P iv y ir < r i > > tci- iI < > tI1 r f or 1 S 3 fr i v i < x p J j- l S T rX OCALA EVENING STARFRIDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1909 r < f i t t- r 41 t X4 < r B BOBIN80N Presldemt M E rnrrcxatasr J C BOOZER Ast Maaager t GEO 7 BId TGH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL ix i BANK OCALA FLA 1 THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK > re the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers of tile surrounding territory- We accommodate all classes Qu r customers represent the men and women who have built and are stU building successful enterprises s We solicit a snare or your busi- nessWINDSOR Z 1 1 1- T HOTEL JACMStHVIllES FINEST AND FLORIDAS LAMEST at lEST YEAH IODNP IOTEL ales 3 per Ray ui Upwards ABcricai Pin THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor J t V T THE FURNITURE HOUSE IFIcWERMacKA- YCARRIES A LARGE MODERN AND COMPLETE STOCK LJLZ OF FURNITURE f AN D- fhlUSEFURNISHINGS ¼ c I ALL KINDST- he I tily INK ii Ceilral Ftoritfa that Completely Finishes lie IHK Carries at all Times the Latest and jest ii Firattire Meepiif up with the times and Jusl t file People Wait 14 Alst carries Ctmplefe Line of iiH4ers aid Shell g ariware Carriages Wag ois Baggies Harness Saddles Etc LMk ver MT Stock aid get our prices before you I lIMe y1TmdIaes Yours ftesped- fillyMclVER I rt MAcKAYO- cala Florida VERNON W ELDREDT- HE UPTODATE t J HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERC- ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec ¬ ialty New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered Glass Frosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re ¬ pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower ALL WORK GUARANTEED Piie 21 Office Montezuma Hotel DAVID 8 WOODROW WM J SHERIDAN Phflt 165 Phone 139 WOODMiR SAND STONE COMPANYOF- FICE IN HOLDER BLOCK OCALA FLORIDA CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND 14 We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do nil kinds or Cement Work Bund Foundations make Cement Blocks Cement Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We make Blocks for Foundations for houso wor k which look better than brick and are cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on A C L Railroad Track North of Foundry Washington SeminaryNo- rth Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School for girls And young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to insure re- fined ¬ i home life Classes divided into small sections to secure persona in ¬ struction Faculty of eighteen special Ists Conservatory advantages in Mus ¬ ic Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley Randolph Macon etc Thirtysecond begin s September 9 1909 Catalogue on ap- plication ¬ L D SCOTT EMMA 3 SCOTT Prin- cipalsROLLINS +Y+ + >> o >> >> COLLEGE i FLORIDAS OLD EST COLLEGE COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION FINE ARTS DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND I BUSINESS Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electrlf f lights steam and > furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi- tions fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links baseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida In Nearly a quarter of million dollars endowment expenses moderate tl scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for i CIAIACTER CULTURE CONDUCT For Catalogu Address the President JWra F Blclanan Ph D Winter Park F1a- FRESH 1 Q 04 It MEATS AND VEGETABLES I Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions WP EDWARDS 1 L11we 108 pity Market 4 J b A r Jf 4 PAID IN I FULL I Novelized From Eugene Walters Great Play I By- I I JOHN W HARDIN- Gi I J hi I5C5 iy G W DHiinfhtm Co Jlinsy oUjected CcttL Dont call them them fellows- No No Say those fellows Well Beth Ive known those greas ¬ ers down there for fourteen years as them fellows and If I called them anything else Im afraid Id have to be Introduced again But Captain Williams Insisted Mrs Harris Yes where Is he said Brooks Well we decided to come home Captain left on the steamer by the way of New Orleans and a couple of days later I came direct to New York Then be Is here said Mrs Harris- In a tone of gratification I suppose be is unless he was ship ¬ wrecked on the way But you havent told us anything about the war Beth reminded him Was It exciting Well as the only things that were shot off were several hundred mouths and as Im a bad hand at repeating conversations 1 will have to leave the details to your imaginations I consider that a most uninterest- ing ¬ story pouted Beth and besides youre keeping us from the theater All going queried Smith No just Beth and me explained- Mrs Harris Emma and Joe have seen the play and weve got the last two seats Emma accompanied her mother and sister to her bedroom to help them don their hats When the door bad closed upon them Smltbs attitude changed entirely The smile vanished from his lace and he went over to Brooks and placed both hands on his shoulders Joe youre found out be announc- ed ¬ How found out demanded Brooks Jumping up and facing him very white The money youve taken If you say Ive taken money youre- a liar retorted Brooks with an at- tempt ¬ at fierce Indignation But the words came falteringly between his blue parched lips Joe Joe rebuked his friend stern- ly ¬ this aint no time to four tlush with me Im your friend and you need ono now boy Besides theres Emma to think of- I dont know what you mean he protested In a choking voice That story of a revolution was a lie explained Smith Williams has been home three days Be has bad the books looked over at night He seem ¬ ed to know what you were doing from the time you took the first dollar rye reason to think he went away simply- to give you a free rein and get even with youfor what you said to him that night at the flat Joe were got to pull together now and youve got to be on the square with me Brooks sank limply into a chair and covered his face with his hands What shall I do be moaned- Sit tight and saw wood But theyll send me to Jail wont theyYou took that chance Joe boy But we will have to fight and tight hard to