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  • iRepublic of IndonesiaMinistry of Public WorksDirectorate General of Highways

    Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project(SRIP)

    Technical assistance for Core Team Consultant (CTC)To Support the Management Unit

    Under IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND



    FEBRUARY 2012

  • iTable of Contents

    1. Summary in Bahasa................................................................................................. ii2. Introduction

    2.1. Audit Process ............................................................................................ 12.2. SRIP ....................................................................................................... 12.3. Objectives of the Road Safety Audit Report ................................................ 22.4. Project Location ......................................................................................... 22.5. Project Information ................................................................................. 22.6. Plans and Documents ...................................................................... 52.7. Traffic Volumes ................................................................................. 52.8. Members of the Audit Team ...................................................................... 52.9. Site Visit ...................................................................................................... 52.10. Completed Sections..................................................................................... 7

    3. Problems and Recommendations3.1. Existing Pavement Conditions...................................................................... 93.2. Pavement Materials ................................................................................. 143.3. Completed Section Safety Issues................................................................ 163.4. Bends........................................................................................................... 203.5. Junctions...................................................................................................... 243.6. Road-Side Activity........................................................................................ 423.7. Narrow Road ........................................................................................... 443.8. Guard rail ............................................................................................. 44

    4. Road Safety Audit of Construction4.1. Inadequate Safety Culture ........................................................................ 48

    Appendix A. References ............................................................................................. 50Appendix B. Safety Concerns at Roadworks - English .......................................... 51Appendix C. Safety Concerns at Roadworks Bahasa........................................... 52Appendix D. Maintenance of Traffic Flow .. 53Appendix F. High specification of traffic lights and Equipment from DGLT........... 54

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Kesimpulan Permasalahan dan rekomendasi dalam BahasaIndonesia

    Kondisi Perkerasan yang ada saat iniPermasalahanPerkerasan yang ada saat dalam kondisi sangat memprihatinkan di banyak lokasi danbanyak yang rusak di berbagai tempat. Hal ini menyebabkan kondisi yang sangat kacaupada saat ini dan menimbulkan banyak masalah, terutama menyulitkan untuk kendaraanbesar seperti truk sehingga menimbulkan kemacetan.

    Semua masalah ini memiliki akibat terhadap keselamatan dijalan karena merekamenyebabkan kelelahan kepada pengemudi kendaraan dan kemungkinan terjadikecelakaan antara truk-truk besar dan sepeda motor maupun pengendara ataupunpengguna jalan lainnya.

    Kondisi tersebut juga tidak dapat ditoleransi untuk pejalan kaki di banyak lokasi, tapiuntungnya pada saat survey dilapangan hanya terlihat beberapa pejalan kaki.

    Rekomendasi Kontraktor sekarang memiliki tugas untuk menjaga jalan yang ada dalam kondisi

    aman dan perlu menjadi prioritas utama untuk staf dan peralatan. Prioritas terhadap kondisi jalan yang terburuk dan ditangani dengan cepat. Hubungan dengan polisi lalulintas setempat sangat diperlukan untuk memastikan

    keputusan yang terbaik dalam pengaturan lalulintas karena mereka aktif beradadilapangan.

    Masalah terhadap hasil galian lubang harus diselesaikan secepatnya.

    Bahan PerkerasanPermasalahan.

    Selama pertemuan dengan Engineer Pengawasan dan Kontraktor, ada banyakdiskusi tentang kesulitan menentukan bahan perkerasan yang benar untukmemperbaiki atau membangun kembali jalan.

    Bahan untuk rekonstruksi adalah AC-WC, AC-BC, AC-Base, Base Class Agregat A,Base Kelas B dan timbunan pilihan.

    Pengawas Lapangan menunjukkan bahwa material timbunan pilihan harus diubahdengan menggunakan kerikil yang berpasir.

    Drainase yang buruk sangat berkontribusi pada masalah kerusakan perkerasan dilokasi.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Rekomendasi Spesifikasi untuk bahan yang paling efektif dan metode kerja perlu disepakati

    secepatnya oleh pihak yang terkait, dan dimungkinkan dalam justifikasi teknis padasaat ini.

    Keamanan dijalan pada Bagian jalan yang Sudah DiperbaikiPermasalahan.Ada kekhawatiran tentang masalah keselamatan di jalan pada bagian jalan yang sudahdikerjakan oleh proyek APBN 2011 yang dilontarkan oleh Bank Dunia, pengamatandilapangan dengan desain yang ada perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut karean sangatberkesinambungan dengan jalan yang akan diperbaiki melalui proyek SRIP.

    Isu-isu keselamatan meliputi: Pemasangan zona sekolah, (lihat juga 2.10 di atas) Penyelesaian persimpangan pada STA 16+415 Pedestrian fasilitas Konstruksi Bahu jalan

    Pulau-pulau yang sudah didesain dan penyeberangan banyak yang tidak dikerjakan padaloksai persimpangan. Site engineer menyatakan bahwa persimpangan ini tidak akanmemperbaiki persimpangan tersebut di bawah proyek SRIP saat ini. Dan juga menunjukpada Surat Bank Dunia tanggal 1 Juni 2011 khusus meminta untuk memproteksi pipaPertamina di lokasi ini.Kemungkinan persimpangan tersebut tidak dikerjakan sesuai dengan desain aslinya.

