci4 ao^iurate English, eh^te and well-roanded, witii scaicely

superflnous word or a redundant phrase; ig that bfiiloved vagrant, Harry Fielding, you will see the terse hteralness of the unadorned native

Neur Ycwk shaip^^ It w to talk it oyer and get our

tongue, savormgstroitfriv of Lor^kin »Hv>afc . ^ H

"C^e~ihiisr^r6ve the eorrectaess^-his postnnii' ^*^^* '** *®*^^ in Johnson's sonorous prefaces by argument Everybody has been conver tec^^ " 5 " * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ <^B hear the roU of a ana tne age m gooa roao coTTOmonOTl n nt h anrf.: i^^^. Gibbon's long sentences will sbowyCTi haW To this end there stooold br^ffeetive cooperation j cunningly the thought of a dead age n ^ be re-between the national government state govern-1 fleeted in the living tongue' of an alien kock/ ments, counties and cnmniHnitSjR~ Attho- pTwi-1 with Lecky, Hallam and Milman ymi may walk

. f in " ' ' ' ' • ' ent rate of jHogress anetiiergeoeration will seel^ 'i^versity shades wlrere the air of classicism' the United States equiKJed with a road systemi!* inspiring; Thackeray will chat with you

m the premier's ante-room anH «H^ y""' ' ' ^H .nm. sn good as the read eyptcino of several Euiu-. »w ^^ ,..w...„>^iv '^"^^"" 7'"_f'-^ ° . . .:r r ^ ' ^ ' ^ t h his ca^OPolitan RympBi-fay thjjr^jA, r-«»

_ . „ ' * " - ^"* ' ^ " dru,tnc in biiugliiy Jyie's turgid• passages gleams n o w ^ pf an rmuitries, but otiU


LipsconA^ fte InsigaiM^ nuttiifiwwwttiittimmMwtgmiaia

country and city into very much ckMfer rdation-!a certain grisly gri^hicness; Matthew Amrfd 8 sh^p.—Washington Star, .. - feocdd wieiife fall armory of £ngli^-as -dexteis- <

•* -;' -_ - .ously as amaster handlffl^a Damascns rapiCT; | A m M l N r r a - m r rtanrru^r ^ t^**^ ^^^^ ^ * s <^t a new generation has " A COMING CATTLE COUNTRY. jnot squandered an-imperial heritager Robert

More propliecy than statement was the story Louis Stevenson can stir the biOod or jaise Trtfrtftiin^Bw

tion. regarding the becf-|Mt)dudng future of Vir-1 * '^^ ' F^^cis Thompson, that , ginia and virtually tike entire tier of Southeastern' <^^e f™" ^he gutter, wrote oi ShelJ^ as few ^ ^ • ^ ». »_ *v » » J ...1. * i J , '• ™* "*^* written of anything, wrote as brilii-states. Ills true ^uit already the cattie and pork L^j„ ._ j ^ J r J j D _f "S '" ' "«^ •» »»"M-

"' *^ I antly as did Edmund Burke ekwuently industnes are fairly well devek)ped in Virginia, | All these ape-great: to our mind one is greater.

J'jl ^ „ ' ^ l ^ . lennpfyyy and parts of fj^rgia ^ Wh<^tlicnii felL, of poor, mad Monmouth cherish-anc Alabama. But the status of these industries! i»« an empty hope, of genial, easy Charles, shak-j Uvuay is merely indicative of^what is to be ex- ^ ^ ^ ^*"'' ' " STtni contempt of death, of t>ie j ptvted in the future, when Southern farmers ^ ^ Bishops blessing the frantic Londoners or |

_ , , , , ., * lhisj:gatt»tyl>atchmen, he holds h« readers with 1 a *nd^>?i. ^nd shall cease the ungxmomic prac-.^ehaaJ^hat n<Lvti eiidts wiUi a style as flexiBTetSr t ice< c t M-ep: ng most of their eggs in one basket a? clear, t» eoncjctunt a: j>tir*' 9-

! i1F%]ll l lkl

I I iTEiittl U^ftodKc

\ \ fanvrrtestsXErsenl of "Tama skill he immortalizes a feeble book bj- a strong

i,- ->n. vetorar, .Sxretarv-of .A.pTicuiture. re \ i ew makes Bums hiccoiigh and warble again :h ii to 'V. j^t.u].ii;^-.j trie- jfK.al cai-

"p^T'-vnr' of m e natK>n. He ha?eii h\> a. ^^er-

' or ?:pTKi? BozzT reeiin? from the sedan chair where l a , he has Jef t-the -testy iexicoprapher.

Xonner's »';"*-r> nHve nifff r«'nt vyews. pernaps. To our ^

_ _- ^- ''^"•'"^;TT::-a Macau.03 was :ne grea tes t master and hi*: i j . " f - :-^;; >•.'...: ^ fK.rt: I- ' • " • t-.npian»^ mfinu^K the nobiest example ft

^ * * -»»• »*• %^ W •«• »« V! » « •»« -wl k # .<^ %.J


* "^ r "^f "»"*: "W" ">t- t'T ;.i^ •W '4w« [^ ^4: -1^ ^^ •^^ •

7>^ ^ * A « . * ^ >,-% .* .^ . A ^ , g g ^ ^

..- t*F 5*-» -SH* »rf -fc^ - ^ * 3 - * *

Page 4: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU


Mr8;W.M. Brown contiiuicff'' in a Baltimore hospttst

^ ~ ' M188 Lxmtsc quite4ttitt1itri>oa»tW

• 1J1> , HE M




—Mrs.E.A.Compton.of Never-let, has purchased a new Ford tounng car ' " ' f

at Eastern auditorium tonight and tomorrow. It wouldn't be a good idea to miss "The Old Vermont Farm."

—Miss Ray Wheat, yonngest 4&tlfi>&ter of Mrs. l U i i a Wheat ^^"^^ bU^ftttaflAelion th »^4iappy and niece of Mr. C. E. Naah, of this plate, is qoUe.41LiltJbgr

Rev. J. F. Burks will con-duct^services at Trinity Episcopal Church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and at S t Anne's Church, Nok^-ville, at 3;30 p. m. , , . * _

•B^". !^.~:^(ipw*»ift«iiana,-Zr '""^^JWi nttftnag-f of Iffrss i. W '^'•fT6v.. R. hy^tlC'^^f^frntQn, of! der Powers, of West Virginia; Philmore Shackieford and JVIr. Fairfax, was a guest Saturday Elder IT T:"Tittman,"6fLufayr"Henry Ashby Brd'wn will take i and Sunday of Judpre and Mrs.' *n^ Eider T,-S. JMton. tfafr pa8-:phce at high noon Saturday at! J. K T. ThorntflD in their home tor herfi. partiiipafftd last Fri. St Uike'g Fpiacopal Church at ion Grant avenue.—— day. Saturday and Sunday in thei Remington, The bride will be., f^ fy ^. .^^ - - , miOTiTOeetinjrhrfd atKettte^Rnri^^gfmitnmarria^e by hef father,' h e r u S l i u i r ch£"^^^

S ^ ^ jehurr t i^^^ Wiiir jmd OdaU nahney^^jrj^te _ , . , _ ^^'^'^ from other; he ^tended By "her sister, ^ i s s ^^e National Zooloificai Park in sectiODSwa^ in attendance. i Edith Shackieford. as maid of i Wagynpt^n

*^"""'- After a bridaTtour to Nl-j ^ ^ ^ ^


I -It is not an easy matter to rhonor.

r^^^^rS^A^^-s^r^'^^'S'^'^^'r^'-^^- «£L"iifL!:..':v !:r ;"' but here is the latest that comes to lia. Idly holding ills pole in jr"""*^ " » ^ " ' " g t o n . fn* position on the banks of a stream ^"^^'^ «*««'' Mrs. Leonard E near town, a. fellow townsman claims to have watched a squirrel

they will be at home to their!****'*'" • •*=* * '"'= "< . "d their friwHte K R e m i n g t o n . The *»"«*• **'• •'•<* Mis. J. E. Dmi-

glida out upon his atick, plant himself upon its summit, and ex-

—Earnest HoUey. a young blacksmith, and Mary Thorn, both colored reodents of this county, wwo mampd Wodaooday

squirrel bark

—Dr. Jo«^»h B. GorreU-died at Culpeper iaat Thursday at t iA age of eighty-two yeirrs. His wife, who was Miss Maly Norris, died several years ago. Surviv-Ing fUui a » thP6« ehildren, Mrs. Robert Booton and Mias Sallie Gorrell, of Culpeper, and Prof.

bv Rev. H. T QiMtrlPft.

-Tlw Home MlBBloiiafy gociaty

next Thuwday afternoon at 3~p m., at the home of Mrs. L, B. VV'illiams on Prescott avenue.

Glenn C. Gorrell, of Washington, who has taught music in Manas­sas a number of yeai^s.

—Funeral 'service for William

Hixson will attend. Mrs. Hix-son's ~ two yOung daughters, Misses Lucille and Ethel Hixson left yesterday to be present at a liaon showof which woe isi¥eii last night at the home of Mrs. John Burroughs by Mrs. Bur­roughs aw* M w . l t I I WillisT


Miss Theresa Milnes is visiting r e l a t e s at NokesviUel" "

nington of Wilson, N. C., drove Sunday to Dumfries where they were guests of Mrs. Maria Wheat.

Mrs^.JHelen Broadhurat., whn has been visiting Mrs. A. A.

Randolph Spit^Jc, who died Fri­day In Alexandria, took place

of Grace M.E. Gharch is to flMet ^ n d a y -aftemo^ at Whcotlcv'B

—TheLa^ea' Aid Society of S udley M. E. Cliardi. Soutl^. are to giw berry festiv«J-«t-Wflkin8' store Tuesday, June 9, beginningjit 5


Miss Eli^SetE Johnson is ecovering from an operation

:. >r appendicitis • recentiy per-irmed at Fredericksburg where

-he taught the past session in the Fredericksburg High SchooL

-Col.andMTH. RobtA.Hntcbi-in entertained Satur^y evening

t rK<4T hompfi^r IHWQ in hOBOT *' their hot^se guests. Hisses

ey Lanaon, EKaabedi Fry-«nd-lary Hudgel, of Washington,

Chapel, and interment was made in Bethel cemetery. The Spittle family fdrmeriy lived in tiie neighborhood of—Tukeu. thia

a Washington visitor yesterday.

