Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30 th December 2014 1 Coauthor: M. K. Ghosh and Suresh K. Kumar

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Page 1: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in aSemi-Markov Modulated Market 1

Anindya Goswami

30th December 2014

1Coauthor: M. K. Ghosh and Suresh K. Kumar

Page 2: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

ProblemsNotationsValue of a Portfolio

“all the eggs should not be placed in the same basket”

A financial market consists of numerous securities.

A typical investor invests his/her initial capital in differentsecurities and carry out continuous trading of them toincrease the final wealth of the portfolio.

Q1. Which choice of portfolio would result in the best return?

Q2. Assets are risky. How to manage the risk?

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 3: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

ProblemsNotationsValue of a Portfolio


S0t := locally risk free asset price at time t

S it := risky asset prices at time t, i = 1, . . . , n

N i (t):= number of units invested in the i th asset at t

Vt :=∑n

i=0 Ni (t)S i

t , value of the portfolio at t

ui (t) := N i (t)S it

Vt, the fraction invested in the i th asset.



ui (t) = 1 .


u0(t) = 1 −n∑


ui (t).

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 4: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

ProblemsNotationsValue of a Portfolio

SDE Satisfied by the Value of Portfolio

Let u(t) = [u1(t), . . . , un(t)]′ (∈ A ⊆ Rn) be the portfolio at timet. Hence u(t) is an A-valued process.Self-financing condition implies that

dVt =n∑


N i (t)dS it .

Then the value of the portfolio or the wealth process denoted byV u

t takes the form

dV ut

V ut



ui (t)dS i


S it


Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 5: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Semi-Markov Process

{Xt}t≥0 be a semi-Markov process taking values inX = {1, 2, . . . , k}.Xt is modeled to present hypothetical states of the market attime t.

P(XTn+1 = x ′,Tn+1 − Tn ≤ y | XTn = x) = pxx ′F (y | x).

The transition matrix (pxx ′) is irreducible.

F (y | x) < 1 for each x and for all y ∈ [0,∞).

F (· | x) has continuously differentiable density f (· | x).

Define Yt := t − Tn(t) [Holding Time]

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 6: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Semi-Markov Process

{Xt}t≥0 be a semi-Markov process taking values inX = {1, 2, . . . , k}.Xt is modeled to present hypothetical states of the market attime t.

P(XTn+1 = x ′,Tn+1 − Tn ≤ y | XTn = x) = pxx ′F (y | x).

The transition matrix (pxx ′) is irreducible.

F (y | x) < 1 for each x and for all y ∈ [0,∞).

F (· | x) has continuously differentiable density f (· | x).

Define Yt := t − Tn(t) [Holding Time]

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 7: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Semi-Markov Modulated Market Model

dS0t = r(t,Xt)S0

t dt, S00 = s0 > 0 ,

dS it = S i


µi (t,Xt)dt +n∑


σij (t,Xt) dW jt

, S i0 = si > 0,

σ(t, x) = [σij (t, x)]n×n, x = 1, · · · , k ,b(t, x) = [µ1(t, x)− r(t, x), · · · , µn(t, x)− r(t, x)].

The wealth V u corresponding to the portfolio u satisfies

dV ut = V u

t [(r(t,Xt) + b(t,Xt)u(t)) dt + u(t)′σ(t,Xt)dWt ]. (1)

(i) r(t, x), µi (t, x), σij (t, x) are continuous on [0,T ] ∀x , i , j .(ii) a(t, x) := σ(t, x)σ(t, x)′ continuous on [0,T ]and ∃ a δ > 0 such that a(t, x) ≥ δI ∀x(iii){Xt} and {Wt} are independent.

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 8: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Derivation - Infinitesimal Generator

For a fixed u ∈ A the process {(V ut ,Xt ,Yt)}t≥0 is Markov. The

infinitesimal generator of the process is the family of operatorsAu

t : C 2,1(R×X × (0, t))⋂C (R×X × [0, t])→ C (R×X × [0, t]),

given by

Autϕ(v , x , y) :=

∂yϕ(v , x , y) + (r(t, x) + b(t, x)u)v

∂vϕ(v , x , y)


2(u′a(t, x)u)v2 ∂


∂v2ϕ(v , x , y)

+f (y | x)

1− F (y | x)

∑j 6=x

pxj [ϕ(v , j , 0)− ϕ(v , x , y)].

ϕ ∈ Dom(Aut ), v ∈ R, x ∈ X , y ∈ (0, t).

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 9: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Expected Terminal Utility - Optimization - HJB

Let U be a utility function satisfying the usual condition.

