J<JHJT H. MUTTON. No., 11 Main EL, Westfleld X. Y. Dry Goods, & 1 Carpets, Groceries Crockeiy, Glass Ware & looking Glasses & Agent for the sale of Her- ring* fire and Burglcr pi oof Safes. CARVER nOUSE. J. H. BiTi, Proprietor—fito.ee OofScc for all the lines. Fine apartments—good fare and ac- commodations. Warren-Pa. ' - ij 2<5-tfc . I LEGAL NOTIGS. ALLEX HOUSE. NAT Ennv, Proprietor—splendid rooms, and the beat of accommodation.^ 26-tf. Jamestown, N. T. O. II. GIRBS. Dealer in hardware, stoves, tinware, nails, glass, lead pipe, Timothy aud clover seed, me- chanic tools, fancy bird cages, <tc., all right and low prices, at Xo. lb New Brick Hardware Btore, Wcstfield X. Y. MEHCiiAXi.v HOTEL. North Fourth Street,Phihdelhia. 1KIISRIX& SON, Proprietors. July 2, ('. He IHoC. 11-tf. IXTEEXATIOXAL HOTEL. IRA OSBORNE t CO., Proprietor*, Falls. Xiagara II. M. ISABCOUK. PF.ALKII 111 Drugs, Medicines, Books, Pabli- cations, Stationery Toilet articles, and notions rcnerallv. Mainst-Xo, 9. nils. j. D. CARLISLE. & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, AND MANUFACTURERS OT- O Xi O T H X I W CM CLOTHS—Broadcloths, C'assimores. Vestings, and Trimmings. GENTS. FTJUKISHDfG ROOM. Consistins. of coats, overcoats, pants shirts, vests, cravats. Bats, cnps.and every tiling to make a first rate suit in fashionable stvle. 1-tf. Westfield, April 2:!, 185C. BE.\"TISTBY. D R. THOMPSON, in the usual manner would _ present his compliments to the patronizing public and solicit attention to his experience and facilities forsnccesfnl practice in the DENTAL SL'KGICAL AST. This announcement need not require the pnrtic- ular explanation that would be due from a new and stranger operator. T lie subscriber will, there- fore, merely advertise his Rooms,on Main Street, at the East end of the Brick Block, near the Post •Office, where he will hereafter be constantly in readiness to give attention to culls, aud to make his work satisfactory, and in the best stylo el'the art. Strangers, rind those wishing references, its to work, can find them readily in this place or farther about if desirable. Chlorofmn administered in the-cxtraetion of teeth if desired, for which an additional charge will l>e made. The subscriber may state his entire success in a long practice, in the use of this be- neficant agent in painful operations, Specimen plates and other work, can lie examined at bis Rooms. The creation of beautiful artificial tceth'v.ithin a short period, so perfect as to equal and even excel nature In regularity and tint, gives a new value andfarinalion to the dental art, and makes artificial sets desirable, not only for the purposes ofspeachand mastication, bal for comely grace and beauty. Double s. Is on silver or gold mount- ings. Old plates remod: lied, or improved, orcx- changedTor new work, .ve. .Vc. C. A THOMPSON. Westfield, March 10.183". 17-if. M ORTGAGE SALE.-—Default ostving been made i a the payment of monies secured to be paid by a Mortgage dated.-8eptemb»r ssn, 1854, made and executed by Edward Langiord and Ruth AnnLangford his wife; of Poland Chan-, tauqne eonnty, N. Y, ! , to Levi Adams; which mort- : gage contains ,a potter of sale, and was, together s-i h said mortgage, recorded in the office of the TTcrTrof ithatrtntrfrue county in Liber a bt Mort- gages at page 340, on the 13th day of Oclo'ner, I8"i6. Suid.Mortgagc was given to secure the payment ot §200 by the first day of Oetober,1855 with interest thereon fronrOrtober I,1854. ac- cording to the conditions of a certain note ac- companying said Mortgage. The whole amount of principal and interest due at the date of this notice is $214 GO, and the said'Levi Adams is now the legal owner and hold- er of said Mortgage and Note, and no suit action or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt or any part there of due by said mortgage. Notice is, therefore, given that pursuant to the nower of sale contained in said Mortgage 4 of the statute in snea'case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of the premises described in said Mortgage toee her with the appurtenances, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Eagle Hotel kept by P. Persons, jr.,ia WestfieM Village, Chantauque" Co. on the Stth day of January, 1357, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. The lands and premises arc described in said Mortgage as fol- lows: All that tract or pfcrcel of land situated in the town of Poland,'County of CHautauqne, and State of New York, and known as the south-west part of lot No, twelve iu township No. two, and Range ten of the Holland Land Company Survey, bounded as follows: Beginning at the south- west corner of said JotXo, 12, and running thence north one degree twenty minutes east, twen-. ty nine chains and nine links; thence east on a line parallel to the south bounds of said lot No. 12,twelve chains twenty-eight liuks to a stake: thence south one degree twenty minutes west. twenty-nine chains thirty four links thirty-four links to a stake on the south line of said lot Xo. 12; thence west along the south line of said lot Xo. 12, twelve chains twenty-eight links to the place of beginning* containing thirty-tire and eighty- seven one hundreths of aa acres, be the sitr.ie more or les=. Also one other piece or parcel of land situated in the town ot Poland, County and State afore- said, and known as the north-west part of lot number eleven, in Township two and Range ten (10,) bounded as follows: beginning at the north- west corner of said lot number eleven and run- ning thence cast along the North line thereof eight chains thirty-four links; thence south on a line parallel to the west bounds of said lot No. eleven, seventeen chains ninety-seven links: thence west parallel to the north bounds of said lot number eleven, eight chains thirty four links to the west line thereof; thence north scventeei chains thirty seven links to the place of begin- ning; containing fifteen acres be the same more or less. LEVI ADAMS. Mortgagee. Jons G. Htscn.Br, of Westtield, X. Y. Attv. Dated (VtoVer IS, I$66, M ORTGAGE SALE.— Default having been made in the payment of moneys secured * : Ptflf&88m & HGHPHREY, TSTO. B24BROAU^rAir - - * f Opposite St Nicholas,) > ARE CONSTANTLY .RECEIVING FBON THE English and American Manufactories ROYAL YELVKTCARPETLNGS—12sderyd ROYAL WILTON CARI'ETINGS—12a per yd ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPBT'S—8s per yd THREE-PLY ^DPERFINE AND FINE^- 6--, to 9s per yd. DAMASK AND VENETIAN SUPERFINE AND FINE OIL CLOTHS, Iu ever variety, from Three to Twenty-four feet wide, CURTAIN MATERIALS, Of every description, to which we invite partic- ular attention. UPHOLSTERY, In all its branches.by an experienced Upholsterer TERMS LIBERAL. PETERSON '4 HUMPHREY, 524 Rroadway, 23-3m.J Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. LOOK OUT BOOT And SHOE STOR If . & his Riot and street, with a ^hc subscriber has jus (furnish . Shoe Store on North Portac substantial STOCK of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, and the materials usually found in similar shops. He has provided nn assortment of Eastern work hi t his design isto turn ofiVhi< fly of borne manhfac- ture, and of the most substantial kind. He has made arrangements to inereaae his manufacture soon, and keep a larger STOCK on hand. His .store at file Old Stand Ls newly fitted up and replenished. A supply of Leather will be kept on hand for the trade, b i n d i n g s <*".. for sale.work done to order in a salist'.iutoiy manner. The qiublic and his old customei 9 r.ve invited to call. JONAS HARRINGTON. Weatfield, May 3, \JH 3-tf. Spring and Summer (ioods! W e are receiving at the old Mand of Conch &Cn., afresh arrival of floods sui for the season. The pnbli and see our variety. Fa vhoieepattein- of GINGHAMS, LAW] and other Summer fabri rics, Summer Hats. Arc, at fair priei s. ••:•' look i Xo charge for showing j. ling them. Westfield, May, 7th '86. We d to look in (•oods,some AGES re, Groce- g business latronage.— liut only for sel- COLCriA CO. Stt. XD r 1! ir. •of CARRIAGE rpbe sui . X that ar the fact i earnages. rabilitv are •one wishin upon as be can find it notice. SI at the old Vt'esifi -lc •ri1« !-. - nol ac :-, .ml wn : nol sui tr an art ngalii icre, or op and land, R- . May 7 MAIJLTTACTGSY!! |Q:il!it pons, i l>assv .1 , .. lat it j! !'.'•' 1 •alesi st sid h. '5fi. !•] ; '-•• ••! uith i u \> ' In thi.- h'reb tl J reco built ' c : co! \ T. J. t'ention of r.nv his bnsini-:-.- or i:ig n vrriety of r st.:.'. a.id da- vicinity. Any ley r:\ri depend umended to be o ordoron sjiort North Portage, MACOMSEB. 8-tt Hm*Be3ses and Siiddlerv ! Y. 3 LP. N. that I am now e p i r e d tna< XO. 22, MATN-ST, WESTF I would announce to the Public settled in my new S}u:\: t and commodai" my </ii! cnstomCrs and as many new ones as will be pleased to call and examine Prices the LND CHOICEST STOCK lTarne«!) Goods, ever offered in rk; eonswting, in parts of Ladies ung Saddles o s of the I aii s, of all and quality LAMGES'i -of Saddlery and Western New-York and Ocnficraan's ••' -and Finish; name: Patterns, Trav< iing TrnsL scriptions: also, a very ex! Ladies'and Qenttemea' of Superior quality and stvle at very moderate prices. Also, a large and Well-selected Assort- ment of whine B U F A L O R O B E S , H O R S E D L A N K E T S . Horse Brashes, Carry Combs, A c , <?:c Also, a general assortment of Saddlery. Hardware,patent leather, Enameled Cloth, <ve., all of which will be sold for the lowest possible prices, for cash or approved credit. L. p. PHELPS. Wcrtfield May 7, '58. :t-tf various Stvles ?t Stvles "and sizes and de- rive Stock of fraveiling Bags ! Ai<. II. For RJIIO. E WW Enq A TWO HORSE WAGON—partly worn—to be sold chean. " eof 1BCOC S. ft KNIGHT. ROCKWELL&C0. U, MAI.\ST., WKSTI'lEyj^artlV KeepsconsUr,.; ; . on hue! a larg^ , v e U £ ( .. lected stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AM) KHo.i-ci which are ofl^re'd to onr renul.ir custoniieaB an#t he public at large at the lowest possible advance com manufdCturer's cost. Our stock comprises all rarieties, stvles and qualities of nods in tb. Hue of Straw, Leu-horn. p «?";». Palm Maf, MoKokin, Fur and Woo! ton Hois Cloth, Veivet,Silk, lihued and other a t y t e s o f Ca^.« BOOT, SHOES, RUBBERS, &c. &c. ThaakfUl for R invralpntucmn::* heretofore, we raopectfully request a eontinuance of the sam •. B-D-ROCK^ELI^i^tf,] I), BOCKWEI.l. NEW MliSI0~\E\V Misic! Pi,l :,, {'overt. Won't firannis' Buckley Wood 7'rarers Wood fSltmiey bv Tte Old. Old Home, Little Old Cottage. My Mother, she is aged now, The Dismal swamp, Quartette WUy Lee, ra Ooing Home, Bo they miss me at home, Jaa, we Miss Thee, Tke Old. School House, fJJJi adorers Return, Modern Beau, Topser nebber was Bnrn, The above music just received and for sale M.M BABOOCK.No. 9.Main Street. '-H _ 1 ' *i k'arm Cor t ule. W Bare wishing to aelii valuable Farm con- sfctfng of on| hundrtdaeres—j.artially im- proTed, lying ort= « * * « « « of4he W'estfield and Clymer Plank Road, about eight *niiCB from Weatfield and five from Sherman. There are on •aid l a m a good framed bouse and barn, a thi ir- ty young orchard, a plenty of water, and much valuable timber. The farm will be sold cheap a redit giveil for a part of the puachase nVHren; ^Ifor particulars, enquire ot on the pVenflses. »r of Nov. 18.1866- ' t /.MkliCOCKA KNIOHT. cuimcii BLIP. W E are"wishing to sell Slip No. 3, in the Bap- tist Church In this village. To be sold low. BABCOCK 4 KNIOHT. FOR THE BLISS OP MARRIAGE. THE WAY TO THE ALTAR. XATR1MOXY MADE E\-V J O THE PARK, 1 r WM. H. RABBIS, PBOPBIETOB. The public are respectfully informed that this weU known and commodious public house, has been Refitted and arranged, Dr the present pro- prietor, for the accommodation of quests, on the most inviting scale! The rooms are all large and well ventilated, and visitors are supplied with every comfort thought to render their stay pleasant No expense will be spared to please, and the proprietor Wouhl reapcctfully ask a share of puublic patronage. Charges moderate. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE! 33T~ Carriages always in readiness to convey passengers and baggage to and from the cars. ySf Extensive stibling attached.' Erie, Pa, July {S, 1856. 13-3m. W. R. Morse & Go, W ithout making much noise about it, would call attention to their stock which is now complete with everything usually kept by them in the line of Dry Goods, Grocories, Shoes, Car- pets and oil cloths, summer hats, umbrellas Ac. We will not try to tell all that may be found.but will say that those lawn's from ls to 2s per yard are as good as can be found in town for the price and barege de laincs, challis,ginghams,ftcprints too. Call mid see them. Bonnets and Ribbons with all kinds of iliilinery, goods. Staple Goods at Reduced Prices Stripes, ticks, denims, and goods for Summer wear—all for sale for cash or exchange, for all kinds of Produce. CASH AS USUAL FOR BUTTER. 7tf. June 2d, 185R. w Eclectic Physician k Surgeon. TM. r.OORX, formei ly of Richmond, N. II., hes BerraanUy located in this place, and OH HOW TO WIN A LOVER; to be paid by a Mortgage d.tu-d April 1, 1-4 mode nn, Mcf/lr.rg which : was tog* executed by William Willing to James Keoree Hail, and Thomas B. Campbell, rtgige contains a power of sale and ilh said mortgage recorded in the OGicc of the Clerk of Chantauque county in Li- ber t6 of mortgages, at page 474, on the iTth day of November, ls>f>. Said a\o\tgago was given fefr tb.e purchase money ;:nd to secure tiie p.iy- mentof 5400 iu eight equaltnmial instalments with sjaauil interest on the whole sum ui.