NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1907. \S$ l^^fcj i!y! j I 1 1 I'Jv is v \s \^f i 11 Sj /I : T1 'JL * LORD STRATHCONA. EMIL PAUR. Patron of the Mendelssohn Choir, of Toronto. Conductor of the Pittsburg Orchestra, which will give concerts in New York this week. Musical. BURQSTALLER AS TRISTAN. Metropolitan Opera House. BASSI IN "PAGLIACCI." Metropolittn Opern House. SAM FRANKO. A - •• YOGT ' »te will give one of his -.onccrts of c\6 musia Conductor of the Mendelssohn Choir, of Toronto. "* 9 on T.."rsday. which will give concerts here on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 31 v steal. Till: WEEKLY CALENDAR. Sunday—Carnesio Hall. 3 p. m.. concert of the Volpe Orchestra; Metropolitan Opera House, fc:3v p. m., popular operatic concert: Manhattan Opera House, B p.m., popular operatic concert. Monday—Mendelssohn Hall. 3:30 p. in., song recital by Miss Susin Metcalfe; Metropolitan Opera riouse. Italian opera. Puccini's "Madnma But- terfly": Manhattan Opera House, Italian opera, '•Oavallerla Rustlcana." and "PagilaccL T>MS)ilsi in |i I Hall, 8:15 p. m.. concert of the Mendelssohn Choir, of Toronto, and the Fitts- burg Orchestra; Mendelssohn Hall, 8:30 p. m., jirivate concert of the Medelssohn G'.ee Club; iletropolltaa Opera House. 3 p. m.. special per- formance of German opera, "Hansel und Gretel": Manhattan Opera House, 8 p. m., s=pe- «ial performaiice of Italian opera, "Lra Sonnam- bula. Wednesday— Carnegie Hall. 8:15 p. m . concert of the Mendels-sohn Choir, of Toronto, and the Pittsburg Orciiestra; Metropolitan Opera House. * p m.. Italian opera, \u25a0 La Traviata": Manhat- tun Op?ra House, 8 p. m., opera in Italian. Gil Ugonottl." Thursday-Mendelssohn Hall. B: S p. m.< Mr. Sam Frar.kos concert of old music; Manhattan Opera Ho:? 8:15 p m.. special erformance of Italian spera. Mme. Melba in Rigoletto": Waldorf-As- toria. 9 p. m., private conoert of the Rubinstein club- Chapel ot" imbia University. 4:1. > p. m.. public organ recital by Samuel A. dwin; Hotel Astor, 3 p. m. f harp recital by Jonn Cheshire. Friday— Meti Opera House. 8 p. in.. Sertnan cpf-ra. "Tristan und Isolde." re-entrance oi Mme. Gadskl; Manhnttan Ot»-ra House, 8 p. m., Ital- laa open. "Aida"; Mendelssohn Hall, piano- forte recital by Gertrude Peppercorn. Saturday— Carnegie Hall. 8:15 p. m.. concert of th» Nevr York Symphony Orchestra; MetroDplitan < ipera House." 2 p. m.. Italian ra. "Alda": S P m . "D-m Pasquale" and "Cavallerla Rusti- rana": Manhattan Optra House. 2 p. m.. Italian "P^ra. "Lucia dl Lammermoor"; 8 p. m., Italian op« ra. "II Trovatore." A fj-mpliony'by lladyn and son dances by Gre- try which have been heard here fore at Mr. l'ranfco's concerts will be the only pieces that •will bsne a half way familiar sound at the concert of old music wliicl Mr. Kranko and. his American orchestra will sive in Mendelssohn Hall next Thursday evening. \u25a0;•\u25a0. first and third numbers on the programme will be chamber music compositions whlcb are cab-ulaied to widen popular knowledge of this kir;d of music and present at least one " f th two composers In "an entirely new light. The first •will I* \u25a0 sonata for eirlngs by th.? father of the Fascli who has sut himself into musical history ••hiefly because he played accompaniments for th« royal flautist. Kred'.rlck the Great, and founded the first of Germany's amatour singing societies— the Sinpakadomi.- <-f B-rlin. Joh-acn Friedrich Fasch \u25a0was th<- nami- of the sonata writer and In his day fir. was thought Rood enough to be invited to com- pete against Haiti for the post of cantor of the School of St. Thomas. The second piece of cnam- -. bfr music is a trio for strings and embalo by |\ Pergokse, oiice looked upon as the most marvel- Ir lous of opera writ«?rs. but known to amateurs now y enly as the, composer of a. transportingly beautiful \u25a0 "Stabat Mater" and a crfuple of airs from an inter- mezzo entitled "La Berva I'adrona." whloh Mme. Eembrich has put upon her song recital pro- gram:n,» A name which doubtless \u25a0• as never be- fore prpi on an American list is that of Iktiuz Holzbauer, who uf an old man won the enthusiastic admiration of Mozart. From his only German opera. "Ganthei yon wrarsburg," the overture will be played and an sir will be sung by Mme. Hageman van Dyk. Mr. Paolo Galileo wfll play the pianoforte part In the Pergoleae trig. The ballet jnueic will be three dances from Gretry a opera. "Cephale et Procris." To-morrow. Monday rvening. February 11, will see th» produ,-tlf>n of "Mailuma Butterfly." The production will <3lff<r in various small detail fr( ri that firs: seen In Europe. All chunks have been made at the wish nnd unripr thf personal vision Of Mr. Puccini, who has taken a 11 v . practical Interest In the ptßgintj of the Arturo Vl«na will direct the performance. On Tuesday afternoon. February 12, at 8 01,o 1, link. there will be a special performance of 'Hanse' und Gr-?tel." nt popular pricr«, with tho :;s;ial cast, Including Mmes. A'.trn. Mattfeld. Loulp- Homer, \V< fd. Mornn nnd Bhearman ar.d Mr. Goritz. A. Fred Hr-rtz will conduct. "Traviata" will be the bi'.l on Wednesday, when Mme. Sembrlc.h will apain sing the part nf \ nnd Mmes. Mattfeld nnd Jacoby will iippoar ns Anr.f-tta and Flora Gervoiee. Mr. Caruso will be th«> Alfredo, and Mr. Bcottl the Giorgio ar. i the oast will be completed by MM Bam, Bteu#. Dufrlch*' and Paroli. Arturo conduct. On Friday evening at 7:4" will come the fI:M per- formance this season Of "Tristan und Isolde." Mme. Gadskl, who has been absent from the Met- m Pa«lo Mile. 7accaria Raoul de Nancls .••••'\u25a0 B^! Marrello M. Arimor.rll Cont« dl Ne.v«.rs M. Ancona Conte di St. Brls M. Sovetlhao De TavannM M. Venturinl Retz M. KossetTa Mourevert ' M Ull nz Po Cosie. M. Daddl Thore, M. Keschlgllan Conductor. M <"le°->fnr.te Camponlnl. THUKSDAY HVENIN'O—SEVENTH AFPBARANOB Or MME. IIEI^BA— "RIGOLETTO." Ollda Mnae. Melba Olovanna Mile. Beverlna Contessa dl Ceprano Mile. 7.a<-caria Maddaiena ...Kile. <-,laronla IIDuca ;- M , Bond Sparafuclle M Arlmondl Marullo M - Fonsotta Monterona M. Mugno* Bnrna M Venturinl ronte dl Ceprano M. noschlfillan Risoietto M. Sammarco Conductor. M. Cleofonte. Campanlnl. FTIIDAY EVENING— "AIDA." II Ke M - Mus;nos Anweris Mme. Tm I Isnero.. BadUes'.'.'.'/.V.V.V.".:........ ". .. . M Bawl Ratnfla M\ Arlmonii Amonasro - M Ancena tn Me»sa«iero M i«>-m Conductor. Cleofonte Camplnlnl. BATUHDAT AFTERNOON— BK.HTH APPEARAT OF MME. MEL3A— "LUCIA L'l LAMMKRMOOR." I^ria Mine. >l»lha AII«a M. Scvmna Edgardo M. Bond Asht M. f*a nwnarco Kalmundo M. Mugaox Arturo M. Venturln] Normanno M - Tecchl Conductor. Fernando Tonara. BATDBOAT EVENING "It. TROVATORK.' Leonora Mme. Tlu** •Vzucena Mme. I)e Cianeroi jnez.. .' M\u25a0\u25a0• Znvai la Manrico M. 1 'ainiores Cor.to 11 Luna M. S^vtilhac Fernando >r - ™W" C ; Z Ruiz M. Teechl Conductor, Fernanda Tanara. After a lull there will be a revival of activity at the Metropolitan this week. It will be the twelfth •week of the present season, and among the more notable events by which It will be marked will be the Ions; talked of first Italian production In New York of Puccini's favorite work. "Madama But- t, rfly." with M!«s Geraldlrtf Farrar in tlie role of i 10-Clo-San, and Mraf. Louise Homer. Mr. Caruso and Mr. Scott! in oth,-r characters: tho first per- formance of "Tristan und Isolde." in which, after a lonp absenc#. lima, 'Jadskl will return to the Metropolitan Ftage. and Mr. Burrlan will ba heard us Tristan, and a special afternoon performs at popular prices of "Hansel und Gretel.V ropnlttan for three B^ason*, will fnr the first tlmf In this city Interpret the roif- of Isoiijr. Miss ••REMARKS." "H'm," said the head clerk. M Ool an accident to report, have you. Murphy? Well, Just All up one or theno forms, will you?" "Y«-8. »ir,"' said the foreman of th« works, an.i having duly thrust out hi« tongue and gnawed at the penholder f>>r son \u25a0 handed the re- port to tin' clerk. It r< "Date January •'\u25a0 Nnwrn of accident, to« crushed. How caused, accidental blow from ham- mer. Remarks," ••Hi-k pardon, air. 11 sakl tbe foreman, "but if wns his bis toe, with -i corn on It, and you know what Bill Is, sir, Ho 1 thought I'd better leave his re- marks out." Dundee Advertiser. \u25a0! lasses In votes building, elocution ana ; übbc speaking, to be- pin on Tuesd \u25a0 ("clock, •in.l Thursday afternoon, Pi o'clock. Mr Xl( . -• 'a studio Is at -<\u25a0\u25a0. 