The trader’s objective: maximize expected terminal utility

Ju(t, v , x , y) := Eu[U(V uT ) | Vt = v ,Xt = x ,Yt = y ]

ϕ(t, v , x , y) := supu

Ju(t, v , x , y)

Supremum is taken over all admissible portfolio strategies.

Using DPP and the verification theorem of controlled Markovprocesses, the HJB equation for ϕ is given by

∂tϕ(t, v , x , y) + sup


tϕ(t, v , x , y) = 0, ϕ(T , v , x , y) = U(v).

Can we solve it?

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 10: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Expected Terminal Utility - Optimization - HJB

Let U be a utility function satisfying the usual condition.

The trader’s objective: maximize expected terminal utility

Ju(t, v , x , y) := Eu[U(V uT ) | Vt = v ,Xt = x ,Yt = y ]

ϕ(t, v , x , y) := supu

Ju(t, v , x , y)

Supremum is taken over all admissible portfolio strategies.

Using DPP and the verification theorem of controlled Markovprocesses, the HJB equation for ϕ is given by

∂tϕ(t, v , x , y) + sup


tϕ(t, v , x , y) = 0, ϕ(T , v , x , y) = U(v).

Can we solve it?

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 11: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Examples: Power Utility and Logarithmic Utility

If U(v) = log v , v > 0 or U(v) = 1γ v

γ , 0 < γ < 1 then thecorresponding HJB equation has the classical solution.Sketch of the Proof

1 Using an appropriate trial solution we separate the variable v .Obtain a non-local differential equation involving variablest, x , y .

2 Using Feynman-Kac formula, we obtain a mild solution of thenew equation.

3 Using stochastic analysis the mild solution is shown to satisfya Volterra equation of second kind.

4 The desired smoothness of the solution is obtained bystudying the Volterra equation.

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 12: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Risk Sensitive Criterion: Definitions & Motivation

For a particular θ( 6= 0) (to be set by the investor according to hisrisk aversion) the risk sensitive criterion on finite and infinite timehorizon are defined as

Ju,Tθ (t, v , x , y) := −2

θlog Eu

[V u


−θ2 | Vt = v ,Xt = x ,Yt = y


Juθ (t, v , x , y) := −2

θlim infT→∞


Tlog Eu

[V u


−θ2 | Vt = v ,Xt = x ,Yt = y


Taylor series expansion of JTθ about θ = 0 gives


θlog Eu

[e(− θ

2) log V u


]= Eu logV u

T −θ

4Varu(logV u

T ) + o(θ).

A risk neutral (i.e., θ = 0) investor would effectively optimize theexpected logarithmic utility of terminal wealth.

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 13: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Market ModelOptimization of Terminal UtilityRisk Sensitive Criterion

Risk Sensitive Criterion: Definitions & Motivation

For a particular θ( 6= 0) (to be set by the investor according to hisrisk aversion) the risk sensitive criterion on finite and infinite timehorizon are defined as

Ju,Tθ (t, v , x , y) := −2

θlog Eu

[V u


−θ2 | Vt = v ,Xt = x ,Yt = y


Juθ (t, v , x , y) := −2

θlim infT→∞


Tlog Eu

[V u


−θ2 | Vt = v ,Xt = x ,Yt = y


Taylor series expansion of JTθ about θ = 0 gives


θlog Eu

[e(− θ

2) log V u


]= Eu logV u

T −θ

4Varu(logV u

T ) + o(θ).

A risk neutral (i.e., θ = 0) investor would effectively optimize theexpected logarithmic utility of terminal wealth.

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 14: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Optimal Portfolio StrategiesNumerical Example for Finite Horizon CaseInfinite Horizon Case

Finite Horizon Case


(i) Let ψθ(t, x , y) = E [e∫ T

t hθ(s,Xs )ds | Xt = x ,Yt = y ] where x ∈ X ; 0 < y < t ≤ T ;

hθ(t, x) = θ2


[− r(t, x)− b(t, x) u + 1

2( θ

2+ 1)[u′a(t, x)u]


Then, ψθ(t, x , y) is a mild solution of(∂



)ψθ(t, x , y) +

f (y | x)

1− F (y | x)

∑j 6=x

pxj (ψθ(t, j , 0)− ψθ(t, x , y))



[− r(t, x)− b(t, x)u +



2+ 1)u′a(t, x)u

]ψθ(t, x , y) = 0

ψθ(T , x , y) = 1.

