RMS System Rollback This section describes the Restore procedure for the RMS provisioning solution. Full System Restore, page 1 Application Data Restore, page 2 End-to-End Testing, page 12 Full System Restore Restore from VM Snapshot To perform a full system restore from VM snapshot, follow the steps: 1 Restore the Snapshot from the VMware data store. 2 Restart the virtual appliance. 3 Perform end-to-end testing. To restore VM snapshot, follow the steps: Procedure Step 1 Right-click on the VM and select Snapshot > Snapshot Manager. Step 2 Select the snapshot to restore and click Go to. Step 3 Click Yes to confirm the restore. Step 4 Verify that the Snapshot Manager shows the restored state of the VM. Step 5 Perform end-to-end testing. RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.0 February 9, 2015 1

RMS System Rollback - Cisco...RMS System Rollback ThissectiondescribestheRestoreprocedurefortheRMSprovisioningsolution. • FullSystemRestore,page1 • ApplicationDataRestore,page2

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Page 1: RMS System Rollback - Cisco...RMS System Rollback ThissectiondescribestheRestoreprocedurefortheRMSprovisioningsolution. • FullSystemRestore,page1 • ApplicationDataRestore,page2

RMS System Rollback

This section describes the Restore procedure for the RMS provisioning solution.

• Full System Restore, page 1

• Application Data Restore, page 2

• End-to-End Testing, page 12

Full System Restore

Restore from VM SnapshotTo perform a full system restore from VM snapshot, follow the steps:

1 Restore the Snapshot from the VMware data store.2 Restart the virtual appliance.3 Perform end-to-end testing.

To restore VM snapshot, follow the steps:


Step 1 Right-click on the VM and select Snapshot > Snapshot Manager.Step 2 Select the snapshot to restore and click Go to.Step 3 Click Yes to confirm the restore.Step 4 Verify that the Snapshot Manager shows the restored state of the VM.Step 5 Perform end-to-end testing.

RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.0 February 9, 2015 1

Page 2: RMS System Rollback - Cisco...RMS System Rollback ThissectiondescribestheRestoreprocedurefortheRMSprovisioningsolution. • FullSystemRestore,page1 • ApplicationDataRestore,page2

Restore from vApp CloneTo perform a full system restore from vApp clone, follow the steps:

1 Clone the backup vApp to the current host.2 Restart the virtual appliance.3 Perform end-to-end testing.

To restore VM snapshot, follow the steps:


Step 1 Stop the vApp if it is running and delete it from the disk.Step 2 Clone the backup vApp by following same steps as mentioned in the Back Up System Using vApp Cloning.

Retain the host, name, and other settings same as original.Step 3 Start the restored vApp and perform end-to-end testing.

Application Data RestorePlace the backup of all the nodes at /rms/backup directory. Execute the restore steps for all the nodes asa root user.

Restore from Central NodeExecute the following commands to restore a backup of the RMS component data on the Central Node. Takecare to ensure the application data backup is being restored onto a system running the same version as it wascreated on.


Step 1 Stop Application Services:Enter:cd /rootservice bprAgent stopservice postgresql stop/rms/app/pmg/bin/pmgServer.sh stopservice god stop

Output:[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # cd /root[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # service bprAgent stopEncountered an error when stopping process [rdu].Encountered an error when stopping process [tomcat].ERROR: BAC Process Watchdog failed to exit after 90 seconds, killing processes.BAC Process Watchdog has stopped.

RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.02 February 9, 2015

RMS System RollbackRestore from vApp Clone

Page 3: RMS System Rollback - Cisco...RMS System Rollback ThissectiondescribestheRestoreprocedurefortheRMSprovisioningsolution. • FullSystemRestore,page1 • ApplicationDataRestore,page2

[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # service postgresql stopStopping postgresql service: [ OK ][rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ #[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # /rms/app/pmg/bin/pmgServer.sh stop/usr/bin/javaPMGServer[24873]: PMGServer has stopped by request (watchdog may restart it)[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # service god stop..Stopped all watchesStopped god

Step 2 Restore BAC DB:Enter:cd /rootpushd /gzip -d /rms/backup/rdu-db.tar.gztar xfv /rms/backup/rdu-db.tarrm -Rf /rms/data/CSCObac/rdu/db /rms/txn/CSCObac/rdu/dblog/rms/app/CSCObac/rdu/bin/restoreDb.sh /rms/backup/rdu-db/*popd