    Fasilitas pejalan kaki.Permasalahan.Masyarakat setempat sudah mencoba untuk meningkatkan rambu rambu peringatanpada lokasi yang banyak pejalan kaki agar terjadi perlambatan kendaraan yang berlalulintas dengan berbagai macam cara. Ini seharusnya dilakukan dengan benar olehdesainer

    Konstruksi bahu jalan.Permasalahan.beberapa tipikal bahu jalan sudah banyak yang rusak yang disebabkan kendaraan berat.Konstruksi bahu jalan tersebut (APBN proyek), terdiri atas Agregat Kelas B yang ditutupdengan lapisan laburan Satu lapis (Burtu).

    Bahan yang diusulkan untuk bahu di BOQ SRIP adalah Agregat kelas S dan terbuka, jadibahu jalan yang ada dalam SRIP lebih buruk daripada konstruksi bahu jalan yang sudah

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    selesai yang didanai dengan anggaran APBN. Meskipun proyek APBN baru selesai padaDesember 2011, namun banyak bahu jalan yang sudah rusak. Ini bukan pertanda baikuntuk desain bahu yang diusulkan.

    RekomendasiDiskusi perlu dilakukan antara instansi terkait untuk menyepakati pekerjaan tambahan dilokasi yang sudah dikerjakan dengan anggaran APBN, pekerjaan tersebut adalahsebagai berikut:

    Zona Sekolah perlu diaplikasikan pada STA.17 +000 dan STA.3+300. Rambu lalulintas perlu di tambah serta rumble strip perlu dipasang pada tempat

    penyeberangan dan menuju lokasi yang padat penduduk untuk menggantikanrambu buatan sementara.

    Simpang pada STA 16+415 perlu dikerjakan sesuai desain jalan pada gambarkontrak SRIP.

    Kegagalan konstruksi bahu jalan pada proyek APBN dapat dijadikan bahanpertimbangan pada proyek SRIP sebagai berikut:

    Tikungan pada proyek SRIP perlu didesain kembali , ini merupakan penerapanterbaik yang sudah dilakukan oleh proyek APBN dengan menggunakan marka danpatok pengarah.

    Desain Bahu jalan perlu ditinjau untuk menghindari kegagalan yang telah terjadipada proyek APBN.

    TikunganPermasalahan.Ada banyak tikungan di ruas jalan ini dengan berbagai macam Rambu-rambu yangbermacam-macam namun indikasi tersebut tidak didetailkan dalam pemasangan guardrail.

    Beberapa tikungan tajam tidak ada rambu peringatan yang sesuai hanya rambutikungan saja yang diletakan sebelum tikungan (Tidak ada rambu penunjanglainnya)

    Jarak Antar patok pengarah tidak didetailkan dalam gambar untuk diterapkan padalokasi yang membutuhkan.

    Ada beberapa rambu arah namun tidak dilengkapi dengan patok pengarah. 250 unit patok pengarah di BOQ tanpa informasi di mana patok tersebut akan

    diletakan. Ada banyak tikungan yang membutuhkan delineasi baik seperti rambu-rambu

    peringatan namun tidak memberikan informasi yang cukup bila berdiri sendiri. Ada juga beberapa daerah timbunan dan lokasi gorong-gorong yang perlu

    dilengkapi patok pengarah.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Rekomendasi Jarak patok pengarah perlu disusun dan digambar untuk menentukan banyaknya

    patok pengarah yang dibutuhkan pada tikungan, timbunan ataupun gorong-gorongsehingga jumlah total kebutuhan tersebut dapat dipastikani dalam BOQ.

    Persimpangan Secara UmumPermasalahan.Desain persimpangan dan konstruksi di Indonesia biasanya memiliki kelemahan yangmenyebabkan masalah keselamatan, terutama untuk pejalan kaki. Hal ini dapat diamatidengan melihat persimpangan yang ada di Jambi dan desain yang diusulkan untukpersimpangan.

    Lansekap adalah manfaat besar bagi lingkungan dan memiliki efek "menenangkan" padapengendara yang baik untuk keselamatan tetapi juga menyebabkan banyakpermasalahan. Seperti halnya menghambat pergerakan pejalan kaki serta membuatrambu-rambu jalan tidak terlihat.

    Rekomendasi Perawatan tanaman harus dilakukan di setiap persimpangan untuk memastikan

    tidak menhambat gerakan pejalan kaki yang aman terutama pada pulau-pulauyang indah dipersimpangan.

    Pertamanan dan penanaman jangan sampai menghalangi rambu-rambu jalanatau pejalan kaki pada saat penanaman atau di masa depan.

    Penanaman harus direncanakan dengan kesadaran akan pemeliharaan dimasamendatang untuk meminimalkan masalah keamanan kepada pengguna jalandan pekerja pemeliharaan tanaman.

    Pertamanan selalu membutuhkan pekerjaan pemeliharaan yang rutin. Perlupelatihan khusus terhadap para pekerja pemeliharaan tanaman ditengah tengahkesibukan lalulintas yang sangat tinggi agar dapat bekerja secara aman danuntuk mengenakan pakaian yang mudah dilihat.

    Persimpangan STA 0+000Permasalahan.

