i! 1 u: Columbus Journal 6TR0THEB Jb STOCKWELL, Pubs. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. m MAHY NTS EVENTS OF THZ DAY HELD TO A FEW LINES. DINTS EVENTS BOILED DOWN Personal, Political, Foreign and Other Intelligence Interesting to the General Reader. Washington. The house passed the postoffice ap- propriation bill, carrying about $257,-000,00-0, with no negative votes. Charlton R. Bottie. United States attorney at New Orleans, has re- fused to accede to Attorney General Wickershani's request that he resign, and has so notified the department of justice. The legislative, judicial and ex- ecutive appropriation bill was report- ed to the senate Tuesday. It carries $35,3G9,700, an increase of $11G,240, over the amount of the bill as it was passed by the house. A caucus of the republicans of the house to determine what action to take on the proposed legislation for a congressional reapportionment in the light of the new census statistics .was called for February 2. i The department of justice let it be Jmown that District Attorney Beat-tie'-s resignation had been requested because of friction which has arisen over the New Orleans clearing house cases. Attorney General Wickersham denied himself to interviewers on the subject, but it was said officially that Buch a controversy caused the rup- ture. Attorney General Wickersham will soon decide if an anti-trus- t action shall be brought against the Amer- ican pulp and paper association, pop- ularly called the "paper trust" Spe- cial agents of the department are fin- ishing an investigation into the al- leged price-fixin- g agreements of the news print paper mills which com- prise the association. .A knotty point of American bank- ruptcy law was settled when the fed- eral supreme court held that a se- cured creditor is not entitled to ap- ply the proceeds from the sale of his security first to interest on his prin- cipal accrued since the filing of the petition in bankruptcy and then to the principal and to prove a claim in a bankruptcy for the balance of the principal. General. Jewels worth $35,000 was stolen from the Pittsburg home of William Thaw, jr. A current report that the pope has experienced a serious attack of gout was denied. In a speech before the Texas legis- lature Senator Culbertson scores the sew nationalism. There will be two eclipses of the Bun this year, neither being visible in the United States. Jas E. Martine, the newly-electe- d senator from New Jersey, says the po- sition did not cost him a dollar. The house will have an opportunity at an early date to vote on the tariff board bill, which has been agreed on by the ways and means committee. For the first time in the history of aviation an earoplane rose from the surface of the water at San Diego, sailed about and returned to the start- ing point, where it landed on the wa- ter as easily as a gull. Commander Retzman, naval attache of the German embassy, expressed to Secretary of the Navy Myer the sym- pathy and condolence of the German navy in connection with the accident to the battleship Delaware. C. F. Gehman, special master in the suit of the federal government to recover $3,000,000 worth of Colorado coal lands from the Yanta Anthracite Coal company, began taking testi- mony In the case at St Louis. That a wholesale retirement from the railway mall service by the rail- way mail clerks of St Paul and Min- neapolis is probable is indicated in a series of resolutions adopted by the railway mail clerks' association of the twin cities. A draconian censorship is being im- posed at Odessa with regard to news of demonstrations by students. The only information about shooting hav- ing occurred at the university has come through official sources. One student has died. Theodore Roosevelt's next tour will begin in New York March 8, and will sweep around the boundaries of the country, through the south At- lantic and gulf states, the southwest up to the Pacific coast to Idaho and Montana and thence direct home. The contest between San Francisco and New Orleans over exposition lo- cation is stirring up quite a row. Ecuador has declined to send the dispute over the Peru-Ecuad- boun- dary to The Hague court for arbitra- tion. The Spanish cabinet has decided to present parliament a bill regulat- ing the religious and other associa- tions. The Panama national assembly, called in extraordinary session to deal with the financial situation, voted $100,000 in gold in aid of the projected Panama world's fair in 1915. Andrew Carnegie is giving ten mil- lions more as an endowment to the Carnegie institution at Washington. The health of Empress Alexandria of Russia is again a matter of con- cern to the imperial family and her physicians. George Dunn, the Burlington spe- cial agent of Lincoln, is under arrest In Denver, charged with killing Mrs. Brandt of that place. The national assembly of Panama called in extraordinary session to deal with the financial situation, voted $100,000 in gold in aid of the projected Panama world's fair in 1915 The president sent a special mes- sage to congress bearing -- on recipro- city with Canada. The postoffice appropriation bill was passed after the department has received a round scoring in the house. Lawyers have pronounced the will of Mrs. -- Mary Baker Eddy to be void. Virginia wants the supreme court to shift part of her staggering state debt on West Virginia. There is a movement among house deonicrats to frame a new code of rules for the next congress. The house defeated the proposal to increase salaries of circuit judges from $7,000 to $10,000 a year. Emil Munsterberg, a brother of Professor Hugo Munsterberg of Har- vard university, died at Berlin. President Taft is concerned over the formation of the republican pro- gressive league at Washington. Ship subsidy promoters are repre- sented as having sought to buy the support of a New York newspaper. At the second trial of men accused of taking part in the Berlin strike riots fifteen of the defendants were found guilty. At Aberdeen, S. D.. the division headquarters, local freight houses and passenger station of the Milwau- kee railroad, were burned. The loss is estimated at $100,000. At Danville, 111., J. S. Mead, an am- bulance driver, and Robert Shult, a veteran of the soldiers' home, were shot and instantly killed by Howard Tucker, another veteran. At Los Angeles, Howard Wilcox, driving a National, broke the Ameri- can five-mil- e competition speedway record at the motordome. His time was 3 minutes 21 seconds. With a greater number of delegates in attendance than ever before, the United States Civil Service Retire- ment association convened in Wash- ington in annual convention. Oscar Johnson, a farmer living near the Pierce county (Nebr.) line, at- tacked his wife with a butcher knife, and after killing her he committed suicide with the same weapon. President Taft, who was invited to attend the Kansas state fair to be held at Hutchinson next fall, has de- cided to accept the invitation. The president will be there September 25 or 2C. Theodore Economu and George P. Calogera, New York Greek importers, were sentenced to four months' im- prisonment for being parties to a conspiracy to defraud the govern- ment out of duties. In four tests before physicians at Reno, Okl., Frank Arkebauer showed that he has 454 cubic inches lung ca- pacity, which breaks the 43C cubic inch world's record of Paul Van Broeckman of New York. The Peruvian insurgents have oc- cupied the heights of Tayabamba, 200 miles north of the capital and are awaiting an attack by the gov ernment troops which have been sent to dislodge them. The petition for a rehearing of the judgment and order sentencing Abra- ham Ruef t$ San Quentin for fourteen years on a charge of bribery of the Ruef-Schmi- dt board of supervisors was granted by the California su- preme court. Caution in the extension of federal control over the issuance of securi- ties by railroads was urged by Mar- vin Hughitt, chairman of the board of directors of the Chicago & North- western railroad in the hearing of the securities commission. Nearly half the members of the sen- ate judiciary committee are said to have taken positions against the con- firmation of Judge William H. Hunt, now serving as a member of the court of customs appeals, and promoted to a circuit judgeship. The Japanese who assaulted United States Consul Williamson at Dainy, last month, were convicted and given a light fine, according to news brought to Victoria, B. C, by the steamship Oanfa, from Yokohoma. The men were reprimanded and as- sessed a fine of $2.50 each. James J. Gallagher, who shot Mayor Gaynor