RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

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Page 1: RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

R I V I E R A 3 7 F L Y B R I D G E C O N V E R T I B L E L I V E Y O u R D R E A m s­

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Page 2: RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

T A K I N G L u X u R Y C R u I s­ I N G A R O u N D T H E G L O B E

Is the styling from Europe? Is it from America? Neither really.

The inspiration for the smooth, ‘new era’ Riviera design evolved from the elegant curves of a classic

timber motor cruiser. On the Riviera 37, this timeless form is enhanced by a gleaming white gelcoat and

the modern look of tinted glass.

Yet the Riviera 37 is more than just inspired aesthetics above the waterline.

Ever since the release of the new era Riviera 40, the boat-buying public has been quick to show its appreciation. Elegant, flowing lines and the

build-quality of Australia’s most awarded luxury cruiser manufacturer has helped to distance

Riviera from its rivals.

The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat of the Year’ and ‘Cruiser of the Year’ awards.

Not surprisingly, the craft built to explore some of Australia’s most visually stimulating,

yet physically demanding coastlines have also been a huge success around the world.

Riviera has applied this thinking and new era styling to a 37 footer and managed

to add even more intelligent ideas along the way. Inspiration for the layout of the Riviera 37 came

from one of the most popular models Riviera has ever produced – the twin cabin Riviera 36.

The design then went from strength to strength and here is the proud result.

Page 3: RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

R E L A X , O R F I s­ H F R O m T H E s­ u N D E C K

As you step onto the cockpit (teak laid if you wish) you’ll be quick to notice the wide transom door. This is a new transom door design that better seals the cockpit, a feature you’ll find particularly helpful when backing up on a fighting fish.

The whole family will feel more comfortable with the wider coaming that surrounds the larger cockpit. There’s also plenty of room here for entertaining and relaxing.

On the other hand, fishermen will find the wider coamings helpful for rodholder and downrigger installation and for extra protection at sea. They’ll also appreciate the large fish box under the floor, extra storage in the coaming and the storage hatch near the saloon door. Also high on a fisherman’s list of ‘must haves’ is the cockpit storage bin and a live bait well in the transom.

When the day’s done, recessed fender cleats make mooring a breeze and the curved corner cleats allow for easy tying up.

You’ll find the thoughtful engine room layout easy to access from the cockpit when making routine inspections. Service staff will also find regular maintenance programs much easier.

So whether you’re in pursuit of game fish, or pursuing that more elusive concept called ‘quality time’, the Riviera 37 will help you achieve either with consummate style.

The ergonomic layout of the helm station places all the controls conveniently within reach. Its contemporary design lends a fitting backdrop to the state-of-the-art instrumentation.

Seating for the skipper and four companions on the flybridge allows you to enjoy a commanding view over the water, accompanied by music from the flybridge-mounted stereo speakers. As you push the throttles forward, the advanced new hull design planes easily and rides smoothly.

Page 4: RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

T H E L u X u R Y O F s­ P A C E

The galley is just two steps below the main saloon, so chefs can remain in the party at all times.

The fresh, spacious layout makes accessing the convection microwave oven, twin burners,

sink and large pantry easier than ever.

There’s a water tank gauge positioned thoughtfully in the galley, whilst the power to create gourmet feasts is delivered to you via a generator. Prepare the meal on the wide granicoat countertop then

step up to the main saloon and serve.

In the main saloon, hand-finished woodwork complements soft leathers and a luxury

designer interior treatment.

As you retire for the evening, notice the generous hanging locker space behind the hand-crafted,

varnished timberwork in the forward master cabin. Step into the fully enclosed shower stall

with the convenience of a fixed shower head and the elegance of designer fixtures.

Then as you lie back on the innerspring mattress, gaze through the forward hatch

and look up at the stars.

