Rules 2.1 (Last) (1)

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  • 7/27/2019 Rules 2.1 (Last) (1)



    2014En FrancErGLEMEnT / ruLES / V2.1


  • 7/27/2019 Rules 2.1 (Last) (1)



    Rule Designation Page Version Nature of correction

    Denitions p.15 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    1.1. Organiation Chart p.17 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    1.2. Authority p.17 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    4.1 Footings p.22 V2.1 Information updated

    5.1. Solar Envelope Dimensions p.24 V2.0 Item a) revised.

    7.1. Energy Sources p.26 V2.0 Note added.

    7.3. PV Technology Limitations p.27 V2.0 Exception added.

    7.4. Batteries p.27 V2.0 Exception detailed.

    8.2 Liquids p.29 V2.1 Items 8.2. e) water storage spec. updated

    26.2. Electronic Submission p.63 V2.0 Table 7 updated.

    28.2 Architectural Model p.67 V2.1 D#3 replaces D#2

    30.2. Project Drawings Template p.70 V2.0 Template updated.

    45.2. Content & Structure p.90 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    51.2. Adopted Codes p.94 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    51.3. Fire Saety p.95 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    51.4. Saety in Use p.95 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    51.5. Accessibility p.96 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    51.6. Structural Saety p.99 V2.0 Inormation updated.51.7. Electricity and Photovoltaic System p.100 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    51.8. Water Use p.104 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    52.1. French Application Regulation p.105 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    52.2. Work Phases p.109 V2.0 Inormation updated.

    52.7. Health and Saety General Requirements p.116 V2.0 Items 52.7.6 and 52.7.7 revised.

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    SECTION 1.0 GENERAL RULES 17Rule 1 SDE 2014 Organiation 171.1. Organiation Chart 171.2. Authority 17

    Rule 2 Administration 172.1. Precedence 172.2. Violations o Intent 17

    2.3. Eective Date 182.4. Ocial Communication 182.5. SDE WORKSPACE or Teams 182.6. Decisions on the Rules 182.7. Sel Reporting 182.8. Penalties 182.9. Protests 19

    Rule 3 Participation 203.1. Entry 203.2. Team Ocers and Contact Inormation 203.3. Saety 21

    3.4. Conduct 213.5. Use o Likeness, Content, and Images 213.6. Withdrawals 22

    Rule 4 Solar Village 224.1. Solar Village Specications 224.2. Civil Liability 224.3. Lot Conditions and attribution 224.4. Footings 224.5. Respect o assembly plan 224.6. Assembly period video recording 234.7. Construction Equipment 234.8. Generators 23

    4.9. Lighting in the Competition Site 234.10. Spill and Waste Products 234.11. Working System 244.12. Transport 24

    Rule 5 The Solar Envelope 245.1. Solar Envelope Dimensions 24

    Rule 6 The Project 256.1. Design Approval 256.2. Maximum Architectural Footprint 256.3. Minimum & Maximum Measurable Area 26

    6.4. Entrance and Exit Routes 266.5. Projects minimum requirements 266.6. Competition Prototype Alternates 26

    Rule 7 Energ 267.1. Energy Sources 26

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    7.2. Village Grid 277.3. PV Technology Limitations 277.4. Batteries 27

    7.5. Connection o the houses to the Solar Village grid 287.6. Thermal Energy Storage 287.7. Desiccant Systems 297.8. Humidication Systems 297.9. Heat Sink 29

    Rule 8 Liquids 298.1. Containers Locations 298.2. Water Delivery 298.3. Water Removal 298.4. Team Provided Liquids 298.5. Grey Water Reuse 308.6. Rainwater Collection 30

    8.7. Evaporation 308.8. Thermal Mass 308.9. Grey Water Heat Recovery 30

    Rule 9 Vegetation 309.1. Placement 309.2. Watering Restrictions 30

    Rule 10 Monitoring 3010.1. Introduction 3010.2. SDE Sensors Location and Wire Routing 3110.3. Blowerdoor test 31

    10.4. Real lie conditions experimentation 31

    Rule 11 The Event 3211.1. Registration 3211.2. Use o the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France Logo 3211.3. Teams Sponsors and Supporting Institutions 3211.4. Team Uniorms 3311.5. Logistics 3311.6. Inspections 33

    Rule 12 Contest Week 3412.1. Project Occupancy 34

    12.2. Project Operators 3412.3. Late Design Changes 3412.4. Public Tour 3412.5. Housing units use during event 3512.6. Interior & Exterior Lighting 3512.7. Saety during the Event 3512.8. Housing unit Conguration or Jury Tours 3512.9. Teams Activities at the Solar Village 36

    SECTION 2.0 CONTESTS 37Rule 13 General Contest Inormation 3713.1. Contest Structure 37

    Rule 14 General Competition Criteria 3714.1. Scoring options 3714.2. Jury Scoring 37

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    21.6. Scoring 59

    Rule 22 Contest 8: Urban design, Transportation & Aordabilit 59

    22.1. Objective 5922.2. It will be assessed on 5922.3. How it will be evaluated 5922.4. Concepts to be evaluated 5922.5. Evaluation criteria 5922.6. Scoring 59

    Rule 23 Contest 9: Innovation 6023.1. Objective 6023.2. It will be assessed on 6023.3. How it will be evaluated 6023.4. Concepts to be evaluated 6023.5. Evaluation criteria 60

    23.6. Scoring 60

    Rule 24 Contest 10: Sustainabilit 6024.1. Objective 6024.2. It will be assessed on 6024.3. How it will be evaluated 6024.4. Concepts to be evaluated 6024.5. Evaluation criteria 6124.6. Scoring 61


    Rule 25 Preliminar Schedule o Deliverables 62

    Rule 26 Deliverable Submission Instructions 6226.1. Shipped Submission 6326.2. Electronic Submission 6326.3. Documents Formatting Requirements 6526.4. Revision and Evaluation Criteria 65

    Rule 27 Deliverable Phases 6627.1. Schematic Design Documentation 6627.2. Dissemination Materials 66

    27.3. Design Development Documentation 6627.4. Construction Documentation 6627.5. Update Construction Documentation 6627.6. Design Adjustments Documentation 6727.7. As Built Documentation 67

    Rule 28 Shipped Deliverable Material 6728.1. Hard Copies 6728.2. Architectural Model 6728.3. Audiovisual 68

    Rule 29 Team Web Page 6829.1. Preliminary Web Page 68

    29.2. Web Site Page 68

    Rule 30 Electronic Deliverable Documents 7030.1. Press Release 7030.2. Project Drawings Template 7030.3. Project Manual Template 73

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    30.4. Workshop Documentation 7430.5. Solar Village Documentation 7430.6. Simulation Input Report 75

    30.7. SDE 2014 Ocial Dissemination Materials 75

    Rule 31 Summar o changes 75Rule 32 Table o contents 75Rule 33 SDE Rules Checklist 75Rule 34 Contest Support Documents 78

    Rule 35 Architecture Design Narrative 7835.1. Architectural and Urban Concepts 7835.2. Summary o recongurable eatures 7835.3. Lighting Design Narrative 78

    Rule 36 Engineering and Construction Design Narrative 7836.1. Structural Design 7836.2. Constructive Design 7836.3. Plumbing System Design 7936.4. Electrical System Design 7936.5. Photovoltaic (and other electric solar) Systems Design 7936.6. Electrical Energy Balance Simulation 8036.7. Solar Thermal Design 8136.8. Building Integrated Solar Active Systems 81

    Rule 37 Energ Ecienc Design Narrative 8137.1. Technical Project Summary 8137.2. Appliances Report 82

    37.3. Comprehensive Energy Analysis and Discussion Report 82

    Rule 38 Communications Plan 8338.1. Introduction 8338.2. Communications Project 8438.3. Public Tour Description 8538.4. Team Visual Identity Manual 8538.5. Sponsorship Manual 86

    Rule 39 Urban Design, Transportation and Aordabilit Report 86

    Rule 40 Innovation Report 87

    40.1. Objective 8740.2. Contents index and structure 87

    Rule 41 Sustainabilit Report 8741.1. Objective 8741.2. Contents index and structure 88

    Rule 42 Dinner Part Menu 89Rule 43 Contest Week Tasks Planning 89Rule 44 Cost Estimate and Project Financial Summar 89

    Rule 45 Site Operations Plan 9045.1. Objective 90

    45.2. Content & Structure 90

    Rule 46 Health & Saet Report & Specic Terms and Conditions Document 91Rule 47 Detailed Water Budget 92Rule 48 Electric and Photovoltaic Chart 92Rule 49 Construction Specications 92

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    Rule 50 Structural Calculations 92


    Rule 51 Building Codes Application 9451.1. General Criteria 9451.2. Adopted Codes 9451.3. Fire Saety 9551.4. Saety in Use 9651.5. Accessibility 9951.6. Structural Saety 9951.7. Electricity and Photovoltaic System 10051.8. Water Use 104

