This week Nursery and Reception Class made the most of the warm sunny weather by having a splash around in the paddling pool. They all had a great time splashing their feet and playing catch with one another. Hopefully this won't be the last time the paddling pool is in use this summer!

Rosemary Works Newsletter 27th June 2014

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Rosemary Works Newsletter 27th June 2014

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Page 1: Rosemary Works Newsletter 27th June 2014

This week Nursery and Reception Class made the most of the warm sunny weather by having a splash around in the paddling pool. They all had a great time splashing their feet and playing catch with one another. Hopefully this won't be the last time the paddling pool is in use this summer!

Page 2: Rosemary Works Newsletter 27th June 2014

Year 1 enjoyed having Paul teach them and this week they began drawing portraits of each other which look really accurate. For a detailed look, press here. They’ve also been looking at the Battle of Bannockburn and they have been working hard to rehearse all the songs and actions for the forthcoming Summer Show – Alice in Wonderland.

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There was a myriad of reasons why these children won prizes or certificates in

Celebration Assembly today. See the chart on the next page to find out who

received a certificate and who received a prize. Next week’s focus is for children to

remain patient while rehearsing our Summer Show – Alice in Wonderland and can

remember their lines, positions, etc.

As Paul is teaching Year 1, we’ll hold off from awarding a Musician of the Week, but

I’m pleased to say that Artist of the Week is back and this week’s winner deserved it.

The Artist of the Week went to Hazel in Year 1. Her portrait of Ava was brilliantly drawn.

She took great care to make sure all the features were in proportion and she really

brought personality to her work. Well done!

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Nursery Class .......... Stevie

Reception Class ...... Evan Year 1 ........................ Aina

Year 2/3 ................... Oscar

Nursery Class Thalia for trying really hard to learn our song for the summer show. Thalia has been using her loudest singing voice during rehearsals and been listening excellently to all of the teachers. Well done Thalia! Jefferson for always being so curious and asking some brilliant questions. Jefferson is always so keen to learn and shows excellent listening skills. Jefferson has also being trying extra hard to learn our song for the summer show. Well done! Reception Class George, for an all round super member of class and really listening to the stories we have read this week, especially the story 'Hey, Little Ant' as he relayed to us that he had taken extra care to avoid hurting an ant! Plus George remembered and talked about what happens in each season of the year today - hibernation etc. Year 1 Jimmy you are 'Star of the Week!' Your enthusiasm to learn is infectious. You were very interested and passionate when learning about the 'Battle of Bannockburn' and I am pleased you can re-call facts about the war with ease. You wrote a great diary entry from the point of view of a Scottish child witnessing the English soldiers arriving to fight. You listen well and explain your ideas confidently. You have a vivid imagination and you are kind and friendly. Well done Jimmy! Keep it up! Year 2/3

Jorge, he is excellent at sitting nicely on the carpet and listening in lessons. He is getting

much better at ignoring distractions in class and choosing to work hard! Well done Jorge!

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Week 2 Dish of the Day Alternative

Option Vegetables/Sides

Salad Selection

Dessert Tea

Monday Pesto pasta Sandwich selection

Green beans & broccoli

Mixed salad

Fresh fruit

Beans on toast & flapjack


Jacket Potato with choice of: cheese,

beans, flaked salmon, cauliflower cheese or


Sandwich selection

Guacamole Mixed salad

Yoghurt Tomato bake &


Wednesday Cheese omelette Plain omelette or sandwich


Baked beans & sautéed potatoes

Mixed salad

Jam Sponge

Minestrone soup & fruit

with yoghurt

Thursday Veggie Curry Jacket potato or sandwich


Brown rice and peas

Mixed salad

Fresh fruit

Cheese on toast & apple


Friday Wholewheat Pasta

bolognaise Sandwich selection

Sweetcorn Mixed salad

Rice pudding

Tomato pasta & fresh fruit

Dress Up and Dance Update

Thank you to all who contributed to the Macmillan charity event last Friday. We raised a super

£193.30 (which we’ll round up to £200!). Great stuff! The next Macmillan event is in September where we’ll be hosting the Worlds’ Biggest Coffee Morning.

ISI Inspection Report

We are expecting to receive the final copy of the ISI report next week for public distribution. Upon receipt, we shall email you a copy of the report and post it on our website. You will receive it by, at the latest, this time next week.

Transition Morning NEXT WEDNESDAY (2nd July)

It’s transition morning next Wednesday for our new and existing children to spend an hour or so with their new class teacher. Next year’s Year 3 will meet Ross and Alana, Year 2 will meet David and Vicky and Year 1 will meet Alice and Jackie. For next year’s Reception Class parents, there will be a talk at 10am in the hall while their children spend time with their new friends and Pam, and Nursery Class will do their transition throughout late July/August. The new teachers will be at school from 9am to lunch time. Please drop in and introduce yourselves at drop off. They’re very excited to meet you!

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For Your Diary…

Mapping out the rest of the academic year so you can book time off to not miss a thing!

2nd July ............................................................................................... Transition Morning (10am)

8th July ................................................................................................ Summer Show 3pm

9th July ................................................................................................ Summer Show 3pm

12th July .............................................................................................. Summer Fete

17th July .............................................................................................. Last Day of Term (Picnic in the Park)

18th July .............................................................................................. Teacher INSET + Play Scheme + Nursery OPEN


The menu has had another revamp and from 7th July, we are changing the cycle slightly. The ability for children to choose an alternative has been very positive for the children and the kitchen – we have much less waste now and we are constantly monitoring their eating habits and adapting the dishes to suit all tastes. Next week I will email out the new menu cycle and for now, it’s live on the calendar (as seen on the blog). Please disregard the blog menu until then and follow the menu published in this newsletter.

Summer Fete

Not long to go until our summer fete! Thank you for all the donations and offers of help so far. We're still in need of bottles for the tombola, teddies for the teddy adoption, prizes for the raffle and cake bakers. If you can help us out please let Alannah know as soon as possible.