^.ij from the firstday of April, 1 47, according t-. tlie condition of the i.on 1 accompanying said mortgage, The whole, amount of principal end interest due at this date U?C2 13. On the first day of January, 1830 the sal 1 Thomas B. Catap- bell an I .L.iinsM.-Ciurg, sold and as igne.l tic.'ir intciesc in said moit.age to said George Hall who is now fee legal owner and holder of said Mio'gaiv end Loud: s.iid assignment of said ir.ongaTc was duly recorded in the clerk's Oliice of f hausiuijue County on the 17th d-.iy of Novem- ber, 1S3C. And no suit, action, or proceeding at b w or in equity having be- n institut'd to recover the debt or any part thereof due by said mort- gage, notice i>, thereforei hereby given that pur- suant to the power of sale contained in said mort- gage and of ih" statute in such ease made and provided, the said mort;:u r e v.ili be foreclosed by the sr.l: of the land and premises described in said mortgage together with the apjinrtii in- ccs at public auction lc the highest bi Ider, at the (Vestfield House, in V eafiield village, X. V., kept bv A. Farnsivo! th, on the 11 ii day of February next at 2 o'clock in il c : fter I'oon of that day. The lands an I pren-irrs Mortgage as follows- .' H bind situated In the 'own que Penary. N. Y. am" '•- ; e,l as a p:irt of lot trarr.l township and it i lit . f the scril ertai ; ; ;- ' i !\ ( ecu ed in said I piece of j ' h; ii ,ii- istinguish i;i the 4th Holland Land Company's Survey, and bcrnded as follows"; He- ginnn^at :: stone merke<" .'• at the point of inter- section of Water street v.itl; the center of Chase street, or the lane leoOing from the Portage Road to sail Waur street, lieicc south ' ; :i dcgiec east along the renter ef eaid chase street, two chains anil eighty five links, to land deeded to David .Menu: thence couth nine and three-fonrth degrees east bounding PB£sid David Mann's land 1 chain thirty-three and MM hah liuks to a post: thi nee south'34 degrees 4? minutes west, -I enains :t? links to the drier ef Water stret; thence north 2 j desnrcs west alcng the center of said V,':.-ter s i r e , t, one cuuin -:>:ty-;iir.c links to ;:,e place of 1 erin ling; rortaining one fourth of ^n a.r • of l.ni.!, be the came more or less. Dated Xoi <<t JS>. If A book of one volume of abou; U'iO pages 32mo. Price fl. 50O.UU0 copies already issued. Fifteenth edition ready. Printed on th* finest paper, and illustrated in the finest style of art Has love found lodgment i-i your trouble* heart Know I can change for bliss the I drier smart, (live von that heart's desire, and end its strife, By changing lovers into men and wife: Though theic be oh tacics the.'P. ice away. .-Ind magic powci shall bring the wedding day. CONTENTS. ttteaches how ta make ladies or gentlemen win the devote.! aSectioas of nsmany or the nppnsitr us their hearts may desire, .tnd the p' so Sfmple, yet so raptivatin married, ii respective of age, ; ppea sition; and it can be arrangt d with deli-acy that projection is ireposs: It teaches how to make love. i l teaches every eye to form a bear it tenches you the kind of wife dcr home happy. It give- ad-, ice to the lover v-1 truly accepted, and is rejected : the interferrence of friends. It giv.s a remedy for u-ir. qui It gives you instructions for person. lb -v to have ahanasome rare How to remove tan and freek! A Comple Code of Gallantry Wi:h Love Letters hi abundance A Lecture on bove.ora piivul lied Lai'.icr and Gentlemen. . that all may slip 0! Modi Hess .'US ce y. 1 s. .- ; mil uons lien H with ied bin- ill's. 1 :. rUinii : •«: fron ;:. si . -; as v ; . " . . of '•! ' ., y , 111. ,, : the aceomrao Dr. nuin form nnlui Snub ofih child t Hiici i h.-iu y w. I. io.Ii IT ni '. V ,.e | . 1.1". I'.e skin. .': rei,, and \... 12, r. i ... X )00 e i.. utti >: lie-Id,: elf •villi ii . L- isprtpi / ei Ills [It Mi 1 1 ;> .'• i .'..- ,.•: . T ; . ... . _ ; . . . . , latiou o f C • :-. i i • -.1 V '\ 'o '.,-; :•:; i :!i. -', ' l If " - i*s cau '.c i:-; South P. Y. FA:. TS THViY. I; 11. * i. : :.. arin ; _; :.- .' w I ;-'i V •• t '.. OS •. 5 " : .1 ". i-ti * i •- asti to : - - ,' :.: . ! iii •'. i*!: ! .-' ' wl . s " '" ' - . . . . al s> ZXi •, - uments, and pure ttend to all busi- :i. He will be at h day. : Chronic Diwas- Neases of the K\l K-lertii prepari •': I'.e—, Liiii •* is. iV". 11 uL-e i mine 'te • '•' 1 ii|e-.-<' o wish to use it.i :. e-si'iiiiv for .i he -l;in in every i :'ttcrr?ion of the immoral nf>.<-•- Chaps roii:..,.e>.- r roofing wash for liic.estwith se'etv streci, Weatftettd 1-tf. J. !?. WALKER? i .inning or.lei :.! do wt-I! to cal Good Books Delight, Instruct, Refing How and Where to Procure them. PLIASS SEtin FOB A COPY OT om Illustrated Catalogue! of 150 different works, suitable for Family and Fireside Beading, and embracing.. Popular American Biographies, Kara, j tive*. and Travels, Agriculture, Temper ance, Law, and ScRbol books for the Toting, beavtifidly Printed and i/fws<ra- ted'Family Bibles, Religious Books, Stand- ard and Select poftry, and a choice vari- ety of AKscellaneon* Book*, We will Send TTUhost Charge. It contains a full description of the best stand- ard works on the above important subjects, with their prices, and in form convenient for reference and preservation. Every reader and book buyer should have it. jZSrWe will semi any of our books, Postage prepaid, on receipt of the adver- tised price, which may be sent to us by mail. Oars are the Best Books for Agents, because they are adapted to the wants of the peo- ple. Full particulars and practical Instructions to Agents sent gratis, on applications to MILLER, ORTON & MULIGAN, Publishers, 23 Park Row, New York, or 107 Genesee at. Auburn. ^ ;ic - DISCOVERED AT LAST. GREATEST CORE IN THE WORLD FOR MAN. Prof. CIIAS. De GBATH'8 " - e r r . l a r f ^ r E t l O OIIi." I ^HIS Oil is the onhj sure remedy in the world for the cure of Rheumatism, Gont, Pains in the Back, Breast or side, Palpitation of the Heart, Paralytic Stroke, Toothache, Headache, Cramps iu the Stomach,Scrofula, Frosted bands or Feet Sore Eyes, PiUs, Sprains or bruises Sores or burns. Stiffness in the Joints,, Tetter, or Salt Rheuine, Neuralgia, Sore Breast, or any Diseases that are Sore or Pah.ful, is the on/y article ever brought before the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty minutes, has been used by thousands and proeaaaeed to be :iie 1* :"•' retuedv ever disi ovi red. This ni! nelson the system with electricity, is of pure vegetable preparation, not the slightest . . . CABINET WARE ROOMS, At THOMAS SHAW^isVon North-Pbrtage-st, op- posite the Wcstfield House Block, where may be found all kinds of Cabinet Ware, of the choi- cest kind; embracing Chairs, Sofas, Sofa Bed- - steads. Mahogany and Black Walnut Bureaus, Centre Tables, Splendid Rosewood and .Mehog- any Book Cases, Card. Tables, Enclosed Wash- Stands, and a variety of other articles, too nu- mcrousto mention. Alsb/Coflins. onstantlyon handi Plcrse eall and look fm vours, hes. 42 Catrla.ee aud Wagon illv ir imrarmy, it at of I:P cwn. select to rcii- i. X fterwj. t.-i ' been once thro' PILES! PILES! PILES! ARE YOU SLTFEaiHG With its TSsm, Zmrardly or Outwardly? tnd hand Tills of ar.v specie-payiac States andf .'ina'diis. leceHf- .ill that i -i.i cess ivy for yi ktfer in us :• c » iris PS ;••,- DOLLAR, and wri 8* \ County, end *• SOB BONDt)UT, P Si\til .l.e'i'lt . New JT-3- l.fiOO J g e n l It, :i I r.;i(;iittti ceto Mar- the ITnitcd Di If'. pf !•" If v i i'' PRJLS srran: "ED d !!.*•> I l>. - ' Ibu v th< Oinn ;•;: -s -nwiii-;: -only 5H cents REMEDY. .1 Cases. ly that has ever es and tesiimon- r, ask for a Ilox ly, ask for a Fox ents. C-iim dst"ger of applying u ottr on." gives ii permanent tore,in most cases in ten or twenty minutes. The best Physiologist of Europe have discover- ed that all Organic Derangement in the Animal System is the effect of en obstruction of the Phv- sico-Electro Plaid in the orgrn dis< ssed—a skill- nil ej.lieatioii of this Oil puts into immediate mo- tion the nerve fluid, and the cure is at once ac- complished. Xo Ueeding, no vomiting, purging, or blistering, is. resorted to. Xiwe -elivh'e irrthmtt the xt&Ttathre nf Labels signed in J A. E. SMT1I, Chemist. writing. i De GBATH i Co. Principal Depot, Xo. "'.i South Eight St.. three door- below Chesnut Philada. Country Dealers and Druggists can be <e.p)i!ied. Wboloale and Re- tuil. Price 2 r i cents, 50 cts.. and ?1 per Bottle. Try everything else, then give this one simple trial." XS~ 'Sn genuine "EtECTKIC Oil." soil by ped- lers in the f'nited States. It 9*The Bottles will have on our own ttmm^i~jpf Entered 8'Cording to Act of Cougrcs, in the year IS55, by Professor' CHAKI.KS DK GKATII, in the Clerk'sOliice of the District Couit of the Ec-'tera District of P< ansyivania For Sab- by L. Parsons, No, 17, Main Street WestfieM. N. Y. 47-tf. MANUFACTORY. On Mam Street, nppositethe Agricultural It irks. •MTIUJAJl CRAXDALL has been for severa V » years engaged in carrying on the above business, ti ml keeps constantly on hand, and will munafai iu:e to order, all kinds of work iu his inc. Av~ Heparins done on short notice. i";l.< id. April So. ISS5. tf-1 CHiMlf PEiSfffllt, For UIG Rapid ouro of OottwhaV Oolda* Hoarseness, Bronchitia, WhoonV and Consumption. " ffisdom shall bow denm to it, and the yr.nl _. of the earth shall kneel before it." wmm * Never could this be said with more truth tW it cow applies to this remedy tor affections-of th* Throat aud Lungs. The exalted jn learninaaadl power, acknowledge its sii].ierna'cy, while boQi th« little and the great can feal iu beneftts. The lib. eral-mindeil among those skilled to cure, are free- to own its mastery over distempers which nave baffled their art. Those of exalted stations are not ashamed to testify to its virtues, but deem It a duty and a pleasure to thus hold out the B a y of their experience to their suSeriag fellow Ata. Witness the following; [TMnslalion.f ' •'•'•' Vermiilionville. La., April l»6i Mons. le Dr. J. C. AVER:—I have of late madr frequent use of your Cherry Pectoral in my I tice, and am hnjipy to inform you that inn yet has it failed nie. 1 have made Bome FH0CLAMAT ION. SnKBi'r'a OFFICE, CHAUTAUQI-E COFN- TY, ss- ^fotice is hereby given that a Court < 4 Oyer sad Tonninor iirni Genors] Jail Delivery will be lioltl at the Court House in the villain of Jlayvillo, in said county, on the 3d Monday, (21st day) of July, 1856, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and all persona who would J««OB- ecute any person or poisons be then thow to prosecute is shall bo just, and all per- sonsboOBd by recognizance; and all Justi ces of the Peace, Coroners, and other offi cers who have taken any reeognLzaaces f'm the apjiearance of anv |ierson ;.t such court or who have taken any iBqui&ilioa or exam ination of any person or witness, return such recognizances inquisitions and examination- to the said court at the opening thereof or. the first dav of its sitting. Gi\en under my hand at my office iu Mayville, this lOUi dav of June, 1856. MILTOX SMITH, Shtiff 8w-8 WANTED W e want 200 Firkins delivered by tin linth or jrooii if June yellow butter >r which .ash will be paid. VT. R. ^fOKSE.t CO. Wood Land. liTE are wishing to s"I! two hund red aer. s o wood lane, lying a little east ef the Hay ville Plank Hone, and about tive miles f:"in thi village, ls.",o. BabcucK S Knii:hL March ?7, I 'bis day ope . ly (iroeerie GH0CEEY! ned an entire Avir XI, ei- of Kami i-hci ar. 3m. tirena:: te, and il ,:. ' I'orfc l."ii Is wanted. or.KUT o. :••.'. N.« v.'; a '.. i!o is to w: Ite :'. il•!,-. i::-b.,i ni r()XK I-. with tne I'oMtt liieit to I'JtUKES- i: I A I'll..;•, Xo S ITCATED, lyin< Rio!. \. ronWiimn^ Fann fur Sale! .1 .ruL •v if il!! June 2. !'ii in the town of s. about 4'iinipp'v- : :i thereon. A lil>- the purchase mon- >L'iC i K X I C H T 7-tf F: vrr, Me L. FAR30NS, N-ST.. vK-:r T i 7:IK STONE BriLsnra .Ii !• AT In- price HEW CARPET ESTABLISHMENT 3 "T 1 Hudson St.. New Yorfc. AH -void I "I strain Carpets :1s c.d per yard,- unheai-d of! Extra lie" 4". Smerr.ne .-is. i ii.— | Three p!vS'„ Tapesttv Bru« elsTsi- ', ni!( b.ti.s '• .my width. :is. K'iir'i-ii es •{.!, D: •,..;.. ts is i S* per \i'.. Venetian Stair Carpefafrom Is '.<• :1s iV, I per vard. .1. It. LAXDOX, 2s-3m. .",7! iiudie.ii St., X.Y. Oil f. PA it: • -y. Ch "i its", siir? S. PAIXT? llli.els. eal MUSIC. Mr. JOHN" H. PrXLEY, Vnee.l Mnsie f, ar.-l former Music Director of "tin- Am].i.ions." !:a\ iner made enjrapements for one year as Teach- j er and I>ireitor of the Pieabyteriaa Chnreh in j We~tti«Id. X. Y.. will hoid hinuelf in readiness to | pive private insirr.etion npoa the- voice: Son*; i Sincintr. (Jlee Classes, an.! sinzine: rbi: ses for sa • ered mnsie. Al<o to tune and repair Piano Fortes and Melr. Icons on sliort n itiee, and w itb sati-fac- J tion or no pav. thai L-CS reasonable. Orders may j be 1.7ft at the Post-Office, Xo. 218, or at the cloth- . nr store of S, Carlisle Sc Co. I r.m also ait'-nt : or the sale of .Mes-rs. Boardman .v Gray's splen- i id - Oolce Coiupaiii" attachmenU, corropated. j nndiiis board Piaao forte» which I will supply n shori noti-'e- to i 'i-'om. vs. WeatflelA, Jan. io. l^.'.n. :-<sort' uildid B A tJ UotOa r.;:i! fitnfio.tcry. AYAKD TAVI.olts TBWKL8. NOTICE, For the information of th:- and th" tfUtm i of W'stfeU m s.ibsi-i iiier takes ibis method of I that Walker's Miii> are tn wood r:t Put lie ir. general / / arfirrn'tir. 