RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE APPENDIX 7: RECOMMENDED NATIVE VEGETATION MURRINDINDI SHIRE March 2004 Appendix 7, Recommended Native Vegetation Murrindindi Shire, March 2004 has been reproduced with the permission of the Department of Sustainability and Environment using extracts from the document Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken Catchment, DNRE, July 2001. Further advice regarding native vegetation and recommended planting species is available from any Department of Sustainability and Environment or Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority office.

RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

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Page 1: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives




March 2004 Appendix 7, Recommended Native Vegetation Murrindindi Shire, March 2004 has been reproduced with the permission of the Department of Sustainability and Environment using extracts from the document Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken Catchment, DNRE, July 2001. Further advice regarding native vegetation and recommended planting species is available from any Department of Sustainability and Environment or Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority office.

Page 2: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives
Page 3: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives
Page 4: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theAlexandra Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains - Plains - Valleys

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 5: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

ALEXANDRA (LOWER CATCHMENTS) – Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains - Plains - Valleys

LANDFORM Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains Plains Valleys and Gentle SlopesEVC Floodplain Riparian Woodland/Creekline Grassy Woodland Plains Grassy Woodland Valley Grassy Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Alluvium – clays, silts and sands Colluvium – loams, clays, silts and sands Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availabilityDESCRIPTION River Red Gum woodland Red Gum - Box grassy woodland Mixed species shrubby - grassy woodland

LOCATION EXAMPLE No intact examples known;Drive along Goulburn River between Molesworth and Alexandra

Lower south east corner of McKenzie Reserve, Alexandra East side of Maroondah Hwy, 3.1km north of Gobur-Kanumbra Rd;McKenzie Reserve, Alexandra


S Wetter siteshh Poorly drained sites

Acacia dealbataA. mearnsiiA. melanoxylonEucalyptus camaldulensisE. melliodoraE. microcarpahh E. ovataE. rubida

Silver WattleBlack WattleBlackwoodRiver Red GumYellow BoxGrey Boxhh Swamp GumCandlebark

Acacia mearnsiiEucalyptus albensE. camaldulensisE. melliodoraE. microcarpa

Black WattleWhite BoxRiver Red GumYellow BoxGrey Box

SAcacia dealbataA. implexaSA. melanoxylonEucalyptus albensE. blakelyiE. macrorhynchaSE. melliodoraE. microcarpaE. polyanthemos

SSilver WattleLightwoodSBlackwoodWhite BoxBlakely’s Red GumRed StringybarkSYellow BoxGrey BoxRed Box

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drained sites

Acacia pycnanthaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCallistemon sieberiCassinia arcuataHymenanthera dentatahh Leptospermum continentaleL. lanigerum

Golden WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaRiver BottlebrushDrooping CassiniaTree Violethh Prickly Tea-treeWoolly tea-tree

Acacia acinaceaA. aculeatissimaA. paradoxaA. pycnanthaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia arcuata

Gold-dust WattleThin-leaf WattleHedge WattleGolden WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaDrooping Cassinia

Acacia acinaceaA. genistifoliaA. mucronataCassinia aculeataC. arcuataHymenanthera dentatahhLeptospermum continentalePimelea linifolia

Gold-dust WattleSpreading WattleNarrow-leaf WattleCommon CassiniaDrooping CassiniaTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-treeSlender Rice-flower


Dillwynia cinerascens Grey Parrot-pea Hibbertia obtusifoliaHovea linearis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Hovea

GROUND COVERS Carex appressaC. fascicularisElymus scaberGlyceria australisLomandra longifoliaLythrum salicariaMicrolaena stipoidesPhragmites australisPoa labillardieriThemeda triandra

Tall SedgeTassel SedgeCommon Wheat-grassAustralian Sweet-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushPurple LoostrifeWeeping GrassCommon ReedCommon Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Dianella longifoliaD. revolutaElymus scaberLomandra filiformisL. multifloraPoa morrisiiP. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Pale Flax-lilyBlack-anther Flax-lilyCommon Wheat-grassWattle Mat-rushMany Flowered Flax-lilySoft Tussock-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Austrodanthonia erianthaDianella longifoliaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaPentapogon quadrifidusPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandraWahlenbergia stricta

Hill Wallaby-grassPale Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineFive-awned Spear-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo GrassTall Bluebell

Note: For general re-planting select 30% trees

and at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites with

remnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees to

regenerate. Additions oflocally native species for

this list are gratefullyaccepted - contact your

local NRE office.

Page 6: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theAlexandra Valleys and Gentle Slopes, Dry Slopes and Ridges, Protected Slopes and Moist Valleys

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 7: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

ALEXANDRA – Valleys and Gentle Slopes - Dry Slopes and Ridges - Protected Slopes and Moist Valleys

LANDFORM Valleys and Gentle Slopes Dry Slopes and Ridges Protected Upper Slopes, Steep Gullies, Moist ValleysEVC Valley Grassy Forest, Grassy Woodland Grassy Dry Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availability Variety of geology; well drained soils, sometimes skeletal and rocky Variety of geology ; moist, fertile soils.DESCRIPTION Mixed species shrubby - grassy woodland Stringybark - Box dry grassy woodland Gum - Peppermint shrubby, moist tall forest

LOCATION EXAMPLE East side of Maroondah Hwy, 3.1km north of Gobur-KanumbraRd;

McKenzie Res; Hills south of Ut Creek Rd, c 3 km pastGoulburn Valley Hwy

Skyline Rd, c 2-3 km north of Haines Saddle Skyline Rd, c 6 km north of Haines Saddle, at unnamed track toColler Bay;

Gobur Rd, west of McRae Rd


S Wetter sitesñ Upper elevations

S Acacia dealbataA. implexaA. mearnsiiS A. melanoxylonEucalyptus albensE. blakelyiñE. divesSE. melliodoraE. polyanthemosE. rubida

S Silver WattleLightwoodBlack WattleS BlackwoodWhite BoxBlakely’s Red GumñBroad-leaved PeppermintSYellow BoxRed BoxCandlebark

Acacia implexaEucalyptus blakelyiE. divesE. goniocalyxE. macrorhynchaE. melliodoraE. obliquaE. polyanthemos

LightwoodBlakely’s Red GumBroad-leaved PeppermintLong-leaf BoxRed StringybarkYellow BoxMessmateRed Box

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. melliodoraE. obliquaE. radiataE. rubida

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintBlue Gum (Eurabbie)Yellow BoxMessmateNarrow-leaf PeppermintCandlebark

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drained sitesò Lower elevationsñ Upper elevations

Acacia genistifoliaA. mucronataA. vernicifluaHymenanthera dentatahh Leptospermum continentalePimelea linifolia

Spreading WattleNarrow-leaf WattleVarnish WattleTree Violethh Prickly Tea-treeSlender Rice-flower

Acacia paradoxaA. rubidaA. vernicifluaCorrea reflexaPultenaea muelleri

Hedge WattleRed-stem WattleVarnish WattleCommon CorreaMueller’s Bush-pea

Acacia pravissimaòA. rubidañCoprosma hirtellañC. quadrifidaEpacris impressaòLeptospermum continentale