Miss Olivia Cooksey visited friends and relatives in Clifton Sunday.— _

Lawrence, haa retufned to Wa^h- i ington accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence. Mra. Broadhurst is A daughter of ^ . J. D. Bosley, a^Torujer reG>ident.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Breazeale have returned from an extended teip -to the Par ilk: eoBst; Mr Breazeale, who is connected with

abiiiU' to earn money amounts to but l i i t l e - -un less you make use of a delinite and systematic plan for sav ing a part of y o u r _ i n c o m e . The future Tiolds ouf ITie ^THJUT H a n d " to the man who persibtently makes use of our Bank Account Plan. The one plan that does not require a deposit _of a specific amount a t s tated intervals. W i t l i ' this plan you can rftake a deposit of

Mm. Thomao Ilardic Ceay was TRe"5ureaii oF c"hemisi&yrUnltoI

Miss Florence Somerville Lion was an Alexandria viaitur during thff week

county. Mr. Spittle was a Con-fedierate yetwrau and white herer was a BuuinuAor m d baildw.

Mr. R. Sekten SMOi has given us a gUmpse at his egg reeowi and WP paaa it «n7 With anayeragft of twenty-ftight hens betwfeen May 1. 1911 and May 1. 1912. 3,206 eMs; during the fol-lowing year,^3,043 ^ggs; from May 1,1913 to May 1.1914,4.272 eggs: and with twpnty-fivA fa^ dttriag; the month (rf May jast paat, 492 ^ ^ The fowls, are mostly Brown Leghorns. ~~~T^

It has been tiie- pteaaore of .IF: JouBNAL-to reeeire fitMn

•. P. S. Goehnaner, Secretary tile UpperviUe Colt and flwse b, a cofflpHmentaiy eard for

'-.'- animal exhiJ tiiiMi. t o t a S e .ice June 17

ttKm. IfiL

Franc's New Y<»k Minstrels, se itinerary last year indu4,ed lassas, are to play here again

• canvas on Wednesday,June

—The young_peopIe of Wood-bine and Independent Hill are to drive to Dumfries Saturday, June

Miss Evdyn Milnes is spend­ing a few days wiUi fi^ehds in Remington. ~ '

States Department of Agricul­ture, was engaged in government research in Minnesota and North Dakota, where hq was juinwl by Mrs. Breazeale, the couple pro-cewlinit! westwaul via ntitJah

, of Preder-jcksborg. spent Suriaav with

Cohnnbia to Riverfflde.Cal., where Jfc—BrcaiB^Ia"iBve8tigafeed^-a malady common to oranges. The return trip was -made across the ywithem part-of "

any amount—at any time it suits your convenience. It is the one definite, systematic plan that con-toHhs t© tne needs of eaefe indivi­dual depositor. Why not start to­day? " ^

The People,s Narional Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

friends h^fe^

Miss D<Ha Langyher, of Biis-tow, Was a town viintor Friday and Satunky. .

Mra. Estelle «»rfi^M, «.f W » I A -' }jMi»ij»»rtv—,

ington, was a guest of Mrs. B! J. HoldeQ,.May30. ^

Mrs. Betta'ft Harrison is visiting her daue^itor. Mra S. S. Simp-aon, jtt Clarendon.

Mias May flimiMUB. uf ClarKTF •don, apent ?Ufaar»fajr«wH JgmiAiy

IS. tu a k e m n I& * mlver medal txxtAKS^ to b^ held in lheJ}um-f r i ^ Baptist dkoreh vadac the aospiees of the W o o d b i n e Woman's CSiristian Temperance Union. The contesting imttors are 'Missca Kathloen and Irene

Irr-rrew of thoir onthnii

lance is expected U> aUraet :>•->• audience. . •-- :

A n auto truck and eight men

' wore mamed last f "ridav evenih^r

•v..;d m towA-y«st»day i<x :-i: ,.UBon_the -electric lighting t vhich 13 under contract to and .member of the schooiiioaEd.

Sterrett^A Fleming, of .of hi»mag»terial district. After | <*" *^''*°* *'*•"**• a trip to the Ci^iitaKlity and ad-ja(Knt points, the yqung c o u ^ wiO res^e at Ndcesville.

- hir.gton. The truck was i ir. hauling the engines and

• —a: ors to the power Imiae.

? .\ngeles, Ci^., is a brother t- . S. T. Hall, of this place. ( alifomian is. a son of oar

nan, abd aa-ihe tneidiiE :t make our toWBsauA'fed

-• r. we trust.that no harm

TmSe^ i B ^ ^ ^ T>T liIaawB Ui Reap ^ ^ • ] | S | '

> marriage of tiie fiev. Ckur-H. Coikran, of tbe Class of

; Eastern College, and Miss iiuLHi PyliMl. <>f C o S S i trhta, D. C. The young couple

amid congratulations for a 1 ding trip to Boalcm and tJther ?tem points.

-The adv^tisement in this

Purcdl, Annie Leary, HoiiejHill, and Mewrs. .Roy Bargamki, JSdr ward Kinchek>e. W<Mrth ^arke and Carieton flilL

—Mr. James T. Flory and Miss Eva West, both orTToE^^m^

wiUi Xritiiuhi iu town.

M c Howard A^em, td "^UHA-ingteii. apest Sanday with HipB

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B^d and two x h i l d r ^ of JfisBieville, were in Manassas Monday 8h<^ ping.

Miss Emily J. J<Anaon was a rceoat gucnt of hor oiator. Miss

. W a a t . F s r S«la mmA a r i w d l u a o w » i v « < wiH h« JMJJM..J •

r w l » « J M t i l • a ' c lMk P b M w •

NOTICE.—After June ^ h , my store will be closed at 6 p. m.

I t until furIher noticfe Adainson.

Mrs. K. J. 6-5-2t

iture for 30 or more young . ^dl .ngure by tfaemontb

nr 5e yer pound gainod. W. B. ca

Doak, Clifluu SiLaliua, Va. 6-5


It i&um pleasure to atinounce that our ice plant is now m full operation and visitors are most, cordially received to inspect tire process. We are abl€ now to supply you in any quantity with pure ice raanufactufed from pure water witli Uie proper machinery in the proper way.

Our plant is new and equipped with all modem improyempint,s, insuring a sanitar}^ pro duct which may hpiised with onfee^ti^acfemr

If tjiat old horse collar don't fit trade it for a new one at Austin's.

b a r n ^ . $7^50 md ub— team harness 92150 and up—at Austin's. 5-22-tf.

Elizabeth J<^uiaQn at Eredericks-

Mrs. L. B. Hidcerson. gf,Bqck-viile, Md., was a gnest of Mrs. D. J. Arrington Saturday and Sunday. ''

Byli3«fer_$. H.. ITory, of the Cfaoreh of die .Brethren. TVw> bride is the attractive dau'ght^ of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. West, of Uocoquan, and Mr. Flory is^ a well-known farmer,business man

Wanted.—To purchase a farm in Prince William county; any­thing teva. 25 acres and over. Address or call <«'J. M. Primich, Kopp. Va. 5 2e-4t-*

For Sala—A fresh cow. L. B. Williams, Manassas, Va. J ^ t f

ipt, cmu leouH afcPVice ^ d deUvery isvt l^ end we aim to att^®.

We scdiciTatrial and^ pledge aatasfagfion. -Call OTibone'^:-^^- : ^ ^ - - ^ .

, i Y*

M m BROS. K E 1 M L m

Fm* rent June I s t faekse occu­pied by Mr. Hardie Seay. Apply to Geo. W. Payne. B. F. D. 3,. «o»^7. 5 8 i t

T.gf ng hpip ynn a^la>.» j ' ^ " * M I S . Auua V n ^ a Bak«f. i^^^^ ^ watlpa^per. We know

Ricbmond._is a g g g t of her sis- bow. Newman-T>TifiW H « i ^ jieE.-Jlta.:"^me« Er HwreH, on j ware ^ j ^ ^ '^ 4-3-tf

Battle street

' ' "^'*" '^ vrrtrr i|W-'""Ccit. • —. .^^--ating that itr; H."R. HaU, «fi*eaathridgeWednesdaynKHm-

—Mm w F Mawrwnt^aai^^BtdmUw^Uig-EBEk

i i « ia her home on BattJe stoeet in eomi^ment to h ^ mster-in-law, Mrs. J. & Dunnington, of ^Witsonr N. C The prize was WMi far Mrs. C. M Hopkins. Aftor the games the hostess served a delicious salad course.

Mrs. Hugh M. PattDn,ofL3rnch<- i oh buig, & a guest of her sistei! , MPS. K. Lee-Wffltein her

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dunning^ ton. df Wilson. N. C , were guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. Fewell J(ei>

Mias Effie Adamaoe, of Salis­bury, Md.,i8 viating tier parents, Mr. and Mra. W. J^-AdasMO^ ia^ Ukeir home on West street

A party including Messrs. J. L RandaU, J. W. Applegate, Gor­don Darden and FVank Slattery,

one dozen or

.1 Can save you money metal pc^kh in lols of

M A N A S S A S , VA.

anv .siza


McCail's Ma|[aziBe .and McCaH Pimna


X' :ra. 0 i D. I Mr. F. H. L3mch, who is c<m-Wttft*, M r s . ^ B . QarS, Mrs.' nected witET tHe SbutEern RUT-C. M. Hopkins, Mrs. G. Raynwrnd | Wat at Wmsten-Salran, N. a , Ratdiffe. Mrs, Jacob L. Barrel,; spent Sunday with his family M">. Marg ire t l i^a , Misa Maria \ hfra ,

1 Have 'Mora Friaada Uum any oOieT t m ^ a n o e or patterns. McCaU's trUie ! relJaKe Fashion Guide monthly in I one milUoD one faundred tboasand

homes Besides showing all the latast . designs of McCall Pattgfng.eacfa ucss-i is ririmfal of sparkliog short storiea J .indhcipfuJ ir.fonnation for u-ometL

McTUa P — I f U » J an o A m ia a ^ H

r'l UcCali PMTerm ihaa *»y oikct i

dHkr, or br i ^ faaa .

