Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey School of Nursing Camden Spring 2013 Course Title: Nursing of Adults Theory Course Number: 50:705:303 Course Hours: Tuesday or Thursday, 9:30am - 12:10pm Credit: 3 (3 class hours weekly) Faculty: Janice M. Beitz, PhD, RN, CS, CNOR, CWOCN, CRNP, MAPWCA Professor of Nursing Email: [email protected] (preferred) Office: Armitage Hall 460 (Office hours by appointment) Phone: 856-225-6791 Faculty: Sherry Burrell, PhD(C), MSN, CNE, ACNS-BC Clinical Faculty Email: [email protected] (preferred) Office: Armitage Hall 463 (Office hours by appointment) Phone: 856-225-2983 Prerequisites: Nursing of Women and the Childbearing Family Theory & Laboratory (57:705:301; 302); Research in Nursing (57:705:411); and Pathophysiology (50:120:347) Co-Requisites: Nursing of Adults Theory and Clinical (57:705:304) and Pharmacology (57:705:489) Locations: Armitage Hall, Fine Arts Course Description: This course focuses on the health promotion, disease prevention, and the restoration of optimal health in young and middle aged adults from diverse populations who have health alterations. Health alterations including common acute illnesses, chronic diseases, and disabilities that are viewed as a shift towards illness on the wellness-illness continuum are addressed. Family-centered end of life nursing care is discussed. Complex relationships among the patient's altered health status, genetics, and the environment are explored. Knowledge from the physical, social, behavioral sciences, and humanities are integrated with nursing theories. Previously learned concepts and principles of physiology and pathophysiology are integrated with patients’ basic alterations in health status and the nursing process. Patients are viewed holistically with the nurse providing systematic, holistic, culturally competent, evidence-based, patient-centered care. Current national and international issues in caring for adults with basic health alterations will be explored. Concepts of pharmacology, therapeutic nutrition, rehabilitation, and complementary/alternative treatment modalities are explored relating to patients' basic alterations in health status. A spirit of inquiry and critical thinking is encouraged through interactive classroom discussions and supplemental web-enhanced resources that provide learners with unlimited opportunities to expand their knowledge base.

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Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey

School of Nursing – Camden

Spring 2013

Course Title: Nursing of Adults Theory

Course Number: 50:705:303

Course Hours: Tuesday or Thursday, 9:30am - 12:10pm

Credit: 3 (3 class hours weekly)

Faculty: Janice M. Beitz, PhD, RN, CS, CNOR, CWOCN, CRNP, MAPWCA

Professor of Nursing

Email: [email protected] (preferred)

Office: Armitage Hall 460 (Office hours by appointment)

Phone: 856-225-6791

Faculty: Sherry Burrell, PhD(C), MSN, CNE, ACNS-BC

Clinical Faculty

Email: [email protected] (preferred)

Office: Armitage Hall 463 (Office hours by appointment)

Phone: 856-225-2983

Prerequisites: Nursing of Women and the Childbearing Family – Theory & Laboratory (57:705:301; 302); Research in

Nursing (57:705:411); and Pathophysiology (50:120:347)

Co-Requisites: Nursing of Adults Theory and Clinical (57:705:304) and Pharmacology (57:705:489)

Locations: Armitage Hall, Fine Arts

Course Description: This course focuses on the health promotion, disease prevention, and the restoration of optimal health in young and middle aged adults from diverse populations who have health alterations. Health alterations including common acute illnesses, chronic diseases, and disabilities that are viewed as a shift towards illness on the wellness-illness continuum are addressed. Family-centered end of life nursing care is discussed. Complex relationships among the patient's altered health status, genetics, and the environment are explored. Knowledge from the physical, social, behavioral sciences, and humanities are integrated with nursing theories. Previously learned concepts and principles of physiology and pathophysiology are integrated with patients’ basic alterations in health status and the nursing process. Patients are viewed holistically with the nurse providing systematic, holistic, culturally competent, evidence-based, patient-centered care. Current national and international issues in caring for adults with basic health alterations will be explored. Concepts of pharmacology, therapeutic nutrition, rehabilitation, and complementary/alternative treatment modalities are explored relating to patients' basic alterations in health status. A spirit of inquiry and critical thinking is encouraged through interactive classroom discussions and supplemental web-enhanced resources that provide learners with unlimited opportunities to expand their knowledge base.

