Rising Lotus Zen Chants & Gathas

RLZ Chant Book

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RLZ Chant Bookhttp://risinglotuszen.orgClarkston, MIKorean Buddhist Taego Order

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Page 1: RLZ Chant Book

Rising Lotus ZenChants & Gathas

Page 2: RLZ Chant Book

Table of Contents

Morning Bell Chant...................................................................1

Chil Jung Rae (Korean).............................................................4

Chil Jung Rae (English)............................................................6

Heart Sutra (Korean).................................................................8

Heart Sutra (English)...............................................................10

Evening Bell Chant..................................................................12

Three Refuges..........................................................................13


The Five Mindfulness Trainings (Precepts).............................16


Meditation on the Six Paramitas..............................................19

Ten Guides Along the Path......................................................20

The Bardo Prayer.....................................................................22

The Noble Eightfold Path/The Four Great Vows.....................24

Temple Etiquette......................................................................25

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Morning Bell Chant (English)

May the sound of this bell spread throughout the universe, make all the hell of dark metal bright, relieve the three realms of suffering, shatter the hell of swords, and bring all beings to enlightenment.

Homage to the shining, loving, holy one, the great master Vairocana, Buddha of Light.

Now we recite the treasured verse from the golden book and display the jeweled box with the jade axle.Each particle of dust interpenetrates every other one.Moment by moment, each is perfectly complete.

One hundred million, ninety-five thousand, forty-eight words are the complete teaching of the one vehicle.

Homage to the great, wide Buddha: the Hwa Yen Sutra.

If you wish to understand thoroughly all Buddhas past, present, and future, you should view the nature of the universe as created by mind alone.

The mantra of shattering hell:

Na-mu a-ta shi-ji nam sam-yak sam-mo-ta gu-chi-nam om a-ja- na ba-ba ji-ri ji-ri hum (three times)

We vow for our entire life to keep our minds, without distraction, on Amita Buddha, the Buddha of infinite time and space.


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All minds are forever connected to this jade brightness. No thought ever departs from this golden form. Holding beads, perceiving the universe; with emptiness as the string, there is nothing unconnected.

Perceive and attain the western Amita Buddha. Become one with the great western master, the “just like this” Buddha of infinite life.

Become one: infinite time, infinite space Buddha.

The blue mountain of many ridges is the Buddha’s home. The vast ocean of many waves is the palace of stillness. Be with all things without hindrance. Few can see the crane’s red head atop the pine tree.

Become one: infinite time, infinite space Buddha.

Sitting quietly in a mountain temple in the quiet night, extreme quiet and stillness is original nature. Why then does the western wind shake the forest? A single cry of winter geese fills the sky.

Become one: infinite time, infinite space Buddha.

Vowing openly with all world beings,entering together Amita’s ocean of great vows, Continuing forever to save sentient beings,you and I simultaneously attain the way of Buddha.

Become one: infinite time, infinite space Buddha.

Become one with the western pure land, a world of utmost bliss.


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The thirty-six billion, one hundred nineteen thousand, five hundred names of the Buddha are all the same name.

Great love, great compassion, Amita Buddha.

Become one with the western pure land, a world of utmost bliss.

This Buddha’s body is long and wide.This auspicious face is without boundary and this golden color shines everywhere, pervading the entire universe.

Forty-eight vows to save all sentient beings.

No one can say, nor say its opposite.No one can say, because Buddha is like the Ganges’s innumerable grains of sand, or the infinite moments in all time, or innumerable dust particles, or countless blades of grass, numberless number.

The three hundred sixty billion, one hundred nineteen thousand, five hundred names of the Buddha are all the same name.

Great love, great compassion, our original teacher. Homage to the golden Tathagata Amita Buddha.

Become one: infinite time, infinite space Buddha.