    Rule 52 Health and Saet 10552.1. Frech Appicabe Reguati 105

    52.2. Wrk Phases 105

    52.2.1. Step 1: Process o analysis 10552.2.2. Step 2: Health and Saety Plan 10952.2.3. Step 3: Preparing or construction works 11152.2.4. Step 4: Construction works 11152.3. SDE Health and Saety Area 11152.4. HS Plan Approval 11252.5. Construction works control 11252.6. Heath ad Saet Bus ad Peaties 112

    52.6.1. Bonus 11252.6.2. Penalties 11252.6.3. Degree o the aults 113

    52.7. Heath ad Saet Teas Geera Requireets 11452.7.1. Team members in charge o Health and Saety 11452.7.2. Relationship with the SDE HS Area 11452.7.3. Contracted sta 11452.7.4. Working Shits and Resting 11552.7.5. Emergency and Accident Procedures 11552.7.6. Collective protections 11552.7.7. Individual protection 11652.7.8. Vehicles in the Solar Village 11652.7.9. Loads operation 116


    Appendix A. SDE WORKSPACE 1171. Introduction 1172. Login 1173. How to edit your prole 1174. SDE WORKSPACE Main Screen 1175. Ocial Communications 1186. Global Workspace 1187. Private Team Area 1198. Media Communications Forum 1199. Team Privacy Levels at SDE WORKSPACE Areas 119

    Appendix B. Preliminar SDE Competition Calendar 1201. Introduction 120

    Appendix C. Passive Evaluation Period 1201. Introduction 1202. Passive Evaluation Period 121

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    The Solar Decathlon is an international competition created by the U.S. Department o Energy in which

    universities rom all over the world meet to design, build and operate an energetically sel-sucient house,

    grid-connected, using solar energy as the only energy source and equipped with all o the technologies that

    permit maximum energy eciency.

    During the nal phase o the competition university teams assemble their houses, open to the general public,

    while undergoing the ten contests o the competition, reason or which this event is called Decathlon.


    The Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE) was created through an agreement signed between the Ministry o

    Housing o the Government o Spain and the United States Government, in October 2007, in order to

    organie a sustainable solar houses competition in Europe, in 2010 and 2012.

    The 2014 edition o this competition is organied by France, in Versailles.

    The SDE 2014 Organiation goal is to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination o industrialied, solar

    and sustainable housing, and thereore has the ollowings basic objectives:

    To raise awareness o the students participating in the competition on the benets and opportunities

    oered by the use o renewable energies and sustainable construction, challenging them to think creatively

    and develop innovative solutions that contribute to energy savings.

    To encourage proessionals o the building industry to select materials and systems that reduce the

    environmental impact o a building over its entire lietime, optimiing its economic viability and providing

    comort and saety o occupants.

    To educate the general public about responsible energy use, renewable energy, energy eciency, and thetechnologies available to help them to reduce their energy consumption.

    To emphasie the correct order o intervention: rst reducing the building energy consumption and

    increasing its energy eciency and aterwards integrating solar active systems and other renewable

    technologies. Moreover the building systems must be selected and dimensioned using environmental and

    cost-eective criteria.

    To encourage the use o solar technologies.

    To promote architecturally attractive solar system integration, working on using the solar technologies to

    replace conventional construction materials in the building envelope such as the roo, skylights or acades.

    To clearly demonstrate that high perormance solar homes can be comortable, attractive and aordable.

    With this new edition in 2014 in France, a development o the Rules allows to rene the requirements to

    be met by projects. It is intended to provide habitats that meet the triple challenge: energy, environment

    and society that we all are acing. Thereore the evaluation o proposed projects, via the 10 criteria o the

    Decathlon, tends to cover all issues related to houses o the uture. The 2014 Solar Decathlon Europe

    Organization in France thus has decided to ocus on the six items as ollows:


    Nowadays, most o the population lives in cities where building areas are getting rare and expensive. Denser

    housing solutions are needed in order to minimie environmental impacts. Solar Decathlon Europe 2014

    competition intends to encourage projects o collective housing projects rather than individual houses.

    Solutions or rural localiations can however be considered. They should nevertheless address the issue o

    agrarian land consumption and propose a comprehensive approach o environmental design.


    An important evolution o the Solar Decathlon 2014 is a ocus on the problem o mobility. It is also a major

    issue in the uture, and the strong interaction between mobility and housing makes inevitable its introduction

    into the competition rules. Mobility reers primarily to the location o housing relative to resources

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    (shopping, work, leisure...) but not only. It also raises the question o energy coupling between positive-

    energy building and electrical transportation systems, or any kind o vehicle providing a double unction o

    renewable energy intermittent storage and means o transport. The point o Solar Decathlon Europe is not to

    become an international competition or electric vehicles design but a testing ground or innovative solutionsmerging urban design, housing and transportation systems in an holistic approach.


    Every year, the competition evolves to increase energy perormance requirements. While it is important to

    ensure the renewable energy supply, it is even more important to limit demand and thus energy consumption.

    This trend will continue in 2014 with a limitation o photovoltaic power installed, an important evaluation o

    energy eciency and a strong incentive to produce and consume wisely.


    The Solar Decathlon being an academic competition, innovation must remain at the heart o the project

    considered with all its components rom every angle: architecture, construction, energy systems, urnishings,

    but also house appliances. Criteria measured in the Solar Decathlon correspond to the needs that each

    inhabitant should be able to satisy. These are perormance requirements, and there is a variety o ways to

    get them. A project meeting these needs, with rugality, will be graded as well as, even better, than a project

    multiplying redundant solutions.


    Sheer competition oriented toward innovation involving industrial partners might result in an unavoidable

    increase o investment in sophisticated and expensive equipment. Teams should nevertheless keep in mind

    that aordability remains the key issue or applicable sustainable architectural and urban solutions. This

    aspect o the competition is mainly evaluated through the Urban Design, Transportation and Aordability

    contest. The SDE Organiation wants to point at the act that, in the midst o a major economical crisis, the

    nancial actor will be assessed as a determining aspect o each proposal as well as a bold criterion o thenal project presented in 2014 in Versailles.

    The project in its environment vs. the prototpe in competition

    It may seem paradoxical that teams rom around the world design a prototype o house adapted to their

    region o origin, while being ecient in the site o the competition. This paradox is clearly armed and each

    project must be a good response to the cultural, climatic and social contexts o teams region as well as a

    high-perormance prototype that should successully perorm during the short period o time during which

    it compares with others. This duality is meant to encourage young minds to acknowledge both sources o

    inspiration or the uture: the very local conditions o each specic team tied to its homeland and the universal

    dimensions o an international common goal or the planet. This double stream o thoughts is also meant

    to install an innovative cultural relationship to R&D in the eld o building industry: uture urban designers,

    architects, engineers as well as social and nancial managers are required to nd the most adapted solutions

    or a specic context while sharing the most innovative ideas with colleagues rom other countries.

    The Solar Decathlon is also a public event designed to increase awareness about energy or residential use.

    The competition demonstrates that a beautiully and well-designed house can generate enough electricity

    to meet the needs o a household, including electricity or lighting, cooking, washing clothes and dishes,

    powering home and home-oce electronics, maintaining a comortable indoor temperature and air quality.

    Solar Decathlon Europe objectives are consistent with the European Union goals or 2020, and have

    demonstrated to be eective on making students, proessionals and general public aware o the importance

    o the energy savings. This constitutes the most immediate and cost-eective way o addressing the European

    energy challenges o sustainability, guaranteeing supply sources and competitiveness. The SDE participant

    houses present solutions that contribute to reach the EU targets: saving 20% o the primary energyconsumption, reducing 20% o greenhouse gas emissions and producing 20% o the energy rom renewable


    Undoubtedly, the Solar Decathlon Europe brings prestige and raises the visibility o the selected participating

    universities as they are part o the small group o top institutions that will compete in the world most

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    important Solar Housing Event. One o the main characteristic elements o the European edition o the Solar

    Decathlon is its emphasis on sustainability, innovation and research. The participant teams work not only to

    develop and build their houses, but also to enhance the systems integration and generation o knowledge on

    sustainable construction.

    Solar Decathlon Europe oers students a unique opportunity or learning, taking theory and putting it into

    practice, and doing so through a case study. Students working on the project will be challenged to use their

    innovation capacity, and their ability to design and build an energetically sel-sucient solar housing unit. The

    projects are developed by multidisciplinary teams, giving the students the opportunity to learn not only about

    technical issues but also about teamwork, communication skills, a sustainable liestyle and socio-economic

    issues in order to ensure the viability o their project.

    The ocial languages or the SDE 2014 Competition in France are French and English.

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    The Solar Decathlon Europe Rules are designed to meet the Organiation objectives and to promote a air andinteresting competition among teams.

    The Rules or the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France are based on the previous versions o thecompetition. However, there are some changes concerning the deliverables and contests, adding moreemphasis on urban sustainability, energy eciency, mobility, innovation and research aspects as well culturaldissemination.

