Biocomputing: Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Roland Stote IGBMC Groupe de Modélisation Moléculaire [email protected]

Roland Stote IGBMC Groupe de Modélisation Moléculaire … · 2012. 10. 5. · Classical Molecular Mechanics Force Field • Characterized by the mathematical form of E pot and the

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  • Biocomputing: Molecular Modeling and Dynamics

    Roland Stote IGBMC

    Groupe de Modélisation Moléculaire

    [email protected]

  • From structure to dynamics: An introduction to molecular

    dynamics simulations Roland H. Stote

    IGBMC Illkirch, France

  • The challenges!

  • Outline

    •  General introduction – motivation •  Development of molecular model •  Molecular dynamics simulations – theory and practice •  Examples

  • Protein Structures

    2012 1972

  • 1998...Structure de l'ATP synthase F0F1

    Abrahams JP, Leslie AG, Lutter R, Walker JE. * Structure at 2.8 A resolution of F1-ATPase from bovine heart mitochondria., Nature. 1994 370 p621.

    * prix Nobel chimie 1997

  • F0/F1 ATP synthase

    Noji et al (1997) Nature 386, 299-302

  • Modeling of Biological Macromolecules

    •  Structural biology –  3D structure of proteins from biophysical methods (NMR,

    XRAY …) –  Molecular mechanisms of biological function from 3D


    •  Bioinformatics: –  Analysis of sequence and identification of protein families

    •  Molecular modelling = Structural bioinformatics = Computational structural biology –  3D structural models (uses bioinformatics) –  Molecular mechanisms of biological function beyond static

    3D structure: dynamics

  • Modeling of Biological Macromolecules

    •  Understand and predict structure-function-dynamics relationship in biomacromolecules (using molecular models).

    •  Structure: how the parts of the whole complex are arranged and how this may be important for function.

    •  Function: once relationships are understood, how do individual elements contribute?

  • Function •  Biochemical: related to

    chemical reactions that occur in living organisms.

    •  Reactions are intertwined with interactions.

  • A model: to do what? –  Gain time

    •  Sequence alignment coupled with known structures => model structure for homologous sequences.

    •  Search for active molecules: virtual screening

    –  Overcome experimental difficulties •  Expression, solubility

    –  Understand fundamental aspects of structure-function relationships => reliable predictions

    •  Protein folding •  Flexibility in molecular recognition •  Energetics and kinetics of protein-protein (ligand) association

  • What is a molecular model?

    1958, Myoglobin, Kendrew Nobel 1962

  • Computer representation

    http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/links.htm-> Mol.Modelling -> Molecular Modelling Techniques @ Geneva CH

  • Quantum Mechanics •  Energy as a function of structure

    •  Molecular Structure (covalent and 3-dimensional)

    •  ab initio

    –  Resolution of the Schrödinger equation:

    –  simplification : the Born-Oppenheimer approximation

    –  Electronic structure for a given configuration.

    •  High computational cost: –  O(N2) N: number of electrons

    !! E=H

    !total (nucleus,electrons) =!(electrons)!(nucleus)

  • Starting point: 3D Structure

    •  Spatial localization of : atoms, secondary structure, domains, entire proteins, organelles, ....

    •  Generally: a cartesian coordinate set

    •  From visualization to calculations: mathematical description of the forces that maintain the structure together.

    •  Models of structure, interactions, motions, assembly, dynamics ....


    •  The interactions underlying the folding, assembly and dynamics

    of molecules are the same at all scales from very small (e.g. water, drug molecules) to very large (e.g. antibodies, virus capsids).

    •  However, some important properties/effects seen in biological

    macromolecules arise because of their size/complexity: allosteric communication, membrane formation.....

    •  Importance of collective behaviour

  • What must the model do? •  Correctly estimate interaction strengths:

    •  Correct estimates of interactions strength are essential to understand the stability, affinity and specificity of macromolecular assemblies

    •  Strength generally refers to the free energy change associated with the interaction

    •  Correctly estimate how energy varies with changes in structure •  Important for prediction & analysis of stability of structures •  Essential for studying dynamics: interconversion between

    structures, assembly

  • Example: hydrogen bond geometry of formamide dimer

    Morozov A V et al. PNAS 2004;101:6946-6951

    Formamide dimer hydrogen bonding energies (kcal/mol) vs. δHA (Å), Ψ, θ, and X (°)

  • Development of the Potential Energy Function


    Which interactions?

