ROAD LANE AND TRAFFIC SIGN DETECTION & TRACKING FOR AUTONOMOUS URBAN DRIVING by M. Caner Kurtul B.S. in Computer Engineering, Bo˘ gazi¸ci University, 2000 Submitted to the Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Graduate Program in Computer Engineering Bo˘ gazi¸ciUniversity 2010


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M. Caner Kurtul

B.S. in Computer Engineering, Bogazici University, 2000

Submitted to the Institute for Graduate Studies in

Science and Engineering in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

Graduate Program in Computer Engineering

Bogazici University






Prof. H. Levent Akın . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Thesis Supervisor)

Prof. Oguz Tosun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Assoc. Prof. Tankut Acarman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




First, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor H. Levent Akın for his guid-

ance. This thesis would not have been possible without his encouragement and enthu-

siastic support.

I would also like to thank all the staff at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

for their encouragement throughout the year. Their success in RoboCup is always a

good motivation. Sharing their precious ideas during the weekly seminars have always

guided me to the right direction.

Finally I am deeply grateful to my family and to my wife Derya. They always give

me endless love and support, which has helped me to overcome the various challenges

along the way. Thank you for your patience...





The field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is improving rapidly in the world.

Ultimate aim of such systems is to realize fully autonomous vehicle. The researches

in the field offer the potential for significant enhancements in safety and operational


Lane tracking is an important topic in autonomous navigation because the naviga-

ble region usually stands between the lanes, especially in urban environments. Several

approaches have been proposed, but Hough transform seems to be the dominant among

all. A robust lane tracking method is also required for reducing the effect of the noise

and achieving the required processing time. In this study, we present a new lane track-

ing method which uses a partitioning technique for obtaining Multiresolution Hough

Transform (MHT) of the acquired vision data. After the detection process, a Hidden

Markov Model (HMM) based method is proposed for tracking the detected lanes.

Traffic signs are important instruments to indicate the rules on roads. This makes

them an essential part of the ITS researches. It is clear that leaving traffic signs out of

concern will cause serious consequences. Although the car manufacturers have started

to deploy intelligent sign detection systems on their latest models, the road conditions

and variations of actual signs on the roads require much more robust and fast detection

and tracking methods. Localization of such systems is also necessary because traffic

signs differ slightly between countries. This study also presents a fast and robust

sign detection and tracking method based on geometric transformation and genetic

algorithms (GA). Detection is done by a genetic algorithm (GA) approach supported

by a radial symmetry check so that false alerts are considerably reduced. Classification


is achieved by a combination of SURF features with NN or SVM classifiers. A heuristic

alternative to the SURF usage is also presented. Time and accuracy analysis can be

found in relevant sections.

This work is a part of the Automatic Driver Evaluation System (ADES) Project

in Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of Bogazici University.





Akıllı Tasıma Sistemleri uzerine arastırmalar hızla ilerlemekte. Bu sistemlerin

nihai amacı tamamen otonom aracları gercek hale getirmek. Bu alandaki arastırmalar,

hem guvenlik ve hem de operasyonel verimlilik acılarından onemli potansiyel arz ediyor.

Serit takibi, otonom arac seyri (navigasyon) onemli bir parcası olarak one cıkıyor.

Bunun nedeni, seyredilecek yolun, ozellikle kentsel yollarda, seritler arasındaki bolge

olması. Bu amacla bircok bilimsel yaklasım ileri surulmekle birlikte, bunların arasında

Hough donusumu one cıkmakta. Verideki gurultuyu azaltmak ve sınırlı islem suresinde

sonuca ulasmak icin saglam bir metod tasarlamak gerekiyor. Bu calısmamızda resmi

bolumlere ayırmak kaydıyla Cok Asamalı Hough Donusumu gerceklestiren bir serit

takip sistemi sunuyoruz. Serit tespit asamasının ardından Saklı Markov Modeli temelli

bir serit takip sistemi oneriliyor.

Trafik tabelaları ise yollardaki kuralları belirten onemli enstrumanlardır. Bu

sebeple otonom arac calısamalarının onemli parcasıdırlar. Tabelaların kapsam dısı

bırakılması gercekci sonuclar alınmasını imkansız kılacaktır. Otomotiv uretici firmaları

yeni modellerinde trafik tabelası tanıyabilen akıllı sistemler sunmaya basladılar. Fakat

yollardaki beklenmedik durumlar ve tabelaların onemli farklılıklar gostermesi sebebiyle

cok daha guvenli ve hızlı tabela tanıma sistemlerine ihtiyac duyuluyor. Bu sistem-

ler icin yerellestirme de gerekli cunku trafik tabelaları ulkeden ulkeye farklılıklar arz

edebilmekte. Bu calısmamızda tabela tespit ve takibi icin de bir yontem sunmak-

tayız. Radyal simetri tabanlı geometrik donusumler ve genetik algoritma kullanarak

tabelaları tespit ediyoruz. Tespit edilen tabelalar, SURF niteliklerini Yapay Sinir Agları

veya Destek Vektor Makinelerine besleyerek sınıflandırılıyor. SURF’a alternatif olarak


bir sezgisel bir yontem de deneniyor. Zaman ve dogruluk analizleri ilgili bolumlerede


Bu calısma Bogazici Universitesi Yapay Zeka Laboratuvarı’nda yurutulen Otonom

Surus Degerlendirme Projesi’nin bir parcası olarak ortaya cıkmıstır.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

OZET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2. Approach and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3. Outline of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2. LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.1. Lane Detection and Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.1.1. Randomized Hough Transform for Lane Detection . . . . . . . . 1

2.1.2. Multiresolution Hough Transform for Lane Detection . . . . . . 2

2.1.3. VioLET: Steerable Filters based Lane Detection . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1.4. ALVINN: Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network . . . 3

2.1.5. Lane Segmentation Using Dynamic Programming . . . . . . . . 4

2.1.6. Lane Detection Using B-Snake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1.7. LOIS: Likelihood of Image Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1.8. Lane Tracking with LOIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1.9. Lane Tracking Using Particle Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1.10. Deformable Template Model Approach to Lane Tracking . . . . 7

2.1.11. General Obstacle and Lane Detection (GOLD) . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1.12. Stochastic Resonance Based Noise Utilization for Lane Detection 8

2.1.13. Kalman Filters for Curvature Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1.14. Adaptive Random Hough Transform for Lane Tracking . . . . . 9

2.1.15. Extended Hyperbola Model for Lane Detection . . . . . . . . . 9

2.1.16. SVM Based Lane Change Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2. Sign Detection and Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


2.2.1. Neural Networks for Sign Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2.2. Kalman Filters for Traffic Sign Detection and Tracking . . . . . 11

2.2.3. Sign Detection Using AdaBoost and Haar Wavelet Features . . 12

2.2.4. Matching Pursuit (MP) Algorithm for Traffic Sign Recognition . 12

2.2.5. Shape-based Road Sign Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2.6. Support Vector Machine Approaches for Traffic Sign Detection

and Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2.7. Genetic Algorithm for Traffic Sign Detection . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2.8. Traffic Sign Classification Using Ring Partitioned Method . . . 15

2.2.9. Recognition of Traffic Signs Using Human Vision Models . . . . 16

2.2.10. Road and Traffic Sign Color Detection and Segmentation-A Fuzzy

Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.2.11. Recognition of Traffic Signs With Two Camera System . . . . . 17

2.2.12. Hough Transform for Traffic Sign Detection . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2.13. Class-specific Discriminative Features and Kalman Filter for Sign

Detection and Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3. LANE DETECTION AND TRACKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1.1. Hough Transform Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1.2. Detection: Multiresolution Hough Transform (MHT) . . . . . . 21

3.1.3. Tracking: HMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.2. Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.1. Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.2. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4. SIGN DETECTION AND TRACKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.1. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.1.1. Image Binarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.1.2. GA Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.1.3. Modified Radial Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.1.4. Brightness Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.1.5. Generic Color Labeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.1.6. Sign Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


4.2. Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5. SIGN CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.1. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.1.1. Center of Mass (CoM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.1.2. Feature Extraction: 12x12 Occupancy Grid . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5.1.3. Feature Extraction: SURF Interest Points . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.1.4. Classification: NN-based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5.1.5. Classification: SVM-based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5.2. Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

6. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

APPENDIX A: VIDEO CAPTURING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

APPENDIX B: APPLICATION CONSOLE OF ADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

APPENDIX C: WARNING SIGNS IN TURKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

APPENDIX D: REGULATORY SIGNS IN TURKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

APPENDIX E: PROHIBITION SIGNS IN TURKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70


REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72



Figure 1.1. Basic system architecture of ADES project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Figure 3.1. Liner Hough transform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Figure 3.2. Block Diagram for Multiresolution HT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Figure 3.3. (a) Partitioned image, (b) Binary image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Figure 3.4. (a) Candidate lines, (b) Transformed line, (c) Detected lines. . . . 23

Figure 3.5. Hidden Markov Model. (x: states, y: possible observations, a:

state transition probabilities, b: emission probabilities) . . . . . . 24

Figure 3.6. Image partitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Figure 3.7. Differences between classical Hough transform and proposed ap-

proach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Figure 4.1. Traffic signs used in this study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Figure 4.2. Sign detection stages. (a) Original frame, (b) Binarized image,

(c) Triangle verified, (d) Sign extracted, (e) Brightness correction

applied, (f) Detected sign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Figure 4.3. Good, medium and poor conditions for traffic sign detection. . . . 33

Figure 4.4. Means and standard deviations of sample scene histograms. . . . . 34

Figure 4.5. Original and binarized images with dynamic α, β coefficients. . . . 35


Figure 4.6. Template characteristic points in (x,y) domain, and (u,v) domain

after geometric transformation for circular and triangular signs. . . 38

Figure 4.7. Initial and converged chromosomes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Figure 4.8. (a) Circle detection, (b) Scoring of circles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Figure 4.9. Candidate circles, and highest score selection. . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Figure 4.10. Detected traffic signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Figure 4.11. Candidate triangles, and highest score selection. . . . . . . . . . . 42

Figure 4.12. Brightness correction examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Figure 4.13. Generic RGB color labeling algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Figure 4.14. Generic HSL color labeling algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Figure 4.15. Color labeling examples (black / white). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Figure 4.16. Extraction of the meaningful part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Figure 5.1. Deviation of CoM from image center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Figure 5.2. Feature extraction by occupancy grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Figure 5.3. Feature extraction in polar coordinates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Figure 5.4. Parameter effects on SURF output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Figure 5.5. U-SURF results for different sign types (octaves=3, intervals=5). . 52


Figure 5.6. Misplacement due to detection step may lead to ambiguities. . . . 53

Figure 5.7. SURF feature extraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Figure 5.8. Segmentation with respect to the CoM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Figure 5.9. a) Biological neurons, b) Artificial neural networks. . . . . . . . . 58

Figure 5.10. SVM feature transform to higher dimensional space. . . . . . . . . 60

Figure A.1. The video camera mounted on the car console. . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Figure B.1. Screenshot of ADES application console. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67



Table 3.1. Properties of the video sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Table 3.2. Color remapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Table 3.3. (a) Transmission matrix for r, (b) Transmission matrix for θ. . . . 27

Table 3.4. (a) Emission matrix for r, (b) Emission matrix for θ. . . . . . . . . 28

Table 4.1. Detection rate of circular signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Table 4.2. Detection rate of triangular signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Table 5.1. NN-train error rates for circular sign classification. . . . . . . . . . 61

Table 5.2. NN-train error rates for triangular sign classification. . . . . . . . . 62

Table 5.3. Classification success rate of circular signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Table 5.4. Classification success rate of triangular signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Table 5.5. Overall system performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63



ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

ADES Automatic Driver Evaluation System

BMV Behaviour Model of Visions

CoM Center Of Mass

CPU Central Processing Unit

DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

EKF Extended Kalman Filter

EU European Union

FPS Frames per Second

GA Genetic Algorithm

GUI Guided User Interface

HMM Hidden Markov Model

HSL Hue-Saturation-Luminance

HT Hough Transform

ITS Intelligent Transport Systems

LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis

MHT Multi-resolution Hough Transform

MPH Miles per Hour

NN Neural Network

RGB Red Green Blue

ROI Region Of Interest

SIFT Scale-Invariant Feature Transform

SURF Speeded Up Robust Features

SVM Support Vector Machines



Autonomous driving researches are focused either on off-road driving [1] or driving

in urban traffic [2]. Thanks to the DARPA Grand Challenge and the DARPA Urban

Challenge [3], significant progress have been made in both domains. Autonomous ve-

hicles equipped with several cameras, sensors, and processors prove to move sucessfully

from a starting point to a predefined destination.

