VOL. K !< VII:—NO. 32 BMUUIKBK li publiiM twlco a week generally ami mmitniMawonk tlur.n -the aeaainn of the State I.egWIature. price, iha latiii ai hitrolulHM, Fivi llollnri por annam, price, in« ij™ herewMsm, f ive Hollars per annum, payable it ativaiico. NuUv. of chartered, speeio-puying banka, (only) will lx recoivod inpayment. Tlio Klitor* will ^urnnteo the safety of re mutiny them by nmil;thn pastaeo of all letters being paiu by tht writers. 'iitari. <Wr No paper willbe doic»nlinned(but at the discretion of the Pilitonj until all arrearages have been paid up. Whoever will junrJntco the payment of nine papora ahal have the tenth OltATIM. TKKMrt OK Al> V KUTIHINO. UnesquBte, OU I.KiJS—First insertion 7 Joints —eachcon- tiouance, 50 cent*. *,*Noa<lv«rtisomnntin*ortcd,U'iLil it hsa either been paiilfor,ot eaaumod by aomo perron in this city, or its environs. m w ADVEHTI3BMaaiTfl. TWO TAX I ft' OF PRICKS.—Fax* Trap*.— JL'y Earthenware, L■ ok.iig Glasses, Ifc.—Tn« Sob- Yrnhsis II r lor I *, ill l^ipret aud most complete am t nnii of Eai theiuoare, Glass. China, Plain ainl Oilt, Looking Gin-ses, ffc which n e N-w-Y.nk inerkst will dljitl, cat; p isiog every style aud variety ol ilia niw.n paurtnr. T uy return tinir ioo.t corJuI thaoki ij tb ir !•■»« id* in the Sm'limi S u.e* lor their support in ilio p'O-c.iidtii now tarrying oa lytinii them, for >h ir tofus'.l Ij pia a c-uhionhu in filing one la: (T ol price* I r Crockery, tbr.uglioul the (ratio. I: it nn ii’) atirilmt.t :!o la ih'i nil iaun ol our Soti h- ® u fti-udi, tl'.at two have b o.i euabed to euiv.va >hus lar, i ilito most try ug situs.iot; n;nic,l to lie combin- ed nil.rue.1 ml «j,i.ttl u( tbo whole trade, endeavor- ing to cIIjci oar rui'i »a I etpulrioo Irotu buiineii.— W# pledge in rt Ivo- to oar friends <o giv-t tb<- ni every a lifit'ion iti oar po-v-r, m regards ibe qnaliiy n| our tlojd>,<b'j rjc-lltiic? ol oar perkera, and the lo«vn»<a •of our | r cat lor C-s!t or Ouj A<t*iplanci»; and'n rr• turr, »tlicit from b.-iu a eooiinuante ol tl.eir pitnn- oge. and (raH-sn arly rsq *est those who havs ir.diuncs wi h the.r fi’ieuJj io exert it in our bobalf, u we iruat the esute i* ooe tbry are all iutern«>cd in, aud tnurh benefit will trrrub *o <ja (rani their friendly 101 m dur way. [• Its* been «aid, the Corabkajlcn was brekru up As it regard* r.c, this ji true, act! all, we ih n’t, frl«n<li or f.*i»«, will iI'.mv th.l we hive effre'ed this •ban*-; bin Jj astute our Jr I* n It, that at no p ri ni aiues wj commenced our svslent of un.btckled pricra, ■were we :u gr<aw want ol a<i:9ltne« ih»u at tlie pre- fect mointn*. This coinbinsti n ol m’u are leaving so m-ia'is narlej fir t ff c’ing our ruin, >lut they mi) rrv've the ol-l *ys*e•» : our credit and ebarae'er ire ar- cade I in o *5ry tli«p.», our importations waylaid and •topped iu ev 'fy inatapc where threat* ars S'llfiront to iniituiJate li c manufacturer* 'ro:n *opp!yc(! u :— in fine, no vAXitioo or liouble wbicli the in lie* ot m'n con’d dtv s- hr* b*rn neglected in this tlruggI to stibdii? u«. \Vw on e more fall vpota every I i»nl of a free ttide, !o r*> 'e up 10 our aupp -rt, and pledge owrrelvea to eive t'.ictu n *J «au*o -o rer> n «>f their liber- uiity T. J BARROW & fO 88 TfraU'r Street obove Old Slip Au*u»1 2!> 82-Si O’ T e Elito tt.f th« Etq'ik'f mi Whig, a1 R ch- «noud, Ytig tiian .u I.v nclrMir T, Spact.tinr n> Sinuntoo, I tit, lligei.cer ii P»» ribil.y, ii5.’*l i *’ Frederick."hiirg, Virgmian al W tichttrer, IhsMi’i/1 Nor ol:<, Ptirioi ai Fiucatijr, md R: pot ter at will putdi'h tht* ab va to tha amount of §3 50, at J sand Ihrlr arcounla to Enquirer tor ro'lection. AND FOlt SALE—Will b*r t-Hsred lor sale on _S_J i!>* 221 <1 Jty o( September n«*iS!» I l*lr, if no*, the Oral (air il>y (hereafter, ou (he pren.'***''» land in Kiuj and Q fen county, ut Dotkielt, *he lite r**l4enee of Tnnm.n O irnoli, dotc» Ifd Mill Farm. It i* nippoied to contain oma hit, 'dred aer«» or thereabout. A minute descr-p ion cf this property i* ■dorme 1 uunrceiMry, a* ii i.« p.c turned 'lion talifclrg to purchase trill vie it for 'h'lintWoi, preTton,' dry of Side; tun it i* noi In proper here to riale, I* it »l'uat*d in a vary dosiratiln nt i^lilnj. h 10,1, tin- gu tailed al.ke for iudnury, intlll*->cee. »«i r>li n' ar.dTvi.hin tito mile* tf r.avigi'iop. The buikl .c. :to in g id cud-r, conns inn 'f a laige, airy, w.*il I bt'l t two->to*y Urirk dw> l.r.g lions •. wnh four room* ao-J patiage on a rt u*r, kuciitn with f>ur room*, dairy j raott-h >ur», it. -houre, ov-tsm’s hnure, and o'(>u qu ir'err, »ia’>!e, ha. n, cor ^ h »u.e, so-.->• hourst. &.«. Tiit'o i'i (X' I en’ ov*.r«hot g'ioi-aiill at'<uti*il n ihii Farm, wiiirli w»ll >ulii tetlh it. The ro'l of the F.trui w ij iai I > a iy t.>;. si land .u th t V'cii i y, and ii> ! in an improv r.g eon lit or, yield n/ good r''urua o' li e j usual c op k'owii m v> is «.-ciion ot Virginia. Ther*- j will, at ho aos’iwe at il ol >rc, be rr Isundry c'hsr f r»i osty, t-jn*:i"ri|i of pi.'.;.to<io<i ut' irils, not required in ih» cjin.-li'lin o' ;h« present •* o *, cililr, lu;*, rh-ep, lio;*-i«, rn.ir mid co tr Terms will be maJ* known at-a **, and w li to m aeLOattnudi.tag ns the ci’ua’i a ot li'e-ima -'.Hadiri'. JAMES HARNETT. Adrr.V. \ating under the W .1 f Too uaB Uarne *, iteo’d Aoj» 30 82—Me fA'V NOTICE—I'je fUh-ciii’er mu tiding m 1.1 in h S a*e oi Virginia Hr tune inon.h •, lakes tecasion t.» r. imi b's ti a' Us to tbo*e ef bio •fflc-ndr, who have long ar d grrerciisly collided tlieir proT aainr .il hti*ii n s to him; il«o to ieforno tbin., that by application to Wrkin Hawe«-, E q. hi! lie in fcrmailon hey rnty require in relatnn t* my >hm may (ill irnii iii.li.idt J, e.in be ob'allied.— M.'. H. >9 duly nuMirriz •>! to prosecute at <1 te I ail chin * mil! in rii or ct eralte ~>!i rein I am engaged *- eouorif, and r in all reap cis worthy «f p itii'f rot fr de «.*. J II. OAWTHNKY. King WiiUoi soonty. Aug SO. 82—2* NM’OTICK.—At it in» ir.n h-ld at O ange Cour i_'-3 Hfu w. A "*iMi 22, 1931, by the uod'fslgn!*', * por'ion ot the C«m mis‘tore re mmointed if derthc Art of lie ,i*' Oervr-I A a n.*ily ot V.rprii, "an lim r, n* a l.ntcry toi'i'c rroo^v fr th*' pm pore of ro'lii'iict- ing n rn.vt firm the ft o. k-< Tnrt ih 'o Md'ii on Ct-Uf' House," i: I* r qu d il-at nt| 'h: C. inmirii n; «il> me *, a I, .*ii ^Cjii t House on Tn-erday, thr 13 h o Srptefisbir r>ft tor thn purpf.se of taktog in or r.i e- lalien'.he .for laid in Ce', HOP. \CE S^P.ONnFEM.OAf, REYNOLDS t'H X r>M \ N, JOHN MOOLFOI.K, JOHN M I Rl E COl.EBY COWHERD. Ang SO 32-2* I.KWIs* WKBII & CO. OKKEH I-OH SALE, Tp* HMDS. S Croix .tigx, part prj.rm 100 J:» Prt-’a R IO o. 150 so N w O lf»'0 <!.». 50 box-. «rv t 25 b'». ’o*f n~"> lump sugar 70 h'<l< N •• OtliH'ii raolrsars 85 il W;*.1 Irdix (H, 250 b->K» 'ir><1 65 MeolT«'f **y Ligniri, Cat>»f Java Riirl Si !) ir>i ja 1500 *.«* tl^n .11 4H0 i»-. Pr»<»»! d§. 60 lur Swa.fa* aud Virginia 1 ten ■>’■»? a id plV‘* *r a 10 d i. s.»#l rm« ... ,. atfrpin cad :!)?" iz l hM»h and Atacrfon bllr atnrrl ala I yoO H?/: toil' u > ’* 10 An voiiglil tf <500 !•« It lr»<h >r TJiipvr e<\HrP and ct;f tkitl 600 Cabin- nia hula* Tann'r..* oil 100 N >»■> Smm tr'una'onaa iieitv M !ai a, dry *o I ***»•' Malaga, Pnrl and S s'ipp. rnort* ttifaca Wlod'-'v r.!^r viriom rim*n*lonr, (t„ia S X 10 la 12XH C.a'ti (f .ln(* ra,a»y la ub!*r» dceiaierr, itc. Piiatit «!■<•', b.»r !.<»'!, gunpowder CuppM.v, 'in : »a!lpe re Hr<ir»* f'n^, f>!:n< ri <•, pepper O'.r.%'r, (~a e «tvl pound.) lo^jt Tea,’ IiiifSri I *»• 1 auapowd r H K*n, vi liM «o k » B co-! I 'ailil f. I:ca Bale rrii'| ‘w n »b-is ibrard Co1 oi wire aievra Soiip! eac^Uri r. uHn a Almonl., Ineoo, lar Tetter, wri.U.g, a..d wrapping PaP'f S-onrUMT* WliillaauioV caltcn and won! card*: ALSO, 13 rs^a bleached riomeitlc *h<oi'0{ and whirling 10 l)»lf* brawn da. d>. 5 tj.l** ro*lO'» 0*- abn< g* 1 do 7-S b’ra'-b Jl#p*r I t'o f“»‘on duck 1 1 o lil'h oic, *Op*flOf. Anguat 80 81 tl The. State of Al«b<vn t, ) Circuit Conn, Apil Tuskalws t Oivinly. ) Terra, 1831. Tbviu<ts K It.lli.K, A A.lMJ’cf. 1 vt. > All* h’i. Richard D nets. •« >r. I) ^iy cau e <be Plaifr iT by Ins AMorm y. an. b*i«g antfoifed io ih- eour iba* Rieha'd I) if liitniu'r the de'em'-aot in thi* action, lie*, itir** thi cjininoiisimeni th.;roa\ departed thii life, am! ihu hl< residence 'He of hit death we* !»<»\ on.) ib* lim* .1* ®l thi* S am. I? it sh»r fur*, orJ«ca l by tii co' r- that the cam b< con lotted until tit,* r.* at regular I. r r of (hit eotir', and ilia* in Ihn nn«u lima, pub ica'io'. « c uiat’e f.*r n. t »u> c***iva .»«*• k « >n th«* Kirhitii'nJ Ku« fjtllicr, (i u Mvnpapnr of Riel mind, Vlryici. ) info un- it'll iff i*.tid Richard D unit i»u’>,i( nhv.