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Division 1

2001 EditionJuly 1, 2001




COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services


Date of Issuance: July 1, 2001(Includes all Addenda dated July 2000 and earlier)

This international code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards and it is an American National Standard. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced toassure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standardwas made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.

ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned

in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicableletters patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity ofany such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.

Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government orindustry endorsement of this code or standard.

ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASMEprocedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.

The footnotes in this document are part of this American National Standard.

ASME collective membership mark

The above ASME symbols are registered in the U.S. Patent Office.“ASME” is the trademark of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system orotherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 56-3934Printed in the United States of America

Adopted by the Council of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1914.Revised 1940, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986,

1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001

The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York NY 10016-5990


All Rights Reserved

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services




I Rules for Construction of Power BoilersII Materials

Part A — Ferrous Material SpecificationsPart B — Nonferrous Material SpecificationsPart C — Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler MetalsPart D — Properties

III Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2III Division 1

Subsection NB — Class 1 ComponentsSubsection NC — Class 2 ComponentsSubsection ND — Class 3 ComponentsSubsection NE — Class MC ComponentsSubsection NF — SupportsSubsection NG — Core Support StructuresSubsection NH — Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature ServiceAppendices

III Divisio n 2 — Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and ContainmentsIII Divisio n 3 — Containment Systems for Storage and Transport Packagings of Spent Nuclear Fuel

and High Level Radioactive Material and WasteIV Rules for Construction of Heating BoilersV Nondestructive ExaminationVI Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating BoilersVII Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power BoilersVIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

Division 1Division 2 — Alternative RulesDivision 3 — Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels

IX Welding and Brazing QualificationsX Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure VesselsXI Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components


Colored-sheet Addenda, which include additions and revisions to individual Sections of the Code, arepublished annually and will be sent automatically to purchasers of the applicable Sections up to thepublication of the 2004 Code. The 2001 Code is available only in the loose-leaf format; accordingly,the Addenda will be issued in the loose-leaf, replacement-page format.


ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of technical aspects of the Code.The Interpretations for each individual Section will be published separately and will be included aspart of the update service to that Section. They will be issued semiannually (July and December) upto the publication of the 2004 Code. Interpretations of Section III, Divisions 1 and 2, will be includedwith the update service to Subsection NCA.


The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regularly to consider proposed additions and revisionsto the Code and to formulate Cases to clarify the intent of existing requirements or provide, when theneed is urgent, rules for materials or constructions not covered by existing Code rules. Those Caseswhich have been adopted will appear in the appropriate 2001 Code Cases book: (1) Boilers and PressureVessels and (2) Nuclear Components. Supplements will be sent automatically to the purchasers of theCode Cases books up to the publication of the 2004 Code.

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CONTENTSA Detailed Contents Precedes Each Part and the Appendices

Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Statements of Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xiii

Summary of Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xxiii

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Subsection A General Requirements

Part UG General Requirements for All Methods of Construction andAll Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Subsection B Requirements Pertaining to Methods of Fabrication ofPressure Vessels

Part UW Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Welding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Part UF Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Forging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Part UB Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by Brazing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Subsection C Requirements Pertaining to Classes of MaterialsPart UCS Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Carbon and

Low Alloy Steels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

Part UNF Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of NonferrousMaterials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Part UHA Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of High AlloySteel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Part UCI Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Cast Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Part UCL Requirements for Welded Pressure Vessels Constructed ofMaterial With Corrosion Resistant Integral Cladding, Weld MetalOverlay Cladding, or With Applied Linings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Part UCD Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of Cast DuctileIron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Part UHT Requirements for Pressure Vessels Constructed of FerriticSteels With Tensile Properties Enhanced by Heat Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . 247

Part ULW Requirements for Pressure Vessels Fabricated by LayeredConstruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

Part ULT Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels Constructed of MaterialsHaving Higher Allowable Stresses at Low Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288


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Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

Mandatory Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

Nonmandatory Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494

SI Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660


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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers setup a committee in 1911 for the purpose of formulatingstandard rules for the construction of steam boilers andother pressure vessels. This committee is now calledthe Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee.

The Committee’s function is to establish rules deemednecessary for the new construction1 of pressure vesselsthat will perform in a safe and reliable manner, andto interpret these rules when questions arise regardingtheir intent. With few exceptions, the rules do not, ofpractical necessity, reflect the likelihood and conse-quences of deterioration in service related to specificservice fluids or external operating environments. Rec-ognizing this, the Committee has approved a widevariety of construction1 rules in this Section to allowthe user or his designee to select those which willprovide a pressure vessel having a margin for deteriora-tion in service so as to give a reasonably long, safeperiod of usefulness. Accordingly, it is not intendedthat this Section be used as a design handbook; rather,engineering judgment must be employed in the selectionof those sets of Code rules suitable to any specificservice or need.

This Code contains mandatory requirements, specificprohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for construc-tion1 activities. The Code does not address all aspectsof these activities and those aspects which are notspecifically addressed should not be considered prohib-ited. The Code is not a handbook and cannot replaceeducation, experience, and the use of engineering judg-ment. The phraseengineering judgmentrefers to techni-cal judgments made by knowledgeable designers experi-enced in the application of the Code. Engineeringjudgments must be consistent with Code philosophyand such judgments must never be used to overrulemandatory requirements or specific prohibitions ofthe Code.

The Committee recognizes that tools and techniquesused for design and analysis change as technologyprogresses and expects engineers to use good judgmentin the application of these tools. The designer is respon-

1 Construction, as used in this Foreword, is an all-inclusive termcomprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection,testing, certification, and pressure relief.


sible for complying with Code rules and demonstratingcompliance with Code equations when such equationsare mandatory. The Code neither requires nor prohibitsthe use of computers for the design or analysis ofcomponents constructed to the requirements of theCode. However, designers and engineers using computerprograms for design or analysis are cautioned that theyare responsible for all technical assumptions inherentin the programs they use and they are responsible forthe application of these programs to their design.

The Code does not fully address tolerances. Whendimensions, sizes, or other parameters are not specifiedwith tolerances, the values of these parameters areconsidered nominal and allowable tolerances or localvariances may be considered acceptable when basedon engineering judgment and standard practices asdetermined by the designer.

The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee dealswith the care and inspection of boilers and pressurevessels in service only to the extent of providingsuggested rules of good practice as an aid to ownersand their inspectors.

The rules established by the Committee are not tobe interpreted as approving, recommending, or endors-ing any proprietary or specific design or as limitingin any way the manufacturer’s freedom to choose anymethod of design or any form of construction thatconforms to the Code rules.

The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meetsregularly to consider revisions of the rules, new rulesas dictated by technological development, Code Cases,and requests for interpretations. Only the Boiler andPressure Vessel Committee has the authority to provideofficial interpretations of this Code. Requests for revi-sions, new rules, Code Cases, or interpretations shallbe addressed to the Secretary in writing and shall givefull particulars in order to receive consideration andaction (see Mandatory Appendix covering preparationof technical inquiries). Proposed revisions to the Coderesulting from inquiries will be presented to the MainCommittee for appropriate action. The action of theMain Committee becomes effective only after confirma-tion by letter ballot of the Committee and approval byASME.

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Proposed revisions to the Code approved by theCommittee are submitted to the American NationalStandards Institute and published inMechanical Engi-neeringto invite comments from all interested persons.After the allotted time for public review and finalapproval by ASME, revisions are published annuallyin Addenda to the Code.

Code Cases may be used in the construction ofcomponents to be stamped with the ASME Code symbolbeginning with the date of their approval by ASME.

After Code revisions are approved by ASME, theymay be used beginning with the date of issuance shownon the Addenda. Revisions, except for revisions tomaterial specifications in Section II, Parts A and B,become mandatory 6 months after such date of issuance,except for boilers or pressure vessels contracted forprior to the end of the 6 month period. Revisions tomaterial specifications are originated by the AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and otherrecognized national or international organizations, andare usually adopted by ASME. However, those revisionsmay or may not have any effect on the suitability ofmaterial, produced to earlier editions of specifications,for use in ASME construction. ASME material specifi-cations approved for use in each construction Code arelisted in the Appendices of Section II, Parts A and B.These Appendices list, for each specification, the latestedition adopted by ASME, and earlier and later editionsconsidered by ASME to be identical for ASME con-struction.

Manufacturers and users of components are cautionedagainst making use of revisions and Cases that are lessrestrictive than former requirements without havingassurance that they have been accepted by the properauthorities in the jurisdiction where the component isto be installed.

