ROSSALL SCHOOL - COVID-19 Boarding Risk Assessment CONTENTS Overall Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (EW) Pupils, parents and staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-f19 Environment (DP/LB) Pupils and Staff - Safety Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (KML/SC/DP) Medical Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (RM/KML) Dedicated School Transport and Driver Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (LB) Support Staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (SC) Facilities Management Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (ES) Setting/Premises: Rossall School Location: Broadway, Fleetwood Assessment Date: 2nd September 2020 Assessment completed by: Mrs Emma Williams Rossall School Boarding Risk Assessment Date: 2nd September 2020 Page 1

ROSSALL SCHOOL - COVID-19 Boarding Risk Assessment · 2 days ago · Dat e: 2nd S ept ember 2020 P age 39 . 9 Water testing for temperature, flow and legionella not in date, recorded

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Page 1: ROSSALL SCHOOL - COVID-19 Boarding Risk Assessment · 2 days ago · Dat e: 2nd S ept ember 2020 P age 39 . 9 Water testing for temperature, flow and legionella not in date, recorded

ROSSALL SCHOOL - COVID-19 Boarding Risk Assessment


● Overall Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (EW) ● Pupils, parents and staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-f19 Environment (DP/LB) ● Pupils and Staff - Safety Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (KML/SC/DP) ● Medical Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (RM/KML) ● Dedicated School Transport and Driver Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (LB) ● Support Staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (SC) ● Facilities Management Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment (ES)

Setting/Premises: Rossall School

Location: Broadway, Fleetwood

Assessment Date: 2nd September 2020

Assessment completed by: Mrs Emma Williams

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Overall Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

Hazard Control measures / Staff Member

responsible Remarks /



Safeguarding policy and procedures not updated and / or staff and pupils not feeling safe.

New Safeguarding policy written in line with new KCSIE document - ELW

Safeguarding training - Level 2 - for all staff delivered August 2020 - ELW

On-going training throughout the year - ELW

Introduction of CPOMS and staff training to centralise recording of all concerns.

Level 3 training needed every 3 years for all teachers.


Government advice not being regularly accessed, assessed, recorded and applied.

COVID-19 Response committee has met regularly since March 2020. All communications to the school regarding changes to Government advice forwarded to all members of the committee.

Throughout the Michaelmas Term, the measures will be reviewed every week by the SLT, Health and Safety Committee, and members of Council charged with responsibility for child protection and site health and safety.


Changes not regularly communicated to staff, their unions, pupils, parents and governors

Staff have been issued with all literature outlining our preparations for a safe return to the School’s physical site. This will be re-enforced within the context of our CPD/INSET days which will take place immediately before the beginning of term and reinforced via bi-weekly staff meetings.

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Communication to wider school community via weekly bulletins, interactive question and answer sessions and more extensive brochures such as https://www.rossall.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Rossall_Response_Covid19_V2-compressed.pdf See also: https://www.rossall.org.uk/admissions/coronavirus-previous-updates/


Changes to assessments, procedures and other important matters not reviewed by Governors

Weekly meetings with Governors, HM and Bursar.

Governors signed off on our initial risk assessment (June) and will not only sign off on this risk assessment - they will keep it under active review. Throughout the pandemic, the governors have met with the HM and Bursar on a weekly basis to address the challenges arising from COVID-19. The Education Committee and ad-hoc finance committee have also met during this period. David Elliott (Member of Council) has advised SLT members on all aspects of our response from a medical perspective. David Ewart (Chair of Education and Welfare Committee) has also reviewed all aspects of our response.

E Insurers and / or brokers not consulted with school’s re-opening and / or amended plans

Consultation with insurers - ES Ongoing dialogue

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FSuspended services and subscriptions not re-set or updated due to new needs in time for return to school.

Services and subscriptions maintained as school has not fully closed at any point.


Access to school not controlled effectively and visitor (if allowed) details not recorded.

School reception moved to the Sports Centre at the front of school.

Anyone wishing to access the school site must go through reception where they will need to:

a) Sign a medical declaration form (to be updated in accordance with latest advice from Public Health England)

b) Receive a medical scan from a thermal imaging camera

c) They will then proceed through the Sports Hall and outside the side entrance before entering the School campus though the alleyway between Puffin and Lugard

All visitors to the site will be provided with guidelines when they arrive and the staff receiving them will reinforce these messages. Expectations of visitors will also be communicated when meetings are arranged and protocols, which are available on the school website, will be referenced.

Visitors protocol

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Visitors will be supervised on site at all times.


Is there active engagement with NHS Test and Trace and are the procedures understood by all staff.

All staff advised to contact NHS test and trace service if they exhibit COVID-19 symptoms.

In addition ‘School Shield’ a bluetooth operated track and trace system has been implemented by the school.


Social Distancing (SD) and other hygiene rules not sufficiently robust, understood, communicated or applied.

Consistent and clear messaging has emphasized the importance of ensuring that the School community does not become a centre of transmission. This engagement will be promoted through the PSHE programme, Assemblies, tutor groups and by boarding house staff where appropriate. Distance markers in Dining Hall, Mondos, Sports Centre entrance and School Shop.