-Diiecl ^ o m the factory—impossi-We to become stale nithe hands of Ae jobbers-Sizes of packages from IQc ijp Spound tx>xes, 80 CUL to «' >

$1 per pe«md, ^ This Jme includes Norris' Exquisite Candies, Liggett's Chocolates, Fenway Choo^ites, and Gutli Chocoi&tog—Goods • fP=


ceived every w ^ k or two in small quantities tiriniiire freshness.

nakcsc U WTKEOa^^^SKS^

McCALL'S MAGAZINE m w. gytfc at,w»» Twfc^tr Uerre.. and the Mkses Brand, j Mrs.William Butlw and father,

-Persona living in this sectioa i Mr. Or. k. VieJett, of Aiexandria^i of the town fete- assured early ivisited tbe home of Mr. aac" Mrs. \—-• yesterday aftarnoen that A « y i 9 . W. Cookaey on S a t a r d a r * n 4 ] | > f T D I f / ^ Q A f l«* had experienced an earthquake. [Sund^. The windows rattled, the ground!

calling for bids for the seemed to move under thfiJeet Miss Oancbe Rogers and Misa. 3r of a new town hall car-'sSa one man who was at work! M*''^^** James, of Hamilton.

- O F -

NEAR BUCKHALL s promise of earty work upon'" ' jrarden, and another re-.are guests at Ck)ver Hill, the t 3iructu«'. It is to be of red '"^^.^fj.^!^ .* ^ ^ ^"^^ ^ ^ ^ country heme e< Mr. vA Mia.'

- ^ w u ± r c ? m s tor the tire de-..,n-ound ^ ,f ^ ^ ; ^ ' ^ " " ^ J. g- JOPnaML . ^ j—'s5gmnli« ai TTm-cT5c£. ITTTr ^ , , - - -groucd ^ ?f t^ sprmg. T!ie .artment nn the FTOond f ^ r ind"solution came thi? morninjr vf hen Miister Jimmv J^asehaaen Ji^u. •ouncil chamber «H*hoffke5 for J ^ v ^ ^ ^ t ^ J O O .oyed the man/features o f 'The . . . . . . . . . :.: -r^\^r^c

••^. on the flo^r a b o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a m r S ' s ^ - .^ .^ ' ; " ^->e,i by his mother. Mrs. L. W, - J:Z.rtr:::S^: :^T^U.:Z .1) ..r,, . . tn r>e er«ted upon and ca.,...i th. evp, - , , . a ^ - a ^ . n , he .r.ent a happy.'^v, , . - .„

Manassas Ice Co. I take pli^u>rem.arun^nc-inp ^ t h e ptibiic that T ha-g iven my'ptant a thoroagh overnauiinp and am ' r, v a p(-»sition to supply pure artificial ice in an\ IT at all t imes . Mv plant is nt^ r e w hnrt ic P!-

4 . w i t h - a U MOpi-.:RN LMPROVEMENTST T]^^T",:•:'•' i which ti. ws trom our well i? as clear a > - - \ < f - "•

wrien iuHn'^T pur:!>e<i i ' ' \ 'aistuiaiior. lu-'-ishe^'-- . nf ice fit to place before the most i c ^ i . u x u ^ '

1 Phone


.J *H

Page 5: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU

' p H E Crigler & Camper Co. inaugurate a sale ju»t for June- Rare, indeed, U a day in June, but rarer sdU it the "•weet girl graduate" when «he i»^becomingly and tastily dre»»ed. It need not be an expensive costume this season to make her so. Here she may select her entire outfit; her walking boots, her dancing sUppers.

her dresse* her underwear, her hosiery and her hat -note the huL - L e t h e r by a l l » M M see ««tr MODISH MfLLINERY: All the latest creations in hat* aad priced l*^gg!^A"JLJ^^-A»J?ou know, this department is nrw with iii snd to mska you better acquaiuteJ with the Unc, W* have r^dtoced every hat m the house. Don't m u T getting yours. Expert milhners m charge and wiU be glad to show you.


Now is the time for picnics and outing trips and we have the right materials to make the uccasiops Tor you both ddighttul Sii^memor-Me. Write for samnles. if vo > r^n'f »mp

Lawns, Batiste and Flaxons—stripes and hifurea; solids and whites-

5c, 10c, 12ic, 15, 25c €nttijtr VotftBTLHditarqueaettes-in beauti-"

ful sheer effects—the very latest importations — 18c, 25c

The call for Crepes has been loud in the land, but our stock is bettor tba&ev«i'. Mi^ kinds of desififns apd colors.. 12c|, 18c, 25c ^ Snr Crepes, in 24-inch; pink, ^lue and •black only 50c

This season has witnessed a rush for Ratinee. We are here with the goods.

Beautiful values for 2Se——


40-inch values for 50c Beautiful Silk Ginghams—washable, dura-

ble, thin and cool 19c, 25c Dame Fashion says: Chiffon Taffeta re-

"tarnt -Wf! liatwTftein img-i^iqr m- nnghty-hard to get. A showing in all colors, 36-in. wide; yard •...-• $1.00

This Coupon and .25c buys four Ladies* lOc **Sta Up"-Gauze Vest*.'~ They can't slip. —

Only wid with this Coupon.

GOOD SHOES Whan you think of good ohoco you will think of us.—Wv are iwle agents for - La France Shoes for Ladies, Oxfords, (Colonials, Pumps in all A « e n

leathers $ 0 . 5 U Smith's SUa-liflg.ShoeiLf6g_lAdiea.-£V6i p&ir wan^Mi^ ^„ t^K-tr gg^wr^ ~ I I t O t v e aaagfaction Vnn oan't lose on;iaiem 1^.UU-JaLjL^

American Lady and Madame Lyra Corsets. Write for style booklet ., - %\M[ tp y -OQ Braasiers and Summer Corsets SOc

Just opened, 10 dozen Ladies' Waists, in jll colors and latest sjtyles; $1.50 values 98c

-Our-jshowing of Parasols iii greater Lhau ever this- year; ell colors and styles from 50c to $4.00

Ladies' New Wash Skirts, in Poplins, ,R«tinf;R, Piqiifta and Tiinftna, - ^-75c 11^.

$1.00aud»tT5e-I iftdiws' Linop DBsterey: Ladies'

Cre kes .. Porch Dresses, fast color



$1.50 Cuff-turn Shirts, guaranteed ^ tub proof . . . . $1.19 i$3.00 Silk iShirts $2 29

X,x«g% All ovoro, with colored embroidered _dots and flowers, 27-inch 50c

Silk Poplins are miRhty good. wrinkle and is so f oel; <4 in.

It won't

Beautiful EmlwoidiBry ' Voileg.

Muslin Underwear—Pants, Corset Covers, Gowns, Sldrta, Slips. Buy a Qseen Uab Night Gown; individually boxed $1.00

Walkin Shoes for Children. The most satisfactory linp pvor fyfffrpd tft m thona who want to combine style aiwi service. THey are

How Aboiih Hotifrfntiuahiny ?

;;^r^^z:r^r:.r:zr^.T:r:...^'.r. %\M & $2.00 A SENSATION^

We are dwplaying a wonderftil lot of Ragu of every descriptios.

9x12 Matting Rupt. ..... $2.50

iT n- I i in nni S f t O ^ 5 0 C - — - - - =^^— ^^

JfeuaciagB in(k«pG8 j ^ g |<yt: jpf Ladi«?' $3.50 and $- -< i "w ""^«> -^Jfi^ift ^fti^. t"!"T'50<! t6 $2.00 - jsho^ naostlysmall sizes, ^ ^ :, o iMai l^ "$4.(99 ^rossett

' * "'" " $I.4o "' • -2ito44. Shoes; entire line. A p « a t big line of OwUng Sboee for l i e u , Wuqwii *IMI QukLBttrr

You should see our Lace Curtains. Patterns from 7Se to $3.00. MagBificant line of

Serims witii and withoat btsdo'.

T^ ^' ' Tl ie Place W h e r e ^ o u Witt Eveuiually Buy »

Ml[AREAFT!iHARDRA&l * • • .

State Board Advises X^TMU: Care bi Use ^ Orinldni Water


The State Board of Health to­day issued ' a special bulletin

against the dangers .of polluted water which will oome with the

Tirst rains following the prolonged drought.