Ovens WattleòRed-stem WattleñRough CoprosmañPrickly Currant-bushCommon HeathòPrickly Tea-tree


Hibbertia obtusifolia Grey Guinea-flower Acacia aculeatissimaDillwynia phylicoides

Thin-leaf WattleSmall-leaf Parrot-pea

Hibbertia obtusifoliaTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerPink-bells

GROUND COVERS Austrodanthonia erianthaDianella longifoliaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaPentapogon quadrifidusPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandraWahlenbergia stricta

Hill Wallaby-grassPale Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineFive-awned Spear-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo GrassTall Bluebell

Austrodanthonia pilosaElymus scaberHardenbergia violaceaJoycea pallidaLomandra filiformisMicrolaena stipoidesPlatylobium formosumPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Velvet Wallaby-grassCommon Wheat-grassPurple Coral-peaSilver-top Wallaby-grassWattle Mat-rushWeeping GrassHandsome Flat-peaGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Austrodanthonia penicillataBillardiera scandensClematis aristataDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberMicrolaena stipoidesPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaViola hederacea

Slender Wallaby-grassCommon Apple-berryMountian ClematisTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassWeeping GrassGrey Tussock-grassIvy-leaf Violet

Note: For general re-plantingselect 30% trees and at least 70%shrubs. If enhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubs onlyand allow trees to regenerate.Additions of locally native speciesfor this list are gratefully accepted- contact your local NRE office.

Page 8: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theAlexandra Valleys and Low Hills - Protected Slopes - Streams and Swamps

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 9: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

ALEXANDRA (UPPER CATCHMENTS) – Valleys and Low Hills - Protected Slopes - Streams and Swamps

LANDFORM Valleys and Low Hills Protected Upper Slopes, Moist Gullies, Steep Valleys Swift-flowing Streams and Swampy Drainage LinesEVC Grassy Woodland/Valley Grassy Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest Riparian Forest/Swampy Riparian Woodland

GEOLOGY & SOILS Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availability Variety of Geologies; Moist, fertile soils. Range of geology – sands, silts and loamsDESCRIPTION Mixed species shrubby - grassy woodland Blue Gum, Candlebark and Peppermint Shrubby Moist Tall

ForestRiparian forest – shrubby woodland swamps


East side of Maroondah Hwy, 3.1km north of Gobur-Kanumbra Rd;McKenzie Res; Hills south of Ut Creek Rd, c 3 km past Goulburn Valley Hwy

Skyline Rd, c 4.5 km north of Maintongan Rd;Gobur Rd, west of McRae Rd

Johnson Creek, on Johnson Creek Rd, upstream from Misery Tk;Creeks in the Gobur-Yarck valley


S Wetter siteshh Poorly drainedsites

SAcacia dealbataA. implexaSA. melanoxylonEucalyptus albensE. blakelyiE. macrorhynchaSE. melliodoraE. microcarpaE. polyanthemos

SSilver WattleLightwoodSBlackwoodWhite BoxBlakely’s Red GumRed StringybarkSYellow BoxGrey BoxRed Box

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. melliodoraE. obliquaE. radiataE. rubida

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintBlue Gum (Eurabbie)Yellow BoxMessmateNarrow-leaf PeppermintCandlebark

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonhhEucalyptus camphora subsp. humeanaE. dalrympleanaE. globulus subsp. bicostatahhE. ovataE. viminalisExocarpos cupressiformisPomaderris aspera

Silver WattleBlackwoodhhMountain Swamp GumMountain GumBlue Gum (Eurabbie)hhSwamp GumManna GumCherry BallartHazel Pomaderris

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsitesñ Upper elevationsò Lower elevations

Acacia genistifoliaA. vernicifluaA. mucronataHymenanthera dentatahhLeptospermum continentalePimelea linifolia

Spreading WattleVarnish WattleNarrow-leaf WattleTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-treeSlender Rice-flower

Acacia pravissimaòA. rubidañCoprosma hirtellañC. quadrifidaEpacris impressaòLeptospermum continentale

Ovens WattleòRed-stem WattleñRough CoprosmañPrickly Currant-bushCommon HeathòPrickly Tea-tree

Bursaria spinosaCallistemon sieberiñCoprosma quadrifidaDodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissimaòLeptospermum continentaleñLomatia fraseriñPimelea axifloraProstanthera lasianthos

Sweet BursariaRiver BottlebrushñPrickly Currant-bushSlender Hop-bushòPrickly Tea-treeñTree LomatiañBootlace BushVictorian Christmas-bush


Hibbertia obtusifolia Grey Guinea-flower Hibbertia obtusifoliaTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerPink-bells

GROUND COVERS Austrodanthonia erianthaDianella longifoliaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaPentapogon quadrifidusPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandraWahlenbergia stricta

Hill Wallaby-grassPale Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineFive-awned Spear-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo GrassTall Bluebell

Austrodanthonia penicillataBillardiera scandensClematis aristataDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberMicrolaena stipoidesPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaViola hederacea

Slender Wallaby-grassCommon Apple-berryMountian ClematisTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassWeeping GrassGrey Tussock-grassIvy-leaf Violet

Blechnum nudumCarex appressaC. fascicularisCyperus lucidusDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusLythrum salicariaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa ensiformisP. helmsii

Fishbone Water-fernTall SedgeTassel SedgeLeafy Flat-sedgeTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassPurple LoosetrifeWeeping GrassSword Tussock-grassTall Tussock-grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact your localNRE office.

Page 10: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives
Page 11: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theMarysville Valleys and Gentle Slopes - Dry Slopes and Ridges - Protected Slopes and Moist Valleys

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 12: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

MARYSVILLE – Valleys and Gentle Slopes - Dry Slopes and Ridges - Protected Slopes and Moist Valleys

LANDFORM Valleys and Gentle Slopes Dry Slopes and Ridges Protected Upper Slopes, Steep Gullies, Moist ValleysEVC Valley Grassy Forest Grassy Dry Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Alluvium - fertile, well drained soils, reasonable water availability Shallow, well drained soils, sometimes rocky. Variety of geologyDESCRIPTION Mixed species grassy - shrubby woodland Stringybark - Box dry grassy forest Blue Gum - Manna Gum - Peppermint tall moist forest


Connellys Creek Rd, c 4km from Maroondah Highway, Acheron West facing slopes at intersection of Connellys Rd and Tower Tk Farrers Lane, south of Clendale Lane at start of Murrindindi State Forest


S Wetter sitesñ Upper elevations

S Acacia dealbataA. mearnsiiS A. melanoxylonñ Eucalyptus divesE. macrorhynchaE. polyanthemosE. rubida

S Silver WattleBlack WattleS Blackwoodñ Broad-leaved PeppermintRed StringybarkRed BoxCandlebark

Eucalyptus divesE. macrorhynchaE. obliquaE. polyanthemosE. rubidaExocarpos cupressiformis

Broad-leaved PeppermintRed StringybarkMessmateRed BoxCandlebarkCherry Ballart

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. obliquaE. radiataE. rubidaE. viminalis

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintBlue Gum (Eurabbie)MessmateNarrow-leaf PeppermintCandlebarkManna Gum