get you out of it You cant run away Youre watched Inter- rupted his friend Detectives are downstairs and If you make a false I iri t- LY I 1 Tt1it I- a c Pm your friend and you need one now boy move theyll nab you and spoil every chance JImsy Im done I know Im done he almost whimpered plunged again Into the bottomest depth of despair Keep your nerve What have you told Emma T She doesnt know Of course she doesnt I mean where did you say you got all the money- I told her my salary was raised and some back pay Im on Now brace up You look an In Here come the Indie0 They are ready Joe nrr ounced Mrs Brooks Come on my boy and take the fam By to the show ordered Mrs Harris I Im ready he replied pulling him- self ¬ together with great effort Jim ey wait till I come back Emma and Smith accompanied them to the elevator Tnry back Joe was Emmas to I l 1 Welcome Words To Women j itt If you are an intelligent thinking woman in need of relief from weakness Y t nervous ¬ j ness pain and suffering then it means much to you that there is one tried and true f P honest squaredeal medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION sold by druggIsts for the 1 of womans jUg The makers of cure j I Dr Pierces Favorite Prescriptionf- or the cure of weak nervous rundown overworked debilitated y painracked women knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients every one of which has the strongest possible endorsement of the leading and standard authorities of the several schools of practice are perfectly willing and in fact are only too glad to print as they do the formula or list of ingredients of which it is composed in plain careful English consideration on every bottlewrapper Is this not a significant fact worthy of > Women use Dr Pierces Favorite f Prescription in preference to all other ad ¬ vocated medicines sold by druggists for their peculiar weaknesses and ailments because it is t THE ONE REMEDY which contains no akotel or habitforming drugs Is not anything like advertise < compounds or patent medicines f rl THE ONE REMEDY for women devised by a regularly graduated physician of vast experience In womama s i ments and carefully adapted to her delicate organism 1 THE ONE REMEDY good enough that Its makers are not afraid to print its al bottlewrappe- rIts every ingredient on Its tsti > i lot foolishoften dangerous to be r overpersuaded into a secret nostrum in place of thist1m ft proven medicine of KNOWN COMPOSITION Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Buffalo N Y i junction to her husband as the car disappeared from view Continued Tomorrow NEAR DEATH IN BIG POND- It was a thrilling experience to Mrs Ida Soper to face death For years- a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering she writes and several times neatly causedTnj death All remedies failed arid doctors said I was incurable Then Dr Kings New Dis- covery ¬ brought quick relief and a cure- so permanez thI have not been troubled intweiveyear11 Mrs So ¬ por lives inBig pnQ Pa It works wonders in cbrrgfts and colds sore lungs hemorrhages Ia grippe asth ¬ ma croup whooping cough and all bronchial affections 50c and Jl Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all drug ¬ gists FAN BARGAINS- An eightinch Westlnghouse electric fan that is positively guaranteed to burn only three cents worth of elec ¬ tricity in ten hours steady running See them at once II W Tucker tho electrical supply man IE SIIEURIIOUSE Located on North 1Iain St near government building Reasonable rates by the week or month Firstclaps table board and comfortable- rooms Mrs Rossie leSueur Proprietres- sPhone 77 Ooala Fla TOE COMMERCIALPRE- SSING CLUB- J C BARDIN Proprietor- Next Door to the Western Union Telegraph Office Work Called for and Delivered Prompt- ly ¬ All Work Guaranteed White Trade Cnly EquitableL- ife Assurance Society Of The United States STRONGEST IN THF WORLD MISS FLORIDA CONDON Resident Agent LAZY LIVER- I find Cascarets so good that I would not be without them I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar- tic ¬ I feel very much better I shall cer ¬ tainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seen U Anna Bazinet Osborn Mill No 2 Fall River Mats Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never SickcnWcakcn or Gripe lOc 25c SOc Never sold In bulk The genu- ine tablet stamped CCC Guaranteed to cure or yoar money back 923 FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney 01 Bladder disease that is not < beyond the reach of medi- cine ¬ Take it at once Do not risk having Brights Dis j ease or Diabetes There it nothing gained by delay lOc and 9100 Bottlca Ru uRyEr SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS j LJ- O i ALLEN CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR NOTES Ocala Fla Sept 22 1909 Dear A C E Friends Can we not sing Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow and show- in that way our heart felt thanks to Him the author and giver of all good things Especially for A C E L state convention held here Sept 912 Also to show our gratitude to those who sent us kind words of cheer and God speed from afar Our general secretary Rev J C Caldwell of Nashville Tenn then to Miss Grace- A Townsend secretary of C E Un- ion ¬ of Interlachen who not only sent words of cheer but gifts of bobks showing the deep interest she has for Worldwide Endeavor and that she is mindful of all forgetting none We I feel further to say that great credit- is due our state superintendent Rev- J W Dukes for his wise manage ¬ ment in the way he conducted this our second state convention of A C E L as it was a decided success The program was a fine one and was ex- cellently ¬ rendered by those who were placed to take part on It and we kindly thank them for their thought- and interest in this great work for Christ our citizens too namely Hon John D Robertson mayor who by proxy in the person of Rev R H Barnett of the M E Church South extended greetings and welcome to the city of Ocala May the blessings- of God and His strong arm of pro ¬ tection preserve our friends and may they achieve success in all of their undertakings- Our most distinguished ministers- of the A M E Church also presiding