1. Galley 2. Master cabin forward

3. Galley 4. Entertainment centre/dinette option

5. Guest cabin 6. Bathroom


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Page 6: RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

R I V I E R A E L E C T R O N I C s­

Electronics play an ever-increasing role in the pleasure, performance and safety of luxury boats and the choice

of equipment that is available today is vast. In fact, selecting the equipment that meets your needs can be a very challenging task. Riviera Electronics is here to help:

we source the best systems and products from around the world, we are experts at matching technology to

individual requirements and work closely with Riviera's design team and Riviera's global Dealer Network to

create systems that maximise your pleasure and safety.

C L O T H I N G , R I V I E R A s­ T Y L E

A passion for quality and good design steers everything we do at Riviera — and that is reflected in our exclusive

range of clothing, accessories and decor items. If you love your Riviera, you’ll feel at home with the Riviera

collection: casual yet stylish, comfortable, practical and made to withstand the rigors of boating life. You’ll find extensive use of natural fibres, including 100% cotton,

quality zippers and first-class workmanship in details such as contrast stitching.

The accessory and decor collection ranges from a watch that can weather the storm to stylish crockery.

Riviera has the total leisure and lifestyle solution.

D é C O R T H A T ’ s­ m A D E F O R Y O u R R I V I E R A

To make your boat truly your own, we offer a wide choice of fabrics, finishes and colour schemes

that allow you to customise your Riviera. Of course, we also have experienced designers who can advise

and assist with your selection.

It is a real pleasure to own and use things that are aesthetically pleasing, work well and last - and because

it is only appropriate that such qualities are found on board a Riviera we supervise from creation to

installation each individual interior scheme.

B O A T s­ T H A T R E F L E C T A C u L T u R E O F Q u A L I T Y

Riviera is an Australian success story and a major international marketer of luxury pleasure boats. Our growth over more than 25 years has resulted in a company that today produces around 400 such vessels annually. We are also Australia’s most awarded pleasure boat manufacturer.

The secret of our success is an absolute commitment to quality. Be it people and work practices, materials, tools and technology, environmental responsibility or after sales service, we are rigorous in pursuing the highest standards.

We employ over 1,100 craftspeople, consult with world-leading naval architects and engineers, and operate a world-class apprenticeship training program. Our employment and training practices have also earned us many local and national awards.

Riviera operate the largest luxury boat buiding facility in the Southern Hemisphere and boasts some of the most sophisticated technology.

The quality of our service is commensurate with the quality of our boats and is something we are passionate about. The experience of purchasing your Riviera, from the selection of the electronics and décor to the maintenance, repairs and refits will all be carried out reliably, promptly and smoothly. In fact, you can count on us, and our global Dealer Network, for the life of your boat.

It is this consistent quality that has created Riviera’s enormous and ever-growing international appeal.

Today we have dealerships in over 30 countries and, due to our success in the USA, we also have a team and headquarters in Florida.

A sensational and growing choice of vessels, an impeccable pedigree, excellent value and outstanding service: now more than ever, Riviera’s reputation for quality with integrity inspires confidence in boating enthusiasts the world over.

