m alt " 0 tfc justly proud of T ng Town Newspaper, txrth assets ROCKAWAY RECORD If it's News. Ads, or Job Printing, phone Rocka- way 220; we are always glad to serve you Vol. XLIV, No. 4 ROCKAWAY, N.J., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 $1.00 PER Yt«i FREE I CAN OF APPLESAUCE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR OVER. VISIT OUR NEW STORE. Chuck Roast, 1b. Chuck Steak, lb 19c Fancy Tomatoes 3 lbs.for 20c Fresh Cround Beef, Ib. 25c 10c Plate Heef, Ib. BrcuM '>f Lamb, Ib. 12c -icsli Killed Chickens, Ib. 35c Round Steak, Ib. 38c Hottom Round Roast, Ib. ..37c Sirloin Steak, Ib. 39c Smoked Hams, Ib. 23c Cantcloupes, 2 for 25c Cottage Hams, Ib. 32c Sliced Bacon Vl Ib. Pkg. 19c Fresh Mackerel, Ib. 25c Fresh Filet of Sole, Ib. 25c Fresh Porgies, Jb. 16c 16 qt. Basket New Potatoes . 55c Hagan's Cash Market 26 Wall St. Tel. 62 Rockaway Hibernia Homecoming Elaborate Success Exercises Feati :• 1 Hndgonlan Girl :.c»ut« of Da v—F,o. xl I ollti, Win Award!, HARMONY PREVAILS IN FIRE DEPT.; I Beauty Contest FACTIONAL DIFFERENCES SETTLED Winner in Demand Approximately 1,000 pcr.-.tiiis gath- ered at Hibernia Saturday afternoon and ht f th The M voi borough fM-ein' a hunpv •olii 0 which threatened a wide rill final circles, with the re th" and night for the twelfth annual! the 1 homecoming and baby parade under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety of the Hibernia Methodist Episcopal Cinirrh. The baby parade was in three di- visions, cacti having aboul a .score oi entrants. Heading thr: parade wa.s the file, drum and bugle corjjs; ol the Hudson County Girl Mounts, whose cmnp. Hudsonia. is located about a mile noi-lh of tin: villiii'.e. Tin Kcouis |'avi: a musical program be- fore (he parade and al its clos an exhibition ol dancing and panic,';. both groups uri' f-hlirely citizens of Rt a continual ion ol tectioa they have H is exped et] co far (o h.-iil existed for lu department Ulldei lln- i join! iiiii-iini- and f>>nn"l anrl thr- an executive session. President J. E. n last week arri ,-ed at Rogers made an impartial statement differences ()! farts :it '1"' ooening of the ses- in of- s '°" "nd urged the confirmation of (hat 'he oflicers as elected. Friends of the officers awaiting confirmation and of Fichtcr made impassioned speeches and a number of older members of tile department, headed by Daniel iironks. Hived harmony Members of the Council urged the fin-men to ['el together and afree upon ; ; plan oJ action v.-liieb would nof requhe ihai Hie b year i.sfled : •fiwav US' lined of xeellenl fire p,-o- nioyed for yean, soluiion will •b which >lit: last ,t gave scout SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Safe Deposit Boxes are here for the convenience of our customers; and for the storage of valuable papers, records, jewelry, receipts, heirlooms, silver- ware, etc. Safety and convenience at less than a postage stamp cost per day. Come in and rent a box today. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK KOCKAWAY, NEW JERSEY The awards were as follows: Floats lOvi-rst, Saxton and Joyce Danier. r.,f nover: Jocclyn Winters, of Hibu-nia; Murilyn Klaltcl, of Boonloi>: Marrarcl Hcksc, of Lake Denmark, and J J re.sloji Heed, of Rockaway. Fancy Dress Joseph Lumbach of Denville mid Lenora Condit, of Rock- away, bride and groom; Ruth Jones of Roekuway, old lady of the OO's; navid Matthews, Jr., of Rockaway, toy soldier; Drew Matthews, of Rock- awuy, cupid; Billy Kelly, of Hibernia, Betsy Ross, Belly Shaw, of Kocka- way, burlesque queen; Katherine McCullout'h. of Hihernia, butterfly girl; Arlenl Latlig. of Rockaway. Hawaian girl. Burlesque Division—Helen Zucc- heri. Prank Saxton and Charles Johnson, of Dover; Thomas Kelly, Edward Kelly and Richard Winters, of Hibernia; K. K. Klepp, of Brook- lyn. The prizes were awarded by Rev. William James, pastor of the church. The .indues were: Mrs. Emily Dinter, Mrs. Mable Men/, and Mrs.' Edward Meyer;;, of Jersey City; Mrs. E. A. Shay, of Denville; Miss Louise Pal- mer, of NewYork; Miss Hazel B. Paddock, of the Newark Health De- partment; William H. Winters of Nulley; William Wagner, of Union | City; W. Jackson, Harry Hope and 1 Sidney Leaman, of Jersey City. Rockden Post Air Circus Sunday First Air Show for Legionnaires to be Held at Kimlile Field- Success Predicted Ml I'Siche Thursday night mi- officers elected al Hie June im-et- in" nl (In- (ii'pnrfiiieril were enn- lirmwl by Hi,. Council The Council eipresseil lo Die jircmrn its de-iiri- lo see 1), Cordon l''ichlcr. defeali-,! last vein- I oi promotion from first assis- tant chief lo chief by one vole, com- plete his .'.,.) vice and I ilium-h the willing sacrifice of George Chewcy, who arrccil in ihe interest oi liai- inoiiy. to mark lime in the first as- sislanl's place for another year. Fichler will head the department nexl year. The depnrlmenl leaders were unanimous m agreeing with Ihe Council that Pichtcr should com- plete his service and pledged their efforts to see h< received the chief's rank next June There was plenty of excitement at the joint session and members of llm department took the family skeleton from the closet and gave it a thorough .shaking before the fire- men retired to allow the Mayor and Council to discuss the .situation in tin rim Mu\ w 1> Mor.-is Niello); . who pie- .sided. declared ihe sole put pose o! tlie I'overunir body w;<s to assure the cili/.ens of Hockav.ay complete proicciion and lo saleguard the 5,20.- 0011 wo] th ol eriuiprnen! m (lie de- part incut. Their w;i.- a i'»-jHTOi ;inec- mint (hat Hocl'.away had a deparl- llienl second to nolle in Hie stale and !b;i! when the firemen answered ;ui ;ihuln, laclional dilierences were for- gotten and Ihe department worked wilh ijut one idea in mind. Ihe preservalion of property and hie. A move was made lo lay over de- finite action mild Ihe Augusi 13th meeting but Chief John Ishei wood. Hr.. declared that his term, as well as that of other oflicers. expired ai noon on that, day and the depart- Earl Carroll Offers "Miss Bertrand Island" Part in New Vanities On Wednesday evening, August 5th over fifty beautiful youn," ladies rep- resenting nearly every community in Morris. Warren, Sussex. Union. Som- erset Hudson. Bergen and Essex Counties, will promenade before a group of judges in (lie beautiful Junt Hose Ballroom at Bertrand Island Park. I.iik,- H,ipatcoii(;. N. J., attired in lmndsoini colorful bathing crea- tions. One ol Iheir number will br. chosen -Mis: Herirand Island." In aildiiion io the gorgeous Mlver trophy symbolic ol the title she will repre- sent tin:; laino'is outing resort in the 'Oiliest to Select "Ml.':., [,;,);,. Jfopat- •"o?.;.- which •.'.•ill be b'-id one week later al Deri rand Island Park. America's premier authority on. feminine beatlly. Earl Carroll, whose. latesl edition ol the "Vanities" will open the later part of August, has olfered to consider both "Miss Ber- trand Island" and "Miss Lake Ho- patconi-'," ior a part in this well- known product ioi i. Every season, im the past seven years, this contest lias been growing in popularity and now one must "come early to avoid the crowds." nient would be ollicerless from that ' Doors will open promptly at 8 o'clock lime until f! o'clock that night. The t ""d the contest will start at 9. Prior Council then decided to dispuse of ; to the main event the second annual the matter without delay. contest for the selection of "Little Chief. Miss Lake HopatcoiiK" will take place, assistant,! Miniature Bnthin;; Beauties will assistant', i "strut their stufl" in pretty bathing The officers confirmed were: Walter Vanderhoof; first George Chcwey: second Robert McNeil. Mt. Tabor's Annual \ Community Church Children's Day Open for Inspection GSiul Anniversary Season Promises to Be Gala Affair—Special Services Sunday The 62nd annual children's day I celebration at Mout Tabor will begini Friday evening with an entertain-1 ment in thetabernacle at 1:45 p. m. The parade will begin at 2 p. m. Saturday afternoon, the assembly to be at Simpson avenue, near Claude's lirst Event in N wU.iilding Planned for August lltb—Denville Carrys On When the pastor announced that the new building was open for in- spection following the Sunday morn- ing church services, a week ago, visi- tors found the building completely enclosed. The new structure has been store for march to the athletic field. I completely covered, and the connec- costumes. Dancing will be in order imme- diately following the contests. Miles. Speciale and his "Crusaders," well known to radio listeners, will open a. special two weeks' engagement, on 'Monday evening, August 3rd. This. ; popular musical organization is fa- mous for its ability to entertain. while dispensing dance rhythm. A "big time" vaudeville perfori- 1 ance is presented every Friday even- i ing in theJune Rose Ballroom. Five acts are on the program with dancing ; before and after the show. o I Six Injured in Auto Collision 2IIXXXXXX111X rxxxxxx: On the Roll of Honor of the Banks of America National Union Bank Dover, N. J. Unless old Jupiter Pluvius slips over a fast one, Sunday, August 2, is the date for the first air show ever held in Roekaway. The Kimble Farm has been selected as the air- port for the day, and the Legion- naires are busy preparing for un- j usual crowds. Chet Newman and his flying circus from Pine Brook Air- port will thrill the onlookers with some daring serial exhibitions which reauire steady nerves and consider- able skill in the handling of a plane. i Three planes will be on the field I at 10 o'clock Sunday morning: and j two more will arrive around noon. I Passengers will be taken up for flights over Rockaway and vicinity all day. Parking will be in the The divisions in the following order will appear—Mt. Tabor Union Sun- day School, Mt. Tabor Summer Sun- day School; decorated baby car- riages; decorated bycycles; individ- ual costumes. The following events are scheduled also for the afternoon: 2:30 p. m.— tion between old building slate has not yet been installed, the the new roof and the, Accident Occurred at Mine Hill on enclosed. Though the f Monday Nifht—Cars Meet Head-On roof has been made watertight, and | workmen are now busy the tower and spire. Though the building will not be completing! six people were badly hurt, al- though all will probably recover ready for occupancy by the Sunday S h l f t th th { from their injuries, in a head-oncol- lision of two automobiles at Mine Hill Monday night. will be opened for special functions I Mrs - Emma Sellers, seventy-two within a few weeks. The arst evently ears of a ee, of 44 Hudson street,. in the new building is plaivied for the | Dover ' waE the most seriously hurt. 14th of August, when the members! 11 was reported at the Dover General Committ"e will serve Hospital that her condition was fair „, ,. „ „„ .- ready for occupancy by the Sund athletic events; 3:30 p. m.—baseball School f o r t wo or three n>onths game; 8 a. m. and 2 p. m.—golf - - ..""'• tournament; tennis tournaments At 7:45 p. m. the grand parade and illumination of cottages. The parade will form on Simpson avenue, near ; 0 rtneBu!rdingcommittee wilTserve! p at n d o n wasTair Claudes store, and ed by Prof. G.; t t h blii]di a n da s and she stands a good chance for re- Dittamo and band, will march to the - •- B ' f -«»">••'> golf green for exercises. The organi- zations participating in the parade follow: Board of Trustees; Dittamo's Band: Mount Tabor Prof. Sun- memento of the occasion, present I co Y? ry ' . , . every visitor with a souvenir. . Her two daughters Catherine and i Anna, and her daughter-in-law, The Young Men's Bible Class, of whom S. C. Morris is advisor, are Mrs. Margaret Sellers, were ail in- jured but none very seriously. All are day Schools; Ladies' Social League; already rehearsing for the first en- still in the Dover Hospital. Tabor Field Club; Masonic Club, Mt. tertainment to be given as soon asj William Barrett, twenty-two, of 78 Tabor; Boonton Fire Department ! the floor of the staple is installed. The Hopkins street. Jersey City, was and Drum Corps; Mt. Tabor Volun-, date of this event has not yet been teer Fire Department. Line of march—Assemble on Simp- announced, but it is understood that the program will be given during the quite seriously hurt, and his com- panion. Harry J. King, twenty-three. of 405 Summit avenue, Jersey City. son avenue at 7:30p. m.. march on ' month of August. j was badly cut and bruised. Simpson avenue to Fletcher Place to ; Though the usual problems of fi- >rhe accident occurred when the ' •" have somewhat handicapped i machines driven by Morris Sellers at times, the m.mbers of | and Barrett collided head on. it be- carrying on with the! '"8 alleged that Barrett pulled out hands of the Legion, considerable I Morns avenue to Strowbndge ave- nance space havinc been set aside for thisinue to Sommerfield avenue to West the work at tirm Purpose There will be no parking Park Place to St. John's avenue to the church are f e e V t h e r e will be a small admis- St. Peters road to parade ground. p, oj e Ct , which, i sion fee children up to fourteen b- At the ball field a concert will be ing admitted free, if accompanied by j ^n e c n eI .^ba P nfessor Dlttamo and hlS parents. _ t ^ ' R , mr mv nt. 11 a m and 8 p. |of line. in the eyes or the i and the public is a nv.ich ' °~ civic improvement, keeping Alfred B. Culn, of church needed pace with the rapid growth o community, and providing for the roTdVSn the vicinity to keep order I there will be special services in the spiritim i development of its citizens, and Legionnaires .if have charge of, tabernacle I. H. Meredith will be TnVbuilding is open Ior mspcct ion the field It i« earnestly requested ' the soloist, and Mrs. A. Collins, the daily and fo n owing the morning ser- - '• " •• -'"".»' vk . es Sunday, the public is invited to visit the structure in order to learn of the true extent of the enter- prise that the Community Church has launched in the interests of the townspeople. Dover, Dies Suddenly that all visitors keep oil the field ex- pianist, cept when boarding planes or alight- ing and co-operate with the spon- sors of the event by remaining with- i in thesafety zones to be established. I Rockden Post will conduct a re- 'frcshment stand during the day. in charge of a competent commissary, who have promised that, navy beans JUDUE HOLLAND DECIDES AGAINST CARBON COPY WILL Judge- Albert H. Holland has hand- ed down a decision in which he denied tho application for probate of carbon copy of what was alleged and fanned willy are taboo. Picas- jto \K the original last will an dtesta- nnt peace time thirst quenchers and j nlen( of Abbie E. Vespers, of Den- rrxmmxxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxi r palate ticklers will be quantities. on hand in villc, who died early this year. George W. Holt, claiming to be the executor The Handwriting on the wall Take heed before it's too late. Make cer- 'ain that your house furnishings insurance adequately covers the value of your house- hold goods. I E. J. MATTHEWS & !>ONS 40 W. Main St.—Tel. 146—Rockaway, N. J. If the demands for flights warrant, jof , ( wj,j sakl (o llavt , is0(,n Ios | o) . Iwo more planes will be down up in i f( , m i ^u, car bon for probate in Or- the afternoon, or on twenty minutes,| phans . ColIr (, before Judge Holland notice. In case of rain, the meet, (wo months wf) Uo\t alu i Ei] a cook will be held thenext clear Sunday. .of Sollth Orange, lo whom the prop- ° r~l . _ i crty was devised in the carbon copy. j were represented by Barkman and i Sllaner. while Leon E. Cone acted as counsel for Mrs. Clara Baird. of Hanover. Mrs. Vespers' sole next of kin, who opposed the probate In his inion. Judge Holland indicates it Mrs. Baird may now apply for LAKE CONTRACTOR I'ltOlin I'AKENT OF 1 llos-i mds' Tuesday night al the Dover pilnl a boy weighing seven poi was born to Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dresch, of Indian Lake. Both mother and son arc doing very well. Mr. Drescli, who is a contractor at Indian j "£»; is around with a bit; smile and j J^^ Lake is a o passim-', out c.iirars to the hoys. rs of adminiMrll ,.j 0I1 . Mrs. Ves- s[Ua (() h||TO nwned . seVeral SERVICES HELD TODAY FOR GEORGE C. TAVI.OR Funeral services for George G. Taylor were held this afternoon al (he Taylor home on Hillside avenue. Marbrool; Park, conducted by Kev. W. F.. King, pastor of Ihe Christian Alliance Church, Dover. Interment was made m .he Hockaway Presby- terian Cemetery. Mr. Taylor was sixty-nine years of age. He had been ill and unable lo work for several years. Besides his wile he is .sur\ ived by t.*o suns, i'ovii daughters, seventeen grandchildren, (wo great grandchildren, (wo sisters and two brothers. o Ittf RCA Radio McMANUS BROS. CKKAT AUGUST SAJ.E OI 1' II It N 1 T U It E NOW IN TKOGBESS ati Speedwell Avenue iHorristuwn, H. J. Radio Crosley estate in Dcnville. - — -o DEATH Ol EKWOOD II. I iVIOlHtNED IN DICWILLE Erwood 1-1. Luntii-r. twenty-three KOCKAWAY CIlAMItEK OI COMMEKCE IIAK (iOOl) TIME Aboul si>:iy iiien:bers and liiin- wives allenilcd thethird annual out- in^ oi Ihe Hnckaway Chimibcr of Commerce lust ui^ht at. the C;ili- years old, died Saturday night at the jfonliil Lodge. Bert rand Island. Lake home^of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and | Hopatcong, N. ,1. A delightful chicken villc. ^> r.-.v, s v.-i :•;. ;-or..h:ct«! Wed- ' ' pcilKiwiiii; tin- dinner all cnioyed ncsda-' afternoon al 2:80 o clock, () rj(k , nI . o ,. II( | nic i a] ; ,, ,„ ,),<. ]nrrr from the home of the Vun Hountens ami ini.ennciit \\as made in the Rockaway Presbyterian Cemetery. Rev. Eldred Kutzcnpn. pastor of the Rockaway Presbylenan Church, of- ficiated. o Has the wife decided yet where you are to spend your vacation? speed boiits. nmiisciiiciits crowd. The usual round of was made by the jolly Monibcrs •'. the Epworih l. : ea\.-.u of Hi' Methorli.-t Episcopiil C!-n:'v.l: will have ;i picnic Saturcin:.' .'.ft::::c:n at Bertrancl's Island. Recently Received Contract for Con— ' struction of Green Pond Road Alfred B. Culp. forty-eight years- old, head of the Culp Conolruction , Company, died suddenly of heart trouble Saturday afternoon at his home. 31 Elk avenue Dover. Mr. Culp, who recently disposed of a portion of his business interests. had been in Scrankm. Pa., until Fri- day, preparing lor a construction project. He Id I Scran ton to attend to some business details in MorriE; and Somerset enmities. Apparentlvj in pood licalih when he retired PcL— day nii;hl. Mr. Culp suflered acute pains i ally Saturday morning. Dr- ,1. Willnrd Farrow was summoned and wup a hypodermic injection to ease the pain. Mr. Culp rested easily ch."inf: the balance of (he morning.. An autopsy revealed that heart Hviublc WSI'K )))'• i-:"'s<' of dentil. Mr. Culp had recently received the contract for improvin;' Section No. fi of theRockaway-G'cei] Pond road. in Rockaway Townsliip. COVERED 1MS1I I.UNCliiON AK1) LAWN SGCI/U. -.v'Ol'PT 6TII A covered ili.-.li i,in: .icon will b(- lli'ld at noon on Th::--day AllflLst (lib. on the !ii«'li of Mrs. T. II. Red- mond. East Main strcd. The publir is invited to attend. Arinnnsion wii' be 3ijc witli coveted nisb t>r GOc wiiiumt (iit.ii. in (he aiii'inooti a lawn social will be lick .joine-made cakes, pics, candies am r • - things will be ottered for sale. The- regular monthly mcclinp will be held some tune clurine tile i. f '.crnoo:.. __ .. . o Dr. A. O. liubcrl has : ooul rc- cc>v-;ed fror. 1 an a: Lack c lonsilitis which conlii.;i! him to hi: home for '•'jverai days.