'I l.e uifoitoing tin ru order and IMUMC G U S H S 4. PKTCBB i-UAMl>;. cor\Tf: v T«.t»E si ppiii'i>. J"O.S. 33.s, ::: 0. an I SftS, tire.:.-, ii h St., romer N' of r,. !1. St., New York. HORACE V. scenes in e l'r.n-ii.e of n N,••.'.• York Surgeon. tVil ow lie bin Paper*. Wolferf* Roort. flan diliu on Daily Paths. "1'ii :ee-'" Foot Prints of th" Creator. The Nc-weOBte*. Sunny Memories if Forerun I.iii.is. Ameriran Snuesman. .Ve. VMlLYToilel anl Shaving Soaps at I_ IVr- the lOtli sbll.K! J UST imporo SISI.I.I: C.i COLT'S 1'ISTOI.S. tlunsmi CUKRAND PISTOLS. to. k nf DorsLi F H A . S K l>niL' Store - " ;. •• cine Ext*actf I'lii-sons", Ne. have been sim -stopped more than ../. Also, that the Mil'..- mnrh grinding, and i ton. Fur farther in yourselves. Flour, Meal, Fresh Ground plaster, Sept, not having been , lay in the time, an do, and are doing as j v.-' - tl as (7//y ethers in this \ rmation, call aud aec foi j and P. in extrr.artieie oi ->tncc< building one door west Main-st., at the sign M . Company. ( ^1 reen. Tee? and 1 T l u i l d i n g Main si V First-rate arti< le good Ground ( < Main street. S agara, an exeelent ._ ftrade at the ston" b field. M eiaap••» and Svrm s be had atthe"oldsi Iight—Caatpaenc end Bi ^db', Stearine end Tall <oii:d. Can the stone hi;: ( >od Fi-b. ' 7tkle e.H Main rtreet. \ reast—Ituffal tv, c. stone Wash Tub«. Hemp gee streea K airins, Citrors. you will !in i treet. G order. ? the lb o t n r t V. e^-triebl. FOR SALS A boat '.ei acres wood land, f V " ' stii. id and i liantanqni miles from tl set ati, at il liarrinstnn Amei ican e stunt .v PonV F'.\pii'» eurts of Laryngitis and Bronchitis With it, a a ( have completely cured one case of Asthma, which withstood every other medicine I could erople*. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my distineuishe* consideration. W JD1.ES CLAUD GODOUBT, M.W, Tate Surgeon of tha Royal Marine, France. Extract from -a letter of our Minister at the> Court of tin- Sublime Torfe. -- Legation of the U. ci. A., Constantiaople, Tat key. Dr. J. C. Aver. Pear 8ir:—The Cherry fr»a- toral received from yoc for the Sultan, has teen delivered to his private Seeretan i. tht palac*. and you will doubtless hear from itii due seaaea. 1 hat you were so kind as to send ice, has bee* given to friends, who have in many cases foaad it exceedingly useful. Yours, respectfully, f;EO. P. MABS?rt. Minister Plenipotentiary of the L'. K. A. t*-far- Cur nroa, Milreh 5, HiSJ. use your Cherry Pectoral sf'ed it is A reaa- ountry the.bigh- Dr..'. C. A yen—I daily in my pun tice, and ani sa edy which mast meet fn every est opprt.ba.tion. C. W. JACKHEEB, M,. If., - Resident Court Phvsfeian. Among the eminent Editors v. bo testify to thtir personal e.\]ieiieme and knowledge of the wea- ilerfnl cures and immense i— fulness of the Cherry Pectoral in their lections, w« may nifptioo-* Bonglrton .v Co., of the Federal UnioJrMtlledga- ville, (J:i. L. Patton, Christian Advocate, Knnxville, Teas. J. B. Dobson, American Presbyterian,' Greea- ville, Jeun. J. P. Samson. Democrat. Mc Connellsburg, r*a. J. Rnss, Jr., Sbelbyville News, Teim. Harvey, McKen1iy".t Co., StateI'. azette, Burling- ton, lowa. J. Kiiaii'o Jk Co., Journal, Reading, Pa, Raymond, Harper.£ Co., Xew-York Times. S. Cobb. Christian Freemen. Boston. Christian Chroniele, PhiJanel- orth, M. C. Democrat. Chicago.. -e, Methodist Protistant,- Balti- B. laeob.- .1. Wi E. (b Re Win p! la- Hon ill. i:^e. more. W. II. Wiglitnoin. Chiiatiaa Adro«ate,8. C. J. M. 1'oiiin ii. Daily News, Savannah, (. - a. Geo. lb l'i.nti>s. I.oiiisvillf.loiirnnl. Kr. Hon. St hnyler t olfai, U. V., South Bead Reg;- ister 'mimna. V. Cunimings, Chriatiea Mirror, Portland.Mr. Republieau, Hartford, lat-Kt,—cheap, at the stone tot, V.'estiieid X. Y. iff offee, Rio and Java, ant" b-e-, at the stone building, lent ofaUkim .-. Main street. V and West- B. ii. ana. ( t.addick * i:n. Tl nib (. R. Ba riiii-i'-n , tot out Cle.i M. H Sften \V.i-_- Tbi xt state tut, S'l.t III. *V h i, c. w. ••- Cook. Pemc. nnum, l.'trnoei •:>ll & H.Ul.rli.S •t* Haven, Pr. gentl* men.hav his i ner of Peace, Lebanon,. Co., United Empire and Patriot, irat, Danville. Va. '1. .>.Ileiiiovin P». atetbiiette, Tr- ntoa.X. .!.- i:ie Fainu-r, (hit-ago, 111. " to these it il.eii paper* to the publie' but bar* ir per.-unal iettus. to the cQ'ect that round my prepcraeion an srtiere of .H. at public utilhy. Space will not admit fuii testimonials here, bat gents below named jrillfi.inishrd my Amer- ae, rratis. to all who ash for if, wheie Jarti.ajara and iiidi»putHiJ«).root oft lent?. Jui-24 «a of ail sfcvs and qnaliUes.— I> R . !lK :. nc f* oi' all Kinds at the lowext cash : * *" ,: T"" p:,,, 2-t-3m. A. V Xt ,1,'S ol i: . Sl'IEK, ,91, Mai ».ile * —the best in. Sprains irle irni- Lne (T-'.C'Ri-L IIAI L.Mortgagee a Assignee. JOHN G. KiSfKt.ry. < f Westncbl. :-:. Y.. A'.ty. M ORTGAGE SALE.—Default having been made in the payment or money dee upon a mortgage executed by I Ionian Winchester, bear- ing date the twenty iii'i'i day o'Man h, ls;,'j. aiei bounded in the Clerk's office of Chantauque County, on the 2d day of April, ls,",2, in iiber 17, ' of mortgages at page 27;!. Amount claimed to be due, :-7tr, R3. Mortgaged premises north easi purl of lot num- ber forty-foiiriu the third town-hip end twelfth range of the Holland laid Company's survey, and I onnded north by lot numb-r forty-five, twenty ei-iht'ehains, twenty-sever, links; cist by lot number thirty-six, thirty chains; s;mth by and deeded to Timothy 1). Copp twenty-eight chains, eight links; and west by land deeded to Zedota Britt, twenty-nine chains, seventy-seven links. Containing eighty-four acres and thirty- four hundredths of an acre, be the same more or less Xotiec is hereby given that the above described mortgagM pn raises win be sold at public auction at the Chantauque Land Office in the village o WestfieM, on the 2d day of December, lS.'itt. u noon,upon the powers contained in said mortgage and of the statute ia such ease made and provided- Dated, September 2d. 1838. WILLIAM H. SEW RD, Mortgagee. By his attorney, GEO. W". PATTBBSOX. The above sale is postponed to the 28th day of February, 1357, at the same time and place. Dated, Dec. 2d., ISofi. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Mortgagee. By his attoraev George w. Patterson. vrazs, BHAirriEi, &;. .v .•. EAGER, •STI:::::T, :;:: IMPORTERS; '. ete., offer to selected stork s of their own ni DKALEW the pu'-li • an of pare and i:n- iieportation.— XO. P.4 C L l r J. * J. EAGER in Wines, Brantli extensive and v.v adulterated Huno The celebrated Orard Brandy, so well known and extensively us ii. is .fiered at the usual low p.ri- ci s, 7).;alt".'S and fai.iilii s in waul of a supply of ll'incs o Litju us for the Holidays, will consult their interest, 1 •«> -. 11 os regards price aad quality, by calling or sending to us. Orders from trie country promptly and faithfully fiih-d, .1. *. J. EAGER, n-Sta. Xo. U ('iiif St. Xew York. In-: vnru lill-St. liciiles. Draft 1 tiave also s scpar t'i,-:lil \V;,- .,: I K - I .1 . othcriuillshere h wishing I louring i ail before making contrar 43tt K. W. procur ••>,• t Tl buie s elsi Will •wheii iEB. •II pur n 1 be IM-'.I t.. .1. I!. W. ,D PEN". C: SUPREME COURT, Co«nfy of Chautaoiie. JOH:; SHAW ) Agst. [ E i u n t i S n . \ w . ) To Harriet Shew, Defendant. Yon arc hereby siimmoned to answei the ccmjlair.t of John Shaw, Plaintiff, a copy of'which was filed in the office of the Clerk of th ' County of Cbautar.que on the twenty first day of Xoveoil er, ISoii, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber's at their 0 See in wcsWebi, Chantauque County, within "twenty day* after tie-service of this .summons, exclusive' of the dry of service; and if you fail to answer said complaint, as IK re by ren.uire.1. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief dc- in-nded in the com] ialnt Dated, westi'uld, Xo'f 'j.uh I65C . WAYL. T'ifls. .T.i-yg' fVL-stficR X. Y„ CHADWICK .TV,w. Employnie^ for 1,030 Persoas, W ANTED, imnietjiaiciy, AgcnU ia < county in the l". S.. i 0 i agage in the .: THE GAKPEN OF ram WnVr^i; Oit^ Tiir.i.iiEJ WKST'.ITS Ii'. 1 151 rii.M. Am-ANT i V.KrfLTH, IT? -V'.T- . , IT- Ft il•;.+:. -•::!>' to .migrants, the diffirent routes of Chicago, IiL, au- 1 "Life in the West'"4c. om Hon. Thomas H. u, I ol. J. C. Fn nionf. i on | r.-ing a i io with a full <'•< fn i westv, u-.i. By C. W. Dau thor of " HI -tern Seenee,' 1 With stati-ii'-s and l.ieis ;, Benton, lion. Sum Hoaati and other "old settler-.'" Comprising an outline history of the whole West, from the time the first hunter whoever trod its pathless woods, to the ulii.tleof the last locomotive that has yet sped a'ong its boun lle-ss prairii >, givingaeull inscrip- tion of its soil, eliimit.' and farming resoareea each State and territory. Also tha Railroads completed, In progress and projected, toaaaher with tl e r igi ins complexion, educational pro- visions, an population, from the statistit s of 1853 an 1 ldSG. 12iua, muslin; 400 poges. Retail pri'-e, S1,2o. Adtiress D. BULD30K, Xo. 33 South Third St, Philadelphia, P.i„ or, if you live U'est, II, M. KITJSOAT, Cincinnati, Ohio, A sample copy will be mulled, (post paid,) ori receipt of price. Also a falfltst ef my publica- tions, with terms to agents. P. S^fcjjtots »f any regular weekly newspa- per, or monthly periodicals .throughout the Uni- ted States, giving the above advertisement four or more insertions, including this notice, and sending me copies of the papers Ac, eontlining the same, shall have a copy mailed to their ad- dress, postajre pabt S3-4w. ' - - * •• i , Wagop.ftr8«iie. T?SQTJrBE bf BABCOC1CAKXIC.HT. V"J least, l-ttli, Vm. 24-tf. W JO LUX FACrOa'. ( lall at the Westtield Factory aad bay woolen ^goods. COUCH * STOXE. "\ I85C. tf. •n t Portmonnaies. :s parilla—the best hteed price, aad til for sale at I.. Par- .. 17. t.l IS." India Eabl er Gloves and Kittens. Lined and uurined for cold or we! weather- For I.allies, the White and f'leek gloves are a idcas- ant protection to too hand in th.- discharge of household duties. Being impervioi'sto moisture tl.iy reader them soft mid white, and are a speedy and eertain cure for Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum etc. For Gentleman, t>.e Gloves arc very useful for driving, care of horses, etc The fine Black! Gloves ar aa excellent substitute for Kid. F'or | Farmers, Mechani ;, and Oy termen, the Mittens will be found Invaluable, protecting the hands iu ! all kinds of v.-et work, Lime, Potash and other sirong alkalies. For sale by all Rubber stores in the Union, and by the GOODYEAR GLU VE CO., SC John Street, Xew York. 32-.1mo. G°a: tue pop sons Di West! i >RW'LAMAT;oX.—Fctairr's OFFICE CIIAI-- T.'.'ijri: Ci>'.:.",v, ss.—XotJce is hereby given that a Court of Oyersnil 'i u miner and General .'ail Delivery will be held ;.t the Court House ia thevillago of Kayrflle. in said couutv, on the 4th Hoadsy, (27th day. of October, lhSii, at N o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and all per- sons who wouM prosecute any person or persons be then there to pro iccute as'shall be just, and all persons bound by recognizance or otherwise to appear at-ail court, be then there according to the eon liti-..;- of their recognizance; and all Justices ot the Peace, <'uroners, end other offi- reeogniznnces for the :: al s'liih court ttr who lion or examination of •y.v.i such rceognizr.nee-'. idions to the said court v, :';-..• first day of it-; art- band at my office in May- t. b-t'i;. !OX SNnTH, Sheriff. •era w appea: have t any pe inqui.- ;0 b.'V" t. l e e Of 8 iken anv •i-in or wi nous a n I at the evening 1 ting. viile. t 22 nvi n nn. lis ICth d Gw. Ken :<•• ty pcrsi ir.ijnb iliCS:-'. 1. ezamii lereof < !er irv I IV O'.' >'••• Ml w P A D M F O SALE. Erre wishing te s..'!l a desirable Farm. 130 acres—100 of which are improved— situated in the town of Clymer—near the Plank Road. Price and term' of sale made easy. BABCOCK <fe KKIGHT. March 12th, T35i!. jv»» Fam For Sale. W E Are wishing to sell a small farm, situated w ithin half a mile of the Centervi'.le Depot in the town of Portland, consisting of forty-six acres ef choice Inn 1—about eight acres of which is woodland, and ibe residue under a good state of cultivation. The buildings on said farm are Comfortable and convenient, and the farm is well watered A well fenced. For particulars enquire of Ephriam Sanford, on the pn niises.or of Xov.18, ls3i;. BABCOCK & KXIGHT. STITif c OKTWAJEID! SUCCIJSS UNPARALLELED! "DRED." A TALE OF THE 0KEAT DISMAL SWAMP. BY UAKRXET 4)EECIiER, 8TGWE. In Two Volumes—12 ma. Price $1 78 C ERTAIX Politicians, interested in the sup- port of the Peculiar institution, have en- deavored to persuade the public that .Mrs .Stowe"s last work is a failure, und that it has produced no profound impression '-n cither side of the Vt- lantlc. Hut the publishers are b.ippy to state that the many titer have of Guns, Guns, Guns! Rifles, double and single barrel Shot guns at all prices from S2,5o %i S 18,oo. Pistols a general assortment. Powder flasks, shot belts, shot pouches, tube wrenches, game bags, bullet moulds cleaning rods, melting ladles, worms of every description. Powder, shot, lead and caps all ready for sale r.t the gun shop; Xo. 7 Portage St. Wcstfield, Also window sash, do rs and blinds of all sizes constantly on hand. A.MONKOI'.T Agent. I am also agent for Dnrgee and Forsyth's Manufacturing Co. ef Rochester; Platform and counter scales of all skes; Fire and Burglar Proof safe letter eoiiyin r presses, seal presses JSftirc House trucks A c A c Call and see engravin- at .y shop Xo. 7 South Portage St. Westtield. A. J'O.NFOUT TOINVaLIDS Laboring under Affections of the Throat or Lungs Doct. Calvin M. Fitch, FORMERLY OF 711 BROADWAY, X.Y Author of the Invalid's Guide, and Consiimp tive's Manual, &<.. having recently returned from Europe' would inform his Patients at the Wei t. i and all Int rested hi the announcement, ibat he j will open on th • FIRST OF JUXE a permanent | ofh e At No. 459 Llain St., Buffalo, N. Y. Where be way be consulted Daily (.Saoba.th ex- | cept.