1 Ripa Newsletter June 2013 Ripa International Center News Summer Retreat: Detailed Program Spring Tour Report Are You Ready? Reminder: Winter Retreat dates Reminder: Pema Lingpa Institute Monk Sponsorship Appeal SLR Schedule and Ongoing Activities News from Orissa Thupten Mindolling Nyingmapa Society’s Projects and Its News Special Requests / “Petits Annonces”  ___  Ripa International Center News Dear Sangha, In a few weeks it will be that time again and we will meet for our annual international summer retreat in the sacred presence of our three teachers, where we look forward to practicing, learning and sharing. Is it not wonderful that we do not have to create a completely new spiritual "home" in other places but, we can now  just come "home" to meet in our own Ripa Center? Since August of last year our ce nter has increasingly become a place of living dharma for al l: more than 2,000 people came to the Buddha Relic Tour in October; on the occasion of the conference of HH the Dalai Lama in Fribourg about one hundred monks and nuns of the Gelugpa lineage from all over the world stayed with us and practiced; during the Saga Dawa Festival in late May the center enjoyed having over 500 visitors from near and far , which included a peaceful and friendly atmosphere in the house and yard, the inspiring Buddha ceremony and talk given by Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche and the interesting workshops led by the sangha members (for the story on Saga Dawa, please visit the Ripa I nternational website). For the Ripa events in particular, the participants of the Dzogchen winter retre at and Nyung Ne Fasting ritual very much appreciated the contemplative intimacy and harmony that prevailed during the retreats. In particular, we would like to extend a big thank you to t he Swiss Padma Ling for their efforts during the Nyunge retreat. The Ripa International Website address is: http://www.ripa- international.com/  To view member content: go to Login and use logon: member and password: yeshetsogyal

Ripa Newsletter June 2013 En

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Ripa Newsletter June 2013 English

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    Ripa Newsletter June 2013 Ripa International Center News Summer Retreat: Detailed Program Spring Tour Report Are You Ready? Reminder: Winter Retreat dates Reminder: Pema Lingpa Institute Monk Sponsorship Appeal SLR Schedule and Ongoing Activities News from Orissa Thupten Mindolling Nyingmapa Societys Projects and Its News Special Requests / Petits Annonces


    Ripa International Center News Dear Sangha, In a few weeks it will be that time again and we will meet for our annual international summer retreat in the sacred presence of our three teachers, where we look forward to practicing, learning and sharing. Is it not wonderful that we do not have to create a completely new spiritual "home" in other places but, we can now just come "home" to meet in our own Ripa Center? Since August of last year our center has increasingly become a place of living dharma for all: more than 2,000 people came to the Buddha Relic Tour in October; on the occasion of the conference of HH the Dalai Lama in Fribourg about one hundred monks and nuns of the Gelugpa lineage from all over the world stayed with us and practiced; during the Saga Dawa Festival in late May the center enjoyed having over 500 visitors from near and far, which included a peaceful and friendly atmosphere in the house and yard, the inspiring Buddha ceremony and talk given by Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche and the interesting workshops led by the sangha members (for the story on Saga Dawa, please visit the Ripa International website). For the Ripa events in particular, the participants of the Dzogchen winter retreat and Nyung Ne Fasting ritual very much appreciated the contemplative intimacy and harmony that prevailed during the retreats. In particular, we would like to extend a big thank you to the Swiss Padma Ling for their efforts during the Nyunge retreat.

