ACADEMICS Officers Well-Educated Foundation Report Summer 2013

RMC Foundation Summer 2013 Report (english)

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Foundation ReportSummer 2013

Page 2: RMC Foundation Summer 2013 Report (english)



RMC Principal

RMC Saint-Jean Director of Academics

Dean of Engineering

Ontario Engineering Competition & Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers

Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race

Baja & Aero Scholarship

Dean of Arts & English Department Head

Reach for the Top 2013 & RMC English Majors Ottawa Trip

RMC Saint-Jean Boston Trip & MBA Games

West Point Negotiation Project

Dean of Science

The Future of Academics at RMCC













The Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada Foundation Inc.

Our MissionThe mission of the RMC Foundation is to secure and deliver the funds

necessary to Enhance Excellence in the attraction, education and training of

the students of the Royal Military Colleges.

In Enhancing Excellence it will be our goal to ensure that no opportunity

is missed, through lack of funding, to broaden the academic, athletic,

leadership and bilingual prowess of the students of the Royal Military

Colleges as they prepare to become the future leaders of Canada.

We all believe that the graduates of RMC should be the best they can

possibly be! We seek to fund Opportunities to Enhance Excellence that are

outside of the College curriculum and training programs and hence may not

be funded through Government budgets.

Foundation Facts• Since being formed in 1966 the Foundation has received over $17 million

in support for the Colleges from over 7,300 donors.

• All members of the RMC Club are automatically members of the

Foundation; about two-thirds of donors are RMC Club members.

• Foundation revenues currently average about $1.6 million per annum.

• The Foundation has approximately $10 million in financial assets of which

$7.3 million is held in an investment portfolio and $2 million represents

research grants held in trust for RMCC.

• Over the past nine years the Foundation has provided over $4.5 million in

direct financial and other support to the Colleges.

• During 2012 the Foundation processed over 2,100 individual donations

from 715 donors, ranging in amounts from $2 to over $384 thousand and

totalling over $1.7 million.

2 West Point Negotiations

RMCC Roof-Top Observatories & Greenhouse

2013 Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race

Page 3: RMC Foundation Summer 2013 Report (english)

The opportunities to “enhance excellence” which the RMCC

Foundation provides was clearly evident this year, especially

with regard to the academic program. With the donor’s

generous support Officer Cadets were able to participate in a

number of national and international competitions, and once

again be afforded the opportunity to take part in the annual

European Battlefield Study Tour. For the second year in a row

the RMCC dominated the Model NATO competition held at

Howard University in Washington D.C., while teams from

Engineering and Business Administration made their mark.

These events and achievements are important to the academic

program for several reasons. First, they are directly related to

the learning that goes on in the classroom, building upon it

and challenging students to go beyond the course requirements.

For example, the battlefield tours, both in Canada and Europe,

involve extensive preparation followed by informed lectures

and discussion lead by recognized experts. Similar to “staff

rides” conducted by senior professional military educational

establishments, these tours represent the nexus which RMCC

seeks to achieve between military training and academic study.

Second, with regard to participation in national and international

academic competitions, the opportunity afforded to RMCC

cadets enhances excellence by challenging them to test and

hone their skills in writing, organization, speaking and leadership

against the best teams from other military academies and

civilian universities. Although not all Cadets will participate,

the message that emerges from RMCC’s participation is

communicated to all, encouraging others and setting a

standard for excellence.

Third, these academic competitions allow us to bench-mark

and gauge the rigour of our programs against other universities

and military academies. They provide an extremely useful

supplemental validation to the external assessment of our

academic programs now conducted under the auspices of the

Council of Ontario, Quality Assurance Council. Put another way,

participation in national and international competitions does for

the academic program what the Sandhurst Competition does

for military training-puts our Cadets against the best.

Fourth, by providing our Cadets with the resources to enhance

their academic excellence, the donors are also providing the

opportunity and encouragement of RMCC Faculty to enhance

excellence in teaching and mentorship. Preparing Cadets for a

battlefield tour or participation in a competition requires effort,

time and dedication that go well beyond classroom instruction

but which immeasurably enriches the overall teaching experience

and strengthens the bond between student and teacher. RMCC

prides itself on the close and continuing attention provided by

the faculty toward their students. This is a relationship found in

few other universities and one which meshes with the ethos of

military service emphasis upon being responsible for those in

your charge. The activities funded by the Foundation help to give

additional substance and meaning to this relationship by

providing faculty with further opportunities to teach and mentor

in demanding and challenging circumstances.