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    " 0 tfc

    justly proud ofTng Town

    Newspaper, txrthassets ROCKAWAY RECORD If it's News. Ads, or JobPrinting, phone Rocka-way 220; we are alwaysglad to serve you

    Vol. XLIV, No. 4 ROCKAWAY, N.J . , THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 $1.00 PER Yt«i


    Chuck Steak, lb

    19c Fancy Tomatoes3 lbs. for 20c

    Fresh CroundBeef, Ib. 25c

    10cPlate Heef, Ib.

    BrcuM '>f Lamb, Ib. 12c

    -icsli KilledChickens, Ib. 35c

    Round Steak, Ib. 38c

    Hottom RoundRoast, Ib. . .37c

    Sirloin Steak, Ib. 39c

    Smoked Hams, Ib. 23c

    Cantcloupes, 2 for 25c

    Cottage Hams, Ib. 32c

    Sliced BaconVl Ib. Pkg. 19c

    Fresh Mackerel, Ib. 25c

    Fresh Filet ofSole, Ib. 25c

    Fresh Porgies, Jb. 16c

    16 qt. Basket NewPotatoes . 55c

    Hagan's Cash Market26 Wall St. Tel. 62 Rockaway

    Hibernia HomecomingElaborate Success

    ExercisesFeati :•

    1 Hndgonlan Girl :.c»ut«of Da v—F,o. xl I ollti,Win Award!,


    Approximately 1,000 pcr.-.tiiis gath-ered at Hibernia Saturday afternoonand ht f th

    The M voiborough fM-ein'a hunpv •olii 0which threatened a wide rillfinal circles, with the re


    and night for the twelfth annual! the1 homecoming and baby parade underthe auspices of the Ladies' Aid So-ciety of the Hibernia MethodistEpiscopal Cinirrh.

    The baby parade was in three di-visions, cacti having aboul a .scoreoi entrants. Heading thr: parade wa.sthe file, drum and bugle corjjs; olthe Hudson County Girl Mounts,whose cmnp. Hudsonia. is locatedabout a mile noi-lh of tin: villiii'.e. TinKcouis |'avi: a musical program be-fore (he parade and al its closan exhibition ol dancing andpanic,';.

    both groups uri' f-hlirelycitizens of Rt

    a continual ion oltectioa they haveH is exped et]co far (o h.-iilexisted for ludepartment

    Ulldei lln- ijoin! iiiii-iini-

    and f>>nn"l anrl thr- a n executive session. President J. E.n last week arri ,-ed at Rogers made an impartial statement

    differences ( ) ! f a r t s : i t ' 1 " ' ooening of the ses-in of- s ' ° " "nd urged the confirmation of

    (hat 'he oflicers as elected. Friends of theofficers awaiting confirmation and ofFichtcr made impassioned speechesand a number of older members oftile department, headed by Danieliironks. Hived harmony Membersof the Council urged the fin-men to['el together and afree upon ;; planoJ action v.-liieb would nof requhe

    ihaiHie byear

    i.sfled :•fiwav US' lined ofxeellenl fire p,-o-nioyed for yean,

    soluiion will•b which >lit:

    last, t


    SAFE DEPOSIT BOXESSafe Deposit Boxes are here for the convenience

    of our customers; and for the storage of valuable

    papers, records, jewelry, receipts, heirlooms, silver-

    ware, etc. Safety and convenience at less than a

    postage stamp cost per day. Come in and rent a box



    The awards were as follows:Floats lOvi-rst, Saxton and Joyce

    Danier. r.,f nover: Jocclyn Winters,of Hibu-nia; Murilyn Klaltcl, ofBoonloi>: Marrarcl Hcksc, of LakeDenmark, and JJre.sloji Heed, ofRockaway.

    Fancy Dress Joseph Lumbach ofDenville mid Lenora Condit, of Rock-away, bride and groom; Ruth Jonesof Roekuway, old lady of the OO's;navid Matthews, Jr., of Rockaway,toy soldier; Drew Matthews, of Rock-awuy, cupid; Billy Kelly, of Hibernia,Betsy Ross, Belly Shaw, of Kocka-way, burlesque queen; KatherineMcCullout'h. of Hihernia, butterflygirl; Arlenl Latlig. of Rockaway.Hawaian girl.

    Burlesque Division—Helen Zucc-heri. Prank Saxton and CharlesJohnson, of Dover; Thomas Kelly,Edward Kelly and Richard Winters,of Hibernia; K. K. Klepp, of Brook-lyn.

    The prizes were awarded by Rev.William James, pastor of the church.The .indues were: Mrs. Emily Dinter,Mrs. Mable Men/, and Mrs.' EdwardMeyer;;, of Jersey City; Mrs. E. A.Shay, of Denville; Miss Louise Pal-mer, of New York; Miss Hazel B.Paddock, of the Newark Health De-partment; William H. Winters ofNulley; William Wagner, of Union

    | City; W. Jackson, Harry Hope and1 Sidney Leaman, of Jersey City.

