@ROCH@ CALIF 94806 ROCHE INC. Technetium Tc 99rii Generator Secondary shield to further reduce rad at on 5cc and lCicc elution vials Elution vial shield I 20m1 elution vials available on request Sterile needle pack and labels furnished with each generator Adaptors for various elution vials medi+p@hq@Ã MEDI-PHYSICS, INC., RICHMOND, SUBSIDIARY OF HOFFMANN-LA

@ROCH@ medi+p@hq@Ø©@jnm.snmjournals.org/content/25/9/local/advertising.pdf · ©SQUiBBTM DiagnosticsNew€1 0890301984 Brunswick,NJ LkSquibb&So,*[email protected]@Icr@NJ05840 604.502

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Technetium Tc 99riiGenerator

Secondary shieldto further reducerad at on

5cc and lCicc elution vials

Elution vial shield

I 20m1 elution vialsavailable on request

Sterile needle pack and labelsfurnished with each generatorAdaptors for various elution vials


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•Anewsterileneedleisutilizedforeachelution,reducingthechancesofa septicorpyrogenic






a Generator is compact, providingforoptimummaneuverability.Generatorhandleandshippingcartonprovideforeaseinhandlingandlifting.




shouldbepertormsdduringthefirsttw(approximatsly1O)daysfollowingIhsorrsal01 @Sfl$$$.. Nursing MOthS,s


PdlatricUsiSeehedicatfansandUsigs,dousandadminislrallon.Sesalsodescripllonofadditionalriskunderwarnings.RadlogharmeceuficaisshouldbeusedonlybyphyslclanswhoarsQualifiedbyfrainingandexperienceinthesafeuseandhandlIngofredlonuclides,andwhoseexperienceandtrainingPawbeenapprovedbyltreappropriateqovernmenlagencyauthorhad10licensetheuseofradlonuchdes.Thegenerdiotshouldnotbeusedafter15daysfromthedateandtimeofcalibrationAttimeofadmInIstratIon,thesolutionshouldbecrystalclear.ADVIRU NIACTION$: AllergicreactionsincludinganaphylaxishavebeenreportedinfrequentlyfollowinglbsadminislrationofSodiumPertsctinetateTc99m.140W$UPPUID:SodiumPertechnetateIc99missuppliedasaMolybdenumMo99/TechnetiumIc99mgeneratorInslzeslrom3Omillicurlesuplo16,@OOmilllcurles(inapproximately83omillicurleincrements)ofMolybdenumMo99asof10:00P.M.EasternTimeofthedayofcalibration.TheTECHNETIUMTc99mGENERATORconsislsof:1)slerliegenerator,2)SodIumChlorIdeInlecllonsource,3)10ccsterileevacuatedviils,4)sterileneedles.5)elulionvialshleld@6)finIsheddruglabels.ElutlonvialsIn5ccand20ccsizesareavailableuponrequest.‘inItIalorderonlyTheTECHNETIUMTc99mGENERATORshouldnotbeusedaftersixteen(16)daysfromthedateandtimeofcalibration

TECHNETIUMTc Nm GENERATORfor thi Productionof SodiumP•rtschn•tat•Tc NmOE8CNIPTION:TheTechnetiumTc99mGeneratorIspreparedwithfissionproducedMolybdenumMo99absorbedonaluminainalead-shieldedcolumnandprovidesameansforobtaInIngsterIlepyrogen•freesolutIonsofSodiumPertechnetateTc99mInsodiumchlorideln(ectlon.Theeluateshouldbecrystalclear.WithapHof4.5-7.5,hydrochlorIcacidand/orsodiumhydroxidemayhavebeenusedlorpHadjustment.OverlIrelifeoldiegenerator,anelutionwillcontainayieldof80%to100%ofthetheoretIcalamountofTechnetiumTc99mavailablefromtheMolybdenumMo99onthegeneratorcolumn.Eacheluateof thegeneratorshouldnotcontainmorethan0.15microcurieof theMolybdenumMo99permillicurieTechnetIumTc99mperadministereddoseatthetimeofadmInIstratIon.andnotmorethan10mIcrogramsofaluminumpermilliliterofthegeneratoreluate,bothofwhlchmustbedetermInedbytheuserbeforeadminlstrafton.INDICATIONSAND USAGE:SodiumPertachnetateTc99mIsusedINADULTSasanagentfor:brainimagingIncludingcerebralradlonuclideanglography;thyroidImagIng;salivaryglandImaging:placentaFocalization:bloodpoOlimagingincludlngradlonuclideanglography:andurinar9ladderlmaglng(dlrectIsotopiccyslogmphy)lordetectionofveslco-ureteralratIos.SodiumPertecfrnetateTc99misusedINCHILDRENasanagentfor:brainImagingIncludingcerebralradlonuclideangloaraphy;thyroidImaging:bloodpoolimagIngincludingradlonuclideanglography;andurinarybladderImaging(directIsotopiccystography)lorthedetectionotveslcoureleralratIos.CONYNAINDICATIONS:Noneknown.WANNINOS:RadiationrisksassocialedwiththeuseofSodiumPertechnetateTc99maregreeterinchildrenthanInadullsIngeneral,theyoungerthechildthegreetertherIskowingtogreeterabsorbedradiationdosesandlongerIllsexpectancy.ThesegreaterrisksshouldbetakenfirmlyIntoaccountinallbeneflt.rlskassessmentsInvolvingchIldren.PRICAUTION$: AsIntheuseofanyradioactivematerial,careshouldbelakentominimizeradiationexposurelothepatientconsistentwithproperpatientmanagementandtoinsureminimumradiationacposuretooccupetlonatworkom

