rMUTT AND JEFF ? You Must Remember That the Czar Has Been Swimming for About Five Days «fAP?MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1916. PAGE 7. c«prrl|M, till, br H. C. ri.h.f »V D! IT\ f#CU CL> Tridi Murk *?« t! \u25a0ru off. *'? tjfJ Lf rIJ tl L, t\ AT CHEASTY'S New Arrivals in Shirts Featuring Spring Models in the Makes You Like to Wear Priced $1.00 Up "Values Tell» "At The Front IN TMf SPOKT 20NL w "" i.TV" THE showing nude thus far by Bob Brown's Beavers justifies the prediction we made during the league r meeting here that Brown had the best team in the circuit then and at the present writing. tt n a a a s The way the Beavers handled the University of Washington the other day a* compared to the showing made by the Seattle Giants against Dode Rrinker's boys, will give the fans a little straight tip. » a It a « B What the locals need is someone to souse the ball In good style. Of the new recruits. "Barb'" Moneymaker seems to be the only one that can do this. Manager Raymond has hopes that Bill Cunningham will be able to click the leather-covered pellet, but if he doesn't we lose. It will be thumbs down for our boys unless some batting strength is added. At laaat 19 man wilt be carried by Dugdale for tha first weeks of * tha aaaaon. Every member now listed will ba Riven a thorn chance to show his wsrea before being cast sdrtft. The limit thla rear after the season gets under wsy will ba 13. BBS There Isnt a great deal ta choose from In tha trade of AI Bonner to Butt* for Issy Kaufmann Both pitchers will stack op shout tha same. At that. Issy's locger experience should count for something. B tt B \u25a0ab Brown seeme ta havw grabbed off a great little Inflelder In thU boy Hamilton, former Bt. Mary's college tosser. Reports from the training camp declare he has the goods. Frsrtk Oulgr.l halls from the same Institution along with a lot of other Northwestern. Pa rifle Cosat and famous major league stars B B B Nick Williams la getting away nicely In Spokane. The other day tha bnslneas men of the vil- lage tendered a lunrheota In hla honor. Nick Is a fine fellow, and. If n->t hampered, should show eomething thla season. He built np a couple of great teams at Portland only to hare the Mc- Credlea cop off hla best placa In the beat of the race. He Is pop- ular with player and fan alike. B B B "Zip" Moeiler and Emery Webb, two Portland semi-pro fllngera. hare made a hit with the big blonda and will in all probabil- ity do their bit on the mound t resrilsrly for tha Indlsns this yesr. B B B Seattle has lost all claim to Pitch- er "Jude" Morelsnd. Dugdsie has received a letter from Secre- tary Farrell, stating tbst he li. or wss. the property of Silt I.ake Hlaokenshlp turned him over to Rusa Hall, snd he la allowing quite a bit of stuff, sc- 1 cording to whispering from the j "City of Destiny." B 8 B Earl Connar, tha diminutive Ta-j coma featherweight b-lng handled by Pa<il Steele, will have to be reckoned wl'h by the nnmarous claimants of the Northweet till* ere lon*. The Isd from the city made famous by Kddle I'eter* gtvea Mcfc promise, sod. If be conducts himself along the 11dm of the etraltht snd nsrrow. will be stepping up one of these beau tlful evenings. B B B Count Eddls Mentor, tpekan* In- flelder. Is among thoaa who are sorry they did not hurdle to tba Feds wh»n the hurdling wss gooj. !a<! season Iha outlaws offered Eddie $1,000 In cash to hop from Pittsburg. but ha stork. Tha result waa that ha was fam- ed out to Toronto, and Bsraay Dreyfuss rsited a fuss about pay- Ing tha difference In tha salary cslled for by tha contract. GUESS OPENIM ATTENDANCE AND SET SEASON PASS There ara two eeaaen Iteksta far all gamaa flayed by Nerth- waatarn league teams at Dug- dale parti, ta be given away by The Star. How many fane win pay ea- rn I eel on ta the opening game? Thet'a the sueetton. Par tha fan ?or fannette?that eends Tha Mar tha neareat cerreet figure before ? o'olook as April IS, President Ougdala wtll donate a aaaaon tlefcet foe two. Per tha one eon ding In tha eaaand near- est correct rigure. Dug will Mob thru with a solitary paaa for tha eat eon. Oat busy now If yaw want ta eae tha opening gam* end swary other thla aeeean ae the gueet of Dugdela and Tha Star. Mall your lettere ta the apart editor of The btae. BULL BROS. Just Printers 1013 THIrtD mAIN 1049 Shasta Route offers the quick snd comfortable way to fo to Cali- fornia. Through standard and tourist sleeping cam and dining cam on all train*. Han Francisco In on* night and Lot Angeles In two ir you take the HhaaU Limited (Extra fare). Compartment*, drawtngrooms, llbmrr, stenographer and maid, flood connection* made at San Francisco for EaiSern points. 4 Trains Daily Shasta Limited Exposition Special California Exprets San Francisco Expresa to fit tha time and convenience of all. Any part of tha Shasta Route can be made by davllght. Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue River valleys, Cow Creak and Sac- ramento canyona, Mt. Hood. Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Shasta or Mt. Lassen. Through the cities of Salem, Albany, Eugene, Rosebnrg, Medford and Ashland. Call at Tlrkot Office for Information H. M Andrew*. D. F. * P. A. 730 S*«ria<l A**., MMttU, WaaS. Hhona Elliott 12f.