  • Mathematical formulation

    ETotal = Kl (l ! le )2 +

    liens" Ka (! !!e )2 +

    angles" Vn2torsions

    " 1+ cos n" !#( )#$ %&+ 4!ij" ijRij






    !" ijRij











    .+ k








    i< j"

  • !


    = F = "kr


    E(r) = k rdr = 12kr2




    Harmonic oscillator •  Covalent bond and valence angle energies are described by a

    harmonic oscillator •  A particle of mass m subjected to a force F proportional to its

    displacement (from the origin)

    •  This system is described by Hooke’s force law. It is a

    mathematical formulation that allows only small displacements around the origin

    •  Potential energy :

  • Force and energy for a quadratic potential


    E(r) = k(r " r0)2

    F(r) = "2k(r " r0)

    E( r )

    F( r )

    In macromolecules, displacement is not around origin, but around an equilibrium bond length r0

  • Covalent bonds


    liensE = lKliens"












    0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500




    ie e

    n K




    A displacement

    of 0,1Å has an

    energy cost of :


  • Covalent bonds

    •  Different covalent bonds have different strengths –  Expl: Allinger (MM3 force field)

  • Valence angles











    -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30



    gy (k




  • Valence angles


    anglesE = aKangles"


  • Usual Units

    • Energy : 1kcal = 4.1840 kJ • Length : 1 Å = 0.1 nm = 10-10 m

    Å for ångström, bond length is 1 to 2 Å

    • Angles: degrees or radians


    Bond stretching

    Angle Bending

  • Mathematical formulation

    ETotal = Kl (l ! le )2 +

    liens" Ka (! !!e )2 +

    angles" Vn2torsions

    " 1+ cos n" !#( )#$ %&+ 4!ij" ijRij






    !" ijRij











    .+ k








    i< j"

  • Dihedral angles

    •  Different deformation: rotation around single bonds

    •  Important element of flexibility and conformational freedom in macromolecules, for example, φ, ψ proteins

    •  Larger amplitude motion

    •  Periodicity in the energy (to account for symmetry) has to be introduced


    An energy function that describes rotation around single bonds correctly must be periodic: sine/cosine

  • Vn

  • !

    dièdresE = nV21+ cos n" # $( )[ ] Vn barrier

    n périodicity

    τ (φ) dihedral angle

    γ phase


    n = 3; γ = 0

  • Improper dihedral and out of plane motion

    Copyright " Molecular Modeling : Pinciples & Applications; Leach AR; Prentice Hall; ISBN 0-582-38210-6"!Reproduction ULP Strasbourg. Autorisation CFC - Paris!

  • Mathematical formulation

    ETotal = Kl (l ! le )2 +

    liens" Ka (! !!e )2 +

    angles" Vn2torsions

    " 1+ cos n" !#( )#$ %&+ 4!ij" ijRij






    !" ijRij











    .+ k








    i< j"

  • Cohesion of a molecular structure (3D): interatomic forces

    •  Electrostatic Interactions

    •  van der Waals Interactions

  • Nonbonded Interactions: electrostatics

    elE = k iq jq

    ijRi! j"




    Rij Eeel Å Kcal/mol 2 166 5 66 10  33 50 7

    Coulomb’s law

    qi, qj charges k constant that reflects energy units and environment The energy decreases slowly (1/Rij)

  • Electrostatic Interactions

    0 2 4 6 8 10

    +1 +1 ou -1 -1

    +1 -1

    +1 +1

    -1 -1

    -1 +1

    The energy decreases slowly (1/Rij)


    gy (k



    Rij (Å)

  • Electrostatics: partial charges •  In a force field, the atoms are assigned partial (non-integral)

    charges that together reflect the electronic distribution.

    •  These charges depend on properties such as electronegativity, chemical bond types, etc.

    •  TOTAL charge of a molecule must always be integral.

    •  Partial charges can not be measured, however they must be consistent with experimental data, as the dipole moment.

