Have you been looking for just the right flavor for your special upcoming dinner oc- casion? If so, look for Spice of Life packets made in our very own Ashland High School Tran- sition Center. PRISM (Products by Respon- sible Independent Student Managers) En- terprises is sponsoring this program, which is the first student run business to come out of the Transition Center. Students are working hard mixing, pack- aging and selling a variety of spice pack- ets to practice banking and other financial skills, as well as earning community service hours. The packets are being sold in local food stores around Ashland as well as at school. “We just got up and running the week before Christmas, so we’ve mostly just been selling to friends,” Kate Sullivan, the Transi- tion Center teacher said. The packets can be purchased at Safeway, Shop N’ Kart and the Transition Center in TH-15. Over 50 pack- ets have been sold so far. The students themselves are completely immersed in the business. They selected the name, filled out a resume, conducted a job interview and trained for whatever task they were to perform. Some of these jobs are folding and applying labels, mixing the in- gredients and filling the packets. “They really like the whole assembly line of putting the product together,” Sullivan commented. Although the students won’t be receiving their first paycheck until March 3, they are to be using a “SOS” budgeting system, adapted from a similar business run in Pheonix High School. The students will be putting 40 percent of the profits into a savings account, which is the first “S”, 10 percent into gifts for other classmates, so the “O” is for other, and 50 percent directly to the student, the second “S”, “This is a good way for the kids to learn about life outside the classroom,” Luna Bitzer, another Transition Center teacher said. Mexican and curry seasonings have been the most popular so far and the spices have complimented meals as far away as Boston. The students in the Transition Center soon hope to be supplying local restaurants and SOU. They plan to continue this project Teaching business skills to students The Transition Center’s Spice of Life program sells spice packets to business around town and teaches job skills. AHS musicians honored at State See Spice on page 3 Siobhan Carolan and Magdala Grahm help create spice packets. Photo by Phoebe Parker-Shames by Michael Deckleman On January 16 through 18, nine Ashland High School music students were rewarded for their exceptional tal- ent when they attended Oregon Music Educators As- sociation All-State Conference. The students, who were selected on the basis of recorded auditions, spent three days in Eugene learn- ing new musical pieces alongside peers from across the state in their various musical areas. “They’re in rehearsal the whole time,” Band Direc- tor Jon Soderburg-Chase said. “And they put together some really complicated songs with world-renowned instructors.” To finish off the weekend, the different bands, or- chestras and choirs showcased their songs in a perfor- mance that stretched into the night. “It was awesome. It was really intense but fun and you meet people in a different way. You meet people through music,” Ashley Hoe, the only AHS sophmore to attend this year, said. The students have worked long and hard to receive this reward. “In this case it comes down to the dedica- tion of those individuals. Hundreds and hundreds of hours that students have put into it,” Chase said. Logan Shrewsbury was honored as the only drum- mer selected in the entire state. Jake Gavin and Shea Pasche both played horn for the full All-State band. Deborah Silbowitz participated in the wind ensemble, playing flute. Two AHS violinists, Ashley Hoe and Ka- leen Jenkins, joined the All-State orchestra. In choir, Maggie Witt and Helen Marcus sung soprano, and Jane Excell performed as alto. Each student took away something different from the experience. “This was a smaller group, so you got to know your band better. It felt more personal,” Gavin said. He explained that one of his favorite aspects of the conference was the conductor. “He was amazing. One of the most enthusiastic guys I’ve ever met. After four- teen hours straight, even at nine thirty at night, he was still jumping up and down. …It’s definitely something I’ll remember for a long time.” See “Memoirs of a Gymnasium” p. 6 Four of the All-state musicians. From left to right: Deborah Silbowitz, Jake Gavin, Shea Pasche and Jane Excell. Photo by Grace Riley-Adams Nine dedicated artists accepted to competitive OMEA All-State Conference “It was a joy to share our musical talents” -Shea Pasche by Phoebe Parker-Shames Ashland, Oregon www.roguenews.net Vol. III Issue V February 12, 2009

Rogue News

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Ashland High School's feature newspaper

