Robbinsville Board of Education Monday, October 28, 2019 Monthly Meeting Minutes 6:00 PM RHS Student Activity Center BOARD OF EDUCATION Ms. Jane Luciano, President Mr. Scott Veisz, Vice President Mrs. Shaina Ciaccio Mrs. Sharon DeVito Mr. Christopher Emigholz Mr. Vito Galluccio Mr. Craig Heilman Mrs. Lisa Temple Mr. Richard Young SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Kathleen A. Foster ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Dr. Kim Tew INTERIM SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR / BOARD SECRETARY Mr. Nicholas Puleio BOARD ATTORNEY Mr. Matthew Giacobbe Ms. Jodi Howlett October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 1 of 24

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Robbinsville Board of Education

Monday, October 28, 2019 Monthly Meeting Minutes

6:00 PM

RHS Student Activity Center


Ms. Jane Luciano, President

Mr. Scott Veisz, Vice President

Mrs. Shaina Ciaccio

Mrs. Sharon DeVito

Mr. Christopher Emigholz

Mr. Vito Galluccio

Mr. Craig Heilman

Mrs. Lisa Temple

Mr. Richard Young


Dr. Kathleen A. Foster


Dr. Kim Tew


Mr. Nicholas Puleio


Mr. Matthew Giacobbe

Ms. Jodi Howlett

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 1 of 24



October 28, 2019


Board President Jane Luciano called the October 28, 2019 monthly meeting of the Robbinsville Board of

Education to order at 6:05 P.M. She read the New Jersey Public Meeting Law announcement below and led

the flag salute.


The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advance

notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is

discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Robbinsville Board of Education

has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted in the

Trenton Times and the Township of Robbinsville Bulletin Board no less than forty-eight hours in advance of

the meeting. This notice was also posted at Sharon School, Pond Road Middle School and Robbinsville High

School. In accordance with N.J.S.A 18A:12-24.1 and Policy 0142 the Robbinsville Board of Education shall

be bound by the provisions of the School Ethics Act.


Mrs. Ciaccio Present Mr. Galluccio Present Mrs. Temple Present

Mrs. DeVito Present Mr. Heilman Present Mr. Veisz Present

Mr. Emigholz Present Ms. Luciano Present Mr. Young Present


Motion: Craig Heilman

Second: Lisa Temple

WHEREAS, while the Sen. Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.) requires all

meetings of the Robbinsville Board of Education to be held in public, N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b) sets forth nine (9)

types of matters that may lawfully be discussed in "Executive Session," without the public being permitted to

attend, and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that one (1) issue is permitted by N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b) to be discussed

without the public in attendance and shall be discussed during an Executive Session to be held on Monday,

October 28, 2019 at 6:00 P.M, and

WHEREAS, the nine (9) exceptions to open public meetings set forth in N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b) are listed below,

and next to each exception is a box which will be marked when the issues to be privately discussed fall within

that exception, and after each exception is a space where additional information that will disclose as much

information about the discussion as possible without undermining the purpose of the exception shall be


1. Any matter which, by express provision of Federal law, State statute or rule of court shall be rendered

confidential or excluded from public discussion.” The nature of the matter, described as specifically as

possible without undermining the need for confidentiality is:

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 2 of 24

2. Any matter in which the release of information would impair a right to receive funds from the federal

government." The nature of the matter, described as specifically as possible without undermining the need

for confidentiality is:

3. ✓ Any material the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy such as

any records, data, reports, recommendations, or other personal material of any educational, training,

social service, medical, health, custodial, child protection, rehabilitation, legal defense, welfare, housing,

relocation, insurance and similar program or institution operated by a public body pertaining to any

specific individual admitted to or served by such institution or program, including but not limited to

information relative to the individual's personal and family circumstances, and any material pertaining to

admission, discharge, treatment, progress or condition of any individual, unless the individual concerned

(or, in the case of a minor or incompetent, his guardian) shall request in writing that the same be disclosed

publicly." The nature of the matter, described as specifically as possible without undermining the need for

confidentiality is: Monthly HIB Report

4. ✓Any collective bargaining agreement, or the terms and conditions of which are proposed for inclusion in

any collective bargaining agreement, including the negotiation of terms and conditions with employees or

representatives of employees of the public body." The collective bargaining contract(s) discussed are

between the Board and the Robbinsville Education Association. Personnel

5. Any matter involving the purchase lease or acquisition of real property with public funds, the setting of

bank rates or investment of public funds where it could adversely affect the public interest if discussion of

such matters were disclosed." The nature of the matter, described as specifically as possible without

undermining the need for confidentiality is:

6. Any tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public provided that their

disclosure could impair such protection. Any investigations of violations or possible violations of the

law." The nature of the matter, described as specifically as possible without undermining the need for

confidentiality is:

7. Any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a

party. Any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege, to the extent that confidentiality is required

in order for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer." The parties to and docket numbers of

each item of litigation and/or the parties to each contract discussed are and the nature of the discussion,

described as specifically as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality is:

8. ✓ Any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions

of employment, evaluation of the performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective

public officer or employee or current public officer or employee employed or appointed by the public

body, unless all individual employees or appointees whose rights could be adversely affected request in

writing that such matter or matters be discussed at a public meeting." Subject to the balancing of the

public's interest and the employee's privacy rights under South Jersey Publishing Co. v. New Jersey

Expressway Authority, 124 N.J. 478 (1991), the employee(s) and nature of the discussion, described as

specifically as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality are: Superintendent Search


9. Any deliberation of a public body occurring after a public hearing that may result in the imposition of a

specific civil penalty upon the responding party or the suspension or loss of a license or permit belonging

to the responding party as a result of an act of omission for which the responding party bears

responsibility." The nature of the matter, described as specifically as possible without undermining the

need for confidentiality is:

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 3 of 24

WHEREAS, the length of the Executive Session is estimated to be sixty (60) minutes after which the public

meeting of the Board shall reconvene and proceed with business where formal action will be taken.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Robbinsville Board of Education will go into Executive

Session for only the above stated reasons; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board hereby declares that its discussion of the aforementioned

subject(s) will be made public at a time when the public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or

governmental interest being protected from disclosure.



• RED – Annual Report to the Board – Ms. Pamela Elmi, Director

Ms. Elmi introduced four RED graduates, now high school students, to the Board. These students

currently serve the in RED program as mentors and / or employees. Each shared his or her experience

with the program.