    This SDE2014 Rules document describes what each team needs to know to be competitive in the SolarDecathlon Europe. It includes ve sections:

    SECTION 1.0 General RulesIncludes rules related with the general aspects o the Competition, describing the organiation, theparticipating teams, the site, the housing units, the Event nal phase, and the general conditions.

    SECTION 2.0 ContestsIn this section the SDE2014 contests and sub contests are dened, including the scoring distribution, thecontests evaluation criteria and the dierent procedures.

    SECTION 3.0 DeliverablesIncludes detailed inormation concerning all the documents, drawings and other materials that the teams

    must submit to the Organiation along with the submission dates and ormat requirements.

    SECTION 4.0 SDE Building CodeThis Code primarily exists to protect the teams and public health and ensure saety. Compliance with the SDEBuilding Code is a prerequisite or participation in the competition.

    SECTION 5.0 AppendixesIt contains rules complementary inormation.

    The inormation included in the present document ma change; details or complementary inormation willbe added in the uture. However, all the modications will be clearly indicated in the SDE Rules new editions.

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    AssemblThe period o time between the arrival o trucks and the beginning o the contests on the Solar Village.

    Communication materialsAll printed or electronic publications designed to convey inormation to the public supporting the Competitiongoals.


    All aspects o the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France related to the 10 contests and the scoring o thosecontests, along with the project development o the competition houses.

    Competition CalendarThe timetable establishing the dates o the nal phase o the competition and the daily activities assigned.

    Competition HouseThe complete assembly o physical components installed on the Solar Village, in compliance with the SDE rules.

    ContestThe Solar Decathlon Europe competition consists o 10 separately scored contests, each containing one or moresub-contests See SECTION 2.0

    Contest weekThe period o days on the Solar Village when some or all contests are active.

    DecisionThe Rules Ocials interpretation or clarication o a rule.

    DeliverablesDocumentation and other materials requested by the SDE 2014 Organiation to the teams along the projectdevelopment, in order to veriy compliance with the Competition Rules.

    DisassemblThe period o time between the conclusion o public tours and the completion o the Solar Village cleanup.

    Electric and Photovoltaic Chart Interconnection ApplicationA orm submitted by the teams electrical engineer to the Site Operations Manager, which provides the technicaldetails needed to determine the suitability o the teams electrical and photovoltaic systems or interconnection tothe village grid.

    EventAll the activities that take place on the Solar Village including, but are not limited to, registration, assembly,inspections, contests, special events, public exhibits, and disassembly.

    Event SponsorAn entity selected by the SDE 2014 Organiation to support the project and help ensuring its success.

    Final phase o the SDE 2014 CompetitionThe period o days including assembly, disassembly and contest week periods.

    Grid-Tie AssemblThe period o time during assembly ater the house has been connected to the village grid (interconnected)

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    InspectionEach o the inspections realied to all the Competition Houses on the Solar Village or veriying compliance withthe SDE Rules. See Rule 11.6.

    Inspections CardOcial card indicating the teams inspections status.

    JurThe group o individuals selected by the organiers to make evaluations on a specic aspect o each teamsproject according to a contest.

    ProjectAll activities related to the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France rom the initial meetings through to theconclusion o the event.

    Protest Resolution CommitteeThe group o individuals selected by the organiers to resolve team protests during the competition. The ProtestResolution Committee consists o people who are amiliar with the project, but not part o the organiation or theteams.

    Public exhibitAreas o the competition site open to the public during designated hours.

    RuleA principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement, etc., or the duration o the project.

    Scored period

    Any period o time during which a particular measured contest is in progress.

    Scoring ServerDigital application that collects data rom the central data logger server, includes orms or manually entering juryand task-based sub contest results, and calculates composite scores.

    SDE workspaceSolar Decathlon Europe workspace or Teams is the ocial communication tool o the competition. See Rule2.5.

    Solar Decathlon Europe Building CodeA set o design and construction standards set orth and enorced by the Solar Decathlon Europe Building Ocialor the protection o public health and saety during the event.

    Solar VillageCompetition Site, where the teams houses are assembled along with the common areas needed or theCompetition development.

    Stand-Alone AssemblThe period o time during assembly beore the house has been interconnected to the village grid.

    Sub contestAn individually scored element within a contest.

    (Juried) Sub Contest

    A sub contest based on Jurors assessment.

    (Measured) Sub ContestA sub contest based on task completion or measured perormance.

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    Village GridBi-directional, AC electrical network system installed on the competition site which will measure constantly andindividually the contribution and consumption in electrical energy o each house.


    CommunicationThe projects public outreach, communication activities and special events. Communications Area.

    Competition ManagementEnorcing the Rules and stating its content, conducting a air and compelling competition, assigning penaltiesand scorings.

    Competition Strategies Management

    Planning, coordinating and controlling all the activities related to the Competition.

    Competition Strategies CoordinationWriting the Rules, organiing and supervising the deliverables reviews, and planning, coordinating andcontrolling the activities and unctions o the Juries and Observers.

    Event OrganiationThe French Ministries or Housing and energy are responsible or the organiation o the SDE 2014 Competitionin France, with the collaboration o the American Solar Decathlon Organiation, the Department o Energy (DOE)o the United States o America.


    Evaluating the teams Health and saety plans and consequently developing the Competitions Health &Saety Plan and supervising the houses assembly and disassembly works at the Solar Village. See Rule52.3.Inrastructures Area.

    Inrastructures ManagementPlanning, execution, development and control o all the activities related to the assembly, unctioning anddisassembly o the Solar Village.

    InspectionCarrying-out the houses inspection and lling out the corresponding Inspection Card, according to the SDEBuilding Code.

    Monitoring & Instrumentation Coordinator

    The organier responsible or the instrumentation system and the scoring server o the Competition. CompetitionArea.

    Jur CoordinatorAn organier, liaison between the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 Organiation in France and the jury, responsibleor accompanying the jury during the houses visits, the deliberation process and the evaluation reporting.Competition Area.

    ObserverAn organier assigned by the Competition Manager to observe team activities during contest week. An observerreports observed rules inractions to the Rules Ocials and records the results o specic contest tasks, but doesnot provide interpretations o the Solar Decathlon Europe Rules. Competition Area

    Oce Services ManagerThe organier responsible or planning, coordinating, and directing a broad range o services that allows the SDE2014 Organiation to operate eciently. Oce Services Area.


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    OrganierA Solar Decathlon Europe employee, subcontractor, or observer working on the project.

    Press & External Communications CoordinatorThe organier responsible or communication issues between the internal and external parties o the SolarDecathlon Europe, acting as proxy between the participant Teams and the media.

    Project ManagerThe organier responsible or the management o the project and responsible or mobiliing all o the necessaryresources or the achievement o the objectives, with the nal decision-making authority in all the aspects relatedto the scope, planning, costs, quality, resources, communication, risks, sponsorship, and acquisitions o theproject.

    Public Events Coordinator

    The organier responsible or planning, coordinating, executing and developing all the public activities andevents related to the Competition and or the public outreach o the project. Communications Area.

    Rules OcialAn organier authoried to interpret the rules. The Competition Manager is the lead Rules Ocial. CompetitionArea.

    ScorekeeperThe individual selected by the organiers to operate and maintain the scoring server during the competition.Competition Area.

    Site Operations Coordinator

    The organier responsible or the evaluation o the teams Site Operations plans, consequently developing theCompetition site operation plan and the coordination and supervision o the houses assembly and disassemblyworks at the Solar Village. Inrastructures Area.

    Social Media & Marketing CoordinatorThe organier responsible or managing the social media platorms and producing the ocial SDE multimediales (videos, photos, presentations, etc). Also responsible or administrating the SDEurope Website and workingtoward the identication o the brand SDEurope as a recogniable name and logo. Communications Area.

    Sponsorships and Exterior Relations CoordinatorThe organier responsible or developing and implementing a long-range corporate giving strategy, to identiy,cultivate, solicit and steward relationships with business supporters, ostering a strong worldwide awareness andsupport. Communications Area.

    StaIndividuals working or the organiers on the project.

    Universities Relations CoordinatorThe organier responsible or the communication with the participant teams, helping them come across theproject development. Competition Area.


    Communications Coordinator

    A team member responsible or the teams communications with the media and or developing all thecommunications materials, as well as or updating the inormation concerning the Communications activitiesthrough the SDE workspace. Works in conjunction with the SDEs Communication Organiers to coordinate theteams interactions with the media.

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    Contest CaptainA team member responsible or the teams primary strategies and coordination o Tasks Contests; is alsoresponsible or demonstrating the compliance o appliances with the Rules.

    DecathleteA team member who is an enrolled student undergraduate or post graduate studies, at a participating schoolor has graduated rom a participating school within 12 months o the beginning o assembly.