and Street Commissioner Ed- wards on a steamship in dock at Ho-bok-en last August, was taken to the New Jersey state prison to serve twelve years at hard labor. The sen- tence, including a fine of $1,000, is for his attack on Edwards. The purpose of the George Wash- ington Memorial association was ad- vanced when $100,000 was donated by a New York financier. This gift prac- tically makes sure the collection of $500,000, which the association has set itself to get before a site is de- cided upon. Personal. The Missouri legislature has no Smiths and only one Brown. Senator Heyburn of Idaho, opposes popular election for senators. The new republican governor of Tennessee was inaugurated Jan 25th. The Jury in the Mrs. Schenk mur- der trial disagreed and were dis- charged. Congressman Norris opposes any raise in the salaries of United States circuit judges. Tammany is said to be casting about for a new man for senator. James F. Martine has won out for senator in New Jersey. Dr. Depew is opposed to the direct election of United States senators. The senatorial deadlock in Iowa continues with no practical change. Members of the Nebraska legislat- ure were guests of Omaha for a day. Senator Cummins marked the line of division of the republican party on the tariff question. Paul Morton's remains will eventu- ally be brought to Nebraska for bur- ial. Habaeus corpus writ has been de- nied Porter Charlton, the wife mur- derer. Senator Nixon of Nevada, a repub- lican, was by a legislature that is democratic George Dix, of New York, told Sheehan that he would keep bis hands of the senatorial fight. It is reported that King George and Queen Mary will make a brief visit to Ireland, probably in July or August Chairman Huppuch of the New York state democratic central . com mittee has lined up for Sheehan in ' the senatorship fight ADMIRAL BARRY OUT DISMISSED FROM SERVICE FOR IMMORAL ACTION. NOT ON THE RETIRED LIST Forced to Resign Instead, by Reasor of Scandalous Conduct on the Officer's Part. Wahslngton. By direction of the president Rear Admiral Edward B . of the Pacific fleet submitted his re signation "for the good of the ser vice.' It was immediately accepted The enforced resignation is the out growth of charges which .have been in circulation affecting the moral character of the naval officer. Secretary of the Navy Meyer an nounced that on instructions from the president he telegraphed last night tc Admiral Barry, asking that he submit his resignation. The resignation, severing the officer's connection with the American navy after forty-fiv- e years of active service, was received and his name was at once stricken from the list of naval officers. This act naturally terminated his salary from the government. In response to a telegraphic request Admiral Barry was placed on the re- tired list of the navy on January 14, several months in advance of the date on which, he would have retired by operation of law. His right to seek voluntary retirement was his privi lege under the law permitting such action after forty years' active service. The secretary of the navy took up the request with the president and he promptly approved. Later, however, reports began to eminate from San Francisco that Admiral Barry's retire- ment was forced by a demand that he retire on account of alleged scan- dalous conduct It was added that the officers of the cruiser West Vir- ginia, Admiral Barry's flagship, were not satisfied with the retirement, but insisted on his resignation. The secretary of the navy called on Captain Orchard of the West Virginia for a formal statement, meanwhile or- dering Admiral Barry to remain in San Francisco until further notice. CUMMINS SCORES LORIMER. lowan Bases His Ouster Pea on Little Arithmetical Calculation. Washington. Senator Cummins of Iowa, resuming his argument against the adoption of the committee reso- lution exonerating Senator Lorimer of Illinois from the charge of having procured his seat by corrupt means, declared there were many circum- stances to sustain the charges. The Iowa senator continued his dis- section of the testimony in the case. He declared it would have 'been im- possible for the human mind to have fabricated such a story as that sup- plied to the Chicago Tribune by Rep- resentative White of the Illinois leg- islature without haying it refuted by the facts. Court Frees Prisoner. Washington. Juan Sanchez Azona, whom the Mexican government sought to extradite for trial on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, was liberated on Fri- day by Chief Justice Clabaugh of the district court of the District of Co- lumbia. The court said the time of prosecution had expired under the statute of limitations. Circulars to Prospective Jurors. Seattle, Wash. C. D. Hillman, mil-lionai- re real estate dealer, was found guilty of contempt of court by Fed- eral Judge Donworth for sending cir- culars to men summoned to serve on the jury that will try Hillman on a charge of using the mails to defraud. The circulars alleged that the prose- cution of Hillman was a part of a scheme of prosecution instigated by rival real estate men. Judge Don-wor- th suspended sentence pending trial on the criminal charge and Hill- man was permitted to go under bonds of $2,500. Defense of Nat Goodwin. New York. Nat Goodwin's defense in the divorce suit brought against him by Edna Goodrich will question the jurisdiction of the state court, it was reported. Mr. Goodwin contends that his wife is a resident of Cali- fornia, where he lived, and that the action should be brought in that juris- diction. Boycott Case Dropped. Washington. The boycott case of the Bucks Stove and Range company of St. Louis against the American Federation of Labor came to a dra- matic close in the supreme court of the United States, which decided It was a question it would not hear. Kansas Offers Advice. Topeka. Kas. Without mentioning any names, the democratic members of the Kanfas senate sent a message to Governor Dix of New York, urging the election of a progressive as Unit- ed States senator. Standard Oil Company Sues. New York. The Standard Oil com- pany brought suit here In the United State3 circuit court for $250,000 dam- ages against the Broadway Publish- ing company, Inc. publishers of Hampton's Magazine, and Cleveland Moffett, the magazine writer. Conductor Dies. Huron, S. D. Conductor William E. Finch, a widely known employe of tho Chicago & Northwestern railroajd, was found dead in a sleeping car berth here. He was taken ill while on his run at night. Birthday of German Emperor. Washington. The fifty-secon- d birth- day anniversary of Emperor William of Germany was the occasion of a re- ception at the German embassy, giv- en by Count Von Bernstoff. It was a brilliant affair. ALL OVER NEB1ASU Accused of Mortgaging Stolen Team. Custer County. On a description furnished by Sheriff- - Miltonberger of North Platte, Sheriff Kennedy of Custer county arrested W. C. Meeks, a young man who is wanted for mort- gaging stolen property and passing bogus checks. Cashes Bogus Check. Lincoln County. Louis Peterson of North Platte, has found out that he will be $375 short on account of en- dorsing a check for one, Harry Wil- son, that city, about two weeks ago, claiming tc represent the Kimball Piano company of West Lincoln. Sioux City Man Ends Life. Douglas County. Harry Passman, 30 years old, well-dresse- d and regis- tered from Sioux City, committed suicide In his room at the Belmont hotel in Omaha in a manner that showed his mind to have been fully made up to take no chances of fail- ure. Seventh Victim of Fire Dead. Madison County. Mrs. M. W. Kin-dal- l, aged 35, died at Madison as a result of Injuries sustained in the Hubbard house gas explosion and fire at Niobrara. This makes seven deaths. Mrs. Hubbard's husband, mother and two sons had died be- fore. Will Lose Both His Feet. Custer County. As a result of the late severe weather, Henry Cashman, a man about CO years of age, will possibly lose both of his feet after having them badly frozen. Cashman is a farmer and lives alone on his place, about seven miles east of Broken Bow. Doane College Gets Gift. Saline County. President Perry has received a letter from Mrs. S. H. Clark of St. Louis, Mo., pledging $1,-00- 0 to Doane college. Mrs. Clark $1,000 to the $40,000 campaign, $1,000 to Lee Memorial chapel and has made other contributions to the col- lege on other occasions. Greeley Man Kills Himself. Greeley County. John Klien. a butcher of Greeley, committed suicide by taking strychnine. He acted as usual Saturday, and that night was jovial with the people he met, but on going home took