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    By Grant Foxon



    Evil does not have a face, or a soulAnonymous

    The words flowed on the computer screen. Company profits would soon be

    announced in tomorrows papers. Mr Lartner smiled as he calculated how much profithe was set to make.

    Recession, what recession? he asked rhetorically.

    It seems we were wise to invest in the weapons.stated Lartners advisor.

    People always want to kill and fight. Lartner repliedwithout feeling.

    Has there been word from Libya?

    Not yet Sir, but were expecting some soon.

    Mr Lartner smiled at hearing this.

    Excellent. Now we need to address the Doomwatch

    problem. Although, perhaps problem, for no longer.

    Mr Lartner relished the words and his smile lit up his face.

    Inside Doomwatch, Timmons and Adam sat in the office.Weve uncovered some more Intel on Mr Lartner.

    Timmons said.

    Go on, whats he doing now?

    We suspect hes got his hands in a lot of dodgy pies.

    How so?

    Do you remember the hype and mass hysteria

    surrounding Tony Blair as he came to power Adam?

    Yeah, wait, do you think Lartner was involved inthat?

    Timmons pulled a series of photos out taken around the time of the celebrations of the

    Labour party coming to power in 1997. Sure enough, Mr Lartner was in several of


    The recent Synthlitetm incident was not, I gather,

    hisfirst foray into dodgy dealings. When Doomwatch

    got involved. Hes been involved hed been active foryears. Subtle and calculating.

    Timmons words stunned Adam. He couldnt believe that Lartner had been around this

    long. Who knows what he had been involved in? Looking back, the euphoria

    surrounding New Labour and Tony Blair in particular did seem unnatural. I mean

    there must be more to it than replacing a government that seemed old and tired as the

    Conservatives did in 1997. But the 1992 election was a landslide for the

    Conservatives. And the economy was stronger in 1997. Could Lartner have used

    unnatural means to garner popularity for New Labour? Could he really have played a

    part in the cult of personality for Tony Blair in 1997?



    You know, Blair always reminded me of that quotefrom Hamlet. A man may smile and smile but still be

    a damned villain. Adam said quietly.

    We still have no real trace of who the man is. Believe

    it or not, even these days there are gaps. Therefore we

    believe these gaps to be deliberate which would indicatethey were hidden for a reason. Timmons announced.

    Normally, Adam would attribute this kind of thinking as paranoid. But this knewrevelation about Lartner would indicate that perhaps there was truth in these claims.

    Who knows what he could have been involved in? Andmore disturbingly still is.

    Lartner is unnatural and everyone seems to have

    underestimated him and his powerbase. We can only

    assume his actions are hostile to the state. Timmons

    announced worried.

    A society is free in so far, and only so far, aswithin limits set by nature, knowledge and resources.

    What do you mean? Timmons asked.A quote by Tawney. And I believe Lartner is abhorrent

    to all three nature, knowledge and resources. We needto know just how powerful he is. And fast Timmons. It

    was chance Miranda discovered the connection at that

    bee nunnery. I hate to think what else hes involved in.

    It would explain the massive change in Labour policy.

    From spendthrift to a secret mass spending policy. It

    wasnt the traditional keynesianism which many Labour

    members wanted. Timmons replied.

    The full implication was dawning on Adam. If this was true how long hah Lartner

    been involved in this plan? Was he really thinking this far ahead and influencing

    events like some puppet master? Was he really after ultimate power?It was mind


    In 2001, Mr Blair came close to transferring control of

    the treasury in relation to public spending. In

    retrospect we can speculate this more but theres no

    denying that this would sour the already difficult

    relationship between the treasury and the DEA. Quistcould if the DEA knew what they were doingand reduce the over spending to a degree. But he was

    talked out of it.

    Look Timmons, we cant make every bad decision

    related to the economy and New Labour at the feet of

    Lartner. I mean there are far too many for a start.

    Quist, listen to me its just coming to light that

    Lartner was involved in New Labour. We have no

    idea of the extent. But it is something New Labour

    kept quiet about like many other financial and

    ideological backers. Some very bad decisions weremade, and we know he can influence people. He



    wanted a recession. We need to find out his plan.

    Adam realised how scared Timmons was. Which meant his superiors were to. If their

    fear was justified then what could be done?

    Timmons opened up a file in front of him.

    In the 1996-97 accounts of the party, Lartner ismentioned. He handed them over two million pounds

    which they recorded as donations received.

    Two million! what was he after a peerage?Adam asked sarcastically.

    He also handed over donations to various MPs ownfinancial offices.