JTfae prolonged dry spell from whicl we have suffered during the past fe-w weekj." aaya lli4 ft» qintef. Mi*. T. L. liiU'W tll builetin. "has resulted in the ac- " -H*^- i t S. Eagle attended cunralationdra large amount of cl<»ing exercises and-ordination polhiHng material on Llitj Mtirfaegi* ' *' *^ ^^ Theological Soni-

Board is anxious that X914 be a banner yearf orfaealtiiin VirgiBui and caUs- upon every citizen to take the simple precautions nec­essary to protieet his own family. y » Board has uumerptis public cations whidt give dialled <fir(^' tions for protecting, water sup­plies, which will be .sent free.to anynnft w^p wi l l wnt-p fn r tham

i f i Y M A p r r r iif^ppTNiNda

Hr. George Bastable, of Balti­more, ^>ent the week-end with

of the soil. While typhoid con­ditions in the State are excellent, there Is great daflffer, tiiat fol-iowLiig the fast 'hea TF wiiwe-great am<Mint of thn pollution will be carried into the ^ater courses, and unless particular care is used, users of wat^ from

/• 7- • '-lLi.4:? ?«*"<.••

nary, Alexandria, this week. Miss Heloi GiQiss, of Washing-

-toBr-i»~^^ating lier-tMvihef^aad-.d«tiy.in,l«w Rfjv. ain>-Mfk.W. W..Gim«. . rr—7—

Miss Kathnne ToUeas and Mr, Frank TuDoss left on Toesday to join their father. Dr. W. R. tU^

the smaller town and domeatkLL9¥'_*LSo«tb^W. Va. supplies will suffer from dysen- Mr. T. B. Clarkson, of Balti terv and tvphoid -fever. '"ore, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T,

i.. itie ijur or five towns u5- Clarkson and little son, ofiWash-inx mujaofigd„wat^^MMmribJ»«ton. a^^lthegosk ond aoth atreemg the dangsf is particnlsriy: ^ relatives 4iere. great, and special warning willT "His. Ella Jordan, of^jfttaor*? be sent to such towns for the protection of the citizens. The liSfTS of water from springs shanid aliw be particularly care-fu -i.t to drink the spring water as .: ..: as it is muddy or milky fror:-. liio surface washingg.unless

is a visitor at the bome'of Mr. Qiaries Jordan.

Mrs. Carval Hall, Miss Virginia Hall;4aat»Uir'nioriiH land Mia Nannie Williamson are attending the finals at Annapolis this week.

The ladies of the Ctric League it ha~ rst t> -en boiled. While i' 'T i»oW a lawn party at the the acRi,- rs tc .>ers of sell water. home of Mrs. Tuikis&on T^esdv. Are not so pr-at. t'very farmer I Ju°« 9. beginning at ^ ' - s * ; snouid tre fsirioiiiariv careful Mi5s Tate, of Waahi^lton. is mat ni? we:: rroviaea with a the goest of the Misses McGill at sourc,tisriit tas- m ofdor that thpirhome. nrnr niiymiirirrt. t;-:t-;; - -..'>d •'• ftf-r filth which has

-.1 V- th*> tor of the WCi.


V- th*> top of



The dosing exsieioes for the Haymarket pubHc school took ;.,ace ir. Friuay tvt ri;ng, and >* fre irtTv-ely attended hy patrons ;-.r,d frc-nds of the schrxjt—Ad"-" iir<'iiji<v- ?r»re raadei^ FTon. CrJ,

. ileeue and Eev- M^ S. £ag.e^ M.


Page 6: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU

"v \ Wi MEB^^^MME

SUGGESTIOM« FOR DCUOHTrUl. — APWH FIBET i i i i i c m o * '


SALAlJS*D^(j«TH 'iftAFFT aufifW-r^JliD SITE

OF TM« <H.O FAVOfttre* ^ n BftM^ TMAT A S I . ' n n , ^

T - -"Fiercest t-TOT» tn C»pnvTty" Captured

by Parkjr With Pioc« of Rope—«V«e j

AH Mrta ef Fun and Frotic BiHnili ] M«rlc tKe Orc««i»a TCeeterpieee

— y m p r l f

! • Jmltatloa of a Pond U ) / Is aa Ex-JdM. r "Y

the wls« i'uck said years a^u, aa4 L tor one. am (lad tbat Cbe first or A$ra «• a o i at iiMBi mUk in fmlic. tun KM proverbial "aliowere" «ith tbe pras-ta* of "il&r Cvwers." Blaik«sp«iu« M ^ te "Aa T n Like It:"

*n had rather have a fool to make iM aaerry tbao «xi>«-n«uoe lo make me ••4.".Aii<l J ftoi coL&c lo teU you ahout thti i f rr ) ' -Ajtrll liutcbeoa that T'ai

Ftad Lil7 oeel. romore atetl wttla a sharp

Imlfe -t»a<«e*tr~e«r-

Bloer to iiiciudo the m»n In our meny-making Juki aa oftea aa «« caa. This Is an occaiiion <o r».«»«.K»r "TTri •

ia middle of esss . than hmak * • • • » • « xeottr: with a forti scrape the yellow part to mmiu It mealy or •oft aad cut a alloc off end of « « to make is. slaiul pat; spread on lettuce laa*ee (small ones for cups> and drop a Httle majronnalst Into lettuce. Then Pitf dto -ar «HKfct radlshee 'n jirrtnta. ^am teek haU-wsy M « ygf hara yarv nrettr n»nrf niv h„H. .^^ . ,

"Did you all kiae » «i-T»ffer' he la-quired

"Ye^ "• r« ..r:,,.u U;r ywuer, ''l aarc tUi'e yuu fouu4 Urn?'

„'TA^;- «*.!', 1 rti.ti- frmnA Inm " 'HStrt him with yoi^T" • J Ut. 4u*iH'-l rm.nuued I 'better inquire

first, nnh, btttore i foLdhed him orar." AH rieht: yon fetch fcltn here and

11 dJya yen « daiia] tnr j om U'ua-


But you brtnf htm JOOBJ; JUUL ^ you |2 ."


up In frills of tisBue paper, or wire them OS with the lengths of fine wli» to be purchased at a fiorisTa. Grwil.

—Pink. lavMiUr ....< M..^ —YI a fptoh

you ha;ve toQewed out cuttJAs dli»o-tlona the tgga make a food tTnttaHf n of pead Baes. a doliffat ia._Uie eye. '•^ an a n raUah to the stomach. If •erre oa a looklac slaaa platti^ • • ^ • t e d oa four braaa or aUrer p ^ s the salad refl«cU ^ the slaas like water.

little nouseme now aud thea is lai tahed hy tbe wisest meo."

Begiiinlox with the ub1<-. have thto

bowl or basket or brass bowl, in-fact *°g—ggggp^Whi nnf! waiM iisw fnr ^ j — ,—.w» ^ . L - . , „ .^i-^j , floral ceaterytaco, an* have a wire top "> PUIe» nice. c r i « liktuce and o n e ] f ° ° mad* to b<dd aUeks of candy; tie on ' **" ''^•k^'waC i * l i ftrd hnlfwd ^rr'T*"^ U»p «< the sikJis tilu K aBay-jOne

:MkJ»2&. y"ii w , mo famUiar wid dat gi-nttn daji I be; but he sore made sl«as like he woald bite me."

The darky d^iarted, and abomt a t a l f hour later there was a sudden


WASH GOODS Both hemispht-re- have contru-uied their best ii. ihis bfiow-

ifjj? of the new 1^14 "White and Colored Wash Fabrics. The ^ ^ ^ ' ^ " ' ^ ' ^^^^ ^^ coloring, and the wonderful dis-ptay, ftornpiete in assortment and newness wiH amaze yoa. Gome and see.

Two Carloads id bugg ies

Pncts frea $ASM to SI00 00

ble. Vas, sail: bat I r«ckon de tnwble

am wulf mo' dan a doUar. IMt oie gi­raffe am richt Biruirt rambunetleaa. He done tried to bite me."

'•V\ hat are you lalkiux about, nlc-

cer' Olrate. don. bit.: ^ ^ f ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

ln« bouquet to be passed at the end of thy meal instead of tbe «sual plate of bmbesiB. The fii Ioiftaic^^^nu U exeeHent, and though every hostess •• - ™ ~ " "»-«>•. yu tn«y •^i.^tt^t.f „ j nhangr to ouU hat ™** nv»n..h '*^~' 1nr tn n— "•>«« tt »»»—^,^ -«<^ »»«< '^•^'^ - '•'»-.

commotion on the front porch of the store, the door wae thrust open -aiul Ic CAme the d w ^ . puSiat and wll^^yed and pulling on ft_re>fH?^ At the sii£r

. , . ^ , , f"* "f the rope," aqufiTpiaa and saari-can 6T~saIiialaB: i^fth ftrd bn{l6d ecgt^'i*- '*** *>> mnrmaaM-ltvMaxi Haa— •Ucad And arranged oat plalter, and "^^ fiercest Uoa ia cavtirltjr,

ItiC to shew bias. "X>u. MlstBh WW*e

daimed the paptor, throwing:' down th^ rope and (Pointing to the Uon— -l iars your oie gi-raSe; and I tcll~yoB he *> Wter^-L^iUBOOitf A

serve with dressing. ~ • " «f Veal and f ^ w One-hag

pound at cold vaal cut in tiny dice ^ a -one Dint nf am.n f,..^ j^.f

Mack Oysters. USMA Tmtlo Rnuf

<rtnaod may be na4) ; mir with 'reaoh dressing and chill; vhennady

to Aacre, piu by apooofnls into ctps ot crisp lettuce iea*es: pour o*er tt

. whtrh has fcpen »4de«LA lltt^ giwm mhu.

a J-*?r ~25c h « S ? ' ' i I 2 1 ? S r ^ i r ^ ' " * * « - ••> -fi <»1«, of bn,wu. ta. ro«, «™. „«£. tmrry, UwwnrlcT, »„»dtt, iijAt bfaw. ctfet.jpik. craim, wbl» sua black- isc : , ' value. SpeciaJ a yard ' _ , "-wa., *.« j _ ^

W H ^ ? J * f * CREI»E-36 mche. wide; used' for mak^" d«»«« "s«i waisU; 39c value. Specml a yard "

^ T C FRENCH CRIKKLE CREre^lO mci^s wide, « i " worU^ & yard.. hpeci&J • vurd ojjjy

f * - W H r r e F M » a r BATTSft-s i lk fi„idi, 45 caches wide, aud worti,"4«M yard.. hjMiriars] ' —'- '




•aaa a aajfc <M ^taefy'^MQC'

I-<obster ChopA French P« nagar RGUA Tulips and O I ^ A

Bbtfis Nest Salad.' -Mf>rk Wkuraiaisa Spuagw. CPgge:

The mock ayaUw are made after a m everr cBot hnnk rule to

otiaer cae head of "com oyAUoA.: "*J^ejhe* aasaH. as M » ^ die shap^ •t oyster* aa inwible, twaer aad serve yery hot, Are oa a ^ate, ar-mngod Uke raw nysters. If yoa can get oyster Bh<dla_tajerre tktm-amaad^ use real oyster platea, ao m»e*-Qie better. Ser*« with oytter toita. PVx-the "chops" audd lobster ci*«a«tte mtxtorein shape cf Iamb dibpa, nsiac ai> tiPCTHAed bk of »».^nri-< w ^^^ bone, to w

Tailed Made ftalad - TP "ggg'-CBp rtfn^M^ T-* -*-i1aiH1 fnmstn snd oae-haU teaspoons of i*tiir gratia. ^>*aon wUh aalt; cool ta iadiTidMl molds: aet oa loa to hardaa.