There is a remarkable amount of work regarding autonomous driving and its

sub-tasks. Most of these studies target the task of moving the vehicle from one point

to other, just by avoiding collisions and following the most efficient path. This re-

quires optimal path planning and obstacle avoidance algorithms, but not necessarily

the recognition of traffic signs or pedestrians. DARPA Urban Challenge has mandated

some specific rules, most importantly ”lane following”, but has not covered the traffic

rules as a whole. Recognition of traffic lights and signs, and recognition of pedestrians

are officially left out of scope.

Following the progress in this field, car manufacturers have recently started de-

ploying more intelligence in their latest models. Parking assistance, adaptive cruise

control, emergency brake assist, lane departure warning and speed limit monitoring

are among the new features appearing in the car market [4, 5]. All of these systems

are at the very early stages of their evolution. Much more progress is on the horizon.

For example, in the near future, lane, speed limit and traffic light violations are going

to be immediately detected by cars and reported to a central trafic regulation system

with wireless media.

With these expectations in mind, Automatic Driver Evaluation System (ADES)

aims to take a key role in this hot topic of the intelligent car technology. The final

product of the ADES Project will be a framework for evaluating the drivers against

the traffic rules as they drive. It can be used for;


• Assisting drivers to drive more safely,

• Informing traffic central about the violations (lane, speed, light, other rules),

• Automation of driver license examinations,

• Highway maintenance: to check the presence and condition of the signs,

• Supervising the development of autonomous urban driving.

This study is a part of the ADES Project and is focused on the road lane and

traffic sign detection and tracking systems. Two different concepts of autonomous

driving challenge are studied and have yielded promising results.

1.1. Motivation

Remarkable amount of the current researches in this field focus on building au-

tonomous driving systems. It seems possible in the future but there seems to be a gap

until the vehicles, drivers and roads become appropriate for fully autonomous vehicles.

Till then, a working solution is required that can be applied in the near future. This

can be a ”Rules Engine” to evaluate how successful a car is being driven.

Such a ”Rules Engine” can have various usage domains. It can be used as a means

for training atonomous vehicles, in real traffic or with traffic simulators. Regarding the

DARPA Urban Challenge vehicles, we can easily say that, they lack a rules engine to

evaluate how successful they navigate in the urban. Our Rules Engine could have been

used as an autonomous referee during the challenge.

Another application area for the ”Rules Engine” can be the collective transporta-

tion vehicles, such as school busses or inter-city coaches. By putting a device on such

vehicles, these vehicles can be observed and drivers can be evaluated more closely and

accurately. Such an option would help drivers to avoid traffic rule violations.

Traffic accidents are one of the main causes of death and economic loss in most of

the developed countries. According to the Road Safety Action Program of European

Commission [6], more than one million accidents a year cause more than 40 000 deaths


and nearly two million injuries on the roads. In addition, the direct and indirect cost

has been estimated at 160 billion Euros, which is nearly two percent of the EU’s GNP.

However, the most dramatic fact is that, nearly all of the accidents are caused by

driver mistakes. The main goal of the driver assistance and early warning systems is

to reduce the number of these accidents. However, the performance of such systems

depend on their power to recognize the conditions and rules in the vehicle’s existing

context. Moreover, since most of the rules are expressed by traffic signs, robust and

fast sign detection methods are inevitable for intelligent vehicles.

1.2. Approach and Contributions

The ADES Project can be divided into two major parts (Figure 1.1). The first

part is acquiring the necessary data from various sensors whereas the second part is

processing these data knowledge to evaluate the driver’s actions.

Figure 1.1. Basic system architecture of ADES project.

This thesis is concerned with new approaches for obtaining lane/sign detection

and tracking problems. Regarding the lane detection and tracking issue, this study

introduces a new approach called Multi-resolution Hough Transform (MHT). Lane

markings are detected using MHT and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used for

tracking afterwards.


As for the sign detection, this study proposes an approach that encodes the chro-

mosomes of genetic algorithm (GA) by using a geometric transformation matrix. The

fitness function is calculated by a set of transformed points which correspond to the

(triangular or circular) shape of the traffic signs. Afterwards, a modified radial symme-

try check is performed to eliminate the false alerts. The challenge here is that, circular

and triangular signs have entirely diferent geometric features. Therefore two types

of geometric transformation matrices were necessary for the GA fitness computation.

On the other hand radial symmetry check runs in a completely different manner for

the circular and triangular signs. Another challenge is the varying lighting conditions

during a drive. An adaptive brightness correction method is proposed. Depending

on the illumination, the system fine tunes various parameters in order to get a better


For the classification of the signs, on the other hand, two different approaches are

employed and compared with each other: Neural Networks (NN) and Support Vector

Machines (SVM). The main contribution of this work is to use the U-SURF features for

training NN and SVM. A hybrid approach is adopted for utilizing the U-SURF features.

They are interpreted with respect to the Center of Mass (CoM) of the detected sign.

U-SURF features are compared against a simple heuristic method.

For real-world training, precaptured videos are used. The videos are captured

from a car moving in the urban traffic with a varying velocity. The camera is placed

onto the front console of the car (Appendix A). The captured video has a resolution

of 512x288 pixels with a frame rate of 29.97.

As opposed to the simulated environment, precaptured video sequence provides

noisy data with imperfect lighting conditions. The tests with precaptured video has

shown that, lighting conditions will have major effect on the accuracy of the overall



1.3. Outline of the Thesis

The organization of the rest of the thesis is as follows:

In Chapter 2 we summarize the studies relevant to autonomous driving. A de-

tailed analysis is done on the applied methods. This chapter will give an idea on the

algorithms applicable for our purpose.

Chapter 3 details the lane detection methodology and explains how we achieve

the tracking issue. The chapter gives a background for the Hough Transform, Hidden

Markov Model and explains our contribution called Multi-resolution Hough Transform.

Experimental setup and results are also given in detail.

In chapters 4 and 5 we explain our approach on the sign detection and classifi-

cation respectively. Background for the GA, SURF, NN and SVM are given together

with the motivation on selecting them. Experimental runs and results are illustrated

and discussed in detail.

Finally, Chapter 6 concludes the thesis by summarising the contributions and

giving a brief outline of the obtained results. In addition, any shortcomings of the

proposed methods and possible future work are also discussed here.



2.1. Lane Detection and Tracking

There has been a significant amount of research on vision-based road lane detec-

tion and tracking. Vision-based localization of the lane boundaries can be divided into

two sub-tasks: lane detection and lane tracking.

Lane detection is the problem of locating lane boundaries without prior knowledge

of the road geometry. Most lane detection methods are edge-based. After an edge

detection step, the edge-based methods organize the detected edges into meaningful

structure (lane markings) or fit a lane model to the detected edges. Most of the

edge-based methods, in turn, use straight lines to model the lane boundaries. Others

employed more complex models such as B-Splines, parabola, and hyperbola. With its

ability to detect imperfect instances of the regular shapes, Hough Transform (HT) [7]

is one of the most common techniques used for lane detection. Hough Transform is

a method for detecting lines, curves and ellipses, but in the lane detection literature

it is preferred for its line detection capability. It is mostly employed after an edge

detection step on grayscale images. Besides the Hough Transform, many different

techniques also have been applied for lane detection, such as, neural networks [8],

dynamic programming [9] and deformable template matching [10].

Lane tracking, on the other hand, is the problem of tracking the lane edges from

frame to frame given an existing model of road geometry. Many techniques have been

used for lane tracking. Among them we can mention the Kalman filtering [11], and

particle filtering which are commonly used for modeling the estimation problems.

2.1.1. Randomized Hough Transform for Lane Detection

In [12] Li et al. have proposed a model that uses an adaptive Hough Transform.

The images are first converted into grayscale using only the R and G channels of the


color image. They have ignored the B channel relying on the good contrast of red

and green channels with respect to the white and yellow lane markings. The grayscale

image is passed through a very low thresholded Sobel edge detection. Afterwards they

apply a special HT which they call RHT (Randomized HT ). The pixels of RHT are

sampled randomly according to their gradient magnitudes. This method ensures robust

and accurate detection of lane markings especially for noisy images. The 3D Hough

space is reduced to two dimensions for simplifying the problem and reducing the high

computational cost of HT. The experiments have proven better results compared to

GA-based lane detection techniques.

2.1.2. Multiresolution Hough Transform for Lane Detection

In [13] Yu et al. also use Hough Transform to detect the lane boundaries.

This work additionally considers the pavements at the sidewayds. Since the pavement

boundaries are another means of continuous lines, the paper has put special attention

on them. The HT is used to detect lane boundaries with a parabolic model. Road

pavement types, lane structures and weather conditions have carefully been investi-

gated. The 3-D Hough space is decomposed into two sub-domains. A 2-D domain of

parameters shared by all the edge types, and a 1-D domain of remaining distinctive

parameters. This study uses the Canny edge detector to get two images: a binary

image denoting the edges and a gradient image denoting the ratio of vertial and hor-

izontal gradients. They have applied the HT several times from a low resolution to

the desired resolution images. They call this method multiresolution HT, and they

have proven it to reduce the computational cost of classical HT while preserving the

accuracy. The proposed system is only tested with 34 grayscale images of size 256 x

240. The experiments show that the system is capable of handling images of different

qualities, paved and unpaved roads, marked and unmarked roads, shadows, and poor

illumination conditions.


2.1.3. VioLET: Steerable Filters based Lane Detection

McCall and Trivedi [14] have designed a system (called VioLET) using steerable

filters [15] for robust and accurate lane detection. Steerable filters are especially

useful for detecting circular reflector markings, segmented-line markings, and solid-line

markings. They are insensitive to varying lighting and road conditions, hence providing

robustness to complex shadowing, lighting changes from overpasses and tunnels, and

road-surface variations. By computing only three separable convolutions, a wide variety

of lane markings can be detected. This study also has an improved curvature detection

methodology. They have incorporated the road visual cues (lane markings and lane

texture) with the vehicle-state information. The work is one of the most comprehensive

ones in the lane detection scope. It contains a detailed literature survey and comparison

of the previous researches. The proposed system is tested with various quantitative

metrics on a long test path using a specially equipped vehicle. By providing different

metrics for evaluating lane conditions, the system is made ready to integrate with

various driver-assistance systems. Lane keeping, lane changing and special conditions

like tunnel entrance and tunnel exit are all tested in detail.

2.1.4. ALVINN: Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network

In [16] A. Pomerleau proposes a learning vision-based autonomous driving system

called ALVINN. The Neural Network training and learning scheme allows the system

to drive in varying environments. Single-lane paved and unpaved roads, multilane

lined and unlined roads, and roads full of obstacles are among the test environments.

Depending on the road conditions, the vehicle moves autonomously at speeds of up

to 55 miles per hour. A single hidden layer feedforward neural network takes a 30x32

unit ”retina” as input. The ”retina” image is created either from a video camera

or a scanning laser rangefinder. The output layer is 30 units. Each unit is a value

representing how sharp to steer to left/right direction in order to follow the road or

to prevent colliding with nearby obstacles. The steering directions are distributed

linearly. A 4-unit hidden layer connects the input layer to the output layer. The

training is done on-the-fly. As the vehicle navigates, the live video sequence is fed


into the NN and trained to steer in the same direction as the human driver. Since

proper driving may not give sufficient diversity of real-time cases, the video sequence

is also transformed to create additional training data. This makes the system capable

of handling improper driving and road conditions. A buffering technique is used to

increase the diversity of sampling. The training on-the-fly scheme has been a novel

approach allowing ALVINN to easily train in various environments. Use of laser range

images and laser reflectance images have added the capability of following the roads

in total darkness and avoiding the obstacles ahead. The system is able to process

images at 15 FPS, allowing to drive at 55 MPH. The learning capability of the system

takes ALVINN one step ahead of the competitor systems. This provides high flexibility

across driving situations which cannot be achieved with hand programmed systems.

The experiments have shown that, instead of training a single network that deals with

all road conditions, the system yields better results if exclusive networks are trained

for each of the candidate conditions.

2.1.5. Lane Segmentation Using Dynamic Programming

The work in [17] presents a method to find the lane boundaries by combining

a local line extraction method and dynamic programming. Initially the position of the

lane boundaries are detected by the line extractor which runs on Sobel edge-detected

image. To do this, the line extractor clusters similar values of the edge direction

from gradient direction of edges. Next, dynamic programming is used to improve the

line extractor results. Image frames are divided into horizontal sub-frames for which

local edge detection is applied. Dynamic programming calculates the most prominent

lines by minimizing the deviation from a virtual straight line. The reason HT is not

used in this work is also discussed in detail. HT detects a single line at a time but

they are trying to extract two side lines of the white mark. In addition, HT requires

a peak search process to find the maximum voting value. The threshold value for

edge detection has big impact on the overall performance. They have not proposed

a dynamic solution to this problem. The comparison of experimental results with

a HT solution has shown that the proposed method yields better results. Also, the

computation time of the solution is strongly correlated with the number of lines in the



2.1.6. Lane Detection Using B-Snake

In [18] Wang et al. have proposed an algorithm based on B-Snake [19]. The

algorithm is able to discover a wider range of lanes, especially the curved ones. B-Snake

is basically a B-Splines implementation, therefore it can form any arbitrary shape by a

set of control points. The system aims to find both sides of lane markings similarly to

[17]. This is achieved by detecting the mid-line of the lane, followed by calculating the

perspective parallel lines. The initial position of the B-snake is decided by an algorithm

called Canny/Hough Estimation of Vanishing Points (CHEVP). The control points are

detected by a minimum energy method.