126 Bi \u25a0 Mlxs Ethel I»w<-. :i pupil of J. Christopher Murks, was heard at toe Waldorf last Frida; Bhe appenr-U on the programme with Will Carleton and Mark Twain. Miss !> we sai Mr. MmkM. and was accompanied by him. Miss \u25a0 vVoman'i \-, on in'a ¥ Joclet le Hall ye«tei d Bloon | m• .! ki.i" \u25a0 \u25a0 •tW.'.'ll I \u25a0 k;ht -!:* Qullmani Organ Bchool will (winter reunion Monday, February is, •• . fol- party. ill t,'-. \u25a0 !<\u25a0 n >\\ \u25a0A, It la . i gan in <>r- der to Mr and Mrs. Ncmea gavo a musical tra at the "Walter Uuiisoll studios, Xo. C 7 West GTth atreot, last Sunday. The occasion marked In formal man- ner the return of Mr. »ii.'i Mrs*. Neraes. Thf» coqipllmentary concert oi thn Xcw Yorlj Con- •erratory of Music, No. 181 I«*>nox avenue, which t™>k ji litro l niU Thursday | enlng at Mendelssohn lliill. w;i» wall . ttended. Tinj prograznmo, which consist! of etcbteen numbers, was received with cnthualasni. Margaret Teld \u25a0 '\u25a0 ' -"• Wf>!:t root, teaches voice culture for opera, ora- .—,n!a]s on<» from Mme. J y afternoon. Miss K.li ; .r^::.• P. Ounn, tiic violinist, \ otlng spare time to the f AillM AXtl alcal \u25a0 Giuseppe Ponsl. No. 174 West 97th street, states thnt has a targe \u25a0!;ism of students in voice plac- \nn, consisting '\u25a0:' both teaehpss and students or singing. Professor Ponsl Insists upon bis students fi!»«iunlnK certain po lUoi i to pr tduce sounds. !!•• i lali retained during a lesson causes ;i stra n on Uw vocal cords which la Injurious to the \u25a0• Mrs. QrlAn-Welsh, or No. 2b2 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn, soprano, will try voices and render ad- I -cc df charge, to all - ;>p!'' make appointments v Her ipe- . laity I Ing and cl A recital by the advanced pupils ot tbe of Musi.-, of No. LOB Montague sti lyn under th.» direction of Mmc i Jaeger, will be givi . rooklyn, on Mon- h 4. Admission will be by In- vitation. noon Martha Henry-Timothy, noprann. v.lll b«» the soloist. On Lincoln's Birthday there will an extra recital at which special features ».f Interest will be Introduced At all of the* :; there will be pipe organ and pianola numb) gramme being carefully made up from s1 i and class! al Musical. VEGARA Studios of l V MLtf^M d^LE\A^ Music «>r!i;\ AM> ORATORIO SCHOOL. 4>: WEST 40TII sr. (near Fifth Aye.). HELEN R. CLAUOER, Piano Instruction. ncLcn n. tLAUUtn, stwuo. ue sth a»« Leschetizky Method. ft Illfl Elts 'vol'frs) wanted for "Calvury Choir." NT InlI \u25a0 Grand Vested Chorum. ICS now enrolled. •\l |il|s " l ' r " 1 ' opportunity for »tv lenta and music VlllU I<)Vf ••\u25a0 J'losp of E. M. BOWMAN. Cond.. Stelnway Hall. MANHATTANCOLLEGE OF MUSIC, 40 WEST lIiTH ST.. NEAR I.KNOX AYE. _, LEON SI. KRAMER. IMRKCTOR. Th^rouKh Instruction In all ilepartment.i of music hv dla- tinguished faculty. Moderate '.ernia. Catalogues mailed. HELEN .V ALBERT YON DOENHOFF VOCAL INSTKCtTION PIANO 11H6 MADISON AVEME, Nrur 87lh St. MME. TORPADIE VOCAL ART. CSBMSjIs Hull, Stu.llo 807-808. EMILIO AGRAMONTE \OCAL MASTER ANI» CHORAL UlitKtTOll. New Stu.lio: « Wrst tMk Street. MISS EMMA HOWSON VOCAL INSTRICTION. stiulio 1? " rr ' trni '»'g ll. ill Tuesday. Friday only. if"™ 1 - II it Instruction. J. S. HANSKN. Tupll \u25a0 I \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0"School of Mv trs*. \u25a0 IsV I fcßoy»i i ______ Address 32 West •.'.-.t:i sircrt. HELEN TRUE WINSLOW. - Vole*, culture slnsine. upeakinc. Special twitton to teKlnnfr* Bookli-t. HeaMence-studlo. 470 \V liTth St. PRESSON MILLER VOICE cn.Tl-Rr: AMI aki or SINGING suite 1013-ion-ioi;. cAn.NEi.JiE hall nyn y WALTER S. YOUNG Voral Inntru.-tlon. Voice Proiluotlon l>!ctlrn. S;yl<-. lttptrtolre. 801 ..ml BM Curnrgle Hull. 1 1 iii Pn ii Tenor of .<:. KartholomeWs. I iBMIn Tenor of Templ« I-rael. Lfl Iff tJ U II Oratorio. Concert and KestiwnL LHII U V II Vocaj Studio: 7 W. 4.M St.. N. y. C. niPAriPflA^ Piano. <>ri(.tr Harmony, wD ! L DL D Branch .>-,-. W.IIILOULriU Mu»lcal Courier. . II I L O UL n U V!"*J8?; . s r v Tork J ' none o^is i o!umbu« IRVViN EVELETH HASSELL Flir.D Instruction. Soloist Accompanist. 14 W. 9Sth St. 11. I.OREN CLEMENTS, Vocal In*rruetor. « East I4th St.. NVw York Ci'r I Practical church work. Sieht-reailinK 'Phono i2»i> Qraxaercy. i - FREDERICK MARTIN VOCAL INSTRUCTION Muill,,. 143 W. !>l«« >f . N. V. MME. 11 TCI lIA * !op . rano - VoTaTcluuTe'. HI. ItLUA | aft.>rroons. Call or write. 2nO West flsth Street. 'Hii^ .**'lir:ino Worcfsto- Festival. 1906. Trnor All Aa—W. ALBERT MILDENBERG, PIANIST AM» PIANO IN.HTitI CTION " ..nil siUKrr KNTK.%XfK. < AKNKc'IE * HALL. Miss Rietmann I Artlstli- I'iano In-tru.-'n. ltrcjtals. 119 Munirn Ay.( lo7th) ! J. CHRISTOPHER MA^KS^^^ i oinpoKltlun. urnan. Ue-id.-m-., Studio, 154 *E. 46th St. MARTIN 1. GOUDEKET Z&TSJSSSg" ' Art of siiißlnK. 63 West S3d Street! N. Y. ' PERRY AVERILL. Baritone and Teacher. ;;o \\> Xt 5!)t ,, Him j EDMUND SEVERN VOICE. PIANO, VIOLIN. 131 WEST sTthJ CHAS. H. "CLARKE _W&jgg?^ I MAX WERTHEIWHt^oV^^ 7^ Tenor. «'o n.-m Singer. 463 CENTIt\L PAKK WES™ L VAN DER HEIM g"2 CA i». DI «SSS? v m ' L. IUH ULll I)LII!I C. a. solo vioiini.t ii. >" tuls. Instruction stu.li«. W>»t .-.;ih si " j HELEN AUGUSTA HAVES vocalT^ sn «,-,t \u0084.i. st TEACHER lima Koemi Fcrnier °' Ptano Toachtna r , Mine. ROSinI rrraißr talt EooLE de MARMovTpr studio. U Wrst CPU. St. SU-lnway Ilah wJSne^. | aVAIIY:: B.USSELL Voli-e Culture. SlnMny. «arneglr Hall. lltsSs *Xl PBICE-COTTLE CONSERVATOrT¥~HIjS!C ! & tPally> Claaa. )g8105g 8105 Seventh ? Ave." CorT i-.'st " st. I WILLIAM 8. NELSON %SJ£Sl§ Vocal Instruction. A<**nni*l^\_&'£* r & hL Ht ALICE BREEN sasrssssi i££%Vs™** ELOGUTIOM Kaaag V^^&^j WIRTZ PIAKO SCHOOL i2lthi:i 2l thi: LEOBRAUN . f^Zr^y^^ Adele Laeis BALDWIN. »i*s^iis>-7^l GERRIT SMITH s.^7^^^ J. Edmund SKIFF cg^g^T^Qß. IVIISS AMY FAY ?***« r^n^ an * rmaui. Linda H. pirsson, riano T "3trurt!on~nr~Ma^n unufl n. rinoouii, Method ww n t «th "sV. MARY Fin?LIA Rllr.T;S ml •"•\u25a0•ssi! \u25a0»» nausj iilfllll riULLia UUnl Harmony. I'OJ < arofgio Hall Vl'JIPn F MaPPnnnoll F '* no Instruction. l.*arh<- li/ICII t. mdwbUnnCll Uiky m«tho«L is XV. UStb st. GRAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 552 CENTRAL. PARK WEST, COR. 95TH ST. THE ONLY MI'SIC .SCHOOL KMrowERED BT ACT OF LE«JI«*LATVKE to roafer tb« regular t.MVtIWTV utoKEts. Vote* culture and all ln»trum«r.ts and ilualcal Set* ences; 45 Professors and lnstru«'or«. Special couraa for T^arhers and Professional!. Thor> ouuii lisa Ist besjlaacra THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. DX. r. EBERIIAHD. Pr—'t. 358 Cmtral Park W«*t, CLAUDE MAITLAND GRIFFETH Piano and Harmony Instruction. For six yeara Teacher at th« Virgil Piano School rf New York. Pur of Earth and Moszko^skl. 133 CARNEGIE nALL. m " E MS Pa ?^ I! Oratorio, '"occsrt. jL, JAftC oli I 54 \V«at 89th St. LEOPOLD WOLFSOHN PIANO INSTRrCTION. 898 Bercm St.. BrooUrya, and 1771 Mmllton Aye., New York. Mis.s EDITII millhiAN. AB^I3TA-NT. AGNES GARDNER EYRE Concert Pianist an Teacher. Pupil of Le»ch*v.»liT. S3 ratral r»rk Vieat. Statawsg Hall M -.. and ThOSa EDMUND MUNGERIMC LEs«HKTIZKY METHOD. Stndlo. t W«»t l«th Bt. Kfuldencp. 36 Wesl 17th St. TeL 4343 Ch«:»«a. ROSE STANGE VOCAL TEACHER. Italian School of Opera. OratarlS, Concert. Special arrangenifnts ezceptiocal voices. Ia» tfrvl«ws. 4 to 5 Monday.. Thursdays. m Fifth A»S> MME. ERNEST TEMME VOICE PI.Af IN«. TONE PKOOK TION a SseetelWk »0 EAST S3D ST. Tuesday and KrWay. ' HUDSON \u25a0sSBStSBI T«SM Culture. Correct Brwkttatag. 31ONS. USB 5,1 S" £k Violinist of Paris Consenra- * HP mP X tory. Pianist. SUS. I 1I 1 k 111 l>U Pupil of A. RuMn.-t.ra. 33.% "WnST OTTH ST. 'Phor« 2SB«—ColuratuS. KlflUlll *^ ; " r '*'' IF.W I>K DnAILf A llnalH Voral rtmew^M ar.d Breathing. nnS/KR l/tlllU.'- Em| EN St.. New York City. IIUULIIU EDWIN WILSON «S*SSfi. ,-or. »rr. Oratorio. R--!'a;a 201 \\. 79th. Tel. IMi K'.v«r. t^* MRS. SMOGK BOICE. \u25a0" Art of Slnirir.K. School af Language*. 1003-6 C«rnecin Hall. 400 W fhlngton Aye., Brnoktys. F. FLAXINOTON HARKER. Voice Culture. P'ano. Orgas, Harmony. 