Output:[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # cd /root[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # pushd // ~[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # gzip -d /rms/backup/rdu-db.tar.gz[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # tar xfv /rms/backup/rdu-db.tarrms/backup/rdu-db/rms/backup/rdu-db/rdu-backup-20130612-000841/rms/backup/rdu-db/rdu-backup-20130612-000841/DB_VERSIONrms/backup/rdu-db/rdu-backup-20130612-000841/history.logrms/backup/rdu-db/rdu-backup-20130612-000841/rdu.dbrms/backup/rdu-db/rdu-backup-20130612-000841/log.0000000037[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # rm -Rf /rms/data/CSCObac/rdu/db /rms/txn/CSCObac/rdu/dblog[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # /rms/app/CSCObac/rdu/bin/restoreDb.sh /rms/backup/rdu-db/*

Restoring RDU database...Restoring from: /rms/backup/rdu-db/rdu-backup-20130612-000841

Copying rdu.db.rdu.db: 41% completed.rdu.db: 82% completed.rdu.db: 100% completed.Copied rdu.db. Size: 127172608 bytes.

Copying log.0000000037.log.0000000037: 100% completed.Copied log.0000000037. Size: 10485760 bytes.

Copying history.log.history.log: 100% completed.Copied history.log. Size: 3942 bytes.

Copying DB_VERSION.DB_VERSION: 100% completed.

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RMS System RollbackRestore from Central Node

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Copied DB_VERSION. Size: 394 bytes.

Database was successfully restoredYou can now start RDU server.

[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # popd~[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ #

Step 3 Restore PostgresqlDB:Enter:cd /rootpushd /gzip -d /rms/backup/postgres-db.tar.gzpg_restore /rms/backup/postgres-db.tar -p 5435popd


[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # cd /root[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # pushd // ~[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # gzip -d /rms/backup/postgres-db.tar.gz[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # pg_restore /rms/backup/postgres-db.tar

-- PostgreSQL database dump--

SET statement_timeout = 0;SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';SET standard_conforming_strings = off;SET check_function_bodies = false;SET client_min_messages = warning;SET escape_string_warning = off;

---- Name: dccadmin_ga; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: dcc_app--

CREATE SCHEMA dccadmin_ga;

ALTER SCHEMA dccadmin_ga OWNER TO dcc_app;

CREATE TABLE pre_upgrade_device_state (jobid integer NOT NULL,deviceid character varying(128) NOT NULL,imageid integer NOT NULL,downloadedimageid integer,online boolean NOT NULL,serviceactivated boolean NOT NULL



RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.04 February 9, 2015

RMS System RollbackRestore from Central Node

Page 5: RMS System Rollback - Cisco...RMS System Rollback ThissectiondescribestheRestoreprocedurefortheRMSprovisioningsolution. • FullSystemRestore,page1 • ApplicationDataRestore,page2

---- Data for Name: plugin_features; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: dccadmin_ga; Owner: dcc_app--

COPY plugin_features (pluginname, feature, displayname, featuredisplay, plugindisplayname,uidisplay) FROM stdin;sdm sdmRO Device Manager - Read Only Read Only Device Manager DeviceManagersdm sdmRWBasic Device Manager - Read Write Basic Read Write BasicDevice Manager Device Managersdm sdmRWAdvanced Device Manager - Read Write Advanced Read Write AdvancedDevice Manager Device Managerumt umt Upgrade Monitor On Upgrade Monitor Upgrade Monitoradmin admin Administration On Administration AdministrationbulkGroupManager bulkGroupManager Groups and IDs Groups and IDs Groups andIDs Groups and IDsgroupTypeManagement grpTypeMgmtRO Group Types - Read Only Read Only Groups andIDs Group TypesgroupTypeManagement grpTypeMgmtRW Group Types - Read Write Read WriteGroups and IDs Group TypesgroupManagement grpMgmtRO Groups - Read Only Read Only Groups and IDsGroupsgroupManagement grpMgmtRW Groups - Read Write Read Write Groups and IDsGroupsidPoolTypeManagement idPlTypeMgmtRO ID Pool Types - Read Only Read OnlyGroups and IDs ID Pool TypesidPoolTypeManagement idPlTypeMgmtRW ID Pool Types - Read Write Read WriteGroups and IDs ID Pool TypesidPoolManagement idPlMgmtRO Pools - Read Only Read Only Groups andIDs PoolsidPoolManagement idPlMgmtRW Pools - Read Write Read Write Groups andIDs Poolsconfig config Configuration On Configuration Configuration\.