Snakes [19], or active contours, are curves defined within an image which can

move under the influence of internal forces from the curve itself and external forces

from the image data. This study introduces a novel B-spline lane model with dual

external forces. This has two advantages: First, the computation time is reduced since

two deformation problems is reduced into one; Second, the B-snake model will be more

robust against shadows, noise, and other lighting variations. The overall system is

tested against 50 pre-captured road images with different road conditions. The system

is observed to be robust against noise, shadows, and lighting variations. The approach

has also yielded good results for both the marked and the unmarked roads, and the

dashed and the solid paint line roads.

2.1.7. LOIS: Likelihood of Image Shape

In [20] Kluge and Lakshmanan have introduced the well known LOIS (Likeli-

hood of Image Shape) Lane Detection Algorithm for the first time. Instead of using a

thresholding method they have proposed a deformable template model. Thresholding

is not used since edge-based lane detectors mostly suffer from non-deterministic gradi-

ent magnitude thresholds. Shadows, puddles, tire skid marks and oil stains may create

undesired edges that will require varying threshold values to be filtered out. LOIS also


does not require a strict classification as edge and non-edge points. The likelihood

function permits the algorithm to locate the lane edges even when the contrast is poor

or there are many noise edges. LOIS uses the Metropolis algorithm [21] to perform like-

lihood optimization (to identify the optimal set of template deformation parameters).

They have found a set of system parameters that perform well in various road envi-

ronments. The proposed system is shown to perform well at situations where the lane

edges have relatively weak local contrast, or where there are strong distracting edges

due to shadows, puddles and pavement cracks. It seems deformable template model

suits well to the problem, but they may require to replace the Metropolis algorithm

with alternative methods.

2.1.8. Lane Tracking with LOIS

Another study from Kreucher et al. [22] uses the LOIS [20] Lane Detection

Algorithm [23] to track the lanes. The system emits warning messages if a lane crossing

is detected. The vehicle’s location with respect to the lane markings is detected by

LOIS, which uses a deformable template approach. This approach has a parametric

set of shapes that describes all possible ways the object can appear in the image. A

likelihood function is used to measure how well a particular detected object matches

the given image. Previous articles on LOIS focus solely on lane detection where the

vehicle is located around the center of two lanes. This paper’s contribution is using a

Kalman filter to predict the future values of vehicle’s location considering the previously

observed ones. The location is measured in terms of offset values with respect to the

right and left lane markings detected by LOIS. If the vehicle is detected to be within one

meter of either the left or the right lane marking, and if the vehicle’s path, as predicted

by the Kalman filter, will lead it to be within 0.8 meters of either lane markings in less

than one second, then a lane crossing warning is emitted.

2.1.9. Lane Tracking Using Particle Filtering

In [24] Apostoloff and Zelinsky presents the first results from a study where a lane

tracker was developed using particle filtering and visual cue fusion technology. This


is part of a work on Australian National University. Several cameras (passive, active,

near-field and far-field coverage) and sensors are located on the vehicle. This research

introduces the first use of particle filtering in a road vehicle application. Another con-

tribution of this study is its ability to automatically adopt to road condition variations

by using a novel Distillation Algorithm which combines a particle filter with a cue fu-

sion engine. This is a notable enhancement compared to the previous researches which

rely on only one or two fixed cues for lane detection that are used regardless of how

well they are performing. Distillation Algorithm on the other hand changes the cues

dynamically considering the variations on the environment. It is based on Bayesian

statistics and is self-optimized to produce the best statistical result. Particle filtering

is also used to track the detected lanes. The lane tracker uses two different sets of cues:

image based cues (lane marker cue, road edge cue, road color cue, non-road color cue)

and the state based cues (road width cue, elastic lane cue). Experiments have shown

that particle filter has impressive results for target detection and tracking. While other

researches use separate procedures for detection and tracking, usage of particle filter

for both tasks have exhibited good results in this study. It also removes the necessity

for additional computations.

2.1.10. Deformable Template Model Approach to Lane Tracking

Similar to LOIS [20, 23, 22] the lane detection approach proposed in [25] uses a

deformable template model. The aim of this study is to overcome problems of Kalman

filter based lane trackers. The problem with the Kalman filter based lane tracking is

that, they cannot recover after a tracking failure occurance. That is because Kalman

filter is based on Gaussian densities which cannot represent simultaneous alternative

hypotheses. In the proposed method the lane boundaries are assumed to be parabolas

in the ground plane. The lane detection is formulated as a ”maximum a posteriori”

(MAP) estimate problem. Tabu search algorithm is used to obtain the global maxima

for the posterior density. The detected lanes are tracked using a particle filter that

recursively estimates the lane shape and the vehicle position. The proposed model

outputs many useful parameters such as the position of the vehicle inside the lane, its

heading direction, and the local structure of the lane.


2.1.11. General Obstacle and Lane Detection (GOLD)

The General Obstacle and Lane Detection system (GOLD [26]) used in the

ARGO vehicle at the University of Parma transforms stereo-vision images into a com-

mon bird’s eye view. It uses a pattern matching technique to detect lane markings

on the road. A horizontal search is performed for dark-bright-dark regions of certain

width. The effect of illumination conditions, shadows or sunny blobs is reduced by

considering each pixel not globally but rather with respect to its left and right horizon-

tal neighbors. The road marking pixels mostly have higher brightness value than their

horizontal neighbors. After brightness analysis step a gray-level image is computed

that represents horizontal brightness transitions. This lets use of adaptive threshold

for image binarization. The proposed system is limited to roads with lane markings as

the lane markings form the very basis of the search method.

2.1.12. Stochastic Resonance Based Noise Utilization for Lane Detection

In [27] Bellino et al. present the lane detection techniques used in SPARC (Secure

Propulsion using Advanced Redundant Control) Project financed by EU. This study

introduces two new approaches. First, the noise due to vibration of vehicle can be

used through Stochastic Resonance. While traditional methods try to avoid the noise,

this study uses it to reveal useful information such as the contour of objects and lanes.

Second, this study utilizes several sensors (camera, radar, laser) for lane detection,

whichever is providing reliable data depending on external conditions (shadows, fog,

rain, dark).

2.1.13. Kalman Filters for Curvature Estimation

W. Enkelmann et al. [28] have built a real-time lane tracking system which han-

dles unmarked lane borders as well as marked lane borders. Kalman filter is used for

horizontal and vertical lane curvature estimation. If lane borders are partially occluded

by cars or other obstacles, the results of a completely separate obstacle detection mod-

ule, which utilizes other sensors, are used to increase the robustness of the lane tracking


module. They have also given an algorithm to classify the lane types. The illustrated

lane tracking system has two subtasks: departure warning and lane change assistant.

While the lane departure warning system evaluates images from a front looking camera,

the lane change assistant receives signals from back looking cameras and radar sensors.

2.1.14. Adaptive Random Hough Transform for Lane Tracking

A recent study from Zhu et al. [29] presents a novel approach for lane detec-

tion problem. Instead of using one single method to calculate all parameters in the

lane model, the Adaptive Random Hough Transform (ARHT) and the Tabu Search

algorithm are used cooperatively to calculate the different parameters. ARHT is an

efficient approach to detect curves, which determines n parameters of the curve by

sampling n pixels in the edge image. Tabu Search algorithm is based on a ”maximum

a posteriori” (MAP) estimate problem similarly to [25]. A multiresolution strategy

is employed to reduce the execution time and provide more accurate results, similar

to [13]. The proposed system uses a hyperbolic lane model, and therefore is able to

detect both straight and curved lanes. ARHT and Tabu Search are used to calculate

the parameters of the hyperbolic model. Lane tracking is accomplished by a particle

filter. The first frame is used by the detection algorithm. The result of the detection

algorithm is delivered to the particle filter for tracking. Therefore, tracking starts with

the second frame and continues as long as a confidence threshold is satisfied. When

confidence threshold is violated, the detection algorithm is called again to generate new

initial particles for the tracking algorithm.

2.1.15. Extended Hyperbola Model for Lane Detection

Another recent study by Bai et al. [30] uses a different approach for road and

lane detection. An extended hyperbola model is used to represent the road. A non-

linear term is integrated into the model to handle transitions between the straight and

the curved road segments. The parameters of the model are estimated by multiple

vanishing points located on road segments. This paper is primarily focused on road

detection rather than lane detection. But it uses lane information to do so, and presents


useful techniques for our intentions.

2.1.16. SVM Based Lane Change Detection

In [30] M. Mandalia and D. Salvucci present an SVM-based method for lane-

change detection. The aim of the proposed system is to detect drivers’ lane change in-

tentions. The technique uses both behavioral and environmental data, but is primarily

focused on behavioral data. Several features are used for SVM training: acceleration,

near-field lane position, far-side lane position, heading, lead car distance, and steering

angle. All SVM kernels have been tested, but linear kernel has performed the best

results. The system was able to detect about 87 percent of all true positives within

the first 0.3 seconds from the start of the maneuver. Usage of lead-car velocity and eye

movements are mentioned to be the future enhancements for the system.

2.2. Sign Detection and Classification

There are numerous methods for the detection and recognition of traffic signs.

Similar to the lane detection algorithms, vision-based sign detection systems also

mostly suffer from adverse weather and lighting conditions. A sign detection system

can be decomposed into two separate parts: detection and classification. Researchers

have proposed various techniques for detection and classification. Among the com-

monly used techniques, we can mention Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Kalman

Filter, radial symmetry, Ada-Boost and LDA.

2.2.1. Neural Networks for Sign Classification

One of the early studies on the topic is introduced by Escalera et al. [31] in

1997. Detection is achieved by a shape analysis on a color thresholded image, whereas

classification is done by neural networks. Although HSI is very invariant to lighting

changes, RGB is preferred in this study. That is because, HSI formulation is nonlin-

ear and therefore requires more processing power. The proposed approach applies a

red-color threshold, followed by corner detector for triangular signs and circumference


detector for circular signs. The detectors are basically a set of masks used for convo-

lution. Two separate multilayer perceptron NNs have been trained for triangular and

circular signs. The size of the input layer corresponds to an image of 30x30 pixels, and

the output layer is of size ten, i.e., nine sign types plus one output that shows that the

sign is not one of the nine. Ideal signs were used for training. 1620 training patters

are created out of them by rotating, adding Gaussian noise and displacing 3 pixels.

2.2.2. Kalman Filters for Traffic Sign Detection and Tracking

In [32] Fang et al. have additionally focused on the tracking of the signs through

the image sequence. Prior to tracking phase, they have used two NNs for detecting

the signs: one for color features and one for shape features. A fuzzy approach is used

to create an integration map of the shape and color features, which in turn is used

to detect the signs. To reduce the complexity of detection operations, the system

can only detect signs of a particular size (8-pixel radius). Once the location of the

sign is detected in the current frame, the size and location in the following frame is

predicted by a Kalman filter. This significantly reduces the search space and increases

the accuracy. Nevertheless, the detection technique proposed in this paper requires a

large search space due to the complexity of the integration map.

Piccioli et al. [33] also incorporated both color and edge information to detect

road signs from a single image. They applied the Kalman-filter-based temporal integra-

tion of the extracted information for further improvement. They claimed that to im-

prove the performance, their technique could be applied to temporal image sequences.

In fact, the detection of road signs using only a single image has three problems: 1)

to reduce the search space and time, the positions and sizes of road signs cannot be

predicted; 2) it is difficult to correctly detect a road sign when temporary occlusion

occurs; and 3) the correctness of road signs is hard to verify. By using a video sequence

instead of temporal images, the information from the preceding images, such as the

number of the road signs and their predicted sizes and positions can be preserved. This

information can be used to increase the speed and accuracy of road-sign detection in

subsequent images.


2.2.3. Sign Detection Using AdaBoost and Haar Wavelet Features

Bahlmann et al. [34] suggest the use of AdaBoost [35] and Haar wavelet [36] fea-

tures for detection, and a Gaussian probability density model for classification. Tradi-

tional object detection approached generally apply color and shape detection separately

one after the other. Regions that have falsely been rejected by color segmentation, can-

not be recovered in further processing. The main contribution of this paper, with this

motivation, is a joint color and shape modeling within the AdaBoost framework. In

addition, AdaBoost is mostly used to select gray-scale wavelet features specified by

their position, width and height parameters. This study, on the other hand, requires

wavelets to be applied on RGB images. Therefore, instead of gray-scale images, they

have proposed a method to use RGB color images in AdaBoost framework. The overall

system is measured to perform with an error rate of 15 percent.