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Have you been looking for just the right flavor for your special upcoming dinner oc-casion? If so, look for Spice of Life packets made in our very own Ashland High School Tran-sition Center. PRISM (Products by Respon-sible Independent Student Managers) En-terprises is sponsoring this program, which is the first student run business to come out of the Transition Center. Students are working hard mixing, pack-aging and selling a variety of spice pack-ets to practice banking and other financial skills, as well as earning community service hours. The packets are being sold in local food stores around Ashland as well as at school. “We just got up and running the week before Christmas, so we’ve mostly just been selling to friends,” Kate Sullivan, the Transi-tion Center teacher said. The packets can be purchased at Safeway, Shop N’ Kart and the Transition Center in TH-15. Over 50 pack-ets have been sold so far. The students themselves are completely immersed in the business. They selected the

name, filled out a resume, conducted a job interview and trained for whatever task they were to perform. Some of these jobs are folding and applying labels, mixing the in-gredients and filling the packets. “They really like the whole assembly line of putting the product together,” Sullivan commented. Although the students won’t be receiving their first paycheck until March 3, they are to be using a “SOS” budgeting system, adapted from a similar business run in Pheonix High School. The students will be putting 40 percent of the profits into a savings account, which is the first “S”, 10 percent into gifts for other classmates, so the “O” is for other, and 50 percent directly to the student, the second “S”, “This is a good way for the kids to learn about life outside the classroom,” Luna Bitzer, another Transition Center teacher said. Mexican and curry seasonings have been the most popular so far and the spices have complimented meals as far away as Boston. The students in the Transition Center soon hope to be supplying local restaurants and SOU. They plan to continue this project

Teaching business skills to studentsThe Transition Center’s Spice of Life program sells spice packets to business around town and teaches job skills.

AHS musicians honored at State

See Spice on page 3

Siobhan Carolan and Magdala Grahm help create spice packets.

Photo by Phoebe Parker-Shames

by Michael Deckleman

On January 16 through 18, nine Ashland High School music students were rewarded for their exceptional tal-ent when they attended Oregon Music Educators As-sociation All-State Conference. The students, who were selected on the basis of recorded auditions, spent three days in Eugene learn-ing new musical pieces alongside peers from across the state in their various musical areas. “They’re in rehearsal the whole time,” Band Direc-tor Jon Soderburg-Chase said. “And they put together some really complicated songs with world-renowned instructors.” To finish off the weekend, the different bands, or-chestras and choirs showcased their songs in a perfor-mance that stretched into the night. “It was awesome. It was really intense but fun and you meet people in a different way. You meet people through music,” Ashley Hoe, the only AHS sophmore to attend this year, said. The students have worked long and hard to receive this reward. “In this case it comes down to the dedica-tion of those individuals. Hundreds and hundreds of hours that students have put into it,” Chase said.

Logan Shrewsbury was honored as the only drum-mer selected in the entire state. Jake Gavin and Shea Pasche both played horn for the full All-State band. Deborah Silbowitz participated in the wind ensemble, playing flute. Two AHS violinists, Ashley Hoe and Ka-leen Jenkins, joined the All-State orchestra. In choir,

Maggie Witt and Helen Marcus sung soprano, and Jane Excell performed as alto. Each student took away something different from the experience. “This was a smaller group, so you got to know your band better. It felt more personal,” Gavin said. He explained that one of his favorite aspects of the conference was the conductor. “He was amazing. One of the most enthusiastic guys I’ve ever met. After four-teen hours straight, even at nine thirty at night, he was still jumping up and down. …It’s definitely something I’ll remember for a long time.”

See “Memoirs of a Gymnasium” p. 6

Four of the All-state musicians. From left to right: Deborah Silbowitz, Jake Gavin, Shea Pasche and Jane Excell.Photo by Grace Riley-Adams

Nine dedicated artists accepted to competitive OMEA All-State Conference

“It was a joy to share our musical talents”

-Shea Pasche

by Phoebe Parker-Shames

Ashland, Oregon www.roguenews.net Vol. III Issue V

February 12, 2009

Nostalgia permeates the walls of our beloved gym.

Memoirs of a

The construction of the gym has continued for about half a year. Top: Temporary beams that support the orginal walls of the gym while construction continues. . Middle: A construction worker sits on top of the beams that will support the roof of the new gym. Bot-tom: All that is left of the inside of the old gym.