    Electrical EngineerA team member responsible or completing the Electric and Photovoltaic chart and working in conjunction withthe SDE 2014 Organiation electrical engineer to interconnect the house to the grid on the Solar Village. Must bea licensed proessional, which approves and signs the houses electrical systems (drawings and specications).

    Facult AdvisorA team member who is the lead aculty member and primary representative o a participating school in the

    project; also provides guidance to the team on an as-needed basis throughout the project. Responsible orsigning the ocial document certiying the compliance o the codes o the country o origin.

    HS Team CoordinatorA team ocer who is responsible or developing and enorcing the teams Health & Saety Plan during thecompetition phases, assembly and disassembly o the houses. See Rule 52.7.1 item A.

    Instrumentation ContactA team member collaborating with the organiers instrumentation team to develop a plan to accommodate theequipment used to measure the perormance o the home during the competition.

    Project Architect

    A team member responsible or the architectural design eort; license not required.

    Project EngineerA team member responsible or the engineering design eort; license not required.

    Project ManagerA team member responsible or the planning and execution o the project.

    Saet OcerA team member responsible or the saety measures observance during the event. See Rule 52.7.1.

    Site Operations CoordinatorsTeam members responsible or developing and enorcing the teams Site Operations Plan during the competition

    phases, assembly and disassembly o the house.

    Student Team LeaderA student team member responsible or the coordination among the team. Ensures that ocial communicationrom the organiers are routed to the appropriate team member(s).

    Structural EngineerA team member responsible or approving the houses structural systems; license required.

    Team CrewA person who is integrally involved with a teams project, but is unaliated with the participating schools;contractors, volunteers, and sponsors are examples o team crew .

    Team MemberAn enrolled student, recent graduate, aculty member, or other person who is aliated with one o theparticipating schools and is integrally involved with a teams project activities; Decathletes, Faculty Advisors, andinvolved sta rom a participating school are all considered team members.


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    1.1. Organiation ChartThe SDE 2014 Organiation is structured as ollows:


    Chart 1: SDE 2014 Organization chart.

    1.2. AuthoritFor the SDE 2014 edition, the ollowing authority structure will be used or taking decisions and solving


    Chart 2: Authority structure.


    2.1. Precedence

    I there is a confict between two or more rules, the rule having the later date takes precedence.

    2.2. Violations o IntentA violation o the intent o a rule is considered a violation o the rule itsel.
















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    2. 3. Eective DateThe latest version o the rules posted on the SDE Workspace or Teams and dated or the year o the event arethe rules in eect.

    2.4. Ocial CommunicationIt is the teams responsibility to stay continuously updated with all the ocial project communications. Ocialcommunication between the teams and the organiers will occur preerably through one or more o theollowing:a). SDE workspace: is the main communication tool or the competition teams. See Appendix A or SDEworkspace details.b). Email: For expediency and to protect condentiality, the organiers may choose to communicate with teamsvia team members email addresses and the SDE Email ([email protected]). The content othe communications sent to this email address will remain condential, unless the team grants permission tothe SDE 2014 Organiation to divulge the content o these communications to the other teams. However, mostocial communication will occur via the SDE workspace.

    c). Conerence calls: SDE 2014 Organiation may invite the Teams to participate in a conerence call. Invitationsand instructions or participation in conerence calls will be provided via the SDE workspace.d).Meetings: Beore the event, the teams and organiers have an in-person meeting. Notication o the date andagenda o this meeting will be made via the SDE workspace. During the event, a meeting will be held the daybeore assembly begins. Meetings will be held on a daily basis throughout the event.e).Postings at headquarters: During the event, a bulletin board (or other venue or posting inormation) may beestablished at event headquarters. Teams will be notied via the SDE workspace i such a venue is establishedand the purpose or which it has been established.

    2.5. SDE WORKSPACE or TeamsThe Solar Decathlon Europe Workspace or Teams (SDE WORKSPACE) is the main communication platormbetween the teams and the organiation. The SDE WORKSPACE is a secure educational website, which is

    accessible only or the participating teams. All the Team Members must be registered. The primary usage o SDEWORKSPACE will be: receive all ofcial communications calendar updates request and receive information or clarications submit questions upload and download lesIt can be reached through the link, See Appendix A or urther inormation).

    2.6. Decisions on the RulesThe decisions on the Solar Decathlon Europe Rules are interpretations o the rules contained in this document,the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 Rules. When the Rules Ocials make a decision that may, in their opinion,directly or indirectly aect the strategies o all teams, the Rules Ocials will add the decision to the Solar

    Decathlon Europe Rules and notiy the teams o the addition via the SDE WORKSPACE.Exception: i such a notication would unairly reveal the strategies o one or more teams, the organiers may,depending on the circumstances, rerain rom notiying the decision to all teams.

    2.7. Sel ReportingTeams shall sel-report denite or possible rules inractions that have occurred or may occur.a).The rules do not address every possible scenario that may arise during the competition. Thereore, a teamconsidering an action that is not explicitly permitted by the rules should ask a Rules Ocial or an ocialdecision beore proceeding with the action. I the team does not ask or an ocial decision, it puts itsel at risk oincurring a penalty.b).The Rules Ocial and Director will act with discretion when determining the penalty or a rules inraction.Rules inractions observed by Rules Ocials and organiers, i.e., not sel-reported by the team, may be subject

    to more severe penalties than sel-reported rules inractions.

    2.8. PenaltiesTeams committing rules inractions are subject to one or more o the ollowing penalties, depending on theseverity o the inraction:

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    a). Point penalty applied to one or more contests;b). Disqualication rom part o, or all o, one or more sub-contests;c). Disqualication rom the competition.

    i. Disqualication rom the competition requires prior notice to the team and an opportunity or the team tomake a written statement on its own behal.

    Points penalties will also be applied to Teams not ullling with all the Deliverables requirements: For late submission1

    From 15 min ater the deadline till 48 hours ater - Up to 0.5 pointsFrom 48 hours ater the deadline till 1 week later - Up to 2.0 points

    For contents missing1

    More than 5 % o the content required missing - Up to 2.0 points

    Note 1- In case any participant Team delivers more than 1 week ater the deadline or/and with more than 25% o the content required

    missing, the SDE 2014 Organiation reserves the right to decide and apply a larger penalty, considering the special conditions o eachparticular case.

    During assembly period, points penalties will be applied to Teams not respecting: Security on construction site (see Rules 45, 46, 51 and 52) Construction site cleaning Waste managementAn independent Penalty Reeree, which nationality is dierent rom those o the competing teams, will beappointed by the Organiation to propose to the Competition Manager all penalties according to respect o theRules.This Reeree shall determine the severity o rules inractions and classiy them as minor or major and reportthem to the Competition Manager. The Competition Manager is solely authoried to apply point penalties ordisqualiy a team rom the competition or rom part o, or all o, one or more sub-contests or rules inractions.The Competition Manager shall notiy all teams via the SDE WORKSPACE when a penalty has been assessedagainst any team. The notication shall include the identity o the team committing the inraction, a brie

    description o the inraction, including its severity, and the nature o the penalty, giving the teams the opportunityto protest.Note: Teams will be assigned penalties or not realiing the daily tasks during the Contest Week, unless there isa clear explanation or not complying with the requirements.

    2.9. ProtestsOcial written protests may be led by teams or any reason. A ling ee o up to 10 points may be assessed tothe team ling the protest i the protest is deemed by the protest resolution committee to be rivolous.a).Teams are encouraged to communicate with the Rules Ocials in an attempt to resolve issues and complaintsbeore resorting to the protest process. Protests should be led only i the team and the Rules Ocials are notable to resolve the dispute themselves; or i the team or the Rules Ocials are too busy to engage in discussionsthat may result in resolution o the dispute without a protest.b).Protests must be submitted between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., and within 24 hours o the action being protested.

    The nal opportunity to le a protest is 5 minutes ollowing the conclusion o the nal sub contest on the nalday o contest week.Exception: The results o one or more sub-contests may be announced during the nal awards ceremony. Theresults o sub contests announced during the nal awards ceremony may not be protested.c).The protest shall be submitted to the Competition Manager Penalties Reeree in a sealed envelope. It shallinclude the name and signature o a Faculty Advisor, the current date and time, an acknowledgement that a10-point ling ee will be assessed, a clear description o the action being protested, and a succinct descriptiono the protest.d).The protest resolution procedure ollows:

    I.The Competition Manager convenes the Protest Resolution Committee.II.The Competition Manager Penalties Reeree submits the sealed envelope containing the teams writtenprotest to the Protest Resolution Committee. Unless the competition manager is called by the committee to

    testiy, he is not permitted to read the protest until ater the protest resolution committee has submitted itswritten decision.III.The Protest Resolution Committee opens the envelope and reads the protest in private. No appearance byorganiers or team members is authoried during the Committees private deliberations. No right to counsel byorganiers or team members is authoried.


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    IV.The Protest Resolution Committee noties the Competition Manager i it would like to call any individualsor testimony. The Competition Manager noties individuals called or testimony. The committee may call theCompetition Manager or testimony.