The mantra of original mind’s sublimity:

Om a-ri da-ra sa-ba-ha (three times)


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Chil Jung Rae (Homage to the Buddhas) (Korean)


Kye-hyang, jung-hyang, hye-hyang, hyet’al-hyang, hyet’al-jigyon-hyang; gwangmyong-undae, Jubyon-bubgye, gongyang-sibang, Muryang-bul-bup sung

Honyang jin-onOm ba-a-ra do-bi-ya-hum Om ba-a-ra do-bi-ya-humOm ba-a-ra do-bi-ya-hum


Jisim kwimyongnae:Samgye-dosa sasaeng-jabu sia-bonsa, Sogamoni-bul

Jisim kwimyongnae:Sibang-samse jemang-ch’alhae sangju-ilch’eBult’a-yajoong

Jisim kwimyongnae:Sibang-samse jemang-ch’alhae sangju-ilch’e dalma-yajoong

Jisim kwimyongnae:Daeji-munsu sari-bosal, daehaeng-bohyon-bosal daebi-quanseum-bosal, daewonbonjon jijang-bosal mahasal


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Jisim kwimyongnae:Yungsan-dansi subul-buch’ok sidae-jeja simnyuk sung obaeksung toksusung neji, ch’onibaekchedae-arahan muryang-sungjung

Jisim kwimyongnae:Sogondonjin kupahaedong yokdaejondung jedaejosa ch’onhajongsa ilch’emijinsu chedae-songjisik

Jisim kwimyongnae:Sibang-samse jemang-ch’alhae sangju-ilch’eSungga-yajoong

Yuwon mujin-sambo daeja-daebi sua-jung-nyemyong-hun-gap’iryok wongong-bupgye jejungsaeng chat’a-ilsi-sung-buldo


A-goom chung-jung-su, Byun-we gam-ro-da Bong-hun sam-bo jeon

Won-su ae nab su, Won-su ae nab su, Won-su ja-bi ae nab su


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Chil Jung Rae (Homage to the Buddhas)Morning:This pure, clear water I am offering is now transformed into dew-like tea.I hold it up before the Three Treasures as a dedication and pray that it is well-received.May it be received with all their compassion!__________________________________________________Evening:May the sweet scent of our keeping the precepts of our meditation, of our wisdom, of our liberation, and the knowledge of our liberation - all this form a bright shining cloud-like pavilion, and may it pervade the whole universe, and thus do homage to the countless Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha, in all of the ten directions.__________________________________________________We pay homage:To the teacher of the three worlds, the loving father of all creatures, to him who is our original teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha.

We pay homage:We pay homage to the eternally existent assembly of all the Buddhas, in all the ten directions of the past, of the present, and of the future, as countless as the lands and seas of Lord Indra’s net.

We pay homage:To all the dharmas, eternally existent, in all the ten directions, of the past, of the present, and of the future, as countless as the lands and the seas in Lord Indra’s net.


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We pay homage to:Manjushri, Bodhisattva of great wisdom; Samantabhadra, Bodhisattva of great action; the greatly compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and the Lord of many vows, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

We pay homage:To the countless compassionate and love-filled holy sanghas, and most especially do we commemorate those who have received personally the Lord Buddha’s injunction on Mount Gridhakuta - the ten major disciples, the sixteen holy ones, the five hundred holy ones, and all of the one thousand two hundred great arhats.

We pay homage:To those great patriarchs and teachers who have come from the west to the east, and those who have come to the Korean shores, and who have transmitted the lamp of the Dharma throughout the generations; so too do we pay homage to our tradition’s masters, recognized throughout the ages, and to the various numberless spiritual teachers and friends.

We pay homage:to all the congregations of the Sangha, eternally existent, in all the ten directions, of the past, of the present, and of the future, as countless as the lands and seas in Lord Indra’s net.

We most earnestly desire that the inexhaustible three precious ones will most lovingly and compassionately receive our devotions, and that they shall empower us spiritually; we further earnestly desire that, together with all creatures in the universe, we will attain the Buddha way.