Each state and municipality in the United States andeach province in Canada that adopts or accepts one ormore Sections of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codeis invited to appoint a representative to act on theConference Committee to the Boiler and Pressure VesselCommittee. Since the members of the Conference Com-mittee are in active contact with the administration andenforcement of the rules, the requirements for inspectionin this Code correspond with those in effect in theirrespective jurisdictions. The required qualifications foran Authorized Inspector under these rules may beobtained from the administrative authority of any state,municipality, or province which has adopted these rules.

The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in theformulation of its rules and in the establishment ofmaximum design and operating pressures considersmaterials, construction, methods of fabrication, inspec-


tion, and safety devices. Permission may be grantedto regulatory bodies and organizations publishing safetystandards to use a complete Section of the Code byreference. If usage of a Section, such as Section IX,involves exceptions, omissions, or changes in provisions,the intent of the Code might not be attained.

Where a state or other regulatory body, in the printingof any Section of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,makes additions or omissions, it is recommended thatsuch changes be clearly indicated.

The National Board of Boiler and Pressure VesselInspectors is composed of chief inspectors of statesand municipalities in the United States and of provincesin Canada that have adopted the Boiler and PressureVessel Code. This Board, since its organization in 1919,has functioned to uniformly administer and enforce therules of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Thecooperation of that organization with the Boiler andPressure Vessel Committee has been extremely helpful.

The Code Committee does not rule on whether acomponent shall or shall not be constructed to theprovisions of the Code. The Scope of each Sectionhas been established to identify the components andparameters considered by the Committee in formulatingthe Code rules. Laws or regulations issued by municipal-ity, state, provincial, federal, or other enforcement orregulatory bodies having jurisdiction at the location ofan installation establish the mandatory applicability ofthe Code rules, in whole or in part, within theirjurisdiction. Those laws or regulations may require theuse of this Code for vessels or components not consid-ered to be within its Scope or may establish additions ordeletions in that Scope. Accordingly, inquiries regardingsuch laws or regulations are to be directed to theissuing enforcement or regulatory body.

Questions or issues regarding compliance of a specificcomponent with the Code rules are to be directed tothe ASME Certificate Holder (Manufacturer). Inquiriesconcerning the interpretation of the Code are to bedirected to the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCommittee. ASME is to be notified should questionsarise concerning improper use of an ASME Codesymbol.

The specifications for materials given in Section IIare identical with or similar to those of specificationspublished by ASTM, AWS, and other recognized na-tional or international organizations. When reference ismade in an ASME material specification to a non-ASME specification for which a companion ASMEspecification exists, the reference shall be interpretedas applying to the ASME material specification. Notall materials included in the material specifications inSection II have been adopted for Code use. Usage is

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limited to those materials and grades adopted by atleast one of the other Sections of the Code for applica-tion under rules of that Section. All materials allowedby these various Sections and used for constructionwithin the scope of their rules shall be furnished inaccordance with material specifications contained inSection II or referenced in Appendices A of SectionII, Parts A and B except where otherwise provided inCode Cases or in the applicable Section of the Code.Materials covered by these specifications are acceptablefor use in items covered by the Code Sections onlyto the degree indicated in the applicable Section. Materi-als for Code use should preferably be ordered, produced,and documented on this basis; Appendix A to SectionII, Part A and Appendix A to Section II, Part B listeditions of ASME and year dates of specifications thatmeet ASME requirements and which may be used inCode construction. Material produced to an acceptable


specification with requirements different from the re-quirements of the corresponding specifications listed inAppendix A of Part A or Part B may also be usedin accordance with the above, provided the materialmanufacturer or vessel manufacturer certifies with evi-dence acceptable to the Authorized Inspector that thecorresponding requirements of specifications listed inAppendix A of Part A or Part B have been met.Material produced to an acceptable material specificationis not limited as to country of origin.

When required by context in this Section, the singularshall be interpreted as the plural, and vice-versa; andthe feminine, masculine, or neuter gender shall betreated as such other gender as appropriate.

Publication of the SI (Metric) Edition of the ASMEBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code was discontinued withthe 1986 Edition. Effective October 1, 1986, the SIEdition was withdrawn as an ASME Boiler and PressureVessel Code document.

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ASME has established procedures to authorize quali-fied organizations to perform various activities in ac-cordance with the requirements of the ASME Boilerand Pressure Vessel Code. It is the aim of the Societyto provide recognition of organizations so authorized.An organization holding authorization to perform vari-ous activities in accordance with the requirements ofthe Code may state this capability in its advertisingliterature.

Organizations that are authorized to use Code Symbolsfor marking items or constructions which have been con-structed and inspected in compliance with the ASMEBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code are issued Certificates ofAuthorization. It is the aim of the Society to maintain thestanding of the Code Symbols for the benefit of the users,the enforcement jurisdictions, and the holders of the sym-bols who comply with all requirements.

Based on these objectives, the following policy hasbeen established on the usage in advertising of facsimilesof the symbols, Certificates of Authorization, and refer-ence to Code construction. The American Society ofMechanical Engineers does not “approve,” “certify,”



The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code providesrules for the construction of boilers, pressure vessels, andnuclear components. This includes requirements for mate-rials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, andstamping. Items constructed in accordance with all of theapplicable rules of the Code are identified with the officialCode Symbol Stamp described in the governing Section ofthe Code.

Markings such as “ASME,” “ASME Standard,” orany other marking including “ASME” or the variousCode Symbols shall not be used on any item which is


“rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, or activityand there shall be no statements or implications whichmight so indicate. An organization holding a CodeSymbol and/or a Certificate of Authorization may statein advertising literature that items, constructions, oractivities “are built (produced or performed) or activitiesconducted in accordance with the requirements of theASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,” or “meetthe requirements of the ASME Boiler and PressureVessel Code.”

The ASME Symbol shall be used only for stampingand nameplates as specifically provided in the Code.However, facsimiles may be used for the purpose offostering the use of such construction. Such usage maybe by an association or a society, or by a holder of a CodeSymbol who may also use the facsimile in advertising toshow that clearly specified items will carry the symbol.General usage is permitted only when all of a manufactur-er’s items are constructed under the rules.

The ASME logo, which is the cloverleaf with theletters ASME within, shall not be used by any organiza-tion other than ASME.

not constructed in accordance with all of the applicablerequirements of the Code.

Items shall not be described on ASME Data ReportForms nor on similar forms referring to ASME whichtend to imply that all Code requirements have beenmet when, in fact, they have not been. Data ReportForms covering items not fully complying with ASMErequirements should not refer to ASME or they shouldclearly identify all exceptions to the ASME require-ments.

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PERSONNELASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee

Subcommittees, Subgroups, and Working GroupsAs of January 1, 2001


D. A. Canonico, Chair W. M. LundyG. G. Karcher, Vice Chair J. R. MacKayJ. S. Brzuszkiewicz, Secretary T. G. McCartyR. W. Barnes U. R. MillerF. P. Barton G. C. MillmanD. L. Berger R. A. MoenM. D. Bernstein P. A. MolvieM. N. Bressler C. C. NeelyP. J. Conlisk T. P. PastorR. E. Feigel C. J. PieperJ. G. Feldstein R. F. ReedyR. E. Gimple B. W. RobertsM. Gold F. J. Schaaf, Jr.O. F. Hedden A. SelzA. J. Justin D. E. TannerD. F. Landers


G. G. Karcher, Chair O. F. HeddenD. A. Canonico, Vice Chair A. J. JustinJ. S. Brzuszkiewicz, Secretary J. R. MacKayJ. G. Feldstein T. P. PastorM. Gold


R. D. Bonner R. C. GriffinR. J. Bosnak E. J. HemzyH. M. Canavan J. E. LattanL. J. Chockie J. LeCoffJ. S. Clarke F. N. MoschiniW. E. Cooper W. E. SomersW. D. Doty L. P. Zick, Jr.