  • OHH




    •  Intuitively, excess electrons should be near around the oxygen with deficient electron density around the hydrogens

    •  Dipole moment (in solution) µ = 2,6 Debyes

    •  The distances ri are given by the geometry, so the

    charges must be coherent with µ

    δ+ δ+

    δ- Example: water: H2O


    µ =iq ir


  • !

    elE = +1" 2 " 0.4rNa#H+#0.8rNa#O


    % &


    ( )

    Coulomb’s Law


    Na+ -0,8


    Cl- +0,4




    elE = "1# 2 # 0.4rCl"H+"0.8rCl"O


    % &


    ( )

    Absolute value of Eel is the same for Na+ et Cl- (if distance are equal)

    From Coulomb’s law, the interaction energy between charges is additive (no approximation)

    Ecoulomb=i< j!


  • Electrostatic surface

  • Nonbonded Interactions : van der Waals interactions

    •  Interactions are present even in rare gas dimers

    •  Exchange-repulsion: repulsion between electrons of atoms in close proximity and the Pauli exclusion principle: atoms have a volume "hard sphere"

    •  dispersion: interaction due to instantaneous dipole created by fluctuating electron clouds (1/R6) even if the charge distribution is symmetric (no electrostatic interaction)

  • van der Waals Interactions


    vdwE = 4"ij12

    # ijRij


    % & &


    ( ) ) *


    # ijRij


    % & &


    ( ) )



    - - - -



    0 0 0 0


    ij" = "ii" jj


    ij" = ii" + jj"





    Units: εij kcal/mol; σij, Rij : Å

    i j

    Lennard-Jones potential

  • van der Waals potential

  • Les interactions

    Copyright " Atoms & Molecules : An Introduction For Students of Physical Chemistry ; Karplus M, Porter RN; The Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Company » Reproduction ULP Strasbourg. Autorisation CFC - Paris

    ETotal = Kl (l ! le )2 +

    liens" Ka (! !!e )2 +

    angles" Vn2torsions

    " 1+ cos n" !#( )#$ %&+ 4!ij" ijRij






    !" ijRij











    .+ k








    i< j"

  • •  Energy surface: classical MM force field

    •  Bonded terms maintain covalent structure

    •  Non bonded terms describe interactions between atoms not directly linked by chemical bonds


    Ebonded = Kl (l " le )2 +

    bonds# Ka ($ "$e )2 +

    angles# Vn2torsions

    # 1+ cos n% " &( )[ ]!

    ETotal (XN ) = Ebonded (X

    N ) + Enonbonded (XN )

    XN : atomic positions

    Van der Waals

    Electrostatics (H bond)

    ENonbonded = 4!ij" ijRij






    '" ijRij










    --+ k








    i< j.

  • Approximations of the equation

  • Harmonic potential approximation

    •  No dissociation

    •  No chemical reaction

  • Approximations

    •  No coupling between e.g. bond stretch and angle bend

    •  Description of electrostatics with fixed charges

    ETotal = Kl (l ! le )2 +

    bonds" Ka (! !!e )2 +

    angles" Vn2torsions

    " 1+ cos n" !#( )#$ %&+ 4!ij" ijRij






    !" ijRij











    .+ k








    i< j"

  • Intermolecular: pair-wise sum

    •  The total interaction energy of N atoms is the sum of the interaction energies between all atom pairs.

    •  This approximation significantly reduces the computational cost.

    •  However, this approximation amounts to the neglect, of electronic polarization.

    EIntermolecular = 4!ij" ijRij






    '" ijRij










    --+ k








    i< j. i, j : atoms

  • Classical Molecular Mechanics Force Field • Characterized by the mathematical form of Epot and the

    parameters used in Epot • Mathematical form: dependance on 3D structure

    • Several approximations invoked

    • Parameters: strength of interactions, need to be calibrated

    • Determine the final quality of the predictions • Find the best compromise between accuracy and

    calculation speed

  • Approximations: parameters

    •  Covalent Interactions (bonds, angles, dihedrals): •  X-ray geometry, spectroscopy (IR) frequencies •  Quantum mechanics: geometry and frequency

    •  Nonbonded Interactions •  Interactions in the gas phase •  Heat of evaporation / sublimation •  Solvation energies •  dipoles •  Quantum mechanics interaction energies

    •  Which molecules?