Like a Phoenix rising from its ashes, the Mountain Avenue Gym will sprout from its degraded state and turn into a beautiful arena. However, the old gym held many memories of dunks, aces and other activities for over 50 years. There is something nostalgic about a gym in general. Students have spent countless hours on the court playing basketball, volleyball and other activities in the company of those who love the sport. Or they practiced alone, a tireless routine of hoisting jump shots and eyeing free throws. Watching games from the bleachers was also an integral part of experiencing the gym. It was a time when you could talk with friends or study the opponent’s zone defense. A gym can be a place of pandemonium or solitude, of hard work or relaxation. A gym is one of the few public places where the full range of human emotion can play. But the Mountain Avenue Gym’s age and history makes it stand out from the rest; the atmosphere was incredible. Students may recall many moments in the gym (known fondly by Mr. Gabriel as the Grizzly Fieldhouse), from their first few days at the high school until graduation. Some played basketball at lunch, even in dress clothes before a football game. Others woke up every morning before the sun even thought of peeking over the Cascades to go to practice at 5:30 a.m. By the time it was over, they were nice and sweaty for school to begin. It was always a grueling season, either losing every game, or fighting for a conference championship.

Volleyball and basketball drew the biggest crowds, especially for the all-important state playoffs. A playoff game at the gym meant the stands were completely filled, perhaps a fire code or two broken. Spectators stood all game whether they liked it or not. It was hot and packed with screaming fans. If a player dove out of bounds for a loose ball, he or she would have taken out at least dozen spectators. “My favorite part of the gym was how close everyone was to the floor,” Senior Kelsey McKinnis said. “It was so loud and the students were right there to cheer us on.” McKinnis has played varsity basketball for four years at AHS and has played in many memorable games at the old Mountain Avenue Gym. These include two victories against favored Sheldon and Franklin to reach the state tournament her freshman year and defeating West Albany Bulldogs in their final game at the Mountain Avenue Gym last season, taking revenge for a defeat by the same Bulldogs team a year before.

by Zach Kitamura

Page 2 Rogue News February 12, 2009

Photos by Jesse Smith


“Every home game was great because of the atmosphere,” Senior Garrett Tygerson said, recalling playoff games against St. Helens and Sherwood that broke gym attendance records. There was the large wooden “A” nailed to the wall with the flag hanging below it. Spectators turned towards the two hallowed objects as the national anthem was belted out; the newspapers

were “read” while the opposing team was introduced and cheers resounded as our starting lineup came onto the court. The student section chanted raucously as the minutes waned and the teams seesawed for the lead; they stormed the court after a win and were shocked into silence after defeat.

See Gym on page 3



Imagine the most stressful environment you could possibly be in, and put about 70 desks in it, each with their own student. Pencil lead breaking, hairs being pulled out, erasers constantly scraping the white sheet of the scantron you’ve been star-ing at for what seems like hours. Someone sneezes, sending you into the air. The room becomes a war-zone; student against student. With the amount of stress you’ve been feeling for months, and the loss of sleep you experienced last night, this can only be one thing you’re doing – the Student Aptitude Test known as the SAT. The SAT is just one of the many steps taken to get into college, and nowadays, it’s tougher than ever. Schools are becoming increasingly competitive and their acceptance rates are decreasing each and every year. Every student hoping to attend a four year uni-versity has to go through the same journey, and here are a few reminders/ steps in the collegiate process. Beginning your choice of a college is very sim-ple; define exactly what you want in a college. Think about the size, the climate, the student body and the academics of the school; see if you fit in. You’re going to spend four years there; you might as well enjoy it. Then construct a list of your top ten, may-be 20 colleges and pick the top five you will actu-ally apply to. Keep in mind: this list has to contain a “reach school” ( a school you have a very slim chance of getting into, but still want to reach for) and some safety schools (schools you’re guaranteed to get into). Once this list is made, everything comes into place, and you begin to picture yourself at these various “dream colleges,” and your future begins to unfold. Next, is the nail-biting three hours described above. Register for the SAT on www.collegeboard.