J. R. MacKay, Chair M. GoldA. J. Spencer, Vice Chair F. E. GregorM. R. Argenziano, Secretary D. P. JonesF. P. Barton T. P. PastorM. D. Bernstein C. J. PieperJ. G. Feldstein



J. Tiratto, Chair J. L. JonesL. W. Douthwaite G. F. Wright


A. J. Justin — Ohio (Secretary) J. Lemire — CaliforniaR. J. Aben, Jr. — Michigan C. Lundine — OregonE. A. Anderson — Chicago, Il- S. E. Lyons — Arkansas

linois M. A. Malek — FloridaJ. Anderson — South Dakota G. F. Mankel — AlaskaR. B. Barkdoll — Washington I. W. Mault — Manitoba,R. Barlett — Arizona CanadaF. P. Barton — Virginia H. T. McEwen — MississippiD. E. Burns — Nebraska A. W. Meiring — IndianaC. Castle — Nova Scotia, R. Mile — Ontario, Canada

Canada M. F. Mooney — Massachu-R. R. Cate — Louisiana settsL. Chase — Northwest Territo- Y. Nagpaul — Hawaii

ries, Canada J. D. Payton — PennsylvaniaR. A. Coomes — Kentucky D. K. Peetz — MissouriJ. Corcoran — Connecticut M. R. Peterson — AlaskaD. A. Douin — Illinois D. C. Price — Yukon Territory,D. Eastman — Newfoundland Canada

and Labrador, Canada R. S. Pucek — WisconsinG. L. Ebeyer — New Orleans, C. D. Redmond — Michigan

Louisiana R. D. Reetz — North DakotaE. Everett — Georgia D. E. Ross — New Brunswick,P. C. Hackford — Utah CanadaD. H. Hanrath — North Car- M. Shuff — West Virginia

olina N. Surtees — Saskatchewan,J. B. Harlan — Delaware CanadaM. L. Holloway — Oklahoma M. J. Verhagen — WisconsinK. Hynes — Prince Edward M. Washington — New Jersey

Island, Canada R. B. West — IowaD. T. Jagger — Ohio M. J. Wheel — VermontD. J. Jenkins — Kansas R. K. White — New YorkM. Kotb — Quebec, Canada T. F. Wickham — Rhode IslandK. T. Lau — Alberta, Canada C. S. Withers — Colorado


V. Felix P. WilliamsonL. S. Hung

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J. R. MacKay, Chair T. C. McGoughM. D. Bernstein, Vice Chair R. E. McLaughlinJ. N. Shih, Secretary P. A. MolvieD. L. Berger D. K. ParrishE. Everett J. T. PillowF. R. Gerety R. G. PresnakJ. Hainsworth B. W. RobertsT. E. Hansen R. D. Schueler, Jr.J. S. Hunter R. V. WielgoszinskiC. F. Jeerings R. L. WilliamsW. L. Lowry

Subgroup on Design (SC I)

M. D. Bernstein, Chair J. D. FishburnR. D. Schueler, Jr., Vice Chair C. F. JeeringsP. A. Molvie, Secretary N. SurteesM. L. Coats R. V. Wielgoszinski

Subgroup on Fabrication and Examination (SC I)

D. L. Berger, Chair S. C. PetitgoutR. E. McLaughlin, Secretary J. T. PillowJ. Hainsworth R. D. Schueler, Jr.T. E. Hansen R. V. WielgoszinskiT. C. McGough

Subgroup on General Requirements (SC I)

T. C. McGough, Chair C. F. JeeringsM. D. Bernstein, Vice Chair J. M. LyonsW. L. Lowry, Secretary R. E. McLaughlinD. L. Berger D. K. ParrishE. Everett J. T. PillowF. R. Gerety R. L. WilliamsJ. Hainsworth

Subgroup on Materials (SC I)

B. W. Roberts, Chair F. MasuyamaJ. S. Hunter, Secretary J. M. TanzoshJ. F. Henry H. N. Titer, Jr.J. P. Libbrecht

Subgroup on Piping (SC I)

T. E. Hansen, Chair W. L. LowryD. L. Berger T. C. McGoughM. D. Bernstein R. G. PresnakP. D. Edwards E. A. Whittle



M. Gold, Chair R. K. NanstadR. A. Moen, Vice Chair M. L. NayyarN. Lobo, Secretary E. G. NisbettD. C. Agarwal J. T. ParsonsW. R. Apblett, Jr. D. W. RahoiM. N. Bressler B. W. RobertsJ. Cameron J. T. ParsonsW. D. Doty D. W. RahoiD. W. Gandy B. W. RobertsM. H. Gilkey R. R. SeeleyJ. J. Heger E. ShapiroJ. F. Henry C. E. Spaeder, Jr.C. L. Hoffmann R. W. SwindemanG. C. Hsu J. M. TanzoshF. Masuyama B. E. ThurgoodJ. R. Maurer R. S. Vecchio

Honorary Members (SC II)

A. P. Ahrendt W. D. EdsallR. Dirscherl A. W. Zeuthen

Subgroup on External Pressure (SC II & SC-D)

R. W. Mikitka, Chair D. L. KurleB. R. Morelock, Secretary E. MichalopoulosD. C. Agarwal D. NadelD. J. Green D. F. ShawD. S. Griffin C. E. Spaeder, Jr.M. Katcher C. H. Sturgeon

Subgroup on Ferrous Specifications (SC II)

E. G. Nisbett, Chair W. C. MackK. L. Aber J. R. MaurerA. Appleton A. S. MelilliB. M. Dingman K. E. OrieT. Graham E. UpitisW. N. Holliday R. ZawieruchaD. Janikowski A. W. ZeuthenD. C. Krouse R. H. ZongJ. F. Longenecker

Subgroup on International Material Specifications (SC II)

R. R. Seeley, Chair H. MasahisaW. M. Lundy, Secretary F. OsweillerD. C. Agarwal J. T. ParsonsJ. Cameron R. D. Schueler, Jr.W. D. Doty R. C. SoinD. M. Fryer E. A. SteenJ. P. Glaspie E. UpitisM. Gold

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Subgroup on Nonferrous Alloys (SC II)

D. W. Rahoi, Chair G. C. HsuD. C. Agarwal, Secretary M. KatcherW. R. Apblett, Jr. A. G. Kireta, Jr.L. G. Coffee R. KissellA. Cohen E. ShapiroM. H. Gilkey L. E. ShoemakerB. Heuer R. C. Sutherlin

Subgroup on Strength, Ferrous Alloys (SC II)

B. W. Roberts, Chair F. MasuyamaJ. M. Tanzosh, Secretary R. A. MoenW. R. Apblett, Jr. D. W. RahoiM. Gold C. E. Spaeder, Jr.J. J. Heger R. W. SwindemanC. L. Hoffmann B. E. ThurgoodS. Kinomura T. P. Vassallo

Subgroup on Strength of Weldments (SC II & SC IX)

J. M. Tanzosh, Chair D. W. RahoiC. Robino, Secretary B. W. RobertsW. D. Doty C. E. Spaeder, Jr.J. F. Henry W. J. Sperko

Subgroup on Toughness (SC II & VIII)

W. S. Jacobs, Chair T. T. PhillipsR. J. Basile M. D. RanaJ. Cameron R. R. SeeleyW. D. Doty J. W. StokesH. E. Gordon E. UpitisG. B. Komora R. S. VecchioK. Mokhtarian S. YukawaR. K. Nanstad R. ZawieruchaC. C. Neely


C. J. Pieper, Chair D. H. HanrathR. M. Jessee, Vice Chair R. S. Hill IIIC. A. Sanna, Secretary C. L. HoffmannY. Asada K.-H. HsuR. W. Barnes C. C. KimW. H. Borter D. F. LandersE. B. Branch W. C. LaRochelleM. N. Bressler W. N. McLeanF. C. Cherny R. A. MoenG. D. Cooper D. B. NickersonR. P. Deubler R. F. PerrinW. D. Doty R. F. ReedyF. R. Drahos B. B. ScottK. Ennis M. W. SmithB. A. Erler J. D. StevensonG. M. Foster K. R. Wichman


Subgroup on Containment Systems for Spent Fueland High-Level Waste Transport Packagings (SC III)

G. M. Foster, Chair T. J. NeiderG. J. Solovey, Vice Chair R. E. NickellD. K. Morton D. T. RaskeW. H. Borter T. SaegusaJ. T. Conner N. M. SimpsonR. R. Doggart R. H. SmithE. L. Farrow K. B. SorensonJ. M. Floyd J. D. StevensonD. R. Heath C. J. TemusW. H. Lake P. TurulaH. W. Lee S. YukawaP. McConnell

Subgroup on Design (SC III)

R. P. Deubler, Chair B. JarmanE. B. Branch, Vice Chair R. I. JetterA. N. Nguyen, Secretary J. T. LandT. M. Adams D. F. LandersY. Asada W. N. McLeanR. W. Barnes J. C. MinichielloM. N. Bressler D. B. NickersonC. W. Bruny W. Z. NovakD. L. Caldwell E. C. RodabaughJ. R. Cole I. SaitoG. D. Cooper J. R. SantangeloR. E. Cornman, Jr. G. C. SlagisD. H. Hanrath J. D. StevensonR. W. Haupt K. R. WichmanR. S. Hill III

Working Group on Administration (SG-D) (SC III)

E. B. Branch, Chair D. F. LandersR. W. Barnes, Vice Chair W. N. McLeanR. S. Hill III, Secretary D. B. NickersonC. W. Bruny W. Z. NovakR. P. Deubler J. R. SantangeloJ. T. Land