« John M. Br.,tt, Q«n. Pa**. Art Southern Pacific ! alex ooes up in air?in aircraft, however r Left, Aviator Orsen; Right, Alexander, Aftsr flight ST. PKTEnsnrRO, Ha., April 10?"He's up In tba air" This old familiar lay of the hall field, hoard when pitchers falter under heavy fire, haa seldom been rendered at tha expense of Grover Have- land Alexander. Yet Alex was "up In the sir," llterslly, likewise ac- tually, only recently, snd, returning to Mother Earth, took a solemn oath he'd never go there any mora. Tha Quaker atar a«<**n<led her In company with Johnny Oreen. tha aviator who made the trip scroes lookout mountain Oreen haa been flying $>etwe*n St. Petersburg and Tamps, and his craft has at- tracted Alex to the water front dally. Manager Moran waa raluctant to allow hla slsb marvel to make the trip, and welcomed blm with open arms upon hla return. Second Finisher in Fatal Race Makes His Home in This Place Alfho not generally known. Joe Thomas, who finished second In tba road race Saturday at Corona that cost Bob Ilurman hla Ufa, re sldea In Seattle. He was ralsnd here and makes his home with bis mother, st 1216 E. Pine eL In the death of Bob Tlnrmsnulthe suto » peed way a have lost one of the beat-Hfced and most daring drivers that ever set a record. The accident was caused by Rur- tr.ans car skidding upon a culvert. The machine crashed Into two tele- phone poles Ilurman lived but a short time after bnlng taken to the hospital. Here Is how the racers finished First -Eddie CDonnell, In J>aus- enherg; time. 8 29.52; average, 86.6 miles an hour. Second Joseph Thomas. In Mercer; time. 3:36:01; average, 84 mllea an hour. Third ?Eddie Pullen, In Mercer; time, S:SB:J6H; average, S3 miles an hour. Fourth ? Teddy Tetxisff, In Omar; time, 3 5* 45<4; average, 76 miles an hour. Fifth R. O. Dorsnt, In Chevrolst Special; time, 4:0B:J4 7-10; sver age, 73 9-10 miles sn hour. Sixth ?Waterman. In Gandy Bpe rial; flagged. Tennis Enthusiasts to Put in Big Year With 109 Meets Devotees of the net, courts and racquets will hare their share of tournament play this sesson, with 109 title events on tap, under the auspices of the nstlonal associa- tion. Of chief importanca will be the slnglea chaniplon*hlps to be stag ed at the West Side Tennl* club. New" York, beginning August 28. At the same time, the challenge donbles snd Junior and boys' cham- pionship* will ha decided on the same courts. In addition, the Forest Hill or gsnlxatlon *111 hold the women's metropolltsn championship May 16 arid the Middle State*' section Jun- New York Promoter to Show Fight Pictures in Order to Test Law NEW YORK. April 10 Ilmmy Johnston prepared today to exhibit In all parts of the country films of the recent. Wlllard Moran fight, he Ing convinced that ho can do *o under the federal and state law*. Thn fllma wcro niadn on tho boun- dary Una lir.tw**<n the ITnltr><! HtatM and Canada. Tim promoter* erect- ed a tent arron* the boundary linn, and placed on tlm t'anadlan side the negative* which had l»c»#<n in ado In Now York. On thn American aide wan a camera which made a neat film. lor and boys' championship* will op«n thorn July 81. The women * championship doubles, singles and mlted doubles are book*] for the ««ftk of Juno fi, at the Phlladol- phla Cricket club. I.akewood Ten 11 In rlnb will hold the clay court rhamplonshlp, startln* June 54 It In contended that IMb prorcan evades all th« la«» prolitbltlnr. the The championship of the South tonrney warts at Memphis Tennis club Auguat 14. Other big tourna- ments booked are: The Meadow club'* annual Inrltatlon at South- ainpton, L. I, Auguat 21; Califor- nia Htale champlonahlp, at San Francisco. September 2, and Inter collegiate c.liamplon»hlp at Merlon Cricket club, llaverford, l"a., Hep tember 12. exhibition c,f prlte fight films. The picture* are declared to be excel- lent. CHASE IS WILLING BAN FRANCISCO, April 10.? lial Cha*e cannot escape going to Cincinnati to i>lhy with the Reds lie announced today that be would leave during the next few days, to report to the Ohio city. It la said Btanley Yoakum, bone crusher, breaks iock» by looking lit 'em. With Autos Proud and Autos Gay The Auto Show It Starts Today Whin Fllvvsr met with Lim- ousins, In Seattle's auto ihow, I knew thsrs'd be a lively ?cene. and so I had to go. With nifty autoe there to- day, and autoe that are proud, and autoe strong and autoe gay, It wae a lively crowd. The queenly autoe on th« floor were active with their enube; a racer eald It wae a bore to congregate with dube. "Electric brskss make me the beet," one auto eald. "Oh, dear," another eald, "you little peat, ice my electric gsir." An automatic elgnal light telle Ihoae who trail one car. If It will turn to left or right. It beate arm eigne by far. One beauty decked In queen- ly dreea aald, "Mere's e etunt that'* real! to warm milady's hand*, Juet preee this knob on eteerlng wheel." And euro enough, I found It so?a weve of heat eapands, from llttls wlree down below, to warm milady's hands. A fsndsr On s car wae set? they uss It so. thsy say, and tell me It'e the surest yet to booet folk from the way. Trapshooters on Job in Spite of /nclement Day Heven »<]iiad« of blue rock amaah- er* hied themeelree oat to the Har- bor laland grminda of the Seattle Trapahootera aaaorlallon yeatarday and thoroughly enjoyed themeelve* shooting tn the cold wind, as trap- ahootera will. C. F, McKelvey and Mat Oro««- man tied for flrat honora, both ?coring 44. L. 11. Rcld was high professional, with a ecore of 43 to hla rrdlt. The result* of the Everdlng Trophy handicap. the laat event belmi shot off yesterday. Ilea b»- twe»n 11, K. Kenrle, J. Uacher and A. P. Hem rich The ownership wa* not decided, owing to unfin- ished shootln* A. P. Hetnrlch end REAL PAINLESS DENTISTS In order to Introduce our new 'whalebone) plate, which I* the lightest and atrongnat plat* known, does not cover the roof of the month; you can bite corn off the cob; guaraateed 16 years. Oold crown 93.00 IIS set of teeth (whalebone) £<MH) 110 set of teeth *5.00 Bridge work, per tooth, gold $S.OO Whit* crowna SB.OO Oold filling »1.00 up Silver filling* 800 Plating filling* 750 All work gviarsnteed tor II years. Hsvs ImtirMil'in takari In the mfirn- teg and gat t#ath uma day. Exam- ination *nd advtre free. Call Sm »f Our Plat* end l)rt*a> Work. We Itasl the T»a« of Tlnr. Most of our present patrenage ta recommended t>y our (".irly runnm. ere, wh ?? work Is still giving good sstlafsrtlon Ask our customers who h»vi« t»at»d our work When oomtng to our office, be sure you are In the right place. Bring this ad with you. oHio'&r 20T VNITRKHfTT IT. rrMtr-l'ilfrava Om, ffYou are Interested In a petition paying from 1150 to $300 a month and will spend $75 to qualify, call at once 663 Empire Bldg. I heard a bully roedstsr boast, "A hill Is my delight"; another eald, "Oh, when you coaat, you go down hill all right." And then ths fuss wae on for true, and autoe email and great, and autoe red and white and blue wers In a hot dsbats. Said one, "I'm built for speed and atrength;" another aald, "You Joke ?you haven't style, you haven't length; I hope to eee you choke." And then sn sutoful of gracs shot forwsrd with s dart; anothsr said, "Come, have a race, you think you are so smart." And etlll another said, "Ho, ho, your flgurss srs a fright, with you I surely wouldn't go? not on ths darksst night." And ao It went thruout ths day, thoee autoe In a row, were In a fuse, but yet I'd aay, It Is a dsndy show. All sutoa. tho, blus, grsy or rsd?all gathered In thst din, I think must be ss Kipling ssld, ?II slstsrs 'neath the skin. J. Itacher ran ? rloae rare to tho»e flnlahlnc high acore for the day. both killing 4S targets. CURES MEN who, through Krror* and Excess, suffer from Chronic Weakness, Impaired Manhood, Pain In the Back, Nrrvoua Debility, Lost Vi- tality, Kidney and Bladder Trou- bles, nro quickly ewvd by OH. PlKHtt'S SEXOIO liy mall $l. or a!x boxe* fur Bv«*ry box nun rant ?*«?(!. < 'it 11 or write iimiiiMi iu:>n:n\ « o? iioom «, Hotel AntJara, (fourth uud Union A'lion* Muin Üb2. Those shooting with the clnb for the first time this season were Nat I'nachall, J. F. Mcßee and P. Phi scat or. At the Oreen l4ike trap* T. M. F"l«her. professional. carried off hl*h honor* for the day. He made a run of 60, which wa* considered rcmarkaMa In surh a wind. It. 8. liarnee failed to crack two of the clay bird* out of &0 endeav- or*. and noaed Matt Grossman out of first honor* In the amateur dl vision. Well, 4 to I lan't ao bad. At that the Great F*nll* club walloped the colored lads. e e e "Barb" Moneymaktr let four bade get away from him behind the platter. e e e I.nke Glaventch looked like "aome punklna" on that ol* hill. ? ? ? Two amacka out of five trlpa for Bill Cunningham; one a double. e e e Pode nrlnker"* XT. of W. squad heated the Vancouver rookies, 4 to ?. e e e Eighteen more daya, then "play ball." ? ? ? New Cleveland owners claim they I'rlPW r.ld Whotml* l>fnl»ri tvr j VrieUhlM and I rult \u2666 « (Corr.rt.rt dully by J W, Oodwtn A Co. I do* 00 ft 71 nark 100 «f 121 Kananaa MSO 01 <'»bba«« 02 o O:H »\il cabbaga. Wlriimig- ? ot%<* *1 f*al lomom, p*r rrata. ...» no 0 400 Cr>nit«rrln 4?l ft <60 lib I 11 oo ffuoo firrati anfk HI #o it® Cauliflower. Dragon, erata 5.00 tf t?S cut arapafrolt 1 60 Curumbar*. b-thouaa . ... 100 © t.?l Florida grapefruit 400 O 100 I r lorld* f>KK pThnt .10 Florida «trnw i\prrl*a, qt. bo* 00 O «0 Hirlln, new .11 Hon*?, n*w, run* ITS Honey, efrslned ........ O*H Hubbard *qua«h Of ff o**4 ('MI b*n«l latture 160 O 200 Naval orin|M 2&0 %f l ift Paralev do*. .10 Pms Cil ... .tfH# .It I.? 111H ? \u25a0 ball lb 16 o " ft Pitpprrfl, Florid* ........ .20 Rndlahaa >0 Rhubarb, r*ai Itl O IJO Rhubarb, local .01 I ninnloM Florida, 0-baa- ket rralN 110 O 400 Tnklmn rutabaga*, aack. 100 Turn I pa. aack .. Itl O 150 Applea T.oral applaa .... 00 0 100 Tallow Nawtown Plpplnt. IHO ft 171 Ft a v man Wlnaaap 120 160 Old Wlnaaap 160 0 SOO llomi lleauty ... 116 0 1.60 Otilnna Onlona, graen .tl Onlona grean. Walla Walla, dot to Oragon onlona .OS ft oas* Unioni. graan, I«*'hl .16 Yaktm* 01 \ I'otalora Whlta rlvor 17.00 ©30 00 The outlook In minor league base- balldom Is unusually bright and en- couraging. The Industrial activities of tha country were never before In his- tory at the present height. The word "prosperity" In written In Inrtre letters across the horlion of thn nation. Thn banking Institutions of the country nre. bulging with money; capital Ik reaping a harvest; labor ts In demand In almost every line. The steel and Iron Industrie* of the Kast nre running night and day. The erojHt of the country hare broken all records, with the tingle exception of cotton. The general business condltlona of the country Indicate ibat the year 1616 will be one of unprecedented prosperity, and the volume of real wealth which It promUea to add to the resources of the country amply Justify optimistic expectalons. The balance of trade In our favor has broken every previous record. Baseball most necessarily partici- pate In the benefits accruing to the general business conditions of the country. Players are signing contracts with uniform regularity, and only here and there have we report* of "hold- outs " The unusually large nnmber of players on the market la primar- ily responsible for this condition. BASEBALL RESULTS At Seattle 2. Chicago 4. At St. Ixiula ?Cards 8. Pi-owna 4. At Indlanapolla 0, Pittsburg 3. At Topeka 20. Detroit 12. At Kansas City 3. Detroit 6. At Mlnnoapolla 3, Chicago 7. At Ix>ul*vllle 6. Cuba 2. At Rait I.ake 0, Oakland 8. At Vernon 0-3, Ix>s Angelas M. At San Francisco 4-7, Portland 6-6. At ETerett?Great Falla 8, Chi- cago J. Hill's Baseball Dope paid mora cash for Trla Speaker 'than any other player a*er pur- chased In big leagues. ? ? ? Herb Manouk didn't look ao bad. Moneymaker letting tha ball get away was what caat a dark light on hla work. ? ? ? Seal fans are on Sammy Hohne. They are calling for hla scalp. ? ? ? Jimmy Byrnes recommended "Red" Baldwin, tha recruit catcher, to Vancouver, e e e "Pep" Yonng, former Coast loaguer, Eddie Collins and Jaclt Harry are rated as the greatest shortpatchers In the American league. MARKET REPORT . Yakima Hurhanks II M #IT tt Yakima Omm i& ot «i? oo Sweet pot atoea .94 Karly Hoaa acid potatoaa. .01*4 Prior* raid Frodacara for K||«, Poultry, Vml and Pork 4 # TUirUn harea .......... .]