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsitesñ Upper elevations

Bursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataExocarpos strictusHymenanthera dentatahh Leptospermum continentalePimelea linifolia

Sweet BursariaCommon CassiniaPale-fruit BallartTree Violethh Prickly Tea-treeSlender Rice-flower

Acacia vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataCorrea reflexaDaviesia leptophyllaPimelea linifoliaPultenaea daphnoides

Varnish WattleSweet BursariaCommon CassiniaCommon CorreaNarrow-leaf Bitter-peaSlender Rice-flowerLarge-leaf Bush-pea

Cassinia aculeatañCoprosma hirtellañC. quadrifidaDaviesia latifoliaEpacris impressaPimelea linifoliaPultenaea forsythianaSpyridium parvifolium

Common CassiniañRough CoprosmañPrickly Currant-bushHop Bitter-peaCommon HeathSlender Rice-flowerPrickly Bush-peaDusty Miller


Hibbertia obtusifoliaPimelea humilis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Rice-flower

Dillwynia sericeaHibbertia obtusifoliaLeucopogon virgatus

Prickly Parrot-peaGrey Guinea-flowerCommon Beard-heath

Hibbertia obtusifoliaLeucopogon hookeriTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerMountain Beard-heathPink-bells

GROUND COVERS Acrotriche prostrataDianella longifoliaElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaLomandra filiformisMicrolaena stipoidesPentapogon quadrifidusPoa morrisiiThemeda triandra

Trailing Ground-berryPale Flax-lilyCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineWattle Mat-rushWeeping GrassFive-awned Spear-grassSoft Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Astroloma humifusumAustrodanthonia pilosaElymus scaberHardenbergia violaceaJoycea pallidaLomandra filiformisPlatylobium formosumPoa sieberiana var. sieberiana

Cranberry HeathVelvet Wallaby-grassCommon Wheat-grassPurple Coral-peaSilvertop Wallaby-grassWattle Mat-rushHandsome Flat-peaGrey Tussock-grass

Acrotriche serrulataBillardiera scandensClematis aristataDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa ensiformis

Honey-potsCommon Apple-berryMountain ClematisTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassSword Tussock-grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact your localNRE office.

Page 13: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theMarysville (Lower Catchments) Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains - Plains - Valleys

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 14: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

MARYSVILLE (LOWER CATCHMENTS) – Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains - Plains - Valleys

LANDFORM Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains Plains Valleys and Gentle SlopesEVC Creekline Grassy Woodland / Floodplain Riparian Woodland Plains Grassy Woodland Valley Grassy Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Alluvial sediments - clays and silts Colluvium and alluvium – clays and loams Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availabilityDESCRIPTION Red Gum grassy woodland Box - Gum grassy woodland Mixed species shrubby - grassy woodland


Acheron River, below Clendale Lane, Taggerty No intact examples known;Flats beside the Acheron River

Connellys Creek Rd, c 4km from Maroondah Highway, Acheron


óOn adjacent flatsS Wetter sites

Acacia dealbataA. mearnsiiA. melanoxylonEucalyptus camaldulensisóE. melliodoraóE. microcarpaE. ovata

Silver WattleBlack WattleBlackwoodRiverRed GumóYellow BoxóGrey BoxSwamp Gum

Acacia melanoxylonEucalyptus albensE. camaldulensisE. melliodoraE. microcarpa

BlackwoodWhite BoxRiver Red GumYellow BoxGrey Box

S Acacia dealbataA. implexaA. mearnsiiS A. melanoxylonEucalyptus goniocalyxE. macrorhynchaS E. melliodoraE. polyanthemos

S Silver WattleLightwoodBlack WattleS BlackwoodLong-leaf BoxRed StringybarkS Yellow BoxRed Box

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsites

Acacia vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCallistemon sieberiCassinia arcuataHymenanthera dentatahh Leptospermum continentaleL. lanigerum

Varnish WattleSweet BursariaRiver BottlebrushDrooping CassiniaTree Violethh Prickly Tea-treeWoolly Tea-tree

Acacia acinaceaA. paradoxaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia arcuataDaviesia ulicifoliaHymenanthera dentata

Gold-dust WattleHedge WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaDrooping CassiniaGorse Bitter-peaTree Violet

Acacia rubidaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataDaviesia leptophyllaHymenanthera dentata

Red-stem WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaCommon CassiniaNarrow-leaf Bitter-peaTree Violet


Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia Acacia lanigeraDillwynia cinerascens

Woolly WattleGrey Parrot-pea

Acacia aculeatissimaHibbertia obtusifolia

Thin-leaf WattleGrey Guinea-flower

GROUND COVERS Carex appressaC. fascicularisGlyceria australisElymus scaberLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPhragmites australisPoa ensiformisP. labillardieriThemeda triandra

Tall SedgeTassel SedgeAustralian Sweet-grassCommon Wheat-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassCommon ReedSword Tussock-grassCommon Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Austrodanthonia bipartita s.lDianella longifoliaElymus scaberLomandra filiformisL. multifloraPoa morrisiiP. sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Leafy Wallaby-grassPale Flax-lilyCommon Wheat-grassWattle Mat-rushMany Flowered Flax-lilySoft Tussock-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Asperula confertaAustrodanthonia caespitosaDianella longifoliaElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaLomandra filiformisMicrolaena stipoidesPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Common WoodruffCommon Wallaby GrassPale Flax-lilyCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineWattle Mat-rushWeeping GrassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact yourlocal NRE office.

Page 15: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theMarysville (Upper Catchments) Swampy Drainage Lines - Rivers and Streams - Protected Slopes

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 16: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

MARYSVILLE (UPPER CATCHMENTS) – Swampy Drainage Lines - Rivers and Streams - Protected Slopes

NDFORM Swampy Drainage Lines Swift-flowing Rivers and Streams Protected Upper Slopes, Steep Gullies, Moist ValleysEVC Swampy Riparian Woodland Riparian Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Variety of soils/geology – sands, silts, loams Rocky river beds - variety of soils /geology - sands, silts, loams Range of geologyDESCRIPTION Mixed species, riparian woodland in swamps Blue Gum - Manna Gum tall, riparian forest Blue Gum - Manna Gum - Peppermint tall, moist forest


Swampy river flats adjacent to the Acheron R and Litlle Stevenson R Clendale Lane west of Farrers Lane, Taggerty Farrers Lane, south of Clendale Lane at start of Murrindindi State Forest


Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus crenulata (e)E. ovataE. viminalis

Silver WattleBlackwoodBuxton Silver Gum (e)Swamp GumManna Gum

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus. globulus subsp. bicostataE. ovataE. radiataE. rubidaE. viminalisPomaderris aspera

Silver WattleBlackwoodBlue Gum (Eurabbie)Swamp GumNarrow-leaf PeppermintCandlebarkManna GumHazel Pomaderris

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. obliquaE. radiataE. rubidaE. viminalis

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintBlue Gum (Eurabbie)MessmateNarrow-leaf PeppermintCandlebarkManna Gum

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsitesñ Upper elevations

Cassinia aculeataC. longifoliaCoprosma quadrifidaHymenanthera dentataLeptospermum continentaleL. grandifoliumL. lanigerum

