RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome. Pompey Crassus Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and

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Page 1: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and




Page 2: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and


60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.

Pompey Crassus Julius Caesar

Caesar becomes consul and commands the Roman legions in Gaul.

Conquers Gaul (France) and England.

Pompey gets support from Senate. Orders Caesar to return home w/out the army.

Caesar invades Rome w/ army and defeats Pompey.

Becomes a “hero of the empire.”

Page 3: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and

Mark Antony



Created by Mark Antony

Falls in love w/ Cleopatra, queen of Egypt

Octavian crushes the combined fleet of Antony and Cleopatra.


Page 4: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and


31 BCE- creates the Roman EmpireAllows Senate to keep some

power, but he would retain sole rulership.

Changes name to Augustus“honored and majestic”Takes title of “Caesar”“first citizen”

Page 5: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and


14-37 ADAugustus’ stepsonPlots and violence become common in Roman politics.

Page 6: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and

Cruel and insane

Rules for 4 years

Assassinated by his imperial guard.

41-54 ADRestores order to the Roman Empire.


Page 7: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and


Claudius’ stepson

Becomes Emperor at age 17.

Becomes bloodthirsty and violent. Murders own mother for criticizing his mistress.

Rome burns in 64 AD. Nero blames the Christians.

Army rebels against him, and he commits suicide.

Page 8: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and


The year after Nero’s death, 2 emperors are assassinated and 1 commits suicide.

Chosen by military as emperor of Rome.

Restores discipline in the army and the administration of the Empire.

Puts down revolts in Judaea and Gaul.

Page 9: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and


Vestavia's sons rule for almost 10 years.

Senate chooses Nerva as the new emperor in 96 AD.

Establishes the adoptive system.

Adopts a son and declares him the heir to the throne.

Page 10: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and

98-117 AD

Adopted son of Nerva.


Wise and popularEases tax burden.

Empire reaches its greatest size.

117-138 AD

Devoted to protecting the Empire, rather than expanding it.

Creates Palestine out of Jewish territory.

Encourages non-Jews to live there.


Page 11: RULERS OF ROMAN EMPIRE. FIRST TRIUMVIRATE 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome.  Pompey  Crassus  Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and


Last of the adopted emperors “Good Emperors”

Many border wars with the Germanic tribes

Abandons the adoptive system and chooses his own son as the new emperor

Commodus – unfit to rule End of the Pax Romana