    Leher sempit yang diusulkan di awal jalan lingkar akan menyebabkan konflik serius. Pulau-pulau indah yang diusulkan akan menimbulkan masalah serius bagi

    pergerakan pejalan kaki. Fase Sinyalisasi menunjukkan konflik antara pejalan kaki dan kendaraan. Tidak ada detil gambar lampu lalulintas cukup untuk memastikan lokasi yang tepat

    serta standard lampu yang berspesifikasi tinggi. Lihat lampiran F Tidak ada jalur atau halte bus.. Ada median kaki Jambi tidak jauh dari persimpangan yang tampaknya tidak

    digambarkan dalam desain.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Rekomendasi Pulau-pulau indah yang diusulkan dan penyeberangan harus didesain ulang untuk

    memastikan pergerakan pejalan kaki mudah dan aman dan pendekatan yang lebihluas untuk bypass.

    Fase Sinyalisasi harus direvisi kembali masih adanya konflik antara pejalan kakidan kendaraan

    Lokasi lampu lalulintas serta spesifikasinya berikut ukuran lampu harus ditentukandengan standar yang tinggi serta penambahan lampu lalulintas kedua (secondaryTraffic light) , Digital penghitung waktu dan lampu harus mempunyai pencahayaanyang sangat baik (LED Lamps). Lihat lampiran F

    Tambahkan halte bis. Desain dari pulau pulau harus ditinjau kembali dan digambarkan sesuai kondisi

    kondisi existing. Digital penghitung waktu sangat diperlukan karena baik untuk visibilitas Terutama

    di malam hari.

    Persimpangan Sta. 8+450Permasalahan

    Pulau-pulau indah yang diusulkan akan menimbulkan masalah serius bagipergerakan pejalan kaki.

    Fase Sinyalisasi menunjukkan konflik antara pejalan kaki dan kendaraan. Tidak ada detil gambar lampu lalulintas cukup untuk memastikan lokasi yang tepat

    serta standard lampu yang berspesifikasi tinggi. Lihat lampiran F Tidak ada jalur atau halte bus..

    Rekomendasi Pulau-pulau indah yang diusulkan dan penyeberangan harus didesain ulang untuk

    memastikan pergerakan pejalan kaki mudah dan aman. Fase sinyalisasi harus direvisi untuk menunjukan semua pergerakan dan fase. Lokasi lampu lalulintas serta spesifikasinya berikut ukuran lampu harus ditentukan

    dengan standar yang tinggi serta penambahan lampu lalulintas kedua (secondaryTraffic light) , Digital penghitung waktu dan lampu harus mempunyai pencahayaanyang sangat baik (LED Lamps). Lihat lampiran F

    Persimpangan Sta. 16+415Permasalahan.

    Persimpangan dengan pulau-pulau belum dibangun pada proyek APBN dan BankDunia meminta untuk memproteksi pipa pertamina.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Rekomendasi Diskusi harus diadakan antara pihak yang berkepentingan untuk memastikan

    persimpangan selesai dalam satu proyek atau lain. Pulau-pulau indah yang diusulkan dan penyeberangan harus didesain ulang untuk

    memastikan pergerakan pejalan kaki mudah dan aman. Memastikan perlindungan pipa Pertamina segera dilaksanakan

    Persimpangan Sta. 18+ 440Permasalahan.

    Desain untuk penyeberangan bagi Pejalan kaki, pulau dan pertamanan sangatburuk.

    Penyeberangan yang diusulkan dan pulau-pulau indah yang sangat buruk dalamgambar dan tidak memungkinkan untuk gerakan pejalan kaki yang sebenarnyadiharapkan.

    Fase sinyalisasi tidak cukup untuk menunjukkan semua gerakan pejalan kaki. Detail Lampu lalulintas tidak mengggambarkan penempatan lampu yang optimal

    dan spesifikasi tinggi.

    Rekomendasi Pulau-pulau indah yang diusulkan dan penyeberangan harus didesain ulang untuk

    memastikan pergerakan pejalan kaki mudah dan aman Fase sinyalisasi harus direvisi untuk menunjukan semua pergerakan dan fase. Lokasi lampu lalulintas serta spesifikasinya berikut ukuran lampu harus ditentukan

    dengan standar yang tinggi serta penambahan lampu lalulintas kedua (secondaryTraffic light) , Digital penghitung waktu dan lampu harus mempunyai pencahayaanyang sangat baik (LED Lamps). Lihat lampiran F

    Persimpangan Sta. 22 +550Permasalahan

    Penyeberangan diusulkan dan pulau yang indah tidak memungkinkan untukgerakan pejalan kaki yang sebenarnya diharapkan

    Rekomendasi Pulau-pulau indah yang diusulkan dan penyeberangan harus didesain ulang untuk

    memastikan pergerakan pejalan kaki mudah dan aman.

    Kegiatan Disekitar Ruas JalanPermasalahan.Truk membentuk persentase yang sangat tinggi dari pergerakan lalu lintas tetapi merekajuga sering berhenti di bahu atau di luar bahu di berbagai lokasi depot peralatan beratdan lapangan. Banyak truk yang kelebihan muatan yang diijinkan. Hal ini menyebabkan

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    kerusakan ekstrim pada jalan lama dan telah menyebabkan kerusakan pad bahu jalanyang baru.

    Desain yang diusulkan dan metode konstruksi tidak memperhitungkan kebutuhan sopirtruk untuk berhenti dan mereka tampaknya mengabaikan potensi kerusakan yang sangatserius.