-.ii in,in ntne tofive,for Throat rtiid Pulmonary Disease*, More Particularly Consitmptioii. Asthma, and Chronic i Bronchitis, In th»> treatment of which a judicious combina. | tion of llemedial measures, the employment ef I Meeb.inical and Constitutional Remedies, and of. JIedieiii.il and Sthenotrophic Inhalations, give j him a degree of suecesi which can never attend ; a IUI rely partial treatment of these Aff'-ctiuna.— Dr. FITCH may also lie consulted for all derange- ments of the system preceding, or giving rise to Pulmonary Disease, particularly Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Costirenets, and \ Female Complaints. j Per«ons~wishinff to consult, but unable to visi j Dr. Fitch, can do so by sending Mm a written statement of their »-•—and Foreigner* unae au.iinted with English may address him either ia ] Vrcaeh or Oerrain. A verstmtt' ertnunatiim is TTU n however preferable, as important symptosss are U\Viy ^ - c ".* n / or .. CBt <toS a tew cords sometimes overlooked by the patient; and also ' " as constant practice in consultation enable Dr. F. to determine the condition of the Lungs with great accuracy; thus of course enabling him more successfully to modify aad adapt treatment to I ^ "" '" ' eaa*s> ' c Real Estate For Sale. r |^IIe Subseril^*Toffers for sale on reasonable 1 terms aad mi time to suit the purchasers, Two ,\'cv. Dw. liing H»ow*»nd l.ois, eligibly >it Batted, in the \ ill >g.• of \'« esttiebb Those designing to pari base will do well •• call soon. AUSTIX SM11 H. Westiield ApriCO Is.''.. FARM FOR SALE." onsistiux of ll.D f.eres situate, lying and being ia the town of Ripley—abou; 40 acres of which are improved, A house and barn thereon—also a young orchard. To be sold low, aud n liberal credit given for a part of the purchase money if desired. BABCOCK* KXIGHT. June 7. IMfi. is-tf. F O R S A L K O H T O REST. "'IIL Subscriber has four Dwelliugs and Lots. Pleasantly Located in this Village for sale, at tow ratea for prompt pay. If cot sold they will be rented from the 1st ot April next. A. e. WFLI.S Wcstfield, March S i.456. SAVE YOUR THE IRFAi. Self-Sealin; Krni! ntd i lore'.,.,.' i factoring si:; and the U!::v«-r-ii I parties who hive ; vai ions makers have ',-i r erem e over all othei -. The snhscrfbers off-i liF.ST s LF-S ' evr iui ".! "i. to pre; ! .Vc I THE SEAUNQ VLW VV8 Ii othc; s re'ipiire solder or i un n AThe opening 1ms ISH-B i alaived to , FELL SIZED PEACH. Every can is tested before i; !• :••.. •• factory, and stamped with onr name. TAYLOK .t Manufacturers of Pbinidit'd ' Xo. CO Reeki.i;.: r P Wood Mills! W E are manufactiuing Woodiu.lls of the most approved patents—with our approved Saw guide attached—at the shop formerly occ : .rd ed by Thomas^.liidd, as a bedstead factory, one mil< north of Ccnterville, in the town of Port land, Chantauque Co.; and would say to those in want of the article that we shall not be outdone, cither in workmanship or prices. We likewise furnish Threshing Machines and Feed Cutters that may lie propelled by the same power; we on hand plows, cultivators. The best Cornstalk Cutter ever invented, (one that will At hoop- poles when cornstalks are scarce.) together with a general assortment of implements. fi-yl THOMAS JUDD & Co. Portland, May 27, 189$. RODGETTS In v Japanned w; --.. New York. le-rm. FS 7«EEMOXT, 1 ia the Held ft FILLMtf] AND BUCHANAN. Prin e's Protean Pen," A new iinpi'ovemcn' lias recently been added to this invention, which makes the 1'. n perfect and by which to graduate tin-(low of ink. F-.'iy wii t.r should have iM« Pen. The material i> incor- rodible—made uniter tbioifyi ;»r's patent—Idled with ease, writes from I lo Ift loiurs, coiisti'iii use —saving half the time, Inducements to local a gents and trade. Single pen* sen*by ,„.,;; ,,„ receipt of Sf.Wi or S">.ill'. The gnltl pen warrant- ed one year with fair usage. T. (I. S'l EARNS. (Jen'1 Agent, 2'.MJ Rioad.vav, cor lleade-s'. No-w-.Trk. Oliver A rev, nig 11 roars? ill .:.,:•: I.eetnres ani For same i oui Persons tak in; reive twt ctt M. . T . Oatntan end E. C. Pomcioy- unmt rciai ConiputatiomC TF.lt ?IS: —tiroc unlimited—inrhitl- tments of Pook-Keeninx, Pri.c'y id IVriiiansiiip, it* «# ••• in l^idi;»'department, 15 »•• Penmanship alone will r«- 1- ir 5 00 FOR SALS. A small farm of 15 acres of bind, well watered house and barn, good tnrhnrd. all thing, aboutthe place convenient. Sitnet-d about one mile and a half west ot tne village of Westtield, JAM S CROSSGROVE. June 2 13.W. 10-3w. * hundi'c.'s of American notices which 1. the vast majority have been decidedly favorable, most of them enthusiastic. And the s.ile thus fir ban exceeded that of anv work of Fiction yet published; the sixty eighth thousand set of two volumes each, being now in press. Iu Englauc.the success has been more womb-r- ial.. The press there, with but one or two excen- tlons, aekiioiv ledge the genious and pewi r of the author I taring Boots and Shoes, ane that his facilities to conduct this 1 House in author, and in term* oi' which any lirii mig-ht lie praesi, mid during the twelve d etcedlng iL< publication m> fewer than sixty lb.uis- I nest are equal to a and copies esera said. The universal voice of literary men now places Mrs. Stowe among the foremost author, ef the a :.•.•. and neither parti;".- anshi|i, nor an austere reiigons bigotry, can de- prive her of the laurels she has so nobly earned. PHILi PS. tMMFSOX A Co.. Publishers, 3 Winter Street, Boston. Any newspaper insering the above advertise- ment conspictoutdy three times, ami sending a cowy.ta the publishers will receive a copy of the "j work -free' of postage. 29-Jw. To Wood Choppers- BOOK-BIBiDLMi 18 CENTER BLOCK. Binding for Public and Private Libraries. M USIC, Magazines, <Ve., bound in Plain. Or- namental and Antique'style and Edge Gild- ing. Particular attention paid to Rlank Books for Banks, Merchants, Insurance Companies, Ac, and Ruling of all kinds of Rlanks and Papers. Scrap Rooks, Cloth and Leather Case, Ac. W. M A S S E N B E R G , Having established a Book Bindery in Center Rlock. over Bosworth's Jewelry Store, would as- sure the public of his entire competency in car- rying on that business, and would respectfully solicit PRACTICAL ENCOURAGEMENT. In the form of increasing patronage. ' Fredonia, June II, 18.'>K. R-tf. For Sale. fcthTe are wishinir to sell a good House and lot I Vv with convenient bain an I outbuildings,— ! Pleasaetly situated near the Ii: -i < o ners on the i west side of the creel;. Tube sold fow—or we would exchange the same for wi stria lands. BABCC K ' KXIGHT. Wi stficld, July 7th. ls'iH. lj.it. BOOT ASD SHOE STinGl. n p H E Subacriber has establish d bl X at his old Stand, Xo. 5, S.i ith I'u where he will continue the Hi-dm Ss N' DISSOLUTION. JTOTlCe is hereby giveuthat tie co-partnership hitherto existing between hbe.BMersigoed is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Company Hooks will I c left at the store o Wm. Ogle. Immedicnt settluufcnt is i't sired. 52-m6 WH I.I.'.M O t i l E Westfiel d, April llth'5.1. THOMAS BOOTH S UPREME _ John Ease SUMMONS. C0l T RT, CHUTtrQrE rorxTV. on Phiintifi; against Fwnk S. Ste- vens Defendant. To Def. ndtnt. Sin: Yon nrc hereby Summoned to answer the ci.inplaint in this cause which was filed In the Clerk'softice.of Cliautaiique county mi the 12th day of August instant, and serve a copy of your answer on me at Westflcld X. Y. within twenty davs after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such ser- vice; and if you fail to anrwer the complaint as aforesaid, the PLAIXTJ; Y will U.'.te Judgement against you for two thousand, five hnndted dol- lars, and interest from the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and tify three and cost \V. S. H1XCKLEY. Plaff's. Atty. For rations styles of Ornamental Penmanship. as may l>e agreed ii] on. For instruction iu business Arithmetic oaly sc per agreement, Tiie design of the Insti:ut:on is to afford perfect* facilities for acquiring In an • vpei>ftiniir nmnntr, thorough knowledge of ComaicrrJaJ S«iinc« nm! Art, as practically enlp'oyed in the Counting: Room ."ii ! business pursuits, generally. . The !>ook Keeping Department ,is under tha personal ruperintcntlenee of the must •ccom- plished Accountants ami Ttachpis, and it is be- lieved 'hat no Mercantile Colli ge fn'" the Unite* Sndes possesses superior adv»uti|JNifor impart- ing a thorough end practical knowledge of C«m- mercial Science. The Collegiate Course will embrace the soest approved and practical forms &r keeping books by Double Entry in the vailous rfrpinlnirnts of Trade and Commerce, inc!udthg^;e»eril Whole- sale and Retail, Mercantile -FxthaBm-,'Commis sioa. Manufacturing. Railroad, RithKinjLPrinting, Mmrag, Shipping, Ptesml oarintfr'lndiVtiliia! part- nership, aim Compound Company Business. AH" manuscripts from which the StudcuJ copies are written In a bold rapid busfiies*ha«B, whirh will serve as a great anxih'ary in securing to hiia am excellent style of writing. Daily Lectures nil! l.e delivered apan the sci- ence of accounts, Commercial Law, Poliriral Kconoiny, Commercial Culculafiobs, I'iiiikins;. ntile Customs, Commercial Eiltb-s, liail- oi t;, action. IdX.Y., Ang.lI,L-.oe\ 17-Cw. -f-vrt il !••• 'it .r; nn ge siiec', miiiiuf'ii - leave io sav ranch of I iisi- 'Vi stern Xew York, and these entrusting their work to hiiu may rely upon its being done in the i cat possible manner. He has ahn on hand a large stock of ready made boots and shoes of all kinds and the latest styles, which for ready pay w ill be sold at the lowest ligure.atid be would respectfully invite the public to call and examine his goods before par. basine elsewhere. THOMAS BOOTH. Wastaeld April 30. DMA, I. For 8 a !«• o r l o Hon I. S IpNo.. 21 (beli'g in a very desirable locaito . in the Baptist Church in this vil' ige. April. 17. IMC BABCOt *K At K VIIT. A fiministratoYs Notice- "•us having Claims against the estate Stockton, Ink of the village of West- 's; !, are hereby XotiMed to Present ti'b the Proper vouchers thereof to V.'rlls at his office in the vilfage of "! ' o to Han let Slo.-ktonat her Residence in said viii'ge, on or before the Ifitliday of April nvx'. Dated, Wc«tfield Fcpt. ?:VJi, IBM. v r'sr'\ !.. WEI.LS, Aitminislrator. HARltlUT STIi( (.'TO.V, Administratrix. A Persons Indebted to. or having unsettled aec nuts with Uic Lite Dr. Stockton, are hereby not lied to call and settle and pay tlte same without delay,to either of the Kul-scribers ia the village of Westfirld, Dated, Sept. T->, l*">f. . L WKLI.S. Administrator. HARRIET TOCKTOX, Administratrta, Merci roinling, Business Corresj oniUnre, Mining, Com- merce, Commeniai Gcogrephy, ;et". ' Pi nraanship, practical and e—nnteittrJ, will be- taught in the most effectual manner bv Ln«*.. Spencer and Cooper, gentMmea-oT-IISe hi accomplishments, as systematic snd, rapid ' i j.~ ness penmen—the former of whom InBTew-^,^± and the latter both in Ohio and Michigan, first premiums on business und.ornamental manship the preset? year We.girimmtee t jiart to our pal i oils to a more glUtyfAfaKtcnt is done at any similar instituticma hand wr in ttviry resjiect itflnptod to biSMaefra>ursui Geiitlemnn and ladies WtS^Ug»ojanU|fy ti selves for tea ch ijg^jtenntinnigipP WTif^nd aa "ISVTnrle.t at this Vottege^T n *w^^tMg$f V.'tigon for Sale. Lumber Wagon. pWlalN i;ARCQCr» A KNIUHi'. r a'ood; Enquire at the BeptJ'Jth l«fi. EXCHAXCE OFFICE. Hand Cart For Sale; very cheap. E XQUTREat the EXCHANGE OFFICE Westfield Oct, Cth 1SS«. PINK L\XD. F OR Sale IGO Acres .if v.ilu.,1 I • plm- Lumber land—situated iu Tascoia county Mishigan.— For particulars enquire of A. '/.. Rnm«ev, or of BABCOCK ,v KXIGHT. s.-pt. s, i*.-.n. \ on>' horse Eii'iiiire of Noio'ubtr lit, Is lloitv and "«T7E are wisliiuir to sell a V\ Elm Street—a retired the ullage Call sum. Osfolv i 1«, 1-.**. BARCOCK * KXIGHT Lot. House ami i ot on tid j leasiint pint of The Suite of Roomsf^nkjUJf the Coll. ar . spacious, elegantly fnrnlsEe^and con» rtitly arranged forparaoing every Jepnrtiuent l (Mercantile Bdacfetio^L , • -i- J - The Ladies' department is entiacly sepan from the gentlemcnX ntuTIs fitteovdb in a n< and convenient manner. . rtatsj Thronph lm; e.vtei.rive I.iisin*»ae>|uaintini of the prinejpahvwsay pf theatndenb on gradi atlng are p t t b M irf luorarivT' st^r«»rro».. For farthar information, send by aaail, for cat "guosndciivular rci'tutly IsMitU aiMe^ will h promptly forwarded frue of >H>*fiB^j ly-SI U«m» Aaninhi i 9 ATIXH retsH-aeaftore older ii nut w^ec wc)t« >r»i esjr old-customer?,tad ally, thai we aiap be abaatt i' *k**lyo» W.1 fkvar us with a call, WeedcHMirr A'U isaaj with frwai one ham* ee two« srtini Hua«y Watfea, 4 Raaatra el e { , • # ! • IT' O ne new d o u b l e s a i t e d Hsjrsry trees—s,,i(,.^ j,, olw |, anw singl I on, ctSckeyasj|OB. < I'