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Objectives: At the completion of the course, the student will:

1. Discuss the use of the nursing process, focusing on optimal health restoration, biological, psychological, sociocultural, and spiritual needs of young and middle-aged adults experiencing basic alterations in health status.

2. Examine alterations in health using a systematic, holistic approach incorporating pathophysiology, pharmacology, and the nursing

process to guide nursing care.

3. Identify the nurse’s role in health promotion and disease prevention for young and middle aged adults in global environments. 4. Describe the relationship among environmental factors, genetic factors, and the patient’s health alterations.

5. Explore the process of collaboration and communication techniques used with patients, families, peers, and other members of the

health care team in planning, implementing, and evaluating care of patients and their families. 6. Demonstrate self-direction and responsibility for independent learning in order to become a lifelong learner. 7. Examine the professional nurse's role within the health care system as it applies to improving safety, quality and patient outcomes.

8. Explore the integration of nursing research into evidence-based practice with a focus on ethnic and cultural diversity and, patient

outcomes. 9. Describe the professional, legal, and ethical standards according to the ANA Code for Nurses and the International Council of Nurses, in the

application of the nursing process with adult patients experiencing alterations in health status.

10. Demonstrate the use of critical thinking in the planning of care for patients and their families experiencing basic alterations in health status.

Content Outline:

Foundations of Medical-Surgical Nursing

Nursing Management of Patients with Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances Nursing Management of Patients During the Perioperative Experience

Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Immune System

Nursing Management of Patients with Cancer Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Hematologic System

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Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Cardiovascular System

Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Respiratory System

Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Nervous System

Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Musculoskeletal System

Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Endocrine System Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Gastrointestinal System

Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Urinary and Renal Systems

Nursing Management of Patients with Problems of the Skin, Hair, and Nails

Teaching/Learning Methods: Lecture, discussion, audiovisuals, required readings, testing, group activities, online activities.

Evaluation Measures: Exam I: 25% Exam 2: 25% Final Exam: 40% Projects: Patient Care Scenarios/ Case Studies/Quizzes: 10% Required HESI Testing: Pass/Fail

HESI Testing (Standardized Testing): Students will be required to take a HESI test. Those not taking the test will receive an

incomplete and not progress in the nursing major. See syllabus topical outline for tentative dates.

SPECIAL NOTICE: Attendance is REQUIRED at ALL Classes. See information on attendance in appropriate SONC/Rutgers catalogs SPECIAL NOTICE: Students must achieve a “satisfactory” clinical evaluation and a passing grade in theory to successfully complete the

Nursing of Adults Laboratory Course. Failure of either 705:303 (Theory) or 705:304 (Clinical) constitutes a failure of the entire six (6)


Required Textbooks:

Ignatavicius, D., & Workman, M.L. (7th

ed) (2013). Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative care. St. Louis:

Elsevier Saunders.

Ignatavicius, D. &Workman, M.L. (2013). Clinical decision-making study guide for medical-surgical nursing: Patient centered

collaborative care. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders.

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Recommended Textbooks:

Multiple resources available related to adult health nursing. Check out Amazon.Com and see if any may help you.

Additional readings, articles, and web-based materials may be added or posted. Students will be notified in advance.

Professional Practice Guidelines, Standards of Care and Code of Ethics and Other Websites of Interest:

1. Quality and Safety Education for Nurses(QSEN)-Pre-licensure: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (2007-2012).


2. International Council of Nurses Revised 2012 Code of Ethics



3. Institute of Medicine-Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2010) http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2010/The-


4. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice

(2008) http://www.aacn.nche.edu/education-resources/BaccEssentials08.pdf

5. American Nurses Association (ANA) Scope and Standards of Professional Nursing Practice (2010)



6. Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses-Scope and Standards of Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice (2010).


7. The Joint Commission. National Patient Safety Goals. http://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx

8. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. The Triple Aim Initiative.


9. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 10 Patient Safety Tips for Hospitals. http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/10tips.htm.

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Grading Scale:

A 90 to 100

B+ 85 to 89

B 80 to 84

C+ 75 to 79 Passing

D 70 to 74 Not Passing

F 69 and lower

School of Nursing-Camden: Student Responsibilities/Academic Integrity

Class attendance and participation is expected. It is the responsibility of each student to arrive on time and to come prepared to

participate in class discussion. Discussions are to be professional, backed by fact, and not merely student opinions unless specifically

requested. Responses to other students’ comments are to be respectful and professional.