5*3 Vt. 121rt. ADT VAI.ENTINE ABT. DBA fifi &io 8 I'arn-Kfe- Kail. R 0H f* nmm I Instructor of llrllll MWC TOnTlU 11 * 1 " 111 **''- Chmriot«rtotfeltap«tß!m IBS!L IHil I ''^ar^i^^tja^ 1 ; OGDEN-CRANE SCHOOL OF OPERA uikl >tu<llo uf Vuic« (ul.'jrr MMF. OC.DEN-CRANE. < »rnrglo Hall. N. T. LUELUiPHILLIPSp'SSS^^tSr^ >lu«ll<>, \KVh».lr. IUII Tel. 130D Co'.urribus. f MMEa CATEn-KAnn inhiki* noN m Came«;l«> Hull. Monday und T:»ur>>. iaft. and eve.). r JELENEK. Planl-t. E. MIMMIRI.KFN. Vloilatlt. CONCERTS. REriTAUS. INSTRt'CTION Stuillo#: 161 E. «lst St.. N. V.; IS* OrKalb At*.. B'klya. nU TOMPKIN** MISICAL BIKKH 10 Cam«». Hall, nupplif* rt-HaM* an.! , Instructors tot rote« an.t piano. CAROtXNE TOMPKIXS. M«r Benjamin Monteith VSSM Culture. KoiK-riolri* -TT Jth ay.. or>. Holland House LILLIE MACHIN Carn«a;ls? S Han."s{ew Tork. CertWcated pupil o: Vannuccint FLORENCE COOPER CUSHMAN VOCAL INSTItfCTION. Brettoa Hall. 86th St. * B»«. PD flI 111 Q PIANO HOOI . SjM Carn^le Hall U(IUL IU 0 Modern methods. Teachers" tralninf. Excellent t««ch«i \u25a0 supplied. YORK, "«« l»4 STH AYE.. (OK. StTH ST.. NE\Y YORK. HEItN GAUNTLETT WILLIAMS. ~ I'lano aii i!li{ht reaJlng. f!4 Camfg!* Hall. Samuel Pierson EccHwcod «oaw: 301 WEST IDBTH»T. TEI.KI'HO.N :7i: •-.'VSR MME WC II flfifi PupU of gtntflte and Kr»ak». MMfc. IVCLLUOD D- K^«k 9 control »r .liaphraxm ami r.tt> ol tone. Studio I*l CSssHsjls HalL Ti:<*. a Frt ANNA EIXIOTT MUILINZB, Dianinti.- Reader nnj lmr«*n<onatcir. STUDIOS OP EX- PRESSION. TOl-7tC Carnegie HalL 'Plmm DH >'01. ALBERTINE ALDKICH. Vt*a»umnetton. Pop" PT AHA 'BTP'MPTTA s<i«-»«i«< Velss Instmctloo. LLAitfl. SOUKS* J.l m>Mary . hrMpup ,, 19 w |)gd j,. MAX. KMTEI. TRECMAW. Vole» d.r.lopmtßt for cnurcb. concert, opera. 931 Camcsie UalL. SERRANO'S vocal, and piano jLhhANUO INaTll -l-TE. 328 E. HTH 1 HUBERT ZTJK NIEDEN, io f '^"'k^h' sg: MD Ro Rni» * '•«"»»«»•• Hull. Vocal In-trucUon. Itel- . D. 116 mil lai method. Opera. Oratorio. Soaf^ HKOOkI.\ i cUucmU rIIIAPI piano- platino. i:.»* CONCKRT KTt'DEM from th« High School. $t»5. AT | ALL Ml s|( MOUJ>. or SM President St.. Brooklyn KATHYRN P. GUNN. spagy^ Master School OK VW M. Ml'Slf. BrookJjS. V- T- maSlßr OuilGGI Mn', VKU!Er.. Voca^Dlr*etWSa D3. W. S. WILDE £X*22r*J?2Z t | MRS. GRIFFIN WEL^T^r^^ l^ rOtPC linntl S Voice Culturo. Man. Taur*. IVo Important works, one of which la entirely re»- to New York, v- ill be played by the Boston BjHUiliSMj Orchestra In Its r.ex?. concerts In Car- negie HalL On Thursday evening, February 21. the symphony irfll be Blbellus'a, in E minor. No. 1. This' -work, when playod in Boston^ created a pro- found Impreraion. ;ind was reprarded as being in every respect more Important than the samp com- poser's seoond symphony. In D major, which Is better known. On Saturday afternoon ill*" flrft purnber on tbe programme will be Rirhard StrausJ-'s "Binfonla Domesti^a," u-hlch has been played in N*w York only once, three years ago, when it had Its first perforn anywhere, -i-r the direction ©f Its composers. Mm«^. BamaroflC will be the soloist on Thursday e%-enfi i. playing Tschaikowsky's con- certo for piano In B flat minor. Ossip Qabr!lo> vitsch will be th<» BOlolKt on ituxday afternoon, playlnr Brahms'e concerto in E flat major. No. t. Ooncerts are announced for bruary 12 and 13 ky tho Toronto ICendelssohn Choir. 220 voices', A. S. Vogt. conductor, and the Pittsburg Orchfstra "t Si^ty-six players. Emil Paur. < onductor. The To- ronto choir will make its firpt appearance In New York, while the Pitts-burp orchestra has ver been heard here under Emil Paur, who has been its con- ductor for three years. The Toronto singers have attained mm h fame In elr own city ajid in Buf- falo. *rtiich is the only town In the United States they have yet sung. The concert of Febru- ary 12 will include Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Which Mr. P.-nir.will conduct, and these soloists .\u25a0will tak-- part: Mrs. Corinne Rlder-Kelsey. so- orano; Miss Janet Spencer, contralto: George Ham- tin, tenor, and Mr Herbert Wlthentpoon, bass. The Hendelssohn <'hoir wfll sing three selections under Its own ronduotor. As noted below, th<> concert of February 13 presents both choir and orchestra In v wide variety of nrlfrtlons. while Mr. Paur makes hi* first appearance In New York as pianist. Tha programmes In full are as follows: TUESDAY. PEBRUABY 12. AT 8:15. Ptula ullt. lor tenor »010 (QsocgS i:air.!in). c'.orus ar..l orchestra L,l«zt Vsalm cxxxvii Oounoa **Ch«nibim Song" \u25a0 Tachaikowaky armsboiur No. if. In 1> major. Op. 12.'. Beethoven . I'lar.lsi. Erall Paur. WEDSESEAT. FEBEUARY 13. AT 8:13. Orcrtur*. •\u25a0Oberon" TVebcr "Judjps Ms. O God Mendelssohn •THlim of Bt. lllehari'i Tower" Blr R. p. Stewart "Spanlah Rhapsodr. tor piaso and orchestra.. t,!*7.t-Bu«<>nl «Crnctaxa»" Antonio Lotti (l<i«7-1740i ' Sa£&d tlaiogv*. "fir Patrick Kp*na"..R. H. da Feursall Variation* on a Th*m« \>r Schumann, Op. 23 <orche»- tratlon by nir.il i'aur) Brahms (Flr«t performari?»> In NVw York. City) Manuscript. XjO>t* seen« tram "i«r«noth" Richard Strauss *Tfc* Wtng* of a v*'" Howard Brockway Ballad, "Tli« *"hallenj;e of Thor," from "Kinj; Olaf. Elf*p Orerture. "TSar.nhiinaer" CborsJ. "AwaU* 1 " and r.:.*.; abonae from "1J1« Melster- •tnger" Frelu'jc aiKi ' \u25a0-*!i:i: iphi from •'Triata.n aad [sole*." NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1»1 I.KNOX AYE.. COX. lI9TII ST. Chartered by m^rlal Act of l-«rii«jnture. IS«S. 1.. O, I'AKM.V IMrrctur. The first chartered musical Institution In America. The foremoat und most axparlanoad c tnaMnratoo In th<; city. frank J. BENEDICT VOICK (I I.HKK Orjranlst ai»l MUslral Director Central Tlaptlst Church. Resldencn Btudle. 883 Meat 36th St. l.-l •tj'.il —J. CoU MISS IDA MAY BUTLER VOCAL. TKACIIKIt HXrONENT OK RAFFAELLO DE LA MARCA'S ITALIAN SCHOOL. Xi WSKT 313T ST.. Third floor. AGNES SttMNER GEER Monologues oi-d clilld Impersonations. Pupils ace« In isiocution. Towdajrs aiu) FriJ^ys at Stuuio, iss JTlttß "2" WOODRUFF, Voice Plactnir. BreatMne. Pr»pnrntlon for Choir Con- cert and Oratorio. 180 V»tli Are.. N. V. -i-k^.A-r BTCOIO, Kie CABNKGIK HALT.. MORITZ F. RUBINSTEIN .«^^W MARY WAQNLR GILBERT PIANO INSim < TIO.N I.KSt IIFIiZKV MKTIIOD. WILLIAM C. CARL ORGAN INSTRUCTION SICM) FOR CATALOOUE. 3* WEST J2TH ST.. N. V FREDERIC MARINER, Tf«hni>- Spptlallst In I'lnno ruction t'atalogiifn ienl 37 WEST ll^D BTRBBT. H. W. Greene ; vocai. IXSTRI'CTION. M4 CABNEGIIS HAM.. GIUSEPPE PONSI \u25a0? RAXD OPERA TENOR UlWgtrri. rVnOI Vocal Instructor. Kmln-ni for \rncr, placlnir 174 W>»t O*th St. ISABELLA CONE JORDOH'T^iM: Mr. . HammersUlr.'s full bills for tbs week follow: MONDAY EVB.vixG— "CAVAIJ.ERIA HISTIfANNA" •antozza M I;,*'. I'.iirs 3 ,0) a Mme. de « tneroa UJhiir- Mlt« S-verlna Turldu H. l>alniorr» Atßo \l Serellliac "FAOUACCI \u25a0 ' Nedda Unu Donald* «*•"><> «.. 11. Baasl Tonl» .. M Sxmtr.nrco Cylvlo m S^v«-llhac Ar>yul»i'» •- Venturlni t"<.niiu«-tor. M. Cleofonta CampHnliil. TfISSDAY EVK.VINO "SO.SXAMBL'IX" Anin* Kile Pinkert M«* Mile. Trentlnl Tere*« Mllf Petertna E! vino M . Ttoi-.el Jl <""'\u25a0\u25a0 Rodolfd •\u25a0 \rimt>B4\ t! > 'tf> \u25a0 V j'..-»crtl«t!an Ua ta r M T«»crhj Tev' Condu'-ior. M. Fernando Tnnjra. Rt {.WEDNESDAY EVJSNING— "THE^ . BXOT«." Vaientirt. ..-. .....Mme. H«Vs» stareheri'» C* \'s!«!« ; .Mil* '-rpint Vrbtnti •\u25a0 \u25a0, r .r^,ji la Dust d'Onere Mile. Arta m*. Oaota d'Onor* Mile. £everlu& Homer will slngr Brangaene. The Tristan will he Mr. Burrian. who has not yet been heard lure in I the role. Mr. Van Rooy will again sin* Kurwenal. i Mr. Blass Kinsr Marke. Mr. Muhlmann will be \ Melot and Mr. Reiss will sing the Bhepherd. Alfred I Hfrtz will conduct the augmented orchestra. At the Saturday matinee tho attraction will he "Ai'da," witli Mme. Kames in the Dart of the heroine, Mme. Kirkby-Lunn as Amnerls, Miss Lawrence as the Priertess. Mr. Caruno as Radames. Mr. Stracclarl as Amonasro. Mr. Planpon as Ramfls, Mr. MUhlmann as the Kinx and Mr. , Paroli as the Messenger. The popular Saturday performance will include "Cavallerla Rusticana." in which Mme. Boninsegna will appear as Santuzza. The Lola will bi Mme. Jacoby, Miss Slmeoll will Interpret Lucia and Mr. Dlppel will be the Turlddu. The Alfio will be Mr. Bejrue. The chief and opening feature of this per- \ formance will be "Don Pasquale." with a cast headed by Mme. Sembrlch as Lorlna, and with Mr. Dlppel as Ernesto. Mr. Scotti as Dr. Malatesta, Mr. Rossi as Don Pasquale and Mr Begue as the j Notary. Arturo Vigna will direct the performance of both opera.". I Appended is the programme of to-night's concert j j at the. Metropolitan: : Ov*rtur». "Pheflre" Massenet i Aria. "Ihr*B Auges hlrr.mllsch 6trahl«n." troin "Trova- tore" j Verdi Mr. Oorltr. , Aria of Mlcaela, "Je <3ts que rlen." from "Carmen". Bizet Mm*. Rappold. I Aria, "Oh, m)o Fernando," from "La Favorlta,"... . Donizetti ! ! Mme. Krkby-Lunn. 1 BaMad. "Vt% Deux Grenadier*" Schumann Mr. Journet. ' Aria, "Emanl. lnrolainl." from "Krnanl" Ver4l Mme. Sembrteh. "Meditation," from "Thai*" Massenet 1 . Kolo violin, Mr. Boegner. "Se\-l:lan«," from "Don Cienar de Kazan." I Scenes Alsaciennt-s (by Keneral request* Ma«»e:i6t •Cello solo, Mr. Mltr*ch. ' Clarinet. Mr BaUoccl. ,, Valtt. "Voc* d! Prtmavera" Strauns Mnie. S*m)>rich. "TTots.n'B Abtchled," from '"V.