    Rockden Post AirCircus Sunday

    First Air Show for Legionnaires tobe Held at Kimlile F ie ld-

    Success Predicted

    Ml I ' S i c h eThursday night

    mi- officers elected al Hie June im-et-in" nl (In- (ii'pnrfiiieril were enn-lirmwl by Hi,. Council The Councileipresseil lo Die jircmrn its de-iiri- losee 1), Cordon l''ichlcr. defeali-,! lastvein- I oi promotion from first assis-tant chief lo chief by one vole, com-plete his .'.,.) vice and I ilium-h thewilling sacrifice of George Chewcy,who arrccil in ihe interest oi liai-inoiiy. to mark lime in the first as-sislanl's place for another year.Fichler will head the departmentnexl year. The depnrlmenl leaderswere unanimous m agreeing withIhe Council that Pichtcr should com-plete his service and pledged theirefforts to see h< received the chief'srank next June

    There was plenty of excitement atthe joint session and members ofllm department took the familyskeleton from the closet and gave ita thorough .shaking before the fire-men retired to allow the Mayor andCouncil to discuss the .situation in

    t i n r i mMu\ w 1> Mor.-is Niello); . who pie-

    .sided. declared ihe sole put pose o!tlie I'overunir body w; o n t h sgame; 8 a. m. and 2 p. m.—golf - - . . " " ' •tournament; tennis tournaments

    At 7:45 p. m. the grand parade andillumination of cottages. The paradewill form on Simpson avenue, near ;0rtneBu!rdingcommittee wilTserve! p at n d o n wasTairClaudes store, and ed by Prof. G.; t t h b l i i ] d i a n d a s and she stands a good chance for re-Dittamo and band, will march to the - •- B ' f -«»">••'>golf green for exercises. The organi-zations participating in the paradefollow: Board of Trustees;Dittamo's Band: Mount Tabor


    memento of the occasion, present I coY?ry ' . , .every visitor with a souvenir. . H e r two daughters Catherine and

    i Anna, and her daughter-in-law,The Young Men's Bible Class, of

    whom S. C. Morris is advisor, areMrs. Margaret Sellers, were ail in-jured but none very seriously. All are

    day Schools; Ladies' Social League; already rehearsing for the first en- still in the Dover Hospital.Tabor Field Club; Masonic Club, Mt. tertainment to be given as soon asj William Barrett, twenty-two, of 78Tabor; Boonton Fire Department! the floor of the staple is installed. The Hopkins street. Jersey City, wasand Drum Corps; Mt. Tabor Volun-, date of this event has not yet beenteer Fire Department.

    Line of march—Assemble on Simp-announced, but it is understood thatthe program will be given during the

    quite seriously hurt, and his com-panion. Harry J. King, twenty-three.of 405 Summit avenue, Jersey City.

    son avenue at 7:30 p. m.. march on ' month of August. j was badly cut and bruised.Simpson avenue to Fletcher Place to ; Though the usual problems of fi- > r h e accident occurred when the

    ' •" have somewhat handicapped i machines driven by Morris Sellersat times, the m.mbers of | a n d Barrett collided head on. it be-

    carrying on with the! '"8 alleged that Barrett pulled out

    hands of the Legion, considerable I Morns avenue to Strowbndge ave- nancespace havinc been set aside for thisinue to Sommerfield avenue to West the work at tirmPurpose There will be no parking Park Place to St. John's avenue to the church are C£f e e V t h e r e will be a small admis- St. Peters road to parade ground. p,ojeCt, which, ision fee children up to fourteen b- At the ball field a concert will being admitted free, if accompanied by j ̂ n




    fessor D l t t a m o a n d h l S

    parents. _ t ^ ' R ,m rmv nt. 11 a m and 8 p.

    |of line.in the eyes or the iand the public is a nv.ich • ' °~civic improvement, keeping • A l f r e d B. Culn , of

    churchneededpace with the rapid growth ocommunity, and providing for the

    roTdVSn the vicinity to keep order I there will be special services in the s p i r i t i m i development of its citizens,and Legionnaires .if have charge of, tabernacle I. H. Meredith will be T n V b u i l d i n g i s o p e n I o r m s p c c t i o nthe field It i« earnestly requested ' the soloist, and Mrs. A. Collins, the d a i l y a n d f o n o w i n g the morning ser-

    - '• " •• - ' " " .» ' v k . e s Sunday, the public is invitedto visit the structure in order tolearn of the true extent of the enter-prise that the Community Churchhas launched in the interests of thetownspeople.

    Dover, Dies Suddenly

    that all visitors keep oil the field ex- pianist,cept when boarding planes or alight-ing and co-operate with the spon-sors of the event by remaining with-

    i in the safety zones to be established.I Rockden Post will conduct a re-'frcshment stand during the day. incharge of a competent commissary,who have promised that, navy beans


    Judge- Albert H. Holland has hand-ed down a decision in which hedenied tho application for probate of

    carbon copy of what was allegedand fanned willy are taboo. Picas- j t o \K the original last will an dtesta-nnt peace time thirst quenchers and j n l e n ( of Abbie E. Vespers, of Den-


    rpalate ticklers will bequantities.

    on hand in villc, who died early this year. GeorgeW. Holt, claiming to be the executor

    The Handwritingon the wall

    Take heed before it's too late. Make cer-

    'ain that your house furnishings insurance

    adequately covers the value of your house-

    hold goods. I

    E. J. MATTHEWS & !>ONS40 W. Main St.—Tel. 146—Rockaway, N. J.

    If the demands for flights warrant, j o f ,( wj,j s a k l ( o l l a v t , is0(,n I o s | o ) .Iwo more planes will be down up in i f ( , m i ^u, c a rbon for probate in Or-the afternoon, or on twenty minutes,| p h a n s . C o l I r( , before Judge Hollandnotice. In case of rain, the meet, ( w o m o n t h s wf) Uo\t a l u i Ei]a cookwill be held the next clear Sunday. . o f S o l l t h Orange, lo whom the prop-

    ° r~l . _ i crty was devised in the carbon copy.j were represented by Barkman andi Sllaner. while Leon E. Cone acted ascounsel for Mrs. Clara Baird. ofHanover. Mrs. Vespers' sole next ofkin, who opposed the probate In his

    inion. Judge Holland indicatesit Mrs. Baird may now apply for



    Tuesday night al the Doverpilnl a boy weighing seven poiwas born to Mr. and Mrs. ChristopherDresch, of Indian Lake. Both motherand son arc doing very well. Mr.Drescli, who is a contractor at Indian j "£»;

    is around with a bit; smile and j J ^ ^Lake is a opassim-', out c.iirars to the hoys.

    r s o f a d m i n i M r l l , . j 0 I 1 . Mrs. Ves-s [ U a ( ( ) h | | T O n w n e d .seVeral


    Funeral services for George G.Taylor were held this afternoon al(he Taylor home on Hillside avenue.Marbrool; Park, conducted by Kev.W. F.. King, pastor of Ihe ChristianAlliance Church, Dover. Intermentwas made m .he Hockaway Presby-terian Cemetery.

    Mr. Taylor was sixty-nine years ofage. He had been ill and unable lowork for several years. Besides hiswile he is .sur\ ived by t.*o suns, i'oviidaughters, seventeen grandchildren,(wo great grandchildren, (wo sistersand two brothers.


    IttfRCA Radio



    ati Speedwell AvenueiHorristuwn, H. J.

    Radio Crosley

    estate in Dcnville.- — -o


    Erwood 1-1. Luntii-r. twenty-three


    Aboul si>:iy iiien:bers and liiin-wives allenilcd the third annual out-in^ oi Ihe Hnckaway Chimibcr ofCommerce lust ui^ht at. the C;ili-

    years old, died Saturday night at the j f o n l i i l Lodge. Bert rand Island. Lakehome^of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and | Hopatcong, N. ,1. A delightful chicken

    villc. >̂ r.-.v, s v.-i :•;. ;-or..h:ct«! Wed- ' ' pcilKiwiiii; tin- dinner all cnioyedncsda-' afternoon al 2:80 o clock, () r j ( k , n I . o , . I I ( | nic ia] ;,, ,„ ,),r GOcwiiiumt (iit.ii. in (he aiii'inooti alawn social will be lick .joine-madecakes, pics, candies am r • - thingswill be ottered for sale. The- regularmonthly mcclinp will be held sometune clurine tile i.f'.crnoo:..

    __ .. . — o

    Dr. A. O. liubcrl has : ooul rc-cc>v-;ed fror.1 an a: Lack c lonsilitiswhich conlii.;i! him to hi: home for'•'jverai days.

  • THURSDAY* • "


    Jersey Woman Gets HigherPrice Per Word For Writing

    Than George Bernard Shaw

    Whippany Man KillsGIRLS His Wife's Visitor

    Wins w Automobile for 'INu nty-Wiinl Sl«>g»n atto Hir o{ $*0 l \ r Won!

    AhmH !«>c;reuilv

    irl Seoul* in Attendance I ifeKnjovcd hy All Attended ll ih

    C and Hab\ I aradc

    Montgomery,id ) in man In


    Victim. WJU

    - . - , - - . -!~. ~— - . V I - A . " . v—S~

    uh.i attended the It" ., A : . U M « > 1 » ) ' " ' H I ' > " •• peimlllfd In liuve II moon-

    H(i,-r which they went IK

    i^1 «>n»€ »>'k«. of th* 1fxc«'rt « to •bout Sc ««pl« u Insure allc*r. «Jlcwln|C n L-hon^ d *r.*vfrt trvttltif prompt *(t«ntiOD_

    HypocrtAj Define*)

    ff'.fli.tic to be tthjit one U not. or tofer! n!,;u om1 ,ioes nut ftvl. nuch J tihe f.Ufe assumpt ion of ;m A|.pejirfliiceof virtuo or rol^ ion: :i f.ils.- or insin-cere i r r f i s s l . i n "i


    " "

    N't o


    | ,

    I I


    Cl.d• r i


    , - ]

    M l



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    1 "1Wllli.Milt



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    eh-I T

    •ri.-1 i t

    • lUliir llflillT.,,..,i i-rfiil fin'lur In

    .il of iiiaiiklinl'H |irlmi,.i|i|iliii".H IIIIHIILII iterv.

    Lr.v. >lith Offic..,,.! 'i,.;i .li'iTirxnn "ii«!n n'l>ni|iilili 1I1I' ,.ftlioMI HiU niitito.'i In. n u l l

    liiimrit tit* .WiiiniirHf|i LIT, ri'li'unei) from•t «nrli n-llef n« 1 «lmll

    ._ . o ^ .

    • Vi il Ir Am.rlc.1: 1..v 1, ,|iii not vUli

    ii Mi- '•,.111 I - \ | I , H 1 T o n -1 I ' M . fisTi, l."iS«l. \%-.

    rtprlim. M o r e H I I M H I I , t i , , . . ' "ni»»

    f r t m h i u i ! i i n i i i , , i n , i „ . . , , ; ; ' „ •••

    < i i o i t ( « i : i .

    J . 11. UUANC11AU1J & CO.A l u i t l l f j i r l i n , ! ti t i l

    11OIKAWA\ IIA Ml MA IH. A.Vh

    w l i l i o r w 11 l i o n 1 l j i n u i | . i ,

    A l l l i l m l B ( i r D i l r i - i n , , ; - , d u n | j

    M o w o r i i s i n ; 11,< [ K i t

    Union Hlrri.i I'),,.,,,. Il», kiln,y „




    leries as well as to tri_ 1 HOUM- returned la»t, »ft«r mo-

    dor* Koch. #Mr»."w»in»r spoke on tonns US miles.Riddlw PuaUw. M.v»t*n« «nd At evenme mess the girls were per-

    S«r*t* Aft« dinner th* guU were round only one utensil. selecUnjfrw to enwruan their vi&itore until either » knife fork or spoon withthe bugle blew for the inform*! which to eat the entire meal. Every-track rne*t conducted by Miss Van one had a great deal of fun. TheBrussel At the conclu&lon of the *"& « r e permitted to do a* theymeet the girls had their curnp swim Pleased Mter supper. Before bed theyand eanwen. When flat lowering enjoyed a moonlight dip.and supper were over Mrs. Wagner Friday, July S«announced that Bert Ooldenhom. The ,«tonn uhlch enmt ';pon iislast week's honor girl, would be in durinc the nifht pi evented the birdcharge of the ScoutsV The day closed walk which »te to begin tilt day Injwith the good mshl circle and taps, their clawes Hie eirl.s «err busy pa.«-

    Mondat. July J* inu test* foi thei. var:Mis scoiitReveille bronchi all the sirls out ranks and mt-ril bimnes tts well as

    of bed After breakfast each cirl swimming cla.-.si» A eood den) ofmade out her urosraiii of elasies for the tune was spent in preparing for >the week. At dinner the Ubby Rirls the baby parade which is to be heldchnllenKed a team of campers and on Saturday nislit At dinner thethen a team of councilors to volley girt ea*l their votes lor the hcinorball. Af.fr supper the teams met on Ri'l All afternoon they were in su«.? the field but just as Libby and the pense. wnnderini; vvho would becampers bepan tiieir game, mm pre- awarded the C. } | In the evenliiRvented its completion The campers stum* were civen Miss Put thenwent to the mess hall where Miss came the event for which the camp-Van Brussel held an mdoor track gave the swimming awards. Thenmeet. After good mphi circle the ers were waiting for. the awardingpub hurried to bed. of the C. H. But first the girls had,

    Tuesday, July !1 a surprise There were to be twoThe sirls awoke with reveille and awards. Ethel Verney. who had al-

    alter breakfast worked hard in order ready received her C. H.. was giventhat the camp might look its best a chevron. The C. H. luelf won 10

    I when the members of the Mothers' Alice Ha*sty The banner went taAuxiliary of Jersey City arrived. Hut Pour and Uie second banner to

    • Games were held at 10 o'clock These Hut Five. The girls formed theirwere fallowed by a swim. The bus good night circle and were soonearoo at 11:30 and the girls were asleep (

    , very happy to greet their mothers.' Saturday. July M IAlter the ceremonies the mothers The girls awoke early and thosevent to the mess hall where they who were going home began packing.'witnessed a pageant which was Since It was the day of the babystaged by the girls under the dlrec- parade everyone was busy rehearsing |Uon ol Miss MrCkiwn This was fol- songs and drills. At noon another 1 r^HIUDREN will fret, and often for

    ilowed by a comedy presented by the week began and everyone l» hoping! V D0 •PI"M*,nl reason. But there'sj councilors. The visitors remained it will be as happy as the last. j always Cailoriu] As harmless as the;1 ' recipe on the wrapper; mild iind l>l;inil;1—' ' • — — • a> it InMcr Yet il* senile uclion will

    soothe a ytmnpiter mure surely than:a more powerful medicine.