the fatal dose. He leaves a widow and four children, the oldest a girl of 12 years. A Successful Show. Adams County. The poultry show of the Nebraska Poultry association will go down in history as one of, the most successful shows ever held by the state association. The exhibitors have nothing but words of praise for the management and also for Hast- ings as an ideal location for the an- nual event. State Road 'Across Buffalo County. Buffalo County. The directors of the Kearney Commercial club met and by unanimous vote decided to begin at once preparation for the con- struction of a state road across Buf- falo county, to follow the route se lected and mapped out by the county surveyor. In the early spring a day will be set for building the road, as was done in the state of Iowa, each road overseer will have instructions, plans and specifications, and the road will be constmcted in that day. Dawson county, which is now much interested in the good roads cam- paign, will probably follow up the idea, connecting with and extending the road from the west end of Buffa- lo county across that county. Hall county will probably do the same thing, which practically insures the construction of a good dirt road across three counties of the state. A Fairbury Plant Closed. JefTerson County. O. G. Collier, principal stockholder and manager of the Fairbury Planing mills, closed his plant. He gives as the cause his in- ability to secure money from the banks for carrying on the business. Want Agriculture Course. Johnson County. An effort Is on foot in Tecumseh to hold a one-week- 's school in agriculture and do- mestic science some time during next winter. These schools are being held in a number of the counties of the state. The state will donate $100 on the expense, and the local agricultur- ists will have to raise about $250 more. Goden Wedding at Tecumseh. Johnson County. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Buffum, who have been residents of Johnson county for over forty years, will celebrate their golden wedding on February 7. Something out of the ordinary is going to mark the celebration of the event Mr. and Mrs. Buffum will have a public in vitation printed in the local papers, requesting all friends to be their guests on the day in question. Tie Vote on Exposition, pass County. At a recent meeting of the Commercial club of Platts-mout- h there was a debate on the question of- - the location of the Pan- ama exposition. When the vote was taken there was a tie. Four Convicted of Stealing Sheep. Lincoln County. William George Nunn. William Jesse Nunn. Andrew Potter and Peter Egan. alias Peter Spurgeon. were convicted in North Platte of stealing sheep and were sentenced to serve thirty days in jail. Order by State Superintendent. Lancaster County. State Superin- tendent Crabtree has issued an order allowing teachers of rural schools to offer ninth grade subjects to stu- dents under the following conditions: The teacher must hold a first grade certificate or must have completed the work of a twelve-yea- r school, the school must be properly equipped and the attendance must be small enough to allow recitations in the higher subjects. This order is made to meet a condition existing in many I schools where there are only eight ' y l . vf.r.; ! - , - y.t.O.UWNv ' ,1 - , -- ' GROWIN&IMPQtnBHT v INITIATIVE, AND REFERENDUM OUTCLASSES ALL ELSE. I. 1 AMENDMENTS ARE IN ORDER J Attempts on Measure' Will Not Be Di- rect, but Efforts Will Be Made to Warp It Out of Shape. The fate of the initiative and ref- erendum amendment to the state con- stitution Is fast assuming more im- portance in legislative circles than any other measure which has yet put in an appearance or which is likely to appear. This 'includes even the county option bill, on the support of which the last campaign was almost wholly fought out Fully three-fourth- s of the members of both houses are pledged to the initiative and referendum, per- sonally as well as by their platforms. The question arises as to just what kind of a bill they are pledged, and It is believed that many members who pledged because of popular pressure will seek to amend the bills sponsored by the direct legislation league of Ne- braska in such a way that it friends will- - hardly recognize it. By seeking to amend the bill no member will con- sider that he is going back on his pledge to support a constitutional amendment. County option was the chief issue in the last campaign. No bill has yet ap- peared embodying that principle, al- though at a conference held last week It was decided that two bills only, one In the senate and one in the house, should be introduced, and the form it shall take was decided upon. These bills will probably appear this week. The reason that the initiative and referendum is rather supplanting county option in Importance is that many supporters of the former meas- ure have grave doubts as to whether they will be able to muster votes enough to pass it In case of defeat of this measure it is expected that the next test of strength will be made through the initiative and referendum. Glanders In. Horses. Dolezal of Saunders has a measure which seeks to provide payment for horses afflicted with glanders which the state veterinarian puts to death as a preventive of sprcod of the disease, conceded to be one of the worst which afflicts domestic animals. He explains that the people in that part of his dis- trict surrounding Cedar Bluffs are par- ticularly anxious for the passage of this law because they have felt the effect of the loss of animals by gland- ers. As explained by Mr. Dolezal, the disease is just as apt to attack the horses of poor men as those of wealthy farmers, and when they are shot by the deputy veterinarian it leaves tho owner in deplorable condition. The author of the bill argues that to ap- propriate $25,000 for the payment of these horses and mules would work towards stamping out the dread dls.-eas-e, as it would be an incentive to the owner to have his animals exam- ined when he has an ysuspicion that they are afflicted. He declares that now there is a tendency to hide the fact as long as possible. University Removal Bill. Practically the first debate of the session in the house occurred over the Kirk resolution to appoint a commit- tee from the house to meet a like com- mittee from the senate to investigate jointly the merits of the minority and majority reports of the board of re- gents to move the state university to the state farm. Kirk's resolution has been awaiting a favorable opportunity for several days. It was brought up by its author, and at once Gerdes of Richardson moved an amendment His amendment was primarily to pro- test ot the richt of the speaker to apr point special committees, and second to separate the investigating commit- tee from the standing committees of finance and of universities which must later act on the question of appropria- tions. After considerable debate the amendment carried. Favors Constitutional Convention. The judiciary committee of the sen- ate met for the first time Tuesday afternoon to consider bills. The com- mittee decided to report for passage S. F. No. 18. by Kemp of Nance, a bill providing for a convention to revise the constitution and to submit a new constitution to a vote of the people The committee, while favoring this bill, proposes to favor the submission of several constitutional amendments. The constitutional convention is a proposition that must be submitted to a vote of the people and if a con- vention Is called its proposed constt tution must again be submitted to a vote of the people. Determined opposition even to In- vestigating the advisability of relocat- ing In the state university on the state farm campus has developed in the house. When the Kirk resolution was brought up in the house it was put over for another day at the re- quest of Gerdes of Richardson, who in- timated that he will have some oppo- sition to make to the project The resolution provides for a special com- mittee, composed of members of the finance, ways and means and univer- sity committees, to investigate the proposition. Tax Collections. Two bills having for their object the collection of taxes by special proce- dure were introduced Thursday in the house of representatives. One ol them. H. R. No. 159, by Quackenbush, is revolutionary in character because It proposes to legalize the employment of private agencies for this purpose The other, H. R. No. 1G4. by McKis sick, allows extra compensation to at county attorneys who bring(&uits and secure judgments against estates upon which the county realizes its taa daion. SHE LOVES THE SIMPLE LIFfci An English Vlecevntees Whe Prefer the Farm to Gayetlee ef Court. London. Viscountess Helmsley. who) Is regarded as one of England's most beautiful women, is called the "bread and-butt- er peeress" because of fondness for outdoor life and for d 3 mesticated animals. She often acts is a dairy maid and frequently directs1 work on her estate. 