elders some of whom were present prayed and read the Scripture les- sons ¬ lined the hymns and in a man- ner ¬ becoming showed their interest Rev D M Baxter and delegation kindly and nobly fed and cared and otherwise assisted May the rich blessings of Heaven be theirs Again do we earnestly thank our intelligent people for the success of our state convention Prof J A Wiley of Fessenden Academy aided us In a pleasant way and Professor Roberts also while Mr I A Sheeny the Grand Master of the- G U O of J F and two other of its members did the same placing money upon the table to help defray the cur ¬ rent expenses Then can we not feel grateful to say and praise the Lord for all of these gifts bestowed and for our state officers our district super ¬ intendent and corresponding secre ¬ tary and all of our Jacksonville Leaguers In fact all our A C E State Leaguers who were so active on this grand occasion As our organi- zation ¬ Is new does not all this en ¬ courage us And is It not successful management which has caused it Think over it Then count your blessings neighbor- We had 85 delegates In attendance- and 500 local attendance whose good behavior wag commendable and we collected 10880 But our expenses- were heavey amounting to 13030 which leaves us still In debt to the amount of 2250 Yet we feel glad and hope when our A C E L holds its state convention next September- at Daytona Fla which it was agreed would be done we hope not only to cover not only our expenses but to lay aside a nest egg from which to draw in the future We have we feel done much good and yet the end is not for there is work to do for Jesus and the harvesters are few Help us to accomplish more In the future for his kingdom by sacrificing something and doing something by pray in 5 for Endeavorers everywhere- and encouraging what efforts they put forth and God I am sure will bless you and save you In the end The Ocala district has only 12 Leaguers in active service with a membership of 300 and we have about 17 churches of A M E denom ¬ ination in the district We ought to have Leaguers in all of them Both Junior and Senior Leaguers pray for us that we may bo successful In all ways and give better service to God and better reports on all lines next year for the A C EL and the work done by it Mrs A E Graham Cor Soc Ocala Dist A C E L HEALTH AND VITALITY Cosmetics and lotionawill not clear your complexion x < xjhlmp1es and blotches like Folpy > prlno Laxative- for indigestion siorArgh and liver trouble and hdWu ji constipation Cleanses the systfcnr is pleasant- to take Sold by all druggists NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to all cred- itors ¬ distributees and all other per ¬ sons having claims or demands against the estate of Aria M Hunter to present the same to the undersign- ed ¬ administrator within one year from this date Sept ISth 1909 W E Hunter- As Administrator of the Estate of Aris M Hunter Deceased Mount Pleasant Tenn W M Barco Resident Agent Ocala Fla r W The Value of Good- Digestion J I Is easy to figure if you know what your stooutck is worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par value Jay insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia i ftodol insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics Ut absolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt euro anythlmg normal process in perfectly digest or accomplish any good Neither V Ing all food taken into the stom- ach ¬ docs dieting Indigestion and the serious ailments which it Induces While Kodol is doing this the can be averted and corrected o1y tomach is resting and becoming by natural means I strong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies this satart healthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the 8tomck Ji is sound and active brain work for itjust as the stomack The man with a sound stomach should perform ItwhUotheatom ¬ a stomach that is doing for the ach takes a little rest for tto body Just what Nature intended stomachs sake it to doIs the man who is always Our Guarantee prepared for any emergency He Go to TOOT drcgtfst today and get a del Is there with the goods Inr bottle lhe after you baTe used th J The man with a sick stomach Is entire contents of the bottle if you cm I a man sick all over When the honestly Bay that it baa not done you mar Rood return tho bottle tho Arugffat aa4 stomach Is Irritated by undigested he will refund your money without 11M ¬ i f food the blood and heart are di ¬ tion or delay I then pay the dreg gist for the bottle Dont all J rectly affected Then dullness un- natural ¬ dru IRtknowthatourgnaraatMtaJO 4L sleepiness sickheadaches ThU lurrebotUeoa17- Yertlgo and fainting spells and and to but one in a family large ht < tie container times a much as taemfty j yen serious brain trouble develop cent bottle Kodol will prevent these Kodol Is prepared at the labor i Spurring the stomach and brrtn orleBotECDeWJttCoChfcqo FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES rf ii- mnIwflffihmmtuflhIJpflmpfljvpnuornniwr I < f KA- tt CASTORIA t r 9 00 Rp For Infants and Children = i The Kind You Have AVegefoUePjcparatioiifor As ¬ Always BoughtsIm- llallntIToodilndlIegu1a Bears the iqp I i Li S IgI14 tore PromofcglHgestlonCheerful tContajnsneii r OPIwoforpbine nor 11ir1 of NOT NARC OTIC aaainQNzz2r- 7rif1 I F v- J SJ1r II In J I Use- Over A for Cons ¬ onSourStoiiwbDiarrleaTh- rmsConvulsionsFevcrish nessdLossopSTERac- Siziilc F 0 r = r Thirty Year- sCASTBBIA 4 jJ1IL1 cowrarwwi Eg LIUeeLT 3 84 x Y l tt tttt < w << < 5 J ROWES LITTLE BONANZA- S i E ROWE PROPRIETOR OCALA FLOIIIA ALL KINDS OF v I1 Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both < I Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Corn 4 plete Place of its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right 1 UpToDatc First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class t Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers t I Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought- and > Sold Telephone No Ill PQ Box No652 1 If 111 ad 102 Nwfk Mafitlii Street << + T fol t ntTTtt11 f cttfttt noti f < XV 1 1 t < t < 5g 4- S Li- S < > Itf < e1I < r j- i < ii1