    Thot'» the briitity uf this special't : l" ' -dy! It may I*1 s>ven the I

    and I*ti]»«-rliHtiicliiK144 ICant Muln .-,(r,, (KWKAHAV, \ , j

    Tel. ll.'.l

    J O H N 11. CHANKCoiilrntlnr

    CHrpenter and llullderTeL Ut

    Hal* Street, llork»w»j, K. J,

    I HOOZimior

    Mrrct, l iuekamj, j . J,illin, I'rcmiinii >ud li]r*lng

    a 8 | i i i i n U y

    | AtVcntloii Uiven l« Tullortq



    " n>*t Main Mrrfl1 HotkltMl;, >i« Jenf?j i.'very(hlne in llnrdirtriI ralnu. Ollr. VarnlnlirK, llrustw, us.


    JOE DONO1R10

    General CartingMOV1NU AND TKtCKtNCi

    Telephone Korktwty MROCKAWAY, N. J.

    ol ShclUix) Knitlcra

    ier ilirfe *ei.lintel. jti.*i>

    D«T> of tSt W«e'«The » art-na«ii-i) 'o »urd off runstiputiun; so does uny

    er tfcr «un «D.1 moon: Tucfcini wn» *ttpRe*lion uf liad breath. Wheneverracd for Mars iTu» ID Some) .In- tlul' l' t l 1' >UWtthi

    en movinmown Su



    kno» ! tVednmlajr, M.i\ur>» (\V«d«n'«> ,1i

    Uj. Vrnui* (|:ay. Satum't

    , d t rest well,"">' l ' t l 1 ' >UWt~thi» pure

    Phone DoT»r MS !>•«'• "• '•


    An ecoooniT in r.tc^c this rr.cct-i Thi.:'? n.hit the ;nsulltticiscrfi MOJOT. G u Kar.jrf ikii; TT.CZ:. :C ycu. r:ph: now, withtbe acning r. cc —;r-t or.. i : f c : f s K J . Ovt-a los-J».tiers to prever.t bti i ircr-. escif .r,j ;r.:c the k::chco. a ControlVhil thit ius^rcs tccirt:: htii ic-r-iiiij.-; tnd i. Q c a i r . c O u nthu gives t i t correct t.r.c tr.d :;--.r'tri:i.rr iiic.wtnrts {atprts-trv-es iM~ ill kir.̂ s..

    \n-.v ensure th; r.-isi.-.ct ^' t-r, c'c-iiihio.-c-o heii-loikinfOTCJ taouhe;u.T..~i:: V.1 > j.r::; :ht v^r.g ren:j«»iurt of »bttetg b^t iarchfr."- A Mr^era GLS Rt-re t-:!l jespire youtoirjie. this J-L-U: b:r_ccs: L.-i rr.c« sacccs'^S \ci i of cinairu;.Ar>o i: will he tit ir^i Lvty t>.: cts;:K ytit't ctr.nirTc. DrcfJ

    set the rrcr ac>3tli c ; •iufAi$'. Lei us t i j i i n iheii

    ll('»'» tearry M U i u otzint bat tyreiff Cirl «iili »

    with '»' 'h-c^.M-K«et S.iifi i ,

    *•"> : Isv* *-n

    * * (-r*re h

    r**ca C*Bf*r**r»l. »i»d* ««-r» r»-[.iv


    Suufru u

    ! •''

    w i t h t h e M T . " «'

    ( h e files, are !:•• '

    Half l'i "


    GERA1U>SMala St. »«*»»*"••'• "' *"





    ,,,,,1 Mi«- Klchwd Folk, ofavenue, huve concluded u

    i.l, rciiillvHB In Biutton, Pa.

    anil Mm.

    David Baird, Jr., Republican Candidate forGovernor, Meeting With Great Response


    Walter Ortmory, of„ ,.,.,.,,,... have returned from

    v!,'ii ivlih relutlviw In Kinimlon, PaI Mm Wilfred Nonl» and,„,(! Mm. J»"i»B Price, ofmine Inivi! buun vlntlnij,,l ,-cintlvnH 111 thU vicinity..,i,,,ii. (Inmutim, of Mlll-




    wli" I

    IIIIIII '1

    nl Mimi l ' i '

    MiMud! im

    i - l l y .

    M two w-uekH In

    ,,,1 Mm. Cltu'iince IS. 1'uder,•II iill'l'l'l.. HI"1"'1- ' l i e weekMi anil Mm. Uoiuild Clurk

    Mauler Hube r t 1'uilcr

    Uiivld Buir i l , ,)i . i ( i . | j |oniutorlal imuilnl'ralliin

    lo | l r a l l i in

    of Ileiinbllc.un co iu i ly i oiiiiiilt.tmm, hl» i nl,ul,iU h l

    in 111 in ci t inpulul i lu dc lc i l i i in , -whelhcr New .JeiHcy approved hl«type of Iciidcifihtp or the type exem-plified In Ihe Dcmocnttlr putty by Iliiacknowledged leader, Mayor KruukIIUKIK', of Jci'Hey City.

    Political obneivei'B, In nol.lclni! HutMli-ndy l imit .towunl Mr. Uulrd, be-lieve the HwhiK IH attributable In itconsiderable extent t.o 11 eonipurli.iinby the voters or the ladles ot an

    ihunciil, ciipuhle and mircesHful bu ;l*liens itiiui who IH deti'ilnlneel Ihc

    •by Miiivh.lUiii'. thi ' iv •••-» i

    l l l c

    . N l M l l l . " Ih u : , i-i-t iii-iifd i m - w i t h

    . i i l n l n i l l

    l i - i n i i l : . i n

    u m l . l i i c ln . iImve

    i , l : . , In I'll'-1-! l i l m k


    m i l l ' , n l h•d i it til 1 n

    l."'!'. Mil.1;' ' HVenile,

    to Vlilley

    „,7, ..h"Un lii i i i" r

    M i l l e r K.11II a n d i l i i n n h t i - r ,I H V C U I I C , h a v e l i i i i -n v l i i l f l i n i

    b r o t h e r In l a w • ' '

    m i d .Inhn .liiycc, Inin MiII 1 hn

    Mi liiivld —,.,„, i iviniic Imve r e t u r n e d I roni .-

    Allh irliillvi'ii I" IHirlniidalc,

    |i;in und children, of

    " " " nil Ml. Vcriinii, N, Y.Thulium tjiilnn, of

    havo been enter-millMill.idrect


    JSfil'lUr OHV«- Pll.\: ,c\ ( , ' o l l n l v T i nl o i i m h l l i - i - i i n i v i i n l o l l

    I h i o i i r l i I- Illl-ll

    NeV, Illll

    Illllh i

    e l I h c l . l n l . cI I I . V I I . I I I I III l;iive I I I I -

    •iI I l i i- c in id l -eoiinl y II id

    ml I'urk, I I -h

    I l l n - i l i u m -e c o l l l i l v c o lW i n Ii f"lt-1 in IIll-Win'i. :,eii

    i l l Il l inlile Ii

    id he • .,, 111

    H i e

    IV11 II i l l ' ! hy

    il b.'clthn Ii idIII Ihe

    tliuii iiii h o u rIIIIII r e l i c s !

    l i in i 'c . - , w i l h n i n n y h e h n : ; k n o w n l o r. ' . ' •Vend .Vein:, .

    incr'n i i i i i c l i t .II, I'urk, I" Went l"alrvlew avenue

    TI,,M' I C Cliinii uml the W. W, W.Chwuf liic l''h'Ml. MiitlHiillHl, ChlllTli..iiliiyi'il ii pli'iiH- " I lli 'rtraiid'ii lnlimilHiiiimliiy atli'i'iioon ami ovi'iilUH-

    Mrs lluli'l- ilcybolt m>d diiui'.hter,(I,-,,,.,, el Kalior avcinii'. huve rc-liuiicii from a visit with Mr, mid Mm

    ii'mVt'i'i'oy I .old rctui'liiHl with tlu'lrcramlmol'lii'r to ,'ipcnil a wecU,

    Mr, iiml Mr,',. Hllim Hi'i'il. of I 'hll-mlt'llihlii who have been iipeiullimst'vi'i'iil wi'i'kii with Mr. unit Mts .lWi'i' MiU'.Hii. In ll i irvanl nlrect, rc-liimcil Imaic on .Sunday accoiii-liiuili'il by Ilii' Miwic.'i I'lli'anor andIdiriilnc Moitlliv who will npeiid w'V-I'liil WI'I'IIM wllh thrtn.

    Mr. AIIIITI. liiiwo, of Ji'i'tiivv City.»liont Ilio wei'li-imil ut tho homo ofllmll Ori'i'iibi'i'ticr In Uulcur aveinn

    Mr. will Mm. .IoHii'lnlii, riidlii-f.inieil an"Mike ul. the Mllte." comlun lo Ili-r-trand Inlidiil Purl!. I.uki" Hniiiilninii.N .1 . on Monday, AIMIINI ilrd. lor utwo weckn'slay with hl:i orchcnlia

    hii.'i the nmi.'iiial lalenl, no nccctisuryto u mii'iT.'i.'illil illrecliir, of exactliiKevery ounce of enemy from bin men.They respond .'ipniilimcon.'ily lo hlnwell executed hiuulllnii of the Imton,and .seem tlrclerai In Ihelr eirorl.s toplease I heir iiiiie.-ilro with whom theyhave worked for several years.

    Miles Hpcclale's orehestrii excels InUs ciilcrlulnlni: proiu'iun, which In-clude:, shiners, (lancers and muchcomedy.

    While radio was1 yet In Its Infancy,Miles coined Ihe radio expression,everybody dunce." with which he In.veek'i' 'iluv with his orcheslni of •everybody dunce." with which he In-

    'eeii imi'ilcluns Is fully prepared I induced his nightly olVerlniis "fromi-e up lo hi'i nulloniilly known si'veral Chlciuio statliins. Many let-

    rouitto live IIIsloiwn. "everybody dunce 'Hive his allclllors Ihc Ivpimusic Uml will make'''nu'l'icc mummers are uiiuiilmoiis In nilddle-wesl, many people resortedIhelr stateuicnls lu the elTeel Hint u lo such captions when lU'eetlnu hl.n.lireiil-er peieenliuic of I heir piiironskeep I'Olillntioilsl.v on Ihe iliinci'

    ml will lers were received by him, uddresHcdof ilmiee "everyhiidy ilunce," care of Ihe stu-\eryhody lion from which his pronriun OI'IKI-

    nated. Ill hl« recent tour of thi>


    p i unow on a ballroom four of tho

    anil Is a sensation wherever hol e e e.l n o , v o n the dance lloor east and Is a sensation wherever hehe i dill ' ill ..•the strains ol linpu- Is l>li'.v »»• Ills eiiManemeiif ul Uer-

    IIH n '• i s dfered bv Mr. Spccliilc, Irunil Islunil will no ilouhl. prove tothan bv"any o'!i' ;( : orchestra be the hi,:!. IlKhl of the dunclm, neu-

    * . - . «., . . i i • , i' , . K L 1 1 I i ' I ' I i i iH p e c i u l e . i i l m s c l l a n u r l l . i l " I u b l l l l . v « i m

    ANNOCIATCII KII 'OKI S >N< " l ;IN KI.HCTHK' O t ' l l

    !,',„• ihc w k ended .Inly H»li.soclaled (Ins and Klcclrlc .svsiein re-ports electric output oluni ts i l t . W. I I ' . mi increase

    Ihe suinc wffk

    I , I l i l 'S DAItKIOST IMOI\li:Nr

    Two nllorneys, one decidedly ulllinol counleuancc, nicl on Ihe street..