    The Ripa International Website address is:


    To view member content: go to Login and use logon: member and password: yeshetsogyal


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    Thanks to the Swiss Sanghas presence also in our Gompa, not only for the official Guru Rinpoche, Gesar, Yeshe Tsogyal and Medicine Buddha puja days that are celebrated with a tsok, but also the monthly Sunday's morning puja, which is followed by a picnic and a communal work effort, that is now firmly established in the program. Starting at the end of June there will be an open Shin meditation every two weeks, and the plans for the resident Lama are becoming more concrete ...... On arrival, one is now welcomed by the warm smile of a huge Buddha. The prayerwheels have been installed, even if in a provisional location, and the wheels can be turned. Om mani padme hung ! Although there is still a long way to go, quite a lot of positive energy has blessed our walls, and the center progresses! - And in the manner so long desired by all of us. The second Summer Retreat is now upon us and it will be a wonderful time for meeting and coming together again for all. In the presence of our powerful teachers, the shared, joyful practice will become an active contribution for the achievement of the teachers vision and our growth as a Sangha. There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way!! Warm regards, Antje (for RIC Communications) and Katharina (RC Communications)


    Ripa International Summer Retreat 27. July 18. August 2013 Retreat Program For more information and registration details, please visit: www.ripa-international.com Part One: 27. 7. 3. 8. 2013 Programs A and B run in parallel (you may participate in one or the other, but not both). Program A: Buddhist Philosophy - Sutrayana, Shine Meditation Program B: Religion and Practice - Tsa Lung (special conditions needed) Special Requirements: Participation in Tsa Lung requires a fully completed Ripa Ngn Dro (needs to be confirmed on registration form). Those who have finished the Ngn Dro of other lineages will be considered after personal request sent to: [email protected] Part Two Buddhist Religion and Practice One may participate in the second part of the summer retreat according to ones individual schedule.

    http://www.ripa-international.com/mailto:[email protected]

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    Program A: 3 6 August 2013 Gesar Lhasang and Gesar Enrichment Fire Puja Program B: 6 18 August 2013 Yeshe Tsogyal Teachings, Yeshe Tsogyal Drupcho Program C: 8 18 August 2013 Yeshe Tsogyal Drupcho Program ABC: 3 18 August 2013 Gesar Lhasang and Gesar Enrichment Fire Puja Yeshe Tsogyal Teachings, Yeshe Tsogyal Drupcho Days open to the public August, 4: Gesar Lhasang August, 6: Gesar Gyepa Jinsek Enrichment Fire Puja August 9: Taksham Yeshe Tsogyal Empowerment August 16: Bestowal of the Siddhis (Ngdrub Lencho) August 18: Shitro Empowerment of Karma Lingpa

    ___ New European Tour for Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

    San Sebastian in the Basque country of Spain, a great moment of happiness

    Its under the most auspicious circumstances and under the rain ! that Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche gives

    his first European teaching. The newcomers, very numerous, are very quickly won over.

    Friday the 5th of April the theater is full to overflowing as the two hundred seats do not suffice to

    accommodate everyone present. More than forty people were standing at the door, unable to enter the

    theater by those responsible for security reasons. One senses annoyance and that feeling of being

    deceived, more so because outside, it is raining, it blows and it is almost as cold as Siberia.

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    Happily, Padma Ling had the good idea to propose to those excluded to come for free for half a day

    during the teachings of the weekend. Each one returned home, reassured and calm. In the theater, the

    meeting went well over the two hours scheduled. Questions were asked and very moving personal

    stories expressed. The evening concluded with a very long, intense and warm applause. Once more,

    Rinpoche demonstrated his ability to profoundly touch the hearts of people, and so the connection was


    The teachings of Saturday the 6th and Sunday the 7th of April took place in the Palace of Miramar, a

    royal palace that faces the Atlantic Ocean and the superb bay of Concha. The room was full and those

    friends who had organized the event stated that there was a very large majority of newcomers. Coming

    from the Asturies, of Madrid, or even farther away, the old ones were there as well. Some drove six

    hours, while others came by plane. The happiness of meeting, the memory of moments experienced

    together at the great events of the Ripa lineage in India, in Nepal or in Switzerland, reminded us that we

    are building a great international spiritual family. The strength of Rinpoches presence, his clear, light

    filled teachings, touching and always so profound, go straight to the heart : at the end of the weekend,

    eleven people took refuge. Then Rinpoche left for Valencia and the Mediterranean, satisfied. The team

    of San Sebastian / Bilbao is happy, filled but mostly tired ! And the visitor that came from another part

    of Europe returned, touched by the human warmth and gentleness of the Spanish people, by the quality

    of their care and attention to others. A very beautiful lesson!