Common CassiniaShiny CassiniaPrickly Currant-bushTree VioletPrickly Tea-treeMountain Tea-treeWoolly Tea-tree

Coprosma quadrifidaGoodenia ovatahhLeptospermum continentalehhL. grandifoliumhhL. lanigerumLomatia myricoidesPimelea axifloraPomaderris asperaProstanthera lasianthos

Prickly Currant-bushHop GoodeniahhPrickly Tea-treehhMountain Tea-treehhWoolly Tea-treeRiver LomatiaBootlace BushHazel PomaderrisVictorian Christmas-bush

Cassinia aculeatañCoprosma hirtellañC. quadrifidaDaviesia latifoliaEpacris impressaPimelea linifoliaPultenaea forsythianaSpyridium parvifolium

Common CassiniañRough CoprosmañPrickly Currant-bushHop Bitter-peaCommon HeathSlender Rice-flowerPrickly Bush-peaDusty Miller


Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia Leucopogon hookeri Mountain Beard-heath Leucopogon hookeriTetratheca ciliata

Mountain Beard-heathPink-bells

GROUND COVERS Blechnum nudumB. minusCarex appressaC. fascicularisClematis aristataCyperus lucidusLepidosperma elatiusMicrolaena stipoidesPoa ensiformisPolystichum proliferum

Fishbone Water-fernSoft Water-fernTall SedgeTassel SedgeMountain ClematisLeafy Flat-sedgeTall Sword-sedgeWeeping GrassSword Tussock-grassMother Shield-fern

Blechnum nudumCarex appressaC. fasicularisCyperus lucidusDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa ensiformisViola hederacea

Fishbone Water-fernTall SedgeTassell SedgeLeafy Flat-sedgeTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassSword Tussock-grassIvy-leaf Violet

Acrotriche serrulataBillardiera scandensClematis aristataEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPlatylobium formosumPoa ensiformis

Honey-potsCommon Apple-berryMountain ClematisCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassHandsome Flat-peaSword Tussock-grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact your localNRE office.

Page 17: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives
Page 18: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theYea Valleys and Low Hills - Dry Slopes and Ridges - Protected Upper Slopes and Valleys

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 19: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

YEA – Valleys and Low Hills - Dry Slopes and Ridges - Protected Upper Slopes and Valleys

LANDFORM Valleys and Low Hills Dry Slopes and Ridges Protected Upper Slopes, Steep Gullies, Moist ValleysEVC Grassy Woodland/Valley Grassy Forest Grassy Dry Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availability Variety of geologies; well drained soils, often skeletal and rocky Variety of geologies ; moist, fertile soils.DESCRIPTION Mixed species shrubby-grassy woodland Box - Stringybark dry grassy-shrubby woodland Blue Gum - Peppermint shrubby, moist tall forest


South side of Goulburn Valley Hwy, c 0.4 km south of Killingworth Rd;Disturbed areas around Allandale Rd, south of Strath Creek

Spur Rd, c 0.8 km north of Whittlesea Yea Rd;Minto Spur Rd, first 3 km west of Whittlesea - Yea Rd

Whittlesea Yea Rd, south of Minto Spur RdWhittlesea Yea Rd, c 0.6 km south of Spring Valley Rd


S Wetter sitesñ Upper elevations

SAcacia dealbataSA. melanoxylonEucalyptus macrorhynchaE. microcarpaE. polyanthemosE. rubidaExocarpos cupressiformis

SSilver WattleSBlackwoodRed StringybarkGrey BoxRed BoxCandlebarkCherry Ballart

Acacia implexaEucalyptus divesE. macrorhynchaE. obliquaE. polyanthemosE. rubida

LightwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintRed StringybarkMessmateRed BoxCandlebark

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. obliquaE. rubidañPomaderris aspera

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintBlue Gum (Eurabbie)MessmateCandlebarkñHazel Pomaderris

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsites ñ Upperelevations

Bursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataC. longifoliaHymenanthera dentatahhLeptospermum continentalePimelea linifolia

Sweet BursariaCommon CassiniaShiny CassiniaTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-treeSlender Rice-flower

Acacia paradoxaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataDaviesia leptophyllaDillwynia juniperinaGrevillea alpinaPimelea linifolia

Hedge WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaCommon CassiniaNarrow-leaf Bitter-peaPrickly Parrot-peaCat’s Claw GrevilleaSlender Rice-flower

Cassinia aculeatañCoprosma hirtellaDaviesia latifoliaEpacris impressaIndigofera australisPimelea linifoliañPolyscias sambucifoliaPultenaea forsythianaSpyridium parvifolium

Common CassiniañRough CoprosmaHop Bitter-peaCommon HeathAustral IndigoSlender Rice-flowerñElderberry PanaxPrickly Bush-peaDusty Miller


Hibbertia obtusifoliaHovea linearisPimelea humilis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon HoveaCommon Rice-flower

Hibbertia obtusifoliaTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerPink-bells

Hibbertia obtusifoliaPimelea humilisTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Rice-flowerPink-bells

GROUND COVERS Acrotriche prostrataArthropodium strictumAustrodanthonia pilosaElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Trailing Ground-berryChocolate LilyVelvet Wallaby-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Arthropodium strictumAustrodanthonia pilosaElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaJoycea pallidaPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Chocolate LilyVelvet Wallaby-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineSilver-top Wallaby-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Ajuga australisDianella tasmanicaGlycine clandestinaLomandra longifoliaPlatylobium formosumPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaStylidium graminifolium

Austral BugleTasman Flax-lilyTwining GlycineSpiny-headed Mat-rushHandsome Flat-peaGrey Tussock-grassGrass Trigger-plant

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact your localNRE office.

Page 20: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theYea (Lower Catchments) Creeklines and Rivers - Plains - Valleys and Low Hills

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 21: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

YEA (LOWER CATCHMENTS) – Creeklines and Rivers - Plains - Valleys and Low Hills

LANDFORM Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains Plains Valleys and Low HillsEVC Creekline Grassy Woodland/Floodplain Riparian Woodland Plains Grassy Woodland Grassy Woodland/Valley Grassy Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Alluvium - clays, silts and sands Colluvium – loams, clays, silts and sands Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availabilityDESCRIPTION Creekbanks and adjacent floodplains Grey Box and Red Gum grassy woodland Mixed species shrubby-grassy woodland


No intact examples known;Frontage along the Goulburn and Murrindindi Rivers

Disturbed examples only;Tea Tree Rd, Flathead Lane, Dairy Creek Rd, Clark Rd (first 3 km)

South side of Goulburn Valley Hwy, c 0.4 km south of Killingworth Rd;Disturbed areas around Allandale Rd, south of Strath Creek


óOn adjacent flatshh Poorly drainedsitesS Wetter sites

Eucalyptus camaldulensisóE. melliodoraóE. microcarpahhE. ovata

River Red GumóYellow BoxóGrey BoxhhSwamp Gum

Acacia mearnsiiA. melanoxylonEucalyptus camaldulensisE. melliodora

Black WattleBlackwoodRiver Red GumYellow Box

SAcacia dealbataSA. melanoxylonEucalyptus macrorhynchaE. microcarpaE. polyanthemosE. rubidaExocarpos cupressiformis

