Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0. Applies to: This article applies to SAP BI 7.0. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage . Summary This document provides the overview of all the routines available in transformation in BI 7.0 with special focus on the possible scenarios for usage of expert routine and how to implement the same. Author: Anurag Krishna Dev Company: Infosys technologies limited Created on: 19 April 2009 Author Bio Anurag krishna dev is an SAP certified solution consultant and working at Infosys technologies. He has been involved in SAP BI consulting practice for 3 years now. He has expertise in executing implementation and support projects for multiple clients. SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com © 2009 SAP AG 1


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Page 1: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Applies to: This article applies to SAP BI 7.0. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.

Summary This document provides the overview of all the routines available in transformation in BI 7.0 with special focus on the possible scenarios for usage of expert routine and how to implement the same.

Author: Anurag Krishna Dev

Company: Infosys technologies limited

Created on: 19 April 2009

Author Bio Anurag krishna dev is an SAP certified solution consultant and working at Infosys technologies. He has been involved in SAP BI consulting practice for 3 years now. He has expertise in executing implementation and support projects for multiple clients.

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Page 2: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Table of Contents Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................3 Start routine ........................................................................................................................................................4

Routine for key Figureures or characteristics .................................................................................................5 End routine......................................................................................................................................................5 Expert routine..................................................................................................................................................5 Business scenario ...........................................................................................................................................6

Technical Solution ..............................................................................................................................................8 Step 1 – Create transformation.......................................................................................................................8 Step 2 – Write expert routine ........................................................................................................................11 Step 3 – Create DTP and Execute it.............................................................................................................17

Debugging Expert Routine................................................................................................................................17 Step 4 – Check the data loaded....................................................................................................................18

Disclaimer and Liability Notice..........................................................................................................................20

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Page 3: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Introduction This article explains about the different routines available in transformation in BI 7.0 and how they are structured in main transformation program. The document also elaborates the business scenarios where these routines can be leveraged to implement complex transformation rules.

Special focus is given on expert routine with an example business scenario.

Routines in transformation Routines are local ABAP classes that consist of a predefined definition area and an implementation area. The TYPES for the inbound and outbound parameters and the signature of the routine (ABAP method) are stored in the definition area. The actual routine is created in the implementation area. ABAP object statements are available in the coding of the routine. Upon generation, the coding is embedded in the local class of the transformation program as the method.

As of Net Weaver release 2004s following four types of routines are available in transformation 1. Start routine 2. Routine for key Figureures and characteristics (transfer rule – routine) 3. End routine 4. Expert routine

Following Figureure depicts the position of these routine in dataflow

Figureure – 1

These routines are the components of main transformation program; following Figureure shows the structure of main transformation program with different components

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Figure - 2

Start routine The start routine is run for each data package at the start of the transformation. The start routine has a table in the format of the source structure as input and output parameters. It is used to perform preliminary calculations and store these in a global data structure or in a table. This structure or table can be accessed from other routines. You can modify or delete data in the data package.

Click here to maintain the start routine. After maintaining it, the new symbol will change to

pencil symbol which signifies that start routine is maintained

Figure - 3

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Routine for key Figureures or characteristics This routine is available as a rule type; you can define the routine as a transformation rule for a key Figureure or a characteristic. The input and output values depend on the selected field in the transformation rule.

Figure - 4

End routine

An end routine is a routine with a table in the target structure format as input and output parameters. You can use an end routine to post process data after transformation on a package-by-package basis. For example, you can delete records that are not to be updated, or perform data checks. As described in the Figure - 1, the end routine is executed at end of the main transformation program.

Figure - 7

Go here to maintain the end routine. After maintaining it, the new symbol will

change to pencil symbol which signifies that Start Routine is maintained.While in display mode the existence of the End routine will be signified

by the specs symbol .

