Wings: Wings: A Memoir A Memoir Project Project By: Beth Koski By: Beth Koski (Lepper) (Lepper) TE 847 TE 847 Dr. Garner Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010 July, 26, 2010

Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

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Page 1: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Roots and Roots and Wings: Wings:

A Memoir A Memoir ProjectProject

By: Beth Koski By: Beth Koski (Lepper)(Lepper)

TE 847TE 847

Dr. GarnerDr. Garner

July, 26, 2010July, 26, 2010

Page 2: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Vignette #1: Memory HoldersVignette #1: Memory Holders

““Bethie, Kris, Matt come get your vitamins!” Bethie, Kris, Matt come get your vitamins!”

This familiar call would leak to ever corner of the tiny, two-bedroom cottage and This familiar call would leak to ever corner of the tiny, two-bedroom cottage and through the screen windows and door every morning. The property was compact, so I could through the screen windows and door every morning. The property was compact, so I could hear my Great Grandma Clarke’s words from the loft above the garage, the grassy front yard, hear my Great Grandma Clarke’s words from the loft above the garage, the grassy front yard, or from the dock that sprawled over twenty yards into the lake. We would all eagerly race to or from the dock that sprawled over twenty yards into the lake. We would all eagerly race to the kitchen to be the first to pop the oversized vitamin C in our mouth. After chewing it she the kitchen to be the first to pop the oversized vitamin C in our mouth. After chewing it she would start breakfast, which usually consisted of French toast that was lightly dusted in would start breakfast, which usually consisted of French toast that was lightly dusted in powdered sugar and apple juice. Over twenty years later, I still have yet to taste French toast powdered sugar and apple juice. Over twenty years later, I still have yet to taste French toast that delicious.My great grandparents, better known as Grandma Clarke and Grandpa Bud, that delicious.My great grandparents, better known as Grandma Clarke and Grandpa Bud, lived thirty miles from my doorstep on Secord Lake. lived thirty miles from my doorstep on Secord Lake.

My family and I spent every summer, holidays, and several weekends on the small My family and I spent every summer, holidays, and several weekends on the small cut of water enjoying simple things. For years, I drove the windy dirt roads that led to their cut of water enjoying simple things. For years, I drove the windy dirt roads that led to their small yellow cottage. Grandpa Bud was a carpenter and hand crafted the colorful wooden small yellow cottage. Grandpa Bud was a carpenter and hand crafted the colorful wooden tulips that lined the driveway. The long, creaky dock housed the boat that my dad kept there tulips that lined the driveway. The long, creaky dock housed the boat that my dad kept there and that we took out at every opportunity. My cousins, siblings, and I stayed in a loft up above and that we took out at every opportunity. My cousins, siblings, and I stayed in a loft up above the garage while the adults slept in the cottage. Our time was spent swimming, boating, the garage while the adults slept in the cottage. Our time was spent swimming, boating, playing games, eating, and spending time together around campfires.playing games, eating, and spending time together around campfires.

Page 3: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Vignette #1 (CONTINUED)Vignette #1 (CONTINUED)

I was nine years old when Grandpa Bud got sick. He was diagnosed with cancer and was I was nine years old when Grandpa Bud got sick. He was diagnosed with cancer and was forced to sell the cottage. They moved in with us so that my mom, who is a nurse, could care for forced to sell the cottage. They moved in with us so that my mom, who is a nurse, could care for him. After he passed, Grandma Clarke stayed for a while and then moved into an apartment in him. After he passed, Grandma Clarke stayed for a while and then moved into an apartment in Saginaw. For ten years she lived independently and never missed a basketball game, recital, Saginaw. For ten years she lived independently and never missed a basketball game, recital, graduation, marriage, or birth of a family member. Through less exciting things such as loss, graduation, marriage, or birth of a family member. Through less exciting things such as loss, disappointment, or tragic death she was also a pillar of strength. She passed away my junior year of disappointment, or tragic death she was also a pillar of strength. She passed away my junior year of college and I have never felt such pain. Grandma Clarke taught me to read, always take my college and I have never felt such pain. Grandma Clarke taught me to read, always take my vitamins, and to be passionate about what I do. Most importantly, she taught me to enjoy the simple vitamins, and to be passionate about what I do. Most importantly, she taught me to enjoy the simple things in life. She had a strong faith and love for her family and fortunately, she instilled that in things in life. She had a strong faith and love for her family and fortunately, she instilled that in every one of us.every one of us.