S X4 Welcome Words itt - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03280/00465.pdf · 2009. 5. 12. · Keep your nerve What have you told EmmaT She doesnt know

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Page 1: S X4 Welcome Words itt - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03280/00465.pdf · 2009. 5. 12. · Keep your nerve What have you told EmmaT She doesnt know

Piv y ir< r i > >

tci-iI< >

tI1 rf or1 S 3

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< f it




X4<r B BOBIN80N Presldemt

M E rnrrcxatasr J C BOOZER Ast Maaagert GEO 7 BId TGH Te-





>re the merchants the professional and successful men and women ofthe city the farmers of tile surrounding territory-

We accommodate all classes Qu r customers represent the men andwomen who have built and are stU building successful enterprises

s We solicit a snare or your busi-



1 1 1-



ales 3 per Ray ui Upwards ABcricai Pin









tily INK ii Ceilral Ftoritfa that Completely

Finishes lie IHK Carries at all Times the Latest andjest ii Firattire Meepiif up with the times and Jusl

t file People Wait14 Alst carries Ctmplefe Line of iiH4ers aid Shellg

ariware Carriages Wagois Baggies Harness Saddles Etc

LMk ver MT Stock aid get our prices before youI

lIMe y1TmdIaes Yours ftesped-



cala Florida




ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec ¬

ialty New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered GlassFrosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re ¬

pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower


Piie 21 Office Montezuma Hotel





We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do nilkinds or Cement Work Bund Foundations make Cement Blocks CementBrick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We makeBlocks for Foundations for houso wor k which look better than brick andare cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on A C L Railroad Track North ofFoundry