-ilkuere" 'Wagner Mr OortU. 1 Ballad, "Kom mlt m!r lv die >VUh:inganacht" Van der Stuckan Mme. R»pp<>U'.. "Vulcan's Seng." from "Philemon et Paucls" ... .Cknmed Mr. Journet. 1 Mange, "I>5V« Is a Dream" and "Mignonette" Pli!ni.!j Mnic. Krkby-l^uun. "Fet« Boh*roe" Mussi-net The Boston Symphony Orchestra rel irned to j Boston on Sunday evening, February 3, after the: ] most successful tour it has ,-ver made In the West. i it gave six ooncerts. In Kocbeeter, Cleveland, C'hl- j rngo, Detroit. Indianapolis and Cincinnati. The. ! (Umax of the tour was reached In Chicago on Wednesday evening, January 30. The conoert was . Kiven in the Auditorium to an si dience which com- | iJetely filled that great theatre The gross receipts I v.'ere J6.loU. _whlt''i niiiHt come very np.n tli« record ; for an orchestral concert. ' The second public organ recital at Columbia Unl- j verslty by Samuel A. Baldwin will be given on j Thursday afternoon at #:15 o'clock, The. i rogramme I will be as follows: jT/i<ratta '.n F \u25a0 , Biirli ; r-..!M.i. to 'Par*!'i»l'" .. . . r. Wnync-r ;'-'vimta Me I iii C mln»r Gullmnnt i tnvo<:«Uon ' „, I Christmas Musett* S y*!l'y i Kumanc* in D flat L»nmr» j r i«u» on rhoriil from Th« Prophrl ' . . lAtzx The first concert in BrookJjn by the Pittsburg Mme. Torpadle, vocal teacher, who han turned out many professional sinßer^. In said to ho one of t!i<a busiest teacher* In I'arnepa Hall. Miss Anne.Ua Davis, :i pupil of L* Wolfsohn. who has a Htudlo at No, 1771 Madison avenue, played a piano solo yesterday at Hollis, K. v Irwln K. Hassell, of No. U West Mth street, was engaged to play solos at the. ooncert at St. Mary's Hall, In Hoboken. given by Circle. No, 4 of the Orphans' Guild, In :iid of the Orphans 1 Home. He received many recalls nnd responded t.> several encores. Edmund Munger, pianist, after four years' work In New York since his return from, Leschetlzky'a clns« in Vienna, sailed for Germany yesterday on the Pennsylvania to study for repertory. He n- pects to be gone a year or more. Max "Werthelm, vocal Instructor, grand opera tenor and concert singer, announces that he will h>- at his studio. No. 4»J3 Central Park \Ve?t. each day except Tuesdays and Fridays, when will be at the Pouch Oallery, No. 345 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. H< sings on Monday n<ixt at the organ recital by Hugo Troetschel in the Evangelical Church, In Brooklyn. The Kp»te.ln Trio appeared at the Susquehanna University, Seling's Qrove, Perm., on Thursday evening February 7. Mr. Epstein, whose studio la In Carnegie Ilall, will play lv New York the next few weeks. Frederic Mariner, musician arid specialist in planu technle. In order to meet the rt)qulr«inenru of increased teaching, has lately taken possession of the entire house. No. 37 T\'eßt S2d street, which, as the Frederic Mariner studio*, will afford ad- vantages for teaching and student recitals. Thlt evening the fourth of 'he present series of muaical servicei will be given at St. Bartholo- mew's Church, Brooklyn, wbea the choir, uader the direction of Dr. Willoughby 8. Wilde, of No. J23!* Bedford avenue, will render Part of Gaul's "Holy City." An Interesting feature la the fact that "all th*' soloists on this occasion are students of Dr. Wilde. Tlie second of the Knelee] Quartet concerts given at t!i(> Institute of Musical Arts look place last Monday afternoon. Besides the five continuous courses of lectures, many or them richl; Illus- trated, there i.« every week ai the Institute s n>u- <«r\ Riven by some member of the faculty to the xtiulentn, or a recital given by the advasced hpi- dents. The last addition to tha libra ry and <•<<]. leotton of the Institute is an autoxraph letter of Mendelssohn. Tl.re* free rectt; Is are announced for next w»ek at Aeoltm Hall. F"or Wednesday the soloist wil] Belnaid \Wrr»nrath. barytone, who Is the so- loist <->r th« University Gle* Club. He will sing several of Schubert's ron*«, including •\u25a0Atif>->n- thalt" and "Who Is Sylvia?" On Saturday aTter- STUDIO NOTES. Anton Hokklnij. tho Dutch "cellist, will be the goloist at the Volpa Symphony Orchestra concert In Carnegie Hall this afternoon. John rii. shire will Xiv« 8 recital on Thurs- day afternoou at the Hotel Astor, assisted by Mrs. Ire pianist; Miss Zoo Cheshire, harpist; an font, tenor, and Livingstone <W- Mis'. Edith Stullegan will Ktv.» s recital of piano- forte music at Memorial Hall, lirr>ok!yn, on Friday. Mine. Lillian Nordica, now v.lth the San <*nrlo Opera Company, will make an extended i tour embracing the principal cities of the country at the close of the opera season. Edouard Dethtor, violinist, and Manfred Malkin, pianist, will Ital at Mendelssohn Tlali on February 21. t'iiarlcs Dal mores, tenor, of the Manhattan Opera Company, will undertake a concert tour at the dose \u0084' •,!;•• op< "-«\u25a0 season. Mme. Birdli c Blye, pianist. Is to give a recital in Mendelssohn Hall on February i a . Ticketa for the oratorio "Th» Creation," to b.? sunj? by the People's «'horal Union next Sunday evening at the Hippodrome, may n«« bo Ordered, by mall or telephone, from Mrs. A Simmons. No I West 131st street. The soloists are to be Mrs. Corinne Rlder-Kelsej soprano; I>antcl Heddoe. tenor, and I 'rank ixton, hat;?. Th» mystery of Miss Gertrude Peppercorn's re- markable hesitation In coming to America for n tour has at last been cleared. It seems to have been a struggle between love and dollars, in which the young English pianist ilnlsh»-ri by wlnnti both. Mine Peppercorn wilt Klv.- a recital of plunoforiu music in Mendelssohn Hall next Friday. At the suggestion >•: Frank DamrOßCh, conductor of the Oratorio Scwiety, Sir Edward Bl« has been invited to conduct its performance, the first In America, of hla latest choral work. •'The King- dom." on Mir h 2«5. at farm-Kit; Hall. S.r Kdwar.l willcome to this country especially f»r this occasion, and will also conduct, on March 13. rhe Apo«- tle* -of which "The ngdom' li a continuation. The Church Choral Society, of which Richard Henry Warren is cow r February 20, to be repeated th< next day nt Chapel. Another recital will T!-.n- othy. Orchestra will be given under the auspices of the Brooklyn Institute at the P.aptlst Temple on Thursday evening. This will be Mr. Paur'fl first conceri In Brooklyn since he severed hio connec- tion with the. Hoston Symphony Orchestra. Tha programme which will hr, given, with the associa- tion of Osslp GabrilowltßCh, pianist. 1b aa follows: Symphony No. 4. In P minor TachalVowi.ky Cbncerto No 1, in i; flat (for piano and orchestra) . .. .i.!«t Gavotte RaTn« ( au Rhapsody. ; 'E»pana ' ("hahrlor Symphonic r>er». L<M rr*lud*s" «'>»« M!s«! Susan Metcalfe will Rlvo a sour recital at Mendeissohn Hall to-morrow at 3:30 p. m. Tlie programme follows: TART I. Mom »mtibiK«s Herz .....Bach Der Kuan "^SSJS Aria from ••Orph#»i» ...... .uiikk ••Non ponso dl.«perar" S. »\u25a0«'"»\u25a0 Aria from "AcU and Oaluthsa" Hilndel PART 11. Elferwicbt una Htoli. l Die Hebe- Farl.o. ! F. Schubert Dl< tx'.se Farbw. Trok'ne Blumen. J Mmidniicht. I S. hneeKloekchen. \ «• Schumann WaldesgesprltcSi, J TART 111. Irimltten «le«i Balles. ) T». Tschaikowsky So (\u25a0\u25a0•hnell veryewn. i T.i H»-l»n Ch. M. I/»effier Air from "Damnation do J"au!«:" H- Berlloi Envoi .. K. Char.farel ............. C. PcbusHy -•

