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    Games ForumOnline StoreFacebook RSS Legend of the Five Rings New to L5R The Game The Story Events Imperial Assembly Stronghold Stores

    A Line in the Sand, Part 1Published on September 14, 2014, by Shawn Carman - Posted in Story 0

    ALineInTheSand-SliderThe first in a series of fictions depicting the events of the CCG expansion, A Line in the Sand!

    A Line in the Sand, Part 1

    By Shawn Carman

    Edited by Fred Wan

    Four months ago, the Lion provinces

    In past generations, the pass that allowed passage through the Spine of the World Mountains into the southern Lion provinces had been vast enough to allow a massive army to move through. Beiden Pass had been collapsed generations ago, however, and no living samurai had memory of it any longer, its existence relegated to historical texts and works of literature. The much smaller Shamate Pass had been discovered later, large enough for only a caravan or perhaps a single legionat most to move through, and only then moving in a very narrow formation that would take a ridiculous amount of time to move through it. Militarily, it was nota viable means of circumventing the mountains. Shamate Pass, for all it was valued by both Lion and Scorpion, was good only for trade and travel.

    Akodo Iketsu stifled a sigh as she nodded to her men to allow a group of Unicornmerchants to pass through, their goal some insignificant village on the borderof the Shinomen Mori. Their business there, she felt sure, was extremely important to them, and most likely to no one else anywhere in the Empire. Iketsu suspected that her petition to be reassigned to the Colonies would soon be approved; the campaign of the Lion Champion in that distant land seemed to have caused theclan to reassess its presence there, and an increase in troop allocation was imminent. Unfortunately, that knowledge, while somewhat comforting, did little to alleviate the tedium of her current duties.

    Her men summoned the next group waiting to move through the pass. It appeared tobe a pair of magistrates and their attendants, based on the mons the two samura

    i bore on their kimono. A Kitsuki and a Tsuruchi, she reflected, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Now she appeared to be in the middle of some trite play, with a duo such as that. Iketsu chastised herself inwardly and promised that shewould spend an extra hour at the shrine this afternoon praying for patience andhumility.

    There was a scrabbling of stones in the pass as the wind dislodged some small rocks and they scattered down the pass. It was a familiar sound, so much so that the Lion warrior scarcely noticed it anymore. She only noticed it this time because of the reaction it drew from the two magistrates she was observing at the way

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    The Kitsuki cocked his head to the side, listening intently, his expression severe.

    The Tsuruchi glanced up at the mountains, his unwavering gaze taking in detailsthat she felt sure she would never be able to discern. He stared for only a moment, then cast a knowing glance to the Dragon at his side. They both nodded, almost imperceptibly.

    Wait, Iketsu said suddenly, cutting off one of her men in mid-sentence as he was preparing to send the magistrates forward. She walked over to face the two men, standing in their path. What is it? she asked.

    Once more the two men looked at one another, perhaps communicating in a way shehad never experienced outside of the throes of battle, when you knew what the man at your shoulder was doing even without seeing it, without him telling you. Itwould not be our place to meddle in the affairs of the Lion Clan, the Kitsuki said politely.

    Iketsu frowned and switched her gaze to the Mantis. What is it? she repeated.

    Men, the Mantis said. His voice was flat, completely without emotion, as if he were simply describing the weather. Men moving in the rocks. I'd guess half a dozen or


    Fire blossomed in Iketsu's chest, although whether it was anger that someone woulddare creep so close to a Lion waystation or shame that she and her men had notdetected them on their own she was not sure. She drew her blade. Into the rocks, she said calmly.

    To her own ears, her voice sounded as dead as the Mantis's.

    * * * * *

    Slightly less than four months ago, the highways near the Imperial City..

    Ikoma Shungo's features remained completely impassive. As I have told you numeroustimes, I am not concerned with what your papers say. I am concerned with the contents of your caravan, and I will not allow you to pass until I am completely satisfied that there is no reason for said concern. If you take issue with this, Isuggest you have your lord write my lord a sternly worded letter. I am certainthat when Dairuko-sama returns from the Colonies, she will make it her highest priority to assuage your hurt feelings.

    Soshi Kitaiko's perfectly controlled expression was a mirror to Shungo's painted cal

    m, even without the detailed fox mask she wore. You have inspected every cart inthe caravan. We have been held here for three hours. Whether you care or not, you can see that our papers convey the urgency of our cargo. Times are lean in theScorpion lands, and we are needed to resupply the forces at the Second Pit.

    Shungo smiled very slightly. Well, then, in that case He turned to the other Lion. earch all the carts again. He turned back to the Scorpion. Our search has alreadyrevealed what we needed to know. But if, by our vigilance, we can make your fellow Scorpion uncomfortable or even, Fortunes forbid, place them in harm's way, wellas a Lion I consider that not only my duty but my privilege. He smiled more broa

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    dly. Search them all again, he repeated to the others. Slowly.