SD rules for activities (play, games, drama, music) not understood or adhered to?

Singing, wind and brass playing does not take place in large groups such as school choirs. The music department is cognisant of the following recommendations and will abide by them.

Limit on group sizes of ensembles with rehearsals taking place in large spaces.

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Music lessons are restricted to using recorded music and not playing wind or brass instruments unless: ● lessons are for smaller groups not

exceeding 15 people ● this is done outside or in

well-ventilated space ● participants are positioned to

maintain at least 2m distance (3 metres is preferable) with no-one directly facing another person.

● the teacher will stand 3 metres away where they need to face the group.

The drama department is cognisant of the following recommendations and will abide by them. ● Drama lessons and rehearsals will

take place in the Performing Arts Centre and other large open spaces such as Big School, the Sports Hall, Chapel and Quad.

● Activities that involve raised voices will not take place.

● Smaller class sizes will operate where possible

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● Back to back and side to side positioning is planned as much as possible

● Distancing is maintained as much as possible.

Sport - PE/Games curriculum redesigned by Director of Sport to reflect guidance given by the individual National Governing Bodies.

The school has a multitude of outdoor spaces for sport. During inclement weather there are also a number of large, ventilated indoor spaces available, such as the Sports Centre. Most sports will take place on the school site. Where use of external facilities is required this will be carefully planned and communicated with pupils and parents. Reduction in the need for changing - students come to school in sports kit on the day of curriculum PE/Games.

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Changing rooms used by small groups where social distancing can take place - 4 separate, spacious changing facilities.


Insufficient consideration of how to reduce contact and maximise distancing between those in school where ever possible and minimise potential for contamination

All co-curricular activities restricted to year groups in the Senior School. Where some mixing of year groups is essential, groups are well socially distanced and track and trace wristbands enable us to track contact outside of year group bubbles. Common Room to remain closed and staff discouraged from unnecessary face-to-face contact. Boarding houses constitute distinct vertical bubbles. Students are not allowed to visit houses within which they are not resident. Similarly, the staffing of each house is consistent and restricted. Dining Hall is used by boarding community alone - day pupils eat meals in allotted areas around the School site Rooming is predicated upon ensuring effective social distancing where possible. Particular consideration has been given to ensuring one-way flow of

Additional measures within our armoury designed to reduce risk include ‘School Shield’ a bluetooth operated track and trace system, thermal imaging cameras, health questionnaires, enhanced cleaning regimes and a relentless focus upon promoting a positive culture that supports good public health/hygiene. The School also has a testing contract with Cambridge based laboratories Oncologica.

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traffic throughout buildings. Allocation of classrooms is predicated upon the size of teaching groups with the underlying premise that the movement of pupils is restricted as much as possible and it is staff who move between classrooms. All school events such as assemblies etc. will happen virtually and at no time will large groups of pupils congregate together. Staggered drop off times and break times minimise risk. Single occupancy bedrooms in boarding houses Allocation of facilities in boarding houses to small groups of students to minimise contamination where possible. Social distancing on school buses/in the dining hall etc.


Staff and pupils not being reminded and checked to ensure they are complying with hygiene and SD rules.

Extensive signage in all buildings highlighting the key messages.

Line managers responsible for ensuring compliance of all adults - reminders during weekly meetings. All teachers

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responsible for ensuring compliance of all students at all times.


Insufficient supplies of hygiene materials and not readily available, suitably stored or located.

Sanitising stations in each classroom, access to appropriate PPE for all staff and pupils, and additional washing facilities/hand sanitisers placed throughout the school.

Katie Lee, Director of Operations and Logistics, is in charge of all aspects of procurement and ensuring adequate stockpiles of hand sanitizer, gloves, masks etc. She works with Doreen Crossley to manage domestic housekeeping/cleaning etc.


Unsuitable enhanced cleaning regime, not regularly re-assessed or revised for high-risk areas such as toilets, door handles, keypads, switches, hand rails and frequently used hard surfaces.

A robust series of hygiene measures and protocols are in place. All areas have been deep cleaned and communal areas within the school (boarding houses and classrooms). All bathrooms will be cleaned at least twice a day.


No precautions to keep shared teaching equipment (e.g. musical instruments, pens, pointers, keyboards, remotes) hygienic.

Staff issued with protocols and equipment for sanitising shared work spaces - keyboard/mouse/desk/chairs They will not share equipment such as board markers/board erasers.

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Students and staff will make use of individual devices - iPads - where possible. Houseparents issued with cleaning materials to wipe down IT facilities/remotes after each use.


High-risk areas not being regularly monitored (including boarding areas) for hygiene.

High-risk areas in boarding houses - toilets/showers/baths - cleaned twice during the day and HPs responsible for final sanitising in the evening - resources and instruction given by Matron.

All boarding bedrooms are cleaned daily.