ROCKWELL&C0.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031732/1856-12-10/ed... · 2013-08-19 · at the East end of the Brick Block, near the Post •Office, where he will hereafter be constantly

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Page 1: ROCKWELL&C0.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031732/1856-12-10/ed... · 2013-08-19 · at the East end of the Brick Block, near the Post •Office, where he will hereafter be constantly

J<JHJT H. MUTTON. No., 11 Main EL, Westfleld X. Y. Dry Goods, & 1

Carpets, Groceries Crockeiy, Glass Ware & looking Glasses & Agent for the sale of Her-ring* fire and Burglcr pi oof Safes.

CARVER nOUSE. J. H. BiTi, Proprietor—fito.ee OofScc for all the

lines. Fine apartments—good fare and ac-• commodations. Warren-Pa. ' - i j 2<5-tfc .


ALLEX HOUSE. NAT Ennv, Proprietor—splendid rooms, and

the beat of accommodation.^ 26-tf. Jamestown, N. T.

O. II. GIRBS. Dealer in hardware, stoves, tinware, • nails,

glass, lead pipe, Timothy aud clover seed, me­chanic tools, fancy bird cages, <tc., all right and low prices, at Xo. lb New Brick Hardware Btore, Wcstfield X. Y.

MEHCiiAXi.v HOTEL. North Fourth Street,Phihdelhia.

1KIISRIX& SON, Proprietors. July 2,

('. He IHoC. 11-tf.


IRA OSBORNE t CO., Proprietor*, Falls.


II. M. ISABCOUK. PF.ALKII 111 Drugs, Medicines, Books, Pabli-

cations, Stationery Toilet articles, and notions rcnerallv. Mainst-Xo, 9. nils.

j . D. CARLISLE. & CO.,


O T - O X i O T H X I W C M

• CLOTHS—Broadcloths, C'assimores. Vestings, and Trimmings.

GENTS. FTJUKISHDfG ROOM. Consistins. of coats, overcoats, pants shirts,

vests, cravats. Bats, cnps.and every tiling to make a first rate suit in fashionable stvle.

1-tf. Westfield, April 2:!, 185C.

B E . \ " T I S T B Y .

DR. THOMPSON, in the usual manner would _ present his compliments to the patronizing

public and solicit attention to his experience and facilities forsnccesfnl practice in the

DENTAL SL'KGICAL AST. This announcement need not require the pnrtic-

ular explanation that would be due from a new and stranger operator. T lie subscriber will, there­fore, merely advertise his Rooms,on Main Street, at the East end of the Brick Block, near the Post •Office, where he will hereafter be constantly in readiness to give attention to culls, aud to make his work satisfactory, and in the best stylo el'the art. Strangers, rind those wishing references, its to work, can find them readily in this place or farther about if desirable.

Chlorofmn administered in the-cxtraetion of tee th if desired, for which an additional charge will l>e made. The subscriber may state his entire success in a long practice, in the use of this be-neficant agent in painful operations, Specimen plates and other work, can lie examined at bis Rooms.

The creation of beautiful artificial tceth'v.ithin a short period, so perfect as to equal and even excel nature In regularity and tint, gives a new value andfarinalion to the dental art, and makes artificial sets desirable, not only for the purposes o f s p e a c h a n d mastication, bal for comely grace and beauty. Double s. Is on silver or gold mount­ings. Old plates remod: lied, or improved, orcx-changedTor new work, .ve. .Vc.

C. A THOMPSON. Westfield, March 10.183". 17-if.

MORTGAGE SALE.-—Default ostving been made i a the payment of monies secured to

be paid by a Mortgage dated.-8eptemb»r ssn, 1854, made and executed by Edward Langiord and Ruth AnnLangford his wife; of Poland Chan- , tauqne eonnty, N. Y,!, to Levi Adams; which mort- :

gage contains ,a potter of sale, and was, together s-i h said mortgage, recorded in the office of the TTcrTrof ithatrtntrfrue county in Liber a bt Mort­gages at page 340, on the 13th day of Oclo'ner, I8"i6. Suid.Mortgagc was given to secure the payment ot §200 by the first day of Oetober,1855 with interest thereon fronrOrtober I,1854. ac­cording to the conditions of a certain note ac­companying said Mortgage.

The whole amount of principal and interest due at the date of this notice is $214 GO, and the said'Levi Adams is now the legal owner and hold­er of said Mortgage and Note, and no suit action or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the debt or any part there of due by said mortgage.

Notice is, therefore, g iven that pursuant to the nower of sale contained in said Mortgage 4 of the statute in snea'case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of the premises described in said Mortgage toee her with the appurtenances, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Eagle Hotel kept by P. Persons, jr.,ia WestfieM Village, Chantauque" Co. on the Stth day of January, 1357, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. The lands and premises arc described in said Mortgage as fol­lows:

Al l that tract or pfcrcel of land situated in the town of Poland, 'County of CHautauqne, and State of New York, and known as the south-west part of lot No, twelve iu township No. two, and Range ten of the Holland Land Company Survey, bounded as follows: Beginning at the south­west corner of said JotXo, 12, and running thence north one degree twenty minutes east, twen-. ty nine chains and nine links; thence east on a line parallel to the south bounds of said lot No. 12,twelve chains twenty-eight liuks to a stake: thence south one degree twenty minutes west. twenty-nine chains thirty four links thirty-four links to a stake on the south line of said lot Xo. 12; thence west along the south line of said lot Xo. 12, twelve chains twenty-eight links to the place of beginning* containing thirty-tire and eighty-seven one hundreths of aa acres, be the sitr.ie more or les=.

Also one other piece or parcel of land situated in the town ot Poland, County and State afore­said, and known as the north-west part of lot number eleven, in Township two and Range ten (10,) bounded as follows: beginning at the north­west corner of said lot number eleven and run­ning thence cast along the North line thereof eight chains thirty-four links; thence south on a line parallel to the west bounds of said lot No. eleven, seventeen chains ninety-seven links: thence west parallel to the north bounds of said lot number eleven, eight chains thirty four links to the west line thereof; thence north scventeei chains thirty seven links to the place of begin­ning; containing fifteen acres be the same more or less. LEVI ADAMS. Mortgagee.

J o n s G. Htscn .Br , of Westtield, X. Y. Attv. Dated (VtoVer IS, I$66,

MORTGAGE SALE.— Default having been made in the payment of moneys secured

*:Ptflf&88m & HGHPHREY, TSTO. B 2 4 B R O A U ^ r A i r

• - - * f Opposite St Nicholas,) >





OIL CLOTHS, Iu ever variety, from Three to Twenty-four feet

wide, C U R T A I N M A T E R I A L S ,

Of every description, to which we invite partic­ular attention.

U P H O L S T E R Y , In all its branches.by an experienced Upholsterer


23-3m.J Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. L O O K OUT


. & his Riot and street, with a

^hc subscriber has jus (furnish . Shoe Store on North Portac

substantial STOCK of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, and the materials usually found in similar shops. He has provided nn assortment of Eastern work hi t his design i s to turn ofiVhi< fly of borne manhfac-ture, and of the most substantial kind. He has made arrangements to inereaae his manufacture soon, and keep a larger STOCK on hand. His .store at file Old Stand Ls newly fitted up and replenished. A supply of Leather will be kept on hand for the trade, bindings <*".. for sale.work done to order in a salist'.iutoiy manner. The qiublic and his old customei 9 r.ve invited to call.

JONAS HARRINGTON. Weatfield, May 3, \JH 3-tf.

Spring and Summer (ioods! We are receiving at the old Mand of Conch

&Cn., afresh arrival of floods sui for the season. The pnbli and see our variety. Fa vhoieepattein- of

GINGHAMS, LAW] and other Summer fabri rics, Summer Hats. Arc, at fair priei s. ••:•' look i Xo charge for showing j. ling them.

Westfield, May, 7th '86.

We d to look in (•oods,some

AGES re, Groce-g business latronage.—

liut only for sel-COLCriA CO.

Stt .

XD r 1! ir.

• o f

CARRIAGE r p b e s u i . X t h a t ar

t h e fact i e a r n a g e s . r a b i l i t v are •one w i s h i n u p o n a s be c a n find it n o t i c e . SI at t h e o ld

Vt'esifi -lc

•ri1« !-. - no l ac :-, • •

.ml w n : nol su i

tr an a r t n g a l i i i c r e , o r o p a n d l a n d , R-. May 7


pons, i l>assv .1 , ..

la t it j ! ! ' . ' • ' 1

• a l e s i s t s id h. '5fi.

!•] ; '-•• ••! u i t h

i u \> ' In thi.-

h'reb tl J r e c o

bui l t ' • c : co!

\ T. J .

t ' e n t i o n o f r.nv h i s bnsini-:-.- o r

i : ig n v r r i e t y o f r s t . : . ' . a. id d a -v i c i n i t y . A n y

ley r:\ri d e p e n d u m e n d e d t o b e o o r d o r o n s j iort N o r t h P o r t a g e , M A C O M S E B .

8 - t t

Hm*Be3ses and Siiddlerv! Y. 3 LP. N.

that I am now epired tna<


I would announce to the Public settled in my new S}u:\:t and

commodai" my </ii! cnstomCrs and as many new ones as will be pleased to call and examine Prices


LND CHOICEST STOCK lTarne«!) Goods, ever offered in rk; eonswting, in parts of Ladies

ung Saddles o s of the I aii

• s, of all

and quality

LAMGES'i -of Saddlery and Western New-York and Ocnficraan's ••' -and Finish; name: Patterns, Trav< iing TrnsL scriptions: also, a very ex! L a d i e s ' a n d Q e n t t e m e a ' of Superior quality and stvle at very moderate prices. Also, a large and Well-selected Assort­ment of whine

B U F A L O R O B E S , H O R S E D L A N K E T S . Horse Brashes, Carry Combs, A c , <?:c Also, a general assortment of Saddlery. Hardware,patent leather, Enameled Cloth, <ve., all of which will be sold for the lowest possible prices, for cash or approved credit. L. p . PHELPS.

Wcrtfield May 7, '58. :t-tf

various Stvles ?t Stvles "and sizes and de­

rive Stock of f r a v e i l i n g B a g s !

A i < . II.

F o r RJIIO.

E WW Enq A TWO HORSE WAGON—partly worn—to be

sold chean. " eof 1BCOC S. ft KNIGHT.

ROCKWELL&C0. U , M A I . \ S T . , W K S T I ' l E y j ^ a r t l V

KeepsconsUr,.; ;. on hue! a l a r g ^ , v e U £(.. lected stock of

HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A M ) KHo.i-ci which are ofl̂ re'd to onr renul.ir custoniieaB an#t he public at large at the lowest possible advance com manufdCturer's cost.

Our stock comprises all rarieties, stvles and qualities of n o d s in tb. Hue of Straw, Leu-horn. p « ? " ; » . Palm Maf, MoKokin, Fur and Woo! ton Hois Cloth, Veivet,Silk, l ihued and other atytesof Ca .̂«

BOOT, SHOES, RUBBERS, &c. &c. ThaakfUl for R invralpntucmn::* heretofore, we

raopectfully request a eontinuance of the sam •. B - D - R O C K ^ E L I ^ i ^ t f , ] I), BOCKWEI.l.

NEW MliSI0~\E\V Misic! Pi,l :,,

{'overt. Won't

firannis' Buckley

Wood 7'rarers

Wood fSltmiey


T t e Old. Old Home, Little Old Cottage. My Mother, she is aged now, The Dismal swamp, Quartette WUy Lee, ra Ooing Home, B o they miss me at home, Jaa, we Miss Thee, Tke Old. School House, fJJJi adorers Return, Modern Beau, Topser nebber was Bnrn,

The above music just received and for sale

M.M BABOOCK.No. 9.Main Street. ' - H _ 1 ' • *— i

k'arm Cor t u l e .

WBare wishing to a e l i i valuable Farm con-sfctfng of o n | hundrtdaeres—j.artially im-

proTed, lying ort= « * * « « « of4he W'estfield and Clymer Plank Road, about eight *niiCB f r o m Weatfield and five from Sherman. There are on •aid l a m a good framed bouse and barn, a thi ir-ty young orchard, a plenty of water, and much valuable timber. The farm will be sold cheap a

redit giveil for a part of the puachase nVHren; ^ I f o r particulars, enquire ot

on the pVenflses. »r of Nov. 18.1866- ' t /.MkliCOCKA KNIOHT.

c u i m c i i BLIP.

WE are"wishing to sell Slip No. 3, in the Bap­tist Church In this village. To be sold low.







1 r

WM. H. RABBIS, PBOPBIETOB. The public are respectfully informed that this

weU known and commodious public house, has been Refitted and arranged, Dr the present pro­prietor, for the accommodation of quests, on the most inviting scale! The rooms are all large and well ventilated, and visitors are supplied with every comfort thought to render their stay pleasant No expense will be spared to please, and the proprietor Wouhl reapcctfully ask a share of puublic patronage. Charges moderate.

G E N E R A L S T A G E O F F I C E ! 33T~ Carriages always in readiness to convey

passengers and baggage to and from the cars. ySf Extensive stibling attached.'

Erie, Pa, July {S, 1856. 13-3m.

W. R. Morse & Go, Without making much noise about it, would

call attention to their stock which is now complete with everything usually kept by them in the line of Dry Goods, Grocories, Shoes, Car­pets and oil cloths, summer hats, umbrellas Ac.

We will not try to tell all that may be found.but will say that those lawn's from l s to 2s per yard are as good as can be found in town for the price and barege de laincs, chall is ,ginghams,ftcprints too. Call mid see them. Bonnets and Ribbons with all kinds of iliilinery, goods.

S t a p l e G o o d s a t R e d u c e d P r i c e s Stripes, ticks, denims, and goods for Summer wear—all for sale for cash or exchange, for all kinds of Produce.

CASH A S USUAL FOR BUTTER. 7tf. June 2d, 185R.

w E c l e c t i c P h y s i c i a n k S u r g e o n .

TM. r.OORX, formei ly of Richmond, N. II., hes BerraanUy located in this place, and


to be paid by a Mortgage d.tu-d April 1, 1-4 mode nn, Mcf/lr.rg which : was tog*

executed by William Willing to James Keoree Hail, and Thomas B. Campbell, rtgige contains a power of sale and

ilh said mortgage recorded in the OGicc of the Clerk of Chantauque county in Li­ber t6 of mortgages, at page 474, on the iTth day of November, ls>f>. Said a\o\tgago was given fefr tb.e purchase money ;:nd to secure tiie p.iy-mentof 5400 iu eight equaltnmial instalments with sjaauil interest on the whole sum ui .^ . i j from the firstday of April, 1 47, according t-. tlie condition of the i.on 1 accompanying said mortgage, The whole, amount of principal end interest due at this date U?C2 13. On the first day of January, 1830 the sal 1 Thomas B. Catap-bell an I .L.iinsM.-Ciurg, sold and as igne.l tic.'ir intciesc in said m o i t . a g e to said George Hall who is now fee legal owner and holder of said Mio'gaiv end Loud: s.iid assignment of said ir.ongaTc was duly recorded in the clerk's Oliice of f hausiuijue County on the 17th d-.iy of Novem­ber, 1S3C. And no suit, action, or proceeding at b w or in equity having be- n institut'd to recover the debt or any part thereof due by said mort­gage, notice i>, thereforei hereby given that pur­suant to the power of sale contained in said mort­gage and of ih" statute in such ease made and provided, the said mort;:ure v.ili be foreclosed by the sr.l: of the land and premises described in said mortgage together with the apjinrtii in-ccs at public auction lc the highest bi Ider, at the (Vestfield House, in V eafiield village, X. V., kept bv A. Farnsivo! th, on the 11 ii day of February next at 2 o'clock in il c : fter I'oon of that day.