    -- Michle

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    The Basque Country Team



    Visit of Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche to Barcelona April 2013

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    After the brief visit to Valencia, we went to platform number 12 at Barcelonas railway station to pick up Rinpoche. We were fully aware that having access to the platform is not allowed, but in spite of this , we wondered: why dont we try it ?

    Indeed, this is when we all began to feel the blessings coming from the connection with our master : Of course, no problem, you can go to the platform well give you a temporary permission.

    The platform was long and nobody knew which one his carriage was, neither what number it would be. Then I said to myself : Ill wait here, Im sure that Ill be able to see his window from here ha ha ha and there he was, Rinpoche, laughing, and all the never-ending coincidences with our precious master continued.

    During the first lunch with part of the Catalan Team he said some really comforting words:

    - I wouldnt like to close the Barcelonas Center, even more, Im thinking about sending a Lama or a Kempo here. - Remember our brave warriors who are now in retreat. They will be of great help for all of us. - Despite our precious RIC, I still keep inside me the idea of opening a center in Spain, to help the elderly, closer to death. - You all are very good and Im happy to be here once again.

    The room in the hotel had been prepared with great care and delicacy. Rinpoche noticed it when he entered and said: very beautiful and smells very good, how nice!

    He said the same about the Gompa of the Padma Ling Center, where he gave us his first teaching. There were many familiar faces, but also many others were new. Rinpoche asked us which sadhanas we were practicing and we all told him. He remarked the importance of motivation and perseverance to achieve good results, but he emphasized the fact that the first stage of any practice is to accept our own personal circumstance.

    The next day we went for a walk through the Zoo where he told us about His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rinpoches predilection for the peacocks. Seeing that, I volunteered to pick up their feathers when they fall at the end of their breeding season and send them to the RIC to be used in rituals. Spain is always present in a special way in the heart of Rinpoche.

    Rinpoche got a close look at dolphins, orangutans, chimpanzees and he even touched a snake and a lizard. All of them looked at him with a close attention. Rinpoche asked a lot of questions and he marveled at all the explanations that the zoo technicians who kindly offered to accompany us gave him.

    During the afternoon teachings given at the House of Tibet we could keep enjoying the wisdom and kindness of our beloved master. He told us about how the practice of meditation give sense to our lives and that the only possible way to do it is by facing and accepting our reality, without denying or rejecting it , or even avoiding it or putting the blame on others either. When we accept things we go from being a problem to having a problem and that is how one can start working .

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    His next stop was his meeting with the Dalai Lama in Switzerland. We could watch him through the live webcast, sitting in the first row, by the right side of His Holiness.

    We wish you a healthy and long life! Thanks for visiting us Rinpoche!

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    Visit of Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche to Valencia, the 8th and 9th of April, 2013

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    After waiting for some years since the last visit of Rinpoche to Valencia, our dream came true once again. We were all very nervous. In the afternoon of the 7th, we met to finalize all the details before his arriving at the airport that night. Everything was ready: hotel, conference-hall and an adjoining room for him to be comfortable. Then we went to the airport and he appeared, as always, with his best smile. The Master was here. Wonderful!

    Next day in the morning, after having some meetings with members of the Sangha, he talked to us for a while and then he joined us for a typical Valencian paella.

    Gradually, we started to relax. Rinpoche went to rest for a while before the Teachings. Little by little people began to arrive and the conference-hall was filled, exceeding our expectations. There were more than fifty people. The next day, even being a working day, there were lots of people too.

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    A portion of the team for Valencia/Teruel

    The Teachings called Meditation in our daily life were very clear and easy to understand. He talked about confusion, impermanence, motivation and the keys to meditation: sitting, sitting, sitting; breathing, breathing, breathing; relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.