Supervised use of social areas (dayrooms, kitchens, IT rooms and music rooms) by Houseparents - maximum occupancy signs displayed on the door of each social area.

No boarders allowed in each other’s bedrooms during the quarantine period.

QInsufficient contingency plans for changes to school operation such as re-closing or teachers?

All lessons will continue to be available remotely to allow all students to access from the start of term - these will

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continue irrespective of any local or national lockdown.

Teachers can deliver lessons remotely from home should the need arise.


Insufficient contingency plans in case of medical need for self-isolation of individuals, multiple pupils, staff or local outbreaks?

Protocol distributed to all staff regarding day and boarding pupils presenting with COVID-19 symptoms during the school day. Protocol in place for boarders in the event of them displaying COVID-19 symptoms and/or a positive test result. Signage around the school advising of COVID-19 symptoms and the protocol to follow in the event of experiencing one or more of the symptoms - ELW/KML/LW


All hazards identified properly mitigated and regularly re-assessed?

Weekly meetings held to identify/discuss areas of risk. COVID-19 Risk assessment also standing item on Estates operations meeting agenda.

Pupils, Parents and Staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

Hazard Control measures / Staff

Member responsible Remarks /


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1 Communication channels not working and not reviewed. (Email, text, facebook etc).

LB reviews FB daily / oversees all main comms / website weekly

LB to ensure all communications are continually occurring to ensure all parties are happy with information via all channels

2 Lack of a robust feedback and reply system to ensure best practice and two-way communications for pupils, parents, staff and governors

All queries directed to LB/JAQ to ensure timely response.

LB works with OR to ensure comms / queries come to LB for rtn comms. Most comms sent our by OR/LB to ensure reply if necessary

3 No Governor and / or SLT member for school / department responsible for COVID-19 matters. Governor / SLT members’ contact details not known and not on call.

JAQ in charge along with Chair of Governors.

All SLT contacts are shared with staff.

4 No plan to inform local health protection team if two or more confirmed cases within 14 days or there is an overall rise in sickness absence.

Test results of boarders monitored by ELW and LB. Track and trace system monitored by RM.

In case of positive test advice to be taken from local health protection team in liaison with the Headmaster.

5 No system to communicate with parents and staff who are unable or have not returned to school for fear of infection.

Staff to communicate with line managers and parents to contact school as per parent protocols sheet.

Chair of Common Room (AF) the contact point for staff

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who have been identified as vulnerable.

6 Lack of mechanism for parents of pupils with significant risk factors to discuss concerns and provide reassurance of the measures put in place to reduce the risk in school.

Wellbeing Centre to be point of contact for these issues.

Protocols sent out to all parents to explain measures in place. Boarding - ELW. Day students - DP

7 No staff, pupil and / or parent health declaration implemented. All staff, pupils and visitors answer self-declaration questions on arrival.

8 Lack of knowledge of where pupils / staff have travelled from (other than home and school) on holiday or at weekends. (via app or written diary?)

All staff, pupils and visitors answer self-declaration questions on arrival each day.

9 Staff and pupils not self-isolating or quarantining (for 2 weeks) after visiting non-government agreed countries.

Staff and pupils have been informed that 14 days self-isolating is mandatory if any overseas country has been visited.

Quarantine set up for the boarding community to ensure 14 day quarantining if returning from

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non-government agreed countries.

10 Lack of robust rules for hygiene standards for staff and pupils – and failure to adequately enforce standards

Protocols for staff, teachers and pupils sent out w/c 17th August.

Increased number of hand sanitising stations around the site.

Signage to remind all members of the community about hand-washing/sanitising.

11 Staff not trained or regularly updated in COVID-19 symptoms, SD and how these rules apply to teaching?

Staff Protocol document provided to staff

Bi-weekly staff meetings to update on protocols and any changes to symptoms list/risk assessments/government guidelines

12 At drop-off and pick-up parents not complying with SD policy outside gates and entrances.

Communications sent to enforce drop off and pick up procedures with parents remaining in cars. 2 separate

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drop-off and pick-up areas identified and communicated.

13 Transit spaces (corridors), social zones (car parks, common rooms, playgrounds) do not support SD. Walk on the left protocol?

Posters and footprints in key areas for students to ensure transit spaces are safe.

One way systems introduced in corridors and dining hall and signage clearly displaying the procedures.

14 Learning and recreational spaces not de-conflicted or configured to SD rules for different groups or bubbles.

All learning areas have been de-cluttered and each year group has been allocated classrooms in one part of a building.

Desks have been positioned to accommodate small numbers of students and with the capacity to socially distance.

Different social and recreational areas of school assigned to different year group bubbles.

15 Little consideration of different age groups in timetabling, length of the school day and exposure to other age groups.

All age groups have their own specific area and therefore

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no/limited exposure to other bubbles.

16 Insufficient consideration and alternatives to using public transport including staggering school start and finish times.

Very few students use public transport.

Increased provision of school transport.