Washington SeminaryNo-rth Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School forgirls And young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to insure re-fined


i home life Classes divided into small sections to secure persona in ¬

struction Faculty of eighteen special Ists Conservatory advantages in Mus ¬ic Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vassar Wellesley Randolph

Macon etc Thirtysecond begin s September 9 1909 Catalogue on ap-plication



cipalsROLLINS+Y+ + >> o >> >>



I BUSINESSCarnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electrlf flights steam and> furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi-

tions fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf linksbaseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida InNearly a quarter of million dollars endowment expenses moderatetlscholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for


For Catalogu Address the President

JWra F Blclanan Ph D Winter Park F1a-


1Q 04


I Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions


L11we 108 pity Market

4Jb A r Jf




Novelized From EugeneWalters Great Play I



GiI Jhi I5C5 iy G W DHiinfhtm Co

Jlinsy oUjected CcttL Dont callthem them fellows-

NoNo Say those fellows

Well Beth Ive known those greas ¬

ers down there for fourteen years asthem fellows and If I called themanything else Im afraid Id have to beIntroduced again

But Captain Williams InsistedMrs Harris

Yes where Is he said BrooksWell we decided to come home

Captain left on the steamer by theway of New Orleans and a couple ofdays later I came direct to New York

Then be Is here said Mrs Harris-In a tone of gratification

I suppose be is unless he was ship ¬

wrecked on the wayBut you havent told us anything

about the war Beth reminded himWas It exciting

Well as the only things that wereshot off were several hundred mouthsand as Im a bad hand at repeatingconversations 1 will have to leave thedetails to your imaginations

I consider that a most uninterest-ing


story pouted Beth and besidesyoure keeping us from the theater

All going queried SmithNo just Beth and me explained-

Mrs Harris Emma and Joe haveseen the play and weve got the lasttwo seats

Emma accompanied her mother andsister to her bedroom to help themdon their hats

When the door bad closed upon themSmltbs attitude changed entirelyThe smile vanished from his lace andhe went over to Brooks and placedboth hands on his shoulders

Joe youre found out be announc-ed


How found out demanded BrooksJumping up and facing him verywhite

The money youve takenIf you say Ive taken money youre-

a liar retorted Brooks with an at-


at fierce Indignation But thewords came falteringly between hisblue parched lips

Joe Joe rebuked his friend stern-ly


this aint no time to four tlush withme Im your friend and you need ononow boy Besides theres Emma tothink of-

I dont know what you mean heprotested In a choking voice

That story of a revolution was alie explained Smith Williams hasbeen home three days Be has bad thebooks looked over at night He seem ¬

ed to know what you were doing fromthe time you took the first dollar ryereason to think he went away simply-to give you a free rein and get evenwith youfor what you said to himthat night at the flat Joe were gotto pull together now and youve gotto be on the square with me

Brooks sank limply into a chair andcovered his face with his hands

What shall I do be moaned-Sit tight and saw woodBut theyll send me to Jail wont

theyYoutook that chance Joe boy

But we will have to fight and tighthard to get you out of it You cantrun away Youre watched Inter-rupted his friend Detectives aredownstairs and If you make a false


iri t-



1 Tt1it I-

a c

Pm your friend and you need one nowboy

move theyll nab you and spoil everychance

JImsy Im done I know Im donehe almost whimpered plunged againInto the bottomest depth of despair

Keep your nerve What have youtold Emma T

She doesnt knowOf course she doesnt I mean

where did you say you got all themoney-

I told her my salary was raisedand some back pay

Im on Now brace up You lookan In Here come the Indie0

They are ready Joe nrr ouncedMrs Brooks

Come on my boy and take the famBy to the show ordered Mrs Harris


Im ready he replied pulling him-self


together with great effort Jimey wait till I come back

Emma and Smith accompanied themto the elevator

Tnry back Joe was Emmas to I

l 1

Welcome Words To Women jitt

If you are an intelligent thinking woman in need of relief from weakness Yt

nervous ¬ jness pain and suffering then it means much to you that there is one tried and true f Phonest squaredeal medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION sold by druggIsts for the 1of womans jUg The makers of cure j