S$ l^^fcj i!y! I 1I'Jv is Sj /I - Chronicling America « Library of ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1907-02-10/ed...BASSI IN "PAGLIACCI." SAM FRANKO. Metropolittn Opern

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\S$ l^^fcj i!y!jI 1 1I'Jv is v \s \^fi11 Sj /I:T1 'JL *

LORD STRATHCONA. EMIL PAUR.Patron of the Mendelssohn Choir, of Toronto. Conductor of the Pittsburg Orchestra, which will

give concerts in New York this week.


BURQSTALLER AS TRISTAN.Metropolitan Opera House.

BASSI IN "PAGLIACCI."Metropolittn Opern House.SAM FRANKO. A

- •• YOGT'

»te will give one of his -.onccrts of c\6 musia Conductor of the Mendelssohn Choir, of Toronto."*9 on T.."rsday. which willgive concerts here on Tuesday,

Wednesday and Thursday.

31vsteal.Till:WEEKLY CALENDAR.

Sunday—Carnesio Hall. 3 p. m.. concert of theVolpe Orchestra; Metropolitan Opera House, fc:3v

p. m., popular operatic concert: ManhattanOpera House, B p.m., popular operatic concert.

Monday—Mendelssohn Hall. 3:30 p. in., song recitalby Miss Susin Metcalfe; Metropolitan Operariouse. Italian opera. Puccini's "Madnma But-terfly": Manhattan Opera House, Italian opera,'•Oavallerla Rustlcana." and "PagilaccL

T>MS)ilsi in|iI Hall, 8:15 p. m.. concert of theMendelssohn Choir, of Toronto, and the Fitts-burg Orchestra; Mendelssohn Hall, 8:30 p. m.,jirivate concert of the Medelssohn G'.ee Club;iletropolltaa Opera House. 3 p. m.. special per-formance of German opera, "Hansel und

Gretel": Manhattan Opera House, 8 p. m., s=pe-«ial performaiice of Italian opera, "Lra Sonnam-bula.

Wednesday— Carnegie Hall. 8:15 p. m . concert ofthe Mendels-sohn Choir, of Toronto, and thePittsburg Orciiestra; Metropolitan Opera House.* p m.. Italian opera, \u25a0 La Traviata": Manhat-tun Op?ra House, 8 p. m., opera in Italian. GilUgonottl."

Thursday-Mendelssohn Hall. B: S p. m.< Mr. SamFrar.kos concert of old music; Manhattan OperaHo:? 8:15 p m.. special erformance of Italianspera. Mme. Melba in Rigoletto": Waldorf-As-toria. 9 p. m., private conoert of the Rubinsteinclub- Chapel ot" imbia University. 4:1.> p. m..public organ recital by Samuel A. dwin;

Hotel Astor, 3 p. m.f harp recital by Jonn

Cheshire.Friday—Meti Opera House. 8 p. in.. Sertnan

cpf-ra. "Tristan und Isolde." re-entrance oi Mme.Gadskl; Manhnttan Ot»-ra House, 8 p. m., Ital-laa open. "Aida"; Mendelssohn Hall, piano-forte recital by Gertrude Peppercorn.

Saturday— Carnegie Hall. 8:15 p. m.. concert of th»Nevr York Symphony Orchestra; MetroDplitan< ipera House." 2 p. m.. Italian • • ra. "Alda": SP m . "D-m Pasquale" and "Cavallerla Rusti-rana": Manhattan Optra House. 2 p. m.. Italian"P^ra. "Lucia dl Lammermoor"; 8 p. m., Italianop« ra. "IITrovatore."

A fj-mpliony'by lladyn and son dances by Gre-try which have been heard here fore at Mr.l'ranfco's concerts willbe the only pieces that •willbsne a half way familiar sound at the concert ofold music wliicl Mr. Kranko and. his American

orchestra will sive in Mendelssohn Hall nextThursday evening. \u25a0;•\u25a0. first and third numbers onthe programme will be chamber music compositionswhlcb are cab-ulaied to widen popular knowledge ofthis kir;d of music and present at least one "f th

two composers In"an entirely new light. The first•will I* \u25a0 sonata for eirlngs by th.? father of theFascli who has sut himself into musical history••hiefly because he played accompaniments for th«

royal flautist. Kred'.rlck the Great, and foundedthe first of Germany's amatour singing societies—the Sinpakadomi.- <-f B-rlin. Joh-acn Friedrich Fasch\u25a0was th<- nami- of the sonata writer and In his day

fir. was thought Rood enough to be invited to com-pete against Haiti for the post of cantor of theSchool of St. Thomas. The second piece of cnam-

-. bfr music is a trio for strings and embalo by|\ Pergokse, oiice looked upon as the most marvel-Irlous of opera writ«?rs. but known to amateurs nowy enly as the, composer of a. transportingly beautiful

\u25a0 "Stabat Mater" and a crfuple of airs from an inter-mezzo entitled "La Berva I'adrona." whloh Mme.Eembrich has put upon her song recital pro-gram:n,» A name which doubtless \u25a0• as never be-

fore prpi on an American list is that of IktiuzHolzbauer, who uf an old man won the enthusiasticadmiration of Mozart. From his only Germanopera. "Ganthei yon wrarsburg," the overture

will be played and an sir will be sung by Mme.Hageman van Dyk. Mr.Paolo Galileo wfll play thepianoforte part In the Pergoleae trig. The balletjnueic will be three dances from Gretry a opera.

"Cephale et Procris."

To-morrow. Monday rvening. February 11, willsee th» produ,-tlf>n of "Mailuma Butterfly." The

production will <3lff<r in various small detail fr( ri

that firs: seen In Europe. All chunks have beenmade at the wish nnd unripr thf personalvision Of Mr. Puccini, who has taken a 11v .practical Interest In the ptßgintj of theArturo Vl«na will direct the performance.

On Tuesday afternoon. February 12, at 8 01,o1, link.

there will be a special performance of 'Hanse'und Gr-?tel." nt popular pricr«, with tho :;s;ial cast,Including Mmes. A'.trn. Mattfeld. Loulp- Homer,\V<fd. Mornn nnd Bhearman ar.d Mr. Goritz. A.Fred Hr-rtz will conduct.

"Traviata" will be the bi'.l on Wednesday, whenMme. Sembrlc.h will apain sing the part nf \

nnd Mmes. Mattfeld nnd Jacoby will iippoar nsAnr.f-tta and Flora Gervoiee. Mr. Caruso will beth«> Alfredo, and Mr. Bcottl the Giorgioar.i the oast will be completed by MM Bam,Bteu#. Dufrlch*' and Paroli. Arturoconduct.

On Friday evening at 7:4" will come the fI:M per-formance this season Of "Tristan und Isolde."Mme. Gadskl, who has been absent from the Met-

m Pa«lo Mile. 7accariaRaoul de Nancls .••••'\u25a0 B^!Marrello M. Arimor.rllCont« dl Ne.v«.rs M. AnconaConte di St. Brls M. SovetlhaoDe TavannM M. Venturinl

Retz M. KossetTaMourevert

' M Ull nzPo Cosie. M. DaddlThore, M. Keschlgllan

Conductor. M <"le°->fnr.te Camponlnl.


Ollda Mnae. MelbaOlovanna Mile. BeverlnaContessa dl Ceprano Mile. 7.a<-cariaMaddaiena ...Kile. <-,laronla

IIDuca ;- M ,BondSparafuclle M ArlmondlMarullo M- Fonsotta

Monterona M. Mugno*

Bnrna M Venturinl

ronte dl Ceprano M. noschlfillanRisoietto M. Sammarco

Conductor. M. Cleofonte. Campanlnl.



Anweris Mme. Tm IIsnero..

BadUes'.'.'.'/.V.V.V.".:........ "....M BawlRatnfla M\ ArlmoniiAmonasro


Ancenatn Me»sa«iero M i«>-m

Conductor. Cleofonte Camplnlnl.


MME. MEL3A—"LUCIA L'l LAMMKRMOOR."I^ria Mine. >l»lha

AII«a M. ScvmnaEdgardo M. BondAsht M. f*anwnarcoKalmundo M. MugaoxArturo M. Venturln]Normanno M- Tecchl

Conductor. Fernando Tonara.


"It. TROVATORK.'Leonora Mme. Tlu**•Vzucena Mme. I)e Cianeroijnez...' M \u25a0\u25a0• Znvaila

Manrico M. 1'ainioresCor.to 11 Luna M. S^vtilhacFernando >r - ™W"C;ZRuiz M. Teechl

Conductor, Fernanda Tanara.

After a lullthere will be a revival of activity atthe Metropolitan this week. It will be the twelfth•week of the present season, and among the morenotable events by which It will be marked will bethe Ions; talked of first Italian production In NewYork of Puccini's favorite work. "Madama But-t, rfly." with M!«s Geraldlrtf Farrar in tlie role ofi10-Clo-San, and Mraf. Louise Homer. Mr. Carusoand Mr. Scott! in oth,-r characters: tho first per-formance of "Tristan und Isolde." in which, aftera lonp absenc#. lima, 'Jadskl will return to theMetropolitan Ftage. and Mr. Burrlan will ba heardus Tristan, and a special afternoon performs atpopular prices of "Hansel und Gretel.V

ropnlttan for three B^ason*, willfnr the first tlmfIn this city Interpret the roif- of Isoiijr. Miss

••REMARKS.""H'm," said the head clerk. MOol an accident to

report, have you. Murphy? Well, Just All up oneor theno forms, will you?"