    Rekomendasi Struktur jalan harus harus dirancang untuk dengan berdasarkan kendaraan berat

    yang melalui jalan tersebut dan ini harus mencakup desain sebagai berikut; Bahu jalan yang diperkeras agar dapat dilewati oleh truk biasa, termasuk akses ke

    depot. Desain dan konstruksi area istirahat dan jalur bis. Jembatan timbang harus dimasukan ke proyek atau direncanakan pada proyek


    Badan Jalan yang MenyempitPermasalahan.

    Tidak ada Detail desain pada lokasi jalan yang menyempit. Kondisi ini sangatberbahaya bagi pengguna jalan dimana kecepatan kendaraan harus diperlambat(Dari arah utara ke selatan), meletakan awal atau akhir median jalan harusdiperhitungkan karena akan sangat berbahaya bila awal median hampir dekatdengan tikungan (dari selatan ke utara).

    Rekomendasi Marka arsir pada jalan yang menyempit harus ditambahkan. Median harus diperpanjang atau dikurangi sampai tikungan awal (dari selatan ke


    Guard RailPermasalahan

    Banyak sisi jalan yang terjal dengan bahu sempit serta tersembunyi di banyaktempat dan juga tidak bisa dilihat pada gambar kontrak.

    Rekomendasi Tim lapangan harus mensurvey kembali untuk mengetahui lokasi dimana tempat

    tempat yang terjal ada ruas jalan tersebut. Apabila beda tingginya melebihi dari 2meter maka harus di desain dengan detail yang baik dengan menggunakan guardrail.

    Guard rail harus dipasang untuk melindungi pengguna jalan. Ada peningkatan pada proyek APBN di link jalan yang sama, tapi masih tidak

    memadai karena hanya menggunakan patok pengarah.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Budaya Keselamatan jalan yang Tidak MemadaiPermasalahan

    Hanya sedikit atau tidak ada peringatan pad zona konstruksi baik di awal proyekatau di mana pekerjaan konstruksi dilakukan.

    Hanya Site Engineer & Survei staf dari konsultan yang memakai pakaian denganvisibilitas keselamatan yang tinggi.

    Rekomendasi Manajemen lalu lintas harus ditingkatkan khususnya pada awal dan akhir proyek,

    seperti ; Memasang papan proyek, Rambu Peringatan, pemasangan barier(kerucut) serta memoperbanyak jumlah kerucut yang digunakan.

    Harus ada upaya langsung untuk meningkatkan jumlah pekerja yang mengenakanpakaian keselamatan jaket safety.

    Staf pengawas Kontraktor harus menerapkan contoh yang baik dengan selalumengenakan pakaian keselamatan di lapangan.

    Ikuti instruksi dalam spesifikasi kontrak dan saran yang diberikan dalam LampiranB & C

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    1. Introduction2.1. Audit ProcessRoad Safety Audit (RSA) can be defined as a formal examination of a highway ortraffic project in which an independent qualified auditor or team of auditors reports onthe road safety problems associated with the designs or construction of the project andmakes recommendations on improvements.

    It started in the UK some twenty years ago and is now common practice around theworld. There are several Road Safety Audit Guidelines that are used as standardpractice for Audits around the World; an adaption of the Australian Guidelines arecurrently used in Indonesia

    Audits can be carried out at various stages and arguably the earlier the better: Feasibility Preliminary Design Final Design Construction Pre-Opening Existing Road

    2.2. SRIPThe Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) was developed to meet theincreasing traffic demand and institutional requirements following easing of the 1997financial crisis in 2001. SRIP, which is supported by the World Bank under IBRD Loan4834-IND, is being implemented by the Directorate General of Highways within theMinistry of Public Works over the five-year Loan period following its effectiveness dateof 01 November 2007. Project implementation was initially scheduled to be complete bythe end of 2011 but has now been extended to the end of June 2013.

    SRIP originally included twenty two (22) Civil Works packages of road betterment,capacity expansion and new roads & bridges, encompassing urban and inter - urbanNational Roads in 7 provinces (4 provinces on Java and 3 provinces on Sumatra) andincluded a trial Performance Based Contract (PBC). The scope of civil works howeverhas now been reduced to nineteen (19) packages after dropping two civil workspackages and PBC. Details for these packages are given in Appendix A. TheImplementation Support Component includes two (2) road safety components: theIntegrated Road Safety Management System (IRSMS-1) for the Directorate General ofLand Transport (DGLT) and IRSMS-2 for the Indonesian National Traffic Police Corp.

    SRIP project implementation was initially supported by four key consulting assignments:(i) Core Team Consultants (CTC); (ii) Construction Supervision Consultants for non-Metropolitan roads (CSC-1); (iii) Construction Supervision Consultants for Metropolitanroads (CSC-2); and (iv) Procurement Advisor, which has now been demobilised. The

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    original Core Team Consultants responsibilities included a pilot road safety audit onSemarang Demak and following the successful completion of this audit, the scope ofworks was modified to include road safety audits on all SRIP packages.

    2.3. Objectives of the Road Safety Audit ReportThe objectives of this Road Safety Audit report are to summarise the systematicreview/checking of the safety aspects of the completed road plans (DED plans), trafficschemes and list the Problems and make feasible Recommendations forimprovements to the designs and construction process.