Working Group on Supports (SG-D) (SC III)

R. J. Masterson, Chair A. S. LaurensonR. M. Dulin, Jr., Secretary A. E. MeligiU. S. Bandyopadhyay G. C. MokF. J. Birch A. N. NguyenJ. R. Cole I. SaitoR. P. Deubler J. R. StinsonJ. C. Finneran, Jr. C.-I. WuJ. C. Hennart

Working Group on Core Support Structures (SG-D) (SC III)

J. T. Land, Chair K. B. LarsenR. H. Hansen J. F. Mullooly

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Working Group on Dynamic and Extreme Load Conditions(SG-D) (SC III)

D. L. Caldwell, Chair W. S. LaPayP. L. Anderson, Secretary H. LockertM. K. Au-Yang A. E. MeligiR. D. Blevins P. R. OlsonP.-Y. Chen R. F. PerryA. Hadjian

Working Group on Piping (SG-D) (SC III)

J. R. Cole, Chair J. F. McCabeP. Hirschberg, Secretary J. C. MinichielloT. M. Adams S. E. MooreG. A. Antaki A. N. NguyenJ. T. Conner O. O. OyamadaA. B. Glickstein R. D. PatelR. J. Gurdal E. C. RodabaughR. W. Haupt J. R. SantangeloJ. C. Hennart M. S. SillsR. S. Hill III G. C. SlagisR. D. Hookway V. K. VermaR. B. Jenkins E. A. WaisD. F. Landers C.-I. WuK. A. Manoly

Working Group on Pumps (SG-D) (SC III)

R. E. Cornman, Jr., Chair J. E. LivingstonH. L. Brammer D. B. NickersonA. A. Fraser R. A. SchusslerM. Higuchi D. B. Spencer, Jr.G. R. Jones H. TafarrodiJ. W. Leavitt G. K. Vaghasia

Working Group on Valves (SG-D) (SC III)

W. N. McLean, Chair S. N. ShieldsR. R. Brodin H. R. SondereggerR. Koester J. C. TsacoyeanesJ. D. Page R. G. Visalli

Working Group on Vessels (SG-D) (SC III)

C. W. Bruny, Chair O. MaekawaG. D. Cooper K. A. ManolyD. H. Hanrath D. E. MatthewsM. Hartzman G. K. MillerW. J. Heilker W. Z. NovakA. Kalnins E. PellingT. M. Khan H. S. Thornton

Special Working Group on Environmental Effects (SG-D) (SC III)

W. Z. Novak, Chair C. L. HoffmannY. Asada R. A. MoenW. J. Heilker S. YukawaR. S. Hill III


Special Working Group on Seismic Piping Rules (SG-D) (SC III)

E. B. Branch, Chair V. MatzenT. M. Adams J. C. MinichielloG. A. Antaki M. S. SillsK. Hasegawa Y. UrabeT. Isogai E. A. WaisH. Kobayashi T. Yamazaki

Subgroup on General Requirements (SC III & SC 3C)

W. C. LaRochelle, Chair R. MileK. Ennis, Secretary M. R. MinickA. Appleton R. F. PerrinB. H. Berg B. B. ScottC. Lizotte D. M. VickeryR. P. McIntyre D. V. WalsheM. J. Meyer

Subgroup on Materials, Fabrication, and Examination (SC III)

C. L. Hoffmann, Chair R. M. JesseeG. P. Milley, Secretary C. C. KimC. W. Allison R. A. MoenB. H. Berg H. MurakamiW. H. Borter C. J. PieperD. Doyle N. M. SimpsonF. R. Drahos R. C. SoinG. M. Foster W. J. SperkoG. B. Georgiev K. B. StuckeyJ. E. Harris S. YukawaR. W. Jackson

Subgroup on Pressure Relief (SC III)

S. F. Harrison, Jr., Chair A. L. SzeglinF. C. Cherny D. G. ThibaultE. M. Petrosky B. S. YorkM. W. Smith

Special Working Group on Editing and Review (SC III)

R. F. Reedy, Chair B. A. ErlerW. H. Borter D. H. HanrathM. N. Bressler W. C. LaRochelleD. L. Caldwell M. W. SmithR. P. Deubler J. D. Stevenson


M. F. Hessheimer, Chair D. C. JengS. J. Rossi, Secretary T. E. JohnsonJ. P. Allen III N.-H. LeeJ. F. Artuso S. F. PutmanR. M. Attar B. B. ScottA. C. Eberhardt R. E. ShewmakerB. A. Erler J. D. StevensonD. J. Haavik A. Y. WongT. C. Inman

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F. P. Barton, Chair R. I. MullicanP. A. Molvie, Vice Chair E. A. NordstromM. R. Argenziano, Secretary J. L. SeigleT. L. Bedeaux D. E. TannerW. L. Haag, Jr. S. V. VoorheesW. M. Hiddleston R. H. WeigelJ. D. Hoh R. V. WielgoszinskiD. H. Mapes J. I. WoodworthK. M. McTague R. B. Duggan, HonoraryK. R. Moskwa Member

Subgroup on Care and Operation of Heating Boilers (SC IV)

J. I. Woodworth, Chair K. M. McTagueM. R. Argenziano, Secretary P. A. MolvieT. L. Bedeaux R. I. MullicanK. J. Hoey T. F. WickhamJ. D. Hoh

Subgroup on Cast Iron Boilers (SC IV)

K. M. McTague, Chair R. H. WeigelC. P. McQuiggan T. F. WickhamK. R. Moskwa J. I. Woodworth

Subgroup on Water Heaters (SC IV)

W. L. Haag, Jr., Chair K. M. McTagueT. L. Bedeaux R. I. MullicanT. D. Gantt D. E. TannerW. M. Hiddleston M. A. TaylorF. M. Lucas T. E. Trant

Subgroup on Welded Boilers (SC IV)

P. A. Molvie, Chair J. L. SeigleT. L. Bedeaux R. P. SullivanD. H. Mapes D. E. TannerE. A. Nordstrom R. V. Wielgoszinski


T. G. McCarty, Chair F. B. KovacsJ. E. Batey, Vice Chair R. W. KruzicE. H. Maradiaga, Secretary J. F. ManningS. J. Akrin W. C. McGaugheyA. S. Birks R. D. McGuireW. T. Clayton F. J. SattlerN. Y. Faransso E. F. Summers, Jr.O. F. Hedden M. J. WheelG. W. Hembree

Subgroup on General Requirements/Personnel Qualifications and Inquiries (SC V)

R. D. McGuire, Chair H. C. GraberJ. E. Batey G. W. HembreeW. T. Clayton J. R. MacKayN. Y. Faransso


Subgroup on Surface Examination Methods (SC V)

A. S. Birks, Chair G. W. HembreeS. J. Akrin R. W. KruzicT. Alexander F. J. SattlerB. H. Clark, Jr. E. F. Summers, Jr.H. C. Graber M. J. Wheel

Subgroup on Volumetric Methods (SC V)

J. E. Batey, Chair E. K. KietzmanS. J. Akrin F. B. KovacsW. T. Clayton R. W. KruzicN. Y. Faransso J. F. ManningH. C. Graber W. C. McGaugheyG. W. Hembree J. R. MitchellB. Kellerhall

Working Group on Acoustic Emissions (SG-VM) (SC V)

B. H. Clark, Jr. J. F. ManningP. M. Horrigan J. R. Mitchell

Working Group on Radiography (SG-VM) (SC V)

G. W. Hembree, Chair N. Y. FaranssoS. J. Akrin H. C. GraberT. Alexander F. B. KovacsJ. E. Batey R. W. Kruzic

Working Group on Ultrasonics (SG-VM) (SC V)

W. T. Clayton, Chair W. C. McGaugheyO. F. Hedden R. PaillamanB. Kellerhall F. J. SattlerE. K. Kietzman M. L. ShakinovskyJ. F. Manning


T. P. Pastor, Chair K. T. LauK. Mokhtarian, Vice Chair R. W. MikitkaA. J. Roby, Secretary U. R. MillerV. Bogosian C. C. NeelyJ. Cameron M. D. RanaS. C. Cyr S. C. RobertsR. M. Elliott C. D. RoderyR. E. Feigel K. J. SchneiderJ. G. Feldstein A. SelzM. J. Houle J. R. Sims, Jr.W. S. Jacobs A. J. SpencerG. G. Karcher E. A. SteenG. B. Komora E. L. Thomas, Jr.