*, urn! if ro*, her h a Kxecu or or Abu oIj nior nr ihi ..ending o Ibis aitschyteui, and r-qu-ri ig iha deleidant or hi. I'H’i rej.r tcu a icn loappear and tn^ke .J. lent? by hvi nu. IdiO of thi* coor', or prrcee.’hg* iri I be li.nl tx parte. A Copy. Tut, JOHN M JENKINS. Cl-rk. A"g'nt 30. 32-*6« tCAUFEN'lEU WaNTEI).—Tn« fvbciber will gIV- a ii >era! pi ic-- f >r a n> gro man who u * good Huu-e Carp -titer, | rovided rp lira'ion um.I* by I'l- 201 h S I.e-iti-r oext C..ti muticalnns directed to Cabin Poiu’, S v ry com.lv, r»i|| in ••» imniMlute alien- t *»0«r. H. COCKE, WiedUwii. ! An* 30 32 e 4 tv Ol'ItE.-Thj lutticr iitr tuni.*, at roj-nieispie | M expense, pr.preJ a Race Cuirse, at » pi teo e I led Whamti<dd, near the C>al M;ua« in Chesn-i ti*ld j count)—aud a j»*kay club having been reemiiy esltb- : liibed time, ho i»k;* Ihb m?iUod io announce (o It* ! public, that tile fall rarer over, ihji coi>r>e tv II com- t ntsuce on the ’bird W-duesd.y In S pieutbvr, 1831, ; an I continue three day*. lit day, a sw iep stake fa: 3 years old colli and fil- | de*— mile Itr.atr. -I day,‘.a* P.oprlelcr'i Pune mil* hi-a’». 3J day, thr Jockey Club Pur**—2 dle heata, and ; probably a mult* race nil bo iun O'l thr 4th day O. B. WOOl.DHIOE, Proprietor. I A urn st 30. 33 t.t Men tty o. mIuuLkj iHttnae m Fr^de ricksburg, Virginia, offer* bis servicr* to per sons who with in have Ih-ir Western Virginia ht.d secured. 11/ the act* of the lam Virginia l.egiflalur* tvoich are published for the itlatn ation 01 iho*i> eon 1 erroed; ilia iinp'Tisuce of immediate attention lo lb j psyo elit of the mats due cu their landr wi I be cor. «id< red. Persons holding Hnds can get information of wh* j lag is due by communicating with mo ai Kiel-nckt I burg V*. A cerlilicate ol dopoait in any sperte-pty 1 iug bank in the Untied States, *ill bo applied imuiedi lately 10 the discharge ol arrearages for tax, or io am oilier !u-iiieM traaetcied. He will continue lo give hi* pcrsontl errvtc. s, eigh innntfas in llte year, to the management cf lands olbc business, ive«t ».f the Aili-gbariy Mooniaii)*: will havi lauds atcnraiely rc-.*urvryrd, and attend in persou 1. Northern MrrtlunN and other per# n* wishing »ny t-u»me.« trauraclins crgoti ilet; c’obte collected and touded for, iu <sny part of Virginia, msy rely on die fr.o»» satisfactory »uJ prompt dcrptieli. My roiii|ii!iiiiAiti)D di it) bo moderate, to be paid after the rendering ot serving. In the inveetigatiiig of lai d titlee, and iiiabin^ <ale<, I rid wi! Ihj to eontra'i tor a portion ot the laud secured, nr the proceed* of filer_ but tn alt iuiiaoeee, »• II arrearage* | iR*r* must be provided tor. I kerp *0 Office lour months in lit* yo.ir, in Frederickshure, V.t.: and eiahl worntr id Letvtabtrg, OreenSier County, Va. My eorr*«pun denis nid .:iiert to Fredeiickrburg, lor itn- next three mouths, pu>t paid. As I &v'*trrf(i*rr to many wti» may .■ I tins adver- Iteotseui, 2 refer o Jwhn lUntcalu, J„l.n S. &. O. Weil- Hd, Joint Pialt it C J. bn Scott, and William J.,ck- Jl.'O ail lit £ rediM irk shut g; K..h,rl Oltw- rod ii. i.1 Alo.ilr, IhhiBOre, B. M ttk Rich r!», Pbiladsl- rhi*- a.Hi Silae * Wood ot N. York, HENRY O MIDDLETON. May Us __ __ _1 -if V.* () riCE --•Vl* P‘f-stts tav.ng clai*-« agaiust me JLt estate of L v»3 Mureble l#t» o' Cficstcrfield coun- ts, mid /l! thorn It- dfbted *o I’le *aitl cst -te, an* re- rricstrd to come t, ,'>a* » R" re Moment m y ,!e bad, i?0. D. MUIIOH1E, Ei\r julv g 17_r>n*» * °‘ J Mtircbl*, d*tV. glALL AND \vTiVTku' OOODS—The Subem- H’ h.r> wilt rereive, »>y ft, nryt ve*ro a from Liv- erpool to Jatnaa Hirer, a ’a-g-s is.'r'ply ,^l!, following and Winter Goods, which f-V*y list ftllT.g ■sn favor-sole e'fne as they ran be obtained it m rket In the United States. viz : Wilin’- Ktt:Ja'.l Cotton*. No I to Koto, P.> m, St’Jped *nsl Whticey 15 e kete 15 w, 15 srk, O.iva, Brawn, ini ctw t.acy Lacii.in C o hs Bln-', Hla-k, D.-ib, MixL a-.d cw fancy do. Ca-t-i* 1 rr-o- f- Doable M ILd D ah do he Swansdown and T if net Wstivgi Extra Whi e Flannel* HjidIm zincs, 15 mbazrtiee, Plaid* and C’tn!*!* tlrsrii Friz-e, Ilaoebe-tet Coid* ar.d Vriv-. u Oaml>ri«* Jsc» ne e, C. liro-s a-ui Cinghtms Cotton, Wu.seit, mi Limbs’ Wool Most rnJ hs!t ilore Clove*, Patent Tl r-ad». 6tr. F. U E JAMES & CO. Matke’ Jtridge. Ju y 2!) 2d—w8sr jji AM) l*OR SALK—In jiuriD^nwol a d'C’enonl 21 i lit Co nty Court o'King r.n i Queer, In Chancery —pu.co< i.c *d oil -hi 10 h «l»y of Aluv, 1831, in liu can- of Churei.li A. Ho,Lei nr, 1 oihrre, vguti’t ilia ft initifraoe and lo r* ol Wm 8tonc, jf. dee’.l, wo •lull, i*l King a if Q i*»i n Augutl C- urt r.: x», offer for ia’c a te auld Ciium hou<r, on th= lirtt <Jay of the *ni I Celt1, lo ill a higher! bid 1. r, Upon a Ctcdit n! ris :1»> ( x- c-p no much ai inty be it* c'?«a;y t? pay iha rxn o ta.tl n il aod ripen•«( <;( sale, whirl, wj'l be r^-ij■ ireil ij rarb,) 1 lie tract of lend la ilie Slid bill mentioned, ivliir. Gi the W u. 8 oa», jr. <ii*4 ee z 5 and oo— roraeif.—Tbit tract connius upwind* of inn hundred aeres—h«* upon it a commodious *1 welling hou-o ami •tillable out hou*?*.—The la .1 i« of gcol quality, »uti lies aottigmit* tith* «a d C>qrt him*. RICHARD CAINES, \ r, CEO. K. CARLTON, $ C ,tnmtft'on«rs. J"n- 7. 8 —wtd* POSTPONEMENT.— In »orireqti»nco of (Its had* net# ol .hi wea'her, die above m\n <* ;o«!poaed on* til the tir t dav of S ptsmlier C.uirt n«-*i, when it vr»t| c»rt:in!y mko pl»ca if fair, I! r,ot, o-, the r *' Court day wnich may bo fiir, wlicth-r li bo lis Coin* y Court or Superior C,wr'. RICHARD OAINE3, ) ~ -1 > Trusted. GEO. K. CARLTON, Ann st 19. 29 —a.7 y* KglJKMC SAl.K OK LANDS, Stj-lu mr.-iauee cf 'ho last wid end 'e*t«in*ni of Jaeob S.ni'b, I det’d, >vit! be ‘old »l public cur ion, to liir bil* ter, n Monday, >h* £9 b day ul Angtul r.»xi, II fair, ill n»t the n-xt fair day llurcafter, at the Springfield 1 t»ri ttac.* or parcel* ol Land, btir.g and ly. In r. r^'to'y of H.nrleo, »rd itntn«dlitely io h ISighnXod^ « P.d:7T».ct Na. I centm. r e 182 1-2 tore*-, ft *‘f wW,»> we" •»** w<ii |>t rcVH#e»l (I th4 r* Kabetr* K Huf Od, by #n d 8 nt b; It D o ft creek kr»,;■.’•» 'V the 01 Rooty 1) loci’, »> job' rg Ibe ia:.d« of Ticn.V D Bur on | and o’tn r* —Tro*t Nu. 2, containing 170 1-2 I together with ft-.imil framed hone*. p»M of which s well t mliern'; was purchased ,,f Fun'tin B irton, hy •aid Sni"l; which Iftnd fo»tm rly be Ionce I ihe e^tain I it I hn H.ir oi, dee’d, and rjtlbi l!.e Isr.dt of Lucy ! 8. Murton end cdt r», j Ainu, s* 'he •mn* time *nd olnee, »l 1)« e,!l ih» | ia'd Jacob Stn tb’a irttre»t iu 'lit mill which formerly belonged to John Bjr'ou, d'-*’J.—T»rm» made known rn lha day of *af*. The tl !<■» »ho above tan '* are without dlrpu'c. JOHN If. SMITH, Et’or ol Jarob H.ju h, dec’d. July 29 27 -»4w Q p HOUSTON, 1)iwti»t, rc*peei|iill/ in'oriiu h.« !d frieinla and die pui.lt*, tln' io cor)-«qurnCe r. 'being dem ted lo Fr*d«r!r.k«bu: g Icngsr limn t e. in | tended, he will ooi have It in hi* po *er to »'cp in Cll*f< loticn’Mite on hi* way to the but on hi* w»y t< Richmond, will vi*lt Suunlon, LeaiDgton.Cliirlottettillt aod Lynrhburg. II- will be at lbe,Wlit* Sylpkor Sptlc.fc* on ta* 20.1 Indent, A”g. 19 99 41 5N CHANCERY: -tl lllik County, March Court. 1831 Jinifi Brctvn. surviving parter «f John. Cbapp* It ft Co Revetley Sydnor 5t C>., and Will s.it It* try, »ui- virtu*? p»Hi)»f of Willi mi Hatley & C •. P;*m m* J dm 11 Wlmbtsb, W |l!m LrgU, an.I Rriuvlllr Oraildi c’«, De'dta Tee def»r:dant XV*in blah V*v‘n< filrd hi* ana <*-r, on bi» motion, lb decree nisi, a* to hiao, is *ei a* de, >nil the Defecdan', Granville Cra-'do:k, l»«! I g departed Ib.l* lire, Ihit mil revival! * y eon«»»!, at,*tu*i Sa**» d l,D arbuiolalrator, with ihr will '»orx»<}t anil by eonp. i«i ol the parties, by tli<*ir Count*’, »!;m cine rAiue «u to be lic.tr«1 u;t»u *be hit1, ao«**» ri and cy. hibila, and it a< arjtue I by counrel : O ron«i Irrstdoo whrteof, aud i»y l.k- eot/ami, the Court do ha j of B' sod decre*, the dtfruilinl Jauiei 8 tret!, do ret.* »b arc "iiil o( hi* Bilmln'ilrutiou of the ea*ai« I Uramilie Cr u'Joclr, die. biforo C jmtni'kner K. 1-v, •who U dirt eted -to nail ine, state. aud frp. rf <1 o r^m ,( e iih ny matter* *p*e!.*lty st.it, d ,(e; ;a’»i.t ptrtiurut by h'iUta):, or r, qotred t.i be ao etited by on O' the ; an ! by «h« H<« consent, the Coon doth Ai'j-.dt*.«-d,, «iiJ d. cten, that the said Corn tilt jio'itf do steer a n Ilia •mount due by the •••id (inmii;.. C.-ald <U a; he duf’t ©f thft oirt'U'ioii of Iho Datil of 1 r,i*t i|,f pi(>. aetdiogt t.u^o.iouad, 'o 'ha j l.iiauH, asd id other per* *oi*, and tbal ha make report thereof to *h, Csur», with tuy in tf ter specially staled, deemed p.