    Kitaiko winced. Oh my, she said with a sorrowful shake of her head. I wish you hadnot said such a foolish thing.

    Shungo's eyes narrowed. And why, pray tell, was that a foolish thing?

    Because, Kitaiko explained, my yojimbo Akagi will not like it, not at all.

    The Lion warrior cut his eyes over to the very large, very unpleasant looking Scorpion who had been surveying the entire process with an extremely bemused expression throughout the entire affair. Shungo could not help but notice that the man's expression was no longer evens lightly amused. Why should I care? he demanded, although he sounded far fiercer than he actually felt in that moment.

    Are you a father? Akagi asked.


    I am. Akagi drew himself up tall. My son serves in the Scorpion forces at the Second Pit. I am very proud. You, however, do not seem to care if he lives or dies inthe execution of his duties.

    That's true, Shungo confirmed. I do not care.

    Then for once, Bayushi Akagi said, I am not the biggest fool in the room. And then e headbutted Shungo with sufficient force that there was a heavy crack, like a branch breaking beneath the weight of too much ice during the winter.

    Shungo dropped to one knee, blood spraying from his face like a fountain. Against his will, his eyes flooded with water so badly that he could not see. But he could still hear the sounds of shouting and steel being drawn. Of blood splattering the ground.

    Of death.

    * * * * *

    Bayushi Nitoshi, Champion of the Scorpion Clan, strolled through the hallways ofKyuden Baushi seemingly without a concern in the world. His demeanor was that of a carefree man, but those advisors who trailed behind him glanced at one another warily, all too familiar with the notion that Nitoshi-sama's moods were rarelyso obvious. He was examining a piece of fruit he had selected from a bowl in oneof the chambers they had passed recently. Remind me how this entire unpleasant matter started, would you?

    His elder advisor bowed his head. The matter is entirely preposterous, my lord. By sheer happenstance, one of the Lion checkpoints at Shamate Pass was host to apair of magistrates, a Dragon and a Mantis by our reckoning, who happened to spot some of our operatives in the mountain range nearby. He clucked his tongue. Theywere accustomed to the obliviousness of the Lion, and were sloppy. They have been disciplined. He shrugged. Regardless, this set the Lion on edge and they began paying closer attention to our caravans.

    The ones from the Imperial City, I presume, Nitoshi interrupted. Bound for the Second Pit?

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    Yes, my lord. As you may be aware, the Lion have been charging ludicrous tariffssince we have had to increase our trade caravans through their lands. They inspected one and discovered that our vassals were transporting significantly more goods than they had declared on the inventory. The situation deteriorated from there.

    Yes, the Champion said casually, and the situation continues to deteriorate, I understand?

    The advisors glanced among one another again. Yes, my lord, one among them finallysaid. The skirmishes at Shamate Pass are almost a daily occurrence, and our sources in the Imperial Court believe that the Otomo will grant the Lion leave to seek satisfaction in the name of the Empress very soon.

    Doubtless as you have planned, my lord! the youngest among the advisors said.

    Nitoshi stopped in his tracks and turned slowly, regarding the young man intently, then turning to the eldest among the advisors. Who is this? he asked conversationally.

    The old man winced. My wife's great-nephew, Shosuro Yasumasa explained. Forgive me, y lord, I

    I am Shosuro Ts the man started.

    Nitoshi moved so quickly that no one saw him move. He simply appeared next to the young man, a small blade in hand. The metal was pressed flat against the man's face and his voice died instantly. Nothing had changed about Nitoshi's demeanor, but up close, it allowed the young would-be-advisor to see the haunting emptinessin his eyes. If you ever speak in my presence again, the Scorpion Champion said cordially, it will be the last time you speak. He smiled and withdrew the blade. Youmust be the greatest fool ever to walk the mortal realm, he observed. No sane being ever desires the Lion to attack them. That is the absolute worst folly that can be conceived. He paused for a moment, then turned to Yasumasa. We will of courseimply otherwise to outsiders, but for now we need to distract the Lion as muchas possible.

    Yasumasa nodded. The conflict between the heirs in the Colonies, my lord?

    Interesting, mused Nitoshi, but no. Too distant, too disconnected. No, the Lion arecreatures of strategy and tradition, but also of barely suppressed rage and emotion. We must give them something to be incensed about. Something that will cause them to react rather than to think.

    Yasumasa bowed his head. If I may, my lord, I think I have a suggestion. If you wish to incense the Lion, then there are certain targets that I think they will react very poorly to once attacked. It will force them into a more emotional state of mind before they take their next action.

    Excellent, Nitoshi said. Emotion is weakness, after all.