com, and study, study, study. You can do this study-ing by purchasing the “College Board’s Official SAT Study Guide”. And perhaps the most important study aide is reading, a lot. Reading challenging nov-els eases you into the world of writing in a way a textbook could never do. This test is almost always a large determining factor in the admissions process,

and doing your best is tremendously important. Another factor of the SAT testing process is the SAT II Subject Tests. Many colleges require ap-

plicants to take two tests from different concentra-tions (for example, history and foreign language) re-quiring you to, again, schedule even more tests, and, again, study. After wrapping all of these tests up, you will likely feel a momentous wave of relief; the hardest part is over…well, almost over. You still have to find activi-ties in school that distinguish you from the rest of the world applying to your choice universities. Begin to take part in clubs, and searching for leadership roles. Join a sport you love to do and clubs that de-scribe your interests outside of school, and take part in them as much as you can. These are just a few tips for going through the process of getting into college. It’s a long and ardu-ous journey, but it’s one almost every high school student will have to take. Good luck!

Photo by Grace Riley-Adams

by Jackson Santee







Eli Youngs studies for the big one.

Continued From Pg. 2

Continued From Pg. 1

SAT: slaving away tirelessly

There are many more memories other than basketball. Volleyball players jumped up to spike the ball, wrestlers grappled for position. P.E. 1 classes played Pickleball or Advanced Conditioning athletes warmed up. One A.C. class saw a window destroyed when a medicine ball crashed into it.

“I liked that it had a lot of history and stories,” Senior Kiley Pinder said. “I remember during JV games the varsity team cheering from the balcony; it was like they were cheering for those who were going to replace them.” The Mountain Avenue Gym was also a place where everyone in the school

convened for assemblies. Our class presidents welcomed us back each new year, the winter assembly held many surprising gifts in store and at the end of the year an assembly sent the senior classes into their first steps out of high school. Of course no one who was there could ever forget when all the fire

drills we practiced actually paid off as (what used to be) the girls’ locker room burst into flames. The gym is now the skin and bones of what it once was. Of all the landmarks of the old gym, the blackened

Survival tips and tricks for the Student Aptitude Test.

next year. “We see this as a permanent business and a very important part of this classroom,” Sullivan said. The students have been enjoying

this program as well. “I’m proud of seeing the packets,” Matt Hock, one of the students involved, com-mented when asked how he felt about seeing packets he’d labeled

at local stores such as Safeway. Hock’s favorite spice is Mexican. Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean there’s no more need for spices in your cupboards.

Make sure to stop by room TH-15 and buy some delicious seasonings to complete that special dinner.

“It [the SAT] helps you in the end, but is not the determining factor.”

- John Skinner

Page 3Rogue NewsFebruary 12, 2009

See Gym on page 6

Foggy sea of winter thoughtsMist of hidden white

Thoughts of amber spring time guesses

Proven wrong tonight Twirling with one anotherSpecks of snow sail downWaltz with wishful thinking

Making not a soundIt’s cold but I can’t feel it

Standing looking upIt seems too much like magic

To let logic eruptYour hair traps flakes of snow

Caught in a spider’s webA fleck rests on your eyelash

As if laying down to bed

Smiling shiveringDon’t blink or

I’ll be goneWe can wait together

Your handLinked with mine

Who knows how long we’ll be hereBut I don’t care what they say

Let’s be foolish togetherAnd think our love will stay

Wind bends down around usLike a current in the seaSilence is surrounding

Don’t say a thing or it’ll leave

Concentrating contemplatingAre we both

Thinking the same?Holding each other forever

Lost in Love and time

Would you go crazy at hearing thatI want you to always be mine?

I promise I’ll make it everlastinglyLike an endless wintertime

-by Jem Kloor

Where did you go, sun? Don’t you remember?

We lay under your glorious heat dosing on the sand-stone rocks one finger tracing meaningless

patterns in the lethargic water it lapped at the shore

weaving hypnotic lullabies

Don’t you remember? it was green, so green

there was flourishing life surrounding us

we were dancing, running, laughing all in your joyous shining

there were other colors too rich reds, deep magentas,

loud oranges

Don’t you remember? you would amuse yourself

by tricking us making us believe that days would last

forever claiming the hours

without acknowledging the night scaring the wet, cold, and miserable

away with your eternal fire Don’t you remember?