• Discipline Data – Superintendent Kathie Foster & Assistant Superintendent Kim Tew

Dr. Tew provided a report to the Board on district wide discipline trends sorted by various subgroups.

• NJSBA Convention Update – BOE Members

Shaina Ciaccio attended a session focused on the whole child. The workshop emphasized the

importance of building mindfulness and other techniques that help kids from an emotional perspective

into the curriculum. She also attended a session entitled How To Facebook Live as a way to stream

meetings to the general public. The Board discussed pursuing this topic further at committee level.

Chris Emigholz attended a workshop on infusing data in all aspects of schools as well as a session on

best practices during a superintendent search.

Rich Young described sessions he attended on equity in hiring and emerging technologies in security.

He also attended a keynote address featuring the father of a Sandy Hook student.

Scott Veisz attended a session on data analytics which detailed how to examine data and be predictive.

He attended a finance workshop and a student presented session on social media.

Jane Luciano attended sessions on superintendent contracts and the search process / partnerships

between schools and municipalities / equity and expanding student experiences beyond school.


Dr. Foster spoke about a recent security incident and explained that the district is limited from a legal

perspective and based upon the Memorandum of Agreement between the RBOE and Local Law Enforcement

on how much information can be communicated at the time of an event. She assured the public that the

district is doing everything possible to keep students safe and noted that definitions of the various types of

drills will be posted on the website.

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A. ENROLLMENT REPORT: October 25, 2019

School 3H 3F 4H 4F KF 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total

RHS 259 316 248 235 1058

PRMS 227 284 252 268 1031

SES 13 6 15 6 179 185 185 232 248 1069

Subtotal 13 6 15 6 179 185 185 232 248 227 284 252 268 259 316 248 235 3158

OOD 3 1 4 6 6 5 8 33

Total 13 6 15 6 179 188 185 232 248 227 284 253 272 265 322 253 243 3191

School June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

RHS 980 1059 1060 1057 1058

PRMS 1068 1011 1028 1033 1031

SES 1134 1012 1060 1065 1069

Subtotal 3182 3082 3148 3155 3158

OOD 38 26 31 32 33

Total 3220 3108 3179 3187 3191


A. LIEF BREEDEN: Internet Safety Night / Random Drug Testing Policy / Student Trauma / General Election

B. KERI FOX: Discipline Report / Adolescence & Mental Illness / Importance of Vitamin D & Sun

C. AVERY HUTCHINSON: Discipline Data Trends & Related Budgetary Asks / Livestreaming Meetings /

Transportation Policies

D. NOUSHIN KANANI: School Boards Conference Info Sharing / Security Drill Definitions / Discipline Report

E. CHERI DORWART: Swing Education Contract / Substitute Teaching Experience / Advertising for

Substitute Teachers



Mrs. Temple reported on the following matters discussed during the October 15, 2019 meeting of the

Education, Development and Policy Committee.

First Reading Policies:

• P0110 Organizational Chart – no changes recommended

• P0155 Board Committees – no changes recommended

• P0164 Conduct of Board Meetings- Language currently exists that states that the agenda, reports

and supplementary material are to be delivered no later than 3 days before a meeting when available.

For QSAC purposes, the budget must be tied to state assessment results. Please see the attached page

from the QSAC Manual.

• P3159 Teaching Staff Member/School District – updated to code to reflect reporting within 14

calendar days. Teachers are also required to report abuse to State Board of Examiners

• P&R3218 and P&R4218 Use, Possession, or Distribution of Substances (M) – Updates made

based on recommendations from case law. Progressive disciplinary action is detailed, including

establishing a “Last Chance Agreement”.

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• P&R7440 School District Security (M) – Updated to reflect state code change regarding panic

buttons, digital mapping and door propping/door holding.

• P8600 Student Transportation (M); R8600 Student Transportation; P8630 Bus Driver/Bus Aide

Responsibility (M); R8630 Emergency School Bus Procedures (M) – Reviewed and updated to

reflect new standards and guidelines provided by the state.

• P8670 Transportation of Special Needs Students (M) - Updated to reflect code changes

• P9400 Media Relations - Policy updated to further clarify who is able to speak to the media and

includes additional language around ensuring that privacy, safety and operation of the schools is not

compromised by an individuals’ actions

• P6220 Budget Preparation (M) - Language added for QSAC regarding tying the budget to school

district priorities and planning objectives as well as being consistent with districts strategic plan and

statewide assessment results.

Policies: Adoption

There were no policies scheduled for adoption.

Curriculum for Approval

The committee reviewed the following curricula for approval:

• AP Chemistry

• 7th grade Social Studies

• World History

• Multimedia

• 8th grade Spanish (re-alignment)

SAT/ACT scores

The committee reviewed 2018-2019 SAT results, compared to previous years against both the state and

national average. For the 3rd year in a row RHS students saw an increase in SAT scores. ACT have not

yet been provided to the district.

SAT Test Results

Mathematics Evidence Based Reading & Writing

RHS 2018-2019 605 593

NJ 2018-2019 545 544

Nation 2018-2019 528 531

SAT Test Results

Mathematics Evidence Based Reading & Writing

RHS 2017-2018 590 593

NJ 2017-2018 547 547

Nation 2017-2018 531 536

Public Comment

The committee discussed the current Public Comment policy that is in place. Responses to inquiries need

to be short ad not include teaching moments.

Access to Genesis

An article was reviewed that discussed how 24/7 parental access to students grades may be playing a

negative role into the overall mental health of students.

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New NJ Mandate

Part of the initiative to be more representative of all individuals, a new mandate to be more inclusive of

the LGBTQIA+ and disabled community in the curriculum has been made by the state. This will not be a

separate course or lesson but instead is focused on identifying opportunities to discuss as part of the

existing curriculum. Currently waiting from guidance from the state.

Next meeting will be on November 12, 2019

B. PERSONNEL – Mr. Scott Veisz, Chair

Mr. Veisz reported on the following matters discussed during the October 21, 2019 meeting of the

Personnel Committee.

• Review the Regular Personnel Agenda: The October board meeting personnel agenda includes

movement on the guide, coaches, substitutes, and extra work assignments. The committee is pleased

to recommend Janet Tuohy as the new Director of Technology!