17 No system in place to deal with bereavements, trauma, anxiety, stress, behavioural and sleep issues.

HoPs and RM to support with this through Wellbeing centre

Pupils and Staff - Safety Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

Hazard Control measures / Staff

Member responsible Remarks /

Re-assessment 1 Lack of review, update or sharing of safeguarding, code or

practice, and staff handbook policies. Staff have been issued with all literature outlining our preparations for a safe return to the School’s physical site.

2 Inset does not reflect required training for COVID-19 related procedures, safeguarding, H&S, well-being etc

CPD/INSET days will take place immediately before the beginning of term to include COVID-19 related procedures.

3 DSL and DDSL not easily contacted and their contact information not known to all.

DSL and DDSL’s contact details are contained in the Child Protection Policy made available to all staff.

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Posters around the school site both in teaching areas and boarding houses.

4 No COVID-19 specific policy that includes medical responses, SD, teaching, socialising, feeding, hydration, well-being etc.

COVID-19 brochure

Protocols in place for staff, pupils, visitors and for certain unusual/higher risk activities


5 Revised fire drills, registers, routes and assembly points not rehearsed.

House fire drills and assembly points will remain as previously rehearsed as they allow for social distancing.

House fire drills carried out in the first week of term.

School fire drills scheduled for the first week of school.

6 Contact between pupils and staff is not sufficiently managed or reduced.

Students will only come into contact with necessary members of staff - teachers/pastoral staff. No whole school assemblies/social gatherings.

7 Staff moving between classes and year groups not maintaining distance from pupils and other staff (ideally 2 m between adults)

One way systems in academic areas and year group bubbles created.

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Protocols issued to staff on expectations regarding social distancing from pupils and other staff.

Significant signage around all areas of the school. Regular reinforcement during meetings with students and staff.

8 Supply, peripatetic and/or other temporary staff moving between schools not minimising contact or maintaining as much distance as possible from other staff.

Peripatetic staff are allocated their own areas to work and will therefore not be moving around the school.

9 Roles conducive to home working and therefore helping to reduce infection (e.g. some administrative roles) not identified.

Protocols in place for administration staff to work from home on a rota basis where a number of people work in one office.

Remote learning in place to allow teachers to deliver lessons from home when needed.

10 Contact between groups or bubbles is not minimised or distance between individuals maintained and properly supervised.

Year group bubbles assigned to specific areas. Pupils

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remain in classrooms, staff circulate wherever possible.

Social areas assigned to year groups for break and lunchtimes and supervised by staff.

Indoor social areas to be used by day students only, boarders return to Houses during break and lunchtimes.

11 Distinct and consistent groups or ‘bubbles’ not maintained or separated and so, in the event of a positive case, difficult to identify those who may need to self-isolate.

As above.

‘School Shield’ a bluetooth operated track and trace system in place to ensure that it is possible to identify all those who might have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.

12 Large gatherings such as assemblies or collective worship with more than one group not avoided.

All school events such as whole school assemblies etc. will happen virtually and at no time will large groups of pupils congregate together.

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Only year group assemblies or Chapel will physically take place.

13 Insufficient controls for those pupils allowed to mix into wider groups for specialist teaching, wraparound care and transport.

All co-curricular activities restricted where possible to year groups in the Senior School. Where students mix, groups are small, well socially distanced and the use of track and trace devices makes it possible to know how much time has been spent in close proximity to others outside of a bubble. Staggered drop off times and break times minimise risk. Social distancing on school buses/in the dining hall etc.

14 Younger pupils not supported in understanding the importance of maintaining distance, not touching staff and their peers - where possible.

A relentless focus upon promoting a positive culture that supports good public health/hygiene.

15 No specific help and preparation for the changes to routine for pupils with SEND (whether education, health and care plans or on SEN support).

Identification of specific needs for students with SEND - extra support put in place specific to their needs - FQ

16 Where a pupil routinely attends more than one setting on a part time basis (e.g. dual registered) the system of controls not considered collaboratively to address identified risks.

No student is dual registered.

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Boarders attending elite sports coaching outside of the school setting - golf/football/hockey - students identified and protocols put in place in conjunction with the sports clubs - Director of Sport.

17 Classrooms do not have side-by-side seating or forward facing desks to reduce risks.

All classrooms have been set up to meet requirement of facing forward and where possible single desks

18 Needs of each age group and class not considered discreetly in terms of support, activities and facilities.

As much as possible students are kept in one location and it is teaching staff who move between classrooms. For some practical subjects in the Senior School such as DT, Science and Art, it is necessary for children to go to another location in the school but this will be limited.

19 ITT trainees not sufficiently briefed, hosted and integrated in their support to school.

All trainees attend the 4 INSET days before the start of term and have ongoing training and support throughout their first year.

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Director of Professional development liaises regularly both directly with ITT trainees and NQTs as well with their mentors.

20 Volunteers not checked, left unsupervised, allowed to work in regulated activity or supported.

All volunteers in regulated activity are checked and entered on to the SCR. Ad hoc visitors/volunteers are fully supervised at all times

21 Recruitment process and pre-appointment checks not following legal requirements.

Recruitment process and pre-appointment checks are fully compliant

22 New staff and pupil registration and induction processes not adapted or compliant.

All staff and students are given an induction.