Page 7: RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

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Il Riviera 37: un capolavoro in ogni suo aspettoGrazie all’ispirazione tratta dal nostro “40’ flybridge”, una imbarcazione che si è aggiudicata i titoli di ‘Natante dell’anno’ e ‘Imbarcazione da crociera dell’anno’ assegnati dalla rivista specializzata Modern Boating, i cantieri Riviera si sono impegnati nella progettazione di un natante leggermente più piccolo e più abbordabile dal punto di vista economico - pur conservando tutto il valore e le intelligenti soluzioni progettistiche del “40’ flybridge”.E tale impegno è sfociato nel Riviera 37, una imbarcazione davvero eccezionale. Per prima cosa, occorre considerare la robustezza della costruzione. Uno scafo solido in vetroresina applicata a mano e un sistema esclusivo di rinforzo ispirano assoluta fiducia anche sui mari più mossi. E quelle linee eleganti non solo donano grande valore estetico ma anche una manovrabilità agile ed uniforme.E il piacere di stare seduti nella postazione ergonomica del timone, di ascoltare musica in stereofonia, di provare il responso del natante alle accelerazioni, rappresenta un privilegio senza uguali. Per quanto riguarda la potenza, i bimotori standard da 315 CV/h offrono prestazioni che nulla hanno da invidiare a motori di categoria superiore.Per non parlare della qualità dell’arredamento e degli accessori. Tek rifinito a mano, divani in pelle morbida... ogni accessorio, dalla rubinetteria firmata ai materassi a molla nella camera principale sono di qualità impeccabile.L’eleganza degli interni abbinata all’uso intelligente dello spazio e della luce crea un ambiente ideale per coloro che amano cenare e rilassarsi in compagnia degli amici. Oltre ad un salone spazioso (qui c’è la scelta di tre configurazioni diverse) e ad un ponte vasto ed accogliente, l’intrattenimento è molto più di un semplice piacere grazie alla cambusa ottimamente proporzionata e dotata dei migliori accessori.Con le doppie cabine e il salone principale, sei adulti possono programmare molti giorni e notti di lusso e relax... nel confort più totale. Inoltre, armadietti e ripostigli spaziosi agevolano anche le traversate più lunghe e impegnative.Soprattutto, il 37 è un natante Riviera. È il prodotto dei cantieri australiani più premiati nel settore dei natanti da diporto. E i cantieri stessi sono rinomati quali i più grandi e sofisticati dell’emisfero australe. Vi invitiamo a salire a bordo per scoprire perché il nostro slogan è Un Riviera non conosce limiti.

El Riviera 37: Cada pulgada una obra maestraInspirado en nuestro 40’ flybridge, una embarcación que ganó los premios “Yate del Año” y “Crucero del Año” de la revista ‘Modern Boating’, Riviera se propuso diseñar una embarcación ligeramente más pequeña y económica, pero que sigue reteniendo todas las valiosas e inteligentes características de diseño del 40’.El resultado: el Riviera 37. ¡Es sobresaliente!Primero considere la integridad de su construcción: un sólido casco de fibra de vidrio extendido a mano y un sistema de refuerzos que inspira absoluta confianza aún en los mares más embravecidos. Y esas elegantes líneas no solamente se ven sensacionales sino que brindan el más suave y ágil de los andares.Pocos placeres son comparables a sentarse en el puesto de mando ergonómicamente diseñado, con el estéreo tocando su música favorita, acelerar y gozar de ese sensible desempeño. En cuanto a potencia: quedará más que impresionado con los motores gemelos estándar de 315hp.En seguida, considere la calidad del mobiliario y accesorios. Madera de teca terminada a mano, sillones de suave cuero... todo es de impecable calidad, desde las llaves de diseño exclusivo al colchón de resortes de la cabina de mando.La elegancia del interior aunada al inteligente uso del espacio y la luz, crea un ambiente ideal para aquellos de gustan de la buena comida y el buen vino, rodeados de familiares y amigos. Además de disfrutar de un espacioso salón (y se puede elegir entre tres configuraciones) y una cubierta maravillosamente amplia, agasajar es tanto más agradable, gracias a la cocina de generosas dimensiones estupendamente equipada.Con cabinas dobles y alojamiento en el salón, seis adultos pueden zarpar por muchos, muchos días y noches de sosiego y placer... en confort total. Más aún, hay más que suficiente espacio de carga para cruceros de largo alcance.Por sobre todo, el 37 es un Riviera: un yate construido por el astillero de embarcaciones de placer más galardonado de Australia, en las más grandes y sofisticadas instalaciones de fabricación de embarcaciones de placer del hemisferio sur.Le invitamos a subir a bordo y descubrir por qué decimos: Un Riviera le ofrece más.