• Network Administrator Recommendation: Janet Tuohy is on the agenda as the recommendation

for the next Network Administrator. Janet has worked in Linden as the Network Manager since

1999. Her impressive resume includes two Masters Degrees and an undergraduate degree from

DeVry University in Electronic Engineering.

• Swing Education, Substitute Service: The board agenda will include a contract from Swing

Education. Swing Education provides a service which supplements our current substitute

management program. In the contract, the district agrees to only pay for the service when the

substitute request has been filled.

• Update on the Superintendent Search: Interviews and feedback sessions are being finalized.

Next Meeting: November 19, 2019


Mr. Galluccio reported on the following matters discussed during the October meeting of the Finance,

Facilities and Transportation Committee.


• Facilities Review by FVHD to begin in 2 weeks. Teams of engineers and architects will complete

the assessment. District provided plans and blue prints of each building.

• Lighting for Football Stadium: Quotes received for additional lighting $3,500. There is discussion

about adding other “items” to the project per HS Principal’s request. Projects to be funded by Steve

Mayer memorial fund.

• RHS Concrete Project: Per recommendation of the Architect FVHD. Project to be bid this winter

for work to start after close of school in June.

• Grounds update: Parking lot striping complete. Direction arrows being changed in 3rd lane rear of

HS. Two new bus parking spaces added to accommodate new vehicles, preliminary quote received

for converting front driveway to bus lane, 37,000. Student drop off cut thru completed.

• Other: Misc. projects, repairs to kitchen equipment at PRMS done, other repairs to school kitchen

equipment scheduled. Waiting for engineer to start borings at tennis courts.

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• Review of Financials for the Month of September: Interim BA reviewed monthly financials with

committee ( BSR, Treasures report, transfer report. )

• Status of FY 19 Audit Report: Field work complete, auditors will meet with FFT in November.

• Unbudgeted Items 19/20: Currently being covered through contingency funds and efficiencies

created in other accounts

• Explanation of Extraordinary Aid: Shared three year snap shot of funds received by the district.

These funds are released by DOE on a yearly based on application submitted by the district of

“extraordinary special ed. costs by category”.

• Copier Upgrades, NJ State Contract: Current leases coming due by end of calendar year. Upgrade

to equipment listed on agenda reflects a 10.00 per month increase.


• Report from Transportation Office: To/ from school routes are improving as drivers return from

sick leave, etc. Non – public routes are a challenge and will be re-bid next year. Efforts to improve

communication with parents continues to improve. Transportation Deptartment looking into new

routing software that is more “user friendly”. More information will be provided during budget


Food Service: Aramark – all locations fully staffed. Sharon running smoothly. At PRMS new ovens

producing quality pizza’s. RHS, fresh breakfast program going well, offered every day.

Old Business: Committee had discussion about “billboard”, cmt. objectives for the year.

New Business- Discussion about 3 year staffing plan, Facebook page

D. COMMUNITY RELATIONS – Mr. Craig Heilman, Chair

Mr. Heilman reported on the following matters discussed during the October 1, 2019 meeting of the

Community Relations Committee.

Internet Safety Night, October 15th, 7 pm

• Meeting is in the auditorium

• Dr. Foster and Mr. Veisz reviewed power point and waiting final revisions.

Robbinsville Social Media Update

• Twitter and Instagram up

• Facebook will be up soon

• Dr. Foster meeting with Gregg Lerner this week

Rville Logo

• Contest for creating new logo will be sent to all students and families (To finally replace the block R)

• Contest being judged by Dr. Foster, Mr. Heilman, Mr. Veisz and other stakeholders

• Prize to be determined

Transportation Update

• Schools logged in bus times for one week to report back to company

Save the Following Dates:

• Tuesday, November 12th, Community Conversations

• Friday, November 15th, Scoring Points for Kids

Other Agenda Items

• Football announcement went well. Another one this week

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• Tommy Mae communication needs to specify that it isn’t from schools

• Joe Barker event to be publicized

• Discussion to shorten monthly meetings

• Limiting presentations to 15-20 minutes

• Shortening minutes

• Shortening board discussion that should be happening in committees

• Public answers need to be short and not include teaching moments

• Possible Vaping information plan (Already done in PRMS last year)

• 9/11 Moment of Silence Policy to be brought up next month

E. AD HOC SECURITY – Mr. Rich Young

Mr. Young reported on the following matters discussed during the October 8, 2019 meeting of the Ad

Hoc Security Committee.

• SRO Check-in

• Drop off Policy

• Drills Digital Mapping Initiative

• Township Ordinance on Vaping

• Vape Sensors

• Security Cameras with Night Vision

• Outside Lighting

Next meeting: November 2, 2019


Be it Resolved that the Robbinsville Board of Education approve the minutes of the following meetings:

• September 24, 2019 Executive Session (Attachment #1)

• September 24, 2019 Public Session (Attachment #2)

Roll Call Motion Second 9/24 Executive 9/24 Public

Mrs. Ciaccio Yes Yes

Mrs. DeVito X Yes Yes

Mr. Emigholz Yes Yes

Mr. Galluccio Yes Yes

Mr. Heilman X Yes Yes

Mrs. Temple Yes Yes

Mr. Veisz Yes Yes

Mr. Young Yes Yes

Ms. Luciano Yes Yes


Roll Call Motion Second Yes No Abstain

Mrs. Ciaccio X X

Mrs. DeVito X X

Mr. Emigholz X

Mr. Galluccio X

Mr. Heilman X

Mrs. Temple X

Mr. Veisz X

Mr. Young X

Ms. Luciano X

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 9 of 24

Motion to approve submission of completed DPR documents to the Mercer County Office of Education with

the following scores.

DPR Area Score Notes

Instruction & Program 40% Partial Score – Awaiting State Assessment Data to Calculate Final Score

Fiscal Management 94%

Governance 94%

Operations 100%

Personnel 95%


A. PERSONNEL (A.1 – 12)

BE IT RESOLVED that the Robbinsville Board of Education upon recommendation of the

Superintendent approve personnel resolutions A.1- 12 on pages 22-24 and A.11-12 as indicated


Roll Call Motion Second Yes No Abstain

Mrs. Ciaccio X

Mrs. DeVito X X

Mr. Emigholz X

Mr. Galluccio X

Mr. Heilman X X

Mrs. Temple X

Mr. Veisz X

Mr. Young X

Ms. Luciano X



WHEREAS, the Public School Contracts Law gives boards of education the ability to establish their

bid threshold at $40,000.00; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-3a, permits a bid threshold of $40,000.00 if a Qualified Purchasing

Agent is appointed and also grants the authorization to negotiate and award such contracts below the

bid threshold; and

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:34-5 et seq. establishes the criteria for qualifying as a Qualified Purchasing

Agent; and

WHEREAS, Mark A. Ritter possesses the designation of Qualified Purchasing Agent as issued by the

Director of the Division of Local Government Services in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:34-5 et seq.;


WHEREAS, the Robbinsville Board of Education desires to establish the bid threshold at $40,000.00

as provided in N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-3; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the governing body of the Robbinsville Board of Education in the County of

Mercer, in the State of New Jersey, hereby establishes its bid threshold at $40,000.00.