Staff - INSET covering safeguarding and COVID-19 protocols.

New students - induction and clear guidance given before the start of term.

23 Support staff and TAs in regulated activity do not have the appropriate checks.

All staff receive the same level of checks and are entered on to the SCR

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24 SCR not updated with DBS related issues and required documents not properly verified or recorded.

Human Resources to ensure that the SCR is entirely up to date and that any training that may have elapsed as a result of lockdown is addressed as soon as possible. Volunteers and self-employed coaches / activities staff to complete a new DBS before returning to school

25 Plans to separate work, learning, meetings, activities and play outside not fully considered

Detailed plans in place for all activities referenced.

Pupils have designated areas of the school where their lessons take place minimising movement between classrooms. Activities are organised according to year groups and take place in the area consistent with that key stage. Each year group has their own lunch space.

Staff are allocated work rooms and Common Room remains closed.

Large spaces identified for meetings where these are necessary face to face and capacity is listed for each room.

26 Opportunities for non contact sport, adventure play, Forest School, gardening etc not regulated or considered

Fully re-designed PE/Games curriculum in line with National Governing Body guidelines. - Director of Sport. Guidance regularly reviewed.

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Increased use of extensive outdoor space when possible.

27 Sporting, play and SD rules unclear to staff, pupils, parents and visitors.

Protocols in place and communicated regularly to all parties - JFC

28 Physical education, sport and physical activities not following the measures in their system of controls.

Director of Sport to monitor - JFC

29 Pupils not kept in consistent groups, maximising distance between pupils or paying scrupulous attention to cleaning and hygiene during sports activities.

Sports department to ensure protocols are followed - JFC to oversee

30 Sports equipment not sufficiently cleaned between each use by different individual groups.

Sports department to ensure protocols are followed - JFC to oversee

31 Risk assessment for play, drama and dance activities not re-assessed.

Monitored by Head of Drama and Head of Music

32 Added risk of infection where there is singing, chanting, playing wind or brass instruments not reviewed.

Monitored by Head of Drama and Head of Music

33 Shared staff spaces are not set up or used to allow staff to distance from each other.

Only shared space in boarding houses is the duty office - sufficient space for social distancing with only 2 members of staff in at a time.

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Common Room closed and departmental areas set up for staff.

34 Parent, Pupil, Staff, Contractor, Visitor drop-off and pick-up procedures, in and out routes not shared, understood or applied.

Increased signage.

Outlined in protocols for all parties.

35 Hand washing not part of school culture or routine e.g. no regular breaks for hand washing during the school day.

Signage and reminders in the boarding houses - HPs

HPs to ensure handwashing before eating.

36 Insufficient hygiene stations at entrances, exits, toilets, classrooms, play areas, common rooms, staff areas etc

Increase in hand sanitiser pumps in houses and around school site.

Outdoor hand washing stations introduced for Junior and Infant pupils.

37 Hygiene stations (including bins) not stocked, checked, emptied and cleaned regularly.

Pedal bins located in all key areas of the school. Checked and emptied daily. Bathrooms checked and cleaned twice a day.

38 Unnecessary and unused items not removed from classrooms and other learning environments.

All classrooms decluttered

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39 Soft toys, furnishings, spare furniture and items that are hard to clean not removed and stored securely.

All items have been removed from classrooms.

40 Classroom based resources, such as books and games and all frequently touched surfaces, which are used and shared within a group or bubble not regularly cleaned.

Houses will be one bubble therefore not relevant.

41 Pupils not limiting the amount of equipment brought into school daily to essentials such as bags, lunch boxes, hats, coats, books, stationery and mobile phones.

Boarders to take minimal items to lessons - books/stationery in a bag - HPs to monitor.

42 Meal times not de-conflicted or possible to achieve SD in the servery and dining areas whilst still providing sufficient nourishment.

Boarders to eat in dining hall as Houses - no face to face seating. Staggered timings to allow for social distancing.

43 Measures in school are not sufficiently robust for extremely clinically vulnerable and clinically vulnerable to return to school.

Personal risk assessment completed for vulnerable employees

Personal risk assessment

44 Pregnant women are in the ‘clinically vulnerable’ category and not following the relevant guidance.

Pregnant employees receive a specific risk assessment

45 Those with particular characteristics and an increased COVID-19 risk not identified and sufficient measures taken to reduce risks.

Personal risk assessment completed for vulnerable employees

46 Pupil and staff mental health and wellbeing not considered with individual needs not identified or supported.

New Health and Wellbeing Centre created.

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Director of Health and Wellbeing works with all staff and pupils to support their wellbeing and mental health.

Heads of Year, Houseparents and tutors are responsible for oversight of pupils in their care.

Key members of SLT including Head of HR responsible for oversight of staff.

47 Insufficient pastoral and extra-curricular support for pupils to rebuild friendships and social engagement.

Full pastoral support from tutors, Heads of Year and Houseparents and Deputy Houseparents.