(ii) ψθ satisfies the following Volterra equation of second kind

ψθ(t, x , y) =1− F (T − t + y | x)

1− F (y | x)e∫ T

t hθ(s,x)ds +

∫ T−t


f (y + α | x)

1− F (y | x)×e

∫ t+αt hθ(s,x)ds


pxjψθ(t + α, j , 0)

dα. (2)

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 15: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Optimal Portfolio StrategiesNumerical Example for Finite Horizon CaseInfinite Horizon Case

Finite Horizon Case


(iii)ψθ(t, x , y) is the classical solution of the Cauchy problem.(iv) The risk sensitive optimal expected utility is given by

ϕθ(t, v , x , y) := supu

Ju,Tθ (t, v , x , y) = log v −


θlog(ψθ(t, x , y)).

(v) The optimal strategy for the risk sensitive criterion on finite horizonCase 1: A = Rn, the minimizing u∗θ (t, x) in the PDE is given by

u∗θ (t, x) = 1

1+ θ2

a(t, x)−1 b(t, x)′,

Case 2: For A an n-dimensional rectangle, i.e., A =∏i≤n

[ci , di ], then

u∗θ,i (t, x) =


1+ θ2

(a(t, x)−1 b(t, x)′)i if 1

1+ θ2

(a(t, x)−1 b(t, x)′)i ∈ [ci , di ]

ci if 1

1+ θ2

(a(t, x)−1 b(t, x)′)i < ci

di if 1

1+ θ2

(a(t, x)−1 b(t, x)′)i > di



Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 16: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Optimal Portfolio StrategiesNumerical Example for Finite Horizon CaseInfinite Horizon Case








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

0 < θ < 500 < θ < 500 < θ < 500 < θ < 50


k S




e C






, t=

0, y


Regime1 Regime2 Regime3

Figure : Risk Sensitive Optimal Expected Utility

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 17: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Optimal Portfolio StrategiesNumerical Example for Finite Horizon CaseInfinite Horizon Case

Infinite Horizon Case: Optimal Strategy

We restrict ourselves to the autonomous model.



u∗θ ,Tθ (v , x , y) ≥ 1

TJu,Tθ (v , x , y)

for any admissible strategy u. Hence

lim infT→∞



u∗θ ,Tθ (v , x , y) ≥ lim inf



TJu,Tθ (v , x , y) (4)

for all admissible strategy u. Thus u∗θ is optimal for the respectiveaction spaces for the infinite horizon case as well.

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 18: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Optimal Portfolio StrategiesNumerical Example for Finite Horizon CaseInfinite Horizon Case

Optimal Value: Large Deviation Principle

If the limit exists




u∗θ ,Tθ (v , x , y) = −2




Tlog(E [e

∫ T0

hθ(Xs )ds | X0 = x ,Y0 = y ])


hθ(x) =θ


[− r(x)− b(x) u +



2+ 1)[u′a(x)u]


Right side is the large deviation limit for semi-Markov process. Forsemi-Markov case the existence of the limit and the representationthereof in terms of some relative entropy is not available in theliterature.

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 19: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Optimal Portfolio StrategiesNumerical Example for Finite Horizon CaseInfinite Horizon Case

Subcase: Irreducible Markov State

E [e∫ T

thθ(Xs )ds | Xt = x ] =



(Λ + diag(hθ(·)))(T − t))

(x , j).

Limit exists if the matrix Λ + diag(hθ(·)) has a principal eigenvalue η(say). Then due to the multiplicative nature of the exponential function



Tlog E [e

∫ T0

hθ(Xs )ds | X0 = x ]

= limT→∞





(Λ + diag(hθ(·)))(T ))

(x , j) = η.

We prove the existence of η. Let c := minx (λxx + hθ(x)) and

Λθ := Λ + diag(hθ(·))− cIk×k .

By Perron-Frobenius theorem the spectral radius of Λθ is an eigenvalue ρ.

Therefore, η := ρ+ c is the principal eigenvalue of Λ + diag(hθ(·)).

Anindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 20: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

MotivationSemi-Markov Modulated Market

Optimization of Risk Sensitive Criterion

Optimal Portfolio StrategiesNumerical Example for Finite Horizon CaseInfinite Horizon Case

Subcase: Irreducible Markov State: Numerical Results








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

0 < θθθθ < 50



e H




k S



ve C



Figure : Infinite Horizon Risk Sensitive Optimal Portfolio Growth RateAnindya Goswami Semi-Markov Process in Portfolio Optimization

Page 21: Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov · PDF fileRisk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization in a Semi-Markov Modulated Market 1 Anindya Goswami 30th December 2014 1Coauthor:

M. K. Ghosh, A. Goswami and Suresh K. Kumar, Portfoliooptimization in a semi-Markov modulated market, AppliedMathematics and Optimization 60 (2009) 275-296.

Thank You