Expert routine This type of routine is only intended for use in special cases. You can use the expert routine if there are not sufficient functions to perform a transformation. The expert routine should be used as an interim solution until the necessary functions are available in the standard routine. You can use this to program the transformation yourself without using the available rule types. You must implement the message transfer to the monitor yourself. If you have already created transformation rules, the system deletes them once you have created an expert routine. This is also to remember that If the target of the transformation is a Data store object, key Figureures are updated by default with the aggregation behavior Overwrite (MOVE).

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Page 6: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Figure – 5

Figure – 6

Business scenario

To understand the potential and know how of expert routine , we will take a business scenario of a major retail company “XYZ Retail”. Two types of business planning are done at XYZ Retail. First is sales planning which is done across the plant (Retail Outlet) and merchandise at fiscal period level. The version for this planning is V01. Second is outlet planning in which the planning is done for average bill size, conversion % and No of Walk-In, this planning is done at fiscal year level. The version for this planning is V02.

The relationship among the Figureures is following

Total sales = (Average bill size) * (Conversion %)*( Total Walk-in)

In SAP BW system of XYZ Retail the planned data is stored in a planning cube ‘Z_SAL_PLAN’.

And the planned data stored in this cube is like below (Table 1.1):

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Table 1.1

For a new reporting requirement we need to calculate the planned values of walk-in at fiscal period level and these values should be stored in a reporting cube at version V10.

Taking the above mentioned relationship among the Figureure we have to calculate the monthly values of planned walk-in. Since ‘average bill size ‘and ‘Conversion %’ are not the relative Figureures so we can replicate their yearly value to month level.

Now we have the values of planned sales, average bill size, and conversion % at fiscal period level

Now our task is to calculate and load the values of planned walk-in at fiscal period level by using the formula

Planned walk-in = Total sales / (Average bill size) * (Conversion %)

And finally the target data should be loaded in the reporting cube ‘Z_SAL_REP’ in the following format (Table 1.2):

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Page 8: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Table 1.2

Technical Solution In order to technically realize this business scenario we will be using the expert routine to define this transformation between the source planning cube and target reporting cube. The structure of both source and target cube is same which is shown in Figure – 7

Figure - 7

We will follow the following step to understand how to implement the Expert routine in transformation.

Step 1 – Create transformation

Go to the context menu of source Info cube Z_SAL_PLN and select ‘Create transformation’ ,provide the target detail of transformation as shown in Figure – 8 and click on continue

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Figure – 8

In the subsequent screen the system will propose the transfer rule between the source and target cube, we need to ignore that and go to edit menu on top of the screen and select ‘expert routine’ as shown in Figure – 9

Click on expert routine to go to create the expert routine.

Figure - 9

As we discussed previously that once the expert routine is maintained between the source and target then system deletes all other existing transfer rule between these source and target. The same is happening here; once you click on expert routine the system will prompt you for confirmation for deletion of existing transformation, we need to say YES.

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Figure -10

The subsequent window is the place where we have to write our expert routine.

Before going ahead for writing the Expert routine, below are some points that we need to keep in mind:

1. Between *$*$ begin of global ... and *$*$ end of global ... you can define the global data declarations 'CLASS DATA'. These are available in all routines. Data declarations with ‘DATA’ can only be accessed in the current package. This means that you can use intermediate results in other routines, for example, or reuse results when you call a routine again at a later time. When you perform serial loads, one process instance is used for the entire request. In this case, data with the ‘CLASS DATA’ data declaration can be accessed for the entire request (all packages). Several process instances are used when you perform parallel loads. A single process instance can be used a more than once, depending on the number of data packages to be processed and the number of available process instances. This means that with parallel loads, data with the 'CLASS DATA' data declaration is not initialized for each data package and may still contain data from predecessor packages. For this reason, use 'CLASS DATA' or 'DATA' for the global data, depending on the scenario

2. In the routine editor, a maximum of 72 characters per line are currently permitted. Any additional characters are cut off when you save.