Csrcinogsnssls,Mutaqsrsssls,lmpadrmsntoOFIrIMfyNolong-termanimalsludieshavebeenperformedtoevaluatecarcinogenicpolentlalorwhetherTechnetiumTc99mmayaffectfertililyInmalesorfwvtales. Jointlymanufacturedby:




AnimalreproductivestudieshavenotbeenconducTedwithTechnetiumTc99m.It IsalsonotknownwhetherTechnetium

N N N @i

GENERATORSTechnetium Tc99m Generators for the Production

of Sodium Pertechnetate Tc99m

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IVICTDREENJCARLE PLACE, NY 11514-1593(516)741-6360A Subsidiary of Sheller-Globe 5jj

Measures activity, calculates concenfration andperforms °@Moassay.

Calculates and prints out the concentration andvolume for any desired dose, corrected fordecay, at 30-minute intervals.

Calculates syringe volume required for a patientdose.




. . and much more

I Provides permanent printed record of date,

time, radioisotope, activity, concentration,syringe volume, °°Moassay result and decaychart.

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Earlydiagnosisof excessivebone mineral loss is possibleby noninvasivedeterminationof bone mineral content (BMC)in the axial skeleton.ReliableDatafromRelevantAreasLoss of bone mineral, and fracturesassociated with the axial skeleton,areclosely associatedwith metabolicbone disease.Trabecularbone,predominantly present in the axial skeleton, notablythe lumbarvertebrae,isaffectedto a largerextent than corticalbone present in the peripheralskeleton. BMC measurementsin potentialfracturesitesintheaxialskeletonprovide the most reliableindicationoffracturerisk.The Novo BMC-LAB22a measuresBMCinthe lumbarspine,thefemoralneck and other parts of the skeleton.

ImprovedPatient ManagementA largenumberof drugs and regimensinfluencethecalciumbalance.BMCmeasurementis a cost-effectiveanddirect meansof monitoringpatients inhaemodialysis,during nutrientsupplementation,exerciseand drug administrationprograms.Easeof operationand low radiationdosemaketheNovoBMC-LAB22aidealfor routinemonitoringandscreeningof patients.

AutomaticSoftTissueCompensationTheNovoBMC-LAB22ais a dualphoton bone densitometer.Thetechniqueobviatestheneedforsofttissueequivalentmaterials,without sacrificing the excellentprecision of the proyensingle-photonmethod.

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Mocrotec Is a sterile nonpyrogenic, lyophilized preparatIon ofalbuminaggregated Each5ml vialof Macrotec contains1.5mgof AibumlnAggregated 10.0mgAlbumInHuman,0.06mg(mInimum)stannouschloride(maximumstannicandstannouschlorideQ16m9).1.8mgof sodiumchloridewithtraceamountsof sodiumacetata acetic acid and hydrochloric acid Macrotec containsnopreservatives.ThepHof the reconstitutedproductisbetween38 and aa

Theaggregatedparticlesare formedbydenaturatlonofAlbummHumanina heatingandprecIpItationprocessEachvialcontains1-8millIonparticles,90% of whichare between10and 90mIcrons in @z&The average size Is20 to 40 mIcrons; no parliciesare greater than 150mlcrons@

Reconstitutionof Macrotec with sterlie sodium pertechnetateTc99mformsan aqueoussuspensionof TechnetiumTc99m1@JbummAggregated for diagnostic use by intravenousinjection.Nolessthan 90%of the pertechnetate Tc99madded to the reactionvlai isbound to the aggregates at preparatIon time and remainsbound throughoutthe 6-hourlIfetimeof the suspension.INDICATIONSAND US4@GE

LungImagingMacrotec (TechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated injection)isalung imaging agent which may be used as an adjunct in theevaluatIonof pulmonaryperfusioninadultsand children.Itisuseful in the early detection of pulmonaryemboli and Inthe evaluation of the statusof the pulmonary circulation in suchcondmonsas pulmonary neoplasm, pulmonary tuberculosis andemphysemaIsotopicVenographyMacrotec isalso indicated for use in Isotopicvenography as anadjunct In the screening, diagnosisand management of deepveinthrombosisinthelowerextremities.

Combined isotopic venography of the lower extremitiesandthe pulmonaryvasculaturemay be performedCONTRAINDICAT1ONSTechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated Injection should not beadministeredto patientswIthseverepulmonaryhypertension.

TheuseofTechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregatedinjectioniscontraindlcated in personswitha historyof hypersensitivItyreoctionsto productscontaining humanserumalbumin.WARNINGS

Theliteraturecontainsreportsof deathsoccurringaftertheadministrationof AlbuminAggregated to patientswith pre-existingseverepulmonaryhypertension.Instancesof hemodynamicor Idiosyncraticreactionsto preparationsof TechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated have been reportedPRSCA@ONSGene@Iinpatientswithrightto leftheartshunts,additionalriskmayexistdue to the rapid entry of AlbuminAggregated into the systemiccirculation.Thesafetyof thisagent Insuchpatientshasnot beenestablished

Hypersensitivityreactionsare possiblewhenever proteincontaining materials such as pertechnetate labeled AlbuminAggregatedare usedin man. Epinephrlne,antihistaminesand corticosteroldsshouldbe kept available for immediateuse@

Theintravenousadministrationof any particulate materIalsuchasAlbuminAggregated Imposesa temporary smallmechanicalimpedimentto blood flow.Whilethiseffect isprobably physiologically insignificantin mostpatients,the administrationof AlbuminAggregated is possiblyhazardousin acute cor pulmonale andotherstatesofseverely impaired pulmonaryblood flow.

Thecomponents of the Macrotec (TechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated Kit)are sterileand non-pyrogenlc It is essentialtofollowdirectionscarefullyandadheretostrictasepticproceduresduringpreparation.

Contentsofthevialare IntendedonlyforuseinthepreparationofTechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregatedInjectionandareNOTtobeadministereddirectlytothepatient

Thecontentsof the kit before preparation are not radioactive.However,after the sodium pertechnetate Tc99mIsadded, ade

quote shieldingof the final preparation mustbe maintainedThetechnetiumTc99mlabeling reactionsinvolveddepend on

maintainingthestannousioninthereducedstate.Hence,sodiumpertechnetateTc99mcontainingoxldantsshouldnot beemployed

Thepreparation contains no bacterlostatic preservative TechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated Injectionshouldbe storedat2-8°Cand discarded 6 hours after formulation.

TechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregatedInjectionisa physically unstablesuspensionand consequentlythe particles settlewith time. Failure to agitate the vial adequately before use mayresultinnon-uniformdistributionofradloactive particles.

If blood Isdrawn into the syringe unnecessarydelay prIor toinjectionmay resultInclot formation.

Radlopharmaceuticalsshouldbe usedonly by physicianswhoarequalifiedbytrainingandexperienceinthesafeuseandhandling of radionuclidesand whoseexperience and training havebeen approved by the appropriate governmentagency authorIzedto licensethe useof radionuclides.

Asintheuseof anyotherradioactivematerIal,care shouldbetaken to minimizeradiation exposureto patients consistentwithproper patient management and to minimizeradiationexposuretoclinicalpersonnel.Carcinogenesls, Mutagenesis, Impairment of FertilityNo long-termanimalstudieshave been performedto evaluatecarcinogenic potential or whether TechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated Injectionaffectsfertilityin malesor females.PregnancyCategoryCAnimal reproduction and teratogeniclty studieshave not beenconductedwithTechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregatedInjection.It IsalsonotknownwhetherTechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated Injection can cause fetal harm when administeredtoa pregnantwomanorcanaffectreproductivecapacity.Therehave been no studiesin pregnant women. TechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregatedInjectionshouldbe given to a pregnantwomanonly Ifclearly needed

ldealI@examinations using radiopharmaceuticals, especiallythoseelective in natura of a woman of childbearing capab1Ilt@shouldbe performed during the firstfew (approximately10)daysfollowingthe onsetof menses.NursingMothersTechnetiumTc99misexcretedin humanmilkduringlactation.Therefore,formulafeedingsshouldbe substitutedforbreastfeedings.PediatricUseThe lowest possible number of particles should be used in theright-to-leftshunting,in neonates and In severe pulmonarydIseaseADVERSEREACTIONSAlthoughadversereactionsspecificallyattributabletotheTechnetlumTc99mAlbuminAggregatedInjectionhavenotbeennote4 the literaturecontainsreportsof deathsoccurringafter theadministrationof AlbuminAggregated to patientswith pre-existingseverepulmonaryhypertension.instancesofhemodynamicoridiosyncraticreactionsto preparatIonsofTechnetiumTc99mAlbuminAggregated have been reportedHOWSUPPliEDMacrotec (TechnetiumTc99mAlbumin Aggregated) is suppliedasa kItcontaining10reactionvials(5ml sizer




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New SynteVent is a unique aerosol system designed to deliveruniformsubmicronic(0.5micronmassmediandiameter)droplets to the lung for ventilation scanning.

A complete,closedsystem,SynteVentiseasilyassembled,lightweight and portable. Normal tidal breathing for 3 to 5 mmutes allows up to six views of the lung.

Formore complete information,call 415-856-2422,or writeSynaco,Inc.at theaddressbelow.


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MalIinckrodtOSTEOSCAN@HDP(TechnetiumTc99m OxidronateKit)

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Image Quality Grade(1 excellent,8poor)


of Dose-to-ImagePatientsTime28

2hours2.78±0.11* 3.11±0.14284 hours2.37 ±0.16 2.29 ±0.165sgn4icaniiy

diiiererii p< 0 05)





contributionto departmentalproductivityand patientconvenience.Toarrangeanevaluationof OSTEOSCAN-HDP,contactyourMaiiinckrodtrepresentativetoday.

