SEEQ CORPORATION Big Data Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference Dustin Johnson October 23, 2014

S EEQ C ORPORATION Big Data Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference Dustin Johnson October 23, 2014

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Big DataOregon Connections Telecommunications


Dustin Johnson

October 23, 2014



• Dustin Johnson- Software architect and founding partner at Seeq

- Background in computer networks and distributed systems

- Founded on the premise that companies need better solutions for quickly and easily deriving business insight from their Industrial Process Data

- Leverages many classical Big Data tools and design patterns


What is Big Data?

• Marketing term

• English words


What is Big Data? - Problem

> 75%


0%-24% Don't know

Data Usage

Economist Intelligence Unit Survey, October 2010

• More data all the time

- The number of sensors is increasing at 30% every year(The Economist – Building with big data, May 26th 2011)

- Corporate data is growing by 60% every year(Gartner – Economic Intelligence Unit – Leveling the playing field 2011)

Extremely valuable

Somewhat valuable

Not very valuable

Not valuable at all



3% 0%

How valuable is data to competitive advantage?

Economist Intelligence Unit Survey, October 2010

What is Big Data? - Scalability


• Scalability – Ability to make the system capability larger or smaller as needed. A typical example is adding or removing computers from the system.

• Emphasizes the scalability of a software system, often by leveraging distributed computing

• Scale is not just the volume of data, but can be computational resources, bandwidth, memory, and reliability as well

• Turns a technical problem into a business solution: More money = more capability


What is Big Data? - Opportunity

• More data could equal more insight

- Opportunity to better know your customers

- Opportunity to substantiate or originate business ideas

• Predicted $16.1 billion market for big data in 2014 (Forbes 12/12/2013)

- Opportunity for tool and service providers in the Big Data space


Where did Big Data come from?• The rise of the Internet-scale company in

the 2000s

• These business needs were challenging since the data was

- Huge!

- And Growing!

• These demands lead to

- Distributed Computation / Massively Parallel Processing (MapReduce)

- NoSQL Databases (BigTable, Dynamo)

• Many Big Data companies shared slightly out of date concepts and even Open Source Software (OSS)


What are the key technologies now?

• Data Processing Platforms

• Not Only SQL (NoSQL) Databases


Where is Big Data going?

• Deeper into consumers (finer grained market segmentation needs)

- Predictive analytics (Machine learning / Deep Learning, Collaborative Filtering, ...)

• Across industries (horizontal adoption)

- Many industries are just now beginning to look at Big Data technologies

- Seeq is involved in bringing Big Data to the Industrial/Process sector


Controversial Topics

• Personal information

- Personal tracking (can be creepy)

- de-anonymizing (through introspection of data)

• Security - New technology is often paired with new security challenges

• Government

- Tug of war between individual usefulness and government usefulness

- Can resonate as “Big Brother”

- Precautions can be abused


But wait…what about the cloud?

• Many Big Data technologies fit well with the cloud (remote datacenter) paradigm

• Most technologies aren’t exclusive to the cloud

• Many new markets (industrial process being one of them) are looking at alternatives

- Private clouds

- On premises datacenters

- IT managed solutions





• The Economist – Building with big data, May 26th 2011


• Gartner – Economic Intelligence Unit – Leveling the playing field 2011


• Economist Intelligence Unit Survey, October 2010


• Forbes 12/12/2013http://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2013/12/12/16-1-billion-big-data-market-2014-predictions-from-idc-and-iia/