Regular preparation for class may be done in groups or in consultation with other resources. Students are required to follow

University Policy prohibiting plagiarism and academic fraud as described in the Nursing Student Handbook and on the website

http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/academic-integrity-at-rutgers. Students are responsible for understanding the principles of

academic integrity and abiding by them in all aspects of their work at the university. The principles of academic integrity require that

a student: Properly acknowledge and cite use of the ideas, results, or words of others

Properly acknowledge all contributors to a given piece of work

Make sure that all work submitted as his or her own in a course or other academic activity is produced without the aid of unsanctioned

materials or unsanctioned collaboration

Obtain all data or results by ethical means and report them accurately without suppressing any results inconsistent with his or her

interpretation or conclusions

Uphold the canons of the ethical or professional code of the professional for which he or she is preparing

Adherence to these principles is necessary in order to insure that: Everyone is given proper credit for his or her ideas, words, results, and other scholarly accomplishments

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All student work is fairly evaluated and no student has an inappropriate advantage over others

The academic and ethical development of all students is fostered

The reputation of the university for integrity in its teaching, research, and scholarship is maintained and enhanced

It is expected that examinations are the sole work of the student. The course schedule identifies examination dates. The

faculty member retains the right to change these dates should such a change be necessary. If a student cannot be present for a

scheduled examination, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the course faculty PRIOR to the examination start time. A

message may be sent to the faculty member’s email. The student must arrange for an examination make-up outside of regular

class/clinical time at the faculty member’s availability. If a student misses an examination, faculty reserves the right to test the

student in an alternative test format (e.g., essay, etc.). Missing major examinations should be for only extraordinary circumstances

(death in family, serious illness, hospitalization, etc.). Proper documentation is required.

In an effort to afford every student with an environment conducive to success during exams, no bathroom breaks will be permitted.

All cell phones/electric devices must be turned off. Exam material will cover the material provided in test plan.

Assignments are expected at the beginning of class period on the due date, or during the designated time frame. Late submissions or

extensions must be arranged with the instructor prior to the due date.

Cell phones and other electronic communication devices are permitted in onsite classes provided appropriate etiquette is followed.

Devices must be set on vibrate or quiet mode during class. Absolutely no electronic devices are allowed during exams or quizzes.

Lectures may be tape recorded for personal use only.

Course materials are the intellectual property of the faculty and are not to be posted or otherwise distributed without prior written

permission from the faculty member. If information from course material is used in student assignments or other professional endeavors,

it must be properly cited.

Students are encouraged to consult instructors for additional assistance in understanding course content.

Please contact the eCollege help desk if you have difficulties with the online aspect of the course. Phone: 877-778-8437 (24 hours a day,

7 days a week)

Email: [email protected].

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Topical Outline

Date/Week Faculty

Member Concepts/Topics Lecture

Hours Required Readings


1/22/2013 or


Beitz Foundations and Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing. HIV Immune National Patient Safety Goals Protecting Five Million Lives from Harm Institute of Medicine/Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Core Competencies Patient-Centered Care Teamwork and Collaboration Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Informatics

Pain: The Fifth Vital Sign Overview Definitions of Pain Scope of the Problem Categorizing Pain Theoretical Bases for Pain Addiction, Pseudoaddiction, Tolerance, and Physical Dependence Patient-Centered Collaborative Care

Care of Patients with HIV Disease and Other Immune Deficiencies Acquired (Secondary) Immune Deficiencies HIV Infection and AIDS Therapy-Induced Immune Deficiencies Selective Immunoglobulin A Deficiency Bruton’s Agammaglobulinemia Common Variable Immunodeficiency

Care of Patients with Immune Function Excess: Hypersensitivity (Allergy) and Autoimmunity Hypersensitivities/Allergies Type I: Rapid Hypersensitivity Reactions Type II: Cytotoxic Reactions Type III: Immune Complex Reactions Type IV: Delayed Hypersensitivity Reactions Type V: Stimulatory Reactions Autoimmunity Sjogren’s Syndrome Good pasture’s Syndrome