§ TUollera ,19 Pucka, fat ,19 ®ft« It 0 11 Hana, 4 iba and ovar.... .11 liana, lit Iba. .11 liana, * Iba an<t under... .17 Old rooatara. lira .11 Pork, good Mark ho (a ... t| O 19Vfc H<jiim t>* a«'od aire, dot. .. 1.00 O 160 Turk ay a, 11 \ a .11 Turkava. drea*e.i I# Veal. 79 120-lh Of O II Veal, larca o 0t j lellln* VMM to Hetaller far T llutlfr, Egg» and (lieeea \u2666 » Bat tar Kattra Waahlnirton creamery. brick .14 Natlva Walhl n 1 to n , creamery, aolld pa. k .. ,11 C'braaa Domaatlc wheal |y l.lmburaar II O II « trtplete .11 Wleronaln triplets 11 \\ leoonaln twins ......... .tl Toum America .IS fit a Nalaot ranch atn .1$ Country flay and Orala (Prloaa paid producer) \u2666? \u2666 Alfalfa. No I 00 f*l Of Parley It 00 OH 0t Kaitam Washington oata.lt uo 9*l 00 puget aound oata 30 00 on 00 Htr»w. ton 11 00 Tlinolhv It 00 If:7 00 Mlard timothy ii 00 Ott Wheat It tt OJIVt MINORS FACE GOOD YEAR, ACCORDING TO SECRETARY FARRELL BV JOHN H. FARRELL Secretary National Baseball Association We eipect to promulgate between 8,000 and 7.000 players' contracts during the current ceaaon. Internal dlasenalona arising la !»\u25a0 dividual have been all al>out straightened out, playing schedules have been adopted, and a thouaand and on« minor matt«ra ad- Juated. and at tbla time all are ready for the Martins ell In * mv arm which rromlaea to be unusually prosperous In the minor leagtiM, Billboards and Sheds By EDWIN J. BROWN The greateat question before 9ni- tie to day la the question concerning tha right to work Thla ta fut ba- comlnir a national qneitlon and will be a national luana within tha nsst faw ymri In there a atatesman In tha world who can successfully con- tend against it? BII.I.ROARDS IH POLITIC! On* reason why tha atata of Wash* ington voted dry waa becaues tha liquor Intereets were a powar In politics which menaced our polltloal inatltutiona and tha rights of tha people. There waa a political combination In our recent city election whtoh I knew and felt Ita powar Tha bill- board Interests wer« In polltlca with both hand* and fact: In fact. It looked ae though our city waa about to ba surrendered to tha billboards, but that la not thalr fauli. j Tha reasonsbie and natural affaot of Seattle s city ordinance regulating j billboard* la to create a monopoly, land, of couraa, those who enjoy It wish to retain thalr advantage ovsr other# Kvery man In tha employ of tho Billboard Combine waa working for tha comblne'a candidate for corpora- tion counsel before primary election, and for one certain councilman on election day. It ia evident to all thinking people that a city council- man cannot eerva tha billboard* and the people at tha name time, but If the people desire billboard city boy - ernnient they ahould have it. When men in public office a bed oceans of briny tears about tha peo- pla'a high taxee. and keep on raising them by vetoing meaaurea calculated to bring revenue for city govern- ment from just sources, it is evident that the people are getting what they voted for. The billboard Industry Should and would pay between four and tlx thousand dollars per year revenue to the rltr of Seattle If a proper ordinance was enacted by our city eounoll (and not vetoed by tha Mil* board** representative) licensing billboards at so much per foot. All persons in the billboard buainaaa would then be on an equal baala. and while the city would profit, a monopoly could not exist and our city would not be run by billboard politicians, who are juat one degree below the peanut type They spend , more money now in elections than their yearly license would cost them. | I have not told the people all I .know about the activities of aoma men In public office In behalf of the billboard monopoly, and. aa "a word to the wise is sufficient." I warn some people that the ice they stand upon Is so very thin that one hot blast would engulf them In the tem- pest of our criminal code. gRATTLR'S STRRRTI Juat before election I heard a good ioke about an Inatltutton that lovea eattle spending HOC.OOO to repair damages to our water system from electrolysis It was raw bunk, but ?o new and of such a high voltage that the people have not recovered from the shock. Tho Seattle Klectiio company baa refused to repair the street paving between their own tracks, a trip out Pine to isroadway, then to Tenth ave north, then on Tenth ave. north will convince any person with aense that this corporation la not In poll- tics for its health. The facts are that If corporations would spend their money In giving the public aervl'-e that they spend In controlling legislatures, city councils and veto mayors, oqa of the greatest causeK for *eek trig their removal would be abolished. Pike st. In unfit to drive over. Pino st. Is congested and fast becom- ing dilapidated Broadway la mora holy than righteous, and Tenth ave. north needs repairs. COMPANY TOO POOR The fleattle Klectrlc Company now weeks to avoid the cost of keeping the streets between its tracks In re- pair end also the paying of 2 per cent to the city, as provided by Ita franchise, yet their earnings and profits were large last year, as shown by their own report. Why not, when they can make jumplng- jacks out of our state legislature, errand boys out of (some) city coun- cllmen (with the flag), and ba fa- vored by a veto specialist as mayor? Next week 1 shall write on Light sn«l Power. JCLAVXN J. BROWN, D. I>. I.