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 10 of 24


Motion to approve a job description for the position of Network Administrator.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Robbinsville Board of Education upon recommendation of the

Superintendent approve Education, Development and Policy resolutions B.1-10 as indicated.

Roll Call Motion Second Yes No Abstain

Mrs. Ciaccio X

Mrs. DeVito X X B.8c

Mr. Emigholz X

Mr. Galluccio X

Mr. Heilman X

Mrs. Temple X X

Mr. Veisz X

Mr. Young X

Ms. Luciano X


A discussion took place among Board members about the 2020-2021 district calendar regarding the

number of half days. A continued discussion will take place at committee level.


Motion to accept without modification the Superintendent’s Report on Harassment, Intimidation and

Bullying for the period ending October 28, 2019.


Motion to approve the following policies and regulations at the level of first reading.

P0110: Organizational Chart (Attachment #6)

P3159: Teaching Staff Member/School (Attachment #7)

P3218: Use, Possession, or Distribution of Substances (M) (Attachment #8)

R3218: Use, Possession, or Distribution of Substances (M) (Attachment #9)

P4218: Use, Possession, or Distribution of Substances (M) (Attachment #10)

R4218: Use, Possession, or Distribution of Substances (M) (Attachment #11)

P6620 Budget Preparation (M) (Attachment #12)

P7440: School District Security (M) (Attachment #13)

R7440: School District Security (M) (Attachment #14)

P8600: Student Transportation (M) (Attachment #15)

R8600 Student Transportation (Attachment #16)

P8630: Bus Driver/Bus Aide Responsibility (M) (Attachment #17)

R8630: Emergency School Bus Procedures (M) (Attachment #18)

P8670: Transportation of Special Needs Students (M) (Attachment #19)

P9400 Media Relations (Attachment #20)

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3. APPROVE CURRICULUM (Attachment #21 - #25)

Motion to approve revisions in the following curriculum.

AP Chemistry (Attachment #21)

7th grade Social Studies (Attachment #22)

World History (Attachment #23)

Multimedia (Attachment #24)

8th grade Spanish (re-alignment) (Attachment #25)

4. APPROVE REVISED 2020-2021 DISTRICT CALENDAR (Attachment #26)

Motion to approve a revision to the 2020-2021 district calendar.


Motion to authorize the disposal of worn and damaged books at Sharon Elementary School.


Motion to approve a contract with UCLA Professor Dr. Tyrone Howard to serve as a keynote speaker

for the district’s February 14, 2020 professional development day. The cost of the contract will not

exceed $8,500.00 including travel expenses.


Motion to approve the following Rider University teaching candidates to serve as student teachers at

Sharon Elementary School during the 2020 Spring semester.

Teaching Candidate Cooperating Teacher Grade Level

Melissa Santiago Heidi Berkey 4

Jillian Sing Liane Balveski 3

Jillian Sing Mary Carpenter SPED 3 & 4

Emily Hansen Sylwia Gorczyca 3

Emily Hansen Michelle Zaccaria SPED 3 & 4


a. Approve Tuition Contract: Cambridge School

Motion to approve a tuition contract with the Cambridge School in the amount of $35,000.00 for

student # 210010 during the period dating from September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

b. Approve Tuition Contract: Collier School

Motion to approve a tuition contract with Collier School in the amount of $12,720.00 for student

# 190764 during the period dating from September 4, 2019 through December 20, 2019.

c. Approve Contract: Marie H. Katzenbach School for the Deaf

Motion to approve a contract with the Marie H. Katzenbach School for the Deaf in the amount of

$115,230.00 for student # 290436 during the period dating from September 9, 2019 through June

30, 2020 as indicated.

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Purpose Cost

Tuition $ 80,230.00

One-to-One Personal Assistant $ 35,000.00

Total $115,230.00

d. Approve Tuition Contract: Mercer County Special Services School District

Motion to approve a tuition contract with Mercer County Special Services School District in the

amount $315,240.00 for the students indicated below during the period dating from September 5,

2019 through June 30, 2020.

Student ID# Cost

111119 $61,790.00

170026 $55,870.00

220006 $49,395.00

220104 $49,395.00

311816 $49,395.00

1000113 $49,395.00

Total $315,240.00

e. Approve Agreement: TECC, Inc.

Motion to approve an agreement with TECC. Inc. to provide augmentative communication

training for staff and the parents of student # 220006. Training will not exceed $250.00.

f. Revise Contract: New Jersey Commission for the Blind

Motion to revise a contract with the New Jersey Commission for the Blind in the amount of

$12,600.00 for student # 220116 during the period dating from September 1, 2019 through June

30, 2020. Originally approved on July 30, 2019 for $4,500.00, an increase in services is


g. Approve Contract: The Learning Tree Multicultural / Multilingual Evaluation and

Consulting, Inc.

Motion to approve a contract with The Learning Tree Multicultural/Multilingual Evaluation and

Consulting, Inc. not to exceed $8,000.00 to conduct multilingual evaluations / conferences as

needed during the period dating from October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

Service Cost

Spanish Evaluation $750 per Evaluation

Evaluations in Other Languages $800 per Evaluation

CST Conference $120 per Hour

h. Approve Contract: Megha Sagarwala

Motion to approve a contract with Megha Sagarwala not to exceed $3,000.00 to conduct bilingual

educational evaluations as needed at a cost of $575.00 per evaluation / report for the period dating

from October 30, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

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i. Approve Contract: Educere

Motion to approve an agreement with Educere not to exceed $3,000.00 to provide virtual

education programs as needed for students unable to attend school. Educere will be compensated

on a per student per program basis, not to exceed $399.00 per full year course for the period of

October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.


