Richard s Spells

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To cast a spell = d20+proficieny bonus+spellcasting modifierSpell save against your spells = 8+proficieny bonus+spellcasting modifier

Arms of Hadar ( level 3 )Range: Self ( 10ft radius ) Components: v,sSmoky tentacles attack all creatures whitin 10ft of you. Each creature must make a strength saving throw or sufer 4d6 necrotic damage and cant make reactions until its next turn. On a successful save the creature takes half damage and suffers no other effect.

Eldritch Blast ( Cantrip )Range:120ft Component: v,sYou create 2 beams of crackling energy. You can target the same creature with the beams or 2 different targets with 1 beam. On hit each beam deals 1d10 damage. A seperate attack roll must be made for each beam.

Expeditious Retreat ( level 3 )Range: Self Components: v,s Duration: 10minThis spell allows you to move at an incredible pace. On each of your turns until the spell ends you can use the dash action as a bonus action until the end of your turn.

Fly ( level 3 )Range: Touch Components:v,s Duration:10minThe target gains a fly sped of 60ft for the duration.

Hellish Rebuke (level 3)Range:60ft Componenets:v,s.After a creature has hit you you may use a reaction to cast hellish rebuke. The creature must make a dex saving throw for suffer 4d10 fire damage or half as much on a successful save.

Invisibility ( level 3 )Range: Touch Componenets:v,s Duration:1hour2 creatures you touch become invisible until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the targets person. The spell ends for a creature who attacks or casts a spell.

Rage hand (mage hand) (cantrip)Range:30ft Components:v,s Duration: 1minYou can use your action to control the hand. Yoiu can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container or poor the contents out of a vial. The hand can't attack, activate magical items or carry more than 10 pounds.

Poison Spray ( cantrip )Range: 10ft Components: v,sYou extend your hand towards a creature that you can see within range and project a puff of noxious gas from your palm. The creature must pass a consitution save or suffer 2d12 poison damage.

With Bolt ( level 3 )Range: 30ft Components: v,s Duration: 1minA beam of crackling, blue energy lances towards a creature within range. On a hit the target takes 3d12 lightening damage and on each of your turns for the duration you can use your action to deal another 1d12 damageto the target automatically the spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. The spell also ends if the target moves out of spell range or gains total cover.