"Y«-8. »ir,"' said the foreman of th« works, an.i

having duly thrust out hi« tongue and gnawed atthe penholder f>>r son \u25a0 handed the re-port to tin' clerk. It r<

"Date January •'\u25a0 Nnwrn of accident, to«crushed. How caused, accidental blow from ham-mer. Remarks,"

••Hi-k pardon, air. 11 sakl tbe foreman, "but if wnshis bis toe, with -i corn on It, and you know whatBill Is, sir, Ho 1 thought I'd better leave his re-marks out." Dundee Advertiser.

\u25a0! • lasses Invotes building, elocution ana ;übbc speaking, to be-pin on Tuesd \u25a0 ("clock,•in.l Thursday afternoon, Pi o'clock.Mr Xl( . -•'a studio Is at -<\u25a0\u25a0. 126 • Bi \u25a0

Mlxs Ethel I»w<-. :ipupil of J. Christopher Murks,

was heard at toe Waldorf last Frida;Bhe appenr-U on the programme with Will Carletonand Mark Twain. Miss !> we sai •

Mr. MmkM. and was accompanied by him. Miss• \u25a0 vVoman'i\-, on in'a ¥ Joclet le Hallye«tei d

Bloon | m• .! ki.i"\u25a0





-!:* Qullmani Organ Bchool will(winter reunion Monday, February is,

•• . fol-party.

ill t,'-.\u25a0 !<\u25a0 n >\\ \u25a0A, It la. igan in <>r-

der to

Mr and Mrs. Ncmea gavo a musical tra at the"Walter Uuiisoll studios, Xo. C7West GTth atreot,

last Sunday. The occasion marked In formal man-ner the return of Mr. »ii.'i Mrs*. Neraes.

Thf» coqipllmentary concert oi thn Xcw YorljCon-•erratory of Music, No. 181 I«*>nox avenue, whicht™>k jilitro lniU Thursday | enlng at Mendelssohnlliill. w;i» wall . ttended. Tinj prograznmo, whichconsist! of etcbteen numbers, was received withcnthualasni.

Margaret Teld \u25a0 '\u25a0 ' -"• Wf>!:t

root, teaches voice culture for opera, ora-.—,n!a]s

on<» from Mme. Jy afternoon.

Miss K.li;.r^::.•P. Ounn, tiic violinist,\ otlng

spare time to the f


alcal \u25a0

Giuseppe Ponsl. No. 174 West 97th street, statesthnt h« has a targe \u25a0!;ism of students in voice plac-\nn, consisting '\u25a0:' both teaehpss and students orsinging. Professor Ponsl Insists upon bis studentsfi!»«iunlnK certain po lUoi i to pr tducesounds. !!•• ilaliretained during a lesson causes ;i stra n on Uwvocal cords which la Injurious to the \u25a0•

Mrs. QrlAn-Welsh, or No. 2b2 Clinton avenue,Brooklyn, soprano, will try voices and render ad-

I-cc df charge, to all-

;>p!''make appointments v Her ipe-. laity I Ing and cl

A recital by the advanced pupils ot tbeof Musi.-, of No. LOB Montague sti

lyn under th.» direction of Mmc i Jaeger,willbe givi . rooklyn, on Mon-

h 4. Admission will be by In-vitation.

noon Martha Henry-Timothy, noprann. v.lll b«» the

soloist. On Lincoln's Birthday there will n© anextra recital at which special features ».f Interestwill be Introduced At all of the* :; therewill be pipe organ and pianola numb)gramme being carefully made up from s1 i

and class! al


VEGARAStudios oflVMLtf^Md^LE\A^ Music«>r!i;\ AM> ORATORIO SCHOOL.• 4>: WEST 40TII sr. (near Fifth Aye.).

HELEN R. CLAUOER, Piano Instruction.ncLcn n. tLAUUtn, stwuo. ue sth a»«Leschetizky Method.

ftIllflElts 'vol'frs) wanted for "Calvury Choir."NTInlI\u25a0 Grand Vested Chorum. ICS now enrolled.•\l|il|s

"l'r"1' opportunity for »tv lenta and music

VlllUI<)VfT« ••\u25a0 J'losp of E. M. BOWMAN. Cond..Stelnway Hall.


Th^rouKh Instruction In all ilepartment.i of music hv dla-tinguished faculty. Moderate '.ernia. Catalogues mailed.



11H6 MADISON AVEME, Nrur 87lh St.

MME. TORPADIEVOCAL ART.• CSBMSjIs Hull, Stu.llo 807-808.



" rr'trni'»'g ll.ill Tuesday. Friday only.


-IIitInstruction. J. S. HANSKN. Tupll

\u25a0 I\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0"School of Mv trs*.\u25a0 IsV Ifcßoy»i i______ Address 32 West •.'.-.t:i sircrt.


Vole*, culture slnsine. upeakinc. Special twitton toteKlnnfr* Bookli-t. HeaMence-studlo. 470 \V liTth St.


suite 1013-ion-ioi;. cAn.NEi.JiE hall nyn y

WALTER S. YOUNGVoral Inntru.-tlon. Voice Proiluotlon

l>!ctlrn. S;yl<-. lttptrtolre. 801 ..ml BM Curnrgle Hull.

1 1iiiPn ii Tenor of .<:. KartholomeWs.IiBMIn Tenor of Templ« I-rael.

LflIff tJUII Oratorio. Concert and KestiwnLLHIIUVII Vocaj Studio: 7 W. 4.M St.. N. y.C.

niPAriPflA P̂iano. <>ri(.tr Harmony,

wD!L DLD Branch .>-,-.

W.IIILOULriUMu»lcal Courier..IIILOULnU V!"*J8?;.srv TorkJ 'none o^is io!umbu«

IRVViN EVELETH HASSELLFlir.D Instruction. Soloist Accompanist. 14 W. 9Sth St.

11. I.OREN CLEMENTS,Vocal In*rruetor. « East I4th St.. NVw York Ci'r IPractical church work. Sieht-reailinK'Phono i2»i> Qraxaercy. i-


MME. 11 TCI lIA*!op.rano - VoTaTcluuTe'.HI. ItLUA

|aft.>rroons. Call or write. 2nO West flsth Street.

'Hii^.**'lir:ino Worcfsto- Festival. 1906. Trnor All Aa—W.


"..nil siUKrr KNTK.%XfK. < AKNKc'IE*


Miss M« Rietmann IArtlstli-I'iano In-tru.-'n. ltrcjtals. 119 MunirnAy.(lo7th) !

J. CHRISTOPHER MA^KS^^^i oinpoKltlun. urnan. Ue-id.-m-., Studio, 154 *E. 46th St.

MARTIN 1. GOUDEKET Z&TSJSSSg" 'Art of siiißlnK. 63 West S3d Street! N. Y.


PERRY AVERILL.Baritone and Teacher. ;;o \\>Xt 5!)t,,

Him j


'L. IUH ULll I)LII!I C. a. solo vioiini.t ii.>"tuls. Instruction stu.li«. W>»t .-.;ih si


HELEN AUGUSTA HAVES vocalT^sn «,-,t \u0084.i. st TEACHERlima Koemi Fcrnier

°'Ptano Toachtna r ,Mine. ROSinI rrraißr talt EooLE de MARMovTpr

studio. U Wrst CPU. St. SU-lnway Ilah wJSne^. |aVAIIY:: B.USSELLVoli-e Culture. SlnMny. «arneglr Hall. lltsSs *Xl


&tPally>Claaa. )g8105g 8105 Seventh ?Ave."CorT i-.'st"

st. I

WILLIAM 8. NELSON %SJ£Sl§Vocal Instruction. A<**nni*l^\_&'£*r&hL Ht

ALICE BREEN sasrssssi i££%Vs™**ELOGUTIOMKaaag V^^&^jWIRTZ PIAKO SCHOOL i2lthi:i 2lthi:LEOBRAUN . f^Zr^y^^Adele Laeis BALDWIN. »i*s^iis>-7^lGERRIT SMITH s.^7^^^J. Edmund SKIFF cg^g^T^Qß.IVIISSAMYFAY?***«r^n^ an*rmaui.

Linda H. pirsson, riano T"3trurt!on~nr~Ma^nunufl n. rinoouii, Method &« wwnt «th "sV.MARY Fin?LIA Rllr.T;Sml•"•\u25a0•ssi! \u25a0»» nausjiilfllllriULLia UUnl Harmony. I'OJ < arofgio Hall

Vl'JIPn F MaPPnnnoll F'*no Instruction. l.*arh<-li/ICII t. mdwbUnnCll Uikym«tho«L is XV.UStb st.



Vote* culture and all ln»trum«r.ts and ilualcal Set*ences; 45 Professors and lnstru«'or«.Special couraa for T^arhers and Professional!. Thor>

ouuii lisa Ist besjlaacra

THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR.DX. r. EBERIIAHD. Pr—'t. 358 Cmtral Park W«*t,


Piano and Harmony Instruction.For six yeara Teacher at th« VirgilPiano School rfNew York.

Pur of Earth and Moszko^skl.133 CARNEGIE nALL.


"E MSPa ?^ I! Oratorio, '"occsrt.

jL, JAftColiI54 \V«at 89th St.


and 1771 Mmllton Aye., New York.Mis.s EDITIImillhiAN. AB^I3TA-NT.

AGNES GARDNER EYREConcert Pianist an Teacher. Pupil of Le»ch*v.»liT.S3 ratral r»rk Vieat. Statawsg Hall M -.. and ThOSa

EDMUND MUNGERIMCLEs«HKTIZKY METHOD. Stndlo. t W«»t l«th Bt.Kfuldencp. 36 Wesl 17th St. TeL 4343 Ch«:»«a.

ROSE STANGEVOCAL TEACHER. Italian School of Opera. OratarlS,Concert. Special arrangenifnts ezceptiocal voices. Ia»tfrvl«ws. 4 to 5 Monday.. Thursdays. m Fifth A»S>


»0 EAST S3D ST. Tuesday and KrWay.'HUDSON

\u25a0sSBStSBI T«SM Culture. Correct Brwkttatag.

31ONS. USB 5,1 S" £k Violinist of Paris Consenra-*HP mP X tory. Pianist.

SUS. I1I1k111 l>U Pupil of A. RuMn.-t.ra.33.% "WnST OTTH ST. 'Phor« 2SB«—ColuratuS.