This past holiday weekend my husband and I celebrated my father’s retirement at This past holiday weekend my husband and I celebrated my father’s retirement at Secord Lake. His little sister purchased a large lot six years ago, just a short boat ride from the small Secord Lake. His little sister purchased a large lot six years ago, just a short boat ride from the small yellow cottage my great grandparents once owned. Almost every time out on the lake, we all take a yellow cottage my great grandparents once owned. Almost every time out on the lake, we all take a ride down the tiny cut and anchor the boat in front of their old place to swim. The cottage holds ride down the tiny cut and anchor the boat in front of their old place to swim. The cottage holds special memories for each of us and we all know how fortunate we are to carry on the same special memories for each of us and we all know how fortunate we are to carry on the same traditions that were started over thirty-five years ago at that very place. My family is my rock. They traditions that were started over thirty-five years ago at that very place. My family is my rock. They have shaped me into the woman, wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend, and teacher I am have shaped me into the woman, wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend, and teacher I am today. They are always there to share in my triumphs and to support me in trying times. At first today. They are always there to share in my triumphs and to support me in trying times. At first glance, one may look right past the small saucer and cup that sit on my cabinet. The intricate pink glance, one may look right past the small saucer and cup that sit on my cabinet. The intricate pink flowers and silver design that rim the outside of the saucer and lip of the cup may not catch just flowers and silver design that rim the outside of the saucer and lip of the cup may not catch just anyone's eye. However, this simple artifact tells a story about my family and is truly the most anyone's eye. However, this simple artifact tells a story about my family and is truly the most valuable item I own. It is just one place setting from my great grandma Clarke's china set that was valuable item I own. It is just one place setting from my great grandma Clarke's china set that was split up and dispersed among the women in my family the day she passed away. Like the cottage, it split up and dispersed among the women in my family the day she passed away. Like the cottage, it holds so many priceless memories.holds so many priceless memories.

Page 4: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Grandma Clarke’s Cup and Saucer

Page 5: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Vignette #2: New Found WingsVignette #2: New Found Wings

““Remember not to go anywhere alone. Not even to a bathroom or in a cab. Make sure Remember not to go anywhere alone. Not even to a bathroom or in a cab. Make sure you keep your passport in a safe spot at the hotel, or on you where you wonít lose it. E-mail me you keep your passport in a safe spot at the hotel, or on you where you wonít lose it. E-mail me right when you get there, so I know you are safe and send me updates periodically.”right when you get there, so I know you are safe and send me updates periodically.”

I could tell my dad was nervous. His left leg was bouncing up and down as his right foot I could tell my dad was nervous. His left leg was bouncing up and down as his right foot pushed on the gas pedal. His voice was shaky and his eyes strayed from mine. His uneasiness was pushed on the gas pedal. His voice was shaky and his eyes strayed from mine. His uneasiness was definitely rubbing off on me. I knew he wouldn’t sleep much during the two weeks I was gone. definitely rubbing off on me. I knew he wouldn’t sleep much during the two weeks I was gone. Instead, he would lie awake thinking about the things that could possibly go wrong. The long lecture Instead, he would lie awake thinking about the things that could possibly go wrong. The long lecture seemed to go on forever as we drove the short three miles to my boyfriend’s house. It was the first seemed to go on forever as we drove the short three miles to my boyfriend’s house. It was the first time I had been on a plane. You see, I take after my dad who has been on a plane only once in his time I had been on a plane. You see, I take after my dad who has been on a plane only once in his fifty-five years. He is the simplest, yet greatest man I know. His family, faith, and teaching career fifty-five years. He is the simplest, yet greatest man I know. His family, faith, and teaching career are the top priorities in life. He has never had a desire to see the world. He is content with traveling are the top priorities in life. He has never had a desire to see the world. He is content with traveling to Northern Michigan to camp, hike, and enjoy the Great Lakes. I too, was content with staying in to Northern Michigan to camp, hike, and enjoy the Great Lakes. I too, was content with staying in my comfort zone, but a trip to Europe is hard to turn down. My boyfriend of six years and his my comfort zone, but a trip to Europe is hard to turn down. My boyfriend of six years and his parents invited me to visit Zurich, Switzerland. They lived in Zurich for four years when he was parents invited me to visit Zurich, Switzerland. They lived in Zurich for four years when he was young because his father was transferred there through Dow Chemical.As we pulled in the driveway young because his father was transferred there through Dow Chemical.As we pulled in the driveway I could see him getting more and more emotional. He hugged me and reminded me to be careful I could see him getting more and more emotional. He hugged me and reminded me to be careful and that he loved me. Then he put my suitcase in the open trunk of the car, exchanged a few words and that he loved me. Then he put my suitcase in the open trunk of the car, exchanged a few words with my boyfriend and his family, and drove away. I had the time of my life in Switzerland and while with my boyfriend and his family, and drove away. I had the time of my life in Switzerland and while I was there I purchased an artifact on a street corner from a photographer. I was there I purchased an artifact on a street corner from a photographer.