Activities arranged for Houses to encourage friendships and social interactions as a bubble - HPs

48 Insufficient support to address and equip pupils to respond to COVID-19 related issues.

Full support from tutors, Heads of Year and Houseparents and Deputy Houseparents. Appointment of new Director of Health and Well-being.

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PSHE programme to address COVID-19 related issues.

49 Re-scheduling of activities not operating efficiently or safely due to SD rules and timings

All activities planned with SD in mind and time given over to explaining protocols to students.

50 Plans, briefing and statistics for ISI / Ofsted visit not updated. DH (Academic) and Director of Studies to keep information up to date.

Medical Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment

Hazard Control measures / Staff

Member responsible Remarks /

Re-assessment Are those staff and pupils who are ill or tested positive self

isolating? All staff and pupils showing signs of illness or a positive result instructed to stay at home for at least 10 days. If a member of their household has signs of illness or a positive result, that staff member would isolate for 14 days.

1 Is the procedure of isolating or sending staff and pupils home for 10 days and arranging a COVID-19 test understood if anyone becomes unwell in school?

Protocol documents in place and communicated.

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2 Given the above do members of their household or group understand they should self-isolate for 14 days?


3 Is there an isolation room and bathroom available and adequately signed for those awaiting collection and do those in attendance have access to PPE?

Yes - Medical Centre on site close to Reception. Isolation rooms identified and prepared.

Full access to PPE

4 Staff who have helped someone with symptoms and pupils who have been in “close contact” know they do not need to self-isolate unless they develop symptoms themselves (in which case, they should arrange a test)?

Yes - added support of track and trace.

5 Staff not aware of meaning of “close contact”: ● Direct close contacts: face-to-face contact with an infected

individual for any length of time, within 1 m, including being coughed on, talking face to face, or unprotected physical contact (skin-to-skin).

● Proximity contacts: extended close contact (within 1 to 2 m for more than 15 minutes) with infected individual.

● Sitting in a small vehicle (car) with an infected person.

HPs to reinforce with duty tutors in Houses - HPs.

All staff made aware during INSET.

6 Do all understand they must wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and running water or use hand sanitiser after any contact with someone who is unwell?

Yes - has been communicated to staff and students.

7 Do staff know the area around a person with symptoms must be cleaned with normal household bleach after they have left to reduce the risk of infection?

Where there is an identified risk of infection a deep clean of the area will take place - Head of Housekeeping to coordinate.

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8 Is it understood that routine temperature testing is not a reliable method for identifying COVID-19 (or recommended by PHE)

Yes. Other procedures in place to identify and respond to COVID-19 symptoms.

9 Hygiene rules not effective. “catch it, bin it, kill it” not re-publicised or applied.

Hygiene advice published across the site

10 No supervision of hand sanitiser use given risk of ingestion by young children. (Skin friendly cleaning wipes is an alternative).

Not relevant in Senior Boarding Houses.

Junior Boarding Houseparents to supervise use of hand sanitisers - HG/LG

11 Is there sufficient information on how to react to coughing and sneezing using tissues (and their disposal) or crook of the arm and immediately cleaning hands with soap and water or hand sanitiser.

Yes - signage around the school

12 Pupils not aware of behaviours which may increase the risk of droplet transmission (such as biting, licking, kissing or spitting).

Educated through PSHE and year assemblies.

HPs to reinforce messages in Houses.

13 Insufficient medical staff to deal with temperature testing (if used), isolating and monitoring suspect COVID-19 cases, outside appointments and normal medical issues.

Thermal imaging cameras x 3 installed on the school site.

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Nurse on duty during the school day and on call in the evenings.

Protocol in place for managing health needs of boarders during weekends.

14 Insufficient First Aid trained personnel (ratio) for pupils in school and on activities and sport.

32 trained first aiders.

15 Procedures for First Aid to those that do not have COVID-19 symptoms unclear and not briefed. (no need for extra measures).

First Aid treatment to be delivered without delay. Gloves and mask to be worn for treatment.

16 No or insufficient training for those operating temperature testing or other precautions that require new equipment. Training not recorded for future reference.

Thermal imaging system and non contact thermometer used by trained personnel

17 Medical policy, procedures and appropriate response to spectrum of medical issues not revised or shared?

Information about individuals is stored and shared on the school database (iSams).

Information on policy and students with specific issues shared with staff with updates communicated regularly

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18 Medical room(s) not properly equipped. Fully equipped Medical Centre

19 Lack of School decision or policy for level of PPE required for staff or pupils.

Member of staff appointed for PPE procurement and needs of the school

20 Insufficient training for the wearing of face coverings including fitting, storing, care and disposal arrangements.

HPs to explain procedures for face coverings in houses.

Class teachers and form teachers to explain procedures for the wearing of face coverings.

21 Sickness management rules and the “don’t come to work if you are ill” not understood or observed.

Staff Protocol document communicated to staff

22 Lack of knowledge on whom has been tested (positive or otherwise) for COVID-19 and if it is recorded (for elimination purposes). Evidence of negative result should not be requested.