Dr Pierces Favorite Prescriptionf-or the cure of weak nervous rundown overworked debilitated ypainrackedwomen knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients every one of whichhas the strongest possible endorsement of the leading and standard authorities ofthe several schools of practice are perfectly willing and in fact are only too gladto print as they do the formula or list of ingredients of which it is composed inplaincareful


on every bottlewrapper Is this not a significant fact worthy of >Women use Dr Pierces Favorite fPrescription in preference to all other ad¬vocated medicines sold by druggists for their peculiar weaknesses and ailmentsbecause it is tTHE ONE REMEDY which contains no akotel or habitforming drugs Is not anything like advertise <

compounds or patent medicinesf

rlTHE ONE REMEDY for women devised by a regularly graduated physician of vast experience In womama s iments and carefully adapted to her delicate organism

1THE ONE REMEDY good enough that Its makers are not afraid to print its albottlewrappe-


every ingredient on Its tsti > ilot

foolishoften dangerous to be roverpersuaded into a secret nostrum in place of thist1m ftproven medicine of KNOWN COMPOSITION Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Buffalo N Y i

junction to her husband as the cardisappeared from view

Continued Tomorrow


It was a thrilling experience to MrsIda Soper to face death For years-a severe lung trouble gave me intensesuffering she writes and severaltimes neatly causedTnj death Allremedies failed arid doctors said I wasincurable Then Dr Kings New Dis-covery


brought quick relief and a cure-so permanez thI have not beentroubled intweiveyear11 Mrs So ¬

por lives inBig pnQ Pa It workswonders in cbrrgfts and colds sorelungs hemorrhages Ia grippe asth ¬

ma croup whooping cough and allbronchial affections 50c and Jl Trialbottle free Guaranteed by all drug ¬



An eightinch Westlnghouse electricfan that is positively guaranteed toburn only three cents worth of elec ¬

tricity in ten hours steady runningSee them at once II W Tucker thoelectrical supply man


Located on North 1Iain Stnear government building

Reasonable rates by theweek or month Firstclapstable board and comfortable-rooms

Mrs Rossie leSueur Proprietres-

sPhone 77 Ooala Fla




J C BARDIN Proprietor-

Next Door to the Western UnionTelegraph Office

Work Called for and Delivered Prompt-ly


All Work Guaranteed WhiteTrade Cnly


ife Assurance Society

Of The United States



Resident Agent

LAZY LIVER-I find Cascarets so good that I would

not be without them I was troubled agreat deal with torpid liver and headacheNow since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar-tic


I feel very much better I shall cer¬

tainly recommend them to my friends asthe best medicine I have ever seen U

Anna BazinetOsborn Mill No 2 Fall River Mats

Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste GoodDo Good Never SickcnWcakcn or GripelOc 25c SOc Never sold In bulk The genu-ine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed tocure or yoar money back 923



of any case of Kidney 01

Bladder disease that is not<

beyond the reach of medi-cine


Take it at once Donot risk having Brights Dis j

ease or Diabetes There itnothing gained by delaylOc and 9100 Bottlca


j LJ-

O i


Ocala Fla Sept 22 1909

Dear A C E FriendsCan we not sing Praise God from

Whom All Blessings Flow and show-in that way our heart felt thanks toHim the author and giver of all goodthings Especially for A C E Lstate convention held here Sept 912Also to show our gratitude to thosewho sent us kind words of cheer andGod speed from afar Our generalsecretary Rev J C Caldwell ofNashville Tenn then to Miss Grace-A Townsend secretary of C E Un-ion


of Interlachen who not only sentwords of cheer but gifts of bobksshowing the deep interest she has forWorldwide Endeavor and that she ismindful of all forgetting none We I

feel further to say that great credit-is due our state superintendent Rev-J W Dukes for his wise manage ¬

ment in the way he conducted thisour second state convention of A CE L as it was a decided success Theprogram was a fine one and was ex-cellently


rendered by those who wereplaced to take part on It and wekindly thank them for their thought-and interest in this great work forChrist our citizens too namelyHon John D Robertson mayor whoby proxy in the person of Rev R HBarnett of the M E Church Southextended greetings and welcome tothe city of Ocala May the blessings-of God and His strong arm of pro ¬

tection preserve our friends and maythey achieve success in all of theirundertakings-