SSilver WattleSBlackwoodRed StringybarkGrey BoxRed BoxCandlebarkCherry Ballart

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsites

Acacia vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCallistemon sieberiCassinia arcuataHymenanthera dentatahhLeptospermum continentaleL. lanigerumMelaleuca parvistaminea

Varnish WattleSweet BursariaRiver BottlebrushDrooping CassiniaTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-treeWoolly Tea-treeRough-barked Honey-myrtle

Acacia lanigeraA. paradoxaA. pycnanthaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia arcuataDaviesia ulicifoliaHymenanthera dentata

Woolly WattleHedge WattleGolden WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaDrooping CassiniaGorse Bitter-peaTree Violet

Bursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataC. longifoliaHymenanthera dentatahhLeptospermum continentalePimelea linifolia

Sweet BursariaCommon CassiniaShiny CassiniaTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-treeSlender Rice-flower


Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia Hibbertia obtusifoliaPimelea humilis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Rice-flower

GROUND COVERS Carex appressaC. fascicularisElymus scaberGlyceria australisLomandra longifoliaLythrum salicariaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa labillardieriThemeda triandra

Tall SedgeTassel SedgeCommon Wheat-grassAustralian Sweet-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushPurple LoosetrifeWeeping GrassCommon Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Carex appressaC. tereticaulisDianella revolutaElymus scaberLomandra filiformisPoa morrisiiP. sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Tall SedgeRush SedgeBlack-anther Flax-lilyCommon Wheat-grassWattle Mat-rushSoft Tussock-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Acrotriche prostrataArthropodium strictumAustrodanthonia pilosaElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaSchoenus apogonThemeda triandra

Trailing Ground-berryChocolate LilyVelvet Wallaby-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineGrey Tussock-grassCommon Bog-sedgeKangaroo Grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact yourlocal NRE office.

Page 22: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theYea (Upper Catchments) Valleys and Low Hills - Moist Valleys - Rivers and Streams

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 23: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

YEA (UPPER CATCHMENTS) – Valleys and Low Hills - Moist Valleys - Rivers and Streams

LANDFORM Valleys and Low Hills Protected Upper Slopes, Moist Gullies, Steep Valleys Swift-flowing Streams and RiversEVC Grassy Woodland/Valley Grassy Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest Riparian Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Fertile, well drained soils, reasonable water availability Range of geology ; moist, fertile soils. Often rocky river beds with range of geology – sands, silts and loamsDESCRIPTION Mixed species shrubby-grassy woodland Blue Gum - Peppermint shrubby, moist tall forest Taller riparian forests in higher rainfall areas


South side of Goulburn Valley Hwy, c 0.4 km south of Killingworth Rd;Disturbed areas around Allandale Rd, south of Strath Creek

Whittlesea Yea Rd - south of Minto Spur Rd;Whittlesea Yea Rd, c 0.6 km south of Tea Tree Rd

Tributary of King Parrot Ck at Spring Valley Rd, c 0.2 km north of KingParrot Rd intersection


S Wetter sitesñ Upper elevations

S Acacia dealbataS A. melanoxylonEucalyptus macrorhynchaE. microcarpaE. polyanthemosE. rubidaExocarpos cupressiformis

S Silver WattleS BlackwoodRed StringybarkGrey BoxRed BoxCandlebarkCherry Ballart

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. obliquaE. rubidaPomaderris aspera

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintBlue Gum (Eurabbie)MessmateCandlebarkHazel Pomaderris

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostataE. viminalisñPomaderris aspera

Silver WattleBlackwoodBlue Gum (Eurabbie)Manna GumñHazel Pomaderris

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsitesñ Upper elevations

Bursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataC. longifoliaHymenanthera dentatahh Leptospermum continentalePimelea linifolia

Sweet BursariaCommon CassiniaShiny CassiniaTree Violethh Prickly Tea-treeSlender Rice-flower

Cassinia aculeatañCoprosma hirtellaEpacris impressaIndigofera australisMirbelia oxylobiodesPimelea linifoliañPolyscias sambucifoliaPultenaea forsythianaSpyridium parvifolium

Common CassiniañRough CoprosmaCommon HeathAustral IndigoMountain MirbeliaSlender Rice-flowerñElderberry PanaxPrickly Bush-peaDusty Miller

Bursaria spinosañCoprosma quadrifidañCorrea lawrencianaGynatrix pulchellañHedycarya angustifoliañLeptospermum grandifoliumñPimelea axifloraProstranthera lasianthosSpyridium parvifolium

Sweet BursariañPrickly Currant-bushñMountain CorreaHemp BushñAustral MulberryñMountian Tea-treeñBootlace BushVictorian Christmas-bushDusty Miller


Hibbertia obtusifoliaHovea linearisPimelea humilis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon HoveaCommon Rice-flower

Hibbertia obtusifoliaPimelea humilisTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Rice-flowerPink-bells

Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia

GROUND COVERS Acrotriche prostrataArthropodium strictumAustrodanthonia pilosaElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Trailing Ground-berryChocolate LilyVelvet Wallaby-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Ajuga australisBillardiera scandensDianella tasmanicaGlycine clandestinaLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPlatylobium formosumPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaStylidium graminifolium

Austral BugleCommon Apple-berryTasman Flax-lilyTwining GlycineSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassHandsome Flat-peaGrey Tussock-grassGrass Trigger-plant

Blechnum nudumB. wattsiiCarex appressaC. fasicularisDianella tasmanicaMentha laxifloraPoa ensiformisStellaria flaccidaViola hederacea

Fishbone Water-fernHard Water-fernTall SedgeTassel SedgeTasman Flax-lilyForest MintSword Tussock-grassForest StarwortIvy-leaf Violet

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact your localNRE office.

Page 24: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives
Page 25: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theGhin Ghin Dry Slopes and Ridges - Protected Slopes and Plateaux – Rivers and Streams

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 26: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

GHIN GHIN – Dry Slopes and Ridges - Protected Slopes and Plateaux – Rivers and Streams

LANDFORM Dry Slopes and Ridges Protected Upper Slopes, Steep Gullies and Plateaux Swift-flowing Streams and RiversEVC Grassy Dry Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest/Damp Forest Riparian Forest/Swampy Riparian Woodland

GEOLOGY & SOILS Variety of geology - well drained soils, sometimes skeletal and rocky Variety of geology - moist, fertile soils. Often rocky, with variety of geology – sands, silts and loamsDESCRIPTION Stringybark and Box dry, grassy woodland or forest Blue Gum and Peppermint shrubby, moist, tall forest Blue Gum – Manna Gum tall moist forest


Old Highlands Rd - travelling S to N, exposed aspects and steep slopes(Grassy Dry) and moist gullies and protected slopes (Herb-rich Foothill Forest).