— — -Jaa—r cop at Saglish walatds blaacbed by

• r t m v AST «4.A I.W.. ^ i . 1 . ^ . ^ .,._ ^ . Mag aV the brown alda, the nntiJc Iw rliafllBd with the celery; rcriQ inta balls the atae at Ae molded on A glMa diBhr'wnh a grind

We have 3u« received ori«-car­load of IJTje RH and one carraad of tn r famoufi HavdacK!^ ear.^ !::a'Je of l.he very Otist ma:eriLt: available.

Tiuu^it In Qie wT'TTe w oo^arU pamted as per our instruftioni,

Also ail Kinds of




It will be worth your while to inspect our stock.

I F. A. Codffdi & Co.

'-h V spoon, ~ so ther balw la shapes.

Jester;flolla iw WSTMIS witii KaJir ,M

nunpiy ^ r'-d peppeca. cattJag the t e f edce to look Uke a tnS*; iin with c r e a s e d po- ! O** "aU tatoes. placing * -eirele «f Imt potato *''^- a U t a< pewer , am»iait eay chips around * e .edaa of -phf* „yi^-«aewu-. one fahlssssna k n t f r «m^Ti ! ramekin saucer. Tbe salad Is simpJr toaapooa of Bow shri-dded ir,t±ar» «• «»^^-s T tlf i m t of creamed r * m i , , t *B j-Mnrt li t^j pi«;e de restatanee and ta not diOciiR. ' pm-rlrlad ene tahes plniitj uj does not get wwTled. The Srst ra^ai. t Ette is a mekm shaped ttaM wUdk I :Tiost fasusdceepers have a»wadaf«. j Line it «ith greea lee erasas aad thea . mmta as toBowa: F t t v a ptatt at £H with pick ieecream te sddeh laice. I •»««• a aBoe et bread. cnuaUed. U'- nusins haw-been plaeed In cirdeA tea even taWiapnoM of Aoor in. add Pack in i^^ »^J - ^ - - ^ 1^, ,j „ ^ j .. - - - - •— ""^ « . , - P n th.^ee or four howa. 8er»e whole aa • a v a « • ( aalt. j a d teaOy the wUtta a platter and eat. Ja aiicaa Jlka o a * of iaa- « » • wWd> ^ ^ ^^^ ^^''^^ ~"ntnninj|wi II Is jftat^uuif ' kvHy and tbe-i»«iiiai«a» jaiaHldiSn f « r aad attr la a qnart of •^"^e f "»»_••*> t ^ * - - n i M r — " - -^1 Tiilillng mill • giiasiifl

caKe r i a and, dlawiej ' -tie it «9 In thick cMh wUdk tbaaong^^

Uals Ihe Day. "I ten yon, rir, each aew daj

troBts as wia a probl^ that- haa- to

Btaaoe—yon hv*a tw« ilamhtfira jaat Zmwflsg into OomaahoaiA. I caD

pi'iibkim th


ONE OF THE LATEST paS of warm water.

SpriBkte this over the oeat, I«' aaiiiaf' eaa. — •_ 1 * Coal test mixedl with e i » ]

! prmihw Jiaas:

And me I t t aiy

to keep M a ^ aad ttofceu to atia

pla»A"—at. Jjo^

-Caairiiii.T™ T^B com u « e a « « aar, -^he tiAla st^Kk tfc ana. « « It

_ of yooT store. They aoea gtow | neer at tb» trt.1 " " ^ " ^ ^ * " *•«*' re* ««, keep hot tor a ^ t o j ^ t ^ ^ j » ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ a taw pomiea at a chalk coaU In piin liaaiid la or tto<ee toonthA

.- i - .-

fhiiafciuij the Uwycr "OA the trackr aske<t fjn

Mate t h e a la Beat the whltaa. at f«ar Add twe citpfuls of gr«talated halt A ajrfal of aataai. ataaed aad eat i» small pieoea. aad half a captal of blaBaied ataaoada. Add hatf a tea-spoonfal of TaaiBa. Poar ta a aheet

I la a shallow. b««tored tin. and bake I far three-qnaitters ef aa hoar in a

•««T »k»w OTca. T U e froa the o^ia

Beat r o l b of three e a c taMe^eeaftris of olt^e oO ^"^^ —** •^ cayenne:

la the Creetor—Hay I CD ia .

baroaT .Botler—Oh. yes; certainly* Oredlpar—av. BT Maad. how le 4t

that you admit me so eaaOy inito]. -wbea at other time* joa aaaally saa^ me n-way wtth on* eJtuse or

• « t o A I _ U ^ (Bodspeat).

ThotiflM n W M a Aa ofleer af a finer

ftxwa New York iy Dry U fat oyMors aa a —rVn « p tSeto ta t)M egg baOer. thee la ' "OB a recent trip I was oa deck

cmmbA Shake at the tooae talking with a p a s e t s j d when e^fet cTBBbs. dtp again In the M X _ keBs aoaaded. There gBea eight teBA'

Afad fleetly rail t h ^ ~ to tae T t f i d . e a n ^ n g ~ A T ta vary hat tat. i •'7^ «Atdi betow.*

fiat to earer thato. T h e ' "'OraeloasT' ahi a deHetoaa flaear - ^^^^C > watch that atrihaa sa

Serve arith spiced peachea. ; —^Naw Tort Tribaae

MARVEt Makeo mere good bread to tbe sack tlan ordinary floars. Absf^otely pure and ua-ifart«Td—THTBT blaacbad.—Famod fog itp r. goodness, i'ly a sacET


mB stop St Hmateaa an & e No_il8-ExceptS««i,y.4J5p.B. U M I

"""- "irlnr ^— r«——-» g . l ? -

I «e Wanentoji. «:1» p.Bj iocaLilAjt-i

^ * ^ ~ ^ ^ tkronghwam, 11K15 p m. *cjps toiet o« laswagnu bam W ^ i L W sad Alessadna asd to take <« VI^K^ZI isr pmal. at wiieh acbajried to s i T ^ ^

.j;0ETHBOUND No. l«r—Exeept Snnd^. Uieai bam W ^

watoa to Warfiiipton. «:»<:» „ " ^ So. l e - ^ y tim«gi tnu. between lU

aaaaaa and Waskingtoe fcltt.i « gn 111 f» STOI


• •JLA'-. . „ f , „ _ w ^ - , •eduae poiMs PaUmaB Parlor oTT

. anad n d OortJotwriDe ^ ^ , No. IIX—EioepiSondaf Arrive •a^:10 p. at .(rem Waneaton and aeaiate pouits.

^ - **TS^'r tbrcmsrh tram beU^ea Ma-aessaea^l Wsi^incton, 6:35 p. m

So. 36—D^T throo^ tram. c/»,.be. aad a e ^ u g can. for Wasijia^oB . , « N , , y , , #:23 p m . «ton. on &^. R^^eive. coiMc"

alMruTs Prices 90CTHBOCXD

S a 4 » - D a i H U«ai i„ HarT,«„burg ^ . iDtarmediate oowu, 9:30 a «

" * " " " * • * ••* •• "• stop* OB fia^ . , H ^

'5r* np a cap

A »tMBTi:n>r addttion rr any woman's ooetumt i« _lu« ne-» bag i t pearl f-ST iLo.r* (...a. w.th bnary eiiver ta*.—. T'le r o - - Sal tajj reeemaUng aiosaK ».,r» -r:.-_iinis a iMaC .i«.«if-lE riarK jr •&, a.r. i pn*. and on opening rsTua. mirror.

_ . of c o d l l ^ place tn

itX came tf> boiling poiiit drain aad covw- with cold wcater again, turn off aa before Thictet a phii »f mijk j a» for creanj toast snaiimnaic »eli wttji i r-«PP*>r. sait afx) fnitter- iwnv s<tr* The « * mwf *«>*•« ear fT»-pnarinia-TPT atr" *'»•+ sp. Hare readi some nir ifv

Wirt..-'Jit. crtmiri.

i Ps*d Back. { *n aa Oweiia^e*«r p-^ hark t^t t n ; y«« laane< Um'iyear JMBT*

"XTh. yes: be borrowed twenty<>e


Not Particii Lar. OVTirri OA £l£l!Al^ Ix

Uon do yoa,.w,;^^;. triend? R**«ralnir Rere iat^WkBt'auWans

Ladis, Doors, i ilding MAtei'ial

-uaikM. fieivia aac Lundeo lo: Oar.

N<». ^l^-Dai^v locel. 9.10 a B. Nf, 14 ,a4. ewe^ i ,o« i^ j , ^ - ^

Parior > a: — f aii

""• "-V r u. ^ • ana ;. ,. ,

—'!- afiorc y»>i ^ - ,. r to — rtirra^ C«»iii]u,nj^

; > » . .

• i - l l Ma<T! I . ^ llar>a^«*aii nr

azi.;: :'roi. 'an<f^' a •



:FaeU>rT:Jfc.irt N. Lee Street A L E X A N ; 1> F. i A . '» A "E-^*

^ - - •^- jiff. • act . -'^f- n„

Page 7: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU

^^FF-Y H E MANAgs'AS JQUBJiAL. P E S V A Y . i U . \ E lu

UfflT Md^nffiTnaS^SWrffiRM mm mal***^ iVJJv jSt . j fc .ataKJ9: .