-iiineat by biot-ilf, or required to bo «o •!•!««! by ciikwr ol the parties, mil by the like coniarit.ibe Court d .tb jm'ge, rJer a* d dren e, tbut the drierdtnb, Jofco H. VVQi. bjth and \V»u L*igh, do raodar be.o.M the a amt Coot* inirsiouer, an account ol the salts of the property tot* veyaj latkriu by the Deed of 1’rusl in the yroce.<t tn*a tneaiioued, of the moQty toilet lid by ccliif thru, cu kccouuIoI eaid tale*, an.) In.v the tame haa breu difioted ol—which ncaouns the aaul Commiaaton- er directed to examine, stain no.l report, vvi,b any matter apeciaily atated, deemed pertioeut by hituiell, or r«t|. ired to be ao atated by either of the parties. A Copy. Tati*, 8. WILLIAMS, c. H. o. Halifax Coun'if, An*, lit. 1831. The parties intereatad tu tbn above atilt, «vjtl uke no* ,'r"i that l aliall attend at Halifax ConritiouiO, oh the 25 h and 2(> h days of 0<|jber oexi, to take die »«. couiit* in the above decree directed to be I k-c. ^herc | ,hry I 1 l-?are attend, wit t tb- r i>ap-r« ami vouch* er* for that pupoie. TH08. EA81.EY, Couin.Vr. 1 Xna 12.__ 27—uS'.v [N t hancery-ln Choate,held county coutt, July 11 Sterling Ford, Emiron W. Sltolton, and John I.Me, surviving partner ol himself and Win. Neale, la to partners, trading under the Ann of William Nealo & against Silas Cheatham, adm'or of Isaac I). Porter, dec’d. I John E., Mary F., and Sarah J. Potter, iiifants o' ten- der yoars, l*y John Porter, Scnr. their .guardian and next friend, DeTts. This day this cans* camo on to he heard on iho lill, answers and exhibits, and was argued by counsel t*»i ‘.consideration whereof, the court doth adjudge, order and •decree, that Silas Cheatham, adm’or of the said l*iiac 1>. i’orter, dec’d. do render belore Lawson Nunnally, o> e ot the commissioners of this court, an account of the administration ot tho es’ate of the said Isaac D. For- j ter, dec’d. by the said administrator, shewing the a- ! mount ot us so is of tho said estate in the hands of the said administrator if any, and the debts, if any, which i have been paid by the said administrator, charging the i ] ^'‘dsof the s»id Isaac I). Foiter, dec’d. in the hands ol 11'** heirs; ami the same commissioner is further directed to state an account of the teal estate of the said Isaac | f>. Potter, and of tho profits thereof, since the institu- tion ol this suit; and also after advertising (nr eight weeks in some p.,wu-k»j 'jor ilw> rreititors ot the said estate to coiuo in and present i their claims, that the said commissioner do slat* >n «c- connt of tlie debts due from tho said eVnte, including those claimed by the plaintiffs, which accounts, the sain commissioner is directed to report here, with any mat- ters specially sta'ed, deemed pertinent by himself, or which may tie required by auy of the parties. C'cpy. Teste, F. FOIN DEXTER, Clk. Tho parties interested will please taku notice, that I have a, pointed the 27th September next, to commence the accounts directed by tho foregoing order, on which | day they are required to atteud at thn Clerk’s (mice of Chesterfield county court, with their proofs: and the I creditors of tlio said Isatc I). Porter, dec’d. are requir- ed at the same lime and plarc, to produre their claim* I hclorc me, w ith their evidence to support (lie same. LAW SON N U N NALL V, Commissioner C. C. C. July 29. 23— w8w N CHANCERY.— Untied Sta rs' C tut, ftth Cu- > & cu!f, ‘ltd E's.om P.a net ot Virg.uia, J^us 4 h 1331: * Wil'iam Kirkpttrck, JamV* R.owr, end J.hn Mr Ca-’o k Ex’^rt. fl Ma y H. a.-'y, deroftted, the J.iine iitovvo and A;<;*ei Ph l»ds, which »atd Artisv j la the<v>ly child of tho »*id M.i’y Hoas'y.dpt’J. Wtl- i I am C-:'».r n ar.i! Aittir* t»!s w f^, Rilurl G birr, j Fj.ff G.biurt, J trass G h«t>n. and rhotnai Gibson, e‘< il I dri ft, m Xt cl i'lft, adm’r*. and ndtn’x. trd Irgd rrpre ren'a'ive* il P-.Vr G^.son, det’.i, andSnrm-l frvlpe, tdin’r. of John G 'von—wVirh J ibn shd W11 i>m werr ik twi’o children,.),tt* ol kin, sdm’x ‘'•.illegal repr.-- fcn'titivr* ol tho raid J’-'ter Oi' icn, dec’d. PitA’.-. rgd k Pcvton N-rve!’, adru’r. of J-itn',i R iJ, dec’J, Wil- lo'ighhy \V. Tiolj", eXP cuter '•( J'dn 8 .*nee, d*-t*J, which taUI Reid an«l H > ore v?«. ^ r-xpeiiioM of J .bn (JiS m, ilftM, William 15'-n1, »»<Jir»V with <h*. will ar- or x rd id R eh *r 1 1) t-Dt, dec’J, (Jeri'f* Alexander. Jane B>yie, Itts.dmc’x if Daet-I llofi?- lift’d, find i*.:ili(* A'l.Xati dor, I *t« 8h«*r ff of 1’,i.><e Will'd four- ty, to v. hi'in ti>c estate r.f D.vul Boyb bath !»•**,. oou [ udtled for kcJ: nlilra'.ii r. Djf;**. Tbli call", in wliirb the decree nisi i-p-earr n' ^t tiffti rcpul*ny .-crvfii on tin* del.‘ud*n;t. Piyloi, N.,.* v. 11 nduiinidrator of J .me* It Id, dot.V, am! \Vd!r.ugf> by W. Tibbf,» x cu'-or of Jolm Specce, dat’d, camp on Mila day to be fur h"f heard on the f rmorly read, and ihe rep. it ol C;mniin.or.er Mi’K izi-.unJ.r ibe o/'Vr at the tweii'y-elgl.lb of Juno, 'ighlern hun- dred m:J t.Teutj-*oveu, by *-.|ich r*|ciD, it app a-s I' alr.o lolerril ornun infaoi n on ih< aihoiniitraMon of ;h<j *eita'or, J-.bn (•ib'un’i arid *, »ub*f q'ie t iu the lira dcy of Ojioher, i,,hteeu hundred and cigh oip, ha'h b.-en taken iniu recount, Ihe nim b i t f op-i I .'or ho fnr'her order and dirr.edon o! tbo Court, and j «*.»« argued by esunie'i; on c*n l.-rnon v-her' jf Ihe j 1 Court doih recind 'he ord*r of be !a»t term male tr. ihla nun, and doth ii'juJir, order and detrre, lha> j j the raid report be re com.hh'eJ, that the deferd'Ct', ! Willoighby W. Til bs, do render an acount o Li< j I tr.*tn!or, be said John Spence’* nlminirtf »tj >n «a th. ! ! »<dd John Gibjou’* ratals, from tne termination of the ! cronol naud by Cinuntltinnrr MrKetz e, at der ibe ttid order of the cweoty-eighth of June, ci«h rcn hun- | •Imd and tweniy reven, until the time of raid S,»ei e ’« 1 deadi, also an account of the e«ra r -a) m l penoml, ''•Inch were :be a* d fp’ncn’s st >h- time of I,ia dea-h; and of tdi the i&.d Tit h’a admit.i.»tr»Hoo .hereof, and that he sa d Peyton Nomfl iljmijer an account of hi* j ti'minlttrad .o of the »«il f intt tlab.’a oittle, before | Couiianrionrr of this Cmr', who ia d r-cted to l»ke, j u 'if, •»<•»« and tellie, the eald »everal account*, and al» ! ro lo mate and *«Hlc the interest *nd Commis.ioo le<t open Ly C«. i.n'Mtnncr MrK'nth, ard nrake rrp-irt t'tereol io he ('ournlfh (licit matter* Iperi.dly nialed m bo *laU «*o*m prfflni nt, or «* the j». rd*» may ro* nti*e lo b9 bj »fat".l A (!o|iv. Te»te, RICHARD JEFFRIES, Cfe.k l.’Qnirni‘»itvrr't Office, Il chmond, June 29/A, 1831 j |,j artier int/.ienied v.il plea** tfke no ice, that | have pnoiOi^d the 13 b di-y tf Oc ober next, loro.r- rne.iee >ltt* rctonnW I'lrrclid hy the lote jrnir g order ol 1 the Oturt I on wbirh day, at 9 r.’c'.ork, A M., they a a required lo attend at my ofli-e, r»! It their aerouol* 1 r il vo’i« h-r*, and eopie* ol the nt aertary Cjt rt paper* ready f>r el .tninatlon and *«tih cnenl. AM08 LADD, M. C. Ati|tt>' 28—'* 6ar Audi tor'* Orrtcr., > July 29, 1831. $ ; fVVIE DKI.INQUENT LAND LISTS lor (ho coun- l (Ion ol Lewis. Pronton, Wood, Mason, (.'raynon, Cabell, Tyler, Monroe, Brooke, (iilea, Nicholas, Taze- vrell and Scott, havo been printed and extenaivcly rlia tribtitetl throughout Ihe Slate, and in other Stale* The list* of Randolph and Ohio are now in Ihe printer’* hands, and tho»« for the remaining Trana-Alleghany and Valley countie* are In a cour»e of as rapid preparation as possible. JAS E. MEATH. Auditor August It. W tf IN yi. tue <f tuil ority deltvorod fro.u .he la»t w.i •mi iNlaiuiiH «i >b» I* > Jasilh Gov an. w*, * (m U or* therein otmed, will proceed 10 .<| b> , ub Ji* aLC5‘«« on he premiae., on Thurcdav, the 8>h v ''epio*Ur n. x 0 *ef*i'» tract or narc.l of !and, it Ul 7 Ul ,‘,v •'« *»•*•*, coon nintr 1.3IU aaict know* a# tua ii-ick lloucc, near the Buffalo Split|u .ah vouoiy, -111 a joioiuK 'l** of Cap'. U.r j .„,in T.- '■* ''7° * d ‘"V*1*- Tbw ir;»« bit on it (nine bn* bo:- /*'n lt' a‘- •* *’ " hdopted lo lh« growth of lotuc.o wl'tai, mu] co;o T:t» i.humvrU fuu ,rr 1 two iiory o, br .... .to by 30 fjur room. and . pa,,,^ ,ou|,;cl* ,,)or* wi.cb-o. dairy, £tc.-Oi,e-lourih i-f >b« , l"lf b >»». Motley OHI.t he paid in baud, the b.la'Ce iC bf«« eq .al sci.'i .l int uhurti!., lor which bond- with a* »’f,’v ,l -c«ar,»y. *««l » deed of tru.t 00 the property, 7"‘ h(° rtt,a,'r?.VU ,,v,,a* ,0 «»»> bUFcit troa. Ibr .iV 1. rdif. il f I. ..i 1 ”T •"••J IH'-If Ui.' !..y it .ale, bi t it punctually -uld. t'JB mu real will be rcuihtcJ. And on 'font! y. the I2,h o( September. we etui! lo It IU‘*VDfV °nr ;°r r ,‘,e 'OIB‘) P'or«r'y • «* »ud aboul ,/Jl* ? Rb»n,» «««.