Caveat Bushland Reserve, c 1.2 km along Molesworth Rd;Yarck Flora Reserve

Jack Ck, upstream of Chisholms Rd or downstream of Fassifern Rd;Hughes Ck, east and west of Nolans Rd, Dropmore


hh Poorly drainedsites

Eucalyptus divesE. goniocalyxE. macrorhynchaE. polyanthemos

Broad-leaved PeppermintLong-leaved BoxRed StringybarkRed Box

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. goniocalyxE. radiataE. obliqua

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaf PeppermintBlue Gum (Eurabbie)Long-leaf BoxNarrow-leaf PeppermintMessmate

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonhhEucalyptus camphora subsp. humeanaE. globulus subsp. bicostatahhE. ovataE. viminalisPomaderris aspera

Silver WattleBlackwoodhhMountain Swamp GumBlue Gum (Eurabbie)hhSwamp GumManna GumHazel Pomaderris

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsites

Acacia paradoxaCassinia aculeataCorrea reflexaDillwynia juniperinaGrevillea alpinaMonotoca scopariaPimelea linifoliaPultenaea daphnoides

Hedge WattleCommon CassiniaCommon CorreaPrickly Parrot-peaCat’s Claw GrevilleaPrickly Broom-heathSlender Rice-flowerLarge-leaf Bush-pea

Cassinia aculeataCoprosma quadrifidaEpacris impressaGynatrix pulchellaHymenanthera dentataMirbelia oxylobiodesOzothamnus ferrugineusPimelea axiflora

Common CassiniaPrickly Currant-bushCommon HeathHemp BushTree VioletMountain MirbeliaTree EverlastingBootlace Bush

Acacia pravissimaBursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataCoprosma quadrifidahhLeptospermum lanigerumL. myrsinoidesPomaderris prunifoliaProstanthera lasianthosSpyridium parvifolium

Ovens WattleSweet BursariaCommon CassiniaPrickly Currant-bushhhWoolly Tea-treeHeath Tea-treePrunus PomaderrisVictorian Christmas-bushDusty Miller


Dillwynia sericeaHibbertia obtusifolia

Showy Parrot-peaGrey Guinea-flower

Hibbertia obtusifoliaHovea linearisPimelea humilis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon HoveaCommon Rice-flower

GROUND COVERS Astroloma humifusumDianella revolutaEchinopogon ovatusHelichrysum scorpioidesJoycea pallidaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa morrisiiThemeda triandra

Cranberry HeathBlack-anther Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassButton EverlastingSilvertop Wallaby-grassWeeping GrassSoft Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Billardiera scandensBlechnum nudumDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusGlycine clandestinaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa morrisiiP. sieberiana var. sieberiana

Common Apple-berryFishbone Water-fernTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassTwining GlycineWeeping GrassSoft Tussock-grassGrey Tussock-grass

Blechnum nudumCarex appressaC. fasicularisDianella tasmanicaLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa ensiformisPolystichum proliferum

Fishbone Water-fernTall SedgeTassell SedgeTasman Flax-lilySpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassSword Tussock-grassMother Shield-fern

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact yourlocal NRE office.

Page 27: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theGhin Ghin Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains - Plains - Valleys and Low Hills

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 28: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

GHIN GHIN – Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains - Plains - Valleys and Low Hills

LANDFORM Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains Plains Valleys and Low HillsEVC Creekline Grassy Woodland/Floodplain Riparian Woodland Plains Grassy Woodland Grassy Woodland/Valley Grassy Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Alluvium – clays, loams - flooded seasonally Alluvium - clay loams and loams Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availabilityDESCRIPTION Red Gum grassy woodland Red Gum and Box grassy woodland Mixed species shrubby, grassy woodland


Goulburn River at Ghin Ghin – Highlands Rd;Goulburn River at Goulburn Valley Highway, north of Trawool

Ghin Ghin – Highlands Rd, up to 2.5 km north of the Goulburn River Highlands Rd, 9 km north of Goulburn Valley Hwy


óOn adjacent flatsS Wetter sites

Acacia dealbataEucalyptus camaldulensisóE. melliodoraóE. microcarpaE. ovataE. viminalis

Silver WattleRiver Red GumóYellow BoxóGrey BoxSwamp GumManna Gum

Eucalyptus camaldulensisE. melliodoraE. viminalis

River Red GumYellow BoxManna Gum

SAcacia dealbataA. mearnsiiSA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. goniocalyxE. macrorhynchaSE. melliodoraE. polyanthemos

SSilver WattleBlack WattleSBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintLong-leaf BoxRed StringybarkSYellow BoxRed Box

SHRUBS1 - 8m

Acacia pycnanthaBursaria spinosaCallistemon sieberiCassinia arcuataHymenanthera dentataLeptospermum continentaleMelaleuca ericifolia

Golden WattleSweet BursariaRiver BottlebrushDrooping CassiniaTree VioletPrickly Tea-treeSwamp Paperbark

Acacia pycnanthaCassinia arcuataDaviesia ulicifolia

Golden WattleDrooping CassiniaGorse Bitter-pea

Acacia pycnanthaBursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataC. arcuataDaviesia leptophyllaHymenanthera dentataIndigofera australis

Golden WattleSweet BursariaCommon CassiniaDrooping CassiniaNarrow-leaf Bitter-peaTree VioletAustral Indigo


Hibbertia obtusifoliaHovea linearisPimelea humilis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon HoveaCommon Rice-flower

GROUND COVERS Carex appressaC. fascicularisElymus scaberGlyceria australisLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa labillardieriP. morrisiiPhragmites australisThemeda triandra

Tall SedgeTassel SedgeCommon Wheat-grassAustralian Sweet-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassCommon Tussock-grassSoft Tussock-grassCommon ReedKangaroo Grass

Austrostipa semibarbarbataCarex appressaDianella longifoliaD. revolutaLomandra filiformisPoa labillardieriP. morrisiiP. sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Fibrous Spear-grassTall SedgePale Flax-lilyBlack-anther Flax-lilyWattle Mat-rushCommon Tussock-grassSoft Tussock-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Acrotriche prostrataAustrostipa densifoliaDianella revolutaEchinopogon ovatusGlycine clandestinaLomandra filiformisMicrolaena stipoidesPoa morrisiiThemeda triandra

Trailing Ground-berryDense Spear-grassBlack-anther Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassTwining GlycineWattle Mat-rushWeeping GrassSoft Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact yourlocal NRE office.

Page 29: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives
Page 30: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theMount Disappointment Valleys and Low Hills - Rocky Outcrops - Protected Slopes and Moist Valleys

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 31: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

MT DISAPPOINTMENT – Valleys and Low Hills - Rocky Outcrops - Protected Slopes and Moist Valleys

LANDFORM Valleys and Low Hills Granite Hills, Slopes and Rocky Outcrops Protected Upper Slopes, Steep Gullies, Moist ValleysEVC Grassy Woodland/Valley Grassy Forest Granitic Hills Woodland/Rocky Outcrop Shrubland Herb-rich Foothill Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availability Granite parent rock with coarse sandy soils Variety of geologies - moist, fertile soils.DESCRIPTION Mixed species shrubby - grassy woodland Stringybark - Box shrubby, herb-rich rocky outcrops Blue Gum - Peppermint shrubby, moist tall forest


Strath Creek Rd, 500m west of Murchison Spur Rd to Reedy Creek Rd;Lower slopes of Tallarook Recreation Reserve, Sanctuary Rd Tallarook