Motion to approve the following conferences, workshops and seminars for district staff to meet

professional development requirements.

Participant Workshop


Date(s) Location




Sarah Moore IMSE Train the Trainer 11/3-8/2019 Charlotte, NC N/A $2,087.75

Lisa Bruce HR Directors' Institute



11/21/2019 Monroe, NJ $450.00 $0.00

Lisa Giblin

Supporting Students with

Learning Disabilities/

through Data Based

Instruction 11/15/2019 Ewing, NJ $175.00 $4.55

Taylor Celenza

Supporting Students with

Learning Disabilities/

through Data Based

Instruction 11/15/2019 Ewing, NJ $175.00 $4.55

Alisa Ialacci

Powerful, Practical

Strategies for Reaching "I

Don't Care" Workshop 11/9/2019 Cherry Hill, NJ $279.00 $21.00

Andrew Bruno

Powerful, Practical

Strategies for Reaching "I

Don't Care" Workshop 11/19/2019 Cherry Hill, NJ $279.00 $23.10

Kim Tew

Historically Underserved

Students Taking Higher

Mathematics 11/19/2019 Monroe, NJ N/A $14.84

Kelly Kosch

2019 NCTE/Nat'l Council

Teachers of English Annual

Convention 11/21-24/2019 Baltimore, MD $275.00 $0.00

Devon Nocito

Conference for School-

Based Speech-Language

Pathologists 12/5&6/2019 Fairfield, NJ $459.00 $0.00

Randi Bucca

Conference for School-

Based Speech-Language

Pathologists 12/5&6/2019 Fairfield, NJ $459.00 $0.00

Andrea Pates

Conference for School-

Based Speech-Language

Pathologists 12/5&6/2019 Fairfield, NJ $459.00 $0.00

Julianne Rossi

Conference for School-

Based Speech-Language

Pathologists 12/5&6/2019 Fairfield, NJ $459.00 $0.00

Amanda Carpena

The 2019 Health Education

Conference 12/9/2019 Edison, NJ $65.00 $23.59

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Participant Workshop


Date(s) Location




Jodi Ricciardi

The 2019 Health Education

Conference 12/9/2019 Edison, NJ $65.00 $23.59



The 2019 Health Education

Conference 12/9/2019 Edison, NJ $65.00 $23.59

Allie Cullen

TCNJ - Structured Writing

Instruction That Works 12/12-13/2019 Ewing, NJ $525.00 $0.00

Beth Dolan

TCNJ - Structured Writing

Instruction That Works 12/12-13/2019 Ewing, NJ $275.00 $0.00

Taylor Hurley-


NJ Association of School

Psychologists Winter

Conference 12/13/2019 E. Windsor, NJ $180.00 $0.00

Kristina Mannino

"The Therapeutic Umbrella"

Getting Connected:

Supporting the Whole Child 1/17/2020 Monroe, NJ $149.00 $0.00

Rajneet Bajnath

"The Therapeutic Umbrella"

Getting Connected:

Supporting the Whole Child 1/17/2020 Monroe, NJ $149.00 $0.00

Amanda Carpena

Three Things Administrators

Can Do Today to Get More

Out of Their Teachers

Tomorrow 1/30/2020 Monroe, NJ $0.00 $9.31

Rajneet Bajnath

Hot Legal Topics in Special

Education 2/7/2020 Tinton Falls, NJ $35.00 $0.00

Jennifer Haas

Help Your Students Master

the Next Generation Science

Standards 2/11/2020 Cherry Hill, NJ $279.00 $26.67

Tracy Rodriguez

Help Your Students Master

the Next Generation Science

Standards 2/11/2020 Cherry Hill, NJ $279.00 $26.67

Total $5,535.00 $2,289.21


Motion to approve the following field trip(s) to take place during the 2019-2020 school years as

indicated. With the exception of Community-Based Instruction (CBI), the district will incur no

admission/transportation costs.

Mo. / Yr. School Class Destination Cost/Pupil Purpose

10/19 SES Pre-K Windsor Farms $9.00 Educational

10/19 PMS CBI Trenton Museum & Planetarium $12.00 Educational

11/19 RHS AP and Spanish 4 Scottish Rite Auditorium $58.00 Educational

11/19 RHS FTC Robotics Clearview Regional HS $25.00 Regional Meet

11/19 RHS Italian Classes Eataly Fifth Ave, NYC $25.00 Educational

11/19 SES KG Class Trip Johnson's Locust Hall Farm $14.00 Educational

11/19 RHS Play Unified Special Olympics $0.00 Educational

12/19 RHS FTC Robotics Stuart County Day School $25.00 Regional Meet

1/20 RHS Virtual Enterprise Albright College $50.00 Work Readiness

1/20 RHS FTC Robotics RWJ Barnabas Health Arena $25.00 State Qualifier

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 15 of 24

Mo. / Yr. School Class Destination Cost/Pupil Purpose

2/20 RHS FTC Robotics Emmaus HS $25.00 PA Qualifier

2/20 RHS FTC Robotics Hightstown HS $25.00 Wild Card Game

2/20 RHS FTC Robotics Emmaus HS $25.00 PA Qualifier

3/20 PRMS 7th Grade Medieval Times $50.00 Class Trip

4/20 RHS Virtual Enterprise Microsoft/Brooklyn Cruise Terminal $100.00 Work Readiness

5/20 PRMS 8th Grade Hershey Park $115.00 8th Grade Trip


BE IT RESOLVED that the Robbinsville Board of Education upon recommendation of the

Superintendent approve Finance, Facilities and Transportation resolutions C.1-3 as indicated.

Roll Call Motion Second Yes No Abstain

Mrs. Ciaccio X X

Mrs. DeVito X

Mr. Emigholz X

Mr. Galluccio X C.2a

Mr. Heilman X

Mrs. Temple X C.2a

Mr. Veisz X

Mr. Young X X

Ms. Luciano X


a. Bills and Claims: October 28, 2019 (Attachment #28)

Motion to approve payment of the bills and claims list in the amount of $6,552,475.54 or the

period ending October 28, 2019.