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Subgroup on Design (SC VIII)

U. R. Miller, Chair R. W. MikitkaR. E. Knoblock, Secretary K. MokhtarianR. J. Basile T. P. PastorM. R. Bauman M. D. RanaM. R. Breach G. B. Rawls, Jr.S. M. Caldwell C. D. RoderyJ. R. Farr A. SelzJ. P. Glaspie S. C. ShahG. G. Karcher J. W. StokesG. B. Komora E. L. Thomas, Jr.

Subgroup on Fabrication and Inspection (SC VIII)

C. D. Rodery, Chair R. A. JohnsonE. A. Steen, Vice Chair D. J. KreftJ. L. Arnold F. C. OuyangW. J. Bees M. J. PischkeH. E. Gordon M. J. RiceM. J. Houle W. P. WebbW. S. Jacobs

Subgroup on General Requirements (SC VIII)

S. C. Roberts, Chair W. E. Laveck, Jr.V. Bogosian A. S. MannM. L. Coats C. C. NeelyR. M. Elliott A. S. OlivaresJ. P. Glaspie K. J. SchneiderK. T. Lau A. J. Spencer

Subgroup on Materials (SC VIII)

J. Cameron, Chair W. M. LundyK. L. Aber E. E. MorgeneggD. C. Agarwal E. G. NisbettW. D. Doty J. T. ParsonsD. A. Franklin D. W. RahoiB. Heuer E. UpitisM. Katcher

Special Working Group on Heat Transfer Equipment (SC VIII)

G. B. Komora, Chair T. W. NortonR. P. Zoldak, Secretary F. OsweillerS. M. Caldwell S. C. RobertsM. J. Holtz R. J. StastnyR. Mahadeen S. YokellU. R. Miller


Special Working Group on High-Pressure Vessels (SC VIII)

J. R. Sims, Jr., Chair J. A. KappP. A. Reddington, Secretary D. P. KendallL. P. Antalffy A. K. KhareJ. E. Baxter S. C. MordreR. C. Biel G. J. MrazT. B. Boyd S. N. PagayD. J. Burns E. H. PerezP. N. Chaku D. T. PetersR. E. Feigel L. M. PicqueurD. M. Fryer E. D. RollJ. L. Heck, Jr. W. L. StewartA. H. Honza J. F. SullivanM. M. James F. W. TatarP. Jansson


J. G. Feldstein, Chair A. H. MillerW. J. Sperko, Vice Chair B. R. NewmarkJ. N. Shih, Secretary P. P. NorrisR. B. Barkdoll A. S. OlivaresD. A. Bowers M. J. PischkeM. L. Carpenter S. D. Reynolds, Jr.L. P. Connor M. J. RiceW. D. Doty G. W. Spohn IIIP. D. Flenner M. J. StankoM. J. Houle P. L. Van FossonR. A. Johnson R. R. YoungW. M. Lundy W. K. Scattergood, HonoraryR. D. McGuire Member

Subgroup on Brazing (SC IX)

M. J. Pischke, Chair C. F. JeeringsM. L. Carpenter A. H. MillerM. J. Houle C. Robino

Subgroup on General Requirements (SC IX)

B. R. Newmark, Chair D. W. MannR. B. Barkdoll A. S. OlivaresP. R. Evans H. B. PorterP. C. Filean R. A. WeissR. M. Jessee K. R. Willens

Subgroup on Materials (SC IX)

M. L. Carpenter, Chair H. A. SadlerL. P. Connor C. E. SainzP. D. Flenner C. E. Spaeder, Jr.R. M. Jessee W. J. SperkoC. C. Kim M. J. StankoA. H. Miller R. R. Young

Subgroup on Performance Qualification (SC IX)

D. A. Bowers, Chair M. J. HouleV. A. Bell W. M. LundyL. P. Connor R. D. McGuireR. A. Coomes P. P. NorrisP. D. Flenner W. K. ScattergoodG. Herrmann G. W. Spohn III

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Subgroup on Procedure Qualification (SC IX)

D. A. Bowers, Chair S. D. Reynolds, Jr.R. K. Brown, Jr. M. J. RiceR. A. Johnson W. K. ScattergoodD. W. Mann W. J. SperkoA. H. Miller P. L. Van FossonP. P. Norris T. C. WiesnerA. S. Olivares P. R. WiltF. C. Ouyang


P. J. Conlisk, Chair D. J. PainterD. Eisberg, Vice Chair D. J. PinellA. J. Roby, Secretary J. R. RichterF. L. Brown J. A. RolstonJ. L. Bustillos V. SanchezT. W. Cowley B. F. ShelleyT. J. Fowler J. H. SkaggsL. E. Hunt P. R. WiltJ. C. Murphy D. O. Yancey, Jr.A. L. Newberry


R. E. Gimple, Chair D. F. LandersR. L. Dyle, Vice Chair T. F. LentzO. Martinez, Secretary J. T. LindbergW. H. Bamford, Jr. G. C. MillmanR. L. Beverly G. C. ParkJ. M. Bloom P. C. RiccardellaC. D. Cowfer A. T. Roberts IIID. D. Davis L. SageT. N. Epps III F. J. Schaaf, Jr.E. L. Farrow R. J. ScottF. E. Gregor J. E. StaffieraO. F. Hedden R. W. SwayneW. C. Holston R. A. YonekawaK. Iida K. K. YoonR. D. Kerr W. E. Norris, Alternate

Honorary Members (SC XI)

S. H. Bush L. R. KatzL. J. Chockie R. R. MacCaryJ. P. Houstrup

Subgroup on Evaluation Standards (SC XI)

W. H. Bamford, Jr., Chair S. RanganathJ. M. Bloom P. C. RiccardellaR. C. Cipolla D. A. ScarthR. M. Gamble W. L. ServerT. J. Griesbach C. A. TomesK. Hasegawa A. Van Der SluysP. J. Hijeck K. R. WichmanD. N. Hopkins G. M. WilkowskiK. Iida K. K. YoonY. Imamura S. YukawaJ. G. Merkle


Working Group on Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (SC XI)

R. C. Cipolla, Chair J. G. MerkleG. H. De Boo, Secretary J. S. PanesarW. H. Bamford, Jr. S. RanganathM. Basol D. A. ScarthJ. M. Bloom T. S. SchurmanE. Friedman W. L. ServerT. J. Griesbach F. A. SimonenF. D. Hayes K. R. WichmanD. N. Hopkins G. M. WilkowskiK. Iida K. K. YoonY. Imamura S. YukawaM. Kupinski A. ZahoorH. S. Mehta V. A. Zilberstein

Working Group on Operating Plant Criteria (SG-ES) (SC XI)

T. J. Griesbach, Chair H. S. MehtaW. H. Bamford, Jr. R. PaceH. Behnke J. S. PanesarB. A. Bishop W. E. PennellW. F. Brady S. RanganathE. Friedman S. T. RosinskiS. R. Gosselin W. L. ServerE. M. Hackett E. A. SiegelP. J. Hijeck F. A. SimonenM. Kupinski G. L. StevensS. D. Leshnoff K. K. YoonP. Manbeck S. Yukawa

Working Group on Pipe Flaw Evaluation (SG-ES) (SC XI)

D. A. Scarth, Chair D. N. HopkinsG. M. Wilkowski, Secretary K. IidaW. H. Bamford, Jr. K. K. KashimaR. C. Cipolla H. S. MehtaN. G. Cofie J. S. PanesarS. K. Daftuar K. K. YoonG. H. De Boo S. YukawaE. Friedman A. ZahoorL. F. Goyette V. A. ZilbersteinK. Hasegawa

Subgroup on Liquid-Metal–Cooled Systems (SC XI)

C. G. McCargar, Chair R. HundalW. L. Chase R. W. KingS. Hattori W. Kwant

Working Group on Liquid-Metal Reactor Covers(SG-LMCS) (SC XI)

W. L. Chase, Chair R. HundalS. Hattori

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Subgroup on Nondestructive Examination (SC XI)

C. D. Cowfer, Chair D. O. HenryN. R. Bentley, Secretary M. R. HumD. C. Adamonis G. A. LofthusB. Bevins M. C. ModesF. T. Carr F. J. Schaaf, Jr.C. B. Cheezem M. F. SherwinW. T. Clayton J. C. Spanner, Jr.F. J. Dodd C. J. WirtzT. N. Epps III

Working Group on Personnel Qualification and Surface,Visual, and Eddy Current Examination (SG-NDE) (SC XI)

J. C. Spanner, Jr., Chair J. J. McArdle IIIC. J. Wirtz, Secretary M. F. SherwinB. L. Curtis D. SpakeD. O. Henry D. S. WhitcombH. E. Houserman

Working Group on Pressure Testing (SG-NDE) (SC XI)