    V.Testimony is provided by individuals called by the committee.VI.The Protest Resolution Committee noties the Competition Manager o its decision, and indicates howmany points shall be assessed as a ling ee. The decision o the Protest Resolution Committee is nal, and nourther appeals are allowed.VII.I the decision involves changes to a teams score or a reund o some, or all, o the ling ee, theCompetition Manager noties the Scorekeeper o the changes, and the Scorekeeper applies the changes to thescoring server.VIII.The Competition Manager posts a copy o the written protest and decision on the SDE WORKSPACE.


    3.1. EntrThe project is open to Colleges, Universities, and other post-secondary educational institutions. Entry isdetermined through a proposal process. All proposals are reviewed, scored, and ranked. Based on the quantityand quality o proposals, a limited number o twenty teams will be selected or entry in competition.Three more teams will be selected as reserve teams. In order to develop their project like competing teams, theywill receive the rst nancial endorsement. They will be notied beore November 1-2013 i they are allowedto join the competition as ull competitors. I they are not allowed to do so, they can nevertheless present theirproject in the Solar Village as a non-competing team. Universities that have taken part in previous editions o theSolar Decathlon in United States or in Europe are welcome to submit their proposal to participate in the SolarDecathlon Europe 2014. However, as houses and projects o the previous editions o the Solar Decathlon willnot be able to participate, teams will have to submit a new design proposal.

    3.2. Team Ocers and Contact InormationEach team must provide contact inormation or the Team Ocers listed in Table 1 and must keep the contactinormation current through the duration o the project.a). I a teams internal ocer titles do not exactly match those listed in Table 1, each team shall still provide thecontact inormation or the person ullling each o the areas o responsibility described (See Denitions TeamMembers).b). Teams must provide the contact inormation or one and only one person in each ocer position; thisindividual is responsible or orwarding inormation to any co-ocers, as necessary.c). An individual may have multiple ocer titles.d).The requested inormation must be included in the Press Release (please reer to Rule 30.1 or urther details)The Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France is intended to be a primarily student-run project. The only teamocer who must be a aculty member is the Faculty Advisor. The structural and electrical engineers may be a

    post-graduate student, aculty member or working proessional. It is highly recommended to ll all other teamocer positions with students.

    Table 1: Team ofcers.


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    Faculty Advisor

    Project Manager

    Project Architect

    Project Engineer

    Structural Engineer

    Electrical Engineer

    Student Team Leader

    Health & Saety Team Coordinator

    Saety Ocers

    Site Operations Coordinators

    Contest Captain

    Instrumentation contact

    Communications Coordinator

    Sponsorship manager

    3.3. SaetEach team is responsible or the saety o its operations, and each team member and crew shall work in a saemanner at all times during the project. See Section 4.0, Rule 52 or urther inormation.

    3.4. ConductImproper conduct will be not tolerated. Improper conduct may include, but is not limited to, improper language,unsportsmanlike conduct, unsae behavior, distribution o inappropriate media, plagiarism or cheating.

    3.5. Use o Likeness, Content, and Images

    Team members and team crew agree to the use o their names, likenesses, documents, audiovisuals and/or graphics, in any communication materials issued by the SDE2014 organiers, partners, event supportinginstitutions and event sponsors.a). For the Competition dissemination, SDE2014 Organiers, event supporting institutions and event sponsors,may use the teams inormation (content and images).b). The organiers and event sponsors will make all reasonable eorts to credit the sources o content andimages, although they may be published without credit.All materials provided by Teams to the SDE2014 Organiation including, but not exclusively, the mandatorydeliverables, must belong to the participant Teams, or the Team must have been authoried by owners omaterial subject to intellectual property regulations, such as background music or third party images. Thereore,the Teams must submit the SDE 2014 Dissemination Authoriation (available through the SDE WORKSPACE)conveniently signed by the Faculty Advisor, with each audiovisual le.

    Exception: I a team submits content or images that it would like to be kept condential, it should make thatrequest, with an explanation, in writing to the recipient o the content or images. Every eort will be madeto honor requests or condentiality. All condentiality requests expire at the date o the end o the SDE2014competition.


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    3.6. WithdrawalsI a participant team, during the project development, ever thinks o withdrawing rom the Competition due toany reason, they must communicate it to the SDE 2014 Organiation beore taking its nal decision.

    The SDE 2014 Organiation will try to help the Team come across any problem. However i the Team continueswith the idea o withdrawing rom the Competition, they must notiy their decision to the SDE Project Managerwith a letter signed by the Faculty Advisor. All written withdrawals complying with the previous items are nal.


    4.1. Solar Village SpecicationsThe Solar Village specications will be communicated through the SDE WORKSPACE, including a detailed plandrawing indicating its limits, accesses, lots, and circulation areas.The perimeter o the Solar Village will be limited by setting out accesses, the allotted lots, established limitsand internal paths. The SDE 2014 Organiation will provide general lighting o the Solar Village, as well as the

    supply o water, workspaces or each team with Wi-Fi connection, access to private caeterias and public toilets.

    4.2. Civil LiabilitEach team is nancially responsible or any damage it causes in and to the competition site. Thereore, teamsmust contract Compulsory Insurance or the Solar Village.

    4.3. Lot Conditions and attributionThe lots sie is 20.0 m by 20.0 m. A stock area o 20.0 m by 10.0 m is available near to each lot duringassembly/disassembly phases. Once realied the SDE Lot attribution by drawing lots process, the SDE 2014Organiation will notiy the teams the specic conditions or each lot. Teams must design and plan all their siteoperations accordingly. For exceptional reasons beyond the SDE 2014 Organiation, the lots sie may vary.In the Solar Village, lots perimeters will be clearly dened and signposted. Teams may not go beyond these

    limits under any circumstances. Lots must be cleaned and reestablished to its original conditions once theassembly and disassembly process is over.As storage, unloading, assembly and disassembly will take place inside the lots limit during the establishedperiod o time; each team will use part o their lot or storage and unloading during the Assembly andDisassembly Phase. This storage area will have to be reed during competition. The Organiation will provide allteams with a secondary storage area or materials and equipment not in use during competition.

    4.4. Footingsa). Low-impact ootings without ground excavation nor penetration shall be used to support all house and sitecomponents located on the competition site. As vertical elevation change may exist across the lot design andplan adjustable ootings accordingly.b).Footings shall be designed as to comply with the soil bearing pressure criteria specied in the Solar DecathlonEurope Building Code. See Rule 51.6 or urther details.

    c).Once the oundation has been laid out during the assembly, teams shall notiy it to the appropriate Inspectorin order to veriy compliance. The assembly may not continue until this inspection has been passed.

    4.5. Respect o assembl planConstruction phase is integrated in the competition. Indeed, respect o assembly plan submitted by each teamcan give bonus points according to the Table 2. The SDE 2014 Organiation has the authority to determine thebonus points to apply at the end o the competition.

    Table 2: Table o maximum Bonus or respect o assembl and saet plan.

    Bonus points

    Respect o saety plan on construction site 10

    Respect o planned deadline or wind-and-water tight 5

    Respect o planned deadline or electrical connection to village grid 5

    Respect o planned deadline or house delivery 5


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    4.6. Assembl period video recordingIn aims o security, audiovisual-support or competition and communication, cameras will be installed by the

    Organiation in order to record entire assembly period.Images remain property o the Organiation who can use them to veriy saety conditions and communicationpurpose.Teams waive all rights o property to the Organiation but have access to images through SDE WORKSPACE inorder to produce communication documents or the Engineering & Construction jury (reer to Rule 16.5) or anyother team specic use.

    4.7. Construction EquipmentCranes - The crane necessary or loading and unloading in the assembly and disassembly phases will beprovided by the organiation. The participant teams will only have to pay the cranes use hours cost inaccordance with the costs indicated by the SDE 2014 Organiation. The organiation will administer the use othe crane to guarantee its maximum eciency, attending to the needs o each team.

    To acilitate the loading and unloading, the elements o the house and the materials must be as palletable aspossible. As ar as possible, the cranes or alternative means use will be administered with assigned turns. Theexclusive use o these may be possible in two specic cases:

    1. With the universitys express request, under the Organiation approval.2. For cranes use incompatibility.

    The exclusive use o the elevating machinery depends on the economic teams resources and planning.Other machiner - a specialied company chosen by the Organiation provides auxiliary resources or theelevation and movement o the houses and their constitutive elements (orklit, cherry-picker, scaolding).Teams will be oered special rent conditions or material available in a catalog.Access and circulation o heav vehicles Truck-mounted cranes, trailers, semi-trailer trucks, etc. will arriveand will be parked in a Meeting Point near the Solar Village. From there, they will be called in, one ater theother, to guarantee the orderly entry into the Solar Village, always through established paths and ollowing the

    organiations schedule.Circulation o these vehicles will be generally limited to designed circulation paths. However, under specialcircumstances approved by the Site Operations Coordinator, trailers and semi-trailers may be driven on theCompetition Site.The organiation, in accordance with the Site Operations Plan o the Solar Village, will determine a strictentry order o the teams trucks to access the Solar Village and proceed to the unload. This order will be doneconsidering the trucks order established in each particular Site Operations Plan. The above mentioned entryo heavy vehicles will be realied only and exclusively in the specic periods established in the CompetitionCalendar. Only light vehicles will access the Solar Village ater this deadline, being continuously communicatedand coordinated with the organiation.Teams will have to respect internal circulations which will be laid out or vehicles. Only one vehicle/transport perteam will be permitted at a time in the Solar Village. The rest o the vehicles/transports will have to wait or theprevious one to leave the Solar Village. This process will be coordinated between the persons in charge o the

    Site Operations Plan o the Village and those in charge o each team.