    From where do the parameters come?

  • Parameters for bond, angles from vibrational frequencies

    •  Basic equation for bond (angle) elongation:


    E(r) = k(x " x0)2

    F(r) = "2k(x " x0)


    E(r) = k2(x " x0)


    F(r) = "k(x " x0)


  • Harmonic oscillator •  From Newton second law :

    •  Thus :

    •  This is a differential equation for a particle that has a

    trajectory x=x(t) :


    mF !== 22


    dtxd !=2












    ,= tmk




  • Harmonic oscillator •  If x=0 when t=0 we have :

    •  The particle oscillate in a sinusoidal fashion between –A and +A : !

    x(t) = Asin km"

    # $


    & ' 1/ 2


    ) *


    , -





    T = 1"




  • Harmonic oscillator •  If x=0 when t=0 we have :

    •  The particle oscillate in a sinusoidal fashion between –A and +A :


    x(t) = Asin km"

    # $


    & ' 1/ 2


    ) *


    , -





    T = 1"




  • Harmonic oscillator •  The characteristics of the motion are :


    mred =m1m2m1 + m2!

    T = 2" mk


    $ %


    ' ( 1/ 2


    v = 12"



    " =1#


    Period(s) Frequency (s-1) Wave number (cm1)

    Reduced mass, m1, m2 oscillating masses

    c = 3 x1010 cm/s (speed of light)

    λ wavelength

    k force constant

  • Harmonic oscillator •  The characteristics of the motions are :


    A = 2Ek

    A amplitude

    E total energy

  • Experimental spectroscopy

    Absorption of light will happen if there is a match between the intrinsic frequencies of the system and the frequency of incident light.

  • *If the frequency of the IR light matches the frequency of the molecular vibration, light will be absorbed by the molecule and the amplitute of the vibration will increase.

    IR spectrum of 1-butanol, CH3CH2CH2CH2OH

    Wavenumber, ν, cm-1


    O-H stretch C-H stretch C-H bend C-O stretch

    4000 500

    IR absorption corresponds to frequency of bond vibration, ie stretching

  • Examples of frequencies



    " =12#c


    % &


    ( ) 1/ 2

    Copyright " Atoms & Molecules : An Introduction For Students of Physical Chemistry ; Karplus M, Porter RN; The Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Company"

    Reproduction ULP Strasbourg. Autorisation CFC - Paris

  • Basic units •  Energy : 1kcal = 4.1840 kJ •  Length : 1 Å = 0.1 nm = 10-10 m

    –  Å for ångström, bond length 1-2 Å •  Mass : 1Da = 1 u = 1.66053.10-27 kg

    –  1 Da : 1 Dalton –  1 u : unified mass atomic unit –  1 u = 1/12 of C12 mass

    •  Time : –  1 fs = 10-15 s; femto 1 ps = 10-12 s; pico –  1 ns = 10-9 s; nano 1 µs = 10-6 s; micro

  • Potential Energy Function

    •  Etotal = E(x1, y1,z1,………………….xN, yN, zN)

    •  The energy is composed of both internal (bonded) terms and external (nonbonded) terms

    •  The energy is a function of 3N variables •  N: total number of atom in the system

    •  Describes a potential energy hypersurface

  • Energy Surface

    Exploration of this hypersurface, can identify the biologically relevant structures/pathways

    Certain structures are more interesting than others :

    Minimum : stable structures Saddle Point : transition states

  • Dynamics of Macromolecules

    •  Local Motions –  (0.01 to 5 Å, 10-15 to 10-1 s)

    –  Atomic Fluctuations –  Side chain motions –  Rigid body motions

    –  (1 to 10 Å, 10-9 to 1 s) –  Helix motions –  Domain motions –  Sub-unit motions

    •  Large-scale motions •  helix-coil Transitions –  Dissociation/Association –  Folding/Unfolding

    •  Biological function requires flexibility

  • Molecular Dynamics simulations •  One of the principle tools for modeling proteins, nucleic acids and

    their complexes. •  Stability of protéines •  Protein Folding •  Molecular recognition: Proteins, DNA, RNA, lipids, hormones, ATP,

    etc. •  Enzymatic reactions •  Rational drug design •  Conformational searching and study of large-scale conformational

    changes •  Determination et construction of 3D structures (homology, X-tal,

    NMR) •  Ion transport in biological systems.