    I take it these MPs happened to be the Premier and

    the Chancellors own private circle?

    Got it in one. Timmons replied.

    This means that the senior New Labour cabinet are not

    completely incompetent, out of touch morons but poorideological saps whove been manipulated. I struggle

    to believe this. Thirteen largely wasted years andgrowing debt problems surely cant be attributed to the

    machinations of one capitalist maniac surely? Adamspeculated.

    What if Lartner is just one member of a possible

    vanguard whos objective is too exploit capitalism

    and economic factors and people to allow them to

    get into power? Timmons offered.

    If thats true I can see why Whitehall is worried. It

    would be tantamount to the threat communism posed

    in the 20th

    century. Adam cried.There was a knock at the door.

    Come in! Adam called.

    Ridge entered the room.

    This had better be good, I have a date with a twenty

    something waitress.

    A twenty something? Surely even you wouldnt

    Adam began.

    Come on, its only a fifty year age gap. Ridge replied

    with a growing smirk. Ridge, its important. Timmons said.

    Ridge only had to look at Timmons face to see it was indeed important.

    Ok. You have my full attention.

    It took a little over half an hour to explain the full situation to Ridge. Afterwards he

    sat back.

    Have you heard of the protocols of the wise men of

    Zion? Ridge asked.

    Timmons and Adam looked at each other. Their expressions said they had not.



    No. Well its a largely forgotten text now penned inthe 19th century. An anti-semantic piece that has been

    often quoted by extremists. It was known in the 20th

    century as the dictators manual. It spoke of a secret

    Jewish organisation planning to conquer the world.

    It predicted one particular Jewish male from Germanywould conquer much of the globe in the 20th century.

    If we forget about the racism in the text and the Jewish

    angle entirely it is a remarkable astute work. Ridgesaid.

    So, you really believe in this day and age a body ofminds could do it? Adam asked.

    I know people can use mathematics to predict events.

    What were proposing is total economic exploitation.

    And to answer what you said its because of this day

    and age that such a course of action is indeed possible.

    Ridges words had a burning effect on both Timmons and Adam.

    Mr Lartner sat down in the sunshine. The garden was a lush upper class Englishaffair. Beautiful lawns and well kept plants of a diverse batch of colours none of

    which contrasted. Lartner was drinking tea from priceless china pottery when Davis afellow advisor approached and sat opposite.

    The next phase is ready. Davis said.

    Lartner smiled.

    Excellent. I think its about time you are told the full

    details Davis Lartner replied.

    I agree.

    The labs have been secretly working on a project, as

    you know it has been referred to as tightrope. And Ithank you for your patience whilst tightrope has been

    implemented. The plan is simple. We have been

    working on deadly virological agent for vegetation.

    The virus is similar in structure to the tobacco mosaic

    virus. But deadlier. We plan the outbreak to hit key

    forestry areas and hit globally. Of course we have an

    anti-viral agent which given time, we shall market.

    Shares shall boom, profits will rise as will our already glowing reputation.

    Davis considered Lartners words.So this is what youve been doing with your

    humanitarian genome research?

    Part of it Davis.

    You really think it will work? Dont you think

    questions will be raised about how quickly you created

    the anti-viral agent?

    Davis, Davis were not going to immediately distribute

    it, there will be a time gap, maybe 15 months.

    And supposing somebody else creates it first?

    Then we have implements in place to discredit them



    as possibly creating the virus. Trust me, I dont makemistakes.

    Thats very pragmatic of you. Davis countered.

    In the years Davis had known Mr Lartner, it was indeed true. He was a certified

    genius of almost unnatural ability. Perhaps the greatest living capitalist andentrepreneur in the world today. Perhaps he didnt have morals but that hadnt held

    him back so far.

    Davis accepted the story and left for the laboratory where he would meet otherkey advisors. Lartner smiled. He had brought the story hook, line and sinker. The next

    stage of his meticulous plan involved the purging of certain helpers who knew toomuch. Davis would be one of them. Lartner felt no sorrow or pleasure from arranging

    the deaths, it was just business.

    One of the texts Lartner read that left a great impression on him was The Protocols of

    the Wise Men of Zion. Indeed right now Lartner thought of it.

    Our right, lies in might. In a state where right is badlyorganised we shall create a new right, by seizing the

    government and in accordance with the right of thestronger.

    The quote brought a smile to Mr Lartners cold artificial face. A smile of self-worth

    and self-personality. The meticulous plan had come to pass and it was only a matter of

    time. Lartner had been one of the few who welcomed the deficit and indeed planned

    its arrival for years. This was why he had worked so hard in 1997 for Tony Blair.