<•*» «A«1 a moiety ol IfOTOlcy e \\ Aru,tiv.iM* tnd SOOarr?. of Um», ioclu.i-ng tola end t.«}-u.eiitf'tl,.reou. T.rmi—onc-fuunb .1 1 bo 'alaucu in two equal annual iuaialutcnl*, 10 ot ffrur^g as *bjvc« \ lilt: -tine tim* and place, will bp 1 INred on the •a:urt term •, tumiry lot. 10 Warm,tutor. Aiitrwaidf, ive ahall til! one other tractor parcel ol yu., lyir* 00 LiakingUle Cr„k. in the County ol *> c >:au ini* ruuiaiu* 300 -ere., I. of eicelleni quality, ao.l well m O.h aud Hickory growth. |. .^ill bo cu 1 be »»ice terra, a* above, ou Moodav. ibe 1.) !. ol S ptaiab-r at Goocblt-nl, (,'ouri-hou.e, Irbm wti-'UCe It l. d-.tatil 7 mile* or 'lit tt about. \V * »t,»q a!*o proceed to «o I, ou Tbnr.day, ih* 22.1 of b.ptcDiber, ty pubbe auction, ou ib« preiui.er, u t- 0 by tract or pare, I oJ land, .muled in U.e upper ua.-i ut Hanover county near Good.ir*. .urp„.ed to contain jet*r*eti 250 and 3Ut) a.rci, on vihieb Ibero i. a cuoi- lortati.o Dtvelho* Hcu.e, &c. It i, well adapted 1. J-cu,'“'« of ‘I*® na.Kbbourhood. T?rra» at In I k“ manner nil) be offered for .a!, ou W*u'Ue»«lav, !,w S,plctnr»er, oue. Iher traei or parcel ol laud iu 1 tie County cl K g &. Q ,e*n. on <he Alaiap my ri- verfcc».led Kicchcc, WhreU conta u. 6yy acre*. Tni. u a K‘*od pleBiatioij, tnd b>* ou it iho.oec-j.ity bnilding^ lor the »«co<nni«daiicn a propiuior. Uiie-fonrib c l ihe purebaao money will h, recpi.reJ m be paid down be ba iced in three equal tuoual iu.talinenia, lo to .ecur- ed a. aobCn mejitiouad. 1 on ^0D‘'*V. 'I># 10,1, day ol Oaicbtr Or**, we aba l<ll«r fur calc IVr wimd, a tract olland in Hanover co-ieiy, 3 w 4 mile* Irom I’owhite.on 111- road leadit.g to New-Kent, and coDicioiog 3»7 acre. Thi. r.ici ba. ou 11 .ocno ol iho tine*! building-limber, wtiieb it judi cijti.iy a .u.iged, would abuudaotly pay for tl.e land. 1 er t.c onr-lourih, in baud, tha balauce iu uvo equal •uiiiuii iori.lireui*, to be .-•'cured .. nfore.nd. Site by public cue i'iti mi tbe premi.rc And on the 13.u day ,.f Nov*ruber ne*t, willb.-ef* fored for «ale, by public auciioo on ih* prt aii.rr, that va.Uibie *r»ir Fuwbiie, the ia,« rendcnro o' our t*»- utor, -iti.ii ,( it, ti, »gr*ra/de Doighbourhoo*. cot more lian eight mile- Irani Kirhiuord. 1; tou.i.t. el I 15S arrea, ol n b ch beuvrrn bv» and *i* hundred arc tir.t r-u t l>i<k ibuu.'ny mud l.-.tadv a large portion of wl, cb reel., lord and m rut,,va:jon. Toe high land ia vary ao- d, .nthriamly limbered anJ lie. well Tlie improve- men', roinfiiiza a large arid confined roue d walling uou.A, oxten.ivo b.iro. and other out hou.e*, with all Ilie naer*.41 y appendage, to a de.uable boiuasteaJ. 1 hit eaiate will pe «old au ihe lollocviug condition.: one lourib ot the pur.bate money lo be paid down, the ba- unco iu three equal yearly payment*, is be .retired *> aboveincntiuned. A croft ol when will bo .ceded on the lai d «nd potas.aiou giv n the kn of J-cuary oe*i, a* sl.o wf the o.lirr |laca«. 11 will bo aoid ci twe cor c.ivided, (ft ruil p<:rcb *ar*. S/ic,tld ciiher ol ib- rf.VJStPAli*1 'biy.of anle preve unb', the aata. will uke eur*. .1.—' ■uvcr.ruibK mu u.A UftSi iaii'ui rAiwri ini let tiiflni.e Itr.o a./Am i. __ JAV.KS GOVAN, ) Ki'vr of KOWIN GOVAN. > Ja». G A lit'HI BALI) GOVAN, S v*t. cec. J 7._3—Ida SJ-N <:H ANrhRY— lr,/xmi<r At R>l o bn den in !5 it Utfk’-Otficf ol ibe I'tiumy Court o (Jluiiclle t e l* d.»v ol A> K«»t, 1831 B ckir Mrvilaml A .«n N.ri!, iNtvi! widow cf Gooffc' Nrvll, dec., F. i/sLeth Childress Jim-s N"v||, Jo.iali N. vi!, Sir g'»ior N-tM, I-tJrt* N v I, W rv Nevil, ard Ctrf<rnf Nevll, w ki* "wn rirh', mu’ -a G.m.'itn ot ibe O pheneo J hn N<-- r.i, dec., end K'isibt>:h Nortl, at-d J l>.. N-vil, >n <tt>tt ’i-iUr tie of cnt and twenty year*, hy J»hu I> Richard >ne, llt^it Gnardieti, ml li»—it-, DnMtt, Tile I>strndant*, K'lze^eth Children*, Jamo-t Nevil, J.«tabN-\1 S:p|>1i.d N *vi| JU,j 1 i.iae N w:l nut h vit* mitred their emearanre, oerntdinj; to the Art il A »*etahly and t’t«* R .les ol thii Curt, an i It aj IKarin* to ihu aatGftetion o{ the fou-t th-t they riv iiot it-hahitaola >il tt i Sim, on the motion ol li o Plaintiff by eoui.ec>), It ia Ordure-/, That the said D6- hn ant tio appear Iter* ot the first Monday in No- vember neM, ltd enter ll.elr appearin'a arid answer tiie I’Jaii: ff«’ bil si;d *ive security (or pet foi mine Ibe iorrre o( -h.* Cvtiri, and hit < copy ot ihlt order be In- * rtrd ir * >xo newspaper ( rioted in the city ol K.eh- mnnd, f; r two tn'ntba suceorivaly, and (osied at the front door of the Ccurthnua •. of the « .id ro'inty. A Copy Tc«ie, WINSLOW ROBINSON, o. Attgyi t 2. 21 e 8tv * IN (Jr: ANt. t£K V —Unt.rd Suin’ C .mu, Oh l tr* rtii-., aud E-i.ero Uu'.ricl ot Virginia, Jute 3 >1. 1831: I>avi' B 'chan, art! B :cb»n, adrn’o el Jamee Buchan, de»M p; tf, BKeitgtft u.nl I. a. Cl. ft n <r •* » .iri.ii it o.oiiu u, dUMi or bouUnon, with thn will annexed of JjLn M Djo- 'C Robert R J.iiner adu.’i.r dp. I-or>*s> poo of B*nj lain J -.nips, .! <•• i.-r J, tbp a*tue Ribert H J*rnt.<i 'll '■ J jtn M. i) Siifll. a.lmV.r* lie h.ntt loo vtRfi the v. i ! 'ynai’J if Ro -i: il-t’,1, die M'm* Bmjttm n I’oli u, Peter V. I).nl*l ndin’or dir both* non with ifcc <»iil mi*xd of Ti over Daniel, dec’d, J hn Moncure idin’or with the »viII nnreird o< W ilier R. Dmirl, d"* reared, life adii’orof raid Traver* Dtnic', ifetM, Lydia Triau.e 101! Aiuai Tth1#*, exrcutrif end rx-cumr of rhnnai TritloR.tr d (Jaorg-. Btnkt, Lie Sh riffrf S• f- f >r t, mid .nJ ..iuiitraior 01 B.i»|—which **!.; I’»< jtm'D T .lain, Tramr* Daniel, TiomttT Blue m h Wiliu > U II wne the *t<retie* of Jrho /VI Daniel d-* eraie. and Bjujnuiin Ja-ner,datetted, executor* «,f Rj. ') i Bii'inn, diimeil, (be aim* J >‘,n ftlonai.ro, »d- •nibialr* tr with li e wi I aurin&rd of Weller R. D >ulef, 'rceaird, anJ J >ba Ifadgman, wu cli Weller It and I bn eere rureli e of J d»n M. Diniel. one of ihe ad- niiuittrater* d-a boni* non, with the will annaxtdof (he a l Rjheii Hichan, M «ry James, John J. Daroot', and William S. J.iinee pjmiti ol Roller* B J«mer, Ihe f- lh>r *< rn’or de bool* oa tvifb ibe » II auntied ol the d Rjbt. Ilnahno, and the lame M*rv Jame* and J,hi> J Dt-rooil, turaliei of .ho said Robert B Janie*, admin* it imir tii bom of ti>« *atd Benjamin Janie*. defeated Dtfdie. I appearing ‘o the C »url thaf il.e defendant, Amo* lilitor, rio cf Die rXKUion of l uoitm Tr.noe, da rea**'1, win. w 1/ 0, « 0f the -tirell-e < I John M Dar.i*l, an I Bij.tir.ln Jemaa, exerii'ort ol Riberl Buchan, d>- era*ed, !•«< re moved from tli:t dt*triei, »f er the aervire I'i'i. of ihe iti| oe in on Ilia original bill—-and fba ihn •lefefdanl John J. Demon, one r-f the Mirctieaol tfie daieodrnt R ib* rl B J tin**, who nn one of the ad* HMD.rii'bff de booiartm, web tbe wl) Mineie^ o* ’h* *anl Riberl Buchan, deferred, bit removed from thi Dill'let, ef er the rartiir upon him of the totJVIond decree entered in ihlt aatite at the ruler upon ihe or giital hill, tM'tiif hi n and o her defem'aftl*, and be* loin tbe *»rtiae ol <ha stthjm * reire facia*, therefore. |i ordered, that t ie raid Amo* Tii«'oe ml John J. Demni appear here on the tiret day of Ihe rt,xt term, a. J »h»w «A'i«a if any thay ran, why thia rutt •honld nol eianJ ac I be reviv I and pr* eredrd la again*! in ho name of the prerent plaintiff*, arid 20*tvor hr t ill* i t tht# aatiee; and that «i py of tbieord*r be foilh. with in*enrd in anme rtewapap r pnblt»lird In the «i* j >y of Hi hmoi d, for two month* *trre*» vely, ai d po»t. 1 d at the front d. or ol ibe Capitol in the raid tify, A Copy T**ie, RICH A Rl) JKFFKRIKS, Clerk. July 8- Id aHw I.10R MALfcl—The re«t exiled iVhiitholl, 00 1 Ire Maitapotty fleer, jurt above Walter to are, e.ntatii I tag. by an ofd turvey, 9Z8 acre*. Th# leriu* will b< made o«*t by the pnrehave money being amply aecur •d. Apply to Mr. A Brewp, fmm*diattlv oppo«iip. Aogo« M- fttarla fBIHE ELM WOOD SCHOOL w .1,., ol. tie Lat day of iln* ivMi li, ui.j opt i) «j( iu < n »? *- Livi ot U«’o or. I be lonuj and !i. b*authrti |h»*’ *»c«n toofWn pu* lutin'. -h t * < vpe Hum li <l«*infd ti'rdli.f. U it t u.ny be | loji'r to r^' pe*-, that**vau!j-fir« advanced ».n o j and art'll in fcv* i: culb*, «vii! J. | ay icr ir)l »|t «'ie «xi>»me*<’f liiilk'ii a d bcrnd i.iilitdiut J *• *»*«h I *'»g. !■ dglcg, tire aid lor tins mhul r The j botr.l dtiriun vacation lor Ilnur who rma'c, will b»< ) twenty.five d- I rn—alio pci I iu advance. In eddl'icii j >o ill bieuthei heteireiy so ptepare bvytl.r j ”’er'* " 11,-‘ ’“ught, w ttout io> r.xirn !i-rn>, Frrm l>. | practical Sui veyisir, il ok*k«cpii g, D «1 -eu i*• »• Liuspoaiduu A pariiculai couriu <1 i.irltuclicu will bn ouriui’d with youth* dc ir*ut of bccorulug Tenher.' j iu I’rruery S. hot is. S nco lb* l»-i v.sea'iou the luWnber lit.