D. W. Lamond, Chair R. J. CimochT. M. Anselmi G. L. FechterJ. M. Boughman J. K. McClanahanT. R. Bugelholl

Working Group on Procedure Qualificationand Volumetric Examination (SG-NDE) (SC XI)

M. C. Modes, Chair S. R. DoctorB. Bevins, Secretary F. J. DoddD. C. Adamonis T. N. Epps IIIF. L. Becker B. KellerhallN. R. Bentley G. A. LofthusF. T. Carr M. SaporitoC. B. Cheezem S. M. WalkerW. T. Clayton

Subgroup on Repairs, Replacements, and Modifications (SC XI)

W. C. Holston, Chair R. D. KerrD. E. Waskey, Secretary D. F. LandersM. N. Bressler R. S. LewisR. E. Cantrell M. S. McDonaldR. E. Gimple R. R. StevensonC. E. Hartz R. W. SwayneR. A. Hermann R. A. YonekawaT. E. Hiss

Working Group on Design Reconciliation (SG-RR&M) (SC XI)

T. E. Hiss, Chair E. V. ImbroJ. T. Conner, Secretary D. F. LandersS. B. Brown R. W. SwayneW. C. Holston A. H. Taufique


Working Group on Responsibilities and Program Requirements(SG-RR&M) (SC XI)

R. A. Yonekawa, Chair R. S. LewisR. R. Stevenson, Secretary M. S. McDonaldS. K. Fisher S. M. SwilleyG. M. Foster A. J. WalcuttR. D. Graham J. Ghergurovich, AlternateC. E. Hartz

Working Group on Welding and Special Repair Processes(SG-RR&M) (SC XI)

D. E. Waskey, Chair R. D. KerrR. E. Cantrell, Secretary B. R. NewtonP. D. Fisher P. P. NorrisA. J. Giannuzzi J. E. O’SullivanR. A. Hermann K. R. WillensR. P. Indap

Subgroup on Water-Cooled Systems (SC XI)

G. C. Park, Chair D. W. LamondK. B. Thomas, Secretary T. F. LentzJ. M. Agold J. T. LindbergG. L. Belew M. P. LintzW. J. Briggs W. E. NorrisT. R. Bugelholl C. PendletonD. D. Davis E. ThrockmortonR. L. Dyle S. M. WalkerE. L. Farrow R. A. WestO. F. Hedden J. WhitmanM. L. Herrera H. Graves, AlternateT. C. Hinkle R. M. Kenneally, AlternateS. D. Kulat

Working Group on Containment (SG-WCS) (SC XI)

J. E. Staffiera, Chair R. D. HoughH. M. Stephens, Secretary C. N. KrishnaswamyH. G. Ashar M. P. LintzW. J. Briggs D. NausK. K. N. Chao S. C. PetitgoutM. J. Ferlisi G. W. RobinH. Graves R. T. ZakH. T. Hill W. E. Norris, Alternate

Working Group on Implementation of Risk-Based Examination(SG-WCS) (SC XI)

S. D. Kulat, Chair J. T. LindbergJ. M. Agold, Secretary I. MachS. A. Ali R. K. MattuB. A. Bishop A. McNeill IIIJ. W. Connor P. J. O’ReganH. Q. Do J. H. PhillipsR. Fougerousse F. A. SimonenS. R. Gosselin T. V. VoM. R. Graybeal R. A. WestM. L. Herrera

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Working Group on Inspection of Systems and Components(SG-WCS) (SC XI)

C. D. Cowfer, Chair I. MachJ. Whitman, Secretary T. K. McLellanG. L. Belew C. PendletonH. Q. Do C. M. RossR. Fougerousse D. SongT. C. Hinkle K. B. ThomasM. R. Hum E. ThrockmortonS. D. Kulat R. A. WestJ. T. Lindberg

Working Group on General Requirements (SC XI)

A. T. Roberts III, Chair R. K. MattuR. G. Edl, Secretary L. SageD. A. Graham R. J. ScottD. A. Jackson

Special Working Group on Editing and Review (SC XI)

R. W. Swayne, Chair J. E. StaffieraR. L. Beverly C. J. WirtzM. P. Lintz

Special Working Group on Plant Life Extension (SC XI)

F. E. Gregor, Chair D. L. HarrisonM. P. Lintz, Secretary P.-T. KuoT. M. Anselmi T. A. MeyerW. F. Brady D. W. PeltolaD. D. Davis D. A. PiccioneD. A. Graham V. N. Shah


A. Selz, Chair J. W. RaderP. D. Stumpf, Secretary M. D. RanaA. N. Antoniou C. M. SerratellaC. Becht IV S. StaniszewskiM. Hennemand G. R. StoeckingerC. H. Hochman N. SurteesG. G. Karcher A. P. VargheseP. P. Laluc S. V. VoorheesG. McRae C. H. WaltersM. R. Minick W. L. White

Subgroup on Design and Materials (SC XII)

M. D. Rana, Chair T. P. PastorC. Becht IV J. L. RademacherD. A. Canonico T. A. RogersW. D. Doty C. M. SerratellaG. G. Karcher A. P. VargheseP. P. Laluc M. R. WardM. Manikkam E. A. WhittleS. L. McWilliams


Subgroup on Fabrication and Inspection (SC XII)

S. V. Voorhees, Chair L. D. HolsingerM. Burch D. J. KreftD. A. Canonico G. McRaeM. L. Coats M. R. MinickB. L. Gehl N. SurteesM. Hennemand

Subgroup on General Requirements (SC XII)

C. H. Hochman, Chair J. C. KeenanT. Alexander T. B. LeeA. N. Antoniou F. A. LicariJ. F. Cannon G. R. StoeckingerJ. L. Freiler C. H. WaltersM. A. Garrett W. L. WhiteK. L. Gilmore L. Wolpert


A. J. Spencer, Chair R. L. WilliamsC. E. Ford, Vice Chair W. J. Bees, AlternateK. I. Baron, Secretary V. A. Bell, AlternateM. B. Doherty V. Bogosian, AlternateD. A. Douin M. A. De Vries, AlternateP. D. Edwards P. D. Flenner, AlternateR. M. Elliott L. J. Kuchera, AlternateR. G. Friend W. C. LaRochelle, AlternateR. C. Howard K. M. McTague, AlternateA. J. Justin G. P. Milley, AlternateB. B. MacDonald P. G. Scheckermann, AlternateM. L. Sisk N. Surtees, AlternateB. C. Turczynski


T. E. Quaka, Chair A. J. SpencerR. R. Stevenson, Vice Chair R. E. Ciemiewicz, AlternateF. E. Zusman, Secretary S. Dasgupta, AlternateV. Bogosian P. D. Edwards, AlternateM. N. Bressler S. M. Goodwin, AlternateG. Deily D. H. Hanrath, AlternateF. R. Drahos R. C. Howard, AlternateJ. E. Harris K. A. Huber, AlternateM. Higuchi A. J. Justin, AlternateM. Kotb N. C. Kist, AlternateW. C. LaRochelle A. A. Lotfi, AlternateR. P. McIntyre O. E. Trapp, Staff Represen-H. B. Prasse tativeA. T. Roberts III


D. P. Jones, Chair R. W. MikitkaE. H. Maradiaga, Secretary U. R. MillerR. W. Barnes W. J. O’DonnellC. Becht IV R. D. Schueler, Jr.G. G. Graven A. Selz

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Subgroup on Design Analysis (SC-D)

M. R. Breach A. KalninsP. J. Conlisk W. J. KovesJ. L. Hechmer O. MaekawaG. L. Hollinger E. L. Thomas, Jr.D. P. Jones R. A. Whipple

Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Design (SC-D)

C. Becht IV, Chair W. J. O’DonnellJ. M. Corum, Secretary D. A. OsageC. R. Brinkman J. S. PorowskiR. D. Campbell C. C. Schultz, Jr.D. S. Griffin L. K. SeverudR. I. Jetter D. F. ShawC. Lawton A. L. Snow

Subgroup on Fatigue Strength (SC-D)

W. J. O’Donnell, Chair C. LawtonP. R. Donavin S. MajumdarJ. A. Hayward M. J. ManjoineJ. L. Hechmer J. MuscaraD. P. Jones H. H. ZiadaG. Kharshafdjian

Subgroup on Openings (SC-D)

R. W. Mikitka, Secretary J. P. MaddenG. G. Graven D. R. PalmerV. T. Hwang M. D. RanaR. B. Luney E. C. Rodabaugh


Special Working Group on Bolted Flanged Joints (SC-D)

R. W. Mikitka, Chair P. G. ScheckermannG. D. Bibel R. W. SchneiderE. Michalopoulos R. D. Schueler, Jr.S. N. Pagay A. Selz


M. D. Bernstein, Chair W. F. HartU. D’Urso, Secretary H. D. MichaelJ. F. Ball C. A. NeumannS. Cammeresi D. K. PeetzJ. A. Cox J. W. ReynoldsR. D. Danzy D. J. ScallanD. B. De Michael A. J. SpencerR. J. Doelling J. C. StandfastR. G. Friend J. A. WestH. I. Gregg T. J. Ferrigan, AlternateS. F. Harrison, Jr.