Albers Rd, c 1 km from Landscape Rd, east of Tallarook Tallarook State Forest along Ennis Rd, c 3 km east of Hume Highway;Tallarook State Forest along Fairview Rd near East Falls Rd


S Wetter sites

SAcacia dealbataA. implexaEucalyptus macrorhynchaSE. melliodoraE. microcarpaE. polyanthemos

SSilver WattleLightwoodRed StringybarkSYellow BoxGrey BoxRed Box

SAcacia dealbataA. implexaA. mearnsiiSA. melanoxylonSEucalyptus globulus subsp. BicostataE. goniocalyxE. macrorhynchaE. polyanthemos

SSilver WattleLightwoodBlack WattleSBlackwoodSEurabbieLong-leaf BoxRed StringybarkRed Box

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. goniocalyxE. obliquaE. rubidaE. viminalis

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintEurabbie (Blue Gum)Long-leaf BoxMessmateCandlebarkManna Gum

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drainedsitesñ Upper elevations

Acacia paradoxaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataExocarpos strictusHymenanthera dentatahhLeptospermum continentale

Hedge WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaCommon CassiniaPale-fruit BallartTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-tree

Cassinia aculeataSC. longifoliaExocarpos strictusHymenanthera dentataPimelea linifolia

Common CassiniaSShiny CassiniaPale-fruit BallartTree VioletSlender Rice-flower

Acacia leprosañCoprosma hirtellañC. quadrifidaEpacris impressañPimelea axifloraP. linifoliaSpyridium parvifolium

Cinnamon WattleñRough CoprosmañPrickly Currant-bushCommon HeathñBootlace BushSlender Rice-flowerDusty Miller


Hibbertia obtusifoliaHovea linearis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Hovea

Tetratheca ciliata Pink-bells Hibbertia obtusifoliaPimelea humilisTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Rice-flowerPink-bells


∝ Rocky Outcrops

Acrotriche prostrataAustrodanthonia pilosaAustrostipa densifloraDianella longifoliaElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaLeptorhynchos squamatusPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Trailing Ground-berryVelvet Wallaby-grassDense Spear-grassPale Flax-lilyCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineScaly ButtonsGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Austrodanthonia pilosaAustrostipa densiflora∝Isotoma axillarisMicrolaena stipoidesPelargonium australePoa sieberiana var. hirtellaSenecio hispidulusStylidium graminifolium

Velvet Wallaby-grassDense Spear-grass∝Rock IsotomeWeeping GrassAustral Stork's-billGrey Tussock-grassRough FireweedGrass Trigger-plant

Ajuga australisDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPlatylobium formosumPoa sieberiana var. sieberiana

Austral BugleTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassHandsome Flat-peaGrey Tussock-grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact yourlocal NRE office.

Page 32: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theMount Disappointment (Lower Catchments) Creeks and Rivers - Plains - Valleys and Low Hills

An Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 33: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

MT DISAPPOINTMENT (LOWER CATCHMENTS) – Creeks and Rivers - Plains - Valleys and Low Hills

LANDFORM Creeklines, Rivers and Floodplains Plains Valleys and Low HillsEVC Creekline Grassy Woodland/Floodplain Riparian Woodland Plains Grassy Woodland Grassy Woodland/Valley Grassy Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Alluvium - clays, silts and sands Alluvium - clay loams and loams Fertile, well drained, reasonable water availabilityDESCRIPTION Red Gum grassy woodland Red Gum - Box grassy woodland Mixed species shrubby - grassy woodland

LOCATION EXAMPLE No intact examples known;Frontage along the Goulburn River and Strath Creek

Plains around Broadford, Tallarook and Strath Creek Strath Creek Rd, 500m west of Murchison Spur Rd to Reedy Creek Rd;Lower slopes of Tallarook Recreation Reserve, Sanctuary Rd Tallarook


hh Poorly drained sitesóOn adjacent flatsS Wetter sites

Acacia melanoxylongEucalyptus camaldulensisóE. melliodoraóE. microcarpahhE. ovata

BlackwoodRiver Red GumóYellow BoxóGrey BoxhhSwamp Gum

SAcacia dealbataA. mearnsiiSA. melanoxylonEucalyptus camaldulensisE. melliodoraE. microcarpa

SSilver WattleBlack WattleSBlackwoodRiver Red GumYellow BoxGrey Box

SAcacia dealbataA. implexaSA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. macrorhynchaSE. melliodoraE. microcarpaE. polyanthemos

SSilver WattleLightwoodSBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintRed StringybarkSYellow BoxGrey BoxRed Box

SHRUBS1 - 8m

hh Poorly drained sites

Acacia vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCallistemon sieberiHymenanthera dentatahhLeptospermum continentaleL. lanigerumL. obovatumMelaleuca parvistaminea

Varnish WattleSweet BursariaRiver BottlebrushTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-treeWoolly Tea-treeRiver Tea-treeRough-barked Honey-myrtle

Acacia paradoxaA. pycnanthaBursaria spinosaCassinia arcuataDaviesia ulicifoliaHymenanthera dentata

Hedge WattleGolden WattleSweet BursariaDrooping CassiniaGorse Bitter-peaTree Violet

Acacia paradoxaA. vernicifluaBursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataExocarpos strictusHymenanthera dentatahLeptospermum continentale

Hedge WattleVarnish WattleSweet BursariaCommon CassiniaPale-fruit BallartTree ViolethhPrickly Tea-tree


Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia Hibbertia obtusifoliaPimelea humilis

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Rice-flower

GROUND COVERS Carex appressaC. fascicularisElymus scaberGlyceria australisLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPoa labillardieriThemeda triandra

Tall SedgeTassel SedgeCommon Wheat-grassAustralian Sweet-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassCommon Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Carex appressaDianella longifoliaElymus scaberLeptorhynchos squamatusLomandra multifloraPoa morrisiiP. sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Tall SedgePale Flax-lilyCommon Wheat-grassScaly ButtonsMany-flowered Flax-lilySoft Tussock-grassGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Acrotriche prostrataAustrostipa densifloraDianella longifoliaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaPoa sieberiana var. sieberianaThemeda triandra

Trailing Ground-berryDense Spear-grassPale Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineGrey Tussock-grassKangaroo Grass

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact yourlocal NRE office.

Page 34: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

Vegetation Profile for theMount Disappointment (Upper Catchments) Dry Slopes and Ridges - Rivers - Protected Slopes An

Excerpt from the Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken CatchmentEdited by Gill Earl, Fleur Stelling, Mary Titcumb and Sue Berwick.

