ujfc jijt Sil 1895 it tr D- Jj iiJk f J h 1AI t n J t T r 0 I1 rr i I U- I N I- Ij i I iljL r i 1 It Jlt 1liMiJ r p a rr n s2 ce r ur n aa wl nk w o- zvn m fxk r e THE ERALD FEBRUMY 1 >> > < < + flow for the purpoib of receiving tax re for 1805 payers are ra WolaJta for 1roclnct 4 February 11 Ueorttetown fur V- BuuuvetUt for Precinct 10 Feb 1C- i Pculcl for Precinct 22 Februarjr It- I Fronds for Precinct February 10 tor Lrccluci 6 tebruarv 21- NocwalK Landing for Precinct 3 February 25 01 Pomoua for Precinct 0 February 20 I Creecent City for Precinct 27 Satsuma Heights for Precinct 7 fob If YT M WILLIAMS r Mr J A Taylor of Galt Ontario has been In the clay this week store windows of a number of A citizens with Imuchorae white Spencer- at tljlan from and number of windows whlcb are dccoiitci I with these handsome letters ho donb a Rood bu inef best fcuutord ur the boat Tuesday night FAILED lira Jenks Studied Up 1IU Own DU house Cured Himself this I the 72 Bulletin Taunt There are but few diseases that fault more than rheumatism There are a great many theories at to iti and A tnanv theories to most of which none One of the greatest snfferen of rheuma tat ism known of medicine b I John 0 Jenks of Riverside It I lie Home victim of rheumatism while fj in the army and the disease seems to hare a taste of all Its various tortures medicines failed to nstcl give him relief until at last he effected rmd J own deliverance from the bonds of pain Vccli Rheumatism said Mr Jenki was broached by a reporter who went to hear his I do know something about It all learned actual too I first contracted rheumatism In the army and I since and have agony with It that at times death was a to dwell upon Take medicine Enough- to stock a drug store and none of me ease I made up to get acquainted with the enemy and fight on I a own and began to look around for a remedy that t Wee calculated to have the c One after another was tried until at last I I hit which I freely ij Almost with the application came I kepton using was soon out Neither have I bad return of the trouble i also used PalnKlller Internally for- M the another war relic against all lib and It never yet at post of duty F The Worlds Fair Tcs E showed no baking k so pure or so great In Ics fj tains power as the Royal WEEK NEWS CONDENSED V The condition of the treasury shows OU Available cash balance 142283802 A gold reserve 3488045883 The annual dinner of the Harvard rest club of the district took place at the tall Shoreham Washington Wednesday night The Spartanbnrg Headlight that South Carolina la being flooded worthless kerosene oil by the T Standard oil trust The third annual convention of the J wholesalo druggist of the south meets Ltn Atlanta today This association jjlg waa organized last year The United States treasury Saturday lost 120000 In gold 8104000 New Fr York and 125000 from Boston Jeavlng urn the gold reserve 941490833 MI The credentials of Mr Perkins of nd California for the tmexptred term of the late Leland Stanford has been pre 1 seated to the unit and the senator sworn In ine Mr Fardell conservative has been elected to tho house of commons for Li Paddlngton to fill the seat mado vacant by the death of Lord Randolph vM One hundred and repro tentative Michigan lumbermen are on a i southern tour and will several TO days In southwest Georgia looking over the lumber region There died at Sylacauga Ala a few it days vInce probably the oldest In that state She was Mrs Elizabeth e was 114 years bo ll yond all reasonable doubt j The president sent the nomination of Denig formerly occupied the position i of passed assistant engineer NOTICE FOIL LisoOrncEAT 1 February Jl f- OTKE IS HEIlEllY GIVEN THAT TilE named settler has filed notice of Ibis intention to mako final proof In i port of his claim soil that J before clerk Circuit 4iurt at Drown of llannmllle Ha ltd 19700 for Sec it IUd K- He tame the following witnesses to his continuous upon and cultivation aid land J hn T Thomas T- Milller William Uabau Charles II Heldbt all J M HAKCO IWrl- sttrfProclwce Sold rt 0 Qii k ml piM tat quick U th Kr U v HI ant lMvi dvi lunr l llfutit Any liuui r riM nto lBCB Mt Ul trll i MMiliim- v upvir iv f lw Bf i li f- our id i niiin if l that of HMITI T MM ii ni tllilllM f v iM it IN i fTAMilNO- JHY 01 A VTM LOOT TOlJ- N rit o tnti vi i MAY MET rolls BltfT- thul jFrencli Co- Ui Warri t Hew Tert A 1 IiI Qn d turn AU tax C qumd to return then property East Pi11atla for Precinct runry lettering- the OUr must AlT ave Uo loll for scat stager THE DOCTORS Nc pen OI ease Fro Pro IdICt great a the best are absurd became the C Tt have had variety of any good I to the du first I pound of quinine eouldnt do guard In my s pow on C tlz Ig rum LI T Mlzzel and Mr Robert G DenlA to tho senate to he chief engineer In tho navy Air OAtIlMYlLLz Fu- n on MARCil 1ft IWO vial Cnhumbue A of nbl of llaunervfllo Fla ecu lIe CO s Chit ICU per IIr able Ilk m dd1I I rT IIUpl e r J r t T UKlt lIk AdssQr s Notice i tpItucee tltebl lvc bis r U Feb 16 4 l8 tike q and Y00 s tor ti study Pain Killer re- lief s hone states with out 1 arc rid her ago t d LUPL10ATION will Fla the- NW y 813 d real lenee vie esa K dotar to vuiiranty r slabs try fittl a t Of ti r qe want wore a rnr bed nVera enwerd siseofteaIi ids end yon nalmet err b eta ahut was as fi CI ¬ ¬ > + + The Total Cotton Crgjj Aooorately Oompllod GEORGIA IN PERCENTAGE Flgurns Complied by thaDepartment Agriculture ItitseU Upon Special Mbonlog ll ll Tay Stoves mint And Left on Fields WASHISQTOK February IS statements furnished the department of ojricultvrQ by the various water transportation companies cotton movement to ports and northern and eastern points from beginning season to January together with returns made by the departments county agent of the amount of cotton remaining on plantations and In in terlor towns oa January 1 and tin amounts reported by mills as bought from September I to January 1 shows as follows i Total crop North Carolina 443447 Total crop