Finally, by enhancing the excellence of the academic program

through its support, the Foundation enhances the reputation of

RMCC as a centre of academic excellence. This is evident from the

messages of praise and congratulations which the Commandant

and I receive from the organizers of the competitions in which our

Cadets participate and often dominate. The mark which RMCC

students make sends a message that professional military education

at the university level at RMCC is second to none. This message

can also serve to sustain public support for and confidence in the

Canadian Armed Forces.

In closing, let me again thank the Foundation for its

generosity and support without which the Royal Military

College of Canada would not be the nationally and

internationally centre of excellence in professional military

education it is today.

Joel SokolskyPrincipal, Royal Military College of Canada

MESSAGE FROM THE ACADEMIC DIRECTOR OF RMC SAINT-JEANOnce again, it is my pleasure to thank the RMC Foundation for their support. The mandate of enhancing excellence continues to have an extremely beneficial effect on all aspects of the academic and bilingualism components of the Colleges. At Saint-Jean, the Foundation’s support allows our Cadets to enhance their knowledge through practical experiences which will have an important and positive impact on their career as leaders in the Canadian Armed Forces and as citizens of our great country. Over the last months, the awards for science, humanities and bilingualism projects, and the cultural activities conducted through donor funding truly have had a major impact on our students. The Foundation’s support is essential to our efforts and the engagement of the donors is sincerely appreciated. You are welcome to visit RMC Saint-Jean to see how the Foundation’s support can “Enhance Excellence”!

Lieutenant-General (ret’d) J.O.Michel MaisonneuveAcademic Director, Royal Military College Saint-Jean



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MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN OF ENGINEERINGThe Faculty of Engineering has been extremely fortunate to have received well in excess of $40k from the RMC Foundation this year. Most of these funds are used to help Officer-Cadets participate in various engineering competitions. These events are often discipline specific suchas the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race (Civil Engineering), the Society of Automotive Engineers Mini Baja (Mechanical Engineering), and different Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) competitions (Electrical and Computer Engineering). Events such as the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC) also showcase the problem solving abilities of teams made up of Officer-Cadets from several programmes.

These competitions serve several important purposes: they hone the Officer-Cadets’ excellent presentation, teamwork and design skills, they promote the College to Canadians from across the country, and by their results, they confirm to all that the education and training they receive at RMCC is first-rate. Indeed, this year alone, Officer-Cadets from Engineering placed second in the Senior Design Competition at the OEC, and had a number of top-three category finishes in the Concrete Toboggan competition.

The mantra of the Dean of Engineering this year is that the “classroom is a missed leadership opportunity.” By extension, the engineering laboratory may be a missed military training exercise. To that end, military-relevant laboratory equipment that illustrates important engineering principles is key to educating young officers. One of the initiatives of Dr. Scott Knight of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering involves the realistic simulation of the electronic gun/missile turret systems as a means of illustrating modern computer-based control systems. Although classic laboratory equipment exists and functions adequately, newer and more militarily-relevant kit is requested to expose cadets to equipment that they will encounter in the field. The cost of enhancing excellence via this innovative initiative is estimated at $150,000.

For more information on the great work that Engineering Officer-Cadets are doing, please follow their activities at www.facebook.com/RMCEngineering.


Ontario Engineering CompetitionThe funding provided by the donors to the RMC Foundation allowed the engineering senior and junior design teams to attend the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC) and the Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC). Your generosity allowed six Officer-Cadets to test their mettle in the OEC Design Competition against the best engineering students from other Ontario Universities. The CEC is a national-level competition organized in partnership with the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students. In order to be invited to compete at this level, a university design team must finish first or second at the regional competition - in our senior team’s case, the OEC. Being able to field a team at such a high-caliber national competition truly shows the quality of excellence found at the Royal Military College.

Having attended several of these competitions, I am no longer surprised when one of the judges or sponsors

comes up and asks for our student numbers. RMC alumni are indeed at the top of their field and your funding provides opportunities to connect with them and network across disciplines.