Scintiphotos courtesy of Howard J. Dworkin, MD, and William C. Porter,Pharm. 0., Wm. Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan.

References1. PauwelsEKJ,BlomJ Aarts JCNM:A comparison betweenwhole body scans m@deat two hours and three hours afterintravenousinjectipWofTc-99m HDPas to image quality andlesiondetectability C/inNuc/Med9:75-78, 1984.2. Fogelmanl@PearsonDW,BessentRG,et al: A comparisonof skeletal uptakes of three diphosphonates by whole bodyretention: Concise communication. J Nuc/ Med 22:880-883,19813.CowanRJ,ChiltonHM,BallJO,et al: Acomparisonoflo-99mOxidronate(HDP)and Tc-99m Medronate(MDP)of the detection of skeletalmetastases C/inNuc/Med7:P71,1982.4. Domstad PA, Coupal J,J,Kim EE, et al: 99mTc-Hydroxymethane Diphosphonate:A new bone imaging agent with alowtin content.Radio/136:209-211,1980.

5. Litt/efie/d JL, Rudd TG: Tc-99m Hydroxymethylene Diphos

phonateandTc-99mMethyleneDiphosphonate:Biologicaland @R1I.fl@f1T@TU@clinical comparison: Concise communication J Nuc/ Med24:463-466, 1983,C/inNuc/Med5:S28, 1980.6 Silberstein EB: A radiopharmaceutical and clinical compar

ison of 99mTc-Sn-Hydrosymethylene Diphosphonate with99mTc-Sn-Hydroxyethylidene Diphosphonate. Rad,o/136:747-751, 1980.

7.Van Duzee BF Schaefer JA, Ball JO, et at: Relativelesiondetectionability of Tc-99m HMDPand Tc-99m MDP.Concisecommunication JNuc/Med2S: 166-169,1984

DiagnosticProductsDivisionMallinckrodt,Inc.Post Office Box 5840St Louis. MO 63134

Pleaseseenextpagefor Osteoscan-HDPprescribing information.@


Higher Bone UptakeThan MDP at Two Hours2“Imagequalityis principallyrelatedto theabsoluteretentionofthe skeletal imaging agent on bone and the time availabletoallowthesoft-tissuetracercomponenttobeexcretedbythe kidneys.―2In clinical comparisons,2 OSTEOSCAN-HDPaveraged21%higherwholebodyretentionthanMDPand99% higherthan HEDPAnothercomparativestudyshowed

that“@FhuU@ @ignificdntIygr@dt@r@Qne(@c@rQunUr@tiQat 2 hours than MDP

Rapid Blood Clearance...Up to 16% Higher _______Bone to Soft-Tissue RatiosThan MDP45InclinicaluseofOSTEOSCAN-HDP,approximately6%of the _________dose remained in the blood attwo hours post-injection6 (No _________ _________other bone-imaging agent clears faster.)Theresultant/owsoft-tissuelevelspermitearlyimagingandcontributetohighresolutionimages.

Side-by-Side ComparisonsRatedHDPImages“Better―at Two HoursIn a controlled multi-center crossover study,7HDPwas foundto give images of better quality than MDP at a dose-to-imagetimeof twohours.

Diagnostic-qualityskeletal imagesintwo hours...an important

2 HOURS 4 HOURSp<o.1o P<O.05

NOTE: 2-hr. blood levels of HDP aresignificantlylowerthan MDPindicatingfaster bloodclearance.

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‘:.‘J @_

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Physic@Characteñst@sTechnetiumTc99mdecays by isomerictransitionwithaphysicalhalf-lifeof 6 02 hours' Photonsthat are usefuifordetectionand imagingstudiesare listed in TableITable

I. PrincIp@RadiatiOnEmissionDataMean

% MeanEnergyRadiation Désintegration(keV)Gamma-2

8896 1405

TableII. RadiationAftenuationby LeadShie4d@ngShieldThickness









DESCRIPTIONOSTEOSCAN-HDP (Technetium Tc99m Oxidronate Kitl is

suppliedas a lyophulizedpowder.packagedunder nitrogenin vials for intravenousadministrationafter reconstitutionwithADDITIVE-FREEsodiumpertechnetateTc99m Eachvialcontains2 0 mg oxidronatesodiumand 0 16mg stannouschlorideas active ingredients.and 0 56 mg gentisicacid asa stabilizer The contents of the vial are sterile andflon-pyrogenicThisradiopharmaceuticaldiagnosticagent.whenreconstitutedwithADDITIVE-FREEsodiumpertechnetateTc99mformsa complexof unknownstructure


WARNINGSThis class of compounds is known to complex cations suchas calcium Particularcautionshouldbe usedwith patientswhohave.or whomaybe predisposedto hypocalcemia(i e.alkalosisl


