Role of Brand Manager

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  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Role of Brand Manager

    Dr. Anil MishraIMI

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    The Role Manager Role

    The brand manager is responsible for the growth andpositioning of the brand on the market.

    Tasks include the continual improvement of existingproducts and launching new products.

    The manager is very influential in the product costingand in defining the distribution channels for getting hisbrand articles on the market.

    He is also responsible for planning , coordinating andmonitoring of advertising for his brand.

    He need to collect information regarding internal andexternal issues. External information includes regardinghis competitors, competitors products, customer, marketshare etc. internal such as brand specific informationwith regard to delivery of the products, sales revenue,cost advertising etc.

  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Brand building phase

    Product development- Idea/ concept

    Positioning and Launch

    Brand Development Brand Consolidation

    Brand improvement

  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Market analysisHow big is the market?In volume terms

    In value termsWhat has been the growth of the market? Over two years? Over five

    years?In volumes termsIn value terms

    What are the key segment in the market?

    Price point segmentGeographic segmentIngredient Size segmentWhat are the performance difference across segments?In sizeIn terms of growth

    What are the key brands in the defined market?Performance of key brands

    What is the seasonality of the market?Across the countryGeographic differences

    What are the products/services that are substitutes?How big are the marketsHow fast are they growing

  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Consumer Analysis

    How big are the consumer numbers?By socio economic class

    By urban/rural

    By town

    By region

    What is the frequency of buying and usage?Across all users

    What is the buyer behavior process?Key influences

    Intermediaries in decision making

    How does the consumer use the product?Knowledge


  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    What are the key reasons behind the purchase?Need full filled

    Brands/ attributes

    What are the external factors influencing purchase?Word of mouth



    Other influences

    What are the internal factors influencing purchase?Socio- economic




  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Competitive analysis

    Who are the competitors?Major players

    Niche players

    Future players

    What are the core competencies of the competitors

    Research and developmentMarketing

    Production efficiencies

    Technical tie-ups

    Service and distribution

    Range or product

    What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats ofcompetitors?

    What is the historical data on the competitors behaviors?

    How regularly is competitive information tracked?

  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Competency analysis

    1. What is the company history?

    2. What are the financials?

    3. What is the core competency of the company?

    4. What are the research and development skills?

    5. What are the technical tie-ups?

    6. What are the people skills?

    7. What are the marketing and salescompetency?

  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Socio-Economic Analysis

    How will GDP growth affect the market?

    What are the sectorial trends affect themarket?

    Agriculture/ industry/ service

    How will education trend affect the market?

    How will family structure changes affect the

    market?How will changing role of women affect the


  • 8/4/2019 Role of Brand Manager


    Brand Positioning

    What are the gaps that exist in the market?Figure out unmet needs

    What are the points of parity in the category?What are the benefits offered by all brands

    What are the benefits that need to be offered in order to compete What are the Points of difference in the

    category?What are the POD of the leading brands

    What are the Positioning typologies that could be

    considered?Ingredient, Benefits, Usage, features, user, price, value,

    tradition, competitiveness, technology, design, country