    2.4. Project Location PlanThe proposed bypass project is shown below

    Project Map Showing Partial Completion & SRIP Sections

    2.5. Project InformationApproximately half the original SRIP project has already been completed with localfunding, see Project Location Map above and transition between uncompleted andcompleted in photo below.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Typical completed section shown above and typical cross-sections of proposed SRIPproject are shown below:

    Start ofcompleted

    section STA6+400

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    2.6. Plans and DocumentsThe documents used in this audit were the contract drawings dated April 2011, but onlyDecember 2007 documents were in site office. The project has changed dramaticallysince original designs and aproximately half is already completed with local funding.

    Contract Drawings Used for Audit (2011) & On Site (2007)

    2.7. Traffic VolumesThe existing road section has a high volume of traffic, mainly heavy trucks carrying coaland palm oil, or empty, and a small but important number of vulnerable road users;motorcyclists and pedestrians.

    The high volume of traffic in the area reinforces the need to provide a safe road.

    2.8. Members of the Audit TeamThe road safety audit team members are from the Core Team Consultants of SRIP:

    Mike Goodge - Senior Road Safety Audit EngineerAgus Herudianto - Road Safety Audit Engineer

    2.9. Site VisitThe site was visited on 18th January, during daylight hours and darkness and travelledin both directions. The weather was fine.

    The contractors only mobilised a few weeks back and only a few graders and truckswere in evidence, forming drainage channels at a few locations

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Meetings were held with on the project and in the site office with the following:Mr Idwan Rozanova, Supervision EngineerMr Suyadi, Quality EngineerMr Edi Sunaryo, Chief InspectorMr Edi Susanto, ContractorMr Ariansyah, Contractor

    Start of Site Visit near End Junction STA 22+550

    Office Meeting: Reviewing Junctions & Pavement Material Tests

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Reviewing Junction 8+450 & Pavement Material Test Site

    2.10 Completed Sections

    In a letter dated June 1, 2011, to Mr Harris Batubara, (Director of Planning, DirectorateGeneral of Highways), Mr Mitsuyoshi Asada, (World Bank Task Team Leader SRIP)suggested several measures still need to be carried out on the completed sectionincluding: that the project provide school safety zones for two schools, (sekolah DasarNegeri 211/IV in Kota Baru and Sekolah Dasar Negeri 207/IV in Kecematan JambiSelatan) that have direct access to the road to provide safe access for school children.The locations of these two schools are shown in the photos below.

    School at STA.3+300


  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    School at STA.17+000

    The World Bank letter also requested protection of the Pertamina pipe at Kenaliintersection STA 16+415, see below.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    2. Problems and Recommendations

    3.1 Existing Pavement Conditions


    The existing pavement is in very poor condition at many locations and extremelydamaged in others. This is causing very chaotic conditions at times and many problems,mainly to trucks, involving congestion, getting stuck, breaking down and over-turning.

    Congestion & Extremely Bad Road Condition near End of Project

    Queue Approaching End of Project

    The congestion was caused by very poor road condition and trucks trying to avoid deepholes but most could not. This problem lead to grid-lock at times.

    One truck did get stuck during the night visit and had to be hauled out by another

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Road Condition near End of Project

    Other very poor sections of road are shown below:

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    The bad road condition had consequences related to safety. Several vehicles wereobserved being repaired, on or at the side of the road, see below:

    Three vehicles were seen to be completely stuck, one at night. The truck below had tobe pushed out of the deep hole by a contactors grader. The grader then repaired thehole.

  • Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    IBRD Loan No. 4834-IND/7786-ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    Grader Repairing Hole After Removing Stuck Truck

    Truck Fell in Ditch in Middle of Daytime 18th January

    Truck completelystuck a few metres

    from signal junction atSTA 8+450

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    All these problems have safety implications as they lead to frustrated drivers, damagedvehicles and severe conflicts between heavy trucks and motorcycles.

    Conditions are also intolerable for pedestrians at many locations, but luckily there arevery few pedestrians even at the junctions, (see photos throughout this report).

    Typical Shoulder Conditions at Many Sections of Project

    Section 1.8 of Contract Specifications, Maintenance of Traffic Flow, see APPENDIX D,states the following:

    It is the intent of the Article in this Section to ensure that during the performanceof the Works al existing roads are kept open for traffic and are maintained in asafe and usable condition ----

    The word traffic in this section often connoted as any kind of vehicles shallmean all vehicles and pedestrians

    There is little evidence on site of this duty being carried out. While one grader did helpat truck near STA 8+450, and repair the deep hole, there was no staff and no equipmentapparent near the worst problem near STA 22+000


    The contractor now has a duty to maintain the existing road in a safecondition and it needs to be a top priority for his staff and equipment.

    A priority list of worst locations should be agreed and tackled as a matterof urgency

    Liaison is needed with local police to decide best traffic management. Theyare active on the road, see below:

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    Problems over materials used needs to be resolved immediately, seebelow:

    3.2 Pavement MaterialsProblemDuring meetings with the Supervision Engineer and Contractors, there was muchdiscussion on the difficulties of specifying the correct pavement material to repair orrebuild the road

    The material for reconstruction is AC-WC, AC-BC, AC-Base, Aggregate Base Class A,Aggregate Base Class B and Selected Embankment

    Efforts to use these materials for repairs had recently been carried out, but veryunsuccessfully, see photos below.

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    The materials used had not been effective as the surface deteriorated almost straightaway, see below:

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    The Supervision Engineer suggests that the Selected Embankment should be changedto Sandy gravel.