    4.8. Generatorsa). Generators are not permitted to power auxiliary equipment and construction lights necessary duringassembly and disassembly.b). Electrical power will be available on each teams lot in a specic Construction Site Box. Provided power willbe limited and monitored.

    4.9. Lighting in the Competition SiteGeneral lighting o lots will be provided by Organiation during stand alone phase and grid tied phase.Stand alone house lighting devices remain in charge o each team during assembly phase.

    4.10. Spill and Waste ProductsDuring assembly and disassembly, teams must take their waste products to the disposal areas available in theSolar Village according to separated wastes collection rules and construction site cleaning.Depending on the degree o the ault, the SDE 2014 Organiation may apply point or time penalties (stoppingthe works), or both. The penalty will be applied according to the Table 3.


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    Table 3: Table o maximum Penalties or waste management and construction site cleaning.

    Qualication o ault Points penalt up to

    Not cleaning construction area 5

    Not respecting stock and work areas 5

    Incorrect waste throw in waste disposal 5

    The total score o bonus and penalties points (about security, planning respect, waste management andconstruction site cleaning) will be announce day by day or each team.The release o water or other liquids in the Solar Village must be realied according to the SDE 2014Organiation.

    4.11. Working SstemEach team will have to name a Site Operation Coordinator responsible or coordinating all its teams siteoperations. (Rule 3.2).For the assembly and disassembly phases there is a specic period established in the Competition Calendar.During these two phases, teams may work 24 hours per day, always complying with the working shitsestablished by the Health and Saety responsible. Please reer to Section 4.0, Rule 52.7.4 or urther detailsregarding working shits and requirements according to Health & Saety regulations.

    4.12. TransportEvery team is responsible or the transport to Versailles. Teams will have to consider the dimensional aspects,suggesting that the maximum load to be palletable. For this reason, exceptional road transports (categories 2and 3 according to French regulation) are not permitted.

    The SDE 2014 Organiation suggests the participant teams to contact transport companies during thedevelopment phase o the project to guarantee that the reight transport rules will be complied with. Specialattention must be paid to Customs regulations by those teams not rom the European Union.


    5.1. Solar Envelope DimensionsTo protect a neighbors right to the sun, the housing unit and all site components on a teams lot must staywithin the solar envelope shown in Figure 1.The solar envelope shape is a truncated pyramid whose basis is measuring 20 m x 20 m and whose centeredtop section is measuring 10 m x 10 m while located at a 7 m height.A lateral storage area is also shown in Figure 1. This storage areas position can vary according to lots location

    in the Solar Village. It is available or teams only during assembly and disassembly phase. It will be used oralleys and pedestrian access to the Solar Village during the competition phase.a). The ocial height o a site component or set o contiguous site components is the vertical distance rom thenished foor level o the house main entrance (which must be accessible to disabled people according to Frenchlaw standards. See Building Code section 4. Rule 51.4) to the highest point o the site component(s).b). Small weather stations, antennas, air vents, and other similar components may be specically exemptedrom the compliance o solar envelope i all o the ollowing conditions are met:

    I.The team makes a request to the SDE 2014 Organiation or an exemption.II.The team can prove to the SDE 2014 Organiations satisaction that the component is not signicantlyrestricting a neighbors right to the sun.III.The SDE 2014 Organiation determines that the component is suciently unique in unction and small insie to warrant an exemption.

    c). Moveable or convertible house or site components shall not extend beyond the solar envelope.


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    Figure 1. Solar Envelope dimensions.


    6.1. Design ApprovalStructural Design Approval - Each team must submit structural drawings and calculations that have beensigned and stamped by a qualied licensed proessional.a). By signing and stamping the structural drawings and calculations, the licensed proessional certies that thestructural provisions o the Solar Decathlon Europe Building Code have been met by the design, and that thestructure is sae or the public to enter i it has been built as designed.b). The licensed proessional must sign and stamp the structural drawings and calculations o the house and allsite components that might pose a threat to public saety i they ail.Electrical and Photovoltaic Design Approval - Each team must submit electrical drawings and calculations thathave been signed and stamped by a qualied licensed proessional. They will include the conventional electricalinstallation as well as the photovoltaic installation.

    a). By signing and stamping the electrical drawings and calculations, the licensed proessional certies that theelectrical provisions o the Solar Decathlon Europe Building Code have been met by the design, and that theelectric system is sae or the public to enter i it has been built as designed.b). The licensed proessional must sign and stamp the electrical drawings and calculations o the house and allsite components that might pose a threat to public saety i they ail.Codes Design Compliance - Each team must submit a document certiying compliance with the country oorigin codes, signed by the aculty advisor.a). By signing this document, the Faculty Advisor certies that the house complies with all the codes o thecountry o origin, thereore the house is sae or the public to enter i it has been built as designed.

    6.2. Maximum Architectural FootprintThe architectural ootprint as dened below cannot exceed 150.0 m2

    a). The ootprint includes the entire area within the dened building perimeter (including the house and the sitecomponents) as well as active systems simulating urban systems set outside o the Measurable Area (see 6.3).b). The deck or platorm is not included in the architectural ootprint.c). For openings located within the ootprint: i there are elements o the openings which visually continuethe house aesthetics, the total area o these openings will be included in the architectural ootprint.(Openings are patios located in the ootprint perimeter).










    disabled people accessible

    above entrance foorlevel

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    d).The maximum observed ootprint o each component during jury tours, public hours, or contests is includedin the architectural ootprint o record. For example, i a team deploys a motoried awning during public hoursto demonstrate its operability, then the additional ootprint attributable to the deployed awning is included in

    the architectural ootprint o record. Teams should anticipate this by integrating the deployed awning area in the150.0 m2 maximum ootprint area.e). Teams planning to use particular components must submit their proposal to the SDE 2014 Organiation.The SDE 2014 Organiation will evaluate individual proposals and designs and determine i its use does or doesnot signiy a competitive advantage. Consequently the component will be approved, and established the areaincluded in the architectural ootprint (the entire area projected or exclusively its elements).

    6.3. Minimum & Maximum Measurable AreaThe measurable area, as dened below, shall be at least 45.0 m2, but shall not exceed 70.0 m2 or one storyhouses and 110,00 m2 or multi-story housing units.Measurable area:a). The covered and constructed surace remaining when walls, columns, stairs shat, under 1.80m high

    spaces, and closets or any other storage or technical element built rom foor to ceiling, are excludedb). The interior suraces o walls dening the buildings thermal envelope orm the measurable area perimeter.c). All primary living areas shall be located within the measurable area.d). I the building has convertible or moveable components, the maximum and minimum measurable areasduring live presentations or shown in printed media presented by the team during jury visits, public exhibits orcontests counts towards the maximum and minimum measurable areas o record respectively.Multi-stor housing units:a). The largest o the two foors shall not exceed 70,00 m2 o measurable area.b). Concerning general public (including disabled persons) access to possible 2nd foor, the French regulation isapplying. (See Rule 51).

    6.4. Entrance and Exit Routes

    a). The main entrance may be placed on any side o the house. However, an accessible route leading to androm the main street o the Solar Village to and rom the main entrance o the house shall be provided.Possible Exception: pending the approval o the SDE 2014 Organiation, teams on corner lots may modiy theexit route so that it empties onto a cross street. Teams requesting this option shall provide an alternate site planin the Construction Documents that shows an exit to the cross street. The alternate site plan will be considered ithe team ends up on a corner lot.b). Teams shall clearly illustrate and label the entrance and exit routes between solar envelope property linesand house entrance/exit in the project drawings and in the Competition Site.

    6.5. Projects minimum requirementsTo participate in the 10 Contests o the Competition, teams projects must include as minimum the ollowing: Appliances See Contest 6 for specic details. Workstation.

    Public area for dinners See Contest 6 for further details. Public areas of the house (at least living room and kitchen) shall be open to Public Exhibit, complying with Accessibility requirements (See Rules 51). Interior and Exterior Lighting See Rule12.6.

    6.6. Competition Prototpe AlternatesTeams must present project alternates adapted to French climate conditions or the competition. All modicationsshall be clearly indicated as such in the dierent documentation.