The lands an I pren-irrs Mortgage as follows- .' H bind situated In the 'own que Penary. N. Y. am" '•- ; e,l as a p:irt of lot trarr.l township and i t

i lit . f the

scr i l e r t a i

;;;- ' i !\ ( e c u

ed in s a i d I p i e c e o f j ' h ; ii ,ii-i s t i n g u i s h i;i t h e 4th

Holland Land Company's Survey, and bcrnded as follows"; He-g i n n n ^ a t :: stone merke<" .'• at the point of inter­section of Water street v.itl; the center of Chase street, or the lane leoOing from the Portage Road to sa i l Waur street, l i e i c c south ';:i dcgiec east along the renter ef eaid chase street, two chains anil eighty five links, to land deeded to David .Menu: thence couth nine and three-fonrth degrees east bounding PB£sid David Mann's land 1 chain thirty-three and MM hah liuks to a post: thi nee south'34 degrees 4? minutes west, -I enains :t? links to the d r i e r e f Water stret; thence north 2 j desnrcs west a lcng the center of said V,':.-ter sire, t, one cuuin -:>:ty-;iir.c links to ;:,e place of 1 erin ling; rortaining one fourth of ^n a.r • of l.ni.!, be the came more or less.

Dated Xoi <<t JS>. If

A book of one volume of abou; U'iO pages 32mo. Price f l . 50O.UU0 copies already issued. Fifteenth edition ready. Printed on th* finest paper, and illustrated in the finest style of ar t Has love found lodgment i-i your trouble* heart Know I can change for bliss the I drier smart, (live von that heart's desire, and end its strife, By changing lovers into men and wife: Though theic be oh tacics the.'P. ice away. .-Ind magic powci shall bring the wedding day.


ttteaches how ta make ladies or gentlemen win the devote.! aSectioas of nsmany or the nppnsitr

us their hearts may desire, .tnd the p' so Sfmple, yet so raptivatin married, ii respective of age, ; ppea sition; and it can be arrangt d with deli-acy that projection is ireposs:

It teaches how to make love. i l teaches every eye to form a bear it tenches you the kind of wife

dcr home happy. It give- ad-, ice to the lover v-1

truly accepted, and is rejected : the interferrence of friends.

It g i v . s a remedy for u-ir. qui It gives you instructions for

person. lb -v to have ahanasome rare How to remove tan and freek! A Comple Code of Gallantry

Wi:h Love Letters hi abundance A Lecture on bove .ora piivul

lied Lai'.icr and Gentlemen.

. that all may

slip 0! Modi Hess .'US ce

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u m e n t s , and p u r e t t e n d to all busi-

:i. H e w i l l be at h day .

: C h r o n i c D i w a s -N e a s e s o f the K\ l K - l e r t i i p r e p a r i

•': I ' . e — , L i i i i •* i s . iV". 11 uL-e i m i n e ' t e • • '• ' 1 i i | e - . - < ' o w i s h t o u s e i t . i :. • e-si'iiiiv for .i he - l ; in i n e v e r y i :'ttcrr?ion of the

immoral nf>.<-•-C h a p s roi i : . . , .e>.-

r r o o f i n g w a s h for l i ic .es twith s e ' e t v s t r e c i , Weatftettd


J. !?. W A L K E R ? • i . i n n i n g or . le i

: .! d o wt-I! t o cal

Good Books Delight, Instruct, Refing

H o w a n d Where to Procure them.

P L I A S S SEtin FOB A C O P Y OT o m

Illustrated Catalogue! of 150 different works, suitable for Family and Fireside Beading, and embracing.. Popular American Biographies, Kara, j tive*. and Travels, Agriculture, Temper ance, Law, and ScRbol books for the Toting, beavtifidly Printed and i/fws<ra-ted'Family Bibles, Religious Books, Stand­ard and Select poftry, and a choice vari­ety of AKscellaneon* Book*,

We will Send TTUhost Charge. It contains a full description of the best stand­

ard works on the above important subjects, with their prices, and in form convenient for reference and preservation. Every reader and book buyer should have it. jZSrWe will semi any of our books, Postage prepaid, on receipt of the adver­tised price, which may be sent to us by mail.

Oars are the Best Books for Agents , because they are adapted to the wants of the peo­ple. Full particulars and practical Instructions to Agents sent gratis, on applications to

MILLER, ORTON & MULIGAN, Publishers, 23 Park Row, New York, or 107 Genesee at.

Auburn. ^ ; i c -


Prof. CIIAS. D e G B A T H ' 8 " - e r r . l a r f ^ r E t l O O I I i . "

I^HIS Oil is the onhj sure remedy in the world for the cure of Rheumatism, Gont, Pains in

the Back, Breast or side, Palpitation of the Heart, Paralytic Stroke, Toothache, Headache, Cramps iu the Stomach,Scrofula, Frosted bands or Feet Sore Eyes, PiUs, Sprains or bruises Sores or burns. Stiffness in the Joints,, Tetter, or Salt Rheuine, Neuralgia, Sore Breast, or any Diseases tha t are Sore or Pah.ful, is the on/y article ever brought before the public that will do its work perfectly in from three to twenty minutes, has been used by thousands and proeaaaeed to be :iie 1* :"•' retuedv ever disi ovi red.

This ni! nelson the system with electricity, is of pure vegetable preparation, not the slightest

. . . CABINET WARE ROOMS, At THOMAS SHAW^isVon North-Pbrtage-st, op­

posite the Wcstfield House Block, where may be found all kinds of Cabinet Ware, of the choi­cest kind; embracing Chairs, Sofas, Sofa Bed-

- steads. Mahogany and Black Walnut Bureaus, Centre Tables, Splendid Rosewood and .Mehog-any Book Cases, Card. Tables, Enclosed Wash-Stands, and a variety of other articles, too nu-mcrousto mention. Alsb/Coflins. onstantlyon handi Plcrse eall and look fm vours, h e s . 42

C a t r l a . e e a u d W a g o n

illv ir imrarmy, it at

of I:P cwn. select to rcii-

i . X


t . - i '

been once thro'


With its TSsm, Zmrardly or Outwardly?

tnd hand

Tills of ar.v specie-payiac States andf .'ina'diis. leceHf-

. i l l that i -i.i cess ivy for yi ktfer in us :• c » iris PS ;••,-DOLLAR, and wri 8* \ County, end *• SOB BONDt)UT, P Si\t i l . l .e'i' lt . New

JT-3- l.fiOO Jgenl

It, :i I


ceto Mar-

the ITnitcd

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If v i i ' '

PRJLS srran:

"ED d

!!.*•> I

l> . - '

Ibu v th< Oinn

;•;: -s -nwiii-;: -only 5H cents

REMEDY. .1 Cases.

ly that has ever es and tesiimon-

r, ask for a Ilox

ly, ask for a Fox ents. C-iim

dst"ger of applying u ottr on." gives ii permanent t o r e , i n most cases in ten or twenty minutes.

The best Physiologist of Europe have discover­ed that all Organic Derangement in the Animal System is the effect of en obstruction of the Phv-sico-Electro Plaid in the orgrn dis< ssed—a skill-nil ej.lieatioii of this Oil puts into immediate mo­tion the nerve fluid, and the cure is at once ac­complished. Xo Ueeding, no vomiting, purging, or blistering, is. resorted to.

Xiwe -elivh'e irrthmtt the xt&Ttathre nf Labels signed in J A. E. SMT1I, Chemist.

writing. i De GBATH i Co. Principal Depot, Xo. "'.i South Eight St.. three

door- below Chesnut Philada. Country Dealers and Druggists can be <e.p)i!ied. Wboloale and Re-tuil. Price 2ri cents, 50 cts.. and ?1 per Bottle.

Try everything else, then give this one simple trial."

XS~ 'Sn genuine "EtECTKIC Oil." so i l by ped-lers in the f'nited States.

It 9*The Bottles will have on our own ttmm^i~jpf Entered 8'Cording to Act of Cougrcs, in the

year IS55, by Professor' CHAKI.KS DK GKATII, in the Clerk's Oli ice of the District Couit of the Ec-'tera District of P< ansyivania

For Sab- by L. Parsons, No, 17, Main Street WestfieM. N. Y. 47-tf.

• MANUFACTORY. On Mam Street, nppositethe Agricultural I t irks.

• M T I U J A J l CRAXDALL has been for severa V » years engaged in carrying on the above

business, ti ml keeps constantly on hand, and will munafai iu:e to order, all kinds of work iu his inc. Av~ Heparins done on short notice. W« i";l.< id. April So. ISS5. tf-1

CHiMlf PEiSfffllt, F o r UIG Rapid ouro of OottwhaV Oolda*

Hoarseness , Bronchitia, WhoonV

and Consumption. " ffisdom shall bow denm to it, and the yr .n l _ .

of the earth shall kneel before it." wmm* Never could this be said with more truth t W

it cow applies to this remedy tor affections-of th* Throat aud Lungs. The exalted jn learninaaadl power, acknowledge its sii].ierna'cy, while boQi th« little and the great can feal i u beneftts. The l ib . eral-mindeil among those skilled to cure, are free-to own its mastery over distempers which nave baffled their art. Those of exalted stations are not ashamed to testify to its virtues, but deem It a duty and a pleasure to thus hold out the B a y of their experience to their suSeriag fellow A t a .

Witness the following; [TMnslalion.f ' •'•'•'

Vermiilionville. La., April l » 6 i Mons. le Dr. J. C. A V E R : — I have of late m a d r

frequent use of your Cherry Pectoral in my I tice, and am hnjipy to inform • you that i n n yet has it failed nie. 1 have made Bome


TY, s s - ^fotice is hereby given that a Court <4 Oyer s a d Tonninor iirni Genors] Jail Delivery will be lioltl at the Court House in the villain of Jlayvillo, in said county, on the 3d Monday, (21st day) of July, 1856, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and all persona who would J««OB-

ecute any person or poisons be then thow to prosecute i s shall bo just, and all per-sonsboOBd by recognizance; and all Justi ces of the Peace, Coroners, and other offi cers who have taken any reeognLzaaces f'm the apjiearance of anv |ierson ;.t such court or who have taken any iBqui&ilioa or exam ination of any person or witness, return such recognizances inquisitions and examination-to the said court at the opening thereof or. the first dav of its sitting. Gi\en under my hand at my office iu Mayville, this lOUi dav of June, 1856.

MILTOX SMITH, Shtiff 8w-8

WANTED We want 200 Firkins

delivered by tin linth or jrooii if June

yellow butter >r which .ash

will be paid. VT. R. ^fOKSE.t CO.

Wood Land. l i T E are wishing to s"I! two hund red aer. s o

wood lane, lying a little east ef the Hay ville Plank Hone, and about tive miles f:"in thi village, ls.",o. BabcucK S Knii:hL

March ?7,

I 'b i s day ope . ly (iroeerie

GH0CEEY! ned an entire Avir XI, ei- of Kami




tirena:: te, and i l , : . ' •

I'orfc l."ii Is wanted. or.KUT o. :••.'. N.«


a '.. i!o is to w: Ite :'. il•!,-. i::-b.,in ir()XK I-. with tne I'oMtt l i ie i t to I'JtUKES-i: I A I'll..;•, Xo

SITCATED, lyin< Rio!. \. ronWiimn^

F a n n fur S a l e ! .1

. ruL • •v if

il!! June 2.

!'ii in the town of s. about 4'iinipp'v-: :i thereon. A lil>-

the purchase mon->L'iC i K X I C H T


F: vrr, Me L. FAR30NS, N-ST.. vK-:r T i 7:IK STONE BriLsnra

. I i !•

AT In-



3"T 1 Hudson St.. New Yorfc. AH -void I "I strain Carpets :1s c.d per yard,-

unheai-d of! Extra lie" 4". Smerr.ne .-is. i ii.— | Three p!vS'„ Tapesttv Bru« elsTsi- ', n i ! ( b.ti.s '• .my width. :is. K'iir'i-ii es •{.!, D: •,..;.. ts is i S* per \i'.. Venetian Stair Carpefafrom Is '.<• :1s iV, I per vard. .1. It. LAXDOX,

2s-3m. .",7! iiudie.ii St., X.Y.

O i l f. PA

it: • -y. Ch • "i its", siir?

S. PAIXT? llli.els. eal

M U S I C . Mr. JOHN" H. PrXLEY, Vnee.l Mnsie f,

ar.-l former Music Director of "tin- Am].i.ions." !:a\ iner made enjrapements for one year as Teach- j er and I>ireitor of the Pieabyteriaa Chnreh in j We~tti«Id. X. Y.. will hoid hinuelf in readiness to | pive private insirr.etion npoa the- voice: Son*; i Sincintr. (Jlee Classes, an.! sinzine: rbi: ses for sa • ered mnsie. Al<o to tune and repair Piano Fortes and Melr. Icons on sliort n itiee, and w itb sati-fac- J tion or no pav. tha i L-CS reasonable. Orders may j be 1.7ft at the Post-Office, Xo. 218, or at the cloth- . nr store of S, Carlisle Sc Co. I r.m also ait'-nt :

or the sale of .Mes-rs. Boardman .v Gray's splen- i id - Oolce Coiupaiii" attachmenU, corropated. j nndiiis board Piaao forte» which I will supply n shori noti-'e- to i ' i-'om. vs. WeatflelA, Jan. io. l^.'.n.

:-<sort' uildid


UotOa r.;:i! fitnfio.tcry.

AYAKD T A V I . o l t s T B W K L 8 .

NOTICE, For the information of th:-

and t h" tfUtm i of W'stfeU m s.ibsi-i iiier takes ibis method of I that Walker's Miii> are tn wood r:t

Put lie ir. general / / arfirrn'tir. 'I l.e

uifoitoing tin ru • order and


cor\Tf: v T«.t»E si ppiii'i>. J"O.S. 33.s, ::: 0. an I SftS, tire.:.-, ii h St., romer N' of r,.

!1. St., New York.


scenes in e l'r.n-ii.e of n N,••.'.• York Surgeon. tVil

ow lie bin Paper*. Wolferf* Roort. flan diliu on Daily Paths. "1'ii :ee- '" Foot Prints of th" Creator. The Nc-weOBte*. Sunny Memories i f Forerun I.iii.is. Ameriran Snuesman. .Ve.

VMlLYToilel an l Shaving Soaps at I_ IVr-

the lOtli

sbll .K!

JUST imporo SISI.I .I: C.i

COLT'S 1'ISTOI.S. tlunsmi

C U K R A N D P I S T O L S . to. k nf DorsLi

F H A . S K

l>niL' Store 1 » - " ;. •• c i n e Ext*actf

I'lii-sons", Ne.

have been sim -stopped more than ../.

Also, that the Mil'..-mnrh grinding, and i ton. Fur farther in yourselves.

F l o u r , M e a l , F r e s h G r o u n d p l a s t e r ,

Sept , not having been , lay in the time, an do, and are doing as j v.-' - tl as (7//y ethers in this \ rmation, call aud aec foi j



in extrr.artieie oi ->tncc<

building one door west Main-st., at the sign M . Company.