South Carolina TO7HW Total crop Qeorula tl514i Total crop Florida J087 Total orop Alabama i 8M740 Total crop Mississippi U27aw Total crop Louisiana Total 26Jlttil Total crop Arkansas 605S17 Total crop Tennessee 303814 TS858 Total crop Indian Territory and Okla- homa 112881 Total crop Missouri 96770 Total stop Virginia 111K Total crop Kentucky IU7 Total crop 87 Of this crop sold unsold and totals are as follows Total railway movement OXSTJSi Remaining on plantations etc 2060739 Bought by mills 481WJ Total crop 0088000 No deduction has been made of cot ton remaining on plantations and inte- rior towns on September 11894 In addition to the above mill purcha lieS are to be added 8888 bales bought- by Alabama Georgia North and South Carolina cjllls from states in which their mills are not located also 14860 bales bought by Virginia and 8485 bales bought by Kentucky mills all of which are Included in the railway movement making a total of 493202 bales reported by tho southern mills as bought from September to Jan uary per cent by statements Is as fol lows North Carolina 87j South Carolina VI Geor- gia M Florida 97 Alabama Bli Mississippi Louisiana 89 Texas 88 Arkansas 80 Tennes- see Indian Territory and Oklahoma 88 Missouri Virginia Kentucky and Kansas 87 average 91 DECREASE IN ALL FAILURES That U Uanafitctarlng Lines lost Not worthy Dan Report NEW YOUR February O Dun A Co In their report en failures say i The failures reported for the month Q January show an aggregate of 15 108209 liabilities against 29843038 last year and hi manufacturing only 93798587 against 811589715 last year while in trading the liabilities were S11099101 against 917234537 last year The remarkable largo decrease in man- ufacturing failures deserve the more attention because of products have so greatly declined during the year and the output has been greatly reduced Failures for the past week have been 301 In the United States against S8S last year and 88 in Canada against 00 last year QROVER DEOIDES FOR BRAZIL II lttlsM Arbitrate s Long Existing Bmndary Dispute WAsnncoTON February 8 The pres- ident the boundary be- tween Hraiil and the Argentine repub- lic in favor of Brazil The difficulty was presented to the special envoys of Brazil Baron Bio Branco and General Cerqulers and the Argentine minister Zeballos who assembled with their staffs at the state department yesterday afternoon ky Secretary The voluminous documents in the controversy were de livered to the president February Oth 1194 and he had a for their con- sideration in whit he assisted by Assistant Secretaries of State Uhl and BoekhilL NEW TRIAL SET FOR MAY Debs Jury Discharged d Cas Stop- ped In CenscqneaeC- UIOAOO February 18 The Debs was discharged yesterday and the was set for a new on the flat Monday in The physician juror James C Coe whose Ill- ness has caused the hitch in the pro- ceedings declared that the sick man would not bo able to resume his duties as a juror for frl least thirty days Judge Orosscup then held a conference with the counsel both sides and it was agreed to leave the matter to the courts discretion which stated WAR NOT YET AVERTED Mexico has Not Tot Reached Settlement With Uaqtemala CiTY or MEXICO S Hpn- Ignocto MarfecnU secretary of relations in the terday officially denied the statement than Gautemala has receded from its grounds and acceded to the of Mexico But wo are still hopeful that war may be averted said the minister Benor Jf rlsoal lid not the settlement of the boundary is any nbarrr an ment than nt the beginning of the nc- gotiatlons New CoaOtrf ltBIU bn the M rk t- WASiiisffroK Februaty new and counterfeit of the W sliver certificate serMof I860 3- Bosecaans register W II treasurer has been into drwla tIon and the secret service has out warnlnfr lottpr about It Coldest P7 In Jt nvtrs History UTUtvm Col February 13 arljr yesterday the th ntiomet registered coldest rhtsorir NINE fIEIONB1tES by The railway of of 1 1895 crop Ten 1 1 The to fIR manufac- tured decided Dr THE Tile jury case 1 at- tending resulted U Indi ate 18A dan I9 iI pu sent 110 1 Skates THE SECOND of Re- port and 1294 1694 i wad S a ine demands that ques- tion auii able a v below lie Des y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > m for these imitations and substi- tutes they are poor stuff at the best and increase your misery Take Simmons Liver Regulator only You will know it by the large red Z on the face of every package and by the relief it gives when taken for Dyspepsia Indi- gestion Constipation and Sick Headache SIMMON8- MVBR PhlladaPa THE WEEKS WORK IN CONGRESS- A Synopsis of troe dlngi of Hoth- Hoas and Senate The following synopsis of the proceedings of both branches of oon press for the past week 3HH DAT All three the measures looking to financial known as the admlolstra tlon curreuoj bill and the amendments thereto were killed In the house this hj decided votes This revert the legislation as sug- gested by Cleveland s late meswge to the storting point In the senate the consular appropriation bill held the day with no lOtion taken Many teats vacant on account of the extreme cold weather milD DAT Nothing was done In either of the branches but refer two Important messages from the president to the proptr committees One was notifying congress that the four per cent bond Isjvo bad been arranged and the contracts to same already signed the same to go Into effect after ten days the time given to congress to legislate on the currency question If so disposed The other referred to tho death penalty Imposed upon the Ameri cans who took tart In the recent uprising la Hawaii IBBD DAY The senate decided by a vote of M to 25 that the amendment to the and consular appropriation bill for the con- struction and maintenance ot a telegraphic ca ble between the Vetted States gad the Ha walln Islands was In order under the rules and Immediately afterwards by a similar vote It adopted the amendment and then paces the bilL The proceedings the house were devoid of any exciting