    "Well, how's business','" the Unit,i , | r e ,. 110 ,1 .7 asked ol Ihe dismal one.

    " H l l l " the pessimistil 111.:!it lasl

    ; » l l l l l | 1 ;

    per cent overyeur.

    Kxcludlim sales lo ol Iie lec t r le la i lpul was M.OIIH.OIIH imlli.for t h e week, only I wo h-ntlw ol onepen-fill- (Hitler •>»' : u l 1 1 " ' I" '1 ' "1 ' ' "

    GUN ;H'I1(II>UI for the same week wus3115,433,000 cubic reel, which Is ii df-creuMeof f,U per cent under l«"' Vi'"i-

    a,K!:eu^ihnvu had Prti't.1 In

    •Holli'iil" the pessimist replied. "IJusl chased an unihiilaiicc twelvemiles, uml wound a lawyer In II."

    oNl'O'li.USS l'UHMONAUTV

    A male movie slur, ulwuys thtnk-IIIK ol his public, hud mi X-Huy ofhis teelh retouched lief on > showlnKII lo his denllst.

    o - - -If ever we net umbltloiis and sturt

    out to break a record It will be thoone our neluhbor i>luy,i uboiit elovonp, in.

    SaturdayIS THE


    MID-SUMMER SALEfrom our Downstairs Store

    KM) pc. DINNKU Sl-ri', service for six, was 29.95 19.95

    Muthex (iAKMI'INT HA( JS, full si/,e uml cedurized 4 for l.(M)

    50c Cl I INT/. I'll I .OWS, filled with kupoU and cotton 3 for l.(M»

    UNI'AIN'I'KI) Cl IAIKS, values that were to 2.50 94c

    CHIVO HOI JSK I'AINT, made hy Dul'ont, per gallon 2.75

    46-inch TAHI K ON .Cl-O'l'II, ^ood quality, wus50c yd. 19c yd.

    An assortment of (JI.ASSHS, all tuble styles 12 for 1.00

    from the Main FloorGHHHNI.HKJII IMUKKSII.k IIOSH, ull sizes and colors 84c pr

    Men's SI HUTS and SI IORIS, lisle jerseys, fancy shorts, 35c ea.

    Pure dye, luce trimmed SILK SLIPS, were 1.98 1.57

    Pure dye French crepe (Jtnvns and Pajamas, values to 7.50 3.77

    Women's pure wool SWIM SI UTS, broken assortment 1.64

    Silk, lace linen and silk and wool HI.OUSIvS 1.44

    Pure Irish Linen Ll INCI IKON SKTS, regularly 5.9H 4.97

    I.urtfeTUUklSI I TOWKI.S, solid colors with border 6 for 1.00

    Cotton striped UKI) SPKKADS, were 1.98, all colors 1.57

    A selected group of Cl IRTAINS, all styles and colors 77c pair

    White and c^shell FADIUC (JI.OVHS, all sizes 57c

    from the Second Floor9.956.954.95.7.951.983.9575c1.482.983.98

    Our SUMMliR 1'ROCKS that were priced 16.50 and 19.95

    Our SI JMMKK 1' ROCKS that were priced 9.95 and 15.00

    Our SUMMKR h'KOCKS (hut were 7.9S and 9.95

    TRAVK1. TWHP:i) COATS that were priced to 16.50

    2 pc. Cotton mesh KNIT SI UTS thut were 2.98

    2 pc. wool mesh KNIT SUITS that were 5.95

    Our SUMMKR 11 ATS thut were priced to 3.9H

    Our SUMMKR 11 ATS Hint were priced to 7.50

    FIANNKI. JACKKTS that were to 4.98, pastel colors

    Imported SI iF.DK JACKKTS, washable, were 7.95

    from the Furniture DepartmentKntflunder Double DAY IlKDS, with mattress and spring 15.95A complete bed outfit, HKI) SPIUNC and MATTRESS ' 17.95Kroehler I.IVINC ROOM SUITKS, were to 144.40 89.00

    2 und 3 pc. KROKI II.KR I,ivin SI INPORCII SKT, wus 45.00 24.97

    Heywood-Wakeueld Stick Rultun Porch Suite, was 99.00 79.50





    Rockaway RecordEntered [MM Offlro. Huekauny. N J

    us Secomt Class Matter

    AN INDEPENDENT WKEK1.YIssued Every Thui-siiay

    i VSCAll l'KKR. rresliiiMit-MnnogrrSHJNEY COLLINS. Editor

    'IVIepliono ConnectionsOffu-e 210 litM-kiiwn.v House 3;"»S

    «4-M lXuer

    OffUv Muni Strci't. Kockaway. N .)

    "Ot 111.thr peopl111 prrst-nthe UrsIclnlly


    lih.mt bias or jm-UMi.-r In a

    t.h«- inUll'ITlHCCIllM.

    Vlll I

    President Hoover toAddress Conference

    Morns C.nitil> V M. I A.r for i'lrxr-

    Pivsuion: ILVWM mil .iehvo:' a:-.address to Itio opi-iv.n.: session of HieWorlds Y M v' A Conference atCleveland Ohuv on rniesd:iv ei ru-ins; Au>:ust 4!h This message willbe deli\ort\1 by radio f'.\Mn his suir.-mer Mare al K-apidnu. Virginia OrJohn R Mo::, ehainnan of tileWorld's \.Vnfetvnct\ N :ii inu\x1uce

    Record Sponsors'Shop in Rockaway'Business Movement



    o> II. A ;rw\\

    A psv:Uthr >luliMki\i; t.•* vo

    o " huvl ! i f >

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    • I ' l l

    c'n("i i


    iN rHAM'KHY NKW JEBStV1 \uil l iVmpia

    i O k M Ol

    Want Columnr*:»rRcwords


    column :, should RC- jtt la found ;lOc ft'lll be i

    liret- *youn«for infant*: '

    tj to call on ilicmto-, ,-onii -.biition.-< to many causes..*;-..•; n like tendency to vjstrcini.'eother towns business comer*

    Kutitit:l>. the Kecorii lias do-t :iii\i to sjvwsol ;i ir,ove;nont of

    l"vii>ie is! Home' .uiwrtisrmrntsu hvl\ uil! U1!:!!! in out ne\t is-.-II;- A represent;! live o! theKi\-oi\1 is ca.".\:us.sin}; the boroughto ^et nil meivhar.tjs to funiishuds calling attention to the I.u-ih-t'.es- .-in town otter* We hope hew',:! mivt with ittiii'li smvi-ss. be-c:iu.-t' we want to encourage ourmeivh:lr.!> uno. keep trade athomo

    Oo-oper:;r.-.o.r, w-.lh the Kecord;ilui with o.:v i-o-pivsenia'.iv e ismost earnestly desired, and witlithis \ lew .n mmd A hall piise>iwor o! ;io;s will appear m theie\t ten issues of the Record to

    tell Kookaway the storyWatch the next issue for the

    n:i:iit-s .if our inervhaiu* who arehack of the movement.

    Remember, rime for action'leer's so to it. means all of us.

    ,,t IS U> r4l\H l 2 oVU-k t

    I\»R RKNT-Hinis i

    Ann Street.

    anil j

    4tf ITiectricInqutrt

    .hiUP 12lhCvuinly

    on comvt of Dla-'lid bpruii; Uoad nnd Orchard Street.•iniili* I.tiilit un.1 water Interior uewlym u d Kent $2G.OO p^t mouth. May beii- iHl (or it tea room or business pur-ws InMUlrr ol Mrs. K. Leslie Todd. 131 •it U Avi'tnic Roi"k«««v Ttfi 169. ;

    KENT—Two npurtments' 1ir~~ttieHouse on Nt-w Slate Highway. Ap-

    KloyU Hiler. East WHIU St. BocKaWay. iRIB RKM- - 'rao ilw nwm fluts." recent-:


    ' ol VanderMm the Northerly ,wliUli I? » eor-

    i i .n j .No 14 Mid jhit r u n n i n g ( H |h u n d r e d fwt , U>;

    o!t> t r a r t : tfii'l

    durulile. wusi.able finish—ihell ploss. p:»ste.st of an •3lv Hartley's Piiiut Store.St Dover. 36tf


    t l 8

    ut si»

    Apply 25 Clnirrli

    't North 54 cleplset1 of be^itK

    S shown Lin an.'h Lake Denm

    the !

    V OK KKN I' One iit

    roil KKVT -One sevt-n room cotto^e" lights. New- '

    \\>ST riftv s*s to Adverise." theromance comedy which comes to!

    CWveUnd. Ohio.uate^tanr

    potuon" invii« hid* for irans-

    from the Den--,„«,,„. Hundnxis of "dele- rr^ay. Among thivse Aho dispense _ . t . „. _ „ . „ „ .„,..„ „.„.r.xc fis«« oil .\v^r l*it* w.iriH here on batur-'F\oreu« AV* to numond Spriivg Boad tofrendshlps " ' 1 J ' l u l l i s Ilpwost picture. "Clearing I Main strwt 10 school returning over the

    Chntrmim Ertwin L. Earp.Madisoii:' 'he Ranee." '**itou»U2-Ti.irtv pupil* '™ni Kucheis •-vlcc-ohnirman William TMbot. Mend- .Monday and Tuesday the feature ; comer via Fora'Road, to Morns Are to.imm- i»n.i OtMiiT'il Spi-ivtnrv \mos c I *"'''ui'e is "Kept Husbands" »"ith Dor-! c«i»r Lake west, thence 10 scuooi vialUHll.anautlHUllCTiiii.il} .-MIIU- V . M,,,.t,,ili p,,,i.-,r ,v,,tc ,,r r,,il Morris Ave. to Savjise Road and Main St. ;Momsim lenve m u tew days to i\t- «'"* .MatMull. Pallor ix-us of mil-. A11 b l d s m u s , „, m a d e , o r a pencj O(tend till1 Inwnuuionul Convention of lioii:ure muma.s. Hore is a bi£ drama ) thr«> years instead or one as heretofore Ithe Y M O . A .uui the World's Con- of mortBSBed manhood. If you're a ; ^ r ' t h e ' a S " "ate^ 'nfmb^"

    5" "*r d " y

    fereni-e of the V. M. C. A :tt CleVf- ' " " " >o u w o n ' nl is-' i u ; All bidders must turiilsli the iw«ssar[lunri Olun Mliuisl J -11 1'Or Wednesday "The Sky" is the • msuram-e as r.xnilr.Kl by la* and mustland. Ohio. Auuist M. m v s U M . y rtram;i [ o b e s h o w - n ^ ( h e ; , , , ; , , , . y ^ I h e I o r m s o t ! h e c o n t r a , t l n .

    . t t . screen. She signed ht'r lô •eI••s death, Alt bids must be m wrltuii: and be in j

    XlCdriflir Ofi PollUtlOn v r a r n u i 1 t l u > n nsketl her hono r t o ' I.11* ''--"nis o< the D.s

    WILLIAM STEVENS— Carpenter —


    The Bojrd of Kdiicatlon.of tftf Toirn-1 TELEPHONE 319 ANN ST .

    ROCKAWAY. V. J .


    Rubcas' Great Painting;Rubens' "Dpsiont Trom the Cross"

    now hangs in tfu* i-nthiHlrnl fn Amster-dam. Hol'iuui.




    ! « -



    WZ5f 1 <

    of Wood Construction ̂ hst^


    1 1


    . 1 1


    « 1 !1929

    1 1 1



    \Y - ^


    • r p p



    1 1

    -this YearCosts Are At IRock Bottom 1

    Roger W. Uftbtfou, World faiued ecoiiomj-i, r̂ ,

    cently said:

    "Reduction in the cost of building Materials haibrought them down, an an average, to wiiera Cwy%o*re fcfte&n yeur» ugor thus affording javttrabUopportunities Jar home builders."

    Mr. Baboon ia correct . • . but the favorableopportunity may not la«t long . . . ulrrudy theaccumulated demand fur I* oils ing caused hv iltRlack of building during the last few yearw is htingfelt , . . prices are stiffening.

    The builder who would make *ise of the pr̂ ne-utextremely favorable opportunity ehould do HO ATONCE. In 1931 building savings of %)"/v areavailable to anybody . . . next year will be dif.ferent.

    Let us help you make themost of today'" bargains.