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The Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra (Korean)

ma-ha ban-ya ba-ra-mil-ta shim gyong kwan-ja-jae bo-sal haeng shim ban-ya ba-ra-mil-ta shi jo-gyon o-on gae gong do il-che go-aek

sa-ri-ja saek-pur-i-gonggong-bur-i-saek saek-chuk-shi-gong gong-juk-shi-saeksu-sang-haeng-shik yok-pu-yo-shi

sa-ri-ja shi-je-bop-kong-sangbul-saeng-bul-myol bul-gu-bu-jongbu-jung-bul-gam shi-go gong-jung-mu-saek mu su-sang-haeng-shik mu an-i-bi-sol-shin-ui mu saek-song-hyang-mi-chok-popmu-an-gye nae-ji mu-ui-shik-kye

mu-mu-myong yong mu-mu-myong-jin nae-ji mu-no-sa yong-mu-no-sa-jinmu go-jim-myol-to mu-ji yong-mu-dug-i mu-so duk-ko bo-ri-sal-ta uiban-ya ba-ra-mil-ta go-shim-mu gae-ae


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mu-gae-ae-go mu-yu-gong-powol-li jon-do mong-sang gu-gyong yol-ban sam-se je-bur-ui ban-yaba-ra-mil-ta go-dug-a-nyok-ta-ra sam-myak sam-bo-ri go-ji ban-ya ba-ra-mil-ta shi dae-shin ju

she dae-myong-ju shi mu-sang-jushi mu-dung-dung ju nung je il-che gojin-shil bur-ho go-sol ban-ya ba-ra-mil-ta ju juk-sol-chu-wal

a-je a-je ba-ra-a-je ba-ra-sung-a-je mo-ji sa-ba-ha a-je a-je ba-ra-a-je ba-ra-sung-a-je mo-ji sa-ba-ha a-je a-je ba-ra-a-je ba-ra-sung-a-je mo-ji sa-ba-ha

ma-ha ban-ya ba-ra-mil-ta shim gyong


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The Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra(Heart Sutra - English)

The Bodhisattva of Great Compassion from the deep practice of Prajnaparamita perceived the emptiness of all five skandas and delivered all beings from their suffering.

O, Shariputra, form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form, form is emptiness, emptiness form. The same is true of feeling, thought, impulse and consciousness.

O, Shariputra, all dharmas are empty. They are not born, nor annihilated. They are not defiled nor immaculate. They do not increase, nor decrease.So, in emptiness, no form, no feeling, no thought, no impulse, no consciousness.

No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;no form, sound, smell, taste, touch, or objects of mind, no realm of sight, no realm of consciousness.

No ignorance, nor extinction of ignorance,no old age and death, nor extinction of them. No suffering, no cause of suffering, no cease


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from suffering, no path to lead out of suffering, no knowledge, no attainment, no realization, for there is nothing to attain.

The Bodhisattva holds on to nothing but Pranjaparamita, therefore the mind is clear of any delusive hindrance. Without hindrance, there is no fear, away from all perverted views, one reaches final Nirvana.

All Buddhas of past, present and future, through faith in Prajnaparamita attain to the highest perfect enlightenment.

Know then the Prajnaparamita is the great dharani, the radiant peerless mantrum, the utmost supreme mantrum, which is capable of allaying all pain. This is true beyond all doubt.

Proclaim now the highest wisdom, the Prajnaparamita.

Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!

The Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra.


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Evening Bell Chant (English)

Gatha for the evening bell.

Listening to the sound of the bell,My defilements are eliminated.

Wisdom grows.

Awakening mind arises.

Wrongful paths are left behind.

The three realms transcended.

I vow to become a Buddha, to save all beings.

Om-Ga-Ra-Ji-Ya Sa-Ba-Ha...Om-Ga-Ra-Ji-Ya Sa-Ba-Ha...Om-Ga-Ra-Ji-Ya Sa-Ba-Ha...


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The Three Refuges (Ti Sarana)

Pali:Buddham Saranam Gacchami Dhammam Saranam Gacchami Sangham Saranam Gacchami

Korean:Buch’o-nimkke maum-dahae uiji-hamnida Dharma-nimkke maum-dahae uiji-hamnida Sunim-nekke maum-dahae uiji-hamnida


Buddha, the awakened one, the awakened heart in us all and the living force of peace.May I take refuge in the Buddha

Dharma, the teachings of Buddha, moral discipline and wisdom.May I take refuge in the Dharma.