( 1̂ reen. Tee? and 1 T l u i l d i n g Main si V First-rate arti< le

good Ground ( < Main street.

Sagara, an exeelent ._ ftrade at the ston" b field.

Meiaap••» and Svrm s be had atthe"oldsi

I i g h t — C a a t p a e n c end Bi ^ d b ' , Stearine end Tall

<oii:d. Can the stone hi;:

(> o d Fi-b. ' 7 t k l e e.H

Main rtreet.


tv, c. stone W a s h Tub«.

Hemp gee streea

K airins, Citrors. you will !in i


G order. ? the lb o

t n r t V. e^-triebl.

FOR SALS A boat '.ei acres wood land,

f V " ' stii. id and i liantanqni miles from tl

set ati, at il liarrinstnn

Amei ican

e stunt .v PonV F'.\pii'»

eurts of Laryngitis and Bronchitis With it, a a ( have completely cured one case of Asthma, which withstood every other medicine I could erople*.

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my distineuishe* consideration. W

JD1.ES CLAUD GODOUBT, M.W, Tate Surgeon of tha Royal Marine, France.

Extract from -a letter of our Minister at the> Court of tin- Sublime Torfe. - -

Legation of the U. ci. A., Constantiaople, Tat key.

Dr. J. C. Aver. Pear 8ir:—The Cherry fr»a-toral received from yoc for the Sultan, has teen delivered to his private Seeretan i. tht palac*. and you will doubtless hear from i t i i due seaaea. 1 hat you were so kind as to send ice, has bee* given to friends, who have in many cases foaad it exceedingly useful.

Yours, respectfully, f;EO. P. MABS?rt. Minister Plenipotentiary of the L'. K. A. t * - f a r -

Cur nroa, Milreh 5, HiSJ. use your Cherry Pectoral

sf'ed it is A reaa-ountry the.bigh-

Dr.. ' . C. A yen—I daily in my pun tice, and ani sa edy which mast meet fn every est opprt.ba.tion.

C. W. JACKHEEB,M,. If., - Resident Court Phvsfeian.

Among the eminent Editors v. bo testify to thtir personal e . \ ] ie i ieme and knowledge of the wea-ilerfnl cures and immense i— fulness of the Cherry Pectoral in their lections, w« may nifptioo-*

Bonglrton .v Co., of the Federal UnioJrMtlledga-ville, (J:i.

L. Patton, Christian Advocate, Knnxville, Teas . J. B. Dobson, American Presbyterian,' Greea-

ville, Jeun. J. P. Samson. Democrat. Mc Connellsburg, r*a. J. Rnss, Jr., Sbelbyville News, Teim. Harvey, McKen1iy".t Co., StateI'.azette, Burling­

ton, lowa. J. Kiiaii'o Jk Co., Journal, Reading, Pa, Raymond, Harper.£ Co., Xew-York Times. S. Cobb. Christian Freemen. Boston.

Christian Chroniele, PhiJanel-

orth, M. C. Democrat. Chicago..

-e, Methodist Protistant,- Balti-

B. laeob.-

.1. Wi

E. (b Re

Win p! la-

Hon i l l .

i:̂ e. more.

W. II. Wiglitnoin. Chiiatiaa Adro«ate ,8 . C. J. M. 1'oiiin ii. Daily News, Savannah, (.-a. Geo. lb l'i.nti>s. I.oiiisvillf.loiirnnl. Kr. Hon. St hnyler t olfai, U. V., South Bead Reg;-

ister 'mimna. V. Cunimings, Chriatiea Mirror, Portland.Mr.

Republieau, Hartford,

lat-Kt,—cheap, at the stone tot, V.'estiieid X. Y. iff offee, Rio and Java, ant" b-e-, at the stone building,

lent ofaUkim .-. Main street.

V and West-

B. i i . ana. ( t.addick

* i:n. Tl

n ib (. R. Ba

• r i i i i - i ' -n ,

tot out Cle.i M. H Sften \V.i-_-Tbi xt

state tut, S ' l . t III .

*V h

i, c. w. ••- Cook. Pemc. nnum, l.'trnoei •:>ll & H . U l . r l i . S • t * Haven, Pr. gentl* men.hav

his i

ner of Peace, Lebanon,.

Co., United Empire and Patriot,

irat, Danville. Va. '1. .>.Ileiiiovin P». atetbi ie t te , Tr- ntoa.X. .!.-i:ie Fainu-r, (hit-ago, 111.

" to these it il.eii paper* to the publie' but bar* ir per.-unal iettus. to the cQ'ect that round my prepcraeion an srtiere of

.H. at public utilhy. Space will not admit fuii testimonials here, bat

gents below named jrillfi.inishrd my Amer-ae, rratis. to all who ash for if, wheie Jarti.ajara and iiidi»putHiJ«).root oft lent?. Jui-24

«a of ail sfcvs and qnaliUes.— I>R.!lK:.ncf* oi' all Kinds at the lowext cash : * *" , : T""

p : , , ,

2-t-3m. A. V


,1,'S ol i: . Sl'IEK, ,91, Mai

».ile *

—the best in. Sprains

irle irni-

L n e

(T-'.C'Ri-L IIAI L.Mortgagee a Assignee. JOHN G. KiSfKt.ry. < f Westncbl. :-:. Y.. A'.ty.

M ORTGAGE SALE.—Default having been made in the payment or money dee upon a

mortgage executed by I Ionian Winchester, bear­ing date the twenty iii'i'i day o'Man h, ls;,'j. aiei bounded in the Clerk's office of Chantauque County, on the 2d day of April, ls,",2, in iiber 17,

' of mortgages at page 27;!. Amount claimed to be due, :-7tr, R3. Mortgaged premises north easi purl of lot num­

ber forty-foiiriu the third town-hip end twelfth range o f the Holland l a i d Company's survey, and I onnded north by lot numb-r forty-five, twenty ei-iht'ehains, twenty-sever, links; c i s t by lot number thirty-six, thirty chains; s;mth by and deeded to Timothy 1). Copp twenty-eight chains, eight links; and west by land deeded to Zedota Britt, twenty-nine chains, seventy-seven links. Containing eighty-four acres and thirty-four hundredths of an acre, be the same more or less

Xotiec is hereby given that the above described mortgagM pn raises win be sold at public auction at the Chantauque Land Office in the village o WestfieM, on the 2d day of December, lS.'itt. u noon,upon the powers contained in said mortgage and of the statute ia such ease made and provided-

Dated, September 2d. 1838. WILLIAM H. SEW RD, Mortgagee.

By his attorney, GEO. W". PATTBBSOX. The above sale is postponed to the 28th day of

February, 1357, at the same time and place. Dated, Dec. 2d., ISofi.

WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Mortgagee. By his attoraev George w. Patterson.

vrazs, BHAirriEi, &;. .v .•. EAGER, •STI:::::T, : ; : : IMPORTERS; '. ete., offer to selected stork

s of their own

n i DKALEW the pu'-li • an of pare and i:n-iieportation.—

XO. P.4 CLlr J. * J. EAGER

in Wines, Brantli extensive and v.v adulterated Huno The celebrated Orard Brandy, so well known and extensively us ii. is .fiered at the usual low p.ri-ci s, 7).;alt".'S and fai.iilii s in waul of a supply of ll ' incs o Litju us for the Holidays, will consult

their interest, 1 •«> -. 11 os regards price aad quality, by calling or sending to us. Orders from trie country promptly and faithfully fiih-d,

.1. * . J. EAGER, n-Sta. Xo. U ('iiif St. Xew York.

In-: vnru

lill-St. liciiles. Draft

1 tiave also s scpar t ' i , - : l i l \V;,- .,: I K - I .1 . • othcriuillshere h • wishing I louring

i ail before making contrar 43tt

K. W. procur

••>,• t

Tl buie s elsi

Will •wheii

iEB. •II pur n 1 be

IM-'.I t..

.1. I!. W.

,D PEN". C:

SUPREME COURT, Co«nfy of Chautaoiie. JOH:; SHAW ) A g s t . [

E i u n t i S n . \ w . ) To Harriet Shew, Defendant. Yon arc hereby

siimmoned to answei the ccmjlair.t of John Shaw, Plaintiff, a copy of'which was filed in the office of the Clerk of th ' County of Cbautar.que on the twenty first day of Xoveoil er, ISoii, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber's at their 0 See in wcsWebi, Chantauque County, within "twenty day* after tie-service of this .summons, exclusive' of the dry of service; and if you fail to answer said complaint, as IK re by ren.uire.1. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief dc-in-nded in the com] ialnt Dated, westi'uld, Xo'f

'j.uh I65C . WAYL. T'ifls. .T.i-yg'


.TV,w. Employnie^ for 1,030 Persoas,

WANTED, imnietjiaiciy, AgcnU ia < county in the l". S.. i 0 i agage in the .:

T H E G A K P E N OF ram WnVr^i; Oit̂ Tiir.i.iiEJ WKST'.ITS Ii'. 1 151

rii.M. Am-ANT i

V.KrfLTH, IT? -V'.T-. , IT- Ft il•;.+:.

-•::!>' to .migrants, the diffirent routes

of Chicago, IiL, au-1 "Life in the West'"4c. om Hon. Thomas H. u, I ol. J. C. Fn nionf.

i on | r.-ing a i io with a full <'•< fn i • westv, u-.i. By C. W. Dau thor of " HI -tern Seenee,'1

With stati-ii'-s and l.ieis ;, Benton, l ion. Sum Hoaati and other "old settler-.'" Comprising an outline history of the whole West, from the time the first hunter w h o e v e r trod its pathless woods, to the ul i i . t leof the last locomotive that has yet sped a'ong its boun lle-ss prairii >, g iv ingaeul l inscrip­tion of its soil, eliimit.' and farming resoareea each State and territory. Also tha Railroads completed, In progress and projected, toaaaher with tl e r igi ins complexion, educational pro­visions, an population, from the statistit s of 1853

an 1 ldSG. 12iua, muslin; 400 poges. Retail pri'-e, S1,2o.

Adtiress D. BULD30K, Xo. 33 South Third S t , Philadelphia, P.i„ or, if you live U'est, II, M. KITJSOAT, Cincinnati, Ohio,

A sample copy will be mulled, (post paid,) ori receipt of price. Also a falfltst e f my publica­tions, with terms to agents.

P. S ^ f c j j t o t s »f any regular weekly newspa­per, or monthly periodicals .throughout the Uni­ted States, giving the above advertisement four or more insertions, including this notice, and sending me copies of the papers A c , eontl ining the same, shall have a copy mailed to their ad­dress, postajre pabt S3-4w. ' - - — • * •• • • i ,

Wagop.ftr8«iie. T?SQTJrBE bf BABCOC1CAKXIC.HT. V"J least, l-ttli, Vm. 24-tf.

W J O L U X F A C r O a ' .

(l a l l at the Westtield Factory aad bay woolen ^goods . COUCH * STOXE.

" \ I85C. tf.

•n t Portmonnaies.

:s parilla—the best hteed price, aad til for sale at I.. Par-

.. 17. t.l IS."

India Eabl er Gloves and Kittens. Lined and uurined for cold or we! weather- For I.allies, the White and f'leek gloves are a idcas-ant protection to too hand in th.- discharge of household duties. Being impervioi'sto moisture tl.iy reader them soft mid white, and are a speedy and eertain cure for Chapped Hands, Salt Rheum etc. For Gentleman, t>.e Gloves arc very useful for driving, care of horses, e t c The fine Black! Gloves ar aa excellent substitute for Kid. F'or | Farmers, Mechani ;, and Oy termen, the Mittens will be found Invaluable, protecting the hands iu ! all kinds of v.-et work, Lime, Potash and other sirong alkalies.

For sale by all Rubber stores in the Union, and by the GOODYEAR GLU VE CO., SC John Street, Xew York. 32-.1mo.


tue pop sons Di


i>RW'LAMAT;oX.—Fcta irr ' s OFFICE CIIAI--T.'.'ijri: Ci>'.:.",v, ss.—XotJce is hereby given

that a Court of Oyersnil 'i u miner and General .'ail Delivery will be held ;.t the Court House ia thevil lago of Kayrflle. in said couutv, on the 4th Hoadsy, (27th day. of October, lhSii, at N o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and all per­sons who wouM prosecute any person or persons be then there to pro iccute as'shall be just, and all persons bound by recognizance or otherwise to appear a t - a i l court, be then there according to the eon liti-..;- of their recognizance; and all Justices ot the Peace, <'uroners, end other offi-

reeogniznnces for the :: al s'liih court ttr who lion or examination of •y.v.i such rceognizr.nee-'. idions to the said court v, :';-..• first day of it-; art-

band at my office in May-t. b-t'i;. !OX SNnTH, Sheriff.

• e r a w a p p e a : h a v e t a n y pe inqui.-

;0 b.'V" t. • l e e Of 8 i k e n a n v •i-in or wi n o u s a n I

at the e v e n i n g 1 t i n g . v i i l e . t


n v i n nn. l is ICth d Gw.

K e n :<•• t y p c r s i

ir.ijnb iliCS:-'. 1. e z a m i i l e r e o f < !er i r v I I V O'.' >'•••


w P A D M F O S A L E .

Erre wishing te s..'!l a desirable Farm. 130 acres—100 of which are improved—

situated in the town of Clymer—near the Plank Road. Price and term' of sale made easy.

BABCOCK <fe KKIGHT. March 12th, T35i!. jv»»

F a m F o r S a l e .

WE Are wishing to sell a small farm, situated w ithin half a mile of the Centervi'.le Depot

in the town of Portland, consisting of forty-six acres e f choice Inn 1—about eight acres of which is woodland, and ibe residue under a good state of cultivation. The buildings on said farm are Comfortable and convenient, and the farm is well watered A well fenced. For particulars enquire of Ephriam Sanford, on the pn niises.or of

Xov.18, ls3i;. BABCOCK & KXIGHT.



BY UAKRXET 4)EECIiER, 8TGWE. In Two Volumes—12 ma. Price $1 78

CERTAIX Politicians, interested in the sup­port of the Peculiar institution, have en­

deavored to persuade the public that .Mrs .Stowe"s last work is a failure, und that it has produced no profound impression '-n cither side of the Vt-lantlc.

Hut the publishers are b.ippy to state that the many titer have

o f

Guns, Guns, Guns! Rifles, double and single barrel Shot guns at all prices from S2,5o %i S 18,oo. Pistols a general assortment. Powder flasks, shot belts, shot pouches, tube wrenches, game bags, bullet moulds cleaning rods, melting ladles, worms of every description. Powder, shot, lead and caps all ready for sale r.t the gun shop; Xo. 7 Portage St. Wcstfield, Also window sash, do rs and blinds of all sizes constantly on hand.