    Of State Waters !"r^,f^llilll. A (lery romantic driima. pri^t'iiuxi at \he'nu'etm\: oi Valrf Board oi i

    by tho secret police of Sov- ' E:du^n:o:i winch wt'.l be hold m trie1

    K:\y Johnson.H^niUton and John Hallidav


    TO TONYA public hearing on the questionof ixUluttM waters m and, around thissection of the state will be held at o • Tony " your a wonder.Newark on August 3nl. rhe New Jor- V o u r V X H , m s a r e s v l r e ] j . t ,sey Commission of the Tri-t>tate Anti B u t there's one thing keeps mePollution Commission, crvatt-d at the guessingtast session of tile legislature of New• A n d t h l U - s o n e thlnj I hateYork. New Jersey and ComiectK-ut. I m , r y l n g t o g u e s & J u s t w n o y o u .

    Swpn>sl > ^ ,, , . A ' l d «'">^ .v»"r name mi«ht beThe meeun* which « « caUrf by B u t x e u e s s I u k e e p o n g u e s s i l K

    Joseph P. Daj,-. chairmwi of the Tri- & 1 n o w t n e u , mP

    e 8

    State commission, will be open to pe r h a p s i t m i g h t ^ Oaden.everyone interested m the problem of Then ^a*in it mav he Rs>vendiiis the menace to hesUth. pre- T n e u * * a m ' " m a > * * R a >

    ventinj; further economic loss fromthe steadily iiicreasins pollution in

    Den-August 10th.


    llouso. Mait'.u-. N J Mk>ndi\y evoiun.:'. " 30 [i HI au>Ui;Ut Si*\ :ni; tT!iit tieins

    ii »^orarf c h ^ ; of the ^ S U 1 S 5 MS5£?h R°ns. The presiding oticer wiU r u ^ ^ . , . , ran m»ri In -fc H

    be Colonel Frank S Tainter. chair- ^ d the K I - S - ^ V Re Mmission The members of the New J L M ̂ ^^-^^ MJersey Commission «re. Col Frank

  • JULY 30, 1931 t O C K A W J I E EC O a D


    Local Briefs—

    """^vBodine. of Franklin ave-"?'ft town Tuesday for a two

    • v-n-atiou at Wlldwood.

    State Troopers from Morristown'aptured two cars containing thirteen!

    half barrels of beer early Wednesdaymorning. The troopers were patroll-ing the Pine Brook road when theymade the arrests. The cars weretraveling in the direction of DenvtMe! Capacity Enrollment for Fifth Sea-and were probably boundHopatcong.

    fG. Engleman and son

    from a visit of two$ s w™, her parents at Worcester

    iss- .,|)t.l Sheninger, of FranklinII Tuesday by automobile

    n,l Ind- where she will

    monsense a t t i tude by the Rockaway i d a y - T h e y are looking forward withpublic on the subject of rabies w a s ' k e e n anticipation to seeing the lm-

    J - - - - - - provements in Camp, to sampling thedelicious food prepared by the newcamp chef, and most of all to shar -ing in the first Council Ring of the


    r . , . , , Roberts, of Norwood,* , di in' this week a t the home'•sister Mrs. Elton Beers, on. Meiidow avenue.

    Andrew Johnson, of Kellor;., fs siirndmt; a week with her

    i.'w iiii

    •.Vlnlc i-amp i:, !illi"J I;, caiJLu-ily i-^r [ u,y its sunncscrlpIN



    IIII .



    l l l R

    II n 1.nv Im-tln> III

    i lbr r 11


    r iM


    nila.lionLei no1 U ll

    It Ist o her e p r e -M'lnr 's

    aint ofP i o n e e r B a l l o n i s t

    TIIL 1 t i rs l n-j i l ly n i iMh'Ut i r in1 'a mill) i i i ' ini; n i i s t ' i l in t in1 nSr w a s inP a r i s , O c t o b e r 1 r., 17^.'t, wtuMi I ' i l i i t r pdo I t o z l c r u i i s l if t i ' i l SO f»M>l in t h e a i rby a b a l l o o n nmi lc li.v till? Mnnisjol lU'rl i ro t l t e r a .



    — of— ,"Road hog buses" are attacked in

    a statement today by Herbert J. Sil-cox, manager of the Trenton Divis-ion of the Keystone Automobile Clubof New Jersey.

    'There is little doubt," said Mr.Silcox, " that many of the accidentson our highways are due, at least inpart, to the arbitrary exercise of ex-clusive highway 'rights' by buses. Wefrequently have called attention tothe unlawful speed of these jugger-nauts, but it is not in speed alonethat they menace other users of thepublic roads.

    "The White Horse Pike, the Bruns-wick Pike and other arterial high-ways have three or more traffic lanesare actually more dangerous for theordinary motorist than two laneroads, because of the encroachmentof the huge express buses. Althoughthe state has erected at intervalsalong these highways sines bearingthe direction, 'Keep to riftht; pass incenter,' this rule is utterly flouted bybus drivers, who mile after mile 'hog'the center lane, forcing other trafficto pass on the right, or, if that laneis occupied, to invade the lane foroncoming traffic. .

    "In numerous instances also it isnoted that buses occupy a portion ofboth right and center lanes, effec-tively blocking other vehicular move-1

    "We believe buses to be essential!to modern transportaion, but we can-1not subscribe to the thought thatthey should be given any specialprivileges in the use of the highways. |They pay a relatively small percen- |tage of the revnues derived from mo-tor vehicles for the extention andmaintenance of the roads, and they]are entitled to no more privilege than,the average driver of a motor cai.

    Water far GoldfishA temperature I.etween M

    degrees ia best for uoliUish.any suilden «.'I.HIIK i» temperaturwater Is ubove ti.'i decrees In sumwatch the I'mh mill if they seemtressed reduce I he miniver •>( hseach iHiuurluin and In- sure th« wIs norniiHl. I>ci nnI l«ll ll'i" i» w'"'ter. Cooled water may he fi',1 i" sUlllly If tcuilionilure la iliinKTci

    GLORIOUSGLADIOLUSUntil September 30 I will book

    orders for Fall delivery a t 20 per centdiscount from my current price list.New and rare BUCKEATIONS andBurbank masterpieces included!Write, or phone 847, for price list ifyou do not have a copy. You maysec the flowers in bloom any evening:dur ing the next six weeks.

    PHILIP O. BUCH106 Rockaway Avenue

    Member: American, New England

    and New Jersey Gladiolus Societies,

    and American Landscape Association.

    Apprentice—"You want me toclean the office? You said you had aman for rough work."

    Chief—"So we have. He collectsthe debts."

    s W: set \ coat/


    JOHN A. BIZUBFuneral Director

    1009 Main St., Boonton, N. J.Phone Boonton 1457

    l »lmid


    i l l l T


    - o -Ancient History on Slunc

    Tin- MotllilK- MKilie. f"«»'1 »'nnil wlmsr friiKn.ent* are n,.«' inL o u v r e , e o i . l a i n s o n e nf ll»> raIns r - r lp t io i i ^ In t h e I ' h u e . l i e h i n nl|,,.[ nn i l n l i N H"1 ' e v , , l l of

    I IsriK'l : i f te r Ihe |Monhlles iiOTMlE of Ali.il>.

    Covernment'i Good Work1,'ive million dotlum 13 devoled an-

    nually by Ihc l/iiH.-cl 3l«t«H Kovern-ment to (be lnveHtlB«tl»n ""




    " ROCKOEN POST, No. 175

    Sunday, Aug. 2ndSEVEN BIG AEROPLANES


    OTHER FLIGHTS IN PUOl'ORTIONLcRionnaircs Can Furnish You With Tickets

    Admission 25c Free ParkingCHIfrlftKEN FREE



    For Wise Investment

    For the Ideal Homesite


    The AII'Year Home andResort Community


    CHRYSLER offer in the New PLYMOUTH [Floating Power, Free Wheeling, Hydraulic Brakes,

    Hydraulic Shocks, Double Drop Frame

    A beautiful automobile at a low costThe smoothness of an eight—the economy of a four

    Roadster $535 Coupe $5652-Door Sedan $5754-Door Sedan $635I". O. B. Factory—Klght Models

    Absolutely vibrationless

    DOVER MOTOR CO.DOVER, N. J. Telephone 1150

    TII.MV :ir.' women "h , , ,1,1 not let " " "lieir Iniilniiiils -w' their f ines linlil ' " ' ' "'

    nut li.wi liivenieil In 'he Itonmns, they

    S. l> , . . i> ih h i s -A D a y I,.

    ttiev llio nnirrieil. Xot to Keep you InMispens,.. I menu Unit ,.,„•! of ,!„• ..=,, "r-- "t l

    l;1^tiM!,"",,,!J1';:i'. | ~' ;™.t . , """ l " ' ! ' "

    Two Form* of Happinr»«

    so the next felicity in to K^t rid offools aiul Hroiinilri'lM.—Pi»I>«.

    Reciprocalis not only mi Inflnlto

    foiled pa ins . - I . lul^



    THREE OF STATE'S NEW TAT.K CENTERS Ordinancei mill lt In »

    AN ORDINANCE l im i t Kill l>>ml r .'in l'i Nrnr Jrn



    ut! b lowi l t n i iK'iil n

    •«.»-» »»•!Ull- » " ' -

    mly. Newn' HUrhN'i1tnuhiten-

    WJIli Itn1

    n.'i "1111! IT OHDAlNlill l>v II

    I! of ttli H i '

    , I!

    HKrTioN,1 I),- und

    , Ni-w J'Ti

    tllli 'l. ri'i-n liiy iillltiLlni-oiuluim

    ,,tot wllhlu mi" Boroujh. audllittlntuln lt« property and equlu-ueii condition ftfi to enable It to

    SUCTION 11: Nothing herein contained,7,ii b Company. IU «uc-niut ii»»l«n«. un vxclualve rl«ht, or

    . n idc i i t ihe (front lii*t -it prrmlaaton snrtiiiHrnl to otlu'r coiiipuiilfw (or like pur-JWH on nnv uf Hi"' «Ufie«, ruudi*. avenue*• hiuiiwuva "I Hi'" BoroiiKh6KCTION 12: The term "Borouijji' tui

    il In tin* ordinance In Itn application toBuruugli of RorkawiW. .hall be held

    upiily to nnU include any form ofiiumk'lliillty or nDVernraent Into which

    •i Conn- ;!V." BorotiKli or uny part thereof, may at,i« l«l- •' ' ' , '•"line herenfter l»i chimned, annexed

    ' ir niiTBi'tf untl tin) term "Boroush Ooun-nil ion- ( i i" or nnv oilier ti'rm lioreln iwod In ro-Kiunti-u [,'rrliin to 'tliu govi-mlim l>ody °f this Bor-"nuiiiiy, ,, «laliuil l>o li-KI lo apply to and Include.1 i:im- I." .ovemlnv llody of aticll

    j i


    olhi> fOlIll

    .illiWUVH I'llhll'B. IHllCH, |«'»t>hoi™. lomlliiB roll voult"

    ! tlil'UKllliK II"' ni'reaaary «tI uiul liiti'rnl foiitifitldtiM to i'i |iroprriy linen, niul IU otlieuliuuuenttiuri*. In,1 tlirouKliI I ' I V Ul ld i - r l l l ld a i - rumi u l l <• i t l i ' r tH lOI ld" iiVi'lllll 'H lUKl

    i p n r l » ' t l i n r w i f . I h r o u K l i o u t' . • u n t i l I " t i l l " H o r o u u l i [ o r

    ' i l i n n i K h I l i i f i - m i l l KVNti-in-iw i t h t i n - ( i i i i i - ' t i r t U i n uf It-i

    l u l l i>r t i l l ' vnr l iMin n t r i ' i ' l - . Ii u l l d l i l « l i w i i y » u n d p n r t r .| i . u l t h t ' l r r n t l i i ' l i - n i i l l i h l ' ^ ' j> . i v h > t l y n l K n a l K l " • » , . I " ' , ; ?

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    uiillU'il Hy.ittuu

    iirhl-wMf. local

    s iu Now Ji>rin»y

    ul o( nliut in it y li»'l l l ' H l and must intrl-i ' world. Yi'l thorn' • " '

    • t r y .


    ot (.^ I ' m

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    |»;ttl«'ni pro ti tic-whk- l i o r ni l

    i h a p s , t!n> m o s t

    II tl.iS Ht'OlI tlU->]it|thi)!.y in l i l sUl^ll, Wit HC^Htsi

    H i t i i v i i i i K i i (« • : . • -

    ( c m t u t i i ' r n i i i i '

    in or tin. i,UMi\ » l » » [H H i ' l V O .

    l l i l t i I i ' l . ' p i H H l O

    .* ttt.iu< lu rccoiii yeutt*1ft »Vldpnct> or Hi, U'HI^IU'II tor tho•economic und (>(lu iout dlspoMtlon otiKjulpiuoul uiul o\i tt( which it is A purl.