Sangha, the happy and joyous community of all beings May I take refuge in the Sangha.


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“Sogamuni Bul”(Shakyamuni Buddha mantra - used to save all beings)

“Namu Amita Bul”(I take refuge in the Buddha of Infinite Light)

“Kwanseum Bosal”(The Great Love and Great Compassion mantra)

“Jijang Bosal”(‘I vow to save all beings’)

“Om Amoka Bairokana Maha-Mudra Mani-padme Svara Prava Rultaya Hum”(Mantra of Great Light – Mantra of Vairocana Buddha)

“Om Bhaishajye Bhaishajye Bhaishajye samudgate svaha.”(Chanted for healing)

“Om mani padme hum”(Jewel in the Lotus)

“Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasam-gate, Bodhi Svaha”(‘Gone, gone; gone beyond; gone way beyond, glory to the Truth’)


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“Om gara jija sabaha”(This mantra of shattering Hell)

“Om ari dara sabaha”(The mantra of original mind’s sublimity)

“Suri Suri Mahasuri Susuri Sabaha”(Mantra that cleans away all bad karmas created by mouth)

“Om Sal Ba Mot Cha Mo Ji Sadaya Sabaha”(Repentance Mantra)

“Om Chi Rim”(Mantra for self-protection)

“Om Aridara Sabaha”(Correct eyes, correct ears, correct mouth)

“Om Ara-nam Arada”(Mantra for helping to percieve the truth of this very moment)

“Om Horo Horo Saya Moke Sabaha”(A preventive protection mantra)


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The Five Mindfulness Trainings (Precepts)

The First Mindfulness Training:Aware of the suffering caused by the harm and destruction of life, I am committed to cultivating compassion and protecting the lives of people, animals, and the environment. I vow not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to support any act of killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life.

The Second Mindfulness Training:Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing, and oppression, I am committed to cultivating loving-kindness and practicing generosity to share my time, energy, and material resources to those in need. I vow not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others. I will respect the property of others, but I will prevent others from profiting from the suffering of any species on Earth.

The Third Mindfulness Training:Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I am committed to cultivating responsibility and protecting the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families, and society. I vow not to engage in sexual relations without love, a long-term commitment, and mutual respect.


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The Fourth Mindfulness Training:Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I am committed to cultivating loving speech and deep listening. Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering, I vow to speak truthfully, with words that inspire self-confidence, joy, and hope. I will not spread news that I do not know to be certain and will not criticize or condemn things of which I am not sure. I will refrain from uttering words that can cause division or discord, or that can cause family or the community to break.

The Fifth Mindfulness Training:Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivating good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and society by practicing mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. I will only consume items that preserve peace, and well-being, in my body, in my mind, and in the collective consciousness of society. I vow not to abuse alcohol or use other unwholesome intoxicants, for the body or mind, including certain media and entertainment. I will work to transform violence, fear, and confusion in my self and in society by consuming mindfully and compassionately.


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108 Prostrations GathaShouted after each set of 25 prostrations

1. Great is the problem of birth and death! 2. Impermanence surrounds us!3. Be awake each moment!4. Do not waste your life!

The Meal Gatha

Before MealThis food comes from the labor of beings past and present. From this our body-mind is nourished, our practice sustained. Gratefully we accept this meal.

After MealBuddha was born in the Lumbini Garden,He attained Enlightenment at Bodhi Gaya,He set in motion the wheel of Dharma at Sarnath, He entered Parinirvana at Kusinara.

Repentance Gatha

All evil actions committed by me since time immemorial, Stemming from greed, anger, and ignorance,Arising from body, speech, and mind,I now repent having committed.


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Meditation on the Six Paramitas

Dana Paramita:May I be generous and helpful!

Sila Paramita:May I be pure and virtuous!

Ksanti Paramita:May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others!

Virya Paramita:May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering!

Dhyana Paramita:May I practice meditation and attain concentration and oneness to serve all beings!

Prajna Paramita:May I gain wisdom and be able to give the benefitof my wisdom to others!