2.2.4. Matching Pursuit (MP) Algorithm for Traffic Sign Recognition

Hsu and Huang [37] also use a two-fold approach for traffic signs: detection

and recognition. The detection phase, in turn, has three stages. In the first stage, a

region in the captured image where the road sign is more likely to be found is selected.

Here, either the color information or other heuristics (such as possible locations of

road signs, geometrical characteristics of the signs) are used. In the second stage, the

region of interest (ROI) is searched to find the possible location of the triangular or

circular shape regions. Then, a closer view image is captured focusing the identified

regions. In the third stage, template-matching is applied to detect the road signs.

In the recognition phase, matching pursuit (MP) filter [38] is used to recognize the

road signs effectively. Matching pursuit (MP) algorithm uses a greedy heuristic to

iteratively decompose any signal into a linear expansion of waveforms that are selected

from a redundant dictionary of functions. Matching pursuits are general procedures to

compute adaptive signal representations. MP based recognition proposed in this paper

is unfortunately too costly. While the computation time of the detection phase is 100

ms, the recognition operation using matching pursuit method requires about 250 ms.


2.2.5. Shape-based Road Sign Detection

Loay and Barnes [39] have developed a time-efficient, rotation-invariant and

shape-based road sign detection technique. It can detect triangular, square and oc-

tagonal road signs. The method uses the symmetric nature of these shapes. Regular

polygons are equiangular i.e., their sides are separated by a regular angular spacing. To

utilize this regularity, they introduce a rotationally invariant measure. However, the

algorithm has an important limitation such that, for each image frame the algorithm

only seeks for predefined radii. Regarding the performance, for a 320x240 image, the

algorithm was able to be run at 20Hz. The approach has strong robustness to varying

illumination as it detects shapes based on edges, and will efficiently reduce the search

for a road sign from the whole image to a small number of pixels. It can detect (without

classification) the signs with a success rate of 95 percent.

2.2.6. Support Vector Machine Approaches for Traffic Sign Detection and


An SVM-based study introduced by Maldonado et al. [40] can recognize circular,

rectangular, triangular, and octagonal signs. They have used SVM for both detection

and classification purposes. Linear SVMs are used as geometric shape classifiers at

detection phase. They operate on the color-segmented image (red, blue, yellow, white,

or combinations of these colors). After the color segmentation, what is called blobs of

interest (BoI) are detected. Linear SVM executes on these blobs using the distance

to borders (DtBs) as input vectors. For the sign classification phase, on the other

hand, Gaussian-kernel SVMs are used. The input to the recognition stage is a block

of 31x31 pixels in grayscale image for every candidate blob. In order to reduce the

feature vectors, only those pixels that must be a part of the sign (pixels of interest) are

used. The results show a high success rate and a very low amount of false positives in

the final recognition stage. The results reveal that the proposed algorithm is invariant

to translation, rotation, scale, and, in many situations, even to partial occlusions.

This study does not suggest a tracking method. The overall recognition accuracy

of the system is acceptable, and can detect different geometric shapes, i.e., circular


and octagonal, and triangular and rectangular. But it requires several performance

enhancements in order to be applicable in real-time. The current computation time is

1.77 seconds per frame.

Another SVM-based solution by Kiran et al. [41] introduces an SVM Learning

technique for traffic sign classification. Similar to many other studies, they have pre-

ferred color segmentation for detection. Only hue and saturation channels are used.

Shape classification is performed using a linear support vector machine. Better shape

classification performance is obtained by training the SVM using novel features called

distance from center (DfC) and distance to borders (DtB). DfC is defined to be the

distance from the center of the blob to the external edge of the blob, whereas, DtB

is distance from the external edge of the blob to its bounding box. Each segmented

blob has four DtB vectors and four DfC vectors for left, right, top and bottom di-

rections. These vectors make the system invariant of translation, rotation and scale

factors. Classification is tested by using DtB alone, and also by combining DtB and

DfC feature vectors. Circular sign classification shows more successful than triangular

ones. Also, joint features usage yields slightly better results. The classification success

rate is around 90 percent, and the true positives rate is around 96 percent.

In [42] Jimenez et al. focus just on the sign detection problem, dividing it into

two sub-blocks that perform shape classification and localization of the sign. This work

is a successor of [40] which used two different SVMs for detection and classification.

The main contribution of this work is basically in the improvement of the detection

block, where the new method developed here has proven to be more successful than

the distance to borders (DtB) method, defined in their previous work [40]. The

classification of the shape is achieved by means of the connected components. Object

rotations are handled with the use of the FFT. The signature of each blob was used for

the classification of the shape of the traffic sign. The normalization of the energy of the

signature makes the algorithm invariant to image scaling, and the use of the absolute

value of the FFT of the normalized signature makes the algorithm invariant to object

rotations. Experimental results, evaluated using a huge set of randomly generated

synthetic images are also given, showing a great robustness to object scaling, rotation,


projective deformation, partial occlusions and noise.

2.2.7. Genetic Algorithm for Traffic Sign Detection

A more recent study of Escalera et al. [43] uses genetic algorithm for detection,

and a neural network for classification. The proposed system not only recognizes the

traffic sign but also provides information about its condition or state. Traffic signs are

detected trough color and shape analysis. First the hue and saturation components of

the image are analyzed and the regions in the image that fulfill some color restrictions

are detected. If the area of one of these regions is large enough, a possible sign can be

located in the image. The perimeters of the regions are obtained and a global search of

possible signs is performed with an elitist GA. The initial population of the GA is not

random, but rather is created according to the color analysis results. A thresholding

of the color analysis image is performed and the number and position of the blobs are

obtained. The fitness function is basically the proportion of the number of points whose

distance is less than a threshold value. For NN training, RGB is preferred instead of

HSI, due to HSI’s instability to obtain the hue value of gray colors. Some researches

have used the I component, but the color information would be lost because a dark red

pixel (belonging to the sign border) would have the same value as a dark gray. The NN

is finally followed by an additional sign state analysis step. This helps the algorithm,

not only know the detected sign, but also the confidence in its detection.

2.2.8. Traffic Sign Classification Using Ring Partitioned Method

Soetedjo and Yamada [44] have focused on traffic sign classification using Ring

Partitioned Method on grayscale images. In contrast to the previously discussed meth-

ods, this study does not require many carefully prepared samples for training. In

the pre-processing stage, a special method is used to convert the RGB image into a

grayscale format which is invariant to illumination changes (called ”specified grayscale

image”). First, color thresholding is applied for each of the red, blue, white and black

colors. This produces four grayscale images corresponding to four mentioned colors.

These grayscale images are combined by the ”histogram specification method”, a tech-


nique to convert an image into one with particular histogram specified in advance.

The method divides a rectangular ”specified grayscale image” into several rings, which

constitute the ring-partitioned image. A fuzzy histogram value is calculated for each

ring, providing better smoothed values. The Euclidean’s distance is used for match-

ing. It measures the distance between the target image and the reference images. The

proposed system has a matching rate of around 95 percent. But the circular nature of

the rings makes the system applicable only for the circular signs.

2.2.9. Recognition of Traffic Signs Using Human Vision Models

Another different approach [45] is to represent the sign features by using a hu-

man vision color appearance model by Gao et al. CIECAM97 [46] color appearance

model has been applied to extract color information and to segment and classify traffic

signs. CIECAM97 is a standard color appearance model recommended by CIE (Inter-

national Commission on Illumination) in 1997 for measuring color appearance under

various viewing conditions. It takes weather conditions into consideration and simu-

lates human’s perception for perceiving colors under various viewing conditions and for

different media, such as reflection colors, transmissive colors, etc. Only blue and red

signs are used in this study. For the segmentation step, they detect the color ranges

(hue and choroma) for red, blue, black, and white. Based on the range of the sign

colors, traffic sign candidate regions are segmented using quad-tree histogram method.

This will isolate them from the rest of scenes for further processing. Apart from the

color features, the method also applies a method for modeling shape features. Over-

all recognition rate is very high for signs under artificial transformations that imitate

possible real world sign distortion (up to 50 percent for noise level, 50 m for distances

to signs, and 5◦ for perspective disturbances) for still images.

2.2.10. Road and Traffic Sign Color Detection and Segmentation-A Fuzzy


H. Fleyeh [47] has proposed a fuzzy approach for traffic sign color detection

and segmentation. RGB images taken by a digital camera are converted into HSV


and segmented by a set of fuzzy rules depending on the hue and saturation channels.

The fuzzy rules are used only to segment the colors of the sign. The model evaluates

the appearance and the color of objects with respect to: 1) the color of incident light

depending on CIE curve [46]; 2) the reflectance properties of the object, which is a

function of the wavelength of the incident light; 3) the camera properties. HSV color

space is used because hue is invariant to the light variations and saturation changes.

Seven fuzzy (if-then) rules are applied with respect to the hue and saturation values.

The method does not do a classification of the detected signs.

2.2.11. Recognition of Traffic Signs With Two Camera System

Miura et al. [48] have used two cameras to recognize the traffic signs. One

camera has a wide-angle lens and is directed to the moving direction of the vehicle,

whereas the other camera is equipped with a telephoto lens and can change the viewing

direction to focus the attention to the target sign. The detection process first identifies

the candidates by color and intensity. Next, the telephoto camera is directed to the

region of interest and it captures a closer view of the candidate signs. For detecting

the circles they use the fact that; if an edge is a part of a circle, the center of the

circle should exist on the line which passes the edge and has the same direction as

the gradient of the edge. After detecting the circles with regard to a fixed threshold

value, the classification is achieved by a normalized correlation-based pattern matching

technique using a traffic sign image database.

2.2.12. Hough Transform for Traffic Sign Detection

Another work by Garcia-Garrido et al. [49] intends to recognize both circu-

lar (prohibition and obligation) and triangular signs. The system comprises of three

stages. First, detection is performed by the Hough transform. Canny edge detector

is preferred because it preserves the contours. The threshold for Canny algorithm is

determined dynamically, according to the histogram. This approach helps to handle

various weather and lighting conditions, and even night-time driving. For triangular

signs, the aim is to detect three straight lines intersecting each other, forming a 60


degrees-angle. But Hough transform does not yield the start and end points of the

lines. If the approach is applied to the whole image, it would yield too may intersect-

ing lines. To overcome this, the HT is applied to every contour successively. Second,

a neural network is used for classification. Two different neural networks have been

implemented; one of them identifies whether it is a triangular sign or not, and its

type; and the other one recognizes the circular signs. Both are backpropagation neu-

ral networks, where the input is a 32x32 pixel-size normalized image of the candidate

sign. Finally, a Kalman filter is employed for tracking, which provides the system with

memory. The Kalman filter clearly improves the computational time. The experiments

show that the proposed system has a recognition rate of 98.5 percent for speed limit

signs, and 97.2 percent for warning signs. The system has shown to be reliable and

robust in sunny, cloudy, and rainy days, and also at nighttime driving. The average

processing time of 30 ms per frame makes the system a good approach to work in real

time conditions.

2.2.13. Class-specific Discriminative Features and Kalman Filter for Sign

Detection and Classification

In a very recent study Ruta et al. [50] have developed a two-stage symbolic traffic

sign detection and classification system. The detector is basically is a circle/regular

polygon detector with color pre-filtering. For the classification stage, they introduce a

novel feature selection algorithm that extracts for each sign a small number of critical

local image regions having the highest dissimilarity between the candidate and the

other signs. The comparison to the set of target signs is made using a distance metric

based on color distances. The Kalman filter based tracker is additionally employed

in each frame to predict the position and the scale of a previously detected sign and

hence to reduce computation. Owing to the tracker, the sign detector is only triggered

every several stages for a set of ranges to detect new sign candidates. This study has

three important aspects. First, feature extraction, hence training, is simple because it

is performed directly from the publicly available sign templates. Second, each template

is treated and trained individually providing a means for measuring dissimilarity from

the remaining templates. Finally, the usage of color distance metrics has proven to be


suitable for modeling various traffic sign although trained from ideal sing templates.



3.1. Methodology

3.1.1. Hough Transform Overview

Hough Transform (HT) [7] is a technique to detect arbitrary shapes in images,

given a parametrized description of the shape in question. Hough transform can detect

imperfect instances of the searched shapes. Besides, HT is tolerant of gaps, and image

noise has minor effect on the output.