Our most distinguished ministers-of the A M E Church also presidingelders some of whom were presentprayed and read the Scripture les-sons


lined the hymns and in a man-ner


becoming showed their interestRev D M Baxter and delegationkindly and nobly fed and cared andotherwise assisted May the richblessings of Heaven be theirs Againdo we earnestly thank our intelligentpeople for the success of our stateconvention

Prof J A Wiley of FessendenAcademy aided us In a pleasant wayand Professor Roberts also while Mr

I A Sheeny the Grand Master of the-G U O of J F and two other of itsmembers did the same placing moneyupon the table to help defray the cur ¬

rent expenses Then can we not feelgrateful to say and praise the Lordfor all of these gifts bestowed and forour state officers our district super ¬

intendent and corresponding secre ¬

tary and all of our JacksonvilleLeaguers In fact all our A C EState Leaguers who were so active onthis grand occasion As our organi-zation


Is new does not all this en ¬

courage us And is It not successfulmanagement which has caused itThink over it Then count yourblessings neighbor-

We had 85 delegates In attendance-and 500 local attendance whose goodbehavior wag commendable and wecollected 10880 But our expenses-were heavey amounting to 13030which leaves us still In debt to theamount of 2250 Yet we feel gladand hope when our A C E L holdsits state convention next September-at Daytona Fla which it was agreedwould be done we hope not only tocover not only our expenses but tolay aside a nest egg from which todraw in the future We have wefeel done much good and yet the endis not for there is work to do forJesus and the harvesters are fewHelp us to accomplish more In thefuture for his kingdom by sacrificingsomething and doing something bypray in 5 for Endeavorers everywhere-and encouraging what efforts theyput forth and God I am sure willbless you and save you In the end

The Ocala district has only 12Leaguers in active service with amembership of 300 and we haveabout 17 churches of A M E denom ¬

ination in the district We ought tohave Leaguers in all of them BothJunior and Senior Leaguers pray forus that we may bo successful In allways and give better service to Godand better reports on all lines nextyear for the A C E L and the workdone by it Mrs A E Graham

Cor Soc Ocala Dist A C E L


Cosmetics and lotionawill not clearyour complexion x<xjhlmp1es andblotches like Folpy > prlno Laxative-for indigestion siorArgh and livertrouble and hdWu ji constipationCleanses the systfcnr is pleasant-to take Sold by all druggists


Notice is hereby given to all cred-itors


distributees and all other per¬

sons having claims or demandsagainst the estate of Aria M Hunterto present the same to the undersign-ed


administrator within one yearfrom this date Sept ISth 1909

W E Hunter-As Administrator of the Estate of

Aris M Hunter Deceased MountPleasant Tenn

W M Barco Resident AgentOcala Fla

r W

The Value of Good-Digestion



Is easy to figure if you know what your stooutckis worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par value

Jay insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsiai

ftodol insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics Utabsolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt euro anythlmgnormal process in perfectly digest or accomplish any good Neither VIng all food taken into the stom-ach

¬ docs dieting Indigestion and theserious ailments which it Induces

While Kodol is doing this the can be averted and corrected o1ytomach is resting and becoming by natural means

Istrong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies this satarthealthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the 8tomck Ji issound and active brain work for itjust as the stomack

The man with a sound stomach should perform ItwhUotheatom ¬

a stomach that is doing for the ach takes a little rest for ttobody Just what Nature intended stomachs sakeit to doIs the man who is always Our Guaranteeprepared for any emergency He Go to TOOT drcgtfst today and get a delIs there with the goods Inr bottle lhe after you baTe used th J

The man with a sick stomach Is entire contents of the bottle if you cm I

a man sick all over When the honestly Bay that it baa not done you marRood return tho bottle tho Arugffat aa4stomach Is Irritated by undigested he will refund your money without 11M ¬


ffood the blood and heart are di ¬ tion or delay I then pay the dreggist for the bottle Dont all Jrectly affected Then dullness un-natural

¬ dru IRtknowthatourgnaraatMtaJO 4Lsleepiness sickheadaches ThU lurrebotUeoa17-Yertlgo and fainting spells and and to but one in a family large ht <tie container times a much as taemfty jyen serious brain trouble develop cent bottleKodol will prevent these Kodol Is prepared at the labor i

Spurring the stomach and brrtn orleBotECDeWJttCoChfcqoFOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES




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9 00 RpFor Infants and Children

= i The Kind You Have

AVegefoUePjcparatioiifor As ¬

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Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly CustomerstI Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought-



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