Despite not reaching the podium at the CEC, RMC was well represented and definitely noticed in our scarlet uniforms at the banquet. Your support helped RMC continue to cement its reputation as a national university with a world-class engineering faculty.

On behalf of myself, the rest of the senior and junior teams, thank you for your funding which allowed us to attend this competition and to develop our engineering skills while representing RMC in front of universities from around the country.

26208, OCdt David Boots2013 RMC Senior Engineering

IEEE Systems ConferenceOn behalf of 25492 Second Lieutenant Mohamad Iskandarani, 25589 Officer Cadet Ripley Pennell, 25731 Naval Cadet Flavio Stasi and myself, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the donors of the RMC Foundation for providing the funding necessary to attend the IEEE Systems Conference in Orlando, Florida 15–18 April 2013.

The opportunity to participate in an internationally recognized conference motivated us to produce high quality academic work. While others enjoyed their weekends and spring break, we toiled to gather scientific results, execute experiments, fine-tune systems and complete papers. The RMC Foundation, through its support and funding, allowed us to take the fruits of our hard work and present it to an

audience eager to see the accomplishments of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC).

The presentations at the IEEE Systems Conference were very well received and the three papers submitted from RMCC placed in the top ten best papers, out of a considerable pool of 170 submissions. All of our papers received full marks in all categories through the blind peer evaluation process. Our high quality work and professional presentations impressed the audience and the conference organizers, which in turn showcased the excellent research and students produced by our great institution. Again, our sincerest thanks to the donors who bestowed upon us the opportunity of a lifetime.

21871 Lieutenant Commander Jay TurnerDepartment Senior Military Post-Graduate Student


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In response to the long Canadian winters, the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race is an annual nation-wide celebration of innovation and engineering spirit. Since its beginnings in 1974, this contest has consistently brought together some of the most talented and enthusiastic members of the Canadian engineering community for four unforgettable days every winter. The competition provides engineering students with the rare chance of implementing their concrete construction plans before going head to head against other designs from various Canadian universities. I believe that the true aim of the competition for RMC’s concrete toboggan team was to promote the Civil Engineering Department of RMC, as well as the Canadian military engineering branch. It not only provided us with the chance to reach out to the community as engineers, but also as RMC Cadets.

The 2013 Vancouver venue provided RMC with the rare opportunity to showcase our professionalism, competitive spirit and teamwork in western Canada, where RMC is less well known.

The team believes that this has been a great and practical learning experience, and all of the hard work certainly paid off when the final results were announced:

3rd for Concrete Reinforcement3rd for Fastest Toboggan3rd for Most Spectacular Race1st for Superstructure Design1st for Most Original Toboggan

We are proud and honoured to be the few that were selected to represent RMC and the Canadian Forces in Vancouver. Our great appreciation goes out to the donors of the RMC Foundation for their unwavering moral and financial support. This valuable educational experience would not have been possible without you, and we hope that this is a project that future Civil Engineering students will have the same opportunity to take part in each year.

OCdt Stacey Litjens Cusan (25743)

RMCC Baja Society of Automotive Engineers TeamThe greatest benefit of the SAE Collegiate Design Series competitions, which include the Baja SAE, is to "go beyond textbook theory by designing, building and testing the performance of a real vehicle.”

The students that participated in the RMCC Baja SAE team in 2012-13 definitely went beyond textbook theory, and were quite surprised by how difficult that can be.

Constructing the vehicle proved to be a challenge, but thanks to the support of the Mechanical Engineering technical staff, this was a manageable challenge. Through the generosity of the RMC Foundation, $14, 000 was available for materials and specialized parts. However, actually purchasing $14,000 worth of parts and material also proved to be very challenging for the team, and this was overcome with the help of support staff at RMCC and at CFB Kingston Supply.

The most important challenge proved to be one of leadership. With nine fourth year students, and

about as many second and third year students in three sub-teams, the management, communication and leadership challenges proved to be substantial. The team leader, OCdt Massicotte (25544}, and his 4th year peers generally proved to be up to the task, but I think that they were surprised by how much work is involved in getting people to work together towards a common goal.

In the end, they produced three excellent (and voluminous) 4th year Mechanical Engineering undergraduate thesis reports. They did not achieve their original goal of participating in the race this year due to funding, but next year's students will continue building their design under the leadership of OCdt Lessard.