The simplest form of the HT is the line transform, where lines are the target

elements sought by the transform. Representing a line in polar form (Equation 3.1)

specifies its normal passing through (x, y) drawn from the origin to (r, θ) in polar

space. These are represented by the dashed lines in Figure 3.1.

xCosθ + ySinθ = r (3.1)

For each point in the (X, Y ) plane and on the line, the values of r and θ are

constant. Therefore for a given point in the (X, Y ) plane we can calculate the lines

passing through the point in terms of r and θ. Passing a range of lines at varying

angles [0, 2π] and varying θ accordingly it is then possible to calculate the value for r.

By taking a set of lines through a point and calculating the r and θ values for the

lines at that point a Hough space can be created (Figure 3.1). Distributing the results

of these calculations to ”bins” and incrementing their value or ”vote” for every result

that is placed in them, an accumulation array can be built. The greater the vote value

of the bin, the higher the probability that it is a point on the line.


Figure 3.1. Liner Hough transform.

3.1.2. Detection: Multiresolution Hough Transform (MHT)

The classical HT approach processes the entire vision data in order to detect the

lines. This scenario has two main drawbacks. First, the occluded lines (i.e. another car

passing through the line) become noisy since the transformed relative intensity of the

line decreases. Second, the relative intensity of the lines also decreases at the curves

in the road.

The proposed solution divides the road image into partitions, where the sizes of

the partitions are inversely proportional to the distance of the partition to the vehicle.

After the image is partitioned, several preprocessing steps are required before applying

the Hough transform. These preprocessing steps should be fast because the Hough

transform is already computationally expensive for real time applications. Since edge

detection techniques are also usually computationally expensive for real time applica-

tions [51, 52], each partition is converted to binary images via applying a threshold

filter after a color remapping process.

After the image is partitioned, a separate Hough transform is applied to each


Figure 3.2. Block Diagram for Multiresolution HT.

single partition. The most intense line in each partition, which is the candidate line

segment, is taken into consideration in order to find the global lanes in the image.

Since the Hough lines are represented in polar coordinates (r, θ) instead of rectangular

coordinates (x, y), the candidate lines are grouped according to their slopes and dis-

tances to the center of the image as well as their intensities. The center of the frame

is chosen as the reference point.

The transformation of the lines basically changes the center point of the polar

coordinates for each transformed line which is achieved by the following translation

r′ = r + (x− x′) cos(θ) + (y − y′) sin(θ)

θ′ = θ(3.2)

where (r’, θ’) are the global polar coordinates (with respect to the reference point) of

the Hough line (r, θ). Note that the translation of the center of the Hough transform

is from (x, y) to (x’, y’).


Figure 3.3. (a) Partitioned image, (b) Binary image.

Figure 3.4. (a) Candidate lines, (b) Transformed line, (c) Detected lines.

After the lines are grouped, the most intense three clusters are assigned as the

lanes. However, there may be less than three lanes if the sum of the intensities of the

candidate lines is less than a threshold value.

3.1.3. Tracking: HMM

HMM [53] is an alternative to Kalman filter and particle filtering. It is a statistical

model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with

unobserved states. As shown in Figure 3.5, the system consists of predefined sets of

states and observations. A state transition probability matrix defines the probabilities

of transition between states. An emission probability matrix defines the probability of

encountering each observation for each state. System also defines the start probabilities


of each state. The ultimate aim of an HMM is to estimate the next observation relying

on the current observation, without access to the state information.

Figure 3.5. Hidden Markov Model. (x: states, y: possible observations, a: state

transition probabilities, b: emission probabilities)

For lane tracking, HMM is used to represent the relation between the current

frame and its successor. Each lane in a specific frame is represented by an individual

(r, θ) pair. In the succeeding frame, the process will most probably observe the same

lane at (r’, θ’) which is not very far from the position of the lane in the previous frame.

The probability of observing (r’, θ’) pair in the next frame is modeled as an HMM

problem. In addition, θ and r values are modeled by two different HMMs. The θ value

is discretized as (0, 1, 2, 3. . . 178, 179) where the r value is discretized at the pixel

level. This discretization schema is used in both transmission and emission matrices.

The emission probability matrix shows the probability of observing θ’ (or r’ ) in the

next frame, having observed θ (or r) in the current frame. In our implementation, the

observation and state transition matrix values are derived from two Gaussian distri-

butions with different deviations. The deviation of the transition matrix is assigned

to a smaller value than the observation matrix, which means, the state transition ma-

trix aims to preserve the current state where the observation matrix promotes the


exploration behavior.

3.2. Experiments and Results

The approach proposed in this study is implemented and tested on a relatively

short video sequence of an urban drive. In addition, the proposed approach is compared

with the classical Hough transform where the entire image is processed and the most

intense lines are accepted as candidate lines. The properties of the video are as follows.

Table 3.1. Properties of the video sequence.

Camera Position: Front console of the car

Resolution: 512 x 288

Frame Rate: 29.97

Length: 34 sec.

3.2.1. Setup

As the first step of the experiment, the image is converted to a binary image

using a color remapping function. The mapping for each pixel from 24bit RGB value

to binary value is given in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Color remapping.

Pixel Value Red Green Blue

0-175 0 0 0

176-195 1 1 0

196-255 1 1 1

This binarization favors the white and yellow parts of the images. The values

are manually crafted for the sample video. More discussions about improving the color

remapping can be found in the next section.

The next step is to determine the partitions of the image on which the Hough

transforms will be applied. Although the image is 288 pixels high, only the bottommost

116 pixels are used since the road remains in this lower part of the image. The accuracy

of this assumption may slightly differ depending on the slope of the lane.


Figure 3.6. Image partitions.

The widths of the partitions are 32, 64, and 128 pixels from top to bottom.

And the heights are 32, 42, and 42 pixels respectively as shown in Figure 3.6. These

values are assigned according to the position of the camera. Exact dimensions of the

partitions is not very crucial. The only idea is to put more attention on the far regions

of the camera view. After the partitions are calculated, Hough transform is applied to

each partition as described in the previous section. The most promising three lines are

assigned as the candidate lane markings. But there may be less than three lines if the

intensity of the calculated lines are less than an empirically assigned threshold. The

experiment shows that the proposed approach usually detects only two lines most of

the time.

After finding the lane markings, the HMM method is used to track the lanes.

The values of the emission and state transition matrices are derived using Gaussian

distribution. The deviation of the transition matrix is assigned as 1 and the deviation

of the emission matrix is taken as 2. Two separate models are prepared for the θ and r

values of the candidate lane markings. The transition and emission matrices are given

in Tables 3.2.1 and 3.2.1. Since the θ values 0 and 179 are actually very close, the

emission and transmission values are the same for 1 and 179 in θ matrices. In addition,

the range of the r matrices is (0, 282) because the maximum possible distance for any

detected line is 282 pixels where the height of the processed part of the image is 116

and width of the image is 512.


Table 3.3. (a) Transmission matrix for r, (b) Transmission matrix for θ.

r 0 1 2 3 ... 279 280 281 282

0 0.3989 0.2420 0.0540 0.0044 ... 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

1 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420 0.0540 ... 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

2 0.0540 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420 ... 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ... 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420 0.0540

281 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ... 0.0540 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420

282 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ... 0.0044 0.0540 0.2420 0.3989

θ 0 1 2 3 ... 176 177 178 179

0 0.3989 0.2420 0.0540 0.0044 ... 0.0001 0.0044 0.0540 0.2420

1 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420 0.0540 ... 0.0000 0.0001 0.0044 0.0540

2 0.0540 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420 ... 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0044

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

177 0.0044 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 ... 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420 0.0540

178 0.0540 0.0044 0.0001 0.0000 ... 0.0540 0.2420 0.3989 0.2420

179 0.2420 0.0540 0.0044 0.0001 ... 0.0044 0.0540 0.2420 0.3989

3.2.2. Results

The proposed approach managed to detect and track at least one lane in most of

the sequence. In addition, false positives are reduced to an acceptable level. In order

to validate the results, the proposed approach is compared with the classical Hough

Transform approach. In this method, the same part of the image is processed using the

Hough transform routine. The most intensive 10 lines are merged according to their r

and θ values. Finally three or less candidate lines are selected as the lane markings.

The major differences between the classical and the multi-resolution HT are

shown in Figure 3.7. The images on the left hand side are the detected or missed

lines by the classical approach. The right hand side images are the outputs of the new

approach for the same frames which show that the new approach is more robust and


The computational cost of the proposed approach can be compared as follows.

The average processing time is 21.25 milliseconds for a laptop PC with Intel T5450

processor at 1.66 GHz whereas the average time of the classical approach is 15.29


Table 3.4. (a) Emission matrix for r, (b) Emission matrix for θ.

r 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 281 282

0 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 0.0648 0.0270 0.0088 ... 0.0000 0.0000

1 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 0.0648 0.0270 ... 0.0000 0.0000

2 0.1210 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 0.0648 ... 0.0000 0.0000

3 0.0648 0.1210 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 ... 0.0000 0.0000

4 0.0270 0.0648 0.1210 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 ... 0.0000 0.0000

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

281 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ... 0.1995 0.1760

282 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ... 0.1760 0.1995

θ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 178 179

0 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 0.0648 0.0270 0.0088 ... 0.1210 0.1760

1 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 0.0648 0.0270 ... 0.0648 0.1210

2 0.1210 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 0.0648 ... 0.0270 0.0648

3 0.0648 0.1210 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 0.1210 ... 0.0088 0.0270

4 0.0270 0.0648 0.1210 0.1760 0.1995 0.1760 ... 0.0022 0.0088

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

178 0.1210 0.0648 0.0270 0.0088 0.0022 0.0004 ... 0.1995 0.1760

179 0.1760 0.1210 0.0648 0.0270 0.0088 0.0022 ... 0.1760 0.1995



Figure 3.7. Differences between classical Hough transform and proposed approach.



There are four types of traffic signs that are used in the traffic code: 1) warning;

2) prohibition; 3) regulatory; and 4) informational. The warning signs are equilateral

triangles with one vertex upwards. They have a white background and are surrounded

by a thick red border. To indicate prohibitions (eg. no parking, no left turn, speed

limits), the signs are circles with white background and red border. Regulatory traffic

signs are intended to instruct road users (not only the drivers) on what they must do

(or not do) under a given set of circumstances. Informative signs have the same color

as the regulatory signs.

Figure 4.1. Traffic signs used in this study.

To detect the position of a sign in the image, we must know the two properties we

discussed previously, i.e., color and shape. Traffic sign detection is more difficult under

adverse lighting and weather conditions despite the fact that road signs are mainly

composed of distinct colors, such as red, blue, black and white. The effect of outdoor

illumination, which varies strictly, cannot be controlled. Thus, the observed color of a

road sign is always a mixture of the original color and whatever the current outdoor

lighting is. Moreover, the paint on signs often deteriorates with age. Thus, a color

model that will cope with these challenges is selected in this study.

There are many possible variations in the appearance of a sign in an image.

Throughout the day, and at night time, lighting conditions can vary enormously. A

sign may be well lit by direct sunlight, or headlights, it may be completely in shadow

on a bright day, or heavy rain may blur the image of the sign. Ideally, signs have

clear color contrast, but over time they can become faded, yet still be clear to drivers.


Although the signs mostly appear by the road edge, this may be at a far point from

the car on a multi-lane highway to the left or right, or very close on a single lane track.

Further, while signs are generally a standard distance above the ground, they can also

appear on temporary roadwork signs at ground level. Thus, it is not easy to restrict

the possible positions of a sign within an image of a road scene.

Traffic sign processing proposed in this study consists of two independent phases.

In the first phase 64x64 sized sub-frames are extracted from the video sequence, and in

the second phase these sub-frames are classified according to several learning methods.

This chapter describes the detection process.

4.1. Methodology

The proposed approach for sign detection and tracking in the ADES project

is based on genetic algorithms (GA) [54]. A modified version of radial symmetric

transform [55] is applied after an image binarization step. The lifecycle of a video

frame for the sign detection process is illustrated in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2. Sign detection stages. (a) Original frame, (b) Binarized image, (c)

Triangle verified, (d) Sign extracted, (e) Brightness correction applied, (f) Detected



4.1.1. Image Binarization

Every object detection algorithm requires a set of distinctive features that will

identify the objects. The feature may be a color, a geometric shape, shape variance

or lighting variance characteristics of the object. In our case, the set of signs have

two important characteristics in common: they all have a red boundary and white

background color. This distinctive color property makes it possible for human beings

to easily identify the traffic signs while driving. Hence, it makes sense to use it also for

the computer vision.

Color segmentation is a method constantly used in the literature [34, 41, 40, 45,

47]. In this study, we have adopted a more specific way of color segmentation: image

binarization. The binarization function simply classifies each pixel as red or non-red.

