Roots of Conflict August 2009

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  • 8/9/2019 Roots of Conflict August 2009


    PalestinePalestineRoots of ConflictRoots of Conflict

    Dr. Azzam Tamimi

    15 August 2009

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    Understanding the Problem

    Political dimension

    Religious dimension

    Humanitarian dimension

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    Muslims and JewsMuslims and Jews

    For more than thirteen centuries Muslims,

    Christians and Jews coexisted peacefully.

    When persecuted in Europe or banished from

    it many Jews sought refuge in Muslim lands.

    The problem in PALESTINE is not of

    communal nature; it is not between two

    religious communities that compete for

    resources or power, but between its people, the

    PALESTINIANS, whether Muslim, Christian or

    Jewish on the one hand, and colonial invaders

    on the other.

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    The History of Palestine

    Known as the land of Canaan,

    Palestine is believed to have been first

    inhabited 4,500 years ago by the

    Canaanites who had come from theArabian Peninsula.

    Early InhabitantsEarly Inhabitants

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    The History of Palestine

    Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) migrated to Palestine

    and made Al-Khalil (Hebron) his home.

    The Israelites (the Children of Israel or Jacob), where

    sent a succession of prophets that descended from

    Abraham (Ibrahim) . They included Isaac (Ishaq),Jacob (Yaqub or Israel), Joseph (Yusuf), Mosses

    (Musa), David (Dawud), Solomon (Sulayman) and

    finally Jesus (Isa) peace be upon them all.

    A person cannot be Muslim without believing in

    these prophets and accepting them as messengers of


    The HebrewsThe Hebrews

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    The Israelites ruled over parts of Palestineand not all of it for about four centuries (from

    1,000 BC to 586 BC). Their rule faded away

    and they were forced out of Palestine by the

    Romans, who destroyed the second temple inthe year 70 AD.

    The History of Palestine

    By 135 AD the entire Israelite population of

    Palestine had been transformed into a Jewish


    From Dominion to ExileFrom Dominion to Exile

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    Since then most Jews adhered to theTalmudic passage in Tractate Keubot in

    which God is said to have imposed three

    oaths on the Jews:

    1. They should not rebel against non-Jews;2. As a group, they should not massively

    emigrate to Palestine before the coming of

    the Messiah; and

    3. They should not pray too strongly for the

    coming of the Messiah, so as not to bring

    him before his appointed time.

    The Talmudic CovenantThe Talmudic Covenant

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    The History of Palestine

    When the Muslims conqueredPalestine and took Jerusalem from the

    Romans in 638 AD there was not a

    single Jew in Palestine.

    Having been severely persecuted and

    enslaved by the Romans, the Arab

    Christian population of Palestine saw

    the Muslims as liberators rather than


    Islam in PalestineIslam in Palestine

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    The History of Palestine

    The Islamic identity of Palestine was establishedfor the longest continuing period historically since

    the Islamic conquest in the 7th Century.

    Throughout that period and until the early years

    of the 20th Century, Palestine remained underMuslim rule.

    Under Islam, followers of the three monotheistic

    religions coexisted peacefully, except for a brief period from 10991187 when Jerusalem was

    occupied by the crusaders.

    An Islamic IdentityAn Islamic Identity

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    The History of Palestine

    For many centuries, and until the

    advent of nationalism in 18th Century

    Europe and the rise of secular

    political Zionism, most Jews believed

    that the return to Palestine was

    prohibited and should not be

    attempted until the coming of theMessiah.

    Forcing Gods HandForcing Gods Hand

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    Two Birds with one StoneResolving the Jewish Problem of Europe

    - anti-Semitism

    - pogroms- Zionism; both Christian and Jewish

    - Balfour Declaration

    Maintaining Control of the M. East- booty of war

    - colonialism by proxy

    Colonial DesignsColonial Designs

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    From Herzl to Hitler

    Jewish opposition to Zionism

    - Basle & Montreal conferences

    - Rabbi Cook

    The Nazis, the Zionists & the Holocaust

    The Jews &The Jews &ZionismZionism

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    During the First World War, Britain adoptedthe Zionist project and issued the Balfour

    Declaration in November 1917 for the

    establishment of a national home for the Jewish

    people in Palestine. By September 1918 the

    British occupation of Palestine was completed.