Subgroup on Design (SC-SVR)

R. G. Friend, Chair S. R. Irvin, Sr.R. D. Danzy A. J. SpencerD. B. De Michael T. R. TarbayR. J. Doelling J. A. WestH. I. Gregg

Subgroup on General Requirements (SC-SVR)

M. D. Bernstein, Chair C. A. NeumannJ. F. Ball D. K. PeetzR. E. Cellemme, Jr. J. W. ReynoldsJ. P. Glaspie J. W. RichardsonH. D. Michael J. C. Standfast

Subgroup on Testing (SC-SVR)

S. F. Harrison, Jr., Chair W. F. HartS. Cammeresi D. J. ScallanJ. A. Cox B. S. York

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U-1(a)U-1(a)(1) The Foreword provides the basis for the

rules described in this Division.U-1(a)(2) For the scope of this Division, pressure

vessels are containers for the containment of pressure,either internal or external. This pressure may be obtainedfrom an external source, or by the application of heatfrom a direct or indirect source, or any combinationthereof.

U-1(a)(3) This Division contains mandatory re-quirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatoryguidance for pressure vessel materials, design, fabrica-tion, examination, inspection, testing, certification, andpressure relief. The Code does not address all aspectsof these activities, and those aspects which are notspecifically addressed should not be considered prohib-ited. Engineering judgment must be consistent with thephilosophy of this Division, and such judgments mustnever be used to overrule mandatory requirements orspecific prohibitions of this Division. See also informa-tive and nonmandatory guidance regarding metallurgicalphenomena in Appendix 6 of Section II, Part D.

U-1(b)This Division is divided into three Subsections,Mandatory Appendices, and Nonmandatory Appendices.Subsection A consists of Part UG, covering the generalrequirements applicable to all pressure vessels. Subsec-tion B covers specific requirements that are applicableto the various methods used in the fabrication ofpressure vessels. It consists of Parts UW, UF, andUB dealing with welded, forged, and brazed methods,respectively. Subsection C covers specific requirementsapplicable to the several classes of materials used inpressure vessel construction. It consists of Parts UCS,UNF, UHA, UCI, UCL, UCD, UHT, ULW, and ULTdealing with carbon and low alloy steels, nonferrousmetals, high alloy steels, cast iron, clad and linedmaterial, cast ductile iron, ferritic steels with propertiesenhanced by heat treatment, layered construction, andlow temperature materials, respectively. Section II, PartD also contains tables of maximum allowable stressvalues for these classes of materials.


The Mandatory Appendices address specific subjectsnot covered elsewhere in this Division, and their require-ments are mandatory when the subject covered isincluded in construction under this Division. The Non-mandatory Appendices provide information and sug-gested good practices.

U-1(c)U-1(c)(1) The scope of this Division has been

established to identify the components and parametersconsidered in formulating the rules given in this Divi-sion. Laws or regulations issued by municipality, state,provincial, federal, or other enforcement or regulatorybodies having jurisdiction at the location of an installa-tion establish the mandatory applicability of the Coderules, in whole or in part, within their jurisdiction.Those laws or regulations may require the use of thisDivision of the Code for vessels or components notconsidered to be within its Scope. These laws orregulations should be reviewed to determine size orservice limitations of the coverage which may be differ-ent or more restrictive than those given here.

U-1(c)(2)Based on the Committee’s consideration,the following classes of vessels are not included inthe scope of this Division; however, any pressure vesselwhich meets all the applicable requirements of thisDivision may be stamped with the Code U Symbol:

(a) those within the scope of other Sections;(b) fired process tubular heaters;(c) pressure containers which are integral parts

or components of rotating or reciprocating mechanicaldevices, such as pumps, compressors, turbines, genera-tors, engines, and hydraulic or pneumatic cylinderswhere the primary design considerations and/or stressesare derived from the functional requirements of thedevice;

(d) except as covered in U-1(f), structures whoseprimary function is the transport of fluids from onelocation to another within a system of which it is anintegral part, that is, piping systems;

(e) piping components, such as pipe, flanges,bolting, gaskets, valves, expansion joints, fittings, andthe pressure containing parts of other components, suchas strainers and devices which serve such purposes asmixing, separating, snubbing, distributing, and metering

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or controlling flow, provided that pressure containingparts of such components are generally recognized aspiping components or accessories;

(f) a vessel for containing water1 under pressure,including those containing air the compression of whichserves only as a cushion, when none of the followinglimitations are exceeded:

(1) a design pressure of 300 psi (2070 kPa);(2) a design temperature of 210°F (99°C);

(g) a hot water supply storage tank heated bysteam or any other indirect means when none of thefollowing limitations is exceeded:

(1) a heat input of 200,000 Btu/hr (58.6 kW);(2) a water temperature of 210°F (99°C);(3) a nominal water containing capacity of

120 gal;(h) vessels having an internal or external op-

erating pressure (see 3-2) not exceeding 15 psi (103 kPa)with no limitation on size [see UG-28(f)];

(i) vessels having an inside diameter, width,height, or cross section diagonal not exceeding 6 in.(152 mm), with no limitation on length of vessel orpressure;

(j) pressure vessels for human occupancy.2

U-1(d) The rules of this Division have been formu-lated on the basis of design principles and constructionpractices applicable to vessels designed for pressuresnot exceeding 3000 psi (20685 kPa). For pressuresabove 3000 psi (20685 kPa), deviations from andadditions to these rules usually are necessary to meetthe requirements of design principles and constructionpractices for these higher pressures. Only in the eventthat after having applied these additional design princi-ples and construction practices the vessel still complieswith all of the requirements of this Division may itbe stamped with the applicable Code symbol.

U-1(e) In relation to the geometry of pressure con-taining parts, the scope of this Division shall includethe following:

U-1(e)(1) where external piping; other pressurevessels including heat exchangers; or mechanical de-vices, such as pumps, mixers, or compressors, are tobe connected to the vessel:

(a) the welding end connection for the firstcircumferential joint for welded connections [see UW-13(g)];

1 The water may contain additives provided the flash point of theaqueous solution at atmospheric pressure is 185°F or higher. Theflash point shall be determined by the methods specified in ASTMD 93 or in ASTM D 56, whichever is appropriate.2 Requirements for pressure vessels for human occupancy are coveredby ANSI /ASME PVHO-1.


(b) the first threaded joint for screwed connec-tions;

(c) the face of the first flange for bolted, flangedconnections;

(d) the first sealing surface for proprietary con-nections or fittings;

U-1(e)(2) where nonpressure parts are welded di-rectly to either the internal or external pressure retainingsurface of a pressure vessel, this scope shall include thedesign, fabrication, testing, and material requirementsestablished for nonpressure part attachments by theapplicable paragraphs of this Division;3

U-1(e)(3)pressure retaining covers for vessel open-ings, such as manhole and handhole covers;

U-1(e)(4) the first sealing surface for proprietaryfittings or components for which rules are not providedby this Division, such as gages, instruments, and nonme-tallic components.

U-1(f) The scope of the Division includes provisionsfor pressure relief devices necessary to satisfy therequirements of UG-125 through UG-136 and Appen-dix 11.

U-1(g) Unfired steam boilers as defined in SectionI shall be constructed in accordance with the rules ofSection I or this Division [see UG-125(b) and UW-2(c)].

The following pressure vessels in which steam isgenerated shall be constructed in accordance with therules of this Division:

U-1(g)(1) vessels known as evaporators or heatexchangers;

U-1(g)(2) vessels in which steam is generated bythe use of heat resulting from operation of a processingsystem containing a number of pressure vessels suchas used in the manufacture of chemical and petroleumproducts;

U-1(g)(3) vessels in which steam is generated butnot withdrawn for external use.

U-1(h) Pressure vessels or parts subject to directfiring from the combustion of fuel (solid, liquid, orgaseous), which are not within the scope of SectionsI, III, or IV may be constructed in accordance withthe rules of this Division [see UW-2(d)].

U-1(i) Gas fired jacketed steam kettles with jacketoperating pressures not exceeding 50 psi (345 kPa)may be constructed in accordance with the rules ofthis Division (see Appendix 19).