rMUTT Czar Has Been Swimming Days Lf CHEASTY'S New · 2017-12-22 · You Must Remember That the Czar Has Been Swimming for About Five Days «fAP?MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1916. PAGE 7. c«prrl

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rMUTT AND JEFF ? You Must Remember That the Czar Has Been Swimming for About Five Days

«fAP?MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1916. PAGE 7.

c«prrl|M, till, br H. C. ri.h.f »V D! IT\ f#CU CL>Tridi Murk *?« t! \u25a0ru off. *'? tjfJLf rIJ tlL, t\




Featuring SpringModels in the

Makes You Liketo Wear

Priced $1.00 Up

"Values Tell»

"At The FrontIN TMf SPOKT 20NL w "" i.TV"

THE showing nude thus far by Bob Brown's Beaversjustifies the prediction we made during the league

r meeting here that Brown had the best team in the circuitthen and at the present writing.

tt n a a a sThe way the Beavers handled the University of Washington

the other day a* compared to the showing made by theSeattle Giants against Dode Rrinker's boys, will give thefans a little straight tip.

» a It a « B

What the locals need is someone to souse the ball In goodstyle. Of the new recruits. "Barb'" Moneymaker seemsto be the only one that can do this. Manager Raymondhas hopes that Bill Cunningham will be able to clickthe leather-covered pellet, but if he doesn't we lose. It willbe thumbs down for our boys unless some batting strengthis added.

At laaat 19 man wilt be carried byDugdale for tha first weeks of

* tha aaaaon. Every member nowlisted will ba Riven a thorn

chance to show his wsrea beforebeing cast sdrtft. The limit thla

rear after the season gets underwsy will ba 13.

BBSThere Isnt a great deal ta choose

from In tha trade of AI Bonnerto Butt* for Issy KaufmannBoth pitchers will stack op shout

tha same. At that. Issy's locgerexperience should count forsomething.

B tt B\u25a0ab Brown seeme ta havw grabbed

off a great little Inflelder In thUboy Hamilton, former Bt. Mary's

college tosser. Reports from thetraining camp declare he has thegoods. Frsrtk Oulgr.l halls fromthe same Institution along witha lot of other Northwestern. Parifle Cosat and famous majorleague stars

B B BNick Williams la getting away

nicely In Spokane. The otherday tha bnslneas men of the vil-lage tendered a lunrheota In hla

honor. Nick Is a fine fellow,

and. If n->t hampered, shouldshow eomething thla season. Hebuilt np a couple of great teamsat Portland only to hare the Mc-Credlea cop off hla best placa Inthe beat of the race. He Is pop-ular with player and fan alike.

B B B"Zip" Moeiler and Emery Webb,

two Portland semi-pro fllngera.hare made a hit with the bigblonda and will in all probabil-ity do their bit on the mound

t resrilsrly for tha Indlsns thisyesr.

B B BSeattle has lost all claim to Pitch-

er "Jude" Morelsnd. Dugdsiehas received a letter from Secre-tary Farrell, stating tbst he li.or wss. the property of SiltI.ake Hlaokenshlp turned himover to Rusa Hall, snd he laallowing quite a bit of stuff, sc- 1cording to whispering from the j"City of Destiny."

B 8 BEarl Connar, tha diminutive Ta-j

coma featherweight b-lng handledby Pa<il Steele, will have to be

reckoned wl'h by the nnmarousclaimants of the Northweet till*ere lon*. The Isd from the citymade famous by Kddle I'eter*gtvea Mcfc promise, sod. If be

conducts himself along the 11dmof the etraltht snd nsrrow. willbe stepping up one of these beautlful evenings.

B B BCount Eddls Mentor, tpekan* In-

flelder. Is among thoaa who aresorry they did not hurdle to tbaFeds wh»n the hurdling wssgooj. !a<! season Iha outlawsoffered Eddie $1,000 In cash tohop from Pittsburg. but ha stork.Tha result waa that ha was fam-ed out to Toronto, and BsraayDreyfuss rsited a fuss about pay-Ing tha difference In tha salarycslled for by tha contract.


There ara two eeaaen Itekstafar all gamaa flayed by Nerth-waatarn league teams at Dug-dale parti, ta be given away byThe Star.

How many fane win pay ea-rn Ieel on ta the opening game?Thet'a the sueetton. Par tha fan?or fannette?that eends ThaMar tha neareat cerreet figurebefore ? o'olook as April IS,President Ougdala wtll donate aaaaaon tlefcet foe two. Per thaone eon ding In tha eaaand near-est correct rigure. Dug will Mobthru with a solitary paaa for thaeat eon.

Oat busy now If yaw want taeae tha opening gam* end swaryother thla aeeean ae the gueetof Dugdela and Tha Star. Mallyour lettere ta the apart editorof The btae.

BULL BROS.Just Printers1013 THIrtD mAIN 1049

Shasta Routeoffers the quick snd comfortable way to fo to Cali-fornia. Through standard and tourist sleeping cam and

dining cam on all train*. Han Francisco In on* nightand Lot Angeles In two ir you take the HhaaU Limited(Extra fare). Compartment*, drawtngrooms, llbmrr,stenographer and maid, flood connection* made at San

Francisco for EaiSern points.

4 Trains DailyShasta Limited Exposition SpecialCalifornia Exprets San Francisco Expresa

to fit tha time and convenience of all. Any part of thaShasta Route can be made by davllght. Willamette,Umpqua and Rogue River valleys, Cow Creak and Sac-ramento canyona, Mt. Hood. Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Shastaor Mt. Lassen. Through the cities of Salem, Albany,

Eugene, Rosebnrg, Medford and Ashland.

Call at Tlrkot Office for InformationH. M Andrew*. D. F. * P. A.

730 S*«ria<l A**., MMttU, WaaS.Hhona Elliott 12f.«

John M. Br.,tt, Q«n. Pa**. Art

Southern Pacific

! alex ooes up in air?in aircraft, however r

Left, Aviator Orsen; Right, Alexander, Aftsr flight

ST. PKTEnsnrRO, Ha., April 10?"He's up In tba air" Thisold familiar lay of the hall field, hoard when pitchers falter underheavy fire, haa seldom been rendered at tha expense of Grover Have-land Alexander. Yet Alex was "up In the sir," llterslly, likewise ac-tually, only recently, snd, returning to Mother Earth, took a solemn

oath he'd never go there any mora.Tha Quaker atar a«<**n<led her In company with Johnny Oreen.

tha aviator who made the trip scroes lookout mountain Oreen haabeen flying $>etwe*n St. Petersburg and Tamps, and his craft has at-tracted Alex to the water front dally. Manager Moran waa raluctantto allow hla slsb marvel to make the trip, and welcomed blm withopen arms upon hla return.