This has been a great experience for the students, not only in engineering, but in leadership, teamwork, and getting things done. I would like to thank the Foundation for allowing us to get this project started, and hopefully we will have a vehicle to race next spring.

Thank you,Captain Genevieve Vallieres, Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department

Department Of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Post-Graduate Scholarship For 2012Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Post-Graduate Scholarship for 2012 came about due to the generosity of an anonymous donor. It was awarded for the third time this year – again to a very deserving student: Mr. Stephen A. Andrews.

On behalf of the Faculty of Engineering, and of the Department itself, I would like to thank the Foundation for its benefaction, and to underscore the importance of Post-graduate student engagement and success in the enrichment of the undergraduate experience at RMC.


2013 Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race

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OCdts at the National Art Gallery

Canadian War Museum

OCdts from RMCC with Cast of ‘Billy Bishop Goes To War’

I am writing this letter to the generous donors at the RMC Foundation for the wonderful year we had in the English Department. With funds from the RMC Foundation, we took our students on two theatre/cultural trips. First, in January, we went to see the Canadian play “This is War” at the Tarragon Theatre in Toronto. Second, in February, we headed off to Ottawa to take in art at the National Art Gallery and to see Billy Bishop Goes to War at The Gladstone Theatre. Again, fifteen students from English, Military and Strategic Studies, and War Studies were joined by three professors.

While the chance to travel to Toronto and Ottawa for these

cultural experiences is invaluable on its own, the extra bonus of these trips is the way they deepened the relationships amongst the students, and amongst the students and professors. Morale in the English department is flourishing, and these field trips are two important reasons why.

Again, I thank the donors from the bottom of my heart. Experiences like these enhance learning in a way that can be life changing for everyone involved.

Laura RobinsonHead, Department of English


The Arts Laboratory consists of projects designed to meet and exceed academic demands. The laboratory for the Arts disciplines is the world in which we live. Understandings of humanity involve recognizing fundamental human values expressed orally, visually, textually, and in actions. The capacity to synthesize these perspectives and to recognize relational issues in context requires openness and ready analysis. Active experience in real laboratories nourishes the intellectual

constructs and the personal values which are crucial to officer development. In these Arts Laboratory projects, Cadets and students are asked to go beyond the readings and the classroom; they must actively participate through pre-study, in-situ critique, debate, or presentations, and post event reports or other interactions germane to professionals in their environment. The donors of the RMC Foundation play a critical role in providing these opportunities for cadets. 

MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN OF ARTSIn February, the CMR Saint-Jean Squadrons faced off against each other in Reach for the Top, hoping to claim the bragging rights for having the smartest students on campus. It is an academic competition where each Squadron is represented by a panel of bright students competing to answer knowledge based academic questions. By all accounts, this second installment was a complete success. With the entire student body in attendance, there was an exciting atmosphere of fun and competitiveness throughout. The thrill and intensity of the competition led to

numerous moments of laughter and awe. Trying to keep pace with the questions, the audience didn`t hesitate to applaud the performance of the teams.

Tracy Squadron came out on top after three hotly contested matches. We offer our thanks and gratitude to the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada Foundation for its generous contribution, allowing us to take part in such a competition.

Major Pierre Haché

Reach for the Top 2013 a Resounding Success!

The second of two trips this semester for the RMC English Department brought us to the National Art Gallery in downtown Ottawa, followed by a trip to The Gladstone Theatre to see a musical production of John Gray’s “Billy Bishop Goes to War.”

Our first stop to the National Art Gallery was an eye-opening experience for all fifteen students and three English professors. After we had visited the Gallery, we headed off to The Gladstone Theatre to see our play, based on the life and times of Billy Bishop, from his small and troublesome start at the RMCC to his experiences as an officer during the First World War, first as a cavalryman, and then as a fighter pilot.

“Billy Bishop Goes to War” is truly a remarkable play. The story of Billy Bishop starts out with an aged Bishop telling the

story of his days as a young officer in training at the RMCC, and he continues to tell his story throughout the First World War and how he became Billy Bishop, married and with two children.