Die Riviera 37: Jeder Zoll in meisterwerkVon unserer 40-Fuß Flybridge inspiriert, einem Boot, das vom Magazin Modern Boating die Auszeichnungen ‘Boot des Jahres’ und ‘Yacht des Jahres’ erhielt, machte sich Riviera daran, eine etwas kleinere, erschwinglichere Yacht zu entwerfen - eine, die dennoch alle Vorteile und das intelligente Design der 40-Fuß Flybridge zu bieten hat.Das Ergebnis, die Riviera 37, ist herausragend.Betrachten Sie zunächst die bauliche Integrität. Ein solider, handgearbeiteter Glasfaserrumpf und ein einzigartiges Verstärkungssystem geben selbst auf rauester See absolutes Vertrauen. Und die eleganten Linien sehen nicht nur sensationell aus, sondern ermöglichen eine herrlich glatte und geschmeidige Fahrt. Es gibt kaum ein größeres Vergnügen, als in der ergonomisch gestalteten Ruderposition zu sitzen, Ihrer Lieblingsmusik aus der Stereoanlage zuzuhören, die Drossel zu öffnen und das reaktionsfreudige Verhalten des Bootes zu genießen. Was die Leistung betrifft, werden Sie selbst von den Standard-Twin-315hp-Motoren mehr als beeindruckt sein.Betrachten Sie darüber hinaus die Qualität der Einrichtung und Ausstattung. Handverarbeitetes Teak, weiche Ledersofas...alles, von den Designer-Armaturen bis hin zur Federkernmatratze in der großen Kabine, ist von hervorragender Qualität.Die Eleganz der Inneneinrichtung, verbunden mit cleverem Layout und geschicktem Einsatz von Licht, schafft eine ideale Umgebung für Dinnerpartys und Freizeit mit Familie und Freunden.Neben dem geräumigen Salon (und hier gibt es eine Auswahl von drei Konfigurationen) und einem großflächigen Deck trägt eine großzügig proportionierte und phantastisch ausgestattete Küche dazu bei, dass das Bewirten von Gästen zu einem noch herrlicheren Genuss wird.Mit zwei Kabinen und Schlafmöglichkeiten im Salon können sechs Erwachsene viele, viele Tage und Nächte lang Entspannung und Luxus auf See genießen...mit allem Komfort. Außerdem gibt es mehr als genug Stauraum für lange Törns.Vor allem ist die 37 eine Riviera. Ein Boot, das von Australiens höchstausgezeichnetem Hersteller von Freizeitbooten in der größten, technisch fortschrittlichsten Bootsbauaunlage der südlichen Hemisphäre gebaut wurde.Kommen Sie an Bord und entdecken Sie selbst, warum es heißt Es steckt mehr hinter einer Riviera.

Le Riviera 37: chaque détail est un chef d’œuvreInspiré par notre modèle 40 à passerelle haute, un navire qui a remporté les prix de “Bateau de l’Année” et “Bateau de croisière de l’Année”, décernés par le magazine Modern Boating, Riviera a voulu mettre au point un yacht légèrement plus petit et plus accessible - tout en conservant les avantages et la conception intelligente du Riviera 40.Tous ces éléments font du Riviera 37 un bateau absolument remarquable. Pour commencer, prenons l’intégrité de la construction. La solidité de la coque, en fibre de verre posée à la main, ainsi qu’un système unique de renforcement des structures inspirent une confiance absolue, même dans les conditions de navigation les plus extrêmes. Et les lignes racées de ce navire donnent non seulement un effet esthétique sensationnel, mais aussi une navigation particulièrement fluide et précise.Imaginez le plaisir d’être assis dans la cabine de navigation, avec sa conception ergonomique, en écoutant votre musique préférée sur la chaîne stéréo, en mettant les pleins gaz et en se laissant ravir par les performances hautement réceptives de ce bateau. Pour ce qui est de la puissance, vous serez impressionné par les performances des moteurs doubles standard 315 CV.Attachons-nous maintenant à la qualité des équipements et des garnitures. Teck travaillé à la main, canapés en cuir velours... Des robinetteries ultra modernes aux matelas à ressorts dans la cabine de maître, tous les équipements sont d’une qualité irréprochable.L’élégance de l’intérieur, associée à une utilisation intelligente de l’espace et de la lumière, créent un environnement idéal pour ceux qui aiment gagner, profiter des plaisirs épicuriens et passer des moments agréables en famille ou entre amis. Outre un salon spacieux (trois agencements au choix) et un vaste pont, la cuisine superbement équipée et généreusement proportionnée vous permet de recevoir en tout confort.Les cabines doubles et les possibilités de couchage dans le salon permettent à six adultes de passer de nombreux jours et nuits de détente en mer, et ce en tout confort. L’espace de rangement est également amplement suffisant pour permettre de longues croisières en mer.Le 37 est avant tout un Riviera. Un bateau fabriqué par le constructeur de yachts le plus primé d’Australie, dans les installations de construction navale de plaisance les plus vastes et les plus sophistiquées de l’hémisphère Sud.Nous vous invitons à monter à bord pour une visite qui vous fera découvrir pourquoi Un Riviera vous en offre toujours plus.