KlflUlll *;̂"r'*''

IF.W I>K DnAILfAllnalHVoral rtmew^M ar.d Breathing. nnS/KRl/tlllU.'-Em| EN St.. New York City. IIUULIIU

EDWIN WILSON «S*SSfi.,-or. »rr. Oratorio. R--!'a;a 201 \\. 79th. Tel. IMiK'.v«r.

t^* MRS. SMOGK BOICE. \u25a0"Art of Slnirir.K. School af Language*.

1003-6 C«rnecin Hall. 400 W fhlngton Aye., Brnoktys.

F. FLAXINOTON HARKER.Voice Culture. P'ano. Orgas, Harmony. 5*3 Vt. 121rt.

ADT VAI.ENTINE ABT. DBAfifi&io 8 I'arn-Kfe- Kail. R 0H f*nmmI Instructor of llrllll

MWC TOnTlU11*1"111**''- Chmriot«rtotfeltap«tß!m

IBS!L IHilI ''^ar^i^^tja 1̂;OGDEN-CRANE SCHOOL OF OPERAuikl >tu<llo uf Vuic« (ul.'jrr

MMF. OC.DEN-CRANE. < »rnrglo Hall. N. T.

LUELUiPHILLIPSp'SSS^^tSr^>lu«ll<>, \KVh».lr. IUII Tel. 130D


fMMEa CATEn-KAnn inhiki*noNm Came«;l«> Hull. Monday und T:»ur>>. iaft. and eve.).


Stuillo#: 161 E. «lst St.. N.V.; IS*OrKalb At*..B'klya.

nU TOMPKIN** MISICAL BIKKH 10 Cam«».Hall, nupplif* rt-HaM* an.! , Instructors totrote« an.t piano. CAROtXNE TOMPKIXS. M«r

Benjamin MonteithVSSM Culture. KoiK-riolri* -TT Jth ay..or>. Holland House

LILLIE MACHIN Carn«a;ls? SHan."s{ew Tork.CertWcated pupil o: Vannuccint


PD flI111 Q PIANO >« HOOI. SjM Carn^le HallU(IULIU0 Modern methods. Teachers" tralninf.Excellent t««ch«i \u25a0 supplied.

YORK, "««l»4 STH AYE.. (OK. StTH ST.. NE\Y YORK.


I'lano aiii!li{htreaJlng. f!4 Camfg!* Hall.

Samuel Pierson EccHwcod «oaw:301 WEST IDBTH»T. TEI.KI'HO.N :7i: •-.'VSR

MME WCIIflfifiPupU of gtntflte and D« Kr»ak».MMfc. IVCLLUOD D- K^«k9 control »r .liaphraxmami r.tt> ol tone. Studio I*lCSssHsjls HalL Ti:<*.a Frt

ANNA EIXIOTT MUILINZB,Dianinti.- Reader nnj lmr«*n<onatcir. STUDIOS OP EX-PRESSION. TOl-7tC Carnegie HalL 'Plmm DH >'01.

ALBERTINE ALDKICH.Vt*a»umnetton. Pop"

PT AHA 'BTP'MPTTA s<i«-»«i«< Velss Instmctloo.LLAitfl.SOUKS* J.lm>Mary.hrMpup,,

19 w |)gd j,.

MAX. KMTEI. TRECMAW. Vole» d.r.lopmtßtfor cnurcb. concert, opera. 931 Camcsie UalL.

SERRANO'S vocal, and pianojLhhANUO INaTll-l-TE.328 E. HTH

1HUBERT ZTJK NIEDEN,iof'^"'k^h'sg:

MD Ro Rni» *'•«"»»«»•• Hull. Vocal In-trucUon. Itel-. D. 116 mil lai method. Opera. Oratorio. Soaf^


icUucmU rIIIAPIpiano- platino. i:.»*•CONCKRT KTt'DEMfrom th« High School. $t»5. AT

| ALL Mls|( MOUJ>. or SM President St.. Brooklyn

KATHYRN P. GUNN. spagy^Master School OK VW M.Ml'Slf. BrookJjS. V- T-maSlßr OuilGGI Mn', VKU!Er.. Voca^Dlr*etWSaD3. W. S. WILDE £X*22r*J?2Zt

|MRS. GRIFFIN WEL^T^r^ l̂^rOtPC linntl S Voice Culturo. Man. Taur*.

IVo Important works, one of which la entirely

re»- to New York, v- ill be played by the BostonBjHUiliSMj Orchestra In Its r.ex?. concerts In Car-negie HalL On Thursday evening, February 21. thesymphony irfll be Blbellus'a, in E minor. No. 1.

This' -work, when playod in Boston^ created a pro-found Impreraion. ;ind was reprarded as being inevery respect more Important than the samp com-poser's seoond symphony. In D major, which Isbetter known. On Saturday afternoon ill*" flrftpurnber on tbe programme will be Rirhard StrausJ-'s"Binfonla Domesti^a," u-hlch has been played inN*w York only once, three years ago, when ithadIts first perforn anywhere, -i-r the direction©fIts composers. Mm«^. BamaroflC willbe the soloiston Thursday e%-enfi i. playing Tschaikowsky's con-certo for piano In B flat minor. Ossip Qabr!lo>vitsch will be th<» BOlolKt on ituxday afternoon,playlnr Brahms'e concerto in E flat major. No. t.

Ooncerts are announced for bruary 12 and 13ky tho Toronto ICendelssohn Choir. 220 voices', A. S.Vogt. conductor, and the Pittsburg Orchfstra "tSi^ty-six players. Emil Paur. < onductor. The To-ronto choir willmake its firpt appearance In NewYork, while the Pitts-burp orchestra has ver beenheard here under Emil Paur, who has been its con-ductor for three years. The Toronto singers haveattained mm h fame In elr own city ajid in Buf-falo. *rtiich is the only town In the United States

they have yet sung. The concert of Febru-ary 12 will include Beethoven's Ninth Symphony,Which Mr. P.-nir.will conduct, and these soloists

.\u25a0will tak-- part: Mrs. Corinne Rlder-Kelsey. so-orano; Miss Janet Spencer, contralto: George Ham-tin, tenor, and Mr Herbert Wlthentpoon, bass. TheHendelssohn <'hoir wfll sing three selections underIts own ronduotor. As noted below, th<> concert ofFebruary 13 presents both choir and orchestra In vwide variety of nrlfrtlons. while Mr. Paur makeshi* first appearance In New York as pianist. Thaprogrammes In fullare as follows:

TUESDAY. PEBRUABY 12. AT 8:15.Ptula ullt. lor tenor »010 (QsocgS i:air.!in). c'.orus ar..l

orchestra L,l«ztVsalm cxxxvii Oounoa**Ch«nibim Song" \u25a0 Tachaikowakyarmsboiur No. if. In 1> major. Op. 12.'. Beethoven. I'lar.lsi. Erall Paur.


Orcrtur*. •\u25a0Oberon" TVebcr"Judjps Ms. O God Mendelssohn•THlim of Bt. lllehari'i Tower" Blr R. p. Stewart"Spanlah Rhapsodr. tor piaso and orchestra.. t,!*7.t-Bu«<>nl

«Crnctaxa»" Antonio Lotti (l<i«7-1740i'Sa£&d tlaiogv*. "firPatrick Kp*na"..R. H. da FeursallVariation* on a Th*m« \>r Schumann, Op. 23 <orche»-

tratlon by nir.il i'aur) Brahms(Flr«t performari?»> In NVw York. City)Manuscript.

XjO>t*seen« tram "i«r«noth" Richard Strauss*Tfc*Wtng* of a v*'" Howard BrockwayBallad, "Tli« *"hallenj;e of Thor," from "Kinj;Olaf.


Orerture. "TSar.nhiinaer"CborsJ. "AwaU*1

"and r.:.*.; abonae from "1J1« Melster-

•tnger"Frelu'jc aiKi

'\u25a0-*!i:i: iphi from •'Triata.n aad [sole*."



Chartered by m^rlal Act of l-«rii«jnture. IS«S.1.. O, I'AKM.V IMrrctur.

The first chartered musical Institution In America. Theforemoat und most axparlanoad c tnaMnratoo In th<; city.


Orjranlst ai»l MUslral Director Central Tlaptlst Church.Resldencn Btudle. 883 Meat 36th St. l.-l •tj'.il—J. CoU



AGNES SttMNER GEERMonologues oi-d clilld Impersonations. Pupils ace«In isiocution. Towdajrs aiu) FriJ^ys at Stuuio, iss JTlttß

"2" WOODRUFF,Voice Plactnir. BreatMne. Pr»pnrntlon for Choir Con-cert and Oratorio. 180 V»tli Are.. N. V.





FREDERIC MARINER,Tf«hni>- Spptlallst In I'lnno ructiont'atalogiifn ienl 37 WEST ll^DBTRBBT.


GIUSEPPE PONSI \u25a0? RAXD OPERA TENORUlWgtrri. rVnOI Vocal Instructor. Kmln-nifor \rncr, placlnir 174 W>»t O*th St.


Mr..HammersUlr.'s full bills for tbs week follow:MONDAY EVB.vixG—"CAVAIJ.ERIA HISTIfANNA"•antozza MI;,*'. I'.iirs3 ,0)a Mme. de « tneroaUJhiir- Mlt« S-verlnaTurldu H. l>alniorr»Atßo \l Serellliac

"FAOUACCI \u25a0

'Nedda Unu Donald*«*•"><> «.. 11. BaaslTonl» .. M Sxmtr.nrcoCylvlo m S^v«-llhacAr>yul»i'» •-

Venturlnit"<.niiu«-tor. M. Cleofonta CampHnliil.


"SO.SXAMBL'IX"Anin* Kile PinkertM«* Mile. TrentlnlTere*« Mllf PetertnaE!vino M. Ttoi-.elJl <""'\u25a0\u25a0 Rodolfd •\u25a0

\rimt>B4\t! > 'tf> \u25a0 V j'..-»crtl«t!anUa ta r M T«»crhj

Tev' Condu'-ior. M. Fernando Tnnjra.Rt {.WEDNESDAY EVJSNING— "THE^ . BXOT«."

Vaientirt. ..-. .....Mme. H«Vs»stareheri'» C* \'s!«!« ; .Mil* '-rpintVrbtnti •\u25a0 \u25a0, o« r.r^,ji

la Dust d'Onere Mile. Artam*. Oaota d'Onor* Mile. £everlu&

Homer will slngr Brangaene. The Tristan will heMr.Burrian. who has not yet been heard lure in Ithe role. Mr. Van Rooy will again sin* Kurwenal. iMr. Blass Kinsr Marke. Mr. Muhlmann will be \Melot and Mr. Reiss will sing the Bhepherd. Alfred IHfrtz will conduct the augmented orchestra.