    Tho aorvlce, It^rii, may ho H.IWI torotted thla AIUUO »orvicc lu all com-muulttva wnn much the name, nimlcr.uprogress tms drought u clmm;t>. Mm;-nt>to sorvlcv, ronultitiK iho lurnltt^ ot» hand-crank tutucheti to a in»gnctoIn each subscriber s tolophono to aU>nal the oporntor, w;^ In uso ttiroiuliout th» at ft to In UKIG, when U(c wu«golnfc ftlonR ut A [airly toUurely -uicoand whou. bocuu^e $t the sm.ill iinmi>er ot telephone H*t*T», It wn» hardily.n«ce»*ary to piibllnh tolopbouo diroc-u«rlea. Thoro (ollowod A ure-at portodot bualn^aa oxpandlon titul growth InjNew Jersey ruul munu;»l commoa but-tory aorvUo, onubltiiK u toloiilionouser to signal llu* uperalor by merelyn*movlt\« tbe reooiv^r from Uio hook,was lntroilwctMl. TUIH now sorvlco wanadopti\l rapidly In v.irUms pai is o(Now JviAoy \vhor« It was IUHHUM! to tiloondltlons. ami SI i»or vont of ttu* u«Ie-phono* in llu> »i;ito now h;ivo thnttypp ot sorvico, M»t as srowth con-iltnunl, still a now tyui* of ctiulitinontwas iitHMtmt ,"\iul dial sorvlco l»a» tu-fiil*t»r(ocU"Hl to c.iro (or tolophono HO*M|»JU complex motvoi>otit;ih ari>.\.-t ;\mi Inother localities wlu-ro locul comllttons

    « ' l | l l | p |M- , I . ^ p r c i . l l l y

    i t s c r v i - r t A m i n

    p h ( i ! l i " i III t l l i ' S M I i '

    u i i u k . w i U i W i n k n

    111 tUMf JliM'Il ll|i '(t'l>t

    o u a I ' n i i s i i lit t t o n [ii

    P i m m ' s i n i h l d :\\t':i.

    S o \ i : n t u n 1

    Ol'lH IlilVi- I)

    n r d itt U M - Ua i e ; i H w h e i oP I O V I M I m o n t

    aft-1' n n in ln»r u f

    rt a nit el t I CM u r «n i m i n u t i b a t t e r y

    t l i -s i j i i i t 'd u i u l

    ot Hi. ' a r e a v> lilvUt -n t ly ili.il t e l i -

    i i s r - f i l l l h ' | i H l , i l l H l

    n i v -.tn

    i | ; i , ( l l l W l l U ' l l

    ptuim-•otnpli ted

    i n n

    litn rv-ay tiuil

    lie sthe


    or thrc*> m o i f ;u\-

    il.irti'ii soon. 'I'iii'M* I)

    04|titnmi>iti UH'V willitn Impuriaut (a>. tor in ihu tlvc-yvari-xpannion Dro^ram whWh ilu» NowJersey lU'ti 'I'e;«i plume *.'omp.my i»|̂̂ O)̂ ÛlR to compW'tlnii \u |>rovtil« tn;ulvancv ot Hood :idoi|iMtt> (acllttl^s tor

    Tlwy rim«i' from .t liir^i- tlircv ?*(or>imlliltnK L-OV,MI!II: \\A\( A cWy block luNuwnrk lo uitraLUNc ronldtMiiUl lypi'*trui'turiis ^ hii-U nrc lo bo cmcledtilt-* KtitiiiiU't- ;tt \>

    ( ' m i l m o i l b a i l o r ) ' h c r v U i - . i>n:i t i l i n gt h o t M e p t i u i n 1 U N I T t n H I U ' U I I t l m u p « i « -t o r liy ini ' i - i ' ly r o m o v t i t K (Uo i c t o l v o rf r o m Itri liiK.lt, wan Mrs i I n t i o d u c i ' i l t nP u t r r t t n n o : i r l y In 1!M)M. I t r u n i c I n t oI m m o d l i i l o p o p u l u r i t y In m o r n t h i c k l yp o p u l a t e d i i i i ' t i t u l i o r o t h i n n o w tno t f i -

    , o d of h a ml I In K t ' l i t ln WIIH n c t u t r d t of a n * f o r th«« iMiormoi iH K f o w t h of t b et n m l n p s K . A g r o n t n i f t j o r l t y of ct»n-M-ftl otlU-i's In Now JrrHoy now huvemnnuitl common but (pry norvtco, \\I\K-noto Hcrvlro hint It eon found most•uittnlilo Tor a ftnv rurnl nroitH. l>lnl?niiifhUMI uml nro[>or'y linen,mtUI wutli'turnuiHl fcnMultH nlutlt t»> pluccithi-Kiw l hi- !*\irfi«'»' " t tiiilfl «tr(*ft?t. i-iiucln.uvviiitf'N uml lili;hwnvs HI id iwirts t.tn-i f**t,lint lfn:t tlmn fivr iiitr limn- thiiii t rn feet[rum the curb line link's'! (itJHtmcl IUIIHiimkr U neeovinry to drvlule Irwil «ti'!lcourse niul ull iiiultMi:iinni(l ci>iul\itt»iilmll I*.- i»luri'«t nt liu;U i'H:litfi'ii LiH-hcfiIx-luw fhf tho ntff.-ot

    Ml'X'TItlN -I MI nmiiluilon mid kmUliinomi vmiltK shull l«c lm-mocl luMienth tho

    IM lUCIUIc. UlUlihu

    MlUl (1) l l i l i i

    ». h e l d »m

    .ick >'• M •i 'o\mcll IUltiK'kuv-'uv.

    Dth. 1W.U.


    HUM- f«H'. f »

    D i t y l l

    Kill). If'N . • ' .



    ii nimliild tlnlL n th .Kht Hut nil('h

    loimh i

    In Chiilii-fry of Ni'W JrrMV, , „ " „ •n,1, ijovi-r UulldliiK i " "ii'lntluu i'l»lu«nt. B 1 1 < 1 , •BtiurtUm Uunipiiuy. Uciivlllt>

    [l. Tuborl'urk Eii-


    Snllcttor.o! Hit nbuvu "t»l"dn

    wJj!t)oJJJ1'ulilU: Voiittue lit- tlic Court

    r'lii"M(irli»towu. N. .1 , on Mon,cJ">[1

    vutli dny •>> AiiKiml next. A. u., ittsi,in ilit fitiiirn tit V! M. uiul 5 »clock

    All tin' tullowliM tn . c l (t' i 'ctiniurv I"-*!!. *»y t;. o . MurtliKiuie.

    " .Ii-rwy. unit which

    U i t

    [ V Kid l l i i r u m y . yhlfhwny-i nuil i w l t t in-not m MU-II ii.illlta ,..„..„„.,.,. lujuiilon. Now JiT-ii.y. mn» whichnliiiic Hi.- Ilin- ol till' »uli»-ii.v« . " u iu f r r - - r l . v ' j m . l | u m | l w u * nin i tn tlu- Murrln Uounly

    l l H 1 l u ^ n i y satu«milt! an addition niow 1)1.111 doubllui;tlui «UD n( Uio South urunsv Uulldtui;V-'A* lltilshi'd. Uotti uro to botisti UU1 nearly rot*ombloImtairtotno JsvotltUKs t lun places otImstnos*. Tlu»y wiU lie tiullt In rost-UiMitl.il anwtt. Knnisoii and i>eubrl>;htU'lophoiit* usors ftro u> Uo si*rvovl Irotu.ui ;tttract(vc, two •*(< r> brick !>tillil!n*;of Colonial tlvnUu by tho DprlnR ot1932. work on thu tuitMtnt: luivliu* sl-r*'iiJv «t:\rteit.

    Come early, siny till after dark,whether from near, or from far

    To Bcnrand Islund.

    Moii>- things to amuse your mindAnd put your troubles to (U*;lit

    At IleiUand Isltuid.

    There l.s plenty ol trees far shadeA pluco to pluy baseball

    Plenty of 5cats Liave been madeFor the- »ocon»motlrttion a( all

    On Bertrand Island.

    HTIlOll AlMiriil amiHitlrly orIIU'ICH t.n



    -llm: m i ovrr. . [ i i i mill hlKhwnyj

    tu-h smid


    *oi-|.», Iio«jk H-Jt-XiO, uiul subjec tin i-cfitrlctlou.'t U.H tln-ii'Uv M.>t f(«-tli,

    HHINCI tin- f.«imc piftuhwii nvt«y«il to(Hi* lJtirtv ot the ilrnt part, by IhmvllloI'urk KstmrH. I n c . by CUHMI dutcd AuKust2'A, Ui'2\t uiul roeonli'tl BftpUMnbtr 6. ll»'2fl.itni) tlilA inortmmo 1H ulven lo Hi-oiirv uur tof t he imrchtiHP inunoy tli*»rofor.

    Tlu* upi.ro*iUni\trim* dodtontrdor ownrt! to tho public nnt\ und nothingheri'lu fuiunlnctt nhnll bo cunMtrtiwt tn

    iy conn or plnce UM nn urci'ptuiic*1 ofiy unaccepted wt r*M*t. roiut, uv I'liuo orlKhwny or nny jmrt tlicroof.SECTION 7: Wherever tho curb line

    shall lH' r.unbUHhfU heirufu-r un utrvi-tnwherr thr WHIIP hns not yet hron vHtnti*U mild Comimnv nlinll clmnge the lo-cation of it.H IM)1I«S so thnt thP Hiunr nhnllhe within it tut ivdjttc4>nt to the now curbline no estnbUnhed und within MghtconInches tlwrt'of. umm receipt of notleofroru the Doruvt^n Clrrk thnt the curbline hit* bp«n •«» estnbHHhrd.

    SECTION 8 Upon nny of thr street*.road A. ftvemiCH nnd htuhwuvs tn thin Dor-outth now of which mny he occupied bythe poh'H or ptvttn of Hi\Ul Now Jersey H«ilTrlephoiu- Company, Its s\u"ces-sors and

    d oc any other comimnlet or cur-p H huvtns IORUI nuthorlty u» rrcctaucl mnmtnin poles or JKIHIH, snltt New Jer-sey Bell Tvleirtumt* Connumy and such

    un- I execution (ee«.Uttt-eil. July ESth. 1931.

    FRED S. MYERS.Sheriff.

    tistuI iu Banner—Roekftway Heeord..»33.ia

    Nol-irr IH ln'iOrdllliiliCf


    nwuy,Ni'W .IiWAI .

    u f l b i c k u w u y . i n th i - (•..•

    T i l l ! t t u k i ' . h , i 'tl»i*cl t o r u i i u b l l e hr-itiiin- 't i n - T o w u h t i l p ( ' i i i i i i n l l h r

    D u t o t i ; J u l y 2'M\i. li);il

    H t A K K .1C H n r k of t h o T u v . n . , hI n t h o C f n i n l y ul hN t W J l T r i f y

    ST()|(,V(ii: TANK.Dt'livlllo. N. .1


    Cumin iLLe !• U l"vltwk

    ,'f>/wiwl»U> Hall i

    •I <

    l In

    H t a a r d Time utVant o m r e on the n d1831. for the. f in IIIMIIIIII;5W)r«X) BUllon Wittt-r Morwie ti

    I'ltVIlH UlUt tiJHM-lnClltiollIi umy(it t i le oilier irt the 'muu.ihUtMivlUo, New JiTM'y

    Ttu* 'n>wiiKlitp t/omiiiltttH'(«M-V*'H ftiut IUIH the rli;lit m rlilt blcfn (>!• Lo «ei't'Pt. the uticJudi tmont will be for tin- tji-rt p

    A sure ty *>oiu1Hhtp Cuiunilttei*of tin* cwntrtu^c winfurivlnhed un u mitininHvrUnumxivv ot Hie w

    order or the IX'iivlllr| ttn* muoti i i t ot livetruc:t imuit be iU-pnslitiul ut-ri>ni]mny hi-'tttut, in CUHC Hie riililin. In1 will vvtlhU)execute siicli conlriibund.

    Bids mUHl, l)r (letilt h e TirtviiHhtp (*t»inmJersey. »n(l pliUnly ii

    v l " i ' \ I

    y the T\i\v full an


    | y n W t'l'"wii!thl|>

    l (

    i i i c l Ist e n iJa

    < i ( lu


    DAVID SOPIKLI).Township Clerk

    IhmftelluniW) bB

    n l a n d b



    Father—"Doesn't JQC fciiow havl|say good nlRht?"

    Daughter—."I'll say he does!"

    JConnumy and such

    iHinle1* or coriKirntlons mayt«.>U>H. provltleti thoy can ft

    Come and sen this lovely placeAnd enjoy a very pleasant smile

    Go home wtUi a tan on your (aceGet som h t h t I h


    SYSTEM CHANGEDModern Service Has Little in

    Common With Early Stagesof Development

    Tho evolution of nuMvrn u»UV.uuu>m«rvlco omhravos ilu> conu>;\r.nivolyatiort siKin of sllehtly moro than half« contury. hut In ttiat tluu> ctiaiiKtni;«otiUltlo»9 aiul tho Kouorally acr^loratottp«co ot IIC* tuwo itrouRht rovoluthMiary chanson (» tho art which h;w»» lettIlttlo of Iho orUluat itloa oxcopt th»»tutuUtnttttal prlnclplos upon which th.*sctence ot tricphonv |« haae .̂1.