11 - General Fund 1,984,657.21$

12 - Capital Outlay 146,605.62$

P1 160.35$

20 - Special Revenue 42,220.23$

30 - Capital Projects -$

40 - Debt Service -$

60 - Food Service Fund 142,989.95$

61 - R.E.D. 25,775.33$

Unemployment -$

Hand Checks 399,381.50$

Subtotal 2,741,790.19$

Payroll: 9.30.19 1,265,004.44$

Payroll: 10.15.19 1,274,260.17$

Payroll: 10.30.19 1,271,420.74$

Total 6,552,475.54$

Accounts Payable

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 16 of 24

b. Certification of Board Secretary: September 30, 2019

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.12(a), I, Nick Puleio, Interim Board Secretary/School Business

Administrator, certify that as of September 30, 2019 no line item account has encumbrances and

expenditures which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of 6A:23-22.12(a).

c. Report of the Board Secretary: September 30, 2019 (Attachment #29)

Motion to accept the Report of the Board Secretary for the period ending September 30, 2019.

d. Report of the Treasurer: September 30, 2019 (Attachment #30)

Motion to accept the Report of the Treasurer for the period ending September 30, 2019.

e. Approve Transfer Report: September 30, 2019

Motion to approve the transfer report totaling $420,237.54 for the period ending September 30,


Account From Account To Description Amount

11-230-100-101-07-02-050 11-000-251-100-07-11-000

Sharon BS Salaries Sec to BA Increases $ 3,792.88

11-230-100-101-07-02-050 11-000-251-100-07-12-000

Sharon BS Salaries Accounting Office Increases $ 13,198.52

11-000-221-104-07-09-000 11-000-221-102-07-09-000

Curriculum Salaries Admin. Salaries Increases $ 3,784.00

11-000-230-100-07-00 11-000-230-105-07-11

Superintendent Salary Supt Secretary Increases, Leave Replacement $ 25,000.00

11-000-261-420-07-00 11-000-261-100-07-05-000

Maintenance Other Maintenance Salary New Hire $ 4,849.56

11-000-261-420-07-00 11-000-262-100-07-01-000

Maintenance Other Facilities Manager Increases $ 1,774.96

11-000-270-161-07-99-000 11-000-270-107-07-20-000

Summer Work Bus Aides Longer Routes $ 10,558.12

11-120-100-101-07-03-040 11-240-100-101-07-09-000

PRMS 5 ESL Salaries 5th Grade Down One - Move to ESL $ 59,220.00

11-120-100-101-7-02-050 11-140-100-101-07-01-030

SES 1-4 Salaries RHS Salaries Position move from 1-4/new LA $ 52,000.00

11-000-218-104-07-01-030 11-000-213-101-07-01-030

RHS Guidance RHS Nurse New Hire $ 10,925.00

11-230-100-101-07-03-040 11-216-100-101-07-04-050

PRMS BS Salaries Full Time PSD New position under budgeted $ 3,445.00

11-216-100-106-07-04-050 11-215-100-106-07-04-050

FT Preschool Aide Salary Preschool Aide Salary Position Change $ 20,655.00

11-000-217-100-07-02-050 11-209-100-106-07-04-050

Aide Salary 1 to 1 BD Aide Longevity $ 550.00

11-230-100-101-07-03-040 11-212-100-106-07-01-030

PRMS BS Salaries MD Aide RHS Unbudgeted $ 13,770.00

11-230-100-101-07-03-040 11-212-100-106-07-02-050

PRMS BS Salaries MD Aide SES Staff Movement $ 16,520.00

11-213-100-106-07-03-040 11-212-100-106-07-02-050

RC Aide PRMS MD Aide SES Staff Movement $ 12,670.00

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 17 of 24

Account From Account To Description Amount

11-230-100-101-07-03-040 11-212-100-101-07-02-050

PRMS BS Salaries MD SES Unbudgeted $ 51,805.00

11-230-100-101-07-02-050 11-213-100-101-07-02-050

SES BS Salary SES RC Salary Position Change $ 32,200.00

11-230-100-101-07-03-040 11-213-100-101-07-03-040

PRMS BS Salary PRMS RC Salary Position Change $ 32,200.00

11-000-252-500-08-00 11-000-252-100-08-99-000

Tech PD Summer Interns Line Shortage $ 2,319.50

11-000-270-515-07-01 11-000-270-514-07-01

Jointures Special Ed Routes Additional Routes $ 49,000.00

TOTAL SEPTEMBER 2019 Transfers: $ 420,237.54

f. Approve Shared Service Agreement: Crossing Guard Services

Motion to approve a shared service agreement between Robbinsville Township and the

Robbinsville Board of Education in the amount of $10,500.00 for Crossing Guard Services for

the period dating from August 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

g. Approve Shared Services Agreement: CJPRIDE

Motion to approve a joint purchasing and service agreement in the amount of $100.00 with

Central Jersey Program for the Recruitment of Diverse Educators (CJPRIDE) to promote

diversity recruitment through June 30, 2020.

h. Approve Contract: Swing Education

Motion to approve a contract with Swing Education in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 for

access to the Swing Education Platform for substitute posting and management. The contract will

be in effect from November 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

i. Approve Maintenance Vehicles, Equipment and Bleacher Purchases

Motion to approve the purchase of the following vehicles, equipment and bleachers as indicated.

Purchase Vendor Cost State Contract Purpose

2019 Ford F250 PU Beyer Ford $36,219.42 ESCNJ CO-OP #65MCESCCPS General / Snow Plowing

2020 F350 Dump Winner Ford $47,614.00 ESCNJ CO-OP #65MCESCCPS General / Snow Plowing

L228 Tractor Cherry Valley Tractor $49,656.27 NJ State Contract #78905 Snow Removal/Field Maintenance

NB0415B Bleachers Passon’s Sport $41,957.86 ESCNJ CO-OP #26EDCP 4 Row 40 Seat Bleachers - RHS

j. Approve State Contract Lease Purchases: Atlantic Business Products

Motion to approve the lease purchases of Savin copiers from Atlantic Business Products as

indicated for sixty month terms as indicated.

Model Monthly Cost Start of 60 Mo. Term State Contract Location

MP7503SP $391.82 December 2019 A40467 SES New Wing

MP5055SP $260.50* December 2019 A40467 SES Main Office

MP3055SP $197.23 January2020 A40467 RHS Guidance

Savin Pro 8300S $560.41 February 2020 A40467 SES Media Ctr.

*Pricing includes $10 per month for fax option. There has been no other increase.