As specified in Equation 4.1, it is a function of red, green, and blue channels instead

of a fixed color map. Depending on the coefficients α and β the image is binarized as

red and non-red pixels. The red pixels will be the basis of the sign detection process

in the following sub-sections.

f(r, g, b) =1 if r > α.g, r > β.b

0 otherwise(4.1)


The performance of the method highly depends on the proper calculation of α and

β coefficients. The proposed approach dynamically updates these coefficients with a

specific period according to the luminance value obtained from the histogram calcu-

lations of the current frame. Sample scenes with corresponding red, green, and blue

histograms, and their means and standard deviations of these histogram values are

given in figures 4.3 and 4.4. It can be observed that different lighting conditions on

similar roads have produced considerably different histograms. The drastic difference

highly dominates the output of the binarization. Using non-dynamic values for α and

β would produce fully black binary images on dim lighted roads, or too much white

regions for sunny roads.


Figure 4.3. Good, medium and poor conditions for traffic sign detection.

Cropwidth = RGBwidth/2

Cropheight = RGBheight/2

Cropx = RGBwidth/2

Cropy = RGBheight/4

RGBcropped = crop(RGB,Cropx, Cropy, Cropwidth, Cropheight)

HSLcropped = HSL(RGBcropped)

HIST = Histogram(HSLcropped)

α = β = 1 + (Lmean/2)



Figure 4.4. Means and standard deviations of sample scene histograms.

Equation 4.2 explains the calculation of the α and β values. First the image is

cropped in order to get right half of the image. Next 1/4 from top and 1/4 bottom is

also removed. This is done since histogram construction is a costly operation. Therefore

removing the unnecessary regions will save cpu time, while yielding histograms better

related to the traffic sign regions. After the crop operation, RGB image is converted

into HSL color space, and the histogram is calculated. Then Lmean is used to calculate

the new values for the α and β coefficients. Figure 4.5 shows the different values

calculated for dark and shiny environments. The binarized images show the success of

red region labeling. Note that, for the dark case a smaller coefficient makes it possible

to detect the red regions.

4.1.2. GA Learning

A genetic algorithm (GA) [54] is an evolutionary optimization approach to find

exact or approximate solutions to optimization problems. GA are more appropriate

for complex non-linear models where location of the global optimum is a difficult task.

The GA process is based on the Darwinian principle of survival of the fittest.


Figure 4.5. Original and binarized images with dynamic α, β coefficients.

An initial population is created containing a predefined number of individuals, each

represented by a genetic string. Each individual has an associated fitness measure,

typically representing an objective value. The concept that the fittest (or the best)

individuals in a population will produce fitter offspring is then implemented in order to

produce the next population. The selected individuals are chosen for reproduction (or

crossover) at each generation, with an appropriate mutation factor to randomly modify

the genes of an individual, in order to develop the new population. The result is another

set of individuals based on the original subjects leading to subsequent populations with

better (minimum or maximum) individual fitness. Therefore, the algorithm identifies

the individuals with the optimizing fitness values, and those with lower fitness will

naturally get discarded from the population.

The solutions are identified purely on a fitness level, and therefore local optima

are not distinguished from other equally fit individuals. Those solutions closer to the

global optimum will thus have higher fitness values. Successive generations improve

the fitness of individuals in the population until the optimisation convergence criterion

is met. Due to this probabilistic nature GA tends to the global optimum, however for

the same reasons GA models cannot guarantee finding the optimal solution.


The GA consists of four main stages: evaluation, selection, crossover and muta-

tion. The evaluation procedure measures the fitness of each individual solution in the

population and assigns it a relative value based on the defining optimisation criteria.

Typically in a non-linear programming scenario, this measure will reflect the objective

value of the given model. The selection procedure randomly selects individuals of the

current population for development of the next generation. Various alternative meth-

ods have been proposed but all of them are based on the idea that the fittest have

a greater chance of survival. The crossover procedure takes two selected individuals

and combines them about a crossover point thereby creating two new individuals. The

mutation procedure randomly modifies the genes of an individual subject to a small

mutation factor, introducing further randomness into the population.

This iterative process continues until one of the possible termination criteria

is met: if a known optimal or acceptable solution level is attained; or if a maximum

number of generations have been performed; or if a given number of generations without

fitness improvement occur. Generally, the last of these criteria applies as convergence

slows to the optimal solution.

Population size selection is probably the most important parameter, reflecting the

size and complexity of the problem. However, the trade-off between extra computa-

tional effort with respect to the increased population size is a problem specific decision

to be ascertained by the modeller, as doubling the population size will approximately

double the solution time for the same number of generations. Other parameters in-

clude the maximum number of generations to be performed, a crossover probability,

a mutation probability, a selection method and possibly an elitist strategy, where the

best is retained in the next generations population.

The GA implementation proposed by this thesis uses the coefficients of a geo-

metric transformation applied to a set of points which describes the characteristics

of any searched template. The geometric transformation, which includes affine and


perspective transformations, is





a b c

d e f

g h 1





u = u′/w (4.5)

v = v′/w (4.6)

where x and y are the coordinates of the sample point from the template describing

the set of points. u and v are the transformed points on the image. a, b, d, e provide

rotation, scaling and shearing where c and f are used for translation. In addition, g

and h provide perspective transformation in two dimensions. These coefficient values

or a subset of them can be used in the chromosome encoding of the GA.

The effect of the transformation can be visualized better with a simple example.

Assume that a, b, c, d, e, and f coefficients are used in the encoding of the GA

chromosome. In addition, g and h are left zero for simplicity. For this scenario, we can

conclude that a chromosome with the transformation coefficients in Equation 4.6 can

yield the transformed circle and triangular points shown in Figure 4.6. The points on

the left hand side of each figure are the equidistant characteristic points of the circular

and triangular templates, where the points on the right hand sides are the translated,

scaled, and rotated counter parties in the transformed domain.





2 1 100

1 2 50

0 0 1





For complex applications, all of the geometric transformation matrix values can

be added to the chromosome encoding in the same manner, however, the resulting

search space may not be convenient for real time applications with limited computa-

tional power. Therefore, in this particular study, only the two translation and one


Figure 4.6. Template characteristic points in (x,y) domain, and (u,v) domain after

geometric transformation for circular and triangular signs.

scaling coefficients are included in the chromosome in order to reduce the computa-

tional requirements. The resulting transition matrix is given in Equation 4.7.





a 0 c

0 a f

0 0 1





The crossover process is also a function of these coefficients as given in Equation


anewchromo = αachromo1 + βachromo2

cnewchromo = αcchromo1 + βcchromo2 (4.9)

fnewchromo = αfchromo1 + βfchromo2

1 = α + β

The fitness of the chromosome is evaluated according to the color of the trans-

formed point (u, v) on the binary image. If the value of the pixel is one, which means

it is a red point on the original image, the fitness of the chromosome is increased.

However, this method would yield the highest fitness value for completely red regions.

Therefore another set of template points is introduced in order to indicate the non-red

points on the template. These points are also subject to the transformation. These


non-red points are selected inside the region bounded by the red points as shown in

Figure 4.6. In other words, the red points increase the fitness value when they are

white in the binary image, and the black points increase the fitness value when they

are black in the binary image. If the expected color cannot be found, then the fitness

value is decreased for each of the failed points. At each iteration the fitness values

are calculated for each chromosome. At the end of the process the chromosomes are

expected to converge around the traffic sign as shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7. Initial and converged chromosomes.

After each GA run, half of the converged chromosomes are passed to the next

frame. This provides the tracking of the detected sings in the video stream.

4.1.3. Modified Radial Symmetry

The initial tests have shown that, GA is likely to find non-existing signs in the

regions with relatively high red-color concentration. For preventing false positives, an

additional step of Modified Radial Symmetry check is introduced after the GA.

For circular sign detection, it works as illustrated in Figure 4.8(a). The ”Start”

point is the outcome of the GA. For each candidate point suggested by the GA, the Cir-

cle Validation Algorithm detects the innermost circle that surrounds the point. First,

the algorithm performs a bi-directional horizontal scan, and finds the x-coordinate cen-

ter (Center ]1). The vertical center is detected next, by performing a bi-directional

vertical scan starting from Center ]1. Note that, this is the simplified description of

the algorithm. In the actual implementation, the algorithm employs a probabilistic

approach, and detects the maximum of 2N x 2N candidate circles, where N is the tol-


erance coefficient. This coefficient N helps to tolerate the discontinuities on the circle.

Figure 4.8. (a) Circle detection, (b) Scoring of circles.

After the detection step, each candidate circle is scored as displayed in Figure

4.8(b). The scoring function projects the virtual circle onto the binarized image. Next,

a scoring function checks how good the candidate circle overlaps red points in the

binarized image. If the candidate circle really overlaps a circle on the actual image, it

will get a high score. The overlapping check is performed for 36 points (10◦ increment)

in our implementation. Hence the maximum score is 36.

Figure 4.9. Candidate circles, and highest score selection.

Triangular sign validation runs in a slightly different manner. As shown in Figure

4.11(a), the detection phase is similar to that of the circular signs, but scoring is

completely different. The difference in the geometry affects the Center ]2 location,

which is radius/3 upwards from the triangle baseline. Similar to the circular case, the

algorithm detects maximum of 2N x 2N candidate triangles, where N is the tolerance


Figure 4.10. Detected traffic signs.


Figure 4.11. Candidate triangles, and highest score selection.

After the detection step, each candidate triangle is scored as displayed in Figure

4.11(b). The center of the bottom edge is used as the reference point, since it is

computationally favorable to deal with right angles. The maximum score a candidate

triangle can get is 3 × 9 = 27 for the triangular case.

4.1.4. Brightness Correction

After the GA and Modified Radial Symmetry steps we find a 64x64 color RGB

image containing the sign. This image requires to be sent to the generic color labeler

in order to detect areas of interest (red, black and white regions). We call the color


labeler ”Generic” because it can be used to label according to any number of target

colors, as explained in Section 4.1.5. If the target colors are only black and white, it

will simply do binarization.

Figure 4.12. Brightness correction examples.

Similar to the Image Binarization explained in section 4.1.1 the color labeling

is strongly affected by the illumination conditions. In section 4.1.1 we had the full

frame out of which to detect the red and non-red pixels. At this step the condition

is different. We have a 64x64 sized frame which contains a sign with high probability.

Brightness correction is applied directly to this image.

Figure 4.12 shows examples of brightness correction. The procedure uses the

luminance values Lmean already calculated in Equation 4.2. Therefore, does not require

the costly histogram calculations to be executed once again.

4.1.5. Generic Color Labeler

Generic Color Labeler takes an RGB (or HSL) image and an array of target

RGB colors. As explained in Figure 4.1.5 it calculates the distance of each pixel to all

the target RGB colors. The pixels are assigned to colors with the minimal distance.

Calculations for the HSL version are little different as seen in Figure 4.1.5. The value

of each channel is normalized according to scale of 180.

Figure 4.15 illustrates color labeling for black and white target colors. It can

easily be noticed that, labeling in this particular example is done on the basis of only

white and non-white regions. In the earlier stages of the study, labeling was being made


Input: 24 bpp RGB color image and an array of target colors

Output: RGB image classified to target colors

foreach pixel Pix do

foreach target color RGBtarget do

Distance = ABS(RGBtarget.R - Pix.R) +

ABS(RGBtarget.G - Pix.G) +

ABS(RGBtarget.B - Pix.B);



LabelPix = RGBtarget with MinDistance;

Figure 4.13. Generic RGB color labeling algorithm.

for three colors: red, black and white. But as the system evolved, in order to yield

better performance in terms of computation time and output quality, we have adopted

a white and non-white labeling. Note that, this is the second labeling of the image

pixels. The first one, explained in section 4.1.1, was a binarization for detecting red

pixels on image. It was executed on the whole frame rather than a subset of it. This

time, on the other hand, we have a 64x64 sub-frame verified by the GA and the Modified

Radial Symmetry to contain a candidate sign. The subframe is also passed through a

brightness correction step in order to minimize the effect of lighting variations.

4.1.6. Sign Extraction

The aim of the sign extraction step is to exract the meaningful part of the sign

from the circular of triangular frame surrounding it. We first perform a flood fill

operation to convert the black regions around the 64x64 frame. As shown in Figure

4.16, the filling operation starts from the upper left corner of the frame. Next, a sanity

check is performed to verify that the flood fill has only removed the surrounding black

pixels, not the center of the frame. This may happen when all the black pixels are

accidentally connected in the image. Especially, when the lighting conditions are is

poor, the detection step may yield frames with excessive amount of black pixels. After

the flood fill operation we apply a second step of cleaning depending on whether the


Input: 24 bpp HSL color image and an array of target colors

Output: HSL image classified to target colors

foreach pixel Pix do

foreach target color HSLtarget do

Distance = ABS((HSLtarget.H - Pix.H) mod 180) +

ABS((HSLtarget.S - Pix.S) x 180) +

ABS((HSLtarget.L - Pix.L) x 180);



LabelPix = HSLtarget with MinDistance;

Figure 4.14. Generic HSL color labeling algorithm.