Second Finisher in Fatal RaceMakes His Home in This Place

Alfho not generally known. JoeThomas, who finished second In

tba road race Saturday at Corona

that cost Bob Ilurman hla Ufa, resldea In Seattle. He was ralsndhere and makes his home with bismother, st 1216 E. Pine eL

In the death of Bob Tlnrmsnulthesuto » peed way a have lost one of thebeat-Hfced and most daring driversthat ever set a record.

The accident was caused by Rur-tr.ans car skidding upon a culvert.The machine crashed Into two tele-phone poles Ilurman lived but ashort time after bnlng taken to thehospital.

Here Is how the racers finishedFirst -Eddie CDonnell, In J>aus-

enherg; time. 8 29.52; average,86.6 miles an hour.

Second Joseph Thomas. InMercer; time. 3:36:01; average, 84mllea an hour.

Third ?Eddie Pullen, In Mercer;time, S:SB:J6H; average, S3 milesan hour.

Fourth ? Teddy Tetxisff, InOmar; time, 3 5* 45<4; average, 76miles an hour.

Fifth R. O. Dorsnt, In ChevrolstSpecial; time, 4:0B:J4 7-10; sverage, 73 9-10 miles sn hour.

Sixth ?Waterman. In Gandy Bperial; flagged.

Tennis Enthusiasts to Putin Big Year With 109 Meets

Devotees of the net, courts andracquets will hare their share oftournament play this sesson, with109 title events on tap, under the

auspices of the nstlonal associa-

tion.Of chief importanca will be the

slnglea chaniplon*hlps to be stag

ed at the West Side Tennl* club.New" York, beginning August 28.At the same time, the challengedonbles snd Junior and boys' cham-pionship* will ha decided on thesame courts.

In addition, the Forest Hill orgsnlxatlon *111 hold the women'smetropolltsn championship May 16arid the Middle State*' section Jun-

New York Promoter to Show FightPictures in Order to Test Law

NEW YORK. April 10 IlmmyJohnston prepared today to exhibitIn all parts of the country films ofthe recent. Wlllard Moran fight, heIng convinced that ho can do *o

under the federal and state law*.Thn fllma wcro niadn on tho boun-

dary Una lir.tw**<n the ITnltr><! HtatMand Canada. Tim promoter* erect-ed a tent arron* the boundary linn,

and placed on tlm t'anadlan side thenegative* which had l»c»#<n inado InNow York. On thn American aidewan a camera which made a neatfilm.

lor and boys' championship* willop«n thorn July 81. The women *

championship doubles, singles andmlted doubles are book*] for the««ftk of Juno fi, at the Phlladol-phla Cricket club. I.akewood Ten11 In rlnb will hold the clay courtrhamplonshlp, startln* June 54

It In contended that IMb prorcanevades all th« la«» prolitbltlnr. the

The championship of the Southtonrney warts at Memphis Tennisclub Auguat 14. Other big tourna-ments booked are: The Meadowclub'* annual Inrltatlon at South-ainpton, L. I, Auguat 21; Califor-nia Htale champlonahlp, at SanFrancisco. September 2, and Intercollegiate c.liamplon»hlp at MerlonCricket club, llaverford, l"a., Heptember 12.

exhibition c,f prlte fight films. Thepicture* are declared to be excel-lent.


lial Cha*e cannot escape going toCincinnati to i>lhy with the Redslie announced today that be wouldleave during the next few days, toreport to the Ohio city.

It la said Btanley Yoakum, bonecrusher, breaks iock» by lookinglit 'em.

With Autos Proud and Autos GayThe Auto Show It Starts Today

Whin Fllvvsr met with Lim-ousins, In Seattle's auto ihow,I knew thsrs'd be a lively?cene. and so I had to go.

With nifty autoe there to-day, and autoe that are proud,and autoe strong and autoegay, It wae a lively crowd.

The queenly autoe on th«floor were active with theirenube; a racer eald It wae abore to congregate with dube.

"Electric brskss make methe beet," one auto eald. "Oh,dear," another eald, "you littlepeat, ice my electric gsir."

An automatic elgnal lighttelle Ihoae who trail one car. If

It will turn to left or right. It

beate arm eigne by far.

One beauty decked In queen-

ly dreea aald, "Mere's e etuntthat'* real! to warm milady'shand*, Juet preee this knob oneteerlng wheel."

And euro enough, I found It

so?a weve of heat eapands,

from llttls wlree down below,to warm milady's hands.

A fsndsr On s car wae set?

they uss It so. thsy say, and

tell me It'e the surest yet tobooet folk from the way.

Trapshooters on Job inSpite of /nclement Day

Heven »<]iiad« of blue rock amaah-

er* hied themeelree oat to the Har-bor laland grminda of the Seattle

Trapahootera aaaorlallon yeatardayand thoroughly enjoyed themeelve*shooting tn the cold wind, as trap-

ahootera will.C. F, McKelvey and Mat Oro««-

man tied for flrat honora, both?coring 44. L. 11. Rcld was highprofessional, with a ecore of 43 tohla rrdlt.

The result* of the EverdlngTrophy handicap. the laat eventbelmi shot off yesterday. Ilea b»-twe»n 11, K. Kenrle, J. Uacher andA. P. Hem rich The ownershipwa* not decided, owing to unfin-ished shootln* A. P. Hetnrlch end


In order to Introduce our new'whalebone) plate, which I* thelightest and atrongnat plat* known,does not cover the roof of themonth; you can bite corn off thecob; guaraateed 16 years.

Oold crown 93.00IIS set of teeth (whalebone) £<MH)

110 set of teeth *5.00Bridge work, per tooth, gold $S.OOWhit* crowna SB.OOOold filling »1.00 up

Silver filling* 800Plating filling* 750

All work gviarsnteed tor IIyears.Hsvs ImtirMil'in takari In the mfirn-teg and gat t#ath uma day. Exam-ination *nd advtre free.

Call Sm »f Our Plat*end l)rt*a> Work. We Itasl

the T»a« of Tlnr.