-by MacKenzie Kitchell

“Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.” -T. S. Eliot

The thin machete cuts through grasses and vines that

block the trail from below and from above.Bromeliads hang heavy on titanic trees

like so many jewels or leeches:ornamenting colossal trunks,slowly sucking their life-blood

until the gems become sick with their own weight

and crash to the ground.Small swatches of red and blue and pink

relieve the oppressive greenness.Something crackles underfoot—

an old wrapper carelessly tossed aside,left to mar the forest floor.

The bright blue of the outside could be a carapace or feather,

but the inside shines with an insidious silver.I pick it up and push it thoughtfully into my pocket.

-by Forrest Wells

I sit in darkness and in warmth

Gently, softly, the flames call out to meThey reach for me with tiny,

glowing handsTheir warm breath against my flesh is soothing

It seeps down into my bonesInto my veins

And like hot tea it fills me up from withinSpreading outward from my corethrough my cold and weary limbs

to my fingertips and toes and noseI am content, I am quiet, I am still

My heavy, dreamy eyes calmly watch the fire

The flames caress their nightly feastSlowly the firewood is consumed

Charcoal edges crumble away and smolder in the dust

Playfully, delightedly, the flames flicker from behind the glassOccasionally they glance up

from their meal and crackle happily

And then they swoop down on the log againSwaying, moving, dancing

Like orange and red silk they flutterThin as a whisper

Soft as the air They are mesmerizingI am quiet, I am deep

Behind me, midnight rain hisses against the windows

Soothing sounds to my earsLike distant train-calls and wind

I am silent, I am still… The black coals glow faintly

A dim echo of fireA ghost of flame

With a final, shuddering breath, they fade away

and the trance is broken -by Lauren Koppel

The winners of the 2009

Rogue News Poetry Contest

For the rest of the poetry from the contest visit www.roguenews.net

Editorial Board

Editors-in-Chief.................................Phoebe Parker-Shames, Žena SheltonFront Page Editor......................................................Phoebe Parker-ShamesQuadlife Editors....................................... Arthur Lawniczak, Žena SheltonNews Editor................................................... Jackson Santee, Sadie SheltonOpinion Editors......................... Arthur Lawniczak, Phoebe Parker-ShamesTwin Plunges Editors....................................Morgan Hall, Trevor HilligossIn-Depth Editor..........................................................................Abbie DealPhotography Editor.....................................................................Jesse SmithBack Page Editors.............................................Anna Hume, Hannah SaylesGraphic Designer/Ad Designer...................................................Jesse SmithManaging Editor................................................................Ella Riley-AdamsAdvertising Managers.............Brenna Heater, Adam Pavlich, Alex QuadriniDistrubution Manager...........................................................Nicholas Dake

Rogue News-The Rogue News will strive to practice professional journalism at Ashland High School. It will aim to be a voice for the student body, and an important contribution to the school and community. In order to achieve this goal, the Rogue News will attempt to do the following to the best of it’s ability.-Report accurate and objective information-Uphold all journalistic ethics and standards-Provide an outlet for voices within the school through letters editor and editorials. Unsigned editorials represent the views of the staff, all others are signed. Letters to the editor must be signed unless extenuating circumstances warrant a students name being withheld, as decided by the Editor-in-Chiefs or newspaper advisor.-Attempt to cover school events fairly and evenly.

February 12, 2009

Love is a complex emotion with many differ-ent facets in which February 14 continues to

mock. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, love is “a feeling or dispo-

sition of deep affection or fond-ness for someone, typically

arising from a recognition of attractive qualities,

from natural affinity, or from sympathy and manifesting itself in

concern for the other’s welfare and pleasure in

his or her presence; great liking, strong emotional at-

tachment.” Valentine’s Day does not

do this emotion justice. Love is not a box of chocolates, a red valentine or a

candy heart with the message “be mine” etched into it. In my opinion, the idea of

love cannot be pinned onto one day of the year, because there is no common strain of love that exists between everybody. Different experiences and opinions are going to shape what a person thinks love is. Trying to describe a universal idea of love is like trying not to eat the whole box of chocolates that your boyfriend just gave you with a side of “cookies ‘n cream” ice cream, pecans roasted to perfection, whipped cream from a can and savory caramel sauce all atop a warm brownie all in one day. It simply cannot be done. Valentine’s Day mocks love and ridicules those who have found true love. I find the stereotypi-cal idea of love offensive because a heart-shaped box of chocolates does not scream love to me. Little candies that taste like chalk with a hint of frosting does not make me feel good. And pink makes me nauseous. Love is an intricate feeling, and to put a universal stamp of what hallmark believes love should be is wrong.