GeneralContentsof the vial are intendedonly for use in thepreparation of Technetium Tc99m Oxidronate and are NOT tobe administereddirectly to the patientTechnetiumTc99mOxidronateshouldbe formulatedwithineight (8) hoursprior to clinical use Optimalimagingresuitsare obtainedone to four hoursafteradministrationTechnetiumTc99mOsidronateas well as other radioactivedrugs. must be handled with care, and appropriate safetymeasuresshouldbe used to minimizeradiationexposuretothe patients consistent with proper patient managementRadiopharmaceuticalsshouldbe usedonly by physicianswhoare qualifiedby specific trainingin the safeuse andhandlingof radionuclidesand whoseexperienceand traininghavebeenapprovedby the appropriategovernmentagencyauthorizedto licensethe useof radionuclidesTo minimize radiation dose to the bladder, the patientsshouldbe encouragedto drink fluidsand to void immediatelybeforethe examinationand as oftenthereafteras possibleforthe nest four to six hours

Carcinogenesis,Mutagenesis.Imp@rmentof FertiltyNo long-term animal studies have been performed toevaluatecarcinogenicpotentialor whetherTechnetiumTc99m Oxidronate affects fertility in males and females

Pregnancy—CategoryCAnimal reproduction studies have not been conducted withTechnetiumTc99mOxidronate It is alsonot knownwhetherTechnetiumTc99mOxidronatecan causefetal harmwhenadministeredto a pregnantwomanor can affect reproductioncapacity TechnetiumTc99mOxidronateshouldbe given to apregnantwomanonly if clearlyneeded Ideally.examinationsusingradiopharmaceuticals,especiallythoseelectiveinnature,of a womanof childbearingcapabilityshouldbeperformedduringthe first few (approximately10)daysfollowingthe onsetof menses.NursingMothersTechnetiumTc99mis excretedin humanmilkduringlactation,thereforeformulafeedingsshouldbe substitutedforbreastfeedingsPediatricUseSafety and effectiveness in children have not beenestablished


Althoughadversereactionshavenot been reportedthat arespecificallyattributableto the useof TechnetiumTc99mOxidronate,allergicdermalologicalmanifestations(erythema)havebeen infrequentlyreportedwithsimilaragents

DOSAGEANDADMINISTRATIONGener@ InstructionsTherecommendedadult doseof TechnetiumTc99m-labeledOSTEOSCAN-HDPis 15mCiwitha rangeof 10to 2OmCiTheactivityof each dose shouldbe measuredby a suitableradiationcalibrationsystemlust prior to administrationThedose shouldbe given intravenouslyby slowInlection Foroptimal results imaging should be done 1-4 hourspost-infectionRadiationDos4metryTheestimatedabsorbedradiationdose to an averagepatient(70 kg) from an intravenous intectionof 20 millicuriesofTechnetium Tc99m-Iabeled OSTEOSCAN-HDP are shown inTable IV

Thisreagentkit is approvedfor useby personslicensedb@]theU S NuclearRegulatoryCommissionpursuanttoSection35 14 and 35 100 Group Ill of 10 CFR Part 35 or underequivalentlicensesof AgreementStates

@Methodof calculation “S'•AbsorbedDoseper UnitCumulatedActivitySelectedRadionuclidesand Organs.MIRDPamphletNo. 1, 1975

PreparationsFor UseAll proceduresshouldbe conductedusingwaterproofgloves Useshieldedsyringeduring transportandadministrationof Tc99msolutions

1 Remove metal disc from OSTEOSCAN-HDP vial andcleansetop by swabbingwith alcohol Note If dose for asinglepatient,see unitdose preparationmethodbelow

2 Placevial in leadvial shield Add 3-6 ml of sodiumpertechnetateTc99msolutionand securewitha fittedleadcover In choosingthe amountof Tc99mnradioactivityto be used, the number of doses desired, the activity ofeachdose (recommendedadult dose is 15mCiwitharangeof 10-20mCi)and radioactivedecay mustbe takeninto account The recommended maximum amount ofTc99mradioactivityto be addedto the vial is 200 triO.Note Thecontentsof the vialare now radioactiveMaintainadequateshieldingusingthe lead vial shieldandfitted lead cover during the life of the radioactivepreparation

3 Shakethe vial for approximately30 secondsto assurecompletedissolution

4 Recordthe time,date of preparationand the activityof theTc99m-IabeledOSTEOSCAN-HDPon the radiationlabeland affix this label to the shield

5 Usewithineight (8) hoursof preparation.Refrigerationofthe radiolabeledcomplexis not necessary.Discardexcessmaterialin accordancewith NuclearRegulatoryCommissionor agreementstateregulationspertainingtothe‘disposalof radioactivewastes

Forpreparinga dose for a single patient.to minimizevolumein@eciedand to insureoptimumsolutionconcentration.reconstitutethe vial contentsin 3-6 ml of sterilesaline Shakethe vial for approximately30 secondsto assurecompletedissolution.withdrawand discard all but approximately1 mlof the solution.Add appropriateamountof sodiumpertechnetateTc99mand shake Proceedwith steps4 and5 Parenteraldrug productsshouldbe inspectedvisuallyforparticulatematterand discolorationprior to administrationwheneversolutionand containerpermit

