Company presentation

Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

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Page 1: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

Company presentation

Page 2: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions.With customized solutions we are increasing our costumers efficiency, quality and productivity The company is located in Umeå, Sweden. We are today totally 18 employees with together more than 300 years of experience in automated production.

Page 3: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

Business concept and competence.

• Our business concept indicates that we are a highly specialized company with many years of knowledge from our respective industries. This gives us the expertise in areas such as handling, press mechanization, welding and machine tending.

Robotized handling of seats in the car industry.

Page 4: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

• RCN is working efficiently and close to you. Together we realize our common ideas and give our utmost for our customers. Together we form a dynamic and skilled team with unique experience and deep knowledge.

• Easy to get in touch with. Like any flexible actors, we are easy to get in touch with. You can reach us via channels such as telephone, fax, e-mail and on our website: www.rcn.se

Jigless welding with a 500kg heavy duty robot. Production of crane arms.

Page 5: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

• For us, it is obvious to answer a customer call as quickly as possible and come back with concrete, constructive suggestions. We make a reality of the saying Focus on the customer, with us it’s not an empty cliché.

Simulation of robot path for wet winding of gas tanks

Page 6: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

• The right skills utilization, we utilize and combine properly our different areas of competence in each individual, specific mandate to develop the best and most customized solution.

Production of gas tanks, Korea.

Page 7: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

• Short decision paths. RCN is a flat and dynamic organization that is characterized by short lines of communication, where the distance between words and actions is very small.

Welding of crane arms for logging industry

Page 8: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

• Of course, all the installations that comes from us are CE-marked and comply with all laws and requirements regarding safety.

Robotized cheese turnaround during storage

Page 9: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

• RCN is thinking outside of the box. We do not only take care of our costumersautomated production. The key to success is the overall thinking of the production together with logistics. From incomming parts to the plant tohanding over to your endcostumer our services are availible for you.

• At RCN we have our own design & production of roller conveyors and otherlogistic equipment such as elevators and plastic wraping machines.

Page 10: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

• RobotCenter Norr AB have long experience and wide knowledge of different Robot brands. Therefor we have a wide range of choises for our customers.

• We cooperate in first hand with FANUC and ABB


Page 11: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are


Page 12: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

Christer LarssonOwner of the company is coordinator and project manager who manages customer relations. He is also responsible for RCN's finance and administration.

Sören NygrenVice VDAutomation engineer who primarily works with electrical hardware designand project management.

Petter HanssonAutomation engineer who primarily works with mechanicaldesign.

Håkan KnutssonOur Marketing manager. Automation engineer who primarily works with process preparation, calculations and mechanical design.

Ulf JohanssonOperates with two major tasks: PLC control system and robot programming. He is also teaching ourcustumers how to use the equipment.

Lars HidingOur purchasing manager who also takes care of our lokal administrationand responsible for spareparts.

Åke LindholmAutomation engineer who primarily works with robot simulation, offline & online robot programming

Ulrik OlofssonAutomation engineer who primarily works with PLC control system andproject management

Robin Dannelöv

works with mechanicaldesign.

Page 13: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

Our skilled installation crew.

Oskar OlofssonInstallation technician

Installation Techniques happy working successfully with all appropriate tasks.

Alf EliassonInstallation technician

Installation Techniques and welding specialist with extensive experience. With great joy he works successfully with all appropriate tasks.

Viktor HolmInstallation technician

Installation Technician with a long and wide experience. Works well, fast, and long.

Per JohanssonInstallation technician

Installation Techniques with its broad and long experience responsible for our installation team. Everything possible is his motto.

Klas-Ivar EliassonInstallation technician

Installation Technician with a long and wide experience. Works well, fast, and long.

Victor OlofssonEl Installation technician

El Installation Techniques and the youngest in the RCN

as happy working successfully with all appropriate tasks.

Stefan KarlssonLeading electrical technicianExtensive experience in the electricity industry.Nothing is impossible for him.

Jennie LundmarkEl Installation technician

happy working successfully with all appropriate tasks.

Page 14: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

2014Volvo Lastvagnar, UmeåFlödesförändring målerietVolvo Lastvagnar, RysslandKomplett Plazma svets cellLeroconAutomatiserade Muttersvets cellerLattitud 64Automatisering tryckprocessHallströms VerkstäderByte RobotNorrmejerierAutomatisering av ostlager


2013NorrmejerierKomplett Helosthantering för VästerbottensostVolvo Lastvagnar, UmeåFlödesförändring målerietHallströms VerkstäderO-RingsautomatVolvo Lastvagnar, ThailandKomplett Plazma svets cellSyd KoreaKomplett tillverkningslinje för trycktankarVolvo Lastvagnar, UmeåUppgradering rutlimnings linjeCranabKomplett Svets och hanteringslinjeAgrostroj, TjeckienUtbyggnad komplettering materialhanteringNorrmejerierUppgradering bitnings hanteringWiproAutomatiserad kolvstångs svetsningVolvo Lastvagnar, UmeåAutomatiserad HålstansningGastank SwedenSkarvmaskin samt ugn stora tankarVolvo Lastvagnar, UmeåAutomatisering svesline för ny produktNilaabKedjetransportör

2012Olofsfors ABGaskåpeslip, automatiserad rengöring av gaskåpa.