All results of Oncologica testing (for boarders) kept on a spreadsheet overseen by Lucy Barwell.

23 Lack of recording of which staff and pupils have been sent home with COVID-19 symptoms (a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath).

Medical Centre to record on ISAMS for students.

HR to record staff being sent home.

24 Lack of regular dialogue with those that have suffered from COVID-19 and / or are isolated at home.

HPs to monitor each boarder’s situation with family at home through

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regular dialogue and identify students who may be distressed

25 Information on anyone that may still be shielding another family member and why this may preclude their attendance at school.

Full boarding offered to students who are in this situation.

26 No separate area for temperature testing, holding and isolation of pupils/staff. Areas not easily identified or regularly cleaned?

Isolation rooms allocated in Medical Centre

27 Temperature testing undertaken using unsafe methods, not reflecting SD rules, not recorded or kept appropriately.

Thermal imaging system in reception area. Information digitally recorded.

Medical centre has temperature testing equipment and records kept.

28 No procedure considered if a mobile testing unit is dispatched to test others in school. (Testing will focus on the person’s class, followed by their year group, then the whole school if necessary.

Track and trace system in place.

29 Insufficient or no procedure for summoning emergency services, lack of safe RV and cleared routes in and out.

Protocol in place to ensure there is no delay in access to the site.

30 Visits of or to GPs / nurses / dentists and local surgeries changed and not known by staff and or pupils.

Medical staff to keep all boarding staff updated on changes.

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31 Staff are not aware those with COVID-19 symptoms should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital unless an emergency.

To be re-enforced during CPD/INSET days immediately before the beginning of term.

32 Insufficient registration, induction, supervision (and temperature checking) of contractors where essential work is required on site.

All employees and visitors register and pass through Thermal Imaging System

33 Medical staff have insufficient or unsuitable PPE, cleaning materials and training for tasks.

PPE provided.

Cleaning and additional materials provided and checked daily

34 Policy on wearing uniform and if washing also required to prevent infection for staff and pupils not re-considered.

Clean uniforms worn each day and staff instructed not to travel to and from work in uniform

Dedicated School Transport and Driver Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment


Control measures / Staff Member responsible

Remarks / Re-assessment

1 Drivers not regularly briefed on changes or included in staff briefings and revised schedules and notices.

LB briefed PHutton who will brief drivers on any changes

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2 Drivers not fully considered or supported (particularly relating to age and vulnerability).

PHutton has confirmed drivers have correct kit and equipment

3 Drivers have insufficient / inappropriate PPE, cleaning materials and training.

PHutton has confirmed he has correct equipment for drivers

4 Dedicated transport not aligned with the principles underpinning the system of controls

Two buses on each route and SD in place

5 Dedicated school transport not operating to SD and hygiene rules or with sufficient PPE and cleaning arrangements.

See above and minibuses fogged after each use.

6 Pupils not grouped together on transport reflecting the bubbles that are adopted within school.

Buses to be split between bubbles

7 Insufficient or no use of hand sanitiser upon boarding and/or disembarking.

Hand sanitisers available on all buses

8 No additional cleaning of vehicles (all touch points) before and after each journey.

Fogging of each bus after use

9 Poorly organised queue and boarding process and SD not observed within vehicles wherever possible.

Communication to be sent to all bus users about SD, face covers, sanistier, boarding buses etc w/c 31st Aug

10 Use of face coverings for children under (and over) the age of 11 as a mitigating measure not understood by pupils and parents.

Rossall has been using face covers since 01.06.20

11 Measures, in case of emergency, for the movement of a symptomatic pupil by school transport not considered in policy.

Onsite medical centre reduces need for the transport of students.

12 School vehicles not fully registered, insured, maintained and stocked with appropriate hygiene materials.

All vehicles are fully registered, insured, maintained and stocked with

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appropriate hygiene materials.

Support Staff Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment


Control measures / Staff Member responsible

Remarks / Re-assessment

1 Support staff not regularly briefed on changes. Staff have been instructed on the nature of COVID-19 and its transmission. The principles which are outlined in the compliance code and the local arrangements in place have been discussed with all staff and they have confirmed they understand the reason for the control measures that are required. A record is maintained by the setting which details all of the specific areas of instruction and training that have been provided for all members of staff. Staff have been given the opportunity to discuss and resolve any concerns that they have (prior to opening and during school activities)

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2 Drivers not fully considered or supported (particularly relating to age and vulnerability).

Drivers provided with PPE and sanitising equipment. Consideration given to age of drivers and any specific health issues

3 Support staff have insufficient/inappropriate PPE, cleaning materials and training.

Arrangements are in place to ensure that PPE guidance is applied in line with the individualcircumstances. Masks, face visors, gloves and cleanable aprons are provided and staff instructed in use. Maintenance staff entering boarding houses wear disposable boiler suits.