* oflru It 'aid, ibtl! it cptmon.- r^puciug »c olas H tfitciplinv rtili ituca iQiiitr>tQre'ixit], Dolnrttlt"Utid'i.j( hit*if pealr.l a l-iup » -o crp'ui them. Hr, hcrelor., d*Vui. i it It's du'y, m Msethol will cnuMuur, to it new hi* eft-nte nl > rp’n' alien. M n.y, I u ojudet;t O'..1*, b«tr concluded, lie it became h<- utierly t)ijDiiutiiin lit a u-» I<1 the rv-«l, tin cr*er punifhar at h ! Tint i< a #:e.u j 1,1 Lkr. Hie jiIaq, although vetv fat fr<>;.\ htt.'ft -uc*i a 11 not-laving connivance the lush, la just ai u.tict I a ci-n.hica'lor. o( rt i*«rJs an! puinaliuunL a* ai.j other plan whatever. Iia dalei'e, however, are .o. j in g .or »u adver itetncui, but wi'l chsetl !iy b? given 1'o *mV who iu Ay with to rouble pupils lo hit car*. L»: jti atince to elate, (bat ilia great principle nlwaye u> t irw. it ij p rv or Jo.i hie p,uui<dunen'v at “\e<*dy ls p : *:'•!© try tbs ilKmect Cvimitiltrd, atm inrar iab!t/ .ulntl it j (bciu: wlri.'a hie reward* have g ocrel goed c .nduct l r l*. i* o'jecl. in prefer, nee lo a'.I olhVr thlngt Hr Leie I wed iti'.rei), tboi bath will apr.raie iy mural ra.ber f l-«tj physical tnllu. ace; at,d will reform the htmt, a> ( "cl1 “» lh* conduct, to tome definite raici.1, ia r o.i j ratr# to wi.ieli itie reiin dire ran tie applied for u pyriod | enfiicieiiily lot R to all .rd retional hope tl eurca.e. : L»ti< it mutt unaroid.ily be, where the Unite to be j * ur. d me ul a dan^troui character, fci he trim ixptrii v*’y ic n totubJue bad diepueitione tuucb louulacil. | or f id baliits long uoKin'rolinJ wneiher he tare io ; wo k ot.Iy w|ih rai chet, or wiih brr aid ervcrd —will | >cw lo the.wirdt, and reap roitiii g bni bitter di.'ap- poinltncnl (or bit reward, la the very ualiue ot I thing* ll eAnnol potsihly tie oihtr.tit*’. »or it ; ’’‘’X ugoinst nature; it it feeding ihr flunr tvo with o eatinguial; il It aJdiutf ot» T..ancy ai.J detpera* lien io- lempert already vniatr f, dcprsveJ si d iurd- ; agaititi all intro i.rrrationt el die tkie, by way of era ) otdog diteaers deeply coaled iu the vciy hePflt’coie. 1 Iia! the auhtcidicr’r plan niay gltcn fid, be readily «linili;bui to will the rod; and wiih I thl* n-.otl deplorable d lien n « ag.au I «uch punUh- 1 'f'0*—‘L-ii ii invarial Iy u;ak«» ir r*eal< tyi-oni it l»dr o rare- i*. Indeed, It ever rurnl »: y. The «tibteriiier l * : P'e, o in favor of (be opinion w hlth be hat a lined, (he concurring lealirooty of all the wen celebrated tro Urn tvtlvrt no E luc >tior ; th. rapidly•iuernatis e puii.lmr rl tcboplr, both in Europe and A.-ueriea, from | H !c“ batritbed; dm tirikinv Ud «( jt cn-ue tuui>re,,too, evrn ii th, arit.ivt, bmb of France j «tid the L .’tiled Slaict, with hit own capetiente o' luorelhAn thirty years, duriog which Ira hit rivcu a lair trial torsrh malhu'J. With Lett ».• nuruerout, to 1 ponrluaive, to tnttain him, he rannot abandon lor at y worUlly ohjee*, he clear conviction ol hit moat delibe oie judgment. II there are not indivi iua.'i cnoi gh o ! *!°,i,8r *enlimenl», to auiipori a S boo! coi dueled on the pnnripl.:* here avowed, he il ee; the tnbtcriber , will n-v,r trdFtfr one ”od»r h:t control lo be icgulaied I °’"er' 11,1 el> laiTircit (bat he .hould j riiRrr frcni to rctp.fiihle a uuadierof rur-uie »n learhert at appeartlill lo brU«v« the rnd iiiJuptcm M, fn erlnca.iug. rhiUrrr; tnj ha r gre.is lb, r.ecett.iy j l.)r ifxU ic I.’ftVioftierff jn, !•«(. iu uuk'.g j|% b«^ » i,. l intentionally have ipr.kcn usrrr Iret-L il their oi iiurm ) •u^n coDvefj)—of sue** n'er^nt o*;d ioinoi iftuoft lo il><? pzi.'cM of ib¥ rn<fi^ ^**ui*f<i* | ii« n. ro'.ttieneo rrnin.iu.lt him lo d-i'er.d * h-1 h* I OiorjtUKhly believe* to he (rot, and obey ho mu’i, at iv-ty nraa-d. I M.I wo rjiun v.ic.inweft »n nil MQCO', .U0 I' 05* \,!)0 c.jy <vi*b Li* «S.em are earn^f*y rtqipi d 4|>.<ly ^;rh^tn d-*.Ay, since h■* cinrut pv> «*»■ |y j m*k- lutiablo fcrrucg'mrota »,y <f,e y.j Oc obar, »vV* : nut Unuw \ t bow 11)21,y rcbolir* <o evppat. A!ib«i<h I Popii* Will t ;> rec i'r.l .*1 rt»y if'niii, and vtrill ccy j only frani lha i(id* of tntnncr; y«l do r«*v ichrlii w.li fir taken for .■ !*•* term ih;i. leu noinh*. rjrr m|.i i » >• deduction h>* oi«> for homo visiia—for !{»<» only vacation is to A«giui hiiI September. j{.>„kt oc.! m tlonery will bn »<ipp*ird, ff icq-iircd. m wholrg. I < pNr/.i, for au.b. JAM HS M GAIINETT. I E',n 'Voo.l. E«*es county, Virginia, July lt> 1831. 9* 2fi—v^b.y F KM ALE EDUCATION. Washino row 1>. C., a sim*. Idol. Rd. 11EN DKIfSOiS *S Art»i|r tjy for Your.-g La- •be* will le-rpen on ills fir.i Monday in Srp- T- •• number, <]ii:iK6ca',ion*, and e\p»ri-ne* of her i* »rh<-rw, ’!>•' rx’en* ve *r,d enoveuirnl nrrMtaru, *ut ol I i roo,u” lor ctuJy a-il rrriuirou, 6ud especially *br peculiar inirre*l Mn IIeoderson ftt-la in the prorrcs* !'*f o>vn tl.il irrr, uivn f'm hen iwunnct that no* thing will be w lit*IJ ihal can hen*fit riri iN eoum.it- I ted 'o her fforr. Y iu-n L-.tllo* hoarding «V;ih Mr*. Hem! r»on will | ffr-ifH re’lgioi :«»r-ction in comm, n with her eh-ldren, and w II fir trained iip, not under the ry». •etna ic rules o! a boaid'ng school. bilei’h <he c»n-1 ctAti', ({■. nib, yet firm intluenr* of ind'crnti authority und in ail the courtesies of poliie domestic ascorirti an* : I he *iU'‘)r, iucludr Orthography, Iteadir-g. Wrl r f, Gramroiir, Geography, Arithmetic, H.*fery, l{bHnti-;i Coir.pj.i i .,-, ib, Elrnmuts ol N tural l’diutophy, A -| ttouotny, Chemistry, llj,ir.y, and MaihcroaMr*. Toe«e I branch** will be most tlmr*,uglily taught. N o l-wo k will rtlro be attended to. The irrms-ire, lor ,ha scholastic year, sn! payable in pnr qi:*r sr, ^BiudicK, »r.tl Engl *’> Tuition, U -*«♦> * < nrtltii' (, tn<i u<e i<f 4 puo»t «rt f i'rt cbi g end at rii.'oiini | pi|tei, Freueli RingiMga, D awi.ijf „n»J i’.mtiji 1', M urir, Tin* genll-men aiployed to ncii French, M uir, aO'Ji’jioiing, .ire em.ueuily iceoniplnhrd in their »i*v- erai ilrpa-iinetua. BeaMea relti ring lo a iatga riiri. ol arqn liumnee in |h“ UiOvt rerpcciable •(O’tly ii Viry. a *, Miryl-.li *>,<« 0 ill D.flrici ».( CjIutoI.m, It-* (olltiiiig ,»e>. I-met tmve t.l jh *d Mra. f JriidT'Oi; to ua*> ilii.r nauiai a* refer nrta. U*v. Dr. Emile, \V*ih- irglon, Hev. Mr. do Hev. Mr, Jolai a, ilo M r. Jtiriirr Mtl.rio^ O.iia Hon B C. Il.r/ird, Hal- iloinre, Hoo. C. K. Me rer, Va. I uiian ll.irner, K«q. \V.ir* r»fitoo. V.*. R*v. D Krilh, Aiex«n 1I1 la, And :n th« PljIrWt r\f C. UilP. Rodgi re, V. S. Kfy, E q Col. J J S n I, I»M*ia II. Micben, E»a. D. J.C. Hail, J ly 2(1 ki Ul It K.—1’b* n.'ltl nr Rar. Mr. Peat, WarLing* o Rev. JM Burl, y, do Philemon Chew, E-q Mi* ry’aoil. R II. lliiliil'ni.u, E q I*»*al lire, Va ( enitft. Wurir-d'oo, N jr- lotk. Caul SUubriek U. S N N*>wllav«l*, CjH'.. Co!ui|.l’la, '0 liiebAnt Sioi.b, E q. U S*. Bank, C*d Uiidi.ar, A P. M.G. Titnoibv Wyiiu E q R iberi Reekie, K«q. Dr 81 pheti Cn!|i,.a 2:t_w.5q I v —■ »"»• ■" t th- fieialea a I M a Mi* 1- * tV A. J inn, and o' R ,S»ri MtaMa, dri,. are .e* qneMeij *0 present their elaima duty an lindea .ml •ho*# IniieMed. ♦<» make |nyn.rr»i by th- I >1 ol fR-teii.- ber next, In order that a hnai #*"l m*i | may he oU W.M. W. MICHIE. Ailn.Vr v.lih 1I1 e will annexed of both Kdate*. J.iff 29 ‘.Vl-wlm r|l\VO OVKR'KEH< WA.NTED.-linen M, g rt|. JH. vl.'e the ha n a os o.y e**ve ills enairng ye*r. lyirg in the fork ol Dm end Bsoletiir nvsra, in the r-un’yof Hallfia, Vi'gl .Pi *h<ll wMtH to employ two 0/e***«ra to iti*n»ge toe rrtsle U in divided, whlrh wl-1 g re to rath W-ny handa Pirgi* m>n, or men wi ll entail faaltf'e, who «*'n podure treflmon'-tl* ol h-mer'y, aol He>y, and Ip.lmry, and whohav* h re- quisite qoaliflratlona fjr b>n>o< «», will find adnti'r* geouaaitnadona by apply ing to ‘h* auba- ri*-rr who w|'| ha «i the premlfft In §'| ih* month > I Or hfrrr«t.| JOHV C AMMISI FAP l»- IV A^gnet 4k 'i he PkosTeut. T‘i» pn, | c li v-u g...o ».»c \ba h idaii i'« r alien, under tt* te.v or. at :xa on »i l. grit a I ta *• r^it# in carry Into c n p e tt c! Vir^t nl.ch flilcf M.iKli tnc liu taut be tic hi* «Mi»ll u n*- in si vein] nJ *viteb h iv bf.n received by ihc meat rep hlte.ti party ol »he Un oii m h ,u«-» approbation—Hi hi-rn cm ury ft e r «mnlu( III tl*a oppoet'e uerrt ual vie•;» 0’ ’boat' U ho n:» b. •« biv« a’ded li- emtrUiiiB ■>< 11»- P m.^ii li .vr pr- vi'u*t*i| iti a'.r m... r,• o' a'l tie *• oed by nLi. b I v h-.p 11 to it aiitiguUb hit* admu.iitra'iaa. !.* pul>!.c li ve tlgli Id.ilipttl ILl! '>(.< *rd <o<l .1:0 lUctDi’lul rll.