Editorial: condensing love into one dayRogue NewsPage 6

walls of that locker room are one of the few that remain. Bulldozers and port-a-potties welcome you to the former front steps of the gym, though the graffiti Grizzly still rises ominously over loaders and dumpsters. Outside the building, insulation and PVC pipe litters the ground. The walls inside are naked with nothing but beams and old paint. The space where the boy’s basketball teams would get pumped up before making their grand entrance before the game now holds the gym plans and tools, nuts and bolts. Pipes jut out of every wall and concrete pours

into the abandoned old home of the gym’s feral cats. Perhaps the most shocking sight is that of the gym floor, left unprotected from the elements. The hardwood is caked with mud and the finish is peeling. Some of the boards are jammed against each other, forming small peaks of wood. A crane stands where the mid-court Grizzly once roared out of the floor. “It’s hard to see the old floor sitting with pools of water on it,” Former basketball player Paul Kitzman, who holds the record for most points in a game at AHS, said.

A few things are being preserved. The foyer is intact and the wall of fame will still display the star Grizzly athletes of yore. A painted bear’s head and the word “Grizzlies” remains. The seats are all covered with tarp. The new gym will be a great part of the AHS campus, with brand new weight and band rooms, two practice courts and a much-needed makeover. It will be a much better facility than the old one. Future generations of Grizzlies will soon make memories of their own, with buzzer beaters and aces, wrestling pins and assembly antics.

But for generations of Grizzlies up until now, we will always remember the gym as it once was: a place that was both beautiful and ugly; a place where perspiration and blood flowed. When the game or match was done there was not an ounce of strength left to play; life became fixated on every dribble and 20 seconds was an eternity, the ballet of bodies posting up and making runs towards the basket in an infinite loop, the ball released in a final desperation as the crowd counts down 3, 2, 1…

Gym Continued From Pg. 3

Illustration by Brenna Heater

by Morgan Carne

“It was a place to get looked at,” recalled AHS humanities teacher Jane Claussen when asked if she remembered much about the days when Twin Plunges still sat in the hub of downtown Ashland. “Everyone went; it was a social gathering for all ages.” The water park, which experienced its heyday throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s, was once the place to spend your sum-mer, hanging out by the pool to show off your new bathing suit or taking daring leaps off the two diving boards into the water below. Diving off the high dive, especially, was a way to show off your “athletic prowess,” Claussen said. When you got hungry, the snack bar was always open, serving hot dogs, popcorn and sodas to swarms of rav-enous teenagers. But now, much to the dismay of its past residents, all that re-mains of Twin Plunges are the memo-ries of those who so loved its slides and the hours of freedom from sum-mer boredom it offered. Back in 1909, when Ashland was a small lumber town dreaming of be-coming a major spa city, the cataclys-mal discovery of Lithia mineral water was made. After the owners refused to give up the rights to the original spring, another was found, and the Ashland Mineral Springs Natatorium was born out of the city’s hopes for worldwide fame. 35 men at a time dug out the pools and tanks, using only shovels, according to the Natatorium’s most re-cent owners, Al and Edith Willstatter. As Edith retells in a story based on Daily Tidings articles, the pools finally opened on a Saturday in October of 1909 after several months of arduous labor. For only 25 cents, patrons were granted access to two pools, slides, div-ing boards, trapeze rings and a maple dance floor that

doubled as a skating rink. In addition, pinball machines and a jukebox provided an arcade feel to the atmo-sphere. If watching the action was sounded better than being a part of it, a balcony around the pools could seat 500 and serve as a place to watch professionals perform.