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Ten Guides Along the Path (Powang Sammaeron)

1. Don’t hope for perfect health. Perfect health leads only to greater greed.

2. Don’t long for a life free from hardship– such a life leads only to haughtiness and self- pampering.

3. Don’t hope for a lack of impediments in your study. Freedom and liberation rest behind obstructions.

4. Don’t hope for a lack of temptations in your training. A lack of temptations will only serve to soften your resolve.

5. Don’t hope for easy success. Easy accomplishment leads only to increased rashness.


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6. Don’t hope to get your own way with friends. Having friends give in to your wishes only leads to arrogance.

7. Don’t expect people to follow your wishes or commands. This, too, leads to arrogance.

8. Don’t expect rewards for your kindnesses. This leads only to a scheming mind.

9. Don’t expect more out of life than you deserve. Exaggerated profit-seeking leads only to foolishness.

10. Don’t complain about vexations. This leads only to resentment and poison in the heart.


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The Bardo PrayerOh Compassionate Ones, abiding in all directions, Endowed with all-knowing wisdom and loving compassion,

Giving protection and guidance to all sentient beings, We invoke your presence and ask that you hear our prayer.

Oh compassionates ones, ispassing from this world to the next, S/he is entering the great mystery of death and rebirth.

Oh compassionate ones, protect our fellow being who is now defenseless.

Be to him/her a father and a mother.

Oh compassionate ones, give guidance to our fellow being who is now alone with the joys and sorrows of his/her past life.

Guide him/her to see beyond his/her blindness and let go of attachments so that s/he may move freely through the passage between lives.

May the power of unconditional forgiveness embrace him/her.

May s/he be clear and unafraid amid the karmic winds that may surround him/her.


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May s/he know all sounds as his/her own sound.

May s/he know all lights as his/her own light.

May s/he know all pain and pleasure to be transient.

Oh compassionate ones, help his/her heart to be open and may the thought of loving kindness guide him/her to choose a new life that will benefit himself/herself and others.

May the sound of this prayer emanate in all directions.

May these thoughts become his/her thoughts.

May all doubts dissolve.

May the power of our love be strong and clear.

Oh Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, compassionate ones, manifest now your ancient vows.

May all beings awaken to the unborn and undying Buddha-mind, the source and substance of all there is!

Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha!


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The Eightfold PathWisdom: (Prajna)

1. Right View/Understanding2. Right Intention

Ethical conduct: (Sila)3. Right Speech4. Right Action5. Right Livelihood

Concentration: (Samadhi)6. Right Effort7. Right Mindfulness8. Right Concentration

Dedication of MeritThe merit gained through our Dharma activities,We now dedicate to all beings for the alleviation of their suffering, So that we and all sentient beings will be able to attain Buddhahood together.

The Four Great Vows

All beings, one body, I vow to liberate.Endless blind passions, I vow to uproot.Dharma gates without number, I vow to penetrate.The Great Way of Buddha, I vow to attain.


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Temple Etiquette

Please maintain noble silence around the Dharma Hall before and during meditation periods and services and refrain from idle chit-chat.

Please neatly organize your shoes, coats, and other personal effects before entering the Dharma Hall.

The Morning Bell Chant is a Call To Service. Upon hearing the bell, please proceed towards the Dharma Hall and prepare for service.

When entering and exiting the Dharma Hall, please bow facing into the Dharma Hall at the threshold.

Once you have entered the temple, please complete three prostrations or three bows before sitting.

Please do not walk over, stand on, or place your feet on the meditation mats or cushions.

Please do not turn your back or face the soles of your feet towards the altar.

When crossing the room, please lower your head and put your hands in hapjang as you walk past the altar.

After sitting, please straighten your cushion and mat.

Maintain loving-kindness and be respectful to all.25

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Rising Lotus Zen

Guiding Teacher:Ven. Bup Hae (Candace Palopoli)

[email protected]

Guiding Teacher:Ven. Bup Woo (Timothy Sheehy)

[email protected]



Rising Lotus Zen is a sangha of the Korean Buddhist Taego Order