*r‘s will fci* i: tv-'e in lu iwluc^ fc o >b<* l otiitituliuii it.: in w 11 irnrllicn f■>r |• p il r 1 K i,t *vtitii li ih been propon'd by lie l*reeidriii—'hat tins ecvUi my ha hai i.aU nla id on iv! 11 t>» ll'ciri.'— lm Mt.n«ce**ary ifficn will be a li-.hcd—cut tba r-(trios •u t •• limit** .1 coduc mg pit .be built* *i«, wiil <•£•' comp-ivlit it: T HVt! e Piefident w It cir-t alt »»,. ittln-rce of hi« anno D'fi hi* p-te-i. 1 p ul.i:i-y, t 1 juii c.u- I *iun it *.1 e»i» <>* the (lift iu. oi lit* rot tmy, »'nl 'o Trt oft .tie U ud O' Irairinal e-ninr ivfj.ah -hootO &i miu-i* the it lien n< n.eiiili ran' ibe * oniriicttry auJ wti.cb it »u n*.-tii».l o ib'-u Union, Peace and P,,.. 11 *. 1 e ivill ox«ri Uio h:kh ti*pu*a( co bn hjtda ?nioiia to** i<it p vv*.I r b ret tiroinc-a in ml bi« n m pi i-.- if»e trim •>! a 11 wit. *u ti iy on .he illoal lav.n el* e loo l: a 11 I * * 1; 0U1 o *1II. C r' «i<l i.uerem; ami oc u.nn-;. i»j>«. c.nei.d pwittU» uut S'! nil ch Cci.i l.i.8 imy jrru'.r, .uJ tu 111 Tj ml then- aicvcr*'t)|i> jii.t juN !.. h>b lias lud* rlnt Die h it the attention ot 1, 0 |a| M ki- f, » ,. beau uiucb devotee; and it ba* mu t .n> s., m |. a paat lUCtcm, p| the torn! « liich be ermy KtMiimlly hep* ?o accoinpiUb. A a «n eeetiiaUCc.io Pn-»i.‘eni Iiji ever drawn arconl hiu. tin itbera ol a <u iitM an pmnlurly i'Up'.ed 10 the Tartutie dntiaa la »» b >. ih-y arecilied— aii’i >0 .If-ct lm oj-ci.Jie bn at Inait. "lb Snrrt.uy v>! Mr. L m* c.ii, o white O-pinu.cirtour lor.iMi .i coo.ruiiioiti.ia ki o.t n io Europe by hi* eo c, a proioua.: «iv.'i<o,»tio-ott<r.- *y< te*aari it* na io.ial imv life ii^it c !ii ir* a 1 a u ho. i ■y "* h i<* ao ; bit aoDciiutti.f* r a ,n*r> ao-t kunlr-cl- tijirie!.>iif n ol | tirpoie, .<;ij I »• < lr(|unf<ca whim *1 rin xuiilin* li * nil n an nnirpir. o h bi u 1 n 1.1<• <* !o riur (oretati luteicuiita vbo u.o-. p o .i ting ii'aultn To li* ar.'l'li ty am! atnli.y »« |.,»y 4,.|e,y unit ler the Vli.nica ion Cl aiur interem nbroa. anil or .be ninxatilo a< jin* raeoi ol all Mie coii'.roverted pric» ciplt* cui Ol bliith lu ute diffirpliteg tony po-ribly Mr. ,MfL>ce, Ibe Soiretary ol the Trera-iry. ip per- Isw'.’y iki'ltj 10 ifie Imtiiiin* ol the Piaanrea He wa» dj iiguifh.d Ur n,. ny yjn«. «Jii*iimau if,he Coui- it itieu 01 VI apt and Mt ane and for hu Inci t d »| lay * ia foti^roe upon .1 I rutja.ti eot*u«ct-il wilh i irp. P or In nt dole*. Ht ha, orKipi>d a pontnii .11 Ti ni-, in hi* 1 alive aia'.e wbitb c.ade h.u* UiLiljar wi li all ihi ,.er .Inina ot Oainn tree enJ Ih iut rra * ot 11.a. ulac- lL"**'* Hu recent jUde in E glm.l ai.d lb nature •I t i* t rio tal'titia »'ie *-t l ae-r' a iled h ut .0 tin lrf rietitl ihoiougbl v 'ha counit rpm t if iha> tomp! ca ed ta- itl and manula: t tiu« >v*itia,w i<'it' 1, n my ,, c \niarte-u tta'cii' au thottUI c< m/>icli nd together, :bat it.ay be 1 t ibt-d to tide 1 itm »»t.e to tiS; i>iTi.*r. Mr. Me I. *119 Is no! > *. 1 *.«- _.t n.. 1 1 4»® <*cf#,r»o! *11116; ol .he (Kin.fi flint- -I,* t ai« n.l»«rr*«*ej lint lit j Cl Wi'!• e<j a.*; y C'lfllcut'll*. w" ^eh Vo *1*- ro. 4de ia La input tun y an] candor, bi* capacity nu b»« p., riuifc u.itLi.,m. ih S-ciHrry oJ War, G v mu I* one of ibe Emigrant* t;* Olio lio a il,. E,.». He t.»* coiomi-- icued Mir.li la Oho by ft],. J tlesoti. li. b rarjl :.rly rC4U4ift «i] wi n ».e c itai-r, babl!- and wiati * Jl.f*fo:S Wijf tliS <0: 1.|f*'. '“ Site* "litre*. fJr V;* ecc hit* tr. u<i u'.u: r iii’>iijidi.'ii :|i iiiiitii' G .■ .ii.u.rnt. In if. g iMt.r<-in-e will on* I’eojil. a, G ve-nor 1 Mulligan, hi* yivi n kim -a spa icnre clit.edu* ire w ten ft] pattern «o ihi-in, t» * ti .. nub beiore im ev-t b-u, ii.o .|>» W. r Offi •.—Thl« Geutle- ni u nr o .in. nl >. tl io ghoui I o Im n.r In high :>.i ind upon lit frot: i *»-. t.r ng« m hi hi ;, a pracii- ■iil kiuwl dge ol -bury rtv «, ei er ng iho it«ui!i iipoi nhicli ni Uftv o cl o hr.il.i »r, that many irlpftle i:.|ic ( o n I u nukp n- •j :-- ai afin.ru “Hii i. t m ! ira (1. v .nor Ce-s ,i p I h-d rlnl r, ai d a I; ugh t * >rre.u c «?i u! t.n life, * :.<Mr tie i|! Mor *«iil !n rot art niii'i« ‘O wt1 o it. o tut- J.riu-i tuber, and eu ij .1 in u. II *rv p r*ir;t«, i* of it- nun 1 In g*D'l-*< a tiudeiiira r, h* o-. Ii.-i.evo* cn in 1iu 'rating*, a?.. I be i: to ivi-r.e io ill Mnfe, in! port cm m lif the hi terncst of jtuti/ tt/ife. M. WooiljUry, t -e S.-.cir.aiy iL » N iy, wa b rn •til i-'ltiri t»D ih« ft a' cr nail in ilm irr'ion ol th> Uotcn where N vy is •>- a' ,|—m h> iaij»l y| thathtrly, lr y. m-e. which ha lon^h*. homo fro- ptree American gloty 1 in ev y r»a lie .-a* p.l- r®»«ly h,t pilmiril I; o h- Navy lb iiniiir.en. h du- mp..i.e an ! pirn it nia .<•; ».if. Nu l n r ticapae hi« nirn'i d down o h* *iaa!lr*» imnni®. To pclucim* he is ktn wc a* on» < f New H.tru.e. ir ,iuni ►. drino- tn p, who ha» dl» i'<aMi‘ <J Min»eit m hr Senate, anil- *1 heme; in- o' e ,1 ;h- la p »vnf I y>»>oi.e-iytw ol ibat Nerthern Anorirv, v»i-n-|i h-.n nuiifard a ,0(l »u' rn ie w yin N‘>y Ergp.i.d. Mr. Taney i. an Acoraey tirral e,ha r,i.| «i.,u, rate ti e: ih H-pnb i- recolvo# no d ttlrtieot,”-“I an adn.iiublo l.my 11; d atitiough one o' h> a'lleat ut III* J’l feirtoi, c n *rjfc ly he ,a:d to belci.g to ii Im u aitrgeibrr Imorin » i■•ar»r -io man boner ii Uni lobe I'm co par ion tad ccunicllor, and Itgyl .dvi'or a Pres ent wiioe ki nothing ihai ta not il-arly right, and who will eubrnU l> nothing ibat ia iVIIMl*.” Sm.b are the ampicai of ;ha n w order of iblnr*. [Hr. Olubt Ml IMIS I k;< to UNULAND 11.# H i). M> in V au Hurt'll, Me. «. r PimiptieD- i* v .I' d K voy U.vrioril a'y o b* C nn o! 3 James, 41'r.l * i- inoruiij* m Ibn P, that ship freerdebt, Cap. »in libjiDjili;), li r I* jrion. Ha wm accuuptnid hy e iifwiy h. | (uiiir.i 8- f .»■ v «>| l.ojaiou, Atian Va.l, Li.q. an) t.i. -on, Mr. J tm V jti li itta, who will olh* :i<n a* tn» j rival,- Sc .rjiny, 1 i* yvo 1 hnuwu iU«!, WhOe Mineral J'.ckvon lias lunwiister- J the affaire ot the g v-rOman', hs I as ulopted iii on.'uni ol fTiill'u O'ii Mints ers itiruad In ji»- iibii Bat v»-s-ic, and |>eriapr- no m * mea.tire of hi* i'li!iiaii!iatit'U h s u>>.‘ vviiti morn iiniver-a- appro a. lor I "i 'lie p»c;i'4 Tim iciviu i> u-’alu o ur N.t- '4i Oiiirsrg. a-. a.'h.-f haiu «|»|M) Uni its v uni.'ng lOtiu at tv:. rti i"ii j stliioin or L«Vt r !(•' fh m .ho ri-Kb* »r court* of ..'uy. inl ilia uh'ti'ond d * i«b any ad> liii.ii.ai espsute 'O Hie (Jov rnunni ** ’.he vessel* per* «rn <nk •Ulsdmy »ra nlw«yr d * in*il to a toor ol»er- Mrs in the M. di -i ta.ie ii or P tcikir. Ii.d*pend( nt of hs henebt lo the Navy in this rtxp. *i, it is also <»|. MtUt-tl 'o give to our init.t tars n higher Standing at Ire Courts to tah'ob they »'♦ «si.i; and itie p.stmts ( nir annod vaastls to is « porta ol Europe, ti not e»!rti. i«d to bind 'hs g..v-ni>nent u «ur noble achieve. riMi'i upon if-o os i>. Ai d t-air ability and tfe.ercniu*. I vi o rss'st 'li« i^tMt i Ifiiigi iueni up in our tights, *t feast se. vlse.i da ir> ihr ciusp ot fr-ied. nt and li« >*r.d p> Intip'ei. Tit-* pr: rencs ol our idiuirably t quip* red »' ip«, •')« I'lxipllu'} ol 'hs in u and r.oirect de~ iit'iii rit o( iti» ffirer ,dally ml uot.rl, cruvsy to ‘.h« nhshtvnw o Eur< pe a praciisal d<-men sir at ten of iha h. my ul tor Oj»»ri0p''.|, and the ssp#1 iii>y ol the se</»i« ‘o g.ivrin b rnnlvsi wi kiout \\ e interposition >1 R in' Oi lirtfil-S I-, purs; arcs ol po icy ot tr,a aJm<i'i<lraiioD in ifr.tlltg on* our Oii'.'iiioii k,i r vert tent virse.e, iha Eotoflkae itas otderrd lo this pen to confr jf Mr. ^an B um ar .l stiir io S n y a s <•( des'loanon. Ho «l rn.de all hie arranjemrin* according y, when the ftii !»• a«-eotF is o’the Fnurdsr and ou'sge r.innuittod ipoi» ‘h‘ new of the American ship F.lendshtp in <ho i. KiUii Ocean, hy th- Malay*, was laid helom it c Pre- mlt n‘, slid lie m'h his usnsl | romptno.#, dtKftumsd I st the tl-S'liiailoti n t-r Pit om « at O'i'd be abai ted Mr. Vad B irro p*imlUsd (og-ti utin one ol nur picVol a *i (tap CessiD will sail c.diriroMF witli he ivihte sl ip tin‘)«i h.s onru'i a;id f-'S .ho pio eetion ol < ur t nine «e in ih- l:idi/n Oectn He h%« nrdort lode, inM>d ol iht auiio .'u* of M 'acca H»e uirmuii-tie »•«#- U.IVFD ol 'he triur.'Oiere, and io e.^e of reluial, Io hstrny tb'ir own ar.d lufl.e .uinn try piiol.timrol upon >te oa inn «r» |n| f% rp: if hi* a! Hi y Mr. V .• H i< ru was eacomi ant'd'o the ilemuhoat y a 6VIDSK us «m on On o frier d .wl o < v.na«.t a lir«. iotrr* »t in hta we ars, ai d wl o are r< edy lo pro- c. Ms lair inn.e r in the bass esper* op* of hi* eno* sir* dur rf Id. ahemee Irom it'# touatry. We wish Ft m e ptasstat teysy;* tcrcss *bo A lin'tf, tad feel