And as if it wasn’t a fantastic day already at the National Art Gallery and seeing the play, we all got to meet Chris Ralph and James Caswell who performed the play for us. To be able to meet and chat with the actors who just performed a play as brilliant and as relevant to our experiences at the RMCC as future officers in the Canadian Forces was a great experience; it’s not every day one gets to meet with the actors of a play right after a performance. It was wonderful for us to be able to go to Ottawa on this trip, thanks to the generous funding from the RMC Foundation.

RMC English Majors Travel to Ottawa to Experience Canadian Theatre & Art


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During the weekend of 4-6 January, a small team from the RMC Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program travelled to McMaster University in Hamilton to participate in the MBA Games. The 2013 MBA Games represented the largest in history with well over 600 MBA students from 22 different business schools across Canada contending against each other through a series of competitions in sports, academics, team spirit and a community challenge. Despite its small size, Team RMC was extremely successful throughout the weekend. Beginning with the opening ceremonies on Friday night, the team was recognized for its outstanding performance in providing 144 hours of service for the community challenge. This was a particularly significant achievement considering that the winning team with 40 people had just over 200 hours of service.

Competing in the MBA Games requires balance, flexibility, focus and … confidence!!

Sunday morning was another early rising

for the strategy team with breakfast at 5:30 a.m. before a mentally gruelling day at the Degroote School of Business. This year’s strategy case study, Sunshine Products, required competitors to address the many challenges facing Sunshine Products as outlined in the two dozen pages of company information and financial reports. With only two and half hours available, the team immediately set about reading through the case, analysing and identifying problems and then coming up with appropriate options, recommendations and a detailed implementation plan. Following an intense grilling by the judges, the team awaited the scoring and was rewarded a short time later when it was announced they had survived the first cuts. Honing their presentation slightly, the team performed even better during the second round of presentations and made it into the finals where they were able to capture 4th place overall in a hotly contested match.

For Team RMC members, the MBA Games were an extremely rewarding and

enriching experience that was definitely the highlight of their time in RMC’s MBA program. Meeting with other students, staff and business leaders from across Canada provided an excellent opportunity to learn, build friendships and exchange information. Furthermore, the team was able to significantly raise the profile of RMC over the course of the weekend with its exemplary performance in the community service challenge, spirit events and placement in the prestigious strategy case competition. The success of these endeavours was evident as the Games progressed. Initially, perhaps only a third of the competitors had heard of RMC but, by Games’ end, many of these same people were coming to congratulate and cheer on Team RMC even when their own school was competing against us. The team would like to extend their sincere thanks to the donors for their generous support which made participating in the MBA Games possible.

15955 Frank Delanghe

RMC Captures 4th Place in Strategy at MBA Games RMC Cadets Participate In West Point Negotiation Project

RMC Saint-Jean Boston TripThe trip to Boston organized by Mr. Lamarre was an excellent opportunity to learn more about our neighbours to the south. Monday, November 5, was a long day spent travelling from Kingston to Boston; however, we did get to enjoy some of the pre-election excitement in a downtown restaurant that evening. Tuesday was a full day that began at 9 a.m. when we started along the Freedom Trail, a red-brick path that stretches across Boston, linking various sites associated with the American Revolution. It was easy for the group to imagine being back in the 18th century, reliving the pivotal moments of the Revolution that took place in Boston. Over the course of the day, we visited the USS Constitution Museum, the site of the Boston Tea Party, Bunker Hill and many other important sites associated with the Revolution and U.S. history in general.

The evening of November 6 was a busy one. We started off at an Irish pub located close to our hotel in Boston, where we ate

dinner and watched as the first results of the U.S. presidential election were televised. It was still early in the polls when we returned to our hotel, where Republican Senator Scott Brown’s re-election celebration was underway. None of us had experienced anything like it, so we found it very exciting. We witnessed the Democrats’ win, which was greeted with boos from the crowd of Republican supporters. The evening ended with a concession speech given by the defeated senator.

In short, it was a fantastic trip. I learned a lot about U.S. history, particularly that of Boston, and about the U.S. electoral system. It was a one-of-a-kind experience and would be worth repeating in the years to come.

Olivier Lafrenière-Abel


On 11 and 12 April, 2013, OCdt Marten Budnikas, Captain Sebastian Boucher and OCdt Andrew Scott had the opportunity to travel to the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. We went to USMA in order to be able to participate in something called the West Point Negotiation Project, or WPNP for short. At the WPNP, OCdt Budnikas and OCdt Scott learned the fundamentals of negotiating with different sorts of individuals.