    The history o: to1«^hono Oo\olop-mem In Now Jorsoy l\ typical of thaiehroufihont tho country, and a aluJr

    or.lof this roall of tho wiiwonv li;»vo boonof tho pro.iont

    -vruls that i>ructli-allykalilo Rntns of tolophmath11 Mnc? tho turn



    (no t«Mt»phonctly [>y ono itrw»t(.o »wlu»tit>o:utLi u oro



    l.atvr small.,*l;u-«\| In sor

    tifst of ittoflo In thf• 1 h.niui; tiv.-n tnsUUod ;»t patorali«>ut tho yoar 1ST?, tho year

    uliti'U vUvi s.i w tolophono siTvteo InNo» ark. |\\s*»al*'. ("anuloti. Trenton•twl Anbury l»ark- All of those switchboarvln wefo> of nn o,\rly in.iKnoio typo,current »ttillotent to signal the opera-tors t>*ltiR Renerato.l Uy the lurnlnc:of a Hin^ll h:intt-crank at oaoli «ub

    34.000 Telephone! in 1900At (ho turn of thn century, twenty

    telephone comiKinio-* tn New Jersey

    wero scrvluif approxlniACof̂ 34.000tolophono^, at! of thorn magneto oper-ated. Th*s trAH&Uloa of the aerrle*•Inert that Unu\ KuUleJ wholly by new

    Got some cheer that la worth whileAt Hertrntul Islnnd.

    If your looktim lor u lot ot tunAnd a da>' you won't soon tor^et

    Tlie plnoo to go. barriiiK noneIt ts just one sate sure bet

    Is on Bertrand Island.. Boat ritUnw all around tho lake

    In boms that tire fast or slowTry your luck for goodness sakeOn the various thtinis on show

    At Ucrtrand Island.

    We tune told you one and all' About New Jersey's beautiful I-land

    So pay u a visit, give It a callAnd und out just how grand

    Things arc on Bertrand Island.


    sey Bell TWeiilumcCkthor ottio -mnwa to en have or may thereafter

    from lUno W> time place on Its poles orin iti main subways and said BoroughKhali indemnify und save harmless RaidTelephone Company from nil claims orMilts for ilarnaKei arising from the ut-tachmem to Its poles or the location mIts main subways ,,f any ouch crwtsarnu.wlrrj op electrical conductor* ujcU by tmiDoiounh. nrtore prucctdlnB with tlw , " *taclimriit ot It.i 5.MU croiutnu mul -or

    the name clear duct of irred to. for their rt

    ! The village doctor was taking a l " » m c »i«n™ '™imoi*"i»m"liS*c«nj>i

  • !LY 30. 1931 BOCKAWAT BECOKD

    MoneyFor Fiscal Year

    » < 1 ! school Fund Among






    EhG total

    iby Tony)Between the hills of Morris CountyWhere ore mine** once showed bountyIn a quaint little old townWe bee smiles, n'er a frownOf folks both new and quaintAs to health, they show no taint.

    i little town we know so well,ore quiet than pen can tell.

    .' have their church, their schoolI try to live the Golden Rule

    .By working together Just as oneapportioned to | When doing things they want done,$506,346.23, of i

    from the i As each July comes rolling around,— i A large gathering can be found

    * - - * ' - ' • •" s h a d ees' parade

    meetingsnew their

    "T«'ll me, my dear, how do youmanage to get the maid up so earlyin the morning?"

    'It wall rather clever of me. 1 in-troduced her to the miikman."

    Mr. Hoover uses the 'phone morethan any other President. It's muchthe pleasantest way to talk to peoplewho are mad,

    "How was the .scenery or. your I Add Pitiful Figures: The Sundaytrip?" [tourist who spied some wonderful

    "It ran largely to tooth paste and ' tree blossoms and then discoveredsmoking tobacco." ;he forgot to bring along the ax.

    A hick town is a place where the! A man can't get too much creditchoice of a pitcher lor the next game (for his achievements, but he can fordepends on the collection. i his income.

    Among the State rights most! Another optimistic note is one ofeagerly preserved is the right to Fed- ours that expects to be paid off oneral aid. ; the first.

    "Are you engaged to Bob?""Yes, I have promised to marry

    him as soon as he has made his for-tune."

    "That isn't an engagement, that'san option. "

    . o—.This "dainty sable and ermine

    trimmed lingerie" we see advertisedis probably the return of milady's l u rbelow.

    Associated Gas and Electric Systemdivided umonK t.hi:

    r ,,,.,, (ir.iric.tK of the coun ty

    1' i , various t imes ul t h e year.

    ill,. |.(,';l.'. of t,riui!>purt"Uon.'•li-ici:; .mil till' iniKiunts t h e y


    l|UI Township„,, Hill Townshipmtvllli! Townshipmis I'lnliis H o r m m hprrlsUiwn .mils Township .......puntuin Lukes B o r o i » : h;Arllngt Uormi[;hI, olive TownshipitnmK

    )(>. 70(1.4 2ia.i5u.au«,o73.oe

    14,411.0(1J 1,71(1.10211,441.017,nao.«4







    . 2.320,3911,401.857,370.20

    We hear (he drums, the bugle 1- 1T h e n into line the children fall,And ina i rh uloni;. so lull of cheerwi'i) ro.sl.ume.s new. ukl and (j Her,H.rt-jtrdless ol their drew; or sii'.eKach one i.s a )>cnrl. a human prize.

    Njiiel.ecji-lhiit.V'Oite, twenty-fiftli ofJuly.

    VOH))!';;ters i(!l, }ee)iu^ very spry;>:*,*'{' (ite exiije.s.'.Mnis on (heir facesA.S they |'el into their ))luecs.Aitti tlicy lire thron^li . hmi (heir funT h r y Ii;,t.eli lo heur wlio has won.

    T h e n it,':, hoi iU>[^, ice cream, cake.Or jjiiiybe soda, jolly pop or milk

    i;hnl'.e;l.'m't. buljy's day fine, juand, .sublime?Wlicii all ol us enjoy a Hood timeWatch ing the children sinK ami play.An (hey t'.a merrily on their way.

    Now a.s ano ther year passes alongl_i«'t us recall an old t ime song,A HoiiK we all Kinis so cheerfully"When You and I were Young


    Hills Twpswta TownshipfliiBiinock Townsmp.mlolpli Townshiprcrdalc ItorouKhtawny BormiBh ....tawny Township

    ,Aury Townshipuhlimton Townshipbarton Borough•tying Touchers



    r i tu r in t r ^ I J r . i h n u i v c r i p ti ^ r i i l n ^ ' in ulil i t i u i i i i s i r i j i t smill' f l i l l td mi l l I l l r ^ i l i l i ' It >• t h e f o l l o w -IIII'IIIIHI: I.n.v ( l ie | i t i p e r UK t i n t fin

    Mtilili1 mill i t iuinii ' i i It e v e n l y w i t h"111 u n U T . r . i u s l i o v e r l l i r w r i t -(li II ilni n i i i H ' I ' H l i i i l r l i r t iHl .In it sniii i l i i i] o f K u l p h l i l e o f n m -

    Hllll. Illl'll 111.' n ' r i l l l l K Wil l IIIIIIM'dl-fly ti|>|it-iir pliil i] m i d r e m l n l i l e . T h e

    mi imrrhmem Is usui.M.v i*t aiiiiiun>, lint t'ri'Kli ti|iplk'fitlonRcsHiiry mi nrdliiiiry w r i t i n g nil-

    De Leon in Porto RicoPoint di< l.con iirrtvt'd ID Porto

    In l.'iiis, ami IniNM'illiitelj nro-J to 111111II1IU11,. the native Ara-

    'I'll* next yi-ur he wnn madeiCTiinr of the Islnnd. mill two yearsler l»' 'o led tin- city .if Sim .Iiinn,t dill miiiir ln'lim San .luaii Hnu-1I11 (Si. John tin' llapilst) ll wns»» lii'ri' 1 hiu he set forth to Hni!ilor nitiken UM'ilil H i " IIM I hi'V rljml; niroil^'hthe s t r o r i s

    Tint American Iron Worlc.Sir WUIUT HIIII'IBII, searehliiK forM, illstovfrcd li'tin ore In wlmt nowNorili fiirollini In 1 ri8.*j. The first

    •11 mirks w.is established «t KalllnRrwj. iiwir Itli'hiiiniKi, Va.. In 1010. by« VlfRlnhi CIIIIIPIIM.V Imlliwi tniiiblcs"»'N In i'url,v Hiisiiciisliiii and ji«rai«'»t Iron wurks w,.iv vMtiilillHlied nearTO Maw.. In 11m. ,|,,hn Wlnthrop,«i»'Hip ruinuus MiisKiii-hiiHCtlR KOV-*• »'"» ""' l>"liil,.,- of tlu> WKI-UH.

    Cow-Country Song*Cowboy HIIII^S arc IntoroMtinj' elilefly

    in; liiimnn uociimchlx, for the Mt'ht thatthey throw on the ennilltlouts of fron-tier life, and for their rellectlon of theold-time ° genuine Hnycr Aspirin«f physicians prescribe

    in It i'J1; " ; > y o r m«>ns genuine"fotoi?"ur K'liirantee of purity—Crfu™ "?'""»' *»»>

  • •JL& SUVIM 19



    ' ! J 0Pln oHS

    AIOS- iwoii s iou io i sno .monull SM.I(."< -V|q»«OS«D.I ?U

    pu.. ,.«...•••'«« j o « w

    ..HI X....... .»M -

    A'1-'"811 v "

    u SuIPuIJJOrt


    ujjpom .nil i" ' ' "Ju,i |M|im.i i|l|HII.M| [.,,j.ij uosja^Dia jaujjg JJV aas UO,JBIUJO;I•;o HH.u.-iuu.i 'niii ii- isn.iny u(1 i""! Jaui-mj jOjj aaniuuuoD suipimq, 'l'l°

    UjV SKl"»'l.l.—JOJ p.i.duJ *q isnui. U O I . U . J XjvuoijnioAaif ]?^ ° ' ° 3 III* spaaaojd am pirei " H" U11'li |{[



    O . I O P O O U T , ' S . I W O U 1 ! . ' I V P H > ) ~ 1 1 J J A \ i * U l i , , i m i . i i i t n i t i ̂ n i n . . ^ i \ a i m M H U ,.» ."u i „, ,,„.„,

    uj, JO jug OUOII.1



    v KiM

    , B JO)b5I 111 dflB( '

    .{>|S dl(l ll{ J o q ^ m sujuuia jlins oip puu js.»3uo| ojn s.v'up aqj joq)ouill spu in si i | souls 'JjcuuinspiuiS| .)lll|l IS,M| SIJJ -llllliilllUOIl PJH.H0.So i | | 1I| '.Jlliiix Jlluipi U(i|.i.u Ol|| t u o j j

    ]soui | 11l » | n , | J " '14U11 IIJ.1

    ! -|Oi) .loUUUll!.' .II,)t,l O) ,X)U.Ill|J.l ,5A1Hi «51''i'AV K!U!M Ulior 'S'.tlTM pttH MW

    's'5,oo.iu A,)>1 pun sm.ii.i i i i(.mo.iqs-i!jo ').),p.iuoo p.niA\pa iiilM pun u

    I 'i Kiiapnif) |)|,niiiui.»i., ,• . . .pi 'A-jiuni, pun ii.niV IM B"•qj '^jnqiur

    :•£,____ "q[ '^••'JS l l!° l J!S 3^SttixrxxxirrxxxxixxxxxxxxxKXXxxixxxxxxxxxxxM .

    • ' : i i o . l | r a l S l i | u i I I , . u i . . « " . . . . . . . . « -- - ( ( i Kirf o . i . n | . « ' i . i . u i ! ; i i m i N ' < " • •-• «.mi;i i i ' !I> ' ^ . " i }'™ *'^\ v . J , , , | , I I , , I I in . , | . , t i . . . . | i i - ino. i . . .H I 'i

    l'',! WK|F«.lllH P'I '>-1'>'»AV ' " H rtuol"V ! . j , , , , . , , , , , ,,,,,l™''o.i l- s i- ^ --jifri' | W M U » M s)ii.>ui?tit.i; un |>.w» «i npu

    ! • - K S ^ S S »i»i! ̂ "C"™ ;;";:;:;;];;;;;;!£: 5:" S ' i ' v w ' " ' o ' ' i I " " ! t p m « A I ' T S 1 N \ | - j i > p i m . < [ | i " « J i . i . i ' T ' ' 1 " - " I I i" J - " i

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    snopipQ fo 3J\