Richmond enquirer (Richmond, Va. : 1815). 1831-08-30 [p ]. · 2019. 11. 21. · Tlio Klitor* will ^urnnteo the safety of re mutiny them by nmil;thn pastaeo of all letters being paiu

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  • VOL. K !< VII:—NO. 32 BMUUIKBK li publiiM twlco a week generally ami mmitniMawonk tlur.n -the aeaainn of the State I.egWIature.

    price, iha latiii ai hitrolulHM, Fivi llollnri por annam, price, in« ij™ herewMsm, f ive Hollars per annum, payable it ativaiico. NuUv. of chartered, speeio-puying banka, (only) will lx recoivod inpayment. Tlio Klitor* will ^urnnteo the safety of re mutiny them by nmil;thn pastaeo of all letters being paiu by tht writers. 'iitari.

    V KUTIHINO. UnesquBte, OU I.KiJS—First insertion 7 Joints —eachcon-

    tiouance, 50 cent*. *,*Noahus lar, i ilito most try ug situs.iot; n;nic,l to lie combin- ed nil.rue.1 ml «j,i.ttl u( tbo whole trade, endeavor- ing to cIIjci oar rui'i »a I etpulrioo Irotu buiineii.— W# pledge in rt Ivo- to oar friends 'e up 10 our aupp -rt, and pledge owrrelvea to eive t'.ictu n *J «au*o -o rer> n «>f their liber- uiity T. J BARROW & fO

    88 TfraU'r Street obove Old Slip Au*u»1 2!> 82-Si O’ T e Elito tt.f th« Etq'ik'f mi Whig, a1 R ch-

    «noud, Ytig tiian .u I.v nclrMir T, Spact.tinr n> Sinuntoo, I tit, lligei.cer ii P»» ribil.y, ii5.’*l i *’ Frederick."hiirg, Virgmian al W tichttrer, IhsMi’i/1 Nor ol:* 221 y (hereafter, ou (he pren.'***''» land in Kiuj and Q fen county, ut Dotkielt, *he lite r**l4enee of Tnnm.n O irnoli, dotc» Ifd Mill Farm. It i* nippoied to contain oma hit, 'dred aer«» or thereabout. A minute descr-p ion cf this property i* ■dorme 1 uunrceiMry, a* ii i.« p.c turned 'lion talifclrg to purchase trill vie it for 'h'lintWoi, preTton,' *® dry of Side; tun it i* noi In proper here to riale, I* it »l'uat*d in a vary dosiratiln nt i^lilnj. h 10,1, tin- gu tailed al.ke for n» iudnury, intlll*->cee. »«i r>li n' • ar.dTvi.hin tito mile* tf r.avigi'iop. The buikl .c. :to in g id cud-r, conns inn 'f a laige, airy, w.*il I bt'l t two->to*y Urirk dw> l.r.g lions •. wnh four room* ao-J • patiage on a rt u*r, kuciitn with f>ur room*, dairy j raott-h >ur», it. -houre, ov-tsm’s hnure, and o'(>u qu ir'err, »ia’>!e, ha. n, cor ^ h »u.e, so-.->• hourst. &.«. Tiit'o i« i'i (X' I en’ ov*.r«hot g'ioi-aiill at'ulii tetlh it. The ro'l of the F.trui w ij iai I > a iy t.>;. si land .u th t V'cii i y, and ii> ! in an improv r.g eon lit or, yield n/ good r''urua o' li e j usual c op k'owii m v> is «.-ciion ot Virginia. Ther*- j will, at ho aos’iwe at il ol >rc, be rr Isundry c'hsr f r»i osty, t-jn*:i"ri|i of pi.'.;.to9 duly nuMirriz •>! to prosecute at !i rein I am engaged *- eouorif, and r in all reap cis worthy «f p itii'f rot fr de «.*. J II. OAWTHNKY.

    King WiiUoi soonty. Aug SO. 82—2*

    NM’OTICK.—At it in» ir.n h-ld at O ange Cour i_'-3 Hfu w. A "*iMi 22, 1931, by the uod'fslgn!*', * por'ion ot the C«m mis‘tore re mmointed if derthc Art of lie ,i*' Oervr-I A a n.*ily ot V.rprii, "an lim r, n* a l.ntcry toi'i'c rroo^v fr th*' pm pore of ro'lii'iict- ing n rn.vt firm the ft o. k-< Tnrt ih 'o Md'ii on Ct-Uf' House," i: I* r qu d il-at nt| 'h: C. inmirii n; r» «il> me *, a I, .*ii ^Cjii t House on Tn-erday, thr 13 h o Srptefisbir r>ft tor thn purpf.se of taktog in or r.i e- lalien'.he .for laid in Ce',


    Ang SO 32-2*


    Tp* HMDS. S Croix .tigx, part prj.rm 100 J:» Prt-’a R IO o. 150 so N w O lf»'0 ’*

    10 An voiiglil tf . 5 tj.l** ro*lO'» 0*- abn< g* 1 do 7-S b’ra'-b • Jl#p*r I t'o f“»‘on duck 1 d» 1 o lil'h oic, *Op*flOf.

    Anguat 80 81 tl

    The. State of Al«br. I)

    ^iy cau e r>e tv II com- t ntsuce on the ’bird W-duesd.y In S pieutbvr, 1831, ; an I continue three day*.

    lit day, a sw iep stake fa: 3 years old colli and fil- | de*— mile Itr.atr.

    -I day,‘.a* P.oprlelcr'i Pune — mil* hi-a’». 3J day, thr Jockey Club Pur**—2 dle heata, and

    ; probably a mult* race nil bo iun O'l thr 4th day • O. B. WOOl.DHIOE, Proprietor.

    I A urn st 30. 33 t.t

    Men tty o. mIuuLkj iHttnae m Fr^de ricksburg, Virginia, offer* bis servicr* to per sons who with in have Ih-ir Western Virginia ht.d secured. 11/ the act* of the lam Virginia l.egiflalur* tvoich are published for the itlatn ation 01 iho*i> eon

    1 erroed; ilia iinp'Tisuce of immediate attention lo lb j psyo elit of the mats due cu their landr wi I be cor.

    «id< red. Persons holding Hnds can get information of wh*

    j lag is due by communicating with mo ai Kiel-nckt I burg V*. — A cerlilicate ol dopoait in any sperte-pty 1 iug bank in the Untied States, *ill bo applied imuiedi lately 10 the discharge ol arrearages for tax, or io am oilier !u-iiieM traaetcied.

    He will continue lo give hi* pcrsontl errvtc. s, eigh innntfas in llte year, to the management cf lands o» olbc business, ive«t ».f the Aili-gbariy Mooniaii)*: will havi lauds atcnraiely rc-.*urvryrd, and attend in persou 1.

    Northern MrrtlunN and other per# n* wishing »ny t-u»me.« trauraclins crgoti ilet; c’obte collected and touded for, iu wilt rereive, »>y ft, nryt ve*ro a from Liv- erpool to Jatnaa Hirer, a ’a-g-s is.'r'ply ,^l!, following

    and Winter Goods, which f-V*y list ftllT.g ■sn a« favor-sole e'fne as they ran be obtained it m rket In the United States. viz : Wilin’- Ktt:Ja'.l Cotton*. No I to t» Koto, P.> m, St’Jped *nsl Whticey 15 e kete 15 w, 15 srk, O.iva, Brawn, ini ctw t.acy Lacii.in

    C o hs Bln-', Hla-k, D.-ib, MixL a-.d cw fancy do. Ca-t-i* 1

    rr-o- f- •

    Doable M ILd D ah do he Swansdown and T if net Wstivgi Extra Whi e Flannel* HjidIm zincs, 15 mbazrtiee, Plaid* and C’tn!*!* tlrsrii Friz-e, Ilaoebe-tet Coid* ar.d Vriv-. u Oaml>ri«* Jsc» ne e, C. liro-s a-ui Cinghtms Cotton, Wu.seit, mi Limbs’ Wool Most rnJ hs!t

    ilore Clove*, Patent Tl r-ad». 6tr.

    F. U E JAMES & CO. Matke’ Jtridge. Ju y 2!) 2d—w8sr

    jji AM) l*OR SALK—In jiuriD^nwol a d'C’enonl 21 i lit Co nty Court o'King r.n i Queer, In Chancery —pu.co< i.c *d oil -hi 10 h «l»y of Aluv, 1831, in liu can- of Churei.li A. Ho,Lei nr, 1 oihrre, vguti’t ilia ft initifraoe and lo r* ol Wm 8tonc, jf. dee’.l, wo •lull, i*l King a if Q i*»i n Augutl C- urt r.: x», offer for ia’c a te auld Ciium hou job' rg Ibe ia:.d« of Ticn.V D Bur on

    | and o’tn r* —Tro*t Nu. 2, containing 170 1-2 I together with ft-.imil framed hone*. • p»M of which s well t mliern'; was purchased ,,f Fun'tin B irton, hy •aid Sni"l; which Iftnd fo»tm rly be Ionce I l« ihe e^tain I it I hn H.ir oi, dee’d, and rjtlbi l!.e Isr.dt of Lucy

    ! 8. Murton end cdt r», j Ainu, s* 'he •mn* time *nd olnee, »l 1)« e,!l ih» | ia'd Jacob Stn tb’a irttre»t iu 'lit mill which formerly

    belonged to John Bjr'ou, d'-*’J.—T»rm» made known rn lha day of *af*. The tl !., and Will s.it It* try, »ui-

    virtu*? p»Hi)»f of Willi mi Hatley & C •. P;*m m* J dm 11 Wlmbtsb, W |l!m LrgU, an.I Rriuvlllr

    Oraildi c’«, De'dta Tee def»r:dant XV*in blah V*v‘n< filrd hi* ana nil the Defecdan', Granville Cra-'do:k, l»«! I g departed Ib.l* lire, Ihit mil i« revival! * y eon«»»!, at,*tu*i Sa**» d l,D arbuiolalrator, with ihr will '»orx». i’orter, dec’d. do render belore Lawson Nunnally, o> e ot the commissioners of this court, an account of the administration ot tho es’ate of the said Isaac D. For- j ter, dec’d. by the said administrator, shewing the a- ! mount ot us so is of tho said estate in the hands of the said administrator if any, and the debts, if any, which i have been paid by the said administrator, charging the i

    ] ^'‘dsof the s»id Isaac I). Foiter, dec’d. in the hands ol 11'** heirs; ami the same commissioner is further directed to state an account of the teal estate of the said Isaac

    | f>. Potter, and of tho profits thereof, since the institu- tion ol this suit; and also after advertising (nr eight weeks in some p.,wu-k»j 'jor ilw> rreititors ot the said estate to coiuo in and present

    i their claims, that the said commissioner do slat* >n «c- connt of tlie debts due from tho said eVnte, including those claimed by the plaintiffs, which accounts, the sain commissioner is directed to report here, with any mat- ters specially sta'ed, deemed pertinent by himself, or which may tie required by auy of the parties.

    C'cpy. Teste, F. FOIN DEXTER, Clk.