  • Alder (1957): First Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation of a liquid (hard spheres) Rahman (1964): First MD simulation with Lennard-Jones potential McCammon & Karplus (1977) First MD simulation of proteins Karplus (1983): The CHARMM general purpose FF & MD program Kollman(1984): The AMBER general purpose FF & MD program Car-Parrinello(1985): First full QM simulations Kollmann(1986): First QM-MM simulations

    Incomplete historical perspective

  • Classical Molecular Dynamics

    •  Newton’s Equations of Motion

    •  Position, velocity and acceleration as a function of time ri(t); vi(t); ai(t)

    •  The force coupled acceleration to the potential energy.

    •  Integration the equations of motion => Initial structure: ri(t=0); initial velocity distribution: vi(t=0)

    Fi =mi !ai =mi !dvidt

    =m ! d2ridt2

    Fi = !"iE

  • v(t) = dx(t)dt

    x(t) = v ! t + x0 = a !t2

    2+ v0t + x0

    Simple Case study : a particule in one dimension

    •  Acceleration:

    •  If a is constant a≠f(t)

    •  Velocity: •  Position:

    •  The trajectory x(t) is obtained by integration taking into account the positions and the initial velocities (x0 et v0)

    a = dvdt

    v(t) = at + v0

  • Numerical Integration •  Development of Taylor series

    •  If we are at x at time t, after a Δt we find ourselves at x(t+Δt)

    •  We restart from the coordinates x(t+Δt) •  To go from x(t) to x(t+Δt) corresponds to having done one step of dynamics •  The change in velocity from v(t) to v(t+Δt) can be calculated in the same way •  The acceleration is recalculated at each step from the gradient of the energy,


    x(t) = x0 + v0t + a0t2

    2+ 0

    'a t3

    3!+O(t4 )

    x(t + !t) = x(t) + v(t)!t + F(t)m


    2+F' (t)m



  • Principle of a trajectory




    t0+4 Δt


  • Principle of a trajectory




    t0+4 Δt


  • Principe de la trajectoire




    t0+4 Δt


  • Principle of a trajectory




    t0+4 Δt


  • Integration algorithms

    Verlet, Velocity Verlet LeapFrog, Beeman • Choice of algorithm :

    – Conservation of energy of the system – Minimal computational cost – Largest integration time step possible

  • To be able to integrate Newton’s equations as described one NEEDS" initial structure: xi(t=0);! Initial velocities for all atoms: vi(t=0) "

    Initial position xi(t=0)"Xray"NMR"Model"

    Initial velocities vi(t=0) : linked to temperature"""

    Acceleration"Calculated from the forces, i.e. derivatives of potential energy """

    Trajectory of a macromolecule!

    32NkT = mivi



    a = ! 1mdEdr

  • Modeling of Biological Macromolecules

    •  Understand and predict the relationship between structure, dynamics and function in macromolecules using computational models.

    •  Calculate and predict molecular properties

  • Molecular dynamics trajectory!

    Calculate forces Integrate for t=Δt

    New coordinates and velocities

  • Some time averaged properties that can be calculated from molecular dynamics

    •  Average energy

    •  RMS between 2 structures (ex : initial and final structures)

    •  Atomic Fluctuations

    •  Temperature Factors

    •  Radius of gyration

  • Molecular dynamics simulation programs







  • Practical Aspects •  Choice of integration time step Δt

    >  Take the longest time step that is compatible with a correct numerical integration

    >  1 à 2 fs (10-15 s) for an all-atom force field

    •  Nonbonded Interactions: the most time consuming to calculate >  The cost is proportional to N2 (N number of atoms) >  Truncation

    4! ij" ijrij


    $ % %


    ' ( (


    )" ijrij


    $ % %


    ' ( (



    , ,



    / / +


    0 1 2

    3 2

    4 5 2

    6 2 i, j7

  • Truncation

    •  SWITCH Bring the potential to zero between ron and roff. The potential is not modified r < ron is zero r > roff

    •  SHIFT Modify the potential over the entire range of distances such that the potential is zero r > rcut

  • Treatment of solvent •  Implicit: intramolecular

    interactions( between atoms of the macromolecule) only and with scaled electrostatic interactions in order to take into account solvent effects.