    Finally, next morning, just before leaving for Barcelona, he told me two very important things: first, to make sure that these teachings spread out in a book. He said: they will be very helpful for the young and the old, too. Secondly we hope this will come true he confirmed he would come back to Valencia, which would make us very fortunate.

    We can define this meeting with one word, which has made everyone, including the Master, comfortable: SIMPLICITY. We are very happy and joyful for having received the words and blessings of our Master in Valencia again. See you soon Rinpoche!!!! KI KI SO SO LATSELO!

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    Are You Ready? Ready for what you might ask. Ready to receive the blessings of the Dharma, thats what!

    Believe it or not, the Buddhas and the Boddhisattvas of the ten directions have been quite busy, working for your benefit. Yet time and again, we let ourselves be distracted by Samsara. Information overload, social networking overload, pleasure overload, misery overload. Life degenerates into the surreal, the strange, the pointless. We are not required to entertain nonsense, but have every right to open our eyes, question, and make our own decisions. Be courageous, examine your own heart, know your mind, and act. Choose to make Dharma the priority, do practice. Clean your cup, make it the best vessel possible to support the quintessential nectar of enlightenment.

    Well, you might ask, my cup has a crack, its old, its not so special looking, it may not be the best cup for such an exalted substance, what do I do? Dont worry, the cup is not a mere accidental thing. The cup is your own enlightened intent, your own aspiration, your own Boddhicitta. Prepare this cup with all the love, all the good that is inside you, and it will be filled to overflowing with the joy and blessings of Dharma. The cup can be healed and made whole again, if you choose.

    The choice is yours what are you waiting for?

    -- Jigme Chdron


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    REMINDER: Winter Retreat 2013/14 Preliminary Information Topic: Dzogchen Cycle N2, Year 2, Lead by H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche and Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

    Date: Saturday December 28-2013, registration 16h00

    Saturday January 04-2014, end 10 am after Farewell Talk by Rinpoche


    REMINDER: Pema Lingpa Institute Update: Applications being accepted for the first year! Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche is pleased to announce that the Pema Lingpa institute will be commencing its inaugural year this year! The Pema Lingpa Institute is dedicated to Tibetan language studies, with an emphasis on textual translation. Classes begin on 9 September 2013 and will run through 25 April 2014. It is possible to attend either at full price or to request a Work-Study scholarship. For the application form and general rules of the Institute please see for more:http://ripa-international.com/en/program/special


    Monk Sponsorship Appeal As most of you know, monk sponsorship is similar to making an offering to His Eminence and to Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, insofar as the monks are considered to be part of the sacred body of the teacher and the mandala. Monk sponsorship is thus deeply appreciated by the Rinpoches. Additionally, monk sponsorship creates positive tendril for the person sponsoring the monk or monks, and in my experience, has even helped to improve upon ones own practice. Therefore, if you are not already sponsoring a monk or monks, please consider doing so, and if you already do sponsor a monk or monks, thank you!! The more monks one can sponsor, of course, the better, as there are more monks than sponsors and there is a material need to give assistance to them. Another way to think of it is that the monks are also, even though they are in Orissa, Nepal or Tibet, very much a part of our Sangha, and we should remember them that way, and respect their commitment to practice for the benefit of beings. His Eminence told me once that, from the point of view of merit, being a monk, or sponsoring a monk, is the same, so, this is something to remember!! -- Katharina


    SLR Schedule 2013:

    Below is the schedule of Stiftung Landguet Ried, PL CH and RIC (percentage in monthly tables indicates occupancy rate). Ongoing activities, SLR: Several Courses of Meditation CH, Yoga and Therapy, Visits of teachers for teambuilding....