Most of our present patrenage tarecommended t>y our (".irly runnm.ere, wh ?? work Is still giving good

sstlafsrtlon Ask our customers whoh»vi« t»at»d our work When oomtng

to our office, be sure you are In theright place. Bring this ad with you.


rrMtr-l'ilfrava Om,

ffYouare Interested In a

petition paying from

1150 to $300 a monthand will spend $75 to

qualify, call at once

663 Empire Bldg.

I heard a bully roedstsrboast, "A hill Is my delight";another eald, "Oh, when youcoaat, you go down hill allright."

And then ths fuss wae onfor true, and autoe email andgreat, and autoe red and whiteand blue wers In a hot dsbats.

Said one, "I'm built forspeed and atrength;" anotheraald, "You Joke ?you haven'tstyle, you haven't length; Ihope to eee you choke."

And then sn sutoful ofgracs shot forwsrd with sdart; anothsr said, "Come,have a race, you think you areso smart."

And etlll another said, "Ho,ho, your flgurss srs a fright,with you I surely wouldn't go?not on ths darksst night."

And ao It went thruout thsday, thoee autoe In a row,were In a fuse, but yet I'd aay,It Is a dsndy show.

All sutoa. tho, blus, grsy orrsd?all gathered In thst din, Ithink must be ss Kipling ssld,?II slstsrs 'neath the skin.

J. Itacher ran ? rloae rare to tho»eflnlahlnc high acore for the day.both killing 4S targets.

CURES MENwho, through Krror* and Excess,suffer from Chronic Weakness,Impaired Manhood, Pain In theBack, Nrrvoua Debility, Lost Vi-tality, Kidney and Bladder Trou-bles, nro quickly ewvd by

OH. PlKHtt'S SEXOIOliy mall $l. or a!x boxe* fur

Bv«*ry box nun rant ?*«?(!. < 'it 11 or writeiimiiiMiiu:>n:n\ « o? iioom «,

Hotel AntJara, (fourth uud UnionA'lion* Muin Üb2.

Those shooting with the clnb forthe first time this season were NatI'nachall, J. F. Mcßee and P.Phi scat or.

At the Oreen l4ike trap* T. M.F"l«her. professional. carried offhl*h honor* for the day. He madea run of 60, which wa* consideredrcmarkaMa In surh a wind.

It. 8. liarnee failed to crack twoof the clay bird* out of &0 endeav-or*. and noaed Matt Grossman outof first honor* In the amateur dlvision.

Well, 4 to I lan't ao bad. At thatthe Great F*nll* club walloped thecolored lads.

e e e"Barb" Moneymaktr let four

bade get away from him behindthe platter.

e e eI.nke Glaventch looked like "aome

punklna" on that ol* hill.? ? ?

Two amacka out of five trlpafor Bill Cunningham; one adouble.

e e ePode nrlnker"* XT. of W. squad

heated the Vancouver rookies,4 to ?.

e e eEighteen more daya, then

"play ball."? ? ?

New Cleveland owners claim they

I'rlPW r.ld Whotml* l>fnl»ri tvr jVrieUhlM and I rult

\u2666 «

(Corr.rt.rt dully by J W, Oodwtn A Co. Ido* 00 ft 71

nark 100 «f 121Kananaa MSO 01

<'»bba«« 02 o O:H»\il cabbaga. Wlriimig-

? ot%<* *1f*al lomom, p*r rrata. ...» no 0 400Cr>nit«rrln 4?l ft <60

lib I 11 oo ffuoofirrati anfk HI #o it®Cauliflower. Dragon, erata 5.00 tf t?Scut arapafrolt 1 60Curumbar*. b-thouaa . ... 100 © t.?lFlorida grapefruit 400 O 100Ir lorld* f>KK pThnt .10Florida «trnw i\prrl*a, qt.

bo* 00 O «0Hirlln, new .11Hon*?, n*w, run* ITSHoney, efrslned ........ O*HHubbard *qua«h Of ff o**4('MI b*n«l latture 160 O 200Naval orin|M 2&0 %f l iftParalev do*. .10Pms Cil ... .tfH# .ItI.? 111H ? \u25a0 ball lb 16 o "ft

Pitpprrfl, Florid* ........ .20Rndlahaa >0Rhubarb, r*ai Itl O IJORhubarb, local .01

I ninnloM Florida, 0-baa-ket rralN 110 O 400

Tnklmn rutabaga*, aack. 100

Turn Ipa. aack .. Itl O 150Applea

T.oral applaa .... 00 0 100Tallow Nawtown Plpplnt. IHO ft 171Ft a v man Wlnaaap 120 c» 160

Old Wlnaaap 160 0 SOOllomi lleauty ... 116 0 1.60

OtilnnaOnlona, graen .tl

Onlona grean. WallaWalla, dot to

Oragon onlona .OS ft oas*Unioni. graan, I«*'hl .16Yaktm* 01 \

I'otaloraWhlta rlvor 17.00 ©30 00

The outlook In minor league base-

balldom Is unusually bright and en-couraging.

The Industrial activities of thacountry were never before In his-tory at the present height. Theword "prosperity" In written InInrtre letters across the horlion ofthn nation.

Thn banking Institutions of thecountry nre. bulging with money;capital Ik reaping a harvest; laborts In demand In almost every line.The steel and Iron Industrie* of theKast nre running night and day.The erojHt of the country harebroken all records, with the tingleexception of cotton.

The general business condltlonaof the country Indicate ibat the year1616 will be one of unprecedentedprosperity, and the volume of realwealth which It promUea to add tothe resources of the country amplyJustify optimistic expectalons.

The balance of trade In our favorhas broken every previous record.Baseball most necessarily partici-pate In the benefits accruing to thegeneral business conditions of thecountry.

Players are signing contracts withuniform regularity, and only hereand there have we report* of "hold-outs " The unusually large nnmberof players on the market la primar-ily responsible for this condition.

BASEBALL RESULTSAt Seattle 2. Chicago 4.At St. Ixiula?Cards 8. Pi-owna 4.At Indlanapolla 0, Pittsburg 3.At Topeka 20. Detroit 12.At Kansas City 3. Detroit 6.At Mlnnoapolla 3, Chicago 7.At Ix>ul*vllle 6. Cuba 2.At Rait I.ake 0, Oakland 8.At Vernon 0-3, Ix>s Angelas M.At San Francisco 4-7, Portland

6-6.At ETerett?Great Falla 8, Chi-

cago J.