We were taught how to build a relationship with another person, how to determine another person's interests and finally how to finish a negotiation with an outcome that is positive for both sides. We were shown how these techniques are valuable, both as a civilian trying to negotiate the price of a house or as a Platoon Commander trying to negotiate during a Shura. At the end of the two day conference, we were both impressed with what we had been taught and realized how important these skills are for modern military leaders.

Through interactive theoretical lectures and practical exercises, the West Point Negotiations Project

teaches attendees techniques to get to the heart of these interests, reconcile them with your own, and move forward together without making concessions or meeting in the middle. Attendees learn how to employ communications skills, the importance of a good relationship, and also importantly, when to walk away and resort to alternatives.

If you are a leader or future leader in your field, then you will find the training offered by the project invaluable. To be successful, attendees should be open-minded, willing to learn, and above all things, creative.

This opportunity would not have been possible if it had not been for the donors through the Royal Military College Foundation. The Foundation funded our three day trip to New York and allowed us to participate. It is with great gratitude and appreciation that we would like to thank the Foundation for supporting our trip.

Sincerely,OCdt Budnikas & OCdt Scott

RMC Saint-Jean Letters Competition

West Point Negotiation Project

24th Wilfrid Laurier Military History Colloquium

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MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN OF SCIENCEThe RMC Foundation has been extremely helpful in providing students in the Faculty of Science with opportunities that enhance their educational experience. These include activities such as sending Space Science students to the International Space University for their summer program, sending Chemistry students to the Environmental Science and Engineering conference, or sending a team of Computer Science (and Computer Engineering) students to participate in the annual Computer Science Games. Looking longer term at ways in which donors could assist to enhance excellence would be in conjunction with the continuing renovation of the Sawyer complex. This provides for opportunities to enhance and expand the existing observatory on the roof of Module 3 used by Physics and Space Science and the greenhouse used by Chemistry for studying the use of plants in cleaning up contaminants. The basic structures have been provided through public funding, however this opportunity to expand the facilities through philanthropic giving will allow cadets and students to take their level of knowledge to the next level.


Looking to the future, it is to be hoped that the Foundation will continue to provide the kind of support which it has in the past. However, the ability of the Foundation to enhance excellence through its funding of special events depends on there being a solid and broad academic foundation upon which to foster and encourage excellence amongst a large number of Cadets. In this regard, I believe that the Foundation can be of great assistance in providing support for a RMCC Centre for Learning and Teaching Innovation (CLTI). The Centre would incorporate the activities of the current Writing Centre with additional student support in mathematics and bilingualism. It would also provide faculty with assistance in ways to enhance teaching techniques and pedagogy. The Centre would be situated in the proposed Learning Commons of the renovated Massey Library. The Centre would have a director who would oversee the assistance offered to Cadets and organize material to assistant faculty in improving and innovating pedagogy. The Director would be a regular faculty member for whom this would be incorporated into the teaching load and service duties. Other faculty would be involved as part of their assigned service or teaching duties. And, as with the current Writing Centre, faculty would, as they do now, volunteer to provide assistance to students.

The Foundation could support the Centre for Learning and Innovation in two ways. First, it could provide funding to furnish office spaces and acquire the necessary computers and other equipment. Second, it could endow a fund which would be specifically designating to hire tutors (in writing, mathematics and second language) who would be available to the Officer Cadets in the evenings and on weekends. I believe that the CLTI would contribute to the mission of RMCC by affording all Cadets, but especially those in first year, and faculty the kind of focused assistance and mentorship that enhance excellence on a day-to-day basis and that will ensure that RMCC continues to excel in national and international competitions.

Joel SokolskyPrincipal, Royal Military College of Canada

The Future of Academics at RMCC


Page 9: RMC Foundation Summer 2013 Report (english)

Inquiries can be directed to:[email protected] | 613-541-6000 ext 6807 | www.rmcclubfoundation.ca

Convocation 2013 Chancellor of RMCC and Minister of National Defence The Honourable Peter MacKay, presents a Space Science Degree to 25752 Christopher Stephen Dylan Lane.