1 The viscountess is the daughter ofj the earl and countess of Warwick and a niece of the duchess of Suther- land. She Is wealthy, yet she has chosen of her own free will to live a simple outdocr life with her pets In preference to a brilliant lifo at cqurt She Is happier In a simple print frock and a sunboanet than in a court irain and diamonds. And sho knows If II I perfectly the worth of each, for she has tried each. She has appeared sev- eral times at court and has done all that is required of her socially, and thus earns her right to the blessed freedom of the country. Lady Helmsley was born and brought up In historic Warwick caastle, which Is famous to all tourists. The pas- toral viscountess Is a beauty and the daughter of a beauty, her mother hav- ing been Frances, the daughter of CoL Charles H. Maynard and granddaugh ter of Viscount Maynard. The viscountess, who Is 26 years old. has been married for six years. Her wedding occurred In 1904, to Viscount Helmsley, son and heir of the earl of Faversham. Their home Is Nawton Towers, in Yorkshire. They have two children, Mary Diana, who Is fire, and Charles William, who is four. The countess of Warwick. Lady socialistic movements of the day. She Helmsley's mother. Is deeply Inter- ested, as all the world knows. In the socialistic movements of the day. She believes In living and letting live, and In spite of her position she has always entertained very democratic Ideas In a great many ways. 'Vor example, she sent her three children. Lord Borrke, Lady Helmsley (then Lady Marjprle Grevllle), and little Lord Maynard Gre-vill- e, jto the public schools in War- wick. Lady Warwick met the pro- tests of her relatives and friends with the calm 'reply that she wanted her children to know life as It really Is, and not as it Is presented in one little circle. Lady Marjorie was graduated In due time from the Warwick high school, a and then her mother sent her to Paris to a famous finishing school. AN OLD MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD Kansas City Household Contains An- tique Relic of Unique Pattern and Interest. Kansas City. Mo. Mrs. W. H. Guj of West Thirty-fift- h street has an old mahogany sideboard of unique inter- est Only one drawer has knobs. The to others are "secret" drawers, although the doors below the drawers are the only part of the sideboard that can be locked. Evidently, In the home fox which It was made, it was more neces- - The Old Sideboard. sary to turn the key upon the cake and jam than upon the silver or linen. About one hundred and thirty years ago. In the home of Joseph De Forest In Dover Plain. N. Y.. a cabinet maker was engaged to make this sideboard. His daughter. Mrs. Lemuel Pomeroy, came with her family to Kansas In py 1865, bringing the sideboard with her. The Rev. Lemuel Pomeroy and bis It brother, Samuel C. Pomeroy, together bought and settled on a farm near Mus-kota- h. For 12 years Samuel C. Pom- eroy was a United States senator from Kansas and after that lived but little in the state. The Rev. Lemuel Pomeroy and his of wife lived until the time of their deaths (about 20 years ago) in their farm home. Mrs. Guy inherited the sideboard from her mother, Mrs. Lem- uel Pomeroy. Fruit Fade of the IRch. New York. Among the fads of the rich in New York are grapes from Belgium at three dollars a pound, peaches and nectarines from Africa at eight dollars a dozen, figs from France one dollar a dozen, artichokes from France at three dollars a dozen, hot- house, tomatoes at one dollar a pound and melons from Bulgaria at two dol- lars are each. ?"- - ' esc-&&sZi- L SK".- '- J- - -- - LV Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and. all other humors; cores all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens, all the vital organs. Take it. Get It today In usual liquid form e chocolated tablet calted. araatbe) Nebraska Directory MWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWO RUBBER GOODS 7 mil at eat price. Seat tor fie MYERS-DILLO- N DRUtt CO.. Omshe, Neat HIBES and FURS Hlfet Market Frlea Paid. WiHe for Prlet Lu OLt.ee ogns.i3a.t3et..omf WANTED towU territorial rights tor awl witata the stata of Nebraska, protected: brll S pateata, beld by aa ola anil weU knows Srai aavlng beea la btutneai la taa tat for IB years. Oar proposal Is best sal table-fo- r sidewalk awa, plasterers or eetaeat workers, toft teeaalcal knowledge la aot absolutely necessary. Prices sad terms moderate. Address for lafonta-tlo- a to T. H. Box US. Iiacola. Ke 9 MEALING WITH HIS DRINK. "See here, my dear sir! Didn't I tell you not to drink with your meals V "But, doctor, be reasonable, I'naTO to eat some time." IT IS A MISTAKE I Many have the Idea that anything will sell if advertised strong enough. This is a great mistake. True, a few sales might be made by advertis-- , tag an absolutely worthless article but It is only the article that la; bought again and again that pays.. An example of the big success of ; worthy article is the enormous sale! (that has grown up for Cascarets! Candy Cathartic. This wonderful ree ord is the result of great merit sue, cessfully made known through perV sistent advertising and the mouth-to- ! mouth recommendation given Cas- -. carets by Its friends and users. Like all great successes, trade pi- rates prey on the unsuspecting pub-- lie, by marketing fake tablets similar In appearance to Cascarets. Care. should always be exercised in pur- chasing well advertised goods, espe- cially an article that has a national sale like Cascarets. Do not allow a substitute to be palmed off on you. Tne Oldest Klickitat. Jake Hunt the oldest living KUckK tat Indian known, lies at death's door at his home adjoining this town east of here. The old Indian is reputed to be more than 100 years of age. Years ago an Indian village stood where the Hunt family now carries on general farming business. All that Is left of the old settlement Is a little church, a totem pole and numerous mounds where the Kllckitats lie who could not reach the century mark. Old Jake says that this was the Indians' paradise before the advent of early white settlers. Jake Hunt is destined not to die a. poor Indian. His lands are as rich and productive as any In the valley and command a high price. He is said to have married seven times during his long career, but there will be only a widow and a few children to fall heir his valuable property. Husum Cor- respondence Portland Oregonian. ' A Girl's Way. "But," he complained when she had refused him, "you have given me ev- ery reason to believe you cared for me." "I do care for you, George.' "Then why won't you be mine?" "I want to let your stuck-u- p mother and sisters understand that I don't consider you good enough for me." Army of Telegraphers. The telegraph companies of this country employ about 30,000 persons. This does not Include the railroad rice. CHEATED FOR YEARS. Prejudice Will Cheat Us Often If We Let It Yob will be astonished to find nor largely you are Influenced in every way by unreasoning prejudice. la many cases you will also find that the prejudice has swindled you, or rather, made you swindle yourself. A case Illustration: "I have been a constant user off Grape-Nut- s for nearly three years," says a correspondent, "and I am bap to say that I am well pleased with the result of the experiment for such. has been. "Seeing your advertisement In al- most all of the periodicals, for a long time I looked upon It as a hoax. But after years- - of suffering with gaseous and bitter eructations from my stom- ach, together with more or less lose appetite and flesh, I concluded to try Grape-Nut- s food for a little time and note the result "I found it delicious, and it was not long till I began to experience the beneficial effects. My stomach re- sumed its normal state, the eructa- tions and bitterness ceased and I have gained all my lost weight back. "I am so well satisfied with the result that so long as I may live and retain my reason Grape-Nut-s shall constitute quite a pottfon of my dally food." Read "The Road to Wellville." in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever rea ike aWre letter A aw aae anmus treat tlaae to tlaaa. Tber sranlae, trae aa tall et aaaaaa m !s .V t B.T r v '- -' tri' A