    RULE 7 ENERGyRule 7 applies during the grid-tie assembly but not during stand-alone assembly.

    7.1. Energ SourcesGlobal solar radiation incident upon the lot and the energy in small primary batteries (see Rule 7.4 orlimitations) are the only sources o energy that may be consumed in the operation o the house without therequirement o subsequent energy osets, once the Contest week has started.All other energy sources, such as AC grid energy, consumed in the operation o the house must be oset by an


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    equal or greater amount o energy produced, or regenerated, by the house.

    Note: For saety reasons, the use o hydrogen (production, storage and use) is not allowed on the Solar Village.Geothermal resources can be integrated in the projects local conditions description included in Project Manualand SDT Simulations in local conditions on a yearly basis. Nevertheless Geothermal Energy cannot physicallybe supplied in Versailles and has to be simulated by an active system. Energy consumption used to simulateground supplies will be counted in the Energy Balance in order to establish a air comparison between teams,but can be valoried in the Energy Eciency Analysis presented to dierent juries (Architecture, Engineering,Energy Eciency).

    7.2. Village GridThe organiers shall provide the village with an electric power grid that provides AC power to or accepts ACpower rom the houses.a). The organiers shall provide the necessary service conductors and connect the conductors at the utilityintertie point.

    b). A team must notiy the organiers i its house operates with an AC service other than 50 H, 230V (phase-neutral).c). The Low Voltage grounding means system o the electricity distribution grid in the Solar Village ollows a TTconguration (Note: the LV grounding means system characteries the grounding means mode o the secondaryo the MV/LV transormer and the means o grounding means the installation rames). This aspect should becareully taken into account when designing the grounding means o the house and photovoltaic system (seegrounding means requirements in the IEC standard and French regulations mentioned in Rule 51.7).d). There will be a General box in each o the lots with the necessaries protections or the electrical connection tothe General grid o the Solar Village. Each team has the responsibility o reaching with the conduits the GeneralBox. In any case, conduits will be let in the general connection box o the lots and the connection will be madeby an authoried technical expert o the Organiation. The individual branch must have a section o 3x16 mm2,insulation 0.6/1 kV and be halogen ree.

    e).The team is responsible or calculating the house electrical grounding necessities. The Organiation willexecute the grounding system o the Solar Village with buried plates grounding connection points; in this way,each house will have one connection point, both or the electrical consumption (AC, alternate current) and orthe electrical generation (photovoltaic system).

    7.3. PV Technolog Limitationsa). Bare photovoltaic cells must be commercially available to all teams by the beginning o the Final Phaseo the SDE2014 Competition (June 2014) Custom-designed PV modules will be permitted, provided that themanuacturer demonstrates that the PV modules have been manuactured in accordance with the relevantstandards applicable (e.g. IEC 61215 or crystalline silicon terrestrial PV modules and IEC 61646 or thin-lmterrestrial PV modules).b). Encapsulated photovoltaic modules must be commercially available to all teams by the beginning o the FinalPhase o the SDE2014 Competition (June 2014)

    c). Substantial modication o the crystal structure, junction, or metalliation constitutes manuacture o a newcell and is not allowed.d). Photovoltaic installation sie is limited by the ollowing rule: the maximum power o all power conditioningequipment connected to PV generation (DC/DC and/or DC/AC) is limited to 5 kWp. For DC/AC powerconditioning (inverters), the maximum power to be considered is the nominal power, dened as the maximumoutput power without time limitations/constraints.e). I technologies dierent rom Photovoltaic are used or electricity generation, the limit o 5 kWp mentioned inthe Rule 7.3.d applies to the aggregate o electricity generation installations (Photovoltaic and non-Photovoltaic).Exception: Sel-sucient exterior equipments (or example, exterior lightings, etc.) are permitted outside o thearchitectural ootprint (dened in Rule 6.2) and could be excluded or the limit o 5 kWp limit as long as they donot contribute to the unctioning o the housing unit and are restricted to exterior uses during public tours.

    7.4. Batteriesa). The use o primary (non-rechargeable) batteries (no larger than 9V in sie) is limited to smoke detectors,remote controls, thermostats, alarm clock backups, and other small devices that typically use small primarybatteries.b). For hard-wired battery bank, teams must discuss the SDE 2014 Organiation in order to apply or specicrules. The inverter to be used together with the battery bank must be designed or operation in a grid type TT


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    (see Rule 7.2), this characteristic will be properly justied in the corresponding technical document. Maximalstorage capacity o the battery bank (on site and integrated in mobility equipment) is 6 kWh. Nominal powero the battery bank inverter is limited to 5000 VA. (Note: nominal power o the inverter is the maximum output

    power on the AC side without time limitations/constraints). Hard-wired battery banks have to respect specicelectrical requirements, particularly concerning connections with the photovoltaic installation. At the beginning othe competition phase, battery banks must be completely discharged.c). The Organiers shall approve the use o small stand-alone (i.e., non plug-in) secondary batteries on acase-by-case basis.d). Plug-in (non hard-wired) devices with small secondary (rechargeable) batteries that are designed to berecharged by the houses electrical system (e.g., a laptop computer), shall be connected, or plugged into thehouses electrical system whenever the devices are located in the house or on the house site. (They shall not berecharged in a system outside the house).Exception: Devices that are not used in the house unctionning at any time during the contest week, like TVscreens or public tour communication, team members personal computers, portable electronic devices used ormobile communication, such as cell phones and PDAs, are permitted on site without having to be plugged into

    the houses electrical system. However, i a team uses any o these devices as a remote control o the housesequipment or houses systems, or as an active element in the houses system, penalties can be applied by theOrganiation.

    7.5. Connection o the houses to the Solar Village gridOnce the nal electrical inspection (including photovoltaic systems) has been approved, the houses will beocially connected to the Solar Village grid. The Electrical Energy Balance o the houses at the beginning o thecompetition will be ero.

    I.From the approval o the nal electrical inspection to the beginning o the contests (Contest Week), in theelectrical panels o the houses only the circuit breakers o the household appliances, the independent circuitbreaker or contest 6.9 (Home Electronics) and the lighting circuit breakers can be activated.II.The houses ocially connected to the grid will not be allowed to use any thermal energy storage active

    system or conditioning active system until the beginning o the measured contests (during the Contest Week).For houses with electricity storage systems:I.The Organiation may ask the teams which have the intention to use batteries to comply with some specicrequirements in order to be allowed to use them during the competition.II.In relation with the houses using batteries, once the designs o the electrical systems (including photovoltaicsystems) have been approved, the organiation will let them know i they must comply with any specicrequirement beore the beginning o the measured contests.

    7.6. Thermal Energ StorageThermal energy storage devices located outside o the ootprint shall be ully shaded rom direct solar radiation.

    7.7. Desiccant SstemsTeams must communicate to the SDE 2014 Organiation i they are planning to incorporate a desiccant system.

    I a desiccant system is used, it must be regenerative.a). To ensure that the desiccant has been ully regenerated by the conclusion o the Electrical Energy Balancecontest, the desiccant material or device must be easily measurable.b). In most cases, the material or device will be measured prior to and at the conclusion o the Electrical EnergyBalance contest. In some cases, a measurement at the conclusion o the Electrical Energy Balance contest willnot be necessary.c). At the conclusion o the Electrical Energy Balance contest, the weight o the desiccant material or device shallbe less than or equal to its initial weight.d). Some desiccant systems with very low moisture storage capacities may be exempt rom this requirement.e). Exemptions will be granted on a case-by-case basis.

    7.8. Humidication Sstems

    I a team is intending to use a humidication system, must notiy the Organiation or approval all the systemscharacteristics, and the corresponding certications o the dierent elements.

    7.9. Heat SinkDedicated heat sinks are not subject to the requirements o Rules 6.2 or 7.6.

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    A component that may, at different times, perform as either a heat sink or a heat source shall comply withRule 7.6. I such a component does not comply with Rule 7.6, it shall comply with Rule 6.2.


    8.1. Containers Locationsa). Liquids supply and waste containers shall be located outside o the measurable area.b). Liquids solar storage, hot water, or other thermal storage tanks may be located within the measurable area.c). Liquids supply and waste tank(s) or container(s) shall be ully shaded rom direct solar radiation.

    8.2. Water DeliverThe procedure and associated requirements or water delivery is as ollows:a). The Solar Decathlon Organiation Europe will supply non potable water or the contest purposes. Every teammust have all the necessary means required by the SDE 2014 Organiation or this end.

    b.) Construction Documents must clearly indicate the ll location(s), quantity o water requested at each lllocation, container(s) dimensions, diameter o the opening(s) and clearance above the tank(s). All openingsmust be easily accessible.c). Teams are responsible or distributing water within their houses. This includes all necessary pumps, tanks,lines, valves, etc.d). The organiation will establish the water supply calendar beore the competition. The supply in any othermoment will be under express request, approval and supervision o the organiation.e). Moreover,water storages must be completely empty at the beginning o the competition phase.