HOWSUPPLIEDOSTEOSCAN-HDPis suppliedas a lyophilizedpowderpackagedin vials Eachvial contains2 0 mg osidronatesodiumand 0 16mg stannouschlorideas active ingredients.and 0 56 mg gentisicacid as a stabilizer Kitscontaining5vials (NDC00019-N099-BO)or 30 vials(NDC00019-N099-DO)are available Thedrug can be storedatroomtemperatureboth prior to and followingreconstitutionwithADDITIVE-FREEsodiumpertechnetateTc99rn

DiagnosticProductsDivisionMalllnckrodt,Inc.Post Office Box 5840St Louis. MO 63134

1 Martin, M J . Ed . Nuclear Decay Data for SelectedRadionuclides.ORNL#5114.p 24. March. 1976

ExternalRadiahonThespecificgammarayconstantfor TechneliumTc99mis0 8 R/mill,curie-hrat 1cm Thefirsi half-valuelayeris 0 2mmofPb A rangeofvaluesfortherelativeattenuationof theradiationemittedby this radionuclidethat resultsfrominterpositionof variousthicknessesof Pb is shownin TableIITofacilitatecontrolof the radiationexposurefrommillicurieamountsof thisradionuclidetheuseofa 25 mmthicknessofPb will attenuatethe radiationemittedby a factorof about1.000

To correct for physical decay of this radionuclide, thefractionsthat remainat selectedintervalsof timeofcalibrationare shownin TableIll

TableIII. Physic@DecayChart;Tc99m,half-life6.02hours

Duringthe 24 hoursfollowingintectron.TechnetiumTc99m-labeledOSTEOSCAN-HDPis rapidlyclearedfrombloodand othernon-osseoustissuesand accumulatesin theskeletonand urine In humans,blood levelsare about 10%ofthe infecteddose at one hourpost-infectionand continuetofall to about 6%. 4% and 3% at 2. 3 and 4 hours respectivelyWhenmeasuredat 24 hoursfollowingits administration.skeletalretentionis approximately50%of the infecteddoseOSTEOSCAN-HDP exhibits its greatest affinity for areas ofalteredosteogenesisand activelymetabolizingbone

INDICATIONSAND USAGEOSTEOSCAN.HDP(TechnetiumTc99mnOsidronateKitI is adiagnosticskeletalimagingagent used to demonstrateareasof altered osteogenesis

Manufacturedfor:Mallinckrodt,Inc.,St.Louis,MO63134by Lypho-Med,Inc.,Chicago,IL60651




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DIGITRAC@Mthe newestinnovationin SiemensCamera Systems, is a microprocessorcontrolledPMTgain adjustmentcircuitincorporated in the detector. DIGITRACautomaticallyadjusts individualPMTgain(ordrift) so that gamma ray photopeaksareprecisely aligned throughout the camera fieldof view.Usingnuclearradiationas the primarystandard,the camera is recursivelycalibratedfor the isotopebeing imaged.


Why accept“cosmetically―manipulatedImages?A diagnosticimageshouldtell youthe truth.Nexttimeyou'rereadingthe specificationsona nuclearimagingsystem,watchfor wordslike ,“ ,“or “operatorcalibrated.“Thesewords may be tellingyouthatwhatyouget maynot be whatyou'relookingfor.

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SiemensMedicalSystems,Inc.Nuclear Medicine Division186WoodAvenueSouthIselin,NewJersey08830(201)321-4500InCanada,contactSiemens Electric Ltd.MedicalSystemsDivision1180Courtney Park DriveMississauga, Ontario L5T1P2(414)673-1995




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Measurements of RegionalCerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) by2-D noninvasivel33-Xeclearancetechniquesprovide a reliablemethod for the functional assessment of brain pathophysiology.The method is beingincreasinglyused within thefields of neurology,neurosurgery,intensive care, psychiatryandanesthesiology.MultidisciplinaryClinicalApplicationAn evident advantageof the 133-Xeinhalationtechnique is the possibilityof measuring noninvasivelya physiological parameterof brain functionbefore,during and after therapeuticintervention.The noninvasivetraceradministration—combined with thelow radiationdosage and easy procedure —makes this low cost techniqueideal for serial follow-up CBFdeterminations.

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r@jovoDIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMSNovo Allé.2880 Bagsvaerd.Denmark,tiph.45-2-982333

Germany:Novo IndusfriGmbH,Mainz.tiph.49-6131-3-1001Belgium:Novo IndustriS.A.,Brussels.tlph. 32-2-465-2400USA:Novo DiagnosticSystems,Wilton.tiph. 1-203-846-8420UK:VertecScientific,Slough,tlph. 44-6286-4808Holland: Nucletron TradingB.V,Leersum,tiph. 31-3434-5-4224Switzerland:NucletronS.A.,Lausanne,tlph.41-2125-2423France:Semsa,Boulogne,tlph. 33-1-621-6666Italy: TecnologieAvanzate,Turin,tlph. 39-11-550284Japan:NisseiSangyoCo. Ltd.,Tokyo.tlph,3-504-7111Korea:SamWooMedical Co. Ltd..Seoul,tlph,568-3166Australia:BaltekMedical Systems,BerowraHeights,tlph.2-456-1245

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The Novo Cerebrograph 32cA sophisticated system for rCBFmeasurementswith a choice of three133—Xeadministration techniques:Inhalation,IVor IA injection.