episode or the transaction of any business of general Interest or Importance Some progress was made with the considera- tion of the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bilL Win DAY Senator Hilt Introduced the fol- lowing resolution to eons up tomorrow That the true policy ot the lovernmeat re- quires that Its efforts should be steadily di- rected to the establishment of a saf system of blmetslUsm wherein gold and stiver may be maintained at a partly and dollar coin- ed may be the In value and power ot every dollar coined or issued by the United States but If our efforts to establish or main- tain such bimetallism shall not be wholly suc- cessful and if for any reason our sliver coin shall not hereafter be at parity with gold and liver and the equal thereof In value and pow- er In the market aid the payment of debts then It Is hereby declared that the bends ot- Uie United States now or hereafter Issued which by their terms payable cols shall nevertheless bt paid In itandard told dollars- It being the policy of United States that Its creditors shall st alt times b paid U the best money la tie Senator Allea addressed the sanely on the Alabama alectioa matter The session ot thi house was given to tike consideration of tht legislative siccative and Judicial cpproprla tlon bill for the year ending Jung It was completed before the house adjourned with the txetptlon the paragraph provldtn money for the pension oOce farce S5rn bill making appropriations for the legislative executive and Judicial de- partments of the government was by the house after three days discussion practi- cally as the committee on approptlstlons re- ported It The business record of tht senate comprised the psssBga of all private pension kills on the calendar M In number aid some half dozen bills of s miscellaneous character Including three for public buildings Winston Salem N 0 Pottsvllle Pa and Drockton Mass al jso one for the appointment of a commission ot army engineer ofilccrs to report as to the new bridge over the Delaware at Philadelphia Nc progress was made on the postomc atlon bill THE BOND ISSUE Contracts Signed for the roar Per toot WAsmsnTOK February 9 Unltsi congress in ten days passes a law ata- thnrlzius the Issue of bear- ing three per cent interest running thirty years or otherwise relieves the treasury In the of the gold reserve Secretary Carlisle will by direction of the president sell four per cent to the amount of WJ 400000 for gold Arrangements Where by this can be done and In gold be received for the bonds httre been perfected find the contingent contract signed la the official memo Wndmra of the transaction made pub Ho at tile treasury yesterday is the fol lowing The contract was made with Itch mont Co otNew York on behalf of Mesurs N M Hcthwhlia Sons of London and J Morgan Co of New York on ot J S Morgan tt Co or London and themselves and provide for the delivery to the States ot 3600000 of standard gold the United States to b paid for In United States tour per cent bonds A large number other beaks and financial Institutions an Interested in the tnnaactlon but their names are net mentioned the contract Itself The depart- ment does not know In what proportion the va- rious parties are to furnish Us gold cop er M matlif f When JUby vu sick w her Castarl- AWnn she was a ChlU sw cried Castorlfl Whoa became VIM she clung to Cwtorla When she had qhildfen SU gave them Cstforta 11 TAKEn H ZEILIN CO the faa relief day equal lire the 30 J8O of DATTbe READY Olnn Ionto At I 1 oola elf It iIN lIt between for i f r n r N LY- Z r u rte fist every Ten Days A A t United ounce of t taenabivsa t gave she o r r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < THE BOARDING FIRE hlmtla of Bonds at in Scans th rroposltloaS Under COnlid- tutlan CompUt lt orKnl AfUJiTA February 11 The rpeet tug of tho executive board of the South- ern Passenger association that wan held here yesterday hung fire and no action was taken as was expected looking the reorganization ot the associa- tion As Is well known the southern lines that form the association have been at outs fcr some time past and nil of the lending railroads have no- tice of withdrawal from the association There was to bo a meeting of elation in New York a month ago to patch up the association but owing to a lack of a quorum nothing was achieved There was no quorum pres- ent yesterday and the meeting of tho executive a failure Many of the prominent passenger agents came last night however and the mass meeting today of all the roads of the section may bring some good re- sults The railroads have been called to send representatives to this mass meeting for the purpose of seeing what can be done with the Southern Passen- ger association It Is thought complete reorganization will result and a new association will be formed with no connection with the Southern Railway and Steamship association un der whose control the passenger also elation has been managed heretofore MOTHER TURNED Rtnintlonal Confession of One of the Kn IOu Who Threatened Worley ATLANTA February 13 Anse Black one of the Murray county plead guilty la the Federal court yes- terday to attempting to lynch Worler an informer on the moonshin ers He said that he was one of sixty men who rode up to Worieys home night last spring and called him out All of the were armed Blacks story was thrilling It crea- ted a among the witnesses and other defendants Black said when we went to his house Worley Was terribly scared and begged said he wasnt guilty of reporting and got down on his knees to us- Worieys mother to by our men They told her that L I p r iAe and K the end the SIlO board was that a AGAINST HIM Henr one men for mercy was talked n trali2JII- I r ILEiflJoutb- era eooiabiotg ItflReorganlaatlon EXECUTIVE pus mien oftheAseoclatoe- v y af- ter Ku klux br r < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Preo on application Tho Now LEN ST MARY s the result of 1 years experience with the Hardy ties offered for