Riviera 37 Spécifications

Longueur hors tout (plate-forme de bain et davier compris) 13.09 m 42’ 11”

Longueur de coque* (ISO 8666) 12.01 m 39’ 5”

Bau (plat-bord compris) 4.23 m 13’ 10”

Tirant d’eau maximum (épontilles comprises) 1.05 m 3’ 5”

Poids à sec** (peut varier selon moteurs et options) 10,900 kg 24,000 lb

Capacité réservoirs carburant*** 1,225 l 324 US gal.

Capacité réservoirs eau*** 460 l 122 US gal.

Capacité du 68 l 18 US gal. réservoir***

Couchage 4–6 personnes

Moteur standard x 2 Volvo 242 kW chacun 330 hp chacunVeuillez prendre connaissance de la Garantie, des Clarifications relatives aux spécifications et des Avertissements du Groupe Riviera figurant dans cette brochure.

Riviera 37 Technische Daten

Gesamtlänge (einschließlich Schwimmplattform & Bugrolle) 13.09 m 42’ 11”

Länge des Schiffskörpers (im Einklang mit ISO8666*) 12.01 m 39’ 5”

Balken (einschließlich Dollbord) 4.23 m 13’ 10”

Maximaler Tiefgang (einschließlich Propeller) 1.05 m 3’ 5”

Trockengewicht** (ungefähres Gewicht, abhängig von Motoren und Optionen) 10,900 kg 24,000 lb

Treibstoff Kapazität*** 1,225 l 324 US gal.

Wasser Kapazität*** 460 l 122 US gal.

Kapazität des 68 l 18 US gal. Vorratstanks***

Schlaf Kapazität 4–6 personen

Standard Motor x 2 Volvo jeweils 242 kW jeweils 330 psBitte lesen Sie auch die Garantie der Riviera Gruppe. Erläuterungen zu den Technischen Daten und Warnungen finden Sie in dieser broschüre.

Riviera 37 Especificaciones

Largo Total (incl. plataforma de natación y rodillo de proa) 13.09 m 42’ 11”

LC de acuerdo (a ISO 8666*) 12.01 m 39’ 5”

Manga (incl. borda) 4.23 m 13’ 10”

Calado máximo (incl. props) 1.05 m 3’ 5”

Peso en seco** (aprox. depende de motores y opciones) 10,900 kg 24,000 lb

Capacidad de combustible*** 1,225 l 324 US gal.

Capacidad de agua*** 460 l 122 US gal.

Capacidad del tanque 68 l 18 US gal. de almacenamiento***

Capacidad para dormir 4–6 personas

Motor estándar x 2 Volvo 242 kW cada uno 330 hp cada unoSe le ruega prestar atención a la garantía del Grupo Riviera, aclaración de las especificaciones y advertencias contenidas en este folleto.