3 IGGY Chaps 1, 4, 5, 7,

19, 21, 22


activities in


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1/29/2013 or


Burrell Fluid & Electrolytes/Acid Base

Assessment and Care of Patients with Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances Homeostasis Anatomy and Physiology Review Physiologic Influences on Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Fluid Balance Body Fluids Hormonal Regulation of Fluid Balance Fluid Imbalances Dehydration Fluid Overload Electrolyte Balance and Imbalances Sodium Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Chloride

Assessment and Care of Patients with Acid-Base Imbalances Acid-Base Balance Acid-Base Chemistry Body Fluid Chemistry Acid-Base Regulatory Actions and Mechanisms Acid-Base Imbalances Acidosis Alkalosis

Infusion Therapy Types of Infusion Therapy Fluids Vascular Access Devices Peripheral Intravenous Therapy Short Peripheral Catheters Midline Catheters Central Intravenous Therapy Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters Non-tunneled Percutaneous Central Venous Catheters Tunneled Central Venous Catheters Alternative Sites for Infusion Subcutaneous Infusion Intraosseous Therapy Intra-arterial Therapy Intraperitoneal Infusion Intraspinal Infusion

3 Required Reading: IGGY Chapters: 13, 14, and 15 Required HESI Case Study (Graded): Fundamentals – “Fluid Balance.” Assignment opens 2/1/2013 at 8am and closes 2/8/2013 at 8am. Student Enrichment (Optional) - HESI Patient RN Patient Reviews: a) “Clinical Nursing

Concepts – Fluid & Electrolyte Balance: 1. “Rusty Jackson”

b) “Clinical Nursing Concepts – Acid-Base Balance: 1. “Marjorie Mitchell”

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Beitz Perioperative Care

Care of Preoperative Patients Categories and Purposes of Surgery Surgical Settings Patient-Centered Collaborative Care Care of Intraoperative Patients Members of the Surgical Team Preparation of the surgical Suite and Team Safety Anesthesia Patient-Centered Collaborative Care Care of Postoperative Patients Patient-Centered Collaborative Care

3 IGGY Chaps 16-



Activities in






Burrell Cancer

Cancer Development Pathophysiology Biology of Normal Cells Biology of Abnormal Cells / Cancer Development Carcinogenesis/Oncogenesis Cancer Classification Cancer Grading, Ploidy, and Staging Cancer Etiology and Genetic Risk Cancer Prevention Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention

Care of Patients with Cancer General Disease-Related Consequences of Cancer Reduced Immunity and Blood-Producing Functions Altered GI Structure and Function Motor and Sensory Deficits Reduced Oxygenation Cancer Management Surgery Radiation Therapy Chemotherapy Hormonal Manipulation Photodynamic Therapy Immunotherapy: Biological Response Modifiers Targeted Therapy Oncologic Emergencies

Care of Patients with Hematologic Problems Anemia Polycythemia Myelodysplastic Syndromes White Blood Cell Disorders Leukemia Malignant Lymphomas Coagulation Disorders Platelet Disorders Transfusion Therapy Transfusion Responsibilities

3 Required Readings: IGGY Chapters 23,24,41,and 42 Required HESI Case Study (Graded): N/A Student Enrichment (Optional) - HESI Patient RN Patient Reviews: a) Adult Health –

Hematologic Health Problems: 1. “Mr. Singh” 2. “Mrs. Hogan” 3. “Mrs. Byrd”

b) “Adult Health –Endocrine Health Problems: 1. “Mary Kelly”

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Beitz Exam #1

Skin (Integumentary System) Care of Patients with Skin Problems

Urticaria and Minor Disorders Trauma Pressure Ulcers Cutaneous Infections Parasitic Disorders Pediculosis Scabies Common Inflammations Psoriasis Benign Tumors Cysts Seborrheia Keratoses Keloids Nevi Skin Cancer Plastic or Reconstructive Surgery Other Skin Disorders Acne Pemphigus Vulgaris Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

3 IGGY Chaps 26,



Activities in E-






Burrell CV I

Care of Patients with Vascular Problems Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis Hypertension Peripheral Arterial Disease Acute Peripheral Arterial Occlusion Aneurysms of Central Arteries Aortic Dissection Buerger’s Disease Subclavian Steal Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Raynaud’s Phenomenon/Disease Venous Thromboembolism Venous Insufficiency Varicose Veins Phlebitis Vascular Trauma

Care of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes Pathophysiology Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris Acute Coronary Syndromes Etiology and Genetic Risk Incidence/Prevalence

3 Required Readings: IGGY Chaps 35, 38, and 40.

Required HESI Case Study (Graded): Medical Surgical– “Hypertension” AND “Deep Vein Thrombosis” Both assignments open 3/1/2013 at 8am and close 3/8/2013 at 8am.