Figure 4.15. Color labeling examples (black / white).

sign is circular or triangular. For the circular sigs, a circle of radius 24 is assumed

to contain the interior part of the sign, and anything outside it is cleaned out. For

the triangular case, a triangle as depicted in Figure 4.16 is assumed to surround the

meaningful part of the sign. All pixels outside this virtual triangle are cleaned out.

4.2. Experiments and Results

The experiments are performed with pre-recorded video of 512x288 pixels reso-

lution and 20 fps frame rate. Capturing is done in a car moving with varying speed

in the urban traffic (Appendix A). A wide range of ligthing conditions is included in

the test videos. Sunny roads, dim lighted roads, shadows and even night-time driving

conditions are considered.

The processing is performed on a laptop PC with Intel T5450 processor at 1.66

GHz. Since the sign detection process should be carried out in real time, we tried to

keep the GA population and the number of iterations small. Besides, we used N =2 as


Figure 4.16. Extraction of the meaningful part.

Table 4.1. Detection rate of circular signs.

Fitness threshold 30 30 30 35

Population size 60 120 60 60

Epoch number 2 2 4 2

Mutation rate 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35

Crossover rate 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

Selection method Elitist Elitist Elitist Elitist

Milliseconds per frame 9 14 14 9

True positives 95 percent 96 percent 96 percent 65 percent

Misses 5 percent 4 percent 4 percent 35 percent

False positives 5 percent 7 percent 6 percent 1 percent

the tolerance coefficient for the Modified Radial Symmetry step. This lets the second

level of discontinuity in any of the four directions while assuring reasonable processing


It is generally hard to give exact (success and failure) numbers when dealing

with video streams. We have done several measurements and obtained the results in

tables 4.1 and 4.2. The results show almost perfect CPU time requirements. For a

highly acceptable detection process, 9 ms of CPU time is enough. Therefore, it is

possible to re-run the whole process more than hundred times in a second. This gives

an opportunity to utilize the GA to track the detected sign. For this purpose, half of

the best chromosomes at the end of each processed frame are passed to the next frame.


Table 4.2. Detection rate of triangular signs.

Fitness threshold 16 16 16 12

Population size 60 150 60 60

Epoch number 2 2 6 2

Mutation rate 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35

Crossover rate 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

Selection method Elitist Elitist Elitist Elitist

Milliseconds per frame 9 16 14 9

True positives 87 percent 88 percent 90 percent 94 percent

Misses 13 percent 12 percent 10 percent 6 percent

False positives 4 percent 4 percent 5 percent 9 percent

The upper parts of the tables 4.1 and 4.2 show the parameter sets, while the lower

parts (painted in gray) show the experiment results. True positives correspond to the

correctly detected signs, whereas the misses are the signs that could not be detected

at all. Sum of true positives and misses is always 100 percent. False positives, on

the other hand, are the cases where the system indicates a sign existence even though

there exists no sign in that location. The first column of values is the preferred set of

parameters for both the circular and the triangular cases.

For the circular signs, a fitness threshold of 30, GA population size of 60 and

epoch number of 2 yields the ideal results in terms of accuracy and CPU time. It is

possible to enhance the accuracy to 96 percent by increasing either the population size

or the epoch number. But this will almost double the processing time for a very small

accuracy enhancement, hence not worth the trade-off. Fitness threshold, on the other

hand, has considerable effect on the accuracy, as seen on the rightmost column.

The triangular sign process yields the ideal results with a fitness threshold of 16.

That is due to the different geometric characteristics of the triangular signs. The true

positives rate degrades from 95 percent to 87 percent. It is possible to increase this

value by decreasing the fitness threshold from 16 to 12. But this has a side-effect of

increasing the false positives from 4 percent to 9 percent.



5.1. Methodology

The sign detection process explained in the previous section finds 64x64 binary

images that contain the interior part of the traffic signs isolated from the red borders

(see Fig. 5.4). These are human readable images but still need to be classified and

mapped into the predefined set of signs listed in Figure 4.1. In the computer science

literature neural networks (NN), support vector machines (SVM), k-nearest neighbor

and AdaBoost are among the commonly used classifying methods. Our study has

employed the NN and SVM for sign classification.

The training of NN and SVM is done by using various features. Two types of

feature extraction schemes have been employed (see Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3). The first

one is a Center of Mass (CoM) dependent occupancy grid matrix implementation,

whereas the second one is based on SURF features [56] of magnified images. Both

methods are highly dependent on the center of mass of the detected image. The

necessity of using CoM is explained in the following section.

5.1.1. Center of Mass (CoM)

Sign detection (Chapter 4) will not always yield perfect outputs. As shown in

Figure 5.1, the detection output may not be always centered. In majority of the cases

the CoM (identified by blue) will not overlap the center of the 64x64 image (identified by

red color). Therefore we calculate the CoM of the detected sign and use this information

for both of the feature exraction schemes as explained in the corresponding sections.

The general idea about using CoM is to crop a smaller region of interest around the

CoM. SURF and occupancy grid will execute on the cropped region.


Figure 5.1. Deviation of CoM from image center.

5.1.2. Feature Extraction: 12x12 Occupancy Grid

Figure 5.2 depicts the flow diagram of occupancy grid method for feature ex-

traction. As explained in the figure, the approach runs on the 64x64 binary images

identified in Section 4.1.6. A 24x24 region of interest is cropped around the CoM. Next,

the 24x24 image is resized to 12x12 dimensions, and binarized afterwards. Both NN

and SVM classifiers are trained with input vectors of size 144.

Figure 5.2. Feature extraction by occupancy grid.

This feature extraction method is similar to [31, 40]. Escalera et al. [31] used

30x30 pixel inputs to train neural networks. Maldonado et al. [40] detected 31x31

blocks in grayscale and only used subset of the pixels, (what they called ”pixels of

interest”) for training the SVM classifier. Our contribution is to use the CoM to better

focus the signs, hence making the system invariant of translation and scale factors.

Resizing the 24x24 image to 12x12 size further reduces the size of the input vectors for

NN and SVM training.

Another approach we have tried before occupancy grid was to measure the occu-

pancy of the directions with respect to the CoM. As illustrated in Figure 5.3 the 64x64

image is divided into eight distinct regions around the CoM. A weighted sum (black

pixels in region divided by total number of black pixels) is calculated for each region


and NN or SVM classifier was trained with input vectors of length eight. The method

was dropped because the desired level of convergence could not be reached. The main

problem here was that, the pixels in close proximity of the CoM are more decisive. But

the method does not distinguish between the near and far pixels. The only considera-

tion is the angle θ with respect to the CoM. Missing the proximity information leads

the method to fail.

Figure 5.3. Feature extraction in polar coordinates.

5.1.3. Feature Extraction: SURF Interest Points

SURF is a scale and rotation invariant feature detector approach. It is basically

derived from SIFT [57] but outperforms in terms of speed, robustness and distinctive-

ness. SURF has several parameters that may affect its output:

• Upright: This parameter determines whether to run Upright SURF (U-SURF) or

not. U-SURF better fits the horizontal camera cases. It runs invariant of image

rotation and therefore consumes less CPU time.

• Octaves: The scale space is divided into number of octaves. The filter size is

affected by the octave levels.

• Intervals: This is the sampling interval. Together with the number of octaves, it

determines the number of filters to be applied. (Number of filters = octaves x


• Threshold: A threshold value to control the accuracy of the results. Increasing

the threshold value will decrease the number of detected interest points.


Figure 5.4 displays the effect of parameter changes on the output. The SURF in-

terest points are displayed with circles. Each interest point has the following associated

with it:

• (x, y): The center of the SURF interest point.

• Orientation: This is the orientation of the detected feature in radians. In the

U-SURF case it is always zero.

• Scale: The number of octaves decides the cardinality of the state space. Therefore

scale takes values from 1 up to the number of octaves.

• Laplacian: Value is either 1 or -1. This is the sign (positive or negative indicator)

of the Laplacian for the interest point. A value of 1 indicates bright blobs on

dark backgrounds, and -1 indicates just the reverse situation.

Figure 5.4. Parameter effects on SURF output.

The principal idea displayed in Figure 5.4 is the difference between ordinary

SURF and the U-SURF. It is evident that U-SURF does not include any orientation

info. Another important thing is that, sometimes it may be necessay to play with the

parameters for finding the interest points. For example, the first set of parameters have


not succeded to find any interest point in the very first sign. Changing the octave and

interval parameters also did not help. But reducing the threshold value from 0.001 to

0.0001 has led to an interest point in the image. The same situation is also valid for

the U-SURF case.

The second thing we can notice is that, ordinary SURF and the U-SURF find

exactly the same interest points with the same scale and Laplacian values. This is

because of the horizotal camera usage. Based on this observation, this study uses the

U-SURF approach throughout the experiments.

Finally, it can be stated that the SURF parameters may not always lead to

interest points. Therefore the system may need to run SURF several times by changing

the parameters. The interest points found by each run must be consolidated until a

maximum number of features or maximum number of iterations is reached.

Figure 5.5. U-SURF results for different sign types (octaves=3, intervals=5).

Figure 5.5 shows the U-SURF results for different sign types. In most of the

cases it seems distinctive enough. But notice the shadowed signs in Figure 5.5. The

SURF features other than the y-coordinate are the same for completely different signs.

Therefore we cannot directly rely on the x or y-coordinate values because the detection

step may not be able to center the sign in 64x64 frame. Another observation is that,

the system will require several interest points to distinguish the signs clearly. The


absolute position of the interest points has no significance, but the relative positions

with respect to each other or the CoM is important.

Figure 5.6. Misplacement due to detection step may lead to ambiguities.

Figure 5.6 more clearly illustrates the ambiguities that may occur due to misplace-

ment of the detected figure. If the detection step causes some translation in the vertical

or the horizontal axis, the (x, y) values of the SURF features may become the same

for completely different sign figures. This particular example clearly demonstrates the

necessity of CoM usage to help the U-SURF algorithm perform better. Misplacement

will not affect the orientation, scale and the laplacian of the SURF interest points, but

(x, y) coordinates will become completely unreliable.

We have tried several approaches to overcome this problem. In the early stages of

the study, we have proposed a transformation of interest points from (x, y) coordinate

system into (r, θ) polar coordinates. CoM would be the origin of the target coordinate

system. Each interest point (x, y) was represented by an (r, θ) pair with respect to

the CoM. We transformed the SURF interest points according to equation 5.1. The

method was abandoned because the NN trained with these features did not converge.


xdiff = x− CoMx

ydiff = y − CoMy

r =√

(xdiff )2 + (ydiff )2 (5.1)

θ =

arctan(ydiff/xdiff ) if xdiff > 0, ydiff ≥ 0

π − arctan(−ydiff/xdiff ) if xdiff < 0, ydiff ≥ 0

π + arctan(ydiff/xdiff ) if xdiff < 0, ydiff < 0

(2 × π) − arctan(−ydiff/xdiff ) if xdiff > 0, ydiff < 0

Another attempt was to use the (x, y) values of the SURF interest points together

with the corresponding scale factors. This approach also did not converge for NN

training. The main problem with this method and the previos one is that, the input

vectors were interest point oriented. For each interest point detected, two values (r

and θ) were added in the first approach, or three values (x, y, scale) were added in

the second approach. But the number of interest points is completely unpredictable

and varies from sign to sign (64x64 images in our case). On the other hand, NN and

SVM training requires fixed-size input vectors. In order to fit the fixed size, we either

eliminated some of the iterest points (when too many of them are detected) or used

some interest points several times (when too few of them are detected).

Therefore it is evident that we should devise a scheme that has a fixed size for

all detected signs. The final decision about SURF interest points is to group them

according to their position relative to the CoM. This method has proved to perform

well in our experiments. The essentials of our SURF methodology can be listed as:

• Get rid of the unnecessary white regions sorrounding the figure,

• Magnify the image to 128x128 to find as many SURF interest points as possible,

• Binarize magnified image and re-locate the CoM,

• Apply U-SURF and only use the interest points that correspond to the black



• In case desired number of interest points is not reached, apply U-SURF with

different parameters,

• Quantize the interest point coordinates with respect to the CoM, and group the

ones that fall into same region,

• Each quantization region yields an input to NN or SVM.

Figure 5.7. SURF feature extraction.

Figure 5.7 illustrates the SURF feature extraction method applied in our study.

Four different types of signs are compared side by side. At step (a), our system takes


the 64x64 images from the sign detector. The CoM is calculated for these figures. At

step (b), the images are cropped to 33x33 sub-frames around the CoM (16 pixels to

each direction). Next, another crop operation is perfomed, at step (c), to get rid of the

unnecessary white regions around the sign figure. To do this, 33x33 image is scanned to

find the minimum/maximum coordinates of black pixels (leftmost, rightmost, topmost

and bottommost). The crop size is not fixed but rather depends on the extent of the

black figure in the frame. Having two steps of crop operation is necessary because 64x64

images may contain some noise. For instance, the first image of Figure 5.7 contains a

noisy region. The first step of crop operation gets rid of the noise, and the second step

will clean the unnecessary white surroundings.