Florida and Lower South enilracl Oranges and Grape Fruit h mako vlgontHj productive trees that bear youn gee and other citrus fruits on both orange and tit figs grapes apricots olives mulberries i Incldln- gIxty Varieties of Hoses Ad G L TABER borough Refurnish 11 the Host Iii A Finely Assort- s Whiskies Beer Domestic and loip- oQ JS HC I3ISB3 non Street C Little Put WIT t st and i IN CIRCUIT COtJl COUNTy Tit cninnrr OPTI- rLOllIDAiW Cl- Kriklne It iS Jonathan Coreeleyeuij j a- niHK QIC ANT stated an in herein his that tie defen Is over the ajs we ordered that the said rt f ud- II Tinkham do appear to bill Court on or rule diy In A 18W being the fist day m Kl It Is further ordered that tide onl llshed onoe it week for In newspaper- in 1alatka my land and the scat of cult Court JOBElil A J CORIIBTT ftl8w COOlT CIUUU1T OF THE STATE FLOEIDA IN CIIANCEBV- Enktne II Heynold- sasAdmlntilratorda of the B ttto of Charles 0 Uejnolds deceased J U Oretley et al of milP ATTORNEY OrTHE COMMAINAjn having stated In an affidavit ttlei that the defendants U above entitled John L Tinkham and William 0 are over the A- MO of years and that their ntoe of rwldenco t It Is ordered that the f said defendant John Whiny U Tinkham and William O do tie bill Died In this Court on or before day In AlltlL A D 1W the month at the Clerks ouiee In 1 It Is ordered that this order be b- llihedonce for eight consecutive weeks In the TimesHerald a newspaper published In l latka Florida Witness hand and the seal of said Clr t 8 Cle A JWBIIETTComplainants Solicitor MASTERS SALE NDHR AND BY VIRTUE OF A of Foreclosure and Sale rendered In tl tat of Florida the County of Putnam V dated the 22nd day of Januury A wherein U F Jlehrens Is complainant Anton Sciiraffanok Uertha Her Olson Ootrere ar will sell 1 public auction for calh to the highest and at the front door House In ralatka la said County of Putnam on the FIRST MONDAY IN MAUCH A D1899 being the 4th day of Ml J month the legal of sale on day all of the described land on FaUtka tn the Count rot Iutnam and State of Florida to wit A portion of Lot No Three 3 In Section Ten 10 tIouth Range of one chain and links west of Nt- st comer of said Lot No Three thence along the North line of said eighty ten links to a stoke thence degrees and thirty west three seventy to a stake thence 81100 acres t X 1IA8KXI4L Master In Complainants Hollcltor liEn STUUHZ 1aUtka Via uuary 19l f JDMI J l t- FANC Mrs t1 S j old lit 1 and that 111 ot t V jIb Jan L COUNTY FIFTn a For eloaure dr tortpge au- VI tut eon t dll re belief tl1 lal Tuber ed yr i a week i my Court day of January A D I pc hi Co wI xn D C vault Court or the Fifth CIrcuit of tit b the Honorable ol or sal Court a certain In Court and at be l Hel hts 27 East and be nnln a on the road the 3 Lot to tne West dge of road four 011 minutes Wet edge of publIc to the two nd r pidps m Tb P TI- lt l belle s i ti Tng a For des dsy of PRICE Cotup t t- IN FUR PUT JtfDi till k t pI soy S ek time cause t lIp rule Palma further was suit r a 1v for tY 1876 cause west side M sixt one x tree seven fifty Unks links place beginning containing > j SPECIAL llASTJJlttJ KALE AND DV VIRTUE Of A v U Decree of Foreclosure snd sale rendered 6th dv of A WTO b the Circuit Court the Kltthl circuit ot Florida U and for Pnt COurt pending entitled William 8 Abbott anlL Hut and Ifary E Dui his wife defendants and also f an order nude on the thirteenth day of November A D 1804 by Honorable a- Hockeras uf Court wherein 5 appointed s Special Master In chancery tot to the bidder at the front door of he County House In YaUtta la said m the rillST MONDAY IN PARCH A b IBM wing the fourth day of paid month during tit of on ald day the ascribed land situate In County of Putnam on the east St Johns liver known U Brush Point and later as tarts range Grove and as described In a from William B Abbott to lubbard L Bart date on or abort tb- 5th day of bounded and northerly br said tlver toil Decree such parts of said land eleased by said Abbott record In the ubllo Putnam County In look of K at Mortgages at page Tj and excepting also all The above is the noted dart Grovel on opposite Special Matter In Chancery OILU8 rurAL oa i he D 0 for In a certain In Z ueute Decree I ash f t ud State ot 1lorld towit of that- d ormerl UTt and nd 04- n d rid In Iordi Conveyance I L bUt olmt River D m DOK t OIL td g I Ibe lost d1w 4e fat cause In aAw i cart side of bearing e partly bounded lately one Par eonstw Et Same land aforesaid C- at a f O 1 l n a- > > > ° BEOIAL MASTERS SALE AND BT VlttlUK 07 A JTJTAt DK ForeclJsur and Salt rendered on PRUDUOING T HEW VABIETIB8 that promise well a cola are included In our mq elf or only plant tested vorlptle i WE JLI nd offer the tAKOBST v A Ircnlt of Florida In and fcr an therein pending W tad M E ttlfe ant M T Moon and MoqntiM wife are elendantl I flpoclnl Mf olnted thctela to execute tile sell n cash to the hat and lst tc ont ot iXatkft utnam County FlOrid on the rIM r MONDAY IN MARCH AD w i same rule day of old rooutto duriajt 10 lenal boon of on that day alt follow g tilrco or parcel of land end tn le county sod Stats of FUuJdai nd as towUs All tlid- ownibtn t Ten uui x East and containing so- s 8p ol l MM outriapoi grown Maccl nny Baker Co J wlft nwlW- v V RTH FLORI CIIIII of 22nd day of A the of tJd Fifth the Curb said of Mid In chancery Te1 e IIWta- n4 elle a hIDe URS E R y the Coors 4 I lt m tullpw liT the NW of Se tiers tlllO- O Tweot mP LISP iiI 1W offered by of D M UI11Inr CUlllp JfllratMllbe t t SoUl w ml ldll Ufo ned last tin tt over eEv iNTYYIVE fUl11auta all Itt and c d now Oalal e d V 111111- O lIullable plntffi Jow t NUn Ii jj G a 71 J 1 jt 0 0 I tI 0- o rr January it latnan- onntand of to the omen of a wherein 1 all Y door the Sof 2 et allege r jfT Any end NUResi 1- oneI tall a rr91 ie1- I n1t al1reSs Vines Shrubs o net o2 which are s n- FTED bulldedr- Ur hr DETAIL kind am11 e ot Southern Is faddy ai Wi rso f PG a I MQNA WHOLESALE WhotsMts and A i FI fir 17 > °