Student Enrichment (Optional) - HESI Patient RN Patient Reviews: a) Adult Health-

Peripheral Vascular Health Problems: 1. “Mrs. Basile” 2. “Mr. Cole” 3. “Thomas Smith”

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Health Promotion and Maintenance Reducing Elevated Serum Lipid Levels Using Complementary and Alternative therapies Eliminating Tobacco Use Increase Physical Activity Managing Other Factors Patient-Centered Collaborative Care

b) Adult Health – Cardiovascular Health Problems: 1. “Mr. Swan” 2. “Mr. Erikson” 3. “Mr. Leon”





Burrell CV II

Care of Patients with Dysrhythmias Review of Cardiac Conduction System Electrocardiography Lead Systems Continuous Electrocardiographic Monitoring Electrocardiographic Complexes, Segments, and Intervals Determination of Heart Rate Electrocardiographic Rhythm Analysis Normal Rhythms Dysrhythmias Pacemakers Cardioversion and Defibrillation

3 Required Readings: IGGY Chaps 35 and 36. Required HESI Case Study (Graded): Medical Surgical– “Coronary Artery Disease.” Assignment opens 3/8/2013 at 8am and closes 3/15/2013 at 8am.

Student Enrichment (Optional) - HESI Patient RN Patient Reviews:

a) Critical Care –

Cardiovascular Health Problems: 1. “Mr. Whiting (1)” 2. “Ms. Jane Doe”

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Beitz Respiratory

Care of Patients with Noninfectious Upper Respiratory Problems Disorders of the Nose and Sinuses Epistaxis Nasal Polyps Cancer of the Nose and Sinuses Facial Trauma Obstructive Sleep Apnea Disorders of the Larynx Vocal Cord Paralysis Vocal Cords Nodules and Polyps Laryngeal Trauma Other Upper Airway Disorders Upper Airway Obstruction Neck Trauma Head and Neck Cancer

Care of Patients with Infectious Respiratory Problems Disorders of the Larynx and Lungs Laryngitis Seasonal Influenza Pandemic Pneumonia Pneumonia Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Pulmonary Empyema

Care of Critically Ill Patients with Respiratory Problems

Pulmonary Embolism Acute Respiratory Failure Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome The Patient Requiring Intubation and Ventilation Chest Trauma Chest Tubes (review)

Assessment of the Respiratory System Tracheostomy review

3 IGGY, Chaps 29-


Activities in






Spring Break Yippee!

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Beitz Urinary/Renal Infectious Disorders: Pyelonephritis Immunologic Kidney Disorders Acute Glomerulonephritis Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis Chronic Glomerulonephritis Nephrotic Syndrome Immunologic Interstitial and Tubulointerstitial Disorders Degenerative Disorders Nephrosclerosis Renovascular Disease Diabetic Nephropathy Renal Cell Carcinoma Kidney Trauma

3 IGGY Chaps. 68-


Activities in






Burrell Endocrine

Care of Patients with Pituitary and Adrenal Gland Problems Diabetes Insipidus Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone

Care of Patients with Problems of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands Thyroid Disorders Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Thyroid Cancer Parathyroid Disorders Hyperparathyoidism Hypoparathyroidism

Care of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology Classification of Diabetes The Endocrine Pancreas Glucose Homoeostasis Absence of Insulin Acute Complications of Diabetes Chronic Complications of Diabetes Etiology and Genetic Risk Incidence/Prevalence Health Promotion and Maintenance Patient-Centered Collaborative Care

3 Required Readings: IGGY Chapters 64, 65, 66, and 67. Required HESI Case Study (Graded): Medical Surgical– “Diabetes Type 1” Assignment opens 4/5/2013 at 8am and Closes 4/12/2013 at 8am.