IRSMek konstruktion av testriggVolvo Lastvagnar ABVaruhissÅFRivning kittline VLUHallströms VerkstäderKonstruktion och tillverkning av O-ringsautomatIntekMek konstruktion av vridbordLeroconRullbanor med centreringGastank SwedenProvtryckningsutrustningVolvo Lastvagnar AB3st Automatiserade muttersvets cellerVolvo Lastvagnar ABFlödesförändring målerietVolvo Lastvagnar ABHärdningsutrustning vid bättringsmålningVolvo Lastvagnar ABLyftbordsinstallationWibe, Schneider ElectricGängmaskin för gängning av skarvelementEpsilonInstallation av limutrustning

2011LEROCONTransportsystem med fixtureringNorrMejerierRobotiserat osthanterings system Agrostoj TjeckienRobotiserat lagerhantering Agrostoj TjeckienRobotsvetscell med fixtureringAgrostoj TjeckienDubbel Robotsvetscell med automatisk lagerhantering Agrostoj TjeckienAutomatiserat transportsystem Volvo Lastvagnar ABAutomatiserad Muttersvets anläggning Volvo Lastvagnar ABRobot system för måleri Volvo Lastvagnar ABKonstruktion och tillverkning Lastbärareför måleri

Volvo Lastvagnar ABAutomatiserat transportsystem

2010Cargotec EstlandFlytt Robotsvetsstationer Gastank KoreaRobotiserad produktionsutrustning NorrMejerierRobotiserad osthantering med tillhörande rullbanesystem NorrMejerierAutomatiserad inplastningslina Volvo Lastvagnar ABFixturtillverkning och tillverkning av lastbärare för produktion Volvo Lastvagnar ABRullbanor Volvo Lastvagnar ABUtskjutbar personal arbetesplattformar på lyftbord Volvo Lastvagnar ABRobotiserad rutlimning Volvo Lastvagnar ABRullbanor för skidmatningVolvo Lastvagnar ABRivning och flytt produktionsutrustning Volvo Lastvagnar ABHelautomatiserad muttersvetsanläggning

2009ABB, FrankrikeServiceplattformar Volvo Lastvagnar Gastank KoreaHelautomatiserad tillverkningsutrustning för gastankarHiab Balti, EstlandAutomatiserat plåtintag Storuman Industri ABHelautomatiserad Robotsvetsning Volvo Lastvagnar ABNy kontrollplats för lackkontroll med tillhörande transportsystem Volvo Lastvagnar ABTillverkning målerifixturer för detaljmålning Volvo Lastvagnar ABHelautomatiserad muttersvetsanläggning med Robot och Vison system

Page 15: Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in ... · Robot Center Norr is a highly specialized company in automation and robotic solutions. With customized solutions we are

2008Cranab ABHelautomatiserad Robotsvetsning av kranarmar med logistiksystem

Gastank Sweden ABAutomatiserad lindning av gastankar med Robot SkelackRobot och visionbaserad hanteringsstation för cylinderrör Volvo Lastvagnar ABUppbyggnad av RePaint Line för lackering av plastdetaljer Volvo Lastvagnar ABNytt flöde för manuell kittning av hytter Volvo Lastvagnar ABNy buffert för hytter Volvo Lastvagnar ABHelautomatiserad slutmonteringslineVolvo Lastvagnar ABHelautomatiserad Robotiserad Multisvetscell med Vison system för muttersvetsning

2007Hallströms VerkstäderRobotiserad rundfalsning och hantering HIABRobotiserad svetsning med fixturering och automatlager Protab ABRobotiserad visionguidad hanteringsutrustning för Svarvutrustning. Kpl med pallhantering TradimusMontagefixturer med PLC styrning Umeå EnergiRivning Sanering efter brand VolvoSamordningsansvar för rivningsarbeten

2006NorrMejerierNy etiketterings lineVolvoOmbyggnad ED utrustning VolvoOmbyggnad och flytt listmontering VolvoFlytt av hiss i Buffertlager ÅlöRevidering svetsline

2005HIABRobotiserad MIG-Svets line med 3-D Vision system och laserguidning.

Komplett med transportsystem och pallhantering. LEROCONRobotiserad hanteringsutrustning NorrMejerierOm och tillbyggnad av Torklager hantering NorrMejerierBitningshantering med Robot och Vision kpl med transportsystem NorrMejerierService och underhållsavtal VolvoOm och tillbyggnad lösningsmedelhanteringService och underhållsavtalÅLÖ CylinderSvetsfixtur för Robotsvetsning

2004EPSILONRobotåk vagnar Hallströms VerkstäderOmbyggnad SegmentskärningRobotiserad rundfalsning NorrMejerierTransportsystem palldiskmaskinRobot/Transportsystem OsthanteringService och underhållsavtal VolvoErsättning ErgolyftarTransportsystem nytt flöde GrundlackRobotiserad muttersvets ÅlöFixturkonstruktion

2003VolvoTransportsystem FM-hytter.Ombyggnad tätningsline.Ny och ombyggnad transportsystem Hyttskid.Robotstation för limning av dörrplåt.2st Robotstationer för svetsning av dörrar.

2002VolvoRobotstation Tillverkning Ryggar.Robotstation Hantering/Buffertering Hyttsidor. ÅlöRobotstation Hantering, Fixturering, Svetsning Kolvstänger.

2001VolvoNytt hanteringssystem för hyttskid. ÅlöRobotstation Fixturering Svetsning Cylinderrör

2000VolvoTransportörer för hytter FL/FM.Nytt buffertsystem.Automatisk borrstation för tak.Ombyggnation transportsystem.Konstruktion/Tillverkning robotgripdon. ÅlöRobotstation Borrning/Gradning Cylinderrör.