rte ek t - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00065/00020.pdf · ujfc jijt Sil 1895 it tr D- Jj iiJk f J h 1AI t n Jt T r 0 I1 rr i I U-I N I- Ij i I iljL

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Page 1: rte ek t - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00065/00020.pdf · ujfc jijt Sil 1895 it tr D- Jj iiJk f J h 1AI t n Jt T r 0 I1 rr i I U-I N I- Ij i I iljL

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Sil 1895

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flow for the purpoib of receiving tax refor 1805 payers are ra

WolaJta for 1roclnct 4 February 11Ueorttetown fur V-

BuuuvetUt for Precinct 10 Feb 1C-

i Pculcl for Precinct 22 Februarjr It-

I Fronds for Precinct February 10tor Lrccluci 6 tebruarv 21-

NocwalK Landing for Precinct 3February 25

01 Pomoua for Precinct 0 February 20

I Creecent City for Precinct 27Satsuma Heights for Precinct 7 fob


r Mr J A Taylor of Galt Ontariohas been In the clay this week

store windows of a number of

A citizens with Imuchorae white Spencer-

at tljlan fromand number of windows whlcb are dccoiitci

I with these handsome letters hodonb a Rood bu inef

best fcuutord ur the boat Tuesday night


lira Jenks Studied Up 1IU Own DUhouse Cured Himselfthis I the 72 Bulletin

Taunt There are but few diseases that faultmore than rheumatism There

are a great many theories at to itiand A tnanv theories to

most of whichnone One of the greatest snfferen of rheuma

tat ism known of medicine bI John 0 Jenks of Riverside It I lie

Home victim of rheumatism while

fj in the army and the disease seems tohare a taste of all Its varioustortures medicines failed to

nstcl give him relief until at last he effectedrmd J own deliverance from the bonds of painVccli Rheumatism said Mr Jenki

was broached by a reporter whowent to hear his

I do know something about It alllearned actual too I firstcontracted rheumatism In the army and I

since and have agony with Itthat at times death was ato dwell upon Take medicine Enough-to stock a drug store and none of me

ease I made up to getacquainted with the enemy and fight on

I a ownand began to look around for a remedy that

t Wee calculated to have thec One after another was tried until at last II hit which I freelyij Almost with the application came

I kepton usingwas soon out Neither have I bad

return of the troublei also used PalnKlller Internally for-M the another war relic

against all lib and It never yet atpost of duty


The Worlds Fair TcsE showed no bakingk so pure or so great In Ics

fj tains power as the Royal


V The condition of the treasury showsOU Available cash balance 142283802

A gold reserve 3488045883The annual dinner of the Harvard

rest club of the district took place at thetall Shoreham Washington Wednesday

nightThe Spartanbnrg Headlight

that South Carolina la being floodedworthless kerosene oil by the

T Standard oil trustThe third annual convention of the

J wholesalo druggist of the south meetsLtn Atlanta today This associationjjlg waa organized last year

The United States treasury Saturdaylost 120000 In gold 8104000 New

Fr York and 125000 from Boston Jeavlngurn the gold reserve 941490833

MI The credentials of Mr Perkins ofnd California for the tmexptred term of

the late Leland Stanford has been pre1 seated to the unit and the senator

sworn Inine Mr Fardell conservative has been

elected to tho house of commons forLi Paddlngton to fill the seat mado vacant

by the death of Lord Randolph

vM One hundred and reprotentative Michigan lumbermen are on a

i southern tour and will severalTO days In southwest Georgia looking over

the lumber regionThere died at Sylacauga Ala a few

it days vInce probably the oldestIn that state She was Mrs Elizabeth

e was 114 years boll yond all reasonable doubt

j The president sent the nomination of

Denig formerly occupied the positioni of passed assistant engineer


LisoOrncEAT 1

February Jl f-

OTKE IS HEIlEllY GIVEN THAT TilEnamed settler has filed notice of

Ibis intention to mako final proof Ini port of his claim soil thatJ before clerk Circuit 4iurt at

Drown of llannmllle Ha ltd 19700 forSec it IUd K-

He tame the following witnesses tohis continuous upon and cultivation

aid land J hn T Thomas T-

Milller William Uabau Charles II Heldbt all


sttrfProclwce Soldrt 0 Qii k ml piM tat quick U th

Kr U v HI antlMvi dvi lunr l llfutit

Any liuui r riM nto lBCB Mt Ultrll i MMiliim-

v upvir iv f lw Bf i li f-

our id i niiin if l that ofHMITI T MM ii

ni tllilllM f v iM

it IN i fTAMilNO-JHY 01 A VTM LOOT TOlJ-N rit o tnti vi i MAYMET rolls BltfT-

thul jFrencli Co-Ui Warri t Hew Tert


1 IiI Qn d

turn AU tax

C qumd to return then property

East Pi11atla for Precinct


lettering-the OUr

mustAlT ave Uo loll for

scatstager THE DOCTORS

Ncpen OI

easeFro Pro IdICt

great a the bestare absurd

became the



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any good I to the du



pound of quinine eouldnt doguard In my









Mlzzel and

Mr Robert G DenlA to tho senate tohe chief engineer In tho navy Air

OAtIlMYlLLz Fu-n

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AdssQr s Noticei tpItucee tltebl lvc bis