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Columbus Journal6TR0THEB Jb STOCKWELL, Pubs.





Personal, Political, Foreign and OtherIntelligence Interesting to the

General Reader.

Washington.The house passed the postoffice ap-

propriation bill, carrying about $257,-000,00-0,

with no negative votes.Charlton R. Bottie. United States

attorney at New Orleans, has re-

fused to accede to Attorney GeneralWickershani's request that he resign,and has so notified the departmentof justice.

The legislative, judicial and ex-

ecutive appropriation bill was report-ed to the senate Tuesday. It carries$35,3G9,700, an increase of $11G,240,over the amount of the bill as it waspassed by the house.

A caucus of the republicans of thehouse to determine what action totake on the proposed legislation fora congressional reapportionment inthe light of the new census statistics.was called for February 2.

i The department of justice let it beJmown that District Attorney Beat-tie'-s

resignation had been requestedbecause of friction which has arisenover the New Orleans clearing housecases. Attorney General Wickershamdenied himself to interviewers on thesubject, but it was said officially thatBuch a controversy caused the rup-ture.

Attorney General Wickersham willsoon decide if an anti-trus- t actionshall be brought against the Amer-ican pulp and paper association, pop-

ularly called the "paper trust" Spe-

cial agents of the department are fin-

ishing an investigation into the al-

leged price-fixin- g agreements of thenews print paper mills which com-prise the association..A knotty point of American bank-

ruptcy law was settled when the fed-

eral supreme court held that a se-

cured creditor is not entitled to ap-

ply the proceeds from the sale of hissecurity first to interest on his prin-cipal accrued since the filing of thepetition in bankruptcy and then tothe principal and to prove a claim ina bankruptcy for the balance of theprincipal.

General.Jewels worth $35,000 was stolen

from the Pittsburg home of WilliamThaw, jr.

A current report that the pope hasexperienced a serious attack of goutwas denied.

In a speech before the Texas legis-lature Senator Culbertson scores thesew nationalism.

There will be two eclipses of theBun this year, neither being visible inthe United States.

Jas E. Martine, the newly-electe- d

senator from New Jersey, says the po-

sition did not cost him a dollar.The house will have an opportunity

at an early date to vote on the tariffboard bill, which has been agreed onby the ways and means committee.

For the first time in the history ofaviation an earoplane rose from thesurface of the water at San Diego,sailed about and returned to the start-ing point, where it landed on the wa-

ter as easily as a gull.Commander Retzman, naval attache

of the German embassy, expressed toSecretary of the Navy Myer the sym-pathy and condolence of the Germannavy in connection with the accidentto the battleship Delaware.

C. F. Gehman, special master inthe suit of the federal government torecover $3,000,000 worth of Coloradocoal lands from the Yanta AnthraciteCoal company, began taking testi-mony In the case at St Louis.

That a wholesale retirement fromthe railway mall service by the rail-way mail clerks of St Paul and Min-neapolis is probable is indicated ina series of resolutions adopted by therailway mail clerks' association ofthe twin cities.

A draconian censorship is being im-posed at Odessa with regard to newsof demonstrations by students. Theonly information about shooting hav-ing occurred at the university hascome through official sources. Onestudent has died.

Theodore Roosevelt's next tourwill begin in New York March 8, andwill sweep around the boundaries ofthe country, through the south At-lantic and gulf states, the southwestup to the Pacific coast to Idaho andMontana and thence direct home.

The contest between San Franciscoand New Orleans over exposition lo-

cation is stirring up quite a row.Ecuador has declined to send the

dispute over the Peru-Ecuad- boun-dary to The Hague court for arbitra-tion.

The Spanish cabinet has decidedto present parliament a bill regulat-ing the religious and other associa-tions.

The Panama national assembly,called in extraordinary session todeal with the financial situation,voted $100,000 in gold in aid of theprojected Panama world's fair in 1915.

Andrew Carnegie is giving ten mil-lions more as an endowment to theCarnegie institution at Washington.

The health of Empress Alexandriaof Russia is again a matter of con-cern to the imperial family and herphysicians.

George Dunn, the Burlington spe-cial agent of Lincoln, is under arrestIn Denver, charged with killing Mrs.Brandt of that place.

The national assembly of Panamacalled in extraordinary session todeal with the financial situation,voted $100,000 in gold in aid of theprojected Panama world's fair in 1915

The president sent a special mes-sage to congress bearing -- on recipro-city with Canada.

The postoffice appropriation billwas passed after the department hasreceived a round scoring in thehouse.

Lawyers have pronounced the willof Mrs. --Mary Baker Eddy to be void.

Virginia wants the supreme courtto shift part of her staggering statedebt on West Virginia.

There is a movement among housedeonicrats to frame a new code ofrules for the next congress.

The house defeated the proposalto increase salaries of circuit judgesfrom $7,000 to $10,000 a year.

Emil Munsterberg, a brother ofProfessor Hugo Munsterberg of Har-vard university, died at Berlin.

President Taft is concerned overthe formation of the republican pro-gressive league at Washington.

Ship subsidy promoters are repre-sented as having sought to buy thesupport of a New York newspaper.

At the second trial of men accusedof taking part in the Berlin strikeriots fifteen of the defendants werefound guilty.

At Aberdeen, S. D.. the divisionheadquarters, local freight housesand passenger station of the Milwau-kee railroad, were burned. The lossis estimated at $100,000.

At Danville, 111., J. S. Mead, an am-bulance driver, and Robert Shult, aveteran of the soldiers' home, wereshot and instantly killed by HowardTucker, another veteran.

At Los Angeles, Howard Wilcox,driving a National, broke the Ameri-can five-mil- e competition speedwayrecord at the motordome. His timewas 3 minutes 21 seconds.

With a greater number of delegatesin attendance than ever before, theUnited States Civil Service Retire-ment association convened in Wash-ington in annual convention.

Oscar Johnson, a farmer living nearthe Pierce county (Nebr.) line, at-tacked his wife with a butcher knife,and after killing her he committedsuicide with the same weapon.

President Taft, who was invited toattend the Kansas state fair to beheld at Hutchinson next fall, has de-

cided to accept the invitation. Thepresident will be there September 25or 2C.

Theodore Economu and George P.Calogera, New York Greek importers,were sentenced to four months' im-

prisonment for being parties to aconspiracy to defraud the govern-ment out of duties.

In four tests before physicians atReno, Okl., Frank Arkebauer showedthat he has 454 cubic inches lung ca-

pacity, which breaks the 43C cubicinch world's record of Paul VanBroeckman of New York.

The Peruvian insurgents have oc-

cupied the heights of Tayabamba,200 miles north of the capital andare awaiting an attack by the government troops which have beensent to dislodge them.

The petition for a rehearing of thejudgment and order sentencing Abra-ham Ruef t$ San Quentin for fourteenyears on a charge of bribery of theRuef-Schmi- dt board of supervisorswas granted by the California su-

preme court.Caution in the extension of federal

control over the issuance of securi-ties by railroads was urged by Mar-vin Hughitt, chairman of the boardof directors of the Chicago & North-western railroad in the hearing of thesecurities commission.

Nearly half the members of the sen-ate judiciary committee are said tohave taken positions against the con-firmation of Judge William H. Hunt,now serving as a member of the courtof customs appeals, and promoted toa circuit judgeship.

The Japanese who assaulted UnitedStates Consul Williamson at Dainy,last month, were convicted and givena light fine, according to newsbrought to Victoria, B. C, by thesteamship Oanfa, from Yokohoma.The men were reprimanded and as-

sessed a fine of $2.50 each.James J. Gallagher, who shot Mayor

Gaynor and Street Commissioner Ed-

wards on a steamship in dock at Ho-bok-en

last August, was taken to theNew Jersey state prison to servetwelve years at hard labor. The sen-tence, including a fine of $1,000, isfor his attack on Edwards.

The purpose of the George Wash-ington Memorial association was ad-

vanced when $100,000 was donated bya New York financier. This gift prac-tically makes sure the collection of$500,000, which the association hasset itself to get before a site is de-

cided upon.

