cONc ry cO pnAu sAN r,n rci rrruAr s6 rpr FPT DIGITAL JOINT STOCK COMPANY sri/No : tt.zo t qlFnr-FAF cONc so rHoNG TrN rnnN coNG rnoNc rrN ornN Ttl cuA uy n.q.N crruNc rUOAN NHA NTIOC vA SGDCK TP.HCM Kinh grii/To: ceNG uoA xA Her cnu Ncnia vrET NAM DQc lap - Tr; do - Hlnh phfc THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM fndependence - Freedom - Ilappiness TP.HCM, ngdy&,Fthdng^03 ndm 2019 TP.HCM, March AffZOtg DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON TIIE STATE SECURTTIES COMMISSION'S PORTAL AND HOCHIMTNH STOCK EXCHANGE'S PORTAL - Uy ban Chrmg kho6n Nhd nudc/ The State Security Commission - So Giao dich chimg khoan TP.HCIW Hochiminh Stock Exchange - TOn t6 chAclOrganization name: C6ng ty c6 phAn B6n 16 k! thuat s6 f'pt/ FPT Digitat Joint Stock Company - MA chimg ldtoin/Security symbol:FRTIFRT - Dia chi try so chfnh/ Address: 261 - 263I<hiLnhHQi, phudmg 05, qufln 04, thanh pfr6 UO Ctri Minh, ViQt Nam/ 261-263 Khanh Hoi Street, Ward 05, District 04, HCMC, Viet Nam - DiQn thoql Telephone:028 7302 3456 - Ngudi thlrc hiQn c6ng b6 thdng titt/ Submitted by: Vfl Thanh HtryAn/ Mrs Yu Thanh Huyen - Chr?c vylPosition: Gi6mtl6c tii chinh/ CFO Lopi th6ng tin c6ng b6 : EI dinh kj, tr b6t thudng t Zqh tr theo y6u ciu Information disclosure type: : V Periodic Z lruegular Z Z4 hours Z On demand NQi dung thdng tin c6ng b(i (*y Content of Information disclosure (*)z B6o c6o tdi chinh c6ng ty mg vd b6o c6o tii chfnh hqp nh6t ki€m to6n ndm 2018 I Audited Saperate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2018 ioNsrr' cd PHlu - r li ri tltu[t SET

ry rci NAM rpr DQc

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cONc ry cO pnAu sAN r,n rcirrruAr s6 rpr


sri/No : tt.zo t qlFnr-FAF

cONc so rHoNG TrNrnnN coNG rnoNc rrN ornN

Ttl cuA uy n.q.N crruNcrUOAN NHA NTIOC vA SGDCK


Kinh grii/To:

ceNG uoA xA Her cnu Ncnia vrET NAMDQc lap - Tr; do - Hlnh phfc

THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAMfndependence - Freedom - Ilappiness

TP.HCM, ngdy&,Fthdng^03 ndm 2019TP.HCM, March AffZOtg




- Uy ban Chrmg kho6n Nhd nudc/ The State SecurityCommission

- So Giao dich chimg khoan TP.HCIW Hochiminh Stock


- TOn t6 chAclOrganization name: C6ng ty c6 phAn B6n 16 k! thuat s6 f'pt/ FPT DigitatJoint Stock Company

- MA chimg ldtoin/Security symbol:FRTIFRT- Dia chi try so chfnh/ Address: 261 - 263I<hiLnhHQi, phudmg 05, qufln 04, thanh pfr6 UO Ctri

Minh, ViQt Nam/ 261-263 Khanh Hoi Street, Ward 05, District 04, HCMC, Viet Nam- DiQn thoql Telephone:028 7302 3456- Ngudi thlrc hiQn c6ng b6 thdng titt/ Submitted by: Vfl Thanh HtryAn/ Mrs Yu Thanh Huyen- Chr?c vylPosition: Gi6mtl6c tii chinh/ CFOLopi th6ng tin c6ng b6 : EI dinh kj, tr b6t thudng t Zqh tr theo y6u ciuInformation disclosure type: : V Periodic Z lruegular Z Z4 hours Z On demand

NQi dung thdng tin c6ng b(i (*y Content of Information disclosure (*)zB6o c6o tdi chinh c6ng ty mg vd b6o c6o tii chfnh hqp nh6t ki€m to6n ndm 2018 I AuditedSaperate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2018

ioNsrr'cd PHlu -

r li ri tltu[t


Th6ng tin ndy d5 duo. c c6ng bi5 tr6n trang th6ng tin <liQn tri cria c6ng ty virc ngiry N $12019 tqidulng ddn:http:llfrt.vn


This informationwas disclosed on Company's Portal on March N ZOlg available at httrp!fr!-,yn

Tdi cam ktit c6c th6ng tin c6ng bti tr0n <Idy ld dirng sg thflt vd hodn toin chfu tr6ch nhiQm tru6cph6p lupt vO nQi dung c6c th6ng tin dd c6ng b6./I declare that all information provided in this paper is true and accurate; I shall be legallyr e spons ibl e .fo, arry mispr e s ent ation. /.

D4i diQn t6 chfcOrg anizatio n repr es e ntative

Ngudi tlpi tliQn theo phSp lu6t/Ngudi UQ CBTTLegal representative/ Party authorized to disclose information-Tiri liQu tlinh kim//ttachment:

86o c6o thi chinh ki6m to6n ndm

20181 Audited Financial Statemets forthe yeor 2018

Ncri nhfn/rRecipentz- Nhu tr€n/ As above;

-Luul Achieved by:YT,FAFI Admin,FAF NGUYEN BACH DIEP