    Poor drainage and other works issues probably contributed to continuing problems atthe above location and other sections along the road


    The specifications for the most effective materials and methods need to beagreed as soon as possible by the relevant authorities, possibly in thecurrent Design Review

    3.3 Completed Section Safety Issues


    There are safety concerns on the completed sections of road that were raised by theWorld Bank, observed on site or in the contract documents that need addressing. Theyare relevant to the continuity of the ring road and thus the SRIP sections.The safety issues include the following:

    Installation of school zones, (see also 2.10 above) Completion of junction at STA 16+415 Pedestrian facilities Shoulder construction

    Photos illustrating all these items are shown below:

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    Junction STA 16+415

    Approach to Junction. Tee Junction Sign but Operates as Fast Bend

    Centre of Junction

    Exposed Pertamina pipe

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    The proposed islands and crossings are missing from this junction and there is atemporary wooden pole holding up wires.

    The Supervision Engineer stated that this junction will not be carried out under thecurrent SRIP project.

    The World Bank letter of June 1, 2011 specifically requested protection of the Pertaminapipe at this location and it is understood that this is currently being addressed within thelocally funded project but with no intention of completing the junction to the originaldesign, shown below

    Design for Junction at STA 16+415

    Pedestrian Facilities

    Homemade Safety Feature at Pedestrian Crossing

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    The local communities shown above have tried to increase the warning of pedestriansand slow traffic by the home-made features shown above. This should have be donecorrectly by the designer

    Shoulder Construction

    Typical Shoulder Failure Caused by Heavy TrucksThe completed shoulders, (APBN project), comprise Aggregate Base Class Bcovered with SST (Burtu).

    The proposed material for the shoulders in the SRIP BOQ is Aggregate based class Sand open graded and thus weaker than the completed sections

    Even though the APBN project was only finished in December 2011, there are manydamaged sections already. This does not bode well for the proposed shoulder design.

    Recommendations Discussions need to take place between relevant agencies to agree how

    additional works can be carried out on the completed sections, including thefollowing;

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    School zones need to be installed at STA.17+000 and STA.3+300 oncompleted sections of road

    Additional signing and rumble strips should be installed at the busiestcrossings to replace home-made features on the completed sections of road

    Junction at STA 16+415 needs completion, see 3.5 below Lessons learned from the completed sections need to be applied to the SRIP

    construction as follows: Bends on the new project need to be designed to best practice on the

    completed section, see 3.4 below Shoulder design in new sections needs to be reviewed to avoid early failure,

    see 3.6

    3.4 Bends


    There are many bends on the new project with a variety of different signs but no clearindication of the proposed delineation using guard rails. See contract drawings below:

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    Sharp Bend Above Has No Adjacent Warning SignsOnly Series of Bends Signs Some Way in Distance

    Three of the 4 standard types of bend warning signs are used but most need guideposts too to be effective, particularly the Series of Bends signs 1g or 1f, see below

    Guidepost Spacing but No Schedule of Locations

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    The photos below illustrate the benefit of having well located guide posts to give muchmore information to motorists than the warning signs

    Series of Bends Sign on Completed Road but No Guide Posts

    Bend That is Very Well Defined by Guide Posts

    Guide Posts Work Well at Night Too

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    Bend on Unimproved Road Without Guide Posts Note Skid Mark

    Guide Posts Also Used at Embankments & Culverts


    There are 250 guide posts in the BOQ but without any information as to where they areto located

    There are many bends that need good delineation as the warning signs are notadequate when used alone. There are also some embankments and culverts requiringguideposts


    A schedule of guideposts needs to be drawn up to determine numbersat each bend, embankment and culverts to ensure there is an adequatenumber within the BOQ

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    3.5 Junctions


    Junctions design and construction in Indonesia typically has weaknesses that causesafety problems, particularly for pedestrians. This can be observed by looking atexisting junctions in Jambi and the proposed designs for the junctions, see below:

    Crossing in Jambi Leading to Drain & Raised Island Unsuitable for Pedestrians

    Close-up of Drain Above Footpath at Existing Junction STA 0+000

    Landscaping is a great benefit to the environment and has a calming effect onmotorists that is good for safety but it also leads to many problems too. It often blockspedestrian movements as shown above and often hides signs, see below:

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    U Turn Sign Hidden by Palm Tree U Turn Sign in Front of Palm Tree

    Best Practice is to Only Allow Low Level Planting Near Junctions or Gaps


    Care needs to be taken at all junctions to ensure safe movement ofpedestrians particularly at the landscaped islands

    Landscaping maintenance isusually very good in cities

    but often very poor ormissing in rural locations

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    Landscaping and planting should not obscure any signs or shortpedestrians at planting or any time in the future

    Planting should be planned with an awareness of the level ofmaintenance that will occur to minimise safety problems to road usersand maintenance workers

    Landscaping always requires maintenance workers to be exposed totraffic thus they need to be trained in working safely and to wear highvisibility clothing

    Junction STA 0+000

    The proposed signalised junction designs are shown below together with photos ofexisting conditions

    Proposed Junction Layout & Signal Phasing. Note Proposed Pedestrian PhasesConflicting with Green Signals

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    Proposed Landscaping of Islands Note Location of Crossings

    Proposed design of islands

    Not pedestrian friendly

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    Conflicts in Centre of Junction