Personal.The Missouri legislature has no

Smiths and only one Brown.Senator Heyburn of Idaho, opposes

popular election for senators.The new republican governor of

Tennessee was inaugurated Jan 25th.The Jury in the Mrs. Schenk mur-

der trial disagreed and were dis-charged.

Congressman Norris opposes anyraise in the salaries of United Statescircuit judges.

Tammany is said to be castingabout for a new man for senator.

James F. Martine has won out forsenator in New Jersey.

Dr. Depew is opposed to the directelection of United States senators.

The senatorial deadlock in Iowacontinues with no practical change.

Members of the Nebraska legislat-ure were guests of Omaha for a day.

Senator Cummins marked the lineof division of the republican party onthe tariff question.

Paul Morton's remains will eventu-ally be brought to Nebraska for bur-ial.

Habaeus corpus writ has been de-nied Porter Charlton, the wife mur-derer.

Senator Nixon of Nevada, a repub-lican, was by a legislaturethat is democratic

George Dix, of New York, toldSheehan that he would keep bishands of the senatorial fight.

It is reported that King George andQueen Mary will make a brief visit toIreland, probably in July or August

Chairman Huppuch of the NewYork state democratic central . committee has lined up for Sheehan in 'the senatorship fight




Forced to Resign Instead, by Reasorof Scandalous Conduct on the

Officer's Part.

Wahslngton. By direction of thepresident Rear Admiral Edward B

. of the Pacific fleet submitted his resignation "for the good of the service.' It was immediately acceptedThe enforced resignation is the outgrowth of charges which .have beenin circulation affecting the moralcharacter of the naval officer.

Secretary of the Navy Meyer announced that on instructions from thepresident he telegraphed last night tcAdmiral Barry, asking that he submithis resignation. The resignation,severing the officer's connection withthe American navy after forty-fiv- e

years of active service, was receivedand his name was at once strickenfrom the list of naval officers. Thisact naturally terminated his salaryfrom the government.

In response to a telegraphic requestAdmiral Barry was placed on the re-

tired list of the navy on January 14,several months in advance of thedate on which, he would have retiredby operation of law. His right to seekvoluntary retirement was his privilege under the law permitting suchaction after forty years' activeservice.

The secretary of the navy took upthe request with the president and hepromptly approved. Later, however,reports began to eminate from SanFrancisco that Admiral Barry's retire-ment was forced by a demand that heretire on account of alleged scan-

dalous conduct It was added thatthe officers of the cruiser West Vir-ginia, Admiral Barry's flagship, werenot satisfied with the retirement, butinsisted on his resignation.

The secretary of the navy called onCaptain Orchard of the West Virginiafor a formal statement, meanwhile or-

dering Admiral Barry to remain inSan Francisco until further notice.


lowan Bases His Ouster Pea on LittleArithmetical Calculation.

Washington. Senator Cummins ofIowa, resuming his argument againstthe adoption of the committee reso-lution exonerating Senator Lorimerof Illinois from the charge of havingprocured his seat by corrupt means,declared there were many circum-stances to sustain the charges.

The Iowa senator continued his dis-section of the testimony in the case.He declared it would have 'been im-

possible for the human mind to havefabricated such a story as that sup-plied to the Chicago Tribune by Rep-

resentative White of the Illinois leg-islature without haying it refuted bythe facts.

Court Frees Prisoner.Washington. Juan Sanchez Azona,

whom the Mexican governmentsought to extradite for trial on thecharge of obtaining money underfalse pretenses, was liberated on Fri-day by Chief Justice Clabaugh of thedistrict court of the District of Co-

lumbia. The court said the time ofprosecution had expired under thestatute of limitations.

Circulars to Prospective Jurors.Seattle, Wash. C. D. Hillman, mil-lionai- re

real estate dealer, was foundguilty of contempt of court by Fed-eral Judge Donworth for sending cir-culars to men summoned to serve onthe jury that will try Hillman on acharge of using the mails to defraud.The circulars alleged that the prose-cution of Hillman was a part of ascheme of prosecution instigated byrival real estate men. Judge Don-wor- th

suspended sentence pendingtrial on the criminal charge and Hill-man was permitted to go under bondsof $2,500.

Defense of Nat Goodwin.New York. Nat Goodwin's defense

in the divorce suit brought againsthim by Edna Goodrich will questionthe jurisdiction of the state court, itwas reported. Mr. Goodwin contendsthat his wife is a resident of Cali-fornia, where he lived, and that theaction should be brought in that juris-diction.

Boycott Case Dropped.Washington. The boycott case of

the Bucks Stove and Range companyof St. Louis against the AmericanFederation of Labor came to a dra-matic close in the supreme court ofthe United States, which decided Itwas a question it would not hear.

Kansas Offers Advice.Topeka. Kas. Without mentioning

any names, the democratic membersof the Kanfas senate sent a messageto Governor Dix of New York, urgingthe election of a progressive as Unit-ed States senator.

Standard Oil Company Sues.New York. The Standard Oil com-

pany brought suit here In the UnitedState3 circuit court for $250,000 dam-ages against the Broadway Publish-ing company, Inc. publishers ofHampton's Magazine, and ClevelandMoffett, the magazine writer.

Conductor Dies.Huron, S. D. Conductor William E.

Finch, a widely known employe of thoChicago & Northwestern railroajd, wasfound dead in a sleeping car berthhere. He was taken ill while on hisrun at night.

Birthday of German Emperor.Washington. The fifty-secon- d birth-

day anniversary of Emperor Williamof Germany was the occasion of a re-ception at the German embassy, giv-en by Count Von Bernstoff. It was abrilliant affair.


Accused of Mortgaging Stolen Team.Custer County. On a description

furnished by Sheriff- - Miltonberger ofNorth Platte, Sheriff Kennedy ofCuster county arrested W. C. Meeks,a young man who is wanted for mort-gaging stolen property and passingbogus checks.

Cashes Bogus Check.Lincoln County. Louis Peterson of

North Platte, has found out that hewill be $375 short on account of en-

dorsing a check for one, Harry Wil-son, that city, about two weeks ago,claiming tc represent the KimballPiano company of West Lincoln.

Sioux City Man Ends Life.Douglas County. Harry Passman,

30 years old, well-dresse- d and regis-tered from Sioux City, committedsuicide In his room at the Belmonthotel in Omaha in a manner thatshowed his mind to have been fullymade up to take no chances of fail-ure.

Seventh Victim of Fire Dead.Madison County. Mrs. M. W. Kin-dal- l,

aged 35, died at Madison as aresult of Injuries sustained in theHubbard house gas explosion andfire at Niobrara. This makes sevendeaths. Mrs. Hubbard's husband,mother and two sons had died be-


Will Lose Both His Feet.Custer County. As a result of the

late severe weather, Henry Cashman,a man about CO years of age, willpossibly lose both of his feet afterhaving them badly frozen. Cashmanis a farmer and lives alone on hisplace, about seven miles east ofBroken Bow.

Doane College Gets Gift.Saline County. President Perry

has received a letter from Mrs. S. H.Clark of St. Louis, Mo., pledging $1,-00- 0

to Doane college. Mrs. Clark$1,000 to the $40,000 campaign, $1,000to Lee Memorial chapel and hasmade other contributions to the col-lege on other occasions.

Greeley Man Kills Himself.Greeley County. John Klien. a

butcher of Greeley, committed suicideby taking strychnine. He acted asusual Saturday, and that night wasjovial with the people he met, but ongoing home took the fatal dose. Heleaves a widow and four children,the oldest a girl of 12 years.