The cropped image is magnified to size 128x128 at step (d). The reason for

this is that, SURF can generate much more interest points for larger scale images.

This deduction is reached after several executions of SURF algorithm on smaller scale

images. For 64x64 images, SURF is observed to generate 0 to 10 interest points. For

32x32 images it is observed to generate 0 to 4 interest points. For 128x128 images, on

the other hand, SURF generates 10 to 60 interest points. Since we will be using only

the ones corresponding to black pixels, this amount of interest points barely suffices.

The magnified images are not binary any more. Therefore a binarization is performed

as shown in step (e). Finally, U-SURF is executed and interest points are obtained. As

you can see in (f), the system ignores interest points corresponding to white regions.

Only black region interest points are considered for training.

Figure 5.8 shows how the detected interest points are quantized around the CoM.

The 128x128 image is divided into 12x12 segments. Notice that the segment containing

the CoM is indexed as zero. A total of 9x9=81 equally-sized segments is created. The

size of the segments is parametric, but we fixed it to 12 after testing values from 8 to

14. The maximum number it can be is 14 because 9x14=126 is just 2 pixels smaller

than the magnified image extent, which is 128. For each segment a weighted sum is

computed to be:

Wregion = Countinterest points in region/Counttotal number interest points


Figure 5.8. Segmentation with respect to the CoM.

The weighted sum for 81 segments yields an input array of size 81 which is used to

train the NN and the SVM, as explained in the following sections.

5.1.4. Classification: NN-based

An artificial neural network (ANN), usually called ”neural network” (NN), is a

computational model that tries to simulate the biological neural networks. It consists

of an interconnected group of artificial neurons and processes information using a con-

nectionist approach to computation. Neural networks are non-linear statistical data

modeling tools.

In the biological ANN model, neurons are the basic signaling units of the nervous

system. Each neuron is a discrete cell consisting of a cell body, axons, dendrites and

synapses. The cell body is the heart of the cell, and several processes arise from this

region. The axon conducts electric signals which are called action potentials. A neuron

usually contains only one axon. Several dendrites branching out in a treelike structure

receive signals from other neurons. The synapses are specialized junctions through


which neurons signal to each other and to non-neuronal cells, such as muscles.

In the computational ANN model, the synapses of the neuron are modeled as

weights. The strength of the connection between an input and a neuron is noted

by the value of the weight. Negative weight values reflect inhibitory connections,

while positive values designate excitatory connections. Finally, an activation function

controls the amplitude of the output of the neuron. An acceptable range of output is

usually between 0 and 1, or -1 and 1. In most cases the ANN is an adaptive system

that changes its structure based on external or internal information that flows through

the network during the learning phase. The learning procedure tries to find a set of

connections (or weights) w that gives a mapping that fits the training set well.

Furthermore, neural networks can be viewed as highly non-linear functions with

the basic form:

F (x,w) = y

where x is the input vector presented to the network, w are the weights of the network,

and y is the corresponding output vector approximated or predicted by the network.

This view of network as a parameterized function will be the basis for applying standard

function optimization methods to solve the problem of neural network training. Various

Figure 5.9. a) Biological neurons, b) Artificial neural networks.


learning methods can be used for training the neural networks. Evolutionary methods,

simulated annealing, and expectation-maximization are among the commonly preferred

ones. Basic applications of NN are function approximation, fitness approximation and

modeling, classification, pattern and sequence recognition.

In order to classify the traffic signs, we have used activation networks with dif-

ferent learning functions. Both feature exraction methods discussed in Sections 5.1.2

and 5.1.3 have been used for comparison. Therefore, input layer size is either 144 or

81, depending on the feature extraction scheme. The training set comprises of the

imperfect instances of the signs detected by GA-based detection technique.

• Delta rule learning is used to train one layer neural network of Activation

Neurons. It uses a sigmoid-based continuous activation function.

• Backpropagation learning is used for training multi-layer neural networks

with continuous activation functions.

• LevenbergMarquardt learning provides a nonlinear numerical solution to the

problem of minimizing a function over a space of parameters of the function. It

is very sensitive to the initial network weights.

The output layer, on the other hand, is the available sign types in the training set.

This number have increased gradually as we have covered additional sign types. Some

researches have used an additional output for non-matching cases. We did not adopt

such an approach. Instead, we use a matching threshold to decide the non-matching


5.1.5. Classification: SVM-based

Classification of data is a common task in machine learning. Originally devel-

oped by Vladimir Vapnik at AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1995, Support Vector Machine

(SVM) is a machine learning algorithm which classifies data into several groups. Sup-

port vector machines are based on statistical learning theory that uses supervised

learning. In supervised learning, a machine is trained instead of programmed using


a number of training examples of input-output pairs. The objective of training is to

learn a function which best describes the relation between the inputs and the outputs.

Support Vector machines use the concept of decision planes where the training data is

mapped to a higher dimensional space and separated by a plane defining the two or

more classes of data (Figure 5.10). For problems that can not be linearly separated

in the input space, this machine offers a possibility to find a solution by making a

non-linear transformation of the original input space into a high dimensional feature

space, where an optimal separating hyperplane, ideally a linear one, can be found.

The separating planes are optimal, which means that a maximal margin classifier with

respect to the training data set can be obtained. SVMs can train classifiers based on

Figure 5.10. SVM feature transform to higher dimensional space.

linear functions, polynomial functions, radial basis functions, neural networks, splines,

sigmoids or other custom functions. The selection made here is called the kernel of the

SVM. The selection of the kernel, and also the parameters of the selected kernel have

significant effect on the SVMs’ performance. SVM usage for classification has several

advantages over alternative methods, such as the absence of local minima, uniqueness

of the solution, modularity of the kernel function, and overfit control through the choice

of a single regularization parameter.

Support vector machines are mostly used to perform binary classification (pat-


Table 5.1. NN-train error rates for circular sign classification.

Feature Extraction 12x12 Grid 12x12 Grid SURF SURF

Learning Scheme Delta Rule Delta Rule Delta Rule Delta Rule

Sigmoid Alpha 1.0 2.0 6.0 1.0

Learning Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Epoch Number 3000 3000 3000 3000

Number of Inputs 144 144 81 81

Number of Outputs 14 14 14 14

Error rate 7.8x10−6 0.998 0.001 0.003

tern recognition) and real valued function approximation (regression estimation) tasks.

More specifically, they have been widely used for handwritten digit recognition, object

recognition, speaker identification, face detection in images, and text categorization.

For traffic sign classification we have used three kernel types: linear, polynomial

and radial basis function. The input and output are the same as the NN classifier.

Experiments and results presented in the following section compares the SVM classifier

against NN.

5.2. Experiments and Results

Sign classification experiments can be examined in three steps. Tables 5.1 and 5.2

contain the results of training the NN with varying feature extraction methods and NN

parameters. Secondly, tables 5.3 and 5.4 exhibit the classification results on ”properly

detected” signs. Finally, Table 5.5 depicts the overall system performance, considering

the detection and classification steps as a whole.

From Table 5.1 we can easily see that, SURF interest points is not a good feature

extraction method for classifying circular signs. 12x12 grid features have yielded a

much smaller error rate (7.8x10−6). Another important point to mention is that,

sigmoid alpha has significant effect on the error rate. Changing it from 1 to 2 have

caused a dramatic increase on the error rate.


Table 5.2. NN-train error rates for triangular sign classification.

Feature Extraction 12x12 Grid 12x12 Grid SURF SURF

Learning Scheme Delta Rule Delta Rule Delta Rule Delta Rule

Sigmoid Alpha 1.0 3.0 6.0 3.0

Learning Rate 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Epoch Number 3000 3000 3000 3000

Number of Inputs 144 144 81 81

Number of Outputs 14 14 14 14

Error rate 2.2x10−6 0.5 1.7x10−6 7.3x10−6

Table 5.3. Classification success rate of circular signs.

Classification Method NN NN SVM SVM

Feature Extraction 12x12 Grid SURF 12x12 Grid SURF

Milliseconds per frame 5 115 10 120

Error rate 9 percent 18 percent 20 percent 25 percent

On the other hand, Table 5.2 indicates good results for SURF interest points.

Most favorable error rate (1.7x10−6) have been reached when SURF interest points

are trained with a sigmoid alpha of 6. Again, the influence of sigmoid alpha is worth


Table 5.3 compares the NN classifier against the SVM classifier. As mentioned

before, this table only considers the classification rate of the ”properly detected” signs.

NN subject to this table is an activation network with Delta Rule Learning, while

subject SVM uses a three degrees polynomial kernel. Both classifiers are trained with

12x12 grid and SURF feature extraction methods. NN classifier trained with 12x12

grid have outperformed in terms of both speed and error rate. Besides, SURF features

usage does not seem convenient for circular sign classification.

Table 5.4 gives the classification results for triangular signs. This time SURF re-

sults are acceptable. But SURF apparently consumes much more CPU time compared

to the 12x12 grid method.


Table 5.4. Classification success rate of triangular signs.

Classification Method NN NN SVM SVM

Feature Extraction 12x12 Grid SURF 12x12 Grid SURF

Milliseconds per frame 3 113 6 125

Error rate 7 percent 7 percent 9 percent 15 percent

Table 5.5. Overall system performance.


Classification Method NN SVM

Feature Extraction 12x12 Grid SURF 12x12 Grid SURF

Milliseconds per frame 14 124 19 129

Error rate 14 percent 22 percent 24 percent 29 percent


Classification Method NN SVM

Feature Extraction 12x12 Grid SURF 12x12 Grid SURF

Milliseconds per frame 12 122 15 134

Error rate 11 percent 11 percent 13 percent 19 percent

Overall system performance shown in Table 5.5 basically consolidates the detec-

tion and classification phases. The errors of detection step are penetrated into the

classification process. For both circular and triangular signs, NN with 12x12 grid fea-

tures have yielded the best results in terms of CPU time and error rate. Triangular

sign detection is more successful. This is due to the sign extraction step explained in

Figures 5.2 and 5.7. While retrieving the central part of the traffic sign, a diameter

of 33 pixels suffices for triangular signs. But circular signs require 51 pixels diameter.

Therefore the exracted sign has less magnification for circular signs, which causes loss

of detail.



Lane tracking is one of the major tasks in autonomous urban driving. This thesis

has proposed a MHT-HMM hybrid solution to the problem. The performance of the

resulting system is increased. However there are certain assumptions and shortcomings

of the proposed approach. First of all, variable lighting and road conditions require

adaptive color remapping. Although this is beyond the scope of this work, it is crucial

for a final product. In addition, the proposed approach models the lane boundaries as

lines, therefore an approximation is inevitable at curves. However, it is also possible

to use combination of line segments which are detected at each image partition. As

another future work, the emission matrix can be updated on-the-fly by already made


The thesis has also proposed a GA approach for the traffic sign detection problem.

The novel contribution is the injection of geometric transformation matrix into GA.

This makes the system immune to the rotated and translated signs. Another contri-

bution is the radial symmetry check for the GA output. This additional step provides

the better generations to cross over. It acts like a sanity check for the fitness function

and forms the basis for preventing false positives. Although only circular and triangu-

lar signs are described in this study, the existing implementation can also process any

kind of sign which can be described by a set of characteristic points. A success rate

of 95 percent in 9 milliseconds processing time proves the method to be applicable in

real-time applications.

The proposed detection method has certain shortcomings. First of all the image

binarization process may suffer from poor lighting conditions and may require addi-

tional adaptation processes for special conditions like driving at night time and bad

weather conditions. An adaptive brightness correction method is introduced which can

handle most of the cases. But still needs further enhancements, especially for environ-

ments with too much red color. As a future work, injecting more semantic rules into

the system may help. This will let the system distinguish the sign candidate regions


from the road, vehicles, sky and buildings in advance. In this way, brightness correction

will only be made for candidate regions, thus helping to further reduce the error rate.

NN and SVM classifiers have been used for sign recognition. Two different meth-

ods have been used for feature extraction: 12x12 Occupancy Grid and U-SURF interest

points. Occupancy grid method apparently outperforms in terms of execution time.

It is ten to twenty times faster than U-SURF. Regarding the error rates, U-SURF

performs better just for the triangular signs.

The performance of the overall system is highly influenced by the sign extraction

step performed right after the detection process. This step aims to isolate the central

part of the traffic sign. Misplacements in the detected sign generally complicates the

isolation operation. The errors in the isolated image are propagated to the classifying




Figure A.1. The video camera mounted on the car console.



Figure B.1. Screenshot of ADES application console.











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