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 18 of 24


a. Building Use (Attachments #31 - #36)

Motion to approve the Buildings and Grounds Use of Facilities Schedule for the months of

November and December 2019.

b. Approve Completion of Fire and Security Drills: September 2019

Motion to approve Fire and Security Drills for the 2019-2020 school year as indicated. One fire

and one security drill are required monthly.

RHS Fire Drill


Active Shooter



in Place

Other / Tabletop

September 9.18.19 9.25.19


Fire Drill Lockdown /

Active Shooter



in Place

Other / Tabletop

September 9.27.19 9.11.19


Fire Drill Lockdown/

Active Shooter



in Place

Other / Tabletop

September 9.27.19 9.13.19


a. Authorize Vehicle Purchase: 2020 International School Buses

Motion to authorize the purchase of two 2020 International 54 passenger school buses in the

amount of $92,481.90 per bus. ESCNJ Co-Op Bid 18/19-37.

Bus # VIN#

16 4DRBUPWP7LB850772

17 4DRBUPWP2LB850775

b. Approve Jointure for Route 514SP: East Windsor Regional School District

Motion to approve East Windsor Regional School District to serve as the host district for Route

514SP to provide transportation for one student to and from St. Paul Catholic School, Princeton,

NJ during the period dating from September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The cost to the

district is $1,000.00.

c. Approve Contract: Garden State Transport Route T14-01

Motion to approve a contract with Garden State Transport Route T14-01 for the period dating

from September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 as indicated. Previously approved on August 27,

2019, the original resolution contained a typographical error.

T14-01 Route

18-19 Original

per Diem

19-20 Year 5

Renewal Increase


19-20 Year 5

Per Diem Renewal Per Annum

Tier A

RHS-1 $87.58 $1.27 $88.85 $15,993.00

MID-1 $87.58 $1.27 $88.85 $15,993.00

ELM-1 $87.58 $1.27 $88.85 $15,993.00

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 19 of 24

T14-01 Route

18-19 Original

per Diem

19-20 Year 5

Renewal Increase


19-20 Year 5

Per Diem Renewal Per Annum

Tier E

RHS-5 $83.37 $1.21 $84.58 $15,224.50

MID-5 $83.37 $1.21 $84.58 $15,224.50

ELM-5 $83.37 $1.21 $84.58 $15,224.50

Tier K

RHS-11 $83.37 $1.21 $84.58 $15,224.50

MID-11 $83.37 $1.21 $84.58 $15,224.50

ELM-11 $83.37 $1.21 $84.58 $15,224.50

d. Approve Transportation Contract Addendum: NEWG19-20

Motion to approve an addendum to the contract with St. Mary Transportation to provide an aide

on NEWG19-20. Originally approved on May 28, 2019, there will be an increase of $9,000.00

for the cost of the aide.

e. Accept Transportation Quote Results for Rubino Academy

Motion to accept the following transportation quotes for Rubino Academy and recognize St.

Mary Transportation as the low bidder. The contract will be in effect for the period dating from

September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The prices listed reflect per bus/ per hour costs.

St. Mary


R & M


Morning Star


$117.00 $150.00 $217.00

Adjustment Provision Cost $1.00 $1.50 $1.00

Per Aid Cost N/A N/A $40.00

Total $117.00 $150.00 $217.00

d. Accept Auction Results: Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission

Motion to accept the auction results of district owned vehicles as indicated. The vehicles were

auctioned through Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission on October 10, 2019.

Vehicle Vin# Make/Model Mileage Auction Price

2003 20 Passenger 1GBJG31U931226477 Chevy 213,976 $ 578.00

2003 F250 1FTNX21P23EC27609 Ford Ext Cab 58,697 $2,378.00


BE IT RESOLVED that the Robbinsville Board of Education upon recommendation of the

Superintendent approve Robbinsville Extended Day Program resolution D.1 as indicated.

Roll Call Motion Second Yes No Abstain

Mrs. Ciaccio X

Mrs. DeVito X X

Mr. Emigholz X

Mr. Galluccio X

Mr. Heilman X

Mrs. Temple X

Mr. Veisz X

Mr. Young X

Ms. Luciano X X

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 20 of 24


Motion to approve Sandra McNichol to serve as an SES Instructor beginning on November 13, 2019

pending background clearance. Ms. McNichol will work for 18 hours per week and be compensated

at $15.00 per hour.


A. AVERY HUTCHINSON: Change of leagues for RHS football / Boy Scout report at Town Council

regarding PRMS roof leak and RHS Tennis Courts / Community Forums / Consider closing on

Election Day in 2020.

B. NOUSHIN KANANI: Asked Interim SBA to explain monthly SBA Report

C. KERI FOX: Transportation – Cars often do not stop for buses.


Mr. Heilman asked if bus drivers can record the license plates of drivers who pass a school bus. Dr.

Foster indicated that they can but noted that drivers are busy driving and watching students so they may

not be able to.

Mrs. Luciano asked for possible consideration of closing school and holding the fall professional

development day on Election Day in 2020.

Mr. Emigholz agreed to contact the Scout Master of the boys who attended the town council meeting to

get additional information pertaining to the PRMS roof leak.

The Board expressed gratitude to the Interim School Business Administrator for his guidance over the

past few months.


XIX. ADJOURNMENT – Motion: Mrs. DeVito / Second: Mrs. Temple

The October 28, 2019 meeting of the Robbinsville Board of Education adjourned at 8:59 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nicholas Puleio

Interim School Business Administrator / Board Secretary

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 21 of 24

Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes



Tuohy Janet Network Administrator District Approve 1/2/2020 6/30/2020 $120,000.00 11-000-252-100-07-08-000 Salary prorated to reflect time worked


Bootier Nicole Asst. Principal SES Ratify 7/1/2019 6/30/2020 $115,804.00Salary increase from $114,952.50 to $115,804.00 due to

incorrect factors





Leonard Megan Speech Language Therapist PRMS Approve 10/29/2019 6/30/2020 MA Step 3 $61,605.00 Salary prorated to reflect time worked




Lockington Renee Teacher SES Ratify 10/17/2019 10/17/2019 $457.35 1 unpaid day

Ringenary Susan Teacher PRMS Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 Salary Corrected. Not teaching extra class. $88,230.00

Fisher Leslie LR Guidance RHS Approve 10/30/2019 2/14/2020 $400.00/day 11-000-218-104-07-01-030 Leave Replacement. Date change