    Tho parties interested will please taku notice, that I have a, pointed the 27th September next, to commence the accounts directed by tho foregoing order, on which

    | day they are required to atteud at thn Clerk’s (mice of Chesterfield county court, with their proofs: and the I creditors of tlio said Isatc I). Porter, dec’d. are requir-

    ed at the same lime and plarc, to produre their claim* I hclorc me, w ith their evidence to support (lie same.

    LAW SON N U N NALL V, Commissioner C. C. C.

    July 29. 23— w8w N CHANCERY.— Untied Sta rs' C tut, ftth Cu- >

    & cu!f, ‘ltd E's.om P.a net ot Virg.uia, J^us 4 h 1331: *

    Wil'iam Kirkpttrck, JamV* R.owr, end J.hn Mr Ca-’o k Ex’^rt. fl Ma y H. a.-'y, deroftted, the J.iine iitovvo and A;n. and rhotnai Gibson, e‘< il I dri ft, m Xt cl i'lft, adm’r*. and ndtn’x. trd Irgd rrpre ren'a'ive* il P-.Vr G^.son, det’.i, andSnrm-l frvlpe, tdin’r. of John G 'von—wVirh J ibn shd W11 i>m werr ik twi’o children,.),tt* ol kin, sdm’x ‘'•.illegal repr.-- fcn'titivr* ol tho raid J’-'ter Oi' icn, dec’d. PitA’.-.

    rgd k Pcvton N-rve!’, adru’r. of J-itn',i R iJ, dec’J, Wil-

    lo'ighhy \V. Tiolj", eXP cuter '•( J'dn 8 .*nee, d*-t*J, which taUI Reid an«l H > ore v?«. ^ r-xpeiiioM of J .bn (JiS m, ilftM, William 15'-n1, »»c estate r.f D.vul Boyb bath !»•**,. oou [ udtled for kcJ: nlilra'.ii r. Djf;**.

    Tbli call", in wliirb the decree nisi i-p-earr n' ^t tiffti rcpul*ny .-crvfii on tin* del.‘ud*n;t. Piyloi, N.,.* v. 11 nduiinidrator of J .me* It Id, dot.V, am! \Vd!r.ugf> by W. Tibbf,» x cu'-or of Jolm Specce, dat’d, camp on Mila day to be fur h"f heard on the f rmorly read, and ihe rep. it ol C;mniin.or.er Mi’K izi-.unJ.r ibe o/'Vr at the tweii'y-elgl.lb of Juno, 'ighlern hun- dred m:J t.Teutj-*oveu, by *-.|ich r*|ciD, it app a-s I' alr.o lolerril ornun infaoi n on ih< aihoiniitraMon of ;h j

    j the raid report be re com.hh'eJ, that the deferd'Ct', ! Willoighby W. Til bs, do render an acount o Li< j I tr.*tn!or, be said John Spence’* nlminirtf »tj >n «a th. !

    ! »h- time of I,ia dea-h; and of tdi the i&.d Tit h’a admit.i.»tr»Hoo .hereof, and that ■ he sa d Peyton Nomfl iljmijer an account of hi* j ti'minlttrad .o of the »«il f intt tlab.’a oittle, before

    | Couiianrionrr of this Cmr', who ia d r-cted to l»ke, j u 'if, •»»». Motley OHI.t he paid in baud, the b.la'Ce iC bf«« eq .al sci.'i .l int uhurti!., lor which bond- with a* »’f,’v ,l -c«ar,»y. *««l » deed of tru.t 00 the property, 7"‘ h(° rtt,a,'r?.VU ,,v,,a* ,0 «»»> bUFcit troa. Ibr .iV 1. rdif. il f I. ..i 1 ”T •"••J IH'-If Ui.' !..y it .ale, bi t it punctually -uld. t'JB mu real will be rcuihtcJ.

    And on 'font! y. the I2,h o( September. we etui! lo It IU‘*VDfV °nr ;°r r ,‘,e 'OIB‘) P'or«r'y • «* »ud aboul ,/Jl* ? Rb»n,» «««. c >:au ini* ruuiaiu* 300 -ere., I. of eicelleni

    quality, ao.l well m O.h aud Hickory growth. |. .^ill bo cu 1 be »»ice terra, a* above, ou Moodav. ibe 1.) !. ol S ptaiab-r at Goocblt-nl, (,'ouri-hou.e, Irbm wti-'UCe It l. d-.tatil 7 mile* or 'lit tt about. \V * »t,»q a!*o proceed to «o I, ou Tbnr.day, ih* 22.1 of b.ptcDiber, ty pubbe auction, ou ib« preiui.er, u t-

    0 by tract or pare, I oJ land, .muled in U.e upper ua.-i ut Hanover county near Good.ir*. .urp„.ed to contain jet*r*eti 250 and 3Ut) a.rci, on vihieb Ibero i. a cuoi- lortati.o Dtvelho* Hcu.e, &c. It i, well adapted 1. J-cu,'“'« of ‘I*® na.Kbbourhood. T?rra» at

    In I k“ manner nil) be offered for .a!, ou W*u'Ue»«lav, !,w S,plctnr»er, oue. Iher traei or parcel ol laud iu 1 tie County cl K g &. Q ,e*n. on * ou it iho.oec-j.ity bnilding^ lor the »«co# 10,1, day ol Oaicbtr Or**, we aba l Ja». G A lit'HI BALI) GOVAN, S v*t. cec. J 7._3—Ida

    SJ-N 1i.d N *vi| JU,j 1 i.iae N w:l nut h vit* mitred their emearanre, oerntdinj; to the Art il A »*etahly and t’t«* R .les ol thii Curt, an i It aj IKarin* to ihu aatGftetion o{ the fou-t th-t they riv iiot it-hahitaola >il tt i Sim, on the motion ol li o Plaintiff by eoui.ec>), It ia Ordure-/, That the said D6- hn ant tio appear Iter* ot the first Monday in No- vember neM, ltd enter ll.elr appearin'a arid answer tiie I’Jaii: ff«’ bil si;d *ive security (or pet foi mine Ibe iorrre o( -h.* Cvtiri, and hit < copy ot ihlt order be In- * rtrd ir * >xo newspaper ( rioted in the city ol K.eh- mnnd, f; r two tn'ntba suceorivaly, and (osied at the front door of the Ccurthnua •. of the « .id ro'inty.

    A Copy Tc«ie, WINSLOW ROBINSON, o. Attgyi t 2. 21 e 8tv *

    IN (Jr: ANt. t£K V —Unt.rd Suin’ C .mu, Oh l tr* rtii-., aud E-i.ero Uu'.ricl ot Virginia, Jute 3 >1. 1831:

    I>avi' B 'chan, art! B :cb»n, adrn’o el Jamee Buchan, de»M p; tf,

    BKeitgtft u.nl I. a. Cl. ft n r t, mid .nJ ..iuiitraior 01 B.i»|—which **!.; I’»< jtm'D T .lain, Tramr* Daniel, TiomttT Blue m h Wiliu > U II wne the *t‘,n ftlonai.ro, »d- •nibialr* tr with li e wi I aurin&rd of Weller R. D >ulef, 'rceaird, anJ J >ba Ifadgman, wu cli Weller It and I bn eere rureli e of J d»n M. Diniel. one of ihe ad- niiuittrater* d-a boni* non, with the will annaxtdof (he

    a l Rjheii Hichan, M «ry James, John J. Daroot', and William S. J.iinee pjmiti ol Roller* B J«mer, Ihe f- lh>r *< rn’or de bool* oa tvifb ibe » II auntied ol the

    d Rjbt. Ilnahno, and the lame M*rv Jame* and J,hi> J Dt-rooil, turaliei of .ho said Robert B Janie*, admin* it imir tii bom of ti>« *atd Benjamin Janie*. defeated

    Dtfdie. I appearing ‘o the C »url thaf il.e defendant, Amo*

    lilitor, rio cf Die rXKUion of l uoitm Tr.noe, da rea**'1, win. w 1/ 0, « 0f the -tirell-e < I John M Dar.i*l, an I Bij.tir.ln Jemaa, exerii'ort ol Riberl Buchan, d>- era*ed, !•«< re moved from tli:t dt*triei, »f er the aervire

    I'i'i. of ihe iti| oe in on Ilia original bill—-and fba ihn •lefefdanl John J. Demon, one r-f the Mirctieaol tfie daieodrnt R ib* rl B J tin**, who nn one of the ad* HMD.rii'bff de booiartm, web tbe wl) Mineie^ o* ’h* *anl Riberl Buchan, deferred, bit removed from thi Dill'let, ef er the rartiir upon him of the totJVIond decree entered in ihlt aatite at the ruler upon ihe or giital hill, tM'tiif hi n and o her defem'aftl*, and be* loin tbe *»rtiae ol y of Hi hmoi d, for two month* *trre*» vely, ai d po»t. 1 d at the front d. or ol ibe Capitol in the raid tify,

    A Copy T**ie, RICH A Rl) JKFFKRIKS, Clerk.

    July 8- Id — aHw

    I.10R MALfcl—The re«t exiled iVhiitholl, 00 1 Ire Maitapotty fleer, jurt above Walter to are, e.ntatii I

    tag. by an ofd turvey, 9Z8 acre*. Th# leriu* will b< made o«*t by the pnrehave money being amply aecur •d. Apply to Mr. A Brewp, fmm*diattlv oppo«iip.

    Aogo« I« M- fttarla

    fBIHE ELM WOOD SCHOOL w .1,., ol. tie Lat day of iln* ivMi li, ui.j opt i) «j( iu < n »? *- Livi ot U«’o or. I be lonuj and !i. b*authrti

    |h»*’ *»c«n toofWn pu* lutin'. -h t * < vpe Hum li rp’n' alien. M n.y, I u ojudet;t O'..1*, b«tr concluded, lie it became hcw lo the.wirdt, and reap roitiii g bni bitter di.'ap- poinltncnl (or bit reward, la the very ualiue ot I thing* ll eAnnol potsihly tie oihtr.tit*’. »or it i« ; ’’‘’X ugoinst nature; it it feeding ihr flunr tvo with

    o eatinguial; il It aJdiutf ot» T..ancy ai.J detpera* lien io- lempert already vniatr f, dcprsveJ si d iurd- ; agaititi all intro i.rrrationt el die tkie, by

    way of era ) otdog diteaers deeply coaled iu the vciy hePflt’coie. 1 Iia! the auhtcidicr’r plan niay gltcn fid, be readily «linili;bui to will the rod; and wiih I thl* n-.otl deplorable d lien n « ag.au I «uch punUh- 1 'f'0*—‘L-ii ii invarial Iy u;ak«» ir r*eal< tyi-oni it l»dr

    o rare- i*. Indeed, It ever rurnl »: y. The «tibteriiier l * : P'e, o in favor of (be opinion w hlth be hat a lined, (he concurring lealirooty of all the wen celebrated tro Urn tvtlvrt no E luc >tior ; th. rapidly•iuernatis e puii.lmr rl tcboplr, both in Europe and A.-ueriea, from

    | H !c“ i» batritbed; dm tirikinv Ud «( jt cn-ue tuui>re,,too, evrn ii th, arit.ivt, bmb of France j «tid the L .’tiled Slaict, with hit own capetiente o' luorelhAn thirty years, duriog which Ira hit rivcu a lair trial torsrh malhu'J. With Lett ».• nuruerout, to 1 ponrluaive, to tnttain him, he rannot abandon lor at y worUlly ohjee*, he clear conviction ol hit moat delibe oie judgment. II there are not indivi iua.'i cnoi gh o

    ! *!°,i,8r *enlimenl», to auiipori a S boo! coi dueled on the pnnripl.:* here avowed, he il ee; the tnbtcriber

    , will n-v,r trdFtfr one ”od»r h:t control lo be icgulaied I °’"er' 11,1 el> laiTircit (bat he .hould j riiRrr frcni to rctp.fiihle a uuadierof rur-uie »n learhert at appeartlill lo brU«v« the rnd iiiJuptcm M, fn erlnca.iug. rhiUrrr; tnj ha r gre.is lb, r.ecett.iy j l.)r ifxU ic I.’ftVioftierff jn, !•«(. iu uuk'.g j|% b«^ » i,. l intentionally have ipr.kcn usrrr Iret-L il their oi iiurm ) *» •u^n coDvefj)—of sue** n'er^nt o*;d

    ioinoi iftuoft lo il>