Judge Tbomtoc Pr«Mde* Ovcr

-*""* ^—.;r»n—Cmtr Se t far 1

^ - ^llie Voir u

flffiPff WTfff? T f t F i T <?AVIWr

2 9 .

S te tM

South A m e n c a .


- 'Ifif -ijatit- teroi « i WMj^ireaJli co-'an !ur f'fiijft-W jli,am county-of C</.ijii,

J. E, 1'. ThjriiLoii pretiidiDg:. |Ar!n-fjca >v;;;ch is


On Thursday nig-ht, the 11th The I r t i i t ^ i k a t e s DcpMtiaeat-jtiMtoitt, ^ M

crc£ ba£ jusL issued a luaivb report on "South

uM.Si' i.\ LAW.

loreniun; C. L. d a r k , Pfuup Bo-k y , }••. C. Kurabaugh. J. F. Kub-erL>i.u. T. J. Ashford, S. li.Ston-n^-il, VV, T. Jones and .3. W. Ca Loll rtiurned dieliut-iiUs:

as an Export F ie ld" of special interest at tn coniisctiim With the

will be brought to a cijoM appropriate eyprcises,

The program, which is flexible in adjustment to our community l i fe ,"wliraffbrd an oocasTonXo

work bein^ done by t i e Southern the Normal and H i ^ School Railway Company and the com-' graduates to speak through their panies associated with it in de- , represenut ives u p o n subjects veioping trade with South Am«--[ of compelling int«-est to those

^ " ^ o i l o w i i i f t n - ; " * ^^ ^"^ "^ > ^ S w i t b e m porta I c o m m i e ^ S r t E ^ i t i o n a l growth



An indiciiiieiii ajyalriyi Herb«n Yancey for a ftlonv; a true bill.

Ah ihdictmenF agaTnst Jac¥ iioodman for a felony; a true bil!

lU'pcirt of Charles A. Barbee. cijejiff, una a iiatof writings ad-mit i fd to record in the clerk's office during a a i s ince the A j a ^ term were filed.

Commonwealth vs. B. F. Jen­kins; on appeal froni ju5tM»^

-£«tt lor trial to-day.:. Haislip vs. Mc.\5ichael; contin­

ued by consent of parties. Hooe, tr., vs. C BuTIock; set

for h^H4Bg to-naOT'Tow.

[served by their.lines. This report eontaina

j attainable through public educa-anmf in- tif>B,

Hon. R. E. S teames , bead of

It was ordared that thg ffle^ o f thrs court transmTE to the au-

which shipments a fe financed

***" K^^ noted ag one o f the for Kahi M follows (by J.F.LeiiA-man. treaauiei of the county): A ligt fif landn oold to tii^pwn monwealtii , a l ist of fatnds aoid to otber'than tiie coanm^weaith . a l i s t of kuids ber^ȣore sold to t h e commonwealth and a ^ t of lands redeemed before sale.

Bodine-vB. V i r g i ^ S t a v e Ckno-pany. in afiRamtat; j^eraandPil to

to ffiieoQt

-way in which the Gernuffis bave i n r e s t ^ a t n ) the s p e c M f S i t a r e s of ^ach paitiealar marketand the pains t M y i t n e t ^ e n to s e e l i iat l i ie ir goods fitted i n wit ir -what

ComnKnweal tk ; \^ H e r b e r t Yancey on IHdiCXRHiliC tor a f e k ony; cootinaed to J n n e •39, witii prJBcnflr »rimitt<d to h a i l —

K. C L e v i s vs . Sootfaera Rail­w a y C a ; verdiet for phmti f f to t ^ s a m < ^ $ 5 a

Goouncmweaidi of Virginia «s . B . F . Jenkins, on apt^p*!; <i»«-laissed by consu l t of all parties.

C<«MBt>aw«i»liih of VlrijiniTTsr

Through them a first-hand and d i a l l e d ksowiedged o f & e trade is aequk^ed. and t ^ iaformaticm s a i n e d i s ekaely&fiowed. There are also in Genaaay many la iva te aad semi-effidal associations dfe-1^> t'art So^g^ '*OiU w«rt

i lert)ert Yancey; pa* o t -ese i t directed to i ^ o e a . sofafioena daces tecum to oconpel I^os . G. Meredith to piodace bo(dc in

lHifui<e "question June 29.

Ibe eouftr

Accoaiatof W J. A shhry, jaiVy, he c e t t i t o i 4 » - g ^ y ^ P " " * * * " orda*ed to

tireasorer for payment. - -C. J. Meetae vs . Pamsy lvan ia

Bailroad Company, S o u t h e r n

^ton Sontheiu Cailw^r; venfict {or the plaintiff of $4.30 from the Pennsylvania Railroad C o o p a s y , each party to pay hie own cjorts, mi*d verdict tiiat the defe t h e Soatiiera Railway and tiie WjmJiim tuu OuuiUeiii naflaaj;

C. J. Caaspbc^ Smallwood — Order eonfirmias: sale «nd diatribation of funds.

Jetfries va. J e f f r i e s — O r d o ^ and decreed that this cause 4»e-finaiiv heard at the next torn of

"asTwst •-- '• , .-.- -• -/-+ Kite Williams ^ al v s . £ B 1

Williams et ai—Final decree. AdajGoroweU TB.SokiaKn Corn-

well—Final decree. .)ohn

kndrew Wright and Rmrry C Bia'Kemore vs. E. B. Reid—De­cree tx> leaiie (lien) on land.

— H.iiiiB

tie •»<—'^—Doaw rmii

terest ing information as to the mathode puraaod by t h e iJnited [ the Dtfpartmeflt df FuBSrEdi i -Kingdom and Germany which are cation in Virginia, has consented the two great competitors of the to address the graduates upon a United States in supplying South j subject dealing specifically with

Southern problems, enforc^ig his statements by statistics based upon careful investigation. Mr. S t e a m e s wiH be warmly wel­comed here where he has already intrendied himself in t ^ esteem of tiiose familiar with his fear-tess campftigB'for fa^^y eflideul school supervision. •

Mr. Hetman Steele, who has won enviable f a a w ^ a debator.

/?«atf farmtmn Bulitntin ho. 579 on Cr/m»om Clovtr itM f^rM ~ Atiarmsa i S Otut. of Affrtcuttuf

A bushel erf Cmn flp Liovei hicm sown on



T a U g r a p k aBcl T e l e .

iiB£K XeaHmg Store

for w h i c h w « p a j


Bell's Bread

TTu. •'AT:

American markets, and President Harrison of the Southern Rail­way Company today called atten­tion to the folkjwing extract from it a s oooitaiBiBg valuaMe sug:ge8-

' toons fur Suutfaem auumfactorers and m«%hantB who are interested in t h e tT«fe "typuriJinitjpff />f South America:

'*TheOennansowe a g r ^ t deaT t o t h e i y banks, which lend act ive aoMolianec to a^wemes e f t r a d e prnmntwrn;' and t h e fan l i ty w i t h

gr^es^Qernwn aamfai in bmid-ing up tiieir ^uth trade. H i e m o ^ impcHl^t in­fluence fdr'effeetisg: this result, 'hnwfTrpT, hat bean the thorei^rh

voted e^jecially to the furtfeer-MVr. nf ihf German a i p o r t traide. and tfarwn nnT nnly TtijMjjminat^ infcH-matioc as to the kind o f particular su*ticles required by the trade but' o f t^ i subsidite

•i-. ] agffnte ~tn odiej- taee^ fields who make a s t o ^ ^ i A r i c e t e o B £ 6 6 i ^ ~ ' T & e

flnepces in Sootii America toward the ooB "object « f furtheriiig Uade lias ufnai fear FsrBagksar and i t hasnesalted in the p g w a n t t i « { r e i m r a e r d a l position o f tbe cooatry in aO parts of t h e eenti-nes t . The prBmotitmof United States trade in South Aqjeriea

n o t Becessanly d e p o i d < « either E h s h s h or G o ^

11^^ Tnstiuid^ hat, maiitth*^ c««>

thebkxwiaCs^BwioilbytlMwiBd it - «nedr TbCTi—U«l«».«erw«t»-h«

greater exmttlMmJftbc6c)d WW iettlnac tbeWintet. Mate and moieocb year f a o w n a n t«ali«lugtl»ll l^«Uimf*i>dgtt vtim «f ~ ' MoClovac

U 5 B wujLUer, WID d^V€riAfrvgig^^;g;°^^°g*y*^ dtrtwiy, his subject treat ing-e^ matters bearing upon eorrespon-dence between the fajiA school

and its euvironmeKtr K^iiiSS^^L"^ ~" '""" —Mrs. Cfalocljiq^ Hedge, of the o»ti.TiawM«fam:^o^uQi^^^*

- e f • e x p n music, will {H«sent her piqals in several aelectioBs' «F aztastic e z -eollcDcoi -^ —

win The tutiowiog numbers appear apoB t h e profptam: InvocatioB. Chonw: ''Akove the Omr Bine ^f"


Bi«d ^ ICwes M u n a LewM, Ainiie

Gladys~S«iM}«B. Hattie Utrd^at.

Presentation of JjpLTw.. , mrtnteitiQa of Bngjwjh piJifWi

(AaaiB: "Pniae YetiieFaOter,"

Goawd T h e exerc ises wiD take phwe

pnanpTly i t 8 p. m. , tbe academic psioeesaoa of fiJCTdQr "and atadents leaviMrthe

^er^viidiixg a t 7:30 pu m.


0C7 remedy d u t can

of these eoanti ies . both tSe~tB^tte kiaae;s4aJ;, vescBMiKKAmenean capita! aad

factors i n <rf tbe. last f e w

V*.. DMB%

.T»>y; fl<!awf>iniT^,.