3. Enter your program code for the routine between *$*$ begin of routine ... and *$*$ end of routine.

4. Do not use a SAP COMMIT (ABAP statement: COMMIT WORK) in your coding. When this statement is executed, the cursor that is used from the source for reading is lost. Use a DB COMMIT (call function module DB_COMMIT) instead or avoid using such COMMITs altogether.

5. Check the syntax of your routine. 6. Save the routine. You end the maintenance session for the routine by leaving the editor.

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Page 11: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Step 2 – Write expert routine In the next step write following expert routine to implement our business scenario. The routine is explained for further understanding

PROGRAM trans_routine.





CLASS lcl_transform DEFINITION.


* Attributs




*- Instance for getting request runtime attributs;

* Available information: Refer to methods of

* interface 'if_rsbk_request_admintab_view'


TYPE REF TO if_rsbk_request_admintab_view READ-ONLY.


TYPE-POOLS: rsd, rstr.

* Rule specific types


BEGIN OF _ty_s_SC_1,

* InfoObject: 0FISCYEAR Fiscal year.


* InfoObject: 0FISCPER3 Posting period.


* InfoObject: 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant.


* InfoObject: 0PLANT Plant.


* InfoObject: ZMERCHND Merchandise.


* InfoObject: Z_ABS_PLN Average Bill Size Planned.


* InfoObject: Z_CNP_PLN Conversion Percentage Planned.


* InfoObject: Z_WLK_PLN No of Walkin Planned.


* InfoObject: ZSAL_PLN Planned Sales.

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.


* InfoObject: 0VERSION Version.


* InfoObject: 0CURRENCY Currency Key.


* Field: RECORD.


END OF _ty_s_SC_1.





BEGIN OF _ty_s_TG_1,

* InfoObject: 0FISCYEAR Fiscal year.


* InfoObject: 0FISCPER3 Posting period.


* InfoObject: 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant.


* InfoObject: 0PLANT Plant.


* InfoObject: ZMERCHND Merchandise.


* InfoObject: Z_ABS_PLN Average Bill Size Planned.


* InfoObject: Z_CNP_PLN Conversion Percentage Planned.


* InfoObject: Z_WLK_PLN No of Walkin Planned.


* InfoObject: ZSAL_PLN Planned Sales.


* InfoObject: 0VERSION Version.


* InfoObject: 0CURRENCY Currency Key.


* Field: RECORD.


END OF _ty_s_TG_1.




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Page 13: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

*$*$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line *-*

* *******************************************************************


* *******************************************************************

TYPES: BEGIN OF int_pln_walkin ,

fiscper3 TYPE /bi0/oifiscper3,

fiscvarnt TYPE /bi0/oifiscvarnt,

fiscyear TYPE /bi0/oifiscyear,

plant TYPE /bi0/oiplant,

merchandise TYPE /bic/oizmerchnd,

version TYPE /bi0/oiversion,

zsal_pln TYPE /bic/oizsal_pln,

z_abs_pln TYPE /bic/oiz_abs_pln,

z_cnp_pln TYPE /bic/oiz_cnp_pln,

z_wlk_pln TYPE /bic/oiz_wlk_pln,

END OF int_pln_walkin.

DATA : temp_pln_walkin TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF int_pln_walkin,

wa_pln_walkin TYPE int_pln_walkin.

*$*$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line *-*




request type rsrequest

datapackid type rsdatapid

SOURCE_PACKAGE type _ty_t_SC_1

log type ref to cl_rsbm_log_cursor_step


RESULT_PACKAGE type _ty_t_TG_1.




i_th_fields_outbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv

i_r_selset_outbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set

i_r_universe_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_universe


c_th_fields_inbound TYPE rstran_t_field_inv

c_r_selset_inbound TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set

c_exact TYPE rs_bool.


*$*$ begin of 2nd part global - insert your code only below this line *

Structure Declaration of Internal table of storing Intermediate Results

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Page 14: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

... "insert your code here

*$*$ end of 2nd part global - insert your code only before this line *







* Method expert_routine


* Calculation of result package via expert routine


* -> package of source segments

* <- result package


METHOD expert_routine.