Hill's Baseball Dopepaid mora cash for Trla Speaker'than any other player a*er pur-chased In big leagues.

? ? ?

Herb Manouk didn't look aobad. Moneymaker letting thaball get away was what caat adark light on hla work.

? ? ?

Seal fans are on Sammy Hohne.They are calling for hla scalp.

? ? ?

Jimmy Byrnes recommended"Red" Baldwin, tha recruitcatcher, to Vancouver,

e e e

"Pep" Yonng, former Coastloaguer, Eddie Collins and JacltHarry are rated as the greatestshortpatchers In the Americanleague.

MARKET REPORT. Yakima Hurhanks II M #IT ttYakima Omm i& ot «i? ooSweet pot atoea .94Karly Hoaa acid potatoaa. .01*4

Prior* raid Frodacara for K||«,Poultry, Vml and Pork

4 #TUirUn harea .......... .]§TUollera ,19Pucka, fat ,19®ft« It 0 11Hana, 4 iba and ovar.... .11liana, lit Iba. .11liana, * Iba an<t under... .17Old rooatara. lira .11Pork, good Mark ho (a ... t| O 19VfcH<jiim t>* a«'od aire, dot. .. 1.00 O 160Turk aya, 11 \ a .11Turkava. drea*e.i I#Veal. 79 t» 120-lh Of O IIVeal, larca o« o 0t

j lellln* VMM to Hetaller far Tllutlfr, Egg» and (lieeea

\u2666 »

Bat tarKattra Waahlnirton

creamery. brick .14Natlva Walhl n 1 to n

, creamery, aolld pa. k .. ,11C'braaa

Domaatlc wheal |y

l.lmburaar II O II« trtplete .11Wleronaln triplets 11\\ leoonaln twins ......... .tlToum America .IS

fitaNalaot ranch atn .1$

Country flay and Orala(Prloaa paid producer)

\u2666? \u2666Alfalfa. No I ?« 00 f*lOfParley It 00 OH 0tKaitam Washington oata.lt uo 9*l 00puget aound oata 30 00 on 00Htr»w. ton 11 00Tlinolhv It 00 If:7 00

Mlard timothy ii00 OttWheat It tt OJIVt


BV JOHN H. FARRELLSecretary National Baseball Association

We eipect to promulgate between8,000 and 7.000 players' contractsduring the current ceaaon.

Internal dlasenalona arising la !»\u25a0dividual have been allal>out straightened out, playingschedules have been adopted, and athouaand and on« minor matt«ra ad-Juated. and at tbla time all areready for the Martins ell In *mvarm which rromlaea to be unusuallyprosperous In the minor leagtiM,

Billboards and ShedsBy EDWIN J. BROWN

The greateat question before 9ni-tie to day la the question concerningtha right to work Thla ta fut ba-comlnir a national qneitlon and willbe a national luana within tha nsstfaw ymri In there a atatesman Intha world who can successfully con-tend against it?

BII.I.ROARDS IH POLITIC!On* reason why tha atata of Wash*

ington voted dry waa becaues thaliquor Intereets were a powar Inpolitics which menaced our polltloalinatltutiona and tha rights of thapeople.

There waa a political combinationIn our recent city election whtoh Iknew and felt Ita powar Tha bill-board Interests wer« In polltlca withboth hand* and fact: In fact. Itlooked ae though our city waa aboutto ba surrendered to tha billboards,but that la not thalr fauli.

j Tha reasonsbie and natural affaotof Seattle s city ordinance regulating

j billboard* la to create a monopoly,land, of couraa, those who enjoy Itwish to retain thalr advantage ovsrother#

Kvery man In tha employ of thoBillboard Combine waa working fortha comblne'a candidate for corpora-tion counsel before primary election,and for one certain councilman onelection day. It ia evident to allthinking people that a city council-man cannot eerva tha billboard* andthe people at tha name time, but Ifthe people desire billboard city boy -

ernnient they ahould have it.When men in public office a bed

oceans of briny tears about tha peo-pla'a high taxee. and keep on raisingthem by vetoing meaaurea calculatedto bring revenue for city govern-ment from just sources, it is evidentthat the people are getting whatthey voted for.

The billboard Industry Should andwould pay between four and tlxthousand dollars per year revenueto the rltr of Seattle If a properordinance was enacted by our cityeounoll (and not vetoed by tha Mil*board** representative) licensingbillboards at so much per foot. Allpersons in the billboard buainaaawould then be on an equal baala.and while the city would profit, amonopoly could not exist and ourcity would not be run by billboardpoliticians, who are juat one degreebelow the peanut type They spend

, more money now in elections thantheir yearly license would cost them.

| I have not told the people all I.know about the activities of aomamen In public office In behalf of thebillboard monopoly, and. aa "a wordto the wise is sufficient." I warnsome people that the ice they standupon Is so very thin that one hotblast would engulf them In the tem-pest of our criminal code.

gRATTLR'S STRRRTIJuat before election I heard a good

ioke about an Inatltutton that loveaeattle spending HOC.OOO to repair

damages to our water system fromelectrolysis It was raw bunk, but?o new and of such a high voltagethat the people have not recoveredfrom the shock.

Tho Seattle Klectiio company baarefused to repair the street pavingbetween their own tracks, a tripout Pine to isroadway, then to Tenthave north, then on Tenth ave. northwill convince any person with aensethat this corporation la not In poll-tics for its health.

The facts are that If corporationswould spend their money In giving

the public aervl'-e that they spend Incontrolling legislatures, city councilsand veto mayors, oqa of the greatestcauseK for *eek trig their removalwould be abolished.

Pike st. In unfit to drive over.Pino st. Is congested and fast becom-ing dilapidated Broadway la moraholy than righteous, and Tenth ave.north needs repairs.

COMPANY TOO POORThe fleattle Klectrlc Company now

weeks to avoid the cost of keepingthe streets between its tracks In re-pair end also the paying of 2 percent to the city, as provided by Itafranchise, yet their earnings andprofits were large last year, asshown by their own report. Whynot, when they can make jumplng-jacks out of our state legislature,errand boys out of (some) city coun-cllmen (with the flag), and ba fa-vored by a veto specialist as mayor?

Next week 1 shall write on Lightsn«l Power.