Caiaries D._F]ate|x. ^ It

KBoey I^a aetad • mg *"•' °- i i l i i w i i t

I C M l ^ - t aod paiofal t a r t 1W

started a the ceMer of mg hack n d


« f a

Il i t t ()l Jriuna Wm Increas* fhfTucciMlnJ VVIB 1 of Com or Cottob about Hit fcanie aniouat a& would a ton of complete teTtiliz«r arplicd at the rate td too Iba. pej muiL Aguinl alBud ulCiluiMiii Clwo" turned under MriS oxdinarily dpuble the yield of the cropi wfaicfa follow. I he physical condftioa of the soil ii iilso mat ruDy bcnetted. The Saiuky Soik are increased in Huiin» and Nitnf" CootentL The Stiff heavy clay <oiii a n icDclcnd men ogca andfrUinW.

Cnmfton Qovcr makes an excdlcnt grazinfi crop, hay, BnsilrgT and puture for ail claue* of live stock. Milch cows maice considerably more millE, when PMtniBj on CniMoa Clover. It it a t e vatat-able as a honey plant. tttnatOut aa abuadaat •upply of aactar in tbe sprinc

CrunsoaCleverla valuat>ie as a Winter Cover crop. It iseapacialiy valuable i s Onzfaards where it is fieneraily plowed under as a ftz«ca manure crop. Tiic vtants retain for tacaa(«<aic treta the following season much ol the piant food, -wtilcfa VNsWiotherwiae |«adi oBt «< tbe cround during tiac Winter and early Spring. Agoedstaad of Criiaaaa Clover not uiUy reduces &t •« and the guBying of the fields, tmt on sandy

^ ^ -ifrer


W e Offer Enormous Stodcs ^5*ft.K''^y^g^Tl*g£^riSB'tJ5g

SIC. eta Sevea Ton, Yellow _ SMnadh, Winter Kadjsfa.

a^astt tear and aegfoiiw

WaUoM Send two cents in Hih riper MM Milll land yen a M

o's Famous King of & e -alsoapBdkaaecfr


T h a n E.ret_ G e t i t a t your f t w

CCTa. o t h e r .

Accept W e

it I w d i

n o

a n t e e

QUANTmr QUALmr / . Let u s d o jrour b a k i n g .


^F« C h i n a , G k - ,

w a r e , Etc .

miprcmacy in the foJlown jr ^ ^ i ^ b e e n rfco^tiized far yearo. ZV^Mlliable qualities, excluaaveiv

•Ifricefe for 7 HE £E42L

Ckafia(Oiak._ Sta^eat ' — | - i P y l o r ^ ^—iM WMKaaUUneaa


121S F S t and 1214-18 G St, W A S H I N G T O N . O. C J




Prbperfar caaed and egmhipad

Phosie v write for partiraiafB

MilTi^ir iJI??




p ririwg In

OR SALE O a t o f O u p c a a l i o a o f

T h e piace ctHitains aboot three of land and large ten-rooa

booae with number of outbuild-Tbere is^an CTPcl


IWI* u^K wMC It ahowB many of fiidi's f anh ines^ fne - man ronattam

boy &om it with every': antanee of Barisfactioa.

a Ridi'» SQP» fft.Cv.Mt


QtU^. WALTER msM-mtAmn _


and a \>tni weB wu a LuiaheiHgMtf ^ ^ ^ ^ W i r e , R u b b e r feet d e e p e r good aoft water. j R o o f i n g PlMlltry N e t t i x ^ , .

M R S . W . » - W . M O R A N i ^^^ ™ f » " ^ . f ^ F K « -

Get Ready!

membo', we are «g«ntj' ' for the gennine Oliver PwWi

W.C c o d nii^i^ JzuiT-

Thun;clar, June 4, l A - y i s W. in

a: P'lnal decree. Ino^ H. iAnn, executor vs.

w oiQce Finger el ai - F'mal decree AnaealhetiCT .\drrimt.'t«T«i for leaa Extraction oi l e e t h .

A : : ]nr JleTirs . '0 weetcs


for $.. l lO i h t D E N T I S T


i j t y , w-TTteR T>e*T Sir- ] n*-'^ urmc Ki.,.nt

fer x ^ « * Wwiemt ;f al « ^- A-* norru- 'riBd re i

tt\«-; ^ij,rwi= F'-»oT-r.*ja v»w!* —- -*.r- •-. iTttj'esJ. cur


aYDEMILL TTbis weh luwjyvu'"

i a a d t u t i ^ n^aoitiy re-buift and set in fiiat claaa eondi--tion, is now being (^jerated by a miller t^ y e a r s ' of ex­perience. The Flour being uAide at thiis mill, F&b<iy.and

arid" i s rapidly attracting new cos-t o m o S j ^ I t is ra^e of tiie Terr b ^ i t w h t a t ^ad guarasr

ICi ^ a l e

and other feed for Water gnw^nd Meai,

made of No. 1 oonw constant­ly on sale, and ia aeeond to i>one. A U o r & r s p n » s p t l y filled and delivered t o aeu4>> aaefyhanta i f deaired.

l i^ooe messages t o the null r e e a v e prooipt'attention.

B e R i


Having determined to tkrote oar w b < ^ t ime to the Beal Estate and luBunmee buuiueaa. w « henigr acjicit aD nrouerty for sale aad

hat . the . same widi oa yrumiitiy.


Marvdl Flour Prinoi William, P m i t y and rtfber brands. Grocenea and Provi­sions.. AH ki nds of Ground F«ed» Grains and^' Hay. ^MMie your Orders—Goodad^vered at Y««r OeoR:—Tlighf at, •price paid far Country iPrqdoee in e z e a u i x e for Goods. . «•"


FfiOTOGRAFHS mimtmt.

on short eafl o e or write


Bring or send your KCXJ&K Work.

' " i t n l T a7»<" s. k . n ^ of

"M 1. C. bOiMmp, M&na^Sffi, VX. HMreelaruaKerbruTi ^^T B i ^ •E. Tvrrmr^ im-i.xTr^rn:


h lo™ ^ ' .• '

Page 8: r'^'i ss GROUP THREE, VIRGINIA BANKERS ASSeCIATON, IN ......w J >. 0 r \^yr -W^f— ^::^^XJL,-XX. NS^, ^fAW^ASSAS. TA.. FRH5AY, HAY 2^ri^i4 r'^'i -ONE DOtXA AE YEAP ;eOOL EXHIBIT IfTFAU


•*5fli ifc I M F I X KJM»«»>C;^B)^ »6re made Lv hp Rev. ^ ITRMs. g a o Mr. Smith, vfho has been

UnitedSuimGov Sfce«i» j forty

the jjjastor of Olive Brancfa for nt-^rly

L i i S n > w i n AJI^aJ Cire^ I lorty years. The floral tributes I were veiT^ haadaome and numer-


on HocOkolcra.

Evidence of what appears to be, a wiST-oi^aniied campaTgTi to (te^

^ JAXSS Sitdk ijowrifrsheil. xii Washmgtun, spent the 30th wiih lier siMer, Mrs. R. _R. SniTt1».

jous, and the attendatKe a very' Miss ^arjone Mills, who tiat, 'large one. She is survived by j been visiting Miss Craig a: Laad-• two sisters, two brothers and an J mark, has returned to her home

. nftifiC-Jtosetta. JJaU&.„' BksMd. vn toe QMMI tiiftt~aie in xiie i.^ro' for they rest from tbeir labors.

- B.

Messrs. CaxroiiShiriey aad Joe • Gib«on, of VVaahingtonj were-week-end g:uests,at "Oakshade."

Mr. Walter Pickett, -of Fort. Myer, visited his parents, near'

iaimeri^ throiiiB^out the country into buyimr an alJesed cure for hog^^choJera. under the impression that this has been in-

reached the Department of Agrri-, •— I culture. Articles prJaimiB-this] i^terert at Higbct Pitch When J niadieiHg, Beiieiui by Tiame.TDre' being sent out widespread to mwapaptra, Theae articles are

Cfaanum Announce* D«ca>> •on IM Left to Audieace.

Miss Beatrice Kibler and Mr. Fenton Foley, of Marshall, were gu ?&ts of Mrs, Omar Kibter t

that it flygoarg as if j the Dppart.nwnt of Agrinalturej—An intj^refit^ audience -en.r had received reports from the joyed the program last Friday state of. Minnesota showing that evening atManasaas High School the medicine had proved most]The German classes rendered beneffcial. As a matter of fact i German songs and Miss Marie the one report received by tbe;Leachman ^ n g , "Du Bist Vie department was an unofficial and I Eine Biume." Following read-unsolicited -statement sent pre- i ings by Miss Julia Makmey asd sumably from the p r o m o t e p s j M i s s Mary Akers, the^l-iU}sorb-themsel'^ys; The depHf liiuuil^t- j IBE UUIAU?"bessnr" - —" -tachesM importance whatsoever I Messrs. Roswell Round and to thiul&teme&t. It has no rea-j Herman Steele, the high school son to believe in the efficiency of j stars, battled f or conapulscHy edu-any- pitjprietory CTffe for hogr eataro, T^d Messrs. W. M. John-cholera and does not recommend son and P. S Haydoo repre-Bsy.—Uoder^galnLgoMWoagIt sgnMsd ilu; idimuUiBJi tfae l ^ j g urges farmers to ttrotect tfaieir] tive side of the question. Each stYvlf w i t h •nti,hng.AhfJ«irQ ^^)mm aidp nppwpH w i t h

Poplar Hill" this week. Messrs. Harvey Yeatman aad,

• W11ti5Fotey,of Washington, spent j —iH-tiB ae>t!i with Mrs. J. P

W. and F. W.~ChambefliR Present^



A Fashion Show of Giggles and Laughter


sautfi; Mr. ^Riissefl Mills, of Maryland,

is spending a few days at his home here.

Rev. T. W. T. Noland. of Falk Church, preached at Antioch on Sunday last. A large crowd was in attendance.

We 1 egret to report the death of Mr. Edgar Peakp, who died at | his home near Hopewell on Tues­day last Interment was in the family buryiag grcHind there.