    The League of Nations in July 1922legitimized Britains occupation in the guise of a

    Mandate that included the Balfour declaration.

    The History of PalestineColonial LandmarksColonial Landmarks

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    During the British occupation period from 19181948, the doors of immigration into Palestine were

    made wide open before European Jews.

    There were 55,000 Jewish immigrants in 1918and 646,000 in 1948 .

    During that period too, British support for Jewish

    acquisition of Palestinian land enabled the Jews to

    increase their land ownership from 2% to 6.7% ofthe land of Palestine.

    The History of PalestineDaytime TheftDaytime Theft

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    The Palestinians protested with


    The first uprising known as TheJerusalem Uprising took place in 1920.

    It was followed by the protests of

    - Yaffa in 1921,

    - Al-Buraq Wall from 1929 - 1933, and

    - The Great Strike of 1936 1939.

    The History of PalestinePalestinian ProtestsPalestinian Protests

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    The British were compelled to issue awhite paper in 1939 promising:

    - the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    - discontinuing the sale of Palestinianland to the Jews

    - an end to Jewish immigration after 5


    But by 1945 all these promises had beenbetrayed.

    Broken PromisesBroken Promises

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    On 29 November 1947 the United NationsGeneral Assembly issued Resolution No. 181

    recommending the partition of Palestine into two


    It was suggested that the Arabs take 45% and the

    Jews 54% while the remaining 1% (Jerusalem) is

    designated as an international territory.

    The Zionists announced the creation of theirstate Israel on the night of14th May 1948.

    The History of PalestineThe State of IsraelThe State of Israel

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    The Zionists seized 77% of the land ofPalestine and forcibly expelled 800,000

    inhabitants out of a total of 920, 000

    Palestinians outside the area allotted for theirstate.

    In 1967 the rest of Palestine was lost. The

    West Bank including East Jerusalem as well as

    the Gaza strip were captured while 330,000

    Palestinian inhabitants were made refugees.

    The History of PalestineThe Palestinian HolocaustThe Palestinian Holocaust

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    TheThe RefugeesRefugeesTheThe RefugeesRefugees

    Fields of







    Refugees in





    West Bank

    Gaza Strip

    Agency Total

    10 1,570,192 280,191

    12 376,472 210,715

    10 383,199 111,712

    19 583,009 157,676

    8 824,622 451,186

    59 3,737,494 1,211,480

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    Rate of increase of the landless, stateless and restricted

    population of refugees in Gaza, West Bank, Jordan,Lebanon and Syria

    Total number of refugees in, Gaza, West Bank, Jordan , Lebanon and Syria.



















    1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

    No. of


    No of refugees every 5 years

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    Palestine toPalestine to thethe MuslimsMuslims

    Dome of the Rock

    Al-Aqsa Mosque Completed in 691

    CE during the time

    of Caliph Abd al-

    Malik ibn Marwan,

    the building

    encloses a huge

    rock from which

    Prophet Muhammad

    ascended (in Miraj)

    to the heavens at the

    end of his Night

    Journey (Isra).

    For more than fourteen hundred years Al Aqsa has

    been venerated throughout the Muslim world as

    the third holiest site in Islam. Known as the First

    Qiblah (direction faced in prayer), it was to

    Jerusalem that Prophet Muhammad made this Night Journey from the Masjid al-Haram in


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    Palestine toPalestine to thethe MuslimsMuslims

    Glory be to him

    Who carried His servant by


    From the Holy Mosque to theFurthest Mosque ,

    The precinct of which We

    have blessed,

    That We might show him

    some of Our signs.

    He is the All-Hearing, the


    (Surat al-Isra)

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    Useful References

    Abdelwahab Elmessiri, Palestine the Land of Promise

    Israel Shahak, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

    Walter Laqueru,A History of Zionism

    Uri Davis, Israel: Utopia IncorporatedHenry Cottan, The Question of Palestine