    Approach from Jambi Broken Pedestrian Signals

    Existing Ring Roadapproach to

    junction at STA0+000

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    Many Mini-busses Near Junction

    Median on Leg to Jambi as Seen from Junction

    Median on Leg to Jambi

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    Proposed Junction Median Ends Prior to existing Median (Not Shown)

    Unacceptable Narrowing at Start of Bypass


    The proposed narrow neck at the start of the ring road will lead to serious conflicts

    The proposed landscaped islands will cause serious problems for pedestrianmovements

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    The signal phasing shows conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles

    Signal head details are insufficient to ensure optimum locations and high specifications

    There are no provisions for busses

    There is a median on Jambi leg a short distance from junction that appears to beignored in the design


    The proposed landscaped islands and crossings should be redesigned toensure easy and safe pedestrian movements and a much wider approachto the bypass

    The signal phasing should be revised to remove conflicts betweenpedestrians and vehicles

    Signal head locations and specifications should be determined to includefar side signals, countdown timers and high luminosity, See appendix F

    Add bus lay-bys to match existing or expected usage The design of the central island on Jambi leg needs reviewing to be

    compatible with median a short distance away

    Countdown Timers Add Greatly to Visibility Especially at Night

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    Junction STA 8+450

    The proposed signalised junction designs are shown below together with photos ofexisting conditions

    Proposed Layout & Signal Phasing

    Proposed Signal Locations are Inadequate Note no Far Side Signals & SomeHeads Behind Stop Line, Circled

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    Pedestrian Phases are Unclear as Four Crossings on Each Approach

    Proposed Landscaping Will Block Pedestrian Movements

    Approach Travelling Westward

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    Defective Countdown & Signal Heads

    Current conditions are poor and many signals are very difficult to see due to poorlocation and broken equipment.

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    The bright sun makes the problems worse when travelling easterly, see below:


    The proposed landscaped islands will cause serious problems for pedestrianmovements

    The signal phasing is insufficient to show all pedestrian movements

    Signal head details are insufficient to ensure optimum locations and high specifications


    The proposed landscaped islands and crossings should be redesigned toensure easy and safe pedestrian movements

    The signal phasing should be revised to show all pedestrian movementsand phases

    Signal head locations and specifications should be determined to includefar side signals, countdown timers and high luminosity, See appendix F

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    Junction STA 16+415

    The proposed junction design is shown below together with photos of existingconditions. It is within one of the road sections already completed but as mentionedabove in 3.3, the junction with islands has not been built and the World Bank requestedprotection of a Pertamina pipeline

    Proposed Junction Layout

    Existing Conditions, Note No Islands


    Discussions should be held between interested parties to ensure junctionis completed within one project or another

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    The proposed landscaped islands and crossings should be redesigned toensure easy and safe pedestrian movements

    Ensure protection of Pertamina pipeline

    Junction STA 18+440

    The proposed signalised junction designs are shown below together with photos ofexisting conditions

    Proposed Layout & Signal Phasing, Note Conflict Between Pedestrian & Vehicle Phases

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    Very Poor Design for Pedestrians of Crossings, Islands & Landscaping

    Approach Travelling Westerly

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    Travelling Easterly


    The proposed crossings and landscaped islands are very poorly drawn and do not allowfor the actual expected pedestrian movements

    The signal phasing is insufficient to show all pedestrian movements

    Signal head details are insufficient to ensure optimum locations and high specifications


    The proposed landscaped islands and crossings should be redesigned toensure easy and safe pedestrian movements

    The signal phasing should be revised to show all pedestrian movementsand phases

    Signal head locations and specifications should be determined to includefar side signals, countdown timers and high luminosity, See appendix F

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    Junction STA 22+550

    The proposed junction design at the end of the project is shown below together withphotos of existing conditions

    Proposed Junction Layout

    Poor design forpedestrians of

    crossings,islands &


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    Existing Landscaped Island

    Existing Landscaping Appears Well Maintained but Not Designed for Pedestrians


    The proposed crossings and landscaped island do not allow for the actual expectedpedestrian movements


    The proposed landscaped islands and crossings should be redesigned toensure easy and safe pedestrian movements

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    3.6 Road side Activity


    Trucks form a very high percentage of the moving traffic but they are also frequentlystopped on the shoulders or in an out of various heavy goods depots and yards. Manyare stated as being overloaded. This causes extreme damage to the old road and isalready causing new shoulders to fail.

    The proposed designs and construction methods do not take into account the needs ofthe truckers to stop and they appear to ignore potential for serious damage

    Typical of 100s of trucks stopped at Side of Road

    Typical Road Side Commercial Activity. Note Shoulder Damage

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    Roadside Depot with Heavy Vehicles but Well Designed & Constructed Shoulders& Access

    Recommendations The road cross-sections should be designed for the expected heavy truck

    use and this should particularly include the following Stronger sealed shoulders where there is regular truck use, including

    accesses to depots Design and construction of resting areas and lay-bys A weighbridge should be added to the project or planned

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    3.7 Narrow Road


    No Detailed design at approaching the narrow road also, this condition is hazard forroad user where the speed need to be reduced. (From north to south)

    The nose of road median is a dangerous moreover the nose is very nearly with the bend(from south to north). In many country the median always get hit by the vehicles werenot designed carefully


    Hatch markings on the road where the road becomes narrow. The median should be extended or decreased until the starting

    bend(from the south to north)

    3.8 Guardrail


    Many of steeps road side with narrow shoulders are hidden in many placesand also could not be seen at contract drawing, as shown in photographbellows;

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    Steep side at the junction

    Steep side at the junction

    Steep side with narrow shoulder

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    Steep side with narrow shoulder


    The Site Team should be resurveying the condition on sitewhere the steeps road side is more than 2 meter and the detaileddesign for guard rail location should be proposed.