At the Saturday matinee tho attraction will he"Ai'da," witli Mme. Kames in the Dart of theheroine, Mme. Kirkby-Lunn as Amnerls, MissLawrence as the Priertess. Mr. Caruno asRadames. Mr. Stracclarl as Amonasro. Mr. Planponas Ramfls, Mr. MUhlmann as the Kinx and Mr. ,Paroli as the Messenger.

The popular Saturday performance will include"Cavallerla Rusticana." in which Mme. Boninsegnawill appear as Santuzza. The Lola will bi Mme.Jacoby, Miss Slmeoll will Interpret Lucia and Mr.Dlppel willbe the Turlddu. The Alfio will be Mr.Bejrue. The chief and opening feature of this per- \formance will be "Don Pasquale." with a castheaded by Mme. Sembrlch as Lorlna, and with Mr.Dlppel as Ernesto. Mr. Scotti as Dr. Malatesta,

• Mr. Rossi as Don Pasquale and Mr Begue as thejNotary. Arturo Vigna will direct the performanceof both opera.".

I Appended is the programme of to-night's concert jj at the. Metropolitan::Ov*rtur». "Pheflre" MassenetiAria. "Ihr*B Auges hlrr.mllsch 6trahl«n." troin "Trova-

tore" j VerdiMr. Oorltr., Ariaof Mlcaela, "Je <3ts que rlen." from "Carmen". Bizet

Mm*. Rappold.IAria, "Oh, m)o Fernando," from "La Favorlta,"... .

Donizetti !! Mme. Krkby-Lunn.1 BaMad. "Vt% Deux Grenadier*" Schumann

Mr. Journet.'Aria, "Emanl. lnrolainl." from "Krnanl" Ver4lMme. Sembrteh.

"Meditation," from "Thai*" Massenet1 . Kolo violin, Mr. Boegner.

"Se\-l:lan«," from "Don Cienar de Kazan."IScenes Alsaciennt-s (by Keneral request* Ma«»e:i6t

•Cello solo, Mr. Mltr*ch.'Clarinet. Mr BaUoccl. ,,

Valtt. "Voc* d! Prtmavera"—

StraunsMnie. S*m)>rich.

"TTots.n'B Abtchled," from '"V.-ilkuere" 'WagnerMr OortU.

1 Ballad, "Kom mlt m!r lv die >VUh:inganacht"Van der Stuckan

Mme. R»pp<>U'.."Vulcan's Seng." from "Philemon et Paucls" ... .Cknmed

Mr. Journet.1 Mange, "I>5V« Is a Dream" and "Mignonette" Pli!ni.!jMnic. Krkby-l^uun.

"Fet« Boh*roe" Mussi-net

The Boston Symphony Orchestra rel irned toj Boston on Sunday evening, February 3, after the:] most successful tour it has ,-ver made In the West.i it gave six ooncerts. In Kocbeeter, Cleveland, C'hl-j rngo, Detroit. Indianapolis and Cincinnati. The.! (Umax of the tour was reached In Chicago on

Wednesday evening, January 30. The conoert was. Kiven in the Auditorium to an si dience which com-| iJetely filled that great theatre The gross receiptsIv.'ere J6.loU. _whlt''i niiiHt come very np.n tli« record; for an orchestral concert.

'The second public organ recital at Columbia Unl-

j verslty by Samuel A. Baldwin will be given onj Thursday afternoon at #:15 o'clock, The. irogramme

Iwillbe as follows:jT/i<ratta '.n F •

\u25a0 , Biirli; r-..!M.i.to 'Par*!'i»l'" .... r. Wnync-r;'-'vimta Me IiiiC mln»r Gullmnnti tnvo<:«Uon ' „„,IChristmas Musett* S y*!l'yiKumanc* in D flat L»nmr»j r i«u» on rhoriil from Th« Prophrl ' . . lAtzx

The first concert in BrookJjn by the Pittsburg

Mme. Torpadle, vocal teacher, who han turnedout many professional sinßer^. In said to ho oneof t!i<a busiest teacher* In I'arnepa Hall.

Miss Anne.Ua Davis, :i pupil of L* Wolfsohn.who has a Htudlo at No, 1771 Madison avenue,played a piano solo yesterday at Hollis, K. v

Irwln K. Hassell, of No. U West Mth street,

was engaged to play solos at the. ooncert at St.Mary's Hall, In Hoboken. given by Circle. No, 4

of the Orphans' Guild, In :iid of the Orphans 1

Home. He received many recalls nnd respondedt.> several encores.

Edmund Munger, pianist, after four years' workIn New York since his return from, Leschetlzky'a

clns« in Vienna, sailed for Germany yesterday onthe Pennsylvania to study for repertory. He n-pects to be gone a year or more.

Max "Werthelm, vocal Instructor, grand operatenor and concert singer, announces that he willh>- at his studio. No. 4»J3 Central Park \Ve?t. eachday except Tuesdays and Fridays, when h« willbe at the Pouch Oallery, No. 345 Clinton avenue,Brooklyn. H< sings on Monday n<ixt at the organrecital by Hugo Troetschel in the EvangelicalChurch, In Brooklyn.

The Kp»te.ln Trio appeared at the SusquehannaUniversity, Seling's Qrove, Perm., on Thursdayevening February 7. Mr. Epstein, whose studiola In Carnegie Ilall, will play lv New York thenext few weeks.

Frederic Mariner, musician arid specialist inplanu technle. In order to meet the rt)qulr«inenruof increased teaching, has lately taken possessionof the entire house. No. 37 T\'eßt S2d street, which,as the Frederic Mariner studio*, will afford ad-vantages for teaching and student recitals.

Thlt evening the fourth of 'he present series of

muaical servicei will be given at St. Bartholo-mew's Church, Brooklyn, wbea the choir, uaderthe direction of Dr. Willoughby 8. Wilde, of No.J23!* Bedford avenue, will render Part '£ of Gaul's"Holy City." An Interesting feature la the factthat "all th*' soloists on this occasion are studentsof Dr. Wilde.

Tlie second of the Knelee] Quartet concerts given

at t!i(> Institute of Musical Arts look place lastMonday afternoon. Besides the five continuouscourses of lectures, many or them richl; Illus-trated, there i.« every week ai the Institute s n>u-<«r\ Riven by some member of the faculty to thextiulentn, or a recital given by the advasced hpi-dents. The last addition to tha library and <•<<].

leotton of the Institute is an autoxraph letter ofMendelssohn.

Tl.re* free rectt; Is are announced for next w»ekat Aeoltm Hall. F"or Wednesday the soloist wil]b« Belnaid \Wrr»nrath. barytone, who Is the so-loist <->r th« University Gle* Club. He will singseveral of Schubert's ron*«, including •\u25a0Atif>->n-thalt" and "Who Is Sylvia?" On Saturday aTter-


Anton Hokklnij. tho Dutch "cellist, will be thegoloist at the Volpa Symphony Orchestra concert InCarnegie Hall this afternoon.

John rii.shire will Xiv« 8 recital on Thurs-

day afternoou at the Hotel Astor, assisted by Mrs.

Ire pianist; Miss Zoo Cheshire, harpist;

an font, tenor, and Livingstone <W-

Mis'. Edith Stullegan will Ktv.» s recital of piano-

forte music at Memorial Hall, lirr>ok!yn, on Friday.

Mine. Lillian Nordica, now v.lth the San <*nrlo

Opera Company, will make an extended i

tour embracing the principal cities of the country

at the close of the opera season.

Edouard Dethtor, violinist, and Manfred Malkin,

pianist, will Ital at Mendelssohn Tlali onFebruary 21.

t'iiarlcs Dalmores, tenor, of the Manhattan Opera

Company, willundertake a concert tour at the dose\u0084' •,!;•• op< "-«\u25a0 season.

Mme. Birdli c Blye, pianist. Is to give a recital inMendelssohn Hall on February ia.

Ticketa for the oratorio "Th» Creation," to b.?

sunj? by the People's «'horal Union next Sundayevening at the Hippodrome, may n«« bo Ordered,

by mall or telephone, from Mrs. A Simmons. No IWest 131st street. The soloists are to be Mrs.Corinne Rlder-Kelsej soprano; I>antcl Heddoe.tenor, and I'rank ixton, hat;?.

Th» mystery of Miss Gertrude Peppercorn's re-markable hesitation In coming to America for ntour has at last been cleared. It seems to have

been a struggle between love and dollars, in whichthe young English pianist ilnlsh»-ri by wlnnti both.Mine Peppercorn wilt Klv.- a recital of plunoforiumusic in Mendelssohn Hall next Friday.

At the suggestion >•: Frank DamrOßCh, conductor

of the Oratorio Scwiety, Sir Edward Bl« hasbeen invited to conduct its performance, the first

In America, of hla latest choral work. •'The King-dom." on Mirh 2«5. at farm-Kit; Hall. S.r Kdwar.lwillcome to this country especially f»r this occasion,

and will also conduct, on March 13. rhe Apo«-tle* -of which "The ngdom' li a continuation.

The Church Choral Society, of which RichardHenry Warren is cowr February 20, to be repeated th< next day nt

Chapel. Another recital willT!-.n-


Orchestra will be given under the auspices of theBrooklyn Institute at the P.aptlst Temple onThursday evening. This will be Mr. Paur'fl first

conceri In Brooklyn since he severed hio connec-tion with the. Hoston Symphony Orchestra. Thaprogramme which will hr, given, with the associa-tion of Osslp GabrilowltßCh, pianist. 1b aa follows:

Symphony No. 4. In P minor TachalVowi.ky

Cbncerto No 1, in i;flat (for piano and orchestra) ... .i.!«tGavotte RaTn«(au

Rhapsody. ;'E»pana' ("hahrlor

Symphonic r>er». L<M rr*lud*s" «'>»«

M!s«! Susan Metcalfe will Rlvo a sour recital at

Mendeissohn Hall to-morrow at 3:30 p. m. Tlieprogramme follows:


Mom »mtibiK«s Herz .....BachDer Kuan "^SSJSAria from ••Orph#»i» ...... .uiikk••Non ponso dl.«perar" S. d« »\u25a0«'"»\u25a0Aria from "AcU and Oaluthsa" Hilndel

PART 11.Elferwicbt una Htoli. lDie Hebe- Farl.o. ! F. SchubertDl< tx'.se Farbw.Trok'ne Blumen. JMmidniicht. IS. hneeKloekchen. \ «• SchumannWaldesgesprltcSi, J TART 111.Irimltten «le«i Balles. ) T». TschaikowskySo (\u25a0\u25a0•hnell veryewn. iT.i H»-l»n Ch. M. I/»effierAir from "Damnation do J"au!«:" H- BerlloiEnvoi .. K. Char.farel............. C. PcbusHy