U Feb 16











Pain Killerre-










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The Total Cotton CrgjjAooorately Oompllod


Flgurns Complied by thaDepartmentAgriculture ItitseU Upon Special

Mbonlog ll ll Tay Stovesmint And Left on Fields

WASHISQTOK February ISstatements furnished the departmentof ojricultvrQ by the various

water transportation companiescotton movement to ports and northernand eastern points from beginningseason to January together withreturns made by the departmentscounty agent of the amount of cottonremaining on plantations and In interlor towns oa January 1 and tinamounts reported by mills as boughtfrom September I to January 1 showsas follows iTotal crop North Carolina 443447Total crop South Carolina TO7HW

Total crop Qeorula tl514iTotal crop Florida J087Total orop Alabama i 8M740Total crop Mississippi U27awTotal crop LouisianaTotal 26JlttilTotal crop Arkansas 605S17

Total crop Tennessee 303814


Total crop Indian Territory and Okla-homa 112881

Total crop Missouri 96770Total stop Virginia 111KTotal crop Kentucky IU7Total crop 87

Of this crop sold unsold and totalsare as followsTotal railway movement OXSTJSiRemaining on plantations etc 2060739Bought by mills 481WJ

Total crop 0088000No deduction has been made of cot

ton remaining on plantations and inte-rior towns on September 11894

In addition to the above mill purchalieS are to be added 8888 bales bought-by Alabama Georgia North and SouthCarolina cjllls from states in whichtheir mills are not located also 14860bales bought by Virginia and 8485bales bought by Kentucky mills all ofwhich are Included in the railwaymovement making a total of 493202bales reported by tho southern mills asbought from September to January

per cent by statements Is as follows

North Carolina 87j South Carolina VI Geor-gia M Florida 97 Alabama Bli MississippiLouisiana 89 Texas 88 Arkansas 80 Tennes-see Indian Territory and Oklahoma 88

Missouri Virginia Kentucky and Kansas 87

average 91


That U Uanafitctarlng Lines lost Notworthy Dan Report

NEW YOUR February O DunA Co In their report en failures say i

The failures reported for the month Q

January show an aggregate of 15

108209 liabilities against 29843038last year and hi manufacturing only93798587 against 811589715 last yearwhile in trading the liabilities wereS11099101 against 917234537 last yearThe remarkable largo decrease in man-ufacturing failures deserve the moreattention because of

products have so greatly declinedduring the year and the output hasbeen greatly reduced Failures for thepast week have been 301 In the UnitedStates against S8S last year and 88 inCanada against 00 last year


II lttlsM Arbitrate s Long ExistingBmndary Dispute

WAsnncoTON February 8 The pres-ident the boundary be-

tween Hraiil and the Argentine repub-lic in favor of Brazil

The difficulty was presented to thespecial envoys of Brazil Baron BioBranco and General Cerqulers and theArgentine minister Zeballos whoassembled with their staffs at the statedepartment yesterday afternoon kySecretary The voluminousdocuments in the controversy were delivered to the president February Oth1194 and he had a for their con-

sideration in whit he assisted byAssistant Secretaries of State Uhl andBoekhilL


Debs Jury Discharged d Cas Stop-ped In CenscqneaeC-

UIOAOO February 18 The Debswas discharged yesterday and thewas set for a new on the flat

Monday in The physicianjuror James C Coe whose Ill-

ness has caused the hitch in the pro-

ceedings declared that the sick manwould not bo able to resume his dutiesas a juror for frl least thirty daysJudge Orosscup then held a conferencewith the counsel both sides and itwas agreed to leave the matter to thecourts discretion whichstated


Mexico has Not Tot Reached SettlementWith Uaqtemala


Ignocto MarfecnU secretary ofrelations in theterday officially denied the statementthan Gautemala has receded from itsgrounds and acceded to the ofMexico But wo are still hopeful thatwar may be averted said the ministerBenor Jf rlsoal lid notthe settlement of the boundary

is any nbarrr anment than nt the beginning of the nc-


New CoaOtrf ltBIU bn the M rk t-

WASiiisffroK Februaty newand counterfeit of the Wsliver certificate serMof I860 3-

Bosecaans register W IItreasurer has been into drwlatIon and the secret service has out

warnlnfr lottpr about ItColdest P7 In Jt nvtrs History

UTUtvm Col February 13 arljryesterday the th ntiomet registered







of1 1895

crop Ten












1 at-tending

resulted U

Indi ate

18Adan I9 iI


















tion auii able

a v

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for these imitations and substi-

tutes they are poor stuff at thebest and increase your miseryTake Simmons Liver Regulatoronly You will know it by thelarge red Z on the face of everypackage and by the relief it gives

when taken for Dyspepsia Indi-

gestion Constipationand Sick Headache




A Synopsis of troe dlngi of Hoth-

Hoas and Senate

The following synopsis of theproceedings of both branches of oonpress for the past week