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208pp; 6 x 9“softcoverPublication Date: June 1984$12.00 per copy

Fundamentals ofNuclear MedicineEdited by

Naomi P.Alazraki, MD,and Fred S. Mishkin, MDOtherContributors:Manuel L. Brown, MD, Frederick L. Datz, MD,Leon S. Malmud, MD, Isaac C. Reese, PhD, Barry A. Siegel, MD,

JamesA. Sorenson,PhD, LeroyA. &igarman,MD, AndrewT.Taylor,Jr., MD, Heidi S. Weissmann, MD, Henry N. Weilman, MD

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9. Skeletal System

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Nonimaging Diagnostic Techniques14. Nonimaging Procedures



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AbbreviatedContentsRadiation in Perspective

1. Basic Science of Nuclear MedicineRadiation and DoseRadiation EffectsImaging of Radiation

2. The Diagnostic Process and Nuclear MedicineSensitivity, Specificity, and Prior Probability

Organ Imaging With Radionuclides

3. Thyroid Uptake and Imaging

4. Cardiovascular System

5. Pulmonary System and Thromboembolism

6. Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract

7. Biliary Tract

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Bruno J. Sufka, James K. O'Donnell, Hong N. Yeung,David H. Feiglin, and William Pavlicek

Imaging True Motion Velocity and Higher Order MotionQuantities by Phase Gradient Modulation Techniques forNMR Scanners, Paul R. Moran and Richard A. Moran

iv.NewTechniquesIn Vivo Spectroscopic Imaging, A.A. Maudsley

In vM Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a PrOtOtypeBreast Coil, Paul C Wing, Carol B@Stelling, Sally S.Mattingly, and Deborah E. Powell

Three-Dimensional Display ofNMR Images, John D. Austin,Benjamin M.W Tsui, Dorothy C Strickland, Stephen M.Pizer, Edward V Staab, and C Leon Partain

A Universal Pulse Programmer for NMR Imaging, Dye J.Jensen, William W Brey, Victor Tong, Thnnada A. Nara,wjza,and Jean L. DeLayre

V. installationConsiderationsInstallation ofHigh-Field NMR Systems into Existing Clinical

Facilities: Special Considerations, Steven G. Einstein,Andrew A. Maudsley, Seong Ki Mun, Hoswird E. Simon,Sadek K. Hilal, Richard M. Sano, and Peter Roeschmann

Architectural Considerations in Designing a MR Facility,William Pavlicek, William Macintyre, Raymundo Go, JamesO'Donnell, and David Feiglin

RF Shielding for NMR Imagers, James A. Graham, Jr.

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Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceEdited by

Peter D. Esser, PhD, and R. Eugene Johnston, PhD

. . . provides a source for physicians and scientists seeking introductory

material or informationon current developmentsof NMR technology

ContentsI. Overview

An Overview of MR System Design, David D. Faul

Overview of NMR Reconstruction Principles, TM. Petersand B.C. Sanctuary

Optimization of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in NMR SystemDesign, Mark E. Riehi and Robert E. Glusick

An Introduction to the Applications of Fourier TransformAnalysis in Medical Imaging, William G. Hawkins andPeter D. &ser

II. Pulse Sequences and Parameter Extraction

Uncertainties in the in vivo Measurement of RelaxationParameters, G. Allan Johnson, Robert Herficens, Mark A.Brown, and James R. MacFall

Pulse Sequence Considerations For Computed T1, T2, andSpin Density Images, James R. MacFall

NMR Image Synthesis in Realtime, Stephen J. Riederer,Stuart A. Bobman, Steven A. Suddarth, James N. Lee,Henry Z. Wang, and James R. MacFall

A Systematic Approach to Optimization of Pulse Sequencesin NMR Imaging By Computer Simulations, Gernot Bielke,M. Meves, S. Meindi, A. Bruckner, W v.Seelen, P Rinck,and P Pfannenstiel

iii. Flow and Motion

Flow and Motion in NMR Imaging: A Thtorial Introduction,Richard E. Wench III, Paul H. Murphy, Joseph J. Ford,R. Nick Bryan, and John A. Burdine

Gated Cardiac Imaging with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) Techniques, William J. Macintyre, Ra@mundoT Go,

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This new manual offers readers a collectionof miniaturized chromatographic methods for therapidandprecisedeterminationoftheradiochemicalpurityofcommonlyusedTc-99mradiopharmaceuticals.

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Chromatography ofTechnetium-99mRadiopharmaceuticals

A Practical GuideBy Philip J. Robbins

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Edited by Wanda M. Hibbard, CNMT,andSueP Lance,CNMT

Inresponsetoa needforstandardizingthelearningexperiencesofstudenttechnologists,theLaboratoryManualforNuclearMedicineTechnologyhasbeenpreparedfor nuclearmedicinetechnologytrainingprograms.Theexerciseswerewrittenbyeducatorswithyearsofexperienceintheirrespectiveareasofexpertiseandwerefieldtestedbytechnologistsin nuclearmedicineschools—bothinstructorsandstudents.