A Successful Show.Adams County. The poultry show

of the Nebraska Poultry associationwill go down in history as one of, themost successful shows ever held bythe state association. The exhibitorshave nothing but words of praise forthe management and also for Hast-ings as an ideal location for the an-nual event.

State Road 'Across Buffalo County.Buffalo County. The directors of

the Kearney Commercial club metand by unanimous vote decided tobegin at once preparation for the con-

struction of a state road across Buf-falo county, to follow the route selected and mapped out by the countysurveyor. In the early spring a daywill be set for building the road, aswas done in the state of Iowa, eachroad overseer will have instructions,plans and specifications, and theroad will be constmcted in that day.Dawson county, which is now muchinterested in the good roads cam-paign, will probably follow up theidea, connecting with and extendingthe road from the west end of Buffa-lo county across that county. Hallcounty will probably do the samething, which practically insures theconstruction of a good dirt roadacross three counties of the state.

A Fairbury Plant Closed.JefTerson County. O. G. Collier,

principal stockholder and manager ofthe Fairbury Planing mills, closed hisplant. He gives as the cause his in-

ability to secure money from thebanks for carrying on the business.

Want Agriculture Course.Johnson County. An effort Is on

foot in Tecumseh to hold a one-week- 's

school in agriculture and do-

mestic science some time during nextwinter. These schools are being heldin a number of the counties of thestate. The state will donate $100 onthe expense, and the local agricultur-ists will have to raise about $250more.

Goden Wedding at Tecumseh.Johnson County. Mr. and Mrs. A.

W. Buffum, who have been residentsof Johnson county for over fortyyears, will celebrate their goldenwedding on February 7. Somethingout of the ordinary is going to markthe celebration of the event Mr. andMrs. Buffum will have a public invitation printed in the local papers,requesting all friends to be theirguests on the day in question.

Tie Vote on Exposition,pass County. At a recent meeting

of the Commercial club of Platts-mout- h

there was a debate on thequestion of-- the location of the Pan-ama exposition. When the vote wastaken there was a tie.

Four Convicted of Stealing Sheep.Lincoln County. William George

Nunn. William Jesse Nunn. AndrewPotter and Peter Egan. alias PeterSpurgeon. were convicted in NorthPlatte of stealing sheep and weresentenced to serve thirty days in jail.

Order by State Superintendent.Lancaster County. State Superin-

tendent Crabtree has issued an orderallowing teachers of rural schools tooffer ninth grade subjects to stu-dents under the following conditions:The teacher must hold a first gradecertificate or must have completedthe work of a twelve-yea- r school, theschool must be properly equippedand the attendance must be smallenough to allow recitations in thehigher subjects. This order is madeto meet a condition existing in many I

schools where there are only eight '


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JAttempts on Measure' Will Not Be Di-

rect, but Efforts Will Be

Made to Warp It Out

of Shape.

The fate of the initiative and ref-erendum amendment to the state con-stitution Is fast assuming more im-

portance in legislative circles thanany other measure which has yet putin an appearance or which is likely toappear. This 'includes even the countyoption bill, on the support of whichthe last campaign was almost whollyfought out Fully three-fourth- s of themembers of both houses are pledgedto the initiative and referendum, per-sonally as well as by their platforms.The question arises as to just whatkind of a bill they are pledged, andIt is believed that many members whopledged because of popular pressurewill seek to amend the bills sponsoredby the direct legislation league of Ne-braska in such a way that it friendswill- - hardly recognize it. By seekingto amend the bill no member will con-sider that he is going back on hispledge to support a constitutionalamendment.

County option was the chief issue inthe last campaign. No bill has yet ap-peared embodying that principle, al-though at a conference held last weekIt was decided that two bills only, oneIn the senate and one in the house,should be introduced, and the form itshall take was decided upon. Thesebills will probably appear this week.The reason that the initiative andreferendum is rather supplantingcounty option in Importance is thatmany supporters of the former meas-ure have grave doubts as to whetherthey will be able to muster votesenough to pass it In case of defeat ofthis measure it is expected that thenext test of strength will be madethrough the initiative and referendum.

Glanders In. Horses.Dolezal of Saunders has a measure

which seeks to provide payment forhorses afflicted with glanders whichthe state veterinarian puts to death asa preventive of sprcod of the disease,conceded to be one of the worst whichafflicts domestic animals. He explainsthat the people in that part of his dis-trict surrounding Cedar Bluffs are par-ticularly anxious for the passage ofthis law because they have felt theeffect of the loss of animals by gland-ers. As explained by Mr. Dolezal, thedisease is just as apt to attack thehorses of poor men as those of wealthyfarmers, and when they are shot bythe deputy veterinarian it leaves thoowner in deplorable condition. Theauthor of the bill argues that to ap-

propriate $25,000 for the payment ofthese horses and mules would worktowards stamping out the dread dls.-eas-e,

as it would be an incentive tothe owner to have his animals exam-ined when he has an ysuspicion thatthey are afflicted. He declares thatnow there is a tendency to hide thefact as long as possible.

University Removal Bill.Practically the first debate of the

session in the house occurred over theKirk resolution to appoint a commit-tee from the house to meet a like com-mittee from the senate to investigatejointly the merits of the minority andmajority reports of the board of re-

gents to move the state university tothe state farm. Kirk's resolution hasbeen awaiting a favorable opportunityfor several days. It was brought up byits author, and at once Gerdes ofRichardson moved an amendmentHis amendment was primarily to pro-test ot the richt of the speaker to aprpoint special committees, and secondto separate the investigating commit-tee from the standing committees offinance and of universities which mustlater act on the question of appropria-tions. After considerable debate theamendment carried.

Favors Constitutional Convention.The judiciary committee of the sen-

ate met for the first time Tuesdayafternoon to consider bills. The com-

mittee decided to report for passageS. F. No. 18. by Kemp of Nance, a billproviding for a convention to revisethe constitution and to submit a newconstitution to a vote of the peopleThe committee, while favoring thisbill, proposes to favor the submissionof several constitutional amendments.The constitutional convention is aproposition that must be submittedto a vote of the people and if a con-

vention Is called its proposed constttution must again be submitted to avote of the people.

Determined opposition even to In-

vestigating the advisability of relocat-ing

Inthe state university on the state

farm campus has developed in thehouse. When the Kirk resolutionwas brought up in the house it wasput over for another day at the re-

quest of Gerdes of Richardson, who in-

timated that he will have some oppo-

sition to make to the project Theresolution provides for a special com-mittee, composed of members of thefinance, ways and means and univer-sity committees, to investigate theproposition.

Tax Collections.Two bills having for their object the

collection of taxes by special proce-dure were introduced Thursday inthe house of representatives. One olthem. H. R. No. 159, by Quackenbush,is revolutionary in character becauseIt proposes to legalize the employmentof private agencies for this purposeThe other, H. R. No. 1G4. by McKissick, allows extra compensation to atcounty attorneys who bring(&uits andsecure judgments against estates uponwhich the county realizes its taadaion.


An English Vlecevntees Whe Preferthe Farm to Gayetlee ef


London. Viscountess Helmsley. who)Is regarded as one of England's mostbeautiful women, is called the "breadand-butt- er peeress" because offondness for outdoor life and for d3mesticated animals. She often actsis a dairy maid and frequently directs1work on her estate. 1

The viscountess is the daughter ofjthe earl and countess of Warwickand a niece of the duchess of Suther-land. She Is wealthy, yet she haschosen of her own free will tolive a simple outdocr life with herpets In preference to a brilliant lifo atcqurt

She Is happier In a simple printfrock and a sunboanet than in a courtirain and diamonds. And sho knows


perfectly the worth of each, for shehas tried each. She has appeared sev-eral times at court and has done allthat is required of her socially, andthus earns her right to the blessedfreedom of the country.