    * * * * *

    The Imperial Court of Toshi Ranbo, present day

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    Bayushi Fuyuko had listened for almost half an hour as the Lion delegation had railed against the Scorpion for any number of offenses, some of which were legitimate, many of which were imaginary. Fuyuko had mentally revised her impression of Lion court representatives; upwardly, no less. The Ikoma who had led the presentation had begun calmly enough, but his rhetoric had increased tempo and passion as he progressed. Clearly his training with the Ikoma bards had tempered a natural talent and forged an impressive weapon indeed. She looked forward to crossing blades with him, metaphorically speaking, in the future. Unfortunately, thisparticular duel was unlikely to achieve the result she was hoping for. Still, there were moves left to make, and it would be interesting to see how everything developed.

    Finally, the Chancellor nodded to her, the court prepared to hear her rebuttal. With all due respect to my esteemed colleagues among the Lion delegation, this isa matter of naked aggression against the Scorpion Clan, committed by the Lion to placate their long-standing disdain for my clan, and which is based upon an incident of singular aggression for which they have repeatedly attempted to blamethe victim.

    Slander, the Lion said, scowling.

    The Scorpion have freely admitted that we were, in fact, attempting to circumventunjust Lion tariffs. My Champion has offered his apologies for that, despite that he possessed no knowledge of the practice. When a Lion patrol discovered this

    fact, however, they became aggressive and eventually violent. Regrettably, theyojimbo affiliated with the caravan were forced to defend themselves.

    A preposterous lie, the Ikoma countered.

    Your impugnation of my kinsmen is most impolite, Fuyuko said in her most condemning tone. Their testimony has been very clear on the matter, and there has been nocountering testimony from your kinsmen.

    All those present at your most dishonorable ambush were slain, the Ikoma countered.

    The circumstances of which are impossible for us to ascertain save for the testim

    ony of honorable samurai who were present, in service to their clan and their Empress.

    Honorable samurai? the Ikoma scoffed. There are no honorable samurai remaining whowere present when the incident took place.

    Fuyuko stifled a sigh. Even the sharpest of Lion were still hopelessly dull, andthis discussion was going to continue in a circular manner, there was no question of that. Unless something unusual were to happen, she was wasting her time. And worse, she was making herself look ineffective to others in the process, which was an inexcusable exercise she could not afford.

    Chancellor, may I be allowed to speak to this matter?

    The Scorpion courtier turned to see a trio of young attendants standing close together. Foremost among them was a young Crane woman of some repute; Fuyuko had already studied her due to her expectation that she would come to be a formidableforce in the court. Doji Natsuyo was her name, and at her shoulders stood Kirtuki Kira and Isawa Kido. Kira was a sharp-eyed young man who said little but sawmuch, and Kido was an acolyte of Air; such individuals were often seconded to the court and could prove most problematic under certain circumstances.

    Receiving acknowledgement from the Chancellor, the dainty Crane courtier continu

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    ed. There is much here that remains as yet unknown, and despite the demands of honor in regards to avenging a slight against one's clan, honor also demands that werespect the wishes and the deeds of our ancestors. Many great Lion and Scorpionhave managed to forge peace in previous generations. Can we do less than attempt to follow in their footsteps? My illustrious colleagues from the Dragon, the Phoenix, and my own clan all seek to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, for how does the spilling of samurai blood honor service to the Divine Empress? With the utmostrespect and honorable intentions, we request the opportunity to mediate in thismatter, to find some alternative to another war that will claim countless livesof the Divine Empress's great servants among the Lion and the Scorpion.

    Fuyuko fanned herself lightly, careful to keep her fan in front of her face. Itwas not to conceal her expression, but rather to convey the impression that shewas concealing an expression of relief or gratitude, or whatever one wanted to imagine might be there. Regardless, she knew full well that the Lion would not accept or benefit from mediation, and allowing any one of those other clans, muchless all three, to meddle in the affairs of the Scorpion would lead to nothing beneficial, so in that, of course, the Lion and Scorpion were in agreement. Still, it would be better to make the Lion appear as though they were the ones uninterested in the attempt, more so than her.

    Your offer is very gracious, Fuyuko said politely, bowing. Please understand that Iwill need to send word to my Champion. I would not presume to speak for him onsuch unexpected business. It would be improper.

    The Ikoma did not hesitate. The Lion have no interest in mediation. Only satisfaction.

    Fuyuko nodded to herself. The Lion would likely receive approval from the Otomofor action against the Scorpion by the end of the week, if not the day. Now shehad limited time to use this opportunity before it became even more unpleasant.What the Lion did not realize, indeed what they never seemed to realize, is thatonce they were given leave to seek satisfaction, there was no reason the Scorpion could not do the same.

    And they were already ready.

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