    8.3. Water RemovalThe procedure and associated requirements or water removal is as ollows:a). Construction Documents must clearly indicate the removal location(s), quantity o water to be removed

    rom each removal location, tank dimensions, diameter o the opening(s) and clearance above the tank(s). Allopenings shall be easily accessible.b.) The water removal will be always under express request, approval and supervision o the Organiation.

    8.4. Team Provided LiquidsA team may provide its own liquids or the ollowing purposes:a). Personal hydrationb). Food preparationc). Thermal mass (quantity limited by soil bearing pressure limit and rule 4.4; see rule 8.8 or restrictions)d). Hydronic system pressure testinge). Small volumes o glycol, deionied water, or other working fuids or thermodynamic systems using workingfuids other than non-potable water). Assembly (e.g., hydraulic fuid), nishing (e.g., paint), and cleaning (e.g., mineral spirits).

    8.5. Gre Water Reusea). In the Solar Village, teams may reuse grey water or irrigation only.b). Grey water reuse systems shall comply with Rule 9.2.

    8.6. Rainwater CollectionA team may collect rainwater that alls on its site and use it in or as any o the ollowing:a). Irrigation source.b). Water eature.c). Heat sink.d). Heat source (only i it is ully shaded or located within the house measurable area, or both).

    8.7. EvaporationWater may be used or evaporation purposes.

    8.8. Thermal Massa). Teams may use liquids as thermal mass. The thermal storage containers shall be lled and sealed beoretheir arrival on the competition site and shall remain sealed until they are removed rom the competition site by



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    the teams.b). The thermal storage containers shall be isolated, i.e., the contained liquid shall not circulate to othercontainers or systems.

    8.9. Gre Water Heat RecoverHeat may be recovered rom grey water as it fows rom the drain to the waste tank. Batch-type grey waterheat recovery is prohibited.


    9.1. PlacementThe use o potted vegetation is permitted. All potted vegetation must comply with Rules 4.4 and 4.8. Vegetationmay be moved around the lot until the beginning o the contest week, ater which it shall remain stationary untilthe conclusion o the contest week unless the construction documents clearly show how some or all vegetation

    is designed to be moved as part o an integrated system.

    9.2. Watering RestrictionsGrey water, that may possibly contain organisms that may go septic, shall not be used to water vegetation.


    10.1. IntroductionA signicant part o the scoring o the competition consists on the measurement o dierent items and on thecorrect perormance o various tasks. The Monitoring system is responsible or controlling these measurements.All sensors, wiring, tripods and the rest o the material necessary or these tasks will be provided by the SDE

    2014 Organiation.Monitoring is structured in two independent areas:1.Electrical: Responsible or the monitoring o Contest 4: Electrical Energy Balance, evaluating the houseselectrical energy sel-suciency provided by solar active technology and their electricity use intensity.2.Instrumentation: Responsible or the monitoring o Contest 5: Comort Conditions and Contest 6: HouseFunctioning, by locating sensors where appropriate.There are two types o monitoring: Continuous Monitoring and Monitoring Tasks, depending on whether themeasurements are continuous or punctual. The ollowing diagram shows which measurements belong to eachgroup.

    Chart 3: Monitoring tpes.






    4. Eectrica Eerg Baace 5. Crt Cditis 5. Crt Cditis 4.1 Electricity Autonomy 5.1 Temperature 5.4 Workstation Lighting 4.2 Temporary correlation 5.2 Humidity 5.5 Accoustic 4.3 Electricity use per measurable area 5.3 Indoor Quality air 5.4 Workstation Lighting

    6. Huse Fucti 6. Huse Fucti 6.1 Rerigerator 6.3 Clothes Washer 6.2 Freeer 6.4 Clothes Dryer* 6.5 Dish Washer

    6.6 Oven6.7 Hot water draws*6.8 Cooking*6.9 Home electronics6.10 Dining6.11 Water

    Notes: see the measurement periods in the competition Calendar*: Subcontest based upon the observer notes, not on sensors measurements

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    Further inormation regarding the monitoring system o the SDE 2014 Competition will be available through theSDE WORKSPACE, Ocial Communications, Rules & Related Documentation, Monitoring Contests ProceduresPresentation and Technical Monitoring Procedures Document.

    10.2. SDE Sensors Location and Wire RoutingA summary o the sensors location and wire routing is provided in this section. Extended inormation isincluded in the Technical Monitoring Procedures Document, available through the SDE WORKSPACE, OcialCommunications, Rules & Related Documentation.(To be posted beore Deliverable #4).a). Instrumentation.- The Organiation will supply a list o all the SDE instrumentation devices necessary or theMonitoring System o the houses.b). Sensors Location.- The location o sensors is determined by the Organiation, on the basis o Deliverable#3 Projects Documents.c). Wire Routing.- As sensors will be wired, there has to be a route or running wires rom each sensor locationto the data logger. The Teams are responsible to provide a wire routing that permits a quick and easy installationand removal o the SDE Instrumentation wires. This route must be clearly detailed in Construction Documents

    (Deliverable #4). This easy installation is mandatory to ensure the house to be monitored in order to enter theCompetition. These wires and sensors are installed temporarily or the contest week.d).Feed-through.- All devices used or the monitoring will be located indoors in a specic monitoring panelroom. Houses must provide eed-through to pass the power and ethernet wires rom the exterior to the interior othat room.e). Instrumentation Plan and Approval. Teams must submit instrumentation drawings showing the location othe SDE sensors, meters, and the wire routing. Teams must have the Instrumentation Plan approved by the SDE2014 Organiation to be able to participate in the Final Phase o the Competition. The procedure is as ollows:

    Before the nal phase of the Competition:

    1. The Organiation determines and indicates location o the sensors on the basis o Project Documentsincluded in Deliverable #3.

    2. The Team integrates wire routing and Monitoring Panel in a Preliminary Monitoring Plan delivered toOrganiation two weeks ater sensors location denition sent by the Organiation.3. The Organiation examines this document and eventually asks or modications beore approval o the FinalMonitoring Plan. The approved Final Monitoring Plan is included in Construction Documents (Deliverable #4).4. Final minor changes can be allowed by the Organiation ater submission o Updated ConstructionDocuments (Deliverable #5).

    In situ, during the assembly period:

    1. The SDE 2014 Organiation M&S team responsible or monitoring and scoring system implementationwill check the spaces provided or the wiring (channels, paths, holes, etc). I these construction elements arephysically not available as indicated in the approved Construction Documents penalties can be applied by theOrganiation.2. The Team will make the adjustments necessary so that the instrumentation system can be saely and robustly

    installed by the SDE 2014 Organiation.3. The SDE 2014 Organiation will mark the location o the sensors4. The SDE 2014 Organiation will install the monitoring panel, power it and check everything is correctlyinstalled.5. The SDE 2014 Organiation will wire the sensors to the monitoring panel.6. The SDE 2014 Organiation will veriy the operation o the sensors.7. Teams are responsible or the monitoring system integrity during competition phase.

    10.3. Blowerdoor testAt the beginning o competition phase, a blower-door test will be conducted or each house to control airtighnessvalue. This test will respect the EN13829 norm. The objective is just to corroborate values announced in ProjectDocuments or those teams who are considering airtightness as necessary in their thermal strategies. For teams

    who are not considering airtightness as necessary, this test will not be perormed.

    10.4. Real lie conditions experimentationThe Organiation is currently working on the denition o a real lie condition process using prototypes during thecompetition (24 hours/day). This process will be determined in Rules next drat.


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    11.1. RegistrationAll Solar Decathlon Europe participants, attending the Final Phase o the Competition, must register through theonline registration site, which will be available closer to the event. Only or special cases, registration will be on-site in Versailles, France. Due to saety concerns, the dierent categories o participants will have dierent typeso access (such as to restricted areas or during 1/restricted times).The ollowing rules apply to registrants:a). All registrants:

    I.Each event participant must register individually. Group registrations are not allowed.II.When registering, event participants must complete all required inormation and orms beore access to theevent is allowed.

    b). Organiers, team members and jurors:I.Will be required to provide a photo that will be kept on le and used or security purposes.II.In order to avoid delays, the SDE 2014 Organiation encourages using the online registration site and

    submitting the completed orms, inormation, and photos prior to the event.III.Once the SDE 2014 Organiation receives all the inormation required, orms, and photos, an event securityID will be issued to all individuals and must be visible at all times.

    c). Sta and team crew:I.Will be required to provide a photo that will be kept on le and used or security purposes.

    d). Visiting media:I.Must check in at event headquarters.II.Will be required to provide a photo that will be kept on le and used or security purposes.

    11.2. Use o the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France LogoAll communication materials produced by or in collaboration with the teams, beore, during and ater thecompetition, must reer prominently to the project as the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France and shall

    credit the Solar Decathlon Europe as indicated by the organiers. This includes all the materials and/or meansin which companies and/or institutions reer to their collaboration with one or more teams by using their logo(s).The SDE C