    Yoga: Thursdays 19-21, each month on the last Thursday

    10 x Shine meditation with Amrit Wagner (starting from Th 20.6., every 2 weeks)


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    6 x meditation through movement with Nathalie Bourquin (starting from Tu 4.6., every month on the first Tuesday)

    6 x art meditation with Nathalie Bourquin (starting from Tu 11.6., every month on the first Tuesday)

    ATTM (Tibetain medicine next consultation 7./8. June, registration: [email protected])

    Ripa Agenda: 3. June 19.30 Yeshe Tsogyal Puja (Padma Ling CH) 9. June 11.00 Medicine Buddha Puja (RIC) with PIC NIC and Volunteer work 16. June 19.30 Medicine Buddha Puja (Padma Ling CH) 18. June 19.30 Padmasambhava Puja with Tsok 20. June 19.30 - 21.00 Shine Meditation, Amrit Wagner 23 June 19.30 King Gesar Puja (Padma Ling CH 2. July Yeshe Tsogyal Puja (Padma Ling CH) 7. July 11.00 Medicine Buddha Puja (RIC) with PIC NIC and Volunteer work 13. July 10 - 17.00 N. Bourquin moving creativity 16. July Medicine Buddha Puja (Padma Ling CH) 20. July 10 17.00 N Bourquin playful creativity

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    October 2013

    4.-7. Dzogchen Retreat (room, hotel & food) 70%

    10.-14. Academy of Tibetan Medicine course (room, hotel & food) 20%

    12./13. Meditation Switzerland (room, hotel & food) 80%

    22. Schulheim Ried teacher training (rooms & food) 100%

    24.-27. Berger Life-Coaching (room, hotel & food) 50%

    24.-27. Drudel 11 active seminar (room, hotel & food) 50%

    25. Schulheim Ried teacher training (rooms & food) 100%

    30.10.-3.11. FPMT Seminar (room, hotel & food) 50%

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    News from Orissa

    1. On 18th January: His Eminence Terchen Namkha Drime Rabjam Rinpoche and family arrived from New Delhi to Odisha after a short trip to RIC, Switzerland. Camp people in Odisha settlement gathered at Rigon Monastery headed by representative of H.H. the Dalai Lama, along with Khenpo, Tulku, senior lamas and monks of Rigon Thuptem Mindolling Monastery to receive our precious teacher/Guru. After a short prayer service with Mandela offering, serve Tibetan butter tea and saffron rice and dismissed congregation.

    2. After two days rest, Rinpoche performed ritual practice of averting obstacles of Dudul Dragmo (wrathful Subduer of Demons) on 20th and Guru Rinpoches birthday celebrated on 21st January 2013 as it is 10th day Tibetan Lunar Calendar.

    3. On 22nd and 23rd, our senior monks prepared ritual cakes and preparatory puja for Gesar Drupchod. This is to remove obstacles for humanity as well as to eliminate wars and ensure peace in the universe. His Eminence Jigme Rinpoche arrived on 28th January and joined the puja, expelled the ritual cake of averting obstacles and then conclusion ceremony has been done on 1st Feb. 2013.

    4. Gutor is a puja performed before New Year s Eve for three days to exorcise the evil spirits from the previous year. That is from 7th to 9th Feb in western calendar. This year H.E Namkha Rinpoche performed Taksham-Lha-Phur (Dagger Guru of Taksham, the ritual ceremony of Guru Vajra Kilaya) followed by a black hat dance. Tibetans consider New Year on 1st day of the 1st Lunar month which felt on 11th Feb in this year. Our settlers spiritually celebrated the Tibetan New Year for three days with a special

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    prayer service for those people who passed away by self immolation for the sake of Tibet and its identity.

    5. On 17th Feb.: our monks prepared ritual cake and started preparatory practice of Maha-Sadhana, the great prayer congregation of the Terton Tagsham Nueden Dorjees compiled exalted thoughts (yidham Gondue). From 20th, this grand puja is held annually for nine days continuously in order to pacify obstacles, accumulate merits, generate happiness, and purify negative aspects of body, mind, and speech and for preserving universal peace and harmony. After the Maha Sadhana completed, the Padling Dupchod started and this puja lasted for three days. This is also a group ritual of Lama and monks headed by His Eminence Namkha Rinpoche and Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche followed by the eight manifestations of Padmasambhava and other ritual dances for two days. H.E. Jigme Rinpoche explained and elaborated the meaning of Cham Dance to the public.