U-1(j) Pressure vessels exclusive of those coveredin U-1(c), U-1(g), U-1(h), and U-1(i) that are not

3 These requirements for design, fabrication, testing, and material fornonpressure part attachments do not establish the length, size, orshape of the attachment material. Pads and standoffs are permittedand the scope can terminate at the next welded or mechanical joint.

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required by the rules of this Division to be fullyradiographed, which are not provided with quick actuat-ing closures (see UG-35), and that do not exceed thefollowing volume and pressure limits may be exemptedfrom inspection by Inspectors, as defined in UG-91,provided that they comply in all other respects withthe requirements of this Division:

U-1(j)(1) 5 cu ft (0.14 m3) in volume and 250psi (1720 kPa) design pressure; or

U-1(j)(2) 3 cu ft (0.08 m3) in volume and 350psi (2410 kPa) design pressure;

U-1(j)(3) 11⁄2 cu ft (0.04 m3) in volume and 600psi (4140 kPa) design pressure.

In an assembly of vessels, the limitations in (1)through (3) above apply to each vessel and not theassembly as a whole. Straight line interpolation forintermediate volumes and design pressures is permitted.Vessels fabricated in accordance with this rule shallbe marked with the “UM” Symbol in Fig. UG-116sketch (b) and with the data required in UG-116.Certificates of Compliance shall satisfy the requirementsof UG-120(a).

U-1(k) The degree of nondestructive examination(s)and the acceptance standards beyond the requirementsof this Division shall be a matter of prior agreementbetween the Manufacturer and user or his designatedagent.



(a) The user or his designated agent4 shall establishthe design requirements for pressure vessels, takinginto consideration factors associated with normal opera-tion, such other conditions as startup and shutdown,and abnormal conditions which may become a governingdesign consideration (see UG-22).

Such consideration shall include but shall not belimited to the following:

(1) the need for corrosion allowances;(2) the definition of lethal services. For example,

see UW-2(a).(3) the need for postweld heat treatment beyond

the requirements of this Division and dependent onservice conditions;

4 For this Division, the user’s designated agent may be either adesign agency specifically engaged by the user, the Manufacturer ofa system for a specific service which includes a pressure vessel asa part and which is purchased by the user, or an organization whichoffers pressure vessels for sale or lease for specific services.


(4) for pressure vessels in which steam is gener-ated, or water is heated [see U-1(g) and (h)], the needfor piping, valves, instruments, and fittings to performthe functions covered by PG-59 through PG-61 ofSection I.

(b) Responsibilities5

(1) The Manufacturer of any vessel or part to bemarked with the Code Symbol has the responsibilityof complying with all of the applicable requirementsof this Division and, through proper certification, ofassuring that all work done by others also complies.The vessel or part Manufacturer shall have availablefor the Inspector’s review the applicable design calcula-tions. See 10-5 and 10-15(d).

(2) Some types of work, such as forming, nonde-structive examination, and heat treating, may be per-formed by others (for welding, see UW-26 and UW-31). It is the vessel or part Manufacturer’s responsibilityto ensure that all work so performed complies withall the applicable requirements of this Division. Afterensuring Code compliance, the vessel or part may beCode stamped by the appropriate Code stamp holderafter acceptance by the Inspector.

(c) A vessel may be designed and constructed usingany combination of the methods of fabrication and theclasses of materials covered by this Division providedthe rules applying to each method and material arecomplied with and the vessel is marked as requiredby UG-116.

(d) When the strength of any part cannot be computedwith a satisfactory assurance of safety, the rules provideprocedures for establishing its maximum allowableworking pressure.

(e) It is the duty of the Inspector to make all ofthe inspections specified by the rules of this Division,and of monitoring the quality control and the examina-tions made by the Manufacturer. He shall make suchother inspections as in his judgment are necessary topermit him to certify that the vessel has been designedand constructed in accordance with the requirements.The Inspector has the duty of verifying that the applica-ble calculations have been made and are on file atManufacturer’s plant at the time the Data Report issigned. Any questions concerning the calculations raisedby the Inspector must be resolved. See UG-90(c)(1).

(f) The rules of this Division shall serve as the basisfor the Inspector to:

(1) perform the required duties;(2) authorize the application of the Code Symbol;

5 See UG-90(b) and UG-90(c)(1) for summaries of the responsibilitiesof the Manufacturer and the duties of the Inspector.

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(3) sign the Certificate of Shop (or Field Assembly)Inspection.

(g) This Division of Section VIII does not containrules to cover all details of design and construction.Where complete details are not given, it is intendedthat the Manufacturer, subject to the acceptance of theInspector, shall provide details of design and construc-tion which will be as safe as those provided by therules of this Division.

(h) Field assembly of vessels constructed to thisDivision may be performed as follows.

(1) The Manufacturer of the vessel completes thevessel in the field, completes the Form U-1 or U-1AManufacturer’s Data Report, and stamps the vessel.

(2) The Manufacturer of parts of a vessel to becompleted in the field by some other party stampsthese parts in accordance with Code rules and suppliesthe Form U-2 or U-2A Manufacturer’s Partial DataReport to the other party. The other party, who musthold a valid U Certificate of Authorization, makesthe final assembly, required NDE, final pressure test;completes the Form U-1 or U-1A Manufacturer’s DataReport; and stamps the vessel.

(3) The field portion of the work is completed bya holder of a valid U Certificate of Authorizationother than the vessel Manufacturer. The stamp holderperforming the field work is required to supply aForm U-2 or U-2A Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reportcovering the portion of the work completed by hisorganization (including data on the pressure test if


conducted by the stamp holder performing the fieldwork) to the Manufacturer responsible for the Codevessel. The vessel Manufacturer applies his U Stampin the presence of a representative from his InspectionAgency and completes the Form U-1 or U-1A Manufac-turer’s Data Report with his Inspector.

In all three alternatives, the party completing andsigning the Form U-1 or U-1A Manufacturer’s DataReport assumes full Code responsibility for the vessel.In all three cases, each Manufacturer’s Quality ControlSystem shall describe the controls to assure compliancefor each Code stamp holder.

(i) For some design analyses, both a chart or curveand a formula or tabular data are given. Use of theformula or tabular data may result in answers whichare slightly different from the values obtained fromthe chart or curve. However, the difference, if any, iswithin practical accuracy and either method is ac-ceptable.


(a) Throughout this Division references are made tovarious standards, such as ANSI standards, which coverpressure–temperature rating, dimensional, or proceduralstandards for pressure vessel parts. These standards,with the year of the acceptable edition, are listed inTable U-3.

(b) Rules for the use of these standards are statedelsewhere in this Division.

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Title Number Year

Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves API Std. 527 1991

Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) ASME B1.1 1989Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) ANSI/ASME 1983 (R1992)(2)


Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 25, ASME/ANSI 1989125, 250, and 800 B16.1

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ASME B16.5 1996(1)Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings ASME B16.9 1993Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded ASME B16.11 1991Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings Classes 125 and 250 ANSI/ASME 1985

B16.15Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges — Ring-Joint, Spiral ASME B16.20 1993

Wound, and JacketedCast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class ASME B16.24 1991

150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and ASME/ANSI 1986

Returns B16.28Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 150 ASME/ANSI 1987

and 300 B16.42Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through NPS 60 ASME B16.47 1996

Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) ASME/ANSI 1987B18.2.2

Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ANSI/ASME 1985 (R1994)(2)B36.10M

Pressure Relief Devices ASME PTC 25 1994

Qualifications for Authorized Inspection ASME QAI-1 (3)

ASNT Central Certification Program ACCP Rev 3,November 1997

ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of CP-189 1995Nondestructive Testing Personnel

Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and SNT-TC-1A 1996, A98Certification in Nondestructive Testing

Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Tag Closed ASTM D 56 1987Tester

Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens ASTM D 93 1990Closed Tester



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Title Number Year

Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials ASTM E 8 1990Methods of Verification and Classification of Extensometers ASTM E 83 1990Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on ASTM E 125 1963 (R1985)(2)

Ferrous CastingsHardness Conversion Tables for Metals ASTM E 140 1988Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to ASTM E 186 1998

41⁄2-in. (51 to 114-mm)) Steel CastingsMethod of Conducting Drop Weight Test to Determine Nil ASTM E 208 1987a

Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic SteelStandard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (41⁄2 to ASTM E 280 1998

12-in. (114 to 305-mm)) Steel CastingsStandard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2 ASTM E 446 1998

in. (51 mm) in Thickness

Marking and Labeling Systems ANSI/UL-969 1991

NOTES:(1) See UG-11(a)(2).(2) R — Reaffirmed.(3) See UG-91.


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