Shortly after its opening, the Natatorium was re-named Twin Plunges in accordance to its two Olympic-size pools, and its amount of visitors only increased. People came not only from the entire Rogue Valley, but even from the northern California towns of Mon-tague and Hornbrook. To accommodate this change, the Plunges was closed and remodeled into an outdoor park reopening in 1931. As the years went by and times changed, so did what went on at Twin Plunges. Beauty contests and fashion shows began to take place, and in 1958, it was decided that revenue was needed during the winter months in addition to all the other seasons. To fix this, an inflat-

able plastic cover was made for the pools. However, shortly after on January 8, a vicious windstorm hit that caused a shingle to be blown off a roof and pop the cover, thus ending the reign of winter swim sessions. When 1977 approached, the Willstatters were forced to face the fact that Twin Plunges couldn’t hold out

much longer. Insurance costs, unwant-ed levels of public exposure and fatigue from the heavy amount of people that flooded the water park each day all but made up their minds for them. And so it was with heavy hearts that the couple sold the property to the Heritage Bank after the initial offers to the city and county were turned down. Demolition of the Plunges was no easy process. The amount of rebar alone destroyed at least two pieces of equipment, and an artesian spring along with two wells provided additional ob-stacles. Still, despite these pitfalls, the one-time center of Ashland’s social scene was at last wiped from the face of the town never to be seen again. Now instead of two pools adorned with slides and springboards, the cor-ner of First and A Street is marked by the Ashland Food Coop. Where the water park’s storm drains once ran A

Street Marketplace now sits. Long gone are the days so many remember with a smile, of ice cream by the pool and exhilarating jumps off the high dive in the sum-mer heat. However, the memories of those who knew and loved the Plunges are enough to satiate them, and will have to do for the unlucky ones who never got the chance to spend a day in paradise.



Photo illustrations by Trevor Hilligoss, photos provided by Terry Skibby

A crouded twin plunges on a hot aummer day in Ashland.

f o r m o r e p h o to s g o to w w w.r o g u e n e w s.n e t

Granach’s cooking corner

SeniorGabeGranachisanupandcomingchef withatastefororiginalityandzest…literally.He



of his peers and have left all tasters satisfied. To put it in the simplest terms Granach says, “ My


savory flavors.”

Photo by Hannah Sayles

Photo by Arthur Lawniczak

Patty Groth, chef and owner of Morning Glory, satisfies her sweet-toothed customers by giving them a delicious dose of equally fresh and filling foods. This pear recipe came to her from friend Michelle Sampson; she simply added the frosting on top the delicious cake. A sure-to-satisfy dish with savory fresh flavors and moist insides.

Homemade Coco

The cold season calls for a warm drink. Say goodbye to Nestle and Swiss-Miss as you make the perfect cup of steaming hot coco-entirely from scratch.

½ c. sugar ¼ c. cocoa dash of salt1/3 c. hot water 4 c. milk¾ tsp. Vanilla extract

Mix sugar, cocoa, and salt in sauce-pan; stir in water. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture boils; boil and stir 2 minutes. Stir in milk and heat (DO NOT BOIL). Remove from heat; add vanilla.

4. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour, testing with a toothpick to make sure it is done. If the cake is golden brown on top, but not finished in the middle, just cover with foil and continue baking. Let cool for about 10 minutes, run a knife around the edges and flip onto plate.

1 cup cream cheese½ cup butter1 cup powdered sugar½ cup heavy cream½ cup hazelnut liquor

5. Mix frosting ingredients. After cake is completely cooled, frost the cake and sprinkle with 1 cup toasted, hulled, and chopped hazelnuts. Serve and Savor!

4 cups grated ripe pears5 cups flour2 cups sugar1 cup pecans1 tablespoon vanilla2 teaspoons baking soda2 teaspoons cinnamon1 cup oil2 eggs


1. Preheat oven at 350 °F

2. Whisk eggs and oil together; add rest of ingredients and mix to combine.

3. Grease a bundt pan and pour in batter.

Pear Cake

1 sheet frozen puff pastry2 ounces Parmesan cheese grated (1 cup)¼ teaspoon salt1/8 teaspoon pepper

1. Heat oven to 425 degrees. Lay the puff pastry on a sheet of parchment paper and sprinkle with Parmesan, salt and pep-per. Top with another sheet of parchment press the cheese into the dough with a rolling pin into a 10-inch square.

2. Remove top layer of parch-ment and cut the dough into ¾ inch wide strips. Gently twist each strip, transfer to baking sheet

3. Bake until rolls are fully puffed and golden brown, about 10 minutes. Cool for five minutes before serving. Eat and enjoy!

Cheesy Rolls

pear cake withhazelnut frosting