4 Cleaning regimes not enhanced, regularly reviewed, inspected or conforming to revised hygiene rules.

Deep clean carried out of all areas. Communal areas and toilets cleaned three times per day. Houseparents spray bathrooms and toilets and clean door handles and banisters each evening.

5 Security and access systems not regularly checked, updated and re-coded.

Door codes changed regularly. Intruder alarms are checked regularly by the Electrician and House staff are trained to use.

6 Reconfigured areas, zones and routes hampering fire exits and routes.

All fire exits and routes kept clear.

7 Fire and other emergency procedures not reconfigured, routes not clear or regularly inspected.

All fire exits and routes kept clear. Termly boarding house

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inspection by Head of Operations.

Facilities Management Risk Assessment in the COVID-19 Environment


Control measures / Staff Member responsible

Remarks / Re-assessment

1 Policy and procedures for contractors on school sites not updated and / or enforced.

Updated procedure highlights protocol. No contractors allowed unaccompanied - all met and monitored by member of estates team

Authorisation for Contractors to Work on Site

2 Contractor health declaration and pre-work briefings not considered or implemented.

Health declaration as above; temperatures checked and questions asked at Reception before entering the site.

3 Insufficient heating and/ or cooling system (including insufficient fuel levels if applicable).

Full compliance checklist carried out; all boilers serviced regularly by in-house heating engineer.

4 Insufficient gas supply, maintenance, checks, venting and valves. As above

5 Air conditioning units, ducts, ventilation and extraction systems not checked on re-occupying school facilities (including workshops).

Few air conditioning units - all serviced in line with current legionella testing

Sports centre air con service July 2020

6 Centralised ventilation system that removes and circulates air to different rooms is not using a fresh air supply.

As above

7 Electrical tests not up-to-date including emergency lighting and PAT

All done in line with compliance register. PAT up to date

8 All electrical equipment brought in to school PAT tested? Yes Boarders’ belongings to be tested in Michaelmas 2020

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9 Water testing for temperature, flow and legionella not in date, recorded or tested on re-opening facilities.

All done in line with compliance register

10 Insufficient arrangements for the operation, additional cleaning and security (and use) of the swimming pool.

Putting programme in place with K3 maintenance via Fleetwood Swimming

Not currently opening to boarders

11 Fire alarm panel, system and extinguishers not in date and not serviced.

All done in line with compliance register

12 Fire doors propped open to limit use of door handles and increase ventilation.

Only in areas that are in use or rooms that are fully supervised.

13 Limiting occupancy of as many rooms as possible (offices, laundry, common rooms etc) not considered.

Single occupancy boarding rooms during quarantine. Maximum occupancy signs all all social areas.

14 Kitchen not reconfigured, stocked and cleaned if closed over a long period.

All kitchens including main school kitchens deep cleaned

15 Insufficient chefs, supervising staff and cleaners to maintain high standards of hygiene.

Staffing levels reviewed

16 Servery and dining room rules not fully considered, inadequate or safe including wiping tables, chairs and hard surfaces between sittings.

Protocol in place

17 Insufficient drinking supplies and hydration available in dining room and around the school.

Done in line with ISI guidelines

18 Cleaners changed working patterns during the day not discussed or agrees to meet the revised hygiene requirements.

Organised by Matron

19 Cleaners have insufficient or revised instructions and training for appropriate cleaning and the wearing and disposal of PPE.

Training provided

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20 Insufficient cleaning staff for revised cleaning schedule and deep clean of each room and space daily unless left fallow.

Staffing reviewed - daily deep cleans built in; use of antiseptic fogger where necessary

21 Insufficient immediate procedures (quarantine and deep clean) and PPE where areas contaminated with bodily fluids.

Pedal bins in all classrooms plus surgical gloves. Bins emptied daily and disposed appropriately. Quarantine measures in place via medical centre. Fogger can be used where appropriate for full disinfectant.

22 Cleaning staff not equipped or using appropriate PPE including aprons, gloves and face coverings and their subsequent disposal.

PPE provided

23 Laundry wash and dryers not serviceable, unable to cope with demand, temperature requirements and insufficient wash products.

Laundry suitable - facilities in each house and central so can be isolated if necessary

24 Suspended services not re-set or reviewed to cater for current school operation including waste disposal.

Waste disposal service up and running

25 Scheduled or on-going building works not reviewed given revised timetables, staggered drop-off / pick-ups and hygiene measures.

Reduced schedule of works; all staff fully cognisant of procedures

26 Suppliers not following appropriate SD, hygiene measures and new routes, arrival details etc

All deliveries to sports centre; measures in place

27 Waste procedures not reviewed or sufficient to cater for increase in waste measures.

To be kept under review

28 Pest control services not sufficiently regular, recorded or deficiencies identified and actioned.

Oversight with Matron

29 How often is this Risk Assessment reviewed? Daily? Weekly? Weekly ops meetings - standing item

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Mr C Holt Position: Chair of Council Signature:

Mr J A Quartermain Position: Headteacher       Signature:     

  Date: 02/09/2020 Reviewed Weekly

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