Mrs. Sidney dark, of Indian Head, Md., is visiting relative^ in this neighhnrhnnd ^^ C^ark


but that is alL In connection with thic attempt

it nay be s&iH that tht> mp^ioinp which U nAW t ut tohraid as good for liogs, was advertised some time ago as a means of kill-ing tube«!nk»is,.typb<»d and can-cer gams, according to u i artxle publiijbed ia the J Americui Medical Association. At tiiat trnoe it was asserted the army was interested in i t As a matt» of £ i ^ 1iie an&y was no mbreTlSapested

gument and stated its pmrits with tailing off cot.

Jidth interest

of the evening, Mr. W. Camrfl Rice, announced that no judges were to be appoipted a.nA fiwt. the dedaon w a s l e f t t o < ^ i « d l

i}£_tiie| ei^e.—Sre37-Bataea%-4he-^igh s^iool voted for its adha%nts and the ahimra sai^orted its yarriors; advocates of c(»npai-sor / edacatk» weie certain of

«te> spent the 30th here, returned tn hfs hnme on Monday lasfc

Mr. Jett"and Mrs. Warrea, ^ Washington, were guests at "I Grange" <m Sunday last.

by the ladi^ of Antioch chorch on the evening of t t e 30th, was a success both socially aad dnaneialtyT ' ^

tiiea than the Departme^ of Asneohanc! is now

Tn vifrw «f rii» «.TOi«MHi. tt^t

tlie aimmpt to e r e a t s this false i m a w g a n j&'pBaSiiMt.Mi>^

warned to commimicate witfc-tbe United States authoritieB faefwe arppptihg as tma'aay that the GevemmeBt -recom­mends any tinatxnent otber than the serian abeady

jtlie winnihg: vde and opponents were ^^qoaily confident. Hie

that tha batttc is ycJE R^rqdanaits were aerred OP

rwfaidi t n s liji^ttzdjwith -4sifeed


wnmnmnsr " kmmamsi

PoOc Milsi^s WonI As WcB As H b S U I Back Of

Qever Comedians New York's Latest S o i ^ l b s

< ^

destroys the healthy tjaeoes of

HLMS m O M U U M f i t l l i S -


On Sunday, the aist of May. the ieiaakai-g£ Maty fkitmaem; a hig^y respected member oi the ISth^atreet Baptist church. of Wadiiagton. D.G., were had at leU at CHi¥e BflWChgbtiyfth on the Boll Bun moantain neu* Waterfall,-theidaceawliiff^ shf

Mr. Freoek & « w n » . of WaA-ingbea, q>entjSahd«yattheh«De a f - h g TareBta. Me,,jB«L Jixa. W.;

Mrs. -Jioscpn Lynn left this *eek"~far an fflgg^>rgjgd«:})ut]fetk a»ri. Washington^

Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Graffan ar« spoiding this week in Itiehmond.

Mr. Tbomaij R. Kjlc. uX 3laun-

the body apd ieav^es^^j^j^pt;^. SDSceiJtilde to odwr diseases. —^ar-means that you umst-fac constantly taking medicine to temporarily build jq» ,wiutt aa-(rther has toro down.

It isgowBall thing t o t a v e t t e ^nished product of this noted cbenustwidiin easy reach and at

introduciini the Latest

Rage, the Tango Dpce

mm uCMUttllMI ^ ozu

A refined shcagAaLrefined people; one side fc^lhe white people, one side for c<J-

ored; resenred seats fey evei

Cufg^O R M.

Polk Miller's l i v e r Pills can be procured at your druggists or at l i e country stM-es f w lOcabox.

J as boro 8ome 70 years tgo She moved to W a ^ o g t o n wben quite young and idaed the titarcb

tnuhtaiaesi to the

amiabifity tbit « a s < » e of the strong traits of Inr GSinstian

1 They are safe and effective a ^ ton, sp^ t Saturday mi Sunday ij^t only care sick beadadte, bil-with friesi4s in Dumfries.

Mra. Wii ijaff lr-ffnTn and Means. W i & Skeon, Jake Mer­chant and OUie Watfieid s p « t Satwrisy in Managsas '•

aoB^ofw;^^^^^^^ ^ 5 S ! ? ^ ? ^ ^ S ^ S ItuBie nfienpteasfinrx herbrother, MT:-Qr8ay-" n(da«d Kver.

character endeared lao- to ^n\tBood_Ra^diffe. at Manassas who knew her. all wbo came in' "!*«»<»*•«» of Mr- WalterH. contact with-lfigr, wSliBg aad ready always to do whatever ahe rniild to. nphnid tHs caaaa of Christ Sbe,k>v«4 the ho(»e<^

Keys is paaa.

ICr. James


H. Garrison spent Weteoday in Alezandiuu

Mg. John TtoiMUt, 61 WaaEa«^ ton.

xttfae aeveni days tiiis

God and whether 9t borne or away she sought to be attatdant upon the aervica** tbeeterdi . ShewouWofttinwbefoundlhffle.^y*- ^ - , * . when ber physcal eonditioo de-i * ^ ^ - ^-Speake is visiting manded ber beja* at home; Her ** * * ***""• *^ ^^ parwts in beautifal Cairistian life has beMi'^^^ff^i^; as i t*— ""' %hf ia h g fMnflr ^faere wM be 8 I I K £ c £ e a a _ ^ ; and her wide apcfoof fci...j.: tcitainmeat at the Jr. 61 D> JL

lived the Hfe and died the death t^""*^***"*^®^ *** Metiwdiat of a saint. She served in the * ^ ° * ^ family of Soiator CGonaaa for ^ . . ^ 80«ne^Sty-*¥e yeara and uirsed - ^ ^ * his diugfcter, Maode, froB ia-'Jioi" aad fancy, by whom she was always: beak, called Maamy aad who aeeem-' -paaied her remains frdm Rocbea-;

place, being joined at Washington

soMialiy serve as~a gaMrallceie, keep the ^stenv invigorated aad prevent rach trouUes M ^ck headachas, bihousnest. pilas^~a pendicitis. fistula and other t n » -

wloclLIcxxM &om a

Don't p(Mson your system with calomd or weaken it with salts or stringest ligmete. - • ' •

Send for a free sample «• buy A _box from' your druggist or g^nerri store now aad let ntoipe's own remedy restore you to nor-mal health, ETsmine earefuUy

V ; H. j tSe eei^on y«n wffl Ifind ia eadi b o z ^ war& Sic. P ^ MSIer Drac Conqway. I n c . Rirhnwiid, Va.

^l^i&mS. night T « * e

VFT Aubrey Mills, who has The foHowiag plays are j been in the service of the Traas-

giveo by the Dumfries I fer Company for aeverml years,


^ e n 9 K » A . M. Close 5:45 P. NL. DaJy

to Town." "Jumbo 'The Lost Poeket-

uwhaU ever with said company.

AUarecotdiaDyiavited. n « < « ' P * ^ « « » ^ « * " » ' ^ ^ ' ^ , X. V* aoladt a coatinuaBee of thef


undersiST'Sd comir]T:tef nntii noon Monr ; aTaerciKle; trr. CtarC. XaryaS d»v, .In^ 6. 19;4._for th* erwuac and father wasa servantW the Berke-l€f^ famlTj~a liundred years ago.

I 5-2S-4t W. S. ATHEY,


comf»i«t3an of a Town HaU at of a Town i II I i i» f t i i i i i J J1£W MODERN DANCING


88DM of the men-^bers of which at ^^^^ ^ '•*• ^°^* *^^" teodnl the fxineraL ' ^ - ' »•- -"^^^ -^-

cations ahjch ma> he seen at the or >»aak 4i ,

'>ancil who rhich sermon,

one. was preacaec Mr- Beoofc, of A.^ pas: --r. arse .^-.r- a;

The faner^ >,* opeecri by ti» TO*T. „. . w a « s verv fine '•••^^* t*** ngtot to reject anv and ait • f*^ '

L.• t h e fier.

iropriat* re-


Mana«iia£, Va.. J UD* " i - !

<• a. - ^: »-•* -^ili '. iwtowt'. -o fw- r»r ft^^-~

A r h t M » « « . t I 111 I—II mt^ f «fl TCT

rv rm«r -TMaiUL. Ann TOtmF-.<: :>-

_WAS±LLM-fiTON. D. C . U . S. A.

Values this or any oth&r Store lias ever Offered in Pordi, Lawn and Camp Necesaties—ako Go-Carts n n :; n


Good, heavy style, in natural or green; 42 inches high; seat nze l&i2& inches; good-arm rests; useful and darable for both lawn and PWI*h - L^_-j=s=.. —

Large, roomy carts, redining-back style, with adjustable three-bow hoods. The body of the cart is finished in green and upholstered in thf hnrt gmdr Ronton Irathrn haat 10 in ti rubber dred wheels, pehshad waad handles and steel

f S , M P«Kk $3.45 Sabfitantialiy made

-green with 1^4acb-i chains,-* feet kmg.

$7 .00Laia i ~ Specal

of oak. in Pullman

Four paaeeng^- style: made suosManujlv -with camfortablebafck: las^>eavy f»-amtr cross

m natural eotor, trimmed with red.

^ . 5 0 F« Gate $2.95 Covered with heavy brown canvas, is 6 feet

6 inches tong and 30 inches wide; stron^i^ made^Wli^Jiaa^rest; iokkoempaetiy f o r e u r

' HO

$33.00 $2.95 TdeKopc Co«s- _


Very tomfortaWe; "weigh but 15 pojrd* f - '££.^"^Pnctabk.—Eaeh-one uaarsmjeeS

wmte or brown coverings.

t3-50 R o ^ c n ^ 9 ^

^^ comfortabte rocker, with a,. , .. » ^ ^ « t t « seal and bade; g-mch mkpTT ports axxi ide ana resta

to-n ADOti

$<S.OO Cfcfcpen' T — y Special $9.95

complete with poles, pins and ropes '" 3-foot wall.

Fixmilure S tore Fourth Fk>or -4 J