A.MONKOI'.T Agent. I am also agent for Dnrgee and Forsyth's

Manufacturing Co. e f Rochester; Platform and counter scales of all s k e s ; Fire and Burglar Proof safe letter eoiiyin r presses, seal presses

JSftirc House trucks A c A c Call and see engravin- at .y shop Xo. 7 South

Portage St. Westtield. A. J'O.NFOUT

T O I N V a L I D S Laboring under Affections of the Throat or Lungs

Doct. Calvin M. Fitch, FORMERLY OF 711 BROADWAY, X.Y

Author of the Invalid's Guide, and Consiimp tive's Manual, &<.. having recently returned from Europe' would inform his Patients at the Wei t. i and all Int rested hi the announcement, ibat he j will open on th • FIRST OF JUXE a permanent | ofh e

At No. 459 Llain St., Buffalo, N. Y. Where be way be consulted Daily (.Saoba.th ex- | cept.-.ii in,in ntne to five, for

Throat rtiid Pulmonary Disease*, More Particularly

Consitmptioii. Asthma, and Chronic i Bronchitis,

In th»> treatment of which a judicious combina. | tion of llemedial measures, the employment ef I Meeb.inical and Constitutional Remedies, and of. JIedieiii.il and Sthenotrophic Inhalations, give j him a degree of suecesi which can never attend ; a IUI rely partial treatment of these Aff'-ctiuna.— Dr. FITCH may also lie consulted for all derange­ments of the system preceding, or giving rise to Pulmonary Disease, particularly

Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Costirenets, and \ Female Complaints. j

Per«ons~wishinff to consult, but unable to visi j Dr. Fitch, can do so by sending Mm a written statement of their »-•—and Foreigner* unae au.iinted with English may address him either ia ] Vrcaeh or Oerrain. A verstmtt' ertnunatiim is - » T T U n however preferable, as important symptosss are U \ V i y ^ - c".*n /o r . .C B t<toS a tew c o r d s

sometimes overlooked by the patient; and also ' " as constant practice in consultation enable Dr. F. to determine the condition of the Lungs with great accuracy; thus of course enabling him more successfully to modify aad adapt treatment to I ^ "" '" ' eaa*s> '


R e a l E s t a t e F o r S a l e . r | ^ I I e Subseril^*Toffers for sale on reasonable

1 terms aad mi time to suit the purchasers, Two ,\'cv. Dw. liing H»ow*»nd l.ois, eligibly >it Batted, in the \ ill >g.• of \'« esttiebb

Those designing to pari base will do well •• call soon. AUSTIX SM11 H.

Westiield ApriCO Is.''..

FARM FOR SALE." onsistiux of ll.D f.eres — situate, lying and being ia the town of Ripley—abou;

40 acres of which are improved, A house and barn thereon—also a young orchard. To be sold low, aud n liberal credit given for a part of the purchase money if desired.

BABCOCK* KXIGHT. June 7. IMfi. is-tf.

F O R S A L K O H T O R E S T . "'IIL Subscriber has four Dwelliugs and Lots.

Pleasantly Located in this Village for sale, at tow ratea for prompt pay. If cot sold they will be rented from the 1st ot April next.

A. e. WFLI.S Wcstfield, March S i.456.


Self-Sealin; Krni! ntd i

• lore' . , . , . ' i factoring

si:; and the U!::v«-r-ii

I parties who hive ; vai ions makers have ',-i r erem e over all othei -.

The snhscrfbers off-i liF.ST s LF-S

' e v r iui ".! "i. to pre; ! .Vc I T H E S E A U N Q I« VLW VV8

Ii othc; s re'ipiire solder or • i un n AThe opening 1ms ISH-B i alaived to ,

FELL SIZED PEACH. Every can is tested before i; !• :••.. ••

factory, and stamped with onr name. T A Y L O K . t

Manufacturers of Pbinidit'd ' Xo. CO Reeki.i;.: r P

Wood Mills! WE are manufactiuing Woodiu.lls of the

most approved patents—with our approved Saw guide attached—at the shop formerly occ:.rd ed by Thomas^.liidd, as a bedstead factory, one mil< north of Ccnterville, in the town of Port land, Chantauque Co.; and would say to those in want of the article that we shall not be outdone, cither in workmanship or prices. We likewise furnish Threshing Machines and Feed Cutters that may lie propelled by the same power; we on hand plows, cultivators. The best Cornstalk Cutter ever invented, (one that will A t hoop-poles when cornstalks are scarce.) together with a general assortment of implements. fi-yl

THOMAS JUDD & Co. Portland, May 27, 189$.

RODGETTS In v Japanned w; --.. New York.


FS 7«EEMOXT, 1 ia the Held ft

FILLMtf] AND BUCHANAN. Prin e's Protean Pen," A

new iinpi'ovemcn' lias recently been added to this invention, which makes the 1'. n perfect and by which to graduate tin-(low of ink. F-.'iy wii t .r should have iM« Pen. The material i> incor­rodible—made uniter tbioifyi ;»r's patent—Idled with ease, writes from I lo Ift loiurs, coiisti'iii use —saving half the time, Inducements to local a gents and trade. Single pen* sen*by ,„.,;; ,,„ receipt of Sf.Wi or S">.ill'. The gnltl pen warrant­ed one year with fair usage. T. (I. S'l EARNS.

(Jen'1 Agent, 2'.MJ Rioad.vav, cor lleade-s'. No-w-.Trk.

Oliver A rev,

nig 11 roars? ill .:.,:•:

I.eetnres ani For same i oui Persons tak in;

reive twt ctt

M. .T. Oatntan end E. C. Pomcioy-unmt rciai ConiputatiomC

TF.lt ?IS: —tiroc unlimited—inrhitl-tments of Pook-Keeninx,

Pri.c'y id IVriiiansiiip, it* «# ••• in l^idi;»'department, 15 »•• Penmanship alone will r«-1- ir 5 00

FOR SALS. A small farm of 15 acres of bind, well watered

house and barn, good tnrhnrd. all thing, aboutthe place convenient. Sitnet-d about one mile and a half west ot tne village of Westtield,

JAM S CROSSGROVE. June 2 13.W. 10-3w. *

hundi'c.'s of American notices which 1. the vast majority have been

decidedly favorable, most of them enthusiastic. And the s.ile thus fir ban exceeded that of anv work of Fiction yet published; the sixty eighth thousand set of two volumes each, being now in press.

Iu Englauc.the success has been more womb-r­ial . . The press there, with but one or two excen-tlons, aekiioiv ledge the genious and pewi r of the

author I taring Boots and Shoes, ane that his facilities to conduct this 1

House in

author, and in term* oi' which any lirii mig-ht lie praesi, mid during the twelve d etcedlng iL< publication m> fewer than sixty lb.uis- I nest are equal to a and copies esera said. The universal voice of literary men now places Mrs. Stowe among the foremost author, ef the a :.•.•. and neither parti;".-anshi|i, nor an austere reiigons bigotry, can de­prive her of the laurels she has so nobly earned.

PHILi PS. tMMFSOX A Co.. Publishers, 3 Winter Street, Boston.

Any newspaper insering the above advertise­ment conspictoutdy three times, ami sending a cowy.ta the publishers will receive a copy of the

"j work -free' of postage. 29-Jw.

To Wood Choppers-

BOOK-BIBiDLMi 18 CENTER BLOCK. Binding for Public and Private Libraries.

MUSIC, Magazines, <Ve., bound in Plain. Or­namental and Antique'style and Edge Gild­

ing. Particular attention paid to Rlank Books for Banks, Merchants, Insurance Companies, A c , and Ruling of all kinds of Rlanks and Papers. Scrap Rooks, Cloth and Leather Case, Ac.

W . M A S S E N B E R G , Having established a Book Bindery in Center Rlock. over Bosworth's Jewelry Store, would as­sure the public of his entire competency in car­rying on that business, and would respectfully solicit

PRACTICAL ENCOURAGEMENT. In the form of increasing patronage. '

Fredonia, June II, 18.'>K. R-tf.

For Sale. fcthTe are wishinir to sell a good House and lot I V v with convenient bain an I outbuildings,— !

Pleasaetly situated near the Ii: -i < o ners on the i west side of the creel;. T u b e sold fow—or we would exchange the same for wi stria lands.

BABCC K ' KXIGHT. Wi stficld, July 7th. ls'iH. l j . i t .

BOOT ASD SHOE STinGl. n p H E Subacriber has establish d bl X at his old Stand, Xo. 5, S.i ith I'u

where he will continue the Hi-dm Ss

N ' D I S S O L U T I O N .

JTOTlCe is hereby giveuthat t i e co-partnership hitherto exist ing between hbe.BMersigoed

is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Company Hooks will I c left at the store o

Wm. Ogle. Immedicnt settluufcnt is i't sired. 52-m6 WH I.I.'.M O t i l E Westfiel d, April llth'5.1. THOMAS BOOTH

SUPREME _ John Ease


C0lTRT, CHUTtrQrE rorxTV. on Phiintifi; against Fwnk S. Ste­

vens Defendant. To Def. ndtnt. Sin: Yon nrc hereby Summoned to answer the ci.inplaint in this cause which was filed In the Clerk'softice.of Cliautaiique county mi the 12th day of August instant, and serve a copy of your answer on me at Westflcld X. Y. within twenty davs after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such ser­vice; and if you fail to anrwer the complaint as aforesaid, the PLAIXTJ; Y will U.'.te Judgement against you for two thousand, five hnndted dol­lars, and interest from the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and t i fy three and cost

\V. S . H1XCKLEY. Plaff's. Atty.

For rations styles of Ornamental Penmanship. as may l>e agreed ii] on.

For instruction iu business Arithmetic oaly sc per agreement,

Tiie design of the Insti:ut:on is to afford perfect* facilities for acquiring In an • vpei>ftiniir nmnntr, thorough knowledge of ComaicrrJaJ S«iinc« nm! Art, as practically enlp'oyed in the Counting: Room ."ii ! business pursuits, generally. .

The !>ook Keeping Department , i s under tha personal ruperintcntlenee of the must •ccom-plished Accountants ami Ttachpis, and it is be­lieved 'hat no Mercantile Colli ge fn'" the Uni te* Sndes possesses superior adv»uti |JNifor impart­ing a thorough end practical knowledge of C«m-mercial Science.

The Collegiate Course will embrace the soest approved and practical forms &r keeping books by Double Entry in the vailous rfrpinlnirnts of Trade and Commerce, inc!udthg^;e»eril Whole­sale and Retail, Mercantile -FxthaBm-,'Commis sioa. Manufacturing. Railroad, RithKinjLPrinting, Mmrag, Shipping, Ptesml oarintfr'lndiVtiliia! part­nership, aim Compound Company Business. AH" manuscripts from which the StudcuJ copies are written In a bold rapid busfiies*ha«B, whirh wi l l serve as a great anxih'ary in securing to hiia am excellent style of writing.

Daily Lectures nil! l.e delivered apan the s c i ­ence of accounts, Commercial Law, Poliriral Kconoiny, Commercial Culculafiobs, I'iiiikins;.

ntile Customs, Commercial Eiltb-s, liail-

oi t;, action.

IdX.Y., Ang.lI,L-.oe\ 17-Cw.

-f-vrt i l ! • • •

' i t .r; nn ge siiec', miiiiuf'ii •

- leave io sav ranch of I iisi-'Vi stern Xew

York, and these entrusting their work to hiiu may rely upon its being done in the i cat possible manner. He has ahn on hand a large stock of ready made boots and shoes of all kinds and the latest styles, which for ready pay w ill be sold at the lowest ligure.atid be would respectfully invite the public to call and examine his goods before par. basine elsewhere. THOMAS BOOTH.

Wastaeld April 30. DMA,


F o r 8 a !«• o r l o Hon I.

S IpNo.. 21 (beli'g in a very desirable locaito . in the Baptist Church in this vil' ige. April. 17. IMC BABCOt *K At K VIIT.

A fiministratoYs Notice-"•us having Claims against the estate Stockton, Ink of the village of West­'s; !, are hereby XotiMed to Present

t i 'b the Proper vouchers thereof to V.'rlls at his office in the vilfage of

"! ' o to Han let Slo.-ktonat her Residence in said vii i 'ge, on or before the Ifitliday of April nvx'.

Dated, Wc«tfield Fcpt. ?:VJi, IBM. v r ' s r ' \ !.. WEI.LS, Aitminislrator.

HARltlUT STIi( (.'TO.V, Administratrix. A Persons Indebted to. or having unsettled

aec nuts with Uic Lite Dr. Stockton, are hereby not lied to call and set t le and pay tlte same without delay,to either of the Kul-scribers ia the village of Westfirld,

Dated, Sept. T->, l*">f. . L WKLI.S. Administrator.

HARRIET TOCKTOX, Administratrta,

Merci roinling, Business Corresj oniUnre, Mining, Com­merce, Commeniai Gcogrephy, ;et". '

Pi nraanship, practical and e—nnteittrJ, will be-taught in the most effectual manner bv Ln«*.. Spencer and Cooper, gentMmea-oT-IISe hi accomplishments, as systematic snd, rapid ' i j . ~ ness penmen—the former of whom InBTew-^,^± and the latter both in Ohio and Michigan, first premiums on business und.ornamental manship the preset? year We.girimmtee t jiart to our pal i oils to a more glUtyfAfaKtcnt is done at any similar instituticma hand wr in ttviry resjiect itflnptod to biSMaefra>ursui Geiitlemnn and ladies WtS^Ug»ojanU|fy ti selves for tea ch ijg^jtenntinnigipP WTif^nd aa

"ISVTnrle.t at th is Vottege^Tn*w^^tMg$f

V.'tigon for Sale . Lumber Wagon. p W l a l N


r a'ood; Enquire at the BeptJ'Jth l « f i . EXCHAXCE OFFICE.

Hand Cart For Sale; very cheap.


Westfield Oct, Cth 1SS«.

PINK L \ X D .

FOR Sale IGO Acres .if v.ilu.,1 I • plm- Lumber land—situated iu Tascoia county Mishigan.—

For particulars enquire of A. '/.. Rnm«ev, or of BABCOCK ,v KXIGHT.

s.-pt. s, i*.-.n.

\on>' horse Eii'iiiire of

Noio'ubtr lit, Is

l l o i t v a n d "«T7E are wisliiuir to sell a V \ Elm Street—a retired

the u l l a g e Call sum. Osfolv i 1«, 1-.**. BARCOCK * KXIGHT

Lot. House ami i ot on tid j leasiint pint of

The Suite of R o o m s f ^ n k j U J f the Coll. a r . spacious, elegantly f n r n l s E e ^ a n d con» rtitly arranged forparaoing every Jepnrtiuent l (Mercantile Bdacfetio^L , • -i- J -

The Ladies' department i s entiacly sepan from the gent lemcnX ntuTIs fitteovdb in a n< and convenient manner. . rtatsj

Thronph lm; e.vtei.rive I.iisin*»ae>|uaintini of the prinejpahvwsay pf theatndenb on gradi atlng are pt tbM irf luorarivT' st^r«»rro»..

For farthar information, send by aaail, for cat "guosndc i i vu lar rci'tutly IsMitU aiMe^ will h promptly forwarded frue of >H>*fiB^j ly-SI

U«m» Aaninhi i9 ATIXH retsH-aea ft ore older ii nut w^ec wc)t«

>r»i esjr old-customer?,tad ally, thai we aiap be abaatt i' *k**lyo» W . 1 fkvar us with a call,

W e e d c H M i r r A ' U


with frwai one ham* ee two«

srtini Hua«y Watfea, 4 Raaatra el

e { , • # ! •

I T '

One new double saited Hsjrsry trees—s,,i(,.^ j , , o l w | , a n w „

singl I o n , c t S c k e y a s j | O B .

< I'