3HH DAT All three the measures lookingto financial known as the admlolstratlon curreuoj bill and the amendments theretowere killed In the house this hj decidedvotes This revert the legislation as sug-

gested by Cleveland s late meswge to thestorting point

In the senate the consular appropriation billheld the day with no lOtion taken Many teatsvacant on account of the extreme cold weather

milD DAT Nothing was done In either of thebranches but refer two Important messagesfrom the president to the proptr committeesOne was notifying congress that the four percent bond Isjvo bad been arranged and thecontracts to same already signed thesame to go Into effect after ten days the timegiven to congress to legislate on the currencyquestion If so disposed The other referredto tho death penalty Imposed upon the Americans who took tart In the recent uprising laHawaii

IBBD DAY The senate decided by a vote ofM to 25 that the amendment to theand consular appropriation bill for the con-

struction and maintenance ot a telegraphic cable between the Vetted States gad the Hawalln Islands was In order under the rulesand Immediately afterwards by a similar voteIt adopted the amendment and then paces thebilL

The proceedings the house were devoid ofany exciting episode or the transaction of anybusiness of general Interest or ImportanceSome progress was made with the considera-tion of the legislative executive and judicialappropriation bilL

Win DAY Senator Hilt Introduced the fol-

lowing resolution to eons up tomorrowThat the true policy ot the lovernmeat re-

quires that Its efforts should be steadily di-

rected to the establishment of a saf system ofblmetslUsm wherein gold and stiver may bemaintained at a partly and dollar coin-

ed may be the In value and power otevery dollar coined or issued by the UnitedStates but If our efforts to establish or main-tain such bimetallism shall not be wholly suc-

cessful and if for any reason our sliver coinshall not hereafter be at parity with gold andliver and the equal thereof In value and pow-

er In the market aid the payment of debtsthen It Is hereby declared that the bends ot-

Uie United States now or hereafter Issuedwhich by their terms payable cols shallnevertheless bt paid In itandard told dollars-It being the policy of United States thatIts creditors shall st alt times b paid U thebest money la tie

Senator Allea addressed the sanely on theAlabama alectioa matter The session ot thihouse was given to tike consideration of thtlegislative siccative and Judicial cpproprlatlon bill for the year ending Jung Itwas completed before the house adjournedwith the txetptlon the paragraph provldtnmoney for the pension oOce farce

S5rn bill making appropriationsfor the legislative executive and Judicial de-

partments of the government was bythe house after three days discussion practi-cally as the committee on approptlstlons re-

ported ItThe business record of tht senate comprised

the psssBga of all private pension kills on thecalendar M In number aid some half dozenbills of s miscellaneous character Includingthree for public buildings Winston SalemN 0 Pottsvllle Pa and Drockton Mass aljso one for the appointment of a commission otarmy engineer ofilccrs to report as to the newbridge over the Delaware at Philadelphia Ncprogress was made on the postomcatlon bill


Contracts Signed for the roar Per toot

WAsmsnTOK February 9 Unltsicongress in ten days passes a law ata-

thnrlzius the Issue of bear-ing three per cent interest runningthirty years or otherwise relieves thetreasury In the of thegold reserve Secretary Carlisle willby direction of the president sell fourper cent to the amount of WJ400000 for gold Arrangements Whereby this can be done and Ingold be received for the bonds httrebeen perfected find the contingentcontract signed la the official memoWndmra of the transaction made pubHo at tile treasury yesterday is the following

The contract was made with Itchmont Co otNew York on behalf of MesursN M Hcthwhlia Sons of London and JMorgan Co of New York on ot J SMorgan tt Co or London and themselves andprovide for the delivery to the Statesot 3600000 of standard gold theUnited States to b paid for In United Statestour per cent bonds A large number otherbeaks and financial Institutions an Interestedin the tnnaactlon but their names are netmentioned the contract Itself The depart-ment does not know In what proportion the va-

rious parties are to furnish Us gold cop er Mmatlif f

When JUby vu sick w her Castarl-AWnn she was a ChlU sw cried Castorlfl

Whoa became VIM she clung to CwtorlaWhen she had qhildfen SU gave them Cstforta











30 J8O




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It iINlIt between



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Ten Days



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hlmtla of Bonds at in Scans

th rroposltloaS Under COnlid-

tutlan CompUt lt orKnl

AfUJiTA February 11 The rpeettug of tho executive board of the South-

ern Passenger association that wan heldhere yesterday hung fire and no actionwas taken as was expected looking

the reorganization ot the associa-

tion As Is well known the southernlines that form the association havebeen at outs fcr some time past and nilof the lending railroads have no-

tice of withdrawal from the associationThere was to bo a meeting ofelation in New York a month ago topatch up the association but owingto a lack of a quorum nothing wasachieved There was no quorum pres-ent yesterday and the meeting of thoexecutive a failure Manyof the prominent passenger agentscame last night however and themass meeting today of all the roads ofthe section may bring some good re-

sults The railroads have been calledto send representatives to this massmeeting for the purpose of seeing whatcan be done with the Southern Passen-ger association It Is thoughtcomplete reorganization will result and

a new association will be formedwith no connection with the SouthernRailway and Steamship association under whose control the passenger alsoelation has been managed heretofore


Rtnintlonal Confession of One of the KnIOu Who Threatened Worley

ATLANTA February 13 Anse Blackone of the Murray countyplead guilty la the Federal court yes-terday to attempting to lynchWorler an informer on the moonshiners He said that he was one of sixtymen who rode up to Worieys homenight last spring and called him outAll of the were armed

Blacks story was thrilling It crea-ted a among the witnessesand other defendants Black saidwhen we went to his house Worley Wasterribly scared and beggedsaid he wasnt guilty of reporting andgot down on his knees to us-