Riviera 37 Caratteristiche Tecniche

Lunghezza complessiva (compresa piattaforma balneazione & rullo di prua) 13.09 m 42’ 11”

Lunghezza scafo* (secondo ISO 8666) 12.01 m 39’ 5”

Larghezza massima (compresa frisata) 4.23 m 13’ 10”

Pescaggio massimo (comprese eliche) 1.05 m 3’ 5”

Peso a secco** (circa, dipende da motori e optional) 10,900 kg 24,000 lb

Capacità carburante*** 1,225 l 324 gal. USA

Capacità acqua*** 460 l 122 gal. USA

Capacità del serbatoio 68 l 18 gal. USA acque nere***

Capienza reparto notte 4–6 persone

Motore standard x 2 Volvo 242 kW cad 330 hp cadSi rimanda il lettore ai Chiarimenti relativi alle caratteristiche tecniche del Gruppo Riviera e alle Avvertenze contenute nel presente opuscolo.

Page 8: RIVIERA 37 FLYBRIDGE CONVERTIBLE LIVEO Y uR DREAms · Riviera from its rivals. The Riviera 40 won Australia’s most coveted boating accolades: the Modern Boating Magazine ‘Boat

Bulletin 60 07/200524061

The Riviera Group WarrantyRiviera Marine (INT.) Pty Limited warrants to the first retail purchaser during the periods herein that it will, subject to the terms and conditions in the full

Riviera Group Warranty, replace or repair, at its option, defects caused by faulty workmanship or materials under normal use and service during the first twelve

(12) months and (5) years for hull structure. Please refer to your Riviera Owner’s Manual and your Riviera Dealer for full details of the comprehensive Warranty.

Due to The Riviera Group’s commitment to continually improve our products, we reserve the right to modify or change, without notice, any materials,

specifications, equipment and/or accessories. All measurements quoted are approximate and pictures and drawings displayed are indicative only.

Riviera Marine (INT.) Pty Limited is the owner of the copyright material (including the photographic material) contained in this brochure and any

reproduction of any part thereof without the express license of Riviera Marine (INT.) Pty Limited may infringe this right

The Riviera Group Clarification of s­pecification* Length of the hull (Lh) to ISO8666: Includes all structural and integral parts.

(ie. the moulded length of the hull). It excludes parts that can be removed in a non-destructive manner-without-affecting the structural integrity of the craft,

eg. pulpits, outdrives, diving platforms, rubbing strakes.

** Dry weight represents the estimated minimum weight of a boat with standard engines and options, no fuel or water on board, no equipment or provisions and no personnel. The stated dry weight may be exceeded.

*** Denotes nett tank capacity. For usable capacity do not rely on more than 90% of tank capacity. Actual usable capacity will vary according to

boat trim and sea state.

Speeds are subject to normal weather conditions, fuel and or water levels, passengers and equipment loads.

Refer to your Riviera Owner’s Manual and your Dealer for height to hardtop and maximum height details.

The specifications in this document are not complete or definitive and are subject to change without notice and therefore may not be current. Riviera Marine (INT.)

Pty Ltd will not be liable (in contract, tort or otherwise) for any loss resulting from the inaccuracy of any information contained in this document.

Specifications may vary on a regional basis. Some images in this brochure may included non-standard or after market options.

WarningsThe Riviera Group is committed to building the best luxury cruisers,

tailored to suit specific countries and their individual compliance laws and regulations. Riviera equipment and build specifications approved for one country may not be compliant with another country’s safety and equipment regulations and as such those cruisers may have no recourse to The Riviera

Group’s extensive manufacturer’s warranties.

Each Country and State has different safety equipment standards. It is important that you ensure the requirements in your jurisdiction

are met prior to the vessel being used.




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Riviera 37 SpecificationsLength Overall (inc. swim platform & bow roller) 13.09 metres 42’ 11”

Lh to ISO8666* 12.01 metres 39’ 5”

Beam (inc. gunwale) 4.23 metres 13’ 10”

Maximum Draft (inc. props) 1.05 metres 3’ 5”

Dry Weight** (approx., depends on engines & options) 10,900 kg 24,000 lb

Fuel Capacity*** 1,225 litres 324 US gal.

Water Capacity*** 460 litres 122 US gal.

Holding Tank Capacity*** 68 litres 18 US gal.

Sleeping Capacity 4–6 persons

Standard Engine x 2 Volvo 265 kW each 370 hp each




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