Page 6: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Vignette #2 (continued)Vignette #2 (continued)

A stunning landscape photograph of downtown Zurich, Switzerland hangs in my A stunning landscape photograph of downtown Zurich, Switzerland hangs in my bedroom. The photo captures several of the famous buildings in Zurich, such as the Grossmunster bedroom. The photo captures several of the famous buildings in Zurich, such as the Grossmunster and St. Peterís Church, which is home to the largest clock face in Europe. The photo also features and St. Peterís Church, which is home to the largest clock face in Europe. The photo also features the Limmat River that rushes parallel to the crowded streets. Though the photograph does not do the Limmat River that rushes parallel to the crowded streets. Though the photograph does not do justice to the actual beauty of the city, I find myself mesmerized by the bright lights and reflections justice to the actual beauty of the city, I find myself mesmerized by the bright lights and reflections that show up. The photo was taken at night and the contrast between the luminous sparkles and that show up. The photo was taken at night and the contrast between the luminous sparkles and dark shadows is spectacular.dark shadows is spectacular.

My boyfriend eventually became my husband and over the past five years, we have My boyfriend eventually became my husband and over the past five years, we have traveled to Zurich to visit his old friends three times. I have learned more and more about the traveled to Zurich to visit his old friends three times. I have learned more and more about the culture, languages, and people of Zurich, as well as my husband†with each trip and I know how culture, languages, and people of Zurich, as well as my husband†with each trip and I know how fortunate I am. It is still crazy to think that I traveled over 4,200 miles for weeks to an unfamiliar fortunate I am. It is still crazy to think that I traveled over 4,200 miles for weeks to an unfamiliar place. Me, the girl who never stepped foot on an airplane until I was twenty years old. Me, the girl place. Me, the girl who never stepped foot on an airplane until I was twenty years old. Me, the girl who gets uneasy when I do not see my family for a long period of time. Me, the girl whose extended who gets uneasy when I do not see my family for a long period of time. Me, the girl whose extended family lives within thirty minutes of one another. I have gained a new sense of independence and family lives within thirty minutes of one another. I have gained a new sense of independence and perspective by seeing the world and every time I look at the photo, I travel back to Zurich. The perspective by seeing the world and every time I look at the photo, I travel back to Zurich. The photo captures more than just a view of the city- it captures my new found independence and photo captures more than just a view of the city- it captures my new found independence and perspective. I have learned that you can have strong roots, just like my father, and strong wings, perspective. I have learned that you can have strong roots, just like my father, and strong wings, which I have acquired, all at the same time.which I have acquired, all at the same time.

Page 7: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Photograph of Zurich, Photograph of Zurich, SwitzerlandSwitzerland

Page 8: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Photo Essay:Photo Essay:“Roots and Wings”“Roots and Wings”


A family portrait at A family portrait at my grandparent’s my grandparent’s 50th wedding 50th wedding anniversary party anniversary party (2003).(2003).

My family and I at My family and I at my parents 30th my parents 30th wedding wedding anniversary party anniversary party (2006).(2006).

Page 9: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

My family My family celebrating my celebrating my dad’s retirement dad’s retirement at Secord Lake at Secord Lake (2010).(2010).

My husband, My husband, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister, brother, and sister, brother, and I at Secord Lake I at Secord Lake (2010).(2010).

Page 10: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

All of the Koski All of the Koski women at a women at a wedding (2009).wedding (2009).

My grandmother My grandmother and all of her and all of her grandkids at grandkids at Christmas (2009).Christmas (2009).

Page 11: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010


A photograph of the A photograph of the Windsor Castle, Windsor Castle, located west of located west of London (2005).London (2005).

My husband and I My husband and I touring Manchester touring Manchester United’s soccer United’s soccer “pitch” (2005).“pitch” (2005).

Page 12: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

My sister-in-law and I in My sister-in-law and I in downtown Zurich (2010).downtown Zurich (2010).