...-- Name: job_jobid_seq; Type: ACL; Schema: umt_ga; Owner: postgres--

REVOKE ALL ON SEQUENCE job_jobid_seq FROM PUBLIC;REVOKE ALL ON SEQUENCE job_jobid_seq FROM postgres;GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE job_jobid_seq TO postgres;GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE job_jobid_seq TO dcc_app;

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete--[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # popd~[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ #

Step 4 Restore Configuration Files:Enter:cd /rootpushd /

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RMS System RollbackRestore from Central Node

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gzip -d /rms/backup/central-config.tar.gztar xfv /rms/backup/central-config.tarpopd

Output:[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # cd /root[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # pushd // ~[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # gzip -d /rms/backup/central-config.tar.gz

[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # tar xfv /rms/backup/central-config.tarrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/rms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/cmhs_nba_client_logback.xmlrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/tomcat.csrrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/rdu.propertiesrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/AuditLog.propertiesrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/bak_tomcat.keystorerms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/cmhs.propertiesrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/adminui.propertiesrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/bak_rdu.propertiesrms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/tomcat.keystorerms/app/CSCObac/rdu/conf/openssl.cnfrms/app/CSCObac/snmp/conf/rms/app/CSCObac/snmp/conf/agent_startup_conf.xmlrms/app/CSCObac/snmp/conf/proxy_table.xmlrms/app/CSCObac/snmp/conf/sys_or_table.xmlrms/app/CSCObac/snmp/conf/sys_group_table.propertiesrms/app/CSCObac/snmp/conf/trap_forwarding_table.xmlrms/app/CSCObac/snmp/conf/access_control_table.xmlrms/app/CSCObac/agent/conf/rms/app/CSCObac/agent/conf/agent.inirms/app/CSCObac/agent/conf/agent.confrms/app/rms/conf/rms/app/rms/conf/bgmt-add-group-screen-setup-Enterprise.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/bgmt-add-pool-screen-setup-SAI-POOL.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/sdm-update-residential-screen-setup.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/orig_pmg-profile.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/bacCustomProps.propertiesrms/app/rms/conf/dcc-devicetype-param-config.propertiesrms/app/rms/conf/umt-setup.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/bgmt-add-group-screen-setup-FemtoGateway.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/bak_Jun02_pmg-profile.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/dcc.propertiesrms/app/rms/conf/.emptyrms/app/rms/conf/cmhsServers.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/sdm-inter-freq-static-neighbors.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/sdm-update-enterprise-screen-setup.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/bgmt-add-group-screen-setup-RFProfile.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/rdu-date.propertiesrms/app/rms/conf/xss.propertiesrms/app/rms/conf/sdm-static-neighbors-filter-screen-setup.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/sdm-register-residential-screen-setup.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/pmgdb.propertiesrms/app/rms/conf/sdm-register-enterprise-screen-setup.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/bgmt-add-group-screen-setup-Site.xmlrms/app/rms/conf/uploadServers.xml

RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.06 February 9, 2015

RMS System RollbackRestore from Central Node

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[rtpfga-ova-central06] / # popd~[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ #

Step 5 Start Application Services:Enter:cd /rootservice postgresql startservice bprAgent startservice god start

Output:[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # cd /root[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # service postgresql startStarting postgresql service: [ OK ][rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # service bprAgent startBAC Process Watchdog has started.

[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ #[rtpfga-ova-central06] ~ # service god start

Restore from Serving Node


Step 1 Stop Application Services:Enter:cd /rootservice bprAgent stopservice nwreglocal stopservice arserver stop

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RMS System RollbackRestore from Serving Node

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Output:[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# service bprAgent stopEncountered an error when stopping process [dpe].Encountered an error when stopping process [cli].ERROR: BAC Process Watchdog failed to exit after 90 seconds, killing processes.BAC Process Watchdog has stopped.

[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# service nwreglocal stop# Stopping Network Registrar Local Server AgentINFO: waiting for Network Registrar Local Server Agent to exit ...[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# service arserver stopWaiting for these processes to die (this may take some time):AR RADIUS server running (pid: 4568)AR Server Agent running (pid: 4502)AR MCD lock manager running (pid: 4510)AR MCD server running (pid: 4507)AR GUI running (pid: 4517)4 processes left.3 processes left.1 process left.0 processes leftAccess Registrar Server Agent shutdown complete.