    •  All the solvent effects are in the dielectric constant ε

    Vaccum ε =1 protein ε = 2-20 Water ε = 80

    Eelec r( ) = Aqiqj!r

  • Treatment of solvant •  Explicit Representation

    The macromolecule is surrounded by solvent molecules (water, ions) with which it interactions via expliocit nonbonded interactions

    •  One must use ε =1 in this case •  More correct, but more expensive.

    4! ij" ijrij


    $ % %


    ' ( (


    )" ijrij


    $ % %


    ' ( (



    , ,



    / / +


    0 1 2

    3 2

    4 5 2

    6 2 i, j7

  • Periodic Boundary Conditions •  Explicit representation of

    solvent •  One must define the

    borders of the system

    •  Periodic system Permits one to model a very large (infinite) system through the introduction of periodicity

  • Other boundary conditions Solvation sphere : finite system

    Around an entire macromolecule Around just an active site

  • Simulation Protocol Initial Coordinates

    Coordinates X-tal or NMR from the Protein Data Bank (Coordinates constructed by homology modeling)

    Treatment of nonbonded interactions Choice of truncation

    Treatment of solvent implicit: choice of dielectric constant explicit: protocol of solvation

    If using explicit solvent, need to choose boundary conditions periodic conditions Solvation sphere Active site solvation

    Integration time step

  • Steps of a molecular dynamics simulation

  • www.pdb.org

  • Energy Minimization

    • Steepest decsent: slowly converging

    • Conjugate gradient: more efficient, use for larger systems

    • Newton-Raphson: calculates both the slope of energy and the rate of change

    Change conformation to decrease energy of the molecule

  • The initial velocities are calculated from a Gaussian distribution or from a Maxwell Boltzman distribution at a given temperature.

    Assignment of intial velocities


    P(v) = F v( )dv =v 2 exp "mv 2 /2kT( )dv

    v 2 exp "mv 2 /2kT( )dv0





  • 300K


    100K 50K


    Temperture in K

    Heating and Equilibration Production

    Equilibration of the system

  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation

  • Example of Molecular Dynamics: Spontaneous folding of Staphylococ Protein G, Segment B1 (56 AA, Four stranded beta-sheet and an alpha helix) One can see the spontaneous formation of -hydrophobic core -H-bonds REAL duration 10 ns (10-8 s) From: http://xray.bmc.uu.se/~michiel/research.php

    Real Case Example

  • An application of Molecular Dynamics Simulations!

    The acetylcholinesterase story!(From the McCammon Group, U. San Diego, USA)!

  • Neuromuscular junction: motor neurons : muscle cells

  • Acetylcholinesterase!

    •  Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is an enzyme that hydrolyzes ACh to acetate and choline to inactivate the neurotransmitter"

    •  A very fast enzyme, approaching diffusion controlled."

    •  Inhibitors are utilized in the treatment of various neurological diseases, including Alzheimerʼs disease."

    •  Organophosphorus compounds serve as potent insecticides by selectively inhibiting insect AChE."

  • 1EA5

    Title Native Acetylcholinesterase (E.C. From Torpedo Californica At 1.8A Resolution Classification Cholinesterase Compound Mol_Id: 1; Molecule: Acetylcholinesterase; Chain: A; Ec: Exp. Method X-ray Diffraction

  • Access of ligands to the active site is blocked --> requires fluctuations

  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Acetylcholinesterase

    •  10 ns simulations •  Protein obtained from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) •  Structure solved by x-ray crystallography •  Solvated in a cubic box of water •  Ions added to neutralize the system •  Periodic Boundary Conditions •  Treatment of Long-Range electrostatic interactions •  Total of 8289 solute atoms and 75615 solvent atoms

    •  Biophysical Journal Volume 81 715-724 (2001)

  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of


  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Acetylcholinesterase

    •  Time dependence of the root mean square deviation (RMSD)

  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Acetylcholinesterase