Worieys mother to by ourmen They told her that L


p r iAe


K theend

the SIlO

board was

that a





for mercy

was talked

n trali2JII-



ILEiflJoutb-era eooiabiotg




mien oftheAseoclatoe-v y



Ku klux








Preo on application Tho Now

LEN ST MARYs the result of 1 years experience with the Hardy

ties offered for Florida and Lower South enilracl

Oranges and Grape Fruith mako vlgontHj productive trees that bear youn

gee and other citrus fruits on both orange and titfigs grapes apricots olives mulberries

i Incldln-

gIxty Varieties of Hoses Ad


borough Refurnish

11 the Host Iii

A Finely Assort-

s Whiskies Beer Domestic and loip-

oQ JS HC I3ISB3non Street


Little Put


t st and



Kriklne It iS

Jonathan Coreeleyeuij j a-

niHK QICANT stated an in

herein his that tie defenIs over the ajs we

ordered that the said rt f ud-

II Tinkham do appear to billCourt on or rule diy In A18W being the fist day m


It Is further ordered that tide onlllshed onoe it week forIn newspaper-in 1alatka

my land and the scat ofcult Court





Enktne II Heynold-sasAdmlntilratorda

of the B ttto ofCharles 0 Uejnolds deceased

J U Oretley et al


milP ATTORNEY OrTHE COMMAINAjnhaving stated In an affidavit ttlei

that the defendants Uabove entitled John LTinkham and William 0 are over the A-

MO of years and that their ntoe ofrwldenco t It Is ordered that the fsaid defendant John Whiny UTinkham and William O dotie bill Died In this Court on or beforeday In AlltlL A D 1W the

month at the Clerks ouiee In 1

It Is ordered that this order be b-

llihedonce for eight consecutive weeksIn the TimesHerald a newspaper publishedIn l latka Florida

Witness hand and the seal of said Clr

t 8 CleA JWBIIETTComplainants Solicitor


NDHR AND BY VIRTUE OF Aof Foreclosure and Sale rendered In tl

tat of Florida the County of Putnam Vdated the 22nd day of Januury A

wherein U F Jlehrens Is complainantAnton Sciiraffanok Uertha HerOlson Ootrere ar will sell 1

public auction for calh to the highest andat the front door

House In ralatka la said County of Putnamon the

FIRST MONDAY IN MAUCH A D1899being the 4th day of Ml J month the legal

of sale on day all of thedescribed land on FaUtka tnthe Countrot Iutnam and State of Florida towit A portion of Lot No Three 3 In Section

Ten 10 tIouth Range

ofone chain and links west of Nt-

st comer of said Lot No Three thencealong the North line of said eighty

ten links to a stoke thencedegrees and thirty west three

seventy to a stake thence

81100 acrest X 1IA8KXI4LMaster In

Complainants HollcltorliEn STUUHZ1aUtka Via uuary 19l



Jl t-

FANCMrs t1



lit 1

and that 111 ot



jIb JanL


aFor eloaure drtortpge au-

VI tuteon t

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ia weeki

myCourt day of January A D I pc




C vault Court or the Fifth CIrcuit of titb

the Honorable ol or salCourt

a certain In Courtand

atbe l

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to tne Westdge of road four011 minutes Wet edge of

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west side Msixt one


treeseven fifty Unks

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U Decree of Foreclosure snd sale rendered6th dv of A WTO b

the Circuit Court the Kltthlcircuit ot Florida U and for Pnt

COurt pending entitled William 8 AbbottanlL Hut and Ifary

E Dui his wife defendants and alsof an order nude on the thirteenth day of

November A D 1804 by Honorable a-

Hockeras uf Court wherein 5appointed s Special Master In chancery tot

to the bidder at the front door ofhe County House In YaUtta la said

m the


wing the fourth day of paid month during titof on ald day the

ascribed land situate In County of Putnam

on the east St Johns liver knownU Brush Point and later as tarts

range Grove and as described In afrom William B Abbott to

lubbard L Bart date on or abort tb-5th day of bounded

and northerly br said tlver

toil Decree such parts of said landeleased by said Abbott record In theubllo Putnam County Inlook of K at

Mortgages at page Tj and excepting also all

The above is the noted dart Grovel onopposite

Special Matter In ChanceryOILU8

rurALoa ihe D 0


In a certain In


ueute Decree Iash


ud State ot 1lorld towit of that-d


UTt and

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Ibe lost

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side of

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partly bounded latelyone Par eonstw Et

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AND BT VlttlUK 07 A JTJTAt DKForeclJsur and Salt rendered on


HEW VABIETIB8 that promise well acola are included In our mqelf or only plant tested vorlptle i

WE JLInd offer the tAKOBST

v AIrcnlt of Florida In and fcr

an therein pending Wtad M E ttlfe ant

M T Moon and MoqntiM wife areelendantl I flpoclnl Mfolnted thctela to execute tile selln cash to the hat and lst tcont ot iXatkftutnam County FlOrid on therIM r MONDAY IN MARCH A D w

i same rule day of old rooutto duriajt10 lenal boon of on that day alt followg tilrco or parcel of land end tnle county sod Stats of FUuJdaind as towUs All tlid-

ownibtn t Ten uuix East and containing so-

s8p ol l MM

outriapoi grown

Maccl nny Baker Co

J wlft nwlW-

v V


22nd day of A theof tJd Fifth

the Curbsaid of Mid In chancery


IIWta-n4 elle


URSERy the Coors


Ilt mtullpw liT

the NW of Se tiers tlllO-O Tweot



offered by of D M UI11Inr CUlllp

JfllratMllbe t t SoUl w

ml ldll Ufoned last tin tt

over eEv iNTYYIVE fUl11auta all Itt

andc d

now Oalal e d V 111111-

O lIullable plntffi Jow t

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January it

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Sof 2 etallege


Any end NUResi1-

oneItall a rr91 ie1-

I n1tal1reSs Vines Shrubs o net o2 which

are s n-

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e ot Southern Is faddy ai Wi rso f


WhotsMts and A

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