Ialacci Alisa Teacher RHS Ratify 1/27/2020 4/20/2020Maternity Leave. Return to work date changed. Unpaid as

of 3/16/20

Kaminskas Megan Teacher SES Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020Maternity Leave. Return to work date changed. Unpaid as

of 9/16/19

Tracy Molly LR Teacher SES Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 Leave Replacement. Date change



Tetto Laura Teacher RHS Approve 10/1/2019 Step 5 BA + 15 $59,495.00

Moore Laura Teacher PRMS Approve 10/1/2019 Step 11 MA + 15 $72,635.00



Baldwin Alison Per Diem Bus Aide Transportation Approve 10/29/2019 6/30/2020 $18.09/hr Per Diem bus aide - pending fingerprints

Rodriguez Brenda Per Diem Bus Aide Transportation Approve 10/29/2019 6/30/2020 $18.09/hr Per Diem bus aide - pending fingerprints

Pappas Maria Per Diem Bus Aide Transportation Approve 10/29/2019 6/30/2020 $18.09/hr Per Diem bus aide - pending fingerprints





Weinberg Shelly Lunch Aide SES Approve 10/17/2019


Odato Amy IA RHS Approve 10/1/2019 11/1/2019 LOA



Welby Theresa Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Pilla Archana Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Camarda Christine Cert Sub District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Robinson Brianna Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Pujari Siddhi Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Dipasquale Lynda Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Siskind Melissa Cert Sub District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Iorio Cynthia Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 22 of 24

Rejent Joseph Cert Sub District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Goldstein Dayna Cert Sub District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Thomas Linda Cert Sub District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Colgan Diana Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Glass Thomas Cert Sub District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Todd Gina Cert Sub District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day pending fingerprints

Maccarthy Wendy Non Cert Substitute District Approve 10/30/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day


Estrada Donald Non Cert Substitute District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Cellini Thomas Cert Sub District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Heverin Gina Cert Sub District Ratify 10/1/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Stanca Caroline Cert Sub District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Hunter Laurie Cert Sub District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $95.00/day

Hutt Meghan Non Cert Substitute District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Maccagnan Stephanie Non Cert Substitute District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Young Karen Non Cert Substitute District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day

Chasia Sandya Non Cert Substitute District Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $85.00/day



Torno Aaron Mentor RHS Approve 10/29/2019 6/30/2020 Volunteer Fall Drama volunteer - pending fingerprints



Cox Shaun Coach RHS Approve 11/1/2019 3/1/2020 Volunteer Volunteer Ice Hockey Coach

Patterson Andrew Coach RHS Approve 11/1/2019 3/1/2020 Volunteer Volunteer Winter Track Coach

Moore Daniel Coach RHS Approve 11/1/2019 3/1/2020 Volunteer Volunteer Wrestling Coach

Johnson Claire Coach RHS Approve 11/1/2019 3/1/2020 Volunteer Volunteer Winter Track Coach

Biscardi Thomas Coach RHS Approve 11/1/2019 3/1/2020 Volunteer Volunteer Wrestling Coach

Hubert Carlyn Coach RHS Approve 11/1/2019 3/1/2020 Step 1 $5,042.00 11-402-100-100-06-01-030 Assistant Swimming Coach - pending fingerprints

Acheampong Samuel Coach PRMS Approve 11/1/2019 6/30/2020 Step 1 $3,113.00 11-402-100-100-03-01-040 Assistant Wrestling Coach - pending fingerprints

Sawada Courtney Lifeguard RHS Approve 11/1/2019 6/30/2020 $41.91/event 11-402-100-100-06-02-030

Akorbman Hannah Lifeguard RHS Approve 11/1/2019 6/30/2020 $41.91/event 11-402-100-100-06-02-030

Chau Jade Lifeguard RHS Approve 11/1/2019 6/30/2020 $41.91/event 11-402-100-100-06-02-030

Harris Zachary Lifeguard RHS Approve 11/1/2019 6/30/2020 $41.91/event 11-402-100-100-06-02-030


Hayes Conor Coach PRMS Approve 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 Step 3 $3,964.00 11-402-100-100-03-01-040 Head Boys Soccer Coach. Stipend correction

Carrigan Daniel Coach PRMS Approve 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 Step 1 $2,475.00 11-402-100-100-03-01-040 Assistant Girls Soccer Coach



Rich Lisa Teacher RHS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Brady Matthew Teacher RHS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Aquilino Kristin Media Specialist SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Manning Katie Teacher RHS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Schmidt Arthur Teacher RHS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Armstrong Jason Teacher RHS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Peluso Jenna Media Specialist PRMS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Ventre Jessica Teacher SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Gorcycza Sylwia Teacher SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Gold Jennifer Teacher SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 23 of 24

Dolan Elizabeth Teacher SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Bucca Randi Speech Pathologist SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Rossi Julianne Speech Pathologist SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Balevski Liane Teacher SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Diletto Jamie Teacher RHS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Orlowsky Jennifer Teacher RHS Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Brihn Angela Teacher SES Approve 10/30/2019 11/6/2019 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-91-000 Rville Ready Unconference. Not to exceed 4 hours

Gladysz Danielle Teacher SES Approve 10/18/2019 2/17/2020 $400.00 To mentor Urvashi Sabharwal. CE. Paid by mentee



Devine Cynthia Teacher PRMS Approve 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $34.00/hr 11-000-221-104-09-89-000Curriculum writing for 8th grade Spanish. Not to exceed

20 hours

Loncosky Lynn Secretary SES Ratify 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $1,717.00 11-000-240-110-07-000 Sub calling stipend for 2019-2020

Holub Ed Teacher RHS Approve 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $910.50 11-401-100-100-01-01-030 Fall Drama Tech/Crew Director. Corrected Stipend

Brady Matt Teacher RHS Approve 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $910.50 11-401-100-100-01-01-030 Fall Drama Tech/Crew Director. Corrected Stipend

Hayes Conor Teacher PRMS Approve 10/1/2019 6/30/2020 $26.79/hr 11-130-100-101-03-04-040 Morning Duty

Romano Thomas Teacher PRMS Approve 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $1,564.00 11-401-100-100-03-01-040 Makerspace Club Advisor

Kupersmit Chelsea Teacher PRMS Approve 9/1/2019 6/30/2020 $1,549.00 11-401-100-100-03-01-040 Student Council

October 28, 2019 Public Session Minutes Page 24 of 24