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ABBREVIATEDCONTENTSCONTRIBUTORSCharlesT.Adams,RobertT.Anger,NancyA.Clifton, Robert J. English, Casimir Eubig,MichaelFreeman,WandaM.Hibbard,KennethA.Holmes,RonnieD.Jeffcoat,JudithE.Kosegi,RebeccaW. Lam, Sue R Lance,Joan A.McKeown,EvelynR. Merritt, Maria Nagel,JamesA. Ponto,John H. Powell,RaymondWilemzick,JamesJ. Wirrell


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6 x 9 “softcover; 312 pages$35.00 SNM members;

$47.00 non-membersPublication Date: January 1984


NMR SpectroscopyM.R. Wilicoti and Gaty E. Martin

The Basis of Imaging and Chemical Analysisby NMR

Paul A. Bottomley

Magnet Systems: Resistive, @iperconducting

and Permanent

William Oldendorf

Pulse Sequences for NMR Imaging UsingMultidimensional Reconstruction Techniques

Lawrence E. Crooks, John C. Hoenninger,and Mitsuaki Arakawa

Pulse Sequence and Image Contrast

John C. Gore

Nuclear Medicine—NMR Correlation

F David Rollo

NMR and PET for Metabolic Studies

R. EdwardColeman,Robertj Herfk€ns,Michael E. Phelps, and Burton P Drayer

NUCLEAR MAGNETICRESONANCE andCorrelative ImagingModalitiesEditedbyC. LeonPartain,PhD,MD

This multi-authored book contains state-of

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raphy in addition to NMR. The correlativeaspects of each modality with nuclear

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ciples and instrumentation; considerationsof site preparation; safety and quality

control; pulse sequences and tissue contrast;

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hospital installations. Facts on the economic,legal, and political aspects of NMR arealso included.

Anyone in nuclear medicine—from profes

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diagnosis will profit from reading thiscomprehensive publication.


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NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGIST. Pbsition now available 5r an espeñencedNuclear Modicine Technologist certified by SNM or re@isteredtechnologist in a private progressive outpatient nuclear medicine laboratory in a large city in a largemedical center inthe Sun Belt. Knowledgeof radioimmunoassay, imaging, computer, and nuclear cardiologyinadditioutosupervisor@cadministrative,andteachingexperience required. Pleasesend resumeto:Box900,SocietyofNuclearMedicine,475ParkAwSo., New York, NY l00l6@

POSITRONEMISSIONTOMOGRAPHY(PET).A postdoctoralor junior facultyposition in radiochemistryisavailablebeginningOctober 1, 1984.Thesuccessful applicant will synthesize and label novelorganic radiopharmaceuticals with short half-lifepositronemitters(e.g., “C,15F,13N)lbr PET studiesof regional cerebral metabolism and physiology.Though helpful, a background in radiochemistry is

not a prerequisite for this position; however,experience in organic synthesisand preparation techniques(HPLC, GC)is required. Salary commensurate withtalent and experience. Send curriculum vitae, bibliography and references to: James Z. Ginos, PhD,DepartmentofNeurology, MemorialSloan-KetteringCancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York,NY 10021.


PATHOLOGIST (AP&CP)/NUCLEAR MEDICINE.Physicianwithexcellentexperienceandtopcredentialsdesires relocation. Reply Box902, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 475 Park Ave. So., NewYork,NY l001@


GE STAR COMPUTER,software updated.Contact: Materials Management Department;(406)482-2l20@ext. 173for prices.


[email protected]@t@ ntt@n-ti@ü[email protected] JOSeph'SHOSpItaI@a6W-bedactiveteachinghos@, affihiatedwiththe6culty ofhealthsciences,McMaster University. This is an excellent opportunity @rstungp@ic@nandofferslong-tenncareerpotential. Candidatesshould hold certification in fluclear medicine or its equivalent. Please reply to:Mr. D. Scott. Assistant Executive Director, St.Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario LSN 4A6;(416)5224941.

NUCLEAR MEDICINE PHYSICIAN. Experienced Nuclear Medicine Pysician in expending progressive private in vivo and in vitro NM outpatientlaboratory. Applicant should be board certified byABNM or board eligible in Nuclear Medicine withpreferably t@ years internal medicine residencytraining. Medical school association or affiliationpossible ifdesired. Please send resume to: Box 901,Societyo(NuclearMedicine, 475ParkAve.So., NewYork,NY l00l@

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A nuclear medicine resident position is available beginning July 1, 1985for a 2-year program at San Francisco General Hospital Medical Center.The program, approvedbythe ACGMEand satisfyingthe requirements of the American Board of NuclearMedicine, includes didactic instruction in radiologicalphysics and mathematics, electronics, radiation safety,dosimetry,andnuclearmedicineinstrumentation.Practical experience is provided in performance andinterpretationof static and dynamic imaging,computer techniques, radioimmunoassay and other in vitrotests,radiopharmacy,andtherapywithradionuclides.Residentsparticipatefullyintheintegrationofthesemodalities Into patient care.Prerequisite: Prior training In an ACGME-approvedprogram in internal medicine, pathology, pediatrics,or radiology.The University ofCalifornia Is an Equal Opportunity,Affirmative Action Employer.Requests forfurther information (include CV) shouldbe directedto:

MyronPollycove,M.D.Chief, Nuclear Medicine Department

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