Step 2 Restore Femtocell Firmware Files:Enter:cd /rootpushd /tar xfvz /rms/backup/serving-firmware.tar.gzpopd

Output:[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# pushd // ~[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 /]# tar xfvz /rms/backup/serving-firmware.tar.gzrms/data/CSCObac/dpe/files/[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 /]# popd~

Step 3 Restore Configuration Files:Enter:cd /rootpushd /tar xfvz /rms/backup/serving-config.tar.gzpopd

Output:[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# pushd // ~[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 /]# tar xfvz /rms/backup/serving-config.tar.gzrms/app/CSCOar/conf/rms/app/CSCOar/conf/tomcat.csrrms/app/CSCOar/conf/diaconfig.server.xmlrms/app/CSCOar/conf/tomcat.keystorerms/app/CSCOar/conf/diaconfiguration.dtdrms/app/CSCOar/conf/arserver.origrms/app/CSCOar/conf/car.confrms/app/CSCOar/conf/diadictionary.xmlrms/app/CSCOar/conf/car.origrms/app/CSCOar/conf/mcdConfig.txtrms/app/CSCOar/conf/mcdConfig.examplesrms/app/CSCOar/conf/mcdConfigSM.examples

RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.08 February 9, 2015

RMS System RollbackRestore from Serving Node

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RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.0 February 9, 2015 9

RMS System RollbackRestore from Serving Node

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[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 /]# popd~[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]#

Step 4 Start Application Services:Enter:cd /rootservice arserver startservice nwreglocal startservice bprAgent start

Output:[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# service arserver startStarting Access Registrar Server Agent...completed.[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# service nwreglocal start# Starting Network Registrar Local Server Agent[root@rtpfga-ova-serving06 ~]# service bprAgent startBAC Process Watchdog has started.

Restore from Upload NodePerform the following commands to restore a backup of the RMS component data on the Upload node.


Step 1 Stop Application Services:

RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.010 February 9, 2015

RMS System RollbackRestore from Upload Node

Page 11: RMS System Rollback - Cisco...RMS System Rollback ThissectiondescribestheRestoreprocedurefortheRMSprovisioningsolution. • FullSystemRestore,page1 • ApplicationDataRestore,page2

Enter:cd /rootservice god stop

Output:[[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]# service god stop..Stopped all watchesStopped god

Step 2 Restore Configuration Files:Enter:cd /rootpushd /tar xfvz /rms/backup/upload-config.tar.gzpopd

Output:[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]# pushd // ~[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 /]# tar xfvz /rms/backup/upload-config.tar.gzopt/CSCOuls/conf/opt/CSCOuls/conf/CISCO-SMI.myopt/CSCOuls/conf/proofOfLife.txtopt/CSCOuls/conf/post_config_logback.xmlopt/CSCOuls/conf/god.distopt/CSCOuls/conf/UploadServer.propertiesopt/CSCOuls/conf/server_logback.xmlopt/CSCOuls/conf/CISCO-MHS-MIB.my[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 /]# popd~

Step 3 Restore AP Files:Enter:cd /rootpushd /tar xfvz /rms/backup/upload-node-apfiles.tar.gzpopd

Output:[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]# pushd // ~[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 /]# tar xfvz /rms/backup/upload-node-apfiles.tar.gzopt/CSCOuls/files/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/lost-ipsec/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/lost-gw-connection/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/stat/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/unexpected-restart/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/unknown/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/nwl-scan-complete/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/on-call-drop/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/on-periodic/opt/CSCOuls/files/uploads/on-demand/opt/CSCOuls/files/conf/opt/CSCOuls/files/conf/index.htmlopt/CSCOuls/files/archives/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/lost-ipsec/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/lost-gw-connection/

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RMS System RollbackRestore from Upload Node

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opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/stat/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/unexpected-restart/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/unknown/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/nwl-scan-complete/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/on-call-drop/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/on-periodic/opt/CSCOuls/files/archives/on-demand/[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 /]# popd~[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]#

Step 4 Start Application Services:Enter:cd /rootservice god startsleep 30service god status

Output:[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]# cd /root[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]# service god start[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]# sleep 30[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]# service god statusUploadServer: up[root@rtpfga-ova-upload06 ~]#

End-to-End TestingPerform the following processes for end-to-end testing of the Small Cell device:

RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.012 February 9, 2015

RMS System RollbackEnd-to-End Testing

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Step 1 Register a Small Cell Device.Step 2 Power on the Small Cell Device.Step 3 Verify NTP Signal.Step 4 Verify TR-069 Inform.Step 5 Verify Discovered Parameters.Step 6 Verify Class of Service selection.Step 7 Perform Firmware Upgrade.Step 8 Verify Updated Discovered Parameters.Step 9 Verify Configuration Synchronization.Step 10 Activate the Small Cell Device.Step 11 Verify IPSec Connection.Step 12 Verify Connection Request.Step 13 Verify Live Data Retrieval.Step 14 Verify HNB-GW Connection.Step 15 Verify Radio is Activated.Step 16 Verify User Equipment can Camp.Step 17 Place First Call.Step 18 Verify Remote Reboot.Step 19 Verify On-Demand Log Upload.

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RMS System RollbackEnd-to-End Testing

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RAN Management System Installation Guide, Release 4.014 February 9, 2015

RMS System RollbackEnd-to-End Testing