*=== Segments ===





*$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-*



fisc_yr(4) TYPE n,

w_sales(10) TYPE p DECIMALS 3 ,

w_walkin TYPE i.


fisc_yr = '2009'.

clear : temp_pln_walkin .



fiscper3 NE space AND

fiscyear = fisc_yr AND

/bic/zmerchnd NE space AND

plant NE space AND

version = 'V01'.



wa_pln_walkin-fiscper3 = source_pkg-fiscper3.

wa_pln_walkin-fiscyear = source_pkg-fiscyear.

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

wa_pln_walkin-fiscvarnt = source_pkg-fiscvarnt.

wa_pln_walkin-plant = source_pkg-plant.

wa_pln_walkin-merchandise = source_pkg-/bic/zmerchnd.

wa_pln_walkin-version = 'V02'.

wa_pln_walkin-zsal_pln = source_pkg-/bic/zsal_pln.

COLLECT wa_pln_walkin INTO temp_pln_walkin.


CLEAR: source_pkg,



LOOP AT temp_pln_walkin INTO wa_pln_walkin .


fiscyear = wa_pln_walkin-fiscyear

plant = wa_pln_walkin-plant

/bic/zmerchnd = wa_pln_walkin-merchandise

version = wa_pln_walkin-version.

if sy-subrc = 0 .

CLEAR : result_pkg .

result_pkg-fiscper3 = wa_pln_walkin-fiscper3.

result_pkg-fiscyear = wa_pln_walkin-fiscyear.

result_pkg-fiscvarnt = wa_pln_walkin-fiscvarnt.

result_pkg-plant = wa_pln_walkin-plant.

result_pkg-/bic/zmerchnd = wa_pln_walkin-merchandise.

result_pkg-version = 'V100'.

result_pkg-/bic/zsal_pln = wa_pln_walkin-zsal_pln.

result_pkg-currency = 'INR'.

result_pkg-/bic/z_abs_pln = source_pkg-/bic/z_abs_pln.

result_pkg-/bic/z_cnp_pln = source_pkg-/bic/z_cnp_pln.

w_sales = ( wa_pln_walkin-zsal_pln * 100 ) .

w_walkin = ( source_pkg-/bic/z_abs_pln *

source_pkg-/bic/z_cnp_pln ).

result_pkg-/bic/z_wlk_pln = ( w_sales / w_walkin ).





*$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line *-*

ENDMETHOD. "expert_routine


* Method inverse_expert_routine


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Page 16: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.


* This subroutine needs to be implemented only for direct access

* (for better performance) and for the Report/Report Interface

* (drill through).

* The inverse routine should transform a projection and

* a selection for the target to a projection and a selection

* for the source, respectively.

* If the implementation remains empty all fields are filled and

* all values are selected.





METHOD inverse_expert_routine.

*$*$ begin of inverse routine - insert your code only below this line*-*

... "insert your code here

*$*$ end of inverse routine - insert your code only before this line *-*

ENDMETHOD. "inverse_expert_routine


Now save and activate the transformation.

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Page 17: Routine

Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Step 3 – Create DTP and Execute it

In the next step create the DTP to execute this expert routine between source plan cube and target reporting cube.

Figure - 11

Debugging Expert Routine For debugging of this expert routine we need to change the processing mode of this DTP



After changing the processing mode we can select the desired break point for debugging

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Figure - 12

Step 4 – Check the data loaded

In the final step we will check whether the data loaded in the reporting cube is up to our expectation or not.

Figure – 13

As we can see here that the data loaded in the target reporting cube is as per the expectation.

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

Related contents Routines in transformation

How to load Gas-Industry Flat File Via Expert routine

Writing Routines in Transformation


For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.

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Implementation and usage of Expert routine in SAP Net weaver BI 7.0.

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