Department of Natural Resources & Environment The State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2000 ISBN 0 7311 4731 6

ContentsForewordAcknowledgmentsDedicationAbout the ContributorsArea covered by the GuideIntroductionPart OneChapter 1 The Goulburn Broken Catchment and its vegetation typesChapter 2 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 3 Interconnections: animals, plants and catchment healthChapter 4 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken CatchmentChapter 5 Remnant vegetation - values and threatsChapter 6 Remnant vegetation, revegetation and farm planningChapter 7 Re-establishing native vegetationChapter 8 Direct seedingChapter 9 Salinity and native vegetation establishmentChapter 10 Enhancing streams by revegetation and erosion controlChapter 11 Constructed wetlandsChapter 12 The economic use of remnant vegetationChapter 13 Linking commercial timber production and conservation: an

approach to farm forestryChapter 14 Analogue forestry: a sustainable production systemChapter 15 Values of native grasses and pastures on the farmChapter 16 Collecting seed from locally native plantsChapter 17 Propagating locally native plants for revegetation

Practical Information NotesUnderstoreyNatural Pest ControlRural DiebackInsects and Tree DeclineMistletoeVegetation Management - The Catchment Approach for Landcare GroupsGetting to Know your Local PlantsRevegetation Activity CalendarWindbreaksSeedling Quality TipsPlanting Densities for Different Ecosystems

Part Two - Locality Maps & General Native Vegetation ProfilesChoosing the right profileIndex to general native vegetation profiles

Part Three - Plant Descriptions available only in the full print publication

Appendices1 Rare and threatened plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment2 Regionally significant plants in the Goulburn Broken Catchment3 Environmental weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment4 Wildlife in the Goulburn Broken Catchment5 Native seed suppliers6 What to plant and where in wetlands7 Revegetation costs8 Regional nurseries supplying locally native plants9 Further assistance and contacts10 Native plant field guides

GlossaryBibliographyIndex available only in the full print publication

The accompanying sheet is an excerptfrom a 400+ page document availableon the GBCMA website athttp://www.gbcma.gov.vic.au/revegetationor on CDROM and in print formavailable from NRE offices:

Alexandra Benalla46 Aitken St Sydney Road ComplexAlexandra VIC 3714 Benalla VIC 3672 tel: 03-5772-0200 tel: 03-5761-16110

Tatura Wangaratta Ferguson Rd ‘Tara Court’ Ford StTatura VIC 3616 Wangaratta VIC 3679tel: 03-5833-5222 tel: 03-5721-5022


This guide aims to improveknowledge on the informationherein. As such, it is availablefor use for purposes of studyand extension, providing dueacknowledgment is given.

The opinions, advice andinformation contained in thispublication have not beenprovided at the request of anyperson but are offered by theDepartment of NaturalResources & Environmentsolely for information purposes.

While the information containedin this publication has beenformulated in good faith, thecontents do not take intoaccount all the factors whichneed to be considered beforeputting that information intopractice. Accordingly, no personshould rely on anythingcontained herein as a substitutefor specific advice.

Page 35: RURAL LIVING DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES MURRINDINDI SHIRE · 2016. 5. 27. · Long-leaf Box Red Stringybark Yellow Box Messmate Red Box Acacia dealbata A. melanoxylon Eucalyptus dives

MT DISAPPOINTMENT (UPPER CATCHMENTS) – Dry Slopes and Ridges - Rivers - Protected Slopes

LANDFORM Dry Slopes and Ridges Protected Upper Slopes, Steep Gullies, Moist Valleys Swift - flowing Rivers and StreamsEVC Grassy Dry Forest Herb-rich Foothill Forest Riparian Forest

GEOLOGY & SOILS Range of geology - shallow, well drained soils, sometimes rocky Range of geology - moist, fertile soils. Rocky river beds - variety of soils /geologies - sands, silts, loamsDESCRIPTION Box - Stringybark dry, grassy - shrubby woodland Blue Gum - Peppermint shrubby, moist tall forest Taller riparian forests in higher rainfall areas


Murchison Spur Rd - Strath Creek Rd intersection;Cunninghams Rd north of Tyaak

Tallarook State Forest along Ennis Rd, c 3 km east of Hume Highway;Tallarook State Forest along Fairview Rd near East Falls Rd

Stream crossing at Albers Rd, c 0.1 km east of Landscape Rd;Reedy Creek along Reedy Creek Rd, Tyaak


Acacia mearnsiiEucalyptus divesE. goniocalyxE. macrorhynchaE. obliquaE. polyanthemosE. rubida

Black WattleBroad-leaved PeppermintLong-leaved BoxRed StringybarkMessmateRed BoxCandlebark

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus divesE. globulus subsp. bicostataE. goniocalyxE. obliquaE. rubidaE. viminalis

Silver WattleBlackwoodBroad-leaved PeppermintEurabbie (Blue Gum)Long-leaf BoxMessmateCandlebarkManna Gum

Acacia dealbataA. melanoxylonEucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostataE. viminalisPittosporum bicolorPomaderris asperaTasmannia lanceolata

Silver WattleBlackwoodBlue Gum (Eurabbie)Manna GumBanyallaHazel PomaderrisMountain Pepper

SHRUBS1 - 8m

ñ Upper elevations

Bursaria spinosaCassinia aculeataCorrea reflexaDaviesia leptophyllaPimelea linifolia

Sweet BursariaCommon CassiniaCommon CorreaNarrow-leaf Bitter-peaSlender Rice-flower

Acacia leprosañCoprosma hirtellañC. quadrifidaEpacris impressañPimelea axifloraP. linifoliaSpyridium parvifolium

Cinnamon WattleñRough CoprosmañPrickly Currant-bushCommon HeathñBootlace BushSlender Rice-flowerDusty Miller

Acacia mucronataCoprosma quadrifidaDodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissimaHymenanthera dentataOlearia lirataProstanthera lasianthos

Variable Sallow WattlePrickly Currant-bushSticky Hop bushTree VioletSnow Daisy-bushVictorian Christmas-bush


Acacia aculeatissimaHibbertia obtusifoliaTetratheca ciliata

Thin-leaf WattleGrey Guinea-flowerPink-bells

Hibbertia obtusifoliaPimelea humilisTetratheca ciliata

Grey Guinea-flowerCommon Rice-flowerPink-bells

Goodenia ovataLeucopogon hookeri

Hop GoodeniaMountain Beard-heath

GROUND COVERS Austrodanthonia pilosaAustrostipa densifloraElymus scaberHardenbergia violaceaJoycea pallidaLeptorhynchos squamatusMicrolaena stipoidesPoa sieberiana var. sieberiana

Velvet Wallaby-grassDense Spear-grassCommon Wheat-grassPurple Coral-peaSilvertop Wallaby-grassScaly ButtonsWeeping GrassGrey Tussock-grass

Ajuga australisDianella tasmanicaEchinopogon ovatusElymus scaberGlycine clandestinaLomandra longifoliaMicrolaena stipoidesPlatylobium formosumPoa sieberiana var. sieberiana

Austral BugleTasman Flax-lilyCommon Hedgehog-grassCommon Wheat-grassTwining GlycineSpiny-headed Mat-rushWeeping GrassHandsome Flat-peaGrey Tussock-grass

Blechnum nudumCarex appressaC. fasicularisEchinopogon ovatusLomandra longifoliaMentha laxifloraMicrolaena stipoidesPoa ensiformisViola hederacea

Fishbone Water-fernTall SedgeLeafy Flat-sedgeCommon Hedgehog-grassSpiny-headed Mat-rushForest MintWeeping GrassSword Tussock-grassIvy-leaf Violet

Note: For general re-planting select 30% treesand at least 70% shrubs. Ifenhancing sites withremnant trees, select shrubsonly and allow trees toregenerate. Additions oflocally native species forthis list are gratefullyaccepted - contact yourlocal NRE office.