Lady Helmsley was born and broughtup In historic Warwick caastle, whichIs famous to all tourists. The pas-toral viscountess Is a beauty and thedaughter of a beauty, her mother hav-ing been Frances, the daughter of CoLCharles H. Maynard and granddaughter of Viscount Maynard.

The viscountess, who Is 26 years old.has been married for six years. Herwedding occurred In 1904, to ViscountHelmsley, son and heir of the earl ofFaversham. Their home Is NawtonTowers, in Yorkshire. They have twochildren, Mary Diana, who Is fire, andCharles William, who is four.

The countess of Warwick. Ladysocialistic movements of the day. SheHelmsley's mother. Is deeply Inter-ested, as all the world knows. In thesocialistic movements of the day. Shebelieves In living and letting live, andIn spite of her position she has alwaysentertained very democratic Ideas In agreat many ways. 'Vor example, shesent her three children. Lord Borrke,Lady Helmsley (then Lady MarjprleGrevllle), and little Lord Maynard Gre-vill- e,

jto the public schools in War-wick. Lady Warwick met the pro-tests of her relatives and friends withthe calm 'reply that she wanted herchildren to know life as It really Is,and not as it Is presented in one littlecircle.

Lady Marjorie was graduated In duetime from the Warwick high school, aand then her mother sent her to Paristo a famous finishing school.


Kansas City Household Contains An-

tique Relic of Unique Patternand Interest.

Kansas City. Mo. Mrs. W. H. Gujof West Thirty-fift- h street has an oldmahogany sideboard of unique inter-est Only one drawer has knobs. The toothers are "secret" drawers, althoughthe doors below the drawers are theonly part of the sideboard that can belocked. Evidently, In the home foxwhich It was made, it was more neces- -

The Old Sideboard.

sary to turn the key upon the cakeand jam than upon the silver orlinen.

About one hundred and thirty yearsago. In the home of Joseph De Forest In

Dover Plain. N. Y.. a cabinet makerwas engaged to make this sideboard.His daughter. Mrs. Lemuel Pomeroy,came with her family to Kansas In py1865, bringing the sideboard with her.

The Rev. Lemuel Pomeroy and bis Itbrother, Samuel C. Pomeroy, togetherbought and settled on a farm near Mus-kota- h.

For 12 years Samuel C. Pom-eroy was a United States senatorfrom Kansas and after that lived butlittle in the state.

The Rev. Lemuel Pomeroy and his ofwife lived until the time of theirdeaths (about 20 years ago) in theirfarm home. Mrs. Guy inherited thesideboard from her mother, Mrs. Lem-

uel Pomeroy.

Fruit Fade of the IRch.New York. Among the fads of the

rich in New York are grapes fromBelgium at three dollars a pound,peaches and nectarines from Africa ateight dollars a dozen, figs from France

one dollar a dozen, artichokes fromFrance at three dollars a dozen, hot-

house, tomatoes at one dollar a poundand melons from Bulgaria at two dol-

lars areeach.

?"-- ' esc-&&sZi- L SK".- '-

J-- -- - LV

SarsaparillaEradicates scrofula and. allother humors; cores all theireffects, makes the blood richand abundant, strengthens, allthe vital organs. Take it.

Get It today In usual liquid form echocolated tablet calted. araatbe)


RUBBER GOODS7 mil at eat price. Seat tor fie

MYERS-DILLO- N DRUtt CO.. Omshe, Neat

HIBES and FURSHlfet Market Frlea Paid. WiHe for Prlet Lu

OLt.ee ogns.i3a.t3et..omf

WANTEDtowU territorial rights tor awl witata the stata ofNebraska, protected: brll S pateata, beld by aa olaanil weU knows Srai aavlng beea la btutneai la taatat for IB years. Oar proposal Is best sal table-fo- r

sidewalk awa, plasterers or eetaeat workers, toftteeaalcal knowledge la aot absolutely necessary.Prices sad terms moderate. Address for lafonta-tlo- a

to T. H. Box US. Iiacola. Ke


"See here, my dear sir! Didn't Itell you not to drink with your meals V

"But, doctor, be reasonable, I'naTOto eat some time."


Many have the Idea that anythingwill sell if advertised strong enough.This is a great mistake. True, afew sales might be made by advertis--,tag an absolutely worthless articlebut It is only the article that la;bought again and again that pays..An example of the big success of ;

worthy article is the enormous sale!(that has grown up for Cascarets!

Candy Cathartic. This wonderful reeord is the result of great merit sue,cessfully made known through perVsistent advertising and the mouth-to- !

mouth recommendation given Cas--.

carets by Its friends and users.Like all great successes, trade pi-

rates prey on the unsuspecting pub--lie, by marketing fake tablets similarIn appearance to Cascarets. Care.should always be exercised in pur-chasing well advertised goods, espe-cially an article that has a nationalsale like Cascarets. Do not allow asubstitute to be palmed off on you.

Tne Oldest Klickitat.Jake Hunt the oldest living KUckK

tat Indian known, lies at death's doorat his home adjoining this town eastof here. The old Indian is reputed tobe more than 100 years of age.

Years ago an Indian village stoodwhere the Hunt family now carries on

general farming business. All thatIs left of the old settlement Is a littlechurch, a totem pole and numerousmounds where the Kllckitats lie whocould not reach the century mark. OldJake says that this was the Indians'paradise before the advent of earlywhite settlers.

Jake Hunt is destined not to die a.

poor Indian. His lands are as rich andproductive as any In the valley andcommand a high price. He is said tohave married seven times during hislong career, but there will be only awidow and a few children to fall heir

his valuable property. Husum Cor-respondence Portland Oregonian.

' A Girl's Way."But," he complained when she had

refused him, "you have given me ev-

ery reason to believe you cared forme."

"I do care for you, George.'"Then why won't you be mine?""I want to let your stuck-u- p mother

and sisters understand that I don'tconsider you good enough for me."

Army of Telegraphers.The telegraph companies of this

country employ about 30,000 persons.This does not Include the railroad


CHEATED FOR YEARS.Prejudice Will Cheat Us Often If We

Let ItYob will be astonished to find nor

largely you are Influenced in everyway by unreasoning prejudice. lamany cases you will also find that theprejudice has swindled you, or rather,made you swindle yourself. A case

Illustration:"I have been a constant user off

Grape-Nut-s for nearly three years,"says a correspondent, "and I am bap

to say that I am well pleased withthe result of the experiment for such.

has been."Seeing your advertisement In al-

most all of the periodicals, for a longtime I looked upon It as a hoax. Butafter years- - of suffering with gaseousand bitter eructations from my stom-ach, together with more or less lose

appetite and flesh, I concluded totry Grape-Nut- s food for a little timeand note the result

"I found it delicious, and it was notlong till I began to experience thebeneficial effects. My stomach re-sumed its normal state, the eructa-tions and bitterness ceased and I havegained all my lost weight back.

"I am so well satisfied with theresult that so long as I may live andretain my reason Grape-Nut-s shallconstitute quite a pottfon of my dallyfood."

Read "The Road to Wellville." inpkgs. "There's a Reason."

Ever rea ike aWre letter A awaae anmus treat tlaae to tlaaa. Tbersranlae, trae aa tall et aaaaaa


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