    Guard rail must be installed to protect the road users. There is a improvement at the APBN project at the same road

    link, but still inadequate, As shown bellows;

    The same link road , additional shoulder and noticed with guide post at steep side.(work by APBN 2011)

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    Guard rail at narrow shoulders at Ngawi Bypass Project (SRIP Project)

    Guide post are installed where the steep is between 1 up to 2 meters height (at NgawiRR Project)

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    4 Road Safety Audit of Construction

    4.1 Inadequate Safety Culture


    There was little or no warning of construction zones either at start of project or wheremachinery was working

    Only the Supervision Engineers & Surveying staff was observed to wear any highvisibility safety clothing

    Good Safety Culture

    Inadequate Safety Culture

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    Carry out an immediate upgrade of traffic management of constructionareas particularly at start and end of project sections, installed projectboards, warning sgns, erection of barriers and increasing the numbers ofcones used

    There should be an immediate effort to increase numbers of workerswearing safety clothing

    Contractors supervisory staff should set good example by always wearingsafety clothing on site

    Follow instruction in contract specifications and advice given inAppendices B & C

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    APPENDIX A References Pedoman Audit Keselamatan Jalan (PD T-17-2005-B), PU Prasarana Transportasi (Road

    Safety Guidelines (PDT -17 2005 B). Public Works, Transportation) Pedoman Audit Keselamatan di jalan raya (Austroads Standard) edisi ke 2, 2002

    (Road safety Audit Guidelines (Austroads Standards) Second edition 2002) Pedoman Teknis Penanaman Pohon Pada Sistem Jaringan jalan 2010

    (Technical Guidelines for Planting trees at Road Network System 2010) Pedoman teknis Fasilitas Pejalan Kaki di Perkotaan SK.43/AJ 007/DRJD/1997 Direktorat

    Jenderal Perhubungan Darat)(Technical Guidelines for Pedestrian facilities at Cities region, SK.43/AJ007/DRJD/1997, Directorate General land & transportation)

    Mewujudkan Jalan Berkeselamatan di Indonesia, Australia Indonesia bekerjasama dalamteknis keselamatan di Jalan. Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, INDIE 2010(Making Indonesias Roads Safer, Australia- Indonesia Partnership in Road SafetyEngineering, Directorate General of Bina Marga, INDI 2010)See extracts on construction zone safety below.

    Petunjuk Praktis , Keselamatan Jalan Pada Zona Kerja di Jalan, mendukung ProyekEINRIP, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga(Practical Guidelines, Road Safety of Construction Zone) to Support EINRIP Projects,Directorate General of Bina Marga

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    Appendix B Safety Concerns at Roadworks - English

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    Appendix C Safety Concerns at Roadworks Bahasa

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    Appendix F

    In specifications chapter XII. Specifications for Traffic Light; explain that the head of traffic lampshould use the LED lamp with diameter head is 30 cm the requirements from DLLAJR under theDepartement of Transportation could be read as shown below;

    Bab XII. SpesifikasNo. 1 Goods/Items

    LED Traffic Light Colour of LEDConnecting StructureNumber of LEDLED TypeWave LengthPower LampLens Diffuse

    Lumination intensityLife timeVoltageFrequencyPower FactorPower ConsumptionOperating Temperature



    Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) Road Safety Audit

    ID Palmerah Ring Road Jambi


    chapter XII. Specifications for Traffic Light; explain that the head of traffic lampshould use the LED lamp with diameter head is 30 cm the requirements from DLLAJR under theDepartement of Transportation could be read as shown below;

    Bab XII. Spesifikasi TeknisSpecifications

    Colour of LED : Red Yellow - GreenConnecting Structure : CircleNumber of LED : 200 400 units per Head lamps with Dia. 300 mmLED Type : Super Bright Water Clear 5 mm/10 mmWave Length : M:615-650mm/K:585-597mm/H:500Power Lamp : 18 - 25 wattLens Diffuse : UV Resistant Polycarbonate Dia.30 cm with spots

    for reflection of lightLumination intensity : 400 cdLife time : 40.000 50.000 hoursVoltage : 90-125 volt and/or 170-240 volt with 50HzFrequency : 50 HzPower Factor >. 0.9Power Consumption : Red 9.4W/ Yellow 7.8W/ Green 8.6WOperating Temperature : 5 70C



    Aspects of the light device must be in newcondition, no defects and should bematerials / components as requiredspesification

    Road Safety Audit

    Palmerah Ring Road Jambi

    chapter XII. Specifications for Traffic Light; explain that the head of traffic lampshould use the LED lamp with diameter head is 30 cm the requirements from DLLAJR under the

    400 units per Head lamps with Dia. 300 mm: Super Bright Water Clear 5 mm/10 mm

    597mm/H:500-509 mm

    : UV Resistant Polycarbonate Dia.30 cm with spots

    240 volt with 50Hz

    : Red 9.4W/ Yellow 7.8W/ Green 8.6W

    Aspects of the light device must be in newshould be made of

    required in technical