    Lartner sat back in the garden and quoted The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion


    By envy and hatred, by struggle and warfare, even by

    spreading hunger, destitution and plagues we shall bringthe people to such a pass that their only escape shall lie in

    total submission of our domination.

    A thought then entered Lartners mind. It was time to check how his pharmaceutical

    shares were doing.

    At Doomwatch Timmons and Adam were concluding their meeting.

    So far we havent been able to predict his moves.

    Timmons said. Mmm, it seems that Mr Lartner is a creature who hasassimilated himself into key positions and businesses.

    Hes a product of the 21st

    century, greedy, unrelentive,

    ambitious and unemotive. But perhaps his greed could

    be his weakness. And we still do not yet know how far

    reaching he has been with overseas?

    Adam replied.

    If he is an economic driven lifeform then it seems

    an obvious conclusion that he is involved in overseas

    investments. Plus hes going to have get out and

    contingency plans. Ridge offered.Adam turned to Timmons.



    Do you and your superiors really believe that the defenceof the realm is really at stake from Lartners machinations?

    Whitehall is concerned. The world is getting increasingly

    hostile and dangerous. Although terrorism in the conventional

    sense is not as bad as the statistics people are fed but it is

    growing. The Internet has proven to be the terrifying new tool that makescoordinating, planning and recruiting so much easier.

    This has been demonstrated by groups like the L.C.F. Once a

    web domain is established its like a disease. Its there and itcan never go away. Idealism was thought to have become

    almost extinct towards the end of the last century, its beenreturning at an alarming rate. Fait accompli.

    Timmons never believed in sugaring the pill. That was the terrifying truth of

    modern Britain. It wasnt the nuclear devices that we had to fear but ourselves

    becoming the demons. Believing the lies and justifying the revolution and violence

    could come at any time.

    Mr Lartner had enough of the garden and headed inside. He owned very fewproperties in England anymore but had a strong group of associates whom bordered

    on friends. He had been meticulous, worming his way through the upper echelons ofbusiness and procuring lucrative deals with various companies even nations. He was a

    pioneer of the maximum profit generation. He was a product of his time in that he was

    relentless and felt no emotions. Society seemed to have deviated down a morally lack

    route and Lartner was riding the crest of that wave.

    But Lartner had other plans. The tree virus was nothing but a mere diversion.

    One that would cost Davis and his inner circle their lives. His real plan was far more

    reaching and devastating than anyone could even begin to comprehend. Certainly

    Doomwatch would have no idea what hit them. As Schopenhauer indeed saidPass the world by, it is nothing.

    Davis arrived at the lab containing the tree virus. He was surprised to see so many

    close advisors to Lartner all in the same location. Scientists were placing the virus

    carefully into a container and moved it through into the centre of the room. They then

    left the room.

    What happens now? Somebody said.

    A heavy door closed behind them and Davis suddenly realised that all the scientistshad indeed left the room and they were all sealed in the lab together. It was in that

    second Davis realise that Lartner had planned all their deaths. Instead of raising panic

    Davis scanned the room for possible escape routes.

    Then a nearby TV screen switched on. It was Lartner

    Dear friends you have all been so useful to me in the past. However

    for my next stage of operations I fear you are not needed and as you all

    know how important security is I can therefore not allow any of you to


    Shock and worry spread across their faces.



    However I want you to know that in death you still serve me. The

    tree virus you all believed you were coming to supervise in front of

    you isnt a vegetation virus. It is in factnothing. There was no virus.

    Not here anyway. So do not worry about it.

    The people were confused, some optimistic amongst them still believed they might

    survive. Lartner continued.

    Confused? Dont be. That will not be your method of execution.Instead, I opted for well youll see. Goodbye my friends and from

    the bottom of my heart thank you.

    With that the video of Lartner ended. Everyone looked around scared.

    What the hell does he mean? Somebody shouted.

    This is what he wants, us scared before he kills us. Hes getting off on

    this! said Davis.

    Still nothing happened. The tension and fear of these men and women was growing

    by the second.

    Then finally the heavy door opened and seven masked individuals entered withmachine guns. Davis froze in fear. They opened fire. In minutes everyone in the room

    was dead.

    Inside the house Lartner sat at a kitchen table reading a newspaper. His mobile rang.

    Its done sir. The voice said quietly.

    Good. You know where to put the waste.

    With that Lartner hung up. Phase 2 was complete. Victory was getting closer andcloser