Student Enrichment (Optional) - HESI Patient RN Patient Reviews:

a) Adult Health – Endocrine Health Problems: 1. “Joan Schneider” 2. “Susan Smith”

b) Critical Care – Endocrine: 1. “Mrs. Wilson”

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4/9/2013 or


Beitz Exam #2


Care of Patients with Esophageal Problems Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Haital Hernia Esophageal Tumors Esophageal Diverticula Esophageal Trauma

Care of Patients with noninflammatory Intestinal Disorders Irritable Bowel Syndrome Herniation Colorectal Cancer Intestinal Obstruction Abdominal Trauma Polyps Hemorrhoids Malabsorption Syndrome

Care of Patients with Inflammatory Intestinal Disorders Acute Inflammatory Bowel Disorders Appendicitis Peritonitis Gastroenteritits Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ulcerative Colitis Crohn’s Disease Diverticular Disease Anal Disorders Anorectal Abscess Anal Fussure Anal Fistula Parasitic Infection Food Poisoning Salmonellosis Staphylococcal Infection Escherichia Coli Infection Botulism

3 IGGY Chaps 55-


Activities in


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4/16/2013 or


Beitz Gastrointestinal

Care of Patients with Liver Problems Cirrhosis Hepatitis Fatty Liver (Steatosis) Hepatic Abscess Liver Trauma Cancer of the Liver Liver Transplantation

Care of Patients with Problems of the Biliary System and Pancreas Gallbladder Disorders Cholecystitis Cancer of the Gallbladder Pancreatic Abscess Pancreatic Pseudocyst Pancreatic Cancer

3 IGGY Chaps 55-


Activities in



4/23/2013 or


Burrell Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders

Care of the Patients with Musculoskeletal Problems and Trauma

Osteomyelitis Benign Bone Tumors Bone Cancer

Care of the Patients with Musculoskeletal Trauma

Fractures Amputations Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Sports-Related and Other Injuries

Care of Patients with Problems of the Central Nervous System: The Spinal Cord

Back Pain Neck Pain Spinal Tumors

Care of Patients with Problems of the Central Nervous System: The Brain

Migraine Headache Cluster Headache Seizures and Epilepsy Meningitis Encephalitis

Care if Critically Ill Patients with Neurologic Problems

Transient Ischemic Attack Reversible Ischemic Neurological Deficits Stroke (Brain Attack) Brain Tumors Brain Abscess

3 Required Readings: IGGY Chapters 43, 44 (pp. 927-941), 45 (pp. 959-967 and 976-978), 47 (pp.1005-1020 and 1031-1038), 52, 53 (pp. 1131-1138) and 54. Required HESI Case Study (Graded): Medical Surgical–“Brain Attack (Stroke) AND “Seizure Disorder” Assignment opens 4/26/2013 at 8am and closes 5/3/2013 at 8am. Student Enrichment (Optional) - HESI Patient RN Patient Reviews:

a) Adult Health-Musculoskeletal Health Problems: 1. “Danny Elliington”

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4/30/2013 or


Burrell Trauma / Burns / Shock

Concepts of Emergency and Trauma Nursing Care of Patients with Neurological Trauma

Spinal Cord Injuries Traumatic Brain Injuries Intracranial Bleeds

Care of Patients with Burns

Introduction to the Burn Health Promotion and Maintenance Resuscitation Phase of Burn Injury Acute Phase of Burn Injury Rehabilitative Phase of Burn Injury

Care of Patients with Shock

Review of Oxygenation and Tissue Perfusion Types of Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis and Septic Shock Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)

3 IGGY Chapters 10, 28, 39, 45 (pp. 967-976), and 47 (pp. 1020-1031). HESI Case Studies: Medical-Surgical – N/A Student Enrichment (Optional) - HESI Patient RN Patient Reviews: a) Adult Health –

Neurological Health Problems: 1. “John Morris” 2. “Michael Dunn”

b) Critical Care –

Neurological 1. “Mr. Jim Brown” 2. “Mrs. Thorne”

TBA From 5/9/13

to 5/15/13 Final Exam

Tuesday Lecture: Monday, May 13th 124 Armitage Hall 9am-12noon

Thursday Lecture: Monday, May 13th 108 Fine Arts Building 9am-12noon

See link below:


* HESI Testing Tentatively on Friday Mornings April 19th

and April 26th


Location TBA