My husband and I My husband and I traveled to Williamsport, traveled to Williamsport, PA to visit his best friend. PA to visit his best friend. He proposed to me on He proposed to me on this hike (2008).this hike (2008).

Page 13: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

After a bike tour through After a bike tour through Munich, Germany we met Munich, Germany we met people at the people at the Hofbrauhaus. We shared Hofbrauhaus. We shared giant hot pretzels, giant hot pretzels, Radlers(beer and Radlers(beer and lemonade), and great lemonade), and great laughs (2008).laughs (2008).

My husband and I spent My husband and I spent part of our honeymoon in part of our honeymoon in Lake Tahoe (2009).Lake Tahoe (2009).

Page 14: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

Reflective EssayReflective Essay

The vignettes I composed signify two very important aspects of my life: my family and my travels. Though the first is most important to me, the second is becoming more and more vital as I get older. The artifacts at the heart of each story are displayed in my apartment and remind me of the strong relationships I have with my relatives and the knowledge, experiences, and independence I have acquired while seeing the world. Both my family and my travels have impacted the various roles I play, such as a wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher. I will focus on the later in this essay.

Each day, parents load their kid(s) on the school bus, or drop them off at the front entrance of the building for approximately eight hours. During the school year, I spend more time with their child than they do. They trust me to provide a safe environment for their child where they can learn, grow, and have fun. Their child is their world, which makes my job a big responsibility; one I do not take lightly. Each day, I strive to be an extension of their family unit. I want to be a pillar of support for my students, as my family has always been for me.

Page 15: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

In my classroom, I encourage my students to have strong ties to their family, friends, and community, which comes very naturally to six and seven year olds. My students learn how important my family is to me on the first day of school. At the beginning of the year I am the first person to be the “Star of the Week.” I plaster photographs, artifacts, and stories on the back bulletin board that tell my students all about me. My parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends are highlighted on the board. Throughout the year, my students get the opportunity to meet my family members. For example, my mother volunteers to read with the kids about once a month and my brother, who is getting his PhD in evolution and environmental policy, has visited my room on Earth Day. I give them snapshots of my life, so that they are more comfortable in doing the same. I want them to share their ideas, background, and experiences through their writing. I push them to be to share their connections, stories, and knowledge while we read and discuss books. Each one of my students has a special history, which includes their culture, language, family structure, race, and interests. It is my responsibility to incorporate and build on them in the classroom.

Page 16: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

In addition, I want my students to gain a strong foundation to build upon because the academic and social skills that they develop in first grade are crucial to their future success. Like me, many children are “content staying in their comfort zone,” but it is crucial to step into the unknown and take chances. As they participate in reading groups, writing workshop, class discussions, math activities, and literacy centers I encourage them to practice the skills I have explicitly taught and modeled. With time and practice students build confidence. This confidence fuels their willingness to take risks which is essential in the learning process. As they find success, they will also encounter challenges and defeat. It is important that they learn that it is alright to struggle and even fail, knowing they will have guidance and support so that they persevere. I want to be there for my students as my family is there for me. In my vignette I state, “They are always there to share in my triumphs and to support me in trying times.”

In traveling overseas I have seen parts of Scotland, England, Switzerland, and Germany. In addition, I have discovered equally as beautiful and interesting places inside the borders of the United States. I have explored the Edinburgh Castle, walked through the tombs of Westminster Abbey, sat in the locker room of the Manchester United Men’s soccer team, conversed with locals in Zurich, waded in Lock Lomand, boulder jumped in Lake Tahoe, skied the mountains of Colorado, rode through the parks of Munich on a bike tour, and enjoyed some of the greatest food on the planet.

Page 17: Roots and Wings: A Memoir Project By: Beth Koski (Lepper) TE 847 Dr. Garner July, 26, 2010

As I stated in my second vignette, “I have gained a new sense of independence and perspective by seeing the world.” My experiences have taught me about diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. Through story telling, slideshows, and scrapbooks I share my knowledge and experiences with students. Exposing kids to my travels opens their minds to new places, ways of life, parts of the world, and people. They learn that there are fascinating places beyond the cornfields of their small community. They learn that not all people look, behave, speak and live the same way that they do.

Over the past four years I have added authentic and accurate books to my classroom library about diverse cultures, places, and people. For example, my kids love The Rough Face Girl, Going Home, Coming Home, and Tar Beach. I try to instill in my kids what I have been fortunate enough to have in my life; strong roots and big wings.