    6. On 7th March, after the offering of Dakini day, His Eminence Namkha Rinpoche gave a secret teaching on great perfection or great accomplishment Dzogchen teaching to our Tulku, Khenpo and senior lamas, of around 30 in total. On that very day, the 5th camp of Tibetan settlement invited His Eminence Jigme Rinpoche to commence vajra Dungdup and gave precious teachings, oral transmissions of mantras and spiritual advice to the settlers. This Vajra Dungdup is performed by lay people every year for purpose of world peace, prosperity, and to accumulate merit. It is lasted for two months. H.E. Jigme Rinpoche.

    7. On 12th -14th March, His Eminence Namkha Rinpoche gave a short teaching and discussed with Jigme Rinpoche and our senior lamas, and senior monks, the rules and regulations of puja texts according to our mother monastery, in Tibet.

    8. On 15th /16th March: led by His Eminence Namkha Rinpoche, all our senior monks performed a long life practice, puja on behalf of sentient beings for two days.

    9. A day before leaving, Rinpoche gave wrathful Guru Initiation on special request of people in the morning and the Amitabha (immeasurable light) empowerments to old and sick people in the evening at his residency. H.E. Namkha Rinpoche and his retinues headed to Kathmandu, Nepal through Kolkata.

    10. On 31st March, a combination of Tibetan settlers Phuntsokling along with Rigon Monastery in Odisha, a huge smoke offering puja at Rigon Monastery and Taksham Kangsol Chenmo was completed, and the most extensive fulfillment and invocation ritual practice of Taksham Dharma Protactors in Ripa Ladrang on the next day, which was headed by Dungsey Lhunpo Rinpoche.

    11. 2nd Apirl, Lhuntrul Rinpoche Left for Delhi. ___

    Thupten Mindolling Nyingmapa Societys Projects and Its News 1. On the 8th of March, before His Eminence Jigme Rinpoche left for Kathmandu, Nepal, we had a

    meeting with the staff of Thupten Mindolling Nyingmapa Society. The secretary reported the social work done by this society in the year 2012. Discussed some important points for the coming projects and admonished us.

    2. The Pure Water Project headed by Suma Chander and her team through Thupten Mindolling Nyingmapa Society under the chairmanship of His Eminence Jigme Rinpoche began on 23rd

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    November 2012 at Raipur, Indian Village. A group of local people voluntarily cleaned and laid out the project site for the construction of a pump house.

    3. 14th to 17th Feb., The Pure Water Project team headed by Suma Chander from U.S.A. visited the project site at Raipur, where the project is in progress at Tibetan settlers camp No 5. This is the biggest camp and Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche has done Water Project there in 2000.

    4. For the year 2013 malaria projects, we received good amount from Ripa France and Luxemburg. We already ordered mosquito nets and will distribute to the villagers where we could not distribute last couple of years.

    Prepared by: Jangchup Gyatso (office in charge) Thupten Mindolling Nyingmapa Society & Rigon Monastery Office P/o Jeerango Via Chandragiri, Dist Gajapati, Odisha-761017 Cell No: +91-9178996782

    ___ Special Requests / Petits Annonces The RIC / PLs needs assistance in the following areas, please consider helping out, if you are interested, please send an email to: [email protected] .

    - Peter is still waiting for people who could help him with the sound, before and during retreats. There are a lot of things to do which are not that complicated! Interested people should please contact [email protected] and they will be connected with Peter. - The RIC teams are created however there is a lack of members and the Team-heads are overwhelmed with the organization for of all the events. One can also be helpful from afar in organizing things, (brainstorming, discussions, bringing up needful items, clarifying items). We are connected via Skype and get information on Google ---lets be international! - More communication needs more translation, are you able to assist? - If you would like to consider volunteering for the archives, please let us know... - We could use the assistance of a group who likes to paint